american public works association -...

AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATI COLORADO CHAPTER BY」AWS ARTiCLE l - NAIVIE AND JURISDICTION SECTION l, The name of the organization shali be the Chapter, Of the Ame「ican Pubiic Wo「ks Associati territo「y included within the jurisdiction of this Cha ARTICLE li - MISSION AND PURPOSE SEC丁ION l, The purposes of this Chapte「 a「e to caus advancement of the theo「y and p「actice of the de administ「ation and operation of pubiic works fac冊 of information and expe「iences; the promotion of administ「ation; the expectation that aii membe「 P high professionaI and ethicai standa「ds; and the of its membe「s, aS Set fo輔in the “Rules Gove「nin Works Association. ” SECTION 2, The Chapte「 sha一一engage in a p「ogram of activ of APWA within its jurisdiction including, but no meetings of its membership. Such programs and ac mission, Vision and adopted goa-s ofAPWA and s items of a pa面san, PO-iticaI, O「 business nature i and adopted goals of APVVA. SECTION 3. The Chapte「 is not o「ganized for p「ofit’and Chapte「 membe「 o「 O冊cer except as compensatio 「eimbu「sement of necessary expenses aCtua=y estabiished and approved by the Executive Comm ARTICLE Ⅲ一MEMBERSHIP SECTION l。 Members of APWA resjdjng jn the CoIorado C Section l, Sha= be members of the Chapte「 membership in the Chapte「 that they hoId in outside the CoIo「ado Chapte「 te「「ito「y specified in A members of the Coio「ado Chapte「 and sha冊Oid the Chapter tha=hey hold in APWA but sha!! be Membe「s of APWA 「esiding in the Coiorado Chapte「 te「 Section l, may e-ect to be a membe「 of a Chapter but shall be a membe「 Of only one Chapte「・ SECTION 2. Criteria fo「 and grades of membership sha American Pubiic Wo「ks Association. Page l of9

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SECTION l, The name of the organization shali be the CoIorado Chapte「, hereinafter ca=ed the

Chapter, Of the Ame「ican Pubiic Wo「ks Association’hereinafter ca=ed APVVA・丁he

territo「y included within the jurisdiction of this Chapter sha!l be the State of CoIo「ado.


SEC丁ION l, The purposes of this Chapte「 a「e to cause and share with ou「 COmmunity, the

advancement of the theo「y and p「actice of the design, COnSt「uCtion’maintenance)

administ「ation and operation of pubiic works fac冊es and services; the dissemination

of information and expe「iences; the promotion of improved practices in public wo「ks

administ「ation; the expectation that aii membe「 Public works officials w川adhe「e to

high professionaI and ethicai standa「ds; and the professionaI and socia=mp「OVement

of its membe「s, aS Set fo輔in the “Rules Gove「ning Chapters of the American Pub=c

Works Association. ”

SECTION 2, The Chapte「 sha一一engage in a p「ogram of activities designed to fu刷e「 the pu「POSeS

of APWA within its jurisdiction including, but not =mited to, the schedu=ng of reguiar

meetings of its membership. Such programs and activities sha= be consistent with the

mission, Vision and adopted goa-s ofAPWA and sha= not inciude the endo「Sement Of

items of a pa面san, PO-iticaI, O「 business nature inconsistent with the mission, Vision

and adopted goals of APVVA.

SECTION 3. The Chapte「 is not o「ganized for p「ofit’and ea「nings shali not directIy benefit any

Chapte「 membe「 o「 O冊cer except as compensation for services rendered or for

「eimbu「sement of necessary expenses aCtua=y incurred andIo「 any pe「 diem

estabiished and approved by the Executive Committee.


