iarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/the... · :1 .. ' ~ i lujmber...

Post on 26-Aug-2018






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Cll:lt;tflltctlia:l t.:!Cl,11 0 Oitol"tod.

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LUJmber Doors Nails Cement Sonh Palnlll Oils Brushu Putty ot1u


Cop4ean, N. Jtl,

Your ptoperty with us today, We can sell it. ------ ---- -~-- ----~ ~~--

Let us show you a fetv "of the barfains we have iu city· prop· erty and closetiJin acreage, , ,, . ,

. . . .. .. . - . . .

~ - -

CapitantRealty Company · · · - Real Estate aud~ Rentals .

Cap-itaA·. N M. " . · . . . ~. . . .

l! ....... u lltd,lt · foJI Oflft•OtiWCf 2M

' . . . . . ~ . -,. .

A Con1.plete ~it,e of Steel R•ofin~. ·Fibre Roofinft Hof Fence, · · -. , -Caaiota and Tubes Ba:rbed Wire, Fruit Jar!,,

Binder Twine. Purina Poultry and Stock Foods, Stock·and Table Salt, -~rain and Hay,

Lubrtcatial OUt, GallSiine. ·. Grvcerlea, c . ,,

, - . . ' - .

Etc. our Ar·~ Reaaonobte

...,. .- _ · - . · _ . Jl!i!lsl Uez HiS .t::Uth:KM!ftf!!!t

The Titsworth Company, I.ne.

• • 't

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<t ·i ... •

LIBERTY GARAGE, A•enis. ; -: -CAPttAMt N. ,,M •. -. -

•• ~

CaPitan Mercantllec 00illf31ilny

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·Groceriet. Har~wart, ForJ Parts, . Fresh Fnutt. Vetetabl~s · ..

.. and Bread. -< - .,

• • .

\Ne \NIH Pleea.e You, •

• . ·-- _ ........ ____ --- - - -

Capitan ercanlile Co. .. '

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HAROLD HURD l:Uorncy A,t Law

S.ICJ.\J. Att~"l:iOl'i 'i'O V.S~t,<\'NU UJi_.,lCS

.JlfA'f{,iiltS . '


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. :IJ11~s~.P<tn6n h~d ttm s~t'Ol'i~on~ t.ielcet.'tittot lt..'-1 ever lmt'n Qffcred ~ . >t:J 't}l6 v.otortl of }:)je,w·l\fel\ticU.~. • F\'om · Wtl. 4t!> hott-tJsn, tho Demo·

ct;tt!a \lt1.rt~.«1~1·o o. uc~ot ~omposed of tnQIL ~••<l womet1 'lWbu ·01-e li'liol bc:J.d9d, P~ffn;sai\:<c~.ctllciout a~euntnro~d tq thp hnndllns of ~!~ aflUltat n.ccust~mcd, to tbo.;met&oda of 6<JDd butt!iJetJp• httnee~ ~~wmJuctl o.ud o:rgrc$nT,·~. - 1 • •

"J_~ ,. -~ "~ - CJ_

. . Jt.JOOn.SAU G .. nl\i\Tl'ONa Fo~· Obi ~·QO.I'B Q ju~~re ~ltb .. •t1wove~ hJCl'OCt)ing .•·c1Jut;?.Upu.fol' coundn~t9. •u·o'blty and ftllr• 1QuUl'!anec~. l~:\blng bims~lt by olH~c•· m1wlt o.nd con··~tr;e to- tho· hl~lt.c:lt tm:slt!Oil wltbln hi» tJ;J.\'tiy, .Iud~ nrntt{)ll Ill (), (u•eclffi. eo. bta otlt~ nutl wlll he c. cl·c\litr ~ New Me~loo while COl'VhJft hll \Vnslalugt-on. no to. tbe cypa of Ultln lde:dly~li!i!d foa• tho b:;ot

• COl'Yii!O hl l)UbUC life~ ftJJq: t·eputnti(}U Ia J,mbletnllll!l'!'tl. His •trrcn~tllt of cbOrQ.t'lt-N• hl Irno\•Jn Mt'lto, wide, Ncr; .Motdco h~.,.

