ambon - maumere - · it is part of a chain of volcanic islands on the northern side...


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Post on 16-Mar-2019




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12 Days / 11 Nights Journey

Embark on a 12-day adventure on the F lores Sea to Banda Sea, f rom Ambon to Maumere , le i sure ly cru i s ing the seas and i s lands .

Cloaked in t ropica l r a in forest , Ambon Is l and i s a fer t i le , mountainous i s l and that l ies of f the southwest coast of Seram I s l and on

the north s ide of the Banda Sea . I t i s part of a chain of volcan ic i s lands on the northern s ide of the wor ld f amous Banda Is l ands –

a region of Indonesia that i s the subject o f many books , stor ies and songs . For a long t ime the Banda Is l ands were renowned fo r

the i r r ichness and the i r strategic posi t ion for the spice t rade . Today they are wel l known not on ly for the i r h i story but a l so for

the i r breathtak ing l andscape , incredib le mar ine l i f e and aston i sh ing coral reef . With the i r mix of h i story and natura l beauty , these

i s lands are the per fect p l ace to en joy div ing , snorke l ing , beach barbecues and s i ghtsee ing – a remarkable se tt ing for unforgettable

moments .


12 Days / 11 Nights Journey

DAY 1 & 2


Arr ive in Ambon where you wi l l be met by the Al i la Purnama crew and be transferred by car and speedboat to the vessel .

Once on board, let your voyage to relaxat ion beg in ! Fol lowing a genera l br ief ing by the Crui se Di rector to fami l iar i se you

with the vessel and i ts sa fety procedures , we cast of f and cruise towards Nusa Laut Is land . Say goodbye to land as you enjoy

cockta i l s in the breeze on the upper deck .

DAY 3 & 4


Banda Neira , once the headquarters of the Dutch East India Company, i s now a colourfu l town fac ing the st i l l -

smoking Gunung Api volcano. Here you wi l l have the chance to v is i t an old and st i l l operat iona l nutmeg plantat ion; walk

around colonia l bui ld ings , Banda Fortress and rust ing cannons ; and go for an incredib le mug d ive in the bay or Batu Kapal -

a submerged rock , or just outs ide the bay to see the cora ls , gorgonian f ie lds , marbled rays and groupers that populate this

area . You wi l l have the t ime to not only d ive and snorkel in the beaut i fu l water , but a lso take a walk into the v i l lage to

experience the magic o f th is archipelago and smal l i s lands of Suangg i where thousand of sea birds nest . Al i la Purnama wi l l

sa i l through a stunning passage of green trees , rocks , white beaches, volcanos , colourfu l loca l boats and houses –

A spectacular panorama that wi l l stay with you forever .



Ni l Desperandum means “don’t despai r” , poss ib ly referr ing to a sh ip wrecked here centur ies ago. I t i s a b ig atol l with

very deep drop-offs . School ing sharks have been spotted in the deep here with a chance to see hammerhead, s i lky and grey

reef sharks .

DAY 6 & 7


Romang and Terbang Is lands of fer unspoi led reefs for a great d iv ing experience . At Romang , ra inbow-coloured soft cora ls

and a myriad of hard cora ls dominate the landscape, whi le sandy s lopes feature soft cora ls and plenty of t iny creatures such

as ghost p ipe f i sh . Bumphead parrot f i sh may a lso be seen here .



Div ing around the Wetar i s lands and Ring of F i re are absolutely amazing with perfect v is ib i l i ty . Meet big Napoleon wrasse

and hammerhead sharks , and at around 10 metres the sea i s covered ent i rely with table cora l garden.



The stra i ts o f Alor are rated by a l l d ivers to be amongst the best d ive dest inat ions in the world . Al l the dive s i tes in the

area have an outstanding underwater biodivers i ty . There are a great number of d i f ferent cora l species with strong currents

that attract b ig f i sh l ike white t ips , huge grey reef sharks , tuna , grouper, sunf i sh , manta rays , and whale sharks to be seen i f

you are lucky . Also , snorkel l ing with pi lot whales that are often found in the waters between Pantar and Alor i s poss ib le .

Vis ib i l i ty i s excel lent and water temperature can drop to 22°C.

DAY 10


Lembata I s land i s known throughout the wor ld as the home of t radi t ional whal ing but what i s not known i s that the people of th i s

I s land are espec ia l l y r ich in cu l tu ra l t radi t ion . The beaut i fu l r i ch i kat weavings are ent i re ly made from homegrown cotton , spun

and dyed by the weaver . These c loths are st i l l important as they are exchanged dur ing mar r iage for i vory tusks between the two

fami l ies . The scenery throughout the i s land i s breathtak ing , f rom the imposing I le Ape volcano and the palm-f r inged bays to the

colour fu l , bust l ing local markets ; beauty and exc i tement are everywhere .

DAY 11


Komba I s l and i s a smal l i so la ted, un inhabi ted i s l and located in the Banda Sea, home to Batu Tara volcano . Clear water , f i sh- f i l led

wal l s and div ing beneath Komba's act ive volcano round out th i s great dive spot .

DAY 12


Maumere di v ing can de l i ver many interest ing topographica l format ions . Pre tty gorgonian fans and swarming f i sh l i fe wi th in the

ch imney make th i s a real ly un ique dive . On the las t day , act i v i t ies wi l l depend on your next f l i ght and i t wi l l be t ime to bid

farewel l to Al i l a Purnama and her crew who wi l l escort you unt i l Maumere a i rport and ass i st wi th your departure .