american citizen. (butler, pa.) 1866-05-16 [p...

had on and left them there; I had Mr. Dearing's boots on, pantaloons, shirt and necktie when I was arrested. None of these people said a word or hollowed when 1 killed them; 1 do not know whether one of the boys threw up \u25a0 his hand; /guess Mrs. Dealing got her ; hand chopped:nona of them said anything I ueither thebaby; /did not wish to leave j the baby because / was afraid it would ?. cry or make a big noise; / was in a hurry | when / killed the baby and did not look, j and that was the reason I cut it in the ; shoulder, / was in the fight at James' Landing j before / left the army; I lost my thumb ' with my own gun; / was out on picket I several hours, and I was sleepy; after a while / stumbled, and somehow while my hand was portly over the muzzle, tho gun exploded and my thumb was ?hot off. <TUc |pjp The Largest Circulation oj any Paper in the County. THOMAS ROBINSON. -- Editor. BUTLER PA. WEDNESDAY MAY 10. 1860. "Liberty end Union, Now and Forever, One nd 'flitpirlbi*."?D. Weblter. For Governor: Maj-Gen. JOHN W.GEARY OR CUMBERLAND COUNTY. UNION REPUBLICAN 1*R1»1RI ELECTIONS COUNTY CONVENTION. At a meeting of the Union Republi- can County Committee held in Butler on Monday tho 16th inst., it was Resolved, That the Union Republican voters of Butler county, are hereby re- quested to meet in their respective elec tion districts throughout the county, on SATURDAY, the 9th of JUNE, com- ing, between the hours of one and seven o'clock P. M., of said day, and vote by ballot for candidates for the nomina- tion for the different offices to be fiilledat the fall election, to wit: One person for Congress, One person for Assembly, Two persons for Associate Judge, One person for Sheriff, One person for Prothonotary, One person for Register & Recorder, One person for Clerk of the Courts, One person for County Commissioner, One person for Coroner, Two persons for Auditor, one for 3 years and one for 1 year. Two persons for Trustees of Academy, and further, TO select one of their num- ber in each district as a RETURN J UDGE, or DELEGATE, to convey said vote, and meet similar delegates on the following Monday, at 1 o'clock P. M., in the Sher- iffs office, in the Court House, for the purpose ofcasting up said votes,and declar- ing the nominees, and to transact such oth- er business as may legitimately come be- fore them. The following resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, each party should make its own nominations; therefore, Resolved, That the local boards at the primary elections are instructed to receive the votes of no person not well known to be a Republican, except under a pledge, to support the Union State ticket at the coming Fall election ; and that the local boards shall each return to the County Convention, a certified and sealed list of all persons who have voted at such elec- tion. C. E. ANDERSON, Chairman. Dr. A. Lusk, Secretary. MfLegal advertising, has compelled ui to withhold some communications and ether interesting matter. I'. T. Pape has justreturned from the East, with a new and full assortment of Dry Goods, Bonnets and Fancy Trim- mings. KcmovalN. Dnrmg the early stages of the contro- versy between the President and Congress, we were assured by the former that he would not use the patronage at his dispo- sal, to influence public opinion, that he would allow the freest discussion possible, &c. But as time went on and the people manifested a determination to sustain Congress rather than tho Executive, the latter became impatient of this obstiuacy, and finally reconsidered his former de- termination. It now seems' clear that he has giveu the whole patronage in this State into the hands of tho renegade Cow- an, to be used for the promotion of tho cause of the opposition in the coming el- ection*. The leading Federal officers in this and the 22nd district have been changed, a? also, the postmasters of Pitts- burgh and Allegheny, with the Marshal of the westeru district of Pennsylvania. Itis admitted on all hands, even by the Pittsburgh Commercial ?that the new selections are poor ones. Sorno were much elated ut the prospect of an entire change in the Federal officers. It now .seems quite probable, however, that the Senate, whose concurrence is necessary, will nut indoise many, if even any of these new appointments. Till it does, their nomination merely, is of little use to them personally, or to the President's polioy either. Tho people will look for the fiual i»sue of thin matter with iuter- j®- Those wishing to purchase any- thing in the line of furniture, can be ac- commodated by calling at the wareroonis of Jacob Keek, on Main street, opposite Jack's Hotel. Read his advertisement found in this paper. Jewelry Ac. Road the advertisement of Charles j Wiseman; visit his establishment, and i examine his stock. Don't forget the | place?Main street, nearly opposite Duf- j fy's store. Siindiij-School Concert. A Concert will be given in the Ger- j man Reformed Church, in Harmony, on Thursday evening, May 24th, by the Sabbath School of said church. Tho Concert will be for the benefit of the Sab- bath School. Doors open at 7 O'clock. Admission 25 couts. Water Cure. We call the attention cf our readers to the advertisement "Water Cure." Dr. P. Held is a scholar of the famous A'in- ccnz Pricsnitz,of Graefenburg, the found- er of the Hydropathic System. Every intelligent physician admits, and nearly everybody knows that Consumption, Dys- pepsia, diseases of the heart and stom- ach, etc., cannot be cured by medicines. The Hydropathic System offers to the sick the only sure chance of a cure. I®"- Farmers and all others interested are referred to the advertisement of Jas. G. & Wm. Camobell, agents in this county for the Reapers, Mowers, Rakes, Sic., set forth in their advertisements, ' which will be found in this week's CITI- ZEN. Now is the time to purchase neces- sary labor saving machinery for the en- suing harvest. You should make it your especial busi- ness to call at Campbell's warehouse, and . examine the splendid machinery now of- fered for sale on reasonable terms for cash. Bnsc-Mall. The young meu of Butler have at length waked up, and not to be behind- hand in amusement, have organized a Base-Ball Club. After balloting tor some time the Constitution of the Na- tional Association of Base-Ball Players, was adopted. The "Connoquenessing Base-Ball Club of Butler," is the name by which they are known. It is an ex- cellent one, and we hope they will do honor to it. We may expect to here be fore long, of some of the neighboring clubs being challenged. Go in, gentle- men, may good luck attend you, and crown your efforts with success. MAMMOTH PAXORAMA! M'Allister k Co's. Stereoptican ! Pho- tographic Panorama of the SOUTHERN REBELLION, is coming ! The only exten- sive and thoroughly scientifical ex- hibition of the American Contest! A moral, intellectual and instructive enter- tainment, by Profs. ROBINSON k ROOT- Each view will be explained. No post- ponementon accountof inclement weather. This splendid exhibition will be held in the Court Room, in Butler, Pa., Friday evening the 18th inst. Admission 25 cents" Children under 12 years, 15 cts. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Will exhibit one night only. Graduated al (I'M Mercban- tileCollcgc, Pittsburgh. W. A. Birchard, Warren, Ohio Barkley Cooper, St. Clairsville, Ohio, John M. Funk, Titusville, Pa. J. N. Mcintosh, Hammondsville, O. W. J. McKeever, Allegheny City Pa. Wm. A. Campbell, Cambridge, Ohio. Robt. J. Wilson, Pittsburgh. Jas. T. Lambie, Tallycavy, Pa. W. A. Gilleland, Bakerstown, Pa. Geo. L. Reis, New Castle, Pa. I. W. Wallace, Poland, Ohio. W. 11. Sellers, St. Thomas, Pa. Geo. M. D. Knox, Tiskilwa. 111. M. J. Collopv, Coshocton Ohio. Henry C. Matthews, Pittsburgh. D. R. Mclntire, Allegheny co., Pa. James B. Zahm, Ebensburg, Pa. John Waldron, Parkersburg, W. Va. Wm. Gallagher, Birmingham, Pa. M. E. Boysel, Tarlton, Ohio. Ben'j Thomas, Birmingham, Pa. O. W. Beaty, Steam Mill, Pa. H.N. Kirkpatrick, Broadhead. W. S. Debout, Clark, Pa. A. S. Debout, Clark, Pa. W. C. Cravin, California, Pa. Thomas J. Myers, Philipsburg, Pa. H. A. Warne Monongahela City, Pa W.J. Barclay Pomeroy, Ohio. A. Dienst, Girard, Ohio. D. W. Puyne, Bartlett, Ohio. W. H. Stewart, Fairfield, lowa. Fred. Fleming, Birmingham, Pa. Jas. Bradley, Monroeville, Pa. Rob't Galloway, Connelsvillc, Pa. C. C. Lobingier, Braddock's Fields, Pa. Thomas Self, Racine, Ohio. W. R. MeCabe, Vancefort, Pa. John W. Wheeler, Upper Sandusky, Ohio. All of whom passed'the usual search- ing examinations of the College satisfac- torily, and who will no doubt hereafter distinguish themselves by an honorable proficiency in business. Each graduate was awarded tho beautiiul Diploma of the College, as a credential of his profi-! ciency of his industry, and of his exem- plary deportment during his course of i ?tudy. ' Communications. Yor the Citizen. A Short Epistle to "Betsey Jean." The readers of the CITIZEN were thrown into a state of great excitement by the publication of your " Great Ca- lamity." Many and varied were the conjectures as to who the writer was.? Men might have been seen standing on the street corners in earnest conversation, as if some dreadful muider had been committed. And well they might stand, their wrinkled brows showing the fore- boding of their hearts ; for murder bad been committed. Not exactly murder, but suicide. For according to your statement, twenty-six men, coolly and deliberately, dragging as many ladies with them, plunged into the river of " Matrimony," and were engulfed in its turbulent waters. Isn t that downright, wilful suicide and murder ? All through your article there is an under-current, and the subject?love. Love?bah ! what is it 1 A mere matter of dollars and cents. There was a time, (alas that time is pa3t,) when true love flourished in all its vigor; when Anachreon sung- and Timothens touched his lyre. But that wa9 in the glorious days of ancient Greece, when love was the theme of po- ets and musicians. Love, so called, does, as you say, of- ten spring up in the hearts of " Senti- mentalists." But I have known it more frequeutly to rise in?the expectation of a rich husband. It is very subtle, this stream of love, and woe to him who ven- tures thereon. Some writers vill have it, that matrimony is bliss, and Connubi- al Happiness supreme bliss All a grand mistake. The unfortunate wretch who floats down with the tide, soon finds he has put his neck in the halter, when he is pitched ihtS the Matrimonial breakers of "Martyrdom," and then out upon the seething Ocean of "Eternal Misery," there to be tossed about until Death claims his own, and weary and disgusted, he finds rest at last in mother earth. Every day we see people committing, what, in reality is wilful suicide, but what the world calls marriage. Is it because of the springing up of that tender, holy passion in the heart which makes?