amicomm august-communication skills newsletter

Mentors: Prof. Mamta Srivastav, Addl. Director & Dr. Aditya Tomer, Dy,Director Editor-in-Chief : Parveen Kumar Sharma E-mail: [email protected] In this AmiComm: AmiComm Independence, Editorial Note, Editorial Mantra, Courage in Communication by Navin Gulia, Expert Advice by Raju Mandhyan, AmiComm EdTech for Teachers, Independence Thoughts by Stu- dents, Effective Use of SMS, AmiComm Literary, Invitation to Join AmiComm and Radio Shows Independence is not just a day or a holiday; it is a way of life– way to think-way to celebrate– way to contrib- ute– way to improve! Independence is Our Mindset and AmiComm August celebrates this Independence in the Month of Independence! We are sharing special colours of Independence, shared by our students, guests, teachers and resource persons. As Students and Teachers, we need to add ‘life’ to the feel of independence. Amity nurtures this very feel of being Indian. A few selected contributions about independence are shared in this edition of AmiComm. From this month, we are adding Hindi segment to AmiComm. As India is one, we are one and AmiComm E-Newsletter and Blog shall be the platform to share your learning, skills and creative writings, without any linguistic restrictions. Hindi Moot Court Society & The Literary Club of ALS-II shall be adding content to the Hindi AmiComm from this month.

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Mentors: Prof. Mamta Srivastav, Addl. Director & Dr. Aditya Tomer, Dy,Director

Editor-in-Chief : Parveen Kumar Sharma

E-mail: [email protected]

In this AmiComm: AmiComm Independence, Editorial Note, Editorial Mantra, Courage in Communication by

Navin Gulia, Expert Advice by Raju Mandhyan, AmiComm EdTech for Teachers, Independence Thoughts by Stu-

dents, Effective Use of SMS, AmiComm Literary, Invitation to Join AmiComm and Radio Shows

Independence is not just a day or a holiday; it is a way of life– way to think-way to celebrate– way to contrib-ute– way to improve! Independence is Our Mindset and AmiComm August celebrates this Independence in the Month of Independence! We are sharing special colours of Independence, shared by our students, guests, teachers and resource persons. As Students and Teachers, we need to add ‘life’ to the feel of independence. Amity nurtures this very feel of being Indian. A few selected contributions about independence are shared in this edition of AmiComm. From this month, we are adding Hindi segment to AmiComm. As India is one, we are one and AmiComm E-Newsletter and Blog shall be the platform to share your learning, skills and creative writings, without any linguistic restrictions. Hindi Moot Court Society & The Literary Club of ALS-II shall be adding content to the Hindi AmiComm from this month.

Page # 02/ AmiComm/ August 2015

AmiComm August is shared with you all by the Communication Skills Enhancement Club of Amity Law

School, Centre-II, Amity University, Noida. I am glad that the newsletter team has been able to set the ball

rolling towards better learning and has been able to motivate students to contribute towards Skill


We at ALS-II, constantly, work towards skill development of our students by providing them with the best

academic learning and focused extra-curricular platforms. The vision and mission of our Hon’ble Founder

President, Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan, is the driving force behind all efforts we do.

AmiComm-Communication Skills Newsletter shall be expanding itself to more learning dimensions and I

am sure that you shall continue to bestow your appreciation to the Editorial Team.

Dr. Aditya Tomer

1. Open– Bring the Smile and Tell them You want to talk! 2. Explore– Assess Previous Knowledge by mentioning the Blueprint/Objectives of

presentation. 3. Explain– Perform this ‘stereotyped’ but ‘significant’ part with Content. 4. Invite– Briefly Recapture the Objectives-Relate them to the Audience’s Need and

Invite them to ‘Retain’. 5. Summarize- Summarize the Explanation so that they ‘Note’ & ‘Retain’. 6. Request Reaction- Invite them to ask Questions/Queries & Resolve them refer-

ring to Objectives+ Explanation 7. Close - Ensure that you Close by giving them a clear ‘Hint’ that it is ‘about to

‘end’ so that the ‘applause’ comes ready.

The 7 Steps of Presentation Editorial Mantra

Communication remains the basic bread-butter of our life. We need to make sense and always attempt

to become a ‘No-Nonsense Person’. However, we all know it for sure that communication skills is not

that easy as it seems or denounced to be. There have been millions of instances in our lives, where we

felt that we could have done better by communicating this way-that way.

