alternative plan for maple river/ buffalo ... - · richland counties in southeastern...

Alternative Plan for Maple River/ Buffalo Creek Watershed in Cass County, North Dakota Date: September 2017 Prepared for: US EPA Region 8 1595 Wynkoop Street Denver, CO 80202-1129 Prepared by: Heather Husband Environmental Scientist North Dakota Department of Health Division of Water Quality Gold Seal Center, 4th Floor 918 East Divide Avenue Bismarck, ND 58501-1947 NORTH DAKOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Division of Water Quality

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Page 1: Alternative Plan for Maple River/ Buffalo ... - · Richland Counties in southeastern North Dakota. The Maple River watershed lies within the Level III Northern Glaciated

Alternative Plan for Maple River/

Buffalo Creek Watershed

in Cass County, North Dakota

Date: September 2017

Prepared for:

US EPA Region 8

1595 Wynkoop Street

Denver, CO 80202-1129

Prepared by:

Heather Husband

Environmental Scientist

North Dakota Department of Health

Division of Water Quality

Gold Seal Center, 4th Floor

918 East Divide Avenue

Bismarck, ND 58501-1947


Division of Water Quality

Page 2: Alternative Plan for Maple River/ Buffalo ... - · Richland Counties in southeastern North Dakota. The Maple River watershed lies within the Level III Northern Glaciated


Introduction: This is an alternative plan submitted for the Phase II of the Maple River

Watershed Project in the Buffalo Creek Subwatershed. The North Dakota Department of

Health, Watershed Management Program believes that since Best Management Practices

(BMPs) have already been initiated though a Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program grant, the

watershed is moving towards meeting water quality standards. Monitoring will be conducted as

a part of the grant to determine the effectiveness of the BMPs and the project. If the BMPs

implemented do not resolve the E.coli impairment in a reasonable amount of time, a TMDL will

be written. The data gathered as a part of this 319 grant will be beneficial to the creation of the


This document is a modified version of the Section 319 Project Implementation Plan. A

crosswalk for how this document meets EPA’s considerations for an alternative plan is included

in Appendix E.



Address: Cass County Soil Conservation District

1665 43rd Street South, Suite 103

Fargo, ND 58103

Phone: (710) 282-2157 ext. 3

e-mail: [email protected]


STATE CONTACT PERSON: Greg Sandness TITLE: Environmental Scientist

PHONE 701-328-5232 FAX 701-328-5200

STATE: North Dakota WATERSHED: Maple River







[x] I & E [x] STREAMS [ ]








Page 3: Alternative Plan for Maple River/ Buffalo ... - · Richland Counties in southeastern North Dakota. The Maple River watershed lies within the Level III Northern Glaciated


Maple River Watershed Project – Phase II Buffalo Creek

GOAL FOR THE PROJECT: The goal of Phase II is to meet recreational use criteria for Buffalo Creek, a subwatershed of the Maple

River. This will be done by reducing bacterial impairments so that E. coli will meet water quality

standards. A secondary goal is to reduce nutrient loading to protect associated recreation and aquatic life



The Cass County Soil Conservation District will use promotion and implementation of agricultural Best

Management Practices (BMP’s) to help meet the recreational use criteria of Buffalo Creek. As a sub

watershed of the Maple River, this will also improve downstream designated uses. Phase II of the

Maple River Watershed Project will implement comprehensive conservation planning, BMP

implementation, monitoring and assessment, and information and education programs on the highest

priority areas of the Buffalo Creek subwatershed. Since the nonpoint source sources that contribute

bacteria also contribute nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, etc.) the BMPs put in place will create

reductions in these pollutants as well, improving beneficial uses in the downstream portions of the

Maple River as well.

The main objectives are:

1) Achieve reduction in E. coli bacterial levels in the Buffalo Creek Watershed through the

implementation of BMPs

2) Document long term and short term water quality improvements (i.e. reductions in E. coli

bacteria) in the Buffalo Creek Watershed

3) Increase public awareness on the impacts of and solutions to NPS pollution

4) Inform and educate local producers on land management practices to improve soil conditions

and water quality

5) Conduct project administration, management, and support

FY 2014 - 2018 319 Fund Requested $ 283,778 Match $189,186

Other Federal Funds $2,150,000 Total Project Cost $2,622,964

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2.0 Statement of Need

2.1 Project Reference

The Cass Co. Soil Conservation District (CCSCD) has long recognized the natural, economic, and

recreational value of the many water bodies in the county, and will provide financial and technical

assistance to develop, coordinate, and implement tasks to reduce the cumulative effects of these NPS

pollutants. During Phase I of the Maple River Watershed Project, the CCSCD was able to assist

landowners in addressing water quality concerns through the implementation of BMP’s. These

management practices included: septic system renovations, well decommissioning, field windbreaks,

riparian forest buffers, critical area planting, and a variety of cropland BMP’s. See Appendix C for

Phase I BMP implementation numbers.

According to the 2014 Section 303(d) List of Impaired Waters Needing TMDLs, the North Dakota

Department of Health has identified 6 reaches within the Maple River watershed as not supporting for

fish and other aquatic biota due to fishes bioassessments and dissolved oxygen levels, and fully

supporting but threatened for recreation beneficial use due to Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria. Based

on current data, Buffalo Creek subwatershed would be not supporting recreation beneficial use due to E.


In light of what is known about water quality impairments in the Maple River watershed, the CCSCD is

proposing a Phase II Best Management Practice Implementation Project to address the water quality

concerns evident in the Buffalo Creek subwatershed. The result of this project will be improvements in

the quality of the water in Buffalo Creek as well as downstream Maple River, and progress toward the

removal of this subwatershed from the North Dakota Section 303(d) list of impaired waters.

2.2 Watershed Description

The Maple River watershed is a 1,008,912 acre watershed located in Cass, Barnes, Steele, Ransom, and

Richland Counties in southeastern North Dakota. The Maple River watershed lies within the Level III

Northern Glaciated Plains (46) and Lake Agassiz Plain (48) Ecoregions.

