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Post on 15-Jun-2015






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Sharing with a RoommateWhat are the problems of living with a roommate in college? Is it better than living alone?

Many students are obliged to share accommodation with another student while in college. Sharing may seem awkward at first, but it may prove to be a very good experience. In this essay, the benefits and disadvantages of living with a roommate will be discussed, as well as the qualities needed in a good roommate.

If you have never shared with someone, you may have some difficulties adjusting. You may find that the other person is very different in character and he or she doesn’t suit you as a companion. Will he person be clean and tidy? Will she eat the same food or enjoy the same music? How should you react to your roommate’s friends? And of course, there is the issue of telephone bills and shared expenses. For some people, the lack of privacy is the biggest challenge, while others may find their roommates over-sensitive or distant. It is essential to try to understand each other and make living together more pleasant and even fun.

Yes, fun, because there are many positive aspects to sharing. New students are often far away from their families and friends, and may experience loneliness and homesickness. Both may also be facing new challenges in their studies. Sharing offers companionship to people who might otherwise have to face these problems alone. Furthermore, since college is not just about academic learning, sharing is an opportunity to develop communication skills so that a good atmosphere is established. Both students can learn from each other about new interests and explore new activities. However, it is important to realize that your roommate does not have to be your best friend. In fact, the most desirable feature when living with someone else is respect for the other person’s needs. Neither you nor your roommate will be right all the time.

In conclusion, I think that there are more benefits than disadvantages in having a roommate, but it depends on both dealing with concerns honestly and sensitively in order to make student life as happy as possible.

Based on an essay from Irene Couzinaki.Is ambition a positive or negative characteristic? Is is necessary for success?

In many situations, ambition is highly regarded. Job applications often ask for ambitious candidates. Entrepreneurs are admired for their ambition and energy, and dynamic countries and cities have ambitious plans for growth. Although

ambition has a dark side, this essay will show that we should not be scared of ambition.Ambition is often associated with negative characteristics such as greed, intolerance, and the drive for power. In the movie Wall Street, the character Gordon Gecko said that greed was good: there were no limits to how much money you could make or how big a company could get. Ambition is also often associated withruthlessness. It can block out human feelings such as friendship, respect for others, or compassion. Finally, ambition is regarded as being solitary: the individual wants power at any price, and the reward is often loneliness or isolation.However, these negative associations should not stop us from being ambitious. First of all, being ambitious means understanding that we have value and that we can become better. Without plans, we plan to fail, but ambition helps us map out paths for success in our personal, family, or professional lives. Ambition also teaches resilience. When problems occur, ambitious people find a way around them. In addition, being ambitious should make us adaptable and tolerant: by including other people in our ambitions we all move forward. Ambition does not have to mean a solitary goal: it can be a vision for a city, the elimination of a disease or the improvement of a community.In conclusion, ambition is often portrayed negatively, particularly by people who have failed themselves. We should not let these people get us down. Without ambition, our lives become mechanical and meaningless. We need to celebrate ambition and enjoy the better present and future it brings.“Who learns faster - children or adults?”This is the original text:Small children seem to learn very quickly, while adults sometimes appear to lose the abilityto pick up new subjects such as languages, music, games, or computer programs. In thisessay, I will discuss whether children or adults make the best learners.It is undoubtedly true that children seem to learn very quickly. In just a few years, they canlearn how to play a musical instrument, speak one or even two new languages, and deal withmany subjects at school. They even have time for sports and hobbies, and become experts intheir favorite pastimes. However, how much of this is social pressure and how much isgenetic? I am convinced that while children's brains have a natural ability to absorb newinformation as part of their developmental growth, much of their achievement is because ofsocial pressure. Schools force them to take many subjects. Parents force them to practice newsports or to learn music. Even their playmates force them to become better at computergames or to read Harry Potter novels faster. In summary, children may enjoy learning, buttheir environment also is a big motivating factor.Adults on the other hand are supposed to be poor learners. However, I disagree with peoplewho say that adults cannot learn quickly. Adults have many skills that compensate for thedecline in the ability of the brain to grasp and remember new material. They can organizetheir learning by setting times for reading or practice. They can build on skills andexperiences they know already. Adults usually cannot learn to do ballet or to play the violin,but even despite these physical challenges, their motivation can often be higher than a child's.Unfortunately, society does not encourage many adults to learn. People are busy withfamilies and work, and some adults may feel that further learning is pointless, since theyhave already achieved many goals at work or in their personal life.In conclusion, I feel that we cannot generalize about children or adults being better learners.


It depends on the situation and the motivation of the person, and the level of enthusiasm he orshe has for learning.

Parts of an Essay

Essays, like sandwiches or burgers, are divided into different parts. These parts are the:

Introduction Body Conclusion

The Introduction

The introduction opens the essay. It is a short paragraph – usually about THREE sentences. In an argument essay, it usually describes or summarizes both sides of the present situation and says what you are going to do in your essay. Read more about Introductions here.

The Body

The Body is the main part of the essay. In an argument essay, it is divided into two or three paragraphs, giving your opinion and reasons.

Each paragraph in the body is between FIVE and SEVEN sentences long. Read more about the Body of the essay here.


The Conclusion is the end of the essay. It is a short paragraph – about THREE sentences. It often has the same idea as the Introduction, only in different words.

Some people think of the essay as a sandwich. The Introduction and Conclusion are the bread, and the Body is the filling in the center. If the introduction looks good, people will carry on to the body. Hopefully, the conclusion will leave them with a nice taste in their mouth…


You can read more about Conclusions here.

The IntroductionOne easy way to write the introduction for an argument or opinion essay is to write THREE sentences:

two about the topic one thesis sentenceYou can write either Situation or Opinion introductions. There’s not much difference between them.

Opinion IntroductionsIn this kind you give two opposite opinions in the first two sentences. The third sentence says what you are going to do.

Situation IntroductionsWrite two sentences to describe the two sides of the present situation. The third sentence – the Thesis sentence – will describe what you are going do in your essay. Sentence 1: One side of the present situation Sentence 2: The other side of the present situation Sentence 3: Thesis: What you are going to do in your essay

Does space exploration benefit mankind? (1)

Sentence For

Many people are excited about space exploration.


AgainstHowever, others feel it is a massive waste of money

Sentence 3


This essay will look at some of the arguments for and against space exploration.


Does space exploration benefit mankind? (2)

Sentence For

Space, for many people, really is the final frontier. They are excited by the exploration and potential of space.



However, not everyone agrees that this money is well-spent. Many people feel that we should solve problems here on earth before beginning our journey to space

Sentence 3


This essay will look at some of the arguments for and against space exploration.

Do Athletes Deserve Their High Salaries?

Sentence 1

Everyday, we read about new record contracts and salaries earned by sportsmen and women. Some people do not agree with these huge payments

Sentence 2

Others believe that our sports heroes deserve every penny.

Sentence 3


This essay will look at some of the arguments for and against the high salaries of athletes.

As well as situation or opinion introductions, you can use the following variations:

Past and Present: One sentence about the situation in the past, one about the situation today.

Here and Elsewhere: One sentence about the situation in one place, one sentence about the situation or problem in another place.

You and Other People: One sentence about what most people do or think, one sentence about what you believe, or do, or feel.


Situation Introductions Opinion Introductions Situation IntroductionsWrite two sentences to describe the two sides of the present situation. The third sentence – the Thesis sentence – will describe what you are going do in your essay. Sentence 1: One side of the present situation Sentence 2: The other side of the present situation Sentence 3: Thesis: What you are going to do in your essayWho should take care of our old people?

Sentence 1

In my country, most old people live happily with their children

Sentence 2

Increasingly, however, many families cannot take care of their parents

Sentence 3


This essay will describe some of the problems involved with taking care of old people, and discuss who should be responsible.

Does Aid to Poor Countries Work?

Sentence 1

For the last fifty years, poor countries have been receiving huge sums of money from rich donor countries.

Sentence 2

Some of this money has improved lives, while much of it has disappeared or made no difference.

Sentence 3


In this essay, I will discuss some arguments for and against foreign aid.

Should dangerous sports be banned?

Sentence 1

Every year, thousands of people are injured or killed in sports such as boxing or motor-



Sentence 2

Because of this, many people are opposed to such sports, and want them to be stopped or controlled.

Sentence 3


This essay will look at some of the arguments for and against banning dangerous sports.

The Thesis SentenceA thesis statement is a sentence (or two) that states what you are going to do in your essay. It is a kind of asignpost – something that tells you where to go- or a map that shows the reader what direction your essay will take. It usually comes at

the end of the Introduction.In this essay, I will outline the arguments for and against sex education in schools.

In this essay, I will examine some reasons for the growth of the tourism industry.

You can also leave out “I.”


This essay looks at ideas in favour of and against early marriage.

This essay will discuss the benefits of having universal free health care.

Signpost your essay

Sometimes the reader can tell how many parts or which paragraphs will follow the thesis statement.

I am going to analyse the effects of drugs on the individual, the family, and society.

In an essay with the thesis statement above, there will clearly be three parts – one on the effects of drugs on the individual, one part with the effects on the family, and another with the effects on society.

Be Strong

Sometimes you don’t need a “will” or “going to”. Your thesis statement is so strong that it is clear what your opinion is.

Beating children brutalizes parents, damages the parent-child relationship, and is completely unnecessary.

In an essay with the thesis statement above, there will clearly be three parts – one on the effects of corporal punishment on parents, one part with the effects relationship, and another which claims that beating is not needed.

Thesis sentence vocabulary

analyze, look at, examine, discuss, outline, consider, describe, focus on, decide


This essay will examine the reasons for the high divorce rate in our society.

I will outline some of my objections to arranged marriages.

In this essay I will focus on three problems caused by corruption.

I will discuss whether large families are better than smaller ones.


Opinion IntroductionsIn this kind you give two opposite opinions in the first two sentences. The third sentence says what you are going to do.

Does space exploration benefit mankind? (1)

Sentence For

Many people are excited about space exploration.


AgainstHowever, others feel it is a massive waste of money

Sentence 3


This essay will look at some of the arguments for and against space exploration.

Does space exploration benefit mankind? (2)

Sentence For

Space, for many people, really is the final frontier. They are excited by the exploration and potential of space.



However, not everyone agrees that this money is well-spent. Many people feel that we should solve problems here on earth before beginning our journey to space

Sentence 3


This essay will look at some of the arguments for and against space exploration.

Do Athletes Deserve Their High Salaries?

Sentence 1

Everyday, we read about new record contracts and salaries earned by sportsmen and women. Some people do not agree with these huge payments


Sentence 2

Others believe that our sports heroes deserve every penny.

Sentence 3


This essay will look at some of the arguments for and against the high salaries of athletes.

As well as situation or opinion introductions, you can use the following variations:

Past and Present: One sentence about the situation in the past, one about the situation today.

Here and Elsewhere: One sentence about the situation in one place, one sentence about the situation or problem in another place.

You and Other People: One sentence about what most people do or think, one sentence about what you believe, or do, or feel.

Is Money a Good Motivator? IntroductionsSome companies give their employees bonuses or cash awards for excellent work, in addition to salary. Do you think this is a good idea? Are cash incentives a good way to motivate employees?

Intro 1

Money makes the world go round, and nowhere is this more true than in the workplace. Employers know that money is one of the best motivators. However, are bonuses or cash awards always the best way to reward employees? In this essay, I will look at some of the arguments for cash as a reward.

Intro 2

In the past, when people did not have much money, they were eager to work and to get a big salary. Today, however, most people are well paid and comfortable in their jobs, and it is hard to motivate them by simply offering cash. This essay will discuss different ways of motivating employees and suggest that money is not always the best motivator.


Intro 3

Many people argue that cash incentives are an unfair means of motivating employees. Others love the simple, practical, down-to-earth gift of money for a job well done. I feel that while there are some circumstances where money is the best recognition for extra work, there are other times it is inappropriate.

Intro 4

Many companies give outstanding members of staff bonuses for good work. I firmly believe that this is demeaning, trivializing, and bad for morale.

