,jvikramuniv.ac.in/stivitav/2018/02/bca-sem.pdf/1 i . i i \ r~"i',:bca-101 fundamental of...

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r~"i',:BCA-101 Fundamental of Computer Science & Information TechnologyUNIT I

Computer Fundamental: Characteristics of Compute.rs, History of Computer, Evolution of Computers.,Computer Generations, Types of Computer, Components of a Computer: Registers, Instruction Set, BusArchitecture, Computer Hardware: Input Devices, Output Devices, Storage Devices: Primary Storagecapacity, Memory Types, Memory Measuring Units, Secondary Storage Device


Software and Computer Applications: Software &Software Types, Computer Languages, Compiler,Interpreter, Editor, Computer Ethics, Computer applications, Introduction of Programming: Procedu,.;Oriente;d Programming, Object oriented programming, Concepts used in OOP, Benefits of OOP, Mainadvantages and disadvantage ofOOP, Applications ofOOP, OOP vs. POP.


Operating System Overview: Computer System Startup, Computer System Structure, Computer SystemComponents, Operating System Classifications, Operating System Services, Major Functions of OperatingsysteE1, Process Management, CPU Scheduling, Scheduiing Criteria, Memory and File Management: MemoryManagement Requirements, Swapping, Memory i'vfanagernent Techniques, Virtual Memory, FileManagement, File Access Methods, Protection.


Introduction to DBMS: File System, Traditional File Oriented Approach, DBMS- Advantages andDisadvant3ges, Role of DBMS, Three views of data, DBtvJS ;\rcJ1itecture, Data Models, Data Independence,Major components of DBMS, Data Dictionary, Types of Users, DBMS applications, Keys in Databases,Database: Languages.


Introduction to Computer Networks: Computer NetworK Definition, Importance of Networking, Types ofNetw'Jrks, Network Topology, Advantages and Disadvantage of Computer Networks, Applications ofcomputer networks, Reference Model, Internet, Introductioll (ll !nkrnet Tt~chnology, Electronic Mail, WorldWide Web ..


]. Operating Systems Concepts. A. Silberschatz, P.Galvin, G.Gag~e ]Ghn Wiky & Sen,2. Ob.j,::~tOricllku Prngramrning in ('+-t-, Rubert L;~rnre, Ca!gotia Publication.3. Data ease rnar.agement systems 'Jcd. 1., D~te C.J.

4. Fuodoillen(u' of Computer Science & IT. Singh Umes:. Kuma", .I:"" S, Mahcshwari A., "SDN Publications New Delhi,5. I)nt~ COf:JOlunications and Networks, Godh,)1c A, Tata \1cGr~!;','-,;'1iJ!euh:;c~Uon:.;.



,Unit-IV ,.,SpeCial constructs Break, coriti~ue, exitO, goto & labels; Pointers &imd * operator~?,P91Rt~~

, expression, pointer arithrrietic, dynamic wemory management functions like mallocO, call?~O,' [fe<:o;, String; Pointer vis array; Pointer to pointer; Array ofpointei & its limitation; Functiolvretur)'iingpointerS; Pointer to function, Function as parameter; Structure - basic, declaration, membershipoperator, pointer to structure, referential operator,' self referentfal structures, structure within s!tucture,array in structure, array of structures; Union - basic, declaration; Eimmerated data type; 'fypedef;

command line arguments.


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"' Type, ~od.ifi~rs,lx storage Ciasse,s; Ternary operatdr; Type coriversior{ &', type' casting;' PriQfit)! &'associativity of operators.:" .' "\ .:'" ,~\~, "

1':;'':''..\ '~;'. "'. ' -. ",_ . • .,; • ' . -,., ""',' • 1,:' • 'i"':.~;

Unit-iiI,,' ., ' ,,',Fui1cii6ns; Argwnents; Return'yajue;:Parameter ,passing ~ call by ,:alue, call by referenc6; Retthn "

: ~t'it~nfeht; '~cqpe;visibility and Hfe:time;rules for various types of :variable, statiC variable;~.CalliritilfuhCtion; Rec~ion _, baSics: comparison with iteration, tail ~I'ecursion, when to 'av'Oi(r:recur~~h;" 'examples. ' " (


t~f"*I.I ' '


oUnit-VFile handling and related functions; printf & scanf family;C preprocessor - basics, #Include, #def;ne,#undef, conditional compilation directive like #if, #else, #elif, #endif, #ifdef and #ifndef; Variableargumen~ list functions.' ' .


'. 1. Kerhinghan &Ritchie: The C programming language, PHI2. CooperMullish: The Spirit ofC, Jaico Publishing House, Delhi3. Kanetkar Y.: Let us C4. Kanetkar Y.: Pointers in C

Note: The question paper will have the usual note saying" Attempt Five questions choosing one fromeach Unit". Th~, The paper will clearly specifY Units and have a pattern of (\"'0 questions per unit withan option to attempt anyone ofthese two within each unit The balance of the paper will bemaintainedby including appropriate ( numerical/ conceptual/analytical! theoretical) combination of-subsections or'each question.




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SETS'I\NDRELATIONS::Combinations' of sets, "finite and Infinite sets, <;ourita6je andUncQllntabl~ Infinite s.ets, Ordered sets. Prope'rties of Binary Relations, Parti!lL Orclering,Relations and Lattices.: : -


EORMAL LANGUAGES AND FINITE AJ)TO!vlATA Regular Expressions, ,FiniteAutomata from 'Regular Expressions to Finite Automata, Minimizing the number of states

" I'

of a DFA. Phrase Structure Grammers, TYp'es of Grammers and Languages.


GRAPHS, TREES AND CUT - SETS: Basic- terminology, Multigraphs and WeightedGraphs, Paths and Circuits, Shortest Paths, Eulerian Paths and Circuits, Hamiltonian Paths'and Circuits. Rooted Trees, Path Lengths in Rooted Trees, Binary Search Trees. SpanningTrees, Mini~um Spanning Trees. '

BOOKS :.1. Hogg, R.V., Craig, A.L.: Introduction to mathematkal statistics, American publishing

co.pvt. ltd.' .2. Seymur LipschUtz: Linear Albebra.3. Computer oriented numerical analysis by S.S. Shastri.

Note: The question paper will have the usual note saying" Attempt Five questions choosing one fromeach Unit". Thus, The paper will clearly specifYUnits and have a pattern of two questions per unit with

,an option to attempt any one of these two within each unit. The balance of the paper will be maintainedby ,including appropriate ( numerical! conceptual/analytical!theoretical) combination of subsections ofeach question. ," , . ' .

" -1

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rf~.' ;~i~l't1&1~Ji"ii7i,.,~'{;"c!~lJ1;:t~'~~ft.,,,};,,", , ,""

I"~,:Q~~,"l ?4"PC~~clQl~~r,\ •?, ,,"" '~,s)"::~':;.,{t.~}',t:~~';','.lt. '.~Ii,~~'!'>'i,..~~,;.,.~;~{~kr:";, " .' , ' ";" ',,:.; : ;" .~,~. . ;'Win,i!()~~:-~tr.0~~~ml}}f~~:$. W~ndows; Features. of Windows; yarious versio~~ of Windows Ik-: it!; 4~~;'~1:,: '. ~ 'i;,=. "" I

~,' .~,.'~~~.tl~.~.~.~.~.~.i'.~.;.~~~~t.~~f~~.,t.~.f~I~'..~~.':~rJ~. V ••.• );\J";t••• l1>\$ ••• IL..P<& """""" &Sa__ " ""'.",ill,,""'. ' ." " ',,' :. ;t,~>.j! ," J~~J;'.•' ,'~;., ./,'\, ,. '.' ....~ · " ' " :.:' ,j,', ''', "bffi~e"packages:Office' .'ll~tivates:' and their' software requirements,: Word-prqcessing, '. Spreadsheet;::"li\,...; " Pr';se~l!ition "graphics, . Pafabas'e, introduction andcompaiison of various office suites like MSOffice~ "':"'; ."p-

I '1-0tus9ffice, s~fflce, ORggffia etC. . . " ,: "i" '. .... . . ;J.'t"• . MS Word Basics: lritroductiori to MS Office; Introduction to MS- Word; Features & area ,of use. Working,;0 'wiUt.:.MSWord.; Menus & Commands; Toolbars & B\lttons; Shortcut Menus; Wizards & Ternplates~ •

, Creating a New Docu,.nellt~piffefent Page Views and layouts; Applying variousT!lxtEnharicemen1$; Working'mtll.'" Styles, Text Attributes;, j>aragraph and Page FOimatting; TC?xtEditing using various' features, ; Bullets,Numbering, Auto fomultting,' Printing & variouS print options~ ' " ,.,'

Unit-IllAdvaQced, Features of MS-WQrd: Spell Cl)eck, Thesa~rus, find & Repl~ce; Headers & Footers ; Jns~rling ~'Page Numbers, pictures, til~s:' Autotexts, Symbols etc.; Working with Col~nms, Tabs & Indents;Creation& Working with Tables inclUding conversion to and from text; Margins & Space management)n Document;AddiAg References and Qraphics; Mail Merge, Envli\lops & Mailing Labels. Importing and _exporting to: and

from various formats. . . .J



Uniy-IV.MS Excel: Introduction and area of use; Working withMS ExceL; concepts of :V0rkbook & Worksheets;Using Wizards; Various Data Types; Using different features with Data, Cell and" Texts; Inserting, Removing&, Resizing of Columns & Rows; Working with Data & Ranges; Different Views of Worksheets; ColumnFreezing, Labels, Hiding, Splitting ,etc,; Using different features with Data and Text; Use of Formulas,Calculations & Funptions; Cell FQ)11lattingincluding Borders & Shading; Working 'with Different ChartTypes; Printing ofWorkbQok &Worksheet!; with various options,

Unit- VMS PowerPQint: Introduction & area of use; Working wjth MS PowerPoint; Creating a New Presentation;Working with Presentation; Using Wizards; Slides & its different views; Inserting, Deleting and Copying ofSlides; Working with Notes, Handouts, Columns & Lists; Adding Graphics, Sounds and Movies to a Slide;Working with PowerPoint Objects; Designing & Presentation of a Slide Show; Printing Presentations,

Notes, Handouts with print options.


Windows XPComplete Reference, BPB PublicationsMS Office XP complete BpB publicationMS Windows XP Home edition complete, BPB publicatIOns


Note: The question paper will have the usual note saying" Attempt Five questions choosing one from each Unit",'Thus, The paper will clearly specifY Unit!; and have a pattern of two questions per unit with an option to attemptarty one of these two within each (mit. The balance of the paper will be maintained' by including appropriate (numericaJl conceptual/analyticaJl theoretical) combination of subsections of each question.





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:,~.''.<' ;PBttqIt~~ST»p'es',;F6"1.,,, ., ' ":, ' ,r -'.. : iJtiicfias'e,' s;r~s,~_, '. ~Ji;~,II('~?:~,;i\"~~'p.~~trj':t :.,i" '~E,',t; ~~ . T~ial' .Balance,"'Re'ctifiditli5ri of errorS,! '. adRi~tnienf'

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J :'-" UllitrIII ' 'I ' 'j, Princip!~~9f.,Co:>tAc~~uhting;' ValuatloJl of Stock~; f\1I9catI6'n'ot~)"yerheads; Mettods ~f

;. ,matt#iiifissues;'

¥!jl;~'~1""~~~Pre"';",;on of.Pay toll,. R~;"6on~i~,~.,l;j,~""",,': M,'t¥a~pfpaym~nts of wages', overview of computerized method for payr<?JIpreparl;ltiori,


Unit-V' -. .-Inventory account "and store record, inventory or stoc,k control a~'d cost acc6unting,Department. dem~nd, ,and supply method of stock control. Classification and cOl1ditionofmaterfal Reporto~material liimdling. Overview 'of computerized accounting 'processtIntr9duction toaccotmting system sgftware" their. fe,atures and some ,basic operati0!1s.

Books :


1. Mazda, Engineering Management, Addisen Wesley2. S P Gupta, Management Accounting3. IMPandey, Financial Management, Vikas Publication.

Note: The question paper will have the usual note saying" Attempt Five questions choosing one fromeach Unit". Thus, The paper will clearly specify Units and have a pattern of two questions per unit withan option to attempt any one of these two within each unit The balance of the paper will be maintainedby including appropriate ( numerical! conceptual/analytical/ theoretical) combination of subsections ofeach question. '





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F£i,,,Jli, "'tQC~~s'~~o('-~'(jJniTpj!lrcatiotl,imRorta~ce- . -of,: 'effective communicatIOn,~:" '.,_""':;~ibharid\;()r!:irtl~rlicatioiisk:iIls;ban:fers.tO'Cbm~iinication.... "

~,~' '~'.llq Mff~~J;;~ii.;~"'~"';· '. ';.; ;:.:':,.., . . ,>~'r,~ :" 'Objec 1. ,!:>.c6rn..rnutiiCatiort'/typeso.r cohlmulliCation; pdnciples..ofcon1m!lnication;e~sentials

oteffi~if¥e!c6iiIrriuIii2aHon: ' ..~.~' -, ,. . ' .' ..;>-:::',. ,~:;/i:~;'.f. ... o;.:.._.~. >' .'1

,;unitf*l;}?:.":,<:.-,'.>".'. L .'.' .•....•.' .' .' .... .' .. '

. 'N1eaiafjfioin~~lil'i'cahon': written, oral, f:lce~to.face, visual, audjo~vjsual;merits and demerits.~fwri'tteriailci oral communiCation, preparing for oral presentation, conducting presentations.':. '.; .""~!("t'," ..' ":.: ". '. . .' i....