SECTION l。 Members of APWA resjdjng jn the CoIorado Chapter terrjto「y specified jn A面CIe i,

Section l, Sha= be members of the Chapte「 and sha= hold the same type of

membership in the Chapte「 that they hoId in APWA. Membe「s of APVVA 「esiding

outside the CoIo「ado Chapte「 te「「ito「y specified in A巾Cle l, Section l’may eIect to be

members of the Coio「ado Chapte「 and sha冊Oid the same type of membe「Ship in this

Chapter tha=hey hold in APWA but sha!! be a membe「 Of only one Chapter"

Membe「s of APWA 「esiding in the Coiorado Chapte「 te「rito「y as desc「ibed in ArticIe看,

Section l, may e-ect to be a membe「 of a Chapter other than the Coio「ado Chapte「

but shall be a membe「 Of only one Chapte「・

SECTION 2. Criteria fo「 and grades of membership sha= be as presc「ibed by the Bylaws of the

American Pubiic Wo「ks Association.

Page l of9


SECTiON l, The fiscaI yea「 ofthe Chapte「Shali be from Juiy l th「Ough June 30.

SEC丁ION 2. The administratjve yea「 ofthe ChaptershaIl befrom January l to December 31,


SEC丁ION l, The goveming body ofthe Chapte「 Sha= be the Executive Committee, COnSisting of:

a. The O冊ce「s ofthe Chapter.

b. The Chapte「 Dj「ecto「s.

C,丁he Chai「/President or his/he「 designee of each Chapte「 B「anch.

d. The Chapte「 Delegate.

SECTION2, No person sha= be nominated, elected, Or aliowed to serve on the Executive

Comm皿ee unless he or she holds cu「「ent membership in APVVA,

SECTION 3. 1n the event of a vacancy on the Executive Committee the remaining members of the

Executive Committee sha= have the power to appoint a Chapte「 member to剛the

unexpired term of o冊ce.

SECTION 4, The Executive Committee sha= manage a看看the affai「s of the Chapter in accordance

With the 「ules and regu獲ations of the Board of Directo「S Of APWA and the “Rules

Goveming Chapters of the Ame「ican Pub=c Wo「ks Association.’’

SEC丁ION 5. The Executive Committee sha冊ave the powerto cont「act with an individual orfi「m to

PrOVide administrative or othe「 services and whose duties and compensation sha= be

as specified by the Executive Committee in an approved and executed cont「act that

Shaii have been previousiy approved by APVVA.

SECTION 6. P「ovided a quorum as defined in A巾Cie X is present, an a冊「matjve vote of a simple

majo「ity of the Executjve Committee membe「S P「eSent at any regular or duiy ca=ed

meeting sha= be requi「ed to pass any motion consistent with this o「 any other

P「OVision of the Chapter Byiaws unless othervise p「OVided in these Byiaws"

SECTION 7, Shou!d a motjon that has been prevjously debated at a meeting ofthe Executjve

Comm請ee whe「e no action was taken or a motion that has not been p「eviousIy debated

a「ise 「equ冊ng immediate action, the President can put the motion to a vote by means of

eiect「onic ba=oting as addressed in the Rules Gove「ning Chapters of the Ame「ican

Pubiic Works Association.

SECTION 8. The Secreta「y shall 「ecord, aS a Part Of the minutes of the Executive Comm請ee meeting

immediately fo=owing the voting, the means and results of the voting and the names of

a= Executive Comm舶ee membe「S Participating.

Page 2 0f9


SECTION l. The Chapter sha= have as its O冊ce「s a President, a PresidenトEIect) a Vice President) a

Secretary, a T「easurer, Immediate Past President, Chapter Delegate, and the West

SIope Chai「. The Chapter sha= have eight (8) Chapte「 Directo「S One Of which shali be

designated as a West SIope Di「ecto「 and one of which sha= be designated as an

Eme「ging Professionai Di「ector.

