da 1lv dispatch;f.yfej

Post on 22-Sep-2020






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f.yfej<?I yUWAmiMW A>

'la-'f IX! «>.*-U.t iKStAtva m ?rr* Mtaas.a'- »>\u25a0* a«» a««Aa?BAdaa*» rs*!.irL, ie thaCarrieitW*e>\y. PfUaSofa.aisia;,




VOL. XX.?NO. 51auctiqm »*x«aw


HIQH COWHTABLff« BAI.K -Wit Ibe*o d<ta SATURDAY, the #l«t day of Auffe.it, ls«iat lhe Hiflh Cou«tabl»'a <>*»*?. at 10 o'eioek A. Ma «ple»dTa a»*ortment of HOUSEHOLD FUBUI-TiJEI, coaalatlng of 1 flae Mahogany Sideboardl M*h>K*ny wardrobe. 1 Mahogany Cabin, tBlack Walnut Chalra and Tete a-Tetea. 1 CerWaad Ru*. 1 vary tat Kewlng Machine FeatherBeda and Mettre****,Mirrors, Clock*, Plctnr,)*i Iranfeafe. lecanter*. Ulasaware, Centre Tables'"Wtitdow hbadea. Curtain* end Coratee*, Bed-ateada.Ru.laa and Iwsrs, waahitands, * c .Actoaatiafy diatra.a warrant* la my hand* in favoroi Alley, v*. Bank*. Cannon, vs. Btration, andMyera, vs. Dixon Teams -Cash. ""?"""?"°_*!Ll*.- ogo * rRBBMAN, H. C. C. R.


forded la the Uerk'. uffloe of the Richmond Hnstlok* Court, executedby B. H. JNorveil A Co., and»on»«ylnff to me certain property therein aped-rt,nJj" irVi fo.L °« rt » iß purposes therein man-i.! tu' *ui£X,%222V2' or Parties interested.I ahall on WiDMESDAT, the 4th dayof Septein,"»orvell ACo., No. M7,Bouth aide of Broad street.»3iw-»n 3.1 un>l 4th etreeta, In the city of Richmon<i, proceed to aell at publicauc'ion, for cash.tie stock of Roods In the atore of R. H. NorvellA Co,, estimated at aboot $I,tao, consisting of th«nsna.l articles of a Trimming and Fancy Qoodtstore. such aaTrimkiugs, Worsted. Gentlemen*r'urnUhing Mood*, Perfamery and Fancy Arti-cles. Ac, Ac ; Counter*, Show Cases, ChairsDesks and Fixtures.| KTKPHKW B. HUGHES, Trustee.Sale conducted byOao.A. Fkbiman, H- C. C.Ban84--ret

aSCRrjTtt WASTED FOR THE RICHMOND*../.« u*rnrn KKTie* Aemi aeuviot at aoex SL.sT nunberof go* RECRUITSwill b«r«ctivM~Y*'hl»c*rp», permlaeloehayln* b««n ebtASuei.*i»cr»**e tl>* «*xr« to acompletebattalion. Tie\u25a0laM are a!ta«h«d to the i.«<H>n now in aervtca..'vr#*t«rn Virslaia. under thecommand of Br: s-.SLnafftl H*niy a. Wire.VI. Hloe* areenlHred forth* entirecontlataaer*.f'.h* w*r,»ad «o r*«mlt will be accepted foi aOB r-*f.od of esltatraont.

Aor-v-<oi»T't H*x«osir. Droxy, MetropolitanBrnßi«a»oad, b*twe#a the hour* of 8 A. M .**S.)S« need »VP l 7 hnl «?» of K«od character andMaat4keaWh.

H '\u25a0 rar J oon.bar* of the Bine* and otherfr<«Bd* throa.tioQ: the country, are toai*!*! of;

''tilorm* aad other aeceatarv ciothtOK fn»-

-*llsi dtoWti C'apUla It. L 1. B.-rTjSTfEi* -Tt>HlKk-TBN RSOBOISj.fVlv Hie b*i»B**of the year, tjeat ford Word,

ton: mtla* of Kichtnoad Apply to " Box\v*XTKl>-TO PURCHASE OBfIIKK-ACHAM-

RS'- 4 »1I». DIKIBU StH)MSBKVAK i and COOK.kvvT'" "Box "1« " aaio?>t»

WXS^filO?A sentiemaa and wife, (withontchildtfo.) wlah to rent a FUK!USQBI> <rrjirOBSWBiO K<K)M,lna uelKhb rhood where

,h»T eeaM X**' 'heir meaU served to th«a», orwox-i uk* oard with asmall, quiet family. In!7e*arue«tty, botft wife only.?i. *.; . :\u25a0> »?t with at:«ninn,) mnat # ye

..;\u25a0ci, AJ i ,' Dtupateti <-ttife. an ;K>- T


HOHSBB atid MUIrSS.Tli«S<.. ck to be i xtibited at tue office, (Brtoont0-irtet Hrateh) tro» ?j a. m. ..<i o'clock p m.al&v -Twonnaired D»{lVlS>'B. ApplytoW. 6. WOOD, Capt. and A. 0. M.,aa t-jwAawlm Bae.>n Qaarter Branch

?ifOTKU-J i-TKWAKI) AiMD 1 hAftt?t.»_

W Tbe nirecion of Ibe FABMVKLS FKMAISroLLK-iKde*irotoempiortt .ace a VHOt KBi <>X(<int'.c jjcd iAlfuagta.aI.ADIIathe.'it«r*rvl>eparlui«Bt. and |TBWARD[« )iit\<T with a »uiail famllr)to coa-

aart lfc« Boarding nevartraeut. The mdldtaffsarrtbcronwhly fnraiahed. aothat no ontlay is .*---aa'ro-l. To "Uy tarinj: to educate, a;.-* oPPoiHißity H >.rler«d" " FaKaViLhE FEMALE COLLEQK,

*ag g* faymTtile. Va,aVtkl»-t<- fffßPTwo laundkksslr,aolored.) t.. go to Torktewa ; also, onegaieCOOK. fcuit«.hie aoconiraodatkns provided

vi coed want's p*id Arply t'.K. WHITLOCK,

ka ;: Corner l?!h asd Cary >tg.

W"AMTSV- aS gov& M!tißE6, toaf.eudthtiiick*; St. CharlesHospital. Ai>-r rt H. MTKKS

ib »9 i:* Ho«piul Steward."ti drafts ok Loutst-n a>a, forwhich a liberal premiumwill be

r*iJ or small amount* will betaken ?

Uf at this olnce aa 20 -it*»PS, HOfS, Hi'l'ft ASHKiI'..

\u25a0ST.?Wanted a Urge ofHOPS,Iwvktoha liberal crice wIU bepaM. 'rheycrowwiid va a (rood nsanv etreams in Virginia. Thorewtoirl.i bow gath*r them and ship tome, will;.«r-.i i -! ensated for their lab-~>r.J. D. OOODMa.N h.chmond, Va.

P. S.-Karrtera who will hare BARLjSY for-, ?. v ' ;>i»» couamunir.ie with m«, namingpr.»» nd (an ?7- Im] J. D. O.TaMM'tl>? SEAMEJi and LA>'P.SMEN for theTf C B aernce Also, a CABIN COoKvi and a few VIKKM E.» aud COAlrHKA\ c.HS Aptlyon board C- S Steamer James*ti/wn,at t4'>clte*ts.J. 5. BABSET, Lt. C. S. ».,»n V -1-t Kecruiting "iflcer.-\i A>TJEl>?An experienced oalKlMa;>;??T Sone &eed apply who are not perfectly fa-cillarwith the business. Appiy at theotSceof

FACCKNBH A CLAHK,is M?<f !Te»r Shoekoe Warehouse.

WAMJ t»?For the ensuing year, an rxpe-rfltctd MANAGER FOR A SMALL FARM,

»'B<>rt d:-*.aac*)troui the city. A singleman pre-ferred. None need arpiy uuie*s well quatlied.addiea* "J. 0.," at Diepatch office, an 26?st*

W'A.N I'iiD-l'ie.wJ bushels WHKaT, COkKend KYE, for which the cash will be paid 'ty [an .9-61] F. STBAHNS A CO. IIITAMTJBO?Twenty KHuBMAKKkb, onladies'V? firework, to whjmwe will pay good wagesled farsUfa steadywork. A list of wage*given I?aawaUsattea. J. SHELLt A SOS,»jtt-iw« Th maairille,H. C j


__ __*T~~



?V Open every night. au »\u25a0?it*


TJL aboata of Private UKO. W. V.< sI.HAN V. ofhe litli AlabamaKe,i meat. Company 'B." TLe»nbbcr:b*r received a telegram, U .tedManaasfs,l»ta Inst., that he aa» sick of typhoid fever, andbad been sent to Caipeper C. H. Hebaa Wenthere thceeHays la gea.ch of hjm,and could nottiud him. Anyoneknowiuxwhere lie is, will con-fer a lasting favorbyaddressingCol. Fi.EWELi.xjt,at Mitehell'* btaticn, nuar Cnlpeper.