In a few number of pages, AmiComm can not bring you everything that you need to know-but– we are

sure that as a learner, being a student, you want to make a difference in your life and career. AmiComm

wants each student to start with the hunger to revitalize Communication Skills. Our Team is there to as-

sist you, each teacher of Communication Skills at Amity is there to empower you. I am sure that these

few pages shall be able to assist you in some way and will add to the never-ending process of learning.

Join AmiComm!

Parveen Kumar

AmiComm Confident communicator

On the final day of the 1971 India Pakistan War, on the outskirts of Dhaka, 3000 Indian troops had

encircled 26,000 Pakistani troops which were holed up inside the city.

The commander of the Indian operations Gen Jacob, called up his Pakistani counterpart (Gen AAK Niazi)

and said “Your troops are completely surrounded and outnumbered and it will be in their better safety to


It was the confidence in his voice and communication that the Pakistani

General decided to surrender even though his soldiers were nearly 9

times more in number. It is very important in Communication Skills

to have the courage to speak confidently and have the bravery to

speak the truth that people avoid speaking.

A lot of time youngsters come to me and ask me “Sir, my parents don’t

have confidence in me, what should I do?”

I tell them “How much confidence other people will have in you will depend directly upon how much

confidence you have in yourself.”

As a teenager my passion was playing football. There were to be the trials for the zonal team one day and

because of groupism among the players my name was not included in the probables. I nevertheless went

for the trials and was standing by the side of the ground when the trial match was going on being conducted

by the coach/selector. Once he had seen the playing of other players for a short while, I raised my hand and

the coach noticed it. I kept my hand up and after a while he removed one player and asked me to come and

play in his place. Within five minutes of my playing he called the captain and scolded him that why he had

not written my name in the probables when I was such a good player. Just a small thing like raising your

hand at the right time can be effective communication.

Never indulge in unnecessary arguments and discussions but where and when it is required to speak,

speak out.

Which ever field you may choose in your life, be it sports, science, journalism, politics or social work, you

can not succeed unless you have the courage to speak and speak well. Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Bhagat

Singh, Subhash Chandra Bose, Mohammad Ali, APJ Kalam or Narendra Modi, they all have been good

and brave communicators. If you choose not to become a good communicator, you will have only yourself

to blame for your failure. BE BRAVE to Communicate and Put Forward Your Views with Firmness!

Page # 03/ AmiComm/ August 2015

Navin Gulia An Ex-Indian Army Officer and a World Record Holder in adventure sports, Navin Gulia is a multiple award winning, internationally acclaimed Author, Adventurer, Thinker, Orator and Social Worker. ‘Courage in Communication’

Navin is a part of the ‘AmiComm Mentors’ and can be contacted at: or [email protected] / Facebook / ADAA He is available to all for any advice on Motivation and Communication Skills.

AmiComm-Expert Advice

Page # 04/ AmiComm/ August 2015

Raju Mandhyan is a certified and a trained practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Mind-Mapping as well as Appreciative Inquiry. He is also certified through the American Management Association’s Train the Trainer program. His expertise include Communication Skills and Entrepreneurial Leadership. He is involved in guiding individuals and organizations across the globe. He is currently based in the Makati City, Phiippines.

“We’ve got to feel the audience,” he said and with a warm smile on his craggy face as he gently rubbed his

coarse hands together.

“What? Feel the audience! How exactly do you mean?” I asked.

“Well, you see most of us when we stand to make a presentation, we are concerned with two things; one, we

are concerned with the thought of how exactly will impress the audience and the second, we are concerned

about how exactly will the audience perceive and accept us. These two concerns are the manifestations of

either self-importance and/or of self-consciousness. Both these manifestations are born in the ego, a self image

of us that is skewed away from our true self,” he said.

“And then?” I urged him on.

“And,” he went on “when we are skewed away from our true self, we are pretending, we are putting on act to

impress others. When we are pretending to be who we are not then we are standing on shaky ground, and

we are unsure of how to appear steady, calm and self-confident while scores of eyes are watching our

every move, every gesture and every expression. Under such scrutiny the veneer of pretension will crack

and, usually, does crack.”

