a source of energy is where humans get energy from example: solar energy, wind energy, oil, etc

Post on 27-Dec-2015






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A SOURCE OF ENERGY is where humans get energy from

Example: solar energy, wind energy, oil, etc

A renewable source is an energy source that will ALWAYS be used. It will never run out

Example: solar energy is renewable because the sun will always be in the sky!

Wind energy is renewable because there will always be wind!

A non-renewable source is a source that will NOT always be used. It will run out some day.

Example: oil is a non-renewable source because it is made from plants/animals that died millions of years ago. So when humans use all the oil, there will be no more!

A fossil fuel is: oil, natural gas, coal

Fossil fuels come from plants and animals that died MILLIONS of years ago. Humans get these fuels under the Earth.

Fossil fuels

Renewable Energy Non-renewable Energy

Wind energy Oil

Solar energy Coal

Biomass Natural gas

Geothermal energy Nuclear

Hydroelectric Fossil fuels

Sun solar panals electricity

Wind turns turbines creates electricity

Get energy from burning plants

Burn plants heat water water vapor turns turbines electricity

Take heat energy from under the Earth to make energy

Water goes through turbines. The turbines turn. Electric energy is produced

These fossil fuels are burned to heat water. The water vapor turns turbines and makes electric energy

Divide uranium particles to make heat the heat makes water boil water vapor turns turbines electricity is made

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