american dyestuff reporter 453 american dyestuff …454 american dyestuff reporter d subject page...

AMERICAN DYESTUFF REPORTER 453 American Dyestuff Reporter INDEX TO VOLUME XI ( Thirteen ■ Issues ) July 3, 1922, to December 18, 1922, Inclusive Subject Index A Subject Page A Quarter Century of Technical Education in Textile Chemistry and Dyeing (Olney) .......................................................................................................... 181 Acid Colors: List of American [See under “American-Made”] A. C. S. Dye Division Papers, Spring Meeting, 1922: Abstracts of.. 265 Alizarine Dyes on Silk: The True (Emmons] .................................................. 160 Aluminum Chloride Processes: Carbonizing Raw Wool and Noils by the Sulphuric Acid and (“Consulting Textile Chemist”) ................... 187 American .Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists. [See under “ Proceedings.” ] American-Made Colors : Group I—Acid Colors ................................................................................................ 284 Group II—Basic Colors ............................................................................................. 315 Group III—Chrome Colors ...................................................................................... 352 Group IV—Direct Colors ........................................................................................ 373 Group V—Eosines and Similar Products. Fur Dyes. Nigrosines, Induline and Oil Colors. Sulphur Colors. Vat Colors ................... 411 Apparatus: A Consideration of the Various Substances Used in the Construction of Dyeing and Bleaching Utensils and (Grandage and Hadley) [See under “Consideration”] Application of Hydrogen Peroxide: Manufacture and (Wilson) ............ 137 Artificial silk and Its Applications in the Textile Industry (King)... 317 Artificial Silk: Dyeing of Mixtures Containing (Emmons) .......... . ... 268 Artificial Silk: Some Recent Important Developments in ...................... 155 B Basic Colors: List of American [See under “American-Made”] Basic Colors: Notes on Some Effects Produced Through the Printing of (Sansone) .............................................................................................. .. .............. 86 Benefits to Be Derived from a Standard Raw Silk Classification (Lewis) ....................................... . ... . ^ .............. .................................................... 335 Bleaching and Dyeing Tussah Silk (Emmons) ................................................ 463 Bleaching Agent: Sodium Peroxide as a (Nanson) .................................... 419 Bleaching Cotton: Gain or Loss of Weight in Dyeing and .................... 366 Bleaching of Cotton Piece Goods (Bailey) ....................................................... 122 Bleaching: Colors Fast to (Schwarz) .................................................................... 222 Bleaching in Laundries .............................................. ...................................... .. 325 Bleaching Utensils and Apparatus: A Consideration of the Various Substances Used in the Construction of Dyeing and (Grandage and Hadley) [See under “Consideration”] Bright Colors and Tints on Carpet and Rug Yarns (Holden) ................. 209 Blue Dyes Used for Tinting White Goods in Laundries ............................. 130 C 297 Subject Page Carbonizing Raw Wool and Noils by the Sulphuric Acid and Aluminum Chloride Processes (“Consulting Textile Chemist”) .......................... 187 Carpet and Rug Yarns: Bright Colors and Tints on (Holden) ............ 2091 Cellulose Acetate Silk: Dyeing of (Sanderson) ........................................... 6 Centrifugal Extractors (Hadley and Grandage) ............................................. 198 Chemical Control of Dyestuffs (Scott) ................................................................... 225 Chemical Research in the Power Laundry Industry (Shupp) ................... 336 Chemical Solutions: Mechanical Appliances for Pumping (Fischer) [See under “Mechanical”] Chemistry of Dyestuffs: The New Physics, and the (Claflin) ................ 219 Chromates of Lead in Dyeing and Calico Printing (Nanson) ................... 467 Chrome Colors: List oi American [See under “American-Made”] Chrome Colors: The Mordanting of Worsted Piece Dyes for Certain Fast (Moore) ........................................................................................................... 252 Chrome Mordants and Chrome Dyes ...................................................................... 281 Chrome Ooze Calf: Manufacture of (Jackson) ............................................... 297 Chlorides in Warp Sizing ............................................................................................. 33 g Classification: Benefits to Be Derived from a Standard Raw Silk (Lewis) ....................................................................................................................... 335 Cloths: Fine Wool Mixture (“An Old Cloth Raiser”) ............................. 240 Cloth for Finishing: Preparation of (Higgins and Hodge) ...................... 276 Cloth for Finishing: Preparation of ....................................................................... 174 Colors: American-Made [See under “American”] Colors: Direct (Greenhalgh) ...................................................................................... 172 Color Matching: Worsted (Kershaw) .................................................................. 246 Colors: The Mordanting of Worsted Piece Dyes for Certain Fast Chrome (Moore) .................................................................................................... 252 Colors: Notes on Some Effects Produced Through the Printing of Basic (Sansone) .................................................................................................... 86 Colors and Tints on Carpet and Rug Yarns: Bright (Holden) ............ 209 Colors Fast to Bleaching (Schwarz) ..................................................................... 222 Consideration of the Various Substances Used in the Construction of Dyeing and - Bleaching Utensils and Apparatus: A (Grandage and Hadley) Part III ............................................... 112 Control of Dyestuffs: Chemical (Scott) .............................................................. 225 Cotton Piece Goods: Bleaching of (Bailey) ..................................................... 122 Cotton: Gain or Loss of Weight in Dyeing and Bleaching ...................... 366 Cotton Piece Goods: Notes on the Dyeing of Direct Blacks on (Sansone) [See under “Notes” ) Cotton Piece Goods on the Padder: Dyeing (Deady) ................................ 333 Cotton Piece Goods: Practical Dyeing of (Ailing and Brainerd) . . . . 369 Cotton Softeners (Estey) ............................................................................................. 299 Cotton Warp Dyeing: Yarn Breakage in (Sidebottom) ........................... 4 Cotton Warps: Naphthol AS and BS and Their Use in the bveim? of (Morris) ..................................................................................................... . '... 215 Cotton Yarn: High Polish for .............................................................................’’’ 424 Covering Vegetable Fibers in Woolen Piece Goods (Sanderson)...!.. 43 Calf: Manufacture of Chrome Ooze (Jackson)

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Page 1: AMERICAN DYESTUFF REPORTER 453 American Dyestuff …454 AMERICAN DYESTUFF REPORTER D Subject Page Defects Developed During Wool Cloth Finishing (Midgley)..... 87 Direct Blacks on Cotton

A M E R I C A N D Y E S T U F F R E P O R T E R 453

American Dyestuff Reporter


V O LU M E XI(T hirteen ■ Issues )

July 3, 1922, to December 18, 1922, Inclusive

Subject IndexA

S u b jec t P a g eA Q u a r t e r C en tu ry of T e ch n ica l E d u c a t io n in Tex t i l e C h em is t ry and

D y e in g ( O ln e y ) .......................................................................................................... 181Acid C o lo r s : L i s t of A m er i can

[See u n d e r “ A m e r i c a n - M a d e ” ]A. C. S. D y e Div is io n P ap e rs , S p r in g M eet ing , 1 9 2 2 : A b s t r a c t s o f . . 265Alizar ine D yes on S i lk : T h e T r u e ( E m m o n s ] .................................................. 160A lu m in u m Chlo ride P r o c e s s e s : C a r b o n iz in g Raw W ool and Noil s by

the Su lp hur ic A cid a n d ( “ C o n su l t in g T e x t i l e C h em is t” ) ................... 187A m erican .Association of Tex t i l e C hem is ts an d Colorists . [S ee u n d er

“ P ro ceed in g s .” ]A mer ican-M ade Co lo rs :

G roup I — A cid Colors ................................................................................................ 284G roup I I — Basic Colo rs ............................................................................................. 315G roup I I I — C h ro m e Colo rs ...................................................................................... 352Group I V — D ir e c t Colo rs ........................................................................................ 373Group V—E o s i n e s and S im i la r P ro d u c ts . F u r Dyes. N ig ros in es ,

