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B u l l e t i n

FeaTure arTicle

Treatment of Non-Muslims bythe Holy Prophet

January/February 2019: (Sulh/Tabligh) www.ahmadiyyabulletin.org

Friday SermonsSummaries of recent FridaySermons from Baitul Futuh

Darul Qadha CentenaryAddress by Huzoor Aqdas atspecial event.

The Prophecy of MuslehMaud(ra)

Special 8-page feature

Leeds Peace ConferenceReport of event with theme of ‘Islam – Love for Mankind’

AUXILIARY NEWSNews features from Ansar and Majlis-e-Khuddam UK


(Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him )

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious Ever Merciful

aMir uKmr Rafiq Ahmed hayat

MiSSiONarY iN-cHarGemaulana Ataul mujeeb Rashed

NiGraNmansoor Ahmed Shah

MaNaGermohammed Arshad Ahmedi

cHieF eDiTOrWaleed Ahmad

eNGliSH BOarDAhad BhunnoAbid Ahmad

DeSiGN:tanveer Khokhar

urDu BOarDAzhar mani

latif Ahmed Shaikhmubarik Siddiqi

Rana Abdul Razzaq Khan

DeSiGN: Azhar mani

PrOOFreaDerS:Afzal Rabbani

Rana Abdul Razzaq KhanZafar QureshiJaved mirza

Basharat Saghir

aDVerTiSiNG MaNaGerdaud Khan

DiSTriBuTiON MaNaGerSheikh tahir Ahmad How to contact the Ahmadiyya Bulletin

By post: Ahmadiyya Bulletin, Bait ul Futuh 181 london Road, morden Sm4 5PtBy email: ahmadiyyabulletin2@gmail.comBy tel: 020 8687 7926 or 07877966387

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36: The Treatment of Non-Muslims by the HolyProphet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)

18: Centenary of Darul Qadha

Summary of the FridaySermon of 19 February2016 delivered by HuzoorAqdas on the Prophecyconcerning Hazrat MirzaBashirud- Din Ahmad -Khalifatul Masih II (mayAllah be pleased with him)seen pictured here on hisarrival in London.

Summry of keynoteaddress delivered byHuzoor Aqdas at theInternational RefresherCourse for members ofDarul Qadha (Board ofArbitration of the Jama’at)to mark its Centenary.

cONTeNTS January/February2019

The Holy Qur’an, Hadith and writings ofthe Promised Messiah(peace be upon him)




Khuddam NewsDouble page pictorial of New YearsCleaning across the United Kingdon by theAhmadiyya Muslim Youth Association.



Childrens PagesAmeen ceremony withHuzoor Aqdas, stories

and puzzles



Summary of Friday Sermon:From 2nd Nov 2018 to

28th Dec 2018

Qadha Event

Question & AnswerHow can we be surethat there is a God?

Session from thearchives of historical

Q/A’s events heldwith the Fourth



The Ahmadiyya Bulletin cannow be accessed online at



UK News20 – Pathway to Peace Meeting in Brighton22 – Peace Conference in Leeds - Love for Mankind24 – Tabligh Event in Preston25 – Umure-Ama Forum25 – AMA UK Gallery26 – North-East Waqfe-Nau Ijtema27 – Poets for Peace28 – Careers Event at Baitul Futuh30 – Working in London? - Locations in city for Jumuah prayers31 – Jamia Announcement for 2019


25 28

Ansar NewsRound up of various Tabligh activities ofMajlis-e-Ansarullah across the UK.

Keynote address by HuzoorAqdas delivered at theInternational Refresher

Course for members of theQadha Board.

Quotation from the Holy Qur’an“in the name of Allah, the Gracious, the merciful. Blessed is he Who has sent down the discrimination to his servant, that he may be aWarner to all the worlds – he to Whom belongsthe kingdom of the heavens and the earth. Andhe has taken unto himself no son, and has nopartner in the kingdom, and has createdeverything, and has ordained for it its propermeasure. yet they have taken beside him gods,who create nothing but are themselves created,and who have no power to harm or benefitthemselves and they control not death nor life norresurrection. (Al-Furqan, 25:1-4)

Writings of the Promised Messiah (peace be upon him)e holy Qur'an comprises teachings which work towards endearing God. eyexhibit his beauties and remind us of his beneficence, inasmuch as love iscreated either by the observation of beauty or by the remembrance ofbeneficence. e holy Qur'an teaches that by virtue of his excellences God isOne, without associate. he suffers from no defect. he comprehends all goodqualities and manifests all holy powers. he is the Originator of all creation and isthe fountainhead of all grace. he is the master of all recompense and everythingreturns to him. he is near and yet far, and he is far and yet near… he is Self-existing in his Being and everything is alive through him. he is Self-Sustainingand everything is sustained by him. he supports everything and there is nothingthat supports him. (Lecture Lahore, from Essence of Islam, Vol 1, p.43)

Sayings of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of allah be upon him)ibn umar relates that the holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be onhim) said: A muslim is the brother of a muslim; he does not wrong him nordoes he hand him over to his enemy. he who occupies himself in relievingthe need of a brother will find that Allah occupies himself in relieving hisneed. he who removes the trouble of a muslim will have one of his troublesremoved by Allah on the day of Judgment. he who covers up the fault of amuslim will have his faults covered up by Allah on the day of Judgment.(Bukhari and Muslim, from Riyadh as-Salihin, pp 58-59, no 235).

Sermon: 2 November 2018ATTRIBUTES oF TRUE AHMADISHuzoor stated that Bai’at means to sell one’s life toGod, adopt humility, part with one’s ego and doeverything in accordance with God’s commandments.God does not allow such a person to perish andprotects him.

The Promised Messiah (peace be upon him) says,

‘Examine your faith and deeds and become purelike the Companions of the Holy Prophet (peaceand blessings of Allah be upon him) who emergedout of their ignorance, became godly people,repented past idolatry and strove to stay awayeven from the subtlest forms of idolatry. TrueTauheed that God requires of us is simply not toaccept anyone to be worthy of worship exceptAllāh, be it an idol, man, the sun, moon, or one’sown self and machinations.’

The second condition after Tauheed is to shunfalsehood and other immoralities. The Qur’āndescribes falsehood as a great evil declaring it to be

equal to idolatry. Just as there is no substance in anidol, there is nothing in falsehood. One who puts faithin falsehood ceases to put his trust in God. By tellinglies one loses God. If you claim to be true believers,you have to remove falsehood from within you. Itdoes not behove a believer to resort to falsehoodeven in minor things. Falsehood leads to sin andtransgression, and sin and transgression lead to hell.So we always need to practice introspection.

The Promised Messiah (peace be upon him) alsourged his followers to protect themselves fromadultery not even approaching that which could leadto it.

Huzoor specifically reminded children and adults toavoid misuse of the TV and the internet. ThePromised Messiah (peace be upon him) says,

‘If you claim to follow me, then let not eventhought of mischief or injustice enter your minds.To deprive someone of what rightfully belongs tohim is a great wrong and a sin.’

Huzoor said that if we do not practice Islamic

Ahmadiyya Bulletin • Jan/Feb 2019

SuMMarieS OFFriday Sermons of Hazrat Mirza MasroorAhmad – Khalifatul Masih V

We present a summary of some of Huzoor’s Fridaysermons taken with thanks from alislam.org. While everyeffort has been made to present the salient points asaccurately as possible, we take full responsibility for anyerrors. in order to draw maximum benefit from thesesermons, members are advised to listen to them in full oncompact disc, audio or video tape.

5FriDaY SerMON

■ 2 nov 2018....................................... 5

■ 9 nov 2018....................................... 6

■ 16 nov 2018..................................... 8

■ 23 nov 2018..................................... 10

■ 30 nov 2018..................................... 11

■ 7 dec 2018 ....................................... 12

■ 14 dec 2018 ..................................... 13

■ 28 dec 2018 ..................................... 14

■ 4 Jan 2019......................................... 15

teachings ourselves, we belie ourselves. Ourpreaching will bear fruit if our actions match ourteachings. Let us not even entertain the thought ofinjustice, let alone act in such a way.

Huzoor said worship of God is a prerequisite for abeliever and the purpose of man’s creation. ThePromised Messiah (peace be upon him) says,

‘O ye people who consider yourselves to be myJamā‘at, in heaven you will be considered so onlyif you truly follow the ways of Taqwa. Therefore,offer Salat with such awe and concentration as ifyou were beholding God. A religion is not areligion if it has no prayer. What is prayer? It is topresent one’s shortcomings and limitations beforeGod with humility, seeking from God theiralleviation. Prayer means that a person’s heartremains engrossed in the fear and remembranceof God. And this is true faith.’

Huzoor stated he repeatedly reminded people livingfar from the mosque/prayer centre to arrangecongregational prayers at one place with others livingnearby. They will earn the reward of prayer, confirmits importance and, children will become mindful ofits observance. If all office-bearers give their fullattention to prayers, attendances can increasemanifold. Just offering the obligatory prayers is notenough; we should also offer Nawafil and Tahajjud.

Huzoor said that an Ahmadī should constantly seekforgiveness for his sins. Istighfaar is the means foravoiding the repetition of these. The PromisedMessiah (peace be upon him) also reminds us of ourobligation to be kind towards others. Do not demeananyone. Do not hold anyone as your enemy. These arethe traits that should be demonstrated most of all byAhmadīs. Arrogance is also a great sin. The HolyProphet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)said that if someone has arrogance even as little as agrain of a mustard seed, he will not enter paradise.

Huzoor continued, that in the outside world there issubstantial discrimination against black people, andsome even claim that whites are more intelligent thanblacks. This is arrogance, and Ahmadīs should keeptheir distance.

Huzoor said statistics indicate that there is not

sufficient attention given to chanda. A poor personcan ask for his chanda to be reduced or waved, butthose earning well should reflect if they are payingChanda according to sharah. If everyone did so, therewould be no need for separate appeals for mosquesand other projects. Sacrifice means to put oneself indifficulty for Allāh’s religion.

Huzoor stated that obedience to Allāh and HisProphet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) isstressed in countless places. In the Conditions ofBai’at, the word ‘Maroof’ appears alongsideobedience. It is not right to start debating over itsmeaning. As long as true Khilāfat is in place — and bythe grace of Allāh it will continue to remain — theKhalīfa will never make a decision that contradictsAllāh and His Messenger. Hazrat Musleh Mau‘ūd(Allāh be pleased with him) says that even if theKhalīfa happens to make a wrong decision, Allāh willsave the Jamā‘at from its harm. This is the only wayto preserve the unity of the Jamā‘at, and this willlead to more people becoming sincere and faithfulAhmadīs. The Promised Messiah ( peace be uponhim) says,‘One who does not offer full obediencetarnishes the name of the Jamā‘at.’ May Allahenable us to fulfil our obligations under Ba’ait andremain faithfully attached to Khilāfat.

Sermon: 9 November 2018In the beginning of the Friday Sermon Huzoorrecited these verses which translate,

Ahmadiyya Bulletin • Jan/Feb 2019

6 FriDaY SerMON

“The similitude of those who spend their wealthfor the cause of Allāh is like the similitude of agrain of corn which grows seven ears, in each eara hundred grains. And Allāh multiplies it furtherfor whomsoever He pleases; and Allāh isBountiful, All-Knowing. They who spend theirwealth for the cause of Allāh, then follow not upwhat they have spent with taunt or injury, forthem is their reward with their Lord, and theyshall have no fear, nor shall they grieve.” (2:262-263)

“And the case of those who spend their wealthto seek the pleasure of Allāh and to strengthentheir souls is like the case of a garden onelevated ground. Heavy rain falls on it so that itbrings forth its fruit twofold. And if heavy raindoes not fall on it, then light rain suffices. AndAllāh sees what you do.” (2:266)

“Satan threatens you with poverty and enjoinsupon you what is foul, whereas Allāh promisesyou forgiveness from Himself and bounty. AndAllāh is Bountiful, All- Knowing.” (2:269)

“It is not thy responsibility to make them followthe right path; but Allāh guides whomsoever Hepleases. And whatever of wealth you spend, it isfor yourselves, while you spend not but to seekthe favour of Allāh. And whatever of wealth youspend, it shall be paid back to you in full and youshall not be wronged.” (2:273)


Ahmadiyya Bulletin • Jan/Feb 2019


“Those who spend their wealth by night and day,secretly and openly, have their reward with theirLord; on them shall come no fear, nor shall theygrieve.” (2:275)

The Promised Messiah (peace be upon him) saysthat I repeatedly stress the need for spending in thepath of God because God has commanded so.Huzoor said, Allāh has blessed the Promised Messiah( peace be upon him) with a Jamā‘at of sincerefollowers even after the passage of 130 years.

A mu‘allim from Cameroon writes that when hevisited a Jamā‘at in the Western Region for ChandahTahrīk Jadīd, its chief gathered everyone andannounced that two years ago he used to pray alonebut since the Jama’at has been established themosque has been full of worshippers. Huzoorcommented that this is a wonderful revolution thatis taking place through Ahmadiyyat whereby peopleare paying more attention to worship and to makingfinancial sacrifices and serves as reminder for olderAhmadīs.

The three-wheeled vehicle of a Finance Secretaryin Benin was stolen. It provided his only source ofincome. About two weeks later, a neighbour saw hisvehicle. The matter was reported to the police andreturned to its owner. The owner then used thevehicle to earn and gave the entire profit of 12000CFA earned in the week towards Tahrīk Jadīd.

Huzoor related the case of Sophia Begum ofChinthakunta India who said that when she was veryyoung, she heard inspiring speeches and how manywomen donated their jewellery when Hazrat MuslehMau’ud initiated Tahrīk Jadīd. She cultivated a strongdesire to do the same whenever able to do so. Afterher mother’s demise she inherited 24g of gold anddonated it all to Tahrīk Jadīd despite the fact thatshe was getting married soon.

The two children of a devoted Ahmadi Al Haaj

Ibrahim of Pego had been ill for a long time despitesubstantial treatment. He contributed, praying thatAllah accept his sacrifice and cure his children. A fewdays later the children started improving and one ofthem recovered completely.

The Imam of a mosque in Ivory Coast participatedin Tahrīk Jadīd paying on behalf of his family. Later,his 6 year-old son asked his father for 100CFA andbrought it to the Jama’at saying that this was hiscontribution.

A member from Wapda Town had been ill withasthma for 18 months. She increased her pledge byRs50,000. She began to recover and by the end ofthe year she had completely recovered. Huzoorannounced the beginning of the new year (85th yearof Chandah Tahrīk Jadīd) and presented somestatistics of amounts raised.