1-.. . ~"; ,

.Uriit~IVDevei6pihgcomrtluriication skills, interview- how to face and how to COnduct. Preparing ofbiodatl.;~seininar, paper, bibliography~ group discussion, official correspondence.~ -' .. " .' ';' . . ,,":,' .. " . , ~ ,


~:-i!;J1 .

Unit-V- f.' 'Mealanicsofwritirig, paragraphing, predse, report \\Titing,technical reports, length of writtenreports,:orgmVzingrepOlis, writing technical reports. .


Books :

.1. Essentials of Business Com~\nication by Rajendra Pal nad lS. Kotlahalli, Sultan Chand &Sons Publishers, New Delhi.

2. Business Communications by U.S. Rai & S.M. Rai, Himalaya Publishing House,3. Writing a Technical: Paper by Menzal nad D.H, Jones, McGraw Bill, 1961.4.' Business Communication: Strategy and Skill, Prentice Hall New Jersey, 1987,

Note: The'question paper will have the u~ualnote saying" Attempt Five questions choosing one fromeach Unit". Thus, The paper will clearly specify Units and have a patt,emof two questions per unit withan option to attempt anyone of these two within each unit. The balance of the paper will be maintainedby including appropriate ( numerical! conceptual!analytical!theoretical) combination of subsections ofeach.qhestion.


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Tnti!~{{lJsti~~ttp,?M~ating~)'~t~ins,.openlting Systeiirts~rvices,.m\llt'iprQ~airi~inifftl~'e;~harings'.' ,':::2~i!~1. sy#eriiitst?r;r~&i~ttliCt~res~, sy'stem Ic~lls" multiph5~l;t~~;<~y~t~1)1';!:~~~ic"~6"n~~Itts;fdf":G~tJt::;<: ;l'~i'~1