I n d u l in e and O il Colors. S u lp h u r Colors. V a t C o lo r s ................... 411A p p a r a tu s : A C o n s id e ra t io n of the V ar io u s S u b s t an ce s U se d in the

C o n s t ru c t io n of D y e in g and B le ach in g U tens il s and (G r a n d a g e and H a d le y )

[See u n d e r “ C o n s id e r a t io n ” ]A pplica tion of H y d r o g e n P e r o x id e : M a n u fa c tu re and ( W i l s o n ) ............ 137Artificial s i l k a n d I t s A p p l ica t io n s in the T e x t i l e I n d u s t r y ( K i n g ) . . . 317Artif ic ial S i lk : D y e in g of M ix tu re s C o n ta in in g ( E m m o n s ) .......... . . . . 268Artif ic ial S i lk : S o m e R ec en t I m p o r t a n t D ev e lo p m en ts i n ...................... 155

BBasic C o l o r s : L i s t of A m er ican

[S ee u n d e r “ A m e r i c a n - M a d e ” ]Basic C o lo r s : N o te s on Some Ef fec ts P r o d u c e d T h r o u g h th e P r in t i n g

of ( S a n s o n e ) .............................................................................................. ................ 86Benefits to Be D er ived from a S t a n d a r d R aw Silk Classi ficat ion

( L e w is ) ........................................ . . . . ^ .............. .................................................... 335B le ach ing and D y e in g T u s s a h S ilk ( E m m o n s ) ................................................ 463B leach ing A g e n t : Sod iu m P e r o x id e as a ( N a n s o n ) .................................... 419B le ach ing C o t t o n : Gain o r L oss of W e ig h t in D y e in g a n d .................... 366B le ach in g of C o t to n P iece Goods ( B a i l e y ) ....................................................... 122B le ach in g : Colo rs F a s t to ( S c h w a r z ) .................................................................... 222Bleach in g in L a u n d r i e s .............................................. ...................................... .. 325B le ach in g U ten s i l s and A p p a r a t u s : A C o n s id e ra t io n of the V ar io u s

S u b s t an ce s U sed in th e C o n s t ru c t io n of D y e in g and (G r a n d a g e and H ad le y )

[S ee u n d e r “ C o n s id e r a t io n ” ]B r ig h t Colo rs a n d T in t s on C a rp e t and R u g Y arn s ( H o l d e n ) ................. 209Blue D y es U sed for T i n t in g W h i t e Goods in L a u n d r i e s ............................. 130


S u b jec t P a g eCarb o n iz in g Raw W ool and Noil s by the Sulphuric Acid and A luminum

Chlo ride P rocesses ( “ C onsu l t ing Tex ti le C h em is t” ) .......................... 187C arp e t and R u g Y a r n s : B r ig h t Colo rs and T in t s on ( H o l d e n ) ............ 2091Cel lulose A ce ta te S i lk : D y e in g of ( S a n d e r s o n ) ........................................... 6Centr ifugal E x t r a c to r s (H a d le y and G r a n d a g e ) ............................................. 198Chemica l Con tro l of Dyes tuffs ( S c o t t ) ................................................................... 225Chemica l Resea rch in the P o w e r L a u n d ry I n d u s t r y ( S h u p p ) ................... 3 3 6Chemica l S o lu t io n s : M echanica l Appliances for P u m p in g (F isch e r )

[See u n d e r “ M ech an ica l” ]C h em is t ry of D yes tu f fs : T h e N ew Physics , and the ( C la f l i n ) ................ 219C h ro m a te s of Lead in D y e in g and Cal ico P r in t i n g ( N a n s o n ) ................... 467Ch ro m e Colo rs : L i s t oi A m er ican

[See u n d e r “ A m er ican -M ad e” ]Ch ro m e Co lo rs : T h e M o r d a n t in g of W o r s te d P iece D yes for C er ta in

F a s t (M o o re ) ........................................................................................................... 252C h ro m e M o r d a n ts and Chrom e D y e s ...................................................................... 281C h ro m e O oze C a l f : M an u fac tu re of ( J a c k s o n ) ............................................... 297Chlo rides in W a r p S i z i n g ............................................................................................. 3 3 gC lass i f i ca t io n : Benefits to Be D er iv ed from a S ta n d a r d R aw Silk

(L e w is ) ....................................................................................................................... 3 3 5C lo th s : F in e W o o l M ix tu re ( “ An Old Cloth R a i se r” ) ............................. 240Cloth for F in i s h in g : P r ep a ra t io n of (H ig g in s and H o d g e ) ...................... 2 7 6Clo th for F in i s h in g : P rep a ra t io n o f ....................................................................... 1 7 4C o lo r s : A m er ican -M ad e

[See u n d e r “ A m e r i c a n ” ]C o lo r s : D irec t ( G r e e n h a l g h ) ...................................................................................... 1 7 2Colo r M a tc h in g : W o rs te d ( K e r s h a w ) .................................................................. 246C o lo r s : T h e M o r d a n t in g of W o rs te d P iece D yes for C er ta in F a s t

C h ro m e (M o o re ) .................................................................................................... 252C o l o r s : N o te s on S o m e Ef fec ts P ro d u c e d T h r o u g h the P r in t i n g of

Bas ic ( S an s o n e ) .................................................................................................... 86Colo rs and T in t s on Carpe t a n d R u g Y a r n s : B r igh t ( H o l d e n ) ............ 209Colo rs F a s t to B le ach ing ( S c h w a r z ) ..................................................................... 22 2Considera t ion of the V ar io u s S u b s tan ce s U sed in the C o n s t ru c t io n of

D y e in g a n d - B le ach in g U tens i l s and A p p a r a tu s : A ( G r a n d a g e and H a d le y )

P a r t I I I ............................................... 1 1 2C ontro l of D yes tu f fs : Chem ical ( S c o t t ) .............................................................. 225C o t to n P iece G o o d s : B leach ing of ( B a i l e y ) ..................................................... 1 2 2C o t t o n : Gain or Loss of W e ig h t in D y e in g a n d B le a c h in g ...................... 366Cotton P iece G o o d s : N o te s on th e D y e in g of D irec t B lack s on

( S ansone)[S ee u n d e r “ N o te s ” )

Co t to n P iece Goods on the P a d d e r : D y e in g ( D e a d y ) ................................ 3 3 3C o t to n P iece G o o d s : P rac t ica l D y e in g of (A i l in g and B r a i n e r d ) . . . . 369Cotton S ofteners ( E s t e y ) ............................................................................................. 299C o t to n W a r p D y e in g : Y a rn B r e a k a g e in ( S i d e b o t t o m ) ........................... 4Co tto n W a r p s : N ap h th o l AS and B S and T h e i r U se in the bveim?

of (M o r r i s ) ..................................................................................................... . ' . . . 215Co t to n Y a r n : H ig h Polish f o r .............................................................................’ ’ ’ 424Cover ing V eg e tab le F ib e r s in W o o len P iece Goods ( S a n d e r s o n ) . . . ! . . 43Cal f : M a n u f a c t u r e of C h r o m e O o ze ( J a c k s o n )

Page 2: AMERICAN DYESTUFF REPORTER 453 American Dyestuff …454 AMERICAN DYESTUFF REPORTER D Subject Page Defects Developed During Wool Cloth Finishing (Midgley)..... 87 Direct Blacks on Cotton

454 A M E R IC A N D Y E S T U F F R E P O R T E R

DSubjec t P ag e

Defects Developed D u r in g W o o l C lo th F in ish in g ( M i d g l e y ) . . . ....... 87D irec t B lack s on Cot to n P iece G o o d s : N o te s on th e D y e in g of

(S ansone)| See u n d e r “ N o te s ” ]

D irec t Co lors ( G r e e n l i a lg h ) ........................................................................................... 172D irec t C o lo r s : List of A mer ican

| See u n d e r “ A m er i can -M ad e” ]D isch a rg e S ty le s : T u r k e y Red ( W i l s o n ) ................... .̂...................................... 158D iscussion of W a s h in g S tan d a rd s on Silk (A. A. T. C. C . ) .................... 348D y e Divis ion, A. C. S., S pr ing M eet ing , 1 9 2 2 : A b s t rac t s of P a p e r s . . 265 D y eh p u se : Efficiency in the W o rs te d (B . T. C.)