SECTION 2. The President sha= be the Chief E!ected O冊Cer Ofthe Chapte「 and sha= serve a te「m

Of one yea「・ He/She sha= preside at a= Chapter and Executive Committee meetings

and sha= chair the Executive Comm阻ee, He/she sha旧ssue the ca= for reguia「 o「

SPeCial Executive Committee meetings. He/She shali appoint the Chairs of a=

Committees, Standing and speciai, and be an ex-O冊cio member of each Comm皿ee・

He/She sha= see tha=hese Committees function and sha= cooperate with theCommittee Chairs to that end. He/she sha= perfo「m such othe「 duties as may from

time to time be assigned to him/her by the Exeoutive Comm阻ee"

SECTiON 3, The P「esident-Elect, Who sha= have previousiy served as an O冊Cer Or Di「ecto「, Sha=

be elected annua=y to serve a term of one year and sha= assume the o冊ce of

P「esident upon the compietion of the term of o冊ce of P「esident-Eiect and serve as

President for one year. The President-Elect sha= be responsibie fo「 a「「anging the

tentative p「og「am of activities for the current administrative yea「, Shall perferm such

other duties as assigned by the President o「 the Executive Committee and sha= act

for the P「esident in the President-s absence or when the President is unable to perform

the duties of the o冊ce, aS determined by the Executive Comm膿ee.

SECTION 4, The Secretary sha= be elected to serve a minimum term of two (2) yea「S and sha=

keep a旧eco「ds and co「「espondence of the Chapter・ The Secreta「y shail p「epare a

written 「eco「d of the p「oceedings of the Executive Committee and any fo「mal

proceedings of the Chapter. The Sec「eta「y shaiI prepa「e and submit to APWA such

reports as may be 「equired. At the expi「ation of the term of office, the Sec「eta「y shall

tu「n ove「 to his/he「 successo「, ai! books, reCOrds, PaPerS, eXeCuted cont「acts’

documents, Or Other property of the Chapter in his/he「 custody.

SECTION 5. The Treasure「 shali be elected to serve a minimum term of two (2) years and shaii

have custody of the funds, SeCurities' and othe「 valuable e什ects in the name of and to

the c「edit of the Chapte「・ The Treasurer sha= 「eceive a= monies due the Chapter’

depositing them in a bank o「 in othe「 safe and secu「e investments app「OVed by the

Executive Committee, a= of which shall be in the name of the Chapter. A= checks and

vouche「s must be signed by the Treasu「er. The T「easurer sha= p「epa「e and submit

financial reports monthly to the Executive Committee and sha= p「epa「e necessary

documents to be reviewed by the Chapter Audit Committee. The T「easu「e「 Sha=

prepare and submit to APWA such 「eports as may be required" At the expi「ation ofthe

T「easu「e「,s te「m of o冊Ce, the Treasu「er shail tum over to his/he「 SuCCeSSO「 a= books’

papers, mOney, SeCu「ities, and other vaIuable effects beIonging to the Chapte「, taking a

rece嘩the「efore from the successo「・

SECTION 6,丁he Chapter’s rep「esentative to the APWA Council of Chapters’he「einafter ca=ed the

Chapter De-egate, Sha= be appointed by the Executive Committee to serve for a

minimum th「ee (3) yea「 te「m and sha= rep「esent the Chapte「 to that body, attending

「egiona- and annuaI meetings of the Counc= of Chapte「S’bringing Chapter conce「ns

to thei「 attention, and info「ming the Chapte「 of Council of Chapters’activities. The

Chapte「 DeIegate sha一一PrePa「e and submit to APWA such 「eports as may be


「equired" An Aitemate Chapte「 Delegate may be appointed annua=y by the Executive

Commjttee to serve for the cu「「ent administrative yea「 and sha= act fo「 and on behalf

Of the Chapte「 DeIegate in the event of the Chapter Delegate,s absence or inab冊y to

Perfo「m the duties of this posjtjon as determined by the Executive Committee. The

P「esident sha= notify the APWA Executive Di「ecto「 and the APVVA RegionaI Director

Of the Chapte「,s 「ep「esentatives on o「 before Decembe「 31St of each year・

SECTION 7・ The West SIope Branch Chai「 sha= be elected annua=y to serve a term of two yea「s

and shail perfo「m such duties as assigned by the President o「 the Executive


SEC丁ION 8" Eight (8) members of the Chapter shail be elected to serve as Chapter Directo「s and

Sha= be membe「s of the Executive Committee to p「ovide di「ection to the Chapte「.