, scHed1itihg,:::Sch~dulirig",.~riterla; - Scheduling/' aigofithms;:'!l@)ritHm;"~~ki~~fiqfi,i"2iri61~pie{~;-" \ '\1!1procet~oi."sch,~duling, reaJ.time scheduiing VO. devices ~rganization, 'l/O.,d~~i~'b~'Q~ganiziti6~,' .~.I/OdeyicesorgaiiiZ!ition,I/O buffering.", '", ' ;<:~i' i

~~~~~~,1;,~~~~~p~,~"h,."Ii~g,,oponui".'1~,?n w"'C'1',', ,,"~;, •.in"','p,?,.,,, '., ., i~>J'.s~.mml!n~9l1;H?~~pr~(;~<i~r~~"g~aph~,cfltlc~l sectlOniP~9~1,~m,semaphore~, c1~~~~ca\.pr~blern~of .i

s~?cIfi{>niziition.Dyadlock. problem, deadlock characterization; deadlock preyi:inti(}~.• (jeadlock . ;~avoidince; deadlock de~ection;,recovery from deadlock, Methods for deadlock handling: ' -j

. . ,.. .

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UiliHn -C6n2epts of memory 'management, logical and physicaFaddress,space, swapping,c<;mtiguousand nOli-contiguous allocation, paging, segmentation, and paging combined wjth segl)l~ntation.


Uni/IVConcepts of virtual memory, demand paging, page replacement algorithms, allocation offrames, thrashing; demand segmentation. Security threads protection iritru<iers-Viruses-trustedsystem.

L Unit VDisk scheduling, file concepts, file access methods, allocation methods, directory systems, file'o protection, introduction to distributed systems and p.arallel processing case study. .

BooksI. Operating' System by SilberschatzII. Operating System by Deiteliii. Modem operating system by Tanneubacem.

Note: The question paper will have the usual note saying" Attempt Five questions choosing one fromeach Unit", Thus, The paper will clearly specify Units and have a pattem of two questions per unit withan option to attempt anyone of these two within each unit. The balance of the paper will be maintainedby including appropriate ( numerical! conceptuallanalytical/ theQretical)combination of subsections ofeach question. .


. l .'

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~y1~~p~f,~L".~::~:~(~~~;i;'it>.<;"'::.'~if:t.;:'';i;~f~f'4~;.:,t:(~\.,;~~;;':~:'~~f~':'::~"'('... ,. .t .I~~W9ucttqp: .~d .featur~s,~Qf:' q~y'0y.:SonlP!l~rF'J\N.sJ'l'~t4ndards .s.uPP.9t1~In, igc7: ....,F~~tti!~_ tcompailS9n~f With .. Tiiiho;.;(:;'~co:mpilet::,Adv!ll1tit,gesofustng ,() 'Yith. Lhitix;;. CoinpilaH9.'ri'1()f(C~,.'."" -<, .., .. "~., ..",•.,,.~ ,,.'.': ;. ',."0,,'1'.""""" " ...•. '. ,.' ',' "., , ,. ' .• ' '. ,.,prograrrf using gcc,~gcc;qoqml!lnd.1tileoptt<jl1~:' ',":: ;.':{.'t)~~,\",~ 'i -; .;..' 1" . ;-:, ,:,

.C;'~".:"~);7,,:'>';:;f" '1,':.:\ .,: .c.,~.;\4~.';':/,>".,' ',':: " .".',,, ,,'2:. ; ,BaSh;s,6f'ippipters; pBin .. ... Reril!OrS,pohitllT"lWiPitietic"poiriters:anl.tfu(tctioi1,";Array,of '-pointers; ... '

. poitifer~hul;'t"stdt;g$,':1'0irite'f'~;to.stfucture,:'P6iute~s.:;;~lt~i~: ':sitUchire;,tntrod4dioP; ~ $tittit . and' .' \' ...' 'DynanliC:ineiri6ry;~'~lio~aii6ri;thi" proces~, bf.'))~iiafuiC1mem()/yaitoc~ti011;bMA:fliiicti0i1S'.;, '•.

. Malt(;;() 'funciiqn;Sizeof(),~p~r\ltor,Functio\1 qee()~P'urictiori-realioc(Y' ," '" , '. " '. ,.' -"" .

~! )J~lt.n' ....~ '.(J ,...'. .'•.•'. ..•.....,. '....'.() .' . ' IlltroductioD. ..,-'File,handling;File structure,FHeliandllJlli:function;File types; Streams,Text;Binary,

. ".File.systembasics,Th~fiie'p6inter, Opening )afil~,'Closirigafile, WritingaC:character, 'R~aging .,.a character, ,Using fopen():'getcO, putcO,' andfCloseO, ..l)singfeofO, Working witq string. fputs{)! ''and" fgetSO, ..Standard '~trea,ips' in C, FlJ,tshiIig,astream;tJsing frea:4() ,ang fwr~teO, Direct access file,! "fseekO and random access I/O, fprintfO and [scanfO, getting fiie name ilS CmniTI:andline argu'ments. .,

,. " . . ,.",,'. .' ' '.'

, ':>

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Unit-Ill.. , ,.. . ,.The. preprocessor,' #define,-,defining functions like macros, #error, .#inClude" creating header files, include user defined header files,'conditional compilation directivesLe. #if, #else, #elif and ,#ifdef & under, using defilled, '#line, #pragma'l the #. & ##

preprocessor operator,' .'Error handling in C: types' of errors, .handl ing errors,' dpu,gging to~ls,

Unit-IV ' "Graphics on your PC: Graphics and Text mode, Video Adapter, Initialize Graphics Mode andresolution, header file graphics,h, Functions used In Graphics - Drawing a Point on 'Screen, Drawing_ Jines, rectangle, circles, arcs, polygon, Functions to fill colors. Display Text in Graphics mode,

outtextO, outtextxyO, justifYing text. .

Unit-VWorking with ROM BIOS routines, Registers for passing arguments to BIOS ROUTINE. Functionint860, finding instjlled memory size and clearing screen using int860, Working with mouse and.keyboard. Working with DOS routines, function intdosO, Renaming file, Deleting file, Create directory,

Delete directory using intdosO.

-.... ....}

•'. ;

1, Herbert shield, "Camplete Reference C"2, Y. Kanetkar,"Painters thraugh C".3, Y. Kanetkar, "'fSR thraugh C" .4, R,S Salaria, "Applicatian programming in C"Bryan' Pfaffenberger, "Linux Cammand-Instant

Reference"- BPB Publicatlons '



. . ~Note: The questian paper will have the uiH,lalnate sayihg" Attempt Five questions ch<;losing(lne from each Unit",Thus, The paper will' Clearlyspecify Units and have a paltem'aftwo questians per unit with an aption to attemptanyone af these twa within each unit, The balance of the paper will be maintained by including appropriate (numerical/ canceptual/analytical!thearetical) combinatian of subsections of each question.



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Unit-I ..Data typb and NUI11 ber systerhs~ •.,BitiMC'~riiinibe.tsystetTl;}O~taltf&:HeJ{a,,~ecirrul.l~riuinlfet;\:;;':\':,t)\~-':.~)"; "'~"f::., ~.~.",. '.,,'t. ' .•.• \'. "f'~.:~~,~,'::'~>->t->':,',~ ','" . c ,,""'•...•'''''~,~''''''',i'''~'...,.1i!.,.,.","~ l(j;<" ;".', ',~ ).,-";>..'~ .. ""'''',~ ....••:'.'t.":" .,r,': .. : ;",~.'~, ....~..'". '.ij

system, 1's & 2's coniplement, Bmiity_r:i)(ed.~:Poinf.;_~epfesentitti9'h'.~'1iit~mefjcjj.operatiOn;.'(m::.(J",",:",,;~:. Binary numbers, ()vert1Qw~,~un~~riJ(n.v;;,;Floafirig; P6int-:Rep.resrr\tatioi};'';;Codes;tASCn~,,:):;,..' i

. '_' ",4:" - ';~',::,.r'.:~"::(':'" ~":~-,.,~\:,,,,!',~,,~.. :n-. :i:",:~ . '~',.,~:.,:",':::,\'.:.' ',__ ':'<,";:,i,/~':",' ,'--,: ~'.,,,''''''--i' r ...•.' -,,:!,,~,,-",-,,,,",'-'~~:",;:~,'<;.~,' '" " '--''';

. " EBCD IC codes,' GTay codergx.,ce~yq;'<¥13GD;7::Erfcif'"de,t~£tiol1::~~Ci?*sting, C9,fl~~'.'.''i,~ t'':r,,:;ft ';'iU~H-II . r 'if;,rlr~!,1~i~~,:::i'2";lt:;,,; :".C)\~:* ;:;~:7.;;;;'~Logic Gates, "AND, OR;NOT,!'QATES>~ridtlj~irFyth)a.bl~s,\NOR"RANP"~'~jXOW',-',' ~:.;igat~s, Boolean JUgebl'a, Ba.sic(Bbbll?~rfLaw:'s;D~morga~'s iheoretrf,MA'P Simplificati9P;:' .'.. . (Minimization t~chniques, K:Map,Sum ot'Eroduct&,ProducfofSum': "~" .. ' t,', . " , .;,; .•. .," .. ~ .. ' .. ~'" ',""' -{ . ,,~,' "', ':.:"".'::"- ' ". \,..•.

". ",! ..~'\ ' • 1..,1. -t .,'

Unit-IE .' .' .. :. '.. ..•.•... '. ..,r ;'/'Combinational & Sequentjalcircuits" H~lf'Adaer&, Full Add~r,Full 'subtractor,FiiR-fIOps'~.RS, D, JK & T FHp,ilops; 'Shift Registers; RAM and ROM, Multipiexer: Demultiplexer;" .'Encoder, Decoder, Ide~~bout Arithin~ti{Circuits, 'rrogr~m C6ntrb(,'Jnstnlctio~'Sequen2i,rig,':" •.. .', -' , ,.., '. ,... ........•~,>..

;' .'..


.. . ; ,-'


, .

rJni~ _. j'V ( ...1.0 JaterLlCe, Properties of simple. I/O devic~s and their' ~oritrolle'r, Isolated' '. versus"nemorv-mappc;j L?'i"Modes',' o~: D~ta;tr~nsfer; Synchronous . & Asynchron6us~, ,'Data ..iWfi"b', f-bnrlshnkmg; ASYJlchr<;moJlssenaltransfer, I~OProc~ssor


'Unit.- \7Auxiliary memory. Magnetic Drum, Disk &'~a~e, Semi-conductor memories, M,emoryHierarch)', Asscci,llive Memory, Virtual Memory; 'Address space & Memory Space, AddressMapping, PJg~ table, Page Replacement, Cache Memory, Hit Ratio, Mapping Techlliques,

',-- . . . .\Vriting into (~f\che.

Rool~s :

J. E\,; RTE:::, "Digital Computer Fundamentals" TMH Publication') :\lAL'/F--JO," DigitarComputer Electronics" TMH Publication\ '\~G;U~r:.; ;viANO, "Computer System Architecture" PHI Publication.

:';<Jt:~:'1'i,,, '1.'",',;,-"1 paper will have the usual note saying" Attempt Five questions choosing one fromec.ch Un!;". Thus" The paper ",iii clearly specify Units and have a pattem.oftwo questions per unit withan option to "Hempt any on.e of these two within each unit. The balance of the paper will be maintainedby induding i\p;Jropriate ( numerk'al! conceptual/analytical! theoretical) combination of subsections ofe3ch ql,e,;t;()l~. .

-,l ." .


Unlt-UI.' .' . ..'Function & operator overloading : Function' overlol\ding, Overloading constructor. function' finding the addi-ess ofan overloaded function, Operator Overloading: Creating a member operator function: Creating Prefix. & .Postfix .forms of the increment & decrement operation; Overloading the shorthand. operation' lLe:. +=,c"" . etc);opl?rator overloading restrictio'ns, Operator overloading using friend function,' Overloadirg New. &. '. Delet!";Overloading some special operators, Overloading [ ], ( ), -, comma operator, Overloading «, "



•..•...':..'•..•::•..•,......•~~..•.:•.•~..•,~..~.•••..,r: :.'~"~..:...•.•.:.: ~~.,;'.:..•..: ~ r'..'t'.',,'.;~i,.;.. ,',/1,,/ C',lJ:~~'~f •.'~~2~~!ts;;i;,;;,......'... , '.;;:';;",'.'~

"~""~. ; ;";.') ..' ." ,'.' ,- Vjkram U~iversity, Ujjain ~.B~A ~yll~o~s (w;e:f.- ~OlL"" ... , .c" .,.', ,.' .• ' • ",

:..;;J.. ... < . '. ! .•.. ..' .' ...• .... ." '."< .,"".f!!}~;:~,,;'~€:~Ot.qbjoftOti~'tt~d.ll?graJ'!l"j~~cM~th~~o'"'ilYJtil;lj~~tt~~;,;I.,::.:.'". .jr,: ..' .~~\I)'...•.•.,( ••• f. . ..' .....•..." ','0,,; ;U ..•.;.;t:i,:L. ,;'j",,,~r.:'"

Overview' of, Cff. i;F Object . OrientedPro,gramming"c;oncePts,AdVantllges;:,usagl?;,,:');,CF ~.:W.'; '" :;'':'"'''' ;En~ironment: ...P

r9graJ!i"" develo,pinent; e!lvrromnen(the.:;iangtlage;: ;~!i."tb~.>,C++ 'j, iar; ..: ':'~tll.l1fW(\s:,::) '" ,: '..

Introa.~cti\)~;,to.virri;o~ Ct'-~compilers,:'qf ,Stalldar4" liJ)ranI?Sj~~0~~~~i>~1i~iIlo.Wi)9~,i!t:, .•.~:~'f.~1::;iii~:.:~)i;,• Creatll}gand,co,l1lPlhng C++,Programs usmg IDE aI)d ,throughcoll1l1land hn~? IDE feati!res' or cOIUptlmg~":' i "'"',';",'

.' ."debugging, tritCing, andte~ting;> tjle,C++ pr()gram in. To/po. C+TlBoriandCt+/MicroSoft VC+T/GNUC+T\ : ,5r '<j;iiipjl'" c.',: .......1' . , .' .' .... .' : '" ' . ,,' p . "', 'Y"~.WA."'"'',",''' , .., ., ? , Glll$

ses8t" Ob]ect$ :.'Class'es, Struc~re& ciasses,UI]iol): ~ 'Ghlsses, ,Fri.end....function; .'Fcrie~d;'~lasse~,<lnfine ~':j.,

j .' '" ' ~",soO~::~~i""";"","",,*""Pl.",,"!~"""..~(.ip'!ll\'m~Ji'st'\!0 '1'!"t',~!,,;j;)~h~~;,',, .[". ". objects to fupctl';lfl, R,etummg' obJe.ctSl' Ob~ect asslgnTT1e,n~, .' .,et :;"{.;:" .;."." ,.,".;::! 1>~';\'C::;:/;!y~' "

~r . •••. • '" .' ...• '.' < ,~,,>F,">~\'C~..u.n!t:jI". ..' '." . ." ,.' .. ~.... ' .Array; Pointers Rererentes' & The..Dynamic AUOCltticllloperators: Api; of objects, pointJrit()'o6jec~,.typiI' •. ;, . checking c++ pOinters, The This pCllnter, pointer to .denved types"ppinter to, class memI:i.el'$.~,Refe,rllI}Ces:". • < ,"c~ .•.' Ro",...,.~.P=log _~, ID. ""'_ "'''''''log;'.'''"'' ,"",prndrn' ~. C<+. "'.]iiV'.. " dypami~'allocation operaior,s,Initializipgailocated menwry, AIl()cating'Array, Allocating objects.' ..... ~'.':f" .< ... ~..

ConstructOr & Destructor: Introduction; Constructor;' parameterize~constrl\ctor, MIlltiple constructor'in,a class,.ConstrUctor:w

ithcjefault argument, Copy constructor, DefaultArgtlment; D~structor;. .' ',' .

'.. ,,,' ".' ~ "."' • I .• •


Unit-lVInheritance : Base class AcCess control, Protected memberS, Protected base class Inheritanc~:, loheritipgmultiple base classes, Constructors, .destructors & Inheritance, When constructor & destructor function areexecuted. passing parameters to base class constructors, Granting access, Virtual base classes, Virtual functions& Polymorphism: 'Virtual function, Pure Virtual functions, Early Vs. late binding ,

Unit-VThe C++ l/O system basics : C++ streams; The basic stream classes: C++ predefined streams, Formatted 110:Formatting using the ios members, Setting the format flags, Clearing format flags,. An overloaded formof setf ( ), Examining the formatted flags, Setting all flags, \Ising widthO precisionO and fillO, Using manipulators

