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,..,-A Err!;;~~~~~

Vol . 12 . No . 10. St . John's. Newfoundland. February 8.1980

Februery 8.1980 M .U .N . GAZETTE 1

Vis iti ng professorat Florida university

n"""""oIloc.lbuli""....l coot ' il>oJ tod ifl ". ' .. ul .. eylTh<h'C<>-""""'''nil m""~.PlI'ecletodoccordlng '0 c.Rlndell. Socie'v PT.lidltn~ wlla .l la com"",ntodthe1 it ilmein1.ntionolmeSo<:ie'~tocon1inu.itl .nnu.'<Io""tion

to . WOrth.. hileceuse

A..,.ntly'... Mod ic.. S' ........'. S""ietv.' M_oriel

~~=::::it~a~::..:flI~.p.::.::...~.':7.:I~o~:::;:::,ywl t1l.c. nl iec monilO, il p"'_l com inu"" 8<l-Oll1ofYi... oi-gn• ....,h.l blood ........... h..n' nd

:;~U~~~~~~::~:':;I.~::~;'~S'=;;:'CII~S'ud"". Socle' y . ..", i,,", modu l. wfli c:tlwi ll N fltt ...in'OCll nliecmoni,o, ;nlNl ckg rouncl

0, . D V. Rllddy.•n .. . pe"on allsll"'" . ndsubme'iIed"" ..n .,, "" ' u' •• , hol . ccept ed .o... ·_, . ppa in' m. n' • •uis itingprol• .."of""". n""gi"".,ingI1 FIo, ido AtI. nticUni... , .. ly. 8oc .A.ton. Florid.

Among 0. . Rodd-,o·s ' e... archint.'... t.... ,Ile .tlllC.. ofint.'ectionol"'•. ll u,d, . oOl.ncl '''lICtu'••I _ II •• elf",,"oI ...... I . nd ot h. '''''' urol.cllYIlVOn offl ho,. in. lI l1. ' ions

"", . "" h esn",, Ie.' _ 'p1 .n ..He h. lpubhelted ""me,,,,,' an lCl... o n oce . n

. t' '''' ' u' ....ncl'.,. 'od.ng'ne.' ingsubjllC..Dr. Aedtty hgjd. de-grtl.1 !rom 'h . U", ,,ero, ly 01 lrletl' 8I

Ind,l;hnpe".i coilege . Landon ,N o"h _ ot. mUni... ,. ,ty,EY. nlton,lIl.;.nd'h. Uf\l"" "'~ofL'_pOOI.Engi .nd.

wt>e,.. he ••,nedhisl'll.O

Th.nq '0 'h. funcl ,.i"ng.lfort. 01 'h. lrlod "' . 1S'ud"'"· Soc~v .. lrl.. mori.IUn'... ' Ifty.'he J . n. "'v ChildHeelthCen".h8lno-wedded.not1-4, • •oen".lpiec.oIequ ipm.nttoitl lntenli... C.,.U<>iI(f.C.U.)

el",,~~:p::::u:hC:~-: :i:':":;'·.~~.~:i~~_~ ~.mo"'OI'.Wh ... ' he mod ule is .nllCt>ed Y,•• IIpIIti. 'hn.m' o,hepetient'l . n."" lignell.bou1yit.' .. gn . su"".sbloodprellu'.,1.. mpe'.tu ' ••ncltle-.""'• • ' • • ""'troniclllycon Yeve<!tot1le monl101"."",,,,,n.Thllgi... l con lin,, ,,,,"

::~~:t:~ ~'~~;:::::":":,~~:'cll::'::~:;'hI..':~:~

Thil 1VPeof equipment il u..d no .. in mOIl hoo.pit. I.,p.n,cul.,lyin""'d 'lIC.nd l""",i.lce,.un'"._.'. • t,he Jon .... v.1h .... monita<l .ncl modul • • • ,. yit.H~

,mpan.n, "in<;tt"wouldbeuiMU.i1V imPQIIil>leloge,. cc u, a, • • ndcon1lnuou. , .8<l,ny. an " S"fly pa 'ien ..WI,,,,,U'it

In 1Y76.,,,. LodiesAu.. h...... a l ttle-J.n._Vdan.,edth ' '''' '''' ' d 'ec mon ito "" ..chol .. hich""nbefittod'',lhI"" , ·modul• • ·, Thildonat ion by th. Irlodicll S'udent. ·Soci e'V bring . '0 twejye 'h e num/>e'oI mo<lulel no" in UH

Th.... unit ••", tronsportod, wh .n """ . ...,~, ta W., d3EIt.lu ''''''"vI 1o''''''Y,lIinl.n'.. .. ...II .. be'nguoed inth.I,C,U, Th."'a<•. t!'lflJ.n_'v.tili """ds .ddt,i""",moni'OI'I,.lIPlIC,.i1" .. henitl".nned • • pen.lOnoccuro..ccotdOng10 1rl,.D.E.J, K.ll and,Administ,.,o,of llle'--.·W • • ,.g'.'e!ulthl1th. lrlodiceIS1uden' . .... fi1'oinclud. th.J.new.vin ,hilu.. oI the" funcls"

For tile pal1t"... .. ~..,. ' h.. lrlod ""' l Sluden ts ' S""ielyheltle-Id.'benefit·ine.,lyOec:emtle, towhich.'.,lI"

Anuml>e<ofpe...,nlwh o... _ .. in ..........v. sooc '. 'e d "" ' h ' h• • ging.ndla<te,min.'I",llpe1l""t";lIbfI pr n1 On F,idoY n'gh'. 0,. [ .w. Edw.,ds.r>dlrll , L,AO'B, n"""d'IICOII'h."""'""n.nclpohc'eoof.pelh.",,.ce rtl unrl. MI . O' B' ien il Nu ' ... · in ·Ch. 'lI" of the P. lh.ti ....Ce ,. Unit . t St .C l. ,e ·I Irl. , cy l1ol pit. " D,. o." id S"elto n.PTo1.l lO,o1Ge, i.""' Medici"".t'he Uni.....ily 01 AINM.";11clol e fnd . v . ... ning ·l ......ion .. ith .n edd'n . "",he81 ...I. m. ", a l me Ge,i."1CP'h"'"

S.",nl'V·1 ... II;on l .. ill oe.ol ltill 'un~e' .. lth 'h' I'op",nit ,.IIl .I."""" t",.lIv ' O I"' g<lf'/ , . "" l thelia. m. hg ne n td'..... ....mput .tion .nclliningo.pr""lhlllC.ppli.nc.l.me<licll .nclnut,ition.I".,,,.nd o'h .... lplCi., problem .nsoc,. t. d ";!I, tI,.. proce.lof .ging.P.il ilti_ ce,.,nho. pi1el. hom••ndnu'.. nghom....ill .looNd,ocu..od

The ..II"anlwilibecholfedby1~ePI.nningcomm'n"",Dr , T.8,,,,,,,.O,nlC.'Aosoci.,,,PTo1.IIO,0ISu,g .,,,,DrA.T.Rowe.P'ol... oor.nclChelfm.nolF.m,Iy P,"c t,ce.nclDr. J.Irl.Rou.Ac"ng0""",01'01 Connnu,ngMedic.1Ed""."anICIrlEt.llo1 lrl,U.t.I

Thelhortcou,..,i. lpaneorod bv tI'teC IrlEOf liee.Fecu~oIM""'"""".H... ithS<:iences C.n". , T.lephon.