. tlPIIQJI bod~ cl~onca-. att'OPh"'l'~ l>c.tter equiptlol man otand fvr pub!I~H.Jffice. ""' · · _ . · . \) . . '

A .. T.. U&NNn'O'D · tJJ'Omlnent {.\t.tos~noy with ·a. Mtlonol: -rollUbticm. Ort:nnh:-et• oF Ute"' Fla·st Nil.tlout\1 V!lnt't of GnHus>, JlrcuhleQt of tb~1 Gn.t1 nud l!!lectrlc comar.ln.Y 1\t Gallup. with blt1 ba·other. D&· Rnnn~t~. ono of the lnracrlt lH:OJle•·ty ownel'a of Gnl· lut•..,. Tt.~ Jetldlnu ltlwsm: oC MclCialo.v ('..oun~y. A muu accontom· ·~u to bnrulllnrt bin nt1l\lf:I iu a-bnl4inMolllm way. Oalm, llfilclent, exm;~pt!onoU.v lovelllc:ull!tl cuul r~auo. 'l'ho 1>a0t Pt·e91dt•n t of tho S~w Hlalmn.y Oommtot~iou JJlm"J.· Mc.:tlcu cvot• hntl. A ,,l!actlccl· t:l ccvnomy qtul ctllc1ent•g ~

JOHN ~IOllBO'Wc ·"lionel}\ Juhn"--om1 of U.o hardest uor!:dn~.t cOllijnl!\!\WCU In \VnMh' u~tota. IJl• hng ACCO M Pl .. ISUEO tfllllcro rot• No\11\1o:tico d'tu•h)~t"'lll!l t'lltOl'~ term h olllc~. • H~ did UICH70l'lr or the JOl)(,'>J t••('('(tDill, nnd ()ll tho H•Mil1 1\t1•ad Act. lllc h:t!l h~d ch\irntl octtlml tb4t l:'l()ltl lumtrin;,: fire fur h111 Y":li'S ot• mora. ~ tlM t1:lntlcd to hb CO·I'•tttnPncy no •m~l.l-\Jr what. theh• ttolllth~g \'JOf(l. IU~ HAS UN~N U~ THe J(Hl! Ho ltuu~m tho

-t!lrc(lCil fit Wmdtint:~· ""!foJ•ai Munm'.l tllll IJ"' a hi~bly vnhla~lc n:rm t!J.thc 8t:lt1' lo tbc t\e.!tti f:u.'i'o yeat·s. . '

• lillLIPESAl,\!Cilln: y 1}.\CAa Nomln"n ror I.ll'oWn:lnt Gor.omor. Sht•t•il1 of Gu-ulnltl p~ l:Uu 11tJ nod t.IJ l h •t"'> oC ''IPnlllllt: ~l)) Santllto~ tYbeu ib \.'l[}!l L'l,' w,hl fro 1tl.,,. tt.wn. l•'ur olt-tn~ y~3f!l i~"tt:c!vuror tno U. g_ uiiul Jffi,~o ''t 1'ncutut• ~il A. l»>'Ow• tm:nn. tnm~Ullot, A buslilt'::'IJ' t!l Ul •'.ntlll®Udl.ll$ till' ''''"'IIOCt ur 1\lt 1J:I:"s.Cdondli. l\l.3!C tb£1 11tiop!O of Qu,'-.Y \.\>udb.V ubljut 1•1c~ll10 Sanel.l(l; 1l!S:1~ · • ·

' HOWARD L. DlCRLirJtG Nomhwe rot· Su~u·omc Gout·tt • Clt;s.' ~tt.n'(Jl'~,;rur 4tot:>n. ()atl ut' th:-t BIG b\7J,'Of'n or dill t-it,\~.

Pre~idtlll\ oi th:\ <iwonl~ 91u ().• t1NJt utll1tti<ll'tllt•o> ot J•;tlts. vlco· ~lunroUor (;mntl Lu:J;:!O !~night:;. oil l~~tblns, MU!IlhOI' Nath.nal Ct>u~cil o! DJnt~on.'ll J1:vuom~<· L'2:~:JUC w ••etm~!lout Nct7 Monico.

