america set'jo breath new radioin the latter case,-your story is read by all who aee you. and...

jtaRotrj SET 'JO BREATH Iniiemt Wu (My Of Her Farmer Sdf "She Got Tube. ' uraiae Tanlac the long- ! T 1 'ill!', Mr* .Lynem. a highly esteemed real- M»*t of lift Ch eat nut atreet. |Wnmlngton Del.. In relating her .^jarla»ce with the medicine I It's the #rat time In f»«r or flra year, that I have fkoon able to eat without auffer- ai"« afterwards. Pood acted ilka "."Oh with ma. My appetite i*** Poor that I couldn't eat »wueh. of aaythin*. but tvtn then M wo"ld Woa* up terribly and auck intenae pains that I fcould hardly endure It. There was such as awful praaaure of f*aa around ray heart that I ^woui« almost smother and the slaaat eatrllec would completely .vxtenit mef I would get so 'choked up from tkla indigestion f«t night tkat I would hava to gat out of bed and walk around In order to breathe. I waa fear¬ fully .pervoua and often became weak and dlnv I could scarce- 1* stand up. 1 never knew what »und deep waa and felt tired .ut all the time. 1 lost about twenty-flve pounds jlh wer*Kt and waa just a alutdow of n»y former self. My shoulders were stiff and painful to such an extent that I could hardly raiae my hands to my head. My con¬ dition waa most deplorable and I "waa never able to find anything ^to help me until I be/ran taking -xanlac. I have takeirsix bottles »aow and feel like an entirely dif¬ ferent woman. I have regained . several pounds of my lost weight and am *!!»? - n 1 want, sleep Ilk# a child at night. and am never .troubled any more with nervouf- »nes8 and dizziness. In fact. I » am enjoying wonderful health In pevery way and J Just think Tanlac .is the grandest medicine in the » world." . Tanlac is sold Tn Washington .by .People* Drug Stores and all leading druggists.Adv. t- pTHE face in the mirror *#ir -faoe, does it wear the contented expression of good /health, or are the features drawn land pallid? In the latter case, -your story is read by all who aee you. and what woman of ^spirit wants to be pitied for her ¦physical condition? There ia a I.*ay to get the nervous, tired -lines out of your face and the Eslump out Of your body. The use ¦Sr 'Jjat standard remedy. Lydia ^E. Ptnkham's Vegetable Com¬ pound. will strengthen the nerves and tone up the system to resist [that exc«s»lre fatigue..Adv. NATIONAL UNIVER- I SITY LAW SCHOOL r FIFTY-FOURTH YEAR The summer term of elevea weeks will tfts Jaae 15. This term carries the same fredlt for the 4e- gree oo-eMber Ike (all, wl>- ter or aprlag term. Tke elaasea will be held froaa Is *¦* '. *. week days except . »ststda7». Catalogue will k* seat as reqaest or the Deaa and Secretary May be ^ eeea ketweea B aad S at Ike Law School Bulldlag. 818 - IStk Street >. W. Telephone Mala MIT. EMERSON INSTITUTE 173K-1T4* p St. !*. W. Phones Franklin *461-445! Summer Semester Classes In All HIGH SCHOOL SUBJECTS Begin Jaae 16 Men's Dept..Day and evening R^*i»tratlon from June Women's Department .. Eve¬ ning, school only. Registration from June 3-17. -Prepare, for all colleges and .Professional Schools. Catalogues sent on request. i CLOTHING ON -CREDIT if ABRAMSOM J1' 7«h * I »tr.ta M. W. H PittfburC ; Automatic Gas Water Heaters T_. g<U»r Morrii Sales Co. *** . st. aw. Mais lm-lMt. HOUSE COMMITTEE TO SPEED PASSAGE OF DXiEGISLAHON J Jones Resolution to Be Considered Monday, Says Focht. LAfiOR BILL IS NEXT I Franchise Request by Rapid Transit Co. to Be Given Early Consideration. A spe«d jV* jjjjlifi-'l- in tfcc' House"* DUtrlct Committee t4 *le- pose of pending District legislation during: this session of Congress is about to be inaugurated. Chairman Focht announced yesterday. Several important Items of legis¬ lation are still pending in the com¬ mittee and- these, it is hoped. will be brought before the House be¬ fore adjournment. Should the House decide to recess for three-day periods, it is expected that most of the bills will be reached, it waa stated. The Jones resolution calling for an investigation of the fiscal rela¬ tions between the District and Fed¬ eral governments out of which Is supposed to have grown the sum of $5.000.000. claimed to belong- to the' District, will be the first measure to be disposed of. The chairman in¬ dicated yesterday that this bill will be called up Monday, which is Dis¬ trict day in the House. Before the Jones resolution was referred to the District Committee, it had been agreed at a special meet¬ ing of the committee to bring the Fitzgerald Workman's Compensa¬ tion bill for the District before the House Monday. The fact that the importance of the Jones resolution caused this measure to be side¬ tracked will make it the order ot business on the following District day. Fpcht explained. Following "the disposal of several small bills effecting the streets of the District, the early passage of which has been requested by the Commissioners, the committee will take up the bill granting a fran¬ chise to the Washington Rapid Transit Company. Focht stated that there had been an Insistent demand from patrons of the bus lines that this measure be brought up at an early date. CARNIVAL OPENS AT CLARENDON Falls Church Odd Fellows and Rebekehs Guests To¬ night. CLARENDON. V». June 8..The Odd Fellows' carnival, postponed from last week got under way to¬ night with a large delegation present from Alexandria lodges. Members of Falls Church Odd Fel¬ lows and Rebekah lodged will at¬ tend tomorrow night, while Satur¬ day has been designated as Wash¬ ington night. Grand Master An- dresen a/id his staff having been specially invited. Olive Branch Masonic Lodge of Leesburg will pay a fraternal visit to Columbia Lodge here Saturday night, when special degree work will be conferred. The Clarendon Players will pre¬ sent "The Day Before the Wed¬ ding" at Ives* Hall Friday night for benefit of the building fund of the Methodist church. The play will be directed by Prof. John T. Elliott, other members including Mrs. Leslie Putnam. W. L. Bragg. J. W. Woodward and Misses David- son and Rollin. 4 Alexandria, roaad trip... g-y A rltog t«a Side Trip. Ilfll 10c additional. VllL Kleetrlr ran l»a*e lft* I ¦ .ad PNBijlTiiia a ?.an* f II I north*cat mm the hoar sad I 'WW V half hour.a. m. teW > :9S p. aa Baaalar that »0 mlaataa. Wtik'aitu-Yirgjiia Railway Cinfiai MT. LOANS W HORDING Diamonos, Watches, Jewelry lw»> »«< ot HIiIwit Jn the Air Today. W^SttlNGTOl*. SAA.HAVAI. RAMJO JTATIW. 10:10 a. gl..Meteorological report on SjSSO'meter! of arc transmitter. IS m and 10 p. m..TMm« signal, weather report. >hfp orders. 10:1# p. m..Naval preas news. Wavelength, 3.850 meters. WWI . PMTOFTICIC depart¬ ment STATION. t .40 fL in.;.Weather report*, I0:f% o. m.. marketfram; 6 p. m.. fairy product# tor New Tork and grail report. All radiophone on l.lCO meters. ,11:30 p. m.. 2:45 p. m.. S:S0 P- ra.. C. W. telegraph marketfcram on 1.980 meters.' % 7:t0 p. m and 8 p. m.. radio mar- ketrrams; 1:50 p. m.. weather re¬ port. All Yadlopbofce oh 1;1SP metera. 3M METKRS UlfLKSS OTHER WISH NOTED. WMC.DOUBLED AY-HILL ELECTRIC COMPANY. 4:30 to S:30 p. ra .Program: Base¬ ball scores announced; Those Days Are Over; Rondo Capriccioso; Cutie; Fageiins Yi$a; Thais; When Shall We Meet Again; Country Dunce; Manon Le»cayt;* Irlsn Son* Medley. part 1; Melodic in F: BroHen Toy; Marie; Simple Aveu; Granny; Irish Son* Medley, part 2; The Brlkin*. NOE.NAVAL AIR STATION. 413 Meters. 1:30 P. V.; TVs Madrifal Quartet.Mitt Elaie Jorss, soprano; Mr* Elaine Sebrin* Ferd. Contrail to; Mr. Howard Green, tenor; Mr. Claufffctosl Weet, Woo; Miaa Willie A tope, piania) and accompanist. , ftuartets.' Old Sweet toss " (Melloy); "Abaenr" (Metoslf); "I Lees Yeu Trsly" (Carry Jacob* Bond); "Good Might Beloved*' (Pisasti). Contralto soloe by Mra. Elaine Sebrtnf. "Slave Sonf" (Tereaa Del Riego), "Wind Song" Roger* I. Qeor*e O'Connor in aonga. The City Club Orchestra.Sol Minater. di¬ rector Miaa Pauline SpaJford, Mr. Paul; Lanfer."Keep en Buildinc Castle# in the Air." "Extaae Oanne,'* "Sturabliaf," riolis ftolo to "A Wild Boae." "Minuet** iPaderew- aki); Cello «olo. 'Berceuae," (Oodard);! "Teaain*." .Cello aoloa by Paul Lancer, famous oel- liat of the Boyal Serbian Orchestra."Chan¬ son Triate" (Tachaihowaky): ''Andante*' (Cerrelli); "Ls Cyrne" (The Swan) (Saist- Saons). WPM . THOS. J. WILLIAMS. INC. .12:30 noon.News items and re- pprts on stolen automobiles. KDKA-PITTSBURGH. \ d»«t- 9 to 9:15 a. in., 11:10 to 13 ra.. Mualc. 2:30 and 8 p. m..Baseball scores. IValckt. 7 p. m.."Th« Use of Paint and Varnish." L. C. Stuckrath. < * 8 p. m..Versatile entertainment. WJ7.NEWARK. ». J. Easter* Dirliftt» Tlase, De- dnrt Oae Hour. Daily. 11 a. ra. to « p. ra..Musical pro¬ gram on the hour. Taalffht. 7 p .ra.."Man in the Moon." 7:30 p. m..Health Talk by M J. Five, M. D", Department of Health. City of Newark. 7:45 p. m.."Electrical Inap^tlon." by Mr. Ward. 7:55 p. m.."Broadcasting Broad¬ way," by Bertha Bralnard. 8 p. m;.Recital by Helen Osmund- sen. 9 p. ro..Concert by the Jean Ingraham Orchestra of Newark. WGI MEDFORU HILLSIDE, MASS. Dally. 3:55, 3, 7.30 and 7:45 p.' ra..News" and music. Toalght. 8:15 p. m..Music; vocal and In¬ strumental. WWE.XEW TOKK CITY. (WaiaatkV.) Dally. 1:15 to 3:15.Mtsic and children's! stories. Toalght. 10:30 p. m..Special musical pro- Kranrt. WGY HCIIESECT*DT, Jt. T. (General ElMlrie.) Dally. "* 13:30 and 6 p. m...Stock quota¬ tions and reports. Tulitl. 7:46 p. m..Program by the Mon¬ day Musical Club. Albany, N. Y. Contralto and violin aoloa. Read¬ ings. "Why the Snake Haa Legs," and "The Hen." . 10:30 p. m..Late program. Spe¬ cial musical selections."- t KYW.CHICAGO. Dally. 0:35 a- m. to 7 p. m..Reports and news. , 8 to 9 p. m..Musical program. For Years As the Best .Make up your mind to specify Elk f Grove when you or- der Butter. .It*» the Butter of ^ufity, fresh ti the new mown h«y. For years the' choice of thousand* of housewives. With Each Pw4 .( Eli Gran Batter are Iwlid Two Which art Mwihh is Roger* Silverware Sold by Grocer* Who Supply Their Cutomeri the Bert Batter GOLDEN & CO., Distributors WU-IPRIKRrntUI. 7;3Q p. m. B»»«b»ll »cor««. Unci* Wiscily bedttm. «»ry. 7:« p. m."OuU41ii* ">. 0»»wth at a Ci\r? . V' ' t p. \ « . KVP.TORT WOOtJ. ».< T. 1*450 , V 1:50-p. m .Ih»t»uctlon In. 9 p. ft«elt»l by Id-yw-old Domthy Portln*«H. "That Old IrUh Mother o'MIn*' et,h«f tone*. PATENTS CONTROL CRYSTAL CIRCUITS vv* X It is' not ^en^rally known that crystal sets in >ome instanoe* are patented. The fact that crystal de¬ tector sets are less complicated and involve only Simple'circuits may ac¬ count for this. -There are no leas than ten crystal detector sets patented by one Arm. not to mention the many firms which have one or tnore patents on special hook-ups. The cfysta^ detector set is more easily made than,the vacuum-tube aet. M therefore appeals to p*r»ofts who wknt to build simple and inex¬ pensive apparatus. There is no ob¬ jection to persops making odd con¬ nections for their personal use. b«t when the -sale of a set involves .fea¬ tures which are protected by patenta the set cannot be manufactured- for sale. The- most common form of patent for crystal dfetector sets is of the .mountings manufactured In large numbers today. Those provide a special method of securing the crystal and a specially developed contact for the particular crystal used. Further patents cover wiring arrangements used in connection with such a crystal mounting and contact. Experimenters who have used crystal detector sets have obtained results superior in instances to re¬ sults obtained with- vacuum tube set*. The result has been Interest in crystal nets in spite . Of the fact that such sets are less dependable and limited in range and adjustment. But Inter¬ est has .been sufficiently -a;reet to warrant a contiHugnpe df their manu¬ facture with the consequeht>|vroteotion by patents of circuits used. Listening-in Concerts. GENERAL PtBLIC INVITED. Tonight at 8. Thos. J. Williams. Inc.» 1324 NfSW York avenue northwest. Christian's Drug Store. Ninth and Pennsylvania /tvenue northwest. Capitol Ttad»o Sales Agency, T24 Eleventh street northwest. Herrtot Pharmacy. 9J8 U_ street northwests Quality Accessory Company. 13X7 H street northeast. Above places store hours also. Store Honrs Only. Program every afternoon at 4i30. Doubleday-HUl Electric Company. 715 Twelfth street. Thomas F. Williams. Inc.. 1324 New York avenue (tonight also)! John C- Rau. electric store, 124 Twelfth street. The Electric Shop. Duryea Build¬ ing. Connecticut wepue and _.L street; . .' The People's Drug Store. 7th IM B- northwest. Arcade Electric Company. Four¬ teenth strfeet and Park road north¬ west. * Lansburgh and Brother. 420 Seventh ^street. William Ballard Company, 1340 G street. Woodward and Lothrop. Eleventh sn< F streets. The Hecht Company, Seventh and F streets. S. Kann Sons Company. Eighth street and Market square. J. P. i)lnowitzer, 620 Pennsylva¬ nia avenue. Radio Terms Defined. Motor Generator .. A motor and, for radio transmitters, generator unit. The motor and generator are. coupled together. The unit is used aboard ship and elsewhere when direct current only is available. Dk rect current, 'usually at 110 volts, runs the motoT, which, in turn be¬ cause of its coupling with the gen¬ erator. revolves the-, generator ar¬ mature. From this armature col¬ lector rings lead off alternating cur¬ rent of 110 volts and possibly 500 cycles frequency. By connection with Qscillation' transformers this frequency is then stepped up to several thousand cyde» per second, according to the power and wave length transmitted. Rectifier.The crystal detector of a receiving set. Currents radio frequency as received from a dis¬ tant transmitter are rectified to currents of audio frequency, termed direct pulsating current. The sig¬ nals may be distinguished by ear. Grid Variometer.The variome¬ ter placed In the grid circuit be-, twean the grid condenser and the secondary. It adds variably induct¬ ance to the circuit. Front Fone*.-The trade name for one" mdke of .head phones. D. T. S.. An abbreviation fre¬ quently used to lndlcate» double throw switch. Other abbreviations of this same order are D. P. D_ T.. meaning double pole double throw switoJv and 8. P. S.. meaning single pole switch. Apparatus is fre¬ quently marked this way to facili¬ tate reference to -catalogues. HUGE APPLE CROP FORECAST FOR U.S. An apple crop of. J79.R00*U00 bush¬ els is forcast by the United 8tates Department of Agriculture in a crop estimate released yesterday? Thfr Compares with a crop'of 9fci- 000.000 fcushels in 1021, and with 223.600.000 bushels In 1920. The peach crop Is forecast at 53,629.000 bushels, as compared with 32.735,000 bushels in 1921, and with 45,620.000 bushels in 1920. Pear prospects tlAy dicats about a normal crop of about 15,000.000 bushels, oompared with 10,705.000 bushels In 1921 and. DOLLAR SALE of Eyeglasses LEA'S PRAI MSB! IVES We will fill n etas'* prescription. 