- ?Two souls with hut ft single thought. Twoheaitn thftt beat imone!" No, certainly not. It is a worldly match, contracted by "managing" mam- mas for "marriageable" daughters, a mere speculation; a bartering of body and soul for silver and gold and the highest bidder wins. Then tell me not of love, It is a hollow cheat; And he who btriven to win Willmeet with sure defeat. UNKNOWN. I.IST OF JI'RORS. GRAND JURORS DRAWN FOR JUNE TERM, 18(36. John Levis, Esq., Zelienoplo; Wm. Shira (of David), Washington; G. 11. Warren, Prospect; Andrew Christie, Concord; Wm. Tillerman, Adams; Fos- ter Seaton, Marion ; Nicholas Wally, Par- ker ; Eli Beckwith, Slipperyrock ; Thos. R. Hoon, Centre; Alex. Gillespie, Cran- berry , James Cranmer, Clay; Robert Glenn, sr , Worth; Robert Boggs, Jack- son ; A. Black, Cherry ; Isaac Clelaud, Muddycreek; Wm. 11. Redick, Alleghe- ny ; John Lardin, Clinton; Robert Har- bison, Buffalo; Sam'l Bolton, Lancaster; Thos. Cratty, Franklin ; Robert Purvis, Middlesex; Wm. Cratty, Butler; David Dougal, Boro. Butler; Thomas Beatty, Mercer. TRAVERBE JURORS DRAWN FOR JUNE TERM?FIRST WEEK, 1866. John Whitmire, Adams; Samuel M. Andrson, Allegheny, Joshua Gailbraith, Buffalo; John B. Graham, Butler ; Hugh Grossman, Brady; Francis Con- nelly, Centre ; Jesse Brackney, Clay ; John Billingsly, Cherry; John O'Don- ell, Clearfield; John B. McLaughlin, Clintun ; Richard Allen, Concord ; Wil- son Graham, Cranberry; John W. Bran- don, Connoquouessing; Henry Downy, Donegal; Wm. C. Campbell, Esq., Fair- view ; Thos. Dodds, Franklin; Wm. Goehring, Forward; Thos. W. Boggs, Jackson; Thos. Frazier, Jefferson ; John Wuster, Lancaster; Wm. Surrena, Ma- rion; Ebenezer Brown (cf E.), Mercer; James M Collum, Middlesex; David Boy- er, Muddycreek ; Henry Monion, Oak- land ; Joel Kirk, Penn ; Wm. li. Shira, Parker; James Clark, Slipperyrock; Jas. Stephenson, Summit; Wm. B. Stalker, Venango ; Robert Thorn, Washington; Wm. Crookshanks, Winfield ; Andrew Glenn; Worth; H. C. Heineman, Boro. Butler; Wm. McCullough, sr., Bor. Mil- lerstown ; Isaac Brewster, Bor. Prospect; David McDonald, Bor. Centrevillc; Isaac Latschaw, Bor. Uarmony. SECOND WEEK. Geo.Boston, Portersville; J. E. Muder, Saxotburg; Edward Mellon, Zelienople; R. R. Walker, Esq., Harrisville ; Henry Young, Adams; Joseph Rosenberry, Al- legheny ; James Harbison, Buffalo; Obe. Cratty, Butler; Jesse Hall, Brady; Thos. I Campbell, Centre; Matthew Brown, Clay; I Chafles jjovard, Cherry; Robert Love, Clinton; Wm. Wick. Coneord; David Garvin, Cranberry; George Brunamen, Connoquenessiug; Alex. Black, Fairview; Joseph Edmunson, Franklin ; P. Gale- baugh, Forward; Pat. Graham, Jefferson; Thos. Donaldson, Jackson; W. Michael, Lancaster; Jno. Murrin, Marion ; Jno. El- der, Mercer; Wm. F. Parks, Middlesex; George Barclay, Muddycreek; Jno. L. Neyman, Oakland; Wm. Logan, Penn; Thos. A. Shryoek, Parker; N&thaniol Cooper. Esq , Slipperyrock; Wm. Lind- sey, Summit; Samuel Sloan (of James), Venango; Henry Shook, Washington; John Cooper, Winfield ; Ameziah Kelly, Worth ; Campbell Cochran, Bor. Butler; Isaac J. Cummings, Bor. Butler; Jacob Wclfopd. Donegal For the Cmzrv. LINES ON THE DEATH OF EMMAK. SED»VICK. When we watch long by the sick beJ where a lured one pines slowly in her beauty a' the approach of death and see the roses fado and go out, the smiles and the loves remain about the pale lips, we become almost con- tent tobid the going spirit, Ood speed to the 1 in 1 where she shall mix freely with kindred souls aud belmH tin- j veiled with jo y'Jur native skies. (Selected.) How beautiful the lay Upon the bed "112 death ; lire from the lovely clay. Parted the fleeting breath. Could one so loved be dying 112 gentle voice wo'vo hoard, Sweetly to our replying Iu many a tender wml. Like sculpture fiUrher brow Gleamed thro' her sunny hair ; llowrich her cheeks' warm glow ! The hectic ruse wan there ! Oh ! bright, deceitftil blossom! Flower of the fatal breath! To the eye thott'rt life and beauty? Bnt to the «earer death ! Bright shone her eye, and clear As the cloudless blue of heaven ; It's spirit light; how dear- How soon to darkness given: Now she has passed »he shadow ; Ours is the void?the gl>w>m ; She bathes in love's pure ocean, Far, far beyond the tomb. Sweetly the morning star, Fading is I >-t in light; 80 fled the maid uftir. Forever from our sight, Weep not, she dwelt ontong us, A bird of brighter t>kie-< ; Whoso song i* sweet when fetterd, But aweeter when she flies. A New and Grand Fpoch in Medicine! DR. MAGOIEL is the founder of a new Medical System ! The quautitariuns, whose vast internal doses enfeeble the stomach and paralyze the bowels', must give precedence to the man who restores health and appetite, with from one to two of his extraordinary Pills, and cures the most virulent sores with a box or so of his wonderful and all-healiug Salve. These two great specifics of the Doctor are fast superseding all the stereotyped nostrums of the day. Kxtraordiuary cures by Maggiel's Fills and Salve have opened the eyes of the public to the inefficiency of the (so called) remedies of others, aud upon which people have =o long blindly depended. .Maggiel's Pills are not of the class that swallowed by the dozen, and of which every box full taken creates an absolute necessity for another. One or two of Maggiel's Pills suffices toplacethe bowels in perfect order, tone the stomach, cieates an appetite, ana redder the spirits light aud buoyant! There is no griping, and no reaction in the form of constipa- tion. If the liver is affected, its func- tions are restored; and if the nervous system is feeble, it is invigorated. This last quality makes the medicines very desirable for the wants of delicate fe- males. Ulcerous and eruptive diseases are literally extinguished by the disen- fectant power of Maggiel's Salvo. In fact, it is here announced that MAOQIEL'S UILIOUS, DYSPEPTIC AND DIARRHEA PILLS cure where all others fail. While for Hums, Scalds, Chilblains, Cuts and all abrasions of the skin, MAQOIEL'S, SALVE is infalliable. Sold by J. IMAU- UIEL, 43 Fulton Street, New York, aud all Druggists, at 25 cts. per box For Sale atDrs. GKAIIAMS& lIUS- ELTON'S Drug Store, solo Agents in liutler, Pa. (may 9, 'GO. JEFF.DftVIS. His Indictment at Norfolk. WASHINGTON, May 12. Judge Underwood,of the United States District Court, for the Eastern District of Virginia, arrived hero to-day with a copy of the indictment found against Jeff. Davis for treason, at Norfolk, on Thurs- day. The indictment is just about the same as the one previously found in that court. Judge Uuderwood has been in consultation with the Assistant Attorney General to-day relative to Davis' trial at Kichmoud, in June. Every preparation is being mado for theuiventat that time. It is now understood that Chief Justice Chase will preside, and Attorney General Speed will prosecute, assisted by Judge Clifford of Massachusetts, and William It. Evarts, Esq., of New York, as coun- sel on the part of tho prosecution. The court will convene in the early part of June. NEW YORK, May 12.?'1 he charge of' Judge Underwood to tho Grand Jury of Norfolk, which has indicted Jeff. Davis for treason, is largely occupied w: th the baneful influences of slavery in Virgin- ia, and tho demoralization consequent upon the rebellion. Much complaint has been made bjf our fellow citizens of the North of the tardiness of our crimi- nal prosecutions. We think it better, in imitation of the great and good martyred Lincoln, and in imitation of the great Ru- ler of the universe, whose judgments and retributions are slow but sure, that we j should approach tho great question of punishment of the authors of the terrible and unprovoked rebellion, with all possi- ble deliberation, discrimination, caution clemency, so that no unnecessary blood shall be added to the torrents that have already soaked the soil of our devoted State. This court entirely agrees with the President in his-often repea'ed dec- laration that treason is the greatest of crimes, and ought to be signally punish- ed, and that it is cowardly to punish the subordinates and the comparatively in- signifleant and allow the principals to es- cape. We also concur in the opinion that the leaders in the late rebellion may. be treated as traitors or public enemies, as they were, undoubtedly; both by the laws of nations and tho common law. STEW ADVEBTMEJIEXTN, Dl*wolution. NOTICE U hereby given to all person* interested, that the partnenihip, I" the Saddle t Harney bn- | ness heretofore existing under the nat&e and title of I Sedwick, NeffA Brown, has this day (April 28.) been dissolved bv mutual consent, E. Neff having retired from the firm. The business will hereafter be conducted by J. A. Sod wick k I'. P. Brown, In whose ha da the ac- counts of the previous firm are left for collection J . A. SEDWICK, E NEFF, Butler, may Oth, 1860. P. P. BROWN, WATER CURE. /CONSUMPTION, if not too tar advanced, Dyspepsia \J and disease of the Breast, Btomacb, Buwefs, Liver, Bladder k Sexual Organs generully, Rheumatism, etc., are treated successfully, hydropathic*! ly, by Dr. P. Held. No nedieiueHOivea. CURE WARRANTED, The hydmp&tbic treatment may in many cases be pei - formed at liome. Patients wishing to "stay with the doctor ftjr surue time, will find ample accommodations, on reasonable terms. Call personally, or addreas Dr. P. HELD, S*aa*b«irg. county, pa. J Notice. IN the matter of the Petition of Jacob Huchmati, et al. for a Charter for the U. P. Church of Adams tp.. Butler county Penn'a Notice isheiehy given thai application has beer made for incorporation af the above named Church, »>nd that the same will l»e granted on the firs' day of next Term, June 4th 1866. unless pause be ah >wn to the con- trary. Certified from th? Rcco:d. MnySth, 1866. 9. WM. STOOPS, Pro*y. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. rpilE Arm of Curry k Company, and al«» of Curry J. h. Brother, carrying on business at New Hiipe Wi>olen Factory, Butler county, has been diisolven by mutual consent. The undesigned have bought the retiring partner's interest In the entire property and busiue*«. All debts will be collected by the under- signed who will contlnur- business under the Myleof CURRY <fc BROTHER. Thankful for psst public favor, we respectfully solicit the continuance of your patronage. JOSEPH CURRY. WILLIAM CI.'RRV. New Hope Woolen Mills,) May 10. 1866?3t ? / MOWING MACHINES. J.G. &-WNI. CAMPBELL, AGENTS JOlt THE FOLLOWING MOWKRS k REAP ERS Buckeye, Sr. Buckeye, Jr. Russcl, Sr. Russell, Jr. Quaker, Sr. Quaker, Jr. Cayuga Chief, Sr. Cayuga Chief, Jr. Hubbard, Sr. Hubbard, Jr. Woods' Union Improved Farmer. Also, Sharp's Improved Hay Rake. Palmer's Excelsior Hay Fork. Harpoon Hay Pork, Grain Drills. Cultivators, Plows, Corn Shellers Fodder & Straw Cutters, and all other Agricultuial and Farming Implements. We also manufacture Cook 9c Heating Stoves, Mantel and Common Orates, anl alLgther kinds of castings which we M ill sell on tho ~ Most Reasonable Terms. Persons wishing to purchase will please call and exam- ine our stork. # may 10, '66?2 mo. NEW ESTABLISHMENT. Watches, Clocks & Jewelry. The undersigned respectfully informs the public that he has on hand . and is constantly receiving, tho New I'n (< iit Level- Cloeta.? These are striking Clocki: and the first of ths kind that has ever been oflered lbr sale in this pluco. Mantel Clocks of all descriptions, and of the best quality and work- manship. American & Patent Lever Watches, hunting case, warranted to keep good t inie. Colt <fe Sharp's Revolvers and Cart- ridges. Jewelry of all kinds, and of good quality; all of which will be sold on reasonable terms for cash. Having procured the services of a First (liwm Workman, I ain prepared to perfoim all work proper 1} belonging to a Jewelry Kst.-ihlishment with satisfaction to n»y nu- merous customers. Repairing Watches, Clocks, ij-c., dons In a workmnn'ikc manner. Don't forget the place West side of Main Street, nearly opposite Duffy's htore, ?In the room iormefly occupied bv -lauiw Camp- bell ax a store house. CHARLES WISEMAN, may 16/66 ?Onto. njpm I 'Spiff i AND UNDERTAKING. HK ADQUARTF.RSon Main Street, opposite Jark s Ilotel Tho subscriber is extensively engaged in tho UNDERTAKING LINE, being fully prepared tu make COFFINH of all neatly and promptly to order Cof- fins of all si/.esand kinds ready made, and always on hands. He has also procured an entirely New and IVeut Hearse ; and is thus prepared to attend funerals on the shortest notice. He also keeps on hands and manufactures to order COMMON AND FANCY FURNITURE OF ItiircaiiH. Tables, Stand**, BedslrndN, Chair* Ac. All mado in a neat and workman-like mautier, and of the finest finish. TKRMB Heasonable and to suit the tiui"-«. Thank- ful for past favors, the patronage of tho public is res- pectfully solicited. CALL AND EXAMINE OUH STOCK. ' JACOB KECK. May 16, 66-Cmos. Tavern I.ieen«e. TIIF. following persons have filed their Applications lo June Sessions, l*rfl in the office of ilie Cb'rk of the Court of Quarter SeasicUs for Liceuse as follows, to wit: 1 Frank T. Hofner, Middlesex town«hip 2 Christopher Michel Bor Saxonburgh 3 Mrs Ann Breeden bor Prospect 4 Michael Zinnn.rinan bor liutler 6 John Oliver bor p. ri>-r*villn 6 Martin H<>ch bor Millfrstown 7 John Dougherty Jefferson tuwn«hip. | 8 Michael Niggle Butler township 9 Joseph Flick Oakland township. 10 Wm Rickey bor Leutrevil e II Jos M'Cannon kJ . Nagele, Brady township. j 12 Wm. Bastian bor /\u2666?leuople 13 Patrick Kelly l>or Butkr 14 D. Purler Mavis, Worth township. j 16 George IfKamy, Fair view townshiy j 16 C. KeUel, Lancaster Ip 17 Al-mbam Hhonts, bor Harmony 18 lleuty Detrick bor «« 19 Wm Steinfatt, Buffalo tp. Win Gregg? 2t Richard Fisher, Penn *? 22 0 U.Outnpper, bor Millerstown. 23 Wm Vogeley, bor Butler 24 Thomas Richards Centre tp. 25 John Bowdcr, Jr. Muddycreek tp. 26 Benjamin Jack, bor Sutler. RESTAURANT LICENSEB. 