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European Parliament 2019-2024 Committee on Development 2019/2184(INI) 25.9.2020 AMENDMENTS 1 - 208 Draft report Tomas Tobé (PE648.376v01-00) Improving development effectiveness and efficiency of aid (2019/2184(INI)) AM\1214172EN.docx PE658.707v01-00 EN United in diversity EN

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European Parliament


{DEVE}Committee on Development




1 - 208

Draft report

Tomas Tobé


Improving development effectiveness and efficiency of aid




Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution

Citation 5 a (new)

Motion for a resolution


-having regard to the 17th Steering Committee Meeting towards the 2019 Global Partnership Senior-Level Meeting (26-27 March 2019 Kampala, Uganda);

Or. {EN}en


Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution

Citation 8 a (new)

Motion for a resolution


-having regard to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) of 20 November 1989;

Or. {EN}en


Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution

Citation 9 a (new)

Motion for a resolution


-having regard to the Council conclusions of 26 October 2015 on the EU Gender Action Plan 2016-20201a;



Or. {EN}en


Erik Marquardt

{Greens/EFA}on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution

Citation 14 a (new)

Motion for a resolution


-having regard to the Council Conclusions on the EU Gender Action Plan 2016-20201a;



Or. {EN}en


Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution

Citation 9 b (new)

Motion for a resolution


-having regard to the Commission Joint Staff Working document: Gender equality and Women through EU External Relations 2016-2020 SWD (2015) 182;

Or. {EN}en


Erik Marquardt

{Greens/EFA}on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution

Citation 14 b (new)

Motion for a resolution


-having regard to the European Commission Communication (2012): The roots of democracy and sustainable development: Europe's engagement with Civil Society in external relations;

Or. {EN}en


Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution

Citation 15 a (new)

Motion for a resolution


-having regard to the Commission Communication on the roots of democracy and sustainable development: Europe's engagement with Civil Society in external relationsCOM (2012) 492;

Or. {EN}en


Tomas Tobé, György Hölvényi, Hildegard Bentele

{EPP}on behalf of the PPE Group

Motion for a resolution

Citation 16 a (new)

Motion for a resolution


-having regard to the study “Effective Development Cooperation - Does the EU deliver?: Detailed Analysis of EU Performance”, requested by the European Commission and published in May 20201a;



Or. {EN}en


Miguel Urbán Crespo

{GUE/NGL}on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group

Motion for a resolution

Citation 16 a (new)

Motion for a resolution


-having regard to the study of May 2020 on the effectiveness of blended finance, entitled ‘The use of development funds for de-risking private investment: how effective is it in delivering development results?’;

Or. {EN}en


Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution

Citation 19 a (new)

Motion for a resolution


19 ahaving regard to the Commission Communication on Empowering local authorities in partner countries for enhanced governance and more effective development outcomes COM(2013) 280;

Or. {EN}en


Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution

Citation 24 a (new)

Motion for a resolution


-having regard to its resolution of 6 October 2015 on the role of local authorities in developing countries in development cooperation1b;



Or. {EN}en


Erik Marquardt

{Greens/EFA}on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution

Citation 28 a (new)

Motion for a resolution


-having regard to the 2013 European Commission Communication on Empowering Local Authorities in partner countries for enhanced governance and more effective development outcomes;

Or. {EN}en


Catherine Chabaud, Stéphane Bijoux, Charles Goerens, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou

Motion for a resolution

Citation 37 a (new)

Motion for a resolution


-having regard to the European Parliament resolution of 6 October 2015 on the role of local authorities in developing countries in development cooperation1 a,


1 a

Or. {FR}fr


Erik Marquardt

{Greens/EFA}on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution

Citation 28 b (new)

Motion for a resolution


-having regard to its previous resolutions, in particular of 6 October 2015 on the role of local authorities in developing countries in development cooperation1a;



Or. {EN}en


Erik Marquardt

{Greens/EFA}on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution

Citation 31 a (new)

Motion for a resolution


-having regard to the DAC Recommendation on the humanitarian-development-peace nexus of 22February 2019;

Or. {EN}en


Erik Marquardt

{Greens/EFA}on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution

Citation 18 a (new)

Motion for a resolution


-having regard to the Joint Communication of the European Commission ‘Towards a Comprehensive Strategy with Africa of 9 March 2020’;

Or. {EN}en


Erik Marquardt

{Greens/EFA}on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution

Citation 33 a (new)

Motion for a resolution


-having regard to its resolution of 28 November 2019 on the ongoing negotiations for a new Partnership Agreement between the European Union and the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States1a;



Or. {EN}en


Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Catherine Chabaud, Stéphane Bijoux, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, Charles Goerens, Barry Andrews

Motion for a resolution

Citation 35 a (new)

Motion for a resolution


-having regard to the OECD Report of 24 June 2020 entitled 'The impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis on development finance'24a;



Or. {EN}en


Erik Marquardt

{Greens/EFA}on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution

Citation 35 a (new)

Motion for a resolution


-having regard to its resolution of 28 November 2019 on the 2019 UN Climate Change Conference in Madrid, Spain (COP 25)1a;



Or. {EN}en


Catherine Chabaud, Stéphane Bijoux, Charles Goerens, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou

Motion for a resolution

Citation 37 b (new)

Motion for a resolution


-having regard to the Paris Agreement, the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP 21) to the UNFCCC and the 11th Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP 11), held in Paris, France, from 30 November to 11 December 2015,

Or. {FR}fr


Erik Marquardt

{Greens/EFA}on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution

Citation 35 b (new)

Motion for a resolution


-having regard to its resolution of 15 January 2020 on the European Green Deal1a;



Or. {EN}en


Catherine Chabaud, Stéphane Bijoux, Charles Goerens, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou

Motion for a resolution

Citation 37 c (new)

Motion for a resolution


-having regard to the Special Report on the Ocean, Cryosphere and Climate Change (SROCC) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of 25 September 2019,

Or. {FR}fr


Bernhard Zimniok, Dominique Bilde

Motion for a resolution

Recital A

Motion for a resolution


A.whereas the global environment is becoming more complex and uncertain, with a rise in conflict and geopolitical rivalry and more frequent and severe natural disasters, notably in developing countries, which affect the most vulnerable; whereas this highlights the need for strengthened multilateralism and continuous efforts to increase the effectiveness and impact of European aid;

A.whereas the global environment remains complex and uncertain as always, the many instances of misappropriation of aid, the ineffectiveness of many aid interventions in terms of addressing the needs of the intended beneficiaries and the needs uncovered in European nations due to the Covid 19 pandemic, highlights the need for continuous efforts to increase the effectiveness and impact of aid;

Or. {EN}en


Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, Stéphane Bijoux, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Catherine Chabaud, María Soraya Rodríguez Ramos, Barry Andrews

Motion for a resolution

Recital A

Motion for a resolution


A.whereas the global environment is becoming more complex and uncertain, with a rise in conflict and geopolitical rivalry and more frequent and severe natural disasters, notably in developing countries, which affect the most vulnerable; whereas this highlights the need for strengthened multilateralism and continuous efforts to increase the effectiveness and impact of European aid;

A.whereas the global environment is becoming more complex and uncertain, with a rise in conflict and geopolitical rivalry, the effects of climate change and biodiversity loss and more frequent and severe natural disasters, notably in developing countries, which affect the most vulnerable; whereas this highlights the need for strengthened multilateralism and continuous efforts to increase the effectiveness and impact of European aid;