Intro 5

People are motivated by different things. Some employees have financial goals, others have professional goals, and others have personal goals. The same incentives cannot work for all. This essay outlines some of the reasons why cash is not always a suitable motivator for excellent employees.

Intro 6

The primary reason why people have to work is because of money. Employers know this, and many companies reward outstanding employees with bonuses and cash rewards. In this essay, I will show that most people are motivated by money, and cash is a fair and effective way for management to show appreciation to hardworking staff.

Intro 7

I remember working in restaurants when I was in college and begging my manager for as many extra hours as I could in order to earn more money. Today, however, in my job, I would prefer to earn less and have more time off. In this essay, I will say why I think money is only one way to motivate employees.

English 3201Handout: How to Write an Opinion Essay The basic five-paragraph essay structure, which you have probably used many times by this point, works extremely well for an opinion essay. It’s a starting point, and when you get to university your profs will expect a more complex approach to essay writing. If you feel confident about your


essay-writing skills, you can certainly branch out into longer and more complex essays. But this basic five-paragraph outline is a good starting point, especially if you feel uncertain of your ability. An opinion essay exists to prove your main point – your thesis. This should be clearly stated in your opening paragraph. Don’t leave the reader to guess what your position is on the issue – make a clear stand! Next, develop your argument in the body of your essay. Each paragraph should contain a single, clear idea that support your point of view. You can use examples and illustration, cause-and-effect reasoning, comparison/contrast or other methods of development to support your argument. Research: Any statements you make that would cause a reader to say, “Wait, how do you know that’s true?” need to be backed up with documentation from outside sources (“I saw something on TV about it one time” would not be considered adequate documentation). Refer to the handout “What is Research?” for further details. Remember that a paragraph is three to five sentences that develop a single, clear idea.  A good paragraph often begins with a topic sentence that sums up your main idea. 

         Paragraph One -- The introduction.  Here you state the main idea of your entire essay -- the point you are trying to make or prove.  This paragraph should include your thesis statement plus three reasons why you believe this statement to be true.

          Paragraphs Two, Three and Four.  These are the body of

your essay.  Remember back in Paragraph One, you gave three reasons for your opinion? Three reasons, three body paragraphs.  Each of the body paragraphs should take one of your reasons and explain it in more detail, citing sources where necessary.

          Paragraph Five -- The conclusion.  Former Newfoundland

premier Joey Smallwood once said about giving speeches: "First I tell them what I'm going to tell them, then I tell them, then I tell them


what I told them."  That's how you write an essay.  In the conclusion, tell them what you told them.  Sum up your argument by restating your thesis statement and reminding the reader what your three reasons were.  In an argumentative essay, you can finish with a "call to action" -- tell the reader what you would like them to do as a result.


Sample Five-Paragraph EssaySubject: Should parents have their children vaccinated?  

TitleAuthor’s Name  Paragraph One: Introduction Three reasons for my opinion Thesis statement   Paragraph Two: Develops the first reason by giving examples Topic Sentence  Paragraph Three:Topic Sentence Develops the

Why You Should Vaccinate Your Kidssample essay for student use by Trudy Morgan-Cole

 Since Edward Jenner introduced the first successful

smallpox vaccine by injecting an eight-year-old boy with cowpox pus in 1796, vaccines have been an important part of public health care around the world (“Edward Jenner”). Yet today, many parents choose not to vaccinate their children. Because vaccines are widely supported by research, have few side effects, and have proven successful in halting the spread of disease, I believe it is important that all parents continue to vaccinate their children.

 All major health organizations, including

the Centres for Disease Control and the World Health Organization, recommend vaccination. The value of vaccination is supported by research from around the world, and researchers are constantly working to improve the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. Epidemiologists, the scientists whose job is to study the outbreak of disease, all recommend vaccination.

 Many parents worry about the safety of

vaccines. While side effects do occur, they are usually minor, like redness or swelling around the site of an injection. In Canada, only about one in a million doses of vaccine leads to serious side effects (“Fact and Fiction”). The most famous study linking vaccines to autism, one which got many parents worried about vaccination, has been proven false and the doctor who conducted the study has had his medical license taken away (Triggle).

 Around the world, increased vaccination leads to

better public health.   Diseases like smallpox and polio


second reason, giving facts and statistics to support the statement. Paragraph Four:Topic sentence Develops third reason, giving an example   Paragraph Five:ConclusionRestatement of thesisSummary of reasons     

which once killed and disabled millions of people are virtually unknown today thanks to immunization programs. Yet in countries like Afghanistan and Pakistan where the Taliban discourage immunization, rates of polio are on the rise again (Nordland).

 If and when you have children, please get them

vaccinated. The risks are minimal and you’ll not only be following the best advice of medical science and protecting your own child from disease; you’ll be helping in the fight to eradicate infectious diseases in your community and around the world.

 Sources Cited “Edward Jenner (1749-1823),” BBC History: Historic Figures.http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/jenner_edward.shtml “Immunization Fact and Fiction,” Public Health Agency of Canada.http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/im/iyc-vve/fic Nordland, Rod, “After Year of Decline, Polio  Cases in Afghanistan Triple in a Year.” The New York Times, Jan. 17, 2012.http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/18/world/asia/after-years-of-decline-polio-cases-in-afghanistan-rise.html Triggle, Nick, “MMR Doctor Struck from Register,” BBC News.http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/8695267.stm


   Opinion Essays

Opinion Essays

An opinion essay is a formal piece of writing. It requires your opinion on a topic, which must be stated clearly, giving various viewpoints on


the topic supported by reasons and/or examples. You should also include the opposing viewpoint in another paragraph.

A successful opinion essay should have:a) an introductory paragraph in which you state the topic and your opinion.b) a main body which consists of several paragraphs, each presenting a separate viewpoint supported by reasons. You also include a paragraph presenting the opposing viewpoint and reason why you think it is an unconvincing viewpoint; and ac) conclusion in which you restate your opinion using different words.

IntroductionParagraph 1state the topic and yo opinion clearly

Main BodyParagraph 2viewpoint 1 & reason, exampleParagraph 3viewpoint 2 & reason, exampleParagraph 4viewpoint 3 & reason/ example*Paragraph 5opposing viewpoint & reason/example*

ConclusionFinal paragraphsummarise/restate opinion

You may include more viewpoints, and thus more paragraphs in the main body.

Points to consider• Decide whether you agree or disagree with the subject of the topic, then make a list of your viewpoints and reasons.• Write well-developed paragraphs, joining the sentences with appropriate linking words and phrases. Do not forget to start each paragraph with a topic sentence which summarises what the paragraph is about.


• Linking words and phrases should also be used to join one paragraph with the other.

Go to Exercises

Works consulted



When you are writing an essay that asks you to discuss a topic or give your opinion on a

question, it is important to organize your thoughts and present your arguments clearly and to

work out the structure of your essay before you start to write.

1. Plan four or five paragraphs:

- an introduction (saying why it is important, what the situation is...)

- two or three paragraphs in support of the argument/ giving a contrasting or

different view (with reasons)

- a conclusion (a summary of your opinion or interpretation of the facts)

2. List your reasons “for” or “against” before you start writing

3. Back up your reasons with clear examples.

4. Use connectors to introduce the different ideas and arguments in your essay.

5. Use a formal style: do not use contractions or very colloquial expressions.


a) Read the following composition and fill in the blanks with a word or expression

from the list:

furthermore recently as a result in conclusion on the other hand

“Genetic engineering brings with it more dangers than benefits and should be

banned worldwide”. Discuss.

_________________ (1) , advances in science have demonstrated to us that things that once


seemed possible only in science fiction could become a reality. The cloning of a sheep

brought the possibility of using genetic engineering to create new organs, or even whole

human beings, one step closer.

Some people consider this to be a dangerous development, and believe that all that research

should be banned. Interfering with nature in this way could bring with it dangers that none of

us can imagine. We have no idea how an artificially-created person might behave, or indeed

how he or she might suffer. ________________ (2), we may find ourselves in a position

which we do not like, but which we are unable to reverse.

_________________ (3), many people would say that it is not for human beings to decide

what other human beings should be like. It is not only people with deep religious beliefs who

feel that it is wrong, for example, for parents to choose whether their baby will be a boy or a

girl, or have blue eyes or musical talent.

_________________ (4), the latest research in genetics has also opened the possibility of

new treatment for many diseases which up to now have been incurable. If it were possible to

prevent a baby from developing a hereditary disease by modifying its genes, should we stop 2

the scientists? If doctors could replace a diseased organ with a new one grown from cells,

should it not be allowed?


___________________ (5), I would say that genetic engineering has the potential to be both

a huge benefit and a terrible curse for humankind. To make sure that we benefit from it, it

will be necessary to control it very strictly. The real challenge will be to find ways of

monitoring the research that is conducted in laboratories all over the world and to make sure

that it is only used for the good of everyone.


b) In the box below you will find some more linking words and expressions you can use

to substitute for the ones used in the composition above. Can you match the words with

the blanks?

moreover consequently therefore nevertheless

however to sum up in addition finally nowadays


Here you will find another example of opinion composition. Read it carefully and

complete with the words in the box.

although to sum up such as secondly like

personally besides think so firstly just

“Top sports people earn too much money nowadays”.

In most countries today top sports people, _________________ (1) footballers, tennis players

and basketball players, get enormous salaries. In a week they often earn more than ordinary

people in a year. Is this really too much? _________________ (2) I don´t 20

_________________ (3).

_________________ (4), the active life of a professional sports person is relatively short –

they often retire when they are in their mid-thirties. _________________ (5), many of them

don´t even play that long, as they often get injured, which means they have to retire early.

_________________ (6), _________________ (7) their salaries are very high they are not

much higher than those of other successful people in the entertainment industry

_________________ (8) pop singers, actors or TV personalities, whose professional careers

can last for fifty years. Sport today is watched by millions of people, so it should be

considered entertainment _________________ (9) like the cinema or TV.

_________________ (10), I think that top sports people´s high salaries are not unfair if you

compare them with people doing similar jobs.



The composition you will find in the following exercise has been taken from the website


This website is designed for people learning English who are interested in writing argument

or opinion essays. You will find everything about:

- how to write argument essays (steps to follow)


- parts of an essay

and lots of examples of argument and opinion essays.

Read the essay and, for each blank, decide which two of the three given answers are

right and which wrong.

“Who learns faster - children or adults?”

Small children seem to learn very quickly, _______________ (1) adults sometimes appear to

lose the ability to pick up new subjects such as languages, music, games, or computer

programs. In this essay, I will discuss _______________ (2) children or adults make the best


It is _______________ (3) that children seem to learn very quickly. In just a few years, they

can learn how to play a musical instrument, speak one or even two new languages, and deal

with many subjects at school. They _______________ (4) have time for sports and hobbies,

and become experts in their favorite pastimes. _______________ (5), how much of this is

social pressure and how much is genetic? I am convinced that while children's brains have a

natural ability to absorb new information as part of their developmental growth, much of

their achievement is because of social pressure. Schools force them to take many subjects.

Parents force them to practice new sports or to learn music. Even their playmates force them


to become better at computer games or to read Harry Potter novels faster. _______________

(6), children may enjoy learning, but their environment also is a big motivating factor.

Adults _______________ (7) are supposed to be poor learners. _______________ (8), I

disagree with people who say that adults cannot learn quickly. Adults have many skills that

compensate for the decline in the ability of the brain to grasp and remember new material.

They can organize their learning by setting times for reading or practice. They can build on

skills and experiences they know already. Adults usually cannot learn to do ballet or to play

the violin, but _______________ (9) these physical challenges, their motivation can often be

higher than a child's. _______________ (10), society does not encourage many adults to

learn. People are busy with families and work, and some adults may feel that further learning

is pointless, _______________ (11) they have already achieved many goals at work or in

their personal life.

_______________ (12), I feel that we cannot generalize about children or adults being better

learners. It depends on the situation and the motivation of the person, and the level of

enthusiasm he or she has for learning. 4











even in spite of

even though

even despite






as regards

in summary

to sum up







undoubtedly true


completely truth


on the contrary


on the other hand




due to the fact that



even though







in summary

to cut a long story short

in conclusion

This is the original text:

Small children seem to learn very quickly, while adults sometimes appear to lose the ability

to pick up new subjects such as languages, music, games, or computer programs. In this


essay, I will discuss whether children or adults make the best learners.

