amicus-5742134 - library and archives canada€¦ · l vil go the romedy orat adoptcd in ireland,...

A LETTE R ►► . .rll F ` BIL4 I+(JIt . QUIETINCI TI'T'Lr ;S TO YtI- .AIj Fs'l'A'I'L : IN UYNEU . .CANAllA , ~ AI I ltY .NNM : i •r ►► Tlit: HON . JOHN A . MACDONALD , ATTORNICY•(IiCS KRAI. F'Q R U PPF:R ('ANAI A , NY T111S . •r, . HON . OLIVER MO W I .ATkI .Y M1' .I' . FOR AOt"l'M tINTAfV + T 1 <1 T~ : 1'KINTKP AT VIN (ILhMM "MAN J( P AN" 2H RIN11 BfRKKT KAN

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►► . .rll F





AI ► I ►ltY.NNM: i ► •r ►► Tlit:



NY T111S. •r,.


I .ATkI.Y M1' .I' . FOR AOt"l'M tINTAfV+ ►


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. 4

'l'0 'I'lll~', 110N . 10 11N A . MACI)UNAt,1) ,

~ltlur~► r ► -(: ►~ ►►cr ►► l ►r lI i k~r Uun~xcl~

~ÎY 1)1:Alt i~llt,--

I ana very glnd to know that the Bill for Quieting'Citles is to ho carricci rthroukh Parliament this Session amit 0overniuent mea ur«r ' A s I have. tak6n p,►roat interes tin the subject to wh cl~ ibis Bill relates, a~cl hai►o given to .it conpiderablo n ntta tio, it has occurreqlierhaps facilitate your work a littlo byof the ovi1s which the Bill was designed

nai6that I maytating my view

meet, and ofthe nicth0d by which th e Bill proposes to ro n vo them .

When i first introduced UT Bill you were ood onouAhto express your arprnv-ftl of i`ts principlo and obj (§ct, andto go over its clauses with nio very carefully and to àug-gest to somo of th eun qniendnientK which1 ► IeaKiire in adopting .

I had grcat

The Bill as it now stttnds has tlnis' had the'varefu l rE+vi m ion by ynitî~Kelf. Foy,tho originalof the Bill I frankly confess that- I arn entitl eticular rrr.dit . My 1)roft~oAional practico ha (

i»nofit of qration

) par-I nzy

attention to the groat and growing evil of tinof our, Titles, and my reading had brought t ol vi l go the romedy Orat adoptcd in Ireland , aftcupon iri, AuHtralia; Now Zealand, and elsewhere,

insec uritymy k ow-ards a trcland la ly

► ip l ► lied , t o ha ► Klr ►nil itself. _ W hat I have do»ea is tjdrafts niau's work of adapting laws alroaay in forco in oth

1 0


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countries to the circumstançevanll requirements of this. . , .section of our own Province

. The leading objects of the Bill are to give greater cer-

tainty to Titles ; to facilitate the proof of thom ; to expedite

transferK ; and generally to render dealir.ig with real'pro-

perty more siniplo and less expeneive, Everybody isinterested in these important objecta, for everybodk eithe

r owns property now, or hopes to do so some day. _~ The insecurity of Titles, which it is the purpose the

• . Bill to remove, has often been the occasion of the gre tes t

possible hardship and suffering to individuals and fa ni-

Iies ; and facility of transferring real estate, which it is theintention of the Bill promote, is of the greaf,est importanceto a free country, and particularly, to a young country, like

Canada., ~The method by' which the ~Bill

.proposes to accomplish

its design is by rendering Titles indefeasible wheneverthey have been submitted with this special object tothe orlleal of a judicial inveatigatW~i and their validity

has in this way beQn • ascertained . This investigation

is not to be compulf##y on owners, . but the proposalis that an owner shak have the right to have theinvestigation made if he Oooses, and though there

may P00,110 adverse claixne,ut . On his establishing MU.JTitle,• after due inquiry and every precaution by th eCburt ag4inst error or 'fraud, it is proposed that theowner gha11 receive a Certificate of Title ; and that suchCertificatelshall operate as a new starting point in his title ,

and àhall- be conclusive at Law and in Equity against allthe~worlli that at the time mentioned in the Certificat e

--- belonged to the person it names. 'l'henceforwarcl

when the'ôNi4 sells or mortgages, an intending purchaser

or mortgagee will only have to - search for conveyances or

incumbranc" subsequent to the Lertlficate--the work of

perhaps five minutes or less . .,

Page 4: amicus-5742134 - Library and Archives Canada€¦ · l vil go the romedy Orat adoptcd in Ireland, aftc upon iri, AuHtralia; Now Zealand, and elsewhere, insec urity my k ow-ards a

-As the Law st ds now an owner may have an undispu

ted , and indisp~able Title ; it may be easy for himto-day to prov every "deed ~ and every fact an which

his Title cl6pe ds ; but it dozen years hence the case

may be quite lifferont . Th,~ proof may then be diffi-cult, expensive and perhaps Iimpossiblo ; witnesses whose

testimony he needs may b~ deacl ; or if alive, it may

ho impossible to find theYn ; or if found, they may bewhore the procass of our Courts cannot reach them, andwhere therefore their eviclence camnot be compelled. Or,

if _these difficulties do not arise, other's may . In a dozen

years witnesses may forget important fact~ ; or some of thepapqrK on which the Title depends, may be mislaid or losl,and there may be the greatest poeiible trouble in tracing

theni, or proving by satisfactory eviclence their loss and

their contents. The Bill proposes to give to every owner the-

riRht, if, he chooses, of . producing his proofs now; a~l d if

they are clear and satisfactory, of being relievôd forQverafterwards from the necessity of producing them .

When an owner has occasion to prove his Title at law,this only gives him the opportunitÿ of showing the I'


title. An action at law seldom touches the question of the

equitable .Title, or of equitable interests in the „propQrty ;

and whatever such an action decides is bindina on theparties to the suit only and affects no one else. The evi- .

dAnce mnst, be forthcoming, and may have to be repeatedin évery suit with., evuryone who at aiay future time setsuh a claim to the property .