NIDIA c.tn~~Gr:m, Nm:nhwe fm' Hnpr~>.u'l f!,mrt: Balli· DCM WQ,(llllld cmumnnity hu.tdt.W 11!111 Pt'O•UII\I'IJ! rtll.Ill'll0y. Mom· h3l' oK §ebonl U•1:1nl uutll{.c~;vntof Attf'i.culcoml t:ulll'r!'~· f5<Jund, acnni(ltt>, pro~m:'!nrMo

t10DN 'W. Atl~n~;. NominN~ tor Att>rnoy G~noml: Ao9rotnllt Att-!Jrno.v G~nel'·'l dot•u!Jfl' thl) pr ·• ':l~ nd :Ili:'.I~Utr~t&Oll, Q

Judt:rc~A•·mntrontr IUUOt71} th•· t701'tt nr lho uffi·~·· Ht'J Guilit.y tu rat~t~d r;lu~rl'HH' bw bo 1ho O"'llmown In !':••w M~:l!tco. Ho h;l!) bc~n diM;dt;e nttorm•s, p ro~;ll() jJd,~f', M;;1yor or C~rlsboo~ Brl·il{;!1lmn·cd bill wot'bh.

C! "

' ED.C,TA!!OVA. No:ninC~fOI' C4Jrporntlnf! (;.'bmmlnf)fcmcr: .. ~t:rlJtlnf: ~dte." 'l'h 1 1n -·"~ JlNirC:.w mll•t 111 San t'\ (•'.J countly ll:)~nr-dl;.!tl-4 of Jl;\1\t,Y •• Vow• ~~~• o( l:5l):l.tiih·Am"•·•··•\n wn•·- Vet·

-orno 02 World \"lul', enliatlnu [\t', 41 by ap~cim IPI'IJIItl!'liOo ur War 'Doauttmont. t~leno. lllrJ t-.'Ol'tfit]:J, ~noln<2, b<Jneat., oaloi~nt, C9tlll"<10:UUO -t~C.!.'o &Juie T1l f,,~q,

.2\!BS •• msn A. !lAru~ l'•:.slallc:1Mol 'B!ccwr: Widoo oi tho Jo!:c Ja:so A. U.:tro. (_.leUWUtl1: t Gzili\Jli'il•)~'. M<>t!lb~a· of t,h() State t:3dtUl11 Uo:wcl. Mdmbor ol 01 dn." WclKnt•o lh:mJ. lOJO IO:!::J.

~ '' w J b. o.-E.1Ul1CSSID1. Pr"!'latre()~lt! Qe;:rtor: Promioooue 1:1m··

ehruit-J)f I:\,rt Sumner, vibl:.v lnit•foater.i In elvin fifi':'i"a· Lovclt · h?~~ctl, cquure.JWIJOb!' ~:md ~>ttcccs~Iol:

I ~ '

l!Jl1UX G6,0CJrt\. l?rl'<~ilf~nti~ Ekmt;)r: Ccmdid~~ f o r· .. CMo~noe ia J918. tJ,:L:c!u~Jt llUUl t~mb:)tntan, t5uccc!loful, !ole

m!n~Cil't.dtlcicq,rc. , I '

I.S~ tciU.I!S .. ;!1oruitttd Jtor.1·€ehcnf Sufi:)I'illtcndene: 'filo YJ~sbtl • .:Jatornnt'::'~~m~.:ueftt ~,.e,; Mrnt~~ b~!jW'f.v. At>~~«ohcd t1lh;d ~-a:l:Ji:01tEO~tt:l. wo tn~:-.~ s:r.tc.~t~~t t7ern p:lld pnnnpetv, :rwbc<!

• tirosWoll:n·d!:I. Utn,\1G~:!Jt!Uq~c~i'£put~tl.on for how ttcxa .. J -· . -'

_ MtS ... .SOl,'P""'II).-\Ot!._W.tca~ l1omir.co fof Sc:::robr}l clt .. - Stu~: :l'/'ita~ Wv;-:IJml,.ti!HS1ttlul.@1lvoli!o1r•n ~h~lr -of t..ta /Ullc--a'i!!o~J

," S~t;5 .. S~?~:i<!,tu~m_:~<tili'~a!f~i!~Cn~1g c.nd ~Jtln1 cz~omst. ~ c- • all atf!.t-J'O.IU~-d~ t11-~0 tl!,.~.J bnncl!C:\.. • ,

' . ' . ' . . .