to format l/O, Creating your, own manipulators.


L Object orienteq programming in C++ by Robert Lafore.2, Object oriented programming with C++ by David Parsons.3. Object oriented design with C++ by Ken B.arclay:4. programming with C++ Made simple by K. Kumar, TMH 2,002

.Note: The question paper will have the usual note saying" Attempt Five questions choosing one fromeach Unit"" Thus, The.paper will clearly specify Units. and have a pl\ttem of two questions per unit withan option to attempt anyone of these two within each unit. The balance of the paper will be maintained'by including appropriate (numerical/ conceptual/analyticall theoretical) combination of subsections of

each question.


:~-'\I". ..1

,-f', , .. j

IJnHIU d,'. .' ...••.•.. :.:. ..,"-"

Types of relational calculus. i.e;: Tuple 'oriented and domain orientea 'rdatiorj~1'~ 2afcul\is,and.' its'operations. SQL: Data definition inSQL','updak statements' and views ih SQL Qui3!5,& QJ3E~pata'.texas" and definitions, Data retrit~val queries and update statements etc.' . ". .' 'i" .

Unit II

<" :.,~ "'" ",' .' "

",",. ~:.':7"o,~:.i',i;' /" .c': ,BCA-205 "ageJnent'System:".,.;,."';',~,,-

r. " . !"J V('t~F:~:';~~'f\S'~:~;:hfj;~.;~E';,':,.t,m.l ',:.1",.,' .'" ,~, -',>',,-'1~. ;'t ';,.,:' ~,~,~ '. ' :~~'t~',.~/,...;'":.;00<1, ••

DBMS Cor.cepts a"eI archi~ec ,'" .~tb~tictio-n: i~~j~w .;'6'fl~file'orgariiza~i6n ~i~~hhiquesl~Database,approach. vIs Tmdltio;',d tile' aC'y'es~j~g'}~ppfo~~hJ"~,A;dViih(~g~~:;of datal:i'a~~)~sfs ~,:'Data~:in6de1s,~._,' . . '~"'M'.'" ., '.'" ~ " '.' , :~-,.,"., . ,Schemas'and Instances, Data mdependence;' Functl0ns.pf'DBA' ,and desl@er. Entltl and ,attributes,'. •'~1"A";" "." "". ~ ' .,', , .•, ~ " ...' I ,' ••' .",'

Entity typ~s, Value, Sets, Key a~ttiB~~~.~;AE-~J~ti~~~!P~)p~~illncg,!heE-~ ?~a~at}i °fdat~?~~; ,;Yari°~~Jata models: Basic concept'; o~/Fller~((.h,cal,,~at:qn.odel? NerY'0rk\da~a:mod~l, '!illqrl$~latl<.>tillldatilmodel, CO:1lparison between thetnf~etyp~S;;f.D;i()d~l.s;,~,'.?"I' ",,' < "',1"l '."~n~>:r)'~'",.,'.,:;i] ';',;

.'C '",' '.'c ."-. ,.

R"~iQ",;Dol, mod,l, Dmruii~~~1\1,AlJrib"!;'>"i'j"iO~Ch""":,i"i",~'t'l~m!<l~;",y.attnbutes .of rdaMn, RelatlOnal"d~tab~se,' ScheIDas; ,1ritegrlty.CQnstramts" IIltens19n~.artd.ExtenslOn,Rel~tioWll Query languages: R~ati81111(;alge~ra.l!lld n:latiOIia1'calcuiys,Relation.llI'l;\lgebra ,operation~".like select, Project; Join, Divisioni;outer'unionetc; '.,.' '.' , ' . ~. 'f' '.' •. , '.••. ',,'

,". '., , " ' ' ~ -

i ","


. -~



-.'"',) ",. -;.ie"t',' '""

Unit IVOata Eh,e D:;sigil introduction to' 'ncmnalization, Norl.nal' forms, Functional dependency,1:J'ot:c1epositic))l. D::r,en::!ency preservation and losless join, problems \vith T).ullvalued uncl..'dangling't:,pks, I1lU!tiva bed (kpcndehcid. Distributed databases, protection, security and integrity constrairits,eonCU;'en: epcrati'JH ,"n databases, recovery, transaction processing, basic conc.~ptS of object oriented

di'~:~1bas.e sYSl'::n~,r.f.d de3ign, ,

'UnitVCasc stuJy ef r,:,lalionn! database management systems;. Oracle and Microsoft access, Oracle 'tools,


fku ~J',C d:)s:nby Gio Wiederhold, McGraw Hilli:<1rt'.:!an:cntalot' Data Base Management System by' Leon & Leon, Vikas Publishing House Pvt, Ltd.


1. [dd n.,:": \'!.3r:;igcl"ent System by c.r Date .Dai,i ,3iJ'.'; :v';".n<;cment System by Ullman

.'. i-u,,,i,"',,;,:,t! of database system by Elmasri Navathe the Benjamin Cunnings Publishing

: :,7(", I ,\ !n~,.


Nnte: Ti'c question paper will have the usual note saying "Attempt Five questions choosing one from.'c'och Unit". Thus; The paper will clearly specify Units and have a pattern of two questions per unit \vithan option to attempt anyone of these two within each unit. The balance of the paper will be maintained;) ;n,'iL;(En,!, nppropriate ( numerical/ conceptual/analytical! theoretical) combination of.subsections of

cach qu'?sticn.



.. i. .~ •.

:..~. '..~ {... ) ..... ; .,:: .~. . ,I.•(;t' ,. ", <:: ' ".~? f= , ",',,' .. "~"''''l~'~"'l

Vikraln'University, Ujjain-: SeA ~)'f1abus (w.e;f.~ 20lO-,} 1 & onwar4s»,' ",,1~ .' ~

Decision Making: Introduction ai1dD~finition, Types of Decision,>r~chniqJles of DecisionMaking, Decision Ulaking under uncertainty, Decision Making under risk

. ' ..-~

. !

" , .

Qrganis~ii(m 'MariagelTI~l1! \and~Qrganizations, importance of, ,~, ~' ,'. ' -'..



.... "



-.' '~,'

Management ' Con~ept': Management,Administ~ation,Administration., 'pifferenge and Relationship. betweenManagemerit,characteristics,ofManagement : ,. . - . '.', .

-. "',,:'>L - •.••• ,.;:; "<,,

BCA-206 Principi~~""()fiVlanag~ment & Manageriaf EconomIcs"". _.. __' ~. "::<.\,.' .... ; '.' ~ .":. : ..i. '. : , ,


Ullit III

lJnitU" -. ' ""," , .,Scientific M~agemcnt; Princi'ples of Management, Process of Martagernert( ,Man~gement, Levels ofMa~agement, Project Management ' ". .


I •( ";', .

~ of t" -;.,.

:' ,~


• .;1 •

Voit IVManagerial Economics: Introduction of Managerial Economics, Factors Influencing Manger,'Micro _and Macroeconomics, Theory of the Cost, Theory of the Firm, Theory of ProductionFl\nction,' Production System ,,'

Unit V'Input-Outpu~ Analysis, Micro Economics Applied to plants and industrial Lfnde,iaking;s,Productivity, Factors affecting Productivity, increasing Productivity of Resources

Books :


1. The Practice of Management2. Essentials of Management3. Management4. Principle & Practice of Management5. Industrial Organisation & Engineering

Economics6. Industrial Engineering & Management7. Managerial Economics8. Managerial Economics Concepts

and Cases

: Peter Drucker, Harper and Row: Koontz Prentice Hall of India: Staner Prentice Hall of India: T.N. Chhabra : Dhanpat Rai New Delhi: T.R. Banga & S.c. Sharma,Khanna Publishers: O.P. Khanna, mianpat Rai: Joel Dean: Prentice Hall ofIndia: V.L. Mote, Samuel Paul,G.S Gupta, Tata Mc. Graw Hill New Delhi.

Note: The question paper will have the usual.note saying" Attempt Five questions choosing one fromeach Unit". Thus, The paper will clearly specifyUnits and have a pattern of two questions per unit withan option to attempt,any one of these two within each unit. The balance of the paper will be maintainedby including appropriate ( numerical! conceptual!analytical!theoretical) combination of subsections ofeach question.



.. ;

Unif-UI", ' .., ,'" : .' 'TR,EES _" Basic' Tenninology, Binary' Tree~, Tree Representations using Array &. 'Li1'!~ed-Lfst,Basic operation on Binary tree; Traversal of ninary trees:~In order, 'Preorde~ & post 'order, .Application,()f,Binarytre~,Threaded binary t~ee, B-tree & Heightbalanced tree; Binary ttee!epr~sentation"oftre~s:

Unit-IVAnalysis of algorithm, complexity using big '0' notation. Searcning: linear search, Binary search, theircomparision. Sorting :Insertion sort, Selection sort, Quick sort, .Bubble sort, Heap sort, Comparison ofsorting methods. Hash Table, Collision resolution Teclmiques.' ~

,', ~,;;::.f.;;;\;';:' ,.~;" '. '::.?~J

1b<~~f4 ••,;"i~ j,,~;d;Ji~~;if.•f.l~~f'ii't~¥$?n'o~S~k:'.. .an ab~tr.acJdata :ype; 'pnm!tlve 'ope:~tJOn...'?~:l!4c\<, ~~~~ llPpiJ,sa:JOn:'Infix .•, po~t fix, Prefix.",a1'!d: .. "RecursIon, MultIple Stack. IntroductIon to queueS, ,RrinlltIVe, Qperatlons ~)ll.the Queues, Ql.leue as .an .:1

, .' abstract'data type; circular .que~~, Oequeue.' PrioritY queue';App1ita'ttons Of qu~ue : ,'S . ,. ' "~. /:. :;"'" • J " ,'" c. '.' \', I,," • :,( ",". .. ' •... J.c' ~ ' ...-:.;

Uitit.:.1I . ' ,\' ,',Introduction tQ; the' Linked List,.Basic opeJiitlons 'on Ii~ed' li~t, Stacks aild queues linked list, , ,..;Header nodes, pouply L;i!Jked Cist, Circular q1).'<ed List, Stacks & Queues as' a Circular ~ink~d

List, AppJicati~ of Linked List. ' , ... ', j , • ";.

' ..





Unit-V,Introduction to graphs, Definition, Tenninology, . Directed, Undirected & Weighted, graph,Representation of graphs, Graph Traversal-Depth first & Breadth first search. Spanning Trees,minimum spanning Tree, Shortest path aigorithm '


1. Fundamentals Of Data Structure, BY S. Sawlmey & E. Horowitz2. Data Structure: By Trembley & Sorrenson3. Datz Structure : By Iipschuists (Schaum's Outline Series Mcgraw Hill publication)4. Fundamentals Of Computer Algorithm: By Ellis"Horowitz and Siutaj Sawhney

Note: The question paper will have the usual note saying" Attempt Five questions choosing one fromeach Unit". Thus, The paper will clearly specify Units and have a pattern of two questions per unit withan optipn to attempt anyone of these two within each unit. The balance of the paper will be maintained'by including appropriate ( numerical/ conceptual/analytical/ theoretical) combination of subsections of

each question. '


,i" i

.' ,.,.4

--~ .•.Unit ':'111'" ". '"Introduction. torWYSIWYG Design' tools for HTML, Overview of MS FrontPfige, MacromediaDrcaIll weaver, imd, other' popular HTML editors, designing web sites' using MS FrontPage(using at least FrontPage 20bO).Useof Rriun~sand Fonns in weQpages, Image editors, Issues in Web

, site creations & Mairitenance,Web Hosting and publishing 'Concepts, Hosting, considerations, ,Choosing Web servers _ Linux Vs Windows Web servers, Choosing Domain names, DomainniUUe Registration, Obtaining space on Server for Web site, FTP software for upload; web site:Add your website on searcn engines


Javascript Overview, Javascript and the WWW, Javascript vs. VB Script VBScript, Javascript vs.Java, Javascript versions, Script element,: Functions: Functions introduction, Calling functions,Javascript Comments, Variables:. Variables overview, 'declaring variables, Types of variables, Castingvariables,Alert box, Prompr& confirm. Expressions: Arithmetic operators, Assignment oper\ltorS,Logical operators, Expressions and precedence, Statements: If st<\tement, For statement, Whilestatement, Break/Continue Creating arrays/event handlers, JavaScript Object model, Object and Eventsin JavaScript _ OnClick, On MouseOver, On Focus, OnChange, OnLoad etc. Getting data withfurms. .



Unit-V'E _ Commerce An, introductions, Concepts, Advantages, and disadvantages, Technology in E-Commerce, Internet & E-business, Applications, Feasibility & various constraints. E-transition challenges for Iridial) corporate, the Information Technology Act 2000 and its highlights

. related to e-commerce.'



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d; El~¥,on!c' Pa)'me~~.Sy~te.m~,:Sm~~ pards.~aI)d,<.Elec!f0m~':'~~Yl)}ent',~x::>~e~s,,<~redl .'j ,.ElecttomcPayment ,Systems,Risk'and.ElectrcihitPliYriientSysfems', /~. \c •• -,,,:, ::', .,." ~ ",;:'. t~,~:.:;:"

<:'7""'" :C:!.-:", :;:~;,,:\~:.>'. ".;:> ';, .'.:,". ,. ',J .:' • ; :. ',' 'c, ' ...•..• , :.:, .;', :':~::( ., :','. ;l,;<.J.,~;~:::-<:",. ; . "';. ::,:~~". _.:' :.::~ •;;",••hP. ~.7; ,',,":o' .Fit~~~.se,~ui'iiY','On tIl~,irtem~t;~.~etwork:and(w~~',site~s~s ;fqt e-ousities,~;.u,se;~~1i~~~)Il!1,.~ec. . \',",~,." .•,;.!, .• ",;.,.,"" c'., ~physlcalilnfrastru~ttlre....•,' , ""-. - . .' . i');''''''" .' ".,' '..c--A'

W~1f~lj~i~~~tf'~t~~,C"~~~~~~t'~9~RaYh'~~q~/~~~~&j~f~::~~''{"';~':k~ngt~~,'atAddis2n'~esleyP,ublishingQ:9\" ...•'.......... .' ',,', '.' ;;,;. . ; ,,', - .

, _ J .~2.:-E-CoITi;.nerc~An Ii1dian Perspective '(S~COhdEditiO'ri) ,-by P~'rJoseph, S.J. Preritlce~...:j i'" 'HaU"oflndia, , .,',' ... ' .'-t, ,~- . ,~ .

•.•• ,.... ,',' C'. . .:-: '6'" .- '" _, ..:. '. '.,:_.' ,'" _ '. ,~, , _', _.- ":' - ,'" -. ' , . :: '-, . -7.

. / .. ;,~,' LeufI1HJIyl;Lin aW,e.ekendby SteY~Il~.-__qllihan, PHJ .}"}.4:~.;lJ~Ipg..H'fMLBy.Lee.AmrePhjllips,IjHl;'\ . ..' \: .•.'!- ': 5r'~SAMS. Teach .Yourself Javascript: in'.24 Hrs. By 'MichaeI'Mbri'd~i;TechMedia ~:: .

,......., . . ~_:,!_"t,~ - . -. ,:'-.' . ~ ....,.-~t.:,:~~;..' "">

'.::':~t;'P~;j'~'';, ..,:': _'f' '" ' . .1'1": " ~:-,~;.,'N.i>t~~Th~.qU(:stionpaper..yill;havethe usualnot~~s~yihg~Attempt Fjv~ questi9~Sch()osingonyfr()Jn:; ',.•..l:;af!LUpii".TnuS,'Thepaper will cleafly specify Units and nave a pattem'oftwoqu.esti'onsper unir';vith': "iili'optionto attempt ,anyone of these two,»,ithineach unit The baJa!1ce'of1hepape~willbernai)1tained ..