1 Mrs Ann Miller Jefferson township. 2 Samuel Sykes, burButler 3 Julia A. Niggle, 44 44 4 Robort Hartley, Buffalo township. 5 Elizabeth Miller. bor Butler. 6 Christopher Michel, bdt Saxonburg. 7 Louis Bishop, bor Butler 8 Peter Stauf, Counoqnenesslng tp 9 Wm Steinfatt. Buffalo tp. 10 A. N. M'Candles*, bor Butler 11 Casper Uartzag, bur Harmuny. Licenses will be presented on Wednesday, June 6, 1866. Rcmonst ranees must be filed on or before that day. Applicants will brirg their Bonds to my office before the dav of hearing Tavern Licenses mutt be ta- ken out withinFifteen days after being granted or they will oe revoked. may 16. '06.) W J YOUNG, Clerk. Trial List for June Term, 1866. FIRST WEEK. Freeman Kirk rt. Hon. Samacl Marshall, at. al. Wm. B Lemmun et. Jacob Mechling. John Russell m. Charles Cochran, et. al. Conrod gnyder vs. John Webb. Benjaman Douthott vs. Robert Dodds. John Negley vt. Wm. Vogely, et. al SECOND WEEK. Wilson K. Potts r#. Willibalt Frederick et. al. Isaac Hpoosler vi. David Marshall. John M'Divitt k Samuel Ixtudon, Kx'rs of James Lo- gue, dee d vs. Wm. Login-. E-'eauor Hlttes vs. Samuel Wimer, Jr., et. a/. Isaac English, et. al. r*. Robert Allen. Wm- Forquer vs. Hugh k tyni. Murrln, Kx'rs of Jno Muirin,Dec. : , w m. Fowler vs. Davitl KcDonald- . Casper fclm vs. Henry Strutt l Wm. Layton James L. Chambers. WM. BTOOPri, proth y. t PioUioiwWy't to, Mar 3 11 FOR SALE. i A* \ of fi ronn< l*containing neaflf four » i . i, immediately w<wt of the borough, ' ami sianderl on tho Lorth and west by fhe tfeck. on the 1 RaSnSfi* ? oftfchn Negley. is offered for sale on , \v.ik"; particulars enquire of Mr*. 1 Nathaniel Walker,or at this office. >' niHylß,*66?3t , Appraisement List. TOE followingApprais. Mont Llsta, undrr tlia sth 8(W- ' iifaf "r '}? , * s l. liate b.'cn pri-spn- I iad ami fll.-.l In tlio ?112 tho i l? r k of tbo 0,',,!,,,,,. I Court of Butler couuty, to wit: No. 1, Feb Term, 1860, Mrs. Mary R. Pearcc . widow of l ( J5 mrCC| U,C ' d ' Property amounting , No. 70, Feb. Term, 18G6, Mrs. Veronica Weber, widow of Adam Weber, dee'd- Personal property amounting to S3OO 00. Oeorge Weber k Adam Troutiiiau, Adin'ro No. 71, Feb. Term, 1806, Mrs* Montgomery, wid- ow of John Montgomery, dee'd. Personal property amoiiuting to 15. . No. 72, Feb. Term, ltfifl, Mrs. Sarah Boyd, widow of Andrew J. lloyd. do- eased. Real Estate amounting to S3OO 00- James T. Boyd, Adui'r. N0.77, Feb. to "jl ? n * l, P ? d«c'd. Personal property amounting No. 70 Feb. Term, 1R66, Mrs Elisabeth Anderson, widow of W L. Anderson, dee d. Real EsUte amount- ing to $. ) 00. Baiuuel Leason, Adtn'r. No. 80, Feb. Term, 18W, Mrs. Margaret llllev, widow nf RHey, dec d. Personal piopertv amounting to f2OO 00. Samuel Ilileyk Silas Miller, Adm'rs No. 81, Feb. Term, 1806. Mrs. Sarah M'Ooy, wi.low of Robeit M Coy, dw'd. Personal property amounting to f3*) 00. J. M. I.awrence, Adtu'r. No. 82. Feb. Term, IBHO, Mrs. Mary Oralutm, widow of Mo dead (Jraham, dee d Personal property amount- ing to SW7 25. Mordecai Graham. Ex'r. NoB4. Feb Term, 1850, Mrs Eliza Camlir widow of Geo. Canier. Dee'd. Personal property amonutinir to 146,10. Joliu Camer. Adtu'r. Of which the Creditors, Heirs, Legatees, Distributees and others interested willtake notice, and appe r at the next Term, to wit: The First Monday of June next, and not later than the Third day thereof, to show cause if any they have, why said Appraisements ahoi.ld not bo confit med. By the Court, W. J. YOUNG, May 9,1866. Clerk. SHERIFF S SALES. BY Virtue ot pundry writ* of Venditioni Exponas, Fieri Facias, and Levaria, issued ont of the Cobrt of Common Pleas of Bntler county, snd to me directed, there will be expoaed to public sale, at the Court House, ill the borough of Butler, on .Vonday, the 4th day of June, A. D*. 1860, at one o'clock, P. M., the following described property, to wit : All the right, title, interest and claim of John Gre- gory * ArmedaGregory, of Into Lot No 3'2, situated in the Borough of Butler. Butler county, Penn'a, bound- ed north by lot No-31, east by a street, south by lot No. | 83, west by M'Koan Street; containing about acre, 1 more or loss, ono 2 story frame house k log stable there- on erected. Bel*ed and taken in exeoution HS the prop ertv of John Gregory k Armeda Gregory, at the suit of Robert M'Corkle k Ssmuel Osborn, llx'rs of Kdward jijf'Corkle who was guardian of tho minor childiett of W m. Thompson dee'd A LSO 1 All the right, title. Intel est and cl.vm of Wm. Rabbit, Administrator of Patrick.Dalev. dee'd, of, in and ( > One Hui di ed and Twenty-five acres of land, tnoie or leas, situated In Donegal township. Ilutler County, Pa., boun ded north by lands of Wm. Richards, ea>t by William Matthews, er. al.. south by Win. B. Clyuier, wort by Catharine llickey. Seliwl aud taken in execution as the property of Win- Itrabbit, adm inlstrat «r of Patrick Daley, dee'd, ot tho snit of J. A. Calwcil A Co. ALSO. All the right, title interest and claim of D. Phelps- Administrator of H .<? Arnold, deed, i<nl It P. Claw ford, of in and to Fifty acres of land more or les«, situ, ated in Parker township, Ilutler county, Pa., honnded ii rth by It. Black, East, by It. Black, et. »1 , Sonth by Harvey Gibs.n; West by Archibald Kelly, Ksq . about eight acres cleared, olie quarter stack charcoal Bla»d furnace, engine house with enginw Ac., eastinc house, 1 bridge house, coal shedt, one 112 tamo office with scale* attached, 3 framo dwelling housos, veveu log dwelling houses, 3 of which are double, frame Blacksmith shop, frame wagonmaker sbop, and 2 large double frame sta bles therein erected. ALSO.?One lot of gronnd situate in tho village of Martinsburg, Parker tp., Ilullorcounty, Pa., containing about ncre more or less, bounded north by Itcubon Kmerick, East by Main street. South by Thos. Fletcher, et. al? and west by Christian Barr, one flame two story , dwelling hour*, fiame ware house snd frame stable , thereon erected. other lot of groun d situate in the vill »ge of Fairview, Kairview tp., Butler county, Pa., contain- ing about % acres more or less, bounded North by au alley, East by an alley, Sonth by a street,and west by a street; large 2 story frame dwelling house, frame foun- dry in good working order, frame blacksmith and frame ! carpenter shop, framo stable, fiame ware-house aud coke oven thereon erected. . ALSO?One piece or land situate iu Knlrvlc w town- I ship, Butler co.. Pa., containing one hundred and for- ty-seven acres more or les-.. bounded North by Isaac Reep ot. al., East by James ViUoii, South bv John Scott I et. al., and West by Jacob llavok etui .about 100 acres \u25a0 cleared. 3i» of which are meadow, double log dwelling house, double log hern with sheds attached and other out buildings. Scir.ud and taken iu execution as the | property of I). Phelps, Administrator of 11. .1. Atn dd I and It. P. Crawford, at the suit of WilliamWickjor use I ALSO I All the right, title Interest and clnlir. ot M.r. While of in and to Fourteen acr.»s of land more or Ic*. situ- ated in Connoqiienessing township. ButlT county. Pa., Lot No. 1, hounded North by White A Cunningham. Kastby Street. South ly Martin's heirs, West by Cunningham, all cleared. Lot No. 2, bounded ad fol- lows, North by lands of Allen Wbit-'s heirs, East by George Bean, South by Thos. Cratty, West by Street, i all of which it meadow. Seized nnd taken in execution as tho property of M. F. White, at the suit of Samuel Dyer A Co. ALSO All the right, title Interest and claim of O. W. .Smith, in und to One !<ot of land, more or Ice*, situated iu the r borough of Butler, bounded north by an alley ; ea«f by an alley; sontli by Diamond ; and west by Lot of Mrs. i Christy; good Frame House thereon erected. Seized and taken in execution HS the property of George W. Smith, at the suit of Oliver David. ASLO. All the right, title interest and claim of D. Phelps, Administrator of H.J. Arnold' dee'd, and It. P. Craw- ford, of In and to Fifty acres of land more or loss, situa- ted in Parker township. Butler county, Pa., bounded north by R. Black. East by R Black, et. al., South by Harvey Gibson, west by Archilialtl Kelly, Ksq., about eight acres cleared, one quarter stark charcoal Blast furnace, engine house with engine, Ae ,caatiug house, bridge house, coal sheds, one frame office with scales attached. 3 frame dwelling houses, seven log dwelling houses, 3of which are double; frnme Blacksmith shop, frmne wagonmaker shop, aud 2 largo double framo sta- bles thsreon erected. ALSO.?One lot of ground situato in tho vilbige of ! Martiusl urg, Parker tp., Bntler county. Pa., containing ! about acre more or less, bounded north by Reuben Etneri'.'k, Kant by Main street. South by Thos. Fletcher, et. al., and west by Christian Birr, ono frame two story dwelling bounc, frame ware houoe and frame stable there- on erected. ALSO.?Coo other lot of ground situate in the village of Kairview. Kairview tp.,Butler county, Pa, contain- ing about Maero mmor lent, bounded north by an alley, east by an alley, South by a street, nnd west by a street: large 2 story frame dwelling house, frame foun- dry ingood working order, frame blacksmith and frame carpenter shop, frame stable, frame waro-house and coko-oven thereon erect'd. ALSO.?On® piece of land situato in Fairview town- ship, Butler county, Pa., containing one hundred nnd for- ty-seven acres more or less, hounded north by IMMC Reep. et. al., oast by James Wilson, south by John Scott et. al-.aiid west by Jacob llavok, et al.; about 100acres cleared, 30 of which are nioadow, double log dwelling house, double log barn with sheds attached, and other out buildings. Seised and taken in oxecution as the property of D. I'belps, Administrator of H. J. Arnold nnd It. P. Crawford, at tho suit of S. A R. M. Harper j for use. ALSO. All the right, title, interest and claim of D. Phelps, i Administrator of 11..1. Arnold, deed, aud R. P. Craw- | ford, of in ami to Fifty acres of land Uf*eor less, situ- ated in Parker township, Butler ceunty, Pa., bounded north by It. Black, east by It. Black, et al., south by Harvey Gibson, west by Archibald Kelly, Ksq ; about eight aciea clcai ed, one quarter stack charcoal blas ( furnace, euginu house with engine, Ac., casting house, bridgo house, coal sheds, tine frame office with scales attached; 3 frame dwelling houaes, seven log dwelling houses, 3 of which are double, frame Blacksmith shop, frame wagonmaker shop, nnd 2 large double frame sta- bles thereon ? reeled. Au»o.?One lot of gronnd situate in the village of Martinsbnrg, Parker tp., Butler county Pa , containing about U acre more or less, bounded north by Kcubsn Euierick. east by Main street, aouth by Thos. Fletcher, et al., aud west by Christian- Barr, one frame two story dwelling house, frame ware, house ami frame stable thereon erected. Aaso.?Oue other lot of ground situate in the village of Fairview, Fairview tp., Butler county, Pa., contain- ing about % acre more or leas, bounded iiyith by an alley, oast by an alley, south by a street, and west by a street; large 2 story frame dwelling house, frame foun- dry in good working order ; frame blacksmith and frame carpenter shop, frame stable, frame waredioune snd coke-oven thereon erected. Auio.?One piece of land situate In Fairview town- rhip, Butler county, Pa., containing one hundred and for- ty-«eveu acres more or lese, bounded north by Isaac Reep, «t. al., east by James Wilson, sonth by John Scott,sud west by Jacob llavok et. al., about 100acres cleared, 30 of which are meadow, double log dwelling houae, double log barn with sheds attached, and other out buildings. Seized and taken in execution aa the property of 1) Phelps, Administrator of H.J. Arnold and K- P. Crawford, at the suit ofCharlea Collins for use. ALSO. All the right, title interest and claim of D. Phelps, Administrator of 11. J. Arnold, dee'd, and R. P. Craw- ford. of in aud to Fißy acres of laud more or less, situ- ated In Parker townahlp, Butler county, Pa., bounded north by R. Black east by R Black, et. al., south by Ilarvey Oibson, west by Archibald Kelly, Esq.; about eight acres cleared, ono quarter stack charcoal Blast furnace, engine honse with engine, Ac., casting house, bridge Ivouae, coal sheds, one frame office with acalos attached, 3 frame dwelling house* seven log dwelling houses, 3of which are double, frame Blackamitb shop, frame wagonmaker shop, and 2 large double framo sta* biee thereon orected. ALSO?One lot of ground situate in the village of MortinJbnrg. Parker tn., Bntler county. Pa., containing \ about acre more or less, bounded north by Reuben ] Emertek, East by Main street. South by Thos Fletcher, ' et. al., and west by Christian Barr, one frame two story dwelling house, frame ware house aud frame stablo j thereon erected. Auto.