american history chapter 15 section 2. containment in 1945 britain and the united states pushed the...

American History Chapter 15 Section 2

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American History Chapter 15 Section 2

Containment • In 1945 Britain and the United

States pushed the Soviets to hold free elections in Eastern Europe, but they refused.

• George Kennan, a U.S. diplomat suggested that the United States keep the Soviet Union from expanding its power until communism fell apart from its own weaknesses.

• Thus, the policy of containment referred to keeping communism within its territory through diplomatic, military, and economic actions.

Soviets in the Middle East• Soon after, Soviet-related crises

erupted in the Middle East, specifically Iran and in Turkey.

• In Iran, Soviet troops remained in the northern part of Iran and Stalin demanded access to Iran's oil supplies.

• Soviet troops also helped Iranian Communists establish a separate government.

• However, the Soviets backed down only under threats of force from the United States (flexing our nuclear bomb power).

Communists in Greece• In August of 1947, Greek

Communist launched a guerrilla war against the Greek government.

• President Truman asked Congress for money to help Greece and Turkey fight communism.

• His Truman Doctrine was meant to aid (money) “free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures.”

Marshall Plan • To weaken the appeal of

communism, Secretary of State George C. Marshall proposed the European Recovery Program or Marshall Plan which gave Europe aid (money) to rebuild its economies.

• The U.S. had come to a conclusion in early 1948 that the Soviet Union was deliberately trying to undermine Germany's economy.

Combining the Three Zones

• In 1948 the United States, France, and Britain combined or merged their zones (along with the zones in West Berlin) to create West Germany. – The Soviets blockaded

Berlin in anger.

Berlin Airlift

• Truman ordered the Berlin airlift, in which cargo planes brought food and other supplies to the city.

• President Truman wanted to keep West Berlin alive without provoking war with the Soviets.


• Stalin finally lifted the blockade, but Americans and Western Europe were moved to form North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

• NATO members (12 nations) agreed to help each other if attacked.

• The Soviets set up the Warsaw Pact alliance.

China • Besides Europe, the Cold War

spread to Asia (including China and Korea).

• In China, Mao Zedong led Communist forces in a revolt against Chiang Kai-shek’s Nationalist, government.

• Their fight began in the 1920s.

• However, the two sides stopped fighting during World War II and joined forces to stop the Japanese invasion.

Sending Aid

• After the war ended, the two groups began fighting again.

• The United States wanted to stop the spread of communism in Asia.

• It sent Chiang Kai-shek $2 billion in aid.

• However, the Communists captured the capital Beijing and moved south.

Taiwan and One China• The Nationalists left the

mainland and fled to Taiwan.

• The United States set up formal relations with the Nationalists on Taiwan.

• In 1949 the Communists set up the People’s Republic of China.

• By using the veto power in the United Nations Security Council, the U.S. kept representatives of Communist China out of the United Nations.

China & Soviet Union

• In the same year, the Soviet Union tested its first atomic weapon.

• In 1950 it signed a treaty of alliance with China.

• Americans feared that these allies would support Communist revolutions around the world.

Japan • The United States also

changed it policy toward Japan.

• General Douglas MacArthur mission was to introduce democracy to Japan and keep it from threatening war again.

• Americans saw Japan as a way to defend Asia against communism.


• After World War II, the Allies divided Korea at the 38th parallel.

• The Soviet-controlled north became Communist.

• In the U.S.-controlled south, an American-backed government was set up.

North Korean Invasion

• The Soviets gave military aid to North Korea, which built a huge army and invaded South Korea on June 25, 1950.

What to do in Korea…

• President Truman saw this as a test of the containment policy.

• President Truman was able to get the United Nations to act on Korea since the Soviet delegate had boycotted the Security Council on another matter; they (Soviets) were not present to veto the American proposal.

United Nation Troops

• He sent MacArthur and the American military to Korea.

• Truman also asked the United Nations for troops to help.

• In September 1950, MacArthur ordered an invasion.

China Getting Involved• The North Koreans were taken

by surprise, and they retreated across the 38th parallel.

• MacArthur pushed the North Koreans toward the Chinese border.

• The Chinese were afraid of a UN invasion and warned the UN troops to retreat.

• Then the Chinese invaded Korea and pushed UN troops south.

Firing a General • General MacArthur wanted

to expand the war into China. • He criticized Truman for

wanting a limited war, a war fought to achieve limited goals. – In response, Truman fired


• During the Cold War, one of the biggest concerns that shaped American foreign policy was all-out war might lead to nuclear war.

• By 1951 the UN forces drove the Chinese and North Koreans back over the 38th parallel.

• An armistice was signed in July 1953.

• By then more than 35,000 Americans had died in the war.

After the War• During the Korean War, the United States began a

military buildup. • In the past, the United States focused on Europe

to contain communism. • Now it had to focus its military on Asia. • Defense agreements were signed and aid was

given to those fighting communism in Asia.