4spH> esto the gUMns are bow wesriag. dupliests brokes glsssiM. Pbeos Mela SMI aS« we'll nM fir as< de¬ liver your work. LOUIS DICK & COMPANY South America New Radio Field High-Powered Station Near Boenos Aires Forerunner Of'Others. ? I 3? . In Arfeattna a paw high-powered radio station Is bUng ereettd which will permit continuous radio com- muqlcation Mtweii NeW Tork and large stations .dn ^European coun¬ tries According to pUna-proposed X>y *he International radio commit¬ tee. It'la expdfCad that other parts of Sooth America will likewise be linked to tt-ana-Atlantlc and trans¬ pacific stations .' There are portions of South Amer¬ ica which have never been explored and thousand! o( mile of Inaccessi¬ ble territory, due tp surface condi¬ tions of the co«ntryuIa many cases a direct means of communication from Braall to Chile or from Ccaa- dor to Cape Horn would be desir¬ able and would be practicable were It not for the barrier against travel accommodations and the l<>ng routes'1 necetssry.* With the erec¬ tion of. radio receiving ana trans¬ mitting station! on either taaat .of thi South American continent and pan established sxeUm of commu¬ nication; between (he peoples .of the different countries.' ^/ie pra***" ot that part of the western. Hemi¬ sphere would be lacreased tremen¬ dously. The construction of the new wire¬ less station near Buenos Aires Is a forerunner of ethers to be erected' within the «amlnc year, and la also ene of the most poweffol stations In either of the Americas. Very recently it was re?orlt4 that an operator on the Grace steamship line, cruKIng near Iqulque, Chile, heard WJZ-tNewark. N. J..clearly. Thjs Is a distance of 4.000 miles, on* of the longest radiophone nnreriH reported. Ideal fondltlons for transmission .made this feat possible. With develop¬ ments expected from research now belnK made. It Is expected that broadcasting stations familiar to persons In the .United States will a heard at Intervals by the South American peoples. RADIO SERVICE TO AID FARMERS Beginning June 16, the Depart¬ ment of Agriculture, with the. help of the Navy Department, wli) in¬ augurate a nationwide radio agri¬ cultural service, which will make available to nearly every radio re¬ ceiving set !n the I'nited States weather, crop and market reports. Continuous wave radio telegraph will be used to broadcast the re¬ ports. W A. Wheeler, in charge of the service, said. But considerable re-broadcasting by radio telephone is expected so that any radio fan in -the Eastern two-thirds- of th* United States may be able to re¬ ceive the messages. The- depart¬ ment hopes in the near future to make the service available In the Pacific and Rocky Mountain re¬ gions as well. The Arlington and Great Lake* wireless stations will be used ^for the broadcasting. CREDIT MEN GOING TO CLEVELAND MEET Eleven officers and members of the Associated Retail Credit Men. -of Washing:!on. will leave Union Station on a special car Sunday, to attend the annual convention of the Natffenal Association of Retail Credit men in Cleveland. June 12-15. Closer co-operation between retail and wholesale credit organizations win be sought at the convention. Rep¬ resentatives of wholesale organisa¬ tions throughout the country have been irivited to attend. Washington's association will be represented by Harry V. Ostermayer. president; E. W. Whitehead, vice president; Miss Elsie M. Lee. treas¬ urer; Stephen H. Talkes. secretary: David Sanger, Philipsbom's; Mark Lansburgh. Lansburgh and Brother; Eggene Beatty, Pslals Royal; A. Coonln, Hshn's; P. J. McMullin. Hecht's; Mr. and Mrs. S. Powder- maker. Kay Jewelry Company, and Charles M. Keefer, or ?. Kann's Sons and Company. I LIONS WILL ATTEND SHUBERT-BELASCO Lions''Night, "at* the Shubert-Bei$LSCo Theater, according to announcement made at the weekly luncheon of the £lub at the New Willard Wednesday, will be observed next Wednesday night. Miss Manda Lyon, leading lady of the company and .the only woman who ever addressed the Wash¬ ington Lions Club, will be hostess to trtembers and their friends. Washington Lions will visit the T. M. C. A. Boys' Camp during July, fol¬ lowing acceptance of an invitation read to members And accepted by the club. The followirfg were named a, com*- mittee to welcome and entertain out- of-town members of the Lions Clubs who pass through" Washington on their way to the international cori- ventioh to be held at Hot Springs. Ark.. June lf-22. E. T. Goodman. ehairtaffU- Albert Treecy and P. J. ^oley. James Srtiick presided- I HIGH AM IS PLEASED WITH GIRLS OF U. S. ;Ctfl<?AGt>~ June 1 like this country JoUy well, t think ^omenJ like Margot Asqulth have a let of crust to come over here and tell you people what to do. I think you have the prettiest girls in the world.'' This from Sir Charles Hlgham, pro- nouncesd "Hyme." Advertising kinc of England, and Lord NorthclifW a personal representative to the As#o-» elated Advertising Clubq of the World. He is the man who "soM" patriotism to England .during the war and Tgaa, knighied for it. He is over here to invite, the Advertising fraternity to ioft4 its next Convention in London XV* die. gUfestrat LTOiWPBfc BLANCHE SWEET ON WAY TO WED CHICAGO, June Miss Blanche Sweet spent an hour or two In Chi¬ cago on her way to New Tork. where (be la to be married to Marshall Neilan, her director. Miss &Htt» eluded interviewers. This will he her first marriage, according to" James R. Grainger. Nellan's representative. Neilan waa divorced from Gertrude BambrWk, an aetreea. last year. He Is X\ and Miss Sweet la * It ia ltkety that Dorothy and Lillian Gtah will he members of the wed¬ ding party. Only a few Intimate friends will wltnsea the cere mo ay. which probably will be performed In the license clerk s suite Iff the Munici¬ pal BUftdlag In New Ylrk. Kit Canon Post Meets. Kit Careen Post. Ho. X. O. A. R.. held a "get-together meeting" last night. Old hymns and mountaineer songs wan sung under the direction of Mrs. Isabel Worrell CORONER DECIDES DEATH ACCIDENTAL, Daath' hy accident >u the Verdtot twice tended down by the Coroner'* Jury yesterday. These dedfclons fol lewKl ln< Kenneth old. 2.1 Inqueeti over the bodlfcs « Br06ka. . colored., It r«*> otd, !>l P urt't northwo»t. »"* M*ry Bi ohmeyer. three-yesr->old daughter of Harry Eolrmeyer. «l» Pennsylvania' avenue southsast. manager of"* the AveBue Or*ad Theater. > ' Brooke 4iad WlHneoday morning of Itvluries received when he was struck b}> in automobile operated. police eay. by Edward Maloney. tit U tint northwest, at Flrat and M »Cr*et« northweet Baby Lahraeyer wu the victim or a fall from a second atory rear porch, when the rallltw %ave way. as eke piayad near It while her mother waa at Ctarflald Hoepital vis¬ iting her husband. Tueeday. She died at Casualty Hospital Wednesday. LOSS OF EYE GETS VERDICT FOR $2,500 Hurt Lanrdon. of Woodbrldge. D. j C.. waj awarded a verdict of $ J M# damages yesterday. by a Jury In Clr- colt Court Ko 2 agalnat Metcalf ahd Diets, taxicab owner?, for the loss of ths eight of hie left ere. Langdon clal m«d to have been in- Jared on March 7. lilt. In a collision between his automobile and a taxi- cab owned by Metralf and Dleex. at Thirteenth and 8 atreeta horthwett." B. YJt> U. CM* The raoattiy meeting. of the Junior Columbia federation of Young "People's Chlons will lb* Mid at the VMt Washington Baptlat Church. Thirty-first snd N streets northwest, at I A'clock this eventog. ' ¦ . .. I. AMUSEMENTS. 