Thon again many of the flaws on which a Title is de-feated are such as, if known in time, could be - easily

and cheaply remedied ; but are beyond remedy whenthe property becomes Valuable enough to tempt the

-cupidity of, tho»e who are entitled Ro take advantage

of the defects that are discovored ; or the original party tothe transaction may then be dead and his heirs may be

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minors or needy, and fpr .. those or other reason unabl

edead; or persons may not have bv4n dead or not have bee n

So persons supposed to be all the children and co-heirsunder the now law, may only be some of the children ;persons may not be dead who were supposed to b e

quently ascertained not to have been eldest son and heir. '

wrong conclusion is corne to in reference to tlem.Then questions ~ of identity and questions rel4ting to

possible claims for dower have sometimes leen overlookedby former purchasers, and invol~v-e considerable perplexityin 'subsequent investigations.

Again; persons dealt with as legitimate, sométimes turnout not to haNve been legitimate ; or ' a person wh~"has éon-veyed as eldest son and heir undorAhe old law, is subse-

have to bédet"ined, as to .thô construction of deeds,and still oftener as to the construction Uf ' wills . C?eca-gionally difficulties of this clam entirely escape atten-tion when a Title is investigated, and at other times û

id mief{~r~tr hate not been wautin fi. tBut so~aetin es much more difficult questipns than these

anot er ? Even in regard to these ordina questions that!ioc on almo®t . every title, examples of ~misinformatio n

the wi esses eubscribe their names in th presence of oné,,time of ing his Will? Was it read oer to hinli ? 1)icfevery test r pos8ess the requisitïa mental capacity at ,th eof the Acta ecting married women conïplied with ? Did

Have all the forms required by the Statute been observeclin the registration of them ?Ware a ll the reqûiremonts

gage . - Are the doeds 'ana wills through which the titlo istraced, genuine Instruments ? or have any of thom ~ beenfqrgod or tampered with ? Were tlîclÿ all duly oxecut©d ?

a't'lo prior to making it purchase or accepting a~ mort-A

All sorts of questions have to .bo consiclorecl in lciok'i'rg int. osions which rendor• the titlo defectivo .or unwilling to correct or overlook thomistakeH r omis-

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- . ,

_--.~_ -~''-~ • -


the rogistr~wtion of births, deaths and znttri i~ ►gos, a~lil tlae

~ want of. aliÿ has cioiitad much inconvenieuçe.

.• - . `,.

born attli© dates suppused, and on wliich important rights(1ohond ; persons may have beon a1i~ns who wero-RUhhmgudto bo I3ritircL Kuhje~~ts, or may have 1~eo~1~T3ritish KuhjE~etr~'Who wore Ku1)1xoHedo be tilionrs ; and porHons 7na,y liiivo l►ben ,,-

tLbsent from the cinintry whon tlicS" StrtituteK (if Limitabic ►~cc;4" ~►wero suhl~smôd tciliavo cpic.rlonccd.running against thc+plror may have been in thcjl'roviplco fSeforo the Statutes were

,Nupposcjd 'to i.t~vo ,beguri thoir opelatiion ili barring tlieir,

rights.There are even some causei4,,of clifiicult,y, ! delay and'

oxponse in the case uf, wCauadian '1'itles-, which (lo not

~o 1Xiblt to the HaIYIe QXttlnt hn ~ Z' nqland . . . I • .Thus i0e llavo not hitl.terto'hrid any coi~ipleto system for

Agairi~oui populatidn is leHij, stationary, thail. that of

f -Eurcipo. A mûchGreat Britain, or of the old eountr•ie~ ~

sin:4ior 1)roportion of our peo:p'old country, remain ~aorniU,much larger prûpc~rtic~ii,owncriihip of latld,yr~efeotirig the ow~r~aLip ,they wer9-kriôwn at tnitop~t~ther:, Nativfor a time llexq, ctralia, New 'Z

~American Rof tr:~,cin~;and profound


i n,~imll,i's thi~ case ln n~ ,1y iu one place ; and a

ter' being concerned in th eg .witnesaes to transactions af-

ave tll4 part di the country where

time, and perhaps leave the country 'Canadians, or those who liave~lived

e to be found in British Columbia, Aus-rnland, and ~robably every State of theublic. The difficulty .from this cause alone

Itnexses or former owners, and of ascertaining ,ng the death oflleirK and devisees, is sometime a

be very sorioue,'~ n a~ain,Canadiati Titles have, in many iriFjtancés, to 1

rckled through persons , resic linu in Great Britain

t~ou~h 1)o©dr~ und Wills exoc;utg& thora ; and tllrough

heirs who were born tllero, .and who married and died there .

/ .~~~o from time to time it happons that births, deaths and

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marriages which have taken place in the various Statesof the Americun 1.i.ePublic,. or iii tlio other British Pro- . .vinceK on this Continent, or in Australia, or -in the coun-Crics of Continental Europe, form assential links in a Titlé .

' '[t is opWious that the difficulty of Kaarching for such facts,and' then of ciataUlic4hing them, must sometimes be ver y

-tion of our. cities, towns and villages, divided,into buildiRg

l,ns~~rrc ; an4 as the law stando now, no reasonable cautionand no ijoderato expense :can make such a,Title entirelysecure. q - '., ATgaint in this country large blocks of, farming land oftendevend on a single Title ; or a farm lot is, in the forma-

great; éven when the events are, eomparatively recent ;but when they occurred niany years ago, thè difficultyiniiy `aniount to`anjmpôssibilitÿ. Ev©ry Tit1o dependingon such ovents,, becomes lesK nafe with every year -that ,

to aft~rd any protection whatever ; we eeci ethi,ngany, of the questions I have spoken of, it ~annRt be sai d

lotts''; and a flaw in the Title of one of thqse who ownedthe" property before the division * of it, destrôya theTitle not of one person only or of one . family only, butof many persons and manÿ families .