Each Di「ecto「 sha= serve a two (2) yea「 te「m and fou「 (4) di「ecto「S Sha= be eIected

each year so as to p「ovide for continuity of direction. One di「ector sha= be elected

from the West SIope B「anch of the Chapte「. One directo「 wi= be designated as an

Emerging P「ofessionaI Directo「. An Eme「ging P「ofessiona=s defined as an individuai

With ten (10) years or Iess experience in the pub=c wo「ks profession. Each Director

Sha= attend a= Chapte「 and Executive Commjttee meetings and sha= be prepared to

P「eSent P「Og「eSS rePOrtS Of any assignments.

SECTION 9, The immediate Past P「esident hoIding cur「ent membe「Ship in the Chapter shaii be an

ex o用cio member of the Executive Committee with voting priv=eges and shaii serve in

an advisory capacity to the President and the Executive Committee. It shail be the

duty of the Past President to preside at meetings of the Chapter and the Executive

Committee in the absence of the P「esident and, P「esidenトEiect.

SECTION lO. A= Chapter O冊cers, eXCePt aS Otherwise p「ovided, Sha= serve for one yea「 term o「

unt= thei「 successors a「e elected and insta=ed. The te「ms of o冊ce sha= begin as

SPeCified in A面CIe X=l, Section 3, Ofthese Bylaws.

SECTiON =. An o冊ce「 o「 di「ecto「 is 「equi「ed to attend a=eas=hree (3) 「egula「 meetings of the

Executive Committee to maintajn their position on the Chapter Boa「d unless

exceptionaI circumstances as dete「mined by the Chapter Boa「d, The Chapter Board

may remove any o冊ce「 o「 director f「Om O冊ce for faiiure to perfo「m the duties thereof

Or attending the 「equired minimum numbe「 of meetings, after providing the o冊cer or

di「ecto「 reasonable notice and opportunity to be heard,

SECTiON 12. ln case ofthe inab冊y o「 negiect in performance of duty by any O怖cer o「 Director ofthe

Chapte「 as detemined by the Execし南ve Comm請ee, the Execし正ive Comm請ee shalI

have the power by a two-thi「ds vote of its members to declare the o怖ce vacant and sha=

f冊he vacancy as p「OVided in Article V, Section 3,


SECTION l. Standing Committees and/O「 Special Task For∞S WiIi be designated by the President to

encompass the subiect a「eas including but not limited to those listed below.

a. ChapterAudit

b, Awa「ds

C. Continuing Education and Training/Pubijc Works Institute

d. CoIo「ado Association for Roadway Maintenance (CARMA)

e, Westem Snow and lce Confe「ence


f. Annual Confe「ence

g. Young P「ofessjonals

h. Nominating

SEC丁ION 2, The chair of each standing comm冊ee sha= be appointed amua=y by the President.

Each appointed chai「 sha= select comm皿ee membe「S for his or he「 COmm皿ee・

SECTION 3, Each standjng comm柑ee shaIl repor=o the Executjve Commjttee its activities at Ieast

once amua=y o「 mo「e f「equentiy if di「ected by the President or the Executive


SECTION 4, The President may appoint, Within the administrative year, Other specia=ask forces as

may be desi「able fo「 the conduct ofthe business ofthe Chapte「・

SECTION 5, No comm批ee o「 task force sha= obIigate the Chapter or issue a public p「OCiamation or

policy news 「eiease without specific authorization from the Executive Comm阻ee"

