alpha mindset guide

THE ALPHA MINDSET By: Jordan Ray The purpose of teaching you this is to give you options. You should NOT have to settle when it comes to girls. Put in a bit of effort now, take this material seriously and you’ll have the ability to be very selective when it comes to who you date (and perhaps even marry if that’s your thing). Having a good, loyal, high quality woman in your life will make you a LOT happier. I want you to be able to be picky. I want you to be able to find a girl that has the exact qualities you’re looking for.. Copyright 2013, Mack

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Post on 15-Sep-2015




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Guide how to be alpha man



    The purpose of teaching you this is to give you options. You should NOT have to settle when it comes to girls. Put in a bit of effort now, take this material seriously and youll have the ability to be very selective when it comes to who you date (and

    perhaps even marry if thats your thing).

    Having a good, loyal, high quality woman in your life will make you a LOT happier. I want you to be able to be picky. I want you to be able to find a girl that has the

    exact qualities youre looking for..

    Copyright 2013, Mack

  • Believe me when I tell you this, I was extremely shy and introverted when I was growing up (I'm now 30 years old). The frustration of not being able to talk to girls and ultimately get laid and form relationships was the driving force behind putting so much effort into learning this stuff.

    Ill start by giving you guys some good news; attracting women is a skill (a social skill) and like anything else, you CAN improve with both knowledge and experience; but I guess you understand that or else you wouldn't be trying to expand your knowledge by reading this right now.

    Through this guide, the ongoing Mack Methods program (youll be getting lessons from me on a regular basis via email) and the resources I recommend to you, youll be given a lot of awesome information and tricks for attracting women.

    For any of you who want a head start on this stuff, I would recommend that you read the program on

    Of all the programs I've read when I was trying to learn this stuff, that one was by far the most helpful especially on topics relating to confidence and body language. There's an entire chapter in there dedicated to confidence and inner game that I can honestly say changed my life.

    My personal lessons for you guys will always be free but if any of you are looking to take the plunge and invest in a course, you can't go wrong with that one.

    My Earlier Years

    I remember my first experience where I got played for being the "nice guy". It was back in the late grades of elementary school / early grades of high school (grade 8-10) when most of us were sprouting our first pubes.

    Copyright 2013, Mack

  • Like most guys that age, I was super horny and at the time, there was a girl (the "it" girl that every guy wanted) named Shannon. Ah, good ol' big titty Shannon..

    Shannon would ask me for a dollar every single day to get something from the vending machine. Being the "nice guy" that I was (*cough* .. chump), I always gave it to her, then tried not to pop a boner when she gave me a little hug after (I remember referring to her hugs as a "titty press"). Memories..

    I never got more than that from her though. Instead, Shannon preferred to hang out with the "bad boys". Her boyfriends at the time were all older and were either known for fighting, selling drugs or being awesome football players.

    Thing is, I started lifting weights early in life so it wasn't like I was some pudgy nerd. I just had the wrong attitude and right from the get-go; being the "nice guy" did NOT pay off and that trend continued throughout my high school years.

    Copyright 2013, Mack

  • I did have a few bouts of success during that time though where I was able to hook up with a few ridiculously hot girls. How did I pull that off? Well, the answer is alcohol; and not because the girls just got drunk and lowered their expectations either.

    The role alcohol played for me at the time was that it lowered my inhibitions. Of course, that's common knowledge and the entire reason why people drink it in the first place. There's a lesson to be learned here though.

    For a few hours, the alcohol in my system allowed me to let loose, live in the moment and live for myself without being concerned with what other people were thinking of me; hence the term "liquid confidence". The care-free mentality I got from drinking allowed me to act on my impulses.

    Copyright 2013, Mack

    This isn't me, but I have a feeling the girl in this picture had the same facial expression later that night..

  • Let's analyze that for a minute.

    Acting on your Impulses

    Acting on your impulses and basically doing what you want, when you want - these are the traits of an alpha male. An alpha male is a leader and when you take charge of a situation, a woman will notice.

    A man who demonstrates leadership qualities will make a woman feel secure. Security is what women crave. The reason why beautiful women flock to muscular and wealthy men isn't due to the dollar bills and the biceps alone, but rather, they're attracted to what they represent - protection and financial stability; both of which relate to security!

    If the jacked guy or the rich guy lacked leadership qualities, the women would lose that sense of security and her attraction towards him would quickly fade. Well, she would probably string the rich guy along for a while to get a few more shopping sprees out of him haha

    Likewise, if you're not particularly built or wealthy, but you're alpha as fuck and the girl believes your confidence is genuine, it's more than likely that she'll be attracted to you. Believe me when I say this guys; attraction is NOT a choice and because of that, looks are NOT that important.

    Relating back to "acting on your impulses", it is extremely important that when you see a girl you're interested in, you approach her immediately. If you lock eyes, hold eye contact until SHE looks away and when she does, go right up to her with your approach!

    Copyright 2013, Mack

  • Breaking eye contact and showing signs of hesitation displays a lack of confidence

    and is subconsciously viewed by the woman as a sign of weakness.

    A lot of other coaches label this the "3 second rule" and relate it to getting into a cold pool - it's always best to just dive right in! The logic behind the rule is that it will prevent approach anxiety, which I certainly agree with.

    My main reasoning for an immediate approach though is because it indicates to the woman that you're a man who goes after the things he wants in life. It also prevents you from being viewed as a lurker because if a women senses that you're constantly checking her out from a distance but hesitating to make a move.. you'll be labelled as being creepy -which isn't the vibe you want to give off the women in the room.