~-uneolher lot of grouud situate in the village | of fairview, Fairview tp., Butler county. P»., containing I ?twit % aqjo QJOVU or m, bounded north by on alloy. I largo J.,t h*tll" nd , *'*' b l * '?"*<! thereon erected. w** OB, e ami coke-ovsn 00 b "J'< , in(t» 8oi«c.l and takon in properly of |). l'hnlpi. Administrator uf H. J » r and 11. P. Ctmwftrd, at the suit uf John Kali. tor us^T ALSO. All tit* rljrht. title, Interest and claim of D. Phelna. Administrator of U.J. Arncdd, doc'd, and R. P. Craw lord, of hi and 1.. Fitly acre, ~r 1.,n<l more or leu, alt... township, llntlor county, P. bounded nor" 1 by R. Black, Rut l.y K. lilac*. et. al., South I.T 1 array (ill,son, west l.yArchibald Kelly. about eight acre* cleared, one quarter stack charconA Mast rnrnare engmfl hewn wiU. engine, .tc., casting home, #? i cni*' "hfldi, qm frame office with scales HttiwhfMl framo dwt-Hlng house*. seven log dwelling houses, 8 of which are double, frnme Blacksmith shop, frame wagonmaker »b{*p112and 2 large doablo frame sta- ble* thereon erected. %«Ai. HO r ol,e J ot . of Sr o"'* l eltuate In the Tillage of «!» /"i - l,r *' ,lrkar 'P ' Hntler county, Pa., containing » D,u rf ? r lc**' N>«»»ded north by Ketibeh It' ? ,lßt h - v Ma,n "treet, South I y Thomas Fletcher era! and west by Christian B*rr,olft 4ame Hro .tory t^bereon S erected fn,B " ?' hohw " ,H| *"">» eAS" T 01 " ' ,< !" r lo ' of frondd situate In elltrtf of Wrrhr 'drview tp., Bailor county. PW? ebnCibS In -i. ('\u25a0' ,!" ur" »112 landed nor th bj' an" alley, out l.yan alloy, aouth by a street, and treat l.r a street; lar*«sstory frame dwelling house, fram«ffctin." dry In food working order; fiame blacksmith and fra«.~' cat pettier sbop, frame stable, frame ware-house and eoke ' oven thereon erected, A"®? o,,c P ,er * of lan I situate In Kairview town- ?hl|i, Butler county, Pa., containing one hundred and foi - ty-seven acres more or lew. bounded north by Isaac Keep et. al , ««ud by James Wilson, south by John Seoli el. al . and west by Jacob llavok et. al., about lliO acre* cleared, 30 ot which are meadow, double log dwelling house, double log Imrn with sheds atlached and other out buildings. Seised and taken in execution as the property of D. Phelps, Administrator of 11. J. Arnold use Crawford, at the suit of A. Young A Co., for _ ALBO. All the right, title, interest an-l claim of P. Phelps, Administrator ot II J Arnold, dee'd, and K. P Craw- *lf*yacres of land more or les., sit,.. It . J township, llutier county. Pa? lumnded ,i ,? iJJ; east l.yIt Black et. al,. aouth by Harvey Glbaon; west by Archibald Kelly, KM., about (Writ's one Tarter stack charcoal blaat 112" """; tn,tln ' »">' engine. Ac , casting house bridge houso, coal sheds, one frame office with scale* attached X frame dwelling bouses, seven log dwelling 112 » ar ®(loub, °. fr »me Blacksmith shop, frame wagonmaker?shop, and two large double frame sta- bles 'hereon erected. AUJO ?One lot of gronnd sitoato in the Tillage of Mar- tinsburg, Parker tp., Butler countT, Pa., containing about £ acre more or leas, bounded north by Reuben hmerick, East by .Main street, south by Thomas Fletch- er, et. al , and west by Christian Barr, one frame 2 story dwelling houso, frame ware house, ami framo stable thereon erected. ALSO ?line other lot of ground altuate In the Tillage of talrtlew, Fairviow tp , Butler county, Pa . contain- ing about y, acre more or less, bounded north by an alley, east by an alley, South by a street, and went l.y a street; large >story frame dwelling l.onsa, frame foun. ill} Ingoo.l working order, frame blacksmith and frame cat-pent: r shop, frame stable, frame ware-house and coke-oven thereou erected. , At.*o?Oho pice of land sitnate InFairview township, Butler county. Pa., containing one hundred ami forty- , seven acres more or lots, bounded north by Isaac Re*p et. al , cast by Jatnes Wilson, south by John Scott <t. al., nnd west by Jacob llavok et. al., about IGU aciea cleared. 3(» of which are meadow, double log dwelling - house, double log barn with ibeds attach* . and other - out buildings, S' i/.t d and taken in execution as thn property of D I'bvlpM, Administrator of 11. J Arnold . and It.P. Crawford, at the suit «.f Faller k tirupeu for ALBO. t All the right, title, interest and claim of D. Phelps, t Administrator of H J. Arnold, dee'd, and K. P. Craw- f»rd, of in and to Fifty aer«-sof land more or less, site- * ate«l in Parker township. Butler county. Pa , bounded ' »°rth by It. Blaek, earthy It. Black et id., south by , Harvey Gibson, west by Archibald Kelly, Ksq., about eight ncre* cleared, one quarter stack charcoal blast furnace, engine house with engine, Ac , cssting house, 112 bridge house, ctnil sheds, one frame office with scales r attached, :t fra _ e dwelling hous.*. seven log dwelling , houses. 3of which are double, frame blarkHin th shop, frame wag mmaker shop, and 2 l:*rge d>«utde frame sta- ; ble* thereon erected. lot of gronnd situate In the village of Martlnsburg, Parker tp.,Butler county, Pa , oontainii g about acre mofe or less, bounded north by Keub«n Kniorick , e.vt by Main street, B..utli by Thomas Kb tel - er. et al.. au<l west by Christian Barr, one frame * story 1 dwelling house, frame wars house and framo stnb.e 1 therooii erected ALSO?One other lot of ground situate ill the village of ' Fairview, Kail view tp., Butler county Pa., containing about % more or les», t»undml north by an alley, ?a-t by an alley, south by a street,au<l west by a stroet; large J story fiaim dwelling house, frame foundry in good working order, frame blacksmith ami frame car- penter shop, frame »ti l >l«, fiame ware-buuse au«l coke- oven thereon erected. piece of land situate In Fairview township. Butler county, Pa., containing one hundred and for ty-seven acres n»«.r«. or less, lammled north by Isace Iteepet. al., east by Jiiuies Wilson, south bv John Seott et. al. ami West by J aeob llavok et. al . about 100 are* cle.irnd, 30 of which are nieanow, double log dwelling house, double lo* barn with sheds attache<l aud othtr out buildinge .Seized and taken in execution as th«* property of Phelps. Administrator of H. J. Arnold and It. P. Craw lord, at the suit of Faller and Oruperi ALSO All the right, title, interert and claim of I>. Phelps, Adriinistrator of II J Arnold, dee d, and R P. Craw, ford, of in and to Fifty acres of |»nd more or leas, mo- ated ill Parker township, Butler county, Pa , bounded north by R Black, east by It. Illack et al.. south by llarv. y (Jibson, west by Archibald Kelly, Ks<|.. about eight acres cleared, one <|iiaiter stack charcoal blast furnace, engine bouse with engine, Ac , casting house, bridge house, coal sheds, one fiame office with s?ales attached, Hframe dwelling houses, seven log dwelling houses, Bof which are double frame blscksmith shop p frame wagonmaker shop, and 2 large double iramc sta- bles thereon erected. One lut of groom I situate in the village of Martinsburg, Parker tp.. Ilutlercounty, pa , containing about acre more or less, bounded north by Reul>era Kmerics. East by Main street, south by Thus, Fletcher, et. al., snd west by ( hristian Harr, one frame two story dwelling house frame ware house and frame stabi* thereon ereceed ALSO.?One other lot of grnand situate in the village of Fairview, Fairview tp., Butler county, Pa., contain- ing abou* % acre ntoru or lens, bounded north by an alley , east by an alley, south by a \u25batreet. and west by a street; large ist »ry frame dwelling house, frame Sun- dry in g«KH| working onler; frame blacksmith and framn carpenter shop, frame stable, frame ware ho4*e, aad coke-oven thereon ere'ted ALSO.?One piece of laud situate in Kairvlew town- ship. Holler county, Pa , containing one hundred and forty seven acres more or less, bounded noilh l»y Isnac Keep et. *l., east by Jaine*. Wils«»n, south by John Hcott ot al , snd west by Jacob llavok et. al . al>out luo acre* cleared, HO ot which are meadow, double log dwelling hotttte. double log barn with sheds attached and other out buildings. Seized and taken in execution as th** property of I) Phelps, Administrator of 11 J. Arnold and It. P Crawford, at the suit of J. Porter for use. ALUO All the right, title, interest and claim of DPhelps, Administrator of fl. J Arnold, dee'd.ami It p Crawford of in and to Kifty acre* of land more or leie situated in Parker township, Butler county, Pa., l>onnded north be It Black, east by It Black, et al. south by Harvey (Hb< son; w* <<t by Archibald Kelly, Ksq: about eight acres cleared, one quarter stack charcoal furnace, engiue house with engine, Ac , casting house, bridge house coal shod**, one frame office with scale* attached, ;i frame dwelling houses, seven log dwelling houses,' a of which are donble, frame blacksmith shop, frame wag- onmaker shop, and .two large double frame stables tnere- on ereeted. ALSO ?One lot of ground situate in the village of Mar- tinsburg. Pa? Iter township, Butler county, Pennsylvania containing about one half acre more or less, bounded north by Beuben Kmerick, east by Main street, aouth by Thomn* Fletcher, et al.. ami west by Christian Barr one frame two story dwelling house, frame warehoura and frame stable thoreon erected. ALSO?One ether lot of ground situate in the Tillage of Fairview. Kairview township, Butler eounty Pa , con- taining about two-third acres more or less, bounded north by an alley, east by «n alloy, south by a street, and west by a street; large 2 story frame dwelling hoiiao frame foundry tu good working order, frame black- smith and frame carpenter shop, frame stable, frame warehouse and coke oven thoreon erected. ALSO?One piece of land situate in Kairview township, Butler county, Pa., containing one hundred and fwrtyl seven acres more or less, bounded nor-h by Isanc Keep, et al ; east by James Wilson; sonth by John Scott et ml. ', and west bv Jacob llavok et al., about 100 acrea clesred .'to acres of which are meadow, double log dwelling house, double l<q( barn with sheds attached aud other out building** Heiaed ami taken in execution as the property of 1) Phelps, Administrator of 11 J Arnold and R P Crawford, at the suit of John Rot>b. ALSO Allthe right, title, interest ami claim of D Phelps, Admiinstraior of IIJ Arnold, dee'd, snd R P Crawford of in snd to Kilty acres of land more or less, situated in Parker township, Butler county, Pa., bounded north by R Black; east by R Black et al., south by Harvey Oibson; west by Archibald Ke!ly Eso ~ about 8 icres cleared, one quarter stack charcoal blast ftirnace, en- gine house with engine. Ac., casting house, bridge house, coal sheds, one framo office with scales attached, three frame dwelling houses, seven log dwelling houses,, three of which are doable, frame blacksmith shop, frame wag- on maker shop, and two l«ge double frame stables there- on erected. ALSO?One lot oi ground situate in the Tillage of Mar* tlnsburg, Parker township, Butler county, Pa., i tig about acre more or lesa, bounded north by Reuben Kmerick, cvt by Main street south by Thos. Kletcber, et al . ami west by Christian Barr. one frame two story dwelling bouse, frame ware house and frama stable thereon erected. ALSO?One other lot of ground situate in the Tillage of Kairriew. Kairview tp , Butler county, Pa . contain- ing about % acre more or less, bwuuded by an alley, east by an alley, south by a street, and west by a street; large 2 story frame dwelling house, frame foun- dry in good working order, frame blacksmith and frame carpenter shop, frame .stable, frame warehouse and coke OTOO thereon erected. ALSO ?One piece of laud situate in Fairriew town- ship, Butlercounty, Pa? containing one hundred and for- ty-seren acres more or loss, bounded north by Isaac Keep et. al., east by James Wilson, south byJohn Scott et. al.. and west by Jacob IlaTok et. al .about 100 acroa cleared, 30 of which are meadow, double log dwelling house, double log baru with sbads attached and other out building*. Seised aud taken in execution aa the property of I). Phelps, Administrator of H. J.'Arnold and R P.Crawford, at the suit of T. B. Clark aud Co., for use I W O. BRACKBNRIDes, Sheriff. Sheriffs' office, April2ft, lftftft.