,<,• '


ntSUNii\1!\QV..\C~.. tot.< lc11(i C~mml!lgitmot>i ScH!cll ttlo ·~ · , GclltltJ'Sqoueemr£1 ,G'I.scnm& the Mem11to9 il.lnd atld ~.a:S~Jor <:M!h' •

Pot tlt::l ~l~ll omcu Ofi rvbostmr.~~ !1),:_1~. t7itla!lllb C'(.;rDriel~m - n:cn'e. • ~!~o tchws fto? ~!~:iiort by t;ol~cr;t!m)~J<fu ~wo nun vc~~:o,. _ .lhJ~b1 ctib (}ll!trovcM'/tCO' S140 C::iUUpt~<J~! frO:li\ n. 'i/Qt,dr·llb~li.'~;tlOilt of . f!,.()!J• ettlmc~t. Murlo a wt>~dodot rtcQ.ru ia c dltlimU U©it1Qu.

, .\\"4-'Ut\!i f;ll,l\lfA~J.. fotM~e~t~Te¢~~ro't n.@Qt;bb~r:do!( cutHiit cltws ~tl btn tm£J~tttt!n6- un,lc~ , ijilm.l tt10 Ot:~l-o mU!f:Jnn ~t

, · · . t!anta.ti9' b.V ~~9so woJdil -t)~lCsi~oodt~tlfl:J$ nml eMUt'~t:n:l. A bitt 13(1::1!• .. ·, . ltCs~ tu® \\oaUtlira;:;tt.'CS!Jt\lo~n~i,j~~~fullc:m. A f.Wonc!l.lr-Be mcJ~;~t.. • "

' •

. lC&N t1'{.ut, _o!or.· Sbto Atrtiudr::Vgttaa•a rc,surtl 01Jcl'itm tot~J _ ,. itsriU · Ero.dcnt~ ttqrm:lU8 on tla;) ~:;tJ~ VigliUJ~ eunr~cu r.lil'o Ge~tt11- .

, mp~c,w tlS· .hli:J(l~tll .. , -no. tlctJOa-¥'c~tt:el®tl!Jll u una ,~.ever and. _ ' )

' . ,_ '

If. 'YOU wantt~- ·cqptinue ,the policy of'.- .. ' I -' '

ECONOMY. EPFtctENCY aittl-fiONEsrv . .. : ! 1 . ~0.


Nov~rnber 41 •


1 ' ' .


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0 SCHOOLNarES · '·,::~\":~-.(\' ·. , , .:, ll¥' ,t,} ~. t:Qrl:;f•~'\NVk · , ,

' ": , ·, ; ~~-w.o:-~ . . ,. ' . . ' ' '

' ;, .. "' .... ' • c. '

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bav~ b?d · twQ .· ~k:CQll~nt . W2't~,. , . _ . . tJJJrtqtjtOl.t~ .tm'PC~.l·t~ ptn~:Q a-ehcol , Cl~P.t tl~~~- witn4:i!~~;'; · -­

~~It.;· · 'l'bn ~~~t wq.!t.gtv~n .~ ~d.. 1!ibu~QiQ U~o.bc~cd, :fA·~~~:,hf~ Hltll'J/"' .. l~ ~ l\tt~ndecl by tlu-ee factu~~Otl\illl!ffn $(:dfn ~nd Uf~···

~t.fll. pom•e, M l'S, S Q-Qur.m.l(.}ZJi ~:UlJ uf: Al'i\l.ctu"';. ·. B~·ub(l"'Qrf . tn q.d<l.itlon N()t? MQ~ico,.; · ; , . : · ,<·, ..

the blOb nchcot. · StJlrllf, t3W..~ ~J.!~t~ : woro mil SeL>.temben· ro· · " ... dao 1 ·.I ,Jn·_ ·' '· ·,,;,~ •.. , ,, •·

