الواجب الاول

Post on 26-Mar-2016






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الواجب الاول لماده دراسه مقارنه الفكر المعماري


الواجب االول

امثله لمكتبات مركزٌه

عمران العزي / الطالب

1323894/ الرقم االكادٌمً

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New York Public Library

Lee Memorial Library

Atlantic City Free Public Library

Avalon Free Public Library

Bayonne Free Public Library

الواجب الثانً

unite habitationدراسه عن

عمران العزي / الطالب

1323894/ الرقم االكادٌمً

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unite habitation وعام 1947بنٌت، فً فرنسا، بٌن

األكثر شهرة، ثبت Corbusiers واحد من األعمال لو .1952

نفوذا هائال وكثٌرا ما ٌستشهد كمصدر إلهام األولً

.النمط المعماري والفلسفة Brutalist لل

، شدرخ وودز ومن المصمم كوربوزٌٌه مبنى مرسٌلٌا، وضع

Candilis جورج وكارلوس Lameiro وتضم ،

واندٌه المبنى ٌضم أٌضا محالت بٌع الكتب ، .مرتبة ، شقة 337

ومطعم وٌوجد فً رٌاضٌة والمرافق الطبٌة والتعلٌمٌة، وفندق

الداخل، ممرات من خالل تشغٌل مركز المحور طوٌلة من الطابق

الثالث من المبنى، ، وتمتد من جانب واحد من مبنى إلى آخر،

ووضع المرافق التجمعٌه مثل الحدائق، . شرفة مع

احدى واجهات المبنً

السطح مع حوض سباحة لألطفال

احدى مناظر الشقق من الداخل

اساسات المبنى

السطح منطقه التهوٌه

حمام السباحه فً السطح

حوض السباحه

منظور داخلً الحدى الشقق

الواجب الثالث

تاثٌر االضائه على مجسم ابراهٌم لنكون

عمران العزي / الطالب

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Kay Kimbell was a wealthy Fort Worth businessman who built an empire of over 70

companies in a variety of industries. He married Velma Fuller, who kindled his interest

in art collecting by taking him to an art show in Fort Worth in 1931, where he bought a

British painting. They set up the Kimbell Art Foundation in 1935 to establish an art

institute, and by the time of his death in 1964, the couple had amassed what was

considered to be the best selection of old masters in the Southwest. Kay left much of

his estate to the Kimbell Art Foundation, and Velma bequeathed her share of the

estate to the foundation as well, with the key directive to "build a museum of the first


• The Foundation's board of trustees hired Richard Fargo Brown, then director of

the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, as the founding director of the museum with

the task of constructing a building to house the Kimbell's art collection. Upon accepting

the post, Brown declared that the new building should itself be a work of art, "as much

a gem as one of the Rembrandts or Van Dycks housed within it The proposed

museum was given space in a 9.5 acre (3.8 hectare) site in Fort Worth's Cultural

District, which was already home to three other museums, including theModern Art

Museum of Fort Worth and the Amon Carter Museum, specializing in art of

the American West.

الواجب الخامس

jean prouveنبذه عن المعماري

عمران العزي / الطالب

1323894/ الرقم االكادٌمً

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Jean Prouvé Jean Prouvé (8 April 1901 - 23 March 1984) was a

French metal worker, self-

taught architect and designer. His main achievement

was transferring manufacturing technology from

industry to architecture, without losing aesthetic

qualities. His design skills were not limited to one

discipline. During his career Jean Prouvé was

involved in architectural design, industrial

design, structural design and furniture design.

Early years

Prouvé was born in Nancy, France, the second of

seven children of the artist Victor Prouvé and the

pianist Marie Duhamel The Prouvés belonged to a

lively artistic circle, which included the glass

artist Emile Gallé, and the furniture designer Louis

Majorelle. Jean grew up surrounded by the ideals

and energy of "l'École de Nancy," the art collective

to which his father belonged. Its goals were to

make art readily accessible, to forge links between

art and industry, as well as between art and social


الواجب السادس

james strlingاحدى مشارٌع

عمران العزي / الطالب

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james strlingاحدى مشارٌع

Community Center for Newton

Aycliffe: James Stirling's Thesis

Project at the University of Liverpool

School of Architecture (1950)

الواجب السابع

Luis Barragánنبذه عن المعماري

وثالثه امثله من مشاريعه

عمران العزي / الطالب

1323894/ الرقم االكادٌمً

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Luis Barragán

Luis Ramiro Barragán Morfín (March 9,

1902 – November 22, 1988) was

a Mexican architect. He studied as an

engineer in his home town, while

undertaking the entirety of additional

coursework to obtain the title of architect

Early life

Barragán was born in Guadalajara. Educated as an engineer,

he graduated from the Escuela Libre de Ingenieros in Guadalajara in 1923.

After graduation, he travelled through Spain and France.

While in France he became aware of the writings

of Ferdinand Bac, a German-French writer, designer and

artist who Barragán cited throughout his life. In 1931, he

again traveled to France with a long stop-over in New York.

In this trip he met Mexican mural painter José Clemente

Orozco, architectural magazine editors, and Frederick

Kiesler. In France he briefly met Le Corbusier and finally

visited the gardens realized by Ferdinand Bac. He practiced

architecture in Guadalajara from 1927–1936, and in Mexico

City thereafter.

Gálvez House, Mexico City (1955) المشروع االول

House for the architect / Barragán House, Mexico City (1947–48) ًالمشروع الثان Cuadra San Cristóbal, Los Clubes, Mexico City (1966–68) المشروع الثالث


بعض من المشاريع التي لم تفز في مسابقه

chicago tribuneجريده

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ومثال لكل معماري New York Fiveمن هم

عمران العزي / الطالب

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Michael Graves

Charles Gwathmey


Richard Meier


bavinger houseمناظٌر

عمران العزي / الطالب

1323894/ الرقم االكادٌمً

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