Sermon: 16 November 2018USA AND GUATEMALAHuzoor related experiences of his latest tours andsaid that in the USA he inaugurated three mosques.Generally American politicians and ordinary peoplelisten carefully and appreciate what is good. It is ourduty to portray the true image of Islām to Americaand the rest of the world through hard work andappropriate means. Some non-Ahmadī s whoattended our functions said that we present theteachings of Islām in the correct way.

At the inauguration of Baitul Aafiat, Philadelphiasome remarked that they welcomed our message ofpeace and stood with us against hatred, bigotry andviolence. Our message was excellent in establishingpeace and harmony and they looked forward tohope and peace.

Responding to my speech, they said that this was amessage of love and unity. If people understand this,things can become much better. They said that themessage given will help dispel the wrong notionsbeing spread about Islām. People have a lot ofprejudice against Islām, which is totally false. Theysaid that they can say with certainty that Islāmteaches peace and service to mankind. They saidthat they were very impressed by my statement thatwe would wipe their tears, for there are not manywho can say this. They found it extraordinary. This

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8 FriDaY SerMON

was in response to my words that we are ever readyto serve the poor and to wipe the tears of those inadversity and pain.

Baitus Samad in Baltimore was previously a Churchand purchased for $2m. It has separate halls for menand women and can accommodate 400 worshipers.It also has offices, library, classrooms, a commercialkitchen and dining hall, etc. The mosque is locatedalong a highway. A reception was held, attended bypoliticians, religious leaders and intellectuals. Afterlistening to Huzoor’s address they remarked thatwhat was said regarding peace is a message muchneeded today. The address contained importantmessages, such as caring for one’s neighbours. Thesemessages are very helpful in creating an atmosphereof unity and love. They said that they had learned avery easy way of establishing peace in society whichis through being kind to one’s neighbours. We don’tneed to change everybody, if we can only serve andspread love among the people we interact with,then the whole society will become peaceful. Theysaid that they had also learned that the faith cantruly be spread through only one’s own example.They said Huzoor extended his kindness not only topeople of other faiths but also to those of no faith.They said that Huzoor’s message of servinghumanity without discrimination is beautiful.

Bait Masroor mosque was inaugurated in Virginia.This was previously a church. The whole area is 17.6acres and its initial cost was $5m. Another $75,000dollars were spent upon its modification and

renovation. It is almost facing the Qibla. The coveredarea is 22,403 sq ft. There are separate halls for menand women. It can accommodate 650 worshippers.It has eleven rooms including offices, library,conference room and a commercial kitchen.

After listening to Huzoor’s reception address,guests said that it was beautiful and full of wisdom.America and the world should listen carefully to“Love for all and Hatred for none” and practice it.Giving preference to others and serving selflessly; toprefer others over oneself and to be kind to one’sneighbours was a great message. This message wasfull of wisdom because hatred can only becountered by spreading love. And this love should beestablished between all faiths. The message was forthe whole world. It contained teachings of peace,harmony, love and justice and giving people theirrights. Everyone should adhere to this and helpcultivate unity. In today’s address you presented thetrue teachings of Islām which, in short, is to createan atmosphere of peace, love and justice.

Huzoor said that a big hospital was inaugurated inGuatemala. Guests congratulated the Jamā‘at forthe hospital and creating harmony betweencommunities. They were surprised that membershad themselves come together to complete thisproject to help the needy, practically demonstratingtheir love for humanity. If everyone adopted thispath, surely peace can be established in the world.They said Huzoor’s address contained exhortation tohelp the poor. What was most impressive is that


Ahmadiyya Bulletin • Jan/Feb 2019


“They [guests] were surprised that members had themselves come togetherto complete this project to help the needy, practically demonstrating theirlove for humanity. If everyone adopted this path, surely peace can beestablished in the world. They said Huzoor’s address contained exhortationto help the poor. What was most impressive is that there is no coercion inreligion and everyone should be kind to others.”

there is no coercion in religion and everyone shouldbe kind to others.

Huzoor said, the Spanish version of the Review ofthe Religions was inaugurated from Guatemala. InUSA, Latin and Central America the Spanish speakingpopulation is about 400 million. Jamā‘ats are beingestablished in these countries too. Many came fromother neighbouring countries and expressedemotions of love and joy upon meeting Huzoor forthe first time. The love for Khilāfat was evident fromtheir eyes.

Huzoor said that in America our message reached2,869,000 people through TV and about 5,398,000through radio. It reached 2 million people throughsocial media. 45 newspapers published articleswhich reached about 10 million people. There wasalso good media coverage in Guatemala. Accordingto one estimate, the news of the opening of thehospital and our message reached 32 million LatinAmericans through the print and electronic media. Italso reached 2.3 million people through the socialmedia.

Sermon: 23 November 2018MEN oF EXCELLENCEHuzoor continued his accounts of the companions ofthe Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah beupon him) who participated at Badr.

Hazrat Sinān Bin Abi Sinān belonged to the tribe ofBanu Asad. He accompanied the Holy Prophet(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in all thebattles. He was an eminent companion and first topledge for Bai’at-e-Rizwan.

Hazrat Mihj’a was the slave of Hazrat ‘Umar (Allāhbe pleased with him) whom he later freed. He hailedfrom Yemen. He was among the first companionswho migrated to Madinah. He participated at Badrand was the first martyr of the Muslim army.

Hazrat ’Āmir bin Mukhallad belonged to theKhazraj. He participated at Badr and was martyred atUhud.

Hazrat Hātib bin ’Amr bin ’Abd Shams belonged toBanu ’Āmir bin luayy. He had accepted Islām throughthe preaching of Hazrat Abu Bakr (Allāh be pleasedwith him) before the Muslims took up abode in Dar-eArqam. He participated at Badr, Uhud and in

Bai’at-eRizwan. Hazrat Abu Huzaimah bin Aus fought in all the

battles. He passed away during the Khilāfat of HazratUthman (Allāh be pleased with him).

Hazrat Tamīm Maula Khirāsh was a freed slave. Heparticipated at Badr and Uhud.

Hazrat Munzir bin Qudāmah belonged to BanuGhanm. He participated at Badr and Uhud. He wasappointed to oversee the captives of Banu Qainuqa.

Hazrat Harith bin Hātib participated at Badr andbelonged to the Aus. He and Abu Lubābah bin AbdilMunzir were travelling with the Prophet (peace andblessings of Allah be upon him) to Badr, but whenthey reached Rauhā, the latter appointed AbuLubabah as the Amīr of Madinah.

Hazrat ’Usaima Ansāri belonged to the BanuAshj’aii. He participated in all the battles. He passedaway during the reign of Hazrat Muawiya.

Hazrat Rāf’e bin Harith belonged to Banu Najjar.He accompanied the Prophet (peace and blessingsof Allah be upon him) in all the battles. He passedaway during the Khilāfat of Hazrat Uthman (Allāh bepleased with him).

Hadrat Rukhaila bin Th’alabah took part at Badrand Uhud. He was from a branch of Banu Khazraj.He accompanied Hazrat Ali (Allāh be pleased withhim) at Siffīn.

Hazrat Jābir bin Abdullah bin Riāb was amongstthe first six Ansār who accepted Islām in Makkah. Heaccompanied the Prophet (peace and blessings ofAllah be upon him) in all the battles.

Hazrat Thābit bin Aqram bin Thalabah fought inall the battles. He was martyred by Tulaiha atBuzākhah in 12 AH.

Hazrat Salma bin Salamah belonged to Banu Ash’arand was among the first people to accept Islam. Heparticipated in all the battles with the Holy Prophet(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). HazratUmar (Allāh be pleased with him) appointed himruler of Yamama. He died in 34 AH, and according tosome in 45 AH at the age of 74 in Madinah.

Hazrat Jabr bin Atīk participated in all the battles.He lived in Medina and remained there till thedemise of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allahbe upon him). At the conquest of Makkah, he wasthe flag bearer of Banu Mu’awiyah bin Mālik. He

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Ahmadiyya Bulletin • Jan/Feb 2019


passed away in 61AH at the age of 71 during thereign of Yazīd.

Hazrat Thābit bin Th’alabah was among the 70companions who were part of the second Bai’atAqbah. He fought during all the battles and wasmartyred during the Battle of Taif.

Hazrat Suhail bin Wahb belonged to the Banu Fahrbranch of the Quraish. He accepted Islām in theearly years. He was 34 when he fought at Badr andfought in all the battles dying in 9 AH after returningfrom Tabuk. The Prophet (peace and blessings ofAllah be upon him) led his funeral prayer in hisMosque.

Hazrat Tufail bin Harith fought in all the battles andpassed away at the age of 70 in 32AH.

Hazrat Abu Salīt Usairah bin Amr fought in all thebattles. He belonged to the Khazraj tribe.

Hazrat Th’alabah bin Hātib Ansāri belonged toBanu ‘Amr bin ‘Auf. He participated at Badr andother battles. Huzoor (May Allāh be his Helper)dispelled a misunderstanding regarding HazratTh’alabah by citing a statement of Allamah HajarAsqalani.

Hazrat Saad bin Uthman bin Khuldah Ansāri tookpart at Badr. He died aged 80.

Hazrat ’Amir bin Umayyah took part at Badr andwas martyred at Uhud. He belonged to the Banu Adibin Najjar.

Hazrat ’Amr bin Abi Sarh belonged to the BanuHarith bin Fahr. He passed away in 30AH in Medinaduring the Khilāfat of Hazrat Uthman (Allāh bepleased with him). He took part at Badr with hisbrother Hazrat Wahb bin Abi Sarh.

Hazrat Asm’a bin Husain belonged to the Banu Aufbin Khazraj and fought at Badr.

Hazrat Khulaifa bin ’Adi accepted Islām just beforeBadr and took part. He also took part at Uhud.

Hazrat Mu’az bin Mu’iz belonged to the Khazraj.He was martyred during the incident of Bi’reMa’unah.

Hazrat Sa’d bin Zaid Al-Ashari belonged to theBanu Abdil Ash’ar. He took part in all the battles.

Huzoor prayed that may Allāh continue to elevatethe status of these companions.

Sermon: 30 November 2018MEN oF EXCELLENCEHuzoor continued with his account of theCompanions at Badr.

Hazrat Thabit bin Khalid Ansāri belonged to theBanu Najjar clan. He participated at Badr and Uhudand was martyred at Yamamah.

Hazrat Abdullah bin ’Urfutah migrated to Abyssiniaalong with Hazrat Ja’far bin Abi Tālib. He fought atBadr.

Hazrat ’Utbah bin Abdullah was present at Bai’at-e-Aqbah and fought at Badr and Uhud.

Hazrat Qais bin Abi S’asa’ah Ansāri was present atBai’at-e-Aqbah. He participated at Badr and Uhud.While departing for Badr, the Holy Prophet (peaceand blessings of Allah be upon him) stopped atBuyutus Suqyāh outside Medina and asked HazratQais to count the Muslims. He reported there were313. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah beupon him) said that Talut had the same number offighters. Hazrat Qais was appointed to supervise thesupply of water. On the day of Badr he wasappointed leader of the Sāqah, the part of the armythat guards the rear.

Hazrat ‘Ubaida bin Hārith, a close relative of theProphet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him),belonged to Banu Muttalib and was 10 years older.He was among the earliest converts and was heldwith great esteem. He was among the chiefs of the’Abde Manāf tribe. Under his leadership 60 menwere sent to intercept a Makkan caravan. Thiscaravan was led by Abu Sufyān. The two sides did nomore than exchange arrows. There was noalignment for battle. The Makkans had in fact sentan army disguised as a trading caravan. When theyfound that the Muslims were prepared and some oftheir own had defected to the Muslims, they losttheir nerve and withdrew. During Badr,Hazrat’Ubaida fought a dual with Walid bin ’Utbah,during which he suffered a blow that cut off his legfrom the shin. The Prophet (peace and blessings ofAllah be upon him) instructed him to be carried out.He died later at Safra’ and was buried there. He was63. Huzoor then informed the Jamā‘at of the saddemise of Mr Suyuti Aziz Ahmad of Indonesia, along-serving missionary of the Jamā‘at, and spoke of


his services. Huzoor led his funeral prayer inabsentia after the Friday prayer.

Sermon: 7 December 2018MEN oF EXCELLENCEHuzoor continued with the accounts of theCompanions who participated at Badr.

Hazrat ’Ubaid Bin Zaid Ansāri fought at Badr andUhud.

Hazrat Zāhir bin Harām Al-Ashja’ī belonged to theAshja’a and participated at Badr. He was a Bedouinand used to bring the Prophet (peace and blessingsof Allah be upon him) local village delicacies. Whenhe would leave, the Prophet (peace and blessings ofAllah be upon him) too would give him abundantprovisions. The Prophet (peace and blessings ofAllah be upon him) used to say, “Zāhir is our Bedouinfriend and we are his friends in the city,” and lovedhim very much. Once he was buying in the marketwhen the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah beupon him) approached him from behind and put hishand on his eyes. According to some he embracedhim from behind. Zāhir was unable to see who it wasand was surprised to see who it was. He startedrubbing his back against the chest of the Prophet(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). At thisthe Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be uponhim) playfully said, “Who will buy this slave?” HazratZāhir replied, “You will find me a worthlesscommodity, for no one would like to buy me.” TheHoly Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be uponhim) replied, “You are not worthless in the eyes ofGod. In His eyes, you are very precious.” The Prophet(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) oncesaid, “Every person living in the city has Bedouinfriend; and the Bedouin friend of the family ofMuhammad is Zāhir bin Harām.”

Hazrat Zaid bin Khattāb was the elder brother ofHazrat ’Umar (Allāh be pleased with him) and hadaccepted Islām before him. He was also among thefirst to migrate. He participated at Badr, Uhud,Khandaq and Bai’at Hudaybiyyah and Ridhwan. Hisbond of brotherhood was established with HazratM’an bi ’Adī, both of whom were martyred atYamama. Following the Muslim retreat at Yamama,Hazrat Zaid prayed aloud, “O Allāh, I apologise toYou for my fellow fighters who fled; and I absolve

myself before You of the actions of MusailmahKazzab and Muhakkam bin Tufail.” He then tookhold of the flag, penetrated the lines of the enemydemonstrating his excellent swordsmanship until hewas finally martyred. Upon his martyrdom, Hazrat’Umar (Allāh be pleased with him) said, “May Allāhhave mercy on Zaid. He surpassed me in two virtues;that is to say, he accepted Islām before me, and heattained martyrdom before me.”

Hazrat ’Ubadah bin Khashkhāsh was from theBaliyy. He was the paternal and maternal cousin ofHazrat Mujazzar bin Ziyād. He took part at Badrwhere he captured Qais bin Sāib. He was martyredat Uhud. He was buried in the same grave withHazaraat N’oman bin Mālik and Mujazzar bin Ziyād.

Hazrat ’Abdullah bin Jadd was from the BanuSalamah. Hazrat Mu’āz bin Jabal was his maternalcousin. He participated at Badr and Uhud.

