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The JEWETT FAMILY Of AMERICA ****** YEAR BOOK Of 1983-1984 ******

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DEDICATION This 1983 Year Book is dedicated to all the ingenious Jewdt1 U..

America who have rontrihuted so much to business and industry in thu great land.

Two articles in this issue tell the story and history of some Jewett. named articles made in America became of Jewett invmtivenaa and business acumen. There must be many IDOft.

Copyright 1983 JEWl:.Tf FAMILY OF AMERICA. INC.

Rowlev. Massachusetts 01969

T he



]rmrtt .... . .





(Incorporated 19th September, 1910) ROWLl-~Y. MASSACHUSF.TTS 01969


Dedication .. . ..... .. . , ........... , . . ... , . . . .... .... Tnside Front Cover

Index .................... ....... ......... . . ... ................ , . 2

G reet ings from the President (Please Read This Letter First of All). . . . . . . . 3

Officers and Directors, 1983 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Minutes of 1983 D irector's Meeting ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Treasurer 's and Auditor's Reports, 1983 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

O fficers a nd Directors, 1982 ...... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Minutes of 1982 Director's Meeting............ .. ...... ... ........... 8

Treasure r's and Auditor's Reports, 1982 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

New Members .... ..... .... . . . ........................ .. .......... I 0

Family Gathe rings .... .. ....... . ........ .. ........... .. ........... 11

Liberty. The America's Cup Race and Fritz Jewett ... ................. . 12

Births .......................... . .. ........ .. .................... 13

The Village Pancake House a t Rowley, Mass. A Jewett House ........... . 14

Engagement . ........ ........... , ..... ........ ................... 15

Marriages .................................... ... .... ....... ..... 15

Anniversaries . . . .. . ................... .... .. .. .......... . .. ...... 16

Harry Mulford Jewett's Ancient Coat of Arms ... ... .. ................. 17

Was it Luck-or Ability? The Sto ry of the Jewett Car and Ha rry Mulfo rd Jewett ................. .. ....................... 18

Ha r ry Mulford Jewett Genealogy .......... ... . .... .................. 21

What's in a Name? ................... . . . ................ .. ....... . 22 The Story of Some Jewell Invent ions

News Notes ........... . ......... , .....• ... ................. . . .... 24

Genea logies a nd Family Histo ries ... ..... ... . ... .......... ~ . . . .. . . . . 28 Lillie Gertrude Jewette Adams, Dcscl'ndants of Philomen Jewell

Nec ro logy .... . . . ......... . ...................................... 30

The First Church in Rowley ................. . ............ ..... ..... 32

Jewett Family Genea logy Records- Location and Fund ................. 32


Greetings From the President to the Members of The Jewett Family of America

Dear K insnlC'n , ll b ;J p lN1\11rc• to greet all tlw nwm ·

bers of Thr Jrwf'lt F11n1ily of Amrril';t, Thi' world is ~o largP and yd so ~ 111all .

that WI:' tannot lic•lp lrnt run into a nwn1-bcr or 011 r grc•a I ..... 111 i I~ wherC' l'\ l'r \\ll'

lnn el. • EWS ITE!\I If 1: ,\ R1' 1111ion i~ wht'Cluk•cl Jul) 21. Hl84.

at I 0 A. !\-1. .It t lw First Congrt>ga I io11a I ChurC'h or Howle\ . !\lass. This will b1· a grl'al limr to rc·n·rw old friendships ,1 nd makr somr nrw 01w~ also. You '~ill rc•­CC'ivr n mai ling t'otH·<·rning thi1> i11 Ilic· ea rly Spring of I !184.

NEWS ITEM #2: In !hi~ issue. wt• Ml' inc:luding holli

the 1982 and the 198:3 Board of Oire<:tnrs H""'·ll E J1·"..t1 li!.l'i, botl1 llw 1982 and 1983 Board Mr<'t-

ing Min11l('o; and hoth Ilic• 1982 and 1983 Tn'arn rt•r\ .rnd Auditor's Report-; , Thi-; makes our n•t·ord' nirre11l.

ThesP pagr:; folio" thi~ Prl'sident'~ lt'llt·r. "ilh 1983 rt>rnnh l'Olllin~ ahead or 1982. in groupings ol thrf'!' pagrs rat·h.

Thl' rest of tlw) c·ar Boo!- follows normull\' . We have a new Tn•a<;11rPr that lhC' nwmlic•r, <ihould know about. and hb

ndclress. T lw Bo<1rd n•luc·tanth raisC'cl lhc· cltH·s to $10.00 in ordl'r lo l'OVl'r manv ('X[W ll'it'S. Tlw Lif1· lernbC'r<;hip r1>1• WH!l a lso mi.m l to $ 100.00. and f)('\V

nwmlw r olll' lirnt' d u<"s a11d a pplication ft•c• lo .'b 12.50. The nwmlH.'r~ sho11 ld know of thc•sc• lhing~ L'UI n•nt h , Please k<'qJ up \'C>ur mc·m her ship in l hl' A ~ml'ia t ion .ind co mi cl<'r gi f 1

memb('rships (Lift• or Rt·gularl for other nw1nbt•r'i of~ om family . Edna ]<'" d t. 011 r I li:.toria n. ha~ ~ornC' Ill\ <"h ::i-1nc·h ~qua r<> l i If'" \\ i I h

Je\\ell Coal-ol-Arrm t•111bla£01wd on lhrm in color. This i" a limited r>dition and the tiles .in• selling for S 7 .50 apiece'. which ind11dt'" po~t .1ge and handling. Anv profit will ~o to Thr Jc·wl'tt Farnik. Inc . rnffN,

Please order th<'S<' I mm Edn,1. Please ordrr C'xl ra or past Year Boob from Cl ifl orcl J 1'WC'tl . om C:or-

respond ing Secretary. Dues art' srn l to llH' 11<''"' Trrasu rer. Fra nk J<'Wt'll. 3rd. Addresses of tht'~l' Offi('ers are on lh<' l 98.'3 Offk<'rs ,ind Oirel'lors pap;<'. Dona tiom lo llw CP11t•<.dog: Fund are also grc1lc•f11 lly ac·c·cpled. We hope to SN' you on Jul y 21, 1984. lpswid1, Ma:.s., which is 10 miles

away. is ct'lrbrating its 350lh Anniversary at this timt'. so there will be mul'h to see and do.


Toujour~ le mcmc, R l"'iSEl.I. E. JFWETI


The ·Officers and Directors of The Jewett Family of America, Inc.

OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Presid<'nl. Russell E. Jewett

23 Auburn Stn•et. Clinton. Mass. 0 IS I 0

I st V ke Pn•sidenl. C. Lincoln Jewc·tt 53 7 M idd ll'sex Rd. , Oa rien . Conn. 0(i820 2nd Vin· President. Frank Harold Jewl'll

R.F.D. Box# 17. Buxton. Mc. 04093 Treasurer. Frank J<·wctt

R.F.O. Box 17. WC'sl Buxton . Main(• 04093 HC'tord i ng Sct:rel a ry, Truda J c•wf'tt

537 M icldksex Hd .. Darien. Conn. 06820 Cor respond ing S<·<.:rC'la ry, C l i!Tord L. Jewel't

75 IS Auto C lub Rd .. Bloomington , Minn. 55438 Historian. Edna P. J<·wett

P.O. Box 25 1. Rowlc~'. Mass.() 1969 .1\11ditor. Alln•rt W. I Iakv. Sr.

W('tliersficld Strt'<'l. Row ley, Mass. 01969 Editor ol' Publications. Dorothy JcwC' tt Stitt

110 Uppc·r Shawrwe Ave .. Easton , Pa. J 8042 (PrPsiclent, Vice President , Treasurer and Secrclan·

are Directors bv virlut' of their off'i<.:1·) ' DIRECTORS

Dorothy Jewe tt Rrigha111 F:, ·elyn 0. l3ur linganw Alht'rl vV. I lal<'v, Sr. Alan D. Jcvvctt ·

Rtf' . I - High Street, lpswi eh. Mass. 01938 3917-2 1 Av<'. South , Minneapolis. Minn . .55407

W C'l hC'rsf iC' ld St r<'<'l , Howley. Mass. 0 196!) B<'<'<'h Stm·l. Cl inton , Mass. 0 15 10

110 UpperShaw 1wC' AVt' .. Easton, Pa. 18042 Park Plaza Hotel . St. Lou i~. Mo. 63108

3825 Northome Road. Wavza ta . Minn. 5.5391 537 tvJid<llcsl'X Road, J)arien . Conn. 00820

2~J Sn1ith Stred, N<'cdham, Mass. 02 l 92 DIRECTORS FOR LIFE

Dorothy Jt•wett St itt John R. ]E'well \Velis J<•wC'tt C. Li11co ln Jewf'lt Wi ll iam H. Jt'wC'll

Rogt'r Jewett E. Ti Ison Pea bodv Edna P. Jewett · Wi llard Jewett Clifford L. Jt•wC'll

R.D. No. I . Pownal. Vt. 0526 I Star Route I , St. lgna<.:<'. M ic.:h. 49781

P.O. Box 257 , Rowlev. Mass. 0 I fi96 86 B<'nnt'lt Hill Rd., Row lev. Mass. 0 169Ci

75 15 Au to Cluh Rd., Bloominglor1"'Minn. :';5438

Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors at Nationa l Reunion, July 21, 1983, at I 0 A.M.

The First Congrega tiona l ChurC'h of Rowley , Mass.

Annual Dues (inC'luding Year Book)$ I 0.00 Lifr Membersh ip$ I 00.00 Year Rook Subscript ion $2.50



Minutes of Directors' Meeting


Prt'St'll l, I. lo r .. Sl'al<•d: Dorothy j1•wt•ll Stilt. Willard Jt•wd t. Edna Jt•wd t. S!a11di11g. I I• > r.: William J<'W<'ll. H11ss<·ll Jt•wt'lt. Frank J1·w(·tt. 1\ lan j c·w p!I. i>n''<' ll l. hut nut in pil'111n·: T rnd.1 )<''''<'It .rnd C. Lint'ol n )<'"I'll.

PRESE T: Wil liam J<'w<·lt , \Villard ]<-w<'lt, F:dna J<'wPtt . Frank Jewett 11. Russl' ll Jt'wt'lt. Alan jt'well. Lincoln Jt'w<'lt , Truda Jc•wdt. Doroll1\ j<>wdt Stitt. r' rank Jcw<'lt Ill

The met>ting was eonvent>d by the prcsick•nt. Hussdl Jc·wctt, at 9:45, at the Colonial Inn, ConC'ord. Mass.

W il liam Jewell ask<'d for a cor rrtt ion of th<' las t rninutt•s. His status was meant lo be Regu lar. nol Life. Member.

Th<' trcasurt'r's report was presentl'd uncl ac·cepled. The auditor's report was read and aC'ccpt<'d. A motion was mad<' and approvc·d to thank Mrs. Mary ThrC'shcr for hN

work on the genealogy of the Jewett Family of America. Membership applications wil l be sent out with the yearbook and thr bi lls.

New applications for mcml>Nship ar<' lo lw print<'d by Truda Jc•w('ll. The new approved dues. effective September 1 ~).arc:

New Mrmbership $ 12.SO Annua l J 0.00 Life I 00.00

A By-laws change was approveci. Tlw B~·-laws now read: Al l power in­vested in the t>lt'ctt'd mcmbrrs of the Directors of the Board sha ll i>P vc·stecl in the Diredors for Life.

Sinc('re thanks and gratitude were off1>r<>d lo Willard Jewet t for his hrlp as treasurer from 1965- 1983 .

Edna Jewel l showed tlw direl·tors tiles th;it shC' had had made. The size was 4x4. Tlw agrt'ed upon sa le• price was s:;.oo at the rnef'ling and $/.SO if mai led .

Willard Jewt'tt agreed to have sta l io1wn printed lor the R<•11nio11. I k .dso will ha vt• stat iont'fv printed for office use'.

A motion wns made and accepted lo appoint tlw pr<•senl cliredo rs for the 1983-84 vca r. Frank Jewell lll was e lt•t· lcd lrea~urer lo replan• Willard .

Frank Jc;wctt 11 agreed to check on our non-profit status. Alan agreed to be chairman of the next Heunion lo be held in th<' Rowley/

Sa lem area on July 21. 1984. Rcspectfull~· submitted. TR UDA JEWETT. S('crt>lar\'



Treasurer's Report

Annual Board of Director's Meeting - September 17, 1983

REGULAR ACCOUNT Balance on hand, August 31 , 1982 . ...... .. . . ....... . . .. ..... $3,97S. 73

RPccipts: Dues (including new members) .............. .. . $1.053.00 Life Membersh ips (including new members) . . . • . . 250.00 Yearbook Subscr iptions................. . . .. . . 783.50 Jewett Fam ily Coats of Arms . . ...... . . .. . ... .. . 12.00 JPwetl Fami ly Book Plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 Jewdt Fami ly Stationt'rv.... . .... . .... . .... . .. 33.00 Application Fees.. .. . . . ........ . ....... . .. . .. 14 .00 Contributions .. .... . .... . . . . .. . . .. . . . .... . . . Sl.60 Bank lntcn•st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . 2 17 .22

Disbursements: ·32 Director's M<'eting ........ . . . .......... . . . $ 70.60 Copyrigh t (Libra ry of Congr<•ss) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I().{)() Incorporation (Commonwealth of MassachusC'tls). I 0.00 Essex Instit ute (Pledge) . . . .. . . . ................ 50.00 '82 Yearbook.... ...... . .... .. ... . .. . . . ...... 996.00 JPwPlt Family C rest Tile's ...... . . .. , . . ... . .... . 37S.OO Postage> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 557.7fi Printing . . . .. . .............. . ... . .... , . . . . . . 251.28

S2,4 I 6 .32 $6,392.05

Miscellaneous (induding Box Ht>nt) ...... .. ... .. 2 1.87 $2.348.5 1 Bala nt·t• on hand , August 3 1. 191:)3 ........ . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 4 ,403.54


Ba la nce on hand . August 31, 1982 . ....... . ..... . .... . . .. . . . . Bank lnl t• rest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59.2 1

Ba la nce on hand. August 31, 1983 ........ . .. . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . GENEALOGICA L FILE FUN D

$ 958 .07

$ 1,0 17 .28

Ba lancP on hand. August 31, 1982 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 82fi. 48 Bank lht<·rest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 32.82 $ 32.82


$ 859.30 M rs. Ra lph L. Thresher, C.C . ... ... . . . .... .. ... $460.00 $ 460 .00

B.ila n c<> on hand, August .'31. 198;3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 399.30

R<'sp<·ct full y Submitted , WILLARD JEWETT, Treasurer

AUDITOR'S REPORT The a llove aernunts h av(' beC'n a udi ted by me. I find that the receipts,

bank ba lance!'; and reco rds agrc•e with l lw a bO\ c report. ALBEHT W. HALEY. Auditor



The Officers and Directors of Jewett family of America, Inc.

OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Pres ident, Russell E. Jewett

23 Auburn St reet, C linton , Mass. 0 IS I 0 I st Vice President. C. Lincoln Jewett

537 Middlesex Rd ., Darien, Conn. 06820 2nd Vi ce President, 17rnnk Ha ro ld Jewett

R.F.D. Box # 17, Buxton , Mc. 04093 Treasurer, Willard Jewett

86 Bennett H il l Road, Rowley , Mass. 01969 Recording Sec reta ry, Truda Jewett

537 Middlesex Rd ., Da rien, Conn . 06820 Corresponding Sec retary, C lifford L. Jewett

75 15 Auto Club Rd ., Bloomington, Minn . 5S438 Histo ri an , Edna P. Jewett

P.O. Box 25 I, Row ley , Mass. 01969

Auditor , Albert W. Ha ley, Sr. Wethersfield Street . Rowley, Mass. 01969

Ed ito r of Publi ca tio ns, Dorothy Jewett Stit t I I 0 Uppe r Shawnee Ave., Easton, Pa. 18042

(President , Vice President , Treasurer and Sec reta rv a re Directo rs by v irtue of their offi ce) '

Dorothy Jewett Brigham Evelyn 0. Burlingame Albert W. Ha ley, Sr. Alan D. Jewett Dorothy Jewett Stitt C lifford L. Jewett John R. Jewett Wells Jewett C. Lincoln Jewett William H . Jewett

Roger Jewett E. Tilson Pea body Edna P. Jewett Wil la rd Jewett

DIRECTORS Rte. I - Hig h Street , Ipswi ch, Mass. 0 1938

39 17-2 1 Ave. South , Minneapolis, Minn . 55 407 Wethersfield Street, Rowley , Mass. 0 1969

Beech Street. C linton , Mass. 0 I 5 I 0 110 Uppe r Shawnee Ave., Easton, Pa. 18042

7515 Auto Club Rd ., Bloomington. Minn . 55438 Park Plaza Hotel, St. Louis , Mo. 63 108

3825 Northome Road , Wayzata , Minn. 5539 I 537 Midd lesex Road, Darien, Conn . 06820

29 Smith Street . Needham , Mass. 02192 DIRECTORS FOR LIFE

R.D. No. I. Pownal , Vt. 0526 1 Star Route I , St. Ig nace, Mich . 4978 1

P.O. Box 257 , Ro wley, Mass. 01696 86 Bennett Hill Rd ., Rowley, Mass. 01696

Annual Meeting of the Boa rd of Directo rs at the Colon ia l Inn. Concord, Mass. on Sept. 17, 1983, at 9 A.M.

• n n n u n u n n en """'••

Annual Dues (incl uding Yea r Book) $8.00 Life Membership $50.00 Yea r Book Subscription $2.50



Minutes of Directors' Meeting

l 982 BOARD MEETI NG AT HAWTHORNE INN, SALEM, MASS. PrPsc•n l, I. lo r .. sea led: Dorothy f t'wt'll Still and Edna P. Jt'wt'll. S tunding: Frank Marold ft'wl'll. AllJNt W. Maley, Sr., Ruswll E. Jew('tt. Wi ll iam 11. Jewett. Ahrn D. Jt>wett

The Annual Meeting of the Diredors of The Jewett Fam ily of America , Inc. was held at the Hotel I lawthorne in Salem, Massachusetts on September 18 th, 1982.

The> meeting was opened by President Bussell E. Jewett. Those present we re: Husse ll E. Jewett: /\ Ian D. Jewet t: Dorothy Jewt-tl Stitt; Frank H. Jt•\wtL Albert W. Haley, Sr.; Wil liam H. Jew ett and Edna P. Jewett.

Minutes of the 1981 Directors' Meet ing were read and approved with the addition of the appointment of Wil lard H. Jcwt'tl to Direc.:lor lor Lik.

A note from C lifford L. Jewett indicated his wil lingness to serve for another yea r.

The. Treasurer's repo rt was read and Albert W. Haley. Sr. read the Auditor's report which was accepted.

The resignation ol Wi llard Jewett as Treasurer was read, and it w<ls voted to appoint him as chai rma n of a committee to find a m•w T rcasurc·r. O thc>r members appointed by the President were Frank H. Jewett, William H. Jewett and Alan D. Jewett. This commi ttee to ac.:l as soon as possible.

On a motion by Albert Ha ley. Sr., C lifford L. Jewett was a ppointed Director for Life.

A discussion of the voling powers of Directors for Life resul ted in the drawing up of an addition to the by-laws which would be acted on at the nex t Annua l Board meeting in September. 1983 . The• bv-law wou ld mid. '.'Al l powers vested in the e lected members shal l be vested in the Directors for Lile.

Edna Jewell read from a letter of the work done by Mrs. Thresher on the card fil e of our mate ria l at Essex Institute. At present both ~ard fil<' and genea logical fil e are in the fire-proof part of the Institute Library. There is much more to be clonr and a notice of apprrciation for donations lo the genealogical fund is to be printed in the yea rbook .

The President asked us to meet again a l or in the vicinity of Row ley on the I I th of October to help formulate plans for the next reunion which will be held in 1984.

Edna P. Jewett. SeC'. pro tern



T reosurer's Report

REGULAR ACCOUNT Balance on hand , August 31 , 1981 .... ........ ...... ..... ... . $2,811.96

Receipts: Dues (induding new members) . . .. ..... ...... . . Life Memberships (including new) ...... . .. .. .. . Yearbook Subscriptions .... .. .... . .... . .... . . . Jewett Family Coats of Arms ...... . ... .... ... . . Jewett Family Crest stationery . .. . . ..... . . . .. . . Application Fees . ..................... . . .. .. . Contributions . .. . . .... .... ........... . . .... . Bank Interest (Ipswich Savings Ba nk) ..... . .. ... .

Disbursements: '81 Director 's Meeting ... .. . . .. . .... .. . . . . . .. . Copyright (Libra ry of Congress) . .. . .... . ... . . . . Incorporation (Comm. of Massachusetts) ....... . '8 1 Yearbook .. .... . ... ....... .. .. .......... . Postage .......... .. .. , .... • . . .. ... . .. • .... . . Printing ........ . . . .. . .... .... .... . .. . . .. . . . Supplies a nd Miscellaneous ................... .

$ 1,240 .00 500.00 839.00

12.00 36.00 36.00 53 .56

192 . 16 $2.908 .72 $2,908.72

$5 ,720 .68

$ 33.00 10.00 I 0.00

I ,346. 76 199.59 128. 73

16.87 $ 1,744.95 $1 ,744.95

Balance on hand, August 31, 1982 ...... ... .. . ....... .. . . .... $3 ,975. 73

E DGAR B. JEWETI FUND Balance on hand, August 3 1. 1981 ......... .. . • . . ........ . ... $ 902.30

Bank Inte rest (Ipsw.ich Sav ings Bank) ....... . ..... $ 55.77 Balance on hand, August 3 1, 1982 ......... . .. . ......... .. ... $ 958.07

GE NEALOGICAL FI LE FUND Bala nce on hand, August 3 1, 198 1 ............. ... .......... . $1 ,003.35

Receipts: Bank lntercst(lpswichSavingsBank) . . . ... .... . . $ 47 . 13 47 . 13

$1 ,050.48 Disbursements:

Mrs. Ralph L. Th resher , C.G ...... ... .... ... ... $ 224.00 $ 224.00 Bala nce on hand, August 31 , 1982 ....... • .. .. .. . ............ $ 826.48

NOTE: I neglected to send the Annual P ledge of $25 .00 to The Essex Insti tute the Treasurer for the 1982-1983 period should remi t $50.00 to same.

Respectfully Submitted, WILLARD JEWETT, Treasurer

AUDITOR'S RE PORT The above accounts have been audited by me. T find that the receipts,

bank balances and records agree w ith the above reports. ALBERT W. HALEY, Audito r


New Members ARJZONA

Mrs. Ida D. Acton Junius C. Jewett

CALI FORNIA #92646 James Jewett Hazelton

CO LOH ADO #923 Mrs. June Jackson # I 159 1 George Bowen Jewett

FLORIDA #6 178 11159 1

IL LI NO I #6379

INDIANA #1603 #6379

KANSAS #6592


Mr. & Mrs. l larold P. Jewell Mrs. Angaharad Jewett Rudolph

!rs. Kathleen Baker

Michael R. Jewett Mrs. Dolores Woll Krid t>r

Mrs. Glenn W. Jewell

#6 178 John H. Jewett #6 178 Mr. & 1 rs. Lawrence A. Jewett

MARYLAND #8303 Rev. Arthur W. Greel<'y

Mr. & Mrs. Guy A. Jewett MA SACH USETTS

1309 Mrs. Lyd ia R. Finlay Ml CHI GAN Jaek jouct Line MINNESOTA

Mrs. Frances Eloise• Thomas

Douglas E. Jewell NORTH DAKOTA

#8852 Mr. & Mrs. Hill is Ada ms #8852 Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Ada ms

OREGON #689-A Mrs. Lo rrainP Cowles Sencevicky

PENNSYLVANIA #8007 Lawrence E. Jewett #8007 Richard Henry Jewell

TF.XAS Mr. & Mrs. S. C. Jewett

#9074 Ms. Carol Kredl VIRGINIA

# l540 Mrs. Jaquc Weaver Baum # 1540 Mrs. Patrici<1 Weaver Burvon

WASHINGTON ' Leo J. Jewett

12874 Mrs. Bette O'Quin #885 1 Mrs. Gravce Tobie

CA ADA, ONTARIO -QudWl' Line Dr. & Mrs. M. J. Hichards

( 10)

Phoenix Sun City

I luntington Beach

Aurora orthglenn

La rgo Bradenton

Ml. Prospect

Goshen Columbia City

Ga lena

Dexter Lincoln

Bethesda Gaitherburg


Sr. Clair Shores

Long Pra irie

Bismarck Bismarck


Devaul t Devault

Sa n Antonia Lago Vista

Richmond Richmond

Oak Harbor Port Townsend



Family Gatherings

The jcwcll-P<·arl F,1mih He11nion "•ls hl'ld at lh<' home of Austin and t. l.1rion Emmorh. Columbia, Conn .. on Suncl.n-, J ulv I l , 1982.

The J\dan1s-J<'W<'ll Famil) ol Bismarck. N.D. met in Jul y, 1982. The> Adams famil y has mudt· up o history of their ramily nnd their connection with Lhe Jewell~ - u vt·ry nice publication.

Roger Jewett Family Reunion at Pownal, Vt. There were I :3 pn•srnl at the fami ly r<•union on August 13, 1982. Roger

writes that Lind)' and Cltut·k brought up 25 loli~Lt•r\ I rom Salem, and that ht' and his wife EvC"lvn provided nativr lrl·~h mm \O that they had a ~rent t·ook-ou l on £q·I\ n's h<·a11tiful la,H1 . \urrou11d1•d I" four of the best flower gardens she ha., had .it Pownal. ·

Jewett-Pearl Connecticut Family Reunion The descendanl-; of the latt> Ebenezt>r Jewf'll II and an<'y (Jennings) Jewell

held their 441h fnrnily reunion Sunda), July 11 . 1982 at the home of Mr. am.I Mrs. Austin E. Emmons, Columbia, Conn.

A pot lu<•k dinrwr was served at 12:30 lollow!'d by a short business rnrrting, and an aflNnoon of fellow.<1hip and lawn ganws. Hisloria n Ma rion R. Emmons, rC'signt'd. The offil'f'rs will sec·k a perMHt lor Historian as no one an:cpled thC' 11ominulio11. The 1983 rl·tmion will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Moon, 1 la mpton . Ct. date• wil l be• selrctcd by host family. Four marri a~c·s. six births. two deaths wcrl' rt•ported. We were pleased to have as guests mC'mbl·rs of the Jewett Fam ih of /\meri<·a from Clinton, Ct.

Secrelaf\ of lite Con n. group is Mrs. L. Hf•ginnld Thayer. 23 Wood· bridge Hoad. N('wi ngton. Conn. 061 11 . All m!'mbers of the Jewett-Pearl ra miJics a r(' welCOm(' to attt>nd thP reuniom..

A Gathering of Te"< as Jcwetts A very happy Jrw<'tt Famil y Gathering look place at the Braeh_u:n

Countrv Club in I lo11ston. Texas when James W. and Dorothy Jewett Still were "home to Texas" in October, J 982 .

Descendants of 1 lti rry B. Jewett, Sr .. Pao;! Yi<:t' Pm.ident of Texas for tltr Jt>wett Fami ly. and their families. tota lling 22 mrn, women and child ren, enjoyed lum·h. lo'<'. and c:onversalion 0 11 a beautifu l Fall Sunday.

Those presC'nl i11d11cle "Unde Jim and Aunt Dorothy," Dorothy's si ·ter­in-law, Man (jont>sl Jl'Welt, and Mar} and I larry Jewett Jr.'s six children and spouses '.ind offi.pring. Dorothy's brother Harrv was out of the city and unable to b<' pn.>sl•nt , the onl. thing to mar the th.t). . . .

