click the start button on the windows vista taskbar to display the start menu click all programs at...

Post on 18-Jan-2018






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Cell A1 Title Bar Tabs Scroll Bars Formula Bar 3 sheets Status bar


Click the Start Button on the Windows Vista taskbar to display the Start Menu Click All Programs at the button of left pane on the Start menu to display the All Programs List Click Microsoft Office in the Office Programs list to display the Microsoft Office list Click Microsoft Office Excel 2007 to start Excel The workbook is like a notebook. Inside the workbook are sheets, each of which is called a worksheet. Excel opens a new workbook with three worksheets. Cell A1 Title Bar Tabs Scroll Bars Formula Bar 3 sheets Status bar Ribbon Name box Formula Bar Office button Cells Rows Columns Groups Quick Access Toolbar Short Cut Menu Click cell A1 to make cell A1 the active cell Type Walk and Rock Music in cell A1, and then point to the Enter box in the formula bar. Press Enter (Notice Excel also displays the title in the formula bar and also in cell A1) Click cell A1 to make cell A1 the active cell Type Walk and Rock Music in cell A1, and then point to the Enter box in the formula bar. Press Enter (Notice Excel also displays the title in the formula bar and also in cell A1) Click cell A2 to select it. Type First Quarter Rock-It MP3 Sales as the cell entry. Click cell B3 to make cell B3 the active cell Type Northeast in cell B3 and press the Enter key. Type Southeast in cell C3 and press Enter. Type Midwest in D3 and press Enter. Type South in E3 press Enter Type West and Total in cells F3 and G3 respectively and press Enter Click cell A4 and type Video, then press the enter key You may need to adjust your column width so that the text entries do not overlap the next cell. Notice that text data is aligned to the left margin of the cell In Cell B4 enter In Cell C4 enter In D4 enter In E4 enter In F4 enter Notice how numbers are aligned to the right of each cell In Cell B4 enter In Cell C4 enter In D4 enter In E4 enter In F4 enter Notice how numbers are aligned to the right of each cell Point to cell A5 and enter Mini In cell A6 enter Micro In cell A7 Flash In cell A8 Accessories In cell A9 Total You may need to adjust your column width so that each entry is in its own cell. To do that, point to the column margin with your mouse until you see a double arrow. Drag your mouse to the right or left to make your column width larger or smaller. Or you can Double- Click on the boundary to adjust the width of the column to the smallest or largest item in the column. In cell B5 enter In cell C5 enter In cell D In cell E In cell F In cell B5 enter In cell C5 enter In cell D In cell E In cell F In cell B6 enter In cell C6 enter In cell D6 enter In cell E6 enter In cell F6 enter In cell B In C In D In E In F In cell B8 enter In C In D In E In F Click cell B9 to make it the active cell Notice the cell B9 is also active in the name box Point to the Sum button on the ribbon Click the Sum button on the Ribbon to display =SUM(B4:B8) in the formula bar and in the active cell B9 Press enter to calculate the sum. sum To place the SUM functions in cells C9 through F9 we copy the sum function from cell B9 to the range C9:F9. The cell being copied is called the source area The range of cells receiving the copy is called the destination area or paste area. With cell B9 active point to the fill handle 44Fill handle (cross hair arrow) With cell B9 active point to the fill handle Drag the fill handle to select the destination area, range C9:F9, to display a shaded border around the destination area, range C9:F9 and the source area, cell B9. DO NOT RELEASE THE MOUSE BUTTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Release the mouse button Click cell G4 to make it the active cell With the mouse pointer in Cell G4 and in the shape of a block plus sign, drag the mouse pointer down to cell G9 to highlight the range G4:G9 with a transparent view Range G4:G9 selected Click the Sum button on the Ribbon to calculate and display the sums of the corresponding rows of sales in cells G4, G5, G6, G7, G8 and G9 Click cell A10 to deselect the range G4:G9 Sum button Click the Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar to display the Save As dialog box. Save the file to your yellow folders. Type Walk and Rock Music 1st Quarter Sales in the File name text box. Click the Save button.

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