. bYiricludingappiopriate ( numerical! concepttialfanalYficll1!theoretical\ corribiriation.q{s~ipsec\.io'nsi:lf,.f~chqu~~tiori: . .. ".. . ..' '.' . '. " ."'''>,' > cC

' ••.• ' ';>' ,I.


.0...•.... :~


----------------~._.~_.... _ ..


Vikram University, Ojjain - BeA Syllabus (w.e.f.- 2010-11 & onwards)

'- • BCA-303 Information System Design and.Implementation

Unit -IMeaning, Nature, Ne~cl, Role, Importal}ce, Evolution of Management Through Informationsystem. Structure of Management Information System.

-. .

-, :.,,

Unit -IIRelatedness of MIS with management aCtivities, Management functions and decisi onmaking. Information System in Business and Management.

Uuit -IIIDevelopment of MIS- Methodology and Tooisl Techniques for systematic designing,

. implementation, evaluation, modificatio)1 of MIS.

Unit -IVA study of major financial, production, manpower and marketing MIS and case studies.

Unit-VAdvanced MIS-concept, need and problems in achieving advanced MIS, Decision supportSystem. Rationale of computer application, Decision support system (DSS)


1. Murdick,R.G.,Ross,J.E.& Claggtt,J.R. : Information systems for Modem Managment,PHI.2. Thomas,R. & Prince: Information systems for planning and control.3. Wigarders, K.,Syensson, A., Sehong, L.,Rydin, A. & Dahlgre, G. : Structured Analysis &Design ofInform~tion systemm, Mcgraw Hill Book company, 1986.4. Aktas: structured analysis and design of information system, PHI5. Spargue and Watson: Decision Support System ,2nd Edn. Prentice Hall international, I9&9.6. David : Applied Decision Support, Prentice hall international, 1988..7. Kanter,J.: Managment information system,3rd Edn. Prentice Hall India,1984.8. Bennett,J.L.: Building Decision support System ,Addision- Wesley pub\. compo 1983.9 Lucas: Ana1ysis,Designand implementation of Information system, 3rd Edn. Mcgraw HillBook compo10. Senn.: Analysis and Design of Information System, Mcgraw Hill Book compo

Note: The question paper will have the usual note saying" Attempt Five questions choosing one fromeach Unit". Thus, The paper will clearly specify Units and have a pattern of two questions per unit withan option to attempt anyone of these two within each unit. The balance of the paper will be maintainedby including appropriate ( numericall conccptualianalytical/ theoretical) combination of subsections ofeach question.



:' '~


, '>.~, "


BCA:3()~'))fit~:C<iiitiJ1unjcati()n and(::o,*~uter Nehvorks: .• ;" j;: •. ~>~'ir,'~,:. ../'~;.,"';."" ,:; ,',-< ',;>1 :,_.. '; .'"... ';;!":~~I t, ,,' ~"'<~'- ~'- ,~,;;.'- ~,':' ".-, :,:' : ~

;i,:~;,' _ f'

Data-Link layer: Different Types of line discipline, -simplex; Half duplex and full duplex', Flowcontrol;, stop arid wait protocol, sliding Window Protocol With 'thetr efficiency, .ARQtechniques & their performance, HDLC ..

Cnit! " "';,<~:,~,,,~1f/,,' ',' _,', ..;.-';, ,'* ',' : to '

Introd~~ti~k ~.h~dr~tic~iM~d~lf6;' CoriUlluniiatibn; an~iog and Higital 'signal, Barid~idth;Noise; Chhrtti~i'CapaCiiy, Data-rat~>Concepts of Cfrcuit Switcl)ing;' rYjeS!iageswitchirig~ and:',Packets\.y~~<.:hing,withtheir tilriing'diag~;iin"s,comparison of switching te9hI'lJques,'ISD~<' , ' .

':,y:<''f?<r'>':'"'fij''' ,>;, , " " " " ',' "U:t'I','I'c",t ';:,', /,OJ.' 'l' '< '.',', ; .....

,.:\)"(f /:"'::',; ,F " ,,'. , ' ,,"

EvolutiQI}';o.f Computer Networks -'Laye~ed' Network architecture, OSI- Layers Model;transmissiop media,~ -topology, error detection & Correction techniques, Parity' checks; CRC"

, As~nchrollous mid'synchronous transmission,Tm-1, FDM. ." '. ' ' ", ~ ' ' J" ' '

-} <"'r :, •• ,', "t,


-.,~ . ,.

'.. j '-

Unit V


Routing: D~finition, Elements of routing techniques, Least Cost Routing algorithm Dijkstra'salgorithm, Bellman-ford algorithm, Routing Strategies, Congestion Control encryption &description techniques, Internet working, Internet and Intranet

BooksI. Computer Networks - Tanenbaum A. S. PHI.2. LANs. Keizer3. Computer Networks - Stalling W., PHI.

Note: The question paper will have the usual note saying" Attempt Five questions choosit:Jgone fromeach Unit". Thus, The paper will clearly specify Units and have a pattern of two questions per unit withan option to attempt anyone of these two within each unit. The balance of the paper will be maintainedby including appropriate ( numerical/ conceptual/analytical! theoretical) combination of subsections ofeach question. '



, . ". .,,, " '..., '..... . '. '. ':". \ .

Scan'conversion techniques,)mage representation, line drawing, 'sjmple OOA;Bresenham:s 'Algorithm; Circle drawing, general in~thod, sYp1metricOOA;Bresenham' s Algorit~l:surves, .'parametiiCfunction, Beizier Method;'B-spline Method. • \.",

, ., <' T - : ' • ~

... ,,,,"-~~i,"*,,'~';':r.j,C*,;'''~.,,,,,_'.. ,,~.•... ,~, .........•.. ' •... ""T' .....".BGN-:3.05:<:;offlp'uter .GrapbJf~~rMUI!Ipt~lJ.J~'0'&??~)~~r"ifX':'\\'\tr.:;~c'l

'.' ,',; .• ;.' .'j.,,,, ~

P,~it}", . , ' ' .',',:','>:::;, .~"~"c';'~*i',;:~',:~F'.:,{..j1i:'i?d~~tiontD'~ ,c,~dlsPlaYS;Sto~etub<dfi~I~~;\Cfie,~1';~g,6;f~~ii~;~~il$[~g;; Icolourrnonitbrs; display; processors i resolution; '.\Vorking;priDcfpl~ of dot mati1lxrillk'etlaser"~-, 1

~:-,:,:t-;"> "_:~:;:;:J_:"';,:H'''~'':'':'F''',, :,:'_ "_ ". "-,:,V'. ~': ". .,",:-- __'_'" yo: ," " -;"~'-'T':";:;"'~"';~f:':! .•C; ,~,~.-,,,I'{-',,,,,_'".i"~:i' ..',:_;:' " "<-'<,"~-'~',.,",,-~~'~'- "';i.Q.';'S":'i.i.: ',': :, "." '

'pr~ters'i'~<>r19ngprinciples'of:keybmlr~; mouse scanrier,digitizirlg call1era,,,~rack.bal taOlets':"r' .c'. "

;aD.~~fdqysticks;graphical' ihput techniques,. positiollillg tech;niq1.l(;)s,.:rubber. B~n~"te /h1&ties;:':,";' ;'1~,'.~""""_"",...,,_.,,. __.' '."",':".'. .". .r' 1.- - \ ',' •• ~ •••... ' '~ ("r" -'".dragging etc" \~, ....' . ..,:' ,,' ..i -. i~';.Y .. , ~'. '.., . , .~ '. " . ;, . ,", .; .'" .':.,',.r .. :.., ,,'

. . ..•. '"

Unit IF


1, ,..




.; .

~20 & 3D Co~ordinate system, Translation, Rotat~on, S~aling, Retiectio'i In~~rsetransformation, Composite transformation, world coordinate system, screen coordi!late system,parallel and perspebive projection, Representation of 3D object on 20 screen, .. ". .." ..



UnliN ''Point Clipping. Line Clipping Algorithms, Polygon Clipping algorithms, Introduction toHidden Surface elimination, Basic illumination model, diffuse reflection, specular l'efl.ection,phongshading, Gourand shading ray tracing, color models like RGB, YIQ, CMY, HSV etc.. ..

Unit VMultimedia components, Multimedia Hardware, SCSI, IDE, MCI, Multimedia data and fileformats, RTF, TIFF, MIDI, JPEG, OIB, MPEG, Multimedia Tools, Presentation tools,Authoring tools, presentation.

Books :

1, James E, Shuman, "Multimedia in Action" Thomson / Vikas Publishing House,2. Tay Vaughan" Multimedia: making it work" Tata McGrawHill 1999,4~h Edition3, Prabhat k Andleigh, Kiran Thakral "Multimedia SystemDesign", PHI4, DonaldHearn and M,P, Becker "Computer Graphics" PIR Pub.5. Folay Vandam,Feim:r,Hughes "Computer Gl,lphicsPrinciple& Practice" Adison Wesley,2/e, 1997 ..6, Principles of Computer Graphics "Rogers" TMH,

Note: The question paper will have the usual note saying" Attempt Five questions choosing one fromeach Unit", Thus, The paper will clearly specifYUnits and have a pattern of two questions per unit with ..an option to attempt anyone of these two within each unit. The balance of the paper will be maintainedby including appropriate ( numerical/ conceptual/analytical!theoretical) combination of subsections ofeach question.' "



-, "

. ~-I •.•••.:


.':Wrlting techniCal ;'~ports~fthe i~pe''of 'observation report,' Surtey. i~port,. Report of troubie, Labor~tory.'~Report .al'td Project Report qn the,~tibjects of engineering. (Speaking) Vocahl.1Iary, Presentations,'Demonstrations, Conversation - 'Telephone media, socialising, cultural events{debates, speech. .


,. i..'

T•• "Cc Of! skI . t,c,sYqJpo,ls!slgps<0tf11fues~n1:a:tlon~AU<l!ttc>ri:(; ,,' "" ..' " •...•.

.j\;~~,~~~~~:i~;~~t~~kiiii~~:~1~1~i~~~~~~~~....;> .••~rm5!g~'~i:~s,tenm~~':!pp.~~s!,?:\~$n~~~!:!Rirr,i~~t~,ReRt?~\lc~\O~~i:)~pu~,n~.s,s,.s!~ll?'dl[e,'..•tray~l, ;h~~lth

,';~J:>~s~:,~e)rlg,c0R.I':r>~~~f¥sD1~'.S,,~rle.~~e-I~:'" ",~" ',," ,,;. 0';,Uilit'I11 ",1".) . '. ) ,,"" ,; .

;'i;;',;' .' ,;, "".,">" '.. ,-,.';;'.. '. .; ..~... 'LeJter~Writing:.Applicatj(iIlsi Enq4ii'y~.Gallingquot~tioj1s;{rerldefs, ,Order ~nd complaint, .

, " ' '. ,,' ,,'. I ";.'1,0;.;".,1',".'.:." : ~_.)'\. '. J/'_:,' ~ \ i' .' ",.,

Unit IVe .'.<",,.J ;".- ., .' ~

'. c' 'p;.ecise}Writi\'W:.1'fotinr;;:~~;,d.r~~ibg, T~c~ni~~l Descripti'ons o('-sirriple 'eiJgirie~ririg, obj~~ts ~1Jd., ,processes (Wnttng),Report,wntmg,Prects wntmg,note writing, slogan writingc0TT)lnr~t" spe~ch

, ,advertising, . ., ,=,_ ''':-rt .. " '.'

,'.' I .

UnitY'.• .1"

. -'f,..":''''1" ..Q~,

..;; ..


Business Correspo_ndence and Report Wt;iti.ng- By Krishna Mohan, Prentice Hall India.Living English StrUcture - By W. Stannard AlIen, Longmans. 'Student's Grammar -By Dev Wi11ysCollins (Harper).Spoken English for India - ByR.K. Bansal & IB Harrison (orientLongnian).New International BUSiness English - By Joans andAlexander (oUP).

. Jesting Englisli as a Second Language ~By David P. Harris (McGraw HiIl Pub.)

Books: -

Note: The question paper wiIl have the usual note saying" Attempt Five questions choosing one fromeach Unit". Thus, The paper wil1 clearly specify Units and have a pattern of two questions per unit with (an option to attempt any one of these two within each unit. The balance of the paper will be mai!)tained. by including appropriate (numerical! conceptmlIlanalyticaIl theoretical) combination of subsections of

each question. ' "




.. " ...





Vikram University, Ujjain - ~CA Syllabus (w.e.f.- 2010-11 & onwards)

BCA-IV Semester

BCA-401 Programming with Visual Basic

Unit-IBasic of. Vis"'ll Basic: The Integrated Development Environment: The Menu Bar, The ToolbarS,The.Project Exph,rer, The. Toolbox ,'The Properties Window, Your First!VB Project: Remaining andSaving the Pl,)j~ct. The Elements of the User Interface. Programming an Application:Programming the command Buttons, Grouping Controls. Visual Deyetopment and Events-DrivenProgramming: A Few common Properties, A Few Commpn Methods, A rew Common Events ., .

Unit-IICustomizing the Environment: The Editor Tab, The Editor Format Tab, The General Tab, The DockingTab, The Environment Tab. The Advanced Tab. Visual Basic Projects,: Building a. Loan Calculator:DeCiding How the Loan Application Works, Design the User Interface, Programming the LoanApplication. Validating. the Data. Building a Math Calculator : Designing the User Interface,Programming the Math Application, Adding More Features, Error Trapping. A Project's Files : TheProject File, The Form File, Moving and Copying Projects, Executable files.

Unit- IIIVisual Basic : The Language. Variables: Declaring Variables, converting Variable Types, User-Defined Data Types, Special Values, Examining Variable Types, Forcing Variable Declarations, Ayariable Declarations, A Variable's Scope The Lifetime of a Variable.' Constants . ArrysDeclaring Arrays, Specifying Limits, Multidimensjonal Arrays, Dynamic Arrays, AlTay" of Arrays ..

Unit- IVProcedures: Subroutines, Functions, Calling Procedures Arguments: Arb'llment-Passing Mechanisms,Using Optional Arguments, Passing an Unknown Number of Arguments, l\l'.lmed Arguments.Function Return Values: Functions Returning Custom Data Types, Functions Return Values Controlflow Statements: If ... Then, If ... Then ... Else, Select Case, Loop Statemepts : Do Loop. For Next,While Wend, Nested Control Structures, The Exit Statement.

Unit- VWorking with Forms: An Application with Multiple Forms: The Startup Object The Appearance ofForms: The Start-Up Form, Loading, Showing, and Hiding Forms, Controlling One Form from withinAnother. Designing Menus: The Menu Editor, Programming Menu Commands, Building Dynamicforms at Runtime Drag-and-Drop Operations: The DragMode Property, TheDrag-Drop and DragO



Book:I. Mastering in Visual Basic 6

