alternative technologies

SLO City Farm Alternative Technologies Emily Krebs, Lisa Baird, Will Reichenstein

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Post on 03-Aug-2015




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SLO City FarmAlternative TechnologiesEmily Krebs, Lisa Baird, Will Reichenstein

Our VisionHelp SLO City Farm "move towards economically

viable, environmentally sound, and socially responsible food systems" (CCAN, 2012)

• Three areas: Sustainable building materials, alternative energy solutions, and water and waste management practices

• Display of a sustainable facility

• Financially, socially, environmentally and economically sustainable

Benefits of Green Building

• Lower costs/high return on investment

• Improved worker productivity

• Higher market value

• Tax benefits

• Lower utility demands• Improved overall quality of life

(Kats, 2003, p. 2-8)

Claiborne & Churchill Straw Bale Winery

• Edna Valley

• First commercial straw bale building in CA

• 16" thick walls made of rice straw baleo No need for mechanical cooling or heating

• Added tourist attraction

(Claiborne & Churchill, 2008)

Congregation Beth David• San Luis Obispo

• First LEED certified synagogue in the world

• Building includes: solar power, natural ventilation, photovoltaic electrical system, motion detector lights, concrete and straw bale walls, non-toxic paint and carpeting

(Congregation Beth David, 2012)

Shorebird Nature Center• Berkeley, CA

• Used for environmental education

• 860 sq. ft. interior space

• 450 sq. ft. covered outdoor patio classroom space

• Building includes: solar design, straw bale exterior walls, recycled wood framing, recycled glass counter tops, natural linoleum floors and a photovoltaic electrical system

(City of Berkeley, 2012)

(City of Berkeley, 2012)

• Located locally in San Luis Obispo

• Lists benefits/sustainability positives for each product

• Retail sale of products as well as in-house construction

• Products include: o cabinets, counter tops,

flooring, paints and finishes, tile, and water conservation options

(Green Goods, 2011)

Green Goods

• San Luis Obispo

• Recycled local green waste from trees

• Design and engineering expertise(Pacific Coast Lumber, 2012)

Pacific Coast Lumber

Alternative Energy

"Energy derived from sources that do not use up natural resources

or harm the environment"(Princeton University, 2012)

• Wind power

• Solar power

• Biodiesel

• Solar Food Dryer

• Bicycle Power Generator

How Does Wind Power Work?

• Generates electricity at 9 mph

• Wind-turbine’s rotor turns a shaft and this speed is increased by a gearbox

• Turns a generator, which converts the rotational energy to electricity

• Converts from low to high voltage

• The electricity is distributed

(BP, 2012)

How much land is needed?

The ordinance which controls the construction of wind turbines in San Luis Obispo County currently allows windmills to be placed on parcels that are an acre or larger

An average windmill, represents roughly about 3.5 acres

Wind PowerPositive impacts

• Relieves the stress on reliance of fossil fuels

• Revolutionary

• Become a leader in Alternative Technology by other organizations

• Possibilities of federal tax credits

• Negative impacts

• Expensive

• Does the farm have space for large windmills?

• “Eye-sore”

• Permits from SLO? Compliance with city ordinances and policy

Solar Power

• Clean electricity

• Utilizing the sun's power

• Cutting costs and helping the environment

Solar Panels• Solar technology is made out of silicon

• Electrical current when struck by light

• Electrons in the silicon that move when exposed to light and create a current

Possible Places to put Solar Panels?

Biodiesel in Farm Machinery

• Made from renewable, biodegradable sources

• Blend with petroleum and can use in diesel engines

• Reduces emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases

• Biodegradable and essentialy non-toxic

Solar Food Dryer

• Uses direct and indirect solar heating, combined with airflow and vent controls

• Prime season runs from May-October

(SunWorks Technologies, 2012)

Bike 4 Power• The Pedal-A-Watt bicycle stand creates energy

that may be used to power lights and/or other small appliances

• For example, a laptop only draws 70 watts so one 20-minute workout could run the laptop for over an hour

Possibilites for SLO City Farm

• As a part of the tour

• Multiple bikes running to create power

(Convergence Technologies, 2012)

Water and Waste Management

Reduce:Spring-loaded tapsLow-flush toiletsWater storage tanks—

reduce “pumping water”Unheated water in

bathroomsNo disposable cans/bottles

—use taps insteadMinimizing energy use:

solar, wind, water, etc.

(Maho Bay Eco-Resort, 2012)

Water and Waste Management

ReuseWaste treatment plantWater pressure reductionFaucet aeratorsGray water useGrouping plants with same water needsRecirculating cooling systems—if applicable Drip/deep root irrigationXeriscape landscaping

(Environmental Protection Agency, 2012)

Water and Waste Management

RecycleCompostUse recycled products (building materials)

Sustainability Menu

SLO City Farm Brochure