4.J55 nut »*TIO>Al MUEIHTI 1 um I STEWART S WU* eplewdtf eopfort in m pto- .- thrilling Postal Relations Renewed. Postmaster General Hubert Work yesterday signed the postal money order convention with Hungary to Into effect next Saturday. TJli transaction will be In dollars. both ways. The Hungarian government in not reapeonsible for money by regiatered mall and insists that all remittances from this country shsll be by postal money orders. Postal relations between the United State* and Hungary were severed on De¬ cember 7. 1SJT. mm tvreeaue and thri 0 of tin Sterras, A 55 QIESTIOI OF H0R0I M i Mark leaattt Ca»e«T 5. "IYMMSIIM Jir 35 OVERTVRE. ¦J Peer Cynt Isllc <Grt*g> S SttfciafW* Fiseit Ordniiri . K. MIKSKKT. r..darter PafKe Ne«c». Topici of tho Day TEXT »TKK , Rickari Birtkettntas In Another "Tol'able Dmvid" "Sowar" From Geo. V. Hobart'a Stage Hit iiimiiimiiiiilllli' New York \ Boston j trojiv<i By Providence ' Sea VIA . ' NORFOLK Attractive ui Eajoyabl*. Route to New England Resorts Information and Literature at City Ticket Office, Woodward Build- inc. 731 15th St. N. W. Norfolk & Washington Steamboat Co. - STRAND IZiSO Mi-All Week-Il p.m. HISTORY . ROMANCE . ADVBVTTRB . STORY . PICTI RJS.CAST I* PER- FECTIO* American Photoplays Offer SPIRIT OF'76 A romance of the Revolu¬ tionary War, Rich in Heart Interest and Historical Fact. A* AMERICA.* PICT I' RE FOR AMERICAN PATRIOTS DO\T MISS it: OR. LEHMAN OKNTAL. SURGEON PLATO SPECIALIST Plates Repaired While CI CA You Wait . Crown. Bridge and Porcelfts Work. Painless Extractions. 307 7th st. ggr"* GARRICIf TMEATSR R *** Fimm Eirriek flayers mu 50c Aad tb* CelekratW 75c m. Herrigsn Bmsoc'b Greatest Hit 'THE ftCMITTH" $1 »u»t mwb f.YTABLETJ ¦¦ m act pleasantly \ / on the bowels and liver~D the bowels and. liver-Q WE UPHOLSTER ANYTHING Aad We !>. It Rtr*t United UpkoUtery Cs. M. Mil is^e S4.78 VACATION TRIPS By Sea war TTi* bostoy teejm PRO VI DEI*CE S7^0 SAVAYYAH SS.SS JACKSONVILLE mmmsa a*« .tsierMa r eattoas on itaacr lad' tra eksrgn far preferred mpmce. TkrMfk ticket! to principal petata. Fall laforatatiaa ra- aaeat. Pier S Pratt St. Tel. Plait 42M BALTIMORE ERCKANTS&MlNER TRANSPORTATION CO WHY PAY MORE? | klah rrad* .ample Kkeea fer aei / ^ $4.95| SANDLER'Si Car. Math iM H U rBCE* ADMISSION _ AHUSCMCJrr pajik DULY IlLAL 03T-D00B PLEASDEE PLACE ( Tbrilliat Kid.».Other attractiena. GREAT out ECHO ORCHESTRA FOB DANCING «.M TO tliW IK THE BALLROOM WOMEN IN POOR HEALTH SHOULD SEE MRS. CASE Bif Demonstration for Women And Girb All This V Week. HELPING HUNDREDS OF SUFFERING WOMEN HERE , .- It le seldom indeed that any Hrl or woman ireta the free opportu¬ nity to meet and talk about their ailments with a kindly, motherly woman of the experience and sympathetic .underetandinif. of Mra. Gene Case, the noted Health Ad¬ vocate. who is now conducting a moat unusual demonatratioa at the Peoples' Drug Store, comer of 14th and You St*., each afternoon and evening of this week. S^rs. Case has talked with thou¬ sands of gtrjs a'hd women here and in other eitifcs about their troubfea and paHteulaf ailments and being a woman herself and ui" enk time'alfHctM hftaet? -*1th minor complainta. ahe knows what It means to suffer, and through cloae Observation ahe naturally haa a world of Information about how other* with different complainta have solved their troubles and the beauty afcout Mrs. Caae'a demon- .tratlon is that no ope is obligated or Importuned constantly to try some expensive, long, weary treat¬ ment. In fact. Mrs. Ca»« haa been riving free treatment! dally, and even If the reader should buy Adams' Wonder Capaulea or Hrpo- Cod or Oray-Taba or Phoa-Pho Vlta'mine. or aome simple little rem»dv ahe talka about, they are fully protected because If reaqlts fall to come up to what she aaya. then the drug »tore cheerfully re¬ fund* every penny. Mrs Case says: "I lUce to talk with those Who are troubled with Periodical pains, cramps and head¬ aches at Menstrual time, or who have Neuritis neuralgia. Stomach, bowel or bladder »aln«. or nervous run-down thin, weak rttle and women who" feel half alck all the time, and those who have a »>».«*- tng. coughing flt every night, be- caose t have had hundreda of auch sufferers come back or write to mt and tell' me of the wondarfxrt Improvement they ret-elved aa soon- as they really became desirous of. getting relief and set about doing It. The great trouble is in set¬ ting girls and women to see how disastrously such troubles affect iMif health, efficiency, beauty and good looks and how unnecessary and unnatural such suffering really ft. -rti-lnatkat'. I have mt glrla who far years have spent ene or two days in bed each month -with palna and crampa and they ac¬ tually believed there wa* nothing In th'i* modern age that would help them.luit because tlTey had tried some oW- fashioned remedy and got not-eanlt. but T hope t^iere are none so foolish as to Ael that vay In Washington, an* hare is my offer to such sufferers. "TT three doses of Adams' Wonder Capsules fail to stop every sign of those pains and cramps next time, the* the bottle will cost nothing." And there are hundreds of women In Washington with Other minor ail¬ ments and suffering needlessly who can be tremendoualy helped with some othej simple littla home remedy.'' declares Mrs Case. NOTE.Mrs. Case each afternoon and evening of this week will be at the Peoples .Drug Store Ko. I. corner of l«th and Toa Sts. and all next week at Store No. «, cor¬ ner of "th and M Sta Drop la talk with her. There ta no obliga¬ tion. AU Peopla# t>rag Stores hay* the slmale remedies recom¬ mended by thta fafnous Health Ad¬ vocate. .Ad v. AT LAST! THE REAL MILLION. DOLLAR SCREEN TRIUMPH! Tkt pietarr that took ,V«r York ky Ifonii trKrv thotrn at ti prire».A fgrfrau and amat!>v ttory of JfMte Carlo, trkrrr even taint t are tiinfri: j WRITTEN. DIRECTED BY AND FEATURING ERIC VON STRONEIM "THE «A\ VOI HTLL LOTE TO HATE" Enjoy the Week-End at COLONIAL BEACH "WMklnrtitR'n Atlutlr CTfy** Steamer St Johns Imvh Ttli WlwC Sunday, June 11th, 9 KM. Round Trip ©ood Sunday O4kj). |! M Round Trip Ooxi for mum . it OC 40-Mile Moonlight Trips Krrr DmHnx Rata mr SklMr ET*ry Eronin* «xcot»t fruadBy at 7 15 p. m 4U1 OMCHK'TK 4 Adults. 70e; CMMtum Mc B. F. KEITH'S OAlLTtil SUM .ft HOL-rs^.V "ONLY ONE FANNIE" .HEWS FANNIE BRICK WKftVC* * WUVH . WHITE .rS** ..***. UPTTA GftAVADOf EOIJ MLMAX * CO. VI* OJfOMVTLL. VAX CZLLO * KA*Y. OtWr koc< im tttUstO rLATcMS URTBrftT-BCLAfCO THEATER ? COOLEST A*OT I* TOW* ToM^ht Bt t OA.-fitc-f 1.00 EttlE FIXE WARftA LTOR 4 "SIEEPIRQMRTREIT A tOBBB tvsnB 1 ooc&ody *y SACVA OVITRY. uotAor «f X>oWru«" A Unrimm TOMORROW f :t» T M Do the Dead Lm? .II THE "Oil J A BOARD" ITS COMING! ' MOORE'S RIALTO J1 A M !.«»; 3 Dirt-H M Powerful Drama of Dual Personality Equity Pictures Presents CUM KIMBALL YOUNG IN THE WORLDLY MADONNA W Concert Feahuet "W Rinlto O+cheslm .Overture, "ZanM** VimUn Solo. H Sokol*x. ^.tebesfreude." SELBCTE D SUBSIDIARIES IT >K\T WEEK T3 /*«/"«»»">*** Presents BETTY COMPSON B TOM MOORE In --OVCH TMK BORDER ' a.