Or. {FR}fr


Stéphane Bijoux, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Charles Goerens, Catherine Chabaud, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou

Motion for a resolution

Recital A

Motion for a resolution


A.whereas the global environment is becoming more complex and uncertain, with a rise in conflict and geopolitical rivalry and more frequent and severe natural disasters, notably in developing countries, which affect the most vulnerable; whereas this highlights the need for strengthened multilateralism and continuous efforts to increase the effectiveness and impact of European aid;

A.whereas the global environment is becoming more complex and uncertain, with a rise in conflict and geopolitical rivalry, climate change and more frequent and severe natural disasters, notably in developing countries, which affect the most vulnerable; whereas this highlights the need for strengthened multilateralism and continuous efforts to increase the effectiveness and impact of European aid;

Or. {FR}fr


György Hölvényi

Motion for a resolution

Recital A

Motion for a resolution


A.whereas the global environment is becoming more complex and uncertain, with a rise in conflict and geopolitical rivalry and more frequent and severe natural disasters, notably in developing countries, which affect the most vulnerable; whereas this highlights the need for strengthened multilateralism and continuous efforts to increase the effectiveness and impact of European aid;

A.whereas the global environment is becoming more complex and uncertain, with a rise in conflict notably religious intolerance and attacks on minorities and geopolitical rivalry and more frequent and severe natural disasters, notably in developing countries, which affect the most vulnerable; whereas this highlights the need for strengthened multilateralism and continuous efforts to increase the effectiveness and impact of European aid;

Or. {EN}en


Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Catherine Chabaud, Stéphane Bijoux, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, Charles Goerens, Barry Andrews

Motion for a resolution

Recital A a (new)

Motion for a resolution


A a.whereas the world is struck by the Covid-19 pandemic; whereas the impact of this pandemic on developing countries and aid assistance beneficiary countries is still unclear; whereas the impact of this pandemic presents a significant strain on aid assistance capacities of donor countries and private investors;

Or. {EN}en


Stéphane Bijoux, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Charles Goerens, Catherine Chabaud, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou

Motion for a resolution

Recital A a (new)

Motion for a resolution


Aa.whereas the COVID-19 pandemic, which has affected all countries, regardless of their level of development, is having a health-related impact, but also an economic and social impact; whereas this pandemic has an impact on development cooperation and imposes an obligation to ensure greater efficiency;

Or. {FR}fr


Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Catherine Chabaud, Stéphane Bijoux, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, Charles Goerens, Barry Andrews

Motion for a resolution

Recital A b (new)

Motion for a resolution


A b.whereas the current pandemic has severely disrupted and could have long-lasting effects on tourism, sea transport, and other ocean-based sectors, negatively impacting the economies of many developing countries, including the most vulnerable countries, small island developing states and least developed countries;

Or. {EN}en


Erik Marquardt

{Greens/EFA}on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution

Recital A a (new)

Motion for a resolution


A a.Whereas aid effectiveness depends upon the way the principle of Policy Coherence for Development (PCD) is implemented; whereas more efforts are still needed to comply with PCD principles, especially in the field of EU migration, trade, climate and agriculture policies;

Or. {EN}en


Janina Ochojska

Motion for a resolution

Recital A a (new)

Motion for a resolution


A a.whereas development challenges have changed over the years, with the emergence of new global challenges such as migration, food security, peace and stability, and climate change;

Or. {EN}en


Erik Marquardt

{Greens/EFA}on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution

Recital A b (new)

Motion for a resolution


A b.Whereas development effectiveness principles as well as all sources of development financing should be articulated so as to fulfil the objectives set in the Paris Climate Agreement;

Or. {EN}en


Barry Andrews, Catherine Chabaud, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Charles Goerens

Motion for a resolution

Recital B

Motion for a resolution


B.whereas the world’s population is growing faster than gross national income (GNI), in particular in sub-Saharan Africa, where the population is expected to double over the next 30 years; whereas in spite of strong economic growth, this will increase the number of people living in poverty and unemployment, emphasising the urgent need to support developing countries effectively in their efforts to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);

B.whereas the world’s population is growing faster than gross national income (GNI), in particular in sub-Saharan Africa, where the population is expected to double over the next 30 years; whereas in spite of strong economic growth, this will increase the number of people living in poverty and unemployment, emphasising the urgent need to support developing countries effectively in their efforts to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); whereas the gap in aid financing for the SDGs is estimated at $2.5 trillion; whereas aid effectiveness will play a critical role in the success of the 2030 Agenda; whereas the role of blended finance in bridging this gap should be further explored;

Or. {EN}en


Erik Marquardt

{Greens/EFA}on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution

Recital B

Motion for a resolution


B.whereas the world’s population is growing faster than gross national income (GNI), in particular in sub-Saharan Africa, where the population is expected to double over the next 30 years; whereas in spite of strong economic growth, this will increase the number of people living in poverty and unemployment, emphasising the urgent need to support developing countries effectively in their efforts to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);

B.whereas the world’s population is growing faster than gross national income (GNI), in particular in sub-Saharan Africa, where the population is expected to double over the next 30 years; whereas in spite of strong economic growth, this will increase the number of people living in poverty and unemployment, emphasising the urgent need to support developing countries effectively in their efforts to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); whereas the region is already suffering from the health and economic consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic, notably in terms of food insecurity, loss of income and livelihood and a looming debt crisis;

Or. {EN}en


Stéphane Bijoux, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Charles Goerens, Catherine Chabaud, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou

Motion for a resolution

Recital B

Motion for a resolution


B.whereas the world’s population is growing faster than gross national income (GNI), in particular in sub-Saharan Africa, where the population is expected to double over the next 30 years; whereas in spite of strong economic growth, this will increase the number of people living in poverty and unemployment, emphasising the urgent need to support developing countries effectively in their efforts to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);

B.whereas the world’s population is growing faster than gross national income (GNI), in particular in sub-Saharan Africa, where the population is expected to double over the next 30 years to 2.1 billion in 2050 and 3.8. billion at the end of the century; whereas in spite of strong economic growth, this will increase the number of people living in poverty and unemployment, emphasising the urgent need to support developing countries effectively in their efforts to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);

Or. {FR}fr


Bernhard Zimniok, Dominique Bilde

Motion for a resolution

Recital B

Motion for a resolution


B.whereas the world’s population is growing faster than gross national income (GNI), in particular in sub-Saharan Africa, where the population is expected to double over the next 30 years; whereas in spite of strong economic growth, this will increase the number of people living in poverty and unemployment, emphasising the urgent need to support developing countries effectively in their efforts to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);

B.whereas the world’s population is growing faster than gross national income (GNI), in particular in sub-Saharan Africa, where the population is expected to double over the next 30 years; whereas in spite of strong economic growth, this will increase the number of people living in poverty and unemployment, emphasising the urgent need to firstly support developing countries effectively in their efforts to tackle the problem with overpopulation and secondly to make progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);

Or. {EN}en


Erik Marquardt

{Greens/EFA}on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution

Recital B a (new)

Motion for a resolution


B a.Whereas an EU-Africa strategy based on a partnership of equals entails taking into account the specific concerns of African countries in terms of economic diversification, industrialisation, loss of government revenues and regional integration;

Or. {EN}en


Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution

Recital B a (new)

Motion for a resolution


B a.whereas inequalities between countries are still very high, while inequality has a negative impact on aid efficiency and effectiveness;

Or. {EN}en


Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution

Recital B b (new)