It is undoubtedly true that children seem to learn very quickly. In just a few years, they can

learn how to play a musical instrument, speak one or even two new languages, and deal with

many subjects at school. They even have time for sports and hobbies, and become experts in

their favorite pastimes. However, how much of this is social pressure and how much is

genetic? I am convinced that while children's brains have a natural ability to absorb new

information as part of their developmental growth, much of their achievement is because of

social pressure. Schools force them to take many subjects. Parents force them to practice new

sports or to learn music. Even their playmates force them to become better at computer

games or to read Harry Potter novels faster. In summary, children may enjoy learning, but

their environment also is a big motivating factor.

Adults on the other hand are supposed to be poor learners. However, I disagree with people

who say that adults cannot learn quickly. Adults have many skills that compensate for the

decline in the ability of the brain to grasp and remember new material. They can organize

their learning by setting times for reading or practice. They can build on skills and

experiences they know already. Adults usually cannot learn to do ballet or to play the violin,


but even despite these physical challenges, their motivation can often be higher than a child's.

Unfortunately, society does not encourage many adults to learn. People are busy with

families and work, and some adults may feel that further learning is pointless, since they

have already achieved many goals at work or in their personal life.

In conclusion, I feel that we cannot generalize about children or adults being better learners.

It depends on the situation and the motivation of the person, and the level of enthusiasm he or

she has for learning. 5



a) 1. recently

2. as a result

3. furthermore

4. on the other hand

5. in conclusion

b) 1. nowadays 2 consequently, therefore

3. moreover, in addition

4. however, nevertheless

5. to sum up, finally


1. such as, like

2. personally

3. think so


4. firstly

5. besides

6. secondly

7. although

8. like, such as

9. just

10. to sum up


(right answers)

1. while, whereas

2. if, whether

3. obvious, undoubtedly true

4. even, also

5. nevertheless, however

6. in summary, to sum up

7. on the contrary, on the other hand

8. however, nevertheless

9. even in spite of, even despite

10. unfortunately, unluckily

11. since, due to the fact that

12. in summary, in conclusio


Opinion Essay

An opinion essay tells what the writer thinks or feels about a topic. People

have different opinions about things. In an opinion essay, you write your

opinion about a topic.

When you write an opinion essay, you choose a topic about which you

have strong feelings. You support your opinion with reasons. For this Unit

Project, you are going to write an opinion essay about the wetlands of


Writing Process

Part I: Prewriting

Ideas As you learned in Unit 1, Mississippi has wetlands in the

northwesten part of the state. Some people have opinions about the

importance of wetlands, protecting existing wetlands, and protecting the

species that live in wetlands. All of these can be ideas for an opinion essay.

Write Mississippi’s wetlands in the center of the idea organizer below.

Brainstorm topics and write them on the lines. You can add more lines.

Then choose your topic. Make sure you have reasons to support your

opinion. If you don’t have several good reasons, you might want to choose

another topic.

Name Date

Research and Writing Projects

Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.Voice In an opinion essay, you are telling how you really think and feel

about a subject. Let the audience hear your voice. It should be strong and

confident. Use strong words and details.

Organization Use a chart like the one below to organize your opinion29

essay. Write your opinion in the top box. In the second row of boxes, write

the reasons why you feel or think the way you do. In the last row of boxes,

write details, such as examples, that support your reasons.

Here are examples of an opinion, a reason, and details:

Opinion: People should spend more time playing sports.

Reason: Playing sports is healthy.

Details: It helps you sleep better. It helps protect you against some


Name Date

Research and Writing Projects

Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

Details: Details: Details:


Reason: Reason: Reason:

Be sure to fill in the boxes before you go on to the next step.Research Once you have chosen a topic and started your organization

chart, you can begin your research. One way to do research for an

opinion essay is to interview other people. Interviews will give you

information you may not have thought about.

When you interview others, you will ask them questions and write down

their answers. Follow these tips:

• Ask some experts, teachers, or family members whether you can

interview them.

• Prepare several questions about your topic before the interview.

Suppose your opinion is “Mississippi’s wetlands are important.”

Here are some examples of questions you could ask:30

1. What are Mississippi’s wetlands like?

2. What do they teach us about our state?

3. Do you think that they are important?

4. What is your main reason for your opinion?

5. What is another reason?

• Leave space after each question for writing notes during the


• During the interview, listen closely to what the person is saying. You

may find that the person has the same opinion that you have. Or

you may find that the person has a different opinion.

• Take notes as you hear the answers. You don’t need to write down

every word that is said.

• If you don’t understand something the person says, ask more

questions about it.

• After the interview, review your notes. If the person has the same

opinion as you, add any new reasons and details to your

organization chart.

• If the person has a different opinion and changes your mind, make

a new chart. Write in the chart your new opinion, reasons, and


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Research and Writing Projects

Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.Part II: Drafting

After your interviews, it’s time to write a first draft of your opinion essay.

Look at your organizational chart. Use the information from the chart to31

write your essay. Make sure your opinion is supported by your reasons.

Don’t worry about spelling or punctuation. You can fix any errors when you

revise your final draft. Concentrate on getting your ideas down on paper.

Write your introduction. State your opinion and try to hook the readers’

attention right away. Look at these examples:

Name Date

Research and Writing Projects

Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

Write the body of your essay. Tell why you think your opinion is correct.

Begin a new paragraph for each reason. Write a main-idea sentence for

each paragraph that states the reason. Then use at least two supporting

details for each reason.

Write a conclusion. Sum up your important points. End in a way that

your reader will remember. Look at these examples.

Weak Opening Strong Opening

I think Mississippi’s wetlands are Mississippi’s wetlands help prevent

very important. floods and provide homes for animals

and plants.

Weak Closing Strong Closing

Mississippi’s wetlands should be Preserving Mississippi’s wetlands will

preserved. show future generations that we cared

about our environment and about them.

We protected wonderful animals and

plants that help make our state special.Part III: Revising


Reread your first draft. Did you state your opinion clearly? Did you include

good reasons for your opinion? Did you support your reasons with

details? Does your opening catch a reader’s attention? Is your conclusion


Word Choice Think about the words you used. Use synonyms to replace

words you use too often. Synonyms are words with the same or nearly

the same meaning.

Name Date

Research and Writing Projects

Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

Sentence Fluency To keep your writing interesting for your readers,

begin sentences in different ways.

Without Synonyms With Synonyms

I think that wetlands are important. I feel that wetlands are valuable for

They have land for animals, which I Mississippi. They provide land for

think is important. wildlife, which I believe is essential.

Mississippi’s wetlands are beautiful treasures.

In the South, there are beautiful wetlands.

When you travel, be sure to visit Mississippi’s beautiful wetlands.Part IV: Proofreading and Publishing

Conventions After you revise your story, proofread it.

• Are all the words spelled correctly?

• Did you capitalize all proper nouns?

• Did you indent every paragraph?

• Did you use commas and other punctuation correctly?


• Are all of your sentences complete sentences?

Fix any mistakes you find. Then publish your story by writing a final copy.

Share your opinion essay with other students by reading it aloud to the

class or a small group.


Name Date

Research and Writing Projects

Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

Writing an Opinion Essay I did great! I could do better.

I wrote a strong beginning that states my


My opinion essay states the reasons

for my point of view.

My reasons are supported with details.

I wrote a paragraph for each reason and

its supporting details.

My writing sounds like me.

My conclusion is strong.

I used synonyms for words I use too often.

I began sentences in different ways.

I made very few mistakes in capitalization,

grammar, punctuation, and spellingOpinion essay outlineDNA testing has many benefits for societyDo you agree or disagree ? Why ?Reason 1helps to identify peopleSupporting idea


-can identify innocent or guiltypeople-can identify parents or childrenwho have been separatedcan identify peoplewho died in a disastereg. 2004 tsunamiagree / disagree(circle one)Reason 2can predict illnessSupporting idea-can predict majorhealth problemseg.brain disease, heart disorders and genetic disordersReason 3can help people understand physical characteristics & personality traitsSupporting idea-can understand where physical characteristics came from e.g. Snooki-can understand personal health risksrelated to personalityeg. addiction- ConclusionTo sum up, DNA testing has benefits for many different areas of society. Apart from crime ,health & genealogy it has also been used by Walmart for food testing and by historians to discover how people lived and died in the past. There seems to be no limits to how it can help solve many of life's mysteries.





Утвержденона заседании Ученого Совета Университетаот 29 августа 2013 г. (протокол № 1)

УЧЕБНО-МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЙ КОМПЛЕКСпо дисциплине «Иностранный язык» (Английский язык)

для всех специальностей бакалавриата


Алматы 2014 г.Составитель: преподаватели английского языка, КНУ

Учебно-методический комплекс по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» (Английский язык) для студентов 1-2 курсов всех специальностей предназначен для обучения по кредитной технологии и содержит силлабус, рабочую учебную программу с планами всех видов занятий с необходимыми методическими рекомендациями и литературой, модульное описание дисциплины в соответствии основными положениями Бакалавриата за 2012 год по иностранному языку по ООД и типовой учебной программой за 2013 год.


Учебно-методический комплекс по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» (Английский язык) по кредитной системе обучения для студентов 1-2 курсов всех специальностей

/Сост. преподаватели английского языка, КНУ

Казахстанско-Немецкий Университет, 2014


1. СИЛЛАБУС............................................................................................41.1 Сведения о преподавателях..............................................................41.2 Сведения о дисциплине.....................................................................41.3 Пререквизиты:....................................................................................41.4 Постреквизиты (последующие дисциплины):................................51.5 Краткое описание дисциплины:.......................................................51.6 Тематическое содержание дисциплины..........................................71.7 Самостоятельная работа студентов (СРС)....................................281.8. Календарно-тематический план занятий......................................401.9 Список литературы.......................................................................78

1.9.1 Список основной литературы:..................................................781.9.2 Список дополнительной литературы:......................................80

1.10 Виды контроля и критерии оценки знаний.................................821.11 Программа для подготовки к экзамену.......................................851.12 Время консультаций......................................................................90

2. РАБОЧАЯ УЧЕБНАЯ ПРОГРАММА...............................................932.1 Сведения о преподавателях............................................................932.2 Сведения о дисциплине...................................................................932.3 Пререквизиты:..................................................................................93


2.4 Постреквизиты (последующие дисциплины):..............................942.5 Краткое описание дисциплины:.....................................................942.6 Тематическое содержание дисциплины........................................962.7 Самостоятельная работа студентов (СРС)..................................1172.8 Карта обеспеченности дисциплины учебной литературой.......1282.9 Виды контроля и критерии оценки знаний.................................1352.10 Программа для подготовки к экзамену.....................................1372.11. Календарно-тематический план занятий..................................1432.12 Список литературы......................................................................182

2.12.1 Список основной литературы:..............................................1822.12.2 Список дополнительной литературы:..................................184

2.13 Модульное описание дисциплины.............................................1873. УЧЕБНО-МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ МАТЕРИАЛЫ ПО ДИСЦИПЛИНЕ..................................................................................................................191






на заседании Ученого Совета Университетаот 29 августа 2013 г. (протокол № 1)

РАБОЧАЯ УЧЕБНАЯ ПРОГРАММАпо дисциплине «Иностранный язык» (Английский язык)

для всех специальностей бакалавриата

Алматы 2014 г.