Hazrat Harith bin Aus bin Mu’āz was the nephewof Hazrat Sa’ad bin Mu’āz chief of Banu Aus. He tookpart at Badr and Uhud. According to some accounts,he was martyred at Uhud at the age of 28. He wasamong the Companions who killed Ka’ab bin Ashraf.Ka’ab was among those Medinite chiefs who hadsigned an agreement with the Prophet (peace andblessings of Allah be upon him), but he laterrenaged. Ka’ab was extremely immoral, a master ofdeceit and treachery. When the Holy Prophet (peaceand blessings of Allah be upon him) migrated toMedina, Ka‘ab joined other Jews in a writtenagreement to uphold peace among Muslims andJews; but he was inwardly hypocritical andantagonistic towards Islām. He started opposingIslām planning secret conspiracies andmachinations. After Badr his attitude becameextremely mischievous posing a great threat to theMuslims. He provoked the Quraish who werealready bating for revenge, with fiery speeches andpoetry. His words roused their emotions and tookfrom them a commitment that they would not restuntil they had wiped Islam off the face of the earth.He then travelled to other tribes inciting them,employing filthy language in his poems insultingMuslim women including the wives of the HolyProphet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) .He even conspired to assassinate the Holy Prophet(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), but the

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plot failed. Only after such provocations did the HolyProphet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)decide to instruct his companions to assassinateKa’ab. The atmosphere in Madinah was volatile anddid not lend itself to an open announcement as itcould have led to civil war. He appointedMuhammad bin Maslamah, to carry out thesentence. Huzoor said that the current state of theMuslims is such that instead of learning from theselessons, they themselves indulge in mischief bothindividually and as governments. May Allāh Almightyprotect Islām from such mischief and enableMuslims to accept the one (the Promised Messiah)who has been sent by Allāh for the revival of Islām inthis age.

Sermon: 14 December 2018MEN oF EXCELLENCEHuzoor continued with his accounts of theCompanions who participated at Badr. HazratMistah bin Uthatha’s mother name was HazratSalma bin Sakhr. He was at Badr and all otherbattles. At Khyber, the Prophet (peace and blessingsof Allah be upon him) gave him and Ibn Ilyas 50“wasq”(wasq = 130 kg) of grain from the spoils ofwar, as customary in those days. He passed away atthe age of 56 in 34 AH during the Khilāfat of HazratUthman (Allāh be pleased with him). According tosome he lived until the Khilāfat of Hazrat Ali (Allāhbe pleased with him) and participated at Siffīn at hisside and passed away in 37 AH. Hazrat Mistah’ssustenance was provided by Hazrat Abu Bakr (Allāhbe pleased with him) but was suspended whenMistah sided with those casting aspersions againstHazrat Ayesha (peace be upon her) and he vowednever to provide for him again. The Qur’anic versewas revealed advising otherwise (24:23). It is thus apart of Islāmic moral values not to punish someoneafter having sworn to do so. There will bepunishment only for the breach of a promise, butnot for breaking one’s oath to punish someone, byway of forgiveness.

Huzoor said that in Bukhari, Hazrat Ayesha (Allāhbe pleased with her) relates,

“It was a custom of the Holy Prophet (peace andblessings of Allah be upon him) to draw lots

amongst his wives to decide who wouldaccompany him on his journey. Once this resultedin my favour. This was after injunctions regardingPurdah had been revealed. During this trip, I satin a litter placed on the back of a camel.Whenever there was a break the litter would beplaced on the ground..…..One night we werecamped near Madinah when orders were givenfor departure. I went off to attend the call ofnature. I returned and ….. realised that my blacksapphire necklace was missing. I went back insearch of it and was delayed. Meanwhile, thoseappointed to lift my litter….. assuming that I wasin the litter, lifted it and placed it upon the backof the camel and moved on. When I returnedafter finding my necklace, the whole caravan hadleft…….. I thought that when they missed methey would come find me there….I was soonovercome by sleep. …. Safwān bin Mu’attal’s dutywas to stay at the rear of the army to ensurenothing was left behind. When he reached myresting place and saw me….he uttered ‘to Himwe belong and to Him is the final return’.Hearing this, I woke up. He brought forward hiscamel and made it kneel down close to me. Iplaced my feet on his hands and sat on thecamel. He then began to walk, leading the camelby its halter. We reached the place where theMuslim army had set up camp at about middaywhen people were resting in their camps. Andthus those who were to be perish did perish.”

Huzoor said, this means that some people startinglevelling false allegations against Hazrat Ayesha(Allah be pleased with her). She further says,

“The key culprit responsible for spreading thisslander was ’Abdullah bin Ubai. After reachingMadinah I remained confined due to illness forabout a month during which people propagatedthe slander. I was totally unaware. What didcause concern was that during my illness I didnot receive from the Prophet (peace andblessings of Allah be upon him) the same kind ofaffection and kindness that I was accustomedto…… When I learnt what was going on, Ibecame even more ill…….I asked if I could go to

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my parents’ home and the Holy Prophet (peaceand blessings of Allah be upon him) consented….I asked my mother and she told me not to worryabout it. I spent the night weeping over the greatslander that had been spread against me. Duringone day and two nights I wept so much that Ithought my heart would burst. The next morningthe Messenger of Allāh came to my home andsat down. He recited the Kalimah, praised Godand addressed me saying, ‘O Ayesha! I have beentold something about you. If you are innocent, Itrust that God shall affirm your innocence. If,however, you have committed an error, youshould seek forgiveness from God and bowbefore Him, because when a person bows beforeGod confessing his sins, Allāh accepts hisrepentance and shows him mercy.’ The HolyProphet (peace and blessings of Allah be uponhim) was still sitting there when he startedreceiving Divine revelation. When the revelationsubsided, he started smiling and said, ‘Ayesha!Show gratitude to God, for He has affirmed yourinnocence.’” Allāh had revealed 24:12.Hazrat Ayesha says,

“I did not consider myself worthy that a Qur’ānicrevelation would be sent down regarding me.”

Huzoor said according to some, those guiltyagainst Hazrat Ayesha were flogged. Whether or notthis happened, they were Companions of theProphet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)and Allāh had forgiven them. Thereafter HazratMistah participated in other battles. He is among theeminent Companions and Allāh granted him a goodend preserving his status. .

Sermon: 28 December 2018MEN oF EXCELLENCEHuzoor continued with the accounts of theCompanions who participated at Badr.

Hazrat Sahal bin Qais participated at Badr andmartyred at Uhud. The Prophet (peace and blessingsof Allah be upon him) used to visit the graves of theUhud martyrs every year. When he entered thevalley, he loudly said “Peace be upon you for thepatience you showed. How good is the abode of the

Hereafter!” He used to say I wish I had been one ofthe dwellers of the Mountain. Similarly, when HazratSa’ad bin Abi Waqas visited his properties in Ghaba,north west of Madinah, he would invoke Salām onthem thrice. Turning to his colleagues, he would ask,will you not send salutations on those who willanswer your Salām? Whoever says Salām to them,they will answer their Salām on the Day ofJudgement. Once while passing by the grave ofHazrat Musa’ab bin ‘Umair, he prayed for him andrecited the following verse,

‘Among the believers are men who have beentrue to the covenant they made with Allāh. Thereare some of them who have fulfilled their vow,and some who still wait, and they have notchanged their condition in the least.’ (33:24)

Hazrat Musleh Mau‘ūd (Allāh be pleased with him)says at Uhud the companions gathered around theProphet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)when the disbelievers retreated again. They pickedhim up from the ground. Hazrat ’Ubaida bin Jarrahextracted a nail from the head of the Prophet (peaceand blessings of Allah be upon him) after which heregained consciousness. In doing so Hazrat ’Ubaidabroke two of his teeth. Muslims who had fledregrouped. The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings ofAllah be upon him) took them to the mountain. Whenthe disbelievers’ army stood at its foothill, Abu Sufyanshouted, ‘We have killed Muhammad.’ The Prophet(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did notreply in case the enemy was provoked to attack again.Abu Sufyan became convinced this was true. He thenboastfully announced that they had killed Abu Bakrand then Umar (Allah be pleased with both). Eachtime the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah beupon him) insisted the Companions remain silent.The disbelievers were convinced they had killed the

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founder of Islām and his close aides. Thereupon, AbuSufyan and his cohorts joyfully raised the slogan,‘Hubul be glorified! It has vanquished Islām today’.The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah beupon him), could not contain himself when thehonour of Allah was compromised and a slogan ofShirk raised in the battlefield. He vehemently told hisCompanions to say,

‘You are lying that glory belongs to Hubul. Thereality is that Allāh is Great and it is He Who is tobe glorified.’

This bold reply had such a powerful impact that thedisbelievers could not muster courage to attackalthough there were only a handful of injuredMuslims before them. It was easily possible to killthem all. Instead the disbelievers returned to Makkahcelebrating their little victory.

Hazrat Musleh Mau‘ūd (Allāh be pleased with him)once said, those who disobey the Prophet’s ordersshould fear lest they are struck by a Divinecalamity/punishment. Observe, the big loss Muslimssuffered for disobeying him at Uhud. The HolyProphet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)appointed fifty soldiers to guard a mountain pass. Hesaid to Hazrat ’Abdullah bin Jubair, commander ofthose 50, not to leave the pass whether we win orlose. However, when the disbelievers appeareddefeated, the soldiers insisted and left the pass,preferring their opinion over the command of theProphet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).Only their commander and few others remained.While the disbelievers were fleeing to Makkah, Khalidbin Waleed noted the poorly defended hill. He and’Amr bin Al’ās— both had not accepted Islām bythen— regrouped their fleeing troops and mountedthe hill. The few Muslims remaining there could notresist and were put to the sword. The disbelieversattacked the Muslims from behind. It was so suddenthat few could remain steadfast. At most only 20companions remained around the Prophet (peaceand blessings of Allah be upon him). They werepushed back leaving the Prophet of Allah alone in thebattlefield. A stone hit his helmet. Its nail pierced hishead and he fell unconscious. Some others were also

martyred. Their bodies piled up over him. Therumour spread that the Holy Prophet (peace andblessings of Allah be upon him) had been martyred.However, once the disbelievers retreated again, theCompanions gathered around the Prophet (peaceand blessings of Allah be upon him) and pulled himout of the pit. Muslim troops suffered a momentarydefeat after an initial victory because a few disobeyedthe instructions of the Prophet (peace and blessingsof Allah be upon him). They followed their ownopinion instead. If they had followed the HolyProphet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)just like the pulse follows the heart, then the enemywould not have had the opportunity to attack themagain. We too must obey him completely and reflectin this respect.

Today, this is precisely the case of the Muslims.They have begun to reject the instruction of the HolyProphet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)which was to accept the Promised Messiah andMahdī and convey his Salām to him, and hold him asthe judge and arbiter. The consequences of ignoringhim are evident. There is also a lesson for Ahmadīsthat after having accepted the Promised Messiah(peace be upon him), it is only through completeobedience that one can attain any kind of success orvictory.

Sermon: 4 January 2019FINANCIAL SACRIFICE - WAQFE JADID 2019Huzoor said that today is the first Friday of 2019.May Allāh make it a harbinger of blessings for allAhmadīs. In this new year that Allāh has given us, letus strive to overcome our weaknesses and try toachieve the holy transformation that we havepromised in our Bai'at to the Promised Messiah(peace be upon him) who advised that Allāh is notpleased without good deeds. Having entered thisJamā‘at, strive to be pious and virtuous, shun everyevil, and spend your time in prayers. To offerTahajjud just on the first day of the year does notsuffice for the whole year. Huzoor said that the new year of Waqf Jadīd startsin January. By the grace of Allāh, making financialsacrifices is a hallmark of the Jamā‘at of thePromised Messiah (peace be upon him). And it is

because he has given us a special understanding offinancial sacrifice in the light of the sayings of theHoly Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be uponhim). Huzoor recited from the Qur’an whichtranslates,

“Who is it that will lend Allāh a goodly loan that Hemay multiply it for him manifold? And Allāh receivesand enlarges, and to Him shall you be made toreturn.” (2:246)

The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of the Allahbe upon him) says,

“Shun miserliness, for it was the doom of manynations before you.”

Therefore, making financial sacrifices is beneficialfor our own selves. The Promised Messiah (peace beupon him) says that you cannot love two things, andit is not possible for you to love money and God atthe same time; you can only love one of them.Therefore fortunate are those who love God. And ifanyone of you loves God and spends in His path,then I’m certain that his wealth will be blessed morethan others. Wealth does not come of itself but itcomes with the Will of God. Anyone who foregoes apart of his wealth for the sake of God, will certainlyfind it. Those who love their wealth and do not servethe path of God as required, they will surely losetheir wealth too. Do not think for a moment that bygiving away a part of your wealth or serving in anyother way you do a favour to God and His appointedone, rather it is God’s favour that He chooses you forthe service.

Huzoor said that by Allāh’s grace, those whopledged Bai'at have understood this very well. NewAhmadīs understand the spirit of financial sacrificeand many of them who are very poor makesacrifices with the same zeal as did the Companions

of the Promised Messiah (peace be upon him).People who became Ahmadīs 100 years after thetime of the Promised Messiah (peace be upon him)and have never even met a Khalīfa are full of love forthe faith and zeal for making sacrifices just like theCompanions. This is a proof of the truthfulness ofthe Promised Messiah (peace be upon him) becauseonly God can produce such zeal in people’s hearts.Huzoor cited instances of which a few are statedherewith.

A brother from Ghana wrote that 40% of his salarywas deducted to pay back his loan, but he still paidhis Chanda on his full salary. The day he paid hisChanda Waqf Jadīd he did not have any money lefteven for traveling to his work. But that same day hereceived some arrears from the government thatamounted to five times the amount he had paid forChanda.

A brother from UK writes that when he wasreminded of Chanda he had no money. But verysoon Allāh arranged for it and he received anunexpected tax refund from the authorities.

A brother from Guinea says that he was planningto go on a journey, but he took out $100 from hisjourney expenditure and paid Chanda Waqf Jadīd.Soon he received an envelope from a friend whosent him $300 to help him bear the travel expenses.Thus his heart was filled with gratitude to God.

A sister from UK writes that previously she did notpay Chanda. But after she started paying it she got ajob and her salary increased three times in one year.She also mended her relationship with her parentsand got married.

A sister from a village in Liberia saw in a dreamthat she gave 100 Liberian dollars in Chanda. Soonher son sent her some money and she paid theChanda.

A brother writes that previously he did not pay hisfull Chanda, but since he started doing so he iswitnessing abundant blessings of God.

A brother from Australia gave a large sum inChanda, and Allāh returned all the amount to himon the same day.