Motion for a resolution


B b.Whereas internal and external policies of the EU and the Member States should not impact negatively on developing countries, in accordance with Policy coherence for development. Whereas there is an increasing emphasis on the promotion of EU external policy interests and that EU external assistance should continue to have development effectiveness and efficiency and partner countries’ needs at its core, in accordance with art. 208 of TFUE establishing that the reduction and eradication of poverty is the principle aim for development cooperation policy;

Or. {EN}en


Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution

Recital B c (new)

Motion for a resolution


B c.whereas it is important to put in place measures which aim at building and increasing resilience of communities, in particular in fragile partner countries, in countries touched by conflicts or natural disasters, and in refugee hosting countries;

Or. {EN}en


Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution

Recital B d (new)

Motion for a resolution


B d.whereas children’s health and well-being is a crucial target of development cooperation policies;

Or. {EN}en


Erik Marquardt

{Greens/EFA}on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution

Recital C

Motion for a resolution


C.whereas the EU, as the world’s biggest donor of official development assistance (ODA), amounting to EUR 74.4 billion in 2018 and representing almost 57 % of all ODA worldwide, is committed to promoting effective development cooperation geared towards ending all forms of poverty and inequality, and to supporting its development partners in realising the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development;

C.whereas the EU, as the world’s biggest donor of official development assistance (ODA), amounting to EUR 74.4 billion in 2018 and representing almost 57 % of all ODA worldwide, is committed to promoting effective development cooperation geared towards ending all forms of poverty and inequality, and to supporting its development partners in realising the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development; whereas in 2019, DAC members collectively spent only 0.3% of GNI on ODA, with only five members meeting or exceeding the spending target (United Kingdom, Sweden, Denmark, Luxembourg and Norway);

Or. {EN}en


György Hölvényi

Motion for a resolution

Recital C

Motion for a resolution


C.whereas the EU, as the world’s biggest donor of official development assistance (ODA), amounting to EUR 74.4 billion in 2018 and representing almost 57 % of all ODA worldwide, is committed to promoting effective development cooperation geared towards ending all forms of poverty and inequality, and to supporting its development partners in realising the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development;

C.whereas the EU together with its Member States, as the world’s biggest donor of official development assistance (ODA), amounting to EUR 74.4 billion in 2018 and representing almost 57 % of all ODA worldwide, is committed to promoting effective development cooperation geared towards ending all forms of poverty and inequality, and to supporting its development partners in realising the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development;

Or. {EN}en


Erik Marquardt

{Greens/EFA}on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution

Recital D

Motion for a resolution


D.whereas the principles of ownership and alignment, focusing on results, inclusive partnerships, transparency and accountability, should underpin all forms of development cooperation;

D.whereas the principles of country and democratic ownership and alignment, focusing on results, inclusive partnerships, transparency and accountability, should underpin all forms of development cooperation to ensure development funds are used efficiently and effectively to properly achieve the SDGs;

Or. {EN}en


Antoni Comín i Oliveres

Motion for a resolution

Recital D

Motion for a resolution


D.whereas the principles of ownership and alignment, focusing on results, inclusive partnerships, transparency and accountability, should underpin all forms of development cooperation;

D.whereas the principles of ownership, alignment, suitability, stability, multilateralism, resource sufficiency and focusing on results, inclusive partnerships, transparency and accountability, should underpin all forms of development cooperation;

Or. {ES}es


Stéphane Bijoux, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Charles Goerens, Catherine Chabaud, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou

Motion for a resolution

Recital D a (new)

Motion for a resolution


Da.whereas the role of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC) is to to promote the principles of aid effectiveness; whereas it has three strategic priorities that will guide the Partnership’s contribution to the launch of the ‘Decade of Action’, namely:

- promoting development effectiveness to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda,

- building better partnerships,

- leveraging monitoring for action;

Or. {FR}fr


Tomas Tobé, György Hölvényi, Hildegard Bentele

{EPP}on behalf of the PPE Group

Motion for a resolution

Recital D a (new)

Motion for a resolution


D a.whereas the study “Effective Development Cooperation - Does the EU deliver?: Detailed Analysis of EU Performance” points to a decreased alignment of EU Member States and EU institutions to the effectiveness principles and related indicators, in particular predictability, use of indicators drawn from partner country owned results frameworks, using partner country public financial management systems and commitment to involve partner governments in project evaluations, and transparent reporting;

Or. {EN}en


Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Catherine Chabaud, Stéphane Bijoux, Charles Goerens, Barry Andrews

Motion for a resolution

Recital D a (new)

Motion for a resolution


D a.Whereas the EU’s development policies and partnerships must be built on sustainable political and economic cooperation with partners on an equal footing, with respect for human rights at its core; whereas its development policies must take into account the situation of forced displaced people, of vulnerable populations and of migrants and asylum seekers;

Or. {EN}en


Erik Marquardt

{Greens/EFA}on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution

Recital D a (new)

Motion for a resolution


D a.Whereas the 2019 report of the GPEDC indicates that progress on SDG 17.15 target “Respect each country’s policy space and leadership to establish and implement poverty eradication and sustainable development” is meagre and whereas the EU is not positively contributing to it by decreasing its use of country-led results framework;

Or. {EN}en


Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution

Recital D a (new)

Motion for a resolution


D a.whereas, given the increase of protracted crises, the EU should continue its efforts to operationalise the humanitarian-development nexus with the aim to deliver long-lasting results;

Or. {EN}en


Janina Ochojska

Motion for a resolution

Recital D a (new)

Motion for a resolution


D a.whereas the fragmentation of aid remains a persistent challenge arising from the proliferation of donors and aid agencies and lack of coordination of their activities and projects;

Or. {EN}en


Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution

Recital D b (new)

Motion for a resolution


D b.whereas during the programming process it is essential to guarantee a wide consultation in partner countries with all relevant actors: local authorities, national parliaments, civil society, local NGO’s, women associations, marginalized groups, the UN and its agencies, the small and medium enterprises and the private sector;

Or. {EN}en


Erik Marquardt

{Greens/EFA}on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution

Recital D b (new)

Motion for a resolution


D b.Whereas without a bottom-up approach to development, it is impossible to maximize development results; whereas improved sharing of concrete examples and advice on successful projects on the ground in partner countries will help implementing the principles effectively and help achieving the intended results successfully;

Or. {EN}en


Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution

Recital D c (new)

Motion for a resolution


D c.whereas an effective Private Sector Engagement (PSE) should be based on the five Kampala principles: inclusive country ownership, results and targeted impact, inclusive partnership, transparency and accountability and leave no-one behind;

Or. {EN}en


Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution

Recital D d (new)

Motion for a resolution


D d.whereas in the partner countries there are several other actors and donors which deliver humanitarian and development aid;

Or. {EN}en


Janina Ochojska

Motion for a resolution

Recital E

Motion for a resolution


E.whereas although the EU institutions and Member States have a large stock of data and expertise in the field of development, it remains insufficiently shared; whereas it should be made more accessible and should be used in policy-making;

E.whereas although the EU institutions and Member States as well as local and regional authorities involved in the development cooperation have a large stock of data and expertise in the field of development, it remains insufficiently shared; whereas it should be made more accessible and should be used in policy-making;

Or. {EN}en


Tomas Tobé, György Hölvényi, Hildegard Bentele

{EPP}on behalf of the PPE Group

Motion for a resolution

Recital E

Motion for a resolution


E.whereas although the EU institutions and Member States have a large stock of data and expertise in the field of development, it remains insufficiently shared; whereas it should be made more accessible and should be used in policy-making;

