allways travel pty ltd - battlefields of the


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General Gallipoli : A Brief History Page 4 Booking Conditions Page 6 Turkey : General Information Page 8

Land Only Tours Tour A Page 10 Tour B Page 11 Tour C Page 12 Tour D Page 14 Tour E Page 16 Tour F Page 18 Tour G Page 20 Tour H Page 22 Tour I Page 25 Tour J Page 28 Tour K page 30

Extensions Additional Arrangements Page 32 Egyptian Operations A Page 33 Egyptian Operations B Page 34 Greek Campaigns Page 36 The Western Front Page 38

Stopovers Singapore Page 40 Bangkok Page 41 Thailand: The Death Railway Page 42

Allways Travel Pty Ltd - Battlefields Of The World

Suite 205, 2nd Floor 70 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000 Telephone: 61-2-92351022 Facsimile: 61-2-92351786

E-mail: [email protected] Lic. No 2TA001253 IATA & AFTA Member

Freecall: 1800 806 459 (outside Sydney metro only)



Pip B/ AU: Fantastically run tour. Very professional from the start (booking) to finish. Helena V/ AU: Turkey, our Anzac Day memories now have a special place in our heart. Thanks again ! Kerryn F/ N.Z:We always seemed to be one step ahead of other tours ( Like at Anzac Day )....... Tracy B/ AU: Excellent trip. Loved every minute ! Pip S/ N.Z: A HUGE thanks to both driver & tour operator for making my time in Turkey the best.. Chris P/ AU: Itınerary was really well planned & coordinated. Tanja T/ AU: I would just like to let you know that I had an amazing time in Turkey.. Shane H/ AU : Good food,good beer,good people,good fun ! Tomas H/ AU : The climax of ANZAC day is a truly amazing experience ! Jason C/ AU : The best organised tour I’ve had.. Sarah H/ AU : I had a fantastic time and wish I didn’t have to leave early ! Paul L/ AU : Had a cracking time ! Daniel C/ NZ : Had an excellent time,good value for money ! Heather S/ NZ : Excellent,had a blast,tour leader was wonderful.. Dougal M/ AU : Excellent trip, well organised under difficult conditions .. Carolyn Gromball / AU : Very well organised.Tour guide very informative.Thank you for a great experience! Katrina Lamberton / AU : Had an excellent tour.I was able to participate in something truly unique.. Tim B/ AU : Tour was fantastic ! Great, informative & extremely helpful guides .. Emma W/ AU : The tour was structured well . I loved it.



The beginning of our fighting spirit when the young men of Australia (as a united nation) and New Zealand "joined up" for an adventure of a life time, to help 'Mother England' defeat the foe and to conquer the nations that had turned the world to war. When Great Britain declared war on Germany on the 4th August 1914 there was never any doubt that both Australia and New Zealand would automatically support her efforts. Australia's Prime Minister, Andrew Fisher, promised that Australia would support the war effort "to our last man and our last shilling". Australia's first act of war was to send a force to New Guinea to destroy the German wireless station at Rabaul, a successful operation, and then to occupy German New Guinea & the islands of New Britain, New Ireland and Bougainville. Resistance was weak and casualties were minimal. Back in Australia the call was for volunteers for an army to serve overseas to be known as the Australian Imperial Force, better known in history as the 1st AIF. Response in the first six months exceeded expectations and 20,000 men came forward to raise a complete division - all were enlisted, hastily trained and soon ready to embark. It was joined by two Brigades from New Zealand and on the 1st of November 1914 set sail from Albany WA for war. Destination was England via the Suez. Thirty eight transports escorted by the new Royal Australian Navy's light cruisers Sydney and Melbourne along with a British and Japanese cruisers. Nine days out a wireless message from Cocos Island advised of being attacked by a German Cruiser - HMAS Sydney was detached and in the ensuing battle (the first at sea in the Great War) Sydney sunk the German cruiser "Emden" and captured its captain and crew. Owing to a change in plans the troops of the convoy were disembarked at Alexandra (Egypt) to complete their training. Here they were joined by a second mixed contingent and united as the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) with General W.R.Birdwood in overall command. As part of the allied strategy it was decided in early 1915 to attack Turkey via the Dardanelles and by doing so give Russia a safe sea link. One of the British Lords of the Admiralty - none other than Winston Churchill - was convinced the Royal Navy could force the Dardanelles, a very narrow passage that was heavily mined and covered by shore batteries on high ground. The attempt was a disaster that resulted in heavy losses of capital class ships. It wasn't until the morning of the 25th April that one of the two Australian Submarines (at that time) managed to weave its way successfully through to the sea of Mamara . After the Royal Navy's inability to force "the narrows" open by sea the operation became a military one against well fortified and pre-warned Turkish Troops along the peninsula.



On the morning (pre dawn at 0418am) of the 25th April 1915 ANZAC, British and French troops swarmed ashore on the peninsula of Gallipoli against fierce opposition from five Turkish Army Divisions that held the high ground overlooking the landing beaches below. After a day of heroic and bloody fighting the ANZACS established a precarious toe-hold at what has become known as ANZAC Cove. Throughout the next two days they fought to hold on to their gains after many counter attacks by the Turks. Both sides then paused to consider their situation and take stock of their positions, the ANZAC's started to "dig in" - thus some say was the beginning of the title "Diggers"! During the next weeks then months of stalemate there were periods of fierce fighting with appalling casualties on both sides. From the start it had been apparent that the campaign would fail , in fact many thought it should never have been launched and in December (1915) the evacuation of the peninsula was ordered. The evacuation was carried out with such planning the enemy were completely deceived and by the 8th January 1916 the last allied troops left Turkish soil. In the almost nine months of entrenched fighting ANZAC casualties reached 8,587 killed in action with 19,367 wounded in the line of duty. From this defeat the ANZAC's were considered to be the best assault troops in history. Regardless of the conditions at Gallipoli and the overwhelming defiance of the Turkish (Johnny Turk) defender, the ANZAC troops never lost their sense humour or their unique sense of comradeship throughout their deployment in this faraway land. It is the spirit of these original ANZAC's that make our Australian & New Zealand military today a strong force to be proud of! It was the blooding of our young nation's men on the beaches and ridges of what is now called ANZAC Cove that built our traditions we cherish so much today! We will remember them !