[See u n d e r “ Efficiency” ]D y e h o u s e : L im e in the ( D a r l i n g ) ...................................... 323D yeing : A Q u a r t e r C en tu ry of Tech n ica l E d u c a t io n in Tex ti le C h em ­

is try and ( O l n e y ) .................................................................. ; • • • • . ....................... 181D y e in g and B leach ing C o t to n : Gain o r Loss of W e ig h t i n . . . . .......... 366D y e in g and B le ach ing U tens i l s and A p p a r a tu s : A C ons idera t ion of

the V ar io us S u b s tan ces U sed in the C o n s t ru c t io n of (G r a n d a g eand H ad le y )

[See u n d e r ‘ C o n s id era t io n ” ]D y e in g and Cal ico P r in t i n g : C h ro m a tes of Lead in ( N a n s o n ) ............... 467D yein g of Ce llulose Aceta te Silk ( S a n d e r s o n ) .................................................. 6D y e in g C o t to n P iece Goods on the P ad d e r ( D e a d y ) ...................................... 333D y ein g of Co t to n Piece G oods : P rac t ica l (A il ing and B r a i n e r d ) . . . . . 369 D y e in g of Co tton W a r p s : N a p h th o l A S a n d BS an d T h e i r U se in the

(M o rr i s ) ....................................................................................................................... 215D y e in g : F o rm ic Acid and (G. H . J o h n s o n ) .................................................. 1D yein g with I n d i g o .......................................................................................................... 306D y e in g Materia l C o n ta in in g Pulled W ool to W h ich Par ti c le s of Skin

A dhere ( T e m p le to n ) ................................. ............................................................. 9D y e in g of M ix tures C o n ta in ing Artificial Silk ( E m m o n s ) .......................... 268D y e in g : H o s ie ry (B ra in e rd , A. T., and Brainerd , W. E . ) ........................ 441D y e in g : M ult i -Co lo r Effects in S imple P iece ( C r o s s ) ............................. 377D y e in g : Physica l Ch em is t ry of (B r ig g s and B u l l ) .................................. 447D y e in g : P r ep a ra t io n of W oolens for P iece ( E v e r e t t ) ................................. 300D yein g Sweat Pad Goods (W i lk in so n ) ................................................................... 357D v e i n g : T im e and T e m p e ra tu re Contro l in P iece ( I n c o l l ) ..................... 13D y ein g Tu ssah S ilk : B leaching and ( E m m o n s ) ........................................... 463D yein g Viscose Silk ( E m m o n s ) .............................................................................. 79D y e in g Wool-S ilk M ate r ia ls the Same S hade ( E m m o n s ) ............................. 399D yeing W ors te d Fabr ic s ( M a t o s ) ................... .. ..................................................... 152D y e in g : Y arn B reakage in Cotton W a rp ( S i d e b o t t o m ) . . . . . ................. 4D y ers Should Ins is t on a R ep o r t on the Q ua l i ty of R aw S i lk : W h y

Silk (Lew is) ............................................................................................................. 151D y e s : Ch ro m e M o rd an ts and C h r o m e ....................... ....................................... .. . 281D yes to L i g h t : S u m m a ry of P ro g re s s of I n v es t ig a to r s to D e te rm in e

F as tn ess of (A. A. T. C. C . ) ............................................................................ 382D yes and T h e i r N a m e s .................................................................................................... 423Dyes and Th e ir F as tn es s to L ig h t U n d e r the Q u a r tz M ercury A rc

L a m p : T es t in g of (A A. T. C. C.) ( R o b i n s o n ) .................................. 384Dyes Used for T i n t in g W h i t e Goods in L a u n d r ie s : B lu e .......................... 130D yes on S i lk : T h e T ru e Alizar ine ( E m m o n s ) ............................................... 160Dyes tuff I n d u s t r y as Seen from a Dyes tu ff L a b o r a to r y : Some Aspects

of the ( R o s e ) ............................................................................................................. 221D yes tu f fs : Chem ical Contro l of ( S c o t t ) . ............................................................ 225D yes tu f fs : Th e M erch an d is in g of (C la f l i n ) ................... . . . ; ......................... 261D yes tu ffs : T h e N ew Physics , and the C hem is try of ( C la f l in ) ................... 219D yes tu f fs : Th e P rac t ica l E x a m in a t io n of ( S i d e b o t t o m ) ........................... 248

EE D I T O R I A L S —

T h e New T r e n d in Dyes tuff A d v e r t i s i n g . ...................................................... 22A Lesson from M an ch es te r in Business E t h i c s ........................................... 23D r i f t in g ............................................................................................................................ 55Some Aspects of “ T h e Chemica l Q u es t io n ” .................................................... 99T h e 1921 Dye C e n s u s ................................................................................................. 133T h e Eng lish Color I n d e x .......................................................................................... 134A W a rn i n g W h ic h Shou ld B e H e e d e d ............................................................... 134An Inv i ta t ion to the A. A. T. C. C. M e m b e r s ............................................. 167T h e Senate Dye D e c i s io n ....................................................................................... 167W elcome ................................ 199E xecu t ives for the A m er ican D y e I n d u s t r y .................................................... 199Dr. Jok ich i T a k a m in e : A T r ib u te ..................................................................... 200T h e Die I s C a s t . ............ . . . : ................................................................................... 254T h e N in th Chemica l S h o w ? ................................................................................... 254O u r F if th A n n iv e r s a r y ............................................................................................... 291T h e N eed of the H o u r ............................................................................................ 292H e r m a n A. M e t z .................................. 293F ore ign Recogn i t ion of a N e c e s s i t y .................................................................. 327Chemica l Education ................................................................................................... 355A Chance to Save the 1923 Chemica l S h o w ? ............................................. 356Th e W r o n g Road to H a r m o n y . . ....................................................................... 387T h e R ep o r te r Index, the P roceedings I n d e x —-and an A n n o u n cem en t 459A Useful O rg an iza t io n A r r iv e s .............. ; .......................................................... 459

Eff iciencies: O bse rva t ions on Te xti le ( C h a m b e r s ) ...................................... 127Efficiency in the W o rs te d D yehouse (B. T. C . ) —

P a r t 1 ................................................................................................................................ 37P a r t I I ......................... 75

Eosines : L ist of American[S ee u n d er “ A m er ican -M ad e” ]

E x am in a t io n of D yes tu ffs : Th e P ract ica l ( S id e b o t to m ) .............................. 248E x t r a c to r s : Centr ifugal ( H ad ley and G r a n d a g e ) ........................................... 193

F u r D y e s : List of A m er ican[See u n d e r “ A m e r i c a n -M a d e ” ]

GSubjec t

G ain o r Loss of W e ig h t in D y e in g an d B le ach in g C o t t o n ........................ 366G erm an F l a x and R esea rc h ( G o l d t h w a i t ) ............................................................ 228G erm an T e s t s for F a s t n e s s .......................................................................................... 15

HH ig h Po l ish for Co tton Y 'a r n ..........................................................................H os ie ry D y e in g (B ra in e rd , A. T., and Bra inerd , W. E . ) .............H y d r o g e n P e r o x id e : M a n u f a c t u r e and A p p l ica t io n of (W i lso n )