Note: The question,paper will have the usual note saying" Attempt Five questions choosing one fromeach Unit". Thus, The paper will clearly specify Units and have a pattern of two questions per unit withan option to attempt anyone of these two within each unit. The balance of the paper will be maintainedby including appropriate ( numerical/ conceptual/analytical! theoretical) combination of subsections of

each question.


- j

:'4~~>:~t~~ff~~~~~(""D~'~f~!~!l;~:"r;;.'j~;~;;!~~f;;ii(i~;~3;'~'~2;.",'.'.,/~ ',\ ,<, ';';"'/:'~,:"f;'.' .,,;'.i-;:~',A("' ,'~\~." "'.>f j.'''."J.~:">;:.;,, " ,,"," • ,$~st~m$S0!1fept: :D~fi9iti9Qit\£.~~~cte~i~Ji<rH~letri~ntS::of;~y~t~mIJft\}y:sis~J:i~9;a~str:~~!i;sy~t~m)', ,'" " . .; ,

; ope~: and ,sI?sed jysteti1'im8.;i~m~qeil1t;?nIfatipnZsYS1e~s:'Syst~IjlT:t,.;peyeIop!p~tit,;'t~J:i.f,~!!Z;9~cI~:+~;'J.:w,." '.'t Vllf;0us..p~" -of- \syste~,a~.~elpPTe~t~;".!3,0~~1~~r~!J~ns',Mf~r.':sY~1~~~"',~~~~J??!l~d:•.~.onrroJ:for '

"sys!em~llc~ess~" t<;.~<PI~~ll1?l',;~Bas~. for" Rlanmpg"1i • system,:"I?Ill~~n,~lons, ~.f.~l~!lIll~~.'~' . -;

1!,nj!"F'~i"\/;'.;;~~~:,;';'", <'; " . '.:~,;,'" ' './ ';,,;,;; '> y ,, 'Illitial""Ihvestigatlori:" 'Q.C?femiil1jngusl(t!i ,t~9qtreil1ebt,s.,an~'" iUllqY.~J~,r~j:t:ifjndiiJg,,;Pro~eisflirl4"techniques:l~~i~ility study;?'P.eierrn~Il~ti9n . of" fea~ibility stu~y>,:'f~9h,~iC~r;,bper~tioi1al~.,<8£:" ;ECOllOrnic Fe~ibilitie~;',' System :'perf0rmance'constraints, and idel1tificatjonof systi,m,o):>jecti~es,,feasibility report, Cost!1;3enetltAnalysis:'" Data' analysis, cost' arid benefit 'afiaIysis 'of a new system. 'CategoJiesdetennirtaHopan,dsystem prop6sa!." ,,'," "-'". . " . " , "

.' F'. '~t. ,\' - ,; .. .' (,

", ,~


I •••~ ~.:


Unit-III ,(~..... 'l' ". -' . - - '.' .. ,.

Tools of structured Analysis: Logical and Physical models, conte"t, diagram" data dictionary, datadiagram, ,fomi driven methodology, IPO and HlPOcharts"Gantt,charts, system model,' ps~udocodes, Flow charts- system flow chart, run fl9w charts etc., decision iree,decisiontable~, datavalidation, Input! Outp\lt and Form Design: Input and output' form design mt:thbdologies~menu,'screen design, layout ~onsideration. ',.Unit -IV ' " ' ' ,,' 'Management standards Systems analysis standards; Programming standards, OperatingstimdardJ,Documentation stlmdards -, User Manual,: system development/nanual; progralpming manuai;

, programming specifications, operator manuaLSysterp testing & qualitY: System testing and quality, assurance, steps in system implementation and softwaremaintenance. System security: Data Security,Disasterl recovery and ethiys in system,development,threat and risk analysis. System audit.


Unit-VOrganisation of EDP: Introduction. Job Responsibilities & duties of EDP Personnel- ED?manager, System Analyst, Programmers, Operators etc. Essential features in EDP Organization,Selection of Data Processing Resources: purchase, lease, 'rent-advantages and disadvantages.Hardware and software procurement - In-house purchase vIs hiring and lease.


1. System Analysis & Design by V K Jain, Dreamtech Press2. Modem System Analysis &Design by A Hoffer, F George, S ValaciahLow Priced Edn.

Pearson Education.3. Information Technology & Computer Applications, by V.K-Kapoor, Sultan Chand

& Sons, New Delhi.


Note: The question paper will have the usual note saying" Attempt Five questions choosing one fromeach Unit". Thus, The paper will clearly specify Units and have a pattern of two questionsper unit withan option to attempt anyone of these two within each unit. The balance of the paper ",viiibe maintainedby including appropriate ( numerical! conceptual/analytical!theoretical) combination of subsections ofeach question,


,. >'-

. '.. .. ' .......• :,.; " '., . . "~' '-'Introduction to Expert SystemS: ~tnicture of an Expert systell'r ihteniction with an expert, Design" ofab ,

Er.p;;:rt systcln.

Unit -IV'

Allan~ages: Iri1port:mt charact~risti.c;ofA,1 languages-PRObOG, LISP ... '. " ' .. - '. .,,', " - .:, .,'.

. .e.,"".,~i~~~1't'O"~~~~~~~~~cir~~~~~:\Vikr~I~\j~i*r~lij:Ujjii~~l3c.bus:(~~~~f.j,-26't6:'LHf~h~'hidS)<:~"'~-";'':-, .;

/;';';',,"~';<':;j'f,;i'ct:';~.~:i;!:'~>'''c'' ;.:: . ,.'~ >':> . .' r,~':" ~;~:t:.~r;. . .' .: '. :::'.:.';:,.i....":.,..: "f' . -

BCA-403 Artifidallntelligence'&<F;x.pert,Systenis,,..,;. ..•.....•..•......', r.., .' " ..' .' -.•

""" I •."i'"tf'~:,;~f"~;~:\~~?.rf~P~~~1:'i-!~F;~~~~:;1Basic. Pr.oblem solv.ing !11ethod~~"~toi#;1~?~:'5Y~~~N~i~}~~7'~~'a.i~1:~~~€h::'for~ql~;~![~!~~&i~5~'"~.~~i~!1c,.':scarcn, torwGrd 8.11'1backward r()~?pl~~: ,HilI ;chmbmwtechI1Iquest~reaatJ1,'first~~arch,: Pep~~:'fi.r~t,,;;!searsh, 'Best search, sIaged search ../':',. C,' '.r{, '."" ,j. ", ~.. '" . '. ;.r .....'.'( ;"';;:'/ "" ,.~~n •... :'.':.-W':.

Unit -U .' . "." . .. ...,..,.. . .' . .,;':;:"\;;-.,' ,',. "C>~;(,! i,",."'<' ,...~,.' .,:', .

Kn51,,{ie4ge.Representation: .Predicate' l~gic" R~soluti dnql!~s\iO~'M.s",,~riiIg;N()nmqnotohj(:., Rea~2ning;'.statist:£alarid probabil istiCreasoning; ;Semantic Nets, cotic~ptu~l'piperid~ncy; framesw1dscripts.. ',; .:'. . ~ .. '

. ,Unit -III


. '. \'. .' . . .Busic Strllcture of a nteuron, Perception Feed forward,. Back propagation, Hopfield.



;';>,;,'2 ....~;ystems : PrinCipals & Prograinming, Joseph Giarrantons & Ri1ay, Vikas - Thomsonl.~~rning, Vikas Pub. House Pvt. Ltd., Delhi. .

Rich E 3nd Knight K _Artificial Intelligence, TMH New Delhi.'Ne!sson N ..1. .. Principies of Artificial Intelligence, Springer Verlag, Berlin.13m /I. FCl'genbaub E.A. and Cohen PRo Artificial Intelligence, Addisonwesley, Reading

(,\flars) 1930. - '\Va,ennan D.t\. A gilide to Expertsystem, Adision - Wesley, Reading (Mars) 1986.Artiricialll1i.eiligence Hand book, Vol. 1-2, ISA, Re~earch.Triangle Park 1989..Kos l<c1 B ;-..reuralNetworks and Fuzzy system -pH. .!,.:Uf3\ Net'.',urk DeSign, Martin Hagar, Vikas-Thomson Leamin~, Vikas Pub, House Pvt. Ltd.,



".).•'-'.. 4.

.~ ).

~ 6.'\


:"otl;; Tht~ q,.e::tion paper will have the usual note saying" AttemptFive questions choosing one fromc,,-ch Unit". Thus, The paper will clearly specify Unitsand have a pattern of two questions per unit withan option iO attempt anyone of these two within each unit. The balance of the paper will be maintainedb:. including appropriate ( numerical! conceptual/analytical! theoretical) combination of subsections of

each yuestl0n. r



. ~



~.,0. .'~. .:

fr~.. '., ....,



I .,0[""'_

j F"

!;iS~i~j~~~~~~{lM~~~9~~J<~ , ,~!:ji. '"':0;""'i~'O.7"i~~r:~:fl~",~"~:r:~1':.i'~d:-"':?:~t::'~o~""';d':':~:~'~I"".';D:':~}ffi~'~":~''.~'t"':'_";D:;A~ta'~"b'".,-.',,- ",rd'l.:':~. RDBMS ts" K I D~";".~">f~.t.;:<I..:":f.'~_rae;e.~pr()uy,_'. etals,,<.lerel)', a ,.ase mo e "', , .' ,yomwnen :-c--' el11e," ,aLa "14

"':-'" ",~~lC~?I}a~t:r.m-~yse~e~',c;;;mpiJiingana Or~c1e,''Overvie~'of onic)e' wchitectii(e,;m::,;:qiicJe~:'W~~ • , I

I .7.i!f'l'),.;' '-~f~m>ai1gU.s~fprocess; Ora:cleMelTlory; System data base object, Protectingdata';>, ../~ ~,;,;;: ,,' ,r ",I

;; "!/,~~~ .Ji1~£!~;'(,;,tv;/" •....'.>,:,,:;'.';,~~~~~!:'/1;,t,;:;~;(H;~;;:",t'Q!a;;ie~da~:tyP,e~;~WQr~iiig'~wjth'Tables:Data ,CoiJstiaintS;.'Coiumn lev~1~ taP,l~I3~yelj.g~sti1tJnfs,:-Ti;i:ts'''''~-)''J

• ._-:~};,;;i;,,;, . ':'.;,:: ...,>" _' . .' " .',):';;;'"'~;9''; "-:', \)~1;,f*~iC'7'1'Defining: different ,constraints" on-/ the' table Defining Integrity Constraints-in' the ALTER:i-' '. I

; ""~.~ ':'fA;BLE'.CcJlnrriand,';" Select' Command,Logical .....Operator, . RangeSearchi~g,'" Patt~in' .'~,Miiic~iilg,Oracle$unction,Grouping da~from Tables in SQL,ManipuiatiohData in'SQL :, . "".-"jf?,f',':<: .."~." , ,..., . .... .' .". Joilling,.Mu!tiple Tables (Equi ,Joins),Joining a' Table to itself (s~lf.foins),Subquei1e( _Union,'-"ir}teres~ct,- &, Mii1;us' Clause,Creating view,RenamingI the 'Coluhtn; of a ,,~view,Granting!,';fenjlissi~J1S, -Updation; Selection,Destro)iingvi~w ': > ~. ,1\

'."" '

UnitcIII .'Creating Indexes,Cre~ting' and managing User, PLlSQL, SQL & PLlSQLstructure, variables,:constants, datatype,Assigning databa~~ values to variables,USingcursors .

'diffe;eriCe~,hldtk'Seh~ct ," INTO,


Unit-IVError handling, Built-in exceptions,. User defined exceptions, The Raise-Application-error procedure,Oracle transaction,Locks, Implicit and Explicit locking, Procedures & Functions ' Concept, creation,execution,advantages,syntax, deletion, . /



Tnggers _ Concept, use, how to apply database triggers, type .of triggers, syntax, deieting,Functionsof Oracle DBA-CreateDatabase,Create tablespace, Import& ExportOraclebackup& recovery

Books :

1. Ivan Bayross, "SQL, PL/SQL", Bpb Publications"2: Liebschuty, "The Oracle Cook Book", BPB Publication3, Michael Abbey, Michael J,Corey, "Oracle A Beginners Guide". TMH Publication4, <;>racleUnleashed (Chapter 1,2,3,4,5 and 9) .'

Note: The question paper will have the usual note saying" Attempt Five questions choosing one from -each Unit", Thus, The paper wil1clearly specifyUnits and have a pattern of two questions per unit withan option to attempt anyone of these two within each unit The balance of the paper wiilbe maintainedby includingappropriate ( numerical! conceptual!analyticalltheoretical) combination of subsections ofeach question,




Unit-ill" , ...- ,

l "

,", .




• J

Evolution ofinf0n~ation systems ' . ,'. ',' '.' , . ' " ,' .. ' ,Electronic Data'pfocessiIi.g (EDI') systems, mimagemen£jrifor,mationsY~terhs;' Executive. informa~i~nSystems, Information needs ofOrganisation,' ERP as'an integrator of'information needs at vanouslevels, D,ecisionmaking'involved at the above level: .. - ,'. _. '. ~ - - .


ERP ModelslFunciiona'litY ' '., .Sales order Processing: MRP sC\Jeduling, forecasting, maintenance, distribution, finance, Features ofeach of the models, description of data f16ws.acrctls each'module, overview of the supporting databases,

technologies requiredJor ERP.

Un it-V ... 'implementation Issues : Pre implementation issues, financial justification of ERP, evaluation Ofcommercial software, during implementation issues, reengineering _of various, business processes,education and training, project management, Post implementation issues, performance'measurement.

Books :

1. V~K. Garg and N.K. Venkitilkrishanan, Enterprise Resource Planning Practices Prentice Hall2. J.Kanter, Managing with information, Prentice Hall(I) 1996, New Delhi.3. S-Sadagopan,Management Information Systems, Prentice Hall(I) 1996 New Delhi.4. V. Rajaraman, Analysis and Design OfIntormation Systems, Prentice Hall(l)1997, New Delhi

,5. K.M.' Hussain and D. Hussain, Information Systems: Analysis Design and Implementation, TataMcGraw Hill 1995 New DeIhL '

Note: The question paper will have the usual note saying " Attempt Five'questions choosing one fromeach Unit". Thus, The paper will clearly specify UnilS and have a pattern oftwo 'questions per unit with,an option to attempt anyone of these two within each unit. The balance of the paperwiil be maintained'by including appropriate ( numerica1J c.onceptiJal/analytkal/ theoretical) combination of subsections of

each question.


',:. ~..

.~., .;;-, , -.f'

"i~~1~.ol:~~:\~J~~~;~~~:,. .".<' ':, '2:::i~~2,:~;~~::1:"::..•.i.4"'.~<.:~',}:;"/;" ':;':-.>';'" ':' ( l:':'-';~:)"7" / :'~:":- ',"~;.,."".';,,;:~f_+::~;L:z.;, '.:"Yikram Vniversity, Ujjam ~ BCA'Syl\abu's-(~.e.f.~ 2Q10-1 f&:onwilrds)~~',,<;;;."~'~~'~':[,_,";;;:"'''(:~; '," .;<,." ,',I' ~ (.' •• :.>\~t'.::>::-: • "~::~-,>::,,,~<-'~:~:;-):~~':-:~'~~~'~.'.""~.'~'"

";0. - \ "~: •. " ;',:. I'"e'. . .. .-- ~'j (Ji~40(f(i)Jiaiiiiilti'onaI; ..nehaviori

~;;t;~;,l~,ri#~iJfl;":£'~/~':i:{' ~.~.',•.,',. .. / ...'..... i."". .,'" c;'~y7;~i;~~;'.Tt\tro-4~~ti9ntq~,.otg~~lsa~i<:)~~,:~h.4c,,<,indiVi4ual~;,'"What jsan o,rganis~tio'i,COrnpphen\s~of' ,;r::<j~::';::'-{)r~nis~tiofi'nature liIid, vadetyoforganisatio,r/ (in terms of objeytjy,e,s, structure etc.), ii1ode1s\of~'it:t'~~;~lj""<analyslllg Qrgahisatiori-p\ieriQinena; ",,' ",' ...,. ", '-c' f,,; ".;;;;".