E.whereas although the EU institutions and Member States, local and regional authorities as well as international organisations and civil society organisations have a large stock of data and expertise, it remains insufficiently shared; whereas it should be made more accessible and should be used in policy-making;

Or. {EN}en


Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution

Recital E

Motion for a resolution


E.whereas although the EU institutions and Member States have a large stock of data and expertise in the field of development, it remains insufficiently shared; whereas it should be made more accessible and should be used in policy-making;

E.whereas although the EU institutions, Member States and local and regional authorities have a large stock of data and expertise in the field of development, it remains insufficiently shared; whereas it should be made more accessible and should be used in policy-making;

Or. {EN}en


Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution

Recital E

Motion for a resolution


E.whereas although the EU institutions and Member States have a large stock of data and expertise in the field of development, it remains insufficiently shared; whereas it should be made more accessible and should be used in policy-making;

E.whereas although the EU institutions, Member States and local and regional authorities have a large stock of data and expertise in the field of development, it remains insufficiently shared; whereas it should be made more accessible and should be used in policy-making;

Or. {EN}en


Mónica Silvana González, Pierfrancesco Majorino

Motion for a resolution

Recital E a (new)

Motion for a resolution


E a.Whereas triangular cooperation is especially efficient in improving cooperation to respond to common challenges, as preventing, managing and recovering from natural disasters that slow down and interrupt development, as security challenges in a wide region or as adapting small businesses models to the new economic challenges emerged during the coronavirus crisis.

Or. {EN}en


Beata Kempa

{ECR}on behalf of the ECR Group

Motion for a resolution

Recital E a (new)

Motion for a resolution


E a.whereas the design and implementation of effective aid policy requires a deeper understanding of the impact of aid and the overall environment in which development aid operates;

Or. {EN}en


Erik Marquardt

{Greens/EFA}on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution

Recital F

Motion for a resolution


F.whereas accessible and reliable aid data reinforces the transparency of aid flows and helps all development partners in their planning and coordination processes; whereas international standards as promoted by the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) make this data comparable;

F.whereas accessible and reliable aid data reinforces the transparency of aid flows and helps all development partners in their planning and coordination processes; whereas international standards as promoted by the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) make this data comparable; whereas achieving development results and working towards the SDGs needs detailed data on the local context, an agreed set of results to be targeted, joined-up action to work towards them, and fast public feedback to facilitate accountability;

Or. {EN}en


Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution

Recital F a (new)

Motion for a resolution


F a.whereas gender equality is a key principle of EU development aid; whereas the impact of development policies is different on women and girls; whereas there is lack of gender-disaggregated data in the field of development;

Or. {EN}en


Erik Marquardt

{Greens/EFA}on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution

Recital G

Motion for a resolution


G.whereas there is a real risk that the benefits of development assistance and foreign direct investment may be captured by political and economic elites in partner countries; whereas this highlights the need for development cooperation that aims at bringing about transformational changes in political economies, notably related to governance, the distribution of power, social exclusion and access to resources, as well as interaction with the global economy;

G.whereas there is a real risk that the benefits of development assistance and foreign direct investment may be captured by political and economic elites in partner and donor countries ; whereas this highlights the need for development cooperation that aims at bringing about transformational changes for human development in political economies, notably related to governance, the distribution of power, poverty reduction, social exclusion, and safe and affordable access to resources such as food, water and sustainable energy, as well as appropriately regulated interaction with the global economy on trade, corporate liability and accountability in terms of human, social and environmental rights;

Or. {EN}en


Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Catherine Chabaud, Stéphane Bijoux, Charles Goerens, Barry Andrews

Motion for a resolution

Recital G

Motion for a resolution


G.whereas there is a real risk that the benefits of development assistance and foreign direct investment may be captured by political and economic elites in partner countries; whereas this highlights the need for development cooperation that aims at bringing about transformational changes in political economies, notably related to governance, the distribution of power, social exclusion and access to resources, as well as interaction with the global economy;

G.whereas there is a real risk that the benefits of development assistance, foreign direct investment and humanitarian aid may be captured by political and economic elites in partner countries; whereas forced displacement and migration are direct and indirect consequences of unstable political economies, notably related to governance, the distribution of power, social exclusion, a lack of access to resources and a lack of potential to interact with the global economy; whereas this highlights the need for tailor-made development cooperation that aims at bringing about inclusive transformational changes that tackle these core issues;

Or. {EN}en


Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, Stéphane Bijoux, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Catherine Chabaud, María Soraya Rodríguez Ramos, Barry Andrews

Motion for a resolution

Recital G

Motion for a resolution


G.whereas there is a real risk that the benefits of development assistance and foreign direct investment may be captured by political and economic elites in partner countries; whereas this highlights the need for development cooperation that aims at bringing about transformational changes in political economies, notably related to governance, the distribution of power, social exclusion and access to resources, as well as interaction with the global economy;

G.whereas there is a real risk that the benefits of development assistance and foreign direct investment may be captured by political and economic elites in partner countries; whereas this highlights the need for development cooperation that aims at bringing about transformational changes in political economies, notably related to governance, the distribution of power, social exclusion, redistributive policies, social protection and access to resources, as well as interaction with the global economy;

Or. {FR}fr


Bernhard Zimniok

Motion for a resolution

Recital G

Motion for a resolution


G.whereas there is a real risk that the benefits of development assistance and foreign direct investment may be captured by political and economic elites in partner countries; whereas this highlights the need for development cooperation that aims at bringing about transformational changes in political economies, notably related to governance, the distribution of power, social exclusion and access to resources, as well as interaction with the global economy;

G.whereas most of the benefits of development assistance and foreign direct investment are captured by political and economic elites in partner countries; this highlights the need for development cooperation that ensures full transparency and accountability as well as effectiveness and sustainability of all aid-interventions in terms of effect on the ground, before any such interventions are committed to by the EU;

Or. {EN}en


Stéphane Bijoux, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Charles Goerens, Catherine Chabaud, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou

Motion for a resolution

Recital G

Motion for a resolution


G.whereas there is a real risk that the benefits of development assistance and foreign direct investment may be captured by political and economic elites in partner countries; whereas this highlights the need for development cooperation that aims at bringing about transformational changes in political economies, notably related to governance, the distribution of power, social exclusion and access to resources, as well as interaction with the global economy;

G.whereas there is a real risk that the benefits of development assistance and foreign direct investment may be captured by political and economic elites in partner countries; whereas this highlights the need to support and promote - through development cooperation - the principles of good governance, the rule of law, separation of powers, promotion of human rights, combating social exclusion, as well as interaction with the global economy;

Or. {FR}fr


Beata Kempa

{ECR}on behalf of the ECR Group

Motion for a resolution

Recital G a (new)

Motion for a resolution


G a.whereas Africa has become the centerpiece of gravity of the world, and a need for a strong alliance with Africa was stressed by the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in her speech on the State of the Union; whereas the new, revigorated EU strategy for Africa and the Middle East, where both sides share opportunities and responsibilities is necessary, as well as a comprehensive partnership beyond trade and investment with new objectives in the area of the fight against illegal immigration and against terrorism;

Or. {EN}en


Erik Marquardt

{Greens/EFA}on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution

Recital G a (new)