J~~;;~~-;;~J-P,{i · tl1o '\rl<;oor comna.n.v.. . ~en F-On ·l'llPJ.l('A'!W:.lf · '

.,. . -


. · · .• D~»artmout. cl tll,o ll).f~;&O~ Wc:<111t;$tli~Y nlabt G weolt tlgo., tr.s. Lund o.ruco-nt.Rc::~wcll b-r.~l ,:· ·

l'Xil•$.~'M'u01tu-e. Jtlcycd Cot tllc tl:.\· St~ptenrbel' 10, W2-*/ • (tit!l!lt'§ ,lJt '~~~d- t-.m llt. tiorli St&ll• . NOTICE is hereby gh:m UmtJ · . tun. Jt~t ~A1Ct:t(JJilQ mcludcd I~iuus Parltor [>lallt of Ancl,m, N. · ~ '

- ct@slcal o.~_l-All>am-bu num· M , who, on October&. 1910., nn•t o:nd WM U}uCll OPl)l'acbwd October 22, 1919, mndo Ii. · N,.

f>IJ31 ron. llt~ ntt,<mllod fl.'Om t4c No. (}i2699 and Add. No: 0-!~6@,. ~tu:ds tll\d ~le3(}tvhel"C. for W ~ Sec. 13; nnd Ei s~.~ctiln~·

l!lns. D.lcC~ro s:,andorcd bev 1~ Townslup 4 S, Rung-~ 1~ E.? '

I ' I, l.m~n :1.111m onth'Cl$ !com UHllUOl'.V .. N.D/Il.P. Meridian, hao tiled out. · e~hlbll:lna ~ aplendld wcbntque reo of Intention to mnlto Jlinol {"~ nnd tbe~uo.tlo. !mowlcL"ge, . A year l)roof, to eBtnbUsh dt~hn '1 ·'

duet t7!.1n @von T.J,v ~iSISI!a .Ficm· ~ho luud nuov.o descrlb~d. lmfoi~ (, ·hm und 'lbwu&and, arul_...u t:r•·ouv· E. H1 G'ontitltl, U. 8. Oommio• ' ,

ladles e::nn set.~on.'cl" Amel'Jeo.n oioucr, at Capitan, N. M., Ollt tbu l (Qllt nonr:ts. A l'eC<lt,tion \'Jtl!J Gth -doy of November, 1024. T bold foo ~ vlolto•·a a.t tbo CJcev"Jnt llllm~ ll:J wltnc:Joc:J: '; • Nurco~ ,nome afoor the p1·o· · Clr.ll'lio II. Pufero and Ii'lctthtty ~-

' crroo. H. Hull, of C11pito.n, N. M •• o1td•. - :! ' .

Tho plo oCJclaJ Frldny ult~ht Price l\1. Mtillcr and L. L. J?~tt:a-o: ·~ wns \?ell o.~ndcd and. ooLt.ed of Aucho, N. M. l)5t)..40 too !Jl'Uet"'.I or.hOfll ~t·tM • 3t:J7illl WLLfm. nct:rtntor. ties, Mv. H~ot• o'iliclatcd nn-

!JOTICE fiOD l'l.'DLICA'll'IO" IiiOTICm VOn I'U'BLIC~1'10l¥

D"U!irlollnt of t!lo lo~c:ior U. [J. Lnnd Oriilco at ncottoiJ, tt tl..

I ' . '

( ' t ~. : i 1 , n ~, ' (

auc~loocer nnw bc:-.r~ Wt•ll 11\l dW wor!:t cnn b~ judaecl by tlw e X('t I· lent rosul~. Tuo fol.owlnu pro· Soptcmbcr 8, 113~4. r arnm wus r;rlve~t: NOTlOl~ lo hereby ~lvcn that ,l • "Good-bye Soo;~ot O:ly" ([A Jorllt>o M. Mauldin, ofliondo, N. · '; dlcn qua•·w~~') M1'1FW'i Tol\nJM., who. on J'uly22, ~910. mndt,. 1' acnd ond [• t•mlng, M,•r1dnmP!'ljOrit,r. Ud. entry, No. 046058, f«sL"