Y;~ji~1)(;:,~'~Y;';i"~;'t&<};~"':c',;. ," .. ";:::,;}'.: " "< ' " "~::~';%-,:;:~i1:t~:~t~r:~il~iil;;~~:,"~~s~n~~sv~i~b.I~S."organis~iion" in "tlie~,Indian:,'"context, 'ipsti~l!tjqns,'",.~llq:"~.."i.'}~;('/",' '~inlctures; l:iasiq..toles'in ahorg~nisftiionetcJpercep.tion attitudes; motives (achie-vement; posh.>:\/~ '~n&~Ii~;ifon);' ,," .',.' .. . ", '

,;~\"... :;u~it~rii / . ",~'.',:.\ ;~'f(',:Gom~it~en.f:,'val:;;e'cre~!ivity and i)thcr person~lity factors, Protile :ofa n'i;rnager al1dan.~ entrepreneur.'.' "t-; ..•. '. >. )-.. •

{;" t' I .:U~i~~lY'/'~"" ',' " "i".\,"'Interpersona.l anq group'processes-Illterpersonal trust, understanding the other persoh froin.',, his/her' point o£' view, interpersonal communication" Iisteriing, feedbal(k:;cQunseling,". traJlsaetional analysis, self functioning, team decision making te\lm conflict resolution, team

problerh solving. r' ' '

.Unit-V!.Organisational structure and integrating interpersonal and group dynamics' elements'ofstructure. Function of structure, determinants of structure, dysfun'~ri6nalities of structure,structure technology, environment people relationship, principles underlaying de~ign oforganisation, organisational change, integrating cases,


<J. "

Books :.I. A.J.Robertson Lvan T.& cooper, Cary.L. "Work psychology Understanding Human

Behaviour in the Workplace" Macmillan India Ltd. Delhi 1996,2. Dwivedi R.S. "Human Relations and Organisational' Behaviour A Global Perspective"

M~cmillan India Ltd. Delhi 1995, '3, Arnold J,Robertson Laven T. and Coopercary. L. "Work Psychology: Understanding

Human Behaviour in the Workplace" Macmillan India Ltd, Delhi 1996.4. French & Bell (4th ed) "Organisation Development: Behavioural Science Interventions for

organisation Improvement: Prentice Hall of India Pvt, Ltd" New Delhi 1996,5. PXesho "Organisational Development for Excellence" MacMillan India 1996. Robbins(th

ed), Essentials of organisational Behaviour, Prentice Hall of India,

yNote: The question paper will have the usual note saying" Attempt Five questions choosing one fromeach 'Unit". Thus, The paper will clearly specify Units and have a pattern of two'questions per unit withan option to attempt anyone of these two within each unit The balance of the paper will be maintained'by including approwiate (numerical/ conceptual/analytical!,theoretical) combination of subsections ofeach question,


. ,~;)


Unit-III v ~". : '

Design Concepts. Principles; and Methods: The Softwar~Desigli".' Proce~<;: > • Design~r;,.~'pk;;[)esj2": COllcepts:'Effective . Modular. Design,' Design. Hel,:r':sti(:s:, .f?esign

.\>.:' Ineilt:" ,oJ'. D.,sigl' Methods: Data Design, Architectural Design, [nte,i:i3ce'Desfgn;l-1.iIlTIal"Cor':~uv~r inter;,:ct: J).;;sign, Procedural Design. .. . .. ''.

, ,., ..~'...

'";:~BC:A~:V>Serrl'est~t:"'~'...:.....,;:~.;'~',i.'.;~ ..../ .:.;,...: .....~.:~~.!.~:..r~"..~..:.<:;5t .fr,"Cf. ~r.{~f1,"f!~~.j• . _ ';l(::)i:r .'. :};i~;"1

::::;53 1 Software E"gi~r:~~~",;,X~i~r:; t,1'" ::1! f'J~,j"tf~t~';,The-Soft\\are Prol~u:;:t and Software Process: Software Engineeritig.~.A' ,et~4~:1'~tl1iiologyi'{,'\::;}~'~ •

. , S~~v;~re ProceSS Mod~ls~ .'Li~e~r' s~quential. ;Mode];f Prototyping" Mqd.~i,.;Zt~QiMQ4~f.::,r:x'~~i.;;:,:j'Ev~.!~tionary Sof;'vare p~'o?e~,st~od'#!s~:. iP5~blTi~~2~F'.M9B~h;':i~:Bi,ta.f~~'Mq~~b''.'c;.'~i~ri~~:F'.)...~~it,0

Assemblv !vlodel,tFormal ~etbods, Fourtb-OeneratJoQ./fechmques ", ..'. ).'f" ..~L:' ,""i '::., ,,:, : •• '.~9,.

U.U -11 ' ' , 'H ,',', ';1(:"'" <N~',,',~':,~~:;,i'.';;":PSystenls Engineering: T.he:S)'stein~;" En.gin(l~rin~;: f:Ii~;n~rchy". Inforrpl~ioN~:9D~ire~1'i~g.;. .~.Information Strategy Pl:,mn,in,gL j3usiness Area A9'alysis, Product ~hgi~,eering;.: ~~qurren:.eJi.tL •..... ,/\11 alysis Model ing: Anal ysisTonc~pt~~dPrin9ip les;The.E!eme~tso.f,lh~ Ari~ly~isMod~I: ..'Data Modifyillg, Functional Modeling. and Information,Flow and;I3el}a.vior'Modeling,; ".

. .... -". .. t", ...•. ", '.' .-... "'. , . ,Mechanics of Struct\.!red Analysis, Data Dii;tionary .... .. ' ...•. -~ ~.~.,. ." .-,

, ...•-:''1'.,'-',if" ,-.;~~: .


t ~'.i ...~

L.dt -IV'~'..ilt\\':~reT~stin:,s rAethods: Software Testing Fundamentais, ITest Case Dcsjgh, B.lack-Box'(,'"ing. \\'hit,>Rox Testing. Software Testing Strategies: Verification and Validation,~,.' :J:;g',: K~. lr.i: Testing, Integration Testing, Validation Testing. System Testing"


<JS,)tt\\:m: Pr8LC~,S ~.'11dProject Metrics:Measures, Metrics and lndicators, Metrics in the Process:lt1(~l'r 'ied Do!; .•l,ns, Software. Measurement, Metrics ofSoftware'QuaJ.ity

S f. \',' ",: ;,' ;, _c'>'ng: A Practitioner's Approach by P,S, Pressman Fourth edition 1997, McGraw-- ..1

, , ' , rflroach to Software Engineering - Pankaj Jalote, 1991, Narosa Pub ..~'L':l';'",: r (~i;;"sing University Press - by 1. SonunervilJe Oxford university press 1996 .

4. Fund:,m'~l1ti1;Sof Software Engineering Leon and' Leon - Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.

NNe: Ti:.:;qlL,;CJ: paper will have the usual note saying" Attempt Five questions choosing one fromj',:: ,';11('. 'P",;S, The paper will clearly specify Units and have a pattern of two questions per unit with'il" upt:,)1'l~oattempt anyone of these two within each unit, The balance of the paper will be maintained<. il'C;,i'.i:ng 2;;,['ropriate ( numerical! conceptual/analydcal! theoretical) combination of subsections ofl\..dl que:.tir.n,



. - .~.~ .•.- ...,,:......:.-.

. J

'4<;~:~'0;"",,;,,,', .•~,"'of '.~~1f'"~~~~'~"'"'"W.'~:\i-.<~,~-,."::_", ,'."_ .'i< j; ~,_",'J; ... , ..:'f.:J':, .,' ,> ":, "

BCA.;502 J>rogralll\,lll~ngWith'-!AVA ', - F' .". ~'-. ". : ': "

-l"':' { .•.. ,UnH~I, . . ,',C#P:<VS' JAVA,~JA.VAf arid, ."lntern~t and .WWW,'. JAVA~ support' ~ysten1~, JAvA'ellyiro,nnlentJI\VApr9~stI'\lct~re, Tokens,'Statement~, JAVA virtual machine, Constant &"V~~~bles; Data%'P~s; p~clti:ratiori of Variables,. ,Scop~ of Variable~i$ymbolic Constants;:rypit9as!ing. {~p~t~(OI's.; Aritrm~'tic; .. Relational;' j..ogical. Assignments; IIlcrelJlent an~ "

.B~?~~ment, • p'olld!tionar~ .:Bi~i$:;, ,.~pecial, '¥xpr~ssions&y'" its. eviiluati;on.If? statement,:,Il'••,~else.. , state.mCl1t)Nestln~ of !f...else, ,. ;statem<ints, else .•. If Ladder, SWItch, . operators,

_Lo;:ops~While, p'o,'Por,J4mpsih Loops, Labelleq Loops. .,..., '.' .

ffnIt:.1Y' ,c, " .' •D~fining a Cias$,"Adding. Variables and Methqds, Creating Objects, Accessing ClassMen\bers;, Constructors,. Methods Overloading, Static Members, Nesting ofMethods.Inheritance; Extending a Class, Overriding Methods, Final Variables and Methods,

'Final Classes, Finalize "Methods, {\bstraet methods and Classes, Visibility'ControL

.. t- ]."


Dimensional, strings, Vectors, wrapper' Classes,Interface, Implementing Interface,'. AccessingUsing Sxstem Package, Adding a Class to a

UniMIIArrays: One Dimensional' & twODefining Interface ExtendingInterface Variable, System Packages,Pack~ge,HidingClasses. .'

. Unit-IVCreating Threads, ExteT\ding the Threads Class, . Stopping and Blocking a Thread, LifeCycle of a Thread, Using Thread Methods,. Thread Exceptions, Thread Priority,Synchronization, Implementing the Runnable Interface.

Unit-VLocal and Remote Applets Vs Applications, Writing Applets, Applels Life Cycle, Creatingan Executable Applet, Designing a Web Page, Applet Tag, Adding App1t:t to HTML File,Running the Applet, Passing Parameters to Applets, Aligning the Display, HTML Tags &Applets, Getting Input from the User.


1. 9alaguruswamy, "Programming In 'Java", 2nd Edition, TMH'Publications2. "Peter Norton, Guide To Java Programming,Techmedia Publications


Not-e: The question paper will have the usual note saying" AttemptFive questions choosing one from ~each Unit", Thus, The paper will clearly specify Units and have a pattern of two questions per unit withan option to attempt !lnyone of these two within each unit The balance of the paper will be tnaintainedby including appropriate ( numerical/ conceptual/analytical/theoretical) combination of subsections.ofeach question.

'.~ ,-.?

-:*"" I ';;;~. or ~'.~ • .4:,


"U~"""'_" __ <o'_ ••.. ,'


• ••••'OF- -~_•......•:,. '~

,.. ,.,. ;..... "_J'~,. /'" " • .t . '" .,-', ""-

,,';< " " .'~: '" ....• , ..i~",;;"';",4,f,~:...;.~.bVikrarp University, Ujjain ..?- BC1\. Syllabus '(w,e,f>20 I6.11&onwa.r4sJ;;~ ., ..., '.,. "." 1,


I '.

", .

. ,.. t

'" ;

Introduction to various .interfacing chips like 8212, -8155, 8255, 8755. General purpose,programmable peripheral devices (8253) 8254 programmabl~ interval timer, 8259 A.

Unit III

". :.,.',

.Introduction to assembly language programming of 8085 and 8086, addressingmodesl

subroutin~ call and return sf -

, ,-,,- . Unit!

':JII" '-'- +'-',"->'r,~ - ':::;.~

. :"BCA-503l\;):H~~9pr<!~eSs()r and Interfadng

• . .t

~ ...•. ,: "".j , ". ',",,',--

! " Microprocessor : Detailed architecture of 8085,' Register architecture, buses, flags, interrupts,' :,.,: ;r.I",'"":~s~iient fel:!Juresof advanced microprocessors: 8086/8088/286/886/486/ Pentium. Super scalar' . ~,,'Ill' l architecture 6fPentiuIn. . '.' .,...., . '0"' .;.>; • ,';'" ,'. ~ > ••:" L;, , ' . . ," .; .':.,' """'-; "',. ';" .• , ..• v. " . :.. .. \i• ,. t .. ~, Unit n' ,. " ' .,., ,i . l~

~ Unit!V

t Programmable interrupt controller & DMA, 8257 DMA Controller: Serial I/O & data.'communication: USART, RS232C, modem etc. and various bus standardS.

Unit V ,


Introduction to micro-contrGllers, DSP processors and transporters, development tool likeMDS and logic analyzer, memory interfacing, floppy and CD ROM drives, introduction toprogrammable key boards, display interface, interfacing printers, LED's, ADC, DAC and

stepper motor.


.' 1. B.B. Brey (PHI), "The Intel Microprocessors, Architecture, Programming & Interfacing".2. A. Triebel & Avtar Singh (PHI), "The 8088/8086 Microprocessor",3. D. Hall (Mc Graw Hill), "Advance Microprocessor & Interfacing".4. R.L. Krutz (John Wiley), "Interfacing techniques in digital design with emphasis on

microprocessor"5. A.P. Mathur (TMA), " Introduction to microprocessor".

Note: The question'paper will have the usual note saying" Attempt Five questions choosing one fromeach Unit". Thus, The paper will clearly specifyUnits and have a pattern of two questions per unit withan option to attempt anyone ofthese two within each unit The balance of the paper will be maintainedby inciuding appropriate ( numerical! conceptual/analytical/theoretical) combination of subsections of

each question.

, ,x _..~ _31 II~~>-.y---



,d Unit-Ill ' , " ,,' ,Architecture o( ADO;NET,Connected and Disconnected. Database,' CreateCortl1e::tibn usingfJJO,NETObj~_~t M6deI,Cpnn~ction chiss, Command Class, DataAaapt~r- Class, D~tasetClass ..Displaydatlt 'o.rtdata bound Controls and Data Grid. Database ,Ac(;e~sing()n web applications: P£1!\iBinding concept with web, creating ,data grid;' Bindil1g standard web server -controls, Display data

, on web fOnTIusing Data bound controls. ' ' -

Unit-IVWriting datasets toXML, Reading datasets with XML.Web services: Introduction, Remote method ca1lusing XML, SOAP, web service description language, building & consuming a web service, 'feb

Application deployment.

" .

Unit-VOverview of C#, C# and .NET, similarities & differences from JAVA, Structure ofC# programLanguage featUres: Type system, boxing and unboxing, flow controls, classes, interfaces, Serialization,

Delegates, Reflection.


I. VB.NET Black Book by steven holzner ~reamtech2. ASP.NET Unleashed3. ,C# programming ~ wrox publication4. C# programming Black Book by Matt te1les .

Note: The question paper will have the usual note saying" Attempt Five questions choosing one fromeach Unit". Thus, The paper will clearly specify Units and have a pattern oftwo questions per unit withan option to attempt anyone of these two within each unit. The balance of the paper will be maintainedby including appropriate ( numerical/ conceptual/analytical/ theoretical) combination of subsections of

each question.


'- .


Onit-IV" Software' Project ¥anagement:' 'Overview, Soltwari 'ProjeCt Management Framework, Sofiwar,e, ,Development' '. life "cycle, Organization Issues and Project Management, Managing Processes; ,Pr<:>ject :.