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Page 1: American citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1866-05-16 [p ]… · had on and left them there; Ihad Mr. Dearing's boots on, pantaloons,

had on and left them there; I had Mr.Dearing's boots on, pantaloons, shirt andnecktie when Iwas arrested.

None of these people said a word or

hollowed when 1 killed them; 1 do not

know whether one of the boys threw up \u25a0his hand; /guess Mrs. Dealing got her ;hand chopped:nona of them said anything Iueither thebaby; /did not wish to leave jthe baby because / was afraid it would ?.cry or make a big noise; / was in a hurry |when / killed the baby and did not look, jand that was the reason I cut it in the ;shoulder,

/ was in the fight at James' Landing jbefore / left the army; I lost my thumb 'with my own gun; / was out on picket Iseveral hours, and I was sleepy; after a

while /stumbled, and somehow while myhand was portly over the muzzle, tho gunexploded and my thumb was ?hot off.


|pjp The Largest Circulation oj

any Paper in the County.


WEDNESDAY MAY 10. 1860."Liberty end Union, Now and Forever, One

nd 'flitpirlbi*."?D. Weblter.

For Governor:Maj-Gen. JOHN W.GEARY



COUNTY CONVENTION.At a meeting of the Union Republi-

can County Committee held in Butler on

Monday tho 16th inst., it was

Resolved, That the Union Republicanvoters of Butler county, are hereby re-quested to meet in their respective election districts throughout the county, onSATURDAY, the 9th of JUNE, com-ing, between the hours of one and seven

o'clock P. M., of said day, and vote byballot for candidates for the nomina-tion for the different offices to be fiilledatthe fall election, to wit:

One person for Congress,One person for Assembly,Two persons for Associate Judge,One person for Sheriff,One person for Prothonotary,One person for Register & Recorder,One person for Clerk of the Courts,One person for County Commissioner,One person for Coroner,Two persons for Auditor, one for 3

years and one for 1 year.Two persons for Trustees of Academy,

and further, TO select one of their num-ber in each district as a RETURN J UDGE,

or DELEGATE, to convey said vote, andmeet similar delegates on the followingMonday, at 1 o'clock P. M., in the Sher-iffs office, in the Court House, for thepurpose ofcasting up said votes,and declar-ing the nominees, and to transact such oth-er business as may legitimately come be-fore them.

The following resolution was adopted:WHEREAS, each party should make its

own nominations; therefore,Resolved, That the local boards at the

primary elections are instructed to receivethe votes of no person not well known tobe a Republican, except under a pledge,to support the Union State ticket at thecoming Fall election ; and that the localboards shall each return to the CountyConvention, a certified and sealed list ofall persons who have voted at such elec-tion.

C. E. ANDERSON, Chairman.Dr. A. Lusk, Secretary.

MfLegal advertising, has compelledui to withhold some communications andether interesting matter.

I'. T. Pape has justreturned fromthe East, with a new and full assortment

of Dry Goods, Bonnets and Fancy Trim-mings.

KcmovalN.Dnrmg the early stages of the contro-

versy between the President and Congress,we were assured by the former that hewould not use the patronage at his dispo-sal, to influence public opinion, that hewould allow the freest discussion possible,&c. But as time went on and the peoplemanifested a determination to sustainCongress rather than tho Executive, thelatter became impatient of this obstiuacy,and finally reconsidered his former de-termination. It now seems' clear that hehas giveu the whole patronage in thisState into the hands of tho renegade Cow-an, to be used for the promotion of thocause of the opposition in the coming el-ection*. The leading Federal officers inthis and the 22nd district have beenchanged, a? also, the postmasters of Pitts-burgh and Allegheny, with the Marshalof the westeru district of Pennsylvania.Itis admitted on all hands, even by thePittsburgh Commercial ?that the new

selections are poor ones. Sorno weremuch elated ut the prospect of an entirechange in the Federal officers. It now.seems quite probable, however, that theSenate, whose concurrence is necessary,will nut indoise many, if even any ofthese new appointments. Till it does,their nomination merely, is of little use

to them personally, or to the President'spolioy either. Tho people will look forthe fiual i»sue of thin matter with iuter-

j®-Those wishing to purchase any-thing in the line of furniture, can be ac-

commodated by calling at the wareroonis

of Jacob Keek, on Main street, oppositeJack's Hotel. Read his advertisementfound in this paper.

Jewelry Ac.Road the advertisement of Charles j

Wiseman; visit his establishment, and

iexamine his stock. Don't forget the| place?Main street, nearly opposite Duf-

jfy's store.

Siindiij-School Concert.A Concert will be given in the Ger-

j man Reformed Church, in Harmony, on

Thursday evening, May 24th, by theSabbath School of said church. ThoConcert will be for the benefit of the Sab-bath School.

Doors open at 7 O'clock. Admission25 couts.

Water Cure.We call the attention cf our readers to

the advertisement "Water Cure." Dr.P. Held is a scholar of the famous A'in-ccnz Pricsnitz,of Graefenburg, the found-er of the Hydropathic System. Everyintelligent physician admits, and nearly

everybody knows that Consumption, Dys-

pepsia, diseases of the heart and stom-

ach, etc., cannot be cured by medicines.The Hydropathic System offers to thesick the only sure chance of a cure.

I®"- Farmers and all others interestedare referred to the advertisement of Jas.G. & Wm. Camobell, agents in thiscounty for the Reapers, Mowers, Rakes,

Sic., set forth in their advertisements,' which will be found in this week's CITI-

ZEN. Now is the time to purchase neces-

sary labor saving machinery for the en-

suing harvest.You should make it your especial busi-

ness to call at Campbell's warehouse, and. examine the splendid machinery now of-

fered for sale on reasonable terms for cash.


The young meu of Butler have at

length waked up, and not to be behind-hand in amusement, have organized a

Base-Ball Club. After balloting tor

some time the Constitution of the Na-tional Association of Base-Ball Players,was adopted. The "ConnoquenessingBase-Ball Club of Butler," is the name

by which they are known. It is an ex-

cellent one, and we hope they will dohonor to it. We may expect to here before long, of some of the neighboringclubs being challenged. Go in, gentle-men, may good luck attend you, andcrown your efforts with success.

MAMMOTH PAXORAMA!M'Allister k Co's. Stereoptican ! Pho-

tographic Panorama of the SOUTHERNREBELLION, is coming ! The only exten-

sive and thoroughly scientifical ex-

hibition of the American Contest! Amoral, intellectual and instructive enter-tainment, by Profs. ROBINSON k ROOT-Each view will be explained. No post-ponementon accountof inclement weather.

This splendid exhibition will be held inthe Court Room, in Butler, Pa., Fridayevening the 18th inst. Admission 25cents" Children under 12 years, 15 cts.

Doors open at 7 o'clock.Will exhibit one night only.

Graduated al (I'M Mercban-tileCollcgc, Pittsburgh.

W. A. Birchard, Warren, OhioBarkley Cooper, St. Clairsville, Ohio,John M. Funk, Titusville, Pa.J. N. Mcintosh, Hammondsville, O.W. J. McKeever, Allegheny City Pa.Wm. A. Campbell, Cambridge, Ohio.Robt. J. Wilson, Pittsburgh.Jas. T. Lambie, Tallycavy, Pa.W. A. Gilleland, Bakerstown, Pa.Geo. L. Reis, New Castle, Pa.I. W. Wallace, Poland, Ohio.W. 11. Sellers, St. Thomas, Pa.Geo. M. D. Knox, Tiskilwa. 111.M. J. Collopv, Coshocton Ohio.Henry C. Matthews, Pittsburgh.D. R. Mclntire, Allegheny co., Pa.James B. Zahm, Ebensburg, Pa.John Waldron, Parkersburg, W. Va.Wm. Gallagher, Birmingham, Pa.M. E. Boysel, Tarlton, Ohio.Ben'j Thomas, Birmingham, Pa.O. W. Beaty, Steam Mill, Pa.H.N. Kirkpatrick, Broadhead.W. S. Debout, Clark, Pa.A. S. Debout, Clark, Pa.W. C. Cravin, California, Pa.Thomas J. Myers, Philipsburg, Pa.H. A. Warne Monongahela City, PaW.J. Barclay Pomeroy, Ohio.A. Dienst, Girard, Ohio.D. W. Puyne, Bartlett, Ohio.W. H. Stewart, Fairfield, lowa.Fred. Fleming, Birmingham, Pa.Jas. Bradley, Monroeville, Pa.Rob't Galloway, Connelsvillc, Pa.C. C. Lobingier, Braddock's Fields, Pa.Thomas Self, Racine, Ohio.W. R. MeCabe, Vancefort, Pa.John W. Wheeler, Upper Sandusky,

Ohio.All of whom passed'the usual search-

ing examinations of the College satisfac-torily, and who will no doubt hereafterdistinguish themselves by an honorableproficiency in business. Each graduatewas awarded tho beautiiul Diploma ofthe College, as a credential of his profi-!ciency of his industry, and of his exem-

plary deportment during his course of i?tudy. '

Communications.Yorthe Citizen.

A Short Epistle to "Betsey Jean."The readers of the CITIZEN were

thrown into a state of great excitementby the publication of your

" Great Ca-lamity." Many and varied were theconjectures as to who the writer was.?

Men might have been seen standing on

the street corners in earnest conversation,as if some dreadful muider had beencommitted. And well they might stand,their wrinkled brows showing the fore-boding of their hearts ; for murder badbeen committed. Not exactly murder,but suicide. For according to yourstatement, twenty-six men, coolly anddeliberately, dragging as many ladieswith them, plunged into the river of" Matrimony," and were engulfed in itsturbulent waters. Isn t that downright,wilful suicide and murder ? All throughyour article there is an under-current,and the subject?love. Love?bah !what is it 1 A mere matter of dollarsand cents. There was a time, (alas thattime is pa3t,) when true love flourishedin all its vigor; when Anachreon sung-and Timothens touched his lyre. Butthat wa9 in the glorious days of ancientGreece, when love was the theme of po-ets and musicians.

Love, so called, does, as you say, of-ten spring up in the hearts of " Senti-mentalists." But I have known it more

frequeutly to rise in?the expectation ofa rich husband. It is very subtle, thisstream of love, and woe to him who ven-

tures thereon. Some writers vill haveit, that matrimony is bliss, and Connubi-al Happiness supreme bliss All a grandmistake. The unfortunate wretch whofloats down with the tide, soon finds hehas put his neck in the halter, when heis pitched ihtS the Matrimonial breakersof "Martyrdom," and then out upon theseething Ocean of "Eternal Misery,"there to be tossed about until Deathclaims his own, and weary and disgusted,he finds rest at last in mother earth.

Every day we see people committing,what, in reality is wilful suicide, but whatthe world calls marriage. Is it becauseof the springing up of that tender,holy passion in the heart which makes?-

?Two souls with hut ft single thought.Twoheaitn thftt beat imone!"

No, certainly not. It is a worldlymatch, contracted by "managing" mam-mas for "marriageable" daughters, amere speculation; a bartering of bodyand soul for silver and gold and thehighest bidder wins.

Then tell me not of love,It is a hollow cheat;

And he who btriven to winWillmeet with sure defeat.



TERM, 18(36.

John Levis, Esq., Zelienoplo; Wm.Shira (of David), Washington; G. 11.Warren, Prospect; Andrew Christie,Concord; Wm. Tillerman, Adams; Fos-ter Seaton, Marion ; Nicholas Wally, Par-ker ; Eli Beckwith, Slipperyrock ; Thos.R. Hoon, Centre; Alex. Gillespie, Cran-berry , James Cranmer, Clay; RobertGlenn, sr , Worth; Robert Boggs, Jack-son ; A. Black, Cherry ; Isaac Clelaud,Muddycreek; Wm. 11. Redick, Alleghe-ny ; John Lardin, Clinton; Robert Har-bison, Buffalo; Sam'l Bolton, Lancaster;Thos. Cratty, Franklin ; Robert Purvis,Middlesex; Wm. Cratty, Butler; DavidDougal, Boro. Butler; Thomas Beatty,Mercer.


TERM?FIRST WEEK, 1866.John Whitmire, Adams; Samuel M.

Andrson, Allegheny, Joshua Gailbraith,Buffalo; John B. Graham, Butler ;Hugh Grossman, Brady; Francis Con-nelly, Centre ; Jesse Brackney, Clay ;John Billingsly, Cherry; John O'Don-ell, Clearfield; John B. McLaughlin,Clintun ; Richard Allen, Concord ; Wil-son Graham, Cranberry; John W. Bran-don, Connoquouessing; Henry Downy,Donegal; Wm. C. Campbell, Esq., Fair-view ; Thos. Dodds, Franklin; Wm.Goehring, Forward; Thos. W. Boggs,Jackson; Thos. Frazier, Jefferson ; JohnWuster, Lancaster; Wm. Surrena, Ma-rion; Ebenezer Brown (cf E.), Mercer;James M Collum, Middlesex; David Boy-er, Muddycreek ; Henry Monion, Oak-land ; Joel Kirk, Penn ; Wm. li. Shira,Parker; James Clark, Slipperyrock; Jas.Stephenson, Summit; Wm. B. Stalker,Venango ; Robert Thorn, Washington;Wm. Crookshanks, Winfield ; AndrewGlenn; Worth; H. C. Heineman, Boro.Butler; Wm. McCullough, sr., Bor. Mil-lerstown ; Isaac Brewster, Bor. Prospect;David McDonald, Bor. Centrevillc; IsaacLatschaw, Bor. Uarmony.