Their children and families included 1 larry 13. Jrwett, Ill , his wife Pal ll, daughter Shelly and son Da vid, of San Antonio, Tex.;

Also, Syd and Marga ret (jewett) Yan Wa gner of Navasota, Tex ., and their chil drt> n Crrgg. J<'Hrry and Sheila:

Also. Charles Eclgnr and Joanna Jewell of Houston. and their littk da ughter Kalv;

Al-;o, Rr>bert J. and Kathie (Jewett) Shoemakt•r and their children. Krist i and John. all of Lon!-{vil'W. Tt'x .;

Also, Douglai. EugrnC' and Kathy }<>well of Brv<111. Tex.; Also. Laura jC'wC'll of Hou-;ton. A wonderful da) <Ind a wonderful famil~ limt'.

( 11 )


There were high hopes a l l summer lo ng over the America's C up rac<'s and America's ability to win a nd re­tain the Cup on ce mo re, bu t the victorv was not to be. ·

In September. 1983, Austra lia II won over Liberty in an exc iting series of races off Newport. R.l. , and the C up was taken to " Dow n UndPr.· ·

One of ou r fami ly, George F . " Fritz" Jewett , was involved d<'c·pl y in the 12-meter sailboat represen ting Am er ica. He was con cerned with the financia l pl a ns and backing for the Libertv. as Well as the faC{'S tht' Jl'IS('[V('S, <111Cr W<IS at Newport all sum nwr. ht' lpi11g with the prC'parations tor th<' rat·t·.s to go on smoothly .


Ht're are srnnt• int<·r<'sli11g t'<lll llll!'n ts 1: r itz" roll' a lioul tht' <'V('lll :

. I have l><•t·11 a'k('( l ll\· 111<111~ JW<>p l1· ii I t·n til tl do it ov('r <1g.1in . would I do things dillyn •11 ll, ·~ \ I ~ associates <lll d I ln·l l l1at \\'!' p11t tugl'lhn a11 esl'ell<'11t prog r;i m . I lll'r<' \\' !'l'c· '0111<' disappo111 !111<·11 I-; li 11 l \\! ' <' lld<'cl 11p " ·ith ;in <'sl'l'lknt t'l'C'\\ hod II\ l)1•11ni.' Co111 1C'r a 11d the lu .. .;t o l' t lw t·on,·l'nlion;d I 2 \) 1·l!·r~. Lilwrt \'.

Our group is l' irn1 I ~ <'Oil\ im·<•d tha t th <' dl'sig1wr ol Austra lia II lou 11d a loophn l<• in till' rule and l':tlll<' 11p \\'ii Ii •I r;id it"<tl dt'.,i l.!; 11 "h il'h obv iou~ h · \\'as '('r~ su1·1T~sr 11 I. · ·

011 top ol th. it . rite .\ ustr;di a ns Ii.i d <I \( 'I'\ (!o<ld l' l'C'\\' \\ IH>. in l'ain H',S. tlitl d ll rn 1lsl.111di11g joli. ·

Th<'n' is a l'onsidN;1li lt• i11t<•n•,1 i11 "ho \\'ill d1.ill1·ni,?;l' rlw :\ w.tral ia ns in Perth in 1987. Frank l' " a l' lt·r parl il'i pa li11(! in !'o ur . \nw;· ica·~ C 11p dC'knses. I ha\t' l'Olll' iucled that is t•nough (ln tc rpol a t illll - i\lr. Jt•v\l'lt W ilS on tht· A<h isor~· Commi l tt·c· and C hairma n u l' tl w r·:11t<'rpris(' - Frl'C'dom .'\nw riea's C up Dt'ft•nst• in I 980. Frt'edom won fur AnH'rit·a l.

l will support an American tea m ;111cl I lwlic, ·c· tha t the Vnitecl States w ill have a good opportunit~' to rPtmn the Cup to \\'here it belongs.

Congratulations. F ritz, for the great d'fort.

Win or lost'. tlw Liberty and~ ou a 11d ~our as:mvintcs did a magnificent job and all America and the JewC'tt Familv is proud to <:laim vou. We' ll win aga in another time. · ·

( 12)

Births On September 17, 198 1, a daughter , Judy Sue, w as born in Putnam, Ct.,

to Joanne Lynn Krupul a. On September 27, 1981 , a son , Andrew James, was born in !Vlandwster,

C t., to Wayne a nd Jua nita (Rodriguez) Scott of Hampton, Ct. On October 22, I 981 , a daughter, Ma rina Lynn , was bo rn in Torrington .

Ct., to Ra lph a nd Shirley (Dauphin) Sca rpino of Pleasant Valley, Ct. On November 14, 198 1, a son, Joshua David, was born in Willimantie.

C t., to Adolph and Beverly (Amidon) Halbach of Scotland, Ct. On February 1, 1982, a son , Jason Kirt , was born in Norwich. C t ., to

Kirt a nd C heryl (Krupula) Finley of Moosup, Ct. On F ebruary I I , 1982, a son, Kenneth Ca rl , born prematurely, wl. I

pound 12 ounces, at the Fa rming ton Medical C tr., Ct. to Floyd a nd Lynn (Richmo nd) Cameron. We are p leased to rep ort baby a fte r many monlhs in hospital is now fine and at ho me with his famil y in East H a rtford, Ct.

Mrs. Jeanne Jewett Mobley repo rts a new g ra nddaughter , Kerry Krist ine Whetstone, born September 5, 1982, at Minot, N.D., daughter or Mark]. and Karil Anne (Mobley) Whetstone. Mark is a s talJ sgt. a t Minot AFB.

Christina Ma rie DelPerc io, (granddaughter o f Lester Jewett Horton) was born August 16, 1981 , in Poway, Ca. She is o f the Jo na than Jewett Tay lor #6450 branc h of the fami ly.

Me lissa Jewett and Frederi ck Richard of Salem , Mass., a nnounce the birth of the ir daughte r, Stacey Ann Hichard , on November I I , 1982. Melissa i ~ the daughter or Mary M. Jewett of Rowley and Alfred D. Jewett o f Ray mond. N. H.

Veronica Lynn Young was born August 20, 1982 at Burlington , Vt. lo Mr. and Mrs. Rex (Patricia Jewett) Young, Jr.

Melissa and Patricia a re granddaughters of Edna and the late Everett D. Jewett. Patricia is the daughter of Everett G renville Jewett' of Coalinga, Ca.

Mrs. Bernice Jewett, of Valley Center, KS, reports on the fami ly of Edson Asaph Jewett (#73 16):

Great grandsons; Grant G. Johru;on, born Novembe r 2, I 982, to Carry and Sherry Rhoad s Johnson, their fifth child.

Casey Ryan Jewett, born September 21 , 1982, to Dannie and Pam Huebert Jewett.

Nicholas Scott Westerman, born September 30, 1981 , to Byron a nd Janie Jewett Weste rman, their second son.

Great-great g randson; Craig Copen, born April , 198 1, to Mark a nd Verginia McC a rty Copen .

Great-great granddaughter, Deanna Ray C handler, born February 26, 1982, to Donnie an d Cindy White C handler.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Calhoun of Fayetteville, N.C. have a baby daughter, Jaime Elizabeth Calhoun, born Nov. 4, 1982. Robert is the son of Mrs. Ruth Calhoun. of Brockwe ll, Arkansas.

Stephanie Lynn Heller, born O ctober 19, 1982, at New Bedford, Mass., is the daughter of Atty. and Mrs. Philip A. Helle r of Fairhaven, Mass. Stephanie 's mothe r is the former Nan cy C. Jewett, daughter of Mr. 2nd Mrs. Willard Jewett of Rowley, Mass.

To Stephen and Catherine (Jewett) Bland, on March 17, 1982, Wendy Melissa Bland. Catherine is the daughter of Walter Amos and Adela ide Jewett.


Jml111.t 'ilC'pll!'11 <: n1111h '' •" horn Dec:C'mbcr I I. l 982 lo Sl1•pht•11 .111<1 C\ntl11.t 1J1'''<'ll1 C.111111h ol \l·"lrnnport. C'>nlhia i\ .1 ,i,l<·r 111 Cath«rit1<'. Thr\ .tr<'~· tnd1 hrldn·n of I d11,1 .111d I ht• late E'erelt D Jt.'\H•ll

Hot!t'r Jt•\H•lt "ttk' th.ti .1 \011. j .1-..m Ell'''nrth. ""'horn on \:m 2~ 1981 lo Im g1.1mld.1m,drl1•r . ' I ,1111111\ Ell'" orth She prdc•rn'<I th.11 lwr \Oii l.c-.·p lwr m.1 icl1•11 rl.l nw

,\ndrt'\\ Cl1.1rl1·' f1 ·\\1•ll "·" born on \f,I\ 31. 19ts.'3, In \Ir .ind \Ir' Ch.1rl1•, I d~.11 Jt'\\ !'ll 111 111111\lllll , Tt•\,I\.

Br t.111 Dmtgl." j t•\\ t•lt '' '" horn 1111 J 1111<' 8. I l}'S3. to \Ir .111d \Ir\ Dou~l.I\ I· uc1•n1· Jr" 1•tl 111 \11\l llt, 'I 1·\,I'

Tiu· l\\o f.t1h1·1, .111· "'11' 111 11.irn 111d \lary ljunr\I jt>\\t>ll. of I loll\lon, c1.t11d,11m of llw• I l,11 I\ R J1·\\dl ~r. of Hnu,ton 1.1 p.1,1 \ '1rt> Pn•"dt•nl 1111 'I l''·" 111 till' It \\I'll I .1111ih l .111d .irt· 111•ph<-"' of J.1nw' \\ .ind Dnrolh) Jt•\\ l'll S11 tt ol L· •• "11111 P.1


Tlw Village Pancake House T hi!' ho111<', li11ill In A11r;1 Jrwett. is said t o be· lht.' t.'urlit'~l hm1M' in

Row lc·y . Mus~. Hcfrrf'111·1• to lht' house is found on page 200" in Liit' book, " Howle•\, Ma.~s.". Ii) A111os l•:v«rPll J<'wt•lt and Emily Mabel Jewl'll.

Toda) fb uddn•,.., i' rnriwr Roule>' I!\ and 133, Rowley. Ma'>s. Tlit•rc• ;., 11 l'op\ ol tlw I Mi I Dc·1·d of thr land'> wltc·rc• llw Howle•\ Vill.1~l'

Pant.'akt· I louw 'la11d ..... Arno' E"t•n•tl Jt•\\l'll \Holt· in p1·1wrl on the bottom of thi' d <.'t'd by the•

~ign,1lurc.• of jt'n•m1.tl1 Jt•\\rll "Lldcst '<m of Joseph Je'\\C'lt."



:-.Ir .• 1nd \I r' \\ rllt.1111 11 J1•\\dl of 'w<'<lham. \I ,"'·· .111no1111u 1111' 1·11 gagemcnl of therr d.1111.d1t1•r I .. 11trt·I .\nnc•. to !)tPplll'n P H1•.tdn1\! '1111 111 \Ir . .:1nd \Ir'> Fug1•11t• H1•.ul1ni.t 111 Dm f'r. \I a \S.

Tht' f11t11rf' hrrde " ,1 gr,11l11.11t· 111 · ecdha m High "rhool ,1 nd .t u1 111

l.rudt• gradu,11« of B.1h\1111 Collc·gc" I lt·r fathc·r i, ,t p.1,1 pn•,td1•11I of llu• Jt•welt Famih of ,\n11•nt·a.

I le r fianc:e grnd11al1·d I mill Dm 1·r· Shcrborn I ligh Sdmol, ,tnd \J1•\\ 1-:ng­lund Fuc·l lnsl ilul t'.

Marriages Timnthv J;1111 t'' Dorn, g1·a111l,1>11 o l Barlmru .ind Williarn Dorn of

S.tginaw. 11.iichigan. "·" 111<1rri t•d lo ~ti" P.1 ulint> Dutki1·" icz on ~h" I'' · 19RI in Ba~ Crh. \lil·higan

:-.lan in Lei· Dom. a1111llw1 gr.11111,1111111 R.1rb.1r<1 .111d \\'illiam ''-I' marril'd Juh 10. 1982. to It" " ·•tlwri111• \l1·1r' 111· l( ,1tri rll'. K.Y. Thi'~ .irt• rC'sidrng at Blo11m111~l1111 '\ )

Brul'l' \l.1\\\l•ll of \lpt 11.1. \liduJ!..llt , .t J!.r<•.11 nc·pht''' of lht' Dorn' " .. ,, married Jum• 5. 19'>2 to \11" D111111.1 \lll'.1ro11 Thi'\ h,l\l' mO\ed lo\\ .1~hinJ!.­ton. D.C

\I j-,., I( n't 1 I '1111 Jt•\\ t•lt .111cl \I r C .. 1 n \ .mil uelC' wNe marriC'd Ill Rl\N'iidt·. C.ilil11rn1,1 D1·u·111lwr 11 lq\2 -1 h1·' "'II make their home 111

.\ort'O. K ",1 \!r .111clcl,111J!.hl..r of Bc•rn1u· .tnd tlw l.ite Ed-'>nn Clifford JewC'tl. .rnd ,1 grt'.11 J!.r.11ulcl.111glil t•r ol I '<1"111 \ \,1ph J1•\\ C'tl "73 16.

On Saturda~. J11l~ I 0th I %2 .11 f., c•rgrl'C'n. Color.1do. :-.tis.<; ~ tar~ Eli1,.1-bdh LmC' and I li·nn J1•\\t•ll \\f•n· m.trm•cl. Rieh.ucl is the son of ~ Ir . and :0-lr'i. Lm renc.·1· E. Jt'\\l'll 111 Dt•\,11111 PP1111" h.1nia.

c, nlhia lre rw jl'\\C'tl d.111ght1•1 of \\ .tllN ,1nd Adel aide B. Jew<'ll, "'-<l~ marrit'd \fard1 20. I ~IS2 Tlwv n·,id1· in Nt•\\ lmn port. f\1ass.