SECTION 6. Comm配ees and task forces exist for the pu「pose of implementing the mission, Vision,

and goals of the Chapter and APWA. OnIy members of APWA and the Chapter areeIigib-e to serve as chai「 of a comm皿ee" While it is expected that the leadership and

membership of such comm冊ees wi= be membe「S Of the Chapter言he inclusion of

non-members in some ci「cumstances may be approp「iate" However, the effective

controI of the committee sha= be retained by the committee chai「・


SECTION l,丁he P「esident sha= amua=y appoint an Audit Committee consisting of a=east two

Chapter membe「s who sha一一examine the financial records of the Chapter" Chapte「

members may not serve on the Audit Committee in which he/She had signato「y rights

to the Chapter’s bank o「 investment accounts for the 「eporting pe「iod being audited.

SECTION 2, A= members having custody or cont「oI of Chapter funds at any time du「ing the

reporting pe「iod a「e expected to cooperate fu=y with the Audit Comm皿ee"

sECT看ON 3. The duties of the Audit Committee include examination of the Chapter’s financial

「eco「ds in orde「 to ve「ify the assets, liabiIities, net aSSetS and cash flows (revenues

and expenses) of the Chapte「 for the Association’s accounting period.

丁he Audit Committee must adhere to the poIicies and procedures ou冊ed in the

Rules Gove「ning Chapte「s of the American Pubiic Wo「ks Association"

sECTION 4。 FinanciaI reco「ds of the Chapte「,s Branch(es) (if appIicabie) are to be included in the

examination performed by the Chapte「 Audit Committee unless the Branch ByIaws

caii for the fo「mation of a Branch Audit Committee separate from that of the Chapte「・


SECT書ON l. The Amual Meeting of the Chapter, Sha= be heid at the disc「etion of the Boa「d’the

date and place of which sha一一be determined by the Executive Committee" Othe「

Gene「aI Membe「ship Meetings for the transaction of business of the Chapter may be

called by the President upon the President-s own volition’uPOn requeSt by the Executive

Committee, Or uPOn the w「itten 「equest of 15 membe「s in good standing of the Chapter.


The membership sha= be notified a=east two weeks in advance ofthe date and piace

Ofthe Amuai Meeting and of any other Generai Membership Meetings.

SECTION 2, The Executive Committee sha= meet at least fou「 (4) times du「ing the administrative

yea「. Speciai meetings of the Executive Committee sha= be heid at the ca= of the

President o「 at the w「itten request of a majority of the membe「S Of the Executive


SECTiON 3. Meetings of the Executive Committee may be conducted in person, by means of a

teIephone or video conference ca=, Or jn any combination thereof provjded such

meetings are in accordance with ail other provisions of these By!aws and the statutes

Of the State of Coiorado.

SECTION 4,丁he P「esident sha旧orma=y notify each member of the Executive Committee a口east

two (2) weeks prio「 to the scheduled date of a regular meeting of the Executive

Committee. An agenda and copy of each report and/or resoiution, O「 Othe「 actions to

be considered at such meeting, Sha= accompany the notice of the meeting and no

Changes to the agenda sha= be considered at such meeting withou=he consent of

the majo「ity of the membe「S Of the Executive Committee in attendance.

SEC丁iON 5, The P「esjdent sha!l forma=y notify each member of the Executive Committee a=east

five (5) days p「ior to the scheduied date of a special meeting of the Executive

Committee. An agenda and copy of each report and/O「 reSOlution, Or Other action to

be conside「ed at such meeting, Sha= accompany the notice of the meeting and no

Other matters sha= be consjdered at such meetjng.


SECTiON l, A simple majority of the voting members sha= constitute a quo「um at a= Executive

Committee meetings.