1 \

G~tt"od nod Cot,31!lad, Mili'!l M, • W &. S3ction 20, Townohlp 10 S., Olure nt. t-he l)lnno/ lbut;o 17-C: N.M P. Moridinu,

"Ab:l0ot." M ro. n.u th S~um·t.. I hao fUe& n~tico o~ tnt('nttol\ tu "LinA<?? n Whllo • l•'oi.il Bt:m 1 ma!to U1rcc ymr Proof, to <'Otnb.

ton 8nn1n (l111ototte. linh cl11iru to Lhe lnnd Dhovo dl'-.. A 'l'oletdnono ltoll!l!UlOO" Et.hQI ceribW, boforo I!l II •• Ooo!laU~

MCS' €utUlland. C. 8. OomptlG-.'liOOCll', ot.Cot•itan i

"A Dream of I.ov<l" (Liaat) N. U ; on tbo Utb day .cf Nov: ,h i,, Mloo.Modo MctJina·e. cmhor JD2.& • 4

.. Went You Come Bndr Homo" Ctoi~tant "uamCJ no wihu>CJ.PO:. (oaercl1l dttOt~ l\~dnmc!3 Stuart. Otto ltcd[}c:eoxe, Auto E. Sto • and. Oovelo~cl. vcr, Thoman H. t{lrtHnnd, nnd

''Tho Ro::~o.ry" Mr. MeNcH CbarJCj P. L'rHn, all of Hondo,. Gtt<l MJ~o MnClu re. New ~~e.nlco. >

..~k!l!oy•• D 11nju Qnlntett:>. tl' t'JAI?r?A mt.I.Jill. ncat:~otr 1,

.,._= :=·~-----:- se- ·~~=---_2_____. ,~~·~-2--t=_s-,.__= t€- ~ "- *' -!~-..:...' . \. "l -. 4x - ~ - ~

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LIBERTY GARAGE, Agents • ., . · . C/lPlT AN, N~M~.

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S)omo llcscmblilru:e J •>hn. 1 h" voMer, und o lunch bOD

ous<W 1o ro•twmhle a cnrocro. and lbO of• 0•,. fur<;• UGC•tl to jooh hi OJ D aood d~l ahuul II Ctnc doy they D"l lbO t131J!t­'" a.d t"•uli k....-1 •t•r o t him

'"( 'uuld J uu tulle roy rrbotoarapll oltl'l y•<tJr ot•t•urut uar Inquired tho boot~-

An A rt.oU11!Ja r) •·lono I urnotl a &~o­

'"''''"' Alllnl ot l"nyG'IIO'IIIo wbep If ""''""'' "" ln·laht rnra ••Ul ot o ropo l•tlr <nu•lna lr••luh t trn In and plied rhrtn Ufl lu n l•rumladJuua bPO.IJ b7 ''"' t>ld•• ul tlfil rlahl ul way. Tbo fuf"t'""f' u( llw \\ lod 1uro •httrn lua.::.Q t;o

ftukhly oneS dl"anly thnt lhf' olbor &•nf1 at th" tro'n u-na bot a.rlOt'l~

A hq~ ll ruon un,-,-. nn n••f1 nncl lht

gl(11 ltf'l h U••lnu lu art nrt1 Ol\."\llJG tbo (.Di):l1 twrftor1 u( thrtr klntt

QtQtiPo llu•• rr,n,.ttr

CHAMPION o.,. •• •••h , •. a ... , a ., .. a

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Vegetoble Supplomento Will Benefit Broad Sow


llr=d cm:ro that oro fc:l oa~tl bol· aorloo tcclo oo tool!.o~ mllk. 07 Ol:tl• CJ~I to roll= that ro:Jtnlo rom, bor10l7, ow1 oU1a c::II'Iiliclt 11c-..a.;,. t::Jtto Embarnlf•i.rt.r 0/lu ~tc7 mnthc:ra cma bcttc7 f::lc~tm !li' tnu!o tl!aro. ct:) a~~..::c;lo:~ tP thoo lt tbdr rollo::o oro bloc~ \7Ut} to Cb Cr::lW 1Wi'tn1 tzJ:U U:~ fi!W v~e~to!hlo cur;pl=,..='ta. c:!lTo 3~o M. c::: ot:....--o I all.$ "'mstl Jll1' sea of Cvvoro of tho Ia= anvcr"cc::~ &~· t~ t7Cil 0 l!lvtl) Dtat c;f altra~ l3 · tl.c::l. c:Jll c:Jut.'tl fair ttti'Mns, ~~ tO