I n c r e a s i n g F in is h in g P la n t P ro d u c t io n ( R e o c h ) ........................................... 81In d ig o : D y e in g w i t h ...................................................................................................... 306I n d u l in e : A m er ican

[S ee u n d e r “ A m er i can -M ad e” ]I N Q U I R Y D E P A R T M E N T —

D y ein g Su lp h u r B la c k s .............................................................................................. 29T e s t in g F a b r ic s ............................................................................................................. 30

L a m p : T e s t in g of Dyes and T h e ir F a s tn e s s to L ig h t U n d e r the Q u ar tzM ercu ry A r c (A. A. T. C. C.) ( R o b i n s o n ) . ............................................. 384

L au n d r ie s : B le ach ing i n .............................................................. 325L a u n d r y I n d u s t r y : Chemica l Resea rch in the P o w e r ( S h u p p ) .............. 336L I C E N S E S F O R D Y E I M P O R T S G R A N T E D B Y U. S. T R E A S ­

U R Y D E P A R T M E N T —July , 1922 ....................................................................................................................... 177A u g u s t , 1922 ......................... 257

Lim e in the D yehouse ( D a r l i n g ) ............................................................................... 323Lim e in the T e x t i l e I n d u s t r y ( D a r l i n g ) ................................................................ 16

MM a n a g e m e n t : P r inc ip les of O rg an iza t io n and ( A t t w o o d ) ........................ 47M an u fac tu re and A pplica tion of H y d r o g e n P e ro x id e ( W i l s o n ) .............. 137M an u fac tu re of C h ro m e O o ze Calf ( J a c k s o n ) .................................................. 297M a tc h in g : W o rs te d Colo r ( K e r s h a w ) ............................. .................................... 246Mechanica l Appliances for P u m p in g Chem ica l S o lu tions ( F i s c h e r ) —

P a r t I ................................................................................................................................ 301P a r t IT ............................................................................................................................. 339P a r t I I I ............................................................................................................................ 401

M E N O F M A R K I N T H E D Y E S T U F F F I E L D —Charles F. G o ld th w a i t ............................................................................................... 202

M erch an d is in g of D y es tu f f s : T h e ( C la f l i n ) ............................................... .. . . 261M ic roscope in the N ew Bedford Tex t i l e S c h o o l : U se of the (Grim-

sh aw ) ...................................................................................................... 275M ic roscope in Tex t i l e W o r k : U se of the ( A b s t r a c t ) ( I l o x i e ) .............. 347M il l in g : S co u r in g and (S c h o f i e ld ) ....................................................................... 243M ix tu re s C o n ta in in g Arti ficial S i lk : D y e in g of ( E m m o n s ) ........................ 268M o rd an t in g of W o rs te d P iece D y es for C er ta in F a s t Ch ro m e Colors :

T h e (M o o re ) ............................................................................................................. 252M o rd an ts (B a n c ro f t ) —

P a r t I ................................................................................................................................ 145P a r t I I ............................................................................................................................. 211P a r t I I I .......................................................................................................................... 391

M o rd an ts and C h ro m e D y e s : C h r o m e . . . . ......................................................... 281M ult i -Colo r Effec ts in S im ple P iece D y e in g ( C r o s s ) ................................. 377

NN aphtho l A S and BS and T h e i r LTse in th e D y e in g of Co t to n W arps

(M o rr i s ) .............................................................. ; ......................... ...........................New Pro tec t iv e Agen t for Anim al F ib e r s ( E d g e ) ..........................................N ig ro s in es : List of A m er ican

[See u n d e r “ A m er ican -M ad e” ]N o te s on the D y e in g of D irec t Bla cks on Co t to n P iece Goods (S an ­

s o n e )—P a r t I ! Vol. X , p. 4 0 2 ]P a r t I I ..............................................................................................................................P a r t I I I ..........................................................................................................................P a r t I V ........................................................................................................... ..................

N otes on Some Effec ts P ro d u ced T h r o u g h th e P r in t i n g of Bas ic Colors (S an s o n e ) ..................................................................................................................


1 1 51 8 9471


OO b se rv a t io n s on Te xti le Efficiencies ( C h a m b e r s ) ........................................... 127Oil Co lo rs : List of A merican

[See u n d e r “ A m er ican -M ad e” ]O rg an iza t io n and M a n a g e m e n t : P r in c ip le s of ( A t t w o o d ) .......................... 47“ O xyce l lu lo se” : I t s F o r m a t io n and Reactions . ( S u m m a r y of L i te ra ­

tu re . ) (Cl if ford and F a r g h e r ) ......................................................................... 405

FF a b r ic s : D yeing W o rs te d ( M a t o s ) ................................................................... 152F as t to B leach in g : Co lors ( S c h w a r z ) ................................................................... 222F as t Chrom e C olo rs : Th e M o rd an t in g of W o rs te d P iece D y es for

Cer ta in (M o o re ) .................................................................................................... 252Fas tn ess of Dyes to L i g h t : S u m m a ry of Progress of In v es t i g a to r s to

D ete rm in e (A. A. T. C. C . ) ............................................................................ 382F a s tn ess : German Test s f o r ...................................................................................... 18F ib e r s : New Pro te c tive A gen t for Animal ( E d g e ) .................................... 52Fine Wool M ix tu re Cloths ( “ An Old Cloth R a ise r” ) ................................. 240F in ish : T h e V e lo u r .................................................................... .................................... 205F in ish in g : Defects Developed D u r in g Wool Cloth ( M i d g l e y ) ................... 87Fin ish in g of Fine W o rs ted s and W o o len s : T h e ( J a c k m a n ) ..................... 163Fin ish in g P lan t P ro d u c t io n : In c rea s in g ( R e o c h ) ........................................... 81F in i s h in g : P repara t ion of Cloth for (H ig g in s and H o d g e ) ...................... 276F in ish in g : Prepara t io n of C loth f o r ..................................................................... 1 7 4Flax and R es ea rc h : G erm an ( G o ld th w a i t ) ...................................................... 228F O R E I G N T R A D E O P P O R T U N I T I E S .................................................... 57, 135Formic Acid and D yeing (G. I I. J o h n s o n ) ......................................................... 1

PP a d d e r : D v e in g Cot to n P iece Goods on the ( D e a d y ) ...............................333P A T E N T S —

Logw ood D y e i n g .............................................................................................................. 32K n i t t ed H o s ie ry ............................................................................................................. 32Process for P ro d u c in g Color E f f e c t s ................................................................... 3 7D a rk D y e C om bined with Soap, and P rocess of P r o d u c i n g ................... 36S top M echan ism fo r L o o m s ................ .................................................................. 58P rocess of E x p a n d in g the Cross-Sec tions of S p u n Silk Y a r n .............. 59Cloth T i n t in g Compos it io n and P rocess of T in t in g C l o t h ..................... 60Azo D y e ........................................................................................................................... 61P ro cess of D is in te g ra t i n g V egetab le F ib e r s for LTse in the Texti le

and P a p e r I n d u s t r ie s .............. 62P roduc t ion of P a t t e r n Effec ts in Co t to n and O th e r V eg e tab le F iber

F ab r ic s , I n c lu d in g S ilk ................. 62F ab r ic -M ea su r in g and Cos t -C o m p u t in g M a c h i n e .......................................... 1 0 1C lo th -T rea t in g M ach in e ......................................................... 109

Perox id e as a B le ach ing A g e n t : Sodium ( N a n s o n ) ......................................... 419

Page 3: AMERICAN DYESTUFF REPORTER 453 American Dyestuff …454 AMERICAN DYESTUFF REPORTER D Subject Page Defects Developed During Wool Cloth Finishing (Midgley)..... 87 Direct Blacks on Cotton