SECTiON 2, Fo「 Gene「ai Membe「ship meetings of the Chapte「 invoIving a fo「maI business

agenda言en pe「cent of the membership, Of whom no more than one-half sha= be

members of the Executive Committee, ShaIi constitute a quo「um for the t「ansaction of



SECTION l,丁he Executive Committee may estab=sh Chapter dues fo「 its members in accordance

With the “Rules Gove「ning Chapters of the Ame「ican Pu輔C Wo「ks Association"’’

SECTiON 2. Ail dues are payabIe to APWA amua=y in advance・ Non-Payment Of dues for a

Pe「iod of ninety (90) days sha= be t「eated as equivalen=o 「esignation" Such

members sha= not again be eiigible for membership unt= a= ar「ea「s have been paid in



SECT看ON l, Branches of the CoIorado Chapter may be formed in accordance with the procedures

set forth in the “RuIes Gove「ning Chapte「s of the Ame「ican Pubiic Works

Association,” by g「oups of members 「epresenting a region within the ter「itoria川mits

of the Coio「ado Chapte「 fo「 the purpose of fし而heri=g the mission, Vision, gOals, and

Objectives of the CoIorado Chapter.


SECTION 2, Any g「oup of lO or mo「e membe「S Of the chapter may petition the Executive

Committee to fo「m a b「anch within the chapte「. The Executive Committee may

authorize upon approva! by the APWA Board of Di「ectors the estab!ishment of such

branches by adopting a 「esolution, Which provides for its name, jurisdiction, aPPrOVal

of branch byiaws, method of conducting affai「S, Submission of periodic repo巾e and

the appointment of a tempo「ary committee to a「「ange for an o「ganizationai meeting of


SECTiON3。 For a B「anch to be conside「ed言t must show that the「e is a benefit to the maln

chapter and autho「ization of such inco「poration of a branch is at the soIe disc「etion of

the Executive Committee once the APVVA Board of Di「ecto「S have approved its


SECTION 4, The Chair or President of each B「anch, Who sha= be elected in acco「dance with the

B「anch By-Laws, Sha= serve as a membe「 of the Executive Committee of the


SECTiON 5, The Executive Committee sha= not authorize B「anches to engage in activities, Which

a「e inconsistent with the Cons航ution of the Association, the ruIes and reguIations of

the Boa「d of Directors of the Ame「ican Pub=c Works Association, Or the Bylaws of the


SECTION 6. The o冊ce「s and aiI membe「s of the branch sha= be membe「s of APWIA and reside

within any designated 「egion within territo「ia川mits of the CoIorado Chapte「・


SECTION l, The P「esident sha= appoint a Nominating Committee of five (5) members, three (3) of

which w冊be the lmmediate Past President and two othe「 Past Presidents a= havlng

cu「「ent membe「ship in the Chapte「 and two members of good standing within the

Chapte「 as appointed by the Boa「d. The lmmediate Past P「esident shall serve as

Chai「 of the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee sha= 「eport the

names of its nominees fo「 each o冊ce standing eIection to the Executjve Committee

by Novembe「 l. One or mo「e nominations shali be made by the Nominating Committee

for each o飾ce. No persons servjng on the Nominatjng Committee sha= be eiigible fo「

nomination ex∞Pt by decla「ation.

SEC丁ION 2. The Executive Committee shall prescribe the fo「m of ballot’SChedule and othe「

detaiis of the electio= P「OCedu「e. The annual election sha= be held by means of

t「aditionai mail ba=ot or eIectronic means. P「inted ba=ots sha= be ma=ed to membe「S

and counted by th「ee te=ers appointed by the President, Who sha= ce輔y thei「

findings to the Executive Committee. Ba=ots sha= contain the names of nominees

「ecommended by the nominating comm肘ee and sha= have b!ank spaces unde「 each

o冊ce for the use of members who desire to vote fo「 eiigibIe candidates other than

those named in the p「inted ba=ot. O冊ces 「ecommended for ce珊cation by the

Executive Comm阻ee sha= be those candidates 「eceiving the highest vote totals.