Geo.Boston, Portersville; J. E. Muder,Saxotburg; Edward Mellon, Zelienople;R. R. Walker, Esq., Harrisville ; HenryYoung, Adams; Joseph Rosenberry, Al-legheny ; James Harbison, Buffalo; Obe.Cratty, Butler; Jesse Hall, Brady; Thos.

I Campbell, Centre; Matthew Brown, Clay;I Chafles jjovard, Cherry; Robert Love,Clinton; Wm. Wick. Coneord; DavidGarvin, Cranberry; George Brunamen,Connoquenessiug; Alex. Black, Fairview;Joseph Edmunson, Franklin ; P. Gale-baugh, Forward; Pat. Graham, Jefferson;Thos. Donaldson, Jackson; W. Michael,Lancaster; Jno. Murrin, Marion ; Jno. El-der, Mercer; Wm. F. Parks, Middlesex;George Barclay, Muddycreek; Jno. L.Neyman, Oakland; Wm. Logan, Penn;Thos. A. Shryoek, Parker; N&thaniolCooper. Esq , Slipperyrock; Wm. Lind-sey, Summit; Samuel Sloan (of James),Venango; Henry Shook, Washington;John Cooper, Winfield ; Ameziah Kelly,Worth ; Campbell Cochran, Bor. Butler;Isaac J. Cummings, Bor. Butler; JacobWclfopd. Donegal

For the Cmzrv.

LINES ON THE DEATH OF EMMA K. SED»VICK.When we watch long by the sick beJ where a lured

one pines slowly in her beauty a' theapproach of death

and see the roses fado and go out, the smiles and the

loves remain about the pale lips, we become almost con-

tent tobid the going spirit, Ood speed to the 1 in 1 whereshe shall mix freely with kindred souls aud belmH tin- jveiled with joy'Jur native skies.

(Selected.)How beautiful the lay

Upon the bed "112 death ;lire from the lovely clay.

Parted the fleeting breath.Could one so loved be dying 112

gentle voice wo'vo hoard,Sweetly to our replying

Iu many a tender wml.Like sculpture fiUrher brow

Gleamed thro' her sunny hair ;llowrich her cheeks' warm glow !

The hectic ruse wan there !Oh !bright, deceitftil blossom!

Flower of the fatal breath!To the eye thott'rt life and beauty?

Bnt to the «earer death !

Bright shone her eye, and clearAs the cloudless blue of heaven ;

It's spirit light; how dear-How soon to darkness given:

Now she has passed »he shadow ;Ours is the void?the gl>w>m ;

She bathes in love's pure ocean,Far, far beyond the tomb.

Sweetly the morning star,Fading is I >-t in light;

80 fled the maid uftir.Forever from our sight,

Weep not, she dwelt ontong us,A bird of brighter t>kie-< ;

Whoso song i* sweet when fetterd,But aweeter when she flies.

A New and Grand Fpoch in Medicine!DR. MAGOIEL is the founder of a new

Medical System ! The quautitariuns,whose vast internal doses enfeeble thestomach and paralyze the bowels', mustgive precedence to the man who restoreshealth and appetite, with from one to twoof his extraordinary Pills, and cures themost virulent sores with a box or so of hiswonderful and all-healiug Salve. Thesetwo great specifics of the Doctor are fastsuperseding all the stereotyped nostrumsof the day. Kxtraordiuary cures byMaggiel's Fills and Salve have openedthe eyes of the public to the inefficiencyof the (so called) remedies of others, audupon which people have =o long blindlydepended. .Maggiel's Pills are not of theclass that swallowed by the dozen, andof which every box full taken creates anabsolute necessity for another. One ortwo of Maggiel's Pills suffices toplacethebowels in perfect order, tone the stomach,cieates an appetite, ana redder the spiritslight aud buoyant! There is no griping,and no reaction in the form of constipa-tion. If the liver is affected, its func-tions are restored; and if the nervoussystem is feeble, it is invigorated. Thislast quality makes the medicines verydesirable for the wants of delicate fe-males. Ulcerous and eruptive diseasesare literally extinguished by the disen-fectant power of Maggiel's Salvo. Infact, it is here announced that MAOQIEL'SUILIOUS, DYSPEPTIC AND DIARRHEAPILLS cure where all others fail. Whilefor Hums, Scalds, Chilblains, Cuts andall abrasions of the skin, MAQOIEL'S,SALVE is infalliable. Sold by J. IMAU-UIEL, 43 Fulton Street, New York, audall Druggists, at 25 cts. per box

For Sale atDrs. GKAIIAMS&lIUS-ELTON'S Drug Store, solo Agents inliutler, Pa. (may 9, 'GO.

JEFF.DftVIS.His Indictment at Norfolk.

WASHINGTON, May 12.Judge Underwood,of the United States

District Court, for the Eastern Districtof Virginia, arrived hero to-day with acopy of the indictment found against Jeff.Davis for treason, at Norfolk, on Thurs-day. The indictment is just about thesame as the one previously found in thatcourt. Judge Uuderwood has been inconsultation with the Assistant AttorneyGeneral to-day relative to Davis' trial atKichmoud, in June. Every preparationis being mado for theuiventat that time.It is now understood that Chief JusticeChase will preside, and Attorney GeneralSpeed will prosecute, assisted by JudgeClifford of Massachusetts, and WilliamIt. Evarts, Esq., of New York, as coun-sel on the part of tho prosecution. Thecourt will convene in the early part ofJune.

NEW YORK, May 12.?'1 he charge of'Judge Underwood to tho Grand Jury ofNorfolk, which has indicted Jeff. Davisfor treason, is largely occupied w: th thebaneful influences of slavery in Virgin-ia, and tho demoralization consequentupon the rebellion. Much complainthas been made bjfour fellow citizens ofthe North of the tardiness of our crimi-nal prosecutions. We think it better, inimitation of the great and good martyredLincoln, and in imitation of the great Ru-ler of the universe, whose judgments andretributions are slow but sure, that we

jshould approach tho great question ofpunishment of the authors of the terribleand unprovoked rebellion, with all possi-ble deliberation, discrimination, cautionclemency, so that no unnecessary bloodshall be added to the torrents that havealready soaked the soil of our devotedState. This court entirely agrees withthe President in his-often repea'ed dec-laration that treason is the greatest ofcrimes, and ought to be signally punish-ed, and that it is cowardly to punish thesubordinates and the comparatively in-signifleant and allow the principals to es-cape. We also concur in the opinionthat the leaders in the late rebellion treated as traitors or public enemies,as they were, undoubtedly; both by thelaws of nations and tho common law.



NOTICE U hereby given to all person* interested,that the partnenihip, I" the Saddle t Harney bn-

| ness heretofore existing under the nat&e and title of

I Sedwick, NeffA Brown, has this day (April 28.) beendissolved bv mutual consent, E. Neffhaving retired fromthe firm. The business will hereafter be conducted byJ. A. Sod wick k I'. P. Brown, In whose ha da the ac-counts of the previous firm are left for collection


Butler, may Oth, 1860. P. P. BROWN,

WATER CURE./CONSUMPTION, if not too tar advanced, Dyspepsia\J and disease of the Breast, Btomacb, Buwefs, Liver,Bladder k Sexual Organs generully, Rheumatism, etc.,are treated successfully, hydropathic*! ly, by Dr. P.Held.

No nedieiueHOivea.CURE WARRANTED,

The hydmp&tbic treatment may in many cases be pei -formed at liome. Patients wishing to "stay with thedoctor ftjr surue time, willfind ample accommodations,on reasonable terms.

Call personally, or addreas Dr. P. HELD,S*aa*b«irg. county, pa. J


INthe matter of the Petition of Jacob Huchmati, etal. for a Charter for the U. P. Church of Adams tp..

Butler county Penn'aNotice isheiehy given thai application has beer made

for incorporation af the above named Church, »>nd thatthe same will l»e granted on the firs' day of nextTerm, June 4th 1866. unless pause be ah >wn to the con-trary. Certified from th? Rcco:d. MnySth, 1866.

9. WM. STOOPS, Pro*y.

DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.rpilE Arm of Curry k Company, and al«» of Curry

J. h. Brother, carrying on business at New HiipeWi>olen Factory, Butler county, has been diisolven bymutual consent. The undesigned have bought theretiring partner's interest In the entire property andbusiue*«. Alldebts will be collected by the under-signed who will contlnur- business under the Myleof

CURRY <fc BROTHER.Thankful for psst public favor, we respectfully solicit

the continuance of your patronage.JOSEPH CURRY.WILLIAMCI.'RRV.

New Hope Woolen Mills,)May 10. 1866?3t ? /


ERSBuckeye, Sr. Buckeye, Jr.Russcl, Sr. Russell, Jr.Quaker, Sr. Quaker, Jr.Cayuga Chief, Sr. Cayuga Chief, Jr.Hubbard, Sr. Hubbard, Jr.Woods' Union

Improved Farmer.Also, Sharp's Improved Hay Rake.Palmer's Excelsior Hay Fork.Harpoon Hay Pork, Grain Drills.Cultivators, Plows, Corn Shellers

Fodder & Straw Cutters,and all other Agricultuial and FarmingImplements.

We also manufacture Cook 9c Heating Stoves, Manteland Common Orates, anl alLgther kinds of castingswhich we M illsell on tho


Most Reasonable Terms.Persons wishing to purchase will please call and exam-

ine our stork. #

may 10, '66?2 mo.

NEW ESTABLISHMENT.Watches, Clocks & Jewelry.

The undersigned respectfully informs the public thathe has on hand . and is constantly receiving, tho

New I'n (< iit Level- Cloeta.?These are striking Clocki: and the first of ths kind thathas ever been oflered lbr sale in this pluco.

Mantel Clocksof all descriptions, and of the best quality and work-manship.

American & Patent LeverWatches,

hunting case, warranted to keep good t inie.

Colt <fe Sharp's Revolvers and Cart-ridges.

Jewelry of all kinds, and of good quality; all of whichwill be sold on reasonable terms for cash.

Having procured the services of a

First (liwm Workman,

I ain prepared to perfoim all work proper 1} belongingto a Jewelry Kst.-ihlishment with satisfaction to n»y nu-merous customers.

Repairing Watches, Clocks, ij-c.,dons In a workmnn'ikc manner. Don't forget theplace

West side of Main Street, nearly opposite Duffy'shtore, ?In the room iormefly occupied bv -lauiw Camp-bell ax a store house. CHARLES WISEMAN,

may 16/66?Onto.


I 'Spiff iAND

UNDERTAKING.HK ADQUARTF.RSon Main Street, opposite Jark s

Ilotel Tho subscriber is extensively engaged intho

UNDERTAKING LINE,being fully prepared tu make COFFINH ofall neatly and promptly to order Cof-fins of all si/.esand kinds ready made, and always onhands.

He has also procured an entirely

New and IVeut Hearse ;

and is thus prepared to attend funerals on the shortestnotice.

He also keeps on hands and manufactures to order



Stand**,BedslrndN, Chair* Ac.

Allmado in a neat and workman-like mautier, andof the finest finish.

TKRMB Heasonable and to suit the tiui"-«. Thank-fulfor past favors, the patronage of tho public is res-pectfully solicited.


JACOB KECK.May 16, 66-Cmos.

Tavern I.ieen«e.

TIIF. following persons have filed their Applications loJune Sessions, l*rfl in the office of ilie Cb'rk of

the Court of Quarter SeasicUs for Liceuse as follows,to wit:

1 Frank T. Hofner, Middlesex town«hip2 Christopher Michel Bor Saxonburgh3 Mrs Ann Breeden bor Prospect4 Michael Zinnn.rinan bor liutler6 John Oliver bor p. ri>-r*villn6 Martin H<>ch bor Millfrstown7 John Dougherty Jefferson tuwn«hip. |8 Michael Niggle Butler township9 Joseph Flick Oakland township.

10 Wm Rickey bor Leutrevil eIIJos M'Cannon kJ . Nagele, Brady township. j12 Wm. Bastian bor /\u2666?leuople13 Patrick Kelly l>or Butkr14 D. Purler Mavis, Worth township. j16 George IfKamy, Fairview townshiy j

16 C. KeUel, Lancaster Ip17 Al-mbam Hhonts, bor Harmony

18 lleuty Detrick bor ««

19 Wm Steinfatt, Buffalo tp.2» Win Gregg?2t Richard Fisher, Penn *?

22 0 U.Outnpper, bor Millerstown.23 Wm Vogeley, bor Butler24 Thomas Richards Centre tp.25 John Bowdcr, Jr. Muddycreek tp.26 Benjamin Jack, bor Sutler.

RESTAURANT LICENSEB.1 Mrs Ann Miller Jefferson township.2 Samuel Sykes, burButler3 Julia A. Niggle, 44 44

4 Robort Hartley, Buffalo township.5 Elizabeth Miller. bor Butler.6 Christopher Michel, bdt Saxonburg.7 Louis Bishop, bor Butler8 Peter Stauf, Counoqnenesslng tp9 Wm Steinfatt. Buffalo tp.

10 A. N. M'Candles*, bor Butler11 Casper Uartzag, bur Harmuny.Licenses will be presented on Wednesday, June 6,

1866. Rcmonst ranees must be filed on or before thatday. Applicants will brirg their Bonds to my officebefore the dav of hearing Tavern Licenses mutt be ta-ken out withinFifteen days after being granted or theywill oe revoked.may 16. '06.) W J YOUNG, Clerk.