Motion for a resolution


G a.Whereas UNCTAD estimates developing countries need US$ 1 trillion in post-Covid-19 debt relief; whereas the World Bank, the IMF, the G20 and the G7 have taken public debt relief measures for the world poorest countries; whereas these measures should be completed to allow for development aid to effectively deliver on SDGs, including access to basic services, good governance and basic human rights in developing countries;

Or. {EN}en


Stéphane Bijoux, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Charles Goerens, Catherine Chabaud, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou

Motion for a resolution

Recital G a (new)

Motion for a resolution


Ga.whereas the EU is present in all the oceans through its overseas territories - both the outermost regions and the overseas countries and territories - and it is crucial that it develop regional strategies incorporating locally expressed needs as closely as possible;

Or. {FR}fr


Miguel Urbán Crespo

{GUE/NGL}on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group

Motion for a resolution

Recital G a (new)

Motion for a resolution


G a.whereas the EU Member States are the second-largest arms exporter globally, making them partly responsible in destabilizing various developing regions and counteracting development efforts; whereas the EU should strictly enforce export controls;

Or. {EN}en


Catherine Chabaud, Stéphane Bijoux, Charles Goerens, Jan-Christoph Oetjen

Motion for a resolution

Recital G a (new)

Motion for a resolution


Ga.whereas local authorities have a central role in achieving the SDGs and decentralised cooperation must be at the heart of the EU’s development strategy;

Or. {FR}fr


Tomas Tobé, György Hölvényi, Hildegard Bentele

{EPP}on behalf of the PPE Group

Motion for a resolution

Recital G a (new)

Motion for a resolution


G a.whereas aid policies that foster equality are proven to be more effective in achieving SDG's goal, notably fighting poverty and promoting education;

Or. {EN}en


Catherine Chabaud, Stéphane Bijoux, Charles Goerens, Jan-Christoph Oetjen

Motion for a resolution

Recital G b (new)

Motion for a resolution


Gb.whereas development policies must take account of adaptation to the impact of climate change in terms of the displacement of vulnerable populations and the worsening of social inequalities, with a view to eradicating poverty;

Or. {FR}fr


Miguel Urbán Crespo

{GUE/NGL}on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group

Motion for a resolution

Recital G b (new)

Motion for a resolution


G b.whereas the income developing countries are losing due to illicit financial flows, including tax evasion, is more than double the amount they are gaining through official external sources, including development assistance;

Or. {EN}en


Miguel Urbán Crespo

{GUE/NGL}on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group

Motion for a resolution

Recital G c (new)

Motion for a resolution


G c.whereas the use of country-owned results frameworks and planning tools (PFM) by EU institutions is decreasing, though they play a significant role in effective development cooperation, for achieving the SDGs, and for achieving gender equality as they perform positively in mainstreaming gender responsiveness; whereas increased commitment in this regard is needed;

Or. {EN}en


Miguel Urbán Crespo

{GUE/NGL}on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group

Motion for a resolution

Recital G d (new)

Motion for a resolution


G d.whereas new methods of development financing are arising and need thorough testing before approving them on a large scale; whereas blended finance has proven inadequate in generating the expected amount of funds and delivering the development results promised;

Or. {EN}en


Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 1

Motion for a resolution


1.Stresses that effectiveness means delivering more and better impact, achieving the SDGs and leaving no-one behind; believes that when EU support is aligned with partner countries’ own efforts and delivered through their institutions and systems in support of priorities that have been agreed through inclusive and equitable policy processes, the impact is bigger, faster and more sustainable;

1.Stresses that effectiveness means delivering more and better impact, achieving the SDGs and leaving no-one behind, on the basis of the five effectiveness principles: ownership, alignment, harmonisation, results and mutual accountability; believes that when EU support is aligned with partner countries’ own efforts and delivered through their institutions and systems, as well as local actors and civil society, in support of priorities that have been agreed through inclusive and equitable policy processes, the impact is bigger, faster and more sustainable;

Or. {EN}en


Antoni Comín i Oliveres

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 1

Motion for a resolution


1.Stresses that effectiveness means delivering more and better impact, achieving the SDGs and leaving no-one behind; believes that when EU support is aligned with partner countries’ own efforts and delivered through their institutions and systems in support of priorities that have been agreed through inclusive and equitable policy processes, the impact is bigger, faster and more sustainable;

1.Stresses that effectiveness means delivering more and better impact, achieving the SDGs and leaving no-one behind; believes that when EU support is aligned with partner countries’ own efforts, giving priority to official development aid being appropriate to these countries' needs over any other interests donor countries may have, and delivered through their institutions and systems in support of priorities that have been agreed through inclusive and equitable policy processes, the impact is bigger, faster and more sustainable;

Or. {ES}es


Stéphane Bijoux, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Catherine Chabaud, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 1

Motion for a resolution


1.Stresses that effectiveness means delivering more and better impact, achieving the SDGs and leaving no-one behind; believes that when EU support is aligned with partner countries’ own efforts and delivered through their institutions and systems in support of priorities that have been agreed through inclusive and equitable policy processes, the impact is bigger, faster and more sustainable;

1.Stresses that effectiveness means delivering more and better impact, achieving the SDGs and leaving no-one behind; believes that when European support is aligned with partner countries’ own efforts, but also with other donors' efforts, and delivered through their institutions and systems in support of priorities that have been agreed through inclusive and equitable policy processes, the impact is bigger, faster and more sustainable;

Or. {FR}fr


Bernhard Zimniok, Dominique Bilde

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 1

Motion for a resolution


1.Stresses that effectiveness means delivering more and better impact, achieving the SDGs and leaving no-one behind; believes that when EU support is aligned with partner countries’ own efforts and delivered through their institutions and systems in support of priorities that have been agreed through inclusive and equitable policy processes, the impact is bigger, faster and more sustainable;

1.Stresses that effectiveness means delivering all that any aid-intervention sets out to deliver, making progress towards the SDGs; believes that when EU support is aligned with partner countries’ own efforts and delivered through their institutions and systems, provided they are of a sufficient quality, in support of priorities agreed through inclusive and equitable policy processes, the impact might be more: substantiell; expedient; and sustainable;

Or. {EN}en


Catherine Chabaud, Stéphane Bijoux, Charles Goerens, Jan-Christoph Oetjen

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 1

Motion for a resolution


1.Stresses that effectiveness means delivering more and better impact, achieving the SDGs and leaving no-one behind; believes that when EU support is aligned with partner countries’ own efforts and delivered through their institutions and systems in support of priorities that have been agreed through inclusive and equitable policy processes, the impact is bigger, faster and more sustainable;

1.Stresses that effectiveness means delivering more and better impact, achieving the SDGs and leaving no-one behind; believes that when EU support is aligned with partner countries’ own efforts, and local authorities' efforts, and delivered through their mational and subnational institutions and systems in support of priorities that have been agreed through inclusive and equitable policy processes, the impact is bigger, faster and more sustainable;

Or. {FR}fr


Erik Marquardt

{Greens/EFA}on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 1

Motion for a resolution


1.Stresses that effectiveness means delivering more and better impact, achieving the SDGs and leaving no-one behind; believes that when EU support is aligned with partner countries’ own efforts and delivered through their institutions and systems in support of priorities that have been agreed through inclusive and equitable policy processes, the impact is bigger, faster and more sustainable;

1.Stresses that effectiveness means delivering more and better impact, achieving the SDGs and leaving no-one behind; believes that when EU support is aligned with partner countries’ own efforts and delivered through their institutions and systems in support of priorities that have been agreed through inclusive and equitable policy processes including democratic and country ownership, the impact is bigger, faster and more sustainable;