A M E R IC A N D Y E S T U F F R E P O R T E R 4 5 5

S u b jec t Pa<yePhysical C h em is t ry of D y e in g (B r ig g s and B u l l ) ..................................... 447Physics, and th e C h em is t ry of D y es tu f f s : T h e N ew ( C la f l i n ) ............... 219Piece D y e in g : M ult i -Co lo r Ef fec ts in S im ple ( C r o s s ) ................................ 377Piece D y e in g : P rep a ra t io n of W o o len s for ( E v e r e t t ) .............................. 300Piece D y e in g : T im e and T e m p e r a tu r e Co n tro l in ( I n c o l l ) ..................... 1 3Piece Dyes for C er ta in F a s t Ch ro m e C o l o r s : T h e M o r d a n t in g of

W o rs ted (M o o re ) ...................................................................................................... 252Piece Goods: B leach in g of C o t to n ( B a i l e y ) ....................................... 122Piece Goods: Co v er in g V e g e ta b le F ib e r s in ( S a n d e r s o n ) ......................’ 43Piece Goods: N o te s on th e D y e in g of D i rec t Bla cks on Co t to n (San-

sone)(See u n d e r “ N o t e s ” ]

Piece Goods on the P a d d e r : D y e in g C o t to n ( D e a d y ) .................................. 3 3 3Piece Goods: P rac t ica l D y e in g of C o t to n (A i l ing and B r a i n e r d ) ___ 369Prac t ical D y e in g of C o t to n P iece Goods (A i l in g a n d B r a i n e r d ) ............ 369Pract ical E x a m in a t io n of D y es tu f f s : Th e ( S i a e b o t t o m ) ................................ 248Preparat ion of C lo th for F in i s h in g ( H ig g in s and H o d g e ) ........................ 276P repara t ion of C lo th for F i n i s h i n g .......................................................................... 474P rep ara t io n of W oolens for P iece D y e in g ( E v e re t t ) . . . . ........................ 300P R O C E E D I N G S O F T H E A M E R I C A N A S S O C I A T I O N O F T E X ­

T I L E C H E M I S T S A N D C O L O R I S T S . ....................309, 345, 379, 451I n d ex to P r o c e e d i n g s ...................................................................................... 457

Principles of O rg an iza t io n and M a n a g e m e n t : I n e (A t tw o o d j . . . . . . . 47Pumping Chem ical S o lu t io n s : M echan ica l Appliances for (F i s ch e r )

[See u n d e r ‘'M e ch an ic a l” ]P r in t in g : C h ro m a tes of Lead in D y e in g a n d Cal ico ( N a n s o n ) ............ 467

RRaw Silk Class if ica t ion: Benefits to Be D er ived from a S ta n d a r d Raw

Silk (L e w is) ............................................................................................................... 335Research: G erm an F la x a n d ( G o l d t h w a i t ) ........................................................ 228Research in the P o w e r L a u n d ry I n d u s t r y : Chemica l ( S h u p p ) ......... .. ’ 336R E V I E W S —

Bleaching and D y e in g of J u t e ............................................................................... 34Dyes, Classified by I n t e r m e d ia t e s ........................................................... 3 1Dyeing Unio ns C o n ta in in g Ce llulose A c e ta te S i l k .............. .. 3 1Analysis of W o v e n F a b r i c s ...................................................................................... 3 1Principles and P rac t ice of F u r D r e s s in g and F u r D y e i n g ................... 56Yarn P r in t i n g M a c h i n e s ............................................................... 57

R ugs: S ham pooing ( G o l d t h w a i t ) ............................................................................. 109Rug Y arn s : B r ig h t Co lo rs and T in t s on C a rp e t and ( H o l d e n ) . . . . . . ! 209

SScouring and M il l in g ( S c h o f i e ld ) ............................................................................. 243Scouring W o rs te d G o o d s ................................................................................................ 84Shade: D yeing W ool-Si lk M a te r ia ls th e S am e ( E m m o n s ) ........................ 399Shampooing R u g s ( G o l d t h w a i t ) ............................................................................... 109Silk: B leaching and D y e in g T u s s a h ( E m m o n s ) ................................................ 463Silk Class if icat ion: Benefit s to B e D er iv ed from a S ta n d a r d Raw

(Lewis) ........................................................................................................................... 335Silk: Discussion of W a s h i n g S ta n d a rd s on (A. A. T . C. C . ) ............... 348Silk: D y e in g of Cel lu lose A ce ta te ( S a n d e r s o n ) ................................................. 6Silk: D ye in g of M ix tu re s C o n ta in in g Arti ficial ( E m m o n s ) ....................... 268Silk: D y e in g Viscose ( E m m o n s ) ............................................................................. 79Silk Dyers Should In s i s t on a R e p o r t on the Q u a l i ty of R aw S i lk :

W h y (L e w is ) ............................................................................................................. 151Silk and I ts A pplica tions in the Tex t i l e I n d u s t r y : Artificial ( K i n g ) . . . 317Silk Mater ia ls the S am e S h a d e : D y e in g W ool - ( E m m o n s ) ...................... 399Silk: Some R ec en t I m p o r t a n t D ev e lo p m en ts in A r t i f i c ia l .......................... 155Silk: The T r u e A liza r in e D y es on ( E m m o n s ) .............................................. 160Sizing: Chlor ides in W a r p ........................................................................................... 338Sodium P erox ide as a B le ach in g A g e n t ( N a n s o n ) ......................................... 419Softeners: Co tton ( E s t e y ) ............................................................................................ 299Solu tions: M echanica l A ppliances for P u m p in g Chem ical (F i s ch e r )

[See u n d e r “ M e c h a n ic a l” ]Some Aspects of the D yes tu f f I n d u s t r y as Seen from a D yes tu f f L a b o ­

ra to ry (R o s e ) ............................................................................................................ 221Some Recen t Im p o r t a n t D ev e lo p m en ts in Artif ic ial S i l k ............................ 155Sulphur C o lo r s : L i s t of A m er ican

[See u n d er “ A m e r i c a n - M a d e ” ]Sulphuric Acid and A lum inum Chlo r ide P ro ces s e s : C a r b o n iz in g Raw

Wool a n d Noil s by th e ( “ C o n s u l t i n g T e x t i l e C h e m is t” ) ................. 187Sweat Pad G o o d s : D y e in g ( W i l k i n s o n ) ............................................................. 357

Tm i , t'' Sub jec t p aget e c h n ic a l E d u c a t io n in Tex ti le Ch em is t ry and D y e in g : A Q u a r te r

C en tu ry of ( O l n e y ) ............................................................................... 181T e m p e ra tu re Contro l in P iece D y e i n g : T im e and ( In co l i ) . . . . . . . . . 1 3t es ting of D yes and Th e ir F a s tn e s s to L igh t U n d e r the Q u a r t z Mer-m ?u r y A rc L a m p (A. A. T. C. C.) ( R o b i n s o n ) ........................................ 384t e x t i l e C hem is try and D y e in g : A Q u a r t e r C en tu ry of Technica l E d u ­

ca tion i n ( O l n e y ) .................................................................................................... 1 8 1Texti le Efficiencies: O b se rv a t io n s on ( C h a m b e r s ) ....................................... 1271 e x t i e I n d u s t r y : Artificial Silk and I t s A pplica tions in the ( K i n g ) . . . 317Tex t i l e I n d u s t r y : L ime in the ( D a r l i n g ) ......................................................... 45t e x t i l e S ch o o l : U se of th e M ic roscope in the New Bedford (Grim-

shaw ) ............................................................................................................... ' _ 275Texti le W o r k : ^ Use of the M ic roscope in (A b s t ra c t ) ( P l o x i e ) ............... 347t e x t i l e s : A Chemica l In d u s t r y ( G o l d t h w a i t ) ..................... 207T H W u £ tt? ^ EM ™ P X T I L E C H E M I S T A N D C O L O R I S T S Jr lO U L D K N O W —

No. 6— C hlor ina ted Wro o l .......................................................................................... 42No. 7— M ercer iza t io n and the A ction of Ch lo r ina te d Alkahs on

Co t to n ........................................................................................ 1 1 3No. 8—̂ The Soxhle t E x t r a c t o r .............................................................................. 307

Tim e and T e m p e r a tu r e Contro l in P iece D ye in g ( I n c o l l ) . . . . . . . . . ’.'. 13True Alizar ine D yes on S i lk : T h e ( E m m o n s ) ................................................ 160T u r k e y Red D isch arg e S tyles ( W i l s o n ) ............................................................. 1 5 8

UU se of the M ic roscope in th e New Bedford T e x t i l e School (G rim -

shaw) ............................................................................................U se of th e M ic roscope in Tex t i l e W o r k ( A b s t r a c t ) (H o x ie ) .