The Buffalo Creek, (Assessment Unit ID: ND-09020205-006-s_00), which is a sub watershed of the

Maple River Watershed, will be the primary focus of this Project (Figure 1). The Buffalo Creek

Watershed is 82,000 acres in size and is listed in the 2014 Integrated Report as not supporting

recreational uses due to E. coli bacteria impairment. Primary sources of E. coli bacteria in the watershed

include small livestock feeding areas (i.e., 20-300 head); riparian pastures; and failed septic systems. Of

the 14 livestock feeding operations, 5 are considered high priorities due to their close proximity to the

creek and feeding area size. All the riparian pastures identified on the Agricultural Non-Point Source

Pollution Model (AnnAGNPS) maps in Appendix A are considered high priority areas. While the

AnnAGNPS model identifies nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment loading in riparian areas, the same

livestock that contribute these pollutants also contribute E. coli bacteria along the same pathway (i.e.

overland runoff ) so the maps are considered useful in identifying areas to target. With livestock

grazing, the areas that contribute large amounts of nutrients and sediment are also going to contribute

large amounts of bacteria as well.

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Figure 1. Buffalo Creek (ND-09020205-006-S_00), Subwatershed of Maple River.

Approximately 20 farmsteads or ranchettes are also located along the creek. Of these farmsteads, past

experience suggests, as much as 75% of the farmsteads may have failed septic systems (Note: On-site

verification will be completed to confirm the actual status of the potential septic system failures).

Information provided by the NDDoH NDPDES personnel indicates no point sources discharging into

Buffalo Creek.

To meet water quality standards for E. coli bacteria and fully support the recreational uses of Buffalo

Creek, the Project will need to address grazing management on all the AnnAGNPS priority pastures;

improve management on the five priority feeding operations, and repair about 15 failed septic systems

along the creek.

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2.3 Maps

Maps of the watershed and sampling site location are included in Appendix A. Also included in

Appendix A is a map of the grazing/pasture priority areas for BMP implementation.

An Annualized Agricultural NonPoint Source Pollution (AnnAGNPS) model was developed for the

Buffalo Creek priority sub watershed. The AnnAGNPS model uses soils data/evaluation, fertilization

rates, cropping systems, elevation, land use, precipitation data, etc. to 1) characterize the size and shape

of the watershed; 2) estimate nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and sediment yields per cell in the watershed;

and 3) identify “high priority areas” that are potentially the most significant sources of nutrients (N and

P) and sediment in the Buffalo Creek watershed. This information will be used in conjunction with

known livestock feeding areas to identify highest priority areas for BMPs. As mentioned above, the

areas identified with the potentially significant sources of nutrients and sediment will also be the most

significant sources of bacteria in areas known for livestock grazing (e.g. riparian areas, pastures, etc.).

When prioritizing the cells delineated by AnnAGNPS, all the cells in the watershed were ranked from

highest to lowest with respect to nitrogen, phosphorus and sediment yield, with the first cell nearest the

y-axis of the graph having the highest yield. There were over 5900 cells delineated in the Buffalo Creek

watershed, with an average size of 22 acres. To identify the high priority cells, a straight/best fit line

was visually placed over the flattest portion of the ranked plot values. The point on the line at which the

cell yield values begin to significantly deviate from the “best fit” line was used as a starting point for

defining the yield values for the high priority cells. To establish a reasonable workload for the project

period and size, the total number of high priority cells initially identified was adjusted further to

establish the final list of high priority cells shown on the AnnAGNPS priority maps in Appendix A.

Google Earth and observations were used to identify the priority animal feeding operations in the

watershed as well as the potential number of failed septic systems. The AnnAGNPS priority maps for

non-cropland will also be used to provide direction for delivering assistance for riparian grazing

management. These priority cells will be focused on in order to coordinate with producers and evaluate

needs, and to implement BMP’s that reduce/prevent the delivery of nutrients and/or E. coli bacteria to

Buffalo Creek.

The high priority AnnAGNPS cells associated with livestock will be targeted for technical and financial

assistance to implement BMP’s. If the project enters into another phase, the AnnAGNPS model will be

re-run to establish new high priority areas.

2.4 General Watershed Information

The Maple River watershed is 1,008,912 acres in size. The topography and elevation within Cass

County is predominately flat. The climate is semi-arid with an average of 21” of precipitation annually,

with a majority (14.3”) falling during the growing season of May through September. The monthly

average high temperatures range from a max of 830 F in July to a low of 170 F in January. Monthly lows

range from -30 F in January to 57 0 F in July. The annual average temperature is 410 F.

The Maple River watershed is divided into two main geologic units. The eastern portion of the

watershed encompasses the glacial Lake Agassiz offshore sediments and river sediments, while the

extreme western portion of the watershed is glacial till material. Buffalo Creek subwatershed lies

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primarily in the eastern portion. The soils of the Buffalo Creek subwatershed are strongly influenced by

the geology of the region. Most of the area of the subwatershed is described as level and nearly level

fine textured soils that formed on glacial lacustrine sediment and on glacial lake plains in the UDSA Soil

Survey General Soil Map of 1983. Common soils include the Fargo and Bearden series, which are deep,

poorly drained and slowly permeable soils. The natural drainage pattern of these soils is poorly defined.

Primary land use throughout the subwatershed is intensive row crop agriculture. Corn, beans (soy & dry

edible), sunflowers, wheat, and sugarbeets are the primary crops produced. In 2012, 46% of the acres

planted in Cass County were soybeans, 35% of the acres were planted to corn, while 9% was planted to

wheat. Sugar beets, dry edible beans, sunflowers, and barley each constituted about 1% each of the total


Livestock plays a moderate roll in the agriculture of the subwatershed. There are approximately 17,000

head of cattle throughout Cass County, or 1% of all production in North Dakota. Livestock producers in

this area are generally small animal feeding operations (AFO) with less than 300 cattle. However, those

that do produce livestock are more likely to live near the river or a tributary to the river where the land is

less tillable or frequently flooded; therefore it is used as pasture for the animals.