_J- ?__ F a.McELHAJTY.Richmond, Va., Aug. X, 1861 an 29_3t*

THK IJRHnmSiD M>LI»ICK to whom aL Morocco HA "VERSACK was lent, as a pillovr,on the battle-Held of Manaasaa, on the 2iet, con-taininga ailver-moanted Revolver, a lady'a Pa-\u25a0inerreotype, and several other little article*will eonfbra favorby leavingit at the oiße*< ofan Si«-4t DUNLOP, MOfICUREA CO.

AITTIOJI.-All persons arehe.ebyf'irewaruedfrom hunting, shocting, or otherwiae depre-dating on my lauds, in henrico county, on theBrook Turnpike,on my woodland letween Mr.L W. and ,toa. C Barton, and on my islandin Jamesriver, sixmiles aboveRichmond ; alto,on my land adjoiningAlley's, on the WeethamHoad. As i have heretofore suffered much fromintruders and trespassers, this is to notify alleueh persona that the utmost ri«orof the law willbe strictlyenforced againstthemanBu-3t» JESSE W'LLIAMS.


Dl SSOLTJTIOB!OFThe firm ofhCHaFFER A WADDILL is tht*day dissolved by mutual consent. The bueinesawiil hereafter be conducted ny GEOituE H.WADDIU,.Richmond. Ang. g, 1861. an89?3t»ISSOaaCTIOX.-t'he firm of aMDKRSOS,ORtEN A HA WES expired by limitation onthe Ist July, isssi. Johx A. Hawkb having dis-posed of his entire interest in the concern to C.H. Aj»derßon. the business will be conducted byhim and Alexius Qkbek, either o* -CT-homia au-thorized to sign the nameof tne firm in liquida-

tion only. C. H. AfIDERSOa,A. OREEW,JUO. A. HAWES.Richmond, Aug. 28, issi. an 17?«t*

ISSOHIIO rß.? Tb* co-partnership of?VLAKKi-OZ-:, AKDEESOa A CO. was dis-aolved on July lat by mutual. «. rses-. J. A.Oi.af.ksox wiii settie the bu*isteia, thougheitherpartner will alga in liquidation. The book* andaaaount* tan be found at the offlsc of Ciarksoa Aa0.,80, IH Malaatroat. jr.a. OLAXKBOIT,J. M. AXBERSOsT,au l-t* ;H. UXOWSELL.



FISSTEErjiHENT VIRGINIA VOLUNTEERS. MCo; P. T. HOOSXearpests to return to his E« ,

Kln*c oe or about the Ist September next, aad !wialiei In the meantime torro:ursnirfABLE-BODIED

M B H,To til tipthe ran is of tha seTeral companies ofr!«K«g!ment.raaeas wishing to join thi* Regiment willnmtneprivilege ot aalectlag the companytheyo«ir» tobe attached to, and will be famishedwith Rood uniform* aad eeeoutrcineata free ofsaarge.

For further particulars, apply at the Rendei-roai nuder the SpoUwood Hotel, between the Ikoaa of a A. M. and S P. M.By order. LixCT. HENRY BARNEY,« l<-ta RecruitingOfflcer. iWANTED-RECRUIT6.? Company "X," lath_ Eeaimeat Virginia Yolantear*, (CHAR- ajLOTTB itJELBS,) ifol. B. B. Withrrs Com'g SBa>i t. havingseventy-two men laaervlee at Wtaathß*, atatloaed in the countyof Fairfax, ggwoa,docgl»d to get twenty-live to thirty-fivetUt-bodied, healthy RBCRfcITB. A* many ac«'«rap. r;i ng to me at one time by lotter, can benanorted to camp free ofcharge. Outfit?to be ii»4 ii Eehmond or Managua* Junction?Harper'sr*rrT n MiaslsMppi Rise, Knapsack, Havaraeek,4; :? -d. the tftite.

THOB. J. 6PENCBR, CaptainCom'gCe. X, 18th Reg't Va. Volunteers,_*ai~«od»w (CharlotteRifles.) ."\ITA%fEU? Ry a Virginia Lady, a MTPa- !« as Teacher in a public besalnary, orNltm* family. She is competent to teach the?\u25a0?-. .*.-,:-. with Music, and haa had severalJ«rv experience. Thebest of reference* canbe !P«u. Addreaa, "Box342," Richmond P. O.

*n »-!nrlw»WASTED._A Youii« Lady, (of Southern <birth,) formerly connected with theOld Do-bus lea iufUtute, of thla city, desire* a SITUA-TION v TEACHER, either Ins school or privet[iß'.ly. For particular*, addreaa "Eox S«f," Pc- '.Qi.g- Va- an is?«aw«w*IjL/AATED-A GARDENUK, DAIRY-MAID, I" PuT'BLABORBRB. to grade, ditch, Ac, and '*J good WAti-.-a DRIVERS, for the balance of 1.JJ*,"' ia a healthysituation, north of Fred-trick,!!; are. apply toMescrs. DUNLOP.MONCURE A CO.,J^r!_>wtf Richmond, Vs. \u25a0W4?', '*:i»-~t'ne thousand bni-bela WIU'tSH \u25a0»* fcaisi) oats. BLAIR A HARVIE,-t:i "-'»_ Cary and nth gtreets.U'iVl X i»?ail peraona having in ihelr !*» paaaessiea OLD MEDICINE VIALB, will 'f'h *WMh ln« m carefully aad »end them to Bt.: ,V**« Hospital, care of Dr. Jackbox. By so«>«« thsywill much obligeJSM-t*_ COMMITTEE.l^Alrsil-KECRfJITS-TeaTODNO MEN, J*» « caaxecptloniiblecharacter, will be re- *J 'H-'<kl tato Company D, (Cept. Orlswold,) IstM ;**\u25a0ilEeti Virginia Volunteers, now at Cen- \u25a0 .vJvk*. Aeplleatloa (0 bo made at I. U. E \u25a0Mnsle Store, on Main sU.et. abovean I«?t*U'aNTCil-VttuiUßPßblT.-i will pay good.!' I""-' forsheiee fratt. such as Fears, Ap-j-M CjuiDcea,Apricot*, Grapes, As., forlargeqaantltie*.

A. ANTONLUIMsiast.,Nextdoor to Exchange Bank, >Wholeaale andRetail Fruit Store. 1j £<TEl>~Tb RE«T, L«ASE ORBUr?A .»'. n"',r on rrankUncr Oraeestraeta. fSJBA?M^tea1 HllT, or en CUT street. Woaid H iFnrattare with it Po»*ea»lca m"1 .. v !a ,Jet«l>*r, but would, if raeeaa»ry, tak« 'st thisoslc*. aa7-U

A£- Tt: *>--JSlx ot eight good LEATHEJj :Uih«.* iKtt U11*» SHOEMAKERS, to whom th* .SaatS **" wlli ?>? P»id m« eouiuat SiuployApply,leied<*taiv, to J

1 MarUttA,as jW*J*?'&,**. ?- tew stole * MwlO «at ths Car-

FREAM FISH.- The jV\laUlltrecß '0y trMr.i.Ml B *.lREBH yi» H. oa iy fcixaaragatttag '.» a6. .VIBM- frewoas In want will\u25a0BaaS 1*i?t»«»*«S. Iaae S Second Market. 1u£! S.al *«ad EeUil Dealer la > Uh. Ponltry, I

**-?J... oytter* and Vegetables.

*** Ly" Ji'fERJaABtMB'E OFFICE, i ,|»aw wkstPoijit, V*.. Auft», 1601. j IN NQTItAi-HsTiagfalleito .m» k « arrangement with th**MIt,. of the Rishmoad 1

t« v W Sr **'lroad torun dailyfrom Rich- 1S oa J?°i kt?w" *>»d Olouceater Point and «10**"0*1' **&? "b. F««a»Tua vyArN ,r su » ot eoaneetwith the meh- tShe wUI fIh**; * *uh 'on iraiKhtt for the above named t


k RO. F. ARCHER,_ aad Aas't <Jnarterma»t«r.

home made, Doable aad fciagleit* *Hn,u* ; <*»«»; Rrtdlee; Saddle aadfr* «a»»r*,i? -Uer*i Wh lP»; «Pa»i Kaaeaseksti**i)l^,!f*i M«W*»«« »«di» evdsrla

**«. lJU* iU «- "th betweaa Main aad C*»ry

!***;»«. uftatlauSJit* j!Ja?*if'**Jaß* *

PAY OFFICB ENOfNEES DEP TOF VA.,> \u25a0RirgMoKD, Va.. Aug. STth, 1801. (NOTICE.? Payment* will be made, on ac-counts approved &y Col. Asdbew Talcott,

farservices aad supplies famished for tho de-fensiveworks constructed under the airection ofthe Engineer, OrSca at Richmond, as follows,vix:

At this Offlce, to SATURDAY, 31st inst., in-cluded.AUamoslown Island. on MONDAY, TUESDAYand WRDRXtAATi feept U, Sd and «th.AtWilliamsburg,onTHURSDAY and FRIDAY,Sept. 5-h andeih.At Yorktown, on SATURDAY, Sent. 7th.At Gloucester Point, on MONDAY and TUES-DAY. Sept. Bth and loth.At West Point, onTHURSDAY, Sept. Ilth.At towrey'* Point. Rappahannock Elver, on

SATURDAY and MONDAYS Sept. Uth aad llth.JAMES MAURIS*IstLt., Aet'g Paymaster Eng'r Dsp't of via.»n it?Si

NOTICE.? As the tiafciy season has come, toomuch attentioncannot be paidto cleanliness.1 have two articles writsh areinfallible in cleans-lug and purifying, viz:CLi \N SAND and PUREi.iMS. Every family chonlu have a supply ofeach, to use wht-u necessary. Iwill delivereitheror both in qaantities to suit, at any point in thecity, at moderate prices.