VV a t Colors : L i s t of A mer ican

I See u n d e r “ A m er i can -M ad e” ]V elour F in ish ..................................................V iscose S i lk : D y e in g ( E m m o n s ) ..........

WW a rp S iz in g : Ch lorides i n ........................................................................................ 3 3 3W a s h i n g S tan d a rd s on S i lk : Discussion of (A. A. T . C. C . j 348Wrhite Goods in L a u n d r ie s : Blue Dyes Used for T i n t i n g . . . . . . . . ’. ’ ’ 130W h y Silk Dyers Should In s is t on a Repor t on the Q ua l i ty of Raw

Silk (L e w is) ............................................................................................................. 454W o o l Clo th F in i s h in g : Defects Developed D u r in g (M id g le ’y ) ............ 87W o o l M ix tu r e C lo th s : F ine ( “ An Old Cloth R a ise r” ) ................. 240Wool to W h i c h Parti c le s of Sk in A dhere : D v e in g M ate r ia l C o n ta in ­

in g Pulled ( T e m p l e t o n ) 9W o o l and Noil s by th e S u lphur ic Acid and A lu m in u m Chlo ride P r o c ­

esses : C a rbon iz ing Raw ( “ C onsu lt ing Tex ti le C h em is t” ) ................. 187Wrool-Silk M ate r ia ls the S ame S h ad e : D y e in g ( E m m o n s ) . . . . 399W oolen Piece G oods : Cover ing V ege tab le F ib e r s in ( S a n d e r s o n ) ’ ’ . ’. 43W o o le n s : T h e F in i s h in g of F ine W o rs te d s and ( J a c k m a n ) ................. 163W oolens for P iece D y e in g : P rep ara t io n of ( E v e r e t t ) .......................... 300W'ors ted Colo r M a tc h in g ( K e r s h a w ) ............................................................ ’ ‘ ‘ 246W'ors ted D y e h o u s e : Efficiency in the ( B. T. C.)

[See u n d e r “ Eff ic iency” ]W'ors ted F a b r i c s : D ye in g ( M a t o s ) ....................................................................... 152Wrors ted Goods : S c o u r in g ................................................................................................ 84W o rs te d P iece Dyes for C er ta in F a s t C h ro m e Colors : T h e M o rd an t in g

of (M o o re ) ............................................................................................................... 252W o r s te d s an d W o o le n s : T h e F in is h in g of F in e ( J a c k m a n ) ..................... 163

YY arn B r e a k a g e in Cot to n W a r p D y e in g ( S i d e b o t t o m ) .......................... 4Y a r n : H ig h Po li sh fo r C o t t o n ................................................................ ’ ‘ ' 424Y a r n s : B r ight Co lo rs and T in t s on Carpe t and R u g ( H o l d e n ) ............... 209

Author IndexA u th o r P a g e

“ A C O N S U L T I N G T E X T I L E C H E M I S T ”—Carbon iz ing Raw W o o l and N oil s by th e S u lp h u r ic Acid a n d A lu m i­

num Chlo r ide P r o c e s s e s .......................................................................................... 187\ L L I N G , M. W . —

T h e Pract ica l D y e in g of C o t to n P iece Goods ( in co l lab o ra t io n withC. L. B R A I N E R D ) ................................................................................................... 369

AN O L D C L O T H R A I S E R ”—Fine W ool M ix tu r e C l o t h s ....................................................................................... 240

A T T W O O D , W A L L A C E —Principles of O r g a n iz a t io n and M a n a g e m e n t ................................................ 47

“ B. T. C.”—Efficiency in th e W o r s t e d D y e h o u s e :

P a r t I .................................................................................................................... 37P a r t I I .................................................................................................................. 75

B A I L E Y , W I L L I A M A.—Bleaching of C o t to n G o o d s ...................................................................................... 122

B A N C R O F T , W I L D E R D —M o r d a n t s :

P a r t I ............................................P a r t I I ..........................................P a r t I I I ........................................

B R A I N E R D , A R T H U R T . — H o s i e r y D y e i n g ( i n c o l l a b o r a t i o n

......................................................................... 145

.............................................................. 211

......................................................................... 391

w ith W A L T E R E. B R A I N E R D ) 441

P a g eA u th o rB R A I N E R D , C. L .—

T h e P rac t ica l D y e in g of Co tton P iece Goods ( in co l la bora t io n withM. W. A L L I N G ) ................................................................... qao

B R A I N E R D , W A L T E R E .—H o s ie ry D y e in g ( in co l labora t ion with A R T H U R T. B R A I N E R D ) 441

B R I G G S , T. R —Physica l C h em is t ry of D y e in g (in co l labora t ion with A R T H U R W.

B U L L ) .......................................................................................................................... 447B U L L , A R T H U R W . —

Ph y s ica l Ch em is t ry of D yeing ( in co l la bora t io n with T. R. B R I G G S ) 447 CPI A M B E R S , E. V.—

O b se rv a t io n s on Tex ti le Eff ic ienc ies ................................................................... 427C L A F L I N , A L A N B .—

T h e M erch an d i s in g of D y es tu f f s ................................................................... 261T h e N ew P hysics , and th e C h em is t ry of D y es tu f f s ...............219

C L I F F O R D , P E R C Y H E R B E R T —“ O x y ce l lu lo se” : I t s P 'o rmation and Reactions . A S u n u n a r y of the

L i t e r a t u r e ( in co l labora t ion with R O B E R T G E O R G E F A R -G H E R > .................................................................................................................*. . . 405

C R O S S , R E X —M ult i -C olor Effec ts in S im ple P iece D y e i n g .................................................. 3 77

Page 4: AMERICAN DYESTUFF REPORTER 453 American Dyestuff …454 AMERICAN DYESTUFF REPORTER D Subject Page Defects Developed During Wool Cloth Finishing (Midgley)..... 87 Direct Blacks on Cotton

456 A M E R IC A N D Y E S T U F F R E P O R T E R

A u th o r P a g eD A R L I N G , E L T O N R .—

Lim e in the D y e h o u s e ................................................................................................L im e in the Tex t i l e I n d u s t r y .................................................................................

D E A D Y , W I L L I A M F —D y e in g C o t to n P iece Goods on the P a d d e r ..................................................

E D G E , A L F R E D —T h e New P ro tec t iv e A g e n t for Animal F i b e r s .............................................

E M M O N S , G E O R G E —D y e in g of M ix tu re s C o n ta in in g Artif ic ial S i l k ...........................................D y e in g W ool-Si lk M ate r ia ls the S am e S h a d e ................................................D y e in g Viscose S i lk ..................... ..............................................................................T h e T r u e Alizar ine D yes on S i l k ........................................................................

E S T E Y , P. F .—Cotton S ofteners ...........................................................................................................