Trial List for June Term, 1866.FIRST WEEK.

Freeman Kirk rt. Hon. Samacl Marshall, at. al.Wm. B Lemmun et. Jacob Mechling.John Russell m. Charles Cochran, et. al.Conrod gnyder vs. John Webb.Benjaman Douthott vs. Robert Dodds.John Negley vt. Wm. Vogely, et. al

SECOND WEEK.Wilson K. Potts r#. Willibalt Frederick et. al.Isaac Hpoosler vi. David Marshall.John M'Divittk Samuel Ixtudon, Kx'rs of James Lo-

gue, dee d vs. Wm. Login-.E-'eauor Hlttes vs. Samuel Wimer, Jr., et. a/.Isaac English, et. al. r*. Robert Allen.Wm- Forquer vs. Hugh k tyni. Murrln, Kx'rs of Jno

Muirin,Dec. : ,w m. Fowler vs. Davitl KcDonald- .Casper fclm vs. Henry Strutt lWm. Layton James L. Chambers.

WM. BTOOPri, proth y. tPioUioiwWy't to, Mar 3 11

FOR SALE. iA* \ of fironn< l*containing neaflf four »i . i, immediately w<wt of the borough, 'ami sianderl on tho Lorth and west by fhe tfeck. on the 1RaSnSfi* ? oftfchn Negley. is offered for sale on ,

\v.ik"; particulars enquire of Mr*. 1Nathaniel Walker,or at this office. >'niHylß,*66?3t ,

Appraisement List.

TOE followingApprais. Mont Llsta, undrr tliasth 8(W- 'iifaf"r '}? , *s l. liate b.'cn pri-spn- Iiad ami fll.-.l In tlio ?112 tho il? r k of tbo 0,',,!,,,,,. ICourt of Butler couuty, to wit:

No. 1, Feb Term, 1860, Mrs. Mary R. Pearcc . widow ofl(J5mrCC| U,C 'd ' Property amounting ,No. 70, Feb. Term, 18G6, Mrs. Veronica Weber, widow

of Adam Weber, dee'd- Personal property amountingto S3OO 00. Oeorge Weber k Adam Troutiiiau, Adin'ro

No. 71, Feb. Term, 1806, Mrs* Montgomery, wid-ow of John Montgomery, dee'd. Personal propertyamoiiuting to 15. .

No. 72, Feb. Term, ltfifl, Mrs. Sarah Boyd, widow ofAndrew J. lloyd. do- eased. Real Estate amountingto S3OO 00- James T. Boyd, Adui'r.

N0.77, Feb.

to "jl ? n* l,P ? d«c'd. Personal property amounting

No. 70 Feb. Term, 1R66, Mrs Elisabeth Anderson,widow of W L. Anderson, dee d. Real EsUte amount-ing to $. ) 00. Baiuuel Leason, Adtn'r.

No. 80, Feb. Term, 18W, Mrs. Margaret llllev,widownf RHey, dec d. Personal piopertv amountingto f2OO 00. Samuel Ilileyk Silas Miller, Adm'rs

No. 81, Feb. Term, 1806. Mrs. Sarah M'Ooy, wi.low ofRobeit M Coy, dw'd. Personal property amountingto f3*) 00. J. M. I.awrence, Adtu'r.

No. 82. Feb. Term, IBHO, Mrs. MaryOralutm, widow ofMo dead (Jraham, dee d Personal property amount-ing to SW7 25. Mordecai Graham. Ex'r.

NoB4. Feb Term, 1850, Mrs Eliza Camlir widow ofGeo. Canier. Dee'd. Personal property amonutinir to146,10. Joliu Camer. Adtu'r.

Of which the Creditors, Heirs, Legatees, Distributeesand others interested willtake notice, and appe r atthe next Term, to wit: The First Monday of June next,and not later than the Third day thereof, to show causeif any they have, why said Appraisements ahoi.ld notbo confit med. By the Court,

W. J. YOUNG,May 9,1866. Clerk.

SHERIFF S SALES.BY Virtue ot pundry writ* of Venditioni Exponas,

Fieri Facias, and Levaria, issued ont of the Cobrtof Common Pleas of Bntler county, snd to me directed,there will beexpoaed to public sale, at the Court House,ill the borough of Butler, on .Vonday, the 4th day ofJune, A. D*. 1860, at one o'clock, P. M., the followingdescribed property, to wit :

Allthe right, title, interest and claim of John Gre-gory * ArmedaGregory, of Into Lot No 3'2, situated inthe Borough of Butler. Butler county, Penn'a, bound-ed north by lot No-31, east by a street, south by lot No. |83, west by M'Koan Street; containing about acre, 1more or loss, ono 2 story frame house k log stable there-

on erected. Bel*ed and taken in exeoution HS the propertv of John Gregory k Armeda Gregory, at the suit ofRobert M'Corkle k Ssmuel Osborn, llx'rs of Kdwardjijf'Corkle who was guardian of tho minor childiett ofW m. Thompson dee'd


1 Allthe right, title. Intelest and cl.vm of Wm. Rabbit,Administrator of Patrick.Dalev. dee'd, of, in and ( > OneHui di ed and Twenty-five acres of land, tnoie or leas,situated In Donegal township. Ilutler County, Pa., bounded north by lands of Wm. Richards, ea>t by WilliamMatthews, er. al.. south by Win. B. Clyuier, wort byCatharine llickey. Seliwl aud taken in execution asthe property of Win- Itrabbit, adm inlstrat «r of PatrickDaley, dee'd, ot tho snit of J. A. Calwcil A Co.

ALSO.All the right, title interest and claim of D. Phelps-

Administrator of H .<? Arnold, deed, i<nl It P. Clawford, of in and to Fifty acres of land more or les«, situ,

ated in Parker township, Ilutler county, Pa., honndedii rth by It. Black, East, by It. Black, et. »1 , Sonth byHarvey Gibs.n; West by Archibald Kelly, Ksq . abouteight acres cleared, olie quarter stack charcoal Bla»dfurnace, engine house with enginw Ac., eastinc house,

1 bridge house, coal shedt, one 112 tamo office with scale*attached, 3 framo dwelling housos, veveu log dwellinghouses, 3 of which are double, frame Blacksmith shop,frame wagonmaker sbop, and 2 large double frame stables therein erected.

ALSO.?One lot of gronnd situate in tho village ofMartinsburg, Parker tp., Ilullorcounty, Pa., containingabout ncre more or less, bounded north by ItcubonKmerick, East by Mainstreet. South by Thos. Fletcher,et. al? and west by Christian Barr,one flame two story

, dwelling hour*, fiame ware house snd frame stable, thereon erected. other lot of groun d situate in the vill»geof Fairview, Kairview tp., Butler county, Pa., contain-ing about % acres more or less, bounded North by au

alley, East by an alley, Sonth by a street,and west by astreet; large 2 story frame dwelling house, frame foun-dry in good working order, frame blacksmith and frame

! carpenter shop, framo stable, fiame ware-house audcoke oven thereon erected.


ALSO?One piece or land situate iu Knlrvlc w town-I ship, Butler co.. Pa., containing one hundred and for-

ty-seven acres more or les-.. bounded North by IsaacReep ot. al., East by James ViUoii,South bv John Scott

I et. al., and West by Jacob llavok etui .about 100 acres\u25a0 cleared. 3i» of which are meadow, double log dwelling

house, double log hern with sheds attached and otherout buildings. Scir.ud and taken iu execution as the

| property of I). Phelps, Administrator of 11. .1. Atn ddI and It. P. Crawford, at thesuit of William Wickjor useI ALSO

I Allthe right, title Interest and clnlir. ot M.r. Whileof in and to Fourteen acr.»s of land more or Ic*. situ-ated in Connoqiienessing township. ButlT county. Pa.,

Lot No. 1, hounded North by White A Cunningham.Kastby Street. South ly Martin's heirs, West byCunningham, all cleared. Lot No. 2, bounded ad fol-lows, North by lands of Allen Wbit-'s heirs, East byGeorge Bean, South by Thos. Cratty, West by Street,

i all of which itmeadow. Seized nnd taken in executionas tho property of M. F. White, at the suit of SamuelDyer A Co.

ALSOAll the right, title Interest and claim of O. W. .Smith,

in und to One !<ot of land, more or Ice*, situated iu ther borough of Butler, bounded north by an alley ; ea«f by

an alley; sontli by Diamond ; and west by Lot of Mrs.

i Christy; good Frame House thereon erected. Seizedand taken in execution HS the property of George W.Smith, at the suit of Oliver David.


Allthe right, title interest and claim of D. Phelps,Administrator of H.J. Arnold' dee'd, and It. P. Craw-ford, of In and to Fifty acres of land more or loss, situa-ted in Parker township. Butler county, Pa., boundednorth by R. Black. East by R Black, et. al., South byHarvey Gibson, west by Archilialtl Kelly, Ksq., abouteight acres cleared, one quarter stark charcoal Blastfurnace, engine house with engine, Ae ,caatiug house,bridge house, coal sheds, one frame office with scalesattached. 3 frame dwelling houses, seven log dwellinghouses, 3of which are double; frnme Blacksmith shop,frmne wagonmaker shop, aud 2 largo double framo sta-bles thsreon erected.

ALSO.?One lot of ground situato in tho vilbige of! Martiusl urg, Parker tp., Bntler county. Pa., containing! about acre more or less, bounded north by Reuben

Etneri'.'k, Kant by Main street. South by Thos. Fletcher,et. al., and west by Christian Birr, ono frame two storydwelling bounc, frame ware houoe and frame stable there-on erected.

ALSO.?Coo other lot ofground situate in the villageof Kairview. Kairview tp.,Butler county, Pa, contain-ing about Maero mmor lent, bounded north by analley, east by an alley, South by a street, nnd west by astreet: large 2 story frame dwelling house, frame foun-dry ingood working order, frame blacksmith and framecarpenter shop, frame stable, frame waro-house andcoko-oven thereon erect'd.

ALSO.?On® piece of land situato in Fairview town-ship, Butler county, Pa., containing one hundred nnd for-ty-seven acres more or less, hounded north by IMMCReep. et. al., oast by James Wilson, south by John Scottet. al-.aiid west by Jacob llavok, et al.; about 100acrescleared, 30 of which are nioadow, double log dwellinghouse, double log barn with sheds attached, and otherout buildings. Seised and taken in oxecution as theproperty of D. I'belps, Administrator of H. J. Arnoldnnd It. P. Crawford, at tho suit of S. A R. M. Harper

j for use.


All the right, title, interest and claim of D. Phelps,i Administrator of 11..1. Arnold, deed, aud R. P. Craw-| ford, of in ami to Fifty acres of land Uf*eor less, situ-

ated in Parker township, Butler ceunty, Pa., boundednorth by It. Black, east by It. Black, et al., south byHarvey Gibson, west by Archibald Kelly, Ksq ; abouteight aciea clcai ed, one quarter stack charcoal blas (furnace, euginu house with engine, Ac., casting house,bridgo house, coal sheds, tine frame office with scalesattached; 3 frame dwelling houaes, seven log dwellinghouses, 3 of which are double, frame Blacksmith shop,frame wagonmaker shop, nnd 2 large double frame sta-bles thereon ? reeled.

Au»o.?One lot ofgronnd situate in the village ofMartinsbnrg, Parker tp., Butler county Pa , containingabout U acre more or less, bounded north by KcubsnEuierick. east by Main street, aouth by Thos. Fletcher,et al., aud west by Christian- Barr, one frame two storydwelling house, frame ware, house ami frame stablethereon erected.

Aaso.?Oue other lot ofground situate in the villageof Fairview, Fairview tp., Butler county, Pa., contain-ing about % acre more or leas, bounded iiyith by analley, oast by an alley, south by a street, and west bya street; large 2 story frame dwelling house, frame foun-dry in good working order ; frame blacksmith and framecarpenter shop, frame stable, frame waredioune sndcoke-oven thereon erected.

Auio.?One piece of land situate In Fairview town-rhip, Butler county, Pa., containing one hundred and for-ty-«eveu acres more or lese, bounded north by IsaacReep, «t. al., east by James Wilson, sonth by John,sud west by Jacob llavok et. al., about 100acrescleared, 30 of which are meadow, double log dwellinghouae, double log barn with sheds attached, and otherout buildings. Seized and taken in execution aa theproperty of 1) Phelps, Administrator of H.J. Arnoldand K- P. Crawford, at thesuit ofCharlea Collins for use.


Allthe right, title interest and claim of D. Phelps,Administrator of 11. J. Arnold, dee'd, and R. P. Craw-ford. of in aud to Fißy acres of laud more or less, situ-ated In Parker townahlp, Butler county, Pa., boundednorth by R. Black east by R Black, et. al., south byIlarvey Oibson, west by Archibald Kelly, Esq.; abouteight acres cleared, ono quarter stack charcoal Blastfurnace, engine honse with engine, Ac., casting house,bridge Ivouae, coal sheds, one frame office with acalosattached, 3 frame dwelling house* seven log dwellinghouses, 3of which are double, frame Blackamitb shop,frame wagonmaker shop, and 2 large double framo sta*biee thereon orected.