I'Bi.sons in want cau leave their order* at mydwelling,cornerof Marshall and Adams streets,or may drop them in the Poet-Office-an«o-3t* JBbSE WILLIAMS.XT OT ICE -TENTS,FLY TENTfc.-BBjaarepre-JLW pared to co tract forand ininafacSjßeTE.Vrfeof aii kinds, at the shortest notice.able prices. We solicit a call of alrWwant ofthe above before purchasing e'sewhere, a* ourTENTS are made of the bett material and work-manship. I). S. CURDLE.C. CHBRY,Bth st.. bet. Broad and Grace, Richmond, Va.en 27?eodlm*


*6,c00 worth of Ready-madeFALL aad WINTER

CLOTHING,Confutingof Pants and Vests. Coats and Over-coats; at low prices. T. I'AXSON,

139Main street, (third floor,)an so?St* Above 13th street."DOABLD? And anexceedingly fine, handsome--D ly furnished ROOM, canbe obtained by Im-mediate applicationat this offlce. It'is central,and within ten minutes' walk of the Custom-louae and Capltoi. Two gentlemenpreferred ?

There are also two vacancies In an attic, wheretheboard would be very moderate, au 30? St*WOK SALE?A superiorTOP SUGliy. andr HARNESS, but little used.Also, for rent, agood STABLE. Applyto

Da JOYNBt),an30?3(»] franklin si., hlrd door above 7th.NUI'ICE.? The co-partnership of LOWNEB A

COOK havingbe«>n dissolved onthe 2!>th in-stant, bytha death of GEO. S. L'JWNES, the bnei-ness will be closed by me.

All persona having claim*against the concernof Lowkks & Cookwil- please aand them tomefor payment; and all parsons indebted to the saidfirm will pleasecell and settle theiraccounts asaoonae possible. WM- B. OOUK,

Survivingpirtner of Lowaes A Cook.anil 4t»

VACCINE VIRIS -The Ajedical menthroughout the fcUta, whether in or out ofthe *rmy, are respect(ally rtiiuasted to forwardall the w*.jW« VACCINE VIRUS they can spareto thi* offlce. Compliance with ibis request isurged upou their attention as of the utmoat iui-pottanceto the publicwelfaie.


ihe.r office to their new building, No. iss Malastreet,between tha American Hotel and tfce BankofVirginia. an is-im7kJ*ATI«;l£ Oorapanie* or individuals havingAt GUNrf, PISTOLE, Ac, to CLEAN sod RE-PAIR,oan nave it done ia the best manner byaailiag at Allen's Tobacco Factory. Ia the Alley ,karoar J Mitchell A Tyler'* Jewelry » Jgm.


I would reapactfully enaonnce that 1 can be jfoaad at present with the concern of Meters.WATKINB A FIOKLER, with whom 1have mad* 1arrangement*to buy end sell all kinds of goodsperutalttg to the army, ofwhich I have alreadybought, and am mow receiving by exp.-ea* andfreialit, to which la due time twill eail your at-tention. GLAIBORHK WATKINS,

Formerly with Smith, Rhodes * Co.enW-st* * .

POWER EM.! SX f"*""' JO With BOILER, for sale.Both lageod order.. ?J***' *OWRR (water) forrent, iAad goodBHOP. jW .B. C. EOBANION, 1aa tl?t» sthanaArebate- .

otaUallyoarOLPtTOVli 1won rooiPßi, ? ,


practice; by S. P. rtnosjt, M. D. Augusta(Oeorgie) Chronicle and Sentinel office.

Qiiham't School 0/ (he Soldier, and ftcheolof the company, for infantry and rifle drillAugusta, Georgia; Bryah k Tbompsoit.

These areall small and convenienteditions;for sale by J. W. Eahdolph.

Manned of lmtrvctionfor the Vofunteert andMilitiaof the Con/tderate States,- by ColonelWilliam Gilham, Instructorof Tactics in theVirginia Military Institute. Richmond :West k Johnston publishers.

This hook stands very high amongst mili-tary men. In noticing it we are gratified inbeing able to pronounce the printing of it asexcellent?indeed, unsurpassablefora work ofthe kind. It is highly honorable to Southernart, and would be creditable to thetypogra-phy of any country.

9AJCURD^yjMORIIIKO....ATJ«. si, ueuJ&~ A correspondent sends vi a very kngand very able letterfrom Rev. Dr. Andrews,

of Shepherdstown, Berkeleycounty, toBishopMcllwawe, of Ohio. The author, althougha Northern man, does full jastioeto the South.We regret that wantof room prevenU vi'frompublishing it.

The Seat* and Eas |and.The letterof Mr. Roseau, to the LondonTimet, which is such a monstrous oarioature

of the battle of Manassas Plains, need notmuch astonish the public. He tella us thathesaw menrun from that battle whom it were adisgrace to the noble profession of arms tocall soldier. We hare no doubt of it j but ifthey had run even faster than himself, theycollinotmore disgrace the profession of armsthan he, and others like him, theprofession ofjournalism. We hare often, in times gone bj»admonished our readers that they oughtnotto receive with implicit confidence the stata-ments of European affairs by the Timet' cor-respondents. They write, us an attorneypleads, for the side on which they are em-ployed, withoutregard to truth or justice. Itis lamentablethat such a powerful engine asthe London JW« should be engaged in fab-rioating falsehoods, and misleading and de-ludingthe public mind; but that such is thefact, no American, at least, can doubt, afterreading the last letter of Mr. Robskll and theaccompanying comments of the Timet. Theimpression which the whole foreign world willderive from that letter is, that the battle ofManassas was a regular Chinese engagementon both sides, and that the Americans of bothsections are little better than Chinese.

Saoh a caricature is simply the produot ofan old grudge against America, for that theTimet cares a groat for either party in thequarrel, is a simple absurdity. Cotton is anecessity on one side, and Exeter Hall is apower in the State on the other; and Mr.Russell seems to be balancing his attentionbetween thetwo, like the ass between twobun-dles of hay. If Great Britain can hesitate inher choice betweenfanaticism and cotton, Mr.Rcssbll is less of an ass thanwo suppose,?We do not believe she can hesitate long; weknow the must bow theknee to cotton in theend; and if Mr. Russell, especially after therout at Manassas, can be induced by Seward\u25a0nd Scott to believe that logland can get theootton without the consentof the South, he isnot the man whom the Timet should send toAmericaat such a crisis, if it has much re-gard for the interests of its ownpeople.

The South is master of the situation,bothas regards England and the North. It doesnot expectthe sympathy of England?her in-terests, and these alone, must determine hercourse. We understand the power of fanati-cism in Great Britain, and do not underratethe violence and venom of Exeter Hall. Butthe eharaeteristic common sense of the Eng-lish nation never fa?'s to assertits ascendancyin all matters which concern pounds, shillingsand pence. The instinct of manufacturingand commercial self-preservation lies deeperinthe English mind than the morbid philan-thropyof abolitionism. We care not for themisrepresentationsef Russell, or any otherhireling emissary of the London Tinea. Wehavethe cotton, and it shall beburned, everybale of it, before England shall have it in anyotherway and manner than that prescribedbythe Confederate Government.

Meeting of AlabamiansAtamtotlngof the citizens ofAlabama, heldat the Bnllard House in thecityofRicnmortdVa., on Wednesday evening, Aug. 23, to takeinto consideration some plan for organizingandadoptingmeantto taSecareofthesick andwounded soldiers frr>m the State cf Alabamaon service in Virginia, on motionof "(Jol. £4-rannd, Harrison of Montromeiy, Hon W P

Chilton was cheseu Chairman. Mr. Chiltontcok the chair and explained the OMecte oithe meeting in asho.t and patriotic npee' hH. O.Jones wr* appointed Secretary, on mo-tion of R N. JohnbonwHon. John Gill Shortsr thenre id thefollow-ing letter from Mrs. Arthur F. Hopkins ask-iug for aid in her work ot providing for thesick and wounded soldiers, and moved thit acommittee ofseven be appointedto draft reso-

lutionsfor the actionof themeeting;Kichmoxd Aug. 26,1881

Messrs. Chilton, Smith, Harrison and Shorter-Gentlemen : You are awan- that Ihave beenfor nearly three months actively engaged inministering to the want3 and comforts of cur,ick andaufleringsoldiers wherever and whenever 1 cocld reach them ; and, although I amstill deeply int"nested in the cause, yet I feetthat 1canneither do jus.ics to those who haveconfided to me thru jocrrd trust with themeans of relieving the soldiers, nor of thesoldiers themrslvcs. You will, thereforepardon thecall 1 have mode upon you to take?-his matter under consideration, and foimsuch an hospitalassociation as, in jour j>ic<---ment, may te most conducive to the a'com-pllahmentof the great object ofrc.toricg andimprovingthe health of our soldiers.I hope you mayfind it pianictbleto organ-ize, on your plan of prc-r:dir3, a mov. ablehospital to eaonregiment,* ome,*hst in imlt«-t'Uion of the plan adop'c-d in the Crimeanwar. A ccok andsteward, lurn's irdby you -dsscjiation, pla scd under the din etion of thesurgeon, would add greatly to the comfortand convenience of ther:g ment. lam grati-ng to lorn that the Surgean GeiiOi.ii haiapproved the plan of iurni-hi«j? a portablecooking-stove to eseh The £-cre-tary and Treasurer would gritlyrelieve andenable tci togive more at»3n.ion to other de-nt3of no I'ss importance.

