Богданова М. П. 9 класс, школа № 252 Санкт - Петербурга

Post on 04-Jan-2016






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Богданова М. П.

9 класс, школа №


Queen Elizabeth II is the current Queen of New Zealand and all Elizabeth II's official business in New Zealand is conducted in the name of the Queen of New Zealand, not the Queen of the United Kingdom.

Flag The flag of New Zealand is a rectangular cloth. The flag of this design has been used since 1864 and reached the state flag March 24, 1902. The blue background of the flag Is associated with the blue sky and the sea, surrounding the country.

Coat of Arms

Up to the 1911 New Zealand used national emblem of Britain. But in 1907, when New Zealand won dominion status, it was decided to develop a new coat of arms. Own coat of arms in the country came in 1911, and in 1956, he made the minor changes.


Population and country area

Area of 269 675 sq.km Population of 3 620 000 persons Average population density of 12 persons / sq.km Average life expectancy: men – 75 years, women – 80 years.Structure: Europeans – 88 % of Maori – 9 % inhabitants of islands of the Pacific Ocean – 3 %

Features of a reliefMountainous islands

Seismic activity

Active volcanoes


Hot mineral springs

Geographical position: Oceania

The largest islands: Northern and Southern

Geographical position

Climate of New Zeland

Climate: the subtropical sea

Average temperatures of July 5-12 C

Average temperatures of January 14-19 C

Precipitation: 400-600 mm a year Mean annual temperatures range from 10°C in the south to 16°C in the north of New Zealand. The coldest month is usually July and the warmest month is usually January or February. In New Zealand generally there are relatively small variations between summer and winter temperatures. Temperatures also drop about 0.7°C for every 100 m of altitude.


1642-Abel Tasman

In 1642, in a bid to locate the mysterious, rich land Australia, the Dutch Explorer, Abel Tasman caught sight of the West Coast of the South Island.

Captain James Cook

The First European to set foot on New Zealand soil was Captain James Cook of England, in 1769. He also made the first, but inaccurate map of the country.


In November 1840 the New Zealand Company directors advised Wakefield that they wished to name the town at Lambton Harbour after the Duke of Wellington in recognition of his strong support for the company's principles of colonisation.

John Lambton, 1st Baron Durham.

British colonization

One hundred and seven years later, in 1947 New Zealand declared independence, and became its own country, after Britain did not let New Zealand troops return to defend their home against the possibility of Japanese invasion in the Second World War.


Maori - the indigenous people, the general population of New Zealand prior to the arrival of Europeans. The number of Maori in New Zealand is more than 526 thousand people., About 10 thousand people. live in Australia and the USA


One of key ideas of philosophy of Maori consists in unity of the person and the nature.

The explanation of Maori why it is necessary "not to do much harm" to the nature – for each action is interesting, whether it be hunting on an animal or the cut-down tree is necessary the weighty reason, and it is necessary to ask special ritual of permission of gods.


Interesting an explanation of Maori why it is necessary "not to do much harm" to the nature – for each action, whether it be hunting on an animal or the cut-down tree is necessary the weighty reason, and it is necessary to ask special ritual of permission of gods.


The world popularity is won today by the well-known fighting dance of the Maori which name sounds as «haka».

It was executed for an appeal of spirits of the nature or before the introduction in fight with the opponent. There is also other type of dance executed by women — poi.


Animals of New Zealand

New Zealand has 40 million sheep and produces the finest wool in world. New Zealand is also the biggest producer of wool in the world after Australia. The sheep outnumber the country's human population by more than 10 to one.

Kiwi The Kiwi is a symbol of New Zealand as well as the national bird. There are five accepted species including: the Great Spotted Kiwi, Little Spotted Kiwi, North Island Brown Kiwi, Rowi or Okarito Brown Kiwi, and the Tokoeka.

Kokako Kōkako is mainly grey with additional blue colouring. It was once widespread in New Zealand, but introduced predators such as rats, cats, stoats, and possums have resulted in the sharp decline of New Zealand wattlebirds including the Kokako.

The New Zealand Falcon is the only endemic falcon and endemic bird of prey currently in New Zealand. It is mainly found in dense native bush and in steep mountainous areas of the South Island. It rarely crosses a line in the centre of the North Island. Some New Zealand Falcons breed on the Auckland Islands which are a group of sub-antarctic islands that belong to New Zealand.

More New Zealand Animals

A short person, about the height of half a man, or like a child. It has hairy feet/ears.

Hobbits are described by J.R.R Tolkien as uncomplicated and ancient little people, no more than four feet tall.

Prefer well-ordered and well-farmed countryside. A typical Hobbit is a happy individual who loves nothing better than a good party with lots of food.

The scenes in The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings movies

aren’t just fleeting glimpses of cinematic fantasy –

the locations are the reality of New Zealand’s dramatic landscapes, which visitors can easily experience for themselves.


Zimorev Artem, Vishnevich Kirill

1. http://www.niwa.co.nz2. http://www.virtual-kaikoura.com3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_of_New_Zealand

Ershova Ksenia

Gorban Vitaly, Simonov Konstantinhttp://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9D%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%8F_%D0%97%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B4%D0%B8%D1%8F#.D0.9A.D0.BB.D0.B8.D0.BC.D0.B0.D1.82


Popov Victor, Skobelev Grigory, Pashkin Viacheslav

Использованы источники:Zaydulova Katerina, Timahovich Anastasia


Filina Elizavetahttp://www.virtualoceania.net/newzealand/photos/fauna/http://www.virtualoceania.net/newzealand/photos/fauna/kiwi/http://www.virtualoceania.net/newzealand/photos/fauna/falcon/al/sheep/http://www.virtualoceania.net/newzealand/photos/fauna/falcon/http://www.floranimal.ru/families/4285.html

Kuzin Ivanhttp://present13.jimdo.comhttp://www.newzealand.com/uk/feature/the-hobbit-and-lord-of-the-rings/http://src2.sencha.io/jpg80/http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1181/4601012444_487b15cd0e_b.jpghttp://c0481729.cdn2.cloudfiles.rackspacecloud.com/d-7002D568-1A4B-7C6E-9A0FEF49EB9B2989-3747524.jpghttp://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTkzMTUwMDAyMl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDIwMTQ1OA@@._V1._SX640_SY934_.jpg


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