Or. {EN}en


Ádám Kósa

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 1

Motion for a resolution


1.Stresses that effectiveness means delivering more and better impact, achieving the SDGs and leaving no-one behind; believes that when EU support is aligned with partner countries’ own efforts and delivered through their institutions and systems in support of priorities that have been agreed through inclusive and equitable policy processes, the impact is bigger, faster and more sustainable;

1.Stresses that effectiveness means delivering more and better impact, achieving the SDGs and leaving no-one behind; believes that when EU support is aligned with partner countries’ own efforts and delivered through their institutions and systems by the inclusion of all steakholders in support of priorities that have been agreed through inclusive and equitable policy processes, the impact is bigger, faster and more sustainable;

Or. {EN}en


Barry Andrews, Catherine Chabaud

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 1

Motion for a resolution


1.Stresses that effectiveness means delivering more and better impact, achieving the SDGs and leaving no-one behind; believes that when EU support is aligned with partner countries’ own efforts and delivered through their institutions and systems in support of priorities that have been agreed through inclusive and equitable policy processes, the impact is bigger, faster and more sustainable;

1.Stresses that effectiveness means delivering more and better impact, achieving the SDGs and leaving no-one behind; believes that when EU support is aligned with partner countries’ own efforts and delivered through their institutions and systems in support of partner country priorities through inclusive and equitable policy processes, the impact is bigger, faster and more sustainable;

Or. {EN}en


Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, Stéphane Bijoux, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Catherine Chabaud, María Soraya Rodríguez Ramos, Barry Andrews

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 1 a (new)

Motion for a resolution


1a.Points out that gender equality is an essential precondition for any development and is necessary for the achievement of the SDGs; takes the view that progress made in combating discrimination and violence against women and girls in partner countries should be systematically taken into consideration in assessing aid effectiveness;

Or. {FR}fr


Stéphane Bijoux, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Catherine Chabaud

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 1 a (new)

Motion for a resolution


1a.Stresses that, to make development aid more effective, it is imperative to improve coordination of humanitarian aid and development aid, but also peace and security policies, since there can be no sustainable development without peace and stability;

Or. {FR}fr


Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Catherine Chabaud, Stéphane Bijoux, Charles Goerens

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 2

Motion for a resolution


2.Underlines its view that the EU, as the world’s biggest donor, should use its powerful toolbox of instruments and aid modalities in a coordinated manner and take the lead in using the principles of aid effectiveness and aid efficiency, in order to achieve real impact and reach the SDGs in its partner countries; further highlights the need to implement the policy objectives in the new European Consensus on Development in a more strategic and targeted manner in each partner country, reinforcing and complementing the EU’s foreign policy goals and values;

2.Underlines its view that the EU, as the world’s biggest donor, should use its powerful toolbox of instruments and aid modalities in a coordinated manner and take the lead in using the principles of aid effectiveness and aid efficiency, in order to achieve real impact and reach the SDGs in its partner countries; stresses, in this regard, the impact that EU use of development aid and foreign direct investment can have on tackling the root causes of migration and forced displacement; further highlights the need to implement the policy objectives in the new European Consensus on Development in a more strategic and targeted manner in each partner country, reinforcing and complementing the EU’s foreign policy goals and values at all levels of society in ODA beneficiary countries;

Or. {EN}en


Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 2

Motion for a resolution


2.Underlines its view that the EU, as the world’s biggest donor, should use its powerful toolbox of instruments and aid modalities in a coordinated manner and take the lead in using the principles of aid effectiveness and aid efficiency, in order to achieve real impact and reach the SDGs in its partner countries; further highlights the need to implement the policy objectives in the new European Consensus on Development in a more strategic and targeted manner in each partner country, reinforcing and complementing the EU’s foreign policy goals and values;

2.Underlines its view that the EU, as the world’s biggest donor, should use its powerful toolbox of instruments and aid modalities in a coordinated manner and take the lead in using the principles of aid effectiveness and aid efficiency, in order to achieve real impact and reach the SDGs in its partner countries; further highlights the need to implement the policy objectives in the new European Consensus on Development, which underlines the importance of active involvement of local and regional authorities for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, in a more strategic and targeted manner in each partner country, reinforcing and complementing the EU’s foreign policy goals and values;

Or. {EN}en


Barry Andrews, Catherine Chabaud, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Charles Goerens

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 2

Motion for a resolution


2.Underlines its view that the EU, as the world’s biggest donor, should use its powerful toolbox of instruments and aid modalities in a coordinated manner and take the lead in using the principles of aid effectiveness and aid efficiency, in order to achieve real impact and reach the SDGs in its partner countries; further highlights the need to implement the policy objectives in the new European Consensus on Development in a more strategic and targeted manner in each partner country, reinforcing and complementing the EU’s foreign policy goals and values;

2.Underlines its view that the EU, as the world’s biggest donor, should use its powerful toolbox of instruments and aid modalities in a coordinated manner and take the lead in using the principles of aid effectiveness and aid efficiency, in order to achieve real impact and reach the SDGs in its partner countries; further highlights the need to implement the policy objectives in the new European Consensus on Development in a more strategic and targeted manner in each partner country, reinforcing and complementing the EU’s foreign policy goals and values; stresses that an effective aid programme must be triangulated with an analysis of debt sustainability and should consider the need for parliamentary oversight in a partner country;

Or. {EN}en


Erik Marquardt

{Greens/EFA}on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 2

Motion for a resolution


2.Underlines its view that the EU, as the world’s biggest donor, should use its powerful toolbox of instruments and aid modalities in a coordinated manner and take the lead in using the principles of aid effectiveness and aid efficiency, in order to achieve real impact and reach the SDGs in its partner countries; further highlights the need to implement the policy objectives in the new European Consensus on Development in a more strategic and targeted manner in each partner country, reinforcing and complementing the EU’s foreign policy goals and values;

2.Underlines its view that the EU, as the world’s biggest donor, should use its powerful toolbox of instruments and aid modalities in a coordinated manner to allow task sharing and avoid fragmentation of aid and take the lead in using the principles of aid effectiveness and aid efficiency, in order to achieve real impact and reach the SDGs in its partner countries; further highlights the need to implement the policy objectives in the new European Consensus on Development in a more strategic and targeted manner in each partner country, reinforcing and complementing the EU’s foreign policy goals and values with respect to the PCD principle;

Or. {EN}en


Bernhard Zimniok, Dominique Bilde

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 2

Motion for a resolution


2.Underlines its view that the EU, as the world’s biggest donor, should use its powerful toolbox of instruments and aid modalities in a coordinated manner and take the lead in using the principles of aid effectiveness and aid efficiency, in order to achieve real impact and reach the SDGs in its partner countries; further highlights the need to implement the policy objectives in the new European Consensus on Development in a more strategic and targeted manner in each partner country, reinforcing and complementing the EU’s foreign policy goals and values;

2.Underlines its view that the EU, as possibly the world’s most substantial donor, must use its various instruments and aid modalities in a coordinated manner, including coordination with organizations such as the OSCE and the United Nations, using the principles of aid effectiveness and aid efficiency, in order to achieve real impact and reach the SDGs in its partner countries; further highlights the need to implement the policy objectives in the new European Consensus on Development in a more strategic and targeted manner in each partner country, reinforcing and complementing the EU’s foreign policy goals and values;