It often happens too that the original Title is in suchenees less aa:refully examined than if 'there had been no sub-division, and one person was buying all . Parties appear tothirik that a weak Title acquires strength by the number ofperspns who hold by it or everybody assumes that hisneighbour has examined t e Title and found it correct, andlie trusts to this aupposed .:,investigation in avoidthe expense of an indepenident investigation of . his own. .Were there an easy method for obtainin an indefel~sibleTitle, no one would think of sub-dividing~i his land withoutiirmt obtaining a Cer`tificate of Title

. Our Registry law has, boyond alï controversy, been o fimmense advantage to the country ; and y~t ip regard to

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to supplement its provisions before our Titles cap 'bavethe reliability 'which it is very desirable they shoûlci pos-

sess. The Registry law in fact provides for but one sourceof danger to a purchaser, namely unknown r.onveys,nces

affecting the property.. It affords littte or uo aicl in aHcer-taining the validity of conveyances, the proper construc-tion of deeds and wills, or any events affecting, Title other-v6iae• than by 'written fnstrnments ; or in supplying the

future proof of such events . These thingFS may be of greatermoment to an int@nding purchaser, than the possibility ofthere being some Deeds affeeting the property of which,but for the Registry law, he would not have known. In factour people have been in the habit of trusting too much :tqthe Registry, and have in consequence neglected to preservetheir Dee dkas carefully as prudence required . The Registrylaw haa not hitherto required a memorial of the whole Deed> .

to be registered ; and the Deed may consequently have con-tai~ied oonditions,provieione and trusth, of which the memo-

rial►givea no information .- All that the Statute requires,thememorial to state is, the date of the Deecl, the names of theparties and of the witnesses, and the description of theproperty. Even the estate or interest conveyed, need not

be mentioned. There may therefore be an interest underaRegietered Deed which does not appear in the memorxal ;

and a man may have an interest as (for example) a mortga-

gor, remainder ma,n, reversioner, or .cestui qui t'rust, withoutany intimation of this being given by the memorial . Mort-

gages have often been registtred as absolute coiiveyances . -

If the new Registry Law which the Government has in-troduced should prevent this mèthod of registering instru-ments for the future, the changé will have no effect on past

transactions . ..

.It is a further serious inconvenience connected with our .

existing system, that if a purchase is effected or a loangranted after` an investigation which satisfies the Soli-


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citc ►r ,. cjl ►zl ►luyuli that the 'l'itlc ► .ix gl ►i► ll, the whl)lu ill-vorltig ► ltit)ll lins tl ► 1 ►o t;c ►Iw uve?r' ilg iltit• lll ► l)Il

./'\ • et,ÿ fre Hlt

t .ratt ;tilc ti o ► n ' in rufl,rt+nr.e, to tllu j ►r, ►rln•t.y ;' and a titluthat w ► t s satisfactory to one lawyer may not 1 ► u :{ltti :3-

' c ►f 1 ► rufu,;rsi1111t1 skill Ilutl k 1l(') w1 Vllt;l+, Illlcl Itll l4-t;tTe,y O f

f,lrtc ►ry tl ► , LL'uc ►tlll,r ; ►i,K Lilulitit; ItmyrrK tltet•u ► Lrv, llll ell,Krhua

1 ► rllllv ncu rtitlll l+itltil ►11, ItK well its of ex lujrielirv . ]3t,r+itlt4 c ,the ►illlest Llrltl iuu.'t cniltil ►u :'{ lnwyur u ►► Ly cu!rtl74il ►ulklly 1 ► 11><ko16 Slip or uve)rIul)k it tlo fl' c t which an ilifltril)r man may 11A1 ►-

1 ►o li tia 1il)tl!c t . ~1 ► intltilJtrli, tllrtt,furl~, •()1111 Lil ► li c itt ► l' tillllH it~ . ~ , , . • . . .• . .

''J'' . 7y _. .,~11It7 1% 111CI1 II11l1Llll'l' IitIICILI ►r 1jllH•

e,vt,ly uve ltt tlllbt affects the ll W lu+rKltill, inV re'16`il,H the l,Vil ;

ft ►r tl ►n luuru culll P1il•att,ll IL 'CitlO is, tl ► t, nic ► t•u ltllluurl ► llatlt ( , links in tllt ► • vlllliu ► irt,, tllu grt,lltl, r i s the O ► lulc•u l) r it

muent tllttt is t, xe i:lltull, uvery tra tlswl,tiull t l lllt tl k ke,ri 1 ►11 WO ,

I ► irtllre, ►inll all l ► tll .~r e,vl`ilty 14tltwtiu};'.t'itlt,w. l; v'e t .y inKtru-wills, 1 ►ull r;littluu e+lltri,' as .~vl~ll Ltis 1 ►y llt~lttlil+, t ► lut•ril ►ge,s ,

1 ►t,(,t ►Illiug lllt ► l'Cl L6Llll lut ► ru c111111 ►lil't6tuli 1 ► v M1i1t - N, Illl ► rt~Itm

1 ►e l ►rrt frulll the ul ► vil ► tln fact that vvt+l•y yt, ;ir utlr 'l'i des are,it, and of tltt,rt~ I ►rinn no llul,tvit ► l ►assillg it, furf,lll,r a l ► -

'l'lll+ ll os irnl ► l e lluss uf Kllt•lt Lt`ulemsut l, ots % ,()If have l)rullt;litifor general l)ritictitiuut ► rrl in C;;lu i itll t tl ► givl,I tu it .

lli ►+tint•t l ►raurh of 1 ►r4ess i, ► lt 'L l 1 ► r 1lt,til, 1 +, 101d 'bas reviiiwd

it cll ►~rr ( , t ► f cari-ful ►Lttt~utiu ► t ~vllil•ll it is ul ) t I ►ul~yil ►Î u

C i111 a llIL, but I ll l';Ilg litlld Idw ► , w Ill,l•t1 C/)11 vetylllil ;lll g 14 it

lllllinl ' lt l iutl Ir,tiS riC ll ; iE~tc1 this is tllt+ cltiM , tiwt only il l

+ tlliHtllkl, 1 ►t,itlr; ut;tell, in INiviliill g lll ►ull it, the g rv;ltur tl ►u

c lil6ltv l ; of tlt e e•U 1 ► c'iu~ Nunllf tl ;b~~• whil~ll it ilt ►►y 1 ►u llilliclll t