Diann<' Le,lit· Jt•\\ t'l l, .inot ll('r dauglttt•r ol Wc1 lll'r and Adelaid t', was married Ma' 22. J91j 2, lo Holwrt W . C1•11lil<·. Thl'y arl' mHking tlwir homt• in Amesbury, M,l\s.

Carol Susa n Rid1t•rt '"';" rn :1rri1·cl lo f\lurin I l11g, Marth 20, 1982. P:1ren ls .ire: Dr. Jor i a nd Bt\t·rl~ J1•wt'll Hidwrl nf Los Allos Hilb, Ca lifornia. and Crandparcnts arc· 1\rtl111r a11d Alit·t• J1•w1•ll 11f Ma.~of1', M ic·higan.

Catherine A111w f\ la} l'r'. da11ghlt>r of \Ir. and Mr'i. !Barbara Hich<tr<I) \ l.1H'r' ""' 111.i rri1•d J 11111' 2 I . I 9k0 in I'm\ ,I\. (:a I. lo Edwin I !erbert Sd11111ot h.

Her -;isl<>r, Llllrit-' 1\1111 f\l,l\N\ , \\,l\ m,trried to Bruce Wa}ne Julin on ~la~ 22. 19 2. ,11 Po\\ a\. ( \ ti

l 151

T hese g irls a re d escended from the Maxim illian line, w ri tes their grand­mother, Mrs. F lorrnce E. R icha rd o f Sa n Diego, Ca l. Mrs. Richa rd adds tha t her own grandmother was a doub le cousin of George Anson Jewett.

Carol Maria Hodg ma n was ma rried to Kenneth Law rence Demi ng a t St. Pa ul 's C hapel, Colu m bia University , o n April 24 , 1982.

Carol is the da ug hter of Ri cha rd Albert I lod gma n a nd E ugenie (Murphy) Hodg ma n , a nd the g ra ndd a ug hler of Albert Russell Hod gm a n a nd lmogene Ha le (Jewett) Hodg ma n of Andover a nd Stoneham. Mass .. respecti vely.

Sa lly Winifred Jewett, d a ug hte r of Albert Long ley Jewett a nd E lsie S. (W erthne r) Jewett, was ma rried o n Septem ber 18 , 1982 , to M ichael Joseph Wa lz, son of Robert B. Wa tz a nd Louise T. Te rra nova Watz. The wedding took place a t St. C hristophe r's E piscopa l C hurch in New Ca r rollton , Md.

Jo hn Wayne Hied er , son of C ha rles Ray l{ ieder a nd Ma rinell (Jewett) Ried er, m a rried Ma ria Loo on Ma rch 7, 1982 , in New O rl eans, La. Mr . Loo, Ma ria's fathe r, is of Japanese d escent a nd his w ife is of Spa nish descent.

H a rl a n E ugene Lewis a nd Pegg y Gauli«k we re ma rried o n Septembe r 23, l 982. T he p la ce o f m a rriage was no t indi ca ted.

Mic hael W a lte r (Jim my) Lew is a nd Sa ra h George we re ma rried o n June 15, 1982, in Springfield, Ohio. Sarah is the d a ughter of Mr. a nd Mrs. John George.

Jo hn Ro bert Neueha hn a nd Irene Ja nz ura were ma rried on O cto ber 23 , 1982. Her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ja nzura, a re of Po lish d escent.

Roger Jewett, our Past President, has upda ted his fa mily genea logy and sent in these las t s ix ma rri age a nnouncements.

M a rriages of Conn . Jew ett-Pea rl Fa mily, 1982 O ctobe r 31 , 198 1 Jane Angell a Jewett, d a ughte r of Mrs. Allen C ha rles

Jewett a nd la te A. C. Jewett was m a rried a t Fort Myer, Va. to Ja mes Rodney Whitmayer.

December 19, 1981 Pa mela Ja ne Colburn, d a ughte r o f Mr. a nd Mrs. G eorge Arno ld Colburn , was ma rried to W a lte r A. Stone Jr. T hey a re fro m Ha mpton. C t.

May 8 , 1982 Tirna lha Jew ell Libby , d a ughte r of Mrs. Marilyn R. (Jewett) Libby a nd la te C lemmons W . Li bby was ma rried to E rnest Ezersky Jr. o f Ct.

May 29, 1982 Jeffrey Willia m Oswell , son of Mrs. Ga il (Mo rey) Oswell , ma rried Pa mela Sue Decha mpla in, d a ug hte r of Lewis Dechampl a in in Lisbon. Ct.

Anniversaries Mr. and M rs. ll a rold (Marjo rie Jewett Tay lor) Corba ll of Forest C ity,

Iowa, celebrated their Colden Wedding Anniversa ry Ma rch 2 7, 198 1 Mr. a nd Mrs. Willia m (Barbara Ke lley) Do rn of Sag inaw , Mic higan

observed the ir Colden W edding Day November 30, 198 2. Jo hn Jewett Nelson a nd Avis Nelson celebra ted , June 7 ,• 1981 , their

Colden Anniversary at Lake Mi lls, Iowa. Ca rrell L. a nd Helga Ba rtl eson T aylo r , of F o rest C ity , Iowa , celebrated

their Fiftieth Wedding Anniversa ry May 30, 198 1. Mr. a nd Mrs. Pa ul St. M a rtin (Eliza beth 28 8) celebrated their 25th

wedding anni versa ry , June 25, J 982 , at the home of Mr. a nd Mrs. Pa ul Ethier, Knowlton's La nding, Que. The number 288 is of the d escenda nts of the late Frede ri ck A. Jewett (# I 09).

( t 6)

138 Generations From Adam By

GEORGE ANSON JEWETI SECTION FIVE - FINAL SECTION Section One pritited in 1979 Year Book Section Two printed in 1980 Year Book

Section Three printed in 198 I Year Book Section Four printed in 1982 Year Book

Pe rmission to rep r int this Book as part of the Jewett Family of America, Inc. , Yea r Book has been g raciously gr anted by Consta nce Jewett Cory, a great-gra nd­d a ugh ter of George Anson Jewett .

Copyright Protection 1983 of Jewett Family of America, Inc. Year Book


In 1925 I printed a list of the Bar ­ons who compelled King J ohn to s ign the bill of rig hts, called t he Magna Chart.a. There were twenty-five of them and eighteen of them have de.i­-cendant.s and are ma.rlrod wilh a •. Fifteen of the e i..\;h toen are ancestors of mine and are marked with a t .

These fam ilies intcnnar­ri ed so much that if you are descend­ed from ono you probably are .from many more, and, worse luck, many of you will find you are descended from King J ohn himself, as 1 am. Th~e twenty-live baroltll were sure­

tioo that J ohn would observe the MagNL Chart.a.. In a subseq\JOnt arto­icle I will tell you something about these Baroltll.

Many of you when you go to Eng­land !ail to put Runnymede on your \ist o! places to visit.

Runnymede, Where Is It 7 It is an island in Thames between

Stains and Windsor Castle, seventeen miles sout heast of London. Windsor ia t went y-Lwo mile.ii out of London.

A good many years ngo I, with mY daughter, Bonnie, now Mrs. ll. G. Welpton, went out from LQndon on bicyclwi to Windsor Ca;itle and

through the Great Pot rk, then over to Stoke Pogis to visit the ~aveyard of the old church. irnmortalbed b:r Gray who wrqte Gray's Elegy. On the lombstone which he en!eted a t his mother's grave he t ells of the fam­ily and his mother, and said: "One alone, meaning himself, was go un·

Genealogy- 84

fortuna.te a.s to sutvive her ." And after sitting in the family pew of Will iam Penn we go into the villnge of Staine~ and to Runnymede Md tried to pict ure that scene when King John reluctantly signed the M.apa Chart.a on June 15, 1215. Here they were on this beautiful meadowed i.111-and King John and bis friend• were in a tent on one bank o! the river, while the Barons were on the flat meadows running over to lhe ot.her bank. It was an ideal place !or the meeting.

Here is a list of t he ::>URETIES F OR THE OBSERVANCE


t•t. William d' Albini, Lord of Bclvoir Castle, dit>d 1236.

t•z. H ugh le Bigod, Earl of Nor­walk and Suffolk, died 1225.

t•3. Roger le Bigod , Earl of Nor­folk and Suffolk, died 1220.

t•4. Henry de Bohun, Earl o! Hereford, died 1220.

t •5. Gilbe,rt de Clare, Earl of Hereford and Gloucester, died' 1229.

t •6. Richard de Clare, Earl of Hereford and Glouceste r, died 1218,

t •7, John Fitzrobert, Lot'd of Warkworth Castle and Cleaver, died 1240.

•a. lWbert F itzwnlter, Lord of Du­mow Castle, died 1234.

9. William de Fortibus, Earl of .Al· bemnrle, died' 1241.

10. William Hardell, Mayor of London, died after 1216.

• it. William de Huntngfield, Sher­iff of Norfolk and Suffolk, died 1266.

t •U. J ohn d.e Lacie, Lord of l'on~ frad Castle, died 1240.

• 13. Wlllam de LanvaUel, Lord ot Srtanway Cutle, d1ocl 1%17.

t • t4. Wllllam Ml let, Sllft1ft' of Cmcnet &nd Or~et, died 1224.

16. CeofTrcy de l\landevlle, Earl of EMex and Glouce~T, died 1218.

HI. William Manhall, Jr., heir t.o

\ho Earldom of Pembroke, died 12.'ll. 17. Ro,;er de Montbt>«on, Lord of

Romeby Caalh!, died 122$. 18. Richard de Monttichet, a feu­

dal baron, dil'<I • 1268. t • 10. William de Mowb..-y, Lord

of A•holme ("Astle, died 1223. 20. Rlch1>rd de Percy, a feudal

baron, died 1214. t •2 t Salrl' <IC' Quincey, Earl Oi, dloo 12HI. t •22. Robert de noo1, Lorri of

H a1nlake <;;Nlllt, died 1220. f "23. CcotTrcy de Snyc, a feudal

baron, died 1230. t •2•1. Roh1•rt de Ver~. heir to I.he

Earldom of Oxford, dl~d 1221. t "26. Eu~tart' do Vucl, Lord of

Alnwck CIU!tlr, dil'd 1210. C:eo. A. Jewett

Thr followins: WCTO ancc.stOrl Of

min11. Dt"Scrnt Crom Magna Chart. Sur~tlc.s:

•W11lit•m O' Albinl. llua:th le Birod. Koi:e r 14' Du:od. llenry de llohun. Cl~rt Je Clare. Richard de <"hare. John Filuobe!rt. John cfe Lacie. William Malet. William dr Mo.,.bray. Salvo do Quincey. Rob<-rt do Roos. Geoffrey d" Sa ye. Roh<-rt de Vue. Euat1cc do Ve~ci.

The llnu,... ..r llohun 1. llumrhrey de Rohun, a kln.­

mllR 11nd ('1>mp11nlon In llrma ot Wil­li8m t ht1 Conquoror. lie WM the founder or the 11011116 or Dohun in Enix land. •

2. Humphr~y do Dohun mnrfeo by comninntl of the king, Maude, onl y da111httt of Lord Sa!l1bury. By thle marr184re he became very weal thy. Re wu euccee~ by his 110n.

3. Humphrey de Bohun, who WM

Lord Steward to Kine Henry I, m41r­r i.d Margery, tlaughttr of Miio, fint Krl of Her orord. Rls cha rter is dated 1140. lie died April 6, 1187, and was 1ucettded by hit aon.


4. Ilumphrfy de Behun, Earl of Hereford. li e marri('<J 'Ma rgaret, daughter of Ht"nry de Jla•tinga. Ue ~ aucceeded by ha aon.

5. Henry de Bohun (the Maltll• Chart.a Baron), born bdore 1177. Illa eharter as Earl or Hereford K!Ytn him by King J ohn wa• dated April 28, 11!19. He was elt"Cted one of the celebrated twenty-five 1uretiu. n. joined Salre de Quincey and other Baron.• in a p1IJ(rim"l!e to the Holy La.nd in 1220 end died June 1, 1220. Married Maude, daughter of Geotrrc7 Fitz Pitra, B..,.on of l\landevillo by hi.• i\r•t wife, Butrix de Sage. She was a sister of Geoll rey de Mn ndc­ville, Magna Chart. Daron (No. JG In abo.-e liat).

6. lluniphrey de Bohun, Eul of Hereford and F;asex. B o was a cru­sader In 1250.

7. Alice de Bohun was a grand­daughter of Henry de Dohun, a Ma g­na Charin Surety, who mArried Ralph 7th Daren de Toni, a nd had

8. ~lph de Toni, who had a daughter , 7

9. Alice de Toni, who nunttrrt Gu,. 2nd1 Earl o! Warwick. who had a aon,

10. ThomM de Deauchamp, 3rd E&rl of Warwick, who marrie<t Cath­erine Mortimer (• dnctndant or rrup:h and R.ocu Bigod (Nos. 2 and 3).

11. Phillippa de Beaucha mp, • ho n1arried Hugh, 2nd Earl of SIAlrord.

12. Mai;rartt de St.afford, who married R..lph de Neville Earl of &V eslmoreland, a dt'l<'.endant of J ohn Fitz flobert (No. 7).

18. Alice de Neville, who man1~ Sir Thom&3 Cr11y of Heat.on.

}(. Elir.a de Gray, who married Sir Philip, 4th S..ron d' Arey.

16. John d' Arey, 6th UtHon d ' Arey, manied Maraaret, daughter of Henry. i;th Baron Crey of Wilt.on.

16. John, 7~h Baron d' Arey, who tnArried J oan de Crey atock.

17. Richard d' Arey, who man'M!O El~or, of J-ord J ohn Sco11e o! Upsal .

18. Sir Wiiiiam d' Arey, who muritod Euphonla, daughter of Sir John L&nitt.on of F amley.

19. Jo.n d' Arey, who mu.rrled Sir Richard Yorke, who It the g reat.-1\'Teat·gTAnd!al.htr or our own Doro­thy Yorke, who married Cov. Thoma11 Dudley nnd came to America in 1630.