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Post on 17-Mar-2020




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Page 1: America SET'JO BREATH New RadioIn the latter case,-your story is read by all who aee you. and what woman of ^spirit wants to be pitied for her ¦physical condition? ... k* seat as


Iniiemt Wu (MyOf Her Farmer Sdf"She Got Tube.

' uraiae Tanlac the long-! T

1 'ill!', Mr*.Lynem. a highly esteemed real-M»*t of lift Ch eat nut atreet.|Wnmlngton Del.. In relating her.^jarla»ce with the medicine

I It's the #rat time Inf»«r or flra year, that I havefkoon able to eat without auffer-ai"« afterwards. Pood acted ilka"."Oh with ma. My appetitei*** *° Poor that I couldn't eat»wueh. of aaythin*. but tvtn thenM wo"ld Woa* up terribly and

auck intenae pains that Ifcould hardly endure It. Therewas such as awful praaaure off*aa around ray heart that I^woui« almost smother and theslaaat eatrllec would completely.vxtenit mef I would get so'choked up from tkla indigestionf«t night tkat I would hava togat out of bed and walk aroundIn order to breathe. I waa fear¬fully .pervoua and often became

weak and dlnv I could scarce-1* stand up. 1 never knew what»und deep waa and felt tired.ut all the time.1 lost about twenty-flve pounds

jlh wer*Kt and waa just a alutdowof n»y former self. My shoulderswere stiff and painful to such anextent that I could hardly raiaemy hands to my head. My con¬dition waa most deplorable and I"waa never able to find anything^to help me until I be/ran taking-xanlac. I have takeirsix bottles»aow and feel like an entirely dif¬ferent woman. I have regained

. several pounds of my lost weightand am *!!»? - n

1 want, sleepIlk# a child at night. and am never

.troubled any more with nervouf-»nes8 and dizziness. In fact. I» am enjoying wonderful health Inpevery way and J Just think the grandest medicine in the» world."

.Tanlac is sold Tn Washington

.by .People* Drug Stores and allleading druggists.Adv.t-

pTHE face in the mirror*#ir -faoe, does it wear the

contented expression of good/health, or are the features drawnland pallid? In the latter case,-your story is read by all whoaee you. and what woman of

^spirit wants to be pitied for her¦physical condition? There ia a

I.*ay to get the nervous, tired-lines out of your face and theEslump out Of your body. The use

¦Sr 'Jjat standard remedy. Lydia^E. Ptnkham's Vegetable Com¬pound. will strengthen the nervesand tone up the system to resist[that exc«s»lre fatigue..Adv.


YEARThe summer term of

elevea weeks will tftsJaae 15. This term carriesthe same fredlt for the 4e-gree oo-eMber Ike (all, wl>-ter or aprlag term. Tkeelaasea will be held froaa

Is *¦* '. *. week days except. »ststda7». Catalogue will

k* seat as reqaest or theDeaa and Secretary May be

^ eeea ketweea B aad S at IkeLaw School Bulldlag. 818

- IStk Street >. W. TelephoneMala MIT.


Phones Franklin *461-445!Summer SemesterClasses In All


Men's Dept..Day and eveningR^*i»tratlon from June

Women's Department .. Eve¬ning, school only. Registrationfrom June 3-17.-Prepare, for all colleges and.Professional Schools.

Catalogues sent on request.


PittfburC; Automatic Gas Water HeatersT_. g<U»r Morrii Sales Co.*** . st. aw. Mais lm-lMt.



Jones Resolution to BeConsidered Monday,

Says Focht.

LAfiOR BILL IS NEXTIFranchise Request by Rapid

Transit Co. to Be GivenEarly Consideration.

A spe«d jV* jjjjlifi-'l- in tfcc'House"* DUtrlct Committee t4 *le-pose of pending District legislationduring: this session of Congress isabout to be inaugurated. ChairmanFocht announced yesterday.Several important Items of legis¬

lation are still pending in the com¬mittee and- these, it is hoped. willbe brought before the House be¬fore adjournment. Should the Housedecide to recess for three-dayperiods, it is expected that mostof the bills will be reached, it waastated.The Jones resolution calling for

an investigation of the fiscal rela¬tions between the District and Fed¬eral governments out of which Issupposed to have grown the sum of$5.000.000. claimed to belong- to the'District, will be the first measureto be disposed of. The chairman in¬dicated yesterday that this bill willbe called up Monday, which is Dis¬trict day in the House.

Before the Jones resolution wasreferred to the District Committee, ithad been agreed at a special meet¬ing of the committee to bring theFitzgerald Workman's Compensa¬tion bill for the District before theHouse Monday. The fact that theimportance of the Jones resolutioncaused this measure to be side¬tracked will make it the order otbusiness on the following Districtday. Fpcht explained.Following "the disposal of several

small bills effecting the streets ofthe District, the early passage ofwhich has been requested by theCommissioners, the committee willtake up the bill granting a fran¬chise to the Washington RapidTransit Company. Focht statedthat there had been an Insistentdemand from patrons of the buslines that this measure be broughtup at an early date.


Falls Church Odd Fellows andRebekehs Guests To¬

night.CLARENDON. V». June 8..The

Odd Fellows' carnival, postponedfrom last week got under way to¬night with a large delegationpresent from Alexandria lodges.Members of Falls Church Odd Fel¬lows and Rebekah lodged will at¬tend tomorrow night, while Satur¬day has been designated as Wash¬ington night. Grand Master An-dresen a/id his staff having beenspecially invited.

Olive Branch Masonic Lodge ofLeesburg will pay a fraternal visitto Columbia Lodge here Saturdaynight, when special degree workwill be conferred.The Clarendon Players will pre¬

sent "The Day Before the Wed¬ding" at Ives* Hall Friday nightfor benefit of the building fund ofthe Methodist church. The playwill be directed by Prof. John T.Elliott, other members includingMrs. Leslie Putnam. W. L. Bragg.J. W. Woodward and Misses David-son and Rollin.


