alpha lipoic acid and collagen

Alpha Lipoic Acid and Collagen Learn how alpha lipoic acid deals with collagen!! Click on the link below for a free report on avoiding harmful and overpriced supplements!!!

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Post on 15-Mar-2016




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Alpha lipoic acid can do some very interesting things to collagen!!!


Page 1: Alpha Lipoic Acid and Collagen

Alpha Lipoic Acid and Collagen

Learn how alpha lipoic acid deals with collagen!!

Click on the link below for a free report on

avoiding harmful and overpriced


Page 2: Alpha Lipoic Acid and Collagen

Alpha lipoic acid plays a very interesting role in the development of collagen. To

assist you in understanding what collagen is and what it does picture a brick

house and now imagine there is no cement.

The cement is the collagen that holds the house up and without it there would be

no house. Here is another example on how critical this substance is to us humans.

The substance that is making your skin firm so it doesn’t sag is collagen.

As we get older collagen production slows down and this is a big reason why the

elderly have saggy skin and more wrinkles. This material is what is known as a

protein and makes up 25% to 35% of all the protein in the human body.

It’s found in the skins, bones, blood vessels and even the digestive system. Now if

you’re a woman than for sure you probably don’t like the idea of saggy skin but us

guys don’t really care about our looks as much.

Heck, Clint Eastwood the ultimate male role model has saggy skin right? Besides

keeping skin firm it also helps with the immune system since the skin is the first

line of defense.

This material assists with stopping deadly bacteria and viruses from penetrating

the human body. It also battles cancerous cells and environmental toxins.

So we know that collagen gets weaker with age and you might be wondering what

can we do to strengthen this protein or maybe grow it?

Something known as alpha lipoic acid can be of aid. Now alpha lipoic acid is an

antioxidant that is created in every cell of the human body and its job is to take

blood sugar and turn it into usable energy.

Antioxidants are incredibly helpful and eliminating blood sugar is even more

helpful because sugar in the blood stream causes all kinds of problems.

I’ll share just one more incredible fact about this antioxidant because it’s really

amazing and that is that it can cross the brain barrier and protect the brain from

all kinds of damage.

Page 3: Alpha Lipoic Acid and Collagen

One of the ways that alpha lipoic acid helps the skin and collagen is with its

antioxidant properties. Antioxidants stop the damage of free radicals and puts

less stress and pressure on the skin sort of like an extra barrier.

ALA which is the lazy way of saying alpha lipoic acid actually creates enzymes that

kill and dispense the damaged and scarred collagen so new and stronger ones can

grow. Go back and read that last sentence I wrote because that is some powerful


ALA is also known for increasing the production of glutathione that removes

poisons that get stuck in collagen.

The cool thing is that we all make ALA in our cells but the bad news is that the

older we get the less of the material we create.

The best way to get ALA is by eating meats. Muscles that would have to work the

hardest say like the heart will contain the most of this antioxidant. If you’re a

vegetarian don’t be sad because you can easily get this helpful substance from a


There are thousands and thousands of choices for supplements and they all claim

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little educated about the industry so you not only get a good deal but get one that

is safe.

Unfortunately the Internet doesn’t provide easy information about this which is

one of the reasons I created a guide on this topic. Now I could easily sale this

guide for a lot of money but I decided to make it free. Take advantage of my work

and check it out by clicking on free supplement guide.

Page 4: Alpha Lipoic Acid and Collagen

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