:~,~8c~~P;':::"~::.;;'::Sn:::=~":,~'::' COu.... mev

Geriatrics and Palliative Add equipment to JanewayCare course February 15

A oI>ortcou ..... 'nG!tr.. "'''''.r>dP.IIi.'' ... C.r . .. H1N1-41d.t t~e Heelt~ Sc,encel Cent ' •. Lect,,' e Thut'e 'A".R"",illr ."on beg ,,," . t7 p.m .. Frid.o~. Feb"'.", 15. .. tl~

selli ont. beg inn ing et 8 p.m.•r>dcontjn"inglllt~en.1I~.

"Making the invisible visibleSo Ihet w<r ..... y ",,_nd," A quo" f rom . xhibil . ' the _tth Sci .... .,..C.... t<e " o m Fllbru • .., 20

S_i", pltoo,og ,eptle-, Un","" N~..on, This Niluon p/'IOIO 10 A..- il 1 6 . M. morie f' . A" G.l lery . ,_II.. , .. ilh I'"enow._ tle-." ""I. of . ...." li. c pelion,. ....g nffied S_ielt Embe ...,. Ottllw•• • " . nV-d f ltlr . .....ibilion15.0v0 Ii"""'. lIlil....n ·. m.dICIIl pl>oto••,.p."of.n

Opsrflliing Pt't>ceoclu l to rm . . . 3Engi_ingd_n 4.15

t.I_ .ng;nllllrinu..-ourem 5

C....."", .' •.. 7

2 M.U .N . GAZETT E Feb n»ry 8 . 1980

Med student research forum held at Health Sciences Centre

Scholarship Guidefor Commonwea lthpostgrad stude nts

.......... d. H. ..I •• lOill.d b. O•. J . K., .. wl\o 100.1 ".• •

... _ h'l1ce""di......win.n ··h ~....,. 1n

Re_,*, " _ td ln lnl_lillflei oom ili llfl ln MiMn i.F_. l- II, 0<. Goo"". 0. . Ken . MI. M i__ ....


no.ScI>olIf-oI>,I'aG.-f.,. c.ewn..-_.It~!'oM·1I'_.S.-.s .. _ ...._ ;n ...~TVL.b'....no.....-hel_....--"", __ 32'_ ............. '.'50 __- ~..-.-........--_.._oo.-._""e-Ith _lO_·_.-.-~""_"II_.I) .. uofrw.,._ ..... u_'n.__ Com__~~

An.~.,ia1l._.._....It_ _ ..ln.........

....... 01_nced stue!yor .-.::11 1_ ..._.'_....ho~._._rdl_nonly'Ollrl<l.....I""u~'nrl....linl"-counltyofl... u' •

Til . fi '"l .n~ ... , 6 tu"~1 II . _ .,*, Fo,u m ._._ bVl,IIU~ ·.F....ltvolM..."' ;.. ... hoold_ . .. . Co­win--. of _ ··E__. In R_e<eIl·· "' eq__•0"" GoaM.nd loui. M,_. 11m..... •

-.lst-',,--,. On_lfol_Fecuity0. M .H. e-. MUN '"""_..f M..iciow . _ led

Sign collective agreement

1,1.", ,,,, .. , Un' ''' o<l. 01 Nowl ound lsnd'l'll, et.,o". ",,, dlhoo._n'''. 1h of Sec:uroTVG... ,d Puree

"-.:.~"';:"~.2'~=h "".ont_....--- on s.-.."""' JInuI ... 20ll a.m_ .. h<o ~thoI' _ _ htmll a

1'..... lor ......... .., . M'. AIco<lo.·I _ .........."_._ -...... ",. -.. ~10.m"" 2Olh

.... _ .. __.ce. __ loy "---

e...-ECW 1I_.DeoIn"''''''Cal_~_

_on T.................. 221l ....ce_.. ""S~_""''''Il......•.... ~G... tdof_ '.,.m ...... ' .. 1owwuk.rlol Mr. """"'" _1_' Illr..churt:h.ndll ,h0O" __

M' . ...lcocI<joj ..... ,"-Secu. ilVSllllin ...~u..

:~;:~;.~·n:::;O-;=:::=.nd~.-tIy ... _ Il,.CO-_ ,...

...._IO II.-'.R _~.nd_"-'t.DougoIo.. Doo-.od_DoneId~.c...d_DonIId..P'-'v_Il .....~."-t...........,_ ...............-.... ... 1.73_ ~-


e'ome<!al._.. Il .. . , nd_Ii.' M• ...-i.l1U~,... .. TVof "Iew!our"lI.nd. Thi I I"- eo~..~.ul ofm.nyll...,.~.. . nd'..ultywllo.ll .I'lOH<l'''-''r., .M...,

=:..~~":=:;,:,~~~S:::::=;.of..._ nIn hq 1 ........._ ....-"11-.-... -"'

~-.l.Dr III Hoo...... G.uIt~-.l' _ _ ..TV_ ".......-.,Il.~-_..- -.__ -

.._~of"'_-~_"'-""_'n_._oI.n__......... DrCM..-. MUN~of .........~l__ of_F......., 'o_ ...._.......:.::-"of hqeol....... On. _ _ no0". _.nd

no.M."",~ .' Un,,,,,,'y'·h e.,.. ...,. .~ _ 11""'OOq... ....... _'_,OC'.'lIao....ndLou '.. M,~ f"..• nd _ ond ylS' m-.l oesl .'uden, ". ,osp"""'y M' . GosH '•...or k o~ l"- U.cs.,. m.n~ ....n ium....... don .in thoI.t>or. torv of Or I' o'e,.. ~. MUN P' OI..oorof e,ot"- rroIUYM I . M,_·I_n.. """och ....yhoo.. nu,," '''_ .nd/or,mmu.-...' omplCoO'>oRI._dorMIwIl _ l1udted I.,.