OF iull ► c ►sKil,lu III, tilt) til wu tu llt,tel,t, Ilull the greater tli o •• cllittlCO Of tl ►u 1 ► rt ► l)f►s rllTt+sKal.y to) l+r►tltl ►lisll tlle ► 'l'itlt+, 1 ►vitl g

lclst, or - for rcuultl rlilziutl not ul ► t,lill,ll ► lo, wlll~tl ut,t,lll~~l .l ;vt,ll , the . ntt► ru llll ►su of tiluo 11l1t il it is lun ., v nuu g l ► tog iv,u it titlu by 1 ►u ► +HUre siuu, but rel+rve,K to c lll ► tiuc,l+ thellluut;e r, through the tlt+l ►tll of H•itllrHr+t"s , or tlluir fllrKl4ful-l~usl; ur li_1w-reculle+etil,ll of flictH, and c ►tlwr 6ullrlucl . With• ~ ~ -. , ,

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.I ! 1

titul ► IV•ulitI't•ty i s iurrViiKit ►g ill ~ ztlu ► + ; tl ►►, iutl ►uctuu« ► ►►fthu'l'itl ►► l ►Vitit; ttttitul ► i+tICItitil ► lV, iS' ► tttgtuVtttittg ; uud , yet withtittke,• utttil tilt) 1 ►erio ► l Of l ►ccr;ct•il ► ti ► itt,,iN ►tctti ►tlly rett ► •1 ►► -411

i ► tipp itlcrv ► tH ► l ► 1 cutuj ►licltti►►tt and ittcre ► }Kc ► 1 ► lu ►► gt+r .l'rupo rty tuuru frc ► luetttly ►•ltit ►tg ► .s ltrut ► IK in ( ;iti ► 's ► tt ► d

'l' ►►wuy tlt ►ttt in tlto u ►ttl ttt I ► c ►~scttt, the evils wlticl ►tl ► u 13i11 is ► 1esil;ti~e ► l to t•eittm•c, ►tro gre,tt61. in tl ►►► fin-1114-1,

talait ill tlt ►► latter. For tl ► u'r;itut ►+ reitsuu tl ►e.N . Itt• ►►gr ► -rtt ► + ►• ill 010180 1 ►31•k Of tilt) Cutt ► ttry WIti ►-11 ltM-0 1 ►► • ► - ►►1On}; settÎ*(- ► l, Litait i11 tltmw i11 w1 ►icIt tlt ►► lands ltmv but, i ► -

cc,utly l,eun 1 ►► ttettt ► + ► l . • 1u ►1e ► A t ; ►►► it ► , c ►► ttvuyttuuecK Of grv,tt0`I ►►~t•i~~ltt- ►+ lut~• ►► cxl ► t• ►~s, ►~tl tltu ul ► ittiutt tl ► ~tt, tttul ► ~s~s ►t r ►~tt ►► ~-► l~ is f► nut ► l, t,l ►c r ►► N%•ill tt ►►t iu ► t f ►+w y ► , ttrt♦ 1 w tt ► ttttY nt ► tt•ke tIt-1 ► I ►+ '.I'itley iu tl ► is .l ►►trt ►► f t1141 c ►► tt ►► try . - Tito evil is vet•t,tit ► l}•ittere,4s iut; ,tu ► 1 11t11 .4t iuct•vusu evet,yw1 ► ere, 11111 il ►► ur'l'itlvs1 ►► +rut110 IN C ►► tI tl ►lir ;ttu ► l, ► turl tl ►►+ i ►► VV ; ► t it ;iit.iu ►t Of tl ►► + t ► (w,

l,rC01110 .14 ity uxl ►t,tlyi%-V, ► ts itt l;ttt;l ► tttd it.ti ►,4. TlivFe' t,lt ► +i ►► v ►+Sti);,tti ►►rt ttKu ► tlly tuVVttl ►iVx tu ►► tttltK' ; ► tit ► l it 11, 1 ► 1 W ► trrifr►► tu ()Ili, litw 1 ►uuk:{ t ltitt, t ►►;i y ► + ► tt•Kam l vvett t ► tr ► r ►► ltrtv ► , S ►►tuv- •~tituert 1 ►v ► - t ► r+l ►► -ttt ill ytt ►tking uttt ►t'l'itl~' . l) ►T ► trii ►► t ►all,}• atlS Otlt ►+ ex1 ►otdo It ►ts t ► t+,trly e ► ttutllr ► l tltt+ 1 ► ttt•(,,1t ► t4t) tu ►► tt ► ,,} ; ►► It ►►inrit ►► t ►ct+ is t,t ►.+ ► tti ►►ttr ► 1 by Lord St. I,vutt ► ti• ► lr► ill wI ► icIt itV ► +n ► 1 ►► t• gave tltu 1 ► rul ►erty t ►► ► t 1 ►ttrcltits ►Ic for tu ►tl ► it ► ~;, uttrutt ►liti ► ut Of t,110 I ► tirt•It,tHr.r'rt rClit+Vi ►tg ltiut ft•0111 0110 part,►► f tltu ► ~~1 ►► ~t ►~t~a uf tl ►► , iu~ ► ~ :tti~;,tli ►► tt, tt,tutt~ly tlt,tt uf l'tu ►► iKlt-ittg c ►► 1 ► i ►►s ►► f tltu'l'itlu 1)ee ► lrt . Ott tlw t ►ti ►► 1 t• Ituu ► l, tilt! v,trli<<t•

ill it (%uluttry'K ltist, oty tlt,it 84 ► i1 ►► , ►;yst ► +i ►i is ► t ► 1 ►► 1 ► tc ► l for };iv-ittg cttt•tuittty tt ► 'l'itlvK, tlt ► a ► ±itsivr,i :; tlt.t, t ► t :ik, att ► l tit ► , ntc ► tv(Iili+CAu ► tl ttru tl ►► i tu0 ► titri Whiclt it is 1)t•otCtic ►tl ► I ►► to ttil ►► t ► t .

