amorc and koreshanity (1932).pdf

7/27/2019 AMORC and Koreshanity (1932).pdf 1/3

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7/27/2019 AMORC and Koreshanity (1932).pdf 1/3

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7/27/2019 AMORC and Koreshanity (1932).pdf 2/3

Community Cu1


•5) fax -Irendt

A HE ELECTION in Florida was rather unexcit-

I ing. the pressi ng issues hav ing been decided inthe June primaries. Principal interest cen

tered around the national contest. General

isfaction is felt w ith the res ult in this section,

nvever, because of the dry sentiment in Florida, the

(nocratic victory in the state was not so great pro-

rtionalely as it was in non- demo crat ic stat es. The

ting in Lee County and Estero was light, due, no

ibt, to the certainty of democratic success, also the

II tax. which kep t man y from v otin g. The newly

eted Governor of Florida, David Sholtz, promised to

olish the poll tax.

After a visit of several weeks with friends in Fort

•ers and at the Unity, Mrs. Alex McKay returned her home at Lakeland. Br oth er Allen Andrew s,

•ompanied by Brother Theodore Naeselius, drove to

keland to take Mrs. McKay to her home. We were

ased to have her with us for the celebration of the

.ar Festival.

Brother Charles Hunt continues to improve in

dth and we expect him to be up and around soon to

oy the out-of-doors.

A number of us attended a talk by Opie Read,

nous author and lecturer of Chicago and Howey-in-

-Hills, Florida . While his ta lk was in favo r of the

uiidaey of W. J. Howey for Governor, it was more

aries of droll, highly amusing stories than a political

a* A fea tu re of his talk was the fine person al

>ute which he paid to the unparalleled tropical beau-

:d this section of Fl orida,— in all his tra vel s he had 

'er seen anythi ng to equal it. Natu rally , we agreeh him.

It is not often that we are bothered by thieves, but

ently several of them broke one of the plate glass

idows ot the store building and stole a small quan-

°t goods and cash. Br oth er David Ri chards , whose

nters are above the store, was awakened by the

v>iers and by means of a ruse s cared the bu rg la rs

ly ’ escaped in a t ruck and because of the late-s of the hour, pursu it by the a uth ori ties was notsilJe.

1other Allen Andrews, accompanied by Sister 

‘once Graham and Lynn Russell, drove to Miami

oily wood to at tend the Flo rid a S tate Pres s Asso-

i,,h c°nvention at Hollywood, Florid a. The pa rtyl,ned by way of West Palm Beach and Clewiston.

Hends who recently visited us here were: Miss

‘l Pierce, Mrs. Je an nie Mill er, Miss Cla ra Angell,^UsbiHg; famjiyj all of Fort Myei.s; Mr. and Mrs.

•j. ^ewis of Evergla des ; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kay

arnPa; Mr. Harold Thomas of Sussex, England;

^ ^ rs. E. L. Rasmussen and Miss Martha SikesG a b l e s : H p n w n n rl F ln v H MorpUinrl n f -\lvs>

The light plant has been out of commission for 

several weeks pending the arrival of parts to replacethose th at were broken. The plan t is in operati on


Mrs. A. L. Camphausen and Miss Elin Lindbergh

have returned from a trip of several months in the

 Nor th. Mrs. Edith M. Jo hnst on of Minneapoli s, Min

nesota, returned with the Tea Garden ladies and will

remain in Estero for an indefinite stay.

Mrs. B. S. Boomer (Sister Berthaldine) cele

 brat ed her eigh ty -second birthday on No vemb er 12,

the good wishes of her fellow members and many

friends being abundant and assured. Sister Berthal

dine is one of the pioneers in the Koreshan Cause, and 

its followers can only feel greatly indebted to her for her service to the movement and wish her well.

The Sunday evening services which were resumed 

with the celebration of the Solar Festival were sus

 pe nded during th e pe riod th at th e ligh t pl an t wa s

 be in g overha uled . They will be resu me d again now

that the plant is in operation.

Our readers will be interested to learn that the

Rosicrucian Brotherhood (Amore) at San Jose, Cali

fornia, is extensively advertising a course of lessons in

“Arcane Cosmology” which treat on the inside theory

of the universe. Some months ago, in answ er to a

request, permission was granted this organization to

 pro mul ga te th e ce llular the ory on condit io n that pr op

er credit be given to K o r e s h   for all Koreshan ideas

and material used. In its statem ents and advertisi ng

matter the Rosicrucian Brotherhood mentions that its

findings are based on the research work of  K o r e s h   and 

others. We are informed that the course contains

much materia] developed independently of Koreshan

sources, for which we can not vouch. We feel, how

ever, that any effort along the iines of challenging the

Copernican system of astronomy is a step in the right

direction and can do no harm . Koreshan Universology,

in which is embraced the Cellular Cosmogony, is a

complete whole. Rea son ing from the fixed point of the earth’s concavity every truth of universal being

can he deduced, as K o r e s h   has demonstrated in his

writ ings. The Cellular Cosmogony leads to definite

conclusions about all departments of life; these definite

truths are part of the whole and must be considered 

as seriously as the contour of the earth’s surface.

Concavity is a universal fact and is destined soon to be

universally accepted. “Ko reshanity is the tru th of  all  things involved in one great system of scientific con

ception and application to all  the affairs of the human

race,” stated  K o r e s h .

