cells are the basic unit of all living things…if it is alive it has cells

Post on 29-Dec-2015






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Cells are the basic unit of all living things…if it is alive it has cells

ProkaryotesNo NucleusNo membrane-covered organellesCircular DNABacteria

EukaryotesNucleusMembrane-covered organellesLinear DNAAll other Cells

cytoplasm: inner liquid filling capsule: slimy outer coating cell wall: tougher middle layer cell membrane: delicate inner skin DNA in one big loop ribosomes: for building


Cell DifferentaitionThere are only 2 classes of cells

(plant/animal), but there are many kinds of cells in each class. Each kind of cell has a DIFFERENT job to do…it specializes.

The cell membrane holds the cell together and allows nutrients in the cell

It’s just like a turtle’s skin The cell membrane is on the edge of a


Cytoplasm is the watery gel inside a cell. It holds the organelles

Cytoplasm is like the turtles blood and other liquids

Mitochondria is an ORGANelle that releases energy from food

Mitochondria is like a turtle’s stomach

The nucleus controls the cell The nucleus is like the turtle’s brain Contains the DNA in Eukaryotic Cells

Chromosomes are inside the nucleus and are made of genes (DNA)

Genes decide the cells traits and activities (heart cell, eye cell (color))

Processes and transports materials out of the cell

Where amino acids are hooked together to make proteins

Makes lipids Breaks down drugs and other substances Packages up proteins for release from the cell Ribosome are attached to it

Digests food particles, wastes, cell parts, and foreign invaders

Vacuoles are spaces in the cytoplasm (gel) where food and chemicals are stored

It’s like “fat” on a turtle

Cell Walls are only in plant cells They make the cell strong and rigid They are like a turtle’s shell (but only plants

have them…that’s why grass stands straight up!)

Chloroplasts are only in plant cells They contain chlorophyll, which helps

make energy/food from sunlight Chlorophyll is green in color…so any

plant that is green has chloroplasts

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