amber saville 1158

Amber Saville 1158 Claremont Fan Court School 64680 OCR Media Studies J526 Individual Media Studies Portfolio B321 Planning and Evaluation: Commentary

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Amber Saville 1158Claremont Fan Court School 64680

OCR Media Studies J526 Individual Media Studies Portfolio B321Planning and Evaluation: Commentary

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Fragrance advert 1: Target audience for ‘ Pure Beauty’

•My advertisement targets women from the ages of 12-22. This is because she is shown to rule the woods but seems very dainty and delicate at the same time. Her beautiful forest thrown in the background enhances her beauty as the branches from the tree curves round her. She is princess like and this is what any girl would want.

• The type of girl that would get the product is a very girly girl. They would wear designer and elegant clothes brands such as Chanel or MissSelfridge.

• My target buyer would be elegant and eat at sophisticated places for dinner. On holiday, she would go to somewhere hot and exotic like Barbados. They would go for coffee at Carluccio’s.

• They would watch films like ‘The Vow.’ They would have a white blackberry bold. They would own a white mini and live in a beautiful house. They would have lots of pets like ponies or dogs like black pugs.

•I would place my advert in more glossy magazines such as vogue so that my target audience would see them as this is the sort of things they would read.

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How advert 1 targets my audience: codes & conventions.

• The perfume bottle is placed on the left hand side which is the way that the model is looking. This assures that they focus on the product.

• The slogan is curly and pretty just like the title is. The word ‘Pure’ in my brand name is for all the environment which is surrounding her and the word ‘Beauty’ is also used to express the beauty of the nature and girl in the advert. I tried different fonts. I used the end one as I thought it was easiest to read and was feminine enough for my advert. This font is called ‘Marcelle Script.’ I used the colour blue as it fits in with the lake in the background.

•The images shows a young girl surrounded by woods and a river. This sells the sense of being free but still looking beautiful. It suggests to the audience that you are beautiful whatever the occasion.

• The woman in the advert is wearing an expensive green dress which fits in with the nature around her. Her red shoes stand out from the rest of the scene to give it a twist. Her legs are shown off to the audience so that something is fetishised.

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Fragrance advert 2: Target audience for Escape

•My advertisement targets teenage girls aged 14-20 who want to live their life and have fun, girls who want to get away from all the stress of work and life and just have fun wherever that would be. •My target audience would have an iPhone and enjoy photography. The sort of film they might watch are action and adventure films such as ‘Red Riding Hood.’ They would live in cities but at the weekend be invited to country houses for parties like in the picture.

• They are well travelled (exotic places like Japan They would eat in chilled restaurants such as Nando’s. They would drive larger cars such as a Lexus for the image. They would for a coffee go to Starbucks. At school their favourite subject would be media or art, tennis and lacrosse. Their favourite TV programme would be The Vampire Diaries.

•I would place my advert on huge billboards in large cities because the message is about leisure and rural ‘escape’ of weekends away. I would also place them in magazines so that the consumer can focus on the message more clearly.

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How advert 2 targets my audience: codes and conventions • I placed my perfume bottle on the left

hand because she is running away from what she is looking back at and running into the answer, the perfume.

•The perfume bottle was chosen as it stands out better than the rest of the forest. This suggests it is the best, boldest answer to what she needs to get away.

•I chose the font as it is serious and also is the same colour as her dress so they are all similar. I chose other fonts at first but I didn’t like them as they were not elegant enough and were too young for the target audience.

•The girl is placed so it seems like she is running away from all her normal troubles that she goes through in every day life. She looks slightly scared as she is worried about the change that is about to happen.

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Institution: the magazine industry: my research •I looked at Vogue for the magazine my advert would be in as its elegant yet fun. There is a beautiful lake in the background which makes her seem slightly active as she is also in the woods however she is wearing a gorgeous dress.

•The people that look at vogue are mainly young and interested in fashion so this would be a good place for my target market to notice it.

•I also looked into ‘Look’ magazines. This is because it is all about celebrities and lots of young girls ranging from the ages of 15-20 read Look. It would be in the middle of the magazine.

• I think it would fit in here are the people that read it will be wanting to look for celebrity gossip. Seeing the young girl in my advert who is stunning they will want to be like her and buy it.

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Institution: the advertising industry: My Research

•Firstly I researched soft drink adverts. We looked at multiple Coca Cola adverts from the 1950’s through to today. We focussed on the brands messages and values.

•In the Coca Cola advert with Duffy she is shown to be an independent women who is free. Whereas in the Coca Cola ‘I Wish’ advert it shows people from all over the world reunited in song all together.

•I also researched Airline Advertisements such as Virgin Atlantic ‘Still Red Hot’ where its suggested that you are good looking and glamorous if you fly with Virgin Atlantic.

•Their messages never change. I liked the idea of glamour that they have in their adverts and how they are all so gorgeous looking, even when they are working in planes they still look good.

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Advert 1: My original photograph, my decisions and revisions

• My original photograph was taken by a pond in Oxshott Woods called Black Pond. I did this because the water shows purity and freshness. I used the colour of her dress to reinforce this as it is a similar colour to the pond. She sits on the log as it makes her seem important, like it is her thrown as she has branches coming from behind her.

• I had her wearing the red shoes so that they would stand our from the rest of the scene and give a sort of fetishising affect on her legs.

•When I edited the image I made everything sharper to make it more bold as if she runs the forest. I made the reflection of the water stand out more as it make a vague star shape in the water.

•I took other images like this but I chose this one as it had a lot more room in it and you can focus a lot more on the actual product. Also the water is very clear in this image which is pure. There were other images taken in the woods but they didn’t fit the idea of being pure.

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Advert 2: My original photograph, my decisions and revisions

• With this photograph which is also in a wooded area I made her seem lost and confused but I’m my opinion she could be running away from everything wrong in her life and needs a chance to be herself.

•The photo was taken in a wood so that it suggests that she is getting away from her urban life which she doesn’t fit into. She can escape from this with the perfume.

• I changed the colour so that everything would become a lot more earth like and I used effects to make it seem a brighter green colour. Everything was sharpened so it stands out more.

•The reason I chose the font was because I think that this is a more serious and sophisticated advertisement. On the left are the ones that I originally tried but thought they weren't serious enough.

•The reason that I used the bottle I did because everything was so bold in the image I felt like that bottle would stand out from the rest of the advert as it goes with the writing.

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Evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of my advertising campaign • If I could do my advertisements again

then I would firstly change the models posture on Pure Beauty. I would change it so that her shoulders were back more and she seemed a lot more confident. This way her role would have been a lot bolder.

•My strength for this one I think is the editing and the writing that went with it. It goes well with the image and can be read clearly.

•My weaknesses for Escape is that I think she should have been wearing a slightly less formal outfit. I also thought that the writing can be difficult to read.

•My strengths in my opinion is the actual photograph as the message of my product is sent across easily.