ALSO?One lot of ground situate in the village ofMortinJbnrg. Parker tn., Bntler county. Pa., containing \about acre more or less, bounded north by Reuben ]Emertek, East by Main street. South by Thos Fletcher, 'et. al., and west by Christian Barr, one frame two storydwelling house, frame ware house aud frame stablo jthereon erected.

Auto.~-uneolher lot of grouud situate in the village |of fairview, Fairview tp., Butler county. P»., containing I?twit % aqjo QJOVU or m, bounded north by on alloy. I

largo J.,t h*tll"nd,

*'*'b l * '?"*<!

thereon erected. w**OB,e ami coke-ovsn

00 b "J'< , in(t» 8oi«c.l and takon inproperly of |). l'hnlpi. Administrator uf H. J » rand 11. P. Ctmwftrd, at the suit uf John Kali. tor us^T

ALSO.Alltit* rljrht. title, Interest and claim of D. Phelna.Administrator of U.J. Arncdd, doc'd, and R. P. Crawlord, of hi and 1.. Fitly acre, ~r 1.,n<l more or leu, alt...township, llntlor county, P. boundednor" 1 by R. Black, Rut l.y K. lilac*. et. al., South I.T1 array (ill,son, west l.yArchibald Kelly. abouteight acre* cleared, one quarter stack charconA Mastrnrnare engmfl hewn wiU. engine, .tc

., casting home,#? i cni*' "hfldi,qm frame office with scalesHttiw hfMl framo dwt-Hlng house*. seven log dwellinghouses, 8 of which are double, frnme Blacksmith shop,frame wagonmaker »b{*p 112and 2 large doablo frame sta-ble* thereon erected.

%«Ai.HO rol,e Jot. of Sr o"'*l eltuate In the Tillage of«!» /"i -l,r *' ,lrkar 'P ' Hntler county, Pa., containing

»D,urf ?r lc**' N >«»»ded north by KetibehIt'?,lßt h-v Ma,n "treet, South Iy Thomas Fletcher

era! and west by Christian B*rr,olft 4ame Hro .toryt^bereon S

erectedfn,B" ?' hohw ",H| *"">»

eAS" T01" ',< !"r lo ' of frondd situate In *« elltrtfofWrrhr 'drview tp., Bailor county. PW? ebnCibSIn -i. ('\u25a0' ,!"ur" »112 landed north bj'an"alley, out l.yan alloy, aouth by a street, and treat l.r astreet; lar*«sstory frame dwelling house, fram«ffctin."dry In food working order; fiame blacksmith and fra«.~'cat pettier sbop, frame stable, frame ware-house and eoke 'oven thereon erected,

A"®? o,,c P ,er* of lan I situate In Kairview town-?hl|i, Butler county, Pa., containing one hundred and foi-ty-seven acres more or lew. bounded north by IsaacKeep et. al , ««ud by James Wilson, south by John Seoliel. al . and west by Jacob llavok et. al., about lliO acre*cleared, 30 ot which are meadow, double log dwellinghouse, double log Imrn with sheds atlached and otherout buildings. Seised and taken in execution as theproperty of D. Phelps, Administrator of 11. J. Arnold

useCrawford, at the suit of A. Young ACo., for

_ ALBO.Allthe right, title, interest an-l claim of P. Phelps,Administrator ot II J Arnold, dee'd, and K. P Craw-

*lf*yacres of land more or les., sit,..

It . J township, llutier county. Pa? lumnded,i ,? iJJ; east l.yIt Black et. al,. aouth byHarvey Glbaon; west by Archibald Kelly, KM., about(Writ's one Tarter stack charcoal blaat

112" """;tn,tln ' »">' engine. Ac , casting housebridge houso, coal sheds, one frame office with scale*attached X frame dwelling bouses, seven log dwelling

112 » ar ® (loub,°. fr»me Blacksmith shop,frame wagonmaker?shop, and two large double frame sta-bles 'hereon erected.

AUJO ?One lotof gronnd sitoato in the Tillage of Mar-tinsburg, Parker tp., Butler countT, Pa., containingabout £ acre more or leas, bounded north by Reubenhmerick, East by .Main street, south by Thomas Fletch-er, et. al , and west by Christian Barr, one frame 2 storydwelling houso, frame ware house, ami framo stablethereon erected.

ALSO ?line other lot of ground altuate In the Tillageof talrtlew, Fairviow tp , Butler county, Pa . contain-ing about y, acre more or less, bounded north by analley, east by an alley, South by a street, and went l.y astreet; large >story frame dwelling l.onsa, frame foun.ill}Ingoo.l working order, frame blacksmith and framecat-pent: r shop, frame stable, frame ware-house andcoke-oven thereou erected.

, At.*o?Oho pice of land sitnate InFairview township,Butler county. Pa., containing one hundred ami forty-

, seven acres more or lots, bounded north by Isaac Re*pet. al , cast by Jatnes Wilson, south by John Scott <, nnd west by Jacob llavoket. al., about IGU acieacleared. 3(» of which are meadow, double log dwelling

- house, double log barn with ibeds attach* . and other- out buildings, S' i/.t d and taken in execution as thn

property of D I'bvlpM, Administrator of 11. J Arnold. and It.P. Crawford, at the suit «.f Faller k tirupeu for

ALBO.t All the right, title, interest and claim of D. Phelps,t Administrator of H J. Arnold, dee'd, and K. P. Craw-

f»rd, of in and to Fifty aer«-sof land more or less, site-* ate«l in Parker township. Butler county. Pa , bounded

' »°rth by It. Blaek, earthy It. Black et id., south by, Harvey Gibson, west by Archibald Kelly, Ksq., about

eight ncre* cleared, one quarter stack charcoal blastfurnace, engine house with engine, Ac , cssting house,

112 bridge house, ctnil sheds, one frame office with scalesr attached, :t fra _ e dwelling hous.*. seven log dwelling, houses. 3of which are double, frame blarkHin th shop,

frame wag mmaker shop, and 2 l:*rge d>«utde frame sta-; ble* thereon erected. lot of gronnd situate In the village ofMartlnsburg, Parker tp.,Butler county, Pa , oontainii gabout acre mofe or less, bounded north by Keub«nKniorick , e.vt by Mainstreet, B..utliby Thomas Kb tel -

er. et al.. au<l west by Christian Barr, one frame * story1 dwelling house, frame wars house and framo stnb.e

1 therooii erectedALSO?One other lot of ground situate illthe village of

' Fairview, Kail view tp., Butler county Pa., containingabout % more or les», t»undml north by an alley,?a-t by an alley, south by a street,au<l west by a stroet;large J story fiaim dwelling house, frame foundry ingood working order, frame blacksmith ami frame car-penter shop, frame »ti l>l«, fiame ware-buuse au«l coke-oven thereon erected. piece of land situate In Fairview township.Butler county, Pa., containing one hundred and forty-seven acres n»«.r«. or less, lammled north by IsaceIteepet. al., east by Jiiuies Wilson, south bv John Seottet. al. ami West by J aeob llavok et. al . about 100 are*

cle.irnd, 30 of which are nieanow, double log dwellinghouse, double lo* barn with sheds attache<l aud othtrout buildinge .Seized and taken in execution as th«*property of 1» Phelps. Administrator of H. J. Arnoldand It. P. Craw lord, at the suit of Faller and Oruperi

ALSOAllthe right, title, interert and claim of I>. Phelps,

Adriinistrator of II J Arnold, dee d, and R P. Craw,ford, of in and to Fifty acres of |»nd more or leas, mo-ated illParker township, Butler county, Pa , boundednorth by R Black, east by It. Illack et al.. south byllarv.y (Jibson, west by Archibald Kelly, Ks<|.. abouteight acres cleared, one <|iiaiter stack charcoal blastfurnace, engine bouse with engine, Ac , casting house,bridge house, coal sheds, one fiame office with s?alesattached, Hframe dwelling houses, seven log dwellinghouses, Bof which are double frame blscksmith shop pframe wagonmaker shop, and 2 large double iramc sta-bles thereon erected. One lut of groom I situate in the village ofMartinsburg, Parker tp.. Ilutlercounty, pa , containingabout acre more or less, bounded north by Reul>eraKmerics. East by Mainstreet, south by Thus, Fletcher,et. al., snd west by ( hristian Harr, one frame two storydwelling house frame ware house and frame stabi*thereon ereceed

ALSO.?One other lot of grnand situate in the villageof Fairview, Fairview tp., Butler county, Pa., contain-ing abou* % acre ntoru or lens, bounded north by analley , east by an alley, south by a \u25batreet. and west by astreet; large ist »ry frame dwelling house, frame Sun-dry in g«KH| working onler; frame blacksmith and framncarpenter shop, frame stable, frame ware ho4*e, aadcoke-oven thereon ere'ted

ALSO.?One piece of laud situate in Kairvlew town-ship. Hollercounty, Pa , containing one hundred andfortyseven acres more or less, bounded noilh l»y IsnacKeep et. *l.,east by Jaine*. Wils«»n, south by John Hcottot al , snd west by Jacob llavok et. al . al>out luo acre*cleared, HO ot which are meadow, double log dwellinghotttte. double log barn with sheds attached and otherout buildings. Seized and taken in execution as th**property of I) Phelps, Administrator of 11 J. Arnoldand It. P Crawford, at the suit of J. Porter for use.

ALUOAll the right, title, interest and claim of D Phelps,

Administrator of fl.J Arnold, dee'd.ami It p Crawfordof in and to Kifty acre* of land more or leie situated inParker township, Butler county, Pa., l>onnded north beIt Black, east by It Black, et al. south by Harvey (Hb<son; w* <<t by Archibald Kelly, Ksq: about eight acrescleared, one quarter stack charcoal furnace, engiuehouse with engine, Ac, casting house, bridge housecoal shod**, one frame office with scale* attached, ;iframe dwelling houses, seven log dwelling houses,' aof which are donble, frame blacksmith shop, frame wag-onmaker shop, and .two large double frame stables tnere-on ereeted.

ALSO?One lot of ground situate in the village of Mar-tinsburg. Pa? Iter township, Butler county, Pennsylvaniacontaining about one half acre more or less, boundednorth by Beuben Kmerick, east by Mainstreet, aouthby Thomn* Fletcher, et al.. ami west by Christian Barrone frame two story dwelling house, frame warehouraand frame stable thoreon erected.

ALSO?One ether lot of ground situate in the Tillageof Fairview. Kairview township, Butler eounty Pa , con-taining about two-third acres more or less, boundednorth by an alley, east by «n alloy, south by a street,and west by a street; large 2 story frame dwelling hoiiaoframe foundry tu good working order, frame black-smith and frame carpenter shop, frame stable, framewarehouse and coke oven thoreon erected.

ALSO?One piece of land situate in Kairview township,Butler county, Pa., containing one hundred and fwrtylseven acres more or less, bounded nor-h by Isanc Keep,et al ;east by James Wilson; sonth by John Scott et ml. ',and west bv Jacob llavok et al., about 100 acrea clesred.'to acres of which are meadow, double log dwellinghouse, double l<q( barn with sheds attached aud otherout building** Heiaed ami taken in execution as theproperty of 1) Phelps, Administrator of 11 J Arnold andR P Crawford, at thesuit of John Rot>b.


Allthe right, title, interest ami claim of D Phelps,Admiinstraior of IIJ Arnold, dee'd, snd R P Crawford

of in snd to Kilty acres of land more or less, situatedin Parker township, Butler county, Pa., bounded northby R Black; east by R Black et al., south by HarveyOibson; west by Archibald Ke!ly Eso

~ about 8 icrescleared, one quarter stack charcoal blast ftirnace, en-gine house with engine. Ac., casting house, bridge house,coal sheds, one framo office with scales attached, threeframe dwelling houses, seven log dwelling houses,, threeof which are doable, frame blacksmith shop, frame wag-on maker shop, and two l«ge double frame stables there-on erected.

ALSO?One lot oi ground situate in the Tillage of Mar*tlnsburg, Parker township, Butler county, Pa.,i tig about acre more or lesa, bounded north by ReubenKmerick, cvt by Main street south by Thos. Kletcber,et al . ami west by Christian Barr. one frame two storydwelling bouse, frame ware house and frama stablethereon erected.

ALSO?One other lot of ground situate in the Tillageof Kairriew. Kairview tp , Butler county, Pa . contain-ing about % acre more or less, bwuuded by analley, east by an alley, south by a street, and west by a

street; large 2 story frame dwelling house, frame foun-dry in good working order, frame blacksmith and framecarpenter shop, frame .stable, frame warehouse andcoke OTOO thereon erected.

ALSO ?One piece of laud situate in Fairriew town-ship, Butlercounty, Pa? containing one hundred and for-ty-seren acres more or loss, bounded north by IsaacKeep et. al., east by James Wilson, south byJohn Scottet. al.. and west by Jacob IlaTok et. al .about 100 acroacleared, 30 of which are meadow, double log dwellinghouse, double log baru with sbads attached and otherout building*. Seised aud taken in execution aa theproperty of I). Phelps, Administrator of H. J.'Arnoldand R P.Crawford, at the suit of T. B. Clark aud Co.,for use I

W O. BRACKBNRIDes, Sheriff.Sheriffs' office, April2ft, lftftft.