Wjttil the ejUib ishment of the AlabamaHospital, on the 1 t of Augu3t, my attentionwas di'-i.ct i t ) all the ho-piTils, and evennow all calls m.-'Je upon ma for aid, wherethe necessities a-3 great, are immciiutoly re-sponded to, rexeroleaj of the of wnichthe sufferers orecitiz^rs.May God's blessing rest upon your efforts.VeryrespetfuLy,

Mrs. A. i\ Hopkins.The Uhptrman apF">iut-d Hon. John GillShorter, Robt. A. Baxar, Dr W it. OonnlD"-

--ham, Gollin McCrae,W. G. England, Hon. Cr.T. Yelvenon aud R3V. E. Philips, to ect asCommittee on Rejoin ions. The following isthereport of the committre:" We, citizen? of Alrtbima, nowin the cityof Richmond, in ons juencs of the large

number of Alabama ticopi in Virginia, audthe nrees3tty to mtke fartherprovisionfor their care and at":nti-nbeyond that whichtheGovernment can effect, doResolve, Ist. That co Executive Committeeof thr-a le apt jinf 1 vUth power toriJ, anyvacancy in tbe<r numb3r, one o» whom atleas' shs'l at all time -i remain inRichmond,a«d who--e duty it sha'l be to rreeb-3 andprcparly disir.bu*? all rappMen of ck-thin?&nd hespi* xi stor- 3 which may 1 3forw.trdc dto them?to receive and ail moneywhich may be te,*vssßt»l dto thcta?to pro-vide hospital airr"cement j in the city ofRichmond andeh jwhere,n;rded for the suf-fering solders of Alabama, end toofficer andprovision the rime, fid generally to super-vise and direct,ln pursuance of theirpnrr_ose,all the appl:?'ictis for theh slth and corrtortof our trooi"-.

3d- That the Quai ormestir's Departmentbe requested to provide trrnspoiration,through the Executive Cornmitt o, for allsupplies contemplate 1 in the aboverr-oln-tion, end for cooks aud nur""j employed bythe Commitf:a.

3. We commend the hospitalarrangementsnowunder the ofMrs. A. F Hopkins,tothe patronage of the Executive Committi -.andrequest that theCommit* :a sc inre her co-oj H.-tioii duringhercontinuance in this city.

*. That acommitf3of six be appoint! 1 bythe Onair to commun'cati the-Leto the Governorof Alabama, a, d to submitan r idrc33 to thepeople of A,roama in aidof theobjectsought tobe accomplishedby th: \u25a0*meeting.

6. That while we desireprimarily toprovideforAlabama troops, we shall rejoice, ii in ourpower, *ocontribute to the ad aud comfortofthe troopsfrom other St .t<-s who are engagedwith us in thecommon cause.

6. That thok d at'intioi's bestowed by thep'aple of Virginia,end c penally by the la-dies, who have devoid themselves so unre-cervedly to the nursing ofour suffering sol-diers, has excited our elmiration, and wehereby fonder them our profoandest thanksand gratitude.

Mr. Eli Shorteroffered the followingreso-lut on :

Resolved, That themeeting appoint a per-manent Treasurer and STcre'iry, who shallb% ex-officio members of the Exejutive Com-mittee. (Adeptsd )

Hon. Mr. Cuiiy offnei the followiD<r:In viewof the energy and self-consecration

display* d by Mrs. A V. Hopkins, of Mobile,in administfrirg to the sick and woundedsoldiers in Virginia, and especially to thcrofrom the Star « of Alabama, we, citizens cfAlabama nowin Richmond, deem this a fitoccasion to expre?a ourgratai'ul appreciationof her service : Therefore,

Resolved, That in behalf of the sick andwounded soldiers from Alabama, who havei.Koivt J kind attentions ather hands, and inthe name oftheir kindred aud friends, andofall Alabamians, we Under to Mrs. Arthur FHopkins our gtateful acknowledgments forthat sympathy and active charity which shehas displayed inproviding for our sufferingsoldiers: thatwe commend her planofopera-tion to ourpeople at home, and that we willco-operate with her &% far as may be in curpower to do so.

Resolved, That the Secretary ofthe meetingbe instructed to comnantnicato acopy of the**proceedings to Mrs. Hopkins.

The following wasalso offerr 1:Resolved, That each raembor of this meeting

will consider himself acommitteeman to aidIbyraising contributions and otherwise) inorwarding theobj-ct which we have in vh»w,to aid in the relief cf our sick soldiers.?

(Adopted.)Thefollowing arethecommittees appointed:0» Rttolutions.?J G Shorter, R A Ba-ker, Dr. W. R. Uunsingham, O. J. Mcßrtf,

W G. England, G T Yelverton, E. Philip*.On Addrejt*. ?Ii H Smith, J.EM Curry,

E. Harrison, J. G. Shorter, H. O. Jones E.S. Fair, W. P. Unitton, (ridedon motion.)

Executive Committee.? Wade Keyes, S S.Scott, E. C. Elmore, Alfred Jones, (added onmotion.)

Tree-surer?John H-.rrell.Secretary?D L. Dalton.

W. P. CaiLTox,Prea't.M. C. Jones, Secy.

A Long War has Its Advantages.Many in the South desirea long war. They

will hardlybe gratified by the Yankees, whodo not desire any prolongation ofa conditionof things so disastrous to trade as the war.The South cannot suffer a tithe as much asthe North from a long war; on the contrary,such a war will benefit her interest in manyrespects. They may be enumeratod as fol-lows : l6t Itweansthe South from Northernsupplies and relationship. 2d. It begets anindependent manufacturing spirit among us.3d. It employs our abundant supplies of foodand means for carrying on war. 4th. It cul-tivates our mi'Uary spirit, rendering our armsa terror to foes for all time to come. eth. Itwill beget peace with less actual conflict inarms, ao no sooner than tho nezt presidents1campaign opens at the North two parties willarise to crash each other?the Democraticor Peaceparty, andLihcolr's or the Abolitionparty. Itneod surprise no oneif this preciousconflict opens with such men as ex-PresidentPibbcb and Vallandigiiam, on one side, forpeace andrecognition; and on the other,Lin-coln, or McClkllan, or Skwabd, with somedesp-dyed individual as Vice President. Al-ready a peace party is forming there,and ifthecampaign wasnearer we should have butlittle to do South bat to keep oar army in thefield and await the natural result of partyspirit. 6th. Every oneknows the quick sub-sidence of any feeling among the North-ern people, especially in the large cities.They must have novelty upon novelty. Thewarhas already been a long warwith them.Hence the first volunr:ar.i are escaping home-ward. We mayexpect that the recruits willecaroely overbalance the returning soldiery,and that they have as large an army as theycan collect. 7th. The Yankee money, thoughplentiful in times of peace and prosperity, isscarce in wear; and for several reasons?first,a $50,000 capitalistin NewYork, Boston, Ac,has his funds somewhat in thiscondition: $15,---000 in a suburban villa, yielding no per cent;$16,000 in city realty; 920,000 in bonds ofvariouskinds?the two last paying scarcelyany dividends just now. So you will per-ceive he oan command no money for the war,if so disposed. His situation compares badlywith that of a Southern fanner who owns thelike amount, his being in land andnegroes,say $40,009, balance in notes, all realisingevennow agood profit, and enabling him tocontribute to thewax, by taxation or donationthousands of dollars.

A long war, therefore, will bring ruin to theNorth; and, should England refuse to recog-nise, let her so refuse, aad get up a war ajhome. Wecan fight it out, if need be, with-out thanks toany earthlypower.

New PnblicaUea*.Weare indebtedto J. W. Ramdolpbfor the

following new publications:Neu> Map of Virginia; also, a Map Of

the Seat of War in Eastern Virginia. Bothpcoket maps;by Hustbd 4 Haumae,of thisoity.

Cooper* Oavatfa Taetio* ; iaeluding manualfo Court MTolvir, aad Macby'i skimlahdrill far RWettted twafa, Riduawd: J. W.BAvnoara.