:::'::-':_p~ 50::__ cIIe- II""'G. Un.........

Mr ~w"'_'OIl''''''__II_lEMl.n S,_ ""'-- FonomII"'"~_ of l,II.. _s.:t.dof_co... F_... ..,1·3 ._~_... ,__ "__.."".. -.0<1......__

Ml.IN ..... N_S'__Fo<_ ... G-.T._.,n.,.ust ..... J 1(s .... ""O.-..- ........stC_.. ~1O

... ~.n"h~••~_rt:r.··_d.~Mtlm' ......."_ W'''~'''YI',_nt~1'1_'1III1"~ (Mo1_t"" Thoo-y::~... ,111,11, Go.... _to d"Odorl of 'hi . " "'1 MUN

EM:llo1t"-olh.. l1....nl.wIlop'. ..~lId""PfI'"_·...~ ••ok.~of'_"lOnlorhoY,"III'O"''''I'O'odTh.. '_.............,.""" ..... OSI'O-..v.-...-"""""'.__ c.nlIOlovY.~"'''.''.•nd_''-''''';

_""T1WIt'-"'_~"'w.n:-t.~.'"~. "'C_I........ J !l<lfnI... WOrc<lgo.1IFftzGeo-IIId.W~. H e.---.II ""''''''''.J-.O.S ... ....... ' w-. _II W ... ....Y

...•__' coIloo<:_ee_ nl w • •_ n... ......bo_ M_1oo1Un......ity dI'" N_oundl . nd"' oeoeloo'illflof Publ ic: Employ l'ocel 71101 1 onboh.1lof ...ln'"'''"nc............I. Th.~_l wlllc...... l ......riod "'prill .1Il711oM_31.1 111 .HiDlI~IIh" of_ee_Ii""_; lm~ _,..,. _ ....ri... 6_I1 '.. _ ot __ , s--d. ll·RIT .C. _ ._'" Vice-""--'t._/~Opet.~WSel"',_ _ IA ); M u l)yq.

"-t. ..._ _ ot """"E~ GIoooII_._-.oINAPE_...... _ . . ....... /l_RIFt.._ s_ ,.S t. a-...._ G_o:

L --.J =:o:=,:=.;.."':.:-~~~o.."'",d. 00 " E.....-; .i ~ Gonlon ot....... n O"".... "'_"'C_ E""i_:C.• . R nMo...._. Di _ tot . P.... """.. , Jolin H Di...,IOf.Phvolc.. 0 .......,.,1; ••muol Quinto n N"'I'E

::.ti::..~.='It==.n:::-- ,'"';Su....

F.t»vlry8.1980 "" ,U.N. QAZEnE 3

Operating Procedures during storms

---~-------Brig Harbour Sketches

1 CLO,INQ Of THE UNIVEA'ITYl1wu-.."' woII NOT_toouo.... d __

::.=~.:_.S.. I. d E.....e- ncy i. ,..oc~'''''''

2 PRO CLAIMED STATE OF EMERQE NCYDu""" . P,ocl.,m lld S'.I. 01 E "",'genc:~. ,,,­

Un'_ . ' l'/ mu.'.n. u•• ' h. ' .....,".I ..rvie<t••' .....in.. 'nec!. l1wDoopu"' ... ' ''- .....i. '. n. V;ce·P' <I'1A1jA<lm'n' . ...' .......,.P!'orU:.1 ()pe<• •_.L loll,. F.M. E ng....... be'__ Ior "'goo"' ..ng.n.~trOl " .. tt>e _~.it .. f....'", ...

."''''u-.-',''' _,,_ Un........,tt>e___*<eqund poorio<ft>__... _

III 1.........__. • • U__'"_.·"""'-l__...__u.- .....•_..,.d Mr . f M E.....",

:s ....OCfDUAES fOIil . TOIll... . OntfA ntANOf:C\.Jl.Af D f "' EIilGEIlICIUf1w-....-...,..,..__OlldY __....

......._-- ...-......_.....--­_do_..... __.... ..,,_::.=.........o-.Iopint au-N_ Wo<U>e

AlI __.... I ......lbe . o;poocl.. , ~f"' du"" n

......... ...,. ...,'h'he<'norm. ,oc_u _ 'hOulJh" • .., , "" " om tI,.. Un,... , .. ", m.~ be o.''' cull. Tt_...ho l I ' h. ' it i. ,m""•• ,bl. 1o ,. eeh'''. " piK . 01.rm>lovm.n'mu.'<;<tnllc"~,,o.o. r1m.... H....dO"ee.",,,, o. .n. """" m.~ .. ,.. lhem I"'tmission,o be....n' . ,' .n """,",pl.ble"".. i.,.. n,". Such.-" mUll be ._" ',, '~ "'- notle.-tm.ml ,n _ ......,_,"I..,""' ..u_.......,._u1.._ -...... d L___ ".he~_o.n",

o.r-::."' cne ....... be.'n"'........... . _

;:;: m:=-",::,.:",:"",,::.:::.=:;~-~~.......-""-......_._tI'I' ....-- "' ....".."..."'.- ..... OOoper1, "om_Ur>_'"_~.,.,_ ....11be~ l.l ' hrouO" "'" u.w-....,........_0 10 .11e.-tmenlS. Ibl .... "'" Publtc:In."' ...."on S-,s"' mlc!oMdc... u" '....,oion .....Iel.)onca""""'.""lcl",. '''.__. U'''~ lUI:h

in .._ .;On _ ICO"'l'O"""'....I.""Uni , oity mfun c.i u A o..n", 0"",,_.h ',"".I"..d, , ." ..n.'~_"ocanc:.1

I.borot",'• • beclu.. d."..~"od'nvol_.•h"uld"be_ ...... _,..ble'oo" ...

S'-IO'he .. """cond<'_.bec"""' ....._.''''','....,I,om""'Urw_ ~_ ,,.,.......;ble .