'I'Itf+ tt•tttl ► is, tlt ► tt ttu(l0r tl ►► +' I ;itgli ►at ►+.}'~Ittu ► t (WliiCl ► is ► tlr ►u►►urH) theru ►►r ►, ill it l ►trl;et• atvi ► tl ►er ►►f cases tit ► ttt Iw ►►ul ► 1likt ► to ► lur+iKtt ►ttu, nu ttue ►ins 1 ►y,wlticlt ,tuy t ►u ►► . wIte ► t lt ►►1 ►uyK it 1 ► it±etruf 1 ►r ►► l ►rrt,y wtlvtiH ho 1 ►uyta frein tlw (,'r ►► wu,01t11 ht► nl ►rtulittely certititt that It ►► is ;;vttiu}{ it a ►►►►► 1 'I'itl ►► .E voti if 1tiK, (irtint ►n. was tilt) l'ittutttvi► ltt, tu ►iy ttt ►t-l ►t, per. v

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" 12

feotly safo, for there may have been a prior patent of the

namcj lot to another perHOn, or the Patent to the Orantormay have boon iHt►utul through Kc ►nio frûucl or miHttzkowhich, on juNt }{rounciH, may invaliclat© it . So it Halo inChancery is only c ►nforccui if the 'I'itle ► on investigationi► I ► 1 ► e►arH good ; but Avon this IIIvUHtlKatll) ► l, as the law nowWtAndm, c1oeH not Kiv~o 1 ►carfc+ut Hc ►c,urity, and in Englandthc►re are in the 1 ►o< ►ka inHtaucc+H of N'l'itlu ohti ► inc ►ci under

'a (`h ►u ►uAry sale, being t ► ftc ►rwarciH HuccuHHfully iml ►c,acheclfrom Hc ►nm ► unexl ►uctucl quarter .

..I think you will aKrec ► with ► uc+ that it is Hl ►rcially im-

portant with •uri that nicianH Hhot ► lci be adopted to Kivu theKruatoHt 1 ►racsticablo certainty, and Hicttl ► livity to our 'l'itleH, - .t ►c+cauKU lntn ► iKrautH and othc+rH are apt to tuku on trustthe validity uf the 'I'itlu of the apparent t ►w ►tor of theproperty, e+Hl.►ucially if ho al ►pot ►rH to t,cy it respectable tltan,and are unwilling or 1 ►orha} ►H uual ►le, to hoar the e.+xl ►c,uHC, ofobtaining co ►npotdnt 1>rc.►fr►Haional adviem in looking into th

e 'l'itle► for the ►n ; and it is it cruel 1 ► arciHhil ► that u ► niut ofthis ctluxH, or of any* c+laHrt, ttftor buying it lot, c+nteriuK int olu, ►Haerasion, horhal ►H Himmdi ►tK all his nnci ► tH itncl thelabour of hirnm ►If and his family for yoarH in i ►ul ► rc ►vittK it,Hl,oulci 1w suddenly cloliriWci, of hiH 1-► rc.►lwrty 'ancl Inurhn} ►athe labour and acquisitions of it lifu-tin ►e,, through Hot ►u ► cle+-fecA in his 'l'itlc► of whiri ► ho 1 ► i ►ci ►►o HuHl ►►c ►u ► t . Yet in-HtancUH of this kind tire unfortuntttuly within the knowluclKuof almost every lawyer. ~

It is hardly it lc ►aH c,rûul ltarcit,l ►il ► that the law Kltoulci 1 ► c,in Huah aownclitic .►n that a ►►tan Who lc+ ►ulK hiit ►uonVy on ItntortKaKc ► under, 1 ►rofuaHic ►nal aclvic~►, is lial ►lu to l ►mu hismonoy afterwards from Hwnnu latont clwfect in the titla. Ihave ht►arti of one lunclur who in this way IoHt X11,(XK) inone tranuwtion . Evun Building Sc ►oiutiut'< and I A ►au ('Orn-panieH cwuaeioually moot with liko Ic ►eHUH, though for vari-ous raaHone tkic►y aro more frculuently hoard of in the caseof private lonclerb .

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.13 •

But the advantag of our 'l'itlea being certain,- is veryfar froiri being conR ed to the particular cases in whichInnocent 1 ►t+reunK tuiKht utherwiKe suffor. Tho countrygenerally wutjld Uenotit by its being knôwn that our T itlc,,t,were lx+rf,ll+tly t{afU and pilUl)lt,, or could be made so. Sucha Ktntu of the law "wc>uld tend to onc uurag t+ both Re_ttlt,rHand thomu who have money tn ' invuyt, ' whil e any ►louhtor fo tir ulx )ut our 'l'itlet3 d isco»ragoa both .

The KavinK of time on all Hulm ►,yuent transactions inrelation to 1 ►r o ~lwrty aftor a(:E,rti6cato is obtained, wouldnot be the leaHt vuluahlu result of th ►t t♦yHtetn which theBill proposes to intrtxluct, . Under the exiHtinK ~yetciuthe investigation imntutim oK takoe we ukw, aomoti mos tuunthHand ucçarsic,nally (am I know from 1 ►erec.tnal e x p ►,rieuco) ovenparK ; and time transaction is KonleHtlmntfH broken off ineUuHeltatlnlw of the ,it,lay, or is only carried out when theowne r'H 1 ►urlto t{o in HullinK or mortgaging can no longer be .„tt m ► re tl . I have known t{umr+ painful illustrations of thuettroHulta, and l,rol,al,ly no lawyer in largo Iaracti ce but has(10n0 Hu too) .

ilu,lt,r the l,r o ,l ►oH►+ti nio tumttro if an owner has a('«rtiti-( . t4 tR, of Title, h ► + may complote a Hale or n►(ItgaKu in two,) ti4irr+ after bargaining for it. 'I'he, 1 ►piliaratio n of thebe+uti or M urtKaKu soldent ucc upi ►,N , trtûcIt tinu+ ; and theN, ► t ►rclt at the Rt+KiNtry Office for tuurtKageN or cunvt,y-allclfH NUI)HVl luhnt to the cortiticato , would lui th 'o work, ofbut it fo w m iuutaK .