This M>ries uf article. are of eape­cial interest to descendanta or Cov.


Thornu Dud'ley by his llra~ wife, Dorothy Yorke, Cov. Stmon Brad· atreet and his wife, Ann• Dudley; J oseph Jewett and his •ltt, Ann• Wiggin, or Stratham, N. II.

G. A. J .

Remember that those in h.t

"'ho axe marked • have deeeendanta and thoH marked t are my ance.itorll-

The Quincey ped~rus commence with tho father of the Ma~ Chart.a Barons.

t. Robert de Quincey wu i:rantrd by Henry 11 of E ngland tha ma.nor of .Bwihby in Northamptonshire. H e married Maude de St.. J..,ii. He wa.s born in 1164.

!l. Sa itt d t Quln.:ey, Earl of Win­chester, a surety for the Magna Charta, wu one of the Barons who was present a t Lincoln when Wm. the Lion or Scotland did homage lo I.ha English monarcl1 In Oot.obrr, 1200. Uc was created Ell.l'l of WlnchestA::r on Marcll 20, 1207. lie wu iiovernor of the Ca..Uo of Ruell In Normandy 1n t203. He wu one of thd l.wonty­tlvo ba.rons to ~ntorce thu Magna Chi.rt.a. He wu acnt with Kobert Fluwalter by th• other baron• lo In-

vite the l)aupbino of France to u · aume ~he crown of Enaland. H~ wu taken prisonu and his propeny con· f1SCated. but later all ha llUD\ens. u ­iate wu returned to him.

In 1218 he wu • cnwaJer and No· ventber 31d died while In th• Holy Land. Ile m41rr1ed 1n 120~ Martan:t, daughlA!r of Robert de Bcllomont, or Bco.wnont. :ird eul or Le~eatn, lord hi&h stewart of Eneland, •ho d1...J In 1196.

:i. R6bert de Quincey (eld#sl IUCI)

was a cnaader; had by hia second wife Bertred, ol Si1non, Count d ' Evereux had an only daueh­tlCr, Margaret, abo c• lled llawlae.

(. Hawise (or Margaret de Quinc­i')' (married J ohn de Lad t', Eo.rl Co Lincoln, ono of the twenty-llve sur1i· tic& o! the Magna Charta..

5. Mande d1! Lacie, daughter of • t Juhn de 1-tci.,, l:iarl of Lincoln, who married Margnrct do Quincey, <lau11h­ter of Robert de Quincey and l:T'nd· daughter of Sahe de Quince)'. an1I Lhelr 1faugh1.1>r, Maude de Lacie, ma.r· ried Richard de Clare, son of Gilbert de Clar... E.arl of Hertford and Rnt Earl o!, • hlaitna C11art.a surety, who was a son of ltlchard de Clare, Earl of lien.Cord and also a surety ror the MagnA Charta. Rich·

ud and had a aon, Cilbert. 0. Gilbert de Clare, Earl or 11.,n..

ford &nd, married Joan d' Acre (ll6) , who wu Lhe daughter of King Edward l of England, No. 115, by- hl.s first wife, Elcoinor , daught.i:r of St. Ferdinand of Cutllt (Spain). Gilbert and J oan had a dauthter, Ellubcth. It will be r e· members that we found that £dward ht wu No. 115 in eeneratlona from Adam, and Jo..n, hia, No. llG.

7. Eliu.beth M Clare (No. 117) married Thcobold de Verdon, aecond Baron, who wu descended Crom lto11er Bieod, u l ollowa:

8. Roru IJlgod nr IJl Bigot. a feu­dal Baron, the firet one of that great f"mily t.h1tt 11ettlad In E nglt.nd in Wiiliam th1t Cunqueror'i Umo, O'Mled

lli1t lord1hlp1 in E M6lt and 117 In Sut?olk. Jh married Ad1,bl& 0\ Allee. ,, daughter of Hugh Gre!\temas nll. Ile hnd by hiti second wife, Ad~lhyde, a d1> or the Count of Beaumont, hi• 1tcond ion.

0. Sir ll u11h Blgod, time o( Uenry J. lie WM I\ cTUM1dor in 1177. Jllar· ried Maude. daughter of William !lfarl'hall, .,.ho w1" the f athcT o! Willlam ~fa r1h all. the 1un'1.y for the Mar:u ChArtll

10. Willlam ?llarshall married Alice," daughter of William Fort.iba.s.

11. Wm. Fortibua had a son. Will­iam Fortibu1. who was & aurtt}r for \he flta1P1• Ch11rt3. lie married A-re­hoe, a daua:thU?r or Richard do hfont­r1cht, anJ Richard de Jllonlficht had • ~n, Richard de Montfichl. a Magna ChartA Baron, "ho had no de-nd-1\nb, u Wm. de Fortibus and Hm. Marshall also had none.


T he n oaw oC Clare 1. Richtltd Fil% Gilbert, a la.,.·rer,

!ound<·d 1hc house of Cla re n Eng­l:>nd. He wM a companion or William the Conqueror, came w11h him to Ena­IRnd nnd participa!A!d " -th him in the ft flolls or I.lie conquc>t1t obtained ex· tensive 1.0 .. Msions not only iA Eni;­lund but In Nonnandy. One of then i n Englnnrl """" Clnrc in SufTolk and b••camB his chief •eat Md he w a8 cl\lled Richard de Clare and his de· 41c~ndnnls b<'<'llmC known as Earls de Clnro. !Ir wns killrd in a tight with the Wel8h In 1 0~0. He mllrried Rl>t•ia de Bolt>lwck, daugh~er or Wal­ler de Roll'heck, Count of I.ongu&­vll~ In Nom1endy. crealed Earl of £1uck1ngham in !OGG. WU at b<>tlle or lla•tma;•.

2, Gilbtrt. de CIArc. II• inh,· oo hlA fath"'' imm~n.~ l'•latr~. H• mllrrit'<I Aloi••.••r of llntth, s<'t'Ond Count C:lcr,..monl b>• his )\l(e, \faJ'l:U('rltA, dAu1:htt'r nf llo ldwln JV, CouM fl, Mont1<l1tr by hi• l' 1fr, Ale'(· an•lria, C'ounlt'11s or Ron• i. ,. hn•• mother, Rriatrix, 1'3• a deu.:hln o• R.'\i "r. ~lt'v1·nth t'ount of llainault, anJ hi• "'''" l'rmtl' llevid~. •fau11h· vr of llui:h Ca~t. lurl!' or th~ Prank• In !•!!7, by hi• wtfl', A•lt la. dauich~r Of WllHam. 8<)YC'fi.'i'1\ Duk@ of Aquil.Ai~. and h1• wife, Ad~lheldr, dauirhtcr or Otto r. £m~tor of Su:· ony.

3. Rfch1tr1I dr l"lue, 3rd !';arl of Clllre, w•• born before I 10:; Il e was crrnlcd ~;11rl or ll er1•ford ahout l UO. !lo lnvndl'<! Wah•• with an urmy nnd was klll,..d In B sklrmlAh ;with n f&W W~l~h on April lG. 11 3!1. 111• mnrrl~d Allrr, d11u11htrr of Rnn11lph or Ralph do Me..chlncr, Viscount llayeaux 1n NormAndy, :lril ~:nrl or Chester. Bnron ltnlrh or H.t.nulph McA· rhenrs, whlle not n 1urNy for the MARM Ch11rtn, yr·t hft loolc an active Jlllrl In h11vin11 Kin1r John •i1tn it, 11nd the Me11Chenea fllmily wrre lmrortant. He died In 1128. llr marrn••I Luctll ife JlalOl'r'll, who WaJI a dllllChle r or t vo de Tatlboit, a brother of }'ullce d' Anjou, Kin1t or Jt'ru•altm, hr his wif P, £1'i"a, a da11,httt, Ethtlttd, Kinit or Enrh,nd, wh11~ molh•r wu Maud.- ,,. A\IYt'fAn~h~. Ri•lrr or Ute cl'lf'bratl'd lluirh L11rus, J>alallne Earl or ChHttt, 1979.

4 . • Sir Ro.:tr di' Clart'. "'' " or Rich· ard di' Clart'. and hia wire, Alice, a dauithl<'r of ltolrh di' Mt'IChinf',, V1~ Count Oa)IN\UX in Normanrly, 3nl Earl of Chul.<'r. Kln1t ll•n• y II tr•''e him ptnnl,•lon to own all lhP land In 'WalPs he roulcJ ohLAin po••{"l~ion of. lie n111reh!'d Into Caerllh111n•l11re 1nJ caplurrd nnrl rnrttnrd Lh~ rMtleA lh<'rt'. l'iix )ll'Ot~ later the celrhrated ThornM A. 81"Cket ftumnione•I him to Westminste r lo do honor lo him on 1,1cco11nt or his C'Mtl!' o( Torwhr11g, bul udlnlf undrr ndv l c~ or ICinir ll ~nry II he refu~NI, llo wu rnllc<I "Good" EMI or ll r li e mnrried Ms11d, " iln111th!Rr or JRnW• Ut' St. lfillary.

~. Sir flicloard M C'lu ... the •11r,.lv, 4th £3rl or llN'tf1ml, Olh k:nrl M

Clare, 1.ll•·d II•~ ~·mhcr :JO, 1:!18. lie marnl'd Am1t•a, a ~' or Av1u, the d1.-orccd volre of Kini: John. l:iht1 was

Genealogy- 87

co-bclrl.'3s or William, (;ounL of Alcul· lent.

G. Gilbert de Clar,., ~Ari of litrt· Cord, a 11urcty for the Mogna Chana. He had the folloy,•lng t'hlldrtn: Amica, wilo or Baldwin de ReJ\Crt, E:a.rl ot Devon; Agn1:3 do Clare anJ habel, who married Robert de BN•, t:.rl of Annandale. Their 1<>n, Earl Robert, was the lather ot Robert 1:1.ruce, Kinf o! Scoll:u!d, "'hose da11ichter, ltar· gery Stewa.n, "'as the mother of Jun;; .Ro~ II and vandmother o! Kin: Robert lll of Scotland.

7. Margaret Ile Ciani rnamrd Hugh, Baron AuJley, £arl ol Clou· ce&te.r.

8. l\forgiueL d'Audl~y, who ma1"1'1ed Ralph de SLatrorol, Earl of Stolford, .K. G., a.nd had

9, Sir Hugh de Stafford, 2nd Earl de Stalford, K. G., who n111rrled 1'1111· ippl.l Ile Deauchamp, rl11u1thlcr of Sir 'rhornrut, an ori,ghuil IC. o., 3rd Ea1·l of Warwick, son of Guy, second E11rl of W111wick, 1u11l Iola wife, Allcu, <! of Ralph de Toni, eldcMt son o! 'Ralph, S"venth Baron Toni of Flamsted llcru und hi• wife, Alice de Bohun, daughter of llwn11hr.,y, THREE-Worker-Ead of ffl're!ord and Eiux, aon o f Ileury de Bohun, ftrat Earl of lkre· ford, a surety for the Maa:nlL Chart.t, and had

IO. lfari:a• eL dr Stall'orJ , married Sir Ralph, Earl of WNt1nore­land, K. G~ Earl Marahall of Erljf· land, son or Sir· John, third Baron NeYille, of Raby, K. G., son or Ralph, sec<>nd Baron Nevtll, or Rabi Ca.ill', by his wife, A nasta$1A, dauchter and heiress or Juhn r1tzrub.,n, attood Baron, l.ord of Wo.rl.. .. orth, Cla~tt· Ing, Eure, etc., son o f ltobert. tlr1t B:t.rllOl Fiuroirer, by writ 8Un or Roger Fi.tzjohn, son of John l'it;robert, f~· dal lord of Wiukworth anll Claverini:­Caslll!il, a aurety for the Magn11 Charla, and hnd

ll. Alice de Nevill, who married Sir Thomas de C ruy or Heaton, aon of Sir Thoma~, Onron Crry or l:lcr· wick by his wife, Jani, clnu1thLor or Johu, fourth Baron Mowbr"y ot Lllu ot Axholmo.

(To bo contlnW'1l) I have in Pl'Cjlir1Ltio11 hAt or thoH

w110 were cru&1>do1-.. Of touru It will not l>c ton111le1.e, but you could sugi;-esl others.

G A. J .

TH~f l\R"1S DE.~CEHO ';{ tt IT HROU(jH THE:JEWEITJ o~ Kt'1tt,HTOrlHE fl RH ii .cwt »MOfO~:lj't:.;~:RKSMIRE

E,itu.S.\DE Al>. PO%· •J<J: ANc1sroRs oi> 1a. JEwL'T lS

Above is the Jt'Wt'tl Cm1l of' Arn1s ow1wd liv tlit· Harry Mulford Jewt•tt family descendants at Gro1i.~c· Point Shon·~. Mich., nt•nr Detroit. The informntion printed under the A r111s is s<' l 1-c•x pla 11<1 I ory.

Of special inlt•rc·sl is Llw rc•lc-n·1wc· to 1 ll'rald'!> ions in 1578, :ind to the LOCATION of the Hnrleian Ma11mc:ripls: No. 2163. Fol. 76: British Museum.

This should help some ~t·nt'alogi'h who ha v(' trou ble finding the Coat of Arms.

The crest and motto rt'fcrr<'cl to 'opposite'" in the top left square io; as we• know them.