-veneY~....n w,. M '" .. in "'"~S, Cen" • •oma -..___ lood _ on _ lf d,__ '_ n.at w .... _ ''''lu _ ......."u'n-'*_ AComm _"'lId'_......._

It-cwrt S._"""""~_""' CounctI cII.... S "'s·UNon-. __~ ... Mr

E _ "".--Ior""'_._olM, .E _ ....""_""'__..~_ _,_"'2_.NDcv.5SESWlU 8ECAPoCEUEDO!lOFFICES


Reduced hot el rat esHA. S_•. B.A.(Ed.1 Pte__ CIl.... he<: ltt _

on....d E._n Pr"';nci.1 __....."n..,.- ...8.........,.. I'.... lO _ .. I U""""""' -.. S1....... Iw-_

""'_......._••·. ""-__.. """50_._"'~.G.....-"""e...-~,.,.",.~_ Gr_ F_.""...-o<:-. e..-r.. N.S

""- .. ""c""" beU.OO_ .... ...... _-....... '-"" ""'---::::::: dl IBiII _

""",......on p""d_douo-.-- •_ . _ .... E .....-. .. .- tt>e_...- - __ _""lI' _

--...-sol w.._1 u-w-....,. ...,..-. pooy",".__._",-,,-._..

• ... ...ItEUP FDA C"' NCe:WD CLA-SSESE ,...._ .... ,"-.. ... be.""", 10-' ''"""'u """"'_.,..". c1n_ _ " ce...,....

beclu.. 0I_._ cond'. ...... 5omoo' lbih"'in _."."lI"_nfS i._".ble be<:."" "' tt>.~.<yi"ll_

oIFeeu ll.... . ""Sc_• . AII.uch."."lI"_n" 1I'h ... .. .""' invol.... consult• •'onbe_nllMo .pprop ' .Voee· Pt. ,OcMnfS. ONn••nd Direetors ."". _n=",..hes...."'eom....n.. on u_o'..... ..

8 GENE RAL0U.."lI-.. ......,.,.. """_ ..1~_-...w"'"_.__~M-....._..--.... ........"'_ .......- ....~~---Thepokc_ ...~ .. _e...e-....-_T......._~ ... E........,......_.. "'"...._d_ ....._tIUfI'_be~_:.~.c_ .... rM_ca_"'"-"' ...


Pre-election seminar set"'. o.p"nm.n. 01 Po!,' ... 1 Sc...""" ....llhold.,...

. Ioc.ion ..", in.r ll l p.m Wocln.odo~. F_u.ryl3 , i n ">",,,

5-180, Mem .... 01 ,he <Iepon"",n, ... ~l d'k,,"' "' .... ,,11.0I."- M.~ 1 9 79 1_•• I.""' ''' ....nd,.. n'l<>m.prel ....."""'i..... "lI .I""" ."",,1879 . 1M::I S1udy Th..S1udy.. ""_on ... 'n.......h of "' ... 11!OO-..-,_nt..""" -.... _ ...=.s.-==::'::==C:::'· 1~:::':"_.......-OnFebr...,20.19«I. ... CIo.-f<w9ol, . ~-'_ ...... a.- II_"-'tOy _ .....__... ""'e--_ _ _ •1M::I_-"IId ··_ F O"-s.....__ ""''''''''PIIln·'. Hooltocl_ _ . ",, _

.. . :SOp."'- inE.l._I.2QAII_d....-...-"""'.........,. _ ...__fu_F be_ ....... _""-


Heritage Day

Fun Run Feb. 17A .... n•..,.O'~ fun lltun""_h.hehoSl"'''' ... ''''''d

S•. JoI'tn·Li ••I• •1Id.... 2 .30 p"'. S...-,.~... ", 17Th. M_.I T,,,,,k Club .ndl~N<I"",,u nd"nd

Hi.. ",ocT, UIl.'. ool"'bor .lingwilh'''''prov'nci.IT, ......ndFi<lld Auoci.,io.. ,.. , th.,un

Th.....n.will ·l:icI<off··lh.Hi.""""T,u ••·.k_u"" oI........ Ior Hoo.-".""O.~P. mc , fol low " .... of '- 00... _ • ....", ,un

d_ 2 k"'_ '''nd.boul:& km8oIh ""'" IMoo"...._Or.... ....... _ol~S..-. _in_oltt>e __ "_ OIf<,ee.,.. ""'......--- ... ...--__.-.,

1IelI_.,_~ .. 2p .... ln lC'....._ .. 13oV.W_S•.-._ ~1Id ....2:SOp ... . Aegoa ...__ .l.00_''''''''''''t75_ ...._01""'_"'_...... '........_ ............... _In-.l..........__..

___ "-.: T.... """'-_ •-.-, - """- -..g _ ... ,,-..,--·IonO .- .............

F"' i _con...,,_R"'.....22.&"'''''~NiIvY 283 3

TlIeMO.. """ u.brlldor ItiI."'.for N_...• tvd .... Hrtppy v y I. cu 1y d 'Ii"1l1'" B"Hrtfbou'Sk_• •. do ... byc. _,.rtl"'ll.lbenClou,;.. ln 11l•• w n"" t:i d • • 8 · ilI H. rb" u'C._irln"'... b , The dloP.~ ...., i.. tlll__of M. tch, _ .. 'ou, I",,~..... . nd _ A''''''Ie._

4 M.U.N. GAZETTEFtlbNlo ry 8 19 80

offshore oil impact study} n

He se rved as Dea n of Engineering since 1974HII_.IsoI....."ment.,"'~oI!he

~"lIf.....-"'llI>''IfI.....W1thIlteShopbui>ldlngf"ll,_n"lll>'Oll.. m.lhII

:::;;'.~O:~'~,,:,,~::....::r:==:t:;::,Anelfd> _.n.. of !he '-'_I "-eh eo......, 01e..-. 'o__uctld Id_, 1011>1f .. ,,1!Y on 11>1

uni_...yc.mpus.lheUn i'y""._.mejor....... 01eo..-· "'..-.... ,-.-ct> _--A s.. .... Comm...... c""..1d trw0< I.E R..-.V...·"'_nt r-Ith $CI<IrICMI _ ""'''''' Voee·.....-.IPnlf ......... SChool.lh.. _ ...bl_ lololoc" • ...,...._no""ns,...... o<""ph••'_.br.~_'o~

0-:''':::=:.::~':::~=.-:~--.W.J. Vett .. (VIC• •C!>I" l. J .D "" .......... J.~d_O""-'''''''oflheF IIWoff''''''''"'ir'IfI.nd~Scoe...... 0<. J.B I...lIdtrwlhll .... _,on .._I f "ll ' 0I1h11 Proo-, of Newio_.rd~_.O<.JrlJ.Gog.n.Do<..- Otl.....R_10< .... Unl_"Iy. _ M .. J .D.e-. 5«.....,- ... !he"",",-

DrFlol>l<to._..'•' ..... 01011 o-nolf"ll_"'Il A,ppI...