1. YOUR BOOKING Before the Allways Travel representative can accept your booking, the leading member of your party must both complete and sign the Booking Form where indicated. The person who signs the Booking Form shall be deemed to act as agent for all persons shown on the Booking Form, whether the signatory shall intend to travel or not and that signature binds all members of your party jointly and severally to the Booking Terms and Conditions. 2. DEPOSIT PAYMENT At the time of requesting your travel booking to be confirmed, a deposit of A$250 per person is payable. If it is not received within seven days, your booking will be automatically cancelled and cancellation charges will become payable in accordance with paragraph 5 below. This deposit is your only commitment to Allways Travel until eight weeks before departure. If the total amount per person is less than A$250 then full payment is required. 3. PAYMENT OF BALANCE Eight (8) weeks prior to departure, final balance is payable in full. If not paid by the given date, we reserve the right to treat your booking as cancelled, in which case, you could be liable to pay cancellation charges up to 100% of the final cost in accordance with paragraph 5 below. It is therefore important to pay this final balance before the eight (8) week pre-departure date. When booking through a licensed Travel Agent, any money paid by you to that agent in respect of a booking is held by the agent to ALLWAYS TRAVEL from the date on which you receive our confirmation of your booking until the date when the agent pays that money over to ALLWAYS TRAVEL. 4. IF YOU ALTER YOUR BOOKING If you decide to alter any details after your booking has been accepted and confirmed by ALLWAYS TRAVEL TOURS, then amendment fees ofAu$25 per change will be charged. However, any change requested within eight weeks will be treated as a cancellation and will be subject to the charges below-ref. paragraph. 5. 5. IF YOU CANCEL YOUR BOOKING If you or any member of your party wish to cancel your booking or any part of it once it has been confirmed, you must do so by giving written notification to your Travel Agent or ALLWAYS TRAVEL if you have booked direct. The person who signed the Booking Form must also sign the letter of cancellation. To compensate ALLWAYS TRAVEL for the expense in processing your booking, the following scale of cancellation charges will apply: Period, Before Departure When Amount of Cancellation Received. Cancellation Fee as % of Total Price 1. More Than 60 Days Deposit 2. 60 - 31 days 30% 3. 30 - 15 days 75% 4. 14 –day of departure 100% The amount payable depends on when we receive your written notice of cancellation the more notice given the lesser the charge. Please note that in the case of a cancellation being received after receipt of travel documents, no refund can be made unless all unused documents are returned. We therefore strongly recommend Travel Insurance to cover the responsibility of cancellation due to unforeseen sickness. Please request a copy of our recommended policies at time of depositing your booking. 6. IF WE SHOULD CHANGE YOUR HOLIDAY ITINERARY On occasions, it may be necessary to amend arrangements due to operational necessity and we reserve the right to do so at any time (ie) due to airlines rescheduling flight departures that may then not suit the arrangements on the ground. Most of these changes are very minor but where necessary we undertake to inform you or your Agent as soon as is reasonably possible.



7. FORCE MAJEURE Compensation payments do not apply where performance of our contract with you is prevented by risk of war or threat of war, riot, civil strife, industrial dispute, terrorist activity, natural and nuclear disaster, fire, adverse weather conditions, technical problems to transport, closure or congestion of airports or ports, cancellation or change of scheduled airlines and similar events beyond our control. 8. OUR RESPONSIBILITY In all matters relating to the making of arrangements for hotel accommodations, sight-seeing tours and services provided incident thereto, entertainment, and transportation by air, rail, motor coach, automobile or steamship, ALLWAYS TRAVEL and its subsidiaries will act only in the capacity of an agent for the airlines, hotels and other supplies stated in the tour literature describing the services purchased. Because of its status as an agent, and because it maintains no control over the personnel, equipment, or operations of these travel service suppliers, ALLWAYS TRAVEL and its subsidiaries can assume no responsibility for and cannot be held liable for any personal injury, property damage, or other loss, accident, delay, inconvenience or irregularity which may be occasioned either by reason of(l) any wrongful, negligent or unauthorised acts or omissions on the part of any of the suppliers, (2) any wrongful negligent, or unauthorised acts of omissions on the part of any employee of any of these suppliers, (3) any defect in or failure of any vehicle, equipment, or instrument owned, operated or otherwise used by any of these suppliers, or (4) any wrongful or negligent acts or omissions on the part of any party not under the control, direct or otherwise, of ALLWAYS TRAVEL. 9. INSURANCE You are obliged as a condition of your contract with ALLWAYS TRAVEL to take out an appropriate policy of insurance to cover the cost of cancellation of your travel arrangements, and the cost of assistance, including repatriation, in the event of accident or illness. Ask your consultant for more information. 10. DOCUMENTS Approximately 14 days prior to departure you will receive your set of documents,inclusive of your final itinerary air tickets, etc 11. PASSPORTS. VISAS A HEALTH REQUIREMENTS All travellers must hold a valid passport with a minimