american history coach kirkwood 1 road to revolution taxes and boycotts

American History Coach Kirkwood 1 Road To Revolution Taxes and Boycotts

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Page 1: American History Coach Kirkwood 1 Road To Revolution Taxes and Boycotts

American History

Coach Kirkwood 1

Road To Revolution

Taxes and Boycotts

Page 2: American History Coach Kirkwood 1 Road To Revolution Taxes and Boycotts

American History

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• How the British government hoped to end its money problems after the French and Indian War

• Why the colonists objected to the Stamp Act and the Townshend Acts

• How the British government reacted to the Boston Tea Party

Page 3: American History Coach Kirkwood 1 Road To Revolution Taxes and Boycotts

American History

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Trouble on the Frontier

• British now forced to defend frontier– All the way to the Mississippi

• Indians attack Fort Detroit in 1763– Known as Pontiac Rebellion

• Quit fighting after hearing of the Treaty of Paris– British react with the Proclamation of 1763

• Forbade settlers from settling west of the Appalachian mountains

• British build fort to enforce the proclamation• Angers settlers

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Money Problems

• French and Indian War cost Britain a lot of money

• Felt the colonist should pay for it• Parliament passes Sugar Act of 1764

– Taxed cheaper sugar coming to America• Colonist refuse to pay

• Quartering Act of 1765– Colonist had to pay for British soldiers living in

the colonies

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Stamp Act(1 of 2)

• Stamp Act of 1765– Taxed everyday items

• Colonists felt Parliament had gone too far

• Believed it was “Taxation with no representation”

• Leads to the formation of the Sons of Liberty

• Also results in Boycotts

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American History

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• Stamp Act Congress– Meets in 1765, with 9 delegates from the colonies– Send a petition to the King

• Parliament repels the Stamp Act in 1766– No one in America was following it– Costing British merchants lots of money

Stamp Act(2 of 2)

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Townshend Acts

• Passed in 1767– Taxed paint, glass, paper, tea, ect.

• Allowed writs of assistance– blank search warrants

• Americans Boycott– Sign non-importation agreements– Refused to use British goods

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Boston Massacre

• Tensions flare

• March 5, 1770, a riot breaks out in Boston– British soldiers fire on the mob killing many

• Because of this, Parliament will repel the Townshend Acts

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Tea Act

• British East India Company was losing money– Traded tea

• Parliament enacts the Tea Act– Designed to help the company– Carried tea on their own ships– Had their own sellers– Took business away from colonists

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Boston Tea Party

• Fall of 1773

• Sons of Liberty board ships in Boston harbor

• Dump tea into the bay

• Know as the Boston tea party

• Would increase tensions between colonist and Britain

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• What were the cause and effect of the sugar act?

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• Read 196—200

• Questions pg. 200

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What you have learned today

• How the British government hoped to end its money problems after the French and Indian War

• Why the colonists objected to the Stamp Act and the Townshend Acts

• How the British government reacted to the Boston Tea Party