“Uh, hmm, I see what you mean;” I said “how then does empathy become the solution to this malady?”

“Pretty simple,” he said “when we care, respect and view the audience to be human, to be frail of ego just as

we are then we are, naturally, overcome by a sense of camaraderie and brotherhood. If I may push the idea a

bit more, we begin to empathize with them and for them. It’s a great feeling and it diffuses all the hot air that

is pent up inside of us as would be presenters. We come down to earth and our focus moves towards the

mission at hand. The mission at hand is, always, of adding value, building something new, something that

carries High Impact.”

“Gotcha!” I said to ‘Craggy Face,’ “I understand you want us all to turn into monks at heart. Ok!”

‘Craggy Face’ smiled warmly and rubbed his coarse hands gently and happily.

He was pretty cool that way!

Empathy & Presentations

Mr. Raju Mandhyan is among ‘AmiComm Mentors’. Connect with him on Twitter

Page # 05/ AmiComm/ August 2015

EdTech has been generating big buzz. As the EdTech space evolves, we can see educators across the globe

adopting and implementing various technologies to improve instruction, engage students better. But still

many educational leaders and teachers, even those who know that their system needs changes, they don’t

quite understand the role of technology to work on it to bring the desired changes to the classrooms.

I believe one should always start with a “WHY”, and the plan around it can then be built. Using new

technologies is the present for many but the future for all in the education system.


Students Love it – Students love using new technologies in the classroom. Whether it is the "cool" factor or

just a genuine interest in new technology, it allows teachers to vary activities of the day and engage

students. It engages and embraces the 4 key components to learning: Active engagement, participation in

groups, frequent interaction feedback, connection to real world experts.

Professional Development – Using new technologies allow students and teachers to learn another skill set

that will help them in the marketplace. How many jobs need basic computing skills let alone advanced com-

puting skills? Any time a teacher can encourage students to learn through technology, they kill two birds

with one stone.

Makes Life Easier for Teachers – Teachers have to juggle a variety of tasks outside of teaching including

planning lessons, grading, meeting with parents, and some administrative work. Many of the routine tasks

done by teachers can be reassigned to technology, elevating the role of teacher.

Encourages Assignment and Homework – Flipped Model, Blended Learning are formal education

programs, in which a student learns at least in part through online delivery of content and instruction with

some element of student control over time, place, path and/or pace.

Saves Money in Long Run – Though technology implementations are initial investments but it will save

money in the long run by multiplying the number of teachers in their classrooms. It will free up the real

teachers for better help to students and answer questions.

Technology can nurture artistic expression. Modern technology-based art forms (video production,

digital photography, computer-based animation, and the like) have great appeal, encouraging artistic expres-

sion among our diverse student population.

Technology creates opportunities for students to do meaningful work. Students need to produce prod-

ucts that have value outside institutions, receive feedback on their work, and experience the rewards of

publication or exhibition. Technology can provide a widespread audience for students' work. Computers

link students to the world, provide new reasons to write, and offer new sources of feedback on ideas.

Are you still only thinking of bringing technology in the classroom? Many educators are already

doing it, so join hands with real practitioners to understand the right ways technology can be inte-

grated into the classroom.

Utkarsh Lokesh Co-Founder & CEO at EdTechReview

AmiComm EdTech For TEACHERS

THE TRUE ESSENCE OF INDEPENDENCE Independence is often used a synonym for words like freedom, equality, liberty etc. For me, independence cannot exist without sacrifice. Sacrifice is a world we hear very rarely in our self-centred society, because we get scared that we would have to lose something or some-thing will be taken away from us. Seeing history as our witness, we can say that no true independence has come without a sacrifice. Where some soldiers leave their families behind to fight wars and lose their lives; some leaders starve to raise voice on an issue.

The free air we breathe right now and enjoy the various rights are all because of the number of sacrifices the freedom fighters made for our country. Our freedom fighters rot in the jails, walked bare foot, sacrificed their jobs and education and the list is countless. We demand independence so easily as it is our birth right but we must stop and think what are we willing to sacrifices for the independence that we are demanding. Because no changes were made by sitting in a room and complaining or fighting aimlessly, changes were made only when they were fought for or a scarifies was made in order to achieve them. Like it is often said “nothing worth having comes easy”. So next time we ask for independence we must stop and think ‘what are we willing to scarifies for it?’. Wish you Happy India! Happy Independence Day!