Huzoor stated that these are the people Allāh hasgranted to the Promised Messiah (peace be uponhim), and these are the people who do justice totheir pledge of Bai'at. These demonstrations of

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sincerity, loyalty and sacrifice are evident proof ofAllāh’s help for the Promised Messiah (peace beupon him). If our opponents could open their eyes,they would see that all these are signs of the

truthfulness of the Promised Messiah (peace beupon him). Our only task is to reform ourselves andsubmit to God. Huzoor cited some statistics andprayed for all those who participated.

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Regarding the mtA, i want to say that according to the survey the practiceof watching mtA is not as much as it should be. Or at least members do notlisten to my sermons directly. e Jama’at spends a lot on it for the trainingof the members. A lot of outsiders listen to it and then write to me that theyare outsiders but they listen to the sermons. mtA is made a medium toconnect the Jama’at with Khilafat. if in your home you will not pay attentiontowards this, then slowly your children will dri away. God Almighty willsurely fulfil his promises that he had given to Promised messiah (peace beon him), insha’Allah – sincere people will join also.

hudhur (may Allah be his helper) said that you have seen the height of thesincerity in new comers, lest it should so happen that new comers get all theblessings and the old may find refuge in the pride that their fathers andforefathers were Sahaba (companions of the Promised messiah (peace be onhim) and that they are the original Ahmadis. God Almighty does not haveany personal relationship with anybody. if the old Ahmadis keep themselvesaway then it will not matter that their father and forefathers were Sahaba ofthe Promised messiah (peace be on him). us, before this remorse starts youmust connect yourselves to the Caliphate. And for that the best way GodAlmighty has established is the mtA – use it. ere are many other goodprogrammes on mtA but at least listen to the sermons, not that missionarysahib has read the gist and now you know what is said in the sermon. ereis a big difference in listening to a gist and listening to the complete sermon.(Friday Sermon delivered on 11 Nov 2016, Alfazl International 2 Dec 2016, Page 9)


BY HaDHraT KHaliFaTul MaSiH V (MaY allaH Be HiS HelPer)

On 20th January 2019, Hazrat Amirul MomineenKhalifatul Masih V delivered the keynote address atthe International Refresher Course for members ofDarul Qadha (Board of Arbitration of the Jama’at) tomark 100 years since its establishment.

114 representatives attended from 15 countries for theweekend event held in the Tahir Hall at Baitul Futuh on19th and 20th January 2019.

During his address, Huzoor drew the attention of theparticipants towards fulfilling their responsibilities asarbitrators, according to the esteemed standards ofjustice and truthfulness outlined in the Holy Qur’anand by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace andblessing of Allah be upon him).

Expressing his pleasure over the Board having beenestablished for 100 years, Huzoor stated,

“With the Grace of Allah the Almighty, it has been100 years since the establishment of Darul Qadhain the Jama’at. We are gathered here today so thatupon completion of 100 years we show gratitudeto God that He has enabled us to administer thisinstitution for 100 years and has given us theopportunity to serve within it.”

Hazrat Amirul Momineen continued,

“Certainly, it is only the Grace of Allah the Almightythat he has enabled Darul Qadha to continue forthe past 100 years. Nevertheless, a member ofDarul Qadha can only be a true recipient of thebeneficence associated with this institution if hefulfils the pre-requisite responsibilities that are

entrusted to him.”

Speaking of the weight of responsibility upon thearbiters, Huzoor pointed out that upholding therequirements of justice was of paramount importanceand that no decision should ever be taken lightly.Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V emphasised,

“The arbiters have very important responsibilities.Therefore, they should make every decision wisely,with due diligence and must utilise all theircapabilities to uphold the highest standards ofjustice at all times… Every matter must bepondered over in detail and should not be takenlightly.”

To outline the standards of justice expected byIslam, Huzoor quoted chapter 5 verse 9 of the HolyQur’an which states,

“O ye who believe! Be steadfast in the cause ofAllah, bearing witness in equity; and let not apeople’s enmity incite you to act otherwise thanwith justice. Be always just, that is nearer torighteousness. And fear Allah. Surely, Allah is awareof what you do.”

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V explained that this versecontains detailed guidance and exhorts believers tokeep in view that God Almighty is aware of what is inpeople’s hearts. Decision makers in particulartherefore should deliver their verdicts and opinionswith complete sincerity and maintain the higheststandards of integrity and impartiality at all times.

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Huzoor said that the Holy Qur’an requires suchstandards of justice that a person must be ready totestify against himself or his close relatives in order touphold the truth. Speaking of the level of piety thatthe arbiters must strive to attain, Hazrat AmirulMomineen said,

“It is necessary that an arbiter should analyse andask himself whether he would be able to bearwitness against himself if he himself was aclaimant in a case. Would they be able to upholdabsolute truth in all circumstances?”

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V stated that the demands ofjustice required for the members of Darul Qadha to betruly God-fearing. Furthermore, it was necessary thateach arbiter analysed the facts of each case carefullyand prayed sincerely before reaching a decision,

“For our arbiters, it is not enough to only know thelaw, or the teachings of Islam or for him to possesssound opinion, rather being righteous is also ofcrucial importance. In order to attainrighteousness, one must have a strong relationshipwith God Almighty and so each arbiter shouldengage in special prayers during the proceedings ofa case and when reaching a verdict.”

Huzoor also counselled that in any case orproceedings, both parties should be listened towithout prejudice and should be given ample time andattention.

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V further said that regularrefresher courses should be organised at a nationallevel in order to revise the responsibilities of DarulQadha and its members, such as how to conductproceedings impartially and how to draft decisions. Inconcluding his address Huzoor prayed,

“May Allah enable you all to fulfil yourresponsibilities whilst upholding the lofty standardsof justice. May Allah enable you to implement allthat you have learnt and discussed in this refreshercourse.”

The event was brought to a close with a silent prayerfollowed with d inner and photos with delegates.

Adapted from a Press Release issued by the PressDesk of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at

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Huzoor said that the Holy Qur’anrequires such standards of justicethat a person must be ready totestify against himself or his closerelatives in order to uphold thetruth.

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V furthersaid that regular refresher coursesshould be organised at a nationallevel in order to revise theresponsibilities of Darul Qadhaand its members, such as how toconduct proceedings impartiallyand how to draft decisions.

The UK Jama’at rekindled the light it lit in Brightonafter 106 years by holding a “Pathway to peaceInterfaith event” at the Jubilee library in Brightonjust stone throw away from where Hazrat KhalifatulMasih II (may Allah be pleased with him) visited andoffered prayers at the Royal Pavilion in 1924. Theevent was held at the Jubilee Library in Brighton onSaturday 2nd February 2019.

Regional Amir London B Naseer Deen who,initiated the event, stated in his welcome to anaudience of nearly 50,

“The Ahmadiyya Muslim Association wasestablished in the UK in 1913 as the first Muslimorganisation in the UK and from the very firstyear made links in Brighton. Then in 1924, theworld spiritual head of the community, HisHoliness, Hazrat Mirza Bashirudin MahmudAhmad visited Patcham Cemetery and prayed atthe graves of Muslim soldiers who died duringthe first World War and then visited the RoyalPavilion where he and his delegation offered theafternoon prayers in the gardens, a visit whichwas recorded and preserved by Pathe News.”

The keynote speaker was the Imam of the LondonMosque, Maulana Ataul Mujeeb Rashed. He said,

“Islam has very close links with Christianity,” andoutlined “the great praise and great qualities ofJesus (peace be upon him) and his mother Mary(peace be upon her) as mentioned in the very

many verses of the Holy Qur’an. Chapter 19 infact is named after Mary and makes mention ofthe immaculate birth of Jesus and his greatqualities as a prophet of high repute who had toendure great hardship and persecution.”

He also pointed out that the Promised Messiah(peace be upon him) himself compared himself toJesus (peace be upon him) and had claimed to be,

“the Messiah and Reformer (Mahdi) to comebeing awaited by all faiths, the 2nd Jesus whohad come to rekindle the message of peace astaught by Jesus (peace be upon him) and byProphet Muhammad (peace and blessings ofAllah be upon him) who was sent as a mercy tomankind….He said for true peace to prevail in oursociety, there must be no animosity betweenreligions and people. Islam is the only religionwhich requires its adherents to accept all theprophets sent to all the faiths prior toMuhammad (peace and blessings of Allah beupon him).”

He further added,

“Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah beupon him) was confronted by many opponentsand underwent great persecution, but he alwaysopened the door of peace and forgivenessdespite having to fight battles when theopponents raised armies against him”.

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Pathway toPeaceMeeting inBrighton

(By Mohammed Ahsan Ahmedi) Some of the attendees at the Brighton Peace event

Following a very interesting Q&A, Imam Sahibanswered questions posed by members of theaudience. Regional Amir Islamabad Mr AhsanAhmedi concluded the event by thanking the guestswho attended, which included representation fromSussex Police, Commander Rossie Ross and DCIPierre Serra as well as others from the local public ofBrighton. He said,

“The AMA is committed to promoting peace andregularly hold A Pathway to such peaceinitiatives around the country by engaging withthe local communities, neighbours, faithcommunities.”

He added,

“The Noor Mosque in Crawley, the firstAhmadiyya Muslim Mosque in Sussex, hadbecome a centre for visits from a variety of faithgroups, churches, schools, women’s organi-

sations and scout groups. The doors of themosque are always open to promote peace andunderstanding. Anyone wishing to visit NoorMosque in Crawley should contact us”.

The session was finally brought to a close withsilent prayers and refreshments provided by MrBashirTahir and his team were then served.

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You tube link of the Pathe news of thevisit to Patcham Cemetery and RoyalPavilion in 1924, by Hazrat KhalifatulMasih II (may Allah be pleased withhim) https://youtu.be/LJ_5gATAQKU

Imam Rashed Sahib delivering his address at the Jubilee library

This was held on Sunday 3rd February 2019 in acommunity hall starting at 2.30pm. 25 non-Ahmadiguests were present. The event started with Tilawatby Syed Kamran Razvi and English translation byAsim Butt.

Maulana Mubarak Basra gave an introduction tothe Jama’at explaining how Ahmadi Muslims acceptHazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as the PromisedMessiah. He explained that we are unique in thesense we have a Khalifa who is our spiritual leaderand the worldwide head of tens of millions ofmembers in over 200 countries. A short video aboutthe Jama’at was then played for all guests.

Dr Asim Salim (Leeds President) then introducedthe main speaker, Maulana Ataul Mujeeb Rashed.Imam Sahib began by saying the topic (‘Love forMankind’) today related to the whole world and topeace in the world. If any religion is able to establishguidance for love of mankind then that is good forthe world. Islam certainly does this and actuallymeans peace or submission to the Will of God. Ifpeople submit to the Will of God this will lead toworld peace.

The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah beupon him) has said “A true Muslim is he from whosehand or tongue the people are safe.” Islam is areligion meant for the whole world so everyoneshould be safe from actions or speech of others.

The Holy Qur’an is exactly the same as it wasrevealed nearly 1,500 years ago, which is unique tothis Holy Book. There is not a single change oraddition/subtraction to the Holy Qur’an. All guidancefor mankind is given in this book. A commonquestion is that if Islam means peace, why are thereso many wars today with Muslims and at the time ofthe Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah beupon him). The answer is that Islam does not believein an offensive conflict, only a defensive war. So,people should not initiate a war (as happenedagainst the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings ofAllah be upon him) and happens today against

others), otherwise people have the right to self-defence.

Imam Sahib condemned the terrorists who claimto kill in the name of Islam. They are behaving totallycontrary to the teachings of Islam. They may callthemselves Muslims and shout “Allahuakbar”, butthey do not follow the true teachings of Islam.

Somebody asked a wife of the Holy Prophet (peaceand blessings of Allah be upon him) Hazrat Ayesha(Allah be pleased with her), about his character. Shereplied saying don’t you study the Qur’an, because ifyou study it, you will realise that the Holy Prophet’scharacter is exactly in accordance with the Qur’an.

Once the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings ofAllah be upon him) saw an old man who was sittingby his farm. He said he was too old and tired toirrigate his land. So, the Holy Prophet (peace andblessings of Allah be upon him) irrigated the land forthe old man, and afterwards said anytime you needmy help, just let me know. This shows the love theHoly Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be uponhim) had for humanity.

The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah beupon him) also had great respect for women. Once aman was singing in a way which made camels runvery fast. The Holy prophet (peace and blessings ofAllah be upon him) stopped the man singing, sayingdo you not realise that sat on the camels are certainfragile things made of glass (women), so please donot make the camels run fast.

On one occasion the Holy Prophet (peace andblessings of Allah be upon him) was about to eatsome food which was poisoned. God saved him andhe did not eat the food (another man did eat thefood and died). After an investigation one womanopenly admitted that she had poisoned the food.She said to the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings ofAllah be upon him) I thought if you were a trueperson, then God would save you from the poison,which He did.

The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be

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leeDS Peace cONFereNce

islam - love for mankindBy Dr Abid Ahmad

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upon him) had a young servant boy (Zaid) who wasvery well treated and respected by the Holy Prophet(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Zaid’sparents came to the Holy Prophet (peace and blessingsof Allah be upon him) to take him back home, thinkinghe was being held as a slave. The Holy Prophet (peaceand blessings of Allah be upon him) immediatelyconsented saying the parents were free to take Zaidhome, but first of all they should ask him. Zaid declinedhis parents request to go home, saying, this so-calledslavery is much better than any freedom. He receivedso much love from the Holy Prophet (peace andblessings of Allah be upon him) and his companions,that he would rather stay with him then go home.

Once the Makkans were short of food and neededrain. So, they approached the Holy Prophet (peace andblessings of Allah be upon him) and requested him topray for rain. Even though the Makkans were hisenemies and were trying to kill him, he prayed for rainand it did rain.

On another occasion, the Holy Prophet (peace andblessings of Allah be upon him) saw a funeral with thedead body being carried. The Prophet (peace andblessings of Allah be upon him) stood up as a sign ofrespect. A companion whispered that this funeral wasthat of a Jew. The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings ofAllah be upon him) replied, “Is he not a human being?”

Once the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allahbe upon him) hung up his sword by the branch of atree and lay down to rest under its shade. An enemy,who had been on the prowl for an opportunity to killhim crept into the camp and, finding the Holy Prophet(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) sleepingunguarded, approached, secured his sword and,drawing it, sat down on his chest. The Holy Prophet(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) woke up insurprise as the man, brandishing the sword, said, ‘Whocan save you now?’ The Holy Prophet (peace andblessings of Allah be upon him) gently uttered thesingle word ‘Allah,’. The shocked assailant dropped thesword and the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings ofAllah be upon him) picked it up. So now the positionswere reversed with the Holy Prophet (peace andblessings of Allah be upon him) on top holding thesword. ‘Who can save you now?’ inquired the HolyProphet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).‘No One!’ exclaimed the man in terror. ‘Why do younot say “Allah”?’ asked the Holy Prophet (peace andblessings of Allah be upon him) as he released the manand forgave him.

