american credit counseling – how to find reliable debt counselor?

American Credit Counseling – How To Find Reliable Debt Counselor?

Upload: rycho2000

Post on 22-Jan-2015



Economy & Finance

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American Credit Counseling group give you some tips how to find reliable debt counselor.


  • 1. American Credit Counseling How To Find Reliable Debt Counselor?

2. Do you want to become debt free?

  • Of course you do, forgive me a stupid question. No one wants to have an empty credit card syndrome.
  • It's very painful to be at or over your credit limit.
  • Fees for paying late or going over your credit limit can add up very quickly, putting you deeper in debt each month, even if you stop using your cards.
  • You want to do everything to become debt free. I know because I've been there.

3. Every time you turn on the television or radio, even on the internet, you are bombarded with advertising for magical debt elimination services. The truth is there is no magic wand available to wave over your debt and make it disappear. There is, however, real help available to you if you find yourself in over your head in credit card debt. A debt consolidation loan can help. You can become debt free, but 4. You just need to know how.

  • Here are some tips:


  • As the economy continues to struggle the need for debt consolidation is increasing sharply. Finding a reputable company that can make your debt consolidation go smoothly and easily requires that you consider several different factors before making your decision.


  • The very first thing that you want to look out before making any decisions is what type of services do they offer. The better consolidation companies offer a wide variety of services such as: debt negotiation, debt consolidation, financial planning and credit counseling.


  • As a general rule a good debt consolidation company will not ask you for any money until they have performed a service for you.


  • Next you want to check with the different organizations to see if there have been any customer complaints against the company such as the Better Business Bureau. A good company that does honest business will have no or few complaints against them over the last four years.


  • A third tip that will help you find a reputable consolidation company to work with is: find those companies who have a physical address where you may sit down and visit with them person to person.

10. Clearly, finding the right debt consolidation company can be challenging by using the above tips you will be able to find a reputable company that can help you consolidate your debt quickly, easily and worry free. 11. VERY IMPORTANT 12.

  • A legitimate consolidation loan specialist can assist you on many levels. They can negotiate with you creditors securing you lower payoff amounts by getting fees removed. They may also get those stressful collection phone calls to stop. Once your loan is approved, the credit card balances will be paid and you will have one payment each month to pay the debt consolidation loan.

13. Of course you can perform your hunting using tips above, but American Credit Counseling has already found such company for you.You can check them up and fill short form to get free debt analysis or make toll free call to make appointment with consolidation loan specialist. For further info please go tohttp ://