=~-:::::.~' ....m"'ll'_ch-.k_ 1...1t""' ......-HII,.._ _·

llre<!"· l.educ:.. ,"" ....Un_sitT0I5,,.,Itc/ydIo,$COIIIInCl. .

:::,:~,~,IhllUn,.......,. To<orrto5 ..... 190'hII _ ....._'oIl..""' .. I""............,Un-.<lyol_ ..... _,n .........'riol MechanlCl lf""" ....""ll 1>'0000.mbe/o<""",-,"ll Dr""",. B'une.u .. Ollln ol ll>lf.."lty"E""_"",, .....""""... Sc_ in 1117.

In lin; . If Dr. o.m_'. """ 01 ofhee 11>1F_'~ lnto ' hII _ S.J eo'_b"""'''lI lor

f "ll ''''''''ll '''''' GeoI''ll'I UndI 'll'_'. I>'Oll''''' ' ''.otfwedinCio'iI. f __I f ......."'ll._'h""'_'n ""'lII __ f"ll_,"ll S_,n'hII.. pr"" "'I .._ mclu.. " .. ......... periodIs .... 'h..,1h ' oe , onco mp...

Dr. O'"",.... d..-.eted_IICf_ . .... _lltal_oIlOII.4-1....__ltobftelplaced"'ConClpll_e.v'"

' hII _1y 7IY........ _to<*.ta-.,' in.....,.. ud_ . p.en 0l'rioI ..,..n . ....... 8I'>jI "'ll_ch.1'hII• _01 11>1...."" conc.-ns"thll F..u/ly 01f"" .......'1fI_I\lIPioIdScoence .""of'heCont...... Cold ClcMn..........,., f"""_.... rc·C OF!fI__._.. II>I

"ni_''''' n I9 75

_S,Jor>n·.... ""'JOfponol Jrlonn ............ cepllbllloI--"...noil IncIYRry"

· ..ongll>loNy" "'.rdhevot>g.lI"..t_loI._...."",IobIe, ""U Jrl "n ...... ~_inlhil1''''''''''''' We should 11... __...."'. ISfR _ b ,__s..-_ ..'~_W.rwl .._. __IdJ1811_"

Dro.mps'.. _llbe"""kl",,,h" '8liIul.. ,~.1Otoawfou ""01 hll ..bblbcol_._11_._1."",-.. .. h.. IIld¥ ...._1o< 'hil~_ ..... 11>1 _ly 0< ~.,- ...upp.ment g<>.e< _ onIh .......... ,-,,,,Iy""""ldene.......' ,lromlt........k in !lco<lI n<l

· ' ·m .-y bo,o __.-.... :· hll oonc..-·"ThII _ _ .. cen .. oIIy_ •

....' ,....... For ...mol.......,rttletyhll... ..,.SOU bllI••n 'hil D<:MnEfIIII_"'lI G,oup, C-CDRf .Jrl()IIOCO.lhII __ 'nst,I"'.oICo!dOCHn

"""'"H ..lreedV_ """..... ' ...... ln ....."' oI ....m• .,ne ...,. "',nly ,nocoan .""' n"'" Peope_US _, ... -.... ..... ,.'..

............."'thlln."Y''''.. OO'''II .... ,nll-. __ D.. oIou,'..u... ......-..~lyon_'ICI' .. F""_S"..Unl"'''ly " ."""11'" ......,,11... ' 1011_1""'" __ on T"" , The SfDeD 709 oil .. <>OW _ .... Gr_ ._. .... t_,o-..p_..,..n_",",I"lII>'Oll"m·..... _II00<N"' .....".....-.... ".... _t ,-to ......... """'nbu' .... 10 IIt.. oomm..",ty" ........'S--'o1l1awc..... to .... ,U. Prt,·...-.."od...II ....

Otlshoreoillndp.tItehnoIogrIPP'OP".. l.ro""""'ou...,..nd·....... wiUbipudltldbyOr,RobIrt

o.mpste'du'i"llh'.upcom'''llSA_tocelTtl. De.n 01 Eng inee ring .nd Applied Scienc..

"""-term of offic8.>lMf""'UlItm1 oflhi.,.. .... ,lapendhtsMbbllto;e,ye."ntlWAbIrdeen .c.nueol th.m.ni\ltl NorthS.. ool.ndll"dewlopmenL

Or. o.m~ beIMtw. the North See oil do_,.,.• ndil.imPllClonScollllndcould __ '\Iuideforwh.1 m illht h.ppe n If. I"ll' commerci.1 oil field i.d_ed off theahor.. of Nttwfoundlllnd.nddu''"''h.. III>betIClI.,...'MWI........._.IO• p8CI'icindust'i.l.ngl.....'ng.pohhce••ndllOC .. ,qUell..,.,.

..... plIn.toconlUltwrth~I.. II_tlWUn,... ,sltyafAberdeefl.ndtheAober1Gor'donstnstilut80fT"chnofoqy.n_ttn"", H,ghl.nd.nd1....n<bDe""lopmenl 8olo,dof Scotllln.d Thll.tte,\I"'" pWnnong permossiorTlor mI,.,.~I'1UCh •• locatoon .... lorpl.llormcon.IrUCIIOtl.Dr08mpste, wi ll .Iso spend time w'th th. 0,1comPlln ....nd..,nolf induA,ie., Th,ough thi ••_,,, IOlh.u_lII'Y. thell"'M,nment.nd Industry in ScoIlllncl.0 " Demp"er hopes '0 "',n~ whIT dlreet'onash o uldbl ll ken.nd. mo '. impon.nlly.whl t ....s 10....

"'lIogarl"ndll~_ .... _nd __


;:=~:.=:::b:"::: ::':::"e-;::....-. iI 10 11>1Il"__"._

0< O'"-"" ..5o'.. 11>1I8 h.. _"' _.whO' _ ou""""".-dI now .. '1'«,10. llU"" In_.-...._i_..,~.kIr .....-_.......---...-_ ....~.......fUCt_or'IfI.~IICf_IW.cen·'.l'fonIlObr."""ou,ln . ll di,.c ho n,. W.m"",<IIn""",hlld....... _h...__ m.... put p/oI...,;"g.'......... inolec:. 10__

--....-.~-TIoefrlontt~..n sc..n...~ .........._ ..