“The Holy Prophet(peace and

blessings of Allahbe upon him) has

said ‘“A trueMuslim is he fromwhose hand or

tongue the peopleare safe.’ Islam is areligion meant forthe whole world soeveryone should besafe from actions orspeech of others.”

(left to right) Syed Kamran Razvi, MaulanaMubarak Basra and Maulana Ataul Mujeeb Rashed

After the conquest of Makkah, the Holy Prophet(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) enteredMakkah victoriously as a king, with his enemy infront of him. He could have justifiably killed all theMakkans for the crimes committed against theMuslims over many years. For 3 years, Muslims wereconfined to living in a valley with little food.Makkans used to put burning hot stones on Muslimsto torture them. But instead of revenge, the HolyProphet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)forgave them all and set them free, saying, “By God,you will have no punishment today and no reproof.”(Hisham)

The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah beupon him), with all the authority he had still forgaveall the Makkans. This incident of such forgiveness isunparalleled in world history by any leader. ImamSahib concluded that Islam is a religion of peace thatpromotes love for mankind.

A question and answer session followed with thefirst question about how to unite Britain with Brexit.Imam sahib explained this was a political questionrather than religious. However, all parties shouldpresent their view and try to agree a settlement.

One person asked about how to achieve innerpeace. Imam Sahib replied saying that this can bedone by following the teachings of Islam. Islam is likea medicine. If taken, it will solve the problem. If nottaken then it cannot help. The recipe for peace is

given in Islam in the Holy Qur’an, but this is notbeing used by many Muslims. If all Muslims followedthe teachings of the Holy Qur’an, there would bepeace and unity amongst Muslims.

A question about Jihad was asked. Jihad meansnoble struggle. Nowadays Jihad is taken to meankilling people and nothing can be further from thetruth. The noblest Jihad is reforming yourself fromall your weaknesses.

One question was why are there extremists? Asimple answer is that these people do notunderstand the true teachings of any religion. Allreligions in their original and pure form promotepeace and not terrorism, so people have forgotten,changed or misunderstood their religion which hasmade them extremists.

It was asked what religion was the Holy Prophet(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) beforethe advent of Islam? The Holy Prophet (peace andblessings of Allah be upon him) was aware of theteachings of Hazrat Abraham (peace be upon him)and spoke very highly of him. Hence, the HolyProphet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)followed the teachings of Abraham (peace be uponhim) before Islam.

The event concluded with a vote of thanks byReverend Amos Kasibante and followed by a silentprayer. Dinner was served at 4.10pm.

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On Saturday 26th January the local Ansar and Lajna of the Preston Jama’at jointly organised a Tabligh eventwith a speaker and an exhibition attended by 10 guests including the city’s Mayor.

Tabligh Secretary David Callaghan gave an introduction, explaining that the purpose of the event – held atthe Quakers Meeting House in Preston - was to bring communities together in peace and to explain the truemeaning of Islam.

Liverpool Imam Shahil Munir Ahmed spoke about the qualities of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings ofAllah be upon him) and answered questions on different subjects including Jihad, the origins of the Jama’atand conscientious objectors.

A cheque presentation was made to the Mayor of Preston Councillor Trevor Hart by Preston Jama’atPresident Mr Daud Pir in respect of the Mayor’s charity. This was the Headway Preston Charity for the victimsof brain injury.

Exhibitions organised by Preston Lajna with the themes of ‘Women in Islam’, the charity work of thePreston Jama’at and ‘Myth busters’ about Islam were put on display for the participants.

A range of tasty refreshments were enjoyed by the guests, and as a thank you gesture for attending, anattractive gift bag was given to each containing chocolates along with Jama’at books and other literature.


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The UK Umure-Ama department organised a special discussionforum to explore new avenues of providing welfare support to themembers of the Community. The session was convened onSaturday 26th January at 1.30 pm and concluded at 4 pm. Thevenue was Baitul Futuh.

Naib Amir Syed Mansoor Ahmad Shah chaired the proceedingsthat were attended by 65 participants. After recitation from theHoly Qur’an, Secretary Umure Ama UK Sheikh Tariq Mahmoodintroduced the programme and its objectives. He went on todescribe the importance of welfare work as cited in the constitutionand elaborated on the current efforts being undertaken by thedepartment. He also gave an overview of the projects that are beingplanned for the future.

An open discussion followed steered by the Chairman. In closingthe event, Naib Amir Sahib acknowledged the work undertaken byMajlis Ansarullah and Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya in this fieldsuggesting further support and partnership. He said that a separatebudget and provision should be allocated to the department andurged the need to mobilise all our resources to get to the root ofthe problems. The Chairman emphasised the need to carry outhome visits for the sick, disabled, elderly and the special attentionnecessary to those facing disciplinary action.

The session was concluded with a silent prayer after whichparticipants were able to enjoy a barbeque that had beenorganised.


www.amagallery.org.uk @amaukgallery

The website,amagallery.org.ukamongst its manyfeatures, includeson the homepage,links to all majorUK-based Jama’atwebsites and alsohas a link on themeny links tomain interna-tional websites.More about thewebsite in nextissue of the Ahmadiyya Bulletin.

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On 13th January 2019 the North East held theirRegional Ijtema for waqfeen at the Al Mahdi Mosquein Bradford. The Ijtema began at 11am with therecitation of the Holy Qur’an by Sehrish Tahir. TheIjtema was inaugurated by the National Waqfe-nausecretary Dr. Shahnaz Sahiba with the pledge. A poemwas then recited by Aqsa Ayub. A programme reviewwas given by Regional Waaqfat-e-nau secretary MrsNaila Sajid Sahiba. This was followed by the Waqfe-nau test for all girls. During this time the mothers hada Q&A session with the National Waqfe-nau secretary.

Upon completion of the test the Waaqfat-e-nauthen had the opportunity to ask questions to theNational Waqfe-Nau secretary. An interactivepresentation was then conducted by Sehrish Tahir ofSheffield. This involved learning about the reasoningbehind the positions within salat and the prerequisitesof salat such as ablution and facing the qibla.

Following this presentation, the Waqfeen had abreak for Zuhr and Asr prayers and lunch. The nextsession began with the recitation of the Holy Qur’anand translation by Zunairah Haq.

The next workshop was led by Hiba Aljabi on thetopic of Islamic Identity and Hijab. This was a veryinteractive workshop where girls discussed abouttheir own identity and had the opportunity to askquestions about hijab. Simultaneously Sehrish Tahirran a session on Tarbiyyat-e-Aulad with the mothersof the Waqfeen.

A short session of exercise to keep everyone awakewas also conducted before pressing onto the nextworkshop. This was based on learning about thedifferences between Ahmadis and non-Ahmadis. Itwas facilitated by Mufleha Saleem Ahmad.

In this session the waqfeen were introduced to thewhyahmadi.org website. After a short introduction,Mufleha Sahiba split the girls according to their agegroups. The waqfeen were given information sheetswhich they had to use to create a poster for

presenting. The waqfeen girls presented on the topicsof who is a prophet, difference between law bearingand non-law bearing prophets, whether a prophet


AGE 897% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tahira Irfan79% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aafia Zaman

AGE 976% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eman Anwar76% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Munifa Nasir73% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summer Shehzad

AGE 10100% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fatiha Nadeem96% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Saba Hamood83% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tafsia Nasir83% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Qudsiya Khabir76% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ruqaya Khokhar

AGE 11-1274% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Attia tul Noor74% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Daniya Ahmed

AGE 12-1397% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shahista Rauf92% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tehreem Aham73% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rukhma Mubarka70% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Naima Choudhry

AGE 1483% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aymen Usman74% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Farida Rameen

AGE 15-1692% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ferooza ul Haq


Waqfe-nauijtema(by Mrs Mufleha Saleem Ahmad) (left to right) Dr Muhammad Naeem (Regional Waqfe Nau Sec), Bilal

Atkinson (Regional Amir), Maulana Tahir Selby (Regional Missionary),Maulana Sabahat Karim (Regional Missionary)

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could still come, the Holy Prophet – the seal ofprophets and finally the Holy Prophet’s status ofKhatam un Nabiyeen.

Each girl present was given a bookmark signpostingthe whyahmadi website. This provided a tool for thegirls when they had questions about their faith.

The session concluded with Maghrib prayers, prizedistribution and silent prayer. Syllabus test results ofall waqfeen who achieved 70% or higher are given inthe table on the left.


2019 - 2nd, 3rd & 4th August2020 - 7th, 8th & 9th August

2021 - 6th, 7th & 8th August2022 - 5th, 6th & 7th August

In accordance with the Shura recommendation from2018 the National Ta’lim department was given amandate to coordinate with other departments andsetup a national mentoring scheme. Consequently aspecial careers event was organised in collaborationwith the National Santo Tijarat Department who wereable to use their extensive network of professionals toarrange key Ahmadi speakers from the fields ofbusiness, law, UK Civil Service, general trade careersand sales.

The objective of the programme was to providetargeted advice across several fields so that memberswho were seeking employment, a career change orfurther education could benefit from the session.

In addition to providing practical advice, eachspeaker made a point of explaining how training theyhad received within the Jama’at, had helped them

achieve success in their respective careers. This wasvery inspiring and demonstrated to members thatattachment to Khilafat and Nizame Jama’at are keycontributors to not only spiritual success but alsoprofessional and financial prosperity.

In addition to the formal session, speakers madethemselves available during a networking session afterMaghrib prayers. The event was further supported bythe Metropolitan and Surrey Police, IAAAE, AMSA,Lajna Imaillah, National Rishta Nata Department andMajlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya. There was also a deskoffering CV advice as well as guidance on entry to UKmedical schools.

The event took place after Asr Prayers on 13th ofJanuary 2019. In total 104 male members attended and36 members from Lajna.

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Rob Williams (left) wasone of the specialguests at the eventwho spoke about theart of communication

careerS eVeNT aT BaiTul FuTuH - 13 January 2019

(By Mr Noman Raja, Secretary Talim UK)

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Ahmadiyya Bulletin • Jan/Feb 2019


Working inlondon and needto know where tooffer Jumuahprayers ?

Our main service isat Quaker FriendsMeeting House, servingthe city of london)where daily zuhrprayers are also offeredMonday - ursday.



Monday/Tues/Weds and Thurs at Bunhill Meeting Roomat 1330 promptly.

Contact Kaleem Edwards on 07973 782 807 or emailmrchrisedwards@gmail.com

Bunhill Meeting House Quaker Court, Banner Street,London EC1Y 8QQ.

www.quaker.org.uk/meetings/bunhill-fieldsaverage attendance 8-12

Bunhill Meeting House Quaker Court, BannerStreet, London EC1Y 8QQ Bunhill Meeting House can be found through arectangular archway off Banner Street, (see ‘BunhillMeeting House’ sign) a short walk from Old StreetUnderground station.


First Adhan from 1310 • Khutba from 1315 and salaat at 1330 – (we aim to finish about 1340)

Contact: Kaleem Edwards on 07973 782 807 oremail: mrchrisedwards@gmail.com

Average attendance 30-40

Imperial College with the students (term timeonly) – Chaplaincy Multi-Faith Centre, 10 Prince'sGardens, London SW7 1NA. Located in the Multi-Faith Centre of Imperial College.


From South Kensington tube station it is about a 10minute walk. Out of the turnstiles turn right andenter and follow the tunnel till the end and thenturn left. Keep walking down, past the big glassbuilding of Imperial College. Turn right onto Prince’sGardens. The Centre is no.11, past the Ethos gym.

If you are coming please text beforehand so we canallow you into the building, or update you if therehas been a change of time. This is essential, assometimes the time is shifted according to theavailability of students.

Contact: Arsam Mahmood on 07480 852 110 oremail arsammahmood@gmail.com

Docklands – 5 mins from South Quay station onDLR which is couple of stops from Canary Wharf –Island House Community Centre, Roserton St,London E14 3PG

First Adhan from 1300 • Second Adhan from 13:10 Khutba from 13:15


Contact: Imran Yusuf on 07881 019 878 or emailama_cw@googlegroups.com

There is a whatsapp group for members

Average attendance 12-20

Green Park – Green Park centre's address is nolonger at EME Capital. 1.15pm at St James’sChurch, 197 Piccadilly, London W1J 9LL Venue booking in the name of AMA UK, startingfrom 1pm to 2pm in ‘The Meeting Room’. The sign‘AMA Friday Congregation’ will be displayed on therailings where members will enter.Contact: Mansur Mannan on 07920 008 939 oremail mansur@dar-capital.com

Average attendance 30-40

UCL University College London with the students(term time only)

** sadly this service is no longer active**

Ahmadiyya Bulletin • Jan/Feb 2019

31uK NeWS

announcement for admission toJaMia aHMaDiYYa uK 2019Jamia Ahmadiyya UK will be holding entry test and interview on 10th and 11th

July 2019 for this year’s intake of students. The following conditions apply:

LAST DATE: The application for the 2017 entry MUST arrive by 30th May 2019. Applications receivedafter that will not be considered for this year. Applications should be addressed to:


Branksome PlaceHindhead Road

Haslemere, GU27 3PN

For any further help or clarification, please telephone:+44 (0) 14286 47170 or +44 (0) 1428 647173

Mobile: +44(0)7988 461 368 – Fax: +44 (0) 1428 647188

Jamia is open from Monday to Saturday from 8am to 2pm. Visitors are welcome ONLY by prior appointments.

Qualifications: Minimum qualifications for thecandidates are six GCSE, three A-Level orequivalent with C grades or 60% marks.

Age on Entry: Maximum age of 17 for studentswith GCSE or 19 years with A-Levels orequivalent qualifications.

Medical Report: The applicants MUST submit adetailed medical report from the GP with whomthey have been registered.

Written Test and Interview: The applicants willtake a written test and will appear before aSelection Board for interview. Only those whopass the written test will be invited for interview.

The written test and interview will be based onthe recitation of the Holy Qur’an, the Waqfe NauSyllabus, and proficiency in reading, writing andspoken English and Urdu languages. However,candidates will be judged for their inclination

towards learning and reading the translation ofthe Holy Qur’an and the books of the PromisedMessiah (peace be upon him).

Procedure: Application will ONLY be acceptedon the prescribed Admission Form availablefrom the Jamia UK office. It must be accom-panied by the following documents:

• Application must be endorsed by theNational Amir.

• A detailed medical report from the GP.• Photocopies of the GCSE or A-Level results. If

the results are awaited, the candidate mustinclude a letter from his school/ sixth formtutor about his projected grades.