A Manual of Military Sm*m»i or MatsotttateawftwyofaeW,pa»pan4 hospital

Stcead VirginiaRegiment.A correspondent makes the following re-

marks touching the this Regiment \u25a0

It went into service on the 18th of March,occupying Uarpar'a Ferry, n-d taking pos:*s-sion or millions of Fiieral probity. Saicothatday it has been constantly in t jrvice.andhas perfoimed marches aJmcst unpuallei iwith alacrity and cheerfuincaa. walch caonly be acoonatsdfor by the fact that themenarethoroughlyenlist 3d in the causeofSouth-ern Independence,andare millingto undergoany privationwhich nature oan endure Ux itsachievement. In the battleof Mana«3As theyperformed a prominent part of the fight. r%

S)uaredoubtless awaie, Xormiuv; part ofthatrigale which has been compared byawritsr

layourcolumns tn a "etaae waU,'r from thethatof their laying for nearly twohours un-der themost awful pad galling Are of theenemy? not a man waveringor evincing theleast symptom cf fear, though every fita»man was shot whilstIn ta*t position. Anybody of men who undmr.d saoh a teat *«vtrial can aTwars berelied on The coolnessff4*^*P°TraßWnn°Onilan f**'"ftr^tnn'eal0

pride. Borrsaov.

Ladles ef A biagdea.Abiiopoit, Wasbix.toh Corirrt, (August 20 h, 18C1. )To theEditors flf the Dttpn+ch .?T haveeeminotice in your pfiwrof the Aid Societleiform-edby ladles Indifferent partsofthisacdoihwStates, am! hay» be-irrt of the ffoca pflTrcts

which followed their labors in behalf of curwounded soidlere; but no mention has b«vnmade of the eociety OTganiatßd by the ladle-? ofAbirifdon, and I thereforebeg leave to noticeit through the columns of your widely circu-lated paper.

Our la-lies, neirjr, thesnfferir5s and want ofth*> bravemen who haveloft all th-it was nearand dear to them and journeyed many a longmile to mot and dv:v->back an invailng foe,have orjpiniz'd this society T»ith the hot 3 ofrelieving theirpains, aud by sendingfojd audraiment torender their condition beitar andmorecomfortableItwouldbe difficult t? enumerate the boxes

of provisions which have been sent from thisplace to the sick in the Northwest by tha la-dies before this society was org&mzed, and 1suppose thenumber will b3much greaternow.A physician has also been sent by them, whowill no doubt doall in his power to restore thesick to bealth and strength, acd prepare themto go on in defence of their native land.

Thus you seewhat noble and patriotic ladieswe are blessed with iv tail portion of th*>State. r

May Godprosper ihem in thenoble cnus*inwbica th9yare engaged, pud grant that tiseSouth may be blessed with millions of la-lissej ncble, to gocd, copatriotic as they.


Camp Life in the V*eat.We are permitied to make thef.ilowing ex-

tracta from a letterreceived from a memberof CompanyF, in Oliham'a Regiment. It isdated "Campon Va'.leyMountain, Aug. llth,Sunday morning."

* * * "Ever since we have fc en here,rain, rain, rain, has been the orderof the day.It was raining when we arrived, it ralas inthe day, itrama in the night, and it is rainingnow. If you want to wa"n your fu.ee or getwater to cook with,all yon navo to do is toaig a little hole in the groand and up boils aspring. The other Dight I was waked np byfeeling my oil-cloth rather cold and damp.ardon examining1 found a little spring under me! Of leai-colorei clouds and mud, wehave an abundance?aunbeims are tew ur.dfex between. Yet people here ray that theyaresuffering from adrought.

A Jew nights sicce our whole company w.nordered out on picket. My post was the onenearest theenemy, a fewmiles off,and asone0: the pickets haa been taken but a fewnights;beforej you may imotine »bat I kept myeyes and ears op3n. iVIy two honrs passedquicklyaway,with no other disturbance thanchtlienging a lame horrawho had forgottentnecounters'gn.

You have probably rs?d the " Ulack WaterSketches," by that miserable traitor, PorteCrayon. This is about the same country hedeecribe-1,aa we are in a few miles of BlackWatar (Jreek,or tha land of Canp?n,You will think (and veryrightly) that th'sis hardlya Sunday letter ; but there is verylittle hera toremind us Imit i3Sunday In-deed, I don't bsiieve that half of the men intha regimentknow that thi~> is the Lord'sday; nor is this to b» vrOiiderrd at, as wehave no chaplaia.no religions services andhave the snme duties toperform thatwehaveeveryday. I havenobook to rerd to-daybuta Bible ; Ibelieve I real it treblysn much aswhen at home, from tnat very circumstance.

Mondat, 5 o'clock A. M.Blue sky and clf-.rweitherat l?st! Hurrahfor our side! 1 think, en the strer-;th of aclear sunrise, I'll have to wash my face thismornitg,and then hurry up this ietisr, asI'm on guard to-day.

Correspondence cf the Richmond Dispatch.McDonald's OsSMabW Regiment.

Camp xbab OHARLFsrovcw, Va., >August 221,flfi, \Ipropose communicating a brief detail otme movements of McDonald's Regiment ofUonft derate Oavr>'ry.I must first say,however, that though this

is termed McDonald's rrgiment, the justlycelebni/ 1 and dt3Fin<r,ui3h:l Turner Ashby,\u2666heLieut. Colonel, 1o the soul of it. The menof the regimentrepo-e the most exolicit confi-dence in t'tn, andaredevot'd *o him.

The stjjsti?t is comj; >- ~d of the verybe.itmaterial- if yofl.n? m«.i of <'ie first order ofintellect? the sons of fli.-t and no-ble tcitiz:-nr?b.j.ve and to a letter.Ashbyta anobleiipi'tji'it.veof theirchar-snter?ii the very cml of chivalry? nd th-yareproud of ana del'-?nt to eerve nndnr him.

On laot Saturdaya det-lamentof thi-3 regi-ment, under the corrmaid of A&hby, leftWinchersr about 2 o'clock, nd took tharor 1 lea iing to Hp-pars Feiiy. Theie woreInall, Ir>rr mmc, tome one hnndi: 1 and littvmen. f>eir-» a pr.va* j in f*e r-tnln, I, ofcom :e, knew not td what point we were tomarcn. Many werethe cor.j.< Jture? thntweremrdd, but all s ;med to concur in the beliefthat we were gur-r to the Fe>vy. At nigtuwe enca oip< lat thii p' ?e. E lrdy the nextmorning,(Sund -y,) we were r-r in pui Ujtonthe marcii, taking, e~, v/e ?-d ihe moroirsbefore, the road 1" ling I > the Feriy.?We v?ere now batirfl d that we were golr--there. Nothing could have pi a- I the boyst)ttor. The orobabili'-y of a brush with tueenamyee.'racato: 3t ttierufian?;e .vithdelight.Looking around upor- my comi.<d -, in ansa.Ibeheld the i'rhtcf bittle beaming 'uevtiycount jnauce. The joyof ame 3tir.gvtith theYank s seeme dalready to \. o. .. s c ?ery one.Wet' -tifly continued on our mrrch, givingno h- cd i o the tan thourindiejwr adv.'corswemet by thewav, who watnt.1 usnot Io go to theFerry; thit tnere wer<s " mesk'd touteeics"at this and thatplace, and thatif we did ven-ture into the town we would c \u25a0rn.uly t alld %troy d. Nothing, however, could daur*the intrepid Ashby, or tain him from his pre-determined course. He knew tt><» men hecommaidii-.-tt least a portion of them? in.iknew them to babrave. Theyhad foughtbyhisside on Kelley's lslaici, andbe well knew theywould ft-sht with him pcain. With the cour-rge of the ?? MountainA»»rgera," the corps helong commanded, ho w."o thoroughly ac-quainted; and with them byhissi-e he felt,sure of succer*, let b'm encoun*?r sny c'ds.Fortunately for U3, perhap-,, we marchciin'o the to-/*e< without imec-untoiicganythingwhat3vor. There was not a s.tigle Feieialsoldier to be canon thio tida of the river.?We toon discovered, however, sevenii on theopposite shore, wherw it wn refort?d theyhe la battery ofone gun. This we t'idbelieve, from the face- that they would haveopen'd fire up -ja va as we marched into town,if the gun, as reportc i, had t.m there Wesoon commenced adiligent search in 'own forany sera ;glii«r soldiers that m>?ht have beenlett ihere>. Notaucceeding in finding any, weventure i down to the river, where we hadthe exchanging shots with theFederals. The dnt-wce flrr I wai considera-ble, yet weam confident of having killed orcrippled some fouror five. The only damagedone us w»s a horse shot in the leg. A Lieu-tenant in the Shenandoah Hangers wai ridinghim.

The firing continued tolerably brisk forsome time. The di stance bein? so great, how-ever, th'»re was little cxcoutton done on eithertide. We remaine 1 several hours in thetown, and then march 1 back to thii placeThough we b-i no floating of any conse-quence, yet I conceive our march IntoHar-per's Ferry i-omf-kible fordaring a»d bold-ness. We knew notbut that the town wasfoil of Federal eoidiera. We were certaint>i*t on Saturday evening tberf wVre sixcompj.uk3 there, and we supposed they werethere still. We werealso confident they hada battery on the Mai/1and hr'rht*, and feltsure they would open upon na. Yet, in theface of all thia, about one hundi: I and flftygallant and brave boys, in broad daytime,rn'i'Xihed Into the streats ofthe town, andventured tvi enough e*en to Aye at them onthe otheraide, killingor wounding several.?We h-»ve the plriau.e to know that we weretha first Southern se!di»rs to venture intothe placeaft-r i*<» evacua:on by Johwriou.