~Execution~'"Pi-oblems ,'in Software- ~rojects,ProjectManagement Myths and its clarifications. SoftwareProject Scope: Need to. scope, a software project, scope management process, communication 'techniqueSartd, ,to~ls, communication methodology Software Requirement ,Gathering and ': R~sol)Tce allocation:Requirement 'specifications, SRS Document preparation, Resources types for a software projects, requirement

for resources 'allocation,



Unit-VSoftware Project Estimation: Work Breakdo~ structure (WBS), steps in WBS, Measuring .efforts for aproject, ,techniques for estimation ~ SLOC, FP, COCOMO and Delphi methods, Project Scheduling: Schedulingand its need, scheduling basics, Gannt Chart, Network scheduling techniques, Pert and CPM Using a Project I

Management Tool: Introduction to MSProject 2000, Managing tasks in MS Project 2000, Tracing a project plan,creating and displaying project information ~eports,' '


-I. Software Testing: Principles and Practice By Gopalaswamy and Srinivasan" Pearson Education India. '2. 'Software Testing Tools: Covering WinRunner, Silk Test, LoadRunner, lMeter and TestDir~ctor with case

By Dr. KS.K..K. Prasad, ISBN: 8177225324, Wiley Dreamtech,3. Basics of Software Project Management, Prentice Hall of India, ISBN 81-203-2490-04, Software Proj~ct Management by Bob Hughes & mike Cotterell, Tata McGrawHill

Note: Tile question paper will have the usual note saying" Attempt Five questions choosing one fromea,ch Unit". Thus, The paper will clearly specify Units and have a pattern of two questions per unit withan option to attempt anyone of these two within each unit. The balance ofthe paper will be maintainedby including appropriate ( numerical/ conceptual/analytical/ theoretical) combination of subsections of

each question. '

7 33

..,: ...' ,~ 1,{_ /'iJf'~';



VikramUnive.rsity, Ujjain -BCA Syllabus ( w.e.f;- 2013-14 and onwards)




(w.ef. 2013-2014 & Onwards and alsoef/ei:tivefor 2011-12 &2012-13batcltes)

1. Students of BCA final semester are required to undergo 4-5 months Major Project',',cork in th~ in[;titutc/coliege itself. ' PrincipallDirector of the College/instituteshall a~;sign the project guide to each enrolled student of BCA Final Semester.The guide in tum, shall allot project title considering the interest and skill of t.~estU0.ent. Every student is req~ired to carry out project individually ondiffer~nt t.opics and project in group will not be considered for evaluation inany case.

2. The Majol' }~roject Work will be carried out in the InstitUte/college itself,where 5tudents are enrolled: It will be the responsibility of the Principal/Director to assign Guide and Laboratory schedule in the beginning of the semesteritself, for all the students. Students will attend college/institute regularly tocoraplete their project work within the period of 4-5 months. ~

3. Fo]1Cl',Ning should be the d~tailed schedule for the Major Project Work, which will:;tart since January: t

I, lase date of allotment of guide, title and lab. scMdule 10th February

n, Last date of receipt of the synopsis of the project

T1.1. r ,,~+a'~,. f' . t fF',."",. '",(; o. recelp 0 Irst progress report of the project

Last date of receipt of Second progress report of the project

28" February

30th March

30" April

V. D~~e,~f:fu.lbm.ission o~ complete project report 30th May;.I,~.~,~~:~,"t~;lOnI~prescnbed format in 4 Hard Bound'" .J1J"~S \,ncludmg one student's co )

( Kind!v ,pe para 5 FO pyCO\ cr'. ~,~,,,. • RMAT OF PROJECT REPORT DISSERTATION - for the fonnat of

t ",,- Jnd CertIficates of the pro;ect report/d' .), IssertatlOnVIr~ .t, LClst date of submission of .' .

VII. exammatIOn form 30th MayDATES OF INTERNAL P . .

. rOJeet Demo /Seminar During 1st to Slh JVnr. EXTERNAL PROJECT EXAM . une

(VahmtiolJ! of Dissertation/ V.' V During 6th to 20th JuneIva oce)


~/ Ij

, /(,f~'. -_ ..••..

Vikram University, Ujjain - BCA Syllabus (w.e.f.- 2013-14 and onwards)

a. Internal Assessment

Only those students will be allowed to appear in external examinations who getsatisfactory remark and certificate of approval of their dissertation from the guide.Satisfactory remark will be given to the students on the basis of attendance duringthe project work, sincerity, regularity, novelty, originality, standard, performanceand timely submission of progress reports & dissertation, satisfactory projectdemonstration and seminar. There will be a seminar and project demonstration of30 Minutes (maximum) on the project work (Roll no. wise) for a student. Thesatisfactory remark will be given to. those students who will demonstrate andpresent their work at satisfaction level of the guide and concerned teachers. Thefollowing factors should also be taken into considerations at the time of Internalassessment and seminar:


Suitable Title and nature of workIts importance /relevanceRole of the students in the projectB:'lsic understanding about the projectAbility to explain the work carried out in the given time limit. Thepresentation should be as per the following guidelines : ( Student maychange the sequence for his/her convenience)



PrefuccEarlier system (if any)Drawback of the earlier system (if any)ConceptSystem HighlightsSystem's strong points (if any)Application areaJ~tsu~e and importance to the company and society (if any)~tudents Role .Any other important things about the systemLimitations (if any )


The pl";:;sentnlionwill be evaluated on considering the following factors:

Presentation StyleCommunication SkillTedmieal contentsRelevanceAbility to handle questions and answers with the participants



Vikram University, Ujjain - BCA Syllabus ( w.e.f.- 2013-14 and onwards)

b. Extemal EX:imi.nation:

(i) After the completion of all the formalities (including internalasscssrnent) of the project work (as per the schedule) and thecerWic3tes in the dissertation must be compulsorily signed by thecompetent authorities/concerned persons, the PrincipaI/I)irector of theCollege/Institute will notify the dates of external examination aftertile consultations of the examiners who are appointed bitheUniversity. The Principal/Director, will have to notify the students tobring 4 hard bound copies of the project report /dissertation, a CDcontaining dissertation/project report/power-point presentation (ppt)end project itself (software developed by the student) for livedemonstration.: .


(ij) The Project report must be submitted in prescribed format andcompulsoriiy comprise of all the 4 certificates (as decided by theboard of studies) and properly signed by the concerned persons. Theproject report/dissertation which will not be in format or notcontaining prescribed certificates will not be considered for evaluationin any case.

(iii) After satisfactory internal assessment as prescribed in para 4a, therewill be an external examination conducted by the external examinersappointed by the University during the scheduled dates (during 6th to20'" June). External examination may comprise the Viva or Seminar,written exam. along-with live demonstration of the project work.

(iv) The Principal/Director of the College/Institute will' make properarnmgement of the Computers, SofJware, LCD Projector etc. for thet:xternal examination.


(v) The examiners will have to be necessarily from the filed ofComputer Science only. It will be the responsibility of thePrincipallDirector to ensure the eligibility of examiners as per theconcerned statute no. 29 of the University.


••I'l\, , "\

Vikram University, Ujjain - BCA Syllabus (w.e.f.- 2013-14 and onwards)


i.Format of Cover Page:



ON<Name of Project Title/ topic name >


<Name of College/lnstitute>


<Name of Student>


~Vikram University, Ujjain


Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree ofBachelor of Computer Application ( B. C. A.)

<submission month & year>


<Name of Guide><Name of the Department>

<Name of the College/institute>



Vikram University, Ujjain - BCA Syllabus ( w.e.f.- 201]- i£\ :lod env.;ards)

ii. Format of the First Certificate (Certificate of the PrincipaI/D;n,c[or)

Certificate of the PrincipaVDirectol'

Reference No . Date: .


~, ,

Project Completion Certificate

This is to certify that Mr. / Ms.... <name afthe student> .... , :;tuucnt of bCA (final

semester) of ... < college /institutename > , has successfuHy ,;ompk!\'d tb: pr<li(;e~

work entitled" ... < "Title of the Project"> under Ow gu!{!:m<.:cof' <: r:Dinz of the

guide> is a bonafide piece of work carried out at < nome of the college/insfitute>.

,11The project entitled < "Title of the Project"> developed by Tvrr./;Us .... < name of tife

student>.... in the college/lnstitute and he/she has put :"t least 200 holB's of

laboratory wOJ;k during the tenure of the project with HH' !~u;dc to r:omplete ,his

project. All the prescribed certificates are attached :lft~r the ('omplctio!1 of aH thl;

formalities of the project work as per schedule, incllldhr; internal hamination.




Signature olPrincipal/DirectorSeal afthe institute

';sI "- (;J(__LZ.Q.Q (~)


Cf?<>r){, 1.,, __ -----



,r._._'L...,. .....~.•.,




Reference No. .. .

Vikram University, Ujjain - BCA Syllabus ( w.e.f.- 201]"1.1

and O!lW~~l'ds)

iii. Fo•.•••t of the Second Certificate (Certifi",,,, of Attend"",,. duly "cu,,,, byconcerned guide and PrincipalJDirector)



I if

Date ..........................

Certificate of Attendance

Th;, ;, to certIfy th.t Mr. I M,. ".<name of ,h"'ude,,! ,.... "ud"", oj'HeA (fi,,,,,

••me"er) of... < callege dnstitu'e name> ... , h" put .t /.,,, 200<'0 on ,r '"'mro'''ywork with the guide to complete this project during tftc stipulaled 1":riOQ of !he

project at ... < college finstitute name> ....




.~ ;....,;:,•...;/"\''-. (

Signature e:l C}uide

Place:Date: . Signature OfPriilC~D[l! /Directol'

Seal uf"the Ins/illile




~" 0LY-.Q-QR2~---"




. -;..--.~~ "'h




\' rlJ.,'-' .

Vikram University, Ujjain - BCA Syllabus ( w.e.f.- 20 13..1.~ and oil'Nards)

v. Format of the Fourth Certificate (APPROVAL i.e. Certificate of appn.lvalsigned by guide and PrincipallDirector of the college/institutl:)

Reference No . Dale



Dissertation Approval Certificatr.;~

This is to certify that Mr. / Ms. < name of the student>, student of BCA (Hn:i!

semester) of ... < college /institute name> ... , has successfully comp~etcdtbe pn.';",';

work entitled " < "Title of the Project"> under my guidaEce. i '1~:'iC ~'<:gubdy

assessed the progress of the work and suggested the con.ecti()nwlH',(:~'ef. n:quirtd.

The student has incorporated all the suggestions pl'Ovided by me in this dissertation.

This dissertation is baonafide piece of. work of the standard of RCA project wcrk ('"\

carried out by the student under my supervision. Intern;,! ('xamin.!tion has heel!

completed in my presence and student's performance was saiisfndory and hence

this dissertation is approved for the submission and valum$ioll th~reof.

Signature of Guide



Signature of Principal/DirectorSeal oflhe Institute

(~t I) - .,-..>-_.QQ 3J

.[;(7 ~./>i ., l.-,../


.'- .,



.~~ '.

..e.~~.•../....:~J .-




/Vikram University, Ujjain - BCA Syllabus ( w.e.f.- 20 13-14,c,rd onwards)

iv. Format of the Third Certificate ( DECLARATION Le, cc,.!mc:;~c 'Jforiginality of work duly signed by guide and student)


I, < name of the student> of < name of the college/institu!c> tkcl,H';: that ;:he

dissertation/project report submitted by me under the gukbnce of < name of the

guide> is a bonafide work for the partial fulfillment of !h" n'q,uir(,rlHllt of th~ HeA

final semester project work. I have incorporated all the suggestioas pnwided by alY

guide time to time.

I further declare that to the best of my knowledge this dissertation con!abs my

original work and does not contain any part of any work whil:h h:<~;been submiHeu .~

for the award of any degree either in this unin.'l'si:y Or' in any "tlwr

university/Deemed university!Institute etc. without p!'()p1~r cltati<JC1 and I sinH be

. fully responsible for any plagiarism found at any stage.


Name & Signature of the guide


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