E V E R E T T , C H A R L E S A.—P rep a ra t io n of W o o len s for P iece D y e i n g .......................................................

I YRGH ER, R O B E R T GE( ) R G E —“ O xyce l lu lose” : I t s F o r m a t io n and Rea ctions. A S u m m a ry of the

L i t e r a t u r e ( in co l labora t io n w i th P E R C Y H E R B E R T C L I F ­F O R D ) .........................................................................................................................

F I S C H E R , A. K.—.M echanica l Appliances for P u m p in g Chem ical So lu t io n s :

P a r t I ..................................................................................................................P a r t I I ...............................................................................................................P a r t I I I ..............................................................................................................

G O L D T I I W A I T . C H A R L E S F —G erm an F la x and R e s e a rc h .....................................................................................Sham p o o in g Rugs ........................................................................................................T ex t i l e s : A Chem ical I n d u s t r y ..........................................................................

G R A N D A G E , I I . —Centr ifugal E x t r a c to r s (in co l labora t io n with W. E. H A D L E Y ) . . . . A Cons id era tion of the V ar io u s S u b s tan ce s U sed in the C ons t ruc t ion

of D y e in g and Bleaching Utensils and A p p a ra tu s ( in co l labora t ion with W . E. H A D L E Y ) :

P a r t I ..................................................................................................................P a r t I I ...............................................................................................................P a r t I I I .............................................................................................................

G R E E N I - I A L G H , E.—T h e D irec t C o lo r s .........................................................................................................

G R I M S H A W A L B E R T H .Use of the microscope in the N ew Bedford Tex ti le S c h o o l ...................

H A D L E Y , W. E.—Centr ifugal E x t r a c to r s (in co l labora t io n with H . G R A N D A G E ) . . . A C ons id era tion of the V arious S u b s tan ces U sed in the C o n s t r u c ­

tion of D y e in g and B le aching Utens il s and A p p a ra tu s ( in co llabo­ra t ion w i th II. G R A N D A G E ) :

P a r t I ..................................................................................................................P a r t I I ...............................................................................................................P a r t I I I ..............................................................................................................

H I G G I N S , H . S —P rep a ra t io n of Cloth for F in is h in g ( in co l labora t ion w i th A N D R E W

H O D G E ) ....................................................................................................................H O D G E , A N D R E W —

p r e p a r a t i o n of C loth for F in ish in g (in co l labora t io n w i th IT. S.H I G G I N S ) ...............................................................................................................

H O L D E N , F R A N K C.—B r ig h t Colors and T in ts on Carpe t and R u g Y a r n s .................................

I T O X I E F R E D E R I C K J . —U se of the Microscope in Te xti le W o r k ( A b s t r a c t ) ....................................

I N C O L L , N O R P U T —T im e and T e m p e ra tu re Contro l in P iece D y e i n g ......................................

J A C K M A N , A.—T h e F in ish in g of F ine W o rs te d s and W o o l e n s ...........................................

J A C K S O N . W I L L I A M C . -Th e M an u fac tu re of Ch ro m e Ooze C a l f ...........................................................

























A u th o r PageJ O H N S O N , G E O R G E I I .—

F o r m ic A cid and D y e i n g ........................................................................................... iK E R S H A W , S A M U E L —

W o r s te d Colo r M a t c h i n g ..................................... 246K I N G , P. E .—

Artif ic ia l Silk and I t s A ppl ica t ions in th e T e x t i l e I n d u s t r y ................ 317L E W I S , L. C\—

Benefits to B e D er iv ed from a S ta n d a r d R aw Silk C la s s i f i ca t io n . . . 335 W h y Silk D y e rs S hou ld In s is t on a R ep o r t on the Q u a l i ty of Raw

^i lk .................................................................................................................................. 151M A T O S , L O U I S J . —

D y e in g W o rs te d F a b r i c s ......................................................................................... 152M I D G L E Y , E B E R —

Defects Developed D u r in g W o o l Clo th F i n i s h i n g ......................................... 37M O O R E K A R L R .—

T h e M o rd a n t i n g of W o r s te d P iece D y es for C er ta in F a s t ChromeColors .............................................................................................................................. 252

M O R R I S , M E R R I L L C —N ap h th o l AS and BS, and T h e i r U se in th e D y e in g of Co tton Warps 215

N A N S O N , W I L L I A M B.—Sodium P e ro x id e as a B le ach in g A g e n t ..............................................................419

O L N E Y , L O U I S A.—A Q u a r t e r C e n tu r y of Techn ic a l E d u c a t io n in Tex t i l e Chemis try and

D y e in g ..........................................................................................................................R E O C H , R. A. S.—

In c rea s in g F in ish in g P lan t P r o d u c t i o n ...........................................................R O B I N S O N , S. W . —

T h e T e s t in g of Dyes and T h e i r F a s tn e s s to L ig h t U n d e r the Quar tzM ercu ry A rc L a m p .................................................................................................

R O S E , R O B E R T E.—




Some A sp ec ts of the D y es tu f f I n d u s t r y as Seen from a DyestuffL a b o r a to r y ................................................................................................................

S A N D E R S O N , W. E.—Co v er in g V eg e tab le F ib e r s in W o o len P iece G o o d s ..................................D y e in g of Cel lulose A ce ta te S i l k ...........................................................................

S A N S O N E , R A F F A E L E —



N otes on B a c k c lo t h s ............................................................................................... ..N o te s on the D y e in g of D irec t B la cks on C o t to n P iece Goods :

P a r t I ( Vol. X , p. 402)P a r t I I .............................................................................................................P a r t I I I ............................................................................................................P a r t IV ...............................................................................................................

N o te s on Som e Effec ts P ro d u ced T h r o u g h th e P r in t i n g of Basic Co lo rs ...........................................................................................................................



86S C H O F I E L D , J . —

S co u r in g and M i l l i n g ..................................................................................................S C H W A R Z . H . F .—

Colo rs F a s t to B le a c h i n g ................................................................... .............S C O T T , W A L T E R M .—

Chemica l C on tro l of D y e s tu f f s ...........................................................S H I P P , A. F .—

Chemical Resea rch in the P o w e r L a u n d r y I n d u s t r y ................................S I D E B O T T O M , L E O N W —

T h e P rac t ica l E x a m in a t io n of D y e s tu f f s ..........................................................Y arn B rea k ag e in Co t to n W a r p D y e i n g ...................................................

T E M P L E T O N , G E O R G E E.—D y e in g M ate r ia l C o n ta in in g Pulled W o o l t o W h i c h Parti c le s of Skin

A dhere ....................................................................................................W I L K I N S O N , J .—

D y ein g Sweat Pad G o o d s ..........................................................................W I L S O N , I f .—

M an u fac tu re a n d A pplica tion of H y d r o g e n P e r o x i d e ..............................W I L S O N , J. A.—

T u rk e y Red D isch arg e S ty l e s ...............................................................................










Page 5: AMERICAN DYESTUFF REPORTER 453 American Dyestuff …454 AMERICAN DYESTUFF REPORTER D Subject Page Defects Developed During Wool Cloth Finishing (Midgley)..... 87 Direct Blacks on Cotton

A M E R IC A N D Y E S T U F F R E P O R T E R 457

P ro c e e d in g s of t h e A m e r i c a n A s s o c ia t io n o f T e x t i l e C h e m is t s a n d C o lo r is ts

American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists


PROCEEDINGSFrom the Inaugural Meeting, November 3, 1921, to Material Published

December 18, 1922[Does Not Include Second Annual Meeting]

[Note— For the convenience of members desiring to bin d Proceedings separately, references in this Index are by Association page numbers, found at the bottom of each page, and running consecutively from 1 to 100.]