Since Suuet'y,wehave bfou th'sentirecounu-y. lam confident there i- notnowa Federal colder on this side the Fo'O-mac about h»re. They :ometime3 ventureover in the r.f;ht. A mill nearSheph?r.'s; >v- .was bururJsome B.<*ht-, t~o, and last nightthey destroyed a mill atHai£ or'n Feiry. Weanticipate somerare apoit in a few days. Ofourfur'her movements, I shaH be pleased toinform yen. A Souhsa.

*>Correspoadeaee ofthe Ktchntond Dispatch.Goods for Soldier*?Some System for theirTransportation.

As much uncertainty prevails about therife arrivalof article* sent by the railroadst jsoldiers la Virginta, would it not be ngoodplan to appointsome cert tin day for boxesor packages to be put ao-ard the fremititrafasat the various depots, aad let sousetravel throeghout tha Una ateachtimes for the purpose ofrttaadtßf to thismatter alonef As it ts, our North Uarolinaroad* pass all auoh freeafcharge, batthe \ irginia reads do not; hence when pock-

reauh Weldan, there ta 4> oae oa Band11 pay freight, or attend there! 3 to forw«rd-it>«. JBUaeA many thin.*; Intended for ouradkilerahave lain over «vtW*l<k>a till spoilt,and other*, no diubt, not { >«TiaU*ata, witBATer reach them. It ie uae, tno JgxpreeeCompany will carry eaoh *»uclts, bat toecharge is too high forsaaay thing* It seamsseme bettersvrraagasneat m'-tot be made; aadslueeoarrAiteoade patnoUcAlly Jarwaantree

arrangement oa the Yirgiain roads.


PRICE ONE CENT.Oorrespoadence of the Richmond Di»p t .The Caralrif Skirmith near fohick (,7»«r<>,.

FaieF.4x C. H , Aug 2dAs a moat Sane representation ot a m«ni> g.between cur picket* and a body of Yar.r.4»cavalry hasbefn given ia the Lincoln pir-*- ~I have concluded to give yen a true at*mentof the fa*"« Inthe rase

On Sunday, tee 18th uU ,<:ol. Stua-t.of theIstRegiment ofCavalry, ordered 1.,t. San-all, of theAmelia Dragoons, to go witt< >w..ty-eight men to the neighborhoodel Fobi kChurch? apart of the country not hi-hor ovisited by ourpicketa?and station pickets atsuch points as he might think advisable.The Llente.iaut proctieded immediatelywiin the specified nuaiber of m»»n, \\without regard tochoice on h«s part,) fro-»>the several companiesof the regimene, aidon the Braddcck's ro-'.d stationed eight i*Jmen; at Turners station, on theOraueu a* dAlexandria four; c.rd on the Fo-hick road, eight more. With the remaici'i*elgh'. he himself went forth on to theFob/'kChurch. Scofl t.fterarriving at the Chi.t ii,fireen Yamkee Dragoons mide their appp-r---ance from a piece of pine* and iramediv.r'your ninemen charged on them aud put sheasto flight. It turned out, however, that fheceflyiugfifteen wereonly a small de*achmp> : ofa larg; body of cavairy that werebuta >it>iedistanceoff; and in a short time, they Sawi gjoined tha main body, the whole at :h -,amountiLgto deveaty-flve, returned townourmen.

liere,then, wereseventy fieeYankees agair:.~tnlnr. Southerners?tn? balance at the tweii'v-eight men hsin? too far dis'an' to render anysupport to their cmrades The eutir' bj 'vof thP Yankeese:tme within fifty paces ofoarlittle baud, b.fore they coultl distingti-tathem frore friends Thi?y vrer* then o mmandtd to h-.ilt, to which they paid no rrga dtill th»*y were a third time ordered to Ic.:t,and this la«t time they tbeyei promptly ?

Thua, e4V4jUf jive meu wer-* brougtit to a6'-md by nine. At length the vaiiai.t Yr.?kees advanoeiat a cutirgeon ourli'tle corps,firing a volleycf shotsat them T'nder stv-hcircumstances the only alternative left outmen Was to retrett, «ud this they did, thou vreluctantly, it appsara, as one by onetill th« bieritenauc w«;s almost lett a?c:ie.The Yankee report of this liui.L<attail i ,that th«y onevantered a suio-.ior forcv of <\u25a0?>??men, aud killed twenty-:even (27) men. T,.---truth, however, \u25a0<?, net cue oi" out man vr..atouched, except in his hat; while, srai c *to tdl, o.ie Yankee was kiJie 1, two morevonnded, a> d rjveral hors,-» killed, ,\rd thus*"o, by their ovi hunds, Aa oti.-men flic 1 notaßhot. T\to prwocei-s were re-statementis theone givenby tha citizens c ithe neighborhood, and c >..il, mcd byour ra*..In eveiry iistince th* Northern vandalshaveran, unless tneir force w»s double 8 ;utrebleourss. In the above ins-ices they wereten times ouis. Catalut

Correspondecce of the Richmond D.spatch.Fine Crops?Military Spirit und Patriotic*

in Halifu*.Itronnosr*. Aug. co, SM,

1 have just returnei from a trip theDanville Rood, and can truly s>»y I hasenever t :en such a protp-ct fora corn crop -?

In fact, old farmers as-?urtrl me th»re hrdhrenno sncli prosr- ?t for twentyyear* Tbe in<-wa? general that corn would nots ill

for more than 30 cents p<?r bushel. The wsjestccrop w»s tlr.c also. Tobe-.»ao aenerally latebat lcoktttf well. Byug ut Halifax Uouttlast Monday, 1 e»w a good manyof tha snb-staniial farmers of the county, who an. rub-scribing lifcjiialiy to thepioduo loan; nnd inregard to theelirect hi bill, while ma?* regret the nece3»ity, still they will cheerfullydo any and everything to support th» inde-pendence of the Southern Con'ed'-iacy. I traegratified at the nilifgry fever still in?;ld Hilifax?althongh aha has alrandy sentsome thirt ia or fr»urt:on cumpanles to t>,<*tented field, s»ill others are in cnursa of or-gaii'/itioa. dn Taoeilsvj snisiiilni, Uapt T.3. Flouraoy a company of cavalry lf.»t th«Cjurt-Hon&e for Richmond, aad may be ex-pected, her .ca Friday mor-iiog. They areagallantset cf man, "Jid underouch a leader asThornn ITournoy cannot z.r.d wiilnot fail to make fh»ir mark.

There is cv« other i- iiiid I will el Md ?

TheIntateartmanifested by the Igdlesfor Useweiiarn of onr brave voJuntc-rs uuW in thofi«lti, le worthy or"all juaise. In the i-.tcu.ia wh.'ch th- sabecriber has uu"-totiQdelhoedtality en mo:* ceonniona thanone, the ladies have rle??rmlri«d t; giv-i to thevolunteers one hundred pairs of gc-ci yam\u25a0:ck-, aud have fifty pa;r.s alresdy knitted.

Yours, A?., R.

CsuntyMeetiuv at Savannah?Ackno\tied£-iii.-nt to Virginia,

At a meating of tho citizens of Savannahand Caithamcounty, Oa., held in the cityofSavannah, oil the ly h Iant m an etlßßUaliiltment ofgratitude to Virginia ants ma Jo v.-p.nof the prc;:t ritir-rs, rt'id the follow!':*; reeota*ftJoaa, intrcdue Iby Taoma*H. Harden, E:q.,and s«"Jonde.l by W. T. Tiiomp'Mn, Esq., wareunanimouslyadopted :

The preen-- being tho first e-tcethe comTTjencdTrtear or hostilities on wHcLtoe etaasas of Savanaah t>nd Ohatbaaicounty h-ive 9 sfiuoipi ia publljrai""i :j', weavuil our \u25a0'Ives cf theoprortm;ity to giv? ex-pru-sion to ourviews end op'ciosis 01 paellaaffairs.We are In tho midst of wer?a war cs un-naturalclit isunchri Jtim?a war forcur sub-jugation?forctl ttf on us by the vicious aaacorrupt <Tovernraect at Washir-;* }n.