2.5 Water Quality

With intensive agricultural practices dominating the majority of the land use throughout Cass County,

agricultural runoff is a major contributor to nonpoint source pollution in the Maple River Watershed,

including the Buffalo Creek subwatershed. Understanding bacteria data helps us identify the extent of E.

coli impairments and the threats to recreational uses throughout the watershed.


Excessive amounts of fecal bacteria in surface waters used for recreation have been known to indicate an

increased risk of pathogen-induced illness to humans. Infections due to pathogen contaminated waters

include gastrointestinal, respiratory, eye, ear, nose, throat, and skin disease (EPA, 1986). The fecal

bacteria known to cause the most harm to humans is E. coli bacteria and is the parameter used in

NDDoH water quality standards. A summary of E. coli bacteria data is shown in Table 1. A map of

monitoring site 385354 can be found in Appendix A.

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Table 1. Summary of E. coli Data for site 385354 (Buffalo Creek)

Analysis of E. coli data collected at site 385354 in 2011, 2012, and 2013 indicated that only the month

of May was fully supporting recreational use. Water quality data for the months of July, August and

September were not available in 2012 and 2013 as the creek had no flow during those months in those


Recreational Use Support Assessment Methodology

Recreation use is any activity that relies on water for sport and enjoyment. Recreation use includes

primary contact activities such as swimming and wading and secondary contact activities such as

boating, fishing, and bathing. The status of recreation use in rivers and streams is considered “fully

supporting” when there is little or no risk of illness through either primary or secondary contact with the

water. The State’s recreation use support assessment methodology for rivers and streams is based on the

State’s numeric water quality standards for E. coli bacteria.

For each assessment based solely on E. coli data, the following criteria are used:

Assessment Criteria 1: For each assessment unit, the geometric mean of samples collected

during any month from May 1 through September 30 does not exceed a density of 126

colony forming units (CFUs) per 100 milliliters (mL). A minimum of five monthly samples

are required to compute the geometric mean. If necessary, samples may be pooled by month

across years.

Assessment Criteria 2: For each assessment unit, less than 10 percent of samples collected

during any month from May 1 through September 30 may exceed a density of 409 CFUs per

100 mL. A minimum of five monthly samples is required to compute the percent of samples

exceeding the criteria. If necessary, samples may be pooled by month across years.

The two criteria are then applied using the following use support decision criteria:

Fully Supporting: Both criteria 1 and 2 are met

5/18/2011 50 6/1/2011 800 7/5/2011 120 8/2/2011 180 9/6/2011 680

5/25/2011 140 6/7/2011 70 7/13/2011 200 8/9/2011 720 9/13/2011 1100

5/1/2012 30 6/14/2011 180 7/20/2011 210 8/17/2011 170 9/19/2011 420

5/8/2012 170 6/20/2011 130 7/26/2011 180 8/23/2011 600 9/27/2011 620

5/14/2012 140 6/28/2011 140 8/30/2011 3800

5/7/2013 10 6/5/2012 40

5/7/2013 20 6/20/2012 220

5/14/2013 90 6/4/2013 120

5/22/2013 40

5/29/2013 70


% Exceeded 409 CFU/100 mL

Recreational Use Support

May June July August September


Fully Supporting Not Supporting Not Supporting Not Supporting Not Supporting

55 664550174145

0% 13% 0% 60% 100%

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Fully Supporting but Threatened: Criteria 1 is met while 2 is not met

Not Supporting: Criterion 1 is not met. Criteria 2 may or may not be met

Based on the data, recreational use assessment for Buffalo Creek is not supporting recreational use due

to E. coli bacteria impairment.

Sources of Pollution

Typical sources of pollution within the Buffalo Creek subwatershed can be linked to agricultural runoff.

Overland flows contribute significant fertilizer and pesticide runoff causing nutrient impairments.

Animal feeding operations and riparian grazing are also a contributor to nutrient impairments and E.

Coli bacteria. Land use within the watershed consists of extensively tilled landscapes and expansive

cropland acres that leave the land exposed and susceptible to wind and water erosion and contribute to

sedimentation in waterways.

Within the Buffalo Creek subwatershed, failing septic systems and livestock contribute to

E. Coli bacteria impairments. Addressing failed septic systems and reducing pathogen input from high

priority pasture and riparian areas determined in a land use assessment and through AnnAGNPS priority

mapping is critical. Information provided by the NDDoH NDPDES personnel indicate there are no

permitted point sources in within the Buffalo Creek subwatershed. Funds will be targeted to reduce E.

coli bacteria inputs through the implementation of BMP’s. Tables 2 through 5 indicate how BMPs will

help reduce bacteria.

Table 2. Nonpoint Sources of Pollution and Their Potential to Pollute at a Given Flow Regime.

Nonpoint Sources


High Flow Medium Flow Low Flow

Riparian Area Grazing (Livestock) H H H

Animal Feeding Operations H M L

Manure Application to Crop and Range Land H M L

Intensive Upland Grazing (Livestock) H M L

Note: Potential importance of nonpoint source area to contribute fecal coliform bacteria loads under a given flow regime. (H: High; M: Medium; L: Low)

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Table 3. Management Practices and Flow Regimes Affected by Implementation of BMPs

Management Practice

Flow Regime and Expected Reduction

High Flow/

70% Reduction

Moderate Flow/

80% Reduction

Low Flow/

74% Reduction

Livestock Exclusion From Riparian Area X X X

Water Well and Tank Development X X X

Prescribed Grazing X X X

Waste Management System X X

Vegetative Filter Strip X

Septic System Repair X X

Table 4. Bacterial Water Quality Responses to Four Grazing Strategies (Tiedemann et al., 1988)

Grazing Strategy Geometric

Mean CFU Strategy A: Ungrazed 40/L Strategy B: Grazing without management for livestock distribution; 20.3 ac/AUM. 150/L Strategy C: Grazing with management for livestock distribution: fencing and water

developments; 19.0 ac/AUM 90/L

Strategy D: Intensive grazing management, including practices to attain uniform

livestock distribution and improve forage production with cultural

practices such as seeding, fertilizing, and forest thinning; 6.9 ac/AUM 950/L

Table 5. Relative Gross Effectiveness of Confined Livestock Control Measures (Pennsylvania