-Aditi Gupta BBA LLB (H)-I

Page # 06/ AmiComm/ August 2015

From the Students of ALS-II My Independence-My Feelings

Clicks– Mr. Prajyot (Semester-III, ALS-II)

More clicks on

Page # 07/ AmiComm/ August 2015


'This generation has a lot more direction than the previous one because unlike them, the youngsters today do

not lack clarity. They dare to think different and operate with a can-do attitude and confidence.'

'Today's youth is charting new territories not being afraid of the storm, choosing rather to ride into it

and creating their own path' by looking forward and finding more glorious opportunities for themselves.

In today’s world independence for the youth is a big question mark for them due to the reason that they want

to live with the freedom. In my opinion independence is not something that you just want to be as cool as

possible but you should have that sense of responsibility for yourselves and for your country, society and of

course for your parents, they are the one who have given you that liberal authority to choose the way of your

living and future according to you so that you never regret yourself saying that I didn’t get a chance to prove

myself the way I wanted to!

In my life, I came across several young people and this is what I have learnt -- that like every generation be-

fore their own, the young women and men are looking for nothing more than recognition.

They are in that age where they would like to be known, be seen and be heard; they'd like to be at the center

of attention and be the stars of their lives.

Now, none of this is unusual for people of that age. Our parents, when they were the age, wanted the same

thing. What sets this generation apart is that unlike the previous generation they have a far-far larger plat-

form. They have Facebook and Twitter and blogs and television shows that help them get that recognition

and fame.

Why hold it against them simply because they have the avenues that the previous generation did not? I find

this terribly unfair.

Contrary to popular perception, the youth of India know exactly what they want out of life. Everyone

I've come across carries that burning desire to prove something to themselves and their family. They want to

better their circumstances and they want to rise up the social ladder.

I find this generation having a lot more direction than the previous one because unlike them, the young today

do not lack clarity. They do not want to blindly emulate something just because their parents say so.

This generation doesn't believe in playing safe. They dare to think different and they operate with a can-do

attitude and confidence that their parents generation lacked.

What sets them apart and what makes me hopeful of India's future is that its youth hasn't inherited the fear

and insecurity of its previous generation.

In the end I rather think or suppose that freedom and youth are essential to be connected to each other in a

positive way and so as to bring out a bright ray of light from the youth and for a better future and life. By- PALAK AGARWAL

BBA LLB (H) 2015-2020

By the Students– By the Amitians

My Independence-My Feelings

Page # 08/ AmiComm/ August 2015

CSEC– Communication Skills Enhancement Club

Effective Use of SMS

Short Message Service is not new to us. We have been using mobile phones as inte-

gral part of our life and communication through these gadgets has become more

integral than ever. There is a use to understand that we have been failing on certain

important points about using phones SMARTLY. Here is a snapshot of generally

observed tips for Effective use of SMS:

Alternative to Internet/Offline Communication:

We all have access to Smartphones, but having internet connectivity (Data Packs or Wi-Fi) is

not permanent. A user may not be having the Internet enabled and the same can be the case

with the intended receiver as well. For example, we have sent a message through WhatsApp

and we wait for the two tick marks to indicate the reception and later the reading of the mes

sage. However, there is no force with us that can make the phone receive the message without

internet facility. SMS let us send the information and the only thing required is telecom net

work in the phone of the receiver. It also brings a delivery report and is considered more

'urgent' than the Internet Based Messaging.

In addition to the above one, more is observed about SMS:

Banking/Transaction Info (One-Time Passwords)

To Send Contact Info or Addresses with Accuracy

Documentation and Retrieval of Information

Train Bookings and other Travel/Transportation Information

Bills and Associated Services

Sports Updates

Page # 09/ AmiComm/ August 2015

AmiComm Literary &

Person of the Month

Autobiography-Navin Gulia

Writing his story, In Quest of the Last Victory is probably the easiest thing Navin Gulia has done in a

while, a long while. At 22, a freak accident a few days ahead of his being commissioned stopped him

in his tracks from a promising Army career. Instead, he lay in traction, with a rod in the skull to keep

his spine straight. He spent four months in the ICU, unable to move, to breathe, to speak.