Типовая учебная программа (см. Приложение 1)


1. СИЛЛАБУС (на портале)


2.1 Сведения о преподавателяхПреподаватели английского языка, КНУКонтактная информация: Алматы, ул. Пушкина, 111/113, КНУ, Языковой Центр 8 727 355 05 51 (вн. 507)

2.2 Сведения о дисциплинеНазвание: «Иностранный язык» (английский язык) Место проведения: Казахстанско-Немецкий УниверситетФорма обучения: очнаяСтупень обучения: бакалавриатКурс: дополнительные виды обученияВыписка из учебного плана:







СРС Всего часов

Форма итогового контроля

1,2 1,2,3,4

24 0 360 240 600 экзамен

2.3 Пререквизиты:

Уровень А1 (для студентов 1 курса)Языковая компетенция, соответствующая уровню 0

Уровень А2 (для студентов 1 курса)Языковая компетенция, соответствующая уровню A1

Уровень В1Языковая компетенция, соответствующая уровню А2

Уровень В2


Языковая компетенция, соответствующая уровню B1

Уровень С1.1 Языковая компетенция, соответствующая уровню B2

Уровень С1.2Языковая компетенция, соответствующая уровню С1.1

2.4 Постреквизиты (последующие дисциплины):

Уровень А1 (для студентов 1 курса)Языковая компетенция, соответствующая уровню A2

Уровень А2 (для студентов 1 курса)Языковая компетенция, соответствующая уровню B1

Уровень В1 Языковая компетенция, соответствующая уровню В2 (для студентов 1 курса)Профессионально-ориентированный английский язык (ESP) (для студентов 2 курса)

Уровень В2 Языковая компетенция, соответствующая уровню С1(для студентов 1 курса)Профессионально-ориентированный английский язык (ESP) (для студентов 2 курса)

Уровень С1.1 Языковая компетенция, соответствующая уровню С2 (для студентов 1 курса)Профессионально-ориентированный английский язык (ESP) (для студентов 2 курса)

Уровень С1.2 Профессионально-ориентированный английский язык (ESP)


2.5 Краткое описание дисциплины:

Конечная цель дисциплины научить студента практическому владению иностранным языком.

Данный курс иностранного языка предусматривает овладение уровнями иностранного языка, согласно «Общеевропейской системе уровней владения неродными языками». При поступлении в университет студенты владеют разными уровнями иностранного языка, в связи с этим во время ознакомительной фазы учащиеся проходят тест на определение языкового уровня. От этого зависит уровень овладения иностранным языком, достигаемый по окончании дисциплины.

исходный уровень 1 сем 2 сем 3 сем 4 сем0 A1 A2   B1A1   А2 B1A2   В1   B2B1   B2   С1-1В2   С1-1   С1-2C1   С1-2   С2-1

Студенты должны иметь навыки чтения, аудирования, диалогической и монологической речи, письма, владеть грамматическим и лексическим минимумом, предусмотренным «Общеевропейской системой уровней владения неродными языками».

А1 Студент понимает и может употребить в речи знакомые фразы и выражения, необходимые для выполнения конкретных задач. Может представиться/ представить других, задавать/ отвечать на вопросы о месте жительства, знакомых, имуществе. Может участвовать в несложном разговоре, если собеседник говорит медленно и отчетливо и готов оказать помощь.


А2 Студент понимает отдельные предложения и часто встречающиеся выражения, связанные с основными сферами жизни (например, основные сведения о себе и членах своей семьи, покупках, устройстве на работу и т.п.). Может выполнить задачи, связанные с простым обменом информации на знакомые или бытовые темы. В простых выражениях может рассказать о себе, своих родных и близких, описать основные аспекты повседневной жизни.

В1 Студент понимает основные идеи четких сообщений, сделанных на литературном языке на разные темы, типично возникающие на работе, учебе, досуге и т.д. Умеет общаться в большинстве ситуаций, которые могут возникнуть во время пребывания в стране изучаемого языка. Может составить связное сообщение на известные или особо интересующие меня темы. Может описать впечатления, события, надежды, стремления, изложить и обосновать свое мнение и планы на будущее.

В2 Студент понимает общее содержание сложных текстов на абстрактные и конкретные темы, в том числе узкоспециальные тексты. Говорит достаточно быстро и спонтанно, чтобы постоянно общаться с носителями языка без особых затруднений для любой из сторон. Студент умеет делать четкие, подробные сообщения на различные темы и изложить свой взгляд на основную проблему, показать преимущество и недостатки разных мнений.

С1 Студент понимает объемные сложные тексты на различную тематику, распознает скрытое значение. Говорит спонтанно в быстром темпе, не испытывая затруднений с подбором слов и выражений. Гибко и эффективно использует язык для общения в научной и профессиональной деятельности. Может создать точное , детальное, хорошо выстроенное сообщение на сложные темы, демонстрируя владение моделями организации текста, средствами связи и объединением его элементов.

С2 Студент понимает практически любое устное или письменное сообщение, может составить связный текст, опираясь на несколько устных и письменных источников. Говорит спонтанно с высоким темпом и высокой степенью точности, подчеркивая оттенки значений даже в самых сложных



Во время обучения используются следующие приемы: ролевые игры, коммуникативно-ориентированные упражнения, круглые столы, тематические дискуссии на актуальные темы. Данные виды деятельности позволяют заинтересовать студента и создать атмосферу иноязычного общения, приближенную к реальной.

2.6 Тематическое содержание дисциплины

Практические занятия (для уровня A1)

№ темы

Содержание Часы

Зимний семестр1 Getting Acquainted

Objects / Classroom LanguageNumbers (cardinal / ordinal), MoneyCountries, Nationalities and LanguagesTimesDays, dates, months, years and seasonsGrammarPronounsTo be (+/-/?)ArticlesPossessive adjectivesPlural nouns


2 Daily RoutinesInterests, sports and activitiesJobsDaily RoutinesGrammarArticlesPrepositions of timePresent SimpleConjunctions / LinkersCanAdverbs of frequency



3 PeopleColoursSize and weightBody parts and AppearanceFamiliesGrammarComparative and SuperlativeAdjectives / Irregular AdjectivesIrregular AdverbsDefining Relative Clauses


Летний семестр4 Feelings and Experiences

HealthFeelings and emotionsPresent and Childhood AbilitiesFestivals and celebrationsGrammarPast Simple (Regular / Irregular verbs)Should (advice)Have to, needCan/could (request)


5 LifestylesShops and placesRooms and FurnitureFood, meals, cookingClothing and shoppingPricesGrammarPrepositions of placeThere is/there arePresent ContinuousToo/very/(not) enough; countable/uncountable nounsBe able toBe going to (future plans)Will/shall


6 Travel and TransportStreet directionsTransportTravel



Hotel situationsWeather and climateInventionsGrammarImperativesPresent PerfectFirst Conditional/Future Time ClausesPassive (present and past)Reported speechGerund and InfinitivesTotal 180

Практические занятия (для уровня A2)

№ темы

Содержание Часы

Зимний семестр1 Hobbies and interests

HobbiesSports and interestsTypes of music and concerts AnimalsGrammarPresent simple + to bePresent ContinuousWord order and questionsPrepositions of movementAdverbs of frequency and manner


2 PeopleBiographical information Household equipmentFamilyPersonalityAnimalsGrammarPossessivesReflexive pronouns /possessive adjectives/this, that/demonstrative pronounsWord order



Relative clauses (defining)ArticlesThere is/are/was/wereSo/such Past simple

3 TravellingTravelling and tourismBuildings and monumentsWeatherCountries and nationalitiesGrammarComparatives and superlativesPrepositions of time and place Future simplePresent Perfect


Летний семестр1 Life changes and events

Restaurants and leisure venues Shopping/ClothesLarge numbersShoppingClothesGrammarPast continuousWhen/while/although/however and /other linkersBe able to/good atQuantifiers/Countable/UncountableShall I…/Will (future)Future time clausesFirst Conditional


2 HealthDescriptions of people, health, fitness and illnessesBody partsGrammarHave to/need toMust/mustn’tshouldModifiers - a bit, really, very, too, etc.Reported speech



3 InnovationsWork and careerEducationInventionsGrammarTo be going to(Future plans/predictions)Gerunds and infinitivesPassive voice


Total: 180

Практические занятия (для уровня В1)

№ темы

Содержание Часы

Зимний семестр1 Building relationships

AppearancesCharacterRelationshipsGrammar- auxiliaries, look/look like, present tenses – present simple, present continuous, present perfect; past simple, past continuous


2 Consumer servicesClothesShoppingMoneyGrammar-present perfect continuous, numbers, past perfect, defining and non-defining relative clauses, used to


3 HousingHouseworkFurniture and appliancesCookingMake and doGrammar-Allowed to/be supposed to, passive voice, modal verbs-ability and possibility (can/could/be able to), make and do


Летний семестр1 Transport and travel 30


Holidays and travelWeatherCulture shockGrammar- Future Simple/be going to/Present Continuous for future,adjectives - comparatives, -ed and –ing adjectives, adverbs of manner, modal verbs – must/have to/should, modal verbs for requests and obligation, probability

2 Work and studyEducationSportBooks and filmsGrammar- 1st conditional and 2nd conditional, gerunds and infinitives, articles


3 SocietyHealth careCrime and punishmentGlobal issuesGrammar – 3rd conditional, reported speech, question tags


Total 180

Практические занятия (для уровня В2)

№ темы

Содержание Часы

Зимний семестр1 People

PersonalityDatingHealth and health careGrammar – question formation, auxiliary verbs, the… the.. comparatives, Present Perfect Simple and Continuous


2 Travelling and CultureTravellingAir travelStereotypes



Cultural differencesCulture shockGrammar – Adjectives and Adverbs, Narrative Tenses, so/such… that

3 Society and EnvironmentCrime and punishmentWeatherSocial issuesPolitical issuesGrammar – Passive, Future Perfect and Future Continuous, Conditionals and Future Time Clauses, likely and probably


Летний семестр1 Positive Psychology

Feelings and emotionsLet your body do the talkingThe psychology of musicSleep deprivationGrammar – Unreal Conditionals, Past Modals, would rather/had better, Gerunds and Infinitives, Reporting Verbs, Used to/be used to/get used to


2 Life storiesSpeaking to the worldMedia Towns and citiesGrammar – Articles, Uncountable and plural nouns, Quantifiers, have something done,


3 Business and InnovationsBusiness and advertisingMoneyScienceGrammar – Structures after wish, Relative clauses, Clauses of contrast and purpose


Total 180

Практические занятия (для уровня C1.1)

№ темы

Содержание Часы


Зимний семестр1 Growing Up

Who am I…?Childhood storiesIdentityPersonality, Family, ChildhoodGrammar- Present Time (all present tenses + present passive)


2 History Goes to the MoviesLost in translationNever lost for wordsHistory lessonsBooks, Films, History and WarfareGrammar-Past Time (all past tenses + past passive)


3 Mixed EmotionsThe funniest joke in the worldFeelings and Emotions, HumourGrammar-Future Time (all future tenses + all passive constructions)


Летний семестр1 Art Today

Just any old bed?A question of tasteCelebrityFamous FirstsArt, Music, Famous peopleGrammar- Articles and NounsAdjectives and Adverbs


2 The Science of FoodA recipe for disasterTasteFood, Cooking, RestaurantsGrammar- Conditionals and Unreal Past


3 Human and NatureBreaking the SilencePets and PestsAnimal InstinctEnvironment and HealthSounds, Animals, Environment, Nature



Grammar – Reporting (Reported speech and reporting verbs)Total 180

Практические занятия (для уровня C1.2)

№ темы

Содержание Часы

Зимний семестр1 Communication

How you come acrossTalkGrammar – Continuous Verb Forms


2 Newspeak MediaGrammar – Perfect Verb Forms


3 Money and TrendsAffluenzaIn the moneyIn good moneyGrammar – Future Verb Forms


Летний семестр1 Team Building and Soft Skills

TeambuildingDecision MakingRisk TakingTime managementMoney ManagementMultitaskingGrammar – Modals


2 Mind, Body and SpiritTrick and TreatmentHealthAlternative MedicineMindDisabled childrenGrammar – Gerund and Infinitive


3 Truth and LiesCrime and Punishment



LawFamous HoaxesGrammar – Noun Phrases, Inversion Total 180

2.7 Самостоятельная работа студентов (СРС)

