alzeca bio week 10

Week 9 Alzeca Bio is developing a platform technology to provide a more accurate, lower cost diagnostic technology for Alzheimer’s Disease. The platform is also being utilized to reformulate Alzheimer’s therapies in order to be more effective and less toxic.

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Page 1: Alzeca bio week 10

Week 9

Alzeca Bio is developing a platform technology to providea more accurate, lower cost diagnostic technology forAlzheimer’s Disease. The platform is also being utilized toreformulate Alzheimer’s therapies in order to be moreeffective and less toxic.

Page 2: Alzeca bio week 10


- Alzeca CEO and Co-Founder

- Previous start-up/life science, VC, I-Banking experience

- Internal Medicine- Health Services

Researcher- UCSF Faculty

- Mentor- R&D Consultant- Ph.D & Post-Doc, UCSF

- Senior development process engineer

- PharmaConsultant

- Molecular Oncologist

- VC experience- MBA, Stanford

Page 3: Alzeca bio week 10

Lic ensedfrom businessm odelgenerat ion.c om underaCreat iveCom m onsAt t r ibut ion-ShareAl ike3.0Unport edLic ense


Ke yPartne rs

Ph a rma ce ut ica l

Co mpa n ie s


Co nt ra st Age nt

M a n ufa ct u re rs

Ima g in gEq u ip me n t

M a n ufa ct u re rs

Aca d e micla b sa n d

ph a rma comp a n ie st o

re fo rmula t e AD

t he ra p ie s


Ke yActivit ie s

Va lida t e t h e

d ia gn ost ict e ch no lo g y

ininvivoa n ima l

st u d ie sa n dh uma n

st u d ie s.

Sho w high

re so lu t io n ima g ing a n d

ma ke q ua nt it a t ive

Value Proposit ions

(Dx)To o lt oe va lu a t e

e n dp o in t inclin ica l

t r ia ls

(Dx)Accu ra t e ly

se le ct ing p a t ie n t sfo r

clin ica lt r ia ls

(Dx)Provid in ge a rly

d ia g no sist o suspe ct e d

Alz h e ime r 'sp a t ie n t s

(Dx)Ea sie ra cce ss

fo rpa t ie n t s

(Rx)Pro vid in gmore

e ffe ct ive t he ra p e u t ics

t oAlz h e ime r 'sp a t ie n t s

Custome r

Re lationships

Custome rSe gme nts

In st it u t io ns

con du ct ing clin ica l

t r ia ls

Ph a rma ce ut ica l

Co mpa n ie s

Co nt ra st Age nt

M a n ufa ct ure rs

Alz h e ime r 'sPa t ie n t s

Ho sp it a ls


Ke yRe source s

Ca p it a l

Exclusive rig h t st o

in t e lle ct ua lp ro pe rt y

a nd kno w le d ge o f

t ra de se cre t s

R&DPe rso nn e l

Re se a rch Fa cilit ie s

Channe ls

(Dx)Dire ct t o

p ha rma grou ps

ru nn in gclin ica lt r ia ls

(Rx)Lice n sing t o

p ha rma grou psfo r

t h e ra pe u t ic

re fo rmu la t ion

(Dx)Co nt ra st Ag e n tCostStructure

R&D/Op e ra t ion a lPe rso nn e l

In t e lle ct ua lProp e rt y

Co nsuma b le s(ma t e r ia lst oma ke p rod uct s)

Re se a rchAn ima ls

Re se a rchFa cilit ie s

M isce lla ne ou s(Accou nt ing ,Tra ve l,Con fe re n ce s)

Re ve nue Stre ams

Too lfo rq u a n t it a t ive b io ma rke rme a sure me n t t o me a su re

t h e ra pe u t ice ffica cy

Too lfo rp a t ie n t se le ct io ninclin ica lt r ia ls

Se lling The ra p e ut icst o Alz he ime r 'sPa t ie n t s

Se lling d ia g no st ica g e n t t osu sp e ct e d Alz . p a t ie n t s

Lice n sing de live ryp la t fo rmt op ha rma co mpa n ie s

d e ve lop ing Alz . d ru gs

Page 4: Alzeca bio week 10

What We Thought (Rx) : Failed compounds can be reborn

Page 5: Alzeca bio week 10

PharmaInformal Partners

What We Did

Page 6: Alzeca bio week 10

What We Learned: Just Because You Can Does Not Mean You should

Page 7: Alzeca bio week 10

What we Thought (Dx)

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PharmaInformal Partners

What We Did


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What We Learned

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What’s Next

• Focus on Dx opportunities (tau in addition to amyloid)

• Better understand reimbursement

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Next Steps…

• Review our recent preclinical data with KOLs, pharma, and imaging companies to determine additional needs

• Elucidate inflection points for them to endorse, invest, and partner in early stage clinical studies

• establish budget for each

• Assess other AD diagnostics and treatments in development

• Clarify and disseminate competitive advantages of ADx

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Partnering/Customers Lay of the Lands (Populate this)

(Novel) Drug reformulationPatient Stratification for clinical trials

Pre-clinical research tool

Rodent PoC

Primate PoC

Phase 1 PoC

Randomized phase 2

Randomized phase 3

Page 13: Alzeca bio week 10

Lessons Learned about Cost, Key Resources, and Activities

Hypothesis Experiments Results

Cost Affordable to patients Talk to KOL, CMS consultants

1) ADx would be affordable and some patients would self pay.

2) CMS covers MRI w/o contrast agent.

Key Resources

Capital, patents, R&D personnel, facilities, development partners.

Talk to pharmacompanies, KOL, patent lawyers

1) True. 2) CMS consultant.3) FDA is a key


Activities Validate technology, prove safety in humans, regulatory pathway, demonstrate high resolution.

Talk to pharmacompanies, CROs, KOLs, Regulatory

1) True.2) Each company has its own

unique criteria.

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What is best route to your destination?

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Go out and talk to people!

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It is about working your network

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Every customer is unique

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Attend Conferences

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What do experts think?

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Will people invest now?

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Find the minimum viable product

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Can you get there on your own?

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Who is that strategic partner?

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How do get to the deal?

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Does your MVP work?

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Is it going to be too expensive for the patient?

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Not only lower cost, Higher Resolution

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Use it in pre-clinical testing first

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That miracle drug!