In one of a series of turning points in life, he decided to reclaim his life. In the two years in hospital,

he taught himself to play chess on a chessboard hanging from the bed railing. Defying expert progno-

sis he sat up, got into a wheelchair. The 100 per cent disability label — and little movement in hands -

only spurred him to complete a Masters in Computer Management and win a local chess competition.

Against professional advice, he learnt to drive and when the city roads were no longer challenging,

motored through mountains. Even as well-intentioned friends and family cautioned, he drove through

the highest passes in the world — the Khardung La (18,340 ft.) and Marsimik La (18,632 ft.), the

latter giving him 55 hours of non-stop driving and a world record. He switched to manual transmis-

sion to have full control of the vehicle, inventing ways to drive with the limited control over his body.

With the sky as his next stop, he went hang-gliding and Microlite flying, chased eagles at 20,000 ft.

and at one point abandoned his wheelchair to lie in a mountain stream. “Thankfully,” he says, “the one

thing I never did was stop.”

READ MORE… English or Hindi! Know this Motivator-Fighter!

Communicate With Him for Human Values and Communication with Courage!

[email protected]

Book Review excerpts from: Ms. Geeta Padmanabhan The Hindu

Page # 10/ AmiComm/ August 2015

पुराने ज़माने की बात ह,ै एक गााँव से होकर एक व्यापारी सेठ की माल असबाब से लदी बैलगाडी गुज़र रही थी। रास्ते में

बरसात के कारण गहरा गड्ढा था जिसमें गाडी फंस गई। चार-चार आदजमयों की काफी कोजिि के बाद भी गाडी जनकाली न

िा सकी। पास ही एक दकुान के पटे्ट पर छोटे पहलवान भी बैठा था और यह सब दखे रहा था। दकुानदार न ेसेठ िी से कहा-

"सेठ िी आप छोटे पहलवान से अगर कह दें तो आपकी गाडी पार जनकल िाएगी।"

सेठ िी ने छोटे पहलवान से गाडी जनकालने कहा। पहलवान ने चारों लोगों को हटा ददया और अकेले ही कंधे के सहारे से बड े

आसानी से गाडी को गड्ढे स ेजनकाल ददया।

"भई ये तो कमाल हो गया... पहलवान तो बड ेताक़तवर हैं।... आप करते क्या हैं पहलवान िी ?" सेठ िी न ेपूछा

"अिी करते तो कुछ नहीं हैं... आिकल जबल्कुल खाली हैं... बहुत भल ेऔर िरीफ आदमी हैं ... लाठी चलान ेमें तो इतने

माजहर हैं दक बीस-बीस आदमी भी इनका कुछ नहीं जबगाड सकते "

दकुानदार न ेपहलवान की तरफ से िवाब ददया। पहलवान चुपचाप वापस वहीं िाकर बैठ गया िहााँ पहले बैठा था और

चेहरे पर लापरवाही के भाव लाकर बातों को अनसुनी िसैी करने लगा।

अब तो सेठ िी की ददलचस्पी छोटे पहलवान में और बढ गई-

"मैं िहरों और गााँवो में अपने व्यापार के कारण घूमता रहता हाँ... अक्सर रात में भी सफर करना पडता है… अगर ये

पहलवान सफर में मेरे साथ रहगेा तो चोर-डाकुओं का खतरा नहीं रहगेा" सेठ न ेमन ही मन सोचा और पहलवान को अपने

साथ चलने को राज़ी कर जलया।

छोटे पहलवान की तो मौि आ गई। अच्छा खाना-पीना जमलने लगा तो पहलवान की सेहत और अच्छी हो गई। सठे भी

बेखटके अपनी व्यापाररक यात्राएाँ करने लगा। एक ददन िाम के झुटपुटे में सेठ की गाडी को कुछ लुटेरों ने घरे जलया और गाडी

को लूट जलया। सेठ ने दखेा दक इस पूरे हादस ेमें पहलवान कुछ नहीं बोला और एक तरफ िा कर बैठ गया। िब सेठ का सारा

माल लूटकर और सेठ िी की अच्छी जपटाई करने के बाद वहााँ से चलने लगे तो सेठ न ेलुटेरों को रोका और कहा-