Alexandria, roaad trip... g-yA rltog t«a Side Trip. Ilfll

10c additional. VllLKleetrlr ran l»a*e lft* I ¦.ad PNBijlTiiia a ?.an* f II Inorth*cat mm the hoar sad I 'WW Vhalf hour.a. m. teW> :9S p. aa

Baaalar that »0 mlaataa.

Wtik'aitu-Yirgjiia Railway CinfiaiMT.


Diamonos, Watches, Jewelrylw»> »«< ot HIiIwit

Jn the Air Today.W^SttlNGTOl*.

SAA.HAVAI. RAMJO JTATIW.10:10 a. gl..Meteorological report

on SjSSO'meter! of arc transmitter.IS m and 10 p. m..TMm« signal,

weather report. >hfp orders.10:1# p. m..Naval preas news.

Wavelength, 3.850 meters. '«


.40 fL in.;.Weather report*, I0:f%o. m.. marketfram; 6 p. m.. fairyproduct# tor New Tork and grailreport. All radiophone on l.lCOmeters.,11:30 p. m.. 2:45 p. m.. S:S0 P- ra..

C. W. telegraph marketfcram on1.980 meters.' %

7:t0 p. m and 8 p. m.. radio mar-ketrrams; 1:50 p. m.. weather re¬port. All Yadlopbofce oh 1;1SPmetera.



4:30 to S:30 p. ra .Program: Base¬ball scores announced; Those DaysAre Over; Rondo Capriccioso; Cutie;Fageiins Yi$a; Thais; When ShallWe Meet Again; Country Dunce;Manon Le»cayt;* Irlsn Son* Medley.part 1; Melodic in F: BroHen Toy;Marie; Simple Aveu; Granny; IrishSon* Medley, part 2; The Brlkin*.


1:30 P. V.;TVs Madrifal Quartet.Mitt Elaie Jorss,

soprano; Mr* Elaine Sebrin* Ferd. Contrailto; Mr. Howard Green, tenor; Mr. ClaufffctoslWeet, Woo; Miaa Willie A tope, piania)and accompanist., ftuartets.' Old Sweet toss "

(Melloy); "Abaenr" (Metoslf); "I LeesYeu Trsly" (Carry Jacob* Bond); "GoodMight Beloved*' (Pisasti).Contralto soloe by Mra. Elaine Sebrtnf."Slave Sonf" (Tereaa Del Riego), "WindSong" Roger* I.

Qeor*e O'Connor in aonga.The City Club Orchestra.Sol Minater. di¬

rector Miaa Pauline SpaJford, Mr. Paul;Lanfer."Keep en Buildinc Castle# in theAir." "Extaae Oanne,'* "Sturabliaf," riolisftolo to "A Wild Boae." "Minuet** iPaderew-aki); Cello «olo. 'Berceuae," (Oodard);!"Teaain*."

.Cello aoloa by Paul Lancer, famous oel-liat of the Boyal Serbian Orchestra."Chan¬son Triate" (Tachaihowaky): ''Andante*'(Cerrelli); "Ls Cyrne" (The Swan) (Saist-Saons).WPM. THOS. J. WILLIAMS. INC..12:30 noon.News items and re-

pprts on stolen automobiles.KDKA-PITTSBURGH.

\ d»«t-9 to 9:15 a. in., 11:10 to 13 ra..

Mualc.2:30 and 8 p. m..Baseball scores.

IValckt.7 p. m.."Th« Use of Paint and

Varnish." L. C. Stuckrath. < *

8 p. m..Versatile entertainment.WJ7.NEWARK. ». J.

Easter* Dirliftt» Tlase, De-dnrt Oae Hour.

Daily.11 a. ra. to « p. ra..Musical pro¬

gram on the hour.Taalffht.

7 p .ra.."Man in the Moon."7:30 p. m..Health Talk by M J.

Five, M. D", Department of Health.City of Newark.

7:45 p. m.."Electrical Inap^tlon."by Mr. Ward.

7:55 p. m.."Broadcasting Broad¬way," by Bertha Bralnard.

8 p. m;.Recital by Helen Osmund-sen.

9 p. ro..Concert by the JeanIngraham Orchestra of Newark.WGI MEDFORU HILLSIDE, MASS.

Dally.3:55, 3, 7.30 and 7:45 p.' ra..News"

and music.Toalght.

8:15 p. m..Music; vocal and In¬strumental.


Dally.1:15 to 3:15.Mtsic and children's!


10:30 p. m..Special musical pro-Kranrt.WGY HCIIESECT*DT, Jt. T.

(General ElMlrie.)Dally. "*

13:30 and 6 p. m...Stock quota¬tions and reports.

Tulitl.7:46 p. m..Program by the Mon¬

day Musical Club. Albany, N. Y.Contralto and violin aoloa. Read¬ings. "Why the Snake Haa Legs,"and "The Hen.". 10:30 p. m..Late program. Spe¬cial musical selections."- t


0:35 a- m. to 7 p. m..Reports andnews. ,

8 to 9 p. m..Musical program.

For YearsAs the Best

.Make up yourmind to specify Elk f

Grove when you or-

der Butter.

.It*» the Butter of ^ufity, fresh ti the new mown h«y.For years the' choice of thousand* of housewives.

With Each Pw4 .( Eli Gran Batter are Iwlid TwoWhich art Mwihh is Roger* Silverware

Sold by Grocer* Who Supply Their Cutomeri the Bert Batter

GOLDEN & CO., Distributors

WU-IPRIKRrntUI.7;3Q p. m. B»»«b»ll »cor««. Unci*

Wiscily bedttm. «»ry.7:« p. m."OuU41ii* ">. 0»»wth

at a Ci\r? . V' '

t p. \ « .

KVP.TORT WOOtJ. ».< T.1*450


1:50-p. m .Ih»t»uctlon In.9 p. ft«elt»l by Id-yw-old

Domthy Portln*«H. "That Old IrUhMother o'MIn*' et,h«f tone*.


vv* X

It is' not ^en^rally known thatcrystal sets in >ome instanoe* arepatented. The fact that crystal de¬tector sets are less complicated andinvolve only Simple'circuits may ac¬count for this. -There are no leasthan ten crystal detector sets patentedby one Arm. not to mention the manyfirms which have one or tnore patentson special hook-ups.The cfysta^ detector set is more

easily made than,the vacuum-tubeaet. M therefore appeals to p*r»oftswho wknt to build simple and inex¬pensive apparatus. There is no ob¬jection to persops making odd con¬nections for their personal use. b«twhen the -sale of a set involves .fea¬tures which are protected by patentathe set cannot be manufactured- forsale.

The- most common form of patentfor crystal dfetector sets is of the.mountings manufactured In largenumbers today. Those provide aspecial method of securing the crystaland a specially developed contact forthe particular crystal used. Furtherpatents cover wiring arrangementsused in connection with such acrystal mounting and contact.

Experimenters who have usedcrystal detector sets have obtainedresults superior in instances to re¬sults obtained with- vacuum tube set*.The result has been Interest in crystalnets in spite . Of the fact that suchsets are less dependable and limitedin range and adjustment. But Inter¬est has .been sufficiently -a;reet towarrant a contiHugnpe df their manu¬facture with the consequeht>|vroteotionby patents of circuits used.

Listening-in Concerts.GENERAL PtBLIC INVITED.

Tonight at 8.Thos. J. Williams. Inc.» 1324 NfSWYork avenue northwest.Christian's Drug Store. Ninth andPennsylvania /tvenue northwest.Capitol Ttad»o Sales Agency, T24Eleventh street northwest.Herrtot Pharmacy. 9J8 U_ streetnorthwestsQuality Accessory Company. 13X7H street northeast.Above places store hours also.