.n...mpl.otlhi. kl rdol pl.nnl""""UC''' ''.0< .D._..._1""hII " '-'''II 10.0_,18 ''''''''''''''' Ihil-----_......._or Ity .........._"" ~

.,Il. hsh _.oon.trllCf.""."'ini""'..... ~S.......Il'ICt.oIIhI'teo::I'W'IoIo\IoIII>Iotllhoreoouldbe--..h... ..."h

---.~._....""...............nd_··......IO<.D..-npIter.~For.-.npIe.IhI' SI. .Ioh n·. _'" of T"de ..1'1' ou' peOpll 'm"st ,iIfI 1oII>I.""'!engI'; " •• """.......... ' 0 do "",n,,,,.,,,,,. l"mnolu,ong'-""' k__ lOdo.S""PIYIhet .. IhIl_''''_""__11>1...... 01 _

.._ ,beca.... _clon·l ha _ .t mlfl ht be ..,1Id.hl9h1or_ri • ,•__, .", h ol ,,,,, ...hltOlolrt""""_111__•W.eaJl11_"' .._0I_"II__"_-<OU1-", .._r.._ ...mpIe~leclu' oIo11'f iI"Id ,th'... otl....... That·._.nll>lUn,!ed SIII n<l th ·. "" _ ' _conoornp" .. in th ..--.·_I-.~_ Dr.a...-•. H ......... IN_YM<1O Iv _ , t _ Id_,oIyI>'~Iv ~noIogICII.II'IC!•. bu'th.... CO"·'_ .. udiold-.thev __....... in _ .. oI •

____.T _T, II .-,

publ .. ized_ .... _"llOUlII>I~ If__.~..od to .br..k.... ' .. "' F..._I.. e.v, l'O\lmlflh'

ii•• • what Newfoundland needsnow is specific guidance in tech­nological and industrial develop-

;;,~~t~~ \t O~ffi~~\~~ , D !n,Engineering and Applied Science,M.U.N.

~'Y e, 1980 M .U.N . GAZETTE 5

v engineering program, etc.

• ....--

. ~ .'

~20-' - '. -:... ~.. (t <'

....., ."'hot..".. .. ... c • ..-. ... 1969 ...Oldy .om ...,.._",lh. _.1 o-n_",oI lf1d...ot<v, T,__ Com......,._.......,'..__I_"'_ri..if1d""'Y

..",..--......._.........-......-""___"'_-'YlO"• . _tho__ 1 ....... U< .. *

Thoc.--"'f.__ _ .. __."''''_ '''' _''' ..__0.

Oo"""',...•_."''''''''''''''''',,_..'..''''''n.omp ..",on

·W. ... d.... doH ", ''''''II".Thooy" .... ,-.......""__-..'__ _ .. 1<1_ .. _ ...

~"""-poapIoO_..._~­__ _ ~_c-.-"'-""'"

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·l ·d kke lO _ ' ......pbull<lo.. _,_ _ ..._ . ....... ",-.-_;".,10<00_ .......

= = -:....-:-a:=:c:.::::::-......,..........._ "' ..__ .. -....f1dCaldOcoon-

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K l>ol_lhotpoll\l..."._be_. 01 ...p<obI """ ••"""'11. oI_"' ... . _ ocionlil ..===....... 10<c._'. i_..1

Shipbuilding Engineering program new at M.U .N.

Inadequate support for research, developmentthreatens Canada's economic future - Kucharczyk

Schedule Sea Ice Field

Measurement Workshop

An,""...."'.... ~jpbu,Id,"ll."ll I_'''llP'og,.'''~••_"thom__ oIDr-. A_cr.",",,",·,PfOIO'O!Odu ..... "'._... _ ... h.. c:ou<_in .... _-'_"~"'__ in'-'-"" 19l1OThoo __............._'- _ . _----"_..~__""_.l*""-""''-'_-'''''_...........ood"'. __""ft_-... ......""._,,, .,,,pb ,Ido"ll1

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11ENGG '"" .." SHtP ....

DESIGN DE$IG" "'''''DESIGN "'",..


•__....... Irom .....icop •• _ .... rig ..... IocoMd otlllooll 11._

e M .U.N . OAZEnE

1. n.onoc. oI__ ,...__.M__Counal' v---l __ ... ,Me--_ _ ...__

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_ . on~. <>-in_....~ ... _in. _ _ ....- ...__.~__.... .........-, 1O......._-. O!KI' _ m"'ll IN ........oI _ IpPwte_POIYcYc~

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dlo 1COD. ll u"'id• . PO!vd>lon _"' v """ _ .. u/tI .... _ .. ditt,"". • H>e.IOI .

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PI-""'. mlORECl CO"'Ioptnt ....nd Dl _ , .. _oI"'-"" _ E"'-n 1""' '''''''VYl. '' _ .... ...."SBI'."'U'.IIIA'.MIN1 ·IlU.P . _

Memo,iel Uni.",,,ity of Newfoundlllnd

Tender lor Su rplus Good s

OIl... ... '... ,'odr""t>epurellt...ndl."""'.1", ,,,'p1u . goodo II ," ,ed _. Good. "",II be IOld... . n·· . . .. - _ ·· n<l... b,tet ,o u..Un_'..ty Cotl<M oI S.I •. 1 '" Soolo-- Caon"'c.rt~ otdo."'''"' Putc_ l be .._b1......:::"~OB ..""".. I Un.-lIty ol_·

'- 0.-...., o-cnptlonl One 1.0800"' ......n_2 1_ S""_..3 One E... E"""'-..n ...... . I1_

S"' 251O'- ~".PI-_ _Oftoo 01 .._

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~__..._....n_._~""",, __ . nd....,.be tanO'ddun.._._..... _..,,..,...,. n3-1200.& _ 2122 ", 2123

011.......... be._ ed in_ IIWe!OPI10

,"'o.p._."" ""\'IiQIOpetIl' -'"Utl -.rty 01 '-wroun<lltl'ld. 51..JaM". N__·

Itn<l. AI ' 311(7. Em elcpo ohouldbll_tym,,_00 .. Fo'm ."'S.. 'p1u.Goo:l.. ln.....Ion.SUIlO3-7t= . _ 11bIl,_ _ .. p 10 " .OOp.m.. Feb,u . ry 21.

"'.Un_...., ......... _ d itHH 'oI<'l:>epl1t'o.h"_,,,_,_

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...... ,.7'lt-"'*' """'0l" ..__..............--...._~- ....._ .... IN 19l1O,_eydoo. "" .. _ .. IN_

_ .IDt_.-.-v""_'........... OfoEOEADUIE OATE... 1980 .... IN__ 01 NEW""CJPOS,I,LS._lWOIDtIN~oIIIENEWAl'""""-JCATIOfrIS~__.. I'JIlIIictntI ..