"भाइयों ! तुमने मुझे लूट जलया और जपटाई भी की लेदकन मैं तुमको ये हीरे की अाँगूठी दनेा चाहता हाँ िो मैंने छुपा के रखी हुई

थी और तुम लोगों की जनगाह में नहीं आई। लेदकन इसके बदले में, मैं तुमसे कुछ चाहता हाँ।"

"क्या ?" लुटेरों के मुजखया ने पूछा

"वो िो पहलवान बैठा ह ैन पेड के नीचे उसमें हल्के स ेजसफ़ एक लाठी मार दो।"

लुटेरों के मुजखया ने िैसे ही छोटे पहलवान को मारन ेके जलए लाठी उठाई, पहलवान ने लाठी छीनकर िो दनादन लाठी

चलाई तो सारे लुटेरे ढरे कर ददए। सेठ िी का सारा सामान वापस जमल गया।

अपने घर वापस लौटकर सठे िी ने छोटे पहलवान से कहा-

"पहलवान ये लो अपने जहसाब के पैसे... अब तुम अपने घर िाओ... मैं तमु्हें नहीं रख सकता... कारण ये ह ैदक

पहले तो मैं जपटूाँ... दफर लुटूाँ... दफर एक हीरे की अाँगूठी दूाँ...दफर तुमको जपटवाऊाँ ... तब कहीं िाकर तुमको होि आएगा और

तुम मुझे बचाओगे... तो भैया तुम अपने घर और हम अपने घर भल.े..। .... Page - 1/2 ....

‘चौकोर फुटबॉल’


आददत्य चौधरी ससं्थापक एवम ्प्रधान सपंादक


Page # 11/ AmiComm/ August 2015

चजलए वापस चलत ेहैं-

तीन तरह के व्यजि होत ेहैं। पहल ेव ेिो ज़रूरत को दखेत ेहुए जबना कह ेही काम करत ेहैं, दसूरे व ेिो कहन ेस ेकाम कर दते े

हैं और तीसरे व ेिो कहन ेस ेभी काम नहीं करत ेबजल्क उनको दकसी पररजस्थजत में फाँ साकर ही काम 'कराया' िा सकता ह।ै य े

दजुनया जितनी भी तरक़्क़ी कर रही ह ैवह पहली श्रणेी वाल ेलोगों के कारण कर रही ह ैऔर दजुनया में व्यवस्था सभंालन ेका

जज़म्मा उनका ह ैिो दसूरी श्रणेी के लोग हैं, अब रह िात ेहैं तीसरी श्रणेी के लोग... तो आप ख़ुद ही सोच सकत ेहैं दक व ेदकस

श्रेणी में आत ेहैं।

य ेलोग होत ेहैं चौकोर फुटबॉल। जितना लात मारोग ेउतना ही सरकेगी; गोल फुटबॉल की तरह नहीं दक एक दकक लगात ेही

य ेिा-वो िा...

साव़िजनक क्षेत्र में दकस तरह स ेकाम होता ह ैयह तो आप िानते ही हैं। डाकखाना, जबिलीघर, सरकारी अस्पताल

आदद में चले िायें तो लगता ह ैिैसे दजुनया रुक सी गई ह।ै जनिी क्षेत्र में भी जिन्होंने अनुभव दकए हैं वे काफी ददलचस्प हैं।

दकसी भी प्रजतष्ठान में 10 में से 2 व्यजि ही कम़ठ होते हैं। ये दो व्यजि वे होते हैं जिनके बल पर कम्पजनयााँ प्रगजत करती हैं,

जवकास करती हैं।

काम के बारे में कुछ मिहर हजस्तयों के उद्धरण-

ऐसा काम चनुो जिस ेतमु प्यार करत ेहो, इसके बाद तमु्हें जज़दगी भर 'काम' करन ेकी ज़रूरत नहीं पडगेी- कंफ़्यूिस

(क्योंदक यह काम तमु्हारा प्रमे होगा और पे्रम कोई 'काय़' नहीं होता)

दकसी ऐस ेआदमी को नौकरी मत दो िो अपना काम पसै ेके जलए करता ह,ै बजल्क उस ेनौकरी दो िो अपन ेकाम स े

महुब्बत करता ह-ै हनेरी डजेवड थोरो

साथ िडुना एक िरुूआत ह;ै साथ रहना प्रगजत ह ैऔर साथ काम करना ही सफलता है- हनेरी फ़ोर्ड