State University, 1992a)

Practiceb Category Runoffc










Fecal Bacteria


Animal Waste Systeme - 90 80 60 85

Diversion Systemf - 70 45 NA NA

Filter Stripsg - 85 NA 60 55

Terrace System - 85 55 80 NA

Containment Structuresh - 60 65 70 90

NA = Not Available

a Actual effectiveness depends on site-specific conditions. Values are not cumulative between practice categories.

b Each category includes several specific types of practices. c - = reduction; + = increase; 0 = no change in surface runoff.

d Total phosphorus includes total and dissolved phosphorus; total nitrogen includes organic-N, ammonia-N, and nitrate-N

e Includes methods for collecting, storing, and disposing of runoff and process-generated wastewater. f Specific practices include diversion of uncontaminated water from confinement facilities.

g Includes all practices that reduce contaminant losses using vegetative control measures.

h Includes such practices as waste storage ponds, waste storage structures, and waste treatment lagoons.

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BMP Implementation Status Update, September 2017

BMP implementation is well underway with 1,198 acres planted to cover crops, 10 pasture/grazing management

projects completed and another 5 in development and 1,500 acres of livestock exclusion along riparian areas

created. Also, two riparian restoration demonstration sites are being developed and will include 7,400 feet of

trees and willows. Three septic systems have been renovated with another two in development. Work is

intensifying to get information out to landowners on available cost share. Annual reports identifying all

achievements to date can be found on EPA’s Grant Reporting and Tracking System (GRTS) website at

3.0 Project Description

3.1 Goals for the Project

During the course of the project, Cass County Soil Conservation District (SCD) will aim to restore

recreational use within the Buffalo Creek subwatershed through the implementation of Best

Management Practices (BMP’s) targeted to reduce E. coli bacteria. As a secondary goal, the SCD will

use education and promotion of water quality management and BMP implementation to improve land

management and water quality in the Buffalo Creek subwatershed.

3.2 Objectives & Tasks

Objective 1: Provide local project administration and staffing to deliver technical assistance to

landowners in the watershed and coordinate with conservation programs available through other state,

federal, local and non-governmental organizations.

Task 1: Employ one full-time Watershed Coordinator for 5 years.

Product: Project coordinator to manage day-to-day project activities; provide technical

assistance to landowners/producers; organize and conduct I&E events; and coordinate

with NRCS Field office staff, Extension Service and other resource management entities

to promote and install BMP.

Cost: $187,200 ($112,320 319 funds; $74,880 SCD match)

Task 2: Manage Section 319 funds and local match and oversee all aspects of project

implementation to ensure all tasks are completed as scheduled.

Product: Monthly review of project activities and progress; annual evaluations of staff

performance; ongoing project promotion; assist with outreach efforts; approve BMP cost

share agreements; coordinate with project partners; provide support staff; and secure

necessary matching funds.

Costs: SCD In-kind match

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Objective 2: Reduce E. coli bacteria levels to meet state standards of recreational use impairments in the

Buffalo Creek subwatershed. State standard criteria for E. coli bacteria during the recreational season

are a geometric mean of 126 CFU/100 ml with less than 10% of samples exceeding 409 CFU/100 ml.

To achieve the recreational standard, the current monthly geometric mean concentrations during the

recreational season will need to be reduced by 15% - 80%, with less than 10% of the monthly samples

exceeding 409 CFU/100ml. The highest concentration reductions are needed in August and September,

which are likely associated with riparian grazing and inputs from failed septic systems.

Task 3: Identify and repair 15 failed septic systems located within the Buffalo Creek

subwatershed. Emphasis will be placed on addressing the failed systems located within close

proximity to Buffalo Creek and its tributaries.

Product: Replace or repair 15 failed septic systems contributing to elevated E. coli levels.

Cost: $90,000 ($54,000 319 funds; $36,000 producer match)

Task 4: Focusing on Buffalo Creek subwatershed, minimize the length of time livestock are fed

in confined areas or riparian areas by assisting producers to implement management systems that

utilize fences, water developments, windbreaks, winter grazing management plans, cover crops

and/or crop residues to better distribute feeding/grazing locations, and move livestock away from

riparian areas and confined feeding sites.

Product: 10 grazing management plans, 2,000 acres of cover crop, 5 miles of field

windbreaks, and 1,500 acres of grazing exclusion along impaired riparian zones.

Cost: $85,864 ( $51,518 319 funds; $39,396 producer match)

Objective 3: Achieve reduction of nutrients (N and P) and sediment through the implementation of

BMP’s. This objective will focus on reducing nutrient runoff through the use of reduced tillage, cover

crops, field buffers, and riparian buffers, to protect current aquatic life beneficial uses and recreation

uses relating to nutrients.

Task 5: Improve water infiltration and reduce surface runoff through the use of residue

management, reduced tillage, and cover crops.

Product: 1,500 acres of cover crop

Cost: $30,000 ($18,000 319 funds; $12,000 producer match)

Task 6: Establish 4 demonstration sites that show cost effective practices that can be used to

restore the vegetation within degraded riparian areas.

Product: 4 demonstration sites showing riparian restoration through tree planting, grass

seeding; management changes and/or the installation of buffers.

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Cost: $9,750 ($5,850 319 funds $3,900 producer match)

Task 7: Coordinate with the FSA and NRCS to enroll CRP acres and establish vegetative buffers

along the riparian corridor of the Buffalo Creek.

Product: 500 acres of CRP; 50 acres of buffers

Cost: USDA program funding

Objective 4: Monitor the effectiveness of BMP’s implementation through water quality sampling as

BMP’s are installed.

Task 8: Collect samples, as outlined in the QAPP, to document changes in water quality trends as

BMP are installed.

Product: See section 5.0, Evaluation and Monitoring Plan & QAPP.

Cost: $5,000 ($3,000 319 funding; $2,000 local match)

Objective 5: Increase public awareness on the priority NPS pollution issues in Cass County and the

feasible solutions to those issues.