• Copy of applicant’s passport.• 2 passport size photographs.• The spellings of the name must be the same

as in the passport. Any change must beaccompanied by the certification for thatchange.

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32 HiSTOrical QueSTiON aND aNSWer


how can we be sure that there is a God?

Historical QueSTiON & aNSWer Session

Question and answer session held on 28th October 1995, Southfields School, London, for Nasirat.

with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih iVMay Allah have mercy on him


Ahmadiyya Bulletin • Jan/Feb 2019

HiSTOrical QueSTiON aND aNSWer

Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad: Are you sure you are there? Are you sure of youreyes, your nose, your mouth, your thoughts? Whatdo you know about your eyes?

It (the human eye) is like a camera, but more thanthat, it is the most perfect camera, the like of whichhas not yet been designed or invented by humanbeings. It is a camera with a permanent film at theback of it which develops the picture immediatelywithout loss of time. You do not have to replace thefilm all the time. So it carries the picture and it canbe reused limitlessly without any loss to the (qualityof the) film itself. Is that right or wrong?

You can see me, can’t you? Your eyes havecaptured the image of what is in front of them; thepicture is developed in the retina, at the back ofyour eye and then the picture is immediatelydeveloped; from negative it is turned into positive;from inverted it is converted to the correct figure.And the dimensions are corrected. If you shut youreyes, the picture will be gone immediately. Butwhen you look elsewhere, the same film willbecome useable again immediately. And there is avery strange system of preservation of records aswell. What you see now, you will not immediatelyforget. Somewhere in the library of your mind, thispicture will remain preserved, unless your mind isderanged, you will always remember what you saw,if not consciously then subconsciously. But mostoften, consciously.

This camera is such a fantastic thing. Was it madeby itself or was there a creator or designer? Nowtake a look at the most basic camera, the pin-holecamera – look at it and ask the same question –could it have been manufactured by itself, or therehas to be a designer who thought, who conceived,who designed and turned his design into reality? Soif the simplest of cameras, the crudest of cameras,could not have been created without there being aconscious mind behind it, how could your eyes havebeen made, which are perfection in themselves andwhich photography could never reach?

Just concentrate on your eyes and you will be lostin a world of wonderment far more wonderful thanthe story of Alice in Wonderland. It is unbelievablewhat your eyes can do, and which you are generallynot aware. Your eyes help you see but you neverbother to see your own eyes, what they are and howthey are designed.

When you see with your eyes you see a largeimage – you can see me in full size, can’t you? You

can see everything in front of you, and for this theenlargement is done automatically in the mostfantastic way. For that enlargement you should havea screen as large as what you are seeing. In humanphotography, when you make an enlargement youwill need paper as large as size of the object. But theeyes is such a small thing, yet you can see me in fullsize – you can see others around me as they are, andyou can see all this in all dimensions, front and back,and you can see the depth as well, while the film onwhich it is being produced is only that big (Huzoordemonstrates the size of an eye with his fingers).

It is a fantastic thing, unbelievable, that on apicture film that small, a negative is created which isimmediately turned into a positive and which isinstantaneously enlarged to life-size. If you go outand look at the heavens, what you see would requirea screen as big as the heavens themselves, yet yousee them in the real perspective, as they appear toyou. Can any human camera ever do this? It isimpossible.

So what is impossible you believe to havehappened automatically; and what is so ordinary,you believe not to have happened automatically –there is no logic in this. There has to be a God.

This is all I can say in this short time – if youunderstand this concept and master this argument,then insha Allah you will be able to convince otherfriends as well of the existence of God, if they arenot prejudiced.

“So what is impossible youbelieve to have happenedautomatically; and what isso ordinary, you believenot to have happenedautomatically – there is nologic in this. There has tobe a God. “

Ahmadiyya Bulletin • December 2018

34 FeaTure arTicle 1

Treatment of Non-Muslims Bye Holy ProphetAdapted from a speech delivered by Mr Waqar Ahmad Ahmedi at the Seeratul Nabi Jalsa for LondonRegions at Baitul Futuh on 27th January 2019

Picture the scene. The place is Makkah. The date isaround January 630, and one of the mostremarkable events in history is about to bewitnessed. An entire city of idol-worshippers is inthe grip of fear – fear of the return of a man theyhad made an outcast some years earlier. This manwas given the task to bring these idolators back tothe worship of the one True God.

Peace andBlessings of Allah

be upon him

He was a man they paid no heed to, mocked andtortured in the most horrific manner imaginable,along with a handful of his believers, leading to thedeaths of many of them, including his best friend andsupporter, his wife Hazrat Khadija (Allah be pleasedwith her). He was a man with traumatic memories,with much to resent, and a score to settle. He was aman who within a short period of time, had amassedthousands of followers, and decided it was time toreturn to home, this time as its conqueror.

As he approaches, aided by 10,000 companions,the city’s inhabitants are terrified, their heartspounding, waiting in anticipation, ready to accepttheir fate. For they cannot deny the cruelty andabuse they meted out towards him and hiscommunity. As one Christian biographer put it, “Nowwould have been the moment to gratify his ambition,to satiate his lust, to get his revenge” (‘Muhammadand Muhammadanism’, Reverend Bosworth Smith).

And yet, as the man entered the courtyard of theKa’bah, he announces:

‘“No blame will there be upon you today. Allahwill forgive you; and He is the most merciful ofthe merciful” [Surah 12 verse 92]. Go whereveryou want today; you are free!’”

This man was of course none other than ourbeloved master, the Holy Prophet Muhammad(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). It was anact that historians and even his staunchest criticstoday still marvel at. One of them, Sir William Muir,could not help concede the magnanimity of the HolyProphet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)on this occasion, and wrote:

“The long and obstinate struggle against hispretentions maintained by the inhabitants ofMakkah might have induced its conqueror tomark his indignation in indelible traces of fire andblood. But Muhammad, excepting a fewcriminals, granted a universal pardon; and, noblycasting into oblivion the memory of the past, withall its mockery, its affronts and persecution, he

Ahmadiyya Bulletin • December 2018

35FeaTure arTicle 1

treated even the foremost of his opponents witha gracious and even friendly consideration” (‘Lifeof Mahomet’, Sir William Muir)

The life of our beloved Holy Prophet (peace andblessings of Allah be upon him) is an open book. Theocean of literature that has been written about him,from the earliest hadith texts, to the work of modernscholarship, exposes him to unrelenting scrutiny. Andyet whatever conclusions students of his life mayhave reached, with regard to his treatment of non-Muslims, particularly those who once oppressed him,they are all left in awe and admiration.

Indeed the great dignity and mercy demonstratedby the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah beupon him) at the conquest of Makkah wasnot a one-off gesture, a rare act ofgoodwill, towards those who helddifferent beliefs to him. Rather,it was typical of his attitudetowards everyone,irrespective of their faithand traditions.

Pages and pages couldbe written on this subjectand here are just a fewexamples. These examplescan be divided into threestrands,

1. The Holy Prophet (peace andblessings of Allah be uponhim)’s commitment to freedom ofthought and belief for all

2. The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allahbe upon him)’s respect and regard for the beliefsand sentiments of all other faiths

3. The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allahbe upon him)’s commitment to the protection ofthe rights of all religions

The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah beupon him)’s commitment to freedom of thoughtand belief for allThe Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah beupon him) was entrusted with the task of invitingpeople to Allah and making Islam supreme. However,he was told categorically that he was not a keeper orguardian over people, but merely an admonisher(Surah 88 verses 22-23, Surah 42 verse 49). Surah AlBaqarah clearly states “There is no compulsion in

religion” (Surah 2 verse 257), and we also read inSurah Al Kafiroon, “For you your religion, and for memy religion” (Surah 109 verse 7).

It is indeed highly significant that the Holy Prophet(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)championed every individual’s right to freedom ofthought, belief and conscience 13 centuries beforethe United Nations, made up of the most powerfulminds in the world, agreed to adopt the sameprinciple as now enshrined in the UniversalDeclaration of Human Rights.

The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah beupon him)’s respect and regard for the beliefs and

sentiments of all other faithsIn relation to his respect and regard for

the beliefs and sentiments of allother faiths, the Holy Prophet

(peace and blessings of Allah beupon him)’s example remainsa lesson for all times. Thisrespect and regard extendedtowards all non-Muslims,including Jews, Christians,and even idolaters.

When we consider the sixarticles of Islam, we know

that one is belief in all theProphets and another is belief

in all divinely-revealed scriptures.This is relevant because it recognises

the great status of previous messengersand texts and lays a secure foundation for

inter-religious peace.The Holy Qur’an refers to the special relationship

with People of the Book, and praises those amongthem “who are upright, who recite God’s revelationsduring the night, who bow down in worship, whobelieve in God and the Last Day, who order what isright and forbid what is wrong, who are quick to dogood deeds. These people are among the righteousand they will not be denied [the reward] for whatevergood deeds they do: God knows exactly who isconscious of Him.”(Surah 3, verses 113-115)

Before receiving any new revelation regarding aparticular matter, the Holy Prophet (peace andblessings of Allah be upon him) often made use ofthe Torah to help him judge cases brought beforehim.

Once, a Muslim and Jew were arguing about which

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“It is indeed highlysignificant that the Holy

Prophet (peace and blessings ofAllah be upon him) championed

every individual’s right to freedom ofthought, belief and conscience 13

centuries before the United Nations,made up of the most powerful minds inthe world, agreed to adopt the sameprinciple as now enshrined in the

Universal Declaration ofHuman Rights”.

Prophet was superior – the Holy Prophet (peace andblessings of Allah be upon him) or Moses (peace beupon him). The Muslim insisted it was the HolyProphet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him),and even slapped the Jew. When news of thisreached the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings ofAllah be upon him), he became upset and said to theMuslim: “Do not give me superiority over Moses”(Bukhari).

On another occasion, the Holy Prophet (peace andblessings of Allah be upon him) was sat with hiscompanions, when a funeral procession was passing.The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah beupon him) rose from his seat and stood still. Thecompanions expressed surprise, and informed himthat the coffin was that of a Jew. The Holy Prophet(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) replied:“Is it not a living soul?” (Nisa’i)

Indeed the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings ofAllah be upon him) showed great sensitivity towardsother religions to the smallest detail. For example,when deciding which day of the week should bedesignated as a holy day, he chose Friday – therebyavoiding a clash with the Jewish Sabbath and Sundayas the day of rest for Christians. Again, when it cameselecting a distinctive sound to announce the call toprayer, he approved the use of the human voice, soas to distinguish Islam from the use of the shofar(musical horn) in Jewish worship, and the use of bellsin churches (Bukhari). These may be consideredinsignificant, however they demonstrate theimportance the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings ofAllah be upon him) gave to religions maintaining theirdistinct identity.

Let it be clear the sole purpose of the advent of theHoly Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be uponhim) was to establish Tawheed; in this there was nocompromise or ambiguity. His aim was to restore andmake the worship of the One True God supreme inthe world. The worship of anyone or anything else isshirk, the greatest sin, condemned by the HolyQur’an in the strongest terms. The Christian doctrineof sonship is described as a monstrosity (Surah 2verse 117), and shirk in all its forms has even beendescribed as unforgivable. Yet it did not stop the HolyProphet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)from being loving and just towards those who heldsuch beliefs.

Unless there is any misunderstanding, let it also bemade very clear that when hundreds of idols in theKa’bah were smashed at the conquest of Makkah, it

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“Before receiving any newrevelation regarding a parti-cular matter, the HolyProphet (peace and blessingsof Allah be upon him) oftenmade use of the Torah tohelp him judge cases broughtbefore him.”

was a specific act, a divine right, to restore theKa’bah as a house of one God, for which it wasoriginally built. It was not a general rule or license forMuslims to walk into temples and do the same.

And yet even with idolators, the Holy Prophet(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)maintained regard for their sentiments throughout:

“And abuse not those whom they call uponbesides Allah, lest they, out of spite, abuse Allahin their ignorance. (Surah 6, verse 109).

The Holy Prophet’s (peace and blessings of Allah beupon him) commitment to the protection of therights of all religions Despite deeply held theological differences withother faiths, the Holy Prophet (peace and blessingsof Allah be upon him)’s commitment to upholdingthe rights of other religions and protecting theirplaces of worship, is unparalleled in the whole ofhistory.

There is no better demonstration of this, than thefamed ‘Charter of Privileges’, a guarantee from theHoly Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon

him) himself to Christians that Muslims would beresponsible for safeguarding their holy places untilthe Day of Judgement. In this historic andunprecedented document, a copy of which is still ondisplay at St Catherine’s monastery in Egypt, the HolyProphet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)states”,

“This is a message from Muhammad, son ofAbdullah, as a covenant to those who adoptChristianity, near and far, we are with them… No one is to destroy a house of their religion, todamage it, or to carry anything from it to theMuslims’ houses… If a female Christian ismarried to a Muslim, it is not to take placewithout her approval. She is not to be preventedfrom visiting her church to pray. Their churchesare to be respected. They are neither to beprevented from repairing them nor thesacredness of their covenants. No one of thenation of Muslims is to disobey the covenant tillthe Last Day.”(http://www.muslimsforpeace.org/holy-prophet/the-covenant/)

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Indeed the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) showed greatsensitivity towards other religions to the smallest detail. For example, when decidingwhich day of the week should be designated as a holy day, he chose Friday – therebyavoiding a clash with the Jewish Sabbath and Sunday as the day of rest for Christians.

Again, when it came selecting a distinctive sound to announce the call to prayer, heapproved the use of the human voice, so as to distinguish Islam from the use of theshofar (musical horn) in Jewish worship, and the use of bells in churches (Bukhari).

These may be considered insignificant, however they demonstrate the importance theHoly Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) gave to religions maintaining

their distinct identity.

This was the spirit of interfaith cooperation andpartnership that the Holy Prophet (peace andblessings of Allah be upon him) exemplified, andinspired later Muslim generations to do the same.Alas, in more recent times, due to the pitiful state ofthe Muslim world, the Holy Prophet (peace andblessings of Allah be upon him)’s promise on behalfof the Ummah, has been forgotten. Just two yearsago, the very monastery that Holy Prophet (peaceand blessings of Allah be upon him) sent the charterto was attacked by militants who claimed to beMuslims.

Of course, the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings ofAllah be upon him) knew of this eventuality. Is it anywonder, then, that for years he spent nights in prayer,his head firmly on the ground, sobbing for everyone’swelfare and well-being, be it emotional, moral orspiritual - be they Muslim or non-Muslim?

And it was for this reason Allah provided Muslimshope and assurance, that a Mahdi and Messiahwould come in the Holy Prophet (peace and blessingsof Allah be upon him)’s name, who would bring Islamback from the Pleiades, and also unite all religions.This Mahdi and Messiah was none other than thefounder of our Jama’at, Hadhrat Mirza GhulamAhmad (peace be upon him), a man who remodelledhis master’s commitment to championing the rightsand freedoms of all faiths.