Для уровня А1

№ Задание на СРС Сроки исполнения

Форма контроля


Зимний семестр1 Getting acquainted

Role play,Introducing yourself

09.14 Oral 4

2 Getting acquaintedCrossword

09.14 Written 4

3 About me октябрь Written 44 Presentation

Talking about myselfноябрь Written

and oral4

5 PeopleInformal letter/e-mail

10.13 Written 2

6 Dictation В течение семестра

Written 4

7 Glossary (activities) В течение семестра

Written and oral


8 Home Reading В течение семестра

Written and oral


9 Logs В течение семестра

Written 12

10 Portfolio В течение семестра

Written 2

Летний семестр54

1 Feelings and ExperiencesRole plays using active grammar

02.15 Oral 4

2 LifestylesDescriptive essay

03.15 Written 4

3 What does your food say about you? Prepare your food diary

19.03.14 Written 6

4 Travel and transportHotelsRoleplays

04.15 Oral 6

5 Logs В течение семестра

Written/ Oral


6 Dictation В течение семестра

Written 4

7 Home reading В течение семестра

Written 18

8 A book review 05.15 Written 49 Portfolio В течение

семестраWritten 2

Total: 120

Для уровня А2

№ Задание на СРС Сроки исполнения

Форма контроля


Зимний семестр1 Hobbies and interests

Role play09.14 Oral 4

2 Hobbies and interestsSong lyrics (dictation)

09.14 Written 4

3 PeopleAbout me

октябрь Written 4

4 PeopleInformal letter: writing an e-mail about your friend to your teacher

октябрь Written 2

5 People and Travelling ноябрь Written 4


Presentation Talking about myself

and oral

6 Dictation В течение семестра

Written 4

7 Glossary (activities) В течение семестра

Written and oral


8 Home Reading В течение семестра

Written and oral


9 Logs В течение семестра

Written 12

10 Portfolio В течение семестра

Written 2

Летний семестр1 Life Changes and Events

Role plays using active grammar02.15 Oral 4

2 HealthPrepare your fitness diary

03.14 Written 6

3 InnovationsDescriptive essay

04.15 Written 4

4 InnovationsRole plays

04.15 Oral 6

5 Logs В течение семестра

Oral 12

6 Dictation В течение семестра

Written 4

7 Home reading В течение семестра

Written 18

8 A book review 05.15 Written 49 Portfolio В течение

семестраWritten 2

Total: 120

Для уровня В1 № Задание на СРС Сроки


Форма контроля

Часы 1 year 2 year 1

yea2 yea


r rЗимний семестр

1 Building relationshipsPoster “About me”

Building relationship‘My favorite character’

сентябрь Presentation

4 4

2 Consumer servicesWriting a film review “Shopoholic”

октябрь written 6

3 Consumer servicesShopping tips/Shopping habits (mini-survey)

октябрь Oral and written presentation

8 8

4 Building relationshipsDescriptive essay “What are the qualities of a good …?”

Building relationshipsOpinion essay

ноябрь written 8 8

5 HousingPresentation “My ideal house”

ноябрь presentation 4 4

6 Public speaking В течение семестра

oral 20 14

6 Logs В течение семестра

written 14 14

7 Portfolio декабрь written 2 2Летний семестр

1 Transport and travelAn informal

Transport and travelPresentation

февраль Written/oral 6 2


letter (describing travelling experience)

: ”Dream holiday”

2 Work & StudyA discursive essay

март Written 4

3 3 dictations В течение семестра

written 8

4 SocietyRoleplay (health, care, crime and punishment)

Апрель oral 10

5 Graph description

Апрель written 2

6 Glossary В течение семестра

written 8

78 Home reading written 129 Logging wrtitten 1210

portfolio written 2

Для уровня В2

№ Задание на СРС даты Форма контроля


1 PeopleMini-survey on Relationships (Speed Dating, etc.)

1. Survey questionnaire (question formation)

2. Conducting a survey to find out the attitude of Kazakhstani to speed dating

сентябрь Questionnaire, analysis,presentation


3 Travel and cultureGlossary on travel (different categories, such as air travel, jobs

октябрь moodle 4


related to travel, etc)4 Group Presentation ‘Talent show

on cultural differences’1. Presentation of different

cultures2. Presentation of national

songs, costumes, dances, food, etc.

октябрь Power point presentation and/or a poster


5 Society and environmentAnalysis of a film extract on crime and punishment. (Oliver Twist, Les Miserables)

ноябрь Oral and written


6 Home reading. Choosing a book on any topics covered during the semester. Minimum 150-200 pages. Prepare a glossary, minimum 50 words. Writing a book review and book presentation.

В течение семестра

Oral and written


7 Dictation on environmental problems.

декабрь written 5

8 14 Logs (1 year) В течение семестра

Written 123 logs (2 year) 3

9 Role-play on social issues (Round table) – different NGOs solve social problems

декабрь Written and oral



Portfolio В течении семестра

written 2

2 term11

Positive psychologyWriting theoretical summary of

февраль written 8


body language analysis based on TV series ‘Lie to me’ (minimum 250-300 words)


The psychology of music. Listening to 6 songs from different decades (60s, 70s, etc.). Write down the lyrics, write a report on the evolution of music culture (top singers, fashion, etc)

февраль written 8


Life storiesWatching films about famous speeches and advertising them. Voting.

март oral 5


Grammar. март written 6


News. Watching 10 pieces of news, answering questions: What is the news about? what had you already known before watching the news? How does it affect you personally and the whole world?

март Oral and written



Presentation ‘Famous cities’ Март-апрель

oral 8


Business and innovationsRole play. ‘Winning a grant for technological developments’ - group work.

арпель Oral and written



Dictation май written 4


Logs В течение семестра

wrtitten 12/3


portfolio В течение семестра

written 2

Для уровня С1.1

№ Задание на СРС даты Форма контроля



1 Royal FamilyStudents work in a group of three-four and prepare a presentation about royal families (real and unreal). 10 – 15 minutes

09.14 presentation 4

2 Dictation 09.14 written 43 History Goes to the Movies

Students work in pairs and choose a historical film abstract, prepare pre-watching, while-watching and post-watching activities and short historical quiz on a chosen event. How far is it from reality?

10.14 oral 6

4 Book/Film Review 10.14 Written 65 Mixed Emotions

Film dubbing. Students work in groups of 3-4, choose a film abstract (5 minutes) and dub it in a funny way.

11.14 Oral 8

6 Home reading. Choosing a book on any topics covered during the semester. Minimum 250-300 pages. Prepare a glossary, minimum 50 words. Writing a book review and book presentation.

В течение всего семестра

Oral and written


7 14 Logs В течение всего семестра

Written 10

8 Portfolio 12.14 written 22 term1 KGU and Art

Students work in a group of three-four and prepare a poster about art in Kazakh-German University

02.15 Written and oral


2 The psychology of music. 02.15 written 1061

Listening to 10 songs from different decades (60s, 70s, etc.). Write down the lyrics, write a report on the evolution of music culture (top singers, fashion, etc)

3 A recipe for disaster.Students in pairs cook something at home, prepare a description of this dish and present it in class. Others try every dish and choose the best one.

03.15 oral 4

4 News. Watching 10 pieces of news, answering questions: What is the news about? What had you already known before watching the news? How does it affect you personally and the whole world?

04.15 Oral and written


5 Descriptive Essay 04.15 Written 66 Glossary and Vocabulary

Activities.Students complete a glossary in moodle every module and prepare some activities to check this active vocabulary

В течение всего семестра

Oral and written


7 14 Logs В течение всего семестра

Written 10

8 Portfolio 12.14 written 2

Для уровня С1.2

№ Задание на СРС Сроки исполнения

Форма контроля


Зимний семестр1 Non-verbal communication in

different cultures.Students work independently, choose

09.14 Presentation



one culture and prepare a presentation. 3-5 min

2 Preference Essay 09.14 Written 73 Language review

Continuous Verb forms, Perfect verb forms, Future verb forms Students in pairs prepare a part of class to check grammar.

В течение всего семестра

Written and oral


4 NewspeakA major international news story from a British or American newspaper and the same news story in a publication in Russian (making analysis, writing article and preparing a presentation)

10.14 Oral and Written


5 NewspeakMake your own TV news (roles are international news reporter/ national news reporter/local news reporter, etc.) 3-5 min.

10.14 Oral and video


6 Money and Trends.Mini-survey on Business Success. Survey questionnaire (question formation)Conducting a survey to find out how far companies are successful.

11.14 Poster with graphs


7 Discursive Essay 11.14 Written 68 3 Logs В течение

всего семестра

Written 3

9 Portfolio 12.14 written 2Летний семестр

1 TeambuildingStudents prepare teambuilding activities (Outdoor/ indoor activities)

02.15 Oral 2

2 Language reviewModals, Gerund and Infinitive, Noun Phrases, Inversion Students in pairs prepare a part of

В течение всего семестра

Written and oral



class to check grammar.3 Mind, Body and Spirit

Students in groups of 4 organize a social project, give report about their results

03.15 Report and presentation


4 Audio-book.Students choose a book in audio format, listen to it 2-3 times, prepare 20 questions on the content and one activity for other students.

03.15 Oral and written


5 Crime and Punishment.Students in groups of 3-4 choose a film not related to crime and dub it to make a crime story using active vocabulary. 10 min.

04.15 Oral and video


6 Glossary and Vocabulary Activities.Students complete a glossary in moodle every module and prepare some activities to check this active vocabulary

В течение всего семестра

Oral and written


7 3 Logs В течение всего семестра

Written 3

8 Portfolio 05.15 written 2

2.8 Карта обеспеченности дисциплины учебной литературой

Для уровня А1

Кол-во экземпляров

Основная литература:1. Elementary New Inside Out Student’s book. Sue

Kay, Vaugham Jones: Macmillan 2007.2. Elementary New Inside Out Class CDs. Kay Sue,

Jones Vaughan: Oxford 3. Elementary New Inside Out Workbook with key





with Audio CD. Maggs Peter, Smith Catherine; Series authors: Sue Kay & Vaughan Jones: Oxford, Macmillan, 2007.

Дополнительная литература:1. Round-up 3. New and updated English grammar

practice; exercises and games to practise your English. Virginia Evans: Pearson Education 1995.

2. Round-up 4. New and updated English grammar practice; exercises and games to practise your English.Virginia Evans: Pearson Education 2012.

3. Round-up 4. New and updated English grammar practice; exercises and games to practise your English. Virginia Evans: Pearson Education 2007.

4. Round-up 3. New and updated. Teacher's Guide. Virginia Evans: Pearson Education Ltd. 2008.

5. Round-up 4. New and updated. Teacher's Guide. Virginia Evans: Pearson Education Ltd. 2007.

6. Round-up 4. New and updated. Teacher's Guide. Virginia Evans: Pearson Education Ltd. 2011.

7. New Round-Up 1. English Grammar Practice. Teacher's Book. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley: Pearson Education Ltd. 2010.

8. New Round-Up 1. English Grammar Practice. Student's Book. Virginia Evans: Pearson Education Ltd. 2010.

9. New Round-Up 2. English Grammar Practice. Student's Book. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley: Pearson Education Ltd. 2010.

10. New Round-Up 2. English Grammar Practice. Teacher's Book. Virginia Evans: Pearson Education Ltd. 2010.

11. Everyman's English pronouncing dictionary containing over 59,000 words in internat. phonetic transcription / originally compiled by Daniel Jones. Extensively rev. and ed. by A. C. Gimson. London 1984.

12. Business vocabulary in use elementary. Bill Mascull: Cambridge University Press; [Stuttgart]:















Klett 2006.13. English vocabulary in use elementary with

answers [60 units of vocabulary reference and practice; self-study and classroom use. Michael McCarthy, Felicity O'Dell: Cambridge University Press 2005.

14. Essential Business Grammar Builder for class and self-study. Paul Emmerson: Macmillan 2006.

15. Essential grammar in use a self-study reference and practice book for elementary students of English ; with answers. Raymond Murphy. - 2. ed.: Cambridge Univ. Press 2006.

