american mobilization for world war i

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Post on 06-Apr-2018




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  • 8/3/2019 American Mobilization for World War I


    Tim Thornton


    Andrew, Klosterman

    American Mobilization for World War I

    American Mobilization for the war effort was a feat of great leadership and patriotism of

    the American people.

    Wilson knew that quick and effective action would be what won the war, so he

    created close to five thousand new federal agencies. Social propaganda campaigns were used to

    convince the American public that they were fighting the war for a good cause, while Espionage

    and Sedition Acts were used to enforce loyalty to the war effort. Militarily nondiscriminatory

    conscription was used to create an army large enough to engage in an effective campaign.

    Finally, the War Industries Board and a higher income tax were used to economically prepare the

    country by producing sufficient supplies and paying for the cost of war. Life wasnt easy for the

    American soldier (Doughboy) during World War 1. The average soldier on the front line had to

    deal with lack of food and water, deadly gases, and the constant annoyance of lice and rats. The

    soldiers started to refer to the lice as cooties and they had given up on ever ridding themselves

    of the ever-agitating pests. The rats for the most part, were almost unbearable to most of the

    troops. Many claimed that in the middle of the night the rats would wait until they were sleeping

    and chew a hole through their sack or pocket to get to any available food they could find on

    them. They also claimed that the rats would become bloated off the amount of human flesh they

    consumed as more bodies had piled up. Many soldiers would tie a piece of bacon to the end of

    their rifle as to entice a rat close enough for an easy shot.

    A major factor in the war was the moral of a countries troop. Soon into the war

    the French morale was low at best. After constant defeats and up rises in mutiny the French were

  • 8/3/2019 American Mobilization for World War I


    beginning to falter. But, with the arrival of the AEF to France had raised the morale of the

    French troops. This up serge in American troops causes German officials to try and win the war

    before the AEF can have a major impact on the outcome of the war. Initially the American troops

    take over the less violent areas of the front as to give the French and British troops time to rest

    and to regroup on positions that were in need of reinforcements. The almost relentless pouring in

    of American troops quickly devastated the morale of the German troops and that of their high

    command. This lead to the onslaught brought on by the French and British troops that eventually

    drove the Germans and the Triple Alliance out of the war.

    In conclusion, Americas involvement and motives in World War I are often in

    question by historians and scholars. However, the swiftness in which the country mobilized for

    war remains an astounding feat.