Store Honrs Only.Program every afternoon at 4i30.Doubleday-HUl Electric Company.715 Twelfth street.Thomas F. Williams. Inc.. 1324New York avenue (tonight also)!John C- Rau. electric store, 124Twelfth street.The Electric Shop. Duryea Build¬ing. Connecticut wepue and _.Lstreet; . .'

The People's Drug Store. 7th IM B-northwest.Arcade Electric Company. Four¬

teenth strfeet and Park road north¬west. *

Lansburgh and Brother. 420Seventh ^street.William Ballard Company, 1340 Gstreet.Woodward and Lothrop. Eleventhsn< F streets.The Hecht Company, Seventh andF streets.S. Kann Sons Company. Eighthstreet and Market square.J. P. i)lnowitzer, 620 Pennsylva¬nia avenue.

Radio Terms Defined.Motor Generator .. A motor and,

for radio transmitters, generatorunit. The motor and generator are.coupled together. The unit is usedaboard ship and elsewhere whendirect current only is available. Dkrect current, 'usually at 110 volts,runs the motoT, which, in turn be¬cause of its coupling with the gen¬erator. revolves the-, generator ar¬mature. From this armature col¬lector rings lead off alternating cur¬rent of 110 volts and possibly 500cycles frequency. By connectionwith Qscillation' transformers thisfrequency is then stepped up toseveral thousand cyde» per second,according to the power and wavelength transmitted.Rectifier.The crystal detector of

a receiving set. Currents radiofrequency as received from a dis¬tant transmitter are rectified tocurrents of audio frequency, termeddirect pulsating current. The sig¬nals may be distinguished by ear.

Grid Variometer.The variome¬ter placed In the grid circuit be-,twean the grid condenser and thesecondary. It adds variably induct¬ance to the circuit.Front Fone*.-The trade name for

one" mdke of .head phones.D. T. S.. An abbreviation fre¬

quently used to lndlcate» doublethrow switch. Other abbreviationsof this same order are D. P. D_ T..meaning double pole double throwswitoJv and 8. P. S.. meaning singlepole switch. Apparatus is fre¬quently marked this way to facili¬tate reference to -catalogues.


An apple crop of. J79.R00*U00 bush¬els is forcast by the United 8tatesDepartment of Agriculture in acrop estimate released yesterday?Thfr Compares with a crop'of 9fci-000.000 fcushels in 1021, and with223.600.000 bushels In 1920. Thepeach crop Is forecast at 53,629.000bushels, as compared with 32.735,000bushels in 1921, and with 45,620.000bushels in 1920. Pear prospects tlAydicats about a normal crop of about15,000.000 bushels, oompared with10,705.000 bushels In 1921 and.

DOLLARSALE ofEyeglasses


We will fill netas'* prescription. 4spH>esto the gUMns arebow wesriag. dupliestsbrokes glsssiM. PbeosMela SMI aS« we'll nM fir as< de¬liver your work.


South AmericaNew Radio Field

High-Powered Station NearBoenos Aires Forerunner

Of'Others.? I 3?

. In Arfeattna a paw high-poweredradio station Is bUng ereettd whichwill permit continuous radio com-muqlcation Mtweii NeW Tork andlarge stations .dn ^European coun¬tries According to pUna-proposedX>y *he International radio commit¬tee. It'la expdfCad that other partsof Sooth America will likewise belinked to tt-ana-Atlantlc and trans¬pacific stations .'

There are portions of South Amer¬ica which have never been exploredand thousand! o( mile of Inaccessi¬ble territory, due tp surface condi¬tions of the co«ntryuIa many casesa direct means of communicationfrom Braall to Chile or from Ccaa-dor to Cape Horn would be desir¬able and would be practicable wereIt not for the barrier against travelaccommodations and the l<>ngroutes'1 necetssry.* With the erec¬tion of. radio receiving ana trans¬mitting station! on either taaat .ofthi South American continent andpan established sxeUm of commu¬nication; between (he peoples .of thedifferent countries.' ^/ie pra***" otthat part of the western. Hemi¬sphere would be lacreased tremen¬dously.The construction of the new wire¬

less station near Buenos Aires Isa forerunner of ethers to be erected'within the «amlnc year, and la alsoene of the most poweffol stationsIn either of the Americas.Very recently it was re?orlt4

that an operator on the Gracesteamship line, cruKIng nearIqulque, Chile, heard WJZ-tNewark.N. J..clearly. Thjs Is a distanceof 4.000 miles, on* of the longestradiophone nnreriH reported. Idealfondltlons for transmission .madethis feat possible. With develop¬ments expected from research nowbelnK made. It Is expected thatbroadcasting stations familiar topersons In the .United States willa heard at Intervals by the SouthAmerican peoples.


Beginning June 16, the Depart¬ment of Agriculture, with the. helpof the Navy Department, wli) in¬augurate a nationwide radio agri¬cultural service, which will makeavailable to nearly every radio re¬ceiving set !n the I'nited Statesweather, crop and market reports.Continuous wave radio telegraph

will be used to broadcast the re¬ports. W A. Wheeler, in charge ofthe service, said. But considerablere-broadcasting by radio telephoneis expected so that any radio fanin -the Eastern two-thirds- of th*United States may be able to re¬ceive the messages. The- depart¬ment hopes in the near future tomake the service available In thePacific and Rocky Mountain re¬gions as well.The Arlington and Great Lake*

wireless stations will be used ^forthe broadcasting.


Eleven officers and members of theAssociated Retail Credit Men. -ofWashing:!on. will leave Union Stationon a special car Sunday, to attendthe annual convention of the NatffenalAssociation of Retail Credit men inCleveland. June 12-15.

Closer co-operation between retailand wholesale credit organizationswin be sought at the convention. Rep¬resentatives of wholesale organisa¬tions throughout the country havebeen irivited to attend.

Washington's association will berepresented by Harry V. Ostermayer.president; E. W. Whitehead, vicepresident; Miss Elsie M. Lee. treas¬urer; Stephen H. Talkes. secretary:David Sanger, Philipsbom's; MarkLansburgh. Lansburgh and Brother;Eggene Beatty, Pslals Royal; A.Coonln, Hshn's; P. J. McMullin.Hecht's; Mr. and Mrs. S. Powder-maker. Kay Jewelry Company, andCharles M. Keefer, or ?. Kann's Sonsand Company.


Lions''Night, "at* the Shubert-Bei$LSCoTheater, according to announcementmade at the weekly luncheon of the£lub at the New Willard Wednesday,will be observed next Wednesdaynight. Miss Manda Lyon, leadinglady of the company and .the onlywoman who ever addressed the Wash¬ington Lions Club, will be hostessto trtembers and their friends.Washington Lions will visit the T.

M. C. A. Boys' Camp during July, fol¬lowing acceptance of an invitationread to members And accepted by theclub.The followirfg were named a, com*-

mittee to welcome and entertain out-of-town members of the Lions Clubswho pass through" Washington ontheir way to the international cori-ventioh to be held at Hot Springs.Ark.. June lf-22. E. T. Goodman.ehairtaffU- Albert Treecy and P. J.^oley. James Srtiick presided-


;Ctfl<?AGt>~ June 1 like thiscountry JoUy well, t think ^omenJlike Margot Asqulth have a let ofcrust to come over here and tell youpeople what to do. I think you havethe prettiest girls in the world.''This from Sir Charles Hlgham, pro-

nouncesd "Hyme." Advertising kincof England, and Lord NorthclifW apersonal representative to the As#o-»elated Advertising Clubq of the World.He is the man who "soM" patriotismto England .during the war and Tgaa,knighied for it. He is over here to

invite, the Advertising fraternity toioft4 its next Convention in London

XV* die. gUfestrat LTOiWPBfc


CHICAGO, June Miss BlancheSweet spent an hour or two In Chi¬cago on her way to New Tork. where(be la to be married to MarshallNeilan, her director. Miss &Htt»eluded interviewers. This will heher first marriage, according to" JamesR. Grainger. Nellan's representative.Neilan waa divorced from GertrudeBambrWk, an aetreea. last year. HeIs X\ and Miss Sweet la *

It ia ltkety that Dorothy and LillianGtah will he members of the wed¬ding party. Only a few Intimatefriends will wltnsea the ceremoay.which probably will be performed Inthe license clerk s suite Iff the Munici¬pal BUftdlag In New Ylrk.