I I i l

Was it Luck -- or Ability? Ht•cui Tlw Ston1 Of The jeu:ett Automohilr• and

Han y \1 } <' tL'< It And Decide For Your•wlf For W\t•r.d \l'.11' 111 llw t'.trh 1920" ... the Je\\elt \1, .111to11111l11lt· 11.111lt'd

.1flc·r I l.1rn \lufl11rd Jt'\\t'll, \\,I\ mw of tht' \\t'll known t.1r' Ill \1111 •ru ,1 \l ,11111f.1d11n·d II\ th1 Cr,1h,1111 P.1igc· \lotor Cnmp.1m. ii ''·'' .1 l1111r clo111 ,,.d,111\\1th ,1 :;o ltorwpcl\\1•1 ,j, l'\ lrmlrr rnulor Jt ,ol,) for I ·3tJ:; .111cl 11111r1· th.111 40 000 \\t•rc• \old from 1922 lo 1925. "hc·n 11 "·" d9'n111t111111•d .111d hc•t·.i111t• 11111• of t fw f>.11J,!t• 11111rfpl,

The> J1•"t'll "" "·" lir\I 1111rodm·t'll in 1922 .11 the '\ , \11tmnol11lt• Slttl\\ .111d \\ ·'.' 11.1111t•d Ill h11n11r ul \Ir Je\\ el t. th!' pr<·\ldrnl or t lw c: r,tl1.1111 Patg<' \lolor ( om1Mm II"·" lw \\ho \\J5 respon,1blr for llw ,11n·1•" ol llw t·om11.1 m .111d lw h.ul '·" 1·d 1 I I rom po,,1 blr f ,1 ii u re .1 f <''' ' "·' r\ '"' rl wr _ \ n 1·111ln•I\ llt'\\ pl .1111 \\ •''built tu m.ike the jl'\\l'll SI\." ith ,1t.lfl.lt11\ ol :->00 < .1r, cl.11h \I 1111' l1111t rl "·" 1111' l.1rl!r"I .ind mchl 11111dc·rn pl.11111111h krnd 111 llw tm1nln \\lllt 11\1'1 ,1 It.di 111ill11111 '<i"·•n• kt'! of lloor ,p.111• .tlf 1111 11111· lc.''''' <h .. r thn·c· .tt re•' 111 i,:l.1" '~·'' "'t•d 111 1b t·o11\lnll 11011 .dim' Ill(! .11 IP1/11.1l1· 11,ght lor t'\t'r\ d1•1>.1rl11w11I I hn•e mifc.5 of ,1utom<1lit· t'<>ll\t'\ or' rt'< 11<·1•d m.1lt•ri,d h.111.dlinJ,! lo .1 nti111nwm Thl' lo.Hling dot·k' could h.rncll1· I()() I rt•ight t·ars .it rnw l111w. l11d11d1•d 111 llw l.1C'dili<·~ " as .1 larg1• pin , il'al ,111d du·n1kal l.1 bor.1 to.n 1·111pl.m lllJ.!: ' 11111nlH''. of t'ngirwl'rs and rt'Sl'an·h JWr\OlllH'I.

Durt~I~ ·•~l 111I C'n It'\\ 011 h11- 'lll'l'f'S ~ bv a national n•.1g<1/illl'. l lar r, 1\1. J1•wt'lt \,11cl " I II lt•ll vm1 a Int ol llw thing~ that con tribul e lo ,1 111.111 \ ,\l l t't'l'.'~ .tr1• ,lu~t !111~1·~. 1\, :i \lllll tg 1·11 gi11C•(•r I \\'HS gi ,l'n tlw joh ol c11mpld111g :1 d ill i e1tll drain 111b liC'1·a 11 .~.l' t\\'o ol 111~· stqwriors were il l. I comp lt'l<"tl llw proj<Tl. and. was. at 011c·~· ha1hl .is a grc·a l l'rtgineer. Bu i tlw:·(' WNP mr n on 'that eng11W<'n11g \lall who w1•rt• rt•u l t•11gi11eC'rs: mc•n with f.1r mor1• abilil\ tl1.111 I had. Luck .,. th.II\ 0111• ol lh<' big ,ins"<'rs lo ~ll l'l'<'\s."

c.~pping <Ill t•a rli t•r hrilli.rnt t•tire«r a!) an alhlc-tC', \ill1•s111.111 . 1•11g11wc•r ~ncl m111111J.! llJ>l'IHl111 '. ' .' '. {rw1•ll organin•d the Paige Detroit ~lolor Coinpam 111 l!-JOH \ft1•r !.01111· 111111,1 \llt 't'C'\S 1nanuf.1during .i 2 t'\ limler. 3t'\I 11• P.iigt• c·ar, the tomp.1 m t•m·ou11l1•n•d s.tl1·' .111d produdion problt•nh . .ind c-.111w \f'n

1 I SJ

near to bankruplc). Mr Pttig<'. tlw t'<1111p,111) prl''>ldt'11l \int·e its origin. rc>signed ancl ~1r. Jewc•ll rcplat·<•d hi111. "" frr,I ,ll•p " ·"lo dose the plant and rror ganize its produl'lion faulil1t•\. \\'ilh thr ~rt·a l h imprmc'<I qualitv of tlw p J ige au tomobile. l'Onf 1dcn<.'l' ill tlw l OlllJ>.1 II \ \\ .... MlOll r<>slored. ancnl\ 191 I all of the\\ dl'l>ts \.\C'H' p.11d off .rnd the compan~ \\.dS on a· 'mrncl footing. oon the compall\ ._,,1, ,1 111011~ lht• l1r\l l1•11 111 the countn, and the Graham-Paige \lolor Comp.1m n1nt 1nutd lo<' 'lll't'e!>slulh · for man' ) ea rs. -

Harry ~lulford J<'"' t•tt . k111m n ·' ' ··" to hi, I ri1·ncl,, w,1.; \lit'<'<''"'' 111 jul>I about ever: thing he undertoo!... ., a 'oung man of l 5 , he .,,, as drop,>ed from an Illinois prcparato n ,d10ol lwcdU\l' he "'<lS far more intere.slf'< in a thletics than in his ~tudi<.•s. I le• .,,.,.,1., thC'n '>l'nl to the pn•parator} deparlnwnl of Notre Dame\.\ ht•rc ht.• \OOn b1.•ct1 !1\l' famous for hii. athletic exploits. Al first he continued an indifferC'nl stuclc>nt , hut l.ilt•r became an honor student.

Hf' went on to Notre Dom<' UnivN~ll \' whNe he continued to star in football. crew and tra ck. I It• wu' thf.' I ir~I Notre Dame a thlete to earn three va rsity letters in ()fl(' \('.Ir. 111' S('Orl'<I tht' rirst tom·hdown against Michigan. running 110 yards in th1• dfort. And hC' sd u 'dwol r('t.•ord in the 100 ya rd dash . besides being a regular wi1111N in tlw hi!-(h jump, tlw broad jump, and tlw hop. step and jump.

Mr. Jewett graduated wilh a dl'gr('<' in ci" il <'ngine('ring, and soon joined the ~1ichigan CC'ntro l Hui lroad as As~i~lanl En~inc•t•r . After some out­standing work for th<' railroad, lw wJs offered the position of As:.istanl Divisiona l Engineer. But instC'.lcl of .wtt'pling what was a vNy nice promotion, young Jewett resignl'cl I le lo lcl his ehi<'f " You .is c·hief are getting $6.000 a yea r. I might ne,er g<>I it. But it\ thc> limit. And if I felt that $6.000 a year wa'>


my limi t. I would lose all of my ambition. I believe I can earn more than that. So I quit."

He then joined the Detroit News as an advertising salesman, but that ca reer was a brief one. He left to become a coal salesman, but lost that job in the great panic of 1894. He then began to sell coal on consignment for I 0¢ a ton. By 1895 he had made a sma ll fortune sell ing to large operators, and he formed the company of Jewett and Bigelow which later became one of the largest coal operators in the middle west. This very successful career continued for the next 12 yea rs.

But Jewett had developed an interest in the infant automob ile industry. He became acqua inted with Hen ry Ford, and in fact bought one of the first cars Ford produced - 117. Mr. Jewett later said "I gave Mr. Henry F'ord his first order for an automobile. He picked me out number seven as being a good one and it certainly proved so."

His organization of the Paige Detroit Company in I 909 launched his career in the automobile industry, and he continued as a director of the company until he stepped in as president in 191 1.

Harry Mulford Jewett died June 15, 1933 of a sudden heart a ttack at the age of 62. He left behind an outstanding business record in several fi elds. His success with the Jewett Six automobile stands as an important achievement in the history of the automobile industry.

1925 Jewett car owned by Joan Jewett of Carefree, Arizona

We want to thank Roger Jewett for sending the material for this article; a lso Harry Mulford Jewett, 2nd for gathering the many clipp•ngs from old magazines, newspa pers and business records and including the pi ctures; also Mrs. Harry Multord Jewett, 2nd, for her kind help in sending copies of the Family Genealogy and the Coat of Arms.

All of this took a grea t dea l of research and effort and time and it is appreciated very much.

Lastly, a great appreciation to James W. Stitt, husband of your Editor, who wrote the article, bringing together a ll the references mentioned above.

(20) (21)

What's in o Nome

A umhPr Of Products, Well Known Jn Their Vay. J/ai;e Borne The Jewett 1 ame

• ow a du''· II<'" prod11<'1\ dr' t>loped and ma rk<'lt•d 11su.d I~ <'.Irr' I lw 11.111w ol thr t'Orporalio11. or a t·oirwd 11arnc "hidr t'all ht• cop\ riu;htc·d to p1 olt-l'I 11 from u:,,t· ln otht•r\. \\ <' 1.·urr1·nlh S<'<' name' sud1 "' Z1•rn'\. 1\t ,1ri. Colt·< 11

Polu roid, T\ IC'nol .ind I::pl'lit. 13ut firn 'rar' or more· .1~11. nwn~ <'l>mp.111ies l.1r~c .ind ,111,dl "' 1·n· nanwd

aftf'r th<.> ir foundl'r, ancl th<'ir prmluds also horc· hi' 11.11111· Som(' st ill flouri-;h loda\ such as ford, FirPstrnw, l lom'' " .. 11. l·:di"in.

H ein7 and D11kf'. Whil<' pc•rlwps nol cl11itc• as famous as th<'~<' housc•hold 11.1111P\ , lhC'r<' ha\'t•

been a n11 1nl>c·r of pro< 11t·ts 11amt'd ]<'W<'tl aftN our fami l ~ nwrnhl'r' who tlcvt•loped t lwm.

Probably the best knov,n was the Jt•well Six autornoliill'. nanwd aflt•r H a r ry M L1 i f1>rd Jew<.'lt , !H't•:-. itlt•n l of Llw Graham-Pa ige Motor Compan~. Tht• J<'wetl' Six au tomob ile is l'Overed in deta il in a separate arli l'i<· in Lh is is~ul' .

Over 40,000 J<'W(' t t l'ars Wt' r(' sold between J 922 a nd 1925 wh('n lhl' Jt•w('! t was one of tlw well know n na mes in t h<' automob il C' industry.

The Jrwdl Typrw rilrr was invented by George Ans-on Jewel I of D<'~ MoitH'S. Iowa in tlw I 890's. M r. Jew<'tt was ou r President fo r many yenr~.

Consla n<:f' J('wl'l l Cory (Mrs. Ace H. Cory) of Spi rit Lake, Iowa, l lw gr<>at­grnnddaL1gh ter or M r. Jcwc·tt. has thC' goltl meda l the typrwriler W()ll in 1 HOO in theJ'aris Exposition.

Som<.> tirn<' nrt<'r that. Mr. Jew<'lt sold his typewrilN Lo one ol tlw big typewriter companiC'S of Amc-rica.

We thank Mrs. Cory for sharin~ th is with us. The )t"•H'll R1•f rigNalor "a)\ a pion<'N in t lw cit•\ Pl11pnlC'11l of

the refr igerntor for th<> home>. Founded in Buffalo. 1 • Y. in 1849 bv John C. Jewett. the company al that lime made a wide range of hom<>hold items from iceboxc and bath tubs to bird cages and spittoons.

One o f the company's firs t !)rod ucts was a foot bath or tin, inlrod11<.'ed about 1850. Anolh<•r <•arl} prm ucl was the Jewell Water Filter. made• for home use.

Mr. Joh n C. Jcwt•tt was joined by his son Edgar Boardmun Jewett in lh<' l 880's. He was a brigadier genera l in the army. and after becoming pr<•sidt'nl of the compa ny he was c>l<.'cled mayor of Buffa lo in 1894. He was a lsu tlw first p resident of lhe Jewl'll Fa m ily of Ame rica.

As i<:eboxC's cha nged t 1l rf.f'r igNn tors. the Jewett cC>mpan~· bC'camC' a lt'ad<'r in in v<.>nli ng n<:>w (' ircula ling systems. Its luxu ry po rct'lnin refrigC'r<tlor:. wen• sold to the k ud ing ho tels a nd to suc h famous a nd wea lth)· persons as Jo hn D. Rockefeller, J r., CC'o rgc Eastman, Marsha ll F ield. H~1rvey F'irtas to ne. Ht>n ry Ford und Harold Lloyd .

During Wo rld Wa r II, the compa ny bega n concentrating on rdr ig<'ralors for hea lth ca re.

A specia l Jewe tt refrigerato r for s toring b lood was selected by the govern­ment as its stand a rd a nd was sent to hospita ls and to ba ltlefields al l over Lht• world. After the wa r, p riva te hospita ls a nd laboratories used LhC' b lood refrigerator widely.


Another p roduct bea ring the Jewett na me was the Jewett P iano. at one time a fa vorite a mong concert p ia no players. 1t w as introduced in 1861 b y the fi rm of Allen and Jewett at Leom inster, Mass.

Principa ls in the compa ny were W ade J. Jewett a nd George A. Allen . T he company con tinued in business through the l 880's, be ing joined in 1885 by W . P . Jewett and W . G. Jewett. sons of the compa ny founde r.

W hile o ur info rmation is no t com plete, we are to ld that a Jewett Phono­g ra ph w as m anufactu red d u ring the late l 880 's in De tro it.

T he Sherman S. Jewett & Compa ny ma nufactured a line of beating a nd cook ing stoves in Buffa lo, N. Y. d u ring the I 880's a nd la ter .

An 1890 cata logue o f the compa ny offe red the Jewett La u nd ry Stove , ma de of cast iron, with four griddles, fo r $ I 01

W h ile Sherman S. Jewett was p rima rily involved in man ufacturing stoves, he a lso fou nd t ime to serve as president of a local Buffa lo ba nk a nd a lso was president of a nearby railroa d .