Task 9: Design and facilitate no till demonstration site to promote the use of zero tillage, diverse

crop rotations, and cover crop. The demonstration site will provide visual evidence to the

benefits of using these management practices on the farm. Benefits of using these practices

include: reduced wind and water erosion on the landscape, reduced nutrient runoff, improved soil

health, diversified monocultures, reduced fertilizer and nutrient inputs.

Product: One no till demonstration site 80 acres in size to demonstrate no till farming,

diverse crop rotation, and the use of cover crops

Cost: $ 35,000 (Cost based on $75/acre land rental for the demo site)

Task 10: Conduct annual educational events at the no till demonstration site to allow area

producers to see and learn about the practices that were used on the site to reduce NPS pollution

concerns. When possible, these events will be coordinated with ongoing state and/or federal I/E

programs in the area.

Product: 1 Farm tour/year, 5 Educational workshops, and 2 BMP demos.

Cost: $5,000 ($3,000 319 funds; $2,000 local match; sources of in kind match will be

used where applicable)

Task 11: Prepare brochures, quarterly newsletter articles, and direct mailings, to local land users

and the general public to promote the project and disseminate information on water quality and

NPS pollution management.

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Product: 5 Quarterly newsletters, one brochure, 2 direct mailings

Cost: $1,250 ($750 319 funds; $500 SCD Match)


See Milestone Table, Appendix B.

3.4 PERMITS: All necessary permits will be acquired. These may include CWA Section 404 permits and

NDPDES permits. The State Historic Preservation Officer will be consulted regarding potential

cultural resource affects.

3.5 LEAD PROJECT SPONSOR: Cass County Soil Conservation District (CCSCD) and the Maple River Water Resource Board

(MRWRB) are sponsoring this water quality project with CCSCD as the lead sponsor. The

CCSCD’s annual and long range plans will help to prioritize and guide the field service staff.

The CCSCD has legal authorization to employ personnel and receive/expend funds. They have a

track record for personnel management and addressing conservation issues for the constituency.

The MRWRB is responsible for the management of water resources in the Buffalo Creek

subwatershed, and will provide technical support for the project.


Project staff will ensure that any Section 319 funded BMPs are properly installed and operated

throughout the BMP lifespan. Cropland BMPs such as cover crops, nutrient management, and

pasture/hayland plantings will be monitored every year of their lifespan. Any structural BMPs

will be evaluated the first year and spot-checked thereafter. A signed O&M agreement will

accompany any structural BMPs requiring engineering assistance (in the design packet). These

agreements will outline proper operation and maintenance for the landowner to follow. Practices

implemented with lifespans longer than the project’s lifespan will be the responsibility of the

NDDoH. In some cases, such as livestock containment facilities, permits from the NDDoH will

enforce the O&M of the system throughout its life. If a producer abandons or destroys a BMP

before the end of its lifespan, the producer will be required to pay back all Section 319 funds

given previously for the installation of the BMP (Appendix D)

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4.1 This project sponsors are Cass County Soil Conservation District (CCSCD) and Cass County

Water Resource Boards. Major partners include Ransom County SCD, Cass County

Commissioners, Natural Resources Conservation Service, ND County Extension Service, and the

Lake Agassiz Resource Conservation & Development Council. The CCSCD will be the lead

project sponsor.

1. Cass County Soil Conservation District (CCSCD) – The lead project sponsor is the CCSCD.

The ND Department Health (NDDoH) will hold a contract with the district. Land use

assessment, BMP implementation (demonstration sites), project administration, computer

entry, landowner contacts, water sampling, and water quality education will be the

responsibility of the district.

2. Ransom County SCD and Barnes County SCD have both expressed support for the project.

Ransom County will be providing assistance with livestock waste management system

planning in cooperation with their current 319 watershed project in the Sheyenne River


3. USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) – The NRCS will provide day to day

assistance in conservation planning, plan writing, contract writing, and technical assistance for

construction and installation of planned BMP. NRCS personnel will conduct quality review

and compliance checks of BMP that are designed by NRCS personnel. Local NRCS

personnel will provide approved BMP standards and specifications from the NRCS technical

guide. Conservation planning assistance will be provided to the Resource Management

System (RMS) level. Environment Quality Incentive Program funds will also be available in

limited amounts. (NRCS will provide assistance by facilitating local involvement and

participating in educational outreach programs during the project period. An annual review

will be conducted with ASTC (FO), DC, and the SCD to reconfirm and acknowledge NRCS’s

ability to commit to the project).

4. North Dakota Department of Health – The NDDoH will oversee 319 funding as well as

provide training for proper water quality sample collection, preservation, and transportation to

ensure reliable data is obtained. The NDDoH will provide the sponsor oversight to ensure

proper management and expenditures of Section 319 funds. They will assist NRCS and the

Cass SCD personnel in review of O & M requirements for Section 319 funded BMP.

5. North Dakota State Extension Service (EXT) – To complement the project’s information and

education activities, local and state Extension personnel may be available to contribute in-kind

assistance when needed. This will entail workshops and field tours. The specific role of

Extension will be dependent on the type of information/education activity being implemented

and availability of staff and materials.

6. Maple River Water Resource Board (WRB) – Maple River Water Resource Board will be

involved in the project by acting as advisors. Maple River WRB will contribute Technical

assistance for the project and also promote the project in Cass County.

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7. North Dakota Game&Fish Department (NDG&F) – NDG&F will be asked to provide

technical assistance to the project when needed.

8. Farm Services Agency (FSA) – Programs available through FSA will be pursued for cost

share assistance.

9. US Fish and Wildlife (USF&W) – Programs and technical assistance available through

USF&W will be pursued for project assistance.

4.2 Members of the Cass SCD board, some of whom live in the watershed, express their support for

this project, in addition to other government and private entities that have a stake in the

watershed. Letters of support are on file at the Cass SCD office from: NRCS, Farm Service

Agency, ND G&F, Red River Basin Commission, NDSU Ext., Maple River WRB, Ransom Co.

SCD, Lake Agassiz RC&D and US F&W.

4.3 The Maple River Watershed Phase II Project will be working closely to coordinate activities with

the NRCS, NDG&F Department, and the Maple River Water Resource Board

The Watershed Coordinators for each district will keep communication open while in between

the projects. As a general guideline, projects that are located within Barnes County will be

coordinated by the BCSCD Watershed Coordinator.