Or. {EN}en


Ádám Kósa

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 2

Motion for a resolution


2.Underlines its view that the EU, as the world’s biggest donor, should use its powerful toolbox of instruments and aid modalities in a coordinated manner and take the lead in using the principles of aid effectiveness and aid efficiency, in order to achieve real impact and reach the SDGs in its partner countries; further highlights the need to implement the policy objectives in the new European Consensus on Development in a more strategic and targeted manner in each partner country, reinforcing and complementing the EU’s foreign policy goals and values;

2.Underlines its view that the EU, as the world’s biggest donor, should use its powerful toolbox of instruments and aid modalities by applying humanitarian-development nexus approach in a coordinated manner and take the lead in using the principles of aid effectiveness and aid efficiency, in order to achieve real impact and reach the SDGs in its partner countries; further highlights the need to implement the policy objectives in the new European Consensus on Development in a more strategic and targeted manner in each partner country, reinforcing and complementing the EU’s foreign policy goals and values;

Or. {EN}en


Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 2

Motion for a resolution


2.Underlines its view that the EU, as the world’s biggest donor, should use its powerful toolbox of instruments and aid modalities in a coordinated manner and take the lead in using the principles of aid effectiveness and aid efficiency, in order to achieve real impact and reach the SDGs in its partner countries; further highlights the need to implement the policy objectives in the new European Consensus on Development in a more strategic and targeted manner in each partner country, reinforcing and complementing the EU’s foreign policy goals and values;

2.Underlines its view that the EU, as the world’s biggest donor, should use its powerful toolbox of instruments and aid modalities in a coordinated manner and take the lead in using the principles of aid effectiveness and aid efficiency, in order to achieve real impact and reach the SDGs, while leaving no-one behind, in its partner countries; further highlights the need to implement the policy objectives in the new European Consensus on Development in a more strategic and targeted manner in each partner country;

Or. {EN}en


Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 2 a (new)

Motion for a resolution


2 a.Stresses that EU must continue to closely monitor the use of the funds and take all the necessary measure to avoid any misuse of aid funds, ensuring compliance with EU’s policy goals and values in development cooperation; calls for effective mechanisms to be put in place to be able to thoroughly control the final destination of those funds and to assess the projects which received funding;

Or. {EN}en


Marlene Mortler

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 2 a (new)

Motion for a resolution


2a.Stresses that good governance is a decisive factor for the fair and appropriate distribution of aid and points out that achievement of the SDGs, and hence the effectiveness of the funds, depends to a large extent on the capacity of partner countries to use the funds in a fair and transparent manner;

Or. {DE}de


Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Stéphane Bijoux, Catherine Chabaud

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 2 a (new)

Motion for a resolution


2 a.Calls on the EU to engage directly with and to build inclusive sustainable partnerships with countries of origin and transit of migration, based on the specific needs of each country and individual circumstances of migrants;

Or. {EN}en


Tomas Tobé, György Hölvényi, Hildegard Bentele

{EPP}on behalf of the PPE Group

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 3

Motion for a resolution


3.Underlines that the principles of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC) are built on important and enduring lessons from past development strategies and practices, including both successes and failures, and that these principles remain important expressions of multilateral cooperation and coordination which the EU is committed to upholding;

3.Underlines that the principles of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC) are built on important and enduring lessons from past development strategies and practices, including both successes and failures, and that these principles remain important expressions of multilateral cooperation and coordination which the EU is committed to uphold; calls on the Commission to use its membership in the GPEDC and the OECD-DAC and its voice in international fora and in the governance structures of the IFIs to further strengthen the effectiveness principles and encourage adherence to them and implementation of them in all forms of development cooperation and by all actors involved in development cooperation;

Or. {EN}en


Bernhard Zimniok, Dominique Bilde

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 3

Motion for a resolution


3.Underlines that the principles of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC) are built on important and enduring lessons from past development strategies and practices, including both successes and failures, and that these principles remain important expressions of multilateral cooperation and coordination which the EU is committed to upholding;

3.Underlines that the principles of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC) are built on important and enduring lessons from past development strategies and practices, including both successes and failures, and that these principles remain important expressions of multilateral cooperation and coordination which the EU is committed to upholding; stresses the need for all aid to respect the local culture of the beneficiaries and avoid neo-colonial processes with aid-interventions that aims to force change upon a majority of the beneficiaries as this is neither morally correct, nor sustainable;

Or. {EN}en


Tomas Tobé, György Hölvényi, Hildegard Bentele

{EPP}on behalf of the PPE Group

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 3 a (new)

Motion for a resolution


3 a.Recognises that effective development cooperation cannot be delivered through EU cooperation alone and can only be truly effective if all development actors collaborate; expresses concern that, when other actors do not respect and implement the effectiveness principles in their cooperation programmes, the resulting fragmentation and bypassing of partner country systems reduces the effectiveness and impact of assistance overall as a collateral, including EU assistance;

Or. {EN}en


Bernhard Zimniok, Dominique Bilde

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 4

Motion for a resolution


4.Calls on the Commission to publish, at least biannually, a report on the progress of the EU institutions and Member States on improving effectiveness in the planning and implementation of European development cooperation and assistance measured against a set of commonly agreed targets and policy objectives, notably the SDGs, and including progress towards the alignment of policy objectives and the harmonisation of procedures, in particular with regard to joint programming, joint implementation and joint results frameworks; calls on the Commission to present this progress report to Parliament;

4.Calls on the Commission to publish, at least annually, a report on the progress of the EU institutions and Member States on improving effectiveness in the planning and implementation of European development cooperation and assistance measured against a set of commonly agreed targets and policy objectives, notably the SDGs, and including progress towards the alignment of policy objectives and the harmonisation of procedures, in particular with regard to joint programming, joint implementation and joint results frameworks; this report shall also contain a clear description of all failures during the reporting-period with conclusions in each case and proposed solutions to address the detected failings, calls on the Commission to present this progress report to Parliament;

Or. {EN}en


Tomas Tobé, György Hölvényi, Hildegard Bentele

{EPP}on behalf of the PPE Group

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 4

Motion for a resolution


4.Calls on the Commission to publish, at least biannually, a report on the progress of the EU institutions and Member States on improving effectiveness in the planning and implementation of European development cooperation and assistance measured against a set of commonly agreed targets and policy objectives, notably the SDGs, and including progress towards the alignment of policy objectives and the harmonisation of procedures, in particular with regard to joint programming, joint implementation and joint results frameworks; calls on the Commission to present this progress report to Parliament;

4.Calls on the Commission to publish, at least biannually, a report on the progress of the EU institutions and Member States (including their development agencies and local and regional authorities active in development cooperation) are advancing on aid effectiveness in the planning and implementation of European development aid in relation to the achievement of commonly agreed targets and policy objectives, notably the SDGs, including progress towards alignment policy objectives and harmonisation of procedures, in particular with regard to joint programming, joint implementation and joint results frameworks; calls on the Commission to present this progress report to the European Parliament;

Or. {EN}en


Janina Ochojska

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 4

Motion for a resolution


4.Calls on the Commission to publish, at least biannually, a report on the progress of the EU institutions and Member States on improving effectiveness in the planning and implementation of European development cooperation and assistance measured against a set of commonly agreed targets and policy objectives, notably the SDGs, and including progress towards the alignment of policy objectives and the harmonisation of procedures, in particular with regard to joint programming, joint implementation and joint results frameworks; calls on the Commission to present this progress report to Parliament;

