تايآ 1-3 · 2/1/2016  · the surahs of bani israel, al-kahf, maryam, taha and al-anbiya are...

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3-1 آيات11 ربيع اآلخر 1437


The sequence of the Qura'an is beautiful, with each ayah connecting with the other. No one can make this connection except Allah, the Creator. Hope is connected with the mercy of Allah. The peak of the mercy is ⬇

Indeed, those who have believed and done righteous deeds - the Most Merciful will appoint for them affection.19:96

After Surah Maryam, the main theme of which is the mercy of Allah and the servitude towards Him, comes Surah Taha. This Surah is مكية, revealed mainly in Makkah.

املحور الرئيسيThe main theme of the surah is ↙🔺 Islam is all happiness, no misery at all. It is 100% happiness, and 0% grief. This is very important to know because when you are going through trials, the disbelievers and those with weak faith may taunt you, so you must remember this point. When you take the Deen firmly, Allah will take care of you.

🔺 Allah takes care of those He chooses for da'wah.

🔺 The main story in the Surah is that of Musa it is given with great detail. There are ,عليه السالمdifferent glimpses of his life, starting with Allah talking to him. Allah protects and guards him.

The Surah can be divided into five parts.$ The Qura'an % The story of Musa عليه السالم

& The recompense of those who turn away from the Qura'an' The story of Aadam عليه السالم ( The lesson to be taken from the previous nations

The stubbornness of the mushrikeen is also mentioned.

This Surah is from the ancient surahs.

طهTaha 20:1

الحروف املقطعات اهلل أعلم بمعناها

The surah starts with disconnected letters, only Allah knows their meaning. These letters are from the Arabic alphabet, and it's meaning is one of the secrets of the Qura'an.

The Arabs at the time of the Messenger of Allah صلى اهلل عليه were expert in eloquent language and poetry, yet were not familiar with this form of writing, so it made و سلمthem pay attention to it. These letters were from their language, bug they couldn't bring anything similar to it. They used to have poetic competitions, and the best poem was hung in the Ka'abah. So Allah challenges them ▶ this is your language, but you can't bring anything even remotely resembling the Qura'an.

We have not sent down to you the Qur'an that you be distressed


The Messenger of Allah صلى اهلل عليه و سلم faced many problems from his people, the Quraysh. Before the prophethood, they called him الصادق األمني, the truthful and trustworthy one, and when he received the revelations, they called him a magician, soothsayer, madman. This man, previously well respected, was now mocked and insulted. The disbelievers said that the Qura'an brought him misery.

We see this nowadays too; when someone starts practicing the religion, they are attacked and mocked. This is inspiration from the shaitan. It is as if they are calling the Deen a source of misery.

Allah sent this ayah as a comfort to His prophet صلى اهلل عليه و سلم. He was a human being, and got sad and disturbed because of the dire situations he had to face. Allah revealed the Qura'an in parts, depending upon the situation, and this made it go to the heart.

The Messenger of Allah صلى اهلل عليه و سلم said : بني إسرائيل والكهف ومريم وطه واألنبياء هن من العتاق األول، وهن من تالدي.

صحيح البخاري ، كتاب # 65 ، حديث # 4739The surahs of Bani Israel, Al-Kahf, Maryam, Taha and Al-Anbiya are from the very old surahs which I learnt

by heart, and they are my first property.

When the Qura'an was revealed to the Messenger of Allah صلى اهلل عليه و سلم, he knew it was the truth, and he wanted everyone to know. But when he was opposed by people, this made him sad. We also witness this feeling, when we make dawa'ah to our near and dear, and they don't believe us.


أنزلناThis is evidence that Allah is above the seventh heaven, rose above the throne in a manner suiting His majesty.

عليكThe Qura'an was sent upon the Messenger of Allah صلى اهلل عليه و سلم, he didn't make it.

القرآن The book itself, which consists of ↙🔺 ▶ الطاعة obedience

🔺 ▶ الجزاء recompense

🔺 ▶ األخبار news and stories

You will be recompensed according to your obedience. The Qura'an gives us the curriculum ⏩ the news, the legislations, and the recompense. Our Deen is from a firm source, permanent, stable and unchanging. Other religions are all man made.

لتشقىThe Qura'an will not make you miserable; anything that takes you to Jannah cannot make you sad and tense. If Deen makes you sad, there is something wrong with you, you are not working for Allah, but for people.

You cannot make people believe, you cannot force anyone. Focus on your own job; when you look at the jobs of others, you cross your boundaries, and are miserable. When you do someone else's job, you are also miserable. Insincerity also makes you sad.

Allah didn't send the Qura'an to make you unhappy, this idea is presented by the the followers of the shaitan. If you love Allah, you will love His Deen. It brings complete happiness, no misery whatsoever. It shows you the way of happiness, success, and ease. Misery is connected to difficulty.

The Qura'an is is food for the heart, making you automatically happy, filling your heart with good feelings, making you content, relaxing your body. Fill your system with this information. If you think it brings misery, then you will be miserable. People usually sympathize with you when you practice the Deen, saying you need to take a break, and you must be tired of praying and fasting.

رون رناه بلسانك لعلهم يتذك فإنما يسAnd indeed, We have eased the Qur'an in your tongue that they might be reminded

سورة الدخان 44:58

In life, we run after things, but there is no one at the end. Allah is always waiting for us.

The Qura'an is nourishment for the soul, and comfort for the body. The dunya sucks your energy. Anything rather than Allah makes you tired. If your intention is for Allah, you will never be hired, Allah will give you the strength and energy.

But only as a reminder for those who fear [ Allah ]


When you wait for the results, you are miserable, because people may or may not change. If you force people, they and you are all miserable.

If you are not only reminding, but forcing people, you are miserable and tired. You don't have control or power over others. You may make them change outwardly, but usually cannot control their hearts.

Allah is telling the Messenger of Allah صلى اهلل عليه و سلم, so that we can also learn. Tell them the rules of Allah, but you can't force them.

A reminder is for something already there. The Qura'an reminds us of the consequences of our actions, and the rewards.

The reminder consists of two kinds. 🔺 To the one who knew, but became busy with life, forgot and became heedless. The information was buried. So the Qura'an is مثاني, oft repeated, so that the reminder comes in different manners.

🔺 Informing someone of the details of something they knows and are not heedless of it. For instance, we know about the Sirat, but the details are forgotten, so you remind.

The reminder can be for different reasons. 🔺 To encourage with the reminder, reminding of the rewards.

ر ر إنما أنت مذك فذكSo remind, [O Muhammad]; you are only a reminder

لست عليهم بمصيطرYou are not over them a controller

سورة الغاشية 88:21-22

🔺 To warn them of the consequences of their behaviour. 🔺 To remind about the commands and the prohibitions.

The reminder is not for the ignorant.

Everyone has different levels for the test of dunya. Allah will account you according to what you know. The ones who are successful are those who had knowledge about Allah.

التذكرة وظيفة الرسولReminder is the job of the prophets

Nuh عليه السالم made dawa'ah for 950 years, and only about 80 people believed at the time of the flood. Does that make him a failure?? The benefit of the reminder depends on the heart of the person. The more fear you have of Allah, the more you will benefit from the reminder. It doesn't depend on the style of the daee, or the words. The more taqwa you have, the more you will benefit. Success depends upon your knowing Allah. You have to initiate the fear of Allah's disobedience in your Heart, that He is Ar Raqeeb, the Ever Watchfull. He is always watching your heart.

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