Kit Canon Post Meets.Kit Careen Post. Ho. X. O. A. R..

held a "get-together meeting" lastnight. Old hymns and mountaineersongs wan sung under the directionof Mrs. Isabel Worrell

CORONER DECIDESDEATH ACCIDENTAL,Daath' hy accident >u the Verdtot

twice tended down by the Coroner'*Jury yesterday. These dedfclons follewKl ln<Kennethold. 2.1

Inqueeti over the bodlfcs «Br06ka. . colored., It r«*>

otd, !>l P urt't northwo»t. »"*M*ry Bi ohmeyer. three-yesr->olddaughter of Harry Eolrmeyer. «l»Pennsylvania' avenue southsast.manager of"* the AveBue Or*adTheater. > '

Brooke 4iad WlHneoday morning ofItvluries received when he was struckb}> in automobile operated. police Edward Maloney. tit U tintnorthwest, at Flrat and M »Cr*et«northweet Baby Lahraeyer wu thevictim or a fall from a second atoryrear porch, when the rallltw %aveway. as eke piayad near It while hermother waa at Ctarflald Hoepital vis¬iting her husband. Tueeday. She diedat Casualty Hospital Wednesday.


Hurt Lanrdon. of Woodbrldge. D. jC.. waj awarded a verdict of $ J M#damages yesterday. by a Jury In Clr-colt Court Ko 2 agalnat Metcalf ahdDiets, taxicab owner?, for the lossof ths eight of hie left ere.Langdon clal m«d to have been in-

Jared on March 7. lilt. In a collisionbetween his automobile and a taxi-cab owned by Metralf and Dleex. atThirteenth and 8 atreeta horthwett."

B. YJt> U. CM*The raoattiy meeting. of the

Junior Columbia federation ofYoung "People's Chlons will

lb* Mid at the VMt WashingtonBaptlat Church. Thirty-first snd Nstreets northwest, at I A'clock thiseventog.'


4.J55 nut »*TIO>Al MUEIHTI

1 umI STEWARTS WU* eplewdtf eopfort in m pto-

.- thrilling

Postal Relations Renewed.Postmaster General Hubert Work

yesterday signed the postal moneyorder convention with Hungary toInto effect next Saturday. TJlitransaction will be In dollars. bothways. The Hungarian government innot reapeonsible for money byregiatered mall and insists that allremittances from this country shsllbe by postal money orders. Postalrelations between the United State*and Hungary were severed on De¬cember 7. 1SJT.

mm tvreeaue and thri0 of tin Sterras, A

55 QIESTIOI OF H0R0IM i Mark leaattt Ca»e«T

5. "IYMMSIIM Jir35 OVERTVRE.¦J Peer Cynt Isllc <Grt*g>S SttfciafW* Fiseit Ordniiri. K. MIKSKKT. r..darter

PafKe Ne«c».Topici of tho DayTEXT »TKK


Rickari BirtkettntasIn Another "Tol'able Dmvid"

"Sowar"From Geo. V. Hobart'a

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' NORFOLKAttractive ui Eajoyabl*.

Route to

New England ResortsInformation and Literature at CityTicket Office, Woodward Build-

inc. 731 15th St. N. W.

Norfolk & WashingtonSteamboat Co. -

STRANDIZiSO Mi-All Week-Il p.m.


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( Tbrilliat Kid.».Other attractiena.GREAT out ECHO ORCHESTRA FOB



And Girb All ThisV Week.


, .-

It le seldom indeed that any Hrlor woman ireta the free opportu¬nity to meet and talk about theirailments with a kindly, motherlywoman of the experience andsympathetic .underetandinif. of Mra.Gene Case, the noted Health Ad¬vocate. who is now conducting amoat unusual demonatratioa atthe Peoples' Drug Store, comer of14th and You St*., each afternoonand evening of this week.

S^rs. Case has talked with thou¬sands of gtrjs a'hd women hereand in other eitifcs about theirtroubfea and paHteulaf ailmentsand being a woman herself andui" enk time'alfHctM hftaet? -*1thminor complainta. ahe knows whatIt means to suffer, and throughcloae Observation ahe naturally haaa world of Information about howother* with different complaintahave solved their troubles and thebeauty afcout Mrs. Caae'a demon-.tratlon is that no ope is obligatedor Importuned constantly to trysome expensive, long, weary treat¬ment. In fact. Mrs. Ca»« haa beenriving free treatment! dally, andeven If the reader should buyAdams' Wonder Capaulea or Hrpo-Cod or Oray-Taba or Phoa-PhoVlta'mine. or aome simple littlerem»dv ahe talka about, they arefully protected because If reaqltsfall to come up to what she aaya.then the drug »tore cheerfully re¬fund* every penny.Mrs Case says: "I lUce to talk

with those Who are troubled withPeriodical pains, cramps and head¬aches at Menstrual time, or whohave Neuritis neuralgia. Stomach,bowel or bladder »aln«. or nervousrun-down thin, weak rttle andwomen who" feel half alck all thetime, and those who have a »>».«*-tng. coughing flt every night, be-caose t have had hundreda of auch

sufferers come back or write tomt and tell' me of the wondarfxrtImprovement they ret-elved aa soon-as they really became desirous of.getting relief and set about doingIt. The great trouble is in set¬ting girls and women to see howdisastrously such troubles affectiMif health, efficiency, beauty andgood looks and how unnecessaryand unnatural such suffering reallyft. -rti-lnatkat'. I have mt glrlawho far years have spent ene ortwo days in bed each month -withpalna and crampa and they ac¬tually believed there wa* nothingIn th'i* modern age that would helpthem.luit because tlTey had triedsome oW- fashioned remedy andgot not-eanlt. but T hope t^iere arenone so foolish as to Ael that vayIn Washington, an* hare is myoffer to such sufferers. "TT threedoses of Adams' Wonder Capsulesfail to stop every sign of thosepains and cramps next time, the*the bottle will cost nothing." Andthere are hundreds of women InWashington with Other minor ail¬ments and suffering needlesslywho can be tremendoualy helpedwith some othej simple littla homeremedy.'' declares Mrs Case.NOTE.Mrs. Case each afternoon

and evening of this week will beat the Peoples .Drug Store Ko. I.corner of l«th and Toa Sts. andall next week at Store No. «, cor¬ner of "th and M Sta Drop latalk with her. There ta no obliga¬tion. AU Peopla# t>rag Storeshay* the slmale remedies recom¬mended by thta fafnous Health Ad¬vocate..Ad v.


TRIUMPH!Tkt pietarr that took ,V«rYork ky Ifonii trKrv thotrnat ti prire».A fgrfrauand amat!>v ttory of JfMteCarlo, trkrrr even taintt aretiinfri: j




Enjoy the Week-End at

COLONIAL BEACH"WMklnrtitR'n Atlutlr CTfy**

Steamer St JohnsImvh Ttli WlwC

Sunday, June 11th, 9 KM.Round Trip ©ood Sunday O4kj). |! MRound Trip Ooxi for mum . it OC

40-Mile Moonlight TripsKrrr DmHnx Rata mr SklMr

ET*ry Eronin* «xcot»t fruadBy at 7 15 p. m4U1 OMCHK'TK 4

Adults. 70e; CMMtum Mc





? COOLEST A*OT I* TOW*ToM^ht Bt t OA.-fitc-f 1.00


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A Unrimm TOMORROW f :t» T M

Do the Dead Lm?.II THE



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Rinlto O+cheslm.Overture, "ZanM**

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