The exiHtittK HyN Wun, exposes parties in taking or actingon a'l'itl„ to the danger o f thu_'l'itlo turnin g out to be ltUtithrough Kcttuu un ,e,ree+ivtrci flaw or some unknc,wn fuot ; tothe danger of l~~ittK the uvidunco of a'I'itle that is reallygood ; to delay in the investigation wheti oxI ►ed itioniH an ul)jtlct ; and to cullNtantly a ncreaaulK llxlwn®u in theinvestigation and proofs . The 4i11 proposes by a short,inexpon~ivu and jumt,method to remvo theae evilH. I say

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it jttst Ili ► t ►iC; fc~r ~- elc ► nut, k)t~►w that any c ► ttc► NYi11 tl~it ► kit itnj ► or c )l ►jc,eA ie ►u ltl,le ► that lntettt üittM «•ill 1 ► e► N l tut__e ►u ►3• tl ► c ► Ge,rtitic+ttte, . 1Ve ► 'ult•a,tely by ()Ili- Itc,Miritry 11ttt•

vuV,tizc, tilt) 1 ► rc~l ►riuty (d ttu',lt a 1 ►ruviKiun ; tutcj Hc ► groa t

~ i ►ttcl ut ► lc+nittl ► le ► nrc ► tl,c, nclviiattnhc,ri tilt) rc ► untt•j► cle+rivir ►+frmnttl ► o law, that tl ► e+ tc~itclOuwy iK to c,xt vnd Itncl ttc ► t ~,~ ►r41Ktrirt, it; l1t ►clc,r itN 0 1 ► c T ,ttic ► i ►

kttettt e~l,tiutK iu•a,

~-'clucle +l tritltc ► ttt ,ttty Of 11141 1 ►ruc,uttttuny w1,ic,lL tltc+ Bill Ill .

1 ►► . s ei ti tl ►1tt tl,c ► ('c ► ttt•t Nl ► c ► ttlcl c ► 1 ► NC,rvc ► 1 ► e+fct•e, it ('c+t•tilirnt;y► 'i ►~grnttte,cl ; and I tltir,k tl ► en., can 1 ► c, n+ ► rc,itNC ► ttii l ► !c, cluttl ►t tlt,tt iwlt e ,t it 1 ► c,rKc ► tt is ill 1 ►ur►r+,+rtr► i, 1 ►1 c ►f I ► rc ►►c+rty itr+ ttl ►l ► itre,i,t,

litait 11rutert tltc, ittterc -ml, c ►f Nuittù unl:uc ►w tt 1 ► c+rr+c ► it wh o

(mit-i-, wltVi t his I)c,vclr+ itt,cl 1 ► itl ► c+rH ► tl ► l ►uitr c ►n ik t•i};icIl e~x-

ttntiit,tti, ► tt of tl,e~tn t, ► rtit~tl ► li ►+I ► '~-Ic+,trly tltitt h6 irt uwt,c+r,wltcm tl,e+ Itrgi ►+tryOfürc+t;ivc+rt ttc ► iutittiittic ► tt 44 all iult,v rr+c ►c ' liti ► ttit i ► t, W11011 110110 ('Ill) hc+ d iNv c ► v e rc 'd in itnm c+r tc ► 1 ►ul ► lic,it,lvc+rtike ,u entre, it, is I ►ttt juyt, tltitt tl,c, Itttt• N b , ►u1,1 I ► rc ► tec ttlto 1 ► c ► rr+w t who 1 ► tu•c ltitt+rr+ fi-mit r+ttrl, nit c ►wi ► c,r, r ittl, e r

nfte r w rtrclN r+c,trt Ili) it e litii,t of w l ► i v lt lin ltit ► 1 titk e tt III)rite,l ►rt t, ► t;ivc, 00144-H W itrtti,,► }; .

T''Itc, 1 ►rittv it ► 14 , c ► f tltc, Act e xiNt .-4 in I ►►► tt- c - r (,,tt„t,l,t w l, ► -ro"

I 1 ► c~lie~v ► ~, 8114,611"s Hll11±H g 11'1, it ► t ittcle f► +ita+il ► Ic,''itlc+ . I I,itt- c,1 ►v e ' it it ► f+ ► r„t e ,l 11110, it S l ► c ri11" 1 + O444 1 is it ► c~ ►► t,r+c~clttc~i,c•c+ rV -K ►trclr l l itt I 0 c ►wvr ( 'ittiiuI R ►► tltc+ 1 ► c -MI, Itttcl incl t-4 + 41 c ► t,lye '11 ti h- l3• r±q fc.+,''itlc, tltitt it 1111o c itrt ltitvc+.

''Itc+ 1niu,ltirtc4 wlticli 411v tilt _ttclc ► I ► t~+, irt ill I ► ri,tc il ► I ► ,tlt ►tt wltiCli Wits it+10l ►tV,l iit t114+ tit,tttttc,y rrt;itr(lii,g IriNlt[neutttl ►vrrcl I :r+t ►tter+, and wltit4'~-waN fc ►ttnd to wc ►rk Kn

1 ► ettcliri ►tlly in lrvlnttd tl,itt. it,witK nfterwitrclr+ in,uh , t o ► III) .p1y tltrre, tc ► ►tll l,tu,ly, inr+t v ,t,l c ►f I ►vit,t ; c-c ► ntitiecl ► tr+ it,tv,trt ill tlti ► tirKt itt ►+titttrc, t ►► lnrttntl ►c,recl I :Nt,ltc'N . It liitynlKC ►, 'witlt tltu rur ► liit) itl ► ln•c ► l ► nti ►►n c ► f I ;tt};IiNlt I ►itw Rv-fo ►rtttc+rt+ of all 1 ►nt•tic+N, 1 ►veit lntcAy vstvn ► ivcl to I;,,gl ► tnci ;tlte ►tthlt tlte, c ► 1 ► 1 ►c ►t+itic ► n uf the tic ► liriturH 1 ►► trt 1 ►ruv4,11teci tuttc+ltuHei he+itth ye,t mitelci of it tlwrv. Ill tl,irt l'ruvinro t .Itea