16. Oxford Living Grammar Elementary with answers. Ken Paterson: Oxford University Press 2009.




Для уровня А2

Кол-во экземпляров

Основная литература:1. Pre-intermediate New English File Student's book. Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig, Paul Seligson: Oxford 19962. Pre-intermediate New English File Workbook. Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig, Paul Seligson: Oxford 19963. Pre-intermediate New Headway Student's book. John Soars, Liz Soars: Oxford 1996 (electronic version)4. Pre-intermediate New Headway Workbook. John, Liz Soars: Oxford 1996 (electronic version)5. New Inside Out Pre-intermediate. Student’s book. Kay Sue, Jones Vaughan. Oxford: Macmillan Education 20086. New Inside Out Pre-intermediate. Workbook. Phillip Kerr. Oxford: Macmillan Education 2008





Дополнительная литература:66

1. Round-up 4. New and updated English grammar practice; exercises and games to practise your English.Virginia Evans: Pearson Education 2012.

2. Round-up 4. New and updated English grammar practice; exercises and games to practise your English. Virginia Evans: Pearson Education 2007.

3. Round-up 4. New and updated. Teacher's Guide. Virginia Evans: Pearson Education Ltd. 2007.

4. Round-up 4. New and updated. Teacher's Guide. Virginia Evans: Pearson Education Ltd. 2011.

5. English vocabulary in use pre-intermediate-intermediate with answers [100 units of vocabulary reference and practice; self-study and classroom use]. Stuart Redman: Cambridge University Press 2008.

6. English vocabulary in use pre-intermediate-intermediate with answers [100 units of vocabulary reference and practice; self-study and classroom use]. Stuart Redman: Cambridge University Press 2007.

7. English vocabulary in use pre-intermediate-intermediate with answers. Stuart Redman: Cambridge University Press 2011 + CD-ROM.

8. Essential grammar in use a self-study reference and practice book for elementary students of English ; with answers. Raymond Murphy. - 2. ed.: Cambridge Univ. Press 2006.









Для уровня В1


вОсновная литература:

1. Total English Intermediate Student's book. Antonia Clare, JJ Wilson: Pearson Education 2006.



2. Total English Intermediate Workbook. Antonia Clare, JJ Wilson: Pearson Education 2006.

3. New English File Intermediate. Student’s book. Clive Oxenden and Christina Latham-Koenig: Oxford 2006.

4. New English File Intermediate. Workbook. Clive Oxenden and Christina Latham-Koenig with Byrne Tracy: Oxford 2006.

5. New English Headway Intermediate: Student’s book. Liz and John Soars. 3ed. OUP 2006

6. New English Headway Intermediate: Workbook. Liz and John Soars. 3ed. OUP 2006

7. IELTS Foundation. Student’s book. Rachael Roberts, Joanne Gakonga, Andrew Preshous: Oxford: Macmillan 2006






Дополнительная литература:

1. Round-up 4. New and updated English grammar practice; exercises and games to practise your English.Virginia Evans: Pearson Education 2012.

2. Round-up 4. New and updated English grammar practice; exercises and games to practise your English. Virginia Evans: Pearson Education 2007.

3. Round-up 4. New and updated. Teacher's Guide. Virginia Evans: Pearson Education Ltd. 2007.

4. Round-up 4. New and updated. Teacher's Guide. Virginia Evans: Pearson Education Ltd. 2011.

5. English vocabulary in use pre-intermediate-intermediate with answers [100 units of vocabulary reference and practice; self-study and classroom use]. Stuart Redman: Cambridge University Press 2008.

6. English vocabulary in use pre-intermediate-intermediate with answers [100 units of vocabulary reference and practice; self-study and classroom use]. Stuart Redman: Cambridge University Press 2007.

7. English vocabulary in use pre-intermediate-









intermediate with answers. Stuart Redman: Cambridge University Press 2011 + CD-ROM.

8. Improve your IELTS. Writing skills by Sam McCarter, Norman Whitby. Oxford: Macmillan, 2007

9. Business Communication Games by Angela Lloyd and Anna Preier. Oxford University Press, 2002

10. Fun with Grammar by Suzanne W. Woodward. Prentice Hall Regents, 1997.

11. Total English Intermediate. Video Film Bank. Pearson Education 2006.





Для уровня В2

Количество экземпляров

Основная литература:1. New English File Upper-Intermediate Student’s

Book by Clive Oxenden and Christina Latham-Koenig. OxfordUniversity Press 2008.

2. New English File Upper-Intermediate Workbook by Clive Oxenden and Christina Latham-Koenig. OxfordUniversity Press 2008.

3. Straightforward Upper-Intermediate Student’s book by Philipp Kerr and Cery Jones. Oxford: Macmillan, 2007

4. Straightforward Upper-Intermediate Workbook by Philipp Kerr and Cery Jones. Oxford: Macmillan, 2007

5. Insight into IELTS Course book, by Vanessa Jakeman and Clare McDowell. Cambridge, 2005

6. IELTS Masterclass. Heines Simon, May Peter. OUP, 2008 + MultiROM







Дополнительная литература:

1. Round-Up 5. New and updated: English Grammar practice; exercise and games to



practice your English. Virginia Evans. Pearson Education, 2006

2. English Vocabulary in Use: Upper-Intermediate. McCarthy, Felicity O’Dell, Cambridge, 2005

3. First Certificate: Language Practice with Key. English Grammar and Vocabulary. Michael Vince with Paul Emmerson. London: Macmillan, 2003

4. Fun with Grammar by Suzanne W. Woodward. Prentice Hall Regents, 1997.




Для уровня С1


вОсновная литература:1. New English File Advanced Student’s book by

Clive Oxenden and Christina Latham-Koenig. Oxford University Press, 2010.

2. New English File Advanced Workbook by Clive Oxenden and Christina Latham-Koenig. Oxford University Press, 2010.

3. Q: Skills for Success, Reading and Writing, Student Book Pack, OUP, 2011, level 4

4. Q: Skills for Success, Reading and Writing, Student Book Pack, OUP, 2011, level 5

5. Cutting Edge Advanced. Student’s book. Sarah Cunningham and Peter Moor. Longman, 2003

6. Cutting Edge Advanced. Student’s book. Sarah Cunningham and Peter Moor. Pearson Education, 2011

7. Cutting Edge Advanced. Workbook. Sarah Cunningham and Peter Moor. Longman, 2010

8. Total English Advanced. Student’s book. JJ Wilson with Antonia Clare. Pearson Education,










20079. Total English Advanced. Workbook. JJ Wilson

with Antonia Clare. Pearson Education, 200710. Inside Out Advanced. Student’s book. Cery

Jones and Tania Bastow. Macmillan, 200111. Inside Out Advanced. Workbook. Cery Jones

and Tania Bastow. Macmillan, 200112. New Headway Advanced. Student’s book.

Liz and John Soars. Oxford University Press, 200513. New Headway Advanced. Workbook. Liz

and John Soars. Oxford University Press, 200514. Market Leader Upper-Intermediate. Business

English course book. David Cotton, David Falvey and Kent Simon. Pearson Education, 2008

15. Market Leader Upper-Intermediate. Practice file. David Cotton, David Falvey and Kent Simon. Pearson Education, 2008

16. Q: Skills for Success, Listening and Speaking, Student Book Pack, 2011, OUP, level 4

17. Q: Skills for Success, Listening and Speaking, Student Book Pack, 2011, OUP, level 5









Дополнительная литература:

1. New English File Advanced itools. Clive Oxenden and Christina Latham-Koenig. Oxford University Press, 2010.

2. Cutting Edge Advanced. Phrase builder. Sarah Cunningham and Peter Moor. Longman, 2010

3. New Round-Up 6. New and updated: English grammar practice; exercises and games to practice your English by Virginia Evans and Jenny Dooley. Pearson Education Limited, 2006.

4. Advanced Communication Games by Jill Hadfield. Longman, 2007.

5. Business Communication Games by Angela Lloyd and Anna Preier. Oxford University Press, 1996.

6. Fun with Grammar by Suzanne W. Woodward. Prentice Hall Regents, 1997.








7. Destination. B2. Grammar and Vocabulary. Malcolm Mann, Stive Taylore-Knowles. Oxford: Macmillan, 2008

8. Destination. C1-C2. Grammar and Vocabulary. Malcolm Mann, Stive Taylore-Knowles. Oxford: Macmillan, 2008

9. Oxford Word Skills Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. Advanced. Gairns Ruth, Redmond Stuart. OUP, 2011

10. Oxford Word Skills. Advanced. Learn and practice English vocabulary. Gairns Ruth, Redmond Stuart. OUP, 2009




2.9 Виды контроля и критерии оценки знаний

По дисциплине предусмотрены виды контроля: текущий, рубежный и итоговый. Текущий контроль учитывает результаты рубежных контролей, посещение занятий, активность на занятиях и выполнение домашних заданий, СРС.

Критерии оценки СРС:1. Реферат/доклад

Работа реферативного характера должна представлять собой обзор литературы по конкретной научной проблеме, содержащий критический анализ проблемы с обобщениями и выводами.

№ Критерии оценки баллы1 Умение работать с научной литературой (полнота

научного обзора, грамотность цитирования)10

2 Полнота и логичность раскрытия темы 153 Умение сформулировать цель и задачи работы 104 Языковая грамотность 205 Степень самостоятельности мышления 106 Эрудированность автора в рассматриваемой области

(владение материалом, терминологией, знакомство ссовременным состоянием проблемы)


7 Культура оформления текста (соответствие требованиям оформления, стилистика изложения, грамотность)


8 Качество ответов на вопросы (полнота, аргументированность, умение реагировать на критику,



готовность к дискуссии) 100

2. Эссе

№ Критерии оценки баллы1 Соответствие теме и полнота раскрытия темы 252 Языковая грамотность 253 Связность текста и логика изложения 254 Соответствие жанру 25


3. Презентация

№ Критерии оценки баллы1 Полнота и логичность раскрытия темы 152 Умение сформулировать цель и задачи работы 103 Языковая грамотность 254 Эрудированность автора в рассматриваемой области

(владение материалом, терминологией, знакомство ссовременным состоянием проблемы)


5 Оформление слайдов (адекватность выбора материала на слайдах, соответствие требованиям оформления)


6 Манера поведения (использование жестов и телодвижений, позиция, чтение речи)


7 Качество ответов на вопросы (полнота, аргументированность, умение реагировать на критику, готовность к дискуссии)



Во время изучения дисциплины предусмотрены 12 рубежных контролей (по 3 в каждом семестре).

Текущая оценка студента рассчитывается как среднее количество баллов, набранных студентом по предмету по результатам всех рубежных контролей, СРС, посещаемости, активности на занятиях и выполнению домашних заданий.

№ Критерии оценки %1 Рубежный контроль (РК) 1 100


2 Рубежный контроль (РК) 2 1003 Рубежный контроль (РК) 3 1004 Посещаемость (Пос.) 1005 Активность на занятиях, выполнение

текущих домашних заданий (Акт.)100

6 СРС 100Средневзвешенная оценка 100

Процентное выражение текущей оценки вычисляется по формуле:

текущая оценка (%) = РК1 + РК2 + РК3 + Пос. + Акт. + СРС6

Итоговый контроль по окончании 1,2,3 семестров – дифференцированный зачет – проводится в период зачетно-экзаменационной сессии. Итоговый контроль проводится в письменной тестовой форме и включает в себя чтение, аудирование, письмо и лексико-грамматический тест по пройденному материалу.Итоговый контроль по окончании 4 семестра – экзамен – проводится в период зачетно-экзаменационной сессии. Экзамен проводится в письменной и устной форме по всем темам курса согласно рабочей учебной программе по дисциплине. Письменная часть включает в себя чтение, аудирование, письмо и лексико-грамматический тест по пройденному материалу. Устная часть состоит из двух заданий: 1) описание графика и 2) монолог.

Условиями допуска студента к дифференцированному зачету являются:

1) удовлетворительная оценка по дифференцированному зачету с результатом не менее 50% (D);

2) текущая оценка студента по предмету за текущий семестр, составляющая не менее 50% (D), начиная со второго семестра.