1 1 """"'""" ; tlf•&.om WLCO.. IWIM. .. t.

We want to credit with our thanks W indso r Pu b lications, Inc. fo r perm ission to reproduce three pa ges of " Buffalo: Lake City In Niagara La nd."

Our information on the Jewett Piano was very kind ly supplied by the Leom inster H isto rica l Society.

The backg rou nd info rmation for this a rticle on Jewett p roducts was ga thered b y Roger Jewett of Powna l. Vermon t. a nd we thank him for h is assista nce. Mr. Jewett served as presiden t of ou r family a ssociation for m any yea rs, is a lifetime mem ber o f our boa rd, a nd rem a ins a ctively in terested in our assoc iation .

If any of our read ers has inform a tio n o n othe r Jewett p rod ucts, we would be plea sed to learn a bou t them . Plea se send to the Editor .

Your EdHo r thanks James W . Stitt for writing th is a rt ic le.


Frank Jewett

News Notes

Frank Jewett. our new Treasurer. is the son of Frank Harold Jewett, ou r Second Vice President. Frank is with the Maine Appraisal Servict> in West Buxton, Me.

We have had several requests for the Frederic Clarke Jewett "Histo ry and Genealogy of the Jewetls of America" - 2 volume set. It has been long out-of-print, so if anyone has a set they no longer need, please let us know the price and condition.

After spending nearly four weeks in the hospital, Mrs. Head of Montebello, Ca., is hoping she'll have no more trouble. She now has a pacemaker. The pacemakers are certainly a help fo r us o lder folk.

Mrs. Walters of Jekyll Island, Georgia, passed through the town of East Jewett, N.Y. and wonders what family named the place. Can someone he lp her out?

Our new member, Kath leen Sue (FairleX'} Baker, is descended from Maximilian through Ezekiel; Thomas; Ezekiel; Ezekiel; Abel; Abel ; Nathan; Abel; Mary Eliza Jane (Jewett) Eye; Ethe l (Eye) Fairley; Clare Everett Fairley.

Jim Childers is very busy compiling a genealogy of his line from #533 , Aquila Jewett of Littleton, Mass., born there February 20, 1730-31. Jim would like to have it published.

More on The N.Y. Jewetts: Mrs. Cathey of Arizona in 1981 , traveled for some months to visit places of her ancestors. In New York State they found that the cemetery where some of them were buried is in Sanford's Corner near Watertown. Sanford's Corner was called Jewett's Corner and there is a bit of confusion now as to the location on that account. More con­fusion results because there is a Sanford in south N. Y. She was thrilled to find copies of the Jewett Yearbook at the Library in Salt Lake City, especially the 1963 issue. It contains materia l on her great great grandfather Winchester. His wife Lydia's maiden name was unknown at that time, but Betty Cathey knew it! Lydia's maiden name is Gladwin. t

Mrs. Schneider of South Charleston, West Virginia, writes that she now has a steel hip bone, after breaking her hip and spending more than a month in the hospital, but is on the mend and trying to make up for lost time.

From Mrs. H . N. Hodges of Taylorsville, N.C. w e bear that the Campbell C lan of Patrick Co., Virginia, has located the grave of Sybil Jewett Campbell, # 1540, and they plan to place a marker there. Sybi l was born, probably in Pepperell, Mass .• January 21, 1770. She married Benjamin Campbell; her


line goes back: David Jewett , Nehemiah Jewett, Joseph Jewett, Nehemiah Jewett, Joseph Jewett, and Edward Jewett.

Mrs. Lawrence E. Jewett of Devault, Pa. states that her son, Edward Jewett, is working in Oceanography as is a nephew of Howard Jewett of Florida.

Clare and Ted H errmann report on their children: Teddy has graduated from Georgetown U. and is headed for Dental School. Suzanne did a year at Wesleyan and is now at Harvard. Leslie is at St. Paul's School in Concord, N.H.

New member, Mrs. Bette Lorraine (Prichard) O'Qui nn's line goes back: Alta (Jewett) Pritchard; C harle!' M. Jewett; Johnson Woodard Jewett; Henry Jewett; Nathan Jewett; Ichabod Jewett; E leazer Jewett; Eleazer Jewett; Jerem iah Jewett; Joseph Jewett and Edward Jewett.

Austin and Marion Emmons w rite that they had a wonderful 21-day trip by plane across the United States in 1982 to visit family. It was their first big vacation trip. She has been historian for the Connecticut Jewett-Pearl Family and will be hard to repla ce. f

She is a lso the officia l Histo rian and member of the Storrs Family.

Frank H. Jewett, 2nd, wrote a note on February 1, 1983, from Quartette, Ariz., on his trip across the country lo tell us that friends from Washin.gton State with whom they had camped for several yea rs presented them with a pa ckage of frozen elk meat. The elk was shot w ith bow and a rrow on Mt. St. Helens. "Good steaks." he said.

James a nd Dorothy Jewell Stitt wen t around the world on the Si lver Anni­versary Cruise of the S.S. Rotterda m for 82 days during the w inter and ea rly spring of 1983 . They went west this year from New York C ity, dropping anchor in 26 ports and passing through both the Panama and Suez Cana ls. Some of the places visited include Columbia, Acapuko, Honolulu, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Singapore. Sri Lanka, Bombay. Ca iro, Israel, Athens, Rome, Cannes, Monaco and Monte Ca rlo. Tangier. Gilbra lter. Lisbon, and Madeira, sett ing foot on a ll five continents.

Their younger son Tom and his fi ancee, Melinda Millheim , jo ined them at Cairo for the 13-day cruise of the Mediterranian. A wonderful time was had by all.

Chaplin Capt. R. Eric Jewett and Mrs. Dee Jewett a ttended the dedica­tion of a stained glass window at Mildenha ll RAF Chapel October 25, 1982. Cha rles, Prince of Wales. was the Dedicator.

Mr. and Mrs. C uy R. Jewett have an antique business which has been doing well; they have sold their farm, retaining four acres and the building. He writes: " Everyone wonders why we don't go South fo r the winier. This is my 75th Wisconsin winter and I think I can stand a few more."


Mrs. Alta Jewett Pritchard of Olympia, Washington, is the only surviving offspring of Charles M. and C lara Jewett. She is 85 years of age, the mother of our member. Bette O'Quinn.

Mrs. Sue Harrer of Gallup, New Mexico writes that she would be glad to have Jewett members stop in to see her when in the vic inity. Her address is: 900 S. Boardman. J-93. Mrs. H arrer has the same gr. gr. gr. gra ndmother . Sally Jewett, as docs Pat Saumell.

This is a photocopy of a very unusual piece of needlework (is it 19th Century?) that Sheila M. Rideout, a collector/ dealer, is trying to find the history of. This piece is not for sale now.

It would be published in Mrs. Glee Krueger's next book. She is the author of "New England Sample rs to 1840," published by Old Sturbridge Vil lage, a nd of the cata logue of The Kapnek Collection of American Sa mplers.

Was it made a round the 1876 Cen­tennia l time? Could it be an ama lgama­tion of Jewett and Delauney crests? This piece purported ly ca me out of a house in Weare. N.H.

Did you r Grandmother do it??? If you have any information, please

write Mrs. A. Edwin Rideout, 128 M inortown Rd., Woodbury , Conn., 06798: o r Mrs. Ralph Krueger , 26 H itchcock Lane, Westport, Conn. 06880.

Boyd David Jewett of Martinez, Cal ifornia would like to know more about his Western Pennsylvania anc(-stors. His grandfather was David Boyd Jewett , son of John Andrew Jewett. Davis was born in Armstrong Co., Pa. and died in Chico, Ca l .. May, 1940. aged 86 yea rs.

Our new member Michael Robert Jewett's line goes back: Robert Spencer Jewett, Robert Anson Jewett, John Sanford Jewett, Anson Jewett, Benjamin Jewett, Benjamin Jewett, BPnjarnin Jewett, Nehemiah Jewett, Joseph Jewett the immigrant a nd Edward Jewett of West Riding of Yorkshi~e. England.

It may interest you to see that the first bi rth reported here; the first three marriages; first four ann iversaries; and the first two deaths were reported by Barbara Dorn of Saginaw, Michigan. Ba rbara is descended from two Jewett lines; Jonatha n Jewett Taylor, #6450, and James Jewett, #2035 .

DC'lo res Jewett reports that her husband has been promoted to Director of Manufacturing of t'h(' ChemiC'al Division for the General Tire and Rubber Co. in Akron, Ohio. He is a Lt. Col. in the U.S. Army Reserves. They hav~ moved to Kent, Ohio, to be near their children who are attending Kent State U. Bruce is a Junior-Senior in accounting and Jennife r is a Freshman in the School of Nursing, aiming for a Flight attendant. Bruce is a n instructor at K.S.U. Airport and wants to become a comme rcial pilot.


Aimie Jewett of Devault, Penna. wonders where the names came from for Jewett, Ill inois; Jewett, Ohio; Jewett . NC'w York; Jewett, Maine: Jewett. Texas: Jewett City, Connecticut; Mt. Jewett, Pt'.'nnsrlvania : Mt. Jewett, Colorado; and Jewett Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada.

Our new member. Lorraine C. SPncevick). CGRS. of Eugene Ore .. writes that she has just been accPptPd into The Mayflower Society. Her Jewett line is included in the lineage that goes back to Gov. Wm. Bradford of Plymouth and the Mayflower. She is de ·ccnded from Joseph Jewett.

Lorraine has very kindly photocopied for us accounts of Jewetts found in the "Dictionary of Oregon History," and al110 sent typed copies of abstracts of Jewett land claims found in Vol. IL Donation Land Claims. She further included Jewetts found in the Oregon census for 1860.

Her interest and he lp is much appreciated and we hope to use some of this as space permits.

There is a Jewett Memorial Highwa y in Maine, named in memory of Brian Jewett.


Mrs. Eliza Yonge (Jewett} W()ottc11 (#4535). is the great grandmother of James Alfred Miller, Jr. of Pinc Knoll Shore, N.C. The picture was sent in by him and he has also sent in some gen­ealogical material hi> bring his line up-to-date.

Mrs. Wootten was a former officer of the Jewett Family of America. Inc. and was the wife of Episcopal Ministe1 The Reverend Edwa rd Wootten, mar­ried on October 27, 1875. They lived in Wilmington. N.C.

News of the Family Jewett-Pearl of Conn. 1982

William W. Pearl, Hampton, Ct. elected Chairman of the Board of Patrons Mutual Insurance Company of Glastonbury, Conn.

Russel l and Susan (Emmons) Gray, Voluntown, Conn .. were seleclC'<l as Outstanding Connecticut Farm Couple a nd prest>nted a certificate at the Conn. State Grange annual session Meriden, CL October 198 I. They operate a dairy farm and arc active' in their Grange and Baptist Church and farm ancl community organizations. They havt> three young c hildren.


David and Dal(' (Pearl) De Montigny. Hampton, Ct .. were chmm 1981 Volunteer · of thr Yt'ar in Hampton. Ct. They are very act1vf' in the 1 lampton­Chaplin Ambulanct' Corp.

Mrs. Mar> E. (Pt'arl) Stcmf'. "ife of Francis Stone of Swn n7t'-.. I\ 11. formerly of Hampton. Ct .. was Mother of the Yea r for \le\.' l lam\>'h1rt• Her selection was b.ts<•d on OH'r 40 \ears of 'olunleer work in hl•r c· 1urd1. civic and other organi1<1ti<>n'>. They ha'e four married children Tlw\ \.\t•nt to Salt Lake Cilv. Ut. ""here she represented the Granite Stall' in l\.1t1onal Competition.

Did \ OU know th <• I O\.\J De,elopment Comm. is located m tlw J<'"l'lt building, Des Moines, Iowa? The building did belong lo the Jr,\.t•ll l.umb<'f Company, ownC'd b\ Geor~c A. Jewett, our past President.

Mason R. Cray, ag<' i . \ oluntown. Cl .. member of Ekonk J un1nr G r.1ng<'. won a national for hb '><'l'd p1dur<· in lht' Junior <.'<_>ntt·~t ,11. <~ 110 11 ,~I C rang<· annual Sl'S'ion in Spoka1w, Wash. He had \\On f1r't 111 Ct. lor h1 'i age group, in 1981 .

Correct ions: Under Nrw Members - jnmes K. Childers' number shou ld lw 1245. On page• 15 in the 1982 yea rbook - Floyd Clark, Sr. should rt'ad Floyd

Fair Arnett. Sr. JI is widow is Wilma Clark Arnett,# I 1215. Delete 'Qud>t'C Lim' from page 7 - new members. On /:>agt' 26, Mrs. J. M. Rackley is not a descendant of N,1polc•or1

Bonapnr . Page 25 in the 1981 Yearbook , #291 should read Magut> in~tc•.1CI of

Lahue•. #292 should ri•ad Stm" <' in,tead of Stone. 1982 Yearbook, page 20 - under correction . should rf'.ul Ma~llt'. not

Lahue. 1982 Year Book, page 7. ew ~lember James K Chi lders. nurnb<>r

should read# 1245 Queries:

We cannot find th<' parcnlag<• of Jui (sometimes Jew) Jc'>' ct t. He "a" rrom the Albany and Schneclad). . Y. area - and married Hesler _____ _ Also who was I lester?

Genealogies and Family Histories Lillie Cert rude Jewett Adams (1 8852}

(Notes mnde in a notC'l>ook by a daughter-in-law of Lillie Gt'rl ruck• .Jew.l'll Adams (18852): 1 lcr lin<' goes back; Victor, Nathan, Abel , Abel. brk1r l. Ezekiel. Thomos, Ezekiel , Maximilian, the immigrant, Edward.) ~

Willie Mann Adams was born December 8. 1865 at Pc•lla, Marion Co., Iowa. He was rnarric•d to Lillie Gertrude Jewett on March 29, 1893 <1! Ad1•l , la.