4.Calls on the Commission to publish, at least biannually, a report on the progress of the EU institutions and Member States including their local and regional governments involved in the development cooperation, on improving effectiveness in the planning and implementation of European development cooperation and assistance measured against a set of commonly agreed targets and policy objectives, notably the SDGs, and including progress towards the alignment of policy objectives and the harmonisation of procedures, in particular with regard to joint programming, joint implementation and joint results frameworks; calls on the Commission to present this progress report to Parliament;

Or. {EN}en


Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 4

Motion for a resolution


4.Calls on the Commission to publish, at least biannually, a report on the progress of the EU institutions and Member States on improving effectiveness in the planning and implementation of European development cooperation and assistance measured against a set of commonly agreed targets and policy objectives, notably the SDGs, and including progress towards the alignment of policy objectives and the harmonisation of procedures, in particular with regard to joint programming, joint implementation and joint results frameworks; calls on the Commission to present this progress report to Parliament;

4.Calls on the Commission to publish, at least biannually, a report on the progress of the EU institutions and Member States, based also on stakeholder consultation, on improving effectiveness in the planning and implementation of European development cooperation and assistance measured against a set of commonly agreed targets and policy objectives, notably the SDGs and the European Consensus on Development, and including progress towards the alignment of policy objectives and the harmonisation of procedures, in particular with regard to joint programming, joint implementation and joint results frameworks; calls on the Commission to present this progress report to Parliament;

Or. {EN}en


Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 4

Motion for a resolution


4.Calls on the Commission to publish, at least biannually, a report on the progress of the EU institutions and Member States on improving effectiveness in the planning and implementation of European development cooperation and assistance measured against a set of commonly agreed targets and policy objectives, notably the SDGs, and including progress towards the alignment of policy objectives and the harmonisation of procedures, in particular with regard to joint programming, joint implementation and joint results frameworks; calls on the Commission to present this progress report to Parliament;

4.Calls on the Commission to publish, at least biannually, a report on the progress of the EU institutions and Member States, including their local and regional governments, on improving effectiveness in the planning and implementation of European development cooperation and assistance measured against a set of commonly agreed targets and policy objectives, notably the SDGs, and including progress towards the alignment of policy objectives and the harmonisation of procedures, in particular with regard to joint programming, joint implementation and joint results frameworks; calls on the Commission to present this progress report to Parliament;

Or. {EN}en


Hildegard Bentele

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 5

Motion for a resolution


5.Calls on the Commission and the Council to scale up joint programming between the EU and its Member States, with the aim of securing a European voice with which to move forward towards commonly defined policy objectives, which should take into account innovative financing methods such as blending and guarantees; calls for clear, actionable commitments towards joint implementation and evaluation and for shared accountability mechanisms towards citizens;

5.Calls on the Commission and the Council to scale up joint programming between the EU and its Member States; points out that at country level, the EU and Member States need to go beyond the mere consolidation of existing bilateral development priorities and actions and form a unified collective European voice on strategic issues in political and policy dialogue with partner countries with which to move forward towards commonly defined policy objectives, which should also take into account bodies of regional integration as EU counterparts when appropriate and innovative financing methods such as blending and guarantees; calls on the Commission to ensure that regular meetings between the EU, the Member states representatives, implementing agencies, international organisations and civil society organisations take place on the ground in the respective partner countries in order to identify the challenges and opportunities and that the subsequent joint response and implementation meets the identified needs; points out that joint programming, under the direction of Heads of Mission, has proven to be successful in terms of policy coherence across political, trade, development and security strategies; calls for clear, actionable commitments towards joint implementation and evaluation and for shared accountability mechanisms towards citizens;

Or. {EN}en


Antoni Comín i Oliveres

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 5

Motion for a resolution


5.Calls on the Commission and the Council to scale up joint programming between the EU and its Member States, with the aim of securing a European voice with which to move forward towards commonly defined policy objectives, which should take into account innovative financing methods such as blending and guarantees; calls for clear, actionable commitments towards joint implementation and evaluation and for shared accountability mechanisms towards citizens;

5.Calls on the Commission and the Council to scale up joint programming between the EU and its Member States, with the aim of securing better multilateral planning of national development cooperation policies, which should take into account innovative financing methods such as blending and guarantees; stresses the need, where stable and transparent institutions have a presence in partner states, to increase the emphasis on donations, rather than credit, to prevent the increase in partner countries' external debt hobbling opportunities for economic growth and their capacity to focus government action on social priorities; calls for clear, actionable commitments towards joint implementation and evaluation and for shared accountability mechanisms towards citizens;

Or. {ES}es


Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 5

Motion for a resolution


5.Calls on the Commission and the Council to scale up joint programming between the EU and its Member States, with the aim of securing a European voice with which to move forward towards commonly defined policy objectives, which should take into account innovative financing methods such as blending and guarantees; calls for clear, actionable commitments towards joint implementation and evaluation and for shared accountability mechanisms towards citizens;

5.Calls on the Commission and the Council to scale up joint programming between the EU and its Member States, with the aim of securing a European voice with which to move forward towards commonly defined policy objectives, which should take into account innovative financing methods such as blending and guarantees; calls for clear, actionable commitments towards joint implementation and evaluation and for shared accountability mechanisms towards citizens, a structured policy dialogue with local and regional governments and their representative associations being one of them, in Europe and at country level;

Or. {EN}en


Barry Andrews, Catherine Chabaud, Jan-Christoph Oetjen, Charles Goerens

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 5

Motion for a resolution


5.Calls on the Commission and the Council to scale up joint programming between the EU and its Member States, with the aim of securing a European voice with which to move forward towards commonly defined policy objectives, which should take into account innovative financing methods such as blending and guarantees; calls for clear, actionable commitments towards joint implementation and evaluation and for shared accountability mechanisms towards citizens;

5.Calls on the Commission and the Council to scale up joint programming between the EU and its Member States, with the aim of securing a European voice with which to move forward towards commonly defined policy objectives, which should take into account innovative financing methods such as blending and guarantees; calls for clear, actionable commitments towards joint implementation and evaluation and for shared accountability mechanisms towards citizens; calls for the EU to work with non-traditional donors that can demonstrate adherence to aid effectiveness principles;

Or. {EN}en


Pierfrancesco Majorino, Maria Noichl, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Mónica Silvana González

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 5

Motion for a resolution


5.Calls on the Commission and the Council to scale up joint programming between the EU and its Member States, with the aim of securing a European voice with which to move forward towards commonly defined policy objectives, which should take into account innovative financing methods such as blending and guarantees; calls for clear, actionable commitments towards joint implementation and evaluation and for shared accountability mechanisms towards citizens;

5.Calls on the Commission and the Council to scale up joint programming between the EU and its Member States, with the aim of securing a European voice with which to move forward towards commonly defined policy objectives, which should take into account innovative financing methods such as blending and guarantees, when effective; calls for clear, actionable commitments, taking stock of previous strategies and practices, towards joint implementation and evaluation and for shared accountability mechanisms towards citizens;

Or. {EN}en


Erik Marquardt

{Greens/EFA}on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 5

Motion for a resolution


5.Calls on the Commission and the Council to scale up joint programming between the EU and its Member States, with the aim of securing a European voice with which to move forward towards commonly defined policy objectives, which should take into account innovative financing methods such as blending and guarantees; calls for clear, actionable commitments towards joint implementation and evaluation and for shared accountability mechanisms towards citizens;

5.Calls on the Commission and the Council to scale up joint programming between the EU and its Member States, with the aim of securing a European voice with which to move forward towards commonly defined policy objectives; calls for clear, actionable commitments towards joint implementation and