It was in this spirit that the Promised Messiah(peace be upon him) stated emphatically:

“The principle to which we adhere is that wehave kindness at heart for the whole ofmankind. If anyone sees the house of a Hinduneighbour on fire and does not come forward tohelp extinguish the fire, most truly I declare thathe does not belong to me. If anyone of myfollowers, having seen someone attempting tomurder a Christian does not endeavour to savehim, I most truly declare that he does not belongto us.”

It is highly significant too, that of the 91 books thatthe Promised Messiah (peace be upon him) wrote,his very last work ‘A Message of Peace’ specificallyaimed to reconcile differences between Hindus andMuslims. Ever since, the Khulafa have continued thatwork tirelessly. Today the Jama’at is used to a longtradition of regular religious founders days, interfaithinitiatives, and peace symposiums.

‘Love for all, Hatred for none’ is our motto. Why?Because it perfectly encapsulates the life andteachings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peaceand blessings of Allah be upon him), a man describedin the Holy Qur’an as ‘Rahmatul-lil-Aalaimeen’, amercy to the whole of humanity.

May thousands upon thousands blessings showeron our lord and master, the Holy Prophet (peace andblessings of Allah be upon him). Allahumma sallealaa Muhammadin wa alaa aale Muhammadin wabaarik wa sallim innaka hameedan majeed.

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Read more about the life ofthe Holy ProphetMuhammad (peace andblessings of Allah be uponhim) with this dedicatedpublication available onlineand at Jama’at bookshops.No home should be withouta copy!


The date 20th February is recognised as the day ofthe prophecy of Musleh Maud (Promised Reformer).In this prophecy God informed the PromisedMessiah (on whom be peace) that he will have a sonwho will serve faith and will have numerousqualities. The Promised Messiah (on whom bepeace) said that this was not just a prophecy but wasalso a magnificent heavenly sign which Godmanifested for the truthfulness and greatness of theHoly Prophet (pace and blessings of Allah be onhim). And this sign was far superior, grander andloftier than a sign which would bring a dead personback to life. The fact is that the soul of a dead personcan be only brought back to life through prayer andthis matter is frequently contested. However, in thisinstance through the grace of God and blessings ofthe Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be onhim) the Promised Messiah (peace be upon him)says his prayers were accepted and a promise wasmade to send a blessed soul whose evident andlatent qualities would spread all over the world. Evenif this sign seemed or appeared to be on par with asign of bringing the dead back to life but it is realisedupon reflection that it is indeed hundreds of times abetter sign. Dead souls are brought back throughprayer and here a soul was sent for through prayer

but those souls and this soul were poles apart.Indeed, the world witnessed that this prophecy of

the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) wasfulfilled most gloriously. And time proved that themanifestation of the prophecy was none other thanHazrat Mirza Bashir ud Din Mahmood Ahmad (Allahbe pleased with him). People of the Jama’at felt atthe time that the prophecy was about him but hehimself did not say it or announced it. This was somuch so that thirty years of his Khilafat passed.Eventually, he announced in 1944 that he indeedwas Musleh Maud.

On 28th January 1944 Hazrat Musleh Maud (mayAllah be pleased with him) said that he wanted tosay something which did not come naturally to himand about which he was innately uncomfortable butsince the matter was connected to Divine will as wellas Prophethood, he had no choice but to speakabout it. He related a long dream of his and said thatGod had destined his person to be the fulfilment ofthe prophecy of Musleh Maud. He said people hadrepeatedly asked his view on the prophecy but hehad never even tried to read the prophecy inearnestness lest he experienced self-deception.

Hazart Musleh Maud (may Allah be pleased withhim) said that once Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I (may

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the PROPheCy OFMuSleH MauD

The prophecy of the Musleh Maud is one of the most outstanding propheciesin the history of mankind. In his Friday sermon of 19th February 2016 HazratAmirul Momineen Khalifatul Masih V explained some of its aspects and howgloriously these were fulfilled in the person of Hazrat Mirza Bashirud DinMahmud Ahmad Khalifatul Masih II. Given here is a summary of that sermonreproduced with thanks from alislam.org. Editor.

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Hazrat Mirza Bashir ud Din Mahmood Ahmad (Allah be pleased with him)

Allah be pleased with him) gave him a letter that thePromised Messiah (on whom be peace) had writtenabout the birth of Hazrat Musleh Maud and HazratKhalifatul Masih I asked Hazrat Musleh Maud topublish it in Tasheezul Azhan. Out of deference ofHazrat Khalifatul Masih I, he had it published but didnot even read the subject-matter attentively at thetime. When people expressed their views on thefulfilment of the prophecy in his person he used tostay quiet in response. He felt it was not essential forthe person about whom the promises were made toannounce that he was their manifestation. Just asthe Holy Prophet (peace and blessings ofAllah be on him) had prophesisedabout the railway train and afterthe fulfilment of theprophecy it was notnecessary that therailway should have itannounced. Whenpeople insisted that heshould announce hewas the manifestationof the prophecy hesaid the prophecyitself makes themanifestation clear forpeople to see and if thisprophecy was to befulfilled in his person theworld would see for itself and ifit was not to be fulfilled in hisperson, again the world would see. Hesaid he did not have to say anything one way orthe other.

Some words of the revelation were, ‘they said thatthe one awaited is this one indeed or should we lookfor another.’ People repeatedly asked Hazrat MuslehMaud about this prophecy over a long period oftime. This long period of time is also alluded to inrevelations of the Promised Messiah (on whom bepeace). Like it is mentioned regarding Hazrat Yaqub(on whom be peace) that [his sons] brothers ofHazrat Yusuf (on whom be peace) would say to himhow long would he talk about Yusuf. This revelationwas also given to the Promised Messiah (on whombe peace) as well as the revelation, ‘I smell thefragrance of Yusuf’. This was to inform him that thefulfilment of the prophecy of Musleh Maud willmanifest after a long period of time. Hazrat MuslehMaud was convinced that even if the prophecies had

not been manifested till the time of his death, eventhen the situation and accounts would have revealedthat they were fulfilled in his person. However, hesaid God did inform him that he indeed was themanifestation of the prophecies of Musleh Maud.

Hazrat Musleh Maud (may Allah be pleased withhim) mentioned some aspects of the prophecy ofMusleh Maud. For example, ‘he will convert threeinto four’ and ‘It is Monday, a blessed Monday’. It isasked what do these two mean.

As regards ‘he will convert three into four’ HazratMusleh Maud explained that he was the fourth son

to be born to the Promised Messiah (onwhom be peace). Prior to him, Mirza

Sultan Ahmad, Mirza Fazl Ahmadand Bashir the first were born

and he was the fourth.Hazrat Musleh Maud was

inclined by God toconsider that therevelation did notspecify sons. He saidhe felt ‘convert threeinto four’ was areference to the time

of his birth. He wasborn in the fourth year

of the prophecy. Theprophecy was made in

1886 and Hazrat MuslehMaud was born in 1889. Four

years after the prophecy and withthree intervening years. Thus converting

three into four.‘It is Monday, a blessed Monday’ may have other

meanings and significance but Hazrat Musleh Maud(may Allah be pleased with him) felt that Monday isthe third day of the week and in spiritual movementsProphets of God and their Successors (Khulafa) havetheir own eras. A Prophet’s time is an era in its ownright just as a Khalifa’s time is an era in its own right.In the current age the first era was of the PromisedMessiah’s (on whom be peace), the second era wasof Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I (may Allah be pleasedwith him) while the third era was that of HazratMusleh Maud. Another revelation of the PromisedMessiah (on whom be peace) ‘Fazl e Umar’ [a namegiven to his yet to be born son] corroborated this.Similarly Hazrat Umar’s (may Allah be pleased withhim) era was the third in that age. ‘It is Monday, ablessed Monday’ does not signify any special or

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“Just as the HolyProphet (peace and blessings of

Allah be on him) had prophesised aboutthe railway train and after the fulfilment ofthe prophecy it was not necessary that the

railway should have it announced. When peopleinsisted that he should announce he was the

manifestation of the prophecy he said the prophecyitself makes the manifestation clear for people tosee and if this prophecy was to be fulfilled in hisperson the world would see for itself and if itwas not to be fulfilled in his person, again

the world would see. He said he didnot have to say anything one

way or the other.

blessed day, rather, it means that he will be thirdamong people who will be raised to serve faith inthis mission. Hazrat Musleh Maud said that thisrevelation also fulfils in his person in a way whichwas out of his hands. He started the scheme ofTehrik e Jadid in 1934 in response to a situation thatwas not at all in his control. The Government of theday had planned to take brutal steps against theJama’at and Ahrar Movement was plotting wickedschemes to eradicate the Jama’at. It was in thisatmosphere that God inclined his heart to initiatethe scheme of Tehrik e Jadid in 1934 and he plannedits first phase to last ten years. He said after everysacrifice there is time for Eid (felicitation). Therefore,at the end of the ten year phase of Tehrik e Jadidwould be year of felicitation and that year was tobegin on a Monday. Thus, he explained that Godinformed through these words that at a time whenIslam will be in a weak state, an organisation for itspropagation will be established. And the successfulconclusion of its first phase will be a blessed time forthe Jama’at.

Among the words of the revelation of MuslehMaud were these words,

‘He will come into the world and will heal many oftheir ills through his Messianic qualities and throughthe blessings of the Holy Spirit’.

Hazrat Musleh Maud (may Allah be pleased withhim) said he saw in a dream that he is having manyidols demolished. He said this indicates healing illsthrough the blessings of the Holy Spirit. Holy Spiritsignifies the spirit of Unity of God. He also said thathe saw in a dream that he is running and the groundis shrinking under his feet. Indeed, the words of theprophecy also include, ‘He will grow rapidly instature’ and Hazrat Musleh Maud saw in a dreamthat he is touring a great number of countries andthese tours do not quite complete his task and heplans to go further afield. He said he saw in a dreamthat he says O grateful servant of God, I will goonwards and will review after the travels if Onenessof God is established, and practice of associatingpartners with Him is erased and if the teaching ofIslam and the Promised Messiah (on whom bepeace) is instilled in hearts! The prophecy also said,‘His fame will spread to the ends of the earth’,Indeed, these words have been fulfilledmagnificently.

Hazrat Musleh Maud (may Allah be pleased withhim) also explained aspects of the prophecy throughaccounts in addition to dreams.

When he assumed the office of Khilafat peopleused to say he is only a child. He explains that oneday he overheard someone saying in the adjacentmosque that the Jama’at was being ruined by placinga child in prominence. He was astonished as towhich child they meant. He later asked someone inthe mosque as to which child was being referred to.The person laughed and said that child is you. Thesewords of the detractor were corroborating the wordsof the prophecy, ‘He will rapidly grow in stature’.This is because a few months later the very samepeople criticised Hazrat Musleh Maud referring tohim as cunning. Although people considered him achild, God conferred spiritual office to him. Inworldly office, one can utilise force, power, wealthand much more but he was given a spiritual office ata time when a few pennies were left in the coffersand a huge debt had accumulated. Thoseresponsible for this situation were all his distractorssome of whom had remarked as they left that verysoon Christians would take possession of theMadrassa building in Qadian. In material termsnothing was left and the detractors were joyous andsaid that times of one who has been given officewere in decline. It can be imagined what theCommunity felt in such a situation. However, thatwas in the past and at the time Hazrat Musleh Maud(may Allah be pleased with him) spoke there was aworld of difference and the Jama’at had grown manyhundred-fold and the message of the PromisedMessiah (on whom be peace) had reached scores ofcountries and the coffers which contained a fewpennies were then filled with hundreds ofthousands! Hazrat Musleh Maud (may Allah bepleased with him) said even if I die now I will leavebehind hundreds of thousands and I will also leavebehind a lot of knowledge. Thus the Divine prophecyof ‘He will rapidly grow in stature’ was fulfilled mostsplendidly.

At the time the Promised Messiah (on whom bepeace) announced the prophecy his enemies wereattacking him from all sides. This was owing to thefact that he had claimed to be a recipient of Divinerevelation. He had not yet made the claim to be aMujjadid (Reformer) or indeed the Messiah. It is atthat time he made a prophecy about having a sonwho would have very high qualities. When therenown of someone’s deputy is mentioned, itsignifies the renown of the master. The ‘fame’referred to in the prophecy signified that throughMusleh Maud the name of Holy Prophet (peace and

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blessings of Allah be on him) and the PromisedMessiah (on whom be peace) will reach all over theworld.

Hazrat Musleh Maud said this was fulfilledgloriously. During the lifetime of the PromisedMessiah (on whom be peace) his message had onlybeen taken to Afghanistan in a significant manner. Inother places, it was only the news of his messagehad reached. Khawaja Kamal ud Din had gone toLondon but he was of the opinion that neither thePromised Messiah (on whom be peace) nor theJama’at should be mentioned by name, thereforeonly his name was known in London. However, whenHazrat Musleh Maud (may Allah be pleased withhim) became Khalifatul Masih the message wastaken to Java, Sumatra, China, Mauritius, Africancountries, Egypt, Palestine, Iran, other Arabcountries and European countries. In many placesthe Jama’at numbered in thousands and in Africa itnumbered in hundreds of thousands.

The prophecy also said, ‘[he] will be filled withsecular and spiritual knowledge’. Hazrat MuslehMaud (may Allah be pleased with him) said he wasnot given to making claims but he could not concealthe fact that God helped him write and speak onmatters relating to Islam which needed elucidationat the time and he could assert that if those writingswere put to one side, propagation of Islam aroundthe world could not be done. He said there weremany aspects in the Holy Qur’an which people wouldnot have understood with reference to the timesthey lived in unless they were explained in context ofother verses. He said it was a grace of God that thiswas resolved through him. He said Islam was goingthrough a weak and fragile phase and through thePromised Messiah (on whom be peace) theprotection of Islam had been re-established.However, in the lifetime of the Promised Messiah nocultural attacks were made on Islam as they were inhis time. Thus God willed, in accordance with theprophecy of the Promised Messiah (on whom bepeace), to exalt an individual by virtue of His Word,an individual who had the blessing of the Holy Spiritwith him who was filled with spiritual and secularknowledge and who refuted the opponents’ culturalattacks in light of the commentaries of the HolyProphet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) andthe Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) and thepurport of the Holy Qur’an and thus protected Islam!Thus God accredited writings of Hazrat Musleh Maud(may Allah be pleased with him).

Hazrat Musleh Maud said until God informed himthat he indeed was the manifestation of theprophecy of Musleh Maud, he stayed silent and onlyspoke when God told him to tell others. He said withHis grace God created situations which corroboratedthe prophecy. Many people had dreams in which thesubject of the dream of Musleh Maud was repeated.