Условиями допуска студента к экзамену являются:1) удовлетворительная оценка по дифференцированному зачету с

результатом не менее 50% (D);2) текущая оценка студента по предмету за 4 семестр,

составляющая не менее 50% (D).Система оценки знаний выглядит следующим образом:


Процентное выполнение работы, %

Буквенное обозначение


Оценка показахстанской


Числовой эквивалент

95-100 А 5 4.0090-94 А- 5 3.6785-89 В+ 4 3.3380-84 В 4 3.0075-79 В- 4 2.6770-74 С+ 3 2.3365-69 С 3 2.0060-64 С- 3 1.6755-59 D+ 3 1.3350-54 D 3 1.000-49 F не сдача

Экзамен считается выдержанным, если экзаменационная работа выполнена как минимум на 50%.Итоговая оценка студента выставляется на основе рейтинговой системы и рассчитывается по формуле:

Итоговая оценка = (текущая оценка) 0,6 + (экзаменационная оценка) 0,4

При этом текущая и экзаменационная оценки выражены в процентах.Итоговая оценка не рассчитывается, если студент не выдержал

экзамен.Пересдача экзамена с положительной оценки (если

экзаменационная работа выполнена на 50% и более) с целью ее повышения не разрешается.

2.10 Программа для подготовки к экзамену

Для уровня A1

При подготовке к экзамену студент должен повторить лексический материал по следующим темам:1. Getting acquainted2. His name, her name


3. Turn off your mobiles!4. Cappuccino and chips5. People6. Daily routine7. Fatal attraction

И грамматический материал:1. Present Simple Tense2. Present Continuous Tense3. Present Perfect Simple Tense4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense5. Past Simple Tense6. Past Continuous Tense7. Past Perfect Simple Tense8. Modal Verbs

Для уровня A2

При подготовке к экзамену студент должен повторить лексический материал по следующим темам:1.Talking about family2. Holidays3.Describing yourself4.From rags to riches5. Going shopping6.Health and lifestyle

И грамматический материал:1. Present tenses2. Prepositions of time, place3. Past tenses4. Future tenses going to/will/won’t5. Relative clauses6. So/because/but/although7. Questions with and without auxiliaries8. Present perfect9. Comparatives and superlatives


10. Infinitives and gerunds11. First and second conditionals12. So/neither+auxiliaries13. Past perfect14. Reported speech

Для уровня B1

При подготовке к экзамену студент должен повторить лексический материал по следующим темам:

1. Professional sportspeople earn too much money2. Fast food should never be sold to children3. Driving age for driving a car should be 16.4. Professional sport people earn too much money5. Describing an exciting sporting event you have seen or been to6. What advice would you give to someone coming to your country on

holiday?7. What’s your favorite way of travelling and why?8. Describing an exciting family party you have been to9. What advice would you give to someone moving to your country?10. What do you like and dislike about public transport?11. Children should only be allowed to eat healthy food at school.12. Nobody can enjoy doing a job that is badly paid.

И грамматический материал1. Present simple/continuous2. Present perfect/past simple3. Passive voice4. Defining relative clauses5. Past simple/past continuous6. Present perfect/present perfect continuous7. Past perfect8. First, second and third conditionals


9. Reported speech10.Phrasal verbs

Для уровня B2

При подготовке к экзамену студент должен повторить лексический материал по следующим темам:1. You are the doctor!2. National stereotypes: truth or myth? 3. Air travel: the inside story; 4. Incredibly short stories5. Stormy weather;6. Taking a risk7. Talking about pain;8. Business and advertising

И грамматический материал1. The/the+comparatives2. Phrasal verbs3. Using adjectives as nouns4. Narrative tenses5. Past perfect continuous6. Passive voice, it is said that…, he is thought to ….7. Future perfect/continuous8. Modals of speculation

Для уровня C1.1

При подготовке к экзамену студент должен повторить лексический материал по следующим темам:

1. Personal and professional peculiarities2. Our life3. Materialistic world4. Lost in translation


5. Human addictions and how to help6. History goes to the movies7. Where and how we live8. Trick or treatment9. Round the world10. A moving experience11. Pets and pests12. Sport and Nutrition

И грамматический материал

1. Discourse markers2. Speculation and deduction3. Gerunds and infinitives4. Conditional sentences5. Permission, obligation and necessity6. Ellipsis and substitution7. Cleft sentences8. Nouns, compound and possessive forms

Для уровня C1.2

При подготовке к экзамену студент должен повторить лексический материал по следующим темам:

1.Globalization2. Mixed emotions3.Newspeak4.Energy5.Teambuilding6.Job satisfaction7.Employment trends8.Mind, body and spirit

И грамматический материал

1.Continuous verb forms (special uses)


2.Perfect verb forms3.Modals and related verbs4.Time and tense, inversion5. Infinitives and gerunds after adjectives, nouns with infinitives and gerund forms, participle clauses6.Future in the past, future tenses

Примерные вопросы для устного экзамена:

1.The day..which you enjoy and celebrate well..2.Do you prefer taking classes during the day and work in the evenings&weekends or taking classes in the evenings and work during the day times?3.Should we put animals into zoo or return them to natural environment.4.What trip u like to take in future? Give examples and explain?5.DO u like to take off before joining university classes.6.which kind of meal would your serve to foreign visitor7.what was the most joyfull place in your childhood that affect you8. Students should attend full time course or part time ? which one do u agree with and why ?9.If you had to live in a deserted island, things you would bring with you.10.If you have chance to learn one new thing, what will you learn?11.tell a person you admire? what are the qualities of that person you admire12.do you agree or dis agree " all students should be provided opportunities for college & university studies".13.what do you miss most when away from home?14.online and on campus study, what is better?15.studying abroad is good or bad?16.all human inventions are good for mankind?17.what object is important for us ? why 18.is it better to judge any person with first look or long term relation ship is required to know that person. agree or disagree19.What are you good at? (sports, studying etc.)20.Do you plan everything for your free time or don't plan anything. what do you prefer.21.What food will you offer your guests who came to your home?22.the most efficient transportation system in your country


23.Is music education necessary ?24.People think childhood is very great...do u think its grt and why?25.talk about a gift u received26.is our lives easier than our grandparents, discuss with examples27.Famous person and why28.Student is living in a dormitory and her roommates are having a party. She is to decide whether to stay in another friend's apartment where she can study better or just stay in the dormitory.29.1.Among telephone,vehicle,computer,which one do you think most useful in your life?30.Do you agree or disagree the statement "We learn important things in classroom?"31.Observing or studying animals can teach about human nature? do u agree or disagree?32.The situation for what you have asked someone for help. Who helped you? How?33.which jobs are important those which give you satisfaction or give you more money ? why and give example.34animals learn more from observation than training by getting reward and punishmnet. example of octopus.35.student problem for performing a concert in a singing group. His friend is not in the town on the day of performance who is also participant36.Which place u want to see in the world and why?37.Do u agree that arranged marriage is the best?38.There have been many inventions in technology in the 20th century. Mention one invention which is most important for you. Give examples and details.39.College education is necessary for a successful career. Do you agree or disagree?40.What quailty or feeature of a restaurant u need when U choose a restaurant41.There are old building and new buildings in a city. According to thy experience, which one U prefer to keep. explain42.Do U agree or disagree that the fee should be added on the drivers who drive the car on the busy streets in the heavy traffic time.43.reading novel,magazines or peotry or science fiction,which one do you prefer44.living with roommate or alone -which one do you prefer.45.What is your favorite time of the year, what happens and why?


46.agree/disagree Best way to live for everybody is to relax and live an unhurried life.47.does learning to play a music instrument help a students development 48.which is the most preferred mode of transport in your country and why ?49.Talk about a work of art (poem, song, etc) that left a lasting impression on you. Explain why?50.Some people think that once they start a new book, they should finish it, others don’t feel that way. What is your opinion?51.describe a memorable even that you had attended and explain why it is memorable to you.52. some people prefer to communicate with their friends and family through e-mails and leters, others like to communicate via telephone. which one do you prefer and why53.Best way for students to relax after hard work54.When people get unexpected money, some buy practical things, others spend it on vacation. What do you prefer?55.If you can get any job, what would it be?56.What r the characteristics of a leader?57.Some teachers encourage competetion among their students.Other help students learn how to collaborate and study in groups.Wchich approach do u think is better for learning,y do u think so?58.Some people cope with stress by exercising.Others talk with family or frns.How do u handle stessful situations?59.Describe characteristics that make a person successful?60.Social or political event that is celebrated in thy country.

2.11 Список литературы

2.11.1 Список основной литературы:

Для уровня А1

1. Elementary New Inside Out Student’s book. Sue Kay, Vaugham Jones: Macmillan 2007.

2. Elementary New Inside Out Class CDs. Kay Sue, Jones Vaughan: Oxford


3. Elementary New Inside Out Workbook with key with Audio CD. Maggs Peter, Smith Catherine; Series authors: Sue Kay & Vaughan Jones: Oxford, Macmillan, 2007.

Для уровня А2

1. Pre-intermediate New English File Student's book. Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig, Paul Seligson: Oxford 19962. Pre-intermediate New English File Workbook. Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig, Paul Seligson: Oxford 19963. Pre-intermediate New Headway Student's book. John Soars, Liz Soars: Oxford 1996 (electronic version)4. Pre-intermediate New Headway Workbook. John, Liz Soars: Oxford 1996 (electronic version)5. New Inside Out Pre-intermediate. Student’s book. Kay Sue, Jones Vaughan. Oxford: Macmillan Education 20086. New Inside Out Pre-intermediate. Workbook. Phillip Kerr. Oxford: Macmillan Education 2008

Для уровня B1

1. Total English Intermediate Student's book. Antonia Clare, JJ Wilson: Pearson Education 2006.

2. Total English Intermediate Workbook. Antonia Clare, JJ Wilson: Pearson Education 2006.

3. New English File Intermediate. Student’s book. Clive Oxenden and Christina Latham-Koenig: Oxford 2006.

4. New English File Intermediate. Workbook. Clive Oxenden and Christina Latham-Koenig with Byrne Tracy: Oxford 2006.

5. New English Headway Intermediate: Student’s book. Liz and John Soars. 3ed. OUP 2006

6. New English Headway Intermediate: Workbook. Liz and John Soars. 3ed. OUP 2006

7. IELTS Foundation. Student’s book. Rachael Roberts, Joanne Gakonga, Andrew Preshous: Oxford: Macmillan 2006

Для уровня B2

1. New English File Upper-Intermediate Student’s Book by Clive 83

Oxenden and Christina Latham-Koenig. OxfordUniversity Press 2008.

2. New English File Upper-Intermediate Workbook by Clive Oxenden and Christina Latham-Koenig. OxfordUniversity Press 2008.

3. Straightforward Upper-Intermediate Student’s book by Philipp Kerr and Cery Jones. Oxford: Macmillan, 2007

4. Straightforward Upper-Intermediate Workbook by Philipp Kerr and Cery Jones. Oxford: Macmillan, 2007

5. Insight into IELTS Course book, by Vanessa Jakeman and Clare McDowell. Cambridge, 2005

6. IELTS Masterclass. Heines Simon, May Peter. OUP, 2008 + MultiROM

Для уровня C1

1. New English File Advanced Student’s book by Clive Oxenden and Christina Latham-Koenig. Oxford University Press, 2010.

2. New English File Advanced Workbook by Clive Oxenden and Christina Latham-Koenig. Oxford University Press, 2010.

3. Q: Skills for Success, Reading and Writing, Student Book Pack, OUP, 2011, level 4

4. Q: Skills for Success, Reading and Writing, Student Book Pack, OUP, 2011, level 5

5. Cutting Edge Advanced. Student’s book. Sarah Cunningham and Peter Moor. Longman, 2003

6. Cutting Edge Advanced. Student’s book. Sarah Cunningham and Peter Moor. Pearson Education, 2011

7. Cutting Edge Advanced. Workbook. Sarah Cunningham and Peter Moor. Longman, 2010

8. Total English Advanced. Student’s book. JJ Wilson with Antonia Clare. Pearson Education, 2007

9. Total English Advanced. Workbook. JJ Wilson with Antonia Clare. Pearson Education, 2007

10. Inside Out Advanced. Student’s book. Cery Jones and Tania Bastow. Macmillan, 2001

11. Inside Out Advanced. Workbook. Cery Jones and Tania Bastow. Macmillan, 2001

12. New Headway Advanced. Student’s book. Liz and John Soars. Oxford University Press, 2005


13. New Headway Advanced. Workbook. Liz and John Soars. Oxford University Press, 2005

14. Market Leader Upper-Intermediate. Business English course book. David Cotton, David Falvey and Kent Simon. Pearson Education, 2008

15. Market Leader Upper-Intermediate. Practice file. David Cotton, David Falvey and Kent Simon. Pearson Education, 2008

16. Q: Skills for Success, Listening and Speaking, Student Book Pack, 2011, OUP, level 4

17. Q: Skills for Success, Listening and Speaking, Student Book Pack, 2011, OUP, level 5

2.12.2 Список дополнительной литературы:

Для уровня А1

1. Round-up 3. New and updated English grammar practice; exercises and games to practise your English. Virginia Evans: Pearson Education 1995.