4.4 The Maple River Water Resource District is currently drawing up plans for a channel drainage

improvement in the Buffalo Creek sub watershed of the Maple River. This project, if approved,

could potentially alter the hydrology and ecology of the watershed. Alternative plans are being

developed that would address non-point source sediment issues associated with drainage

improvement. The Cass SCD, through the 319 watershed coordinator, will remain involved in

the process and provide any technical assistance necessary as it relates to addressing non-point

source pollution issues associated with the project. There are currently no other similar non-

point source pollution projects being undertaken in the watershed. Past and current projects, most

of which are associated with USDA programs, which have previously occurred or do occur, are

planned as a part of county-wide efforts to address conservation issues in the area.


The project sponsors coordinated with the NDDoH to develop the Quality Assurance Project

Plan (QAPP). The QAPP describes the monitoring goals and objectives as well as the data

collection needs for evaluating progress toward the targeted E. coli bacteria concentrations. Data

will be collected throughout the project period to provide annual updates on concentration trends

and an overall assessment of concentration reductions achieved by the end of the project. A final

water quality report describing progress toward established targets is included in the final project

report developed at the end of the project.

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Annual progress reports focused on the accomplishments associated with each of the tasks listed

in Section 3.0 will also be used to gauge progress toward land improvement and public education

goals. The annual reports are provided to the ND NPS Program and entered in the GRTS in

December of each year. These annual reports and monthly interactions with project staff are

used to determine if the degree of progress warrants continuation of current funding; adjustment

of project focus; and/or discontinuation of the project.

For this phase (Phase II) of the project, the primary focus is on E. coli bacteria sources, with

nutrient source reduction as a secondary goal. The annual and final reports, in combination with

available water quality data, will be used in the final year (2018) of the project to describe

progress toward these goals. Based on these reports, the project goals will be revisited and may

be adjusted to account for progress in BMP implementation as well as any changes in 303(d)

listing status, use attainment; and/or pollutant sources. This end-of-project review will aid the

project sponsors and their partners in determining if the project is progressing as planned and

should be continued or if a TMDL is needed to better direct future efforts to restore the

recreational uses (or another use) of the creek. If the water quality standards for E. coli are not

met within a reasonable period of time after the implementation project is complete, a TMDL

will be developed to address the E. coli impairment in Timber Coulee. Data collected

throughout the project will be beneficial to the development of the TMDL.


6.1 See Appendix B.


7.1 Information and education meetings will be held to keep the community informed. Community

leaders, commissioners, water resource board members, and district supervisors will be involved in

decision-making processes involving the implementation of Phase II of the Maple River Watershed


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Appendix A


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Map 1

Location in North Dakota

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Map 2

Location of Buffalo Creek Subwatershed within Maple River Watershed

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Map 3

Location of Buffalo Creek Monitoring Site


Site 385354

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Map 4

AnnAGNPS Modeled High Priority Cropland Acres

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Map 5

AnnAGNPS Modeled High Priority Pasture/Grazing Areas

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Appendix B


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PART 1: FUNDING SOURCES 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 TOTAL EPA SECTION 319 FUNDS

1) FY14 Section 319 Funds 56,756 $ 56,756 $ 56,756 $ 56,756 $ 56,756 $ 283,778 $ Subtotals 56,756 $ 56,756 $ 56,756 $ 56,756 $ 56,756 $ 283,778 $


1) NRCS (TA) 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 250,000 $

2) NRCS EQIP & WHIP (FA) 80,000 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 $ 400,000 $ 3) NRCS CSP (FA) 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 1,500,000 $

Subtotals 430,000 $ 430,000 $ 430,000 $ 430,000 $ 430,000 $ 2,150,000 $ STATE/LOCAL MATCH

1) Local SCD (TA, FA) 20,588 $ 20,588 $ 20,588 $ 20,588 $ 20,588 $ 102,940 $

5) Cass County Participating Producers (cash/inkind) 17,249 $ 17,249 $ 17,249 $ 17,249 $ 17,249 $ 86,246 $ Subtotals 37,837 $ 37,837 $ 37,837 $ 37,837 $ 37,837 $ 189,186 $

TOTAL BUDGET 524,593 $ 524,593 $ 524,593 $ 524,593 $ 524,593 $ 2,622,964 $ 319 BUDGET 94,593 $ 94,593 $ 94,593 $ 94,593 $ 94,593 $ 472,964 $

Phase II, Maple River Watershed Project


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In-Kind Match 319 Funds OBJECTIVE 1: Personnel/Support

Task 1 1) Salary/Fringe - Watershed Coordinator (full-

time: 2080 hrs/yr) 35,360 $ 36,400 $ 37,440 $ 38,480 $ 39,520 $ 187,200 $ 74,880 $ 112,320 $

2) Travel (7,000 miles/year at $.56/mile) 3,920 $ 3,920 $ 3,920 $ 3,920 $ 3,920 $ 19,600 $ 7,840 $ 11,760 $

3) Training 300 $ 300 $ 300 $ 300 $ 300 $ 1,500 $ 600 $ 900 $

4) Cell phone (12/mo @ $30/mo.) 360 $ 360 $ 360 $ 360 $ 360 $ 1,800 $ 720 $ 1,080 $

5) SCD Meetings/Inkind (12 mtgs) 1,200 $ 1,200 $ 1,200 $ 1,200 $ 1,200 $ 6,000 $ 2,400 $ 3,600 $

Subtotals 41,140 $ 42,180 $ 43,220 $ 44,260 $ 45,300 $ 216,100 $ 86,440 $ 129,660 $

OBJECTIVE 2 - 4: BMP's Tasks 3 - 8

1) Implement BMP Practices (see attached BMP priority list ) 43,123 $ 43,123 $ 43,123 $ 43,123 $ 43,123 $ 215,614 $ 86,246 $ 129,368 $

Subtotals 43,123 $ 43,123 $ 43,123 $ 43,123 $ 43,123 $ 215,614 $ 86,246 $ 129,368 $