The Unity nursery recently sold three fine crotons

to Mrs. A. W. Iglehard t of Fo rt Myers. The Unityrl l o n l o i r r\ F i f A n n •* I 1 «*» »r«4 l-w r 4- nt-* 4 1-,

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Community Current EventstVdr / . Iu ntil 

BT1E ELECTION in Florida was rather unexcit

ing’. the pressing issues having been decided in 

the June primaries. Principal interest cen

tered around the national contest. General 

sal is Iaction is felt with the result in this section. 

However, because of (he dry sentiment in Florida, the 

democratic victory in the state was not so great pro

portionately as it was in non-democratic states. The 

voting in Lee County and Estero was light, due, no 

doubt, to the certainly of democratic success, also the  

poll tax which kept many from vo ting. The newly 

elected Governor of Florida. David Sholtz. promised to 

abolish the poll tax.

After a visit of several weeks with friends in Fort  

Myers and at the Unity, Mrs. Alex McKay returned  

to her home at Lakeland. Brother Allen A ndrews, 

accompanied by Brother Theodore Naeselius, drove to 

Lakeland to take Mrs. McKay to her home. We were 

pleased to have her with us for the celebration of the  

Solar Festival.

Brother Charles Hunt continues to improve in 

health and we expect him to be up and around soon to enjos the out-of-doors.

A number of us attended a talk by Opie Head,  

famous author and lecturer of Chicago and Howey-in- 

the-Hilis, Florida. While his talk was in favor of the 

candidacy of W. J. Howey for Governor, it was more 

a series of droll highly amusing stories than a political 

plea. A feature of his talk was the fine personal 

tribute which he paid to the unparalleled tropical beau

ty of this section of Flor ida,— in all his travels he had never seen a n y t h i n g to equal it. Naturally, we agree 

with him.

It is not often that we are bothered by thieves, but  

recently several of them broke one of the plate glass 

windows of the store building and stole a small quan

tity of goods and cash. Brother David R ichards, whose 

quarters are above the store, was awakened by the 

prowlers and by means of a ruse scared the burglars 

away; they escaped 111 a truck and because of the late

ness of the hour, pursuit by the authorities was not 


Brother Allen Andrews, accompanied by Sister 

Florence Graham and Lynn Russell, drove to Miami 

and Hollywood to attend the Florida State Press Asso

ciation convention at Hollywood, Florida. The party 

returned by way of West Palm Beach and Clewislon.

Friends who recently visited us here were: Miss 

Lydia Pierce. Mrs. Jeannie Miller, Miss Clara Angeli, 

the Hi shiny family, all o f Fort M yers; Mr. and Mr.-,. 

Frank Lewis of Everglades; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kay 

of Tampa: Mr. Harold Thomas of Sussex, England; 

Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Rasmussen and Miss Martha Sikes  

of Coral Gables: Henry and Floyd Moreland of Alva, 

and Harold Moreland of Fort Myers.

The light plant has been out of commission for 

several weeks pending the arrival of parts to replace 

those that were broken. The plant is in operation 


Mrs. A. L. Camphausen and Miss Elin Lindbergh 

have returned from a trip of several months in the 

North. Mrs. Edith M. Johnston of Minneapolis, Min

nesota, returned with the Tea Garden ladies and will 

remain in Estero for an indefinite stay.

Mrs. P». S. Boomer (Sis ter B erthaldine) cele

brated her eighty-second birthday 011 November 12, 

the good wishes of her fellow members and many  

friends being abundant and assured. Sister Bertha l

dine is one of the p ioneers 111 the Koreshan Cause, and 

its followers can only feel greatly indebted to her for  

her service to the movement and wish her well.

The Sunday evening services which were resumed 

with the celebration of the Solar Festival were sus

pended during (lie period that the light plant was 

being overhauled. They will be resumed again now 

that the plant is in operation.

Our readers wil l Lie interested to learn that the 

Rosicrucian Brotherhood (Amort) at San Jose. Cali

fornia, is extensively advertising a course of lessons in 

"Arcane Cosmology" which treal on the inside theory 

of the universe. Some months ago, 111 answer to a 

request, permission was granted this organization to promulgate the cellular theory on condition that prop

er credit be given to IvORESH for all Koreshan idea: 

and material used. In its statem ents and adv ertis ing  

matter the Rosicrucian Brotherhood mentions that its 

findings are based on the research work of  KORESH and 

others. We are informed that the course contains 

much material developed independently of Koreshan 

sources, for which we cannot vouch. We feel, how

ever, that any effort along the lines of challenging the 

Copernican system of astronomy is a step in the right 

direction and can do no harm. Koreshan Univorsology, 

in which is embraced the Cellular Cosmogony, is a complete whole. Reasoning from the fixed point of  

the earth’s concavity every truth of universal being  

can be deduced, as K o r E S H has demonstrated in his 

writings . The Cellular Cosmogony leads to definite 

conclusions about all departments of life: these definite  

truths are part of the whole and must lie considered 

as seriously as the contour of the earth’s surface. 

Concavity is a universal fact and is destined soon to be 

universally accepted. “Koreshanity is the truth of  all  

things involved in one great system of scientific con

ception and application to  nil  the affairs of fhe human 

race," stated KORESH.

The Unity nursery recently sold three fine erotonx 

to Mrs. A. W. lgleha rd l of Fort Myers. The Unity 

display of erotons is one of the largest and best on the  

West Coast.