2. Round-up 4. New and updated English grammar practice; exercises and games to practise your English.Virginia Evans: Pearson Education 2012.

3. Round-up 4. New and updated English grammar practice; exercises and games to practise your English. Virginia Evans: Pearson Education 2007.

4. Round-up 3. New and updated. Teacher's Guide. Virginia Evans: Pearson Education Ltd. 2008.

5. Round-up 4. New and updated. Teacher's Guide. Virginia Evans: Pearson Education Ltd. 2007.

6. Round-up 4. New and updated. Teacher's Guide. Virginia Evans: Pearson Education Ltd. 2011.

7. New Round-Up 1. English Grammar Practice. Teacher's Book. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley: Pearson Education Ltd. 2010.

8. New Round-Up 1. English Grammar Practice. Student's Book. Virginia Evans: Pearson Education Ltd. 2010.

9. New Round-Up 2. English Grammar Practice. Student's Book. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley: Pearson Education Ltd. 2010.

10. New Round-Up 2. English Grammar Practice. Teacher's Book. Virginia Evans: Pearson Education Ltd. 2010.


11. Everyman's English pronouncing dictionary containing over 59,000 words in internat. phonetic transcription / originally compiled by Daniel Jones. Extensively rev. and ed. by A. C. Gimson. London 1984.

12. Business vocabulary in use elementary. Bill Mascull: Cambridge University Press; [Stuttgart]: Klett 2006.

13. English vocabulary in use elementary with answers [60 units of vocabulary reference and practice; self-study and classroom use. Michael McCarthy, Felicity O'Dell: Cambridge University Press 2005.

14. Essential Business Grammar Builder for class and self-study. Paul Emmerson: Macmillan 2006.

15. Essential grammar in use a self-study reference and practice book for elementary students of English ; with answers. Raymond Murphy. - 2. ed.: Cambridge Univ. Press 2006.

16. Oxford Living Grammar Elementary with answers. Ken Paterson: Oxford University Press 2009.

Для уровня А2

1. Round-up 4. New and updated English grammar practice; exercises and games to practise your English.Virginia Evans: Pearson Education 2012.

2. Round-up 4. New and updated English grammar practice; exercises and games to practise your English. Virginia Evans: Pearson Education 2007.

3. Round-up 4. New and updated. Teacher's Guide. Virginia Evans: Pearson Education Ltd. 2007.

4. Round-up 4. New and updated. Teacher's Guide. Virginia Evans: Pearson Education Ltd. 2011.

5. English vocabulary in use pre-intermediate-intermediate with answers [100 units of vocabulary reference and practice; self-study and classroom use]. Stuart Redman: Cambridge University Press 2008.

6. English vocabulary in use pre-intermediate-intermediate with answers [100 units of vocabulary reference and practice; self-study and classroom use]. Stuart Redman: Cambridge University Press 2007.

7. English vocabulary in use pre-intermediate-intermediate with answers. Stuart Redman: Cambridge University Press 2011 + CD-ROM.


8. Essential grammar in use a self-study reference and practice book for elementary students of English ; with answers. Raymond Murphy. - 2. ed.: Cambridge Univ. Press 2006.

Для уровня B1

1. Round-up 4. New and updated English grammar practice; exercises and games to practise your English.Virginia Evans: Pearson Education 2012.

2. Round-up 4. New and updated English grammar practice; exercises and games to practise your English. Virginia Evans: Pearson Education 2007.

3. Round-up 4. New and updated. Teacher's Guide. Virginia Evans: Pearson Education Ltd. 2007.

4. Round-up 4. New and updated. Teacher's Guide. Virginia Evans: Pearson Education Ltd. 2011.

5. English vocabulary in use pre-intermediate-intermediate with answers [100 units of vocabulary reference and practice; self-study and classroom use]. Stuart Redman: Cambridge University Press 2008.

6. English vocabulary in use pre-intermediate-intermediate with answers [100 units of vocabulary reference and practice; self-study and classroom use]. Stuart Redman: Cambridge University Press 2007.

7. English vocabulary in use pre-intermediate-intermediate with answers. Stuart Redman: Cambridge University Press 2011 + CD-ROM.

8. Improve your IELTS. Writing skills by Sam McCarter, Norman Whitby. Oxford: Macmillan, 2007

9. Business Communication Games by Angela Lloyd and Anna Preier. Oxford University Press, 2002

10. Fun with Grammar by Suzanne W. Woodward. Prentice Hall Regents, 1997.

11. Total English Intermediate. Video Film Bank. Pearson Education 2006.

Для уровня B2

1. Round-Up 5. New and updated: English Grammar practice; 87

exercise and games to practice your English. Virginia Evans. Pearson Education, 2006

2. English Vocabulary in Use: Upper-Intermediate. McCarthy, Felicity O’Dell, Cambridge, 2005

3. First Certificate: Language Practice with Key. English Grammar and Vocabulary. Michael Vince with Paul Emmerson. London: Macmillan, 2003

4. Fun with Grammar by Suzanne W. Woodward. Prentice Hall Regents, 1997.

Для уровня C1

1. New English File Advanced itools. Clive Oxenden and Christina Latham-Koenig. Oxford University Press, 2010.

2. Cutting Edge Advanced. Phrase builder. Sarah Cunningham and Peter Moor. Longman, 2010

3. New Round-Up 6. New and updated: English grammar practice; exercises and games to practice your English by Virginia Evans and Jenny Dooley. Pearson Education Limited, 2006.

4. Advanced Communication Games by Jill Hadfield. Longman, 2007.5. Business Communication Games by Angela Lloyd and Anna Preier.

Oxford University Press, 1996.6. Fun with Grammar by Suzanne W. Woodward. Prentice Hall

Regents, 1997. 7. Destination. B2. Grammar and Vocabulary. Malcolm Mann, Stive

Taylore-Knowles. Oxford: Macmillan, 20088. Destination. C1-C2. Grammar and Vocabulary. Malcolm Mann,

Stive Taylore-Knowles. Oxford: Macmillan, 20089. Oxford Word Skills Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. Advanced. Gairns

Ruth, Redmond Stuart. OUP, 201110. Oxford Word Skills. Advanced. Learn and practice English

vocabulary. Gairns Ruth, Redmond Stuart. OUP, 2009


2.13 Модульное описание дисциплины

Шифр IYa 1106Ответственный за модуль Языковой центр

Уровень модуля ВАЯзык преподавания модуля


Количество часов в неделю (л/с/пр.)

Количество кредитов РК/ECTS


Форма обучения очнаяСеместр 1, 2, 3, 4Количество обучающихся не менее 10Пререквизиты модуля в зависимости от предшествующего

уровняСодержание модуля Лексический материал : Getting

acquainted, Telling time, Family, Friends, Hobbies, Shopping, Food, Describing people, Health and Lifestyle, Holidays and Travelling, Crime and Punishment, Money, Art and Culture, Cities, Building Relationships, Team Building, Conflicts, Entertainment, Employment, Communication, Globalization, Feelings, Nature, Education, Safety and Danger, Environmental Problems, Living Abroad,


Иностранный языкАнглийский язык

Дополнительные виды обучения

Mind, Body and Spirit, Technical Innovations

Грамматика : verb to be, Articles, Prepositions, Verbs and Verb Phrases, Modal verbs, Present Tenses, Past Tenses, Yet, just, already, For, since, Future Tenses, Question Formation, Question Tags , Indirect questions, Pronouns, Nouns and Noun Formation, Adjectives, Comparatives and Superlatives, Quantifiers, Adverbs and Adverbial Phrases, Phrasal Verbs, Gerunds and Infinitives, be going to, used to, to be used to,to get used to, Passives, Defining and Non-Defining Relative Clauses, So/neither + Auxiliaries, Reported Speech, Zero, First, Second, Third Conditionals, Linking words, Fronting, Hedging.

Результаты обучения Профессиональные компетенции:Студент умеет:

вести диалог на английском языке, пользуясь правилами речевого этикета;

вести межкультурный диалог, развивать и углублять свои знания, быть открытым для новой информации;

устанавливать контакты и развивать общение на английском языке;

уточнять и подтверждать информацию, развивая наиболее интересные моменты;

объяснить свою точку зрения по актуальной проблеме, высказывая все аргументы «за» и «против», отстаивать свою позицию при проведении дебатов, дискутировать;

составлять подробные сообщения по заданной теме, отчеты,


анализировать графики, кратко описывать основную идею статей или текстов;

слушать и отвечать на вопросы, а так же их задавать;

понимать различные тексты по курсу, устно передавать их содержание, комментируя и участвуя в дискуссии;

в относительно длинных тестах находить важные места, анализировать их;

бегло просматривать электронные и печатные аутентичные тексты, ежедневные информационные брошюры и извлекать из них важную информацию;

понимать основное содержание аудио материалов, новости и репортажи о текущих событиях;

участвовать в неформальном разговоре с носителями изучаемого языка;

использовать словарный запас, позволяющий ему свободно общаться на заданные по курсу темы.

Надпрофессиональные компетенции:Студент умеет:

работать в группе, в паре, индивидуально;

подготовить презентацию в соответствии с требованиями к построению презентаций;

получать информацию из средств массовой информации и анализировать информацию;

излагать свою точку зрения в


письменной форме, выдерживая структуру письменного ответа;

управлять временем; делать самоанализ; творчески мыслить; адаптироваться к изменяющимся


Форма итогового контроля

Экзамен проводится в письменной и устной форме по всем темам курса согласно рабочей учебной программе по дисциплине. Письменная часть включает в себя чтение, аудирование, письмо и лексико-грамматический тест по пройденному материалу. Устная часть состоит из двух заданий: 1) описание графика и 2) монолог.Если студент получает положительный результат по письменной и устной части экзамена, экзамен считается сданным.

Условия для получения кредитов

посещение занятий выполнение всех рубежных и

самостоятельных работ получение 3 дифференцированных

зачетов успешная сдача экзамена

Продолжительность модуля

2 семестра

Литература 1. New Inside Out Elementary. Peter Maggs & Catherine Smith. Macmillan Education, 2007.

2. New English File Pre-Intermediate. Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig, Paul Seligson. Oxford University Press, 2005.

3. New English File Intermediate. Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig, Paul Seligson. Oxford University Press, 2006.


4. Total English Intermediate. Antonia Clare and JJ Wilson. Pearson Longman, 2006.

5. New English File Upper Intermediate. Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig. Oxford University Press, 2005.

6. Straightforward Upper Intermediate. Philip Kerr & Ceri Jones, Macmillan Education, 2007.

7. New English File Advanced. Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig. Oxford University Press, 2010.

8. Cutting Edge Advanced. Sarah Cunnigham & Peter Moor. Longman,2003

9. New Headway Advanced. Liz & John Soars. Oxford University Press, 2005.

10. Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL® Test: iBT, Second Edition. Deborah Philips. Pearson Longman, 2007.

11. Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL® Test. Jolene Gear, Robert Gear. Cambridge University Press, 2006.

12. Barron’s TOEFL iBT: Internet-Based Test, 12th Edition. Pamela J. Sharpe, Ph.D. Barron’s Educational Series, 2008

Дата обновления 01.09.2013


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