S*nvin>: formora thAn thirty toimUa-ta*n the inh.orirfice of civil ana lib-ertybrquetth ci nsby.our noble ar.eeiters ofthe Revolution, and sacrificing Hve.ything,save our hgnor, in honf n endeavor* 10 ,va i-ipea :e andhr.lnlo.lyunder ;iie Union Jcrmedby our fathen tor our walfsaaand hapjmess,we have nevertheless sufleiel injustice -r"oppre bioi:, cootamely aadrsr-roa.-ii f: u.aoarlate Northet 1oontf isra*:?. tillforced i laun-der the ti -; wiiich hdßsas] us under a 1 smukoagovernment; ecosi the jast.Arbiterat theuniverse to wiuie.j thercctitc.de ofonrifluationa, wa hive dt-'ared oUTj>lvee .-.erei»?n, fr* a end independent paopte, bi-it-rthe ilovernment of the Ucnicieiate States ofAT.«*Tio.\ : Therefore,

Resolved. That Wti m.aiatain, by the helpof trod, our freedom aud ii.aepeL(ieiice WttAail our m:aus, and t-.t uny cost or tririQcewhich we may ts called r.* t) m-ik9.Resolved, Vhat cur noble risaHenl. ourbrave nn-i iriercic Qt-jerala and comm->.;d;T*our devo: .1 and Lelf-Bucrinclns volunteers'ar- entitled to the confldence, gratande at.dafl" ction of the p Oi'le of the Oonfr.daia\u25a0--Sfiteß for their brilliaat aoh'.evenibatson th.--fs!ldl of battle.Resolved, That we tenderly syiupitiiS.a*\u25a0with tho lathers ant moiheis, w;ve<} and si->---tei-s of the noble der 1, who:e names, taouarliwritten in b'ocl, illastra 3 thebr»3ht Jat gagelin our country's history.

Resolved, Tiis.t wo here rcoord ourgratitude .a tha noble men And women \u25a0 §MVirginia for their t;i»dsr and kind Bosi r .ii »as»idcare cfoarsiel andwound?! to |those fror-i (Icorgia capt.-iully.

Resolv/t, Taat oor th&nS'i are due, and arehereby tendered, to the \& II s of S.tvi.in;:ih,for their attlve tmericicsand noble effjr a forsnpplyin< the want* and ministering t-> thecomfort of our patriot a-rfdtura, and we bidthetadod spxad in their providence for theso!die:s' wan"», for v/hicii they andshall our he torandprotection.

On saottea cf Hon. Thomas Pur*e, tfcemeotii,(( adj.>arncd.

Ws. l,kw, tlhoirmar.Jona L. Vn.t.ALos<u. St?tr*tary.Savanna.'*, Aug. 18, 1361.

A BaiTiSHt'i aim ASL- TH»«Ar.?Kei>r::r.- tothe seiaura of theBritish ship Perthshire bythe U. S. steamship Massachusetti in thetlulf, her damaging dßaaatlea without ItsisJcause, and aabeeqeent release without in-demnity,the London Shipping (Jazalte.ef the9th ijcstaat, thus ;arc itra 1:

Tha Perthshire, so fEr from havirg brckeaa bitskade, hsi when ebe left it at.-rears, tenday* 13 spare tu;der the terms cfthe proclam'-Wen. There weIno forseizing or detainlrghex Injur than was ne>ceaaarr to identityher nationally.

c * c c ? cThe ownerof the Perth- h~ re mustbriag ".,?» !ac Jon in Ik*ton or New York «gain»t thecommauamg officerol the hfaeaacansr-Ui for

at Uwlul detenUoaofhie ship. If he Li I tvobtainre Jrasa, wedo not hesitate to a» it isaease which should at onesbe taken up bythe British tl; varnmeut We regret f> Badthat the American blookaling tquslroa h?tevinceda desire to deal promptly? not t j cays*v«ely?with British which con-uasteverynnpleaeaatlywith the inoffensivedispositionertaetdtowards oarmerchantmenby the Southernprivet* >rs.If theFederal Uoverusaent thinks prorsrtaesnaarrase neatml commeroe, the x»UjjA

Ooraraßaat wUI see tha'. it does aoc.ly Inttrietc rt-iormi y with theaxe piad pri. efp'eao<ia«eriai u-a4 law. Oar A-1 -..\u25a0re.J eosamand-InR onthe Wtfet India sdatton ana m>tH«l toAt* Oover. ment thatthe biookAOtugA»ree« tataoaeaaaaaraaaatcJeat. Th-a to theBr» < eieptowsards oosanesitsw tae Federal OoTei-ataent«a act fairly fasraSsawnwala.aadwewv aaquitsieureit tsa etep whleh will be folio* -4va, if attseeary, wilb prosapUtaile and da-

A*?"?4* s-*S-T»-irf,** «*«* r«g*-*h*.OrA«vef«l«e» eats *t*i|«>*4 «*»?; far* . wtts ? stars**Mesa,reeesjaw*ef nsrsr?ae**f » : >?axe. la*e<*Uc?£, fc-i J M »U. is« «**k» 4>aUa*tu«1 -'"" - '\u25a0 . -'" \u25a0*" - ....',' ?j

The Freawli Tai.arc »Knpt>'r.It will be remembark that )?,»-, ecronntsfrom Eirope r-tat« th*. the N ipo-i*on, m henring or th» defeat r f the t,'w lu-it** at HstsMa (is. (KtiMiMl tr»<;t h> win ft r*actmpel led to mknowifdgiot.il' ndep«i de - ofthe Crpfederate State* Thi* det*rraf.a'tonof rtv Itaaperer renewed n« roiiv aa th« nnau-ihor z«l report ot a l'xc\* letter-writer u> theH«>rnld, >.ii>. there ar* fi-mmVMiceewb.cß a«r»OHsa ns \u2666-.) ;mtm re ibuu cium»,ryin 'he m rtItWM nm rk»i kbm time fiuce by theN<-,Ttt?nn r"T-Ts, -, n .:?r;(!r r,' fact." thatngeu.e oi the French Goveinmeit were \u25a0 k-ins their n.,u ' sapLUes ot t baceo if. Vir-ginia,reer,r-Hf^of tfij. ~f

,nR ( n_

em by the Emc-ln blccfcrxle. JL >rgePBichMM of tobaccohays also beta ma..'* InNew Or!eans or rtcconnt of the F.~r- h Gov-ernment. It was thought b7 r"Atsy ibatthese PUrehUMS were slgnifioAut-,i a d«t*r-rnina'ion on the j irl of the Frenchto disregard th-« pnrti».l AVsatncaai oris, hot- theiouowi: gartu 1 i.otu the N-iw< ir!fEl s Propoaai*Ur (wholfh ««,». f she Hth?net., (for atmnsl tSswofwwie* v.->t «wre in-debted oafrbai) tic rd* au.fi" reju>#J.i ionof the mtt'<*r, ; j shows that the i \ r-(TfUlHtsHi Sf O'll Ah' iv Ma p*"r**r tdtobje-gate tht south by a given Uws.i*jtfc. v'toInvolvehfm In a serious difflri l-.y Th i'-i---:av»'n'gia th* article i-on »h* Prop**taHhu

uTkt Btmen rf*A> Mejhwfll wt* in ?><>>.ItnsUto GiveIt ttlt nl Mw:' 's J"«1e--1) 'W-'-l ucZzr,v?l-i3;?~, iv v - - aosusSeswAtoAlvcbattleal Aiana-i&tK ?*«# 'illhie plana were ? *\u25a0?' J. Re g.v&i ".aerfas'onst" t-m-tnHncy, hurt ..treis another reason wbi'h n- h«.< u*«l»c' toik\Q, and which, deiuv*. . s beni.Ti« piiblic

If we are well inft ?vn^?-.nd we b. ~<;hat Vff arc?t»u»co4n J..-d ule ai|6i a' to'?purer ttirmcno ftf rgti h ro ?\u25a0.Govnement. r»v th.» l«t of *>*. tnlsCiiLt.iirn, tb« Frsspb <TcV«4insi«'ut h%y i.u-llr.rz'.l i;s <*.;r<Mr td par \u25a0>\u25a0???-.. T,,'. ai<a»w re ejonclctl"'*,hut vti-h th» rxr>r»f t* J*t-.** tanding that tUetiavtrurut k utVvruaa.itonwould be prepared todcllyer 'he ; - onth*« Ist cf August.

21«t of July?tune pas;i»j. But. by extf.mi-uoting the Corif< ier-it- army, S: >v h r-Mtl tovn>r-r f; 5 i:i trin-r»: b "t» *be »3«»t andthe cobscop could tht-u have r-aea <i*itvere''t at\u25a0h--'date agreed upon. Bat ttncoln, wr.ohaiprorj?ibiy »»1 te;irt Ixfetiteinsl, had sobi thebear skin Del ".rt-."til!uig 'rip J*;ir Thf qu*>3-tfon now Is \u25a0? know 'i .v th FrenchGovern-srwutwi'l *"k<* th» in nnlonv inkeIt is with i»e 3i»in-j aj :gaai i that asitX'Olnhas promised the riaropat n pxswera tn<)tjtverto them eottse of the Skmth in?f()ct.t>er. W' sluili uov-' 9»e v ih«»"eKP.<iU»-rnpi i-f Ne-th will come foi » ,r

Wheat lfts remembfTtd that w>b slslw f* aabuport^utGovm'nmeatmonopoly in Fr*<i>f!e,from which theErap»ror derives million* efr'.vrnse. and th-it tr.imevi po'(*!i-««e«i r-f to-bacco have r: >n ttadej raich --re ww Isjckednpb* thebi-'Hikade, it u-vot liifi. a'.t to »-?l:eve ormvincedthat Old Abe :?» a hum;>»K, and that he hnanot the power to subjugateand plunder theSou»h Islecttnrd n» rerngn'za thelßd«rp»ed-riie*« of the Oo* fetl»r-ite State*. The truth !a,he has it to do orgo without hie tobacco.\u25a0?Savannah Tf4tt4.