SEC丁ION 3, New-y elected O冊ce「s and Di「ecto「s sha= assume o冊ce at the beginning of the

administ「ative year with the P「esident-Elect elected the previous yea「 becoming


Page 7 0f9

SEC丁看ON 4, ln the event of ext「ao「dinary and extenuating circumstances, the Executive

Comm曲ee shali have the power to declare the te「m of o冊Ce Of any or a= Chapter

O冊CerS and Directo「s extended fo「 one fu= term.


SEC丁ION l, When necessa「y and when directed by the APWA Boa「d of Directors’the chapter

may be dissoived" In the event of the dissoIution or fina川qujdation of the chapter・

after al用ab冊ies and obligations have been paid, Satisfied and discharged, O「

adequate provision made therefo「e, a= remalnIng P「OPerty and assets of the chapte「

sha= be conveyed, aSSigned and transfe「red to APWA to administe「 acco「ding to the

byIaws of APWA, With the fo=owing exception‥ Funds held by the Chapter in a

schoIarship fund as defined by the lRS in Code Section 501 (C) (3) may, a=hedisc「etion of the Chapter, be moved to anothe「 501 (C) (3) schola「Ship fund of the

Chapter’s choice.


SECTION l. The o「de「 of business at meetings of the Executive Comm阻ee o「 Of the Chapter

membership sha= be determined by the President"

SECTION 2, The ruies of procedu「e contained in Robe什s Rules of O「der, Revised, Shall gove「n

meetings ofthe members ofthe Chapte「 SO fa「 as they a「e applicabie and when not

inconsistent with these Bylaws.


SECTION l, Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed by initiato「y petition submit[ed to the

Executive Committee in writing and signed by no=ess than 15 Chapte「 members o「

by reso-ution of the Executive Comm冊ee. P「oposed amendments submitted to the

Executive Committee by petition shail be acted upon by the Executive Comm肘ee

within six months of receipt. Proposed amendments, if app「OVed by the Executive

Committee, Sha= be presented by the Executive Comm肘ee to APWA・

SECTION 2, Proposed amendments submitted to the Executive Committee and not app「oved by

the Executive Committee shaIi be prompt!y 「etumed by the Executive Comm眠ee to

the petitione「s with a lette「 of expianation requesting that the p「OPOSed amendments

be modified and 「esubm肘ed to the Executive Committee, lf the p「OPOSed amendment

is 「esubm阻ed in writing and signed by a simple majority of the originai petitioners, the

Executive Committee sha旧mmediately p「esent the p「OPOSed amendment to APWA

for approval with or without approvaI of the Executive Committee.

SECTION 3. Upon approvaI ofthe proposed amendments by APWA, the Executive Comm皿ee

sha=, Within one year of the approvaI of the p「oposed amendments by APWA’

present the p「oposed amendments to the Chapte「 membership fo「 app「OVai at a

meeting or by -etterfeiect「onjc ba=ot as may be determined by the Executive

Committee p「ovided that the membership has been given a minimum of th「ee weeks

to submit ba=ots. An a冊rmative vote of two-thi「ds of the qualified votes cast sha= be

necessary for the adoption of a p「oposed amendment.

SECTION 4, These byIaws and such amendments as may be madefrom time to time sha=


become effective upon approval by APWA and adoption by the Chapter in themanner presc「ibed in this a面cIe,

SECT看ON 5,丁he Executive Committee shouid conduct a review ofthe Chapte「’s byiaws for

COmPIeteness and applicab冊y a=east once every th「ee years. Furthermo「e the

Chapter shouid repo「=n writing to APWA compiiance with the approved bylaws or

Submit proposed byIaw changes for APWA app「OVal and adoption by the Chapter,


These bylaws were [X] adopted [ ] amended [ ] revised by members ofCoiorado Chapterat a

duIy ca=ed meeting on Aprii 21, 2016 with a quorum present as prescribed by chapte「 bylaws.

The minutes of this meeting a「e on f=e with the chapter sec「etary and APWA.

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