OBJECTIVE 5: Water Quality Monitoring

1) Equipment replacement/repair 500 $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 $ 2,500 $ 1,000 $ 1,500 $

2) Sample Transportation 500 $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 $ 2,500 $ 1,000 $ 1,500 $

Subtotals 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 5,000 $ 2,000 $ 3,000 $ OBJECTIVE 8: Information/Education

1) Information/Education Meetings 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 5,000 $ 2,000 $ 3,000 $ 2) No-till Demonstration site 6,000 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 $ 30,000 $ 12,000 $ 18,000 $ 3) Publications 250 $ 250 $ 250 $ 250 $ 250 $ 1,250 $ 500 $ 750 $

Subtotals 7,250 $ 7,250 $ 7,250 $ 7,250 $ 7,250 $ 36,250 $ 14,500 $ 21,750 $

TOTAL 319/NON-FEDERAL BUDGET 92,513 $ 93,553 $ 94,593 $ 95,633 $ 96,673 $ 472,964 $ 189,186 $ 283,778 $


Phase II, Maple River Watershed Project BUDGET TABLE

PART 2: Section 319 /

Non-Federal Budget Funds 2014 2016 2017 2018 TOTAL

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Objectives NRCS Code

Practice** No.* Acres* Linear

Feet (LF)*

Rate TOTAL Cost- share Rate

Cash Costs

319 Match

Objective 2 19 Septic System Rennovation 15 6,000.00 $ 90,000 $ 60% 36,000 $ 54,000 $ 472 Use Exclusion 1,500 15.00 $ 22,500 $ 60% 9,000 $ 13,500 $ 614 Watering Facility 5 1,000.00 $ 5,000 $ 60% 2,000 $ 3,000 $ 516 Pipelines 1,500 6.00 $ 9,000 $ 60% 3,600 $ 5,400 $ 382 Fencing 2,500 1.00 $ 2,500 $ 60% 1,000 $ 1,500 $ 380 Field Windbreak 26,400 0.26 $ 6,864 $ 60% 2,746 $ 4,118 $ 340 Cover Crop 2,000 20.00 $ 40,000 $ 60% 16,000 $ 24,000 $

Objective 3 340 Cover Crop 1,500 20.00 $ 30,000 $ 60% 12,000 $ 18,000 $ 391 Riparian Forest Buffer 15 350.00 $ 5,250 $ 60% 2,100 $ 3,150 $ 390 Riparian Herbaceous Cover 15 300.00 $ 4,500 $ 60% 1,800 $ 2,700 $

60% - $ - $ SUBTOTALS 20 5,030 30,400 215,614 $ 86,246 $ 129,368 $

Phase II, Maple River Watershed Project PART 3: Priority Best Management Practices (BMPs)


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I/E Demo Project 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 TOTAL Match 319


1) No till Demo Plot 160acre ***Demo Site Land Rental 6,000 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 $ 30,000 $ 12,000.0 $ 18,000.0 $

2) Planning NRCS Contributions, In-kind - $ - $ - $ - $

3) Tours Farm Tours * Task 10 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 5,000 $ 2,000.0 $ 3,000.0 $

Subtotals 7,000 $ 7,000 $ 7,000 $ 7,000 $ 7,000 $ 35,000 $ 14,000 $ 21,000 $

Phase II, Maple River Watershed Project

*Land rent based on $75/ acre

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Entity 1 - Cass County SCD - Local project sponsor, responsible for project coordination, reimbursement payments,

match tracking, and progress reporting to the NDDoH. Also provides technical assistance to plan, design and implement BMP.

Entity 2 - Landowners in the Buffalo Creek subwatershed in Cass County - Make land management decisions and provide cash and in-kind match for BMP.

Entity 3 - Natural Resource Conservation Service - Provides technical assistance to the Cass County SCD for implementation of BMP. Also provides financial

assistance for BMP to landowners through the EQIP program.

Entity 4 - North Dakota Department of Health- Statewide section 319 program management including oversight of local 319 planning and expenditures. Also

provides technical assistance for water quality analysis and documentation.

Entity 5 – NDSU Extension Service. Assist with planning I/E events. Provide technical assistance and source of in-kind match.

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Task/Responsible Organization Output Quantity 2014 2015 2016 2017 2017

Objective 1: Entity 1 Task 2 Employ Watershed Coordinator 1 x x x x x Objective 2: Entity 1,2,3 Task 3 Reduce E. Coli Bacteria Septic System Renovations 15 3 3 3 3 3

Task 4 Livestock BMP Grazing Management Plans 10 2 2 2 2 2 Cover Crop 2,000 ac 400 ac 400 ac 400 ac 400 ac 400 ac Field Windbreak 5 mi 1mi 1mi 1mi 1mi 1mi Grazing Exclusion 1,500 ac 250 ac 250 ac 250 ac 250 ac 250 ac

Objective 3: Entity 1,2,3

Task 5 Cover Crop, soil improvement Cover Crop, residue management 1,500 ac 300 ac 300 ac 300 ac 300 ac 300 ac Task 6 Riparian Restoration Forest and Grass Buffers 30ac 6ac 6ac 6ac 6ac 6ac Task 7 Riparian Restoration FSA CRP acres 500ac 100ac 100ac 100ac 100ac 100ac

Buffers 50ac 10ac 10ac 10ac 10ac 10ac

Objective 5: Entity 1,4 Task 8 Monitor BMP effectiveness Water Sampling

Objective 6: Entity 1,3,5

Task 9 No Till Demonstration Site 80 acre Demo Plot

Task 10 SCD and Cooperating Agencies Field Tours

Task 11 SCD Newsletters, Mailings, Brochures Quarterly newsletter, 2 mailings, 1 brochure

Phase II, Maple River Watershed Project

Milestone Table


Ongoing throughout project period

Farm tour annually, 5 workshops, 2 BMP demos

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Appendix C

Phase I BMP


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Summary Of Billing Period Expenditures On BMP's

Project: Maple River Time Period: 1/1/2010 To 9/25/2013 NOTE: For multiple year practices where the Planned Amount differs from the Actual Amount Applied, a cumulative Planned Amount value will be used for this Summary Report. However, the Cost Share, Match, etc, are calculated from the Actual Total Yearly Cost input.

