american religions

American Religions

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American Religions. North Americans. North America Indians Central and South America Aztecs, Incas, Mayans. Europeans. Spanish 1492 Claim Florida in 1513 Catholic Portuguese 1500 Catholic Dutch 1609 Protestant English 1497 Protestant French 1534 Catholic - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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American Religions

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North AmericaIndians

Central and South AmericaAztecs, Incas, Mayans

North Americans

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• Spanish 1492 Claim Florida in 1513 Catholic• Portuguese 1500 Catholic• Dutch 1609 Protestant• English 1497 Protestant• French 1534 Catholic


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Settlements in North America

• 1607 Jamestown, Virginia• 1620 Plymouth, Mass.• 1625 New Amsterdam New York (1674)

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Freedom of Religion

• Rhode Island Roger Williams• Connecticut• Maryland• Pennsylvania• Virginia• Bill of Rights

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First Amendment

• Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

• Separation of Church and State

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Religion Today

• Christianity 75 percent Protestant 50 percent

Catholic 25 percent

• Nonreligious 20 percent• Judaism 1.3 percent• Islam .6 percent• Atheist .4 percent• Fastest growing Evangelical

Source: National Survey of Religious Identification (NSRI) American Religious Identity Survey (ARIS) (2001)

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• God 92 percent• Heaven 85 percent• Miracles 82 percent• Devil 71 percent• UFO 34 percent• Reincarnation 25 percent• Witches 24 percentSource: Opinion Dynamics Corporation (2004)

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• Young people (86 percent 18-34)more than older people (68 percent over age 70) believe in devil and hell.

• Republicans are more religious than Democrats.

• 69 percent believe religion plays “too small” a part in American life.

Source: Opinion Dynamics Corporation (2004)

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• Prayer in school• What is a religion: Mail-order ministers• Tax exemption• Political involvement– Abortion– Support for candidates– Ku Klux Klan