Someone saw that an angel is calling out the nameof Hazrat Musleh Maud and announcing that hisname will be taken with the names of Prophets ofGod. Someone else’s dream had Hazrat MuslehMaud stand on a minaret and declare ‘Is Allah notsufficient for His servant?...’ (39:37). This was ofcourse one of the early revelations of the PromisedMessiah (on whom be peace) and declaring it from aminaret signified that God would further strengthenthe propagation of Ahmadiyyat through HazratMusleh Maud.

Explaining one of his own dreams, Hazrat MuslehMaud (may Allah be pleased with him) said he hadrelated this to a few acquaintances at the time hesaw it, which was during the early years of the firstKhilafat e Ahmadiyyat. He saw that Sheikh RehmatUllah Sahib suggests to find out who is taller,Maulawi Muhammad Ali Sahib or Hazrat MuslehMaud. Although Hazrat Musleh Maud is reluctant toproceed, Sheikh Sahib forces him. In reality MaulawiMuhammad Ali Sahib was taller. However, when theyare made to stand side by side in the dream HazratMusleh Maud is taller. Sheikh Sahib finds a table andstands Maulawi Sahib on it, still he does not matchthe height of Hazrat Musleh Maud. Sheikh Sahibthen puts a stool on top of the table and makesMaulawi Muhammad Ali stand on it. Still, he isshorter. Sheikh Sahib lifts Maulawi Muhammad Ali totry and take him to Hazrat Musleh Maud’s height,but his legs dangle in the air and his feet reachMusleh Maud’s elbows. Thus God informed of thingsto come through his dream. Although at the time ofthe dream it was Khawaja Kamal ud Din who wasperking up and not Maulawi Muhammad Ali, but inthe dream God illustrated what was to come lateron.

Hazrat Musleh Maud (may Allah be pleased withhim) said eventually Maulawi Muhammad Ali Sahibwas so diminished as compared to Hazrat MuslehMaud that all his energy was expended inmaintaining that in the sight of God honourable arethose who are few in numbers. Although earlierthese people used to claim themselves to be 95% ofthe Jama’at and used to say the others were a mere

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4% or 5% implying that the majority of the Jama’atcould not be following transgression, matterschanged. At the time of dissension within theJama’at, Hazrat Musleh Maud received a revelation‘We will shatter them to pieces’. These people whoused to call themselves the 95% were truly shatteredto pieces in accordance to the Divine revelation.Before his death Khawaja Kamal ud Din wrote, therevelation that Mirza Mahmood published regardingus has definitely come to pass and we have beenreduced to pieces.

Hazrat Musleh Maud (may Allah be pleased withhim) said he will have the honour of God’s HolySpirit.

People asked him about the wisdom behind hislate declaration that he was indeed themanifestation of Musleh Maud although friends hadbeen ascribing that to him for quite some time. Thewisdom behind this is the same as it is stated in theHoly Qur’an, ‘…And it does not behove Allah to letyour faith go in vain…’ (2:144).

When God raises the Promised one after theadvent of His Prophets, He does not want to embroila community He has established in disbelief. Hecreates a situation when most of the people arewilling to accept him. Hazrat Musleh Maud saidwhen people saw the prophecies of the PromisedMessiah (on whom be peace) fulfil in his person,their faith enhanced. The wisdom behind making theclaim at a later stage was that God did not will to puttrue believers through a second trial of faith. He didnot wish them to go through the agony twice. Thus,God first made him a Khalifatul Masih and had theJama’at take oath of obedience and then facilitatedfulfilment of the prophecy. When the reality wasbefore the Jama’at as clear as day, the one who waspromised was also bestowed spiritual as well assecular knowledge so that the heavens and earthboth would corroborate him and the believers wouldbe protected from the blemish of rejecting ordenying him.

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Left: Huzur arriving in London in 1924.Top: Huzur leading prayer at Royal Park, London, 1924.

Hazrat KhalifatulMasih II (whiteturban) at theImperial Institute inLondon where ‘TheConference ofReligions within theEmpire’ was held in1924.

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The first Ahmadiyya Mosque in Europewas built in London and the foundationstone was laid in 1924 (above) by HazratKhalifatul Masih II (may Allah be pleasedwith him).

The London Fazl Mosque below

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48 cHilDreNS PaGeS

FIRST READING oF THE HoLY QUR’AN(By Sophia Kamran Malik )

Congratulations to young Sophia Kamran Malik daughter of MrKamran Mansoor and Mrs Masooda Malik who completed herfirst reading of the Holy Qur’an at the age of 8 years. She wasfacilitated in her reading by neighbour Salma Shah and herAmeen took place with Huzoor Aqdas on 16th December lastyear at the Fazl Mosque. The girls’s paternal grandfather isMalik Mansoor Ahmad of Gujranwala and maternal grand-parent Masood Ahmad, hails from Loun Chawinda Pakistan. Sophia is Waqfe Nau and we pray that Allahenables her to continue studying the Holy Qur’an and abide by all its teachings.

Children’s StoriesThe Greedy MonkeyIn a mango orchard outside a village there lived a mischievous monkey. Thewhole day, he would jump from one tree to another. Thus the monkey kept oneating the ripe mangoes. The orchard-keeper tried to trap the monkey. Butevery time the monkey escaped the trap.

One day, the monkey wandered out to the nearby town. “The town peopleare so busy. There is such a big crowd here” the monkey thought. Soon he wassneaking into the houses and running away with food. By evening, he hadmade life difficult for the town people. “The town is more fun than theorchard. I will live here,” he decided.

Days went by and the monkey was looked upon by the town people withterror. “Here he comes again,” they screamed when they saw him.

One day, a juggler came to the town. The people of the town approachedhim. “We want you to help us get rid of that mischievous monkey,” they saidto the juggler. The juggler said in return, “Do not worry. Get me some jars withnarrow necks”.

When the jars of the size were brought to him, he put peanuts into the jarsand placed them out on a field.

The monkey became curious when he saw the jars. When he went and peepedinside the jars, hesaw peanuts.“Yummy! Let me quickly grab the peanutsand run,” he thought. He put his hand insidethe jar and grabbed a big handful.

But he could not pull out his clenched fist,as the neck of the jar was so narrow. If themonkey dropped some peanuts back into thejar, he could have pulled his hand out. But hewas greedy. So he did not drop any peanutsinto the jar.

The town people trapped the monkey withhis hand inside the jar and put him into acage. That was the end of the greedymonkey.

The oil Lamp Is HumbledAn oil-lamp, observing how well itwas lighting up the area around it,was filled with pride.“Even the sun could not do better!”he boasted.Just then the wind started to blowand the lamp went out. “Next time you think of comparingyourself to the sun,” said its owner,re-lighting it, “remember the sundoesn't have to be re-lit.” 

Ahmadiyya Bulletin • Jan/Feb 2019

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Clues Across:2. Holy Book of Christians5. We pray to Him7. Holy Book of Muslims8. A Jewish Prophet9. Another name for a prophet

13. The opposite of more14. Holy Book of the Jews15. A follower of Islam16. Christians and Jews are people of the _ _ _ _

Clues Down:1 Place where Muslims pray3 The final revealed religion4 A companion of Hadhrat Adam6 A house of worship9 A greeting10 Messenger (in Arabic)11 A very small particle12 Nationality of the Holy Prophet (pbuh)

KNOCK-KNOCK JOKESWhy do birds fly south in the winter?Because it’s too far to walk!

What’s an insect’s favourite sport? Cricket!

If two’s company and three a crowd, what are fourand five? Nine!

What is the quickest way to double your money?Fold it in half!

What happens when you throw a green stone in the red sea? It gets wet!What is a volcano? A mountain with hiccups!Why is Alabama the smartest state in the USA? Because it has 4 A's and one B!

• You may have heard the expression: “It’sraining cats and dogs.” There have been realcases of fish, frogs, dead birds, snakes, snails,beetles, worms and jellyfish raining downfrom the sky in great numbers (but noreports of showers of cats or dogs). Someother strange animal facts are:

• The flying fox is a bat with a wing span overfive feet.

• Flamingos can only eat with their headsupside down.

• An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain.• A starfish doesn’t have a brain.

Strange World

What’s in a word?Take the letters from the word PROPHET -how many other words can you makefrom them, using each one once only?Each word must be at least 3 letters ormore. I have found 16 3-letter words, 114-letter and one 5-letter. See if you can dobetter.


Crossword: Across: 2 Bible; 5 God; 7 Quran; 8 Jesus; 9 Seer; 13 Less; 14 Torah;15 Muslim; 16 BookDown: 1 Mosque; 3 Islam; 4 Eve; 6 Church; 9 Salam; 10 Rasul; 11 Atom; 12 Arab

What’s in a WordHot hop hoe her ore opt per potpet pop rep roe rot the toe tophero hope pert poet pope pore port proprope tore rote other

TABLIGH STALLS IN RAYNES PARKMajlis Ansarullah Raynes Park organised a Tabligh Stall at the stationon 11th February this year. The display started at 2pm and concludedat 3.30 pm. Books and magazineswere displayed, some of which weredistributed that included: Pathway to Peace, Life of Muhammad (peaceand blessings of Allah be upon him), Islam’s Response to ContemporaryIssues and The Review of Religions. Leaflets distributed included

Promised Messiah (peacebe upon him) has Come,Islam’s Response toTerrorism, True Islam. One meaningful discussionwas held, and the entireeffort was conducted, withAllah’s Grace, by Messrs Mirza Nadeem Ahmad and MunawarAhmad Malik.

Ahmadiyya Bulletin • Jan/Feb 2019

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Round-up of Ansar Tabligh News across the UK

BIRMINGHAM SoUTHAs part of their second day of activitythree Ansar of the Birmingham SouthZiamat went door to door distributingleaflets. In total 163 pamphlets weredelivered.

TABLIGH STALL IN MITCHAMOn Tuesday 6th February this year, two AnsarMessrs Chaudhry Aaleem Ahmad and NayyarMahmood set up a tabligh stall near the Morrisonsstore in the town centre. The display drew someinterest from passers-by and as many as 6discussions were held. In addition 64 leaflets weredistributed to those interested. These includedleaflets on:• The Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and

blessings of Allah be upon him)• The Messiah Has Come.• True Islam.• Islam Response to Extremism.• Loyalty Freedom Equality Respect Peace.

HUDDERSFIELDMajlis AnsarullahHuddersfield South helda Tabligh Forum onSunday 10th February2019. 11 Ansarattended the event.

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TABLIGH STALL IN NoRBURYMajlis Ansarullah Norbury organised a Tabligh Stall in the towncentre on 10th February 2019 when they were able to distribute 90leaflets to interested passers-by and one book. The 6 ansar whoassisted in the setting up and running of the stall included Messrs.Shahid Rashid, Basharat Zirvi, Nasir Ahmad Bhatti, MahmoodAhmad, Saeed Ahmad and Manzoor Ahmad Shad.

RAYNES PARK TABLIGHSTALLMessrs Abdul Rafay andFarid Ahmad of theRaynes Park Majlisorganised a Tabligh Stallon Sunday 10thFebruary at the localrailway station. Theywere able to displayvarious books andleaflets. The books included, World Crisis and Pathway toPeace, Life of Muhammad, Islam on Contemporary Issues, andamong the 16 leaflets distributed were Promised Messiah HasCome, Islam response to terrorism and True Islam.

TABLIGH STALL INWoRCESTER PARKThree Ansar fromWorcester Park putup an impressivebooks stall at thelocal Library thatconcluded on 19thFebruary. Manypassers-by tookinterest. One tookaway a copy of theHoly Qur’an,another the bookJesus in India and two asked to be given World Crisis and Pathway toPeace. The biography of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah beupon him), Life of Muhammad was provided to one interestedindividual. 10 pens, 30 leaflets on various subjects and 35 on TheMessiah Has Come were taken away by those interested. The threeAnsar who participated in this effort included Messrs M.SarwarMinhas, Amin Choudhry, Choudhry Muzaffar Ahmad.

TABLIGH STALL IN EPSoMMembers of Majlis AnsarullahEpsom participated in a tablighstall on 10th February at the localHigh Street. The display lasted fortwo hours between 11am and 1pm. In addition to this over 120leaflets were distributed. The fiveAnsar who took part includedMessrs Ch. Waseem Ahmed, NasirGill, Shehzad Masood, SohailAkhtar and Nadeem Anwar

MIDDLESEX TABLIGH STALLMembers of Majlis Ansarullahbelonging to the Middlesex Regionorganised a Tabligh stall on 10thFebruary when they were able todistribute 400 leaflets.

New Year’s day is often associated with peoplewaking up in the morning after the excesses of theprevious night spent in celebrations with drinkingand dancing. However, celebrations within theJama’at are conducted very differently. In mosquesup and down the country members conveneespecially to welcome the first day of the new yearwith Tahajudd prayers remembering their Lord,thanking Him for what has been provided in thepast and seeking further blessings and protectionfrom all kinds of harm in the future. Later after Fajr,and in some cases, even before Fajr, Khuddam taketo the streets to clear up the mess that has beenleft behind. So it was in 2019. Khuddam donned up

their hi-vis jackets and proceeded to their cleaningup duties for the wider community. They managedto clean the streets of 50 British towns and cities.As Maulana Qamar zafar reported to the press,

‘From Luton to London, Glasgow to Guilford,Cardiff to Croydon, across the entire country1,000 members of AMYA participated in theNew Year’s Day clean up.’ 

The New Year’s Day Clean-up campaign ensuresMuslim youth can be active members of societyand serve their communities and theenvironment.’

Ahmadiyya Bulletin • Jan/Feb 2019

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New Year Clean up!

AMYA Roehampton Ja


AMYA Islamabad

AMYA Islamabad

Inner Park Jama’at

Bolton Jama’at

Hampshire Jama’at

Ahmadiyya Bulletin • Jan/Feb 2019

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There was good coverage of the effort in the localmedia throughout the country. In the north, wheninterviewed, Regional Qaid Yorkshire NadeemAhmad stated,

‘We’ve been doing the New Year’s clean-up formany years now, and each year we see moreand more members coming to help. ‘In Islam“Cleanliness is Part of Faith” so there’s no betterway to serve our faith and our country, there’sno better way for us to start the new year.’

It is hoped that continued efforts like these will

further help to promote the true teachings of Islamand dispel many of the myths promoted byextremists besmirching the blessed name of thispeace-loving faith.

Read more: https://metro.co.uk/2019/01/01/young-muslims-take-to-streets-to-clean-up-after-new-years-eve-celebrations-8298756/?ito=cbshare

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MetroUK |Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/MetroUK/

Inner Park Jama’at

Nottingham Jama’at

Jama’at in Yorkshire

Baitul Futuh Jama’at

Huddersfield Jama’at

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