AP ag e

A B S T R A C T S —M erce r iza t io n (C h ase ) ................................................................................................ 32W a te r P urif ic a tion for T e x t i l e P u r p o se s ( W e s t o n ) .................................... 46Some Chem ica l A sp ec ts of Waterproofing- and M ildew -P roof ing T e x ­

ti le F a b r ic s ( A d a m s ) ........................................................................................ 56E lec t ro m e t r i c T i t r a t io n as a M ean s of D e te rm in in g the F r e e Sodium

Su lp h id e in a S u lp h u r Bla ck D y e B a th ( Russell and A rn o ld ) . . . . 68U se of th e M ic ro sco p e in Tex t i l e W o r k ( H o x i e ) ......................................... 87

A m sden , J a m e s L. : D e a th o f ..................................................................................... 44A S S O C I A T I O N —

I n a u g u r a l M ee t in g ......................................................................................................... 1C o n s t i tu t io n ....................................................................................................................... 13C h a r t e r M e m b e r s .......................................................................................... 16, 25, 51A d v an ce P r o g r a m of S eco n d A n n u a l M e e t i n g ............................................... 90P ro p o se d A m e n d m e n ts to C o n s t i t u t i o n ............................................................... 90

A U T H O R S —Biery, T h o m a s J. :

S h ad ed G oods ............................................................................................................. 60Bume, L o u i s F. :

T h e Causes for S h ad y and for C loudy G o o d s .............................................. 59H aske ll , W a l t e r F . :

S o m e E x p e r ien ce s w i th U n e v e n W a r p D y e i n g ......................................... 61J o h n so n , F r a n k E. :

S o m e C auses of S h ad ed n e ss a n d C lo u d e d n e s s ............................................ 62M u r r a y , W a l lac e J . :

D if ferent ia l R e d u c t io n of V a t D y e s ................................................................. 25B ib l io g r a p h y of L i t e r a t u r e on the F a s tn e s s of D y e s ............................. 39Colo r R ea c t io n s for th e Iden t i f ica t ion of A n th race n e V a t D y e s . . . 43D ev e lo p m en t of T e s t s for the F a s tn e s s of D y e s tu f f s ............................. 51

P u t n a m , L e v e r e t t N . :

E x p e r ien ce s w i th S h ad y P iece G o o d s ................................................................ 63Rob in so n , S. W . :

T e s t in g of D y es and T h e i r F as tn es s to L ig h t U n d e r the Q u a r tzM ercu ry A rc L a m p ................................................................................. 94

Spencer, F r e d e r i c k :Causes of U nevenness in T o p D y e i n g ............................................................ 64

BB O S T O N S E C T I O N —

F o r m a t io n of ................................................................................................................... 23O rg an iza t io n M ee t in g ............................................................................................... 45

cC O M M U N I C A T I O N S —

F r o m the P r e s i d e n t ....................................................................................................... 21F r o m th e P r e s id e n t ...................................................................................................... 78

C O R R E S P O N I ) E N C E —Lo u is A. O l n e y ................................................................................................................ 29A. S ilve rwood ................................................................................................................ 30L o u i s - A . O l n e y . ............................................................................................................. 33

C O U N C I L —F i r s t M e e t i n g ................................................................................................................... 15Second M ee t in g ............................................................................................................. 22T h i r d M ee t in g ................................................................................................................. 33F o u r th M ee t in g ............................................................................................................. 41F i f th M ee t in g ................................................................................................................. 49S ix th M ee t in g .................................................................................................................. 53S ev en th M ee t in g ............................................................................................................ 69E ig h th M ee t in g ............................................................................................................. 80N in th M e e t i n g ................................................................................................................. 82T e n th M e e t i n g .................................................................................................................. 89


Page 6: AMERICAN DYESTUFF REPORTER 453 American Dyestuff …454 AMERICAN DYESTUFF REPORTER D Subject Page Defects Developed During Wool Cloth Finishing (Midgley)..... 87 Direct Blacks on Cotton

A M E R IC A N D Y E S T U F F R E P O R T E R458

P ro c e e d in g s of t h e A m e r i c a n A s s o c ia t io n of T e x t i l e C h e m is t s a n d C o lo r is t s

DP ag e

D i s c u s s i o n o f W a s h i n g S t a n d a r d s o n S i l k ................................................................ 88

NN E W Y O R K S E C T I O N —

.Format ion of .................................................................................................................. 34O rg an iza t io n M eet ing ................................................................................................ 38M eet ing , Apr il 21, ’2 2 .................................................................................................. 57M eet ing , O c to b e r 20, ’2 2 ........................................................................................ 83

N O R T H E R N N E W E N G L A N D S E C T I O N —F i r s t M ee t in g ( " E x p e r i e n c e M e e t in g ” ) ............................................................ 59M eet in g , O c to b e r 2 1 , ’ 2 2 ......................................................................................... 85

PP A P E R S —-

Differen tial R educ t ion of V a t D yes ( M u r r a y ) ............................................. 25Bib l iography of L i te r a tu r e on the Fas tness of D yes ( M u r r a y ) .......... 39Colo r R eac t ions for th e Iden t if ica tion of A n th r a c e n e V a t Dyes

( M u r r a y ) ....................................................................................................................... 43D evelopment of Tests for the F as tn es s of Dyes tuffs ( M u r r a y ) ............ 51Causes for Shady and for C loudy Goods ( l i u i n e ) ...................................... 59Shaded Goods ( B i e r y ) ............................................................................................... GOSome Exper iences w i th U n ev en W a r p D ye in g ( H a s k e l l ) ..................... 61Some Causes of S hadedness and Cloudedness ( J o h n s o n ) ........................ 62Experiences with Shady P iece Goods ( P u t n a m ) .......................................... 63Causes of U nevenness in T o p D ye in g ( S p e n c e r ) .......................................... 64T e s t in g of D yes and T h e i r F as tn es s to L ig h t U n d e r th e Q u a r tz

M ercu ry A rc L a m p ( R o b i n s o n ) ........................................................................ 94P I I I L A D E L P H I A S EC T I O N —

F o r m a t io n ......................................................................................................................... 73O rg an iza t io n M ee t in g ............................................................................................... 91


Q u in , E. G. : I n M e m o r i a m .......................................................................................... 84

RR E S E A R C I i CO M M I T T E E —

F i r s t M e e t i n g ................................................................................................................... 22Second M ee t in g .............................................................................................................. 36T h i r d M e e t i n g ................................................................................................................. 42F o u r th M ee t in g .............................................................................................................. 50F i f th M ee t in g .................................................................................... . ..................... .. . 58P rov is io nal M eth o d on F a s tn e s s of D yed W o o l to F u l l in g , S co u r in g

and W a s h i n g .............................................................................................................. 54S ix th M e e t i n g .................................................................................................................. 69Provis ional M eth od on F a s tn e s s of D y ed Silk to W a sh in g , Sco u r in g

a n d F u l l i n g ................................................................................................................... 70S ev en th M ee t in g ........................................................................................................... 74P rov is iona l M e th o d on F a s tn e s s to W a sh in g , S oaping , L a u n d e r in g

and F u l l in g of D yed and P r in t e d C o t to n A g a in s t W h i te C o t t o n . . 75E ig h th M e e t in g .............................................................................................................. 81

R H O D E I S L A N D S E C T I O N —F o r m a t io n of ................................................................................................................... 16I n a u g u r a l M ee t in g ....................................................................................................... 31Second M e e t i n g ............................................................................................................... 43Jo in t M ee t in g with R. I. Sect ion, A. C. S ...................................................... 56Meet ing , O c to b e r 20, ' 2 2 ............................................................................................. 86

SS u m m a r y of P ro g re s s M ade by V ar io u s In v e s t i g a to r s in an Effor t to

S tan d a rd ize .Methods for D e te rm in in g the F a s tn e s s of Dyes to L ig h t .............................................................................................................................. 92

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