--. .......-oIlN_oI_ .............,..'_.ppIoc:8_boo_IItI.._ ,......_'."'__"""'o""",,",... l lI8O


........ 1979_bIl p..._IO_nlN' .....'"_.nona I• ...,...,.;.. p,.,ed lOt con , ,,. , ..I...bv_ MOl,,"'''' ''' NII,..,..I 11._ .I'IdW"' ......, _ be_<t'''lI'oouoc...lul.pp1I'''n.. in'... _ ''''

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How 10 Cut l ong Dis llIn<:e Telepnone Costse..................... _ctlI.__ ....

_1--..n'I..ooIy~_dIJIo<.l .iOI."_m_ .''''<alI. ~_ il _.''vou_lde''',...._ ... 'nu .. oH_'''''' • . __ltIglIlO.'''Un_ ty_ldbl_Il ....,.1 0.000 .....nnu<n;2 ...,nu' , ly 13 &,000 . _

W."""n' .......... 'or..p'odtIc:.lhe ~d;It._

' .. ephone b~ll by lt l..II.10'OOO.n<l""t>epfl_n130 .000 "".nnum


'Planning retirement'seminars by Extension___ '_""e!IOI"Il',n_~""

~_"""'E_s..-.....•.-., ......_-....._01-...-01'1 _01 .....~Att_- ........"ll "'_ ...-....., TObl_FItW-vt2. tt.2B_ "", .. It _130 "'.30p ... . _ __._"".1 be 01....._____... p"'-""'v'n_....-...eI

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Fot'hoM_....'''tl'''''''bIIor. F_ ryB.'''',..lOt , 10", """,ko/>ollfl """ be 135, OO.lI.."ag,1I..ntl_1IbIl' ul'ed 'Ol"y.,..0It35.00: ' .... II>OU.... "" hoMlag " ", m.y al"".".nd 10,. nomln. 1tee 01"0.00

Ooy,~u:~"3;;~mlll on """ Vbe obl.ined bv ce iling I....e


"'-"1'V •• _'o ....I'Id.......,_-'<__""""'""boolN'""""--I'Id_......... 11'fly _",...... ce __, u-.a,_._,,_10<ot.."'n"' _ ........... II'l"""',, _1I<n.,n TN ,_ .--.,. 13 1'ItWu It 1·2 " ....;n S·284 Thoo_ .. ~boom.LJ""' "'."-'_.

Febru.ry B, 19BO M .U.N . GAZ ETTE 7

Parker completestwo commissions

M'cIlael p.n-." ,.leclu •• 'In CIa.Ii<;••ndMUI"'.ISi,WilfredG,.nfeIlCoIl..ge, .... . .. lectedVice ·p' esi<lenlol'MAtI.n'ocCa""d,.nCom_,"' A..oci.l'on'ltt>"tound<ngmeel,ngollh.. prg.niza..onheldinH.liI.. I.llOcI_

AmO"lllhe .,mlollh"o'lI.n...""" "I",,,,,.,ng llfll1,,,commun",.tlon .mong ComPOOl," in ,he Allen,,,, regIOn

Mr.P.';;",h•••I"" .. .eentlycampl..ladlwomaj",cnmmillion • . T....,.I,Op. 24 ... . worlclprVio/in.CI.'ina'.COntr.b •• • nd "," ,cu .ion. ...8S comm i..,or'lld b~ fUII"n ,,h.Sl. John·lboledcon'.. mpcr . .... mul"'p.....o.min g.n... mbl• . Aperformlnc.. of'h._,k'" a<:heduladl"" he

.pt'~:':'B~t:';:k.~~;: fpr Madium Vco"" .nd P,.noOp.2S ··Wllcommi.sionedbylheAlh.""",fo, CI "",h .nne ... MuSICP'OIeeto. en Onta.io ·basad orgamz."on which1"0""'1"" newCanlld;.nmusicb~ ap<>n""n"ll comml lll<>nl

:7~h:,":~i~i;'':..~7:=~~ :,:;::~:""o,m.nc.

M,U .N.GAlETTE io pct>Ioahedlortn'llhllydunng'h..un,... 'sttYI"'.,.nd mon' hly du' ing June. July.nclAugUllbyl he Di.,", onol Um... , s " yA" Ia" " ", . nd O" ... IOPme n'A" . ·Adm m" "' . lIon Build,ng, Phon ,,7S3·1200. h,..n.",n22 89 II il prinl. d b~ Aol>onoon-BllCkmor.. "'inling.ndF'ublo' '' ,ngColtd .. O·Le.'yA... nu •. Sl . .John' s.De"dli nefer.1I copy . f' i<l.~ noon bel",. publiCl'io n 01.1.. , M. l•• i. 1m. y be ,,,,, , ln,edf,,,..ly.ndpho,o.c.nbe .upphed.c,adil......uldbe.pP'.Cll led . M• .,.GI••..,n. Edl,pr


SAT.URDAY, FEBRUARY 951, J oh n ' . Art • • Cu l.u •• C.n... _ G• ., HIli D.n"" Show

8o<>..... ck.V...itySChaldu.. - W,Ve l"-vt>aII,D.I ,lttMUN7 p.m. plu. M VoIl...,.ba U,U "" M ., MUN. 7p.m

SUN DAY, FEBRUARY 1051. John·.Art•• Cullu .. C...... - G" IGu ide. Th,n~lng


8<lOIh.. ck.V...lly5chail.. I. -W.VaU.. yb.II .D .I. .,MUN12 p.m. 1'1... M Volleyb.lI. U do M .l MUIII,12 I' m. l,;""

leleeasI.Ch.M.1 13

M ONDAY, FEBRUARY l'Channal13. ETV _ 7:30 p.m . _ 5ha daw. on Ih.. W.II ­"Tha Art 01 OW, Gntl ilh" P. rt l. B p,m. _ Ecano mlCl ..

You, Bu",ne.. _"'D'1 & G••: S<:onWoocl"'.B:15 p.m. ­"Som. of Yo", N. ightx>u.. Wo,k . l Mem pri. r ·. 6 :30 p.m, ­WcflclR.I>gion. -"'Easl.. m Religiorll.ncllheW.y"'

TUE SDAY, FEBRUARY ' 251,Jo/>n·IArtIISoC"'tu•• Can .. . - Dan H,II. No D""ou nl

MUN Film Society - ' 'Th. Thlrty·Nlna S'ap. " , 8 p.rnE"IIn. T_ I' .