    Bottom line though is that initiating a conversation right away is alpha and it shows a high level of confidence - which brings me to the next trait to analyze.

    Copyright 2013, Mack

    Remember, the most common side effect of hesitation .. is masturbation.

  • Confidence

    If you're not confident, you're not going to get laid and if you do, it will probably be by some ugly broad who's even more insecure than you. The term "confidence", by definition, relates to a belief in one-self and a lack of insecurities.

    Well, as I just mentioned above, a feeling of security is what women instinctively seek from a male. If you can provide leadership and make a woman feel secure, she WILL feel attraction towards you!

    Likewise, if the women senses that you lack confidence and don't fully believe in yourself, she won't believe in you either and no matter how good you look, no matter how rich you are .. that woman will never take you seriously as a long term partner.

    There's a reason why when asked about what characteristics they look for in a man, a woman will usually list "confidence" right away. I doubt they even understand why that is either .. but now YOU do.

    Copyright 2013, Mack

    Billy Bob, panties in hand, rocking the Santa suit with swag. Don't know what he's like in real life, but he seems like a confident dude and his track record with women speaks

    for itself (Playboy playmates, Angelina Jolie etc.)

  • While on this topic, I should also touch on "being shy" because I get asked about it a lot. Girls will oftentimes view shyness as a lack of confidence (or weakness). If you're shy, you'll be viewed as a follower. Girls want leaders!

    Now, I understand that it's possible to be introverted and confident but from the viewpoint of a woman, you'll usually be viewed as a "beta male" who lacks confidence. If you're shy and introverted, this is something you really need to work on.

    Living for Yourself

    Have you ever been "friend zoned" by a hot chick that would complain to you about what an asshole her boyfriend is? A lot of guys have been in this shitty situation (myself included).

    Copyright 2013, Mack

    Steve Caroll's character in "Crazy, Stupid, Love".. don't be like this guy haha

  • They'll complain to you (the guy who gives them unlimited attention and actually cares about them) about how they're being mistreated and tell you how "sweet" you are during the day but late at night, they'll go bang their "ass-hole" boyfriend they're supposedly sick of.

    That takes us back to the point I made above; attraction is NOT a choice! There's a reason why these hot girls aren't leaving their "asshole" boyfriends (and were attracted to them in the first place).

    The guys that are banging the girls that the "nice guys" are lusting after are the type of guys who live for themselves. They do NOT put the needs of their girlfriends ahead of their own.

    Now, that doesn't sound like it would be appealing, but women love a challenge and it's human nature to want to pursue what's perceived as being "hard to get". Not only that, but women find guys who have a lot going on in their lives attractive.

    When a guy is "on call" so to speak and will drop everything he's doing to accommodate the girl, that's just a turn off for them.

    Copyright 2013, Mack

    In this case, the "alcohol" platform just means you need to man up, stop being a pussy, act on your impulses and make a move.

  • I'll give you guys an example of how to follow the "live for yourself" concept when you're trying to spend time with a girl...

    Instead of centering the plans all around her (in a typical "date" format), just tell her where you're going to be at a certain time and invite her to meet up with you. This way, you'll be incorporating her into YOUR plans instead of centering the plans around her.

    This works especially well if you invite her out at a time when you'll be hanging out with your female friends (assuming you have some).

    By doing this, the girl you're trying to hook up with will see that you're pre-approved by other women and believe me, this is one of the biggest "attraction triggers".

    I'll be covering "pre-selection" in a lot of detail in the future though via the Mack Methods course that you're now subscribed too.

    I want to make a few things clear before I wrap this up. I'm not saying you have to become a "bad boy / asshole" in order to attract women. You just need to realize what it is that women find so attractive about them and try to adopt some of those qualities..

    To recap, the bad boys..

    Are selfish and they live for themselves

    Are confident

    Act on their impulses

    Are strong willed and offer a challenge

    Copyright 2013, Mack

  • If you're a nice guy, that's fine.. don't completely change your personality. What I am saying however is that you need to adapt a strong alpha male presence. As I mentioned, women oftentimes mistake kindness for weakness.

    If you're the kind of guy that's always going to "bend over backwards" for the girl and be at her every beck and call, she's not going to be attracted to you. You need to have your own things going on in your life (independent from her) and you need to have a "backbone".

    Meaning, if you disagree with something the girl says/does, call her out on her shit. Have the mentality that you're "running the show" because as men, it's our role to be the leaders and it's natural for women to seek out a mate with strong leadership qualities.

    Oh and to clarify; the reference to "drunk game" above was simply to help get my point across. I'm a bit of a health nut at this point in my life and strongly believe in maintaining a strong mind & body.

    I made the reference because for me at least, alcohol was a way to get over my shyness and lower my inhibitions enough to actually make moves and go after the girls I wanted without hesitation. I've since learned to adapt the same sort of "go after what you want" mindset into my daily life.

    The thing you need to keep in mind here is that we only live once and life is short. There's no sense in missing opportunities and ending up with regrets.

    I'm willing to bet that the reason most of you aren't "scoring", is because you're not taking many shots. You need to change that and hopefully, this Mack Methods program (which will be providing you with ongoing, situational-based advice) will help you do that.

    Copyright 2013, Mack

  • The purpose of this report is just to give you a bit of insight as to why women find the character traits of the "bad boys" so appealing. If youre a nice guy, that's fine; be "nice", but you need to possess the traits discussed here as well. That's the ideal situation really.

    Women do NOT want to be mistreated. They just can't resist the characteristics that the "ass-holes" have. If you're kind at heart, yet you have an alpha male mindset and the character traits needed to attract women, well, that's really the ideal situation for everyone.

    Copyright 2013, Mack