american foreign policy chapter 9, section 1 pages 298 - 301

American Foreign Policy CHAPTER 9, SECTION 1 PAGES 298 - 301

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Page 1: American Foreign Policy CHAPTER 9, SECTION 1 PAGES 298 - 301

American Foreign Policy


PAGES 298 - 301

Page 2: American Foreign Policy CHAPTER 9, SECTION 1 PAGES 298 - 301

Building Background

The War of 1812 left the United States strong and more self-confident.

The new nation had remained strong against a great European power.

The United States then turn to diplomacy as a way to settle international issues.

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Rush-Bagot Agreement

The Treaty of Ghent had ended the War of 1812, but there were issues that were left unresolved.

Both the U.S. and Britain wanted to keep their navies and fishing rights on the Great Lakes.

Both sides reached a compromise by the establishing the Rush-Bagot Agreement.

This agreement limited naval power on the Great Lakes for both sides.

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Convention of 1818

The issue of fishing rights was addressed in the Convention of 1818 treaty.

Britain gave the U.S. fishing rights off parts of the Newfoundland and Labrador coasts.

This treaty also set the border between the U.S. and Canada at 49th parallel as far west as the Rocky Mountains.

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Page 6: American Foreign Policy CHAPTER 9, SECTION 1 PAGES 298 - 301

U.S. Gains Florida

Secretary of State John Quincy Adams held talks with the Spanish about letting Americans settle in Florida.

President James Monroe (1816) had sent U.S. soldiers to secure the U.S.-Florida border. General Andrew Jackson led the soldiers.

During this time conflict began between the Seminole Indians of Florida and the American settlers.

The Seminole often helped runaway slaves and sometimes raided American settlements.

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First Seminole War

In April 1818 Jackson’s forces invaded Florida to capture Seminole raiders. This act started the First Seminole War.

During the war, Jackson took over most of Spain’s important military posts.

Then he overthrew the governor of Florida.

In 1819 the two countries signed the Adams-Onis Treaty which settled all border disputes.

Under this treaty Spain gave East Florida to the U.S. and the U.S. gave up any claims that it had on Texas.

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Page 9: American Foreign Policy CHAPTER 9, SECTION 1 PAGES 298 - 301

Monroe Doctrine

After Mexico broke free from Spain in 1821, President Monroe grew worried.

Monroe feared that rival European powers might try to take control of the newly independent Latin American countries.

He was concerned about Russia’s interest in the northwestern coast of North America.

Adams and Monroe put together a document that was intended to protect American interests.

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Monroe Doctrine

The Monroe Doctrine was an exclusive statement of American policy warning European powers not to interfere with the Americas. The main points of the statement were:

The U.S. would not interfere in the affairs of European nations.

The U.S. would recognize and not interfere with European colonies already established in the Americas.

Western Hemisphere was off limits to future colonization.

Any attempt to colonize would be considered to be a hostile act.