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i iltere+Nt of tllo lt+t;ltl 1 ► rc ►feNHiurl i not ,1}(nirlNt tllu 1 ►r/ ► uHt .t l1114 ,ItHUrAt ' t1 -.r , ' ~' ►f ll , . -

wti+rtr untirt+ly iKuu ► ult of tho I ► ruvet+tliug+ ,

" am it market ( wr ► •I fl ► t' tlNNlll 'Itrlt•t,N 4~ Iltrltl I ► liriï ; ; ►+t ► II ►►t11 4 + wilt ) Hllltll I ► t+ ► tHHtlrt ,tl 1 ► f his I 1 ►'nl 11 no t► . ml ► t~,, . rlNt tilt ,• a' ~ ► uHt,IltT I ► trt . ItMltirlHt alll I+tr ►IrlWlK, it ►rt~rt+ } ;1,/ ( t"ur Iii Ill 11 ►

" I ►nHh it ill tlliH 111111-4.0 t we rl by tillv," 1111t, t i, rllilllWt, 44r1ut11rtt+rH ~;r ► tllunll,• tlt+r+trl ►yt,tl 11141 Vltlllo, Of fllt+~ ► rl~r,llllil ► IIHwllit'll t ►ri}{irl,tlly wt-1.4i It ►+tltlil'it'nt . 1 ► rwtrt•tit ► rltt ► I ► t 'l'Mt111H

1014) Nvi' rt, ul ► 1 ► ,tl•tit - H 11 ► tllt+ 1 ►rl ► l'rt'lli~lt;, 1u111 ~M ltirlll ► tt'1,•l't'lllll~l'l'll Ilt'l'vNHltl'y fit(' Itllt ► Iitll ► rl 44 llllt'H 1111t1 'l'l'1 ► 1' 4 'l'i vH .

Fm. it. w ill 1 1 1, rt+llt m llue re tl t11nt. lllt'rt+ w nr+ 114) ill %'tH-til{ ►ttit ► rr t ► f• tllt ► ''itlt, by fini ('1 ►urt. in attt'I ► 4-1044114

nll flint w ►tH rt'tlllirt ' tl w It ►+, tllltl tllt, 1 ►e r ►+1 ► rl ~~Ilt ►` " l v vi v llfht ► film" r+ht ►trlll 1 ► 1, it, I ► t ► H,+er+Hit,ll t ) f It frt - t . ) t,l ► lll I ► yriKllt m- by WI-4111g, Itr1 j that 114) 1ttl v t'rr+l, l'lnirll M11611111 1 ► 4%

tltrly rll ►Illt, ; 111141 tilt, 1 ►rlly 114 ► til't j g i l, t . ll was 111 4 + rt,llt•,IrH,II44 , t til'litil ►tIH fl ►rlutll,t r1 ► 11 l •11 4 '41 ! ill tl't'llrlil'il) nntl t ► 1 IS1 ► I1 1 1,InuKt111,94 ► tl ► nn rlr ► inft~rt~r+tt~ll Itultlit ' llrt, ill Illt, ('1 ► I Irt Id('t ►rllrrtt ►n lIt+ ► tK lit 11`v HllilillHter . 'l'llt ► F int+ I ► t ► ttrlll ►tllI ► f+rliU11H W111) wrru rll ► t trut v r tliH, ► l ► ilit Y , evv n tlll ► u g lr tll vy

th ► tt"fht, I ►Itw Illul t ►rllltirlt+ll tllt+ ( .il ► tllt t ► f '1 ► Illr ► lurl ~~lt~ ► IK-

►%'nrllN 44 tllrrt, Iltlrltlrt+ll yv ► trN ► t Iil,r Ill ► t't : ~ i1~i„ ~► ItH Illlt ►►tt~ll tt ►1 ► rt+~ ► tïl tu il, rullr+illl'e ► tl ► It, t+zlt-llt ir ► t•t,~;nr ~1 ~1 ► I,trldy,llml,, I ► vlht, 1 ► 1 ► t+r ►ttit ►rr 1 ► f lint,H Ilrlll rl~l'1 ►~t~ril~r+, 1 I'iurtl ('1)kt, ~Hltil i

I ► 1 ►W and tllt, Hill in tlut - ► rl ► llikt, 1 ►rt\t'~v t! ; Itrlllfl ►r ttl ► -

iH lui illtlHtr,ttiun (J tht+ 1)'il ►It+ ml w il•ll (ml. l~(vgimtl .v

Tito h;r1gI1Hlt Iltw ► tH tl ► tllt ► "Itlt+ 44 Go) IlN in ► ,► lir4•1 .11 ►►v'rl ,

t~t,tlrltry. - ~intt+rt+Ht to Itrl in11,t ►rtltnt lit+ft ►rnl in III I ► t WH .:l,f tlll'i r

1 ► t+t+rl fl ► tulll tuf) lil ► t+r•ul ►trlll I ►►ttrit ► tilt tl ► pl. 'fer tllvil` t ► wr l

t+xl ► rt+HH ruy ç-l ► r ► vivtiltt tl ►► tt (',trlrtlli ► u luwyvr•i w,ut.,fl'l .Illt %~t +

tllt ► I ►rt ► 1 ►c ►K e tl rut+ItHtlr•t+ w ill rul ►rt, Illtu rurul ► t+11H ► ft+ ►t1 ► lil'i .tl ► r•K for tllt~ir II ► 1{H uf 1 ► r•1 ► it tllrl ►ugll tllt+ gt~rlt+r' ► 1) Kirul ► litil',t-fiun ( )f ''itlt~N, l Ilu1 it 1 ► t,t~ri 1 ►Illt~r~~'iHt,, 1 It~ 1 1 ►1 ► tlr►Il tl ►