Mail Aa»*r.?Oapt. Jos. How*3!!, of (la-reySbnrg, iV (' . has rr-:r> '.rpnt"f "d MailA*ert b'l-wem Web'on ? <.l Wt liiiag'oi- lalilac* cf Mr A. H letigand (japt.II is admirably qualified for th« pet, findvir ii nrivAa \u25bc iM,ihi(. j;U'3r


liONFEDSRATd BTATKS. A Merited *r»!tl\u25a0>nly l.weo cor;** of this work, th* antboi ;itsadercL will ahoi'ly tie leaned. Th* dlvtlnm between th» grades nre 'how,i oytha pi*.;!, of wni"-i there will ho CiMii *u<iconstating nf all th* diPV.- ant d*r*arimeiits of be»<-rvice, and compristcg abont titty florae 'i lis.-.dltion will b« plain i-iticV, aud will fee fc-lljw -.1?y another million ia foil color-?awork, it will euc'aiu pUt<M, tnd tiao Jail t»>--ocf'ors for the gnidane*of taHnri

Liberal urnia will t« ex.dcdo-' to ho<>aa*i'*r*.ApOTtO Col. BLANT'./N nrt^CAK,an 'i'i?iw iilcbarad vt.r»BhJ«lwlA>lrß XMAQTBv* ros MhwntiA.FUBii'iHaD JZ »aa HUTjtB,

1 have*. lar?« assettnest iiftbs rbilowtae «t---leilenA ?«4AOVa. wkioii n«,r* ottau pubuabe* sj->«?!». lrforUkemldien ,f .-\u25a0?'.. nfeaerata a<tgt:ISTHEV, AHE TOi; A BO'/AMRB? i AX Ax>LDf£R: T'd& WAV TO ii:; hAVED. Ik|fOi« H3ADY? TMRBOLDrtn-is APPftA?»: Vol.-JHTSJLR'S WANTED: A yoiOS I"*- 1* KBA T,-!.*? :.I»OH'TPPT It" ('??>-?,? HHi !»-riSTr*A*l< Hfft UOD, PiilVa 7E DE/o'iO*; AT' Of'?!-?;? TTtt ,^r.",'l;;;, i,; ii(,iV» V~''i; 2A>{V-:-IBTI; ALL-srjFfioiaK'y *-y <Ti.«rerTand'03JS TO JBBUB.Ix \u25ba»»!._"HTM^B Ft* TUB li»r: r ' a?csny d/raa-Book. conmrisi.-ig sixty SflfPiKings, »*.»r'.jd frcm Ihe Kpiac .j.- 1,, P/sshyta; ;,A«shcd'.**acd B»j,-!.i«»Bt*nis.rf. nr«i H«<>*«

A. S. Di'.'kiNfcOß.Oanerai Snp't H»: fjotjonape in Vs.,apt?ta litcnntoßd, Va.

iff ?-:-* t>-*>"\u25a0»I ? Ver*ons who are B»n-ilng and «ar-

j-i'tii' t >:.r..ope !u th« t.;.\u25a0< are rt iu«"t*d to r. r:-.uinllas lv on the p".ea-a.i.'fc :wlth in*--k'n» Ink) thename of the party f f>r wheca mended, the Raoi-xssr to wh'.Mi he beleaga, »n.t the i-uonor r>B<<-tikattoh. oare of «t Kichntoad,to whom the v.-'-l ra ir adr ceiptsnonldht f >r-wsrded by the ehl^p^rII ? M-nypAcxaßea anrtra as the denoteof thelailr-jadsiin R-.chw.-»id wl;ri ia;*r markar'tsb-xlr.ff ; of cocree thf.lr J »«'-*a* '. ,v d'niot bakn<-wa

by tho Uaart«r:aa*t-ir. tithars arc itap#rf*ci ylnifiad, Rideannot bit identified111?All arttclen deposited at the<*lAiterm *.i---ter'a Office In Richmc-Dd, for -t'pjm-r',ma»t t.+l»rt there boff-re » o'clock F. M to »h»'.r«hii'L-c*jt on that day.

J. MAURY GATtLA- 7T.an H?ta CMS itid iiM'iil M.C. a TATLt.-M .1. H ItPTiiT

c[oithekm raiNTiiie*mu WTinvO INK? K.iii.Ll'.HKtOf,

'Vay, txfxtrn Htk and l*ih atraata, iultmoHd, f'i.TAVI.OK A BtVTr.-T. (iu«w-«ni to Ttyb - ftHA«prove,) PerMTfsTO aDd WtfiriNM INKMAjiUKa.<'TUKEBci, >a«e ptemnrela

:o the fson'hara tf.at ih*ir !X)v Fa'T< hyia c-.,ir in suotesisfnl operation for 'h* Bsaanfietar» of 9Te>v of 1* ~! ilTiy<o ; u<tWiilTlSG iMKb.wb'ch they far-aUh on re&toui.\.* Liim aaVa'-s, aitOH,J"» INKS, of ev«rv d<»erlptl"t:. alwr.v* oa h»- t.IRKHoi at teetotal* rue

SaW*All -.. l-ji -rrowpii7 to Addrt?''.TAYr.O*! A SAPTTWT,an ti~~ lra P n K.»y bh». ?-..lehirntaß. w»?l«LA*Aii.i DAFAJi'XMEJi < Oi VnTT"Kiehsi'-a'*, *n». V, l»fl i

-v*4 ai*^et--«"\«onr M'»i,BUi3S, aa-t |c v - t : .-c "*?»,,aavtugAsUSc of *ay kl-4? oeyoae ireaeesjfcf"-.tt«'.7 &-i*j3t»,r} fj£ their !iam*'«-a<* a**?eAo,,! dr«>t«T« th« aaer,o . - ti>!» D*rl»r*iae2trj ?"?\u25a0» ** ; »ribia> this he or >rbAUledac4tAuretu v-'.yrspa'*** Ad»irt:», o. C4icqet

\u25a0in (..,ur -j'e,,u.~»a»* vi iu>,ieit

'p «baa co . ' '""Ws cJfar forsal*, -oe r«wo-*e>:« U.'sw. ?svaral

copoiar krasdacfa A .:« G rA C T UA.A 1> It OBAO 0O ,Ifoissd sod atif-fA >t- it. aad »'? Lbtcjhi. let »v-:m (crate*. i c ;:yis a v aß*;*Ay«R,

aa T?lm» fa*' ry. '-ffh an 1 i at*.A'*x eaown \u25a0 m *t*cr.«u.A»p.

BRown si i;'-'i.«..'..nii,roaranefiiOfl MRhCiUNT*,hiVEM-THD. T*Colons to *«!l*i! ktadi cf tvUiTRT pjt;">-

OUC'E, masi-ig *roni?t <e»»n**uce*} as 1wll* ?«?c'.ts t-.u ha*aground .»: j i ioajr «*oy* of t»a><-» .arMca may h« e> stijgM tker-.t, tf oVVredBa.laa the absent-.' v. one cf th* Arm, ear ?«-j?orpartner, ALitX'A, biiuWN, will d-ivjte »;?.tut* exclusivelyto »*? interest ef esrp*t»oa».aa e*-*ai

J ?»«'?! ANll .H»ut»t»iiv« | Eae «wrstrta»ef ****>?itrtpi'o** at

IBUP M4<!tt«JiM,.''o WM«h W« tavu*ilia a; it . i« k*«y«W..MAH. A Dt/PI3FJy ls-aav Pe*ar*eert. We.IJ"A~V AN A i' iI»AK si .'

Jatatreee*v«d from Near Orieaa*.A flu* lot, Which I offer at low r ?"»? i*»WAADTanM-ltt tth and!>» nalln ft*

TYRTafI ktvl jk_w»irfii> *»."\u25a0\u25a0 *We have Jestreeetre& c fresh «« rely*'J A MRS lITltUllllt.Wklch w» eter far **:* inijwd i. «BriHi> iTr.Da«.» 1o*tesaatnamsUywita A^eAnaa^

-*\u25a0 ?I?h»7e«>;»u4h*ls<>f ¥* !a* **\u25a0«?\u25a0 WHJTS#*UJIT fers»te. it w»* g-~w« ?>«» corn !*na,?ceded caeawniA after the Heweie, (whichts ansari* Wheat) aad w*» cat *alU«ly r{u«, tvewe*£* befer* it. it le eautetffreeof ailt*as«r-dee. AsaaiFiteau b**v»ahl->.i'-of|ee.aast~§w M. blaui »oa.rmoicc auriNti rtAsta. 'Reset Mesh TM» DATA


Pi4ijn Celassbe*. Oa.,\u25a0&>? **!? byAa»T~w A. ARfWK.a*XWPS v \u25a0\u25a0!\u25a0»>\u25a0 \u25a0

<\ »:o 11 it xßii» f,hAAiee. _

Wsiiseisd?CV.WBW » I » ? *Fet Ml, »y iw.fRAWaR,?RIV-IJ l*-#**t,4%»u»»W ,

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