Το Λουλούδι - english translation

Post on 14-Apr-2018






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  • 7/27/2019 - English Translation


    One December night I was strolling through the streets of Sofia. I

    was tired from what had happened the previous days. Meaningless trips

    to places I didnt want to go, cold inside the car and the dangers of

    driving in the snow. But this day, all of these were gone and I had this

    feeling of exultation like a king who has beaten his enemies in the battle

    and now he could conquer new lands and castles.

    I felt my body strong as possible. My mind was focused. My ideas

    were consistent and had natural cohesion. My ambitions shined through

    and were leading me into new adventures and new successes.

    I was walking on a familiar pavement. Suddenly I remembered

    that I had been walking on the same pavement few years ago. But nowthis was a new place for me and I looked at it as a visitor from abroad.

    Memories of my past came tumbling down on me. I realized that the

    apartment I used to live was few minutes walk away from there. I also

    remembered the places I used to go, the coffee shops and the wine

    vaults where I used to buy my drinks on the cold and lonely winter

    nights. I remembered all of these and had an indescribable feeling of

    nostalgia but this feeling was mingled with an aversion to my past life

    because I knew that our past is like a fishing net where we can be easily


    Everything was different but nothing had been changed. I

    was looking at this place but I had the eyes and the mind of a different

    man. I realized that I was not the same man, the man that was living

    here five years ago. I was different and the whole scenery was different


    The last two days the weather had been good. The skies

    didnt want to throw us more snow or to greet us with their strong

    winds. Although there was still a bit of ice on the pavement I was feeling

    great and I liked the beneficial influence of the cold weather which was

    stimulating my sense of freedom. It was the same sense that every man

    has when he is travelling to some place, every man who becomes one

    with the places that he visits. A little more walking and I was exactly in

    front of the university.

  • 7/27/2019 - English Translation


    Two statues were dominating the central University gate. Massive,

    stony and frigid. The expressions of the two depicted men were so

    unresponsive same as the stone from which they had been built. These

    two stony men were created in order to pay reverence to knowledge

    and induce the visitor the needed awe that everyone needs when is

    about to pass the University gate. These statues were the creation of the

    19 th century, the century of stability and progress. I was feeling small in

    front of these two stone giants but the same moment I wanted to break

    them down and show my own power against everything stony, frigid and


    I lit up a cigarette and I let myself reflect upon his destiny. I

    indulged myself with every breath of this moment, knowing that I had to

    ponder upon my past and future actions. I was waiting for a beloved

    beloved person. I wrapped myself up well in my woolen coat. I was

    smoking my cigarette and thinking about the upcoming encounter.

    I ha dnt seen her for a long time. Many months had been passed

    since I seen her face. I was longing to see her fair eyes and touch her

    velvet skin. Is time real or relative ? When you long to see someone so

    much, time is not a reality but a concept or just a measure. You feel that

    your beloved isn t so far but shes close to you and sometimes you feel

    heightened full of electrical energy as if your beloved will traverse the

    sky and reach to you. I had the same feeling that time even though I

    knew that at some point she would appear in front of me. I smoked my

    cigarette and threw it down. The wind took it away and instantly I

    thought that the wind of fate lead us to unknown places and changes

    our lives.

    How long I was waiting but how joyful I became when I saw her

    its a reality that I cannot describe. Suddenly my mind stopped I could

    stand there and gazing her for several minutes more, until determine

    exactly every feature of her face and every unique characteristic. Her

    presence alone made me feel happier. I had forgotten about the long

    wait and the fatigue of the previous days but I didnt care for any

    expectation which could be proved wrong.

  • 7/27/2019 - English Translation


    As I was observing her I was admiring her fine ways even more.

    She came as I expected. She responded to my call and she was so

    elegant and delicate, as I knew and as I believed her to be. Only when

    your faith is in harmony with reality of the situation, only then you

    should feel blessed. Only then you understand the meaning of


    We started walking together into the unknown. I didnt remember

    the streets but it didnt matter too because I wasnt looking for a

    specific place to be.

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