िब एक बुजद्धमान और होनहार व्यजि दकसी प्रजतष्ठान में नौकरी करता ह ैतो उसका काम करन ेका तरीक़ा सामान्य

व्यजियों से अलग होता ह।ै वह िानता ह ैदक यदद उस ेजवकास करना ह ैतो कम्पनी की प्रगजत भी िरूरी ह ैऔर वह जबना

भावुकता के सोची समझी रणनीजत के साथ अपने काम को जज़म्मेदारी से करता ह।ै सीधी सी बात ह ैअगर हमें महत्त्वपूण़

बनना ह ैतो हमें उस प्रजतष्ठान की अजनवाय ़ज़रूरत के रूप में खुद को साजबत करना होगा। यहााँ पर यह भी ध्यान दनेे योग्य ह ै

दक कोई भी प्रजतष्ठान दकसी कम़चारी को भावुकता के धरातल पर नहीं रखता इसजलए कम़चाररयों का भी प्रजतष्ठान के प्रजत

भावुक पे्रम जनरथ़क ही ह।ै

150 करोड की आबादी को छूने को तैयार हमारे दिे में कई पार्टटयों की सरकारें बनीं, कभी स्पष्ट बहुमत से तो कभी

जमली िुली लेदकन साव़िजनक क्षेत्र को अच्छी तरह संभालने में कभी भी, कोई भी सरकार सफल नहीं रही। क्या य ेलोकतंत्र

की मिबूरी ह ै? क्या प्रिाताजंत्रक ढांचे में चल रह ेदिे इसी प्रकार की समस्याओं से िझूते रहते हैं ? क्या उत्तर ह ैइन बातों

का ? असल में सरकारी नौकररयों की दजुनया ही अलग ह ैिहााँ कम़ठता और अकम़ण्यता में कोई उल्लेखनीय भेद नहीं ह।ै न

िाने क्यों साव़िजनक क्षेत्र में कम़चाररयों के जनजरिय और अकम़ण्य होने पर भी दकसी प्रकार के गम्भीर दण्ड का प्रावधान

नहीं ह।ै इसी कारण साव़िजनक क्षेत्र जनिी क्षेत्र से जपछडते िात ेहैं। Page - 2/2

...‘चौकोर फुटबॉल’

Page # 12/ AmiComm/ August 2015

ALS-II Events

The Workshop-cum-Guest Lecture on ‘Communication Skills & Lawyers’ Experts who shared their experience, skills and observations with the students on 12 August, 2015: Mr. Sudhanshu Ranjan, Senior Anchor & Correspondent, Delhi Doordarshan

Mr. Satya Prakash, Legal Editor-Hindustan Times

Mr. Deepak Kumar Sharma, Director, S&S Legal Associates

Mr. Siddhant Sahni, Regional Manager for Career Development,

Ms. Niharika Swaroop, Associate, Sagar Chandra Associates

Page # 13/ AmiComm/ August 2015

Selected ALS-II Events

Freshers’ Party: 27 August, 2015

Contact the Editorial Board: Amity Law School-II Amity University, Sector-125 Noida (UP) 201313

Students are invited to Join the Editorial Team, Content Contributors Club and Social Media Team of AmiComm: Mail your AmiComm Contributions to: [email protected] or [email protected]

If you want to join our team for Radio Shows, Come and Join!

Page # 14/ AmiComm/ August 2015

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जहन्दी और हम

AmiComm– Submit your Posts (200-300 Words) on : Teachers’ Day: The Making of a Teacher Hindi Diwas : Hindi and its Linguistic Relation with Other Languages Communication Skills and Lawyers Profile: Someone who made a difference to Law and Communication A List of Smartphone Apps for Communication Skills List of Websites/Blogs for Lawyers & Communication Skills General Awareness Content Quotations-by Judges/Lawyers/Academicians/Thinkers Book./Movie Reviews that teach Communication Interview (Guidance for Students) of Experts in the field of Communication Skills/Law or your

respective domain …. Share! what makes you a Good Communicator… Mail to: [email protected]

ALS-II wishes you… Happy Teachers’ Day

05 September, 2015

जहन्दी ददवस 14 जसतबंर 2015