1o =o ot h!Q rcau at Ac~ lli. tnt:;> t'.!>v tro:n ~H::i eo tacy. J,at:l. Cnoro hru:l r~ca ttmt ~~ 'OCDaf=:1 c1 "l:l::l oo c:J'crcl t::o ~~ "No tbttktl coo-thlnl to C"'-!)>.bllll t:ZC:Jd o1 b!~ Ctzll', ttolfro t!la f~ ft.Q tkltl.. .. "ifib!l ~rotl!lo lllnltogo boo Cc-crc~ ~ lo o !:::::1 t~rm -"o:::e~ tdL-n • tot Gf ~Uhtso cbo rom ar cUlC' t::lSI It'd pec;:o ctru::.::!cs to ft'CM t1 toi.l OO:~ll. c=llaa b:ltcmoo. 'i1:!3 a...tcs t-..os £::o rrc;:ltcd. "J'U t:::!l sctr. ~«tb · OOC"JDIC1l ¢o trl~fu.lvthD c! a ~:!t:l' $"=0. Auotu. t1t:~8 Sr;;) eat •c-..;Jo-"*' to ttro ~=d:l ~ euo p;: aov. A ~c..--:::~ Saa:u {l!tf · 0

mllttcf'Q c1 totlttago 70 ~!lrU!.. tlru:~ ' ·' ' ' ' ·• ·"''"'" '~ o.ll c::~l Cl c:arw. C? o ~:c:::l::!csnf:::l ot No Md-..Up Jr14titr~ll • tnotxaao ro ll:li'1C. a1foi!D t::c::ll 0 ~::l~C:: Cot!:ot:m1y lc~Cf;Mt;.lt)'l' p:tl'tll, cl'll'JC<l to tho t:ocl ernlo ~tlc:l, · 9l t::Jtlt:l'C ~~ tp fbQ ~~c:;3."' ~ b.rul c~:~c-e3 c!Olnor r~~ta. "'0~ ~::::1'4 trvlt:ct t::H!.:> ur.st 1t a t.11

9'to ~vl.co to wm." ~D Mr. [R. ~~ t!l II fs.H.,..t:c!1c!l '.i'~pt. voro, • "Co ~0 c1 thl.'C:I lClllll. t>7llC> ttmlly r;:lld fc'1 tt:o c;-Jr;~!c:=c:lful f~ C~:=o ~Q l::tt can•t ttjp tt!Qt­Dc~ttGl, cn;:ate? cntml trC10 ca:ca o ~c::r to e c~:w- ~~t ~~~~ _. • ttlo to><ll. J:"JUI!:i1 th~ lo tlctlq? (';:;;:). VCStlllt:S C:lf:l'l• <!!Uzn nt lt.:!rro';<no.a Ut;07" .Atw tto;v •· ... , •• • ,. '""'-'" • tma a rarc-c1" ~'T«;:;toG;o ~: llv:ncr, Wo t!ltn t:=-..'1- Mr~at"'-' "~ttJ t;r plt;ll. a t:~:lv~C1 !l"Ctiir:;n t:-c:sftlt p:1 -Cc:7ron2c3. ' P.la. Cl<C~'W' QO(] t::OZO V!~tc::O !::~~ ~~· ~"~""'~· ~~':::::' ~~~~~~· ~~ \7Utl hcttC<' <C!ltl3 oOd tCtiC7 cc::;;­tl'Qitl o ct:;;::ro o1 tho "oflUo t~~1'1fl cr cc::o!e r>I!:;D. Ao t:lff~ to t~o dl::~ o? tt:o t::ll:O oM t=JOJ:tlc:l t:'~ r:~ U~h!(), ale:>." "

~~tatsat~ .. &at .. Livtl) Stock Not.eg

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wear in· shoes ·soled with USKIDE

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