,t l y t j unt lrlt, 1 ►r 1 tl» n 1+ 1) Il 4b r pari, uf pi-ut, N1/ ► rlr 11 ►uHiuua~ tlli ► jt fil l;rlhlltrlll , Itnll tllt ► irlt'itlt~rltul Itll~ ► t~ It~;t~H t ► t'

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'l'► t provout poss iblo injustice from the working of t~e newNys Wui, tho Bill provi t uH all reaaouaUle prouautiona. TheCourt, Lofuro ciuulartug a'l'itlo good, is to ruako, by itdelfor a c,otui ►otcu ►t ofliaur ac iuK uncier its c~wu Kuporvi m.iou, a

~thorough c.►uau ► inatiuu of kto il'itlo llotxle and ovi ► luuoc ►K of

have an opportunity of o8tl ► lll ►Hl►► l1g his right. But if any

'l'itlu in tho I ►urcxomiou or Iowc+r of the I ►arty ; a thoroughmu ►►rch at tho 1tuKistry O t1i t ct is also requireui ; and copiesof all uouwrii►lN ►►ru to 1m 1) ►ducucl that relate to Duoaeof which tho oriKittR►1K c+n ► tuc► Lo found. An affidavit i sroyuiro►i front tho uwtY<+r tha ho knows ►►f ny iulvorayalaiu► ; and ►► cortiticzt~tc► from hi Holioitor or (;opuusol thatlto has u xat ►tiuucl the '~itlu and - pufqrrocl with the owuor,and 1 ►oliovoN tho affidavit truo au( tlti~ 'I'itle Kood. Tliurowill ti ► uw l,c ► tl ►►+ liuHt possible Houuur'ty that nothing is ku} ►thnok . Notice of tho application for Cortitiüato is furtlturI,rc► 1 ►c>►te+ ► 1 to lx+ giron; not only (4) it y eue having an ao-vorm c) claim, but to ,, ►►y o ►► t ► witottt ►u Judge thinks i tprudent tu uotify . ' , Iri addition to all thc►mo prooautiouN ,noticti i►► to l,ca published in tho Cam du O ctwttP, and i ni► t ►y other nowHjrt ► 1>orH thu Court sous t, iii orclor that i f

thc ►rc+ is any c laiutat ►t whu►►►► 'Citl ►► uuitltor aI ►Itaara ou theUooclN ►t o ►r in the tte+KiNtry, nor is kiwwa to the claiman tor his hr ► yf►► ,e►iou ►tl aclviNt+r, such cllaitttaut may still, ifl ►c,s»ihl ►+, r ► vc+iv ►+ an intimation caf what is Koi ►►K on aud .

utto has it c lairu 'wl ► iul ► is not shown by the 1)ue+clH or thelWgiNtry, and whial ► the tumtutmuuss of the Court and its►►flic ►► r» cannot ►lutuot, and which c)v t,t ► aclvortiHUU ►oute oau-ttot l .,rinK tA) light, the Bill assumes that tho publie iutorUbtHr ►►cluir► a thi►t such it claim should tlueucuforward be es-c±luclcxl its against honetrt purcl►atwrH or tlwir roI ►resouta-tivi'm .

If, notwitl ►dta,td ► t ►K all the prucautiouK re furrecl to, a('ortifict►to of `.1'itlu Kl ►uul~l 1 ► t►hlx►n to he o lrtaiuocl throughfrauci or falmo rttatuutuntK c.► u the part of a Iwtitiouer,


Page 16: amicus-5742134 - Library and Archives Canada€¦ · l vil go the romedy Orat adoptcd in Ireland, aftc upon iri, AuHtralia; Now Zealand, and elsewhere, insec urity my k ow-ards a

the Gurtiticatu is duclaruli (§47) to l>u voi d in such a caseas- respects the hotitiuuor, and to ho valid only in favor ofit 1 ►urci ►aeur for valuo who had no nutic; ~ of the, fraud orfulKUhuull, The chance, of the Act working il ►justicu in anypossible, casl), is tlturt reduced to a minimum ; whila on theother hand it is especially lleclarcll that the Act is to bet ► l ► construed and " carried out as to facilitato as much

tue jullil•it ► 1 investigation will have the i ► un ► ruyu tulvnt ► t,tKli

have the furt.l ►er allviu ► tag1 ► of 1 ► l+it ►g certuiu ami c 0110 u-

" as 1 ►uy,3il,lc tl ►la ul ►tait ► it ►K of iulll+fensil,lo 'l'itlcas by the" owt ►et•K of 1;titatlaK in Lunllri, tl ► ru'uKlt the rtiu ► 'l ►lust tua-" cl ► iulrry, at the Kn ►alluHt ualwur ►h, and in the Kl ►urtest" tiu,l ► , consistent with rutmual,lu prudence in referenc o" to the rights and cl a itt ►K of other 1 ►urrtotiK ."

'l'1 ► l, t ►►uc•ltit ► l~r~• prlwiliell ir► Hu m in ► l ► lo tliitit I l10 t ►ut tauo-tl ►at, with the v xc v l ► ti, ► u of the lliHlnu•He t ► h4 ttK for publishing

► tt ► ll Hurvit ►h t ► lrtiveH, tltl+ t>xl ►et ►s/ ► of ,L julliciul it ► ver,tihatioituuml 1 ►h tuuc! ► greater titan that of one tlroruut;lt investi-gation uut, of Court on 1t salol ur,tuurt};,i~;l, uf tl ► t► 1 ►rul ►erty .It will certainly he less litait of two Kuclt i m•t•ntiK ►tti ► ,nN ; and

,'rl,l,it ►g t ►►► tllu uuwu for a ll, it ►ytVall Of 1 ►M•it ► K to 1)0 rcl ► V ittellat every new Ki ►1l i l,r u ►urt:gag / ► of the property ; tu ► ll wil l

Hivu, i ►►Ktea ► 1 of 1 ►t-iut; fur~~vhr ul ► l q ► to (lu(ISt.ii ► t ► . I at ► tAtttlNtil!ll tllilt u tul - uy ►iri ► wLicl ► Nce ttreH tl ►usu all vuutagu Nwill 1 ►ru ve It great 1 ►ouu to tLu country.