Cropland Management Cumulative Units Total 319 Total Producer Total BMP Total BMP Amount Cost Share In-Kind Costs

Code 340 Practice Cover Crop 1772.17 Acres $23,703.32 $15,802.21 $0.00 $39,505.53

Cropland Management Totals: $23,703.32 $15,802.21 $0.00 $39,505.53

Miscellaneous Practices Cumulative Units Total 319 Total Producer Total BMP Total BMP Amount Cost Share In-Kind Costs

Code 018 Practice Miscellaneous (Miscellaneous Practices) 2 Misc $540.00 $360.00 $0.00 $900.00

Code 019 Practice Septic System Renovation 25 Number $105,214.07 $70,142.71 $0.00 $175,356.78

Code 351 Practice Well Decommissioning 16 Number $27,055.40 $18,036.94 $0.00 $45,092.34

Miscellaneous Practices Totals: $132,809.47 $88,539.65 $0.00 $221,349.12

Riparian Area Management Cumulative Units Total 319 Total Producer Total BMP Total BMP Amount Cost Share In-Kind Costs

Code 580 Practice Streambank and Shoreline Stabilization 250 Linear Feet $27,656.96 $18,437.97 $0.00 $46,094.93

Riparian Area Management Totals: $27,656.96 $18,437.97 $0.00 $46,094.93

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Summary Of Billing Period Expenditures On BMP's

Upland Tree Planting Cumulative Units Total 319 Total Producer Total BMP Total BMP Amount Cost Share In-Kind Costs

Code 612 Practice Tree/Shrub Establishment 53 Per 100 Ft $676.20 $450.80 $0.00 $1,127.00

Code 060 Practice Weed Control For Established Trees (Weed Barrier) 49 Per 100 Ft $1,323.00 $882.00 $0.00 $2,205.00

Code 380 Practice Windbreak/Shelterbelt 26.4 Per 100 Ft $398.52 $265.68 $0.00 $664.20

Upland Tree Planting Totals: $2,397.72 $1,598.48 $0.00 $3,996.20

Buffalo Creek Totals: $186,567.47 $124,378.31 $0.00 $310,945.78

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Appendix D

Section 319 Funding Agreement Provisions

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Appendix E

Crosswalk between this Alternative Plan and EPA’s Considerations for

an Alternative Plan

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Crosswalk for Buffalo Creek Alternative Plan and

EPA Region 8’s Consideration Table

This crosswalk was developed to summarize how the Buffalo Creek Alternative Plan addresses

the considerations put forth in EPA Region 8’s discussion of alternative plans (Table 1.) The

number in the summary corresponds to the Alt Plan Considerations Number in the table that


1) This information is provided on page 2 as well as in Section 2.2 Watershed Description and

Section 2.5 Water Quality.

2) The WQS are identified in Section 2.5 Water Quality, and the target is identified in Section

3.2 Objectives and Tasks, Objective 2. Management measures are also identified in this Section

and Objective. Specific practices are also mentioned at the end of Section 2.2.

3) Implementation goals are provided in Section 3.2 as well as the milestone table in Appendix


4) Funding sources are provided in the budget table in Appendix B.

5) Project Sponsors are listed in Section 3.5 and the coordination plan is discussed in Section


6) The timeframe of when WQS will depend on many factors such as landowner interest,

economic conditions, weather, etc. To address this, as identified in Section 3.2, Objective 4, it

states that water quality sampling will be conducted as BMPs are installs to monitor

effectiveness. Section 5.0 discusses how monitoring and evaluation will be conducted to

describe progress towards the established targets. If progress is not deemed sufficient, a TMDL

will be completed. The Implementation Project will run from 2014 to 2018.

7) Effectiveness monitoring is described in #6 above.

8) This will be done as a part of the effectiveness monitoring. As stated in Section 5.0, at the end

of the project a larger report summary will also be written to see if sufficient progress towards

the targets has been made. If E. coli water quality standards are not met within a reasonable

period of time after implementation is complete, a TMDL will be developed.

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Table 1. EPA Region 8 Summary of the Alternative (Alt) Plan Considerations1

Alt Plan Considerations

Number Alt Plan Considerations Summary

Description Potential Information to Include an Alternative Plan

1 Identify the specific impaired waters, causes, and sources

• Assessment Unit (AU) numbers, descriptions and pollutants that match state's most recent 303(d) list • Include a list or table of all contributing permitted point sources • Identify general nonpoint source (NPS) contributors by category • Include relative source contribution estimates


Clearly identify the target(s), consistent with water quality standards (WQS), which will be used to demonstrate restoration. Provide an analysis that shows how planned implementation actions can meet that target(s).

• Clear target(s) consistent with WQS • Load reduction estimates needed to meet the target • Description of the management measures that will need to be implemented to achieve load reductions

3 Provide an implementation plan to address all sources and a schedule with milestones and target dates

• A schedule with proposed controls and target dates • A description of interim measurable milestones

4 Identify sources of available funding to implement the plan

• A table, list, or description of the available funding sources

5 Identify all parties committed to or assisting in implementation

• A table, list, or description of all parties that are committed to or assisting in implementation

6 Provide an estimate or projection of time when WQS will be met

• An estimated date or number of months/years


Describe the plans for effectiveness monitoring to show restoration progress and identify corrective measures

• A plan for effectiveness monitoring designed to show restoration progress and identify corrective measures


Describe the plans to periodically evaluate the alternative plan to determine if it’s on track to more immediately meet WQS, or if adjustments need to be made, or if impaired water should be assigned a higher priority for TMDL development.

• A plan to periodically evaluate the alternative plan to determine if it’s on track to meet WQS or if adjustments need to be made

1 Table 1 is Region 8’s summary of the alternative plan considerations and potential information to include in an

alternative plan. The full description of the alternative restoration approach, the circumstances to consider, the

elements to consider and the use of the 5-alternative IR category is contained in the 2016 IR memorandum, available


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