They livt'<l on a rarm near Adel for a number of yc·ars them 11'\ ()Vt'd lo Miller, S. Oak. and later to Pcirre where Dad Adams worked as wat chman at the Indian School. from Peirre they moved back to Adel and forrnt•d tht'rt' a few years. Th<'y moved to Redfield, Iowa for one year during which tim<' the) operated a hotel.


They again moved back to Adel and lived there until 1918 when they moved fo Underwood , N. Dak. Tht>y lived at Underwood until 1931 when they moved to a place near Bald\.\. in. .

While living at Undt•rwood , Clart•n<.·t• '>uddenly took sack and had to_ be ta ken to tbe Bismarck Hospital wht're he pas'cd awa> on Februa ry l 0 , T92 f .

Another son had p<mcd ''" ,,\- whil<• the famil)' lived al Adel on April 15. 1916.

\{other Adams sufferNI ,, 'tro\..<' 1n \I n'. 1934, and she remained an invalid until her death on April 22. 1937 1 ler funeral service was held at Underwood where burial was al~o made.

Mother Adams had l>t't'n Hry hard working and self-sacrificing in her de,olion to her family.

After Mother A<lam!i di<•d, \.1adt•li11<' k<'pl house for her father and Hillis until Hillis marric.·d Ali<.'(' Lar'l<>ll 1n 1937. They all lived together until Madeline's marriage to Ha rold Lar\on in 1939.

Grandpa continuc;od to li vt• with I lillis and Alice until he passed away. On July 2, 1946, Grandpa suffrrC'd n SC'VN(' stroke from which we hardly expected him to rernvt>r.

After that he• nevC'r was so wf'll any morr, va rious ailments affecting him. He was always able tu bt• up and around until he look real sick the day after Thanksgiving 1948. .

His funeral service had lo be postponed one day because of the snow­blocked roads. The scrvit·e was hdd i11 tlw Presbyterian Church in Wilton with the Rev. Carl Nelson of Washburn t·onducti ng. Mrs. Lind and Rev. Oyon sung solos. The six sons acted as pallbC'a rt' r!>. Burial was made in the Underwood Cemetery. Beca use of so muC'h snow lh<'y had to ca rry the coffin from the Highway to the <.'<'m<'tery. All tlw <;ons and Mad<'line with their families were able to attend.

Grandpa had alwa}' lwt'n a \.\ illing worker and had been kind and affectionate to his famih .

Descendant of Philemon Jewett Douglas Ander on of Grttm' ich. Conn., tells us about #6049, Philemon

Jewett. who wa adopted b)' hi\ matfrnal aunt , Lucy Stark, wife of Charle Scranton, and his name becamt' J<'wl'l t Phill'm<>n Scranton. (His actual mother thus became his maternal aunt).

He married Alice Scranton in October. 1874, and they had two children - the late Jewett Hamilton cranton (who had no descendants), born October 4, 1875, and my maternal grandmother, Katherine. born December IS , 1877. She died in 1969.

Katherine married Dr. Al<'xandcr Crane Eastman on June 7, l 905, in Glastonbury, Conn . of which union my mother Alice Scranton Eastman was born July 26. 1906 in Soulhboro, Mass.: Hamilton Crane Eastman was born September 21 . 1908 nnd Hcbcccu Eastman in 1910.

My mother married Lloyd I.). H. Andc•rson on June 23 , 1928 in Spri.ngfield , Mass. , where l was born on August 23 , 1929. My father died in 1964 and my mother in 1979. I ma rried Elizab<.'th Bnrlrnm Radley on September 20, 1969 and we have a daughter, K::ithNinl' Scranton. My uncle Hamilton Eastman married Tulane Col linl> but has no children. My aunt, Rebecca Eastman, married Dr. John E. H::i rris, who cli<'cl in 1969. and has three sons and seven grandchildren.



On April 30, 1982, Mrs. Kathe rine P. Ellsworth, wife of Edw ard E. Ellsworth, died in Putnam, Ct., Buried Abington, Ct., she left three sons a nd seven g randchildren.

On J une 29, 198 I, Clemmons W. Libby, husband of Marilyn (Jewett) L ibby, died al age 58 of a heart attack in Ct.

Earle Nelson Preble, aged 75 years, passed away June 9, 1982. He had lived in West Newbury, Mass. He was employed until his retirement by the state Natura l Resources. Survivors include his wife, E leanor Louise (Peabody) Preble; two sons a nd seven g randchildren. Eleanor is the daughter of the late Lillian and C larence Peabody, a nd the g ra nddaughte r of Amos Everett Jewett.

The oldest grandson of Amos Everett Jewett a nd Ada Louise (Forbes) Jewett, Ernest Whitfie ld Peabody, died March 18. 1982. " Whit" , as he was known in the fami ly, was 74 yea rs old and had been very il l for somP :-ie<! rs.

After serving a hitch in the Navy, he w as a Massachusetts Po lice offi cer for nine years. He worked for Exxon for 35 yea rs; was a member of the Mosa ic Lodge of Masons of Danvers, Mass., and was active in the Golden Agers. Surviv ing a re his widow, Sarah F. Ring Mason Peabody, a son, Peter E rnest Peabody; three daughters, Martha Jean Peabody, Sally Ann Wood, He len Elizabeth Peabody; e ight grandchildren and three great grandsons; three sisters and four brothers. He was buried in Howl ey, the twelfth gene ra­tion to be buried there. The line is; Joseph, Jerem ia h, Je remiah, Aaron, Moses, Aaron, Edward, Amos. Amos Grenville, Amos Everett, Lillian Jewett Peabody a nd Whitfie ld Peabody.

Miss Louise Bridges, a member since 1937. died Ja nua ry 17, 1983. She had been living with he r sister, Ka therine B. Hollis of Orlando, Fl orida. Their line goes back, Irene Talmadge (Jewett) Bridges; Geon~e Bowers Jewett; Henry L. Jewett; Joshua R. Jewett; Joseph Jewett; Nathan Jewett; Joseph Jewelt; Joseph Jewett; Joseph Jewett; Edwa rd Jewe tt.

The widow of Dr. Everett Porter Jewett passed away Janua ry 11, 1983 at St. John Nursing Home, Rochester, N. Y. Survivors include two sons, Dr. E. Porter Jewett, Jr. of Oldsmar, Florida and William Amory Jewett of M cLean, Va. and a daughter, Mrs. Donald Smith of Dallas, Texas. She was a n a unt of Will a rd Jewett of Rowley, Mass.

Doran M. Jewett of Waukegan , Ill. , a member of The Jewett Pamily of America since 1956, died May 23 , 1982, a t the D owney V.A. Hospital. He was a retired Navy C.P.0. Veteran of both World Wa rs a nd a veteran of more than fif ty yea rs active reserve a nd F leet Reserve duty. Surviving are his widow, H arriet A. Jewett who takes over his membe rship in the F a mil y, and two sons, John a nd Jay Jewett, both veterans of Viet Nam War.

Mr. H arold Corball passed away Ja nua ry 27 , 1983, aged 7 1 yea rs. His wife, Ma rjo rie Jewett Corball (#6450) writes tha t they had ceiebrate<l their Golden Wedding Anni versary on M a rch 27 , 1982 .

Victor A. Nelson of the Jona tha n Taylor line (#6450) died a t Clackamus. Oregon, August 18, 1982.

Eugene Nance Jewett, born a t Butler , Missouri, December 30 , l 889, passed away at Parma, Missouri, October 22, 1980. He was the father of our mem­ber, Christene Jewett Meri ck, of Caton, Missouri.


Dean Cordon Jewett died on November 18, L 98 1 and was buried in Pinedale, Wro. He was born January 3, 1915 at Merna, Wyo., son of Charles Cordon and Lora Nea le Jewett. Dean is survived by a daughter. Roberta Ann Jewett of Tempe, Arizona and a son, Cl ifton Cordon Jewett, of Laramie, W yo. and a brother. Donald W. Jewett of Scottsda le, Ariz.

Timothy S. Ca mpbell of G rand Junction, Col., brothe r of Mrs. Vi rginia Cowan, passed aw~y April 11 , 1982. He had been a member since 1968 in the Joseph Jewett Lme.

The widow of Raynold Jowett, Ann (Smith) Jowett, died March 2, 1982. She was the daughter of Margare t (Monaghan) Smith a nd Edgar Smith of Sanford, Maine. She was a resident of Merrimac, Mass. Mrs.Jowett was a nurse who had worked iR Amesbury a nd Sanford. ·

On March 26, 1982, Orma Jane (Booth), wife of George U. Jewett(# 189) died at her home in Vale Perkins, Que. Burial at Mansonville Protestant Cemetery. This number(# I 89) is of the descendants of the late Frederick A. Jewett(# l 09).

John Behrenbrinke r died October 13, 1981. He was born February 13, 1888 in Chatham, MN . He was first married to Bertha D. Jewett until her death in 1927, and later was married to Florence P. Jewett until her death in l 971. H e is surv ived by two children from his first marriage, Manual and Lillia bell Behrenbrinker, both of Buffalo, MN.

Eva Gertrude (Jewett) Usher died on Ma rch 14, 1982. She was born July 12, 1907, Maple Lake, MN. Preceded in death by her husband , Arthur and a son Nolan. She is survived by one son, Norman Usher, of New Brighton , MN.

Albert Russell Hodgman, aged I 02 , died on August 19, l 983 in Winchester, Mass. He had been a resident of Stoneham, Mass., for 72 years.

He was born in Roxbury, Mass. (now a part of Boston), on March 9 , 1881 , and was married to the late Imogene Ha ll Jewett (#42 73) on June l 2, 1907.

Mr. Hodgman celebrated his l OOth birthday in l 981 , and was pictured with his son, daughter and grandson in the 198 l Jewett Year Book, Page 19.

He was a graudate of the Roxbury Latin School for Boys, served 46 yea rs in the U.S. Postal Service, the last 20 in charge of the Dead Letter Office of the South Posta l Annex in Boston, serving al l of the New England states.

He was one of five founders and a charter member of Chapter 507 of the National Association of Retired Federal Employees, receiving a bronze plaque in 1983 for distinguished servi ce a nd outstanding contributions to the Association. He had been chaplain fo r 13 yea rs.

Mr. Hodgman w as an active member of M elrose Council o f Roya l a nd Select Masons for 63 yea rs, was a Royal Arch Mason at the age of 97; a lso a Knight Templar at sa me age; a member of Aleppo Temple Shrine, an honorary member of Good Samaritan Lodge in Reading, a nd a life member of the George Washington National Memorial Association.

He is survived by a daughte r, Miria m Irene Owen of West Boylston, a son, Richard Albe rt of Andover, eight g ra ndchildren and 10 g reat g ra ndchild­ren. Interment was in Lindenwoocl Cemetery.

Orma Jane Booth, wife of George U. Jewett (#189 in 1962 Year Book in the Quebec genealogy line) died on March 26, 1982 a t her home in Yale Perkins, Quebec. She was buried in Mansonville Private Cemetery.

Besides he r husband, she leaves Sandra, Jane a nd Carol and two grand­sons.



The Fir'l Churd1 111 Ho-., It•, was or~;1niw<l Dl'l'l'rn lx•r 3. lo39. th<• fifth t'hun·h in l-, \\t'\ Count\ \I r Ewkicl RogN'>, th<' founcll'r of tlw to"' n. ·wa.; t>IPC'll'cl 11\ l'.1'1or \\llh /\Ir John \filler a' ,,,,.,1.1111. I lu mphn•\. R!'~ nC'r J\ Ru l­ing Elcl1·r .• ind \L1\11111lwn ]l'\\t'tl .ind Thom,.., \I 11~h 1 II ·" D1•.1 ( 'Oil\.

Th<' l'hun·h " "" \\ 1thoul ,1 ca lled pa.,tor from I iiS lo PVl 2.

In 1777 lht· l'hur('h, ""h11·h wa~ al thnt tim<' l<lC't1l1•d 011 tlw s1t1• of th<' pn's<'nl Cc•nl!'r ~<·hool . was strm·k hv lightning da111.1ging t ht· sll'C'pk. but n1it igniting tlw building or tl1 <• town's gnnpowd<'r ~lon·d tlwr<'.

Thb is llw lourlh nH•eling-housC', the first on pr<''i<'nl \ii<'. It was built in 1842 1>, fork H J<·wC'lt on the• land of Re·' . \Vill.ird 1 lolfirook , a forirn.• r pai.-

' "!

lor. in who,(• m111i,ln tlw Sabbath FIRSTC:O\JCREC.-\TIO\l'\L( llURC'll S('hool Wtl!I r ornwd. \lain & Hammond StM•I\, n()\\ ,, .,. M.M

Firi.l Chun·h 111 Ho-., It•, is the ~tothcr Church of: Bradford ( 1669), Bo><ford Fi rst Church ( 1702). G roveland ( 1727). Ceorgcto" n ( 1732). Bo,ford St>cond Chu r<·h ( 1736) . . ind Lincbrook ( 1749).

Th<' lwll .. , <" a A•fl of Hon. Jonathan Phillips. a de cendant of Mr. Samuel Phillip,. lh<' -;p<·oncl nastor. It was erected in December 1851 and -... ci~h ts I 687 pound, Th<' clock \l..lS a gift of David E. Smith in 1902

Jewett Family Genealogy Location and Fund Tht• l<'cordi. of thl· Jewell Famil)' of America, Inc .. arc in Essex lnstitul<•

Librnrv al Salem. Mu~s. Tlit• G<'nea logy Fund of the family is a continuing fund , made possibl t

by donations of membt•rs and friends. The money is usPd to furlhN the genPalogica l knowleclgr of the Jewett Fami ly and catalogue i t . .,

Your gift is most appreciated. Also rnut·l1 appr<•ci<ilt•d is our ca pable and respected gcn<·alogisl, Mary

G. Thrcslwr, who h<'lps in every way she can. She wrot e r<'Cl•ntly lo say, "Th<· Jewett file cabinet has been removed to

the sN:ond floor in the fire proof sectio n of Essex Institute. "All card~ have been fil ed . "There arc· l) lill man unfin ished folders and Year Books to be· cata logut'Cl."