Chalnnal13. ETV _ 7 :30 p.m. _ CO·Opa, . l i.as _ ·Th ..Lel>I.nclonCo -O"", .';.es'".8p.m._··PortR.ahicl··,8:3Dp.m. -"P.n;yJ.n•• - He u•• otH.,."

PhlloM>phyCoIloqulum _ D,. Cy., I F'ooI•. HU·34 I,om2·3'30 pm


S' . .John ·.Artl lSoCultu •• C...... - Dan Hili. Ne Oisc ounl

Channal 13 .ETV - VoI"'ba ll cloubktheaclfl,I, nmM ..""",.1Unl"" ...."y(R ..pa.O

Ilio lovy Dep '. Sam ln• • - M, . M. O·Conn..lI. Dapt 01B,oIogy, MUIII.··F'esIlwal..' FI.hefY 'n...-'g.'ion • • ' ou ....Place>n". BIIy'". Room S ·149., 1 p.m

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14Chann al13. ETV - 7.3O p,m, - Werld R.liglon. _' E....,n R.ligion . ard ,he Way'". Bp.m. _ShIldOJ'Wlen lh "Will - ··Th.. Art ot D.W, G" "i1h" . lI'.rt II. 8:30 p.m. _w.',.Iie,.,oStay··

Cha mi.tfy Dap " Samln., - A lepic In moleeu l• •biochem'.tr'I by V. An.n'''''n.,ay.""n. MUN B,och.mll'ryDept .,4p.m. lnC42S


6i<>ch..mlst'Y D.. p" Sam;na' - Of , CM ""n It mi.B,och.m. DePl. '"Mod ul. ' lOn 01 monoam,na o.. d aet,"',yby Ilpi<lI."· IfOm 91S- 1D:1S .m.. Rcom S234A

F.cu'ty/S,. ff Club _V.I .n"n.·ISpac",1. lunCh from 12 ·2p,m,.nddlnna' .18p.m

llao.huckIV..... ltySchadula _ W B.....tb. II. UNB . lMUN.8p,m

~::~:tr~~~~-"'Black .nd Whll. in CoIou,"', 8 p.m

SI . John'IArtllSo Cull .. .. C...' .. - Jo ... G'eeo.ndF,;'ndl


O....,·.CoIl_Chapal _Serviul clildy •• ""'pt S. '.8:15.m,.nd5: 1Sp.m,<leWlle nl ,12: 1S HoIyEuch.'i.'.OnSunday.'Il'.m. Holy Eucll.rlst Incl F..lIOJ'W1hip Hou.



COn...bu'Y _Ang licon COmmun ity on Cl mpuS ..-tI ....'YTu_.~ nighl.'O"..n·.CoII"g".,8p.m

SAS.F. _ 12 noon _ B>bla D,*,ul&ion '"Ey. nga h.m _\l\lhy .",, _ " . Phon " . "' .210(l Ipr de ll lll


Chi Afph.a - BlbI" Slvcly Wad naaclavs .l 1 p,m. in C-1OBE... ryona_le."".

:;'A~;Ie- W_tv .......... all p.m. _ ..I.2 1 00

THURSDAYSS, A.S ,F. _ Bibl. Olocu..ion··E....ngeh.m _Why .nd_". 1 p,m, Ph""" ..",. 2100 f", d.n.ill


~~ Alph" _ F.llaw.h,p ""'''1'''11 Foidlyo ., 7:30 p.m. Room E·

F"c ulty /S..ff Club - l unch eo n f,o m """n to 2 p.m. da ,ly.Mond .yIOF.iclily,plus.pe<:IaIT.G .IF . .....'on onf'oclilyf'om 4:30 p.m. '0 B p.m Also .n as sortmen, of "BARSNAX .from ou ' ml"' o -....... """ n. R."""n.bl . p,lc . l . J",n~o",f.,en do.l ,he Club on F.,d.y .fl .. ,noon .nd T.G.I.F


~';I,,,,,,,y.nclJu..., fu, n i",,ad 4 _ """' h<>.... II ...

m'n ..... d,i Y" from UnlY. fOny or do ... nlo... n . Suba eq""ndyfpr ren IA ugu. 11980le , e na ye... Tel,579-284 S

W.II·lurn,anecl ,_ bedroo m " 1". • ,_lIoor...cellan, "' . w_",MUN.lully t>qulppad".""",lonenl. A•• II.bl"",lublel until Aug , 31. 198 0 .l sSOO,oo pe . monl h wh "' hincluclash..l.•ktct ,,,,ity.rdpark,ng.$uillona· 3.clull.only Fo. compl .lI dasc'ipllen p~•• d"ect.nqui'iaslo MISk"' ner . R"".ptionl., EII. aba lh TO_.I. 753·8909 or Ma~~~~~9~~67 Eddlng lon Dr. V.ne""".' BC .• V8l 2E9. leo-I

19 78JeepWagon.... full~ .... dod,na"'unl""••lhilch...call.ntgalmile'g. ,sS.100.Phona7S3·912 5

Ilvou· .. pI·nningonlelflngyOu,ltou.. in lhen f.....month. IS' . Jo!>n"),pe'hllllyOU ,""uld p,e1. , 1O nge.pr '.... l. III. in ._nca fO I I.lIow Uni__ ~y m, '-rPhOne .... 24 83 pr ....ning. jpre!e<' edl 72 2·S3SB

_ st2 pr3bed.oom h<>..... ..... hor lhouIf"'njlu•• ..... Ik,ng d;' .. nca 1o MUN. Cln., .. nge I "Y II ....be_ Aprif . nd5el'l-1t.Wollan_. ExI.2641

.+Uaire:lli1y ldatiouRoom A-14...............__ ........M UaireniCy 01 Newfo..uud.51.Jolt.· Newt'oulldlud

GAZETTE Fund Report

$1, 69 1,6 18.90 from university community

AN OTHER GIFT FOR ANNIVERSARY FUNDMr. l .H .M. A'fT8 (rightl pr . , . nts ••10,000 cheque to Tony Br.i t, Ch.lirrNn of

'-1emori.l', An niver sary Fund . The gi h i, the initi.1 contri bution from the Ayre', Group ofCom~nie. in N-t'oundiend . Mr. Ayre , wh o w... volunt_r in Memori.I ', 1961Cem~ign, i,. ne ti onel vice·chei rme n of the Anni w r, e ry Fund . Hi, record of service toMemor!.1 •• me mbe r of th e Bo.rd of Re gen ts , volu nt_ r woriter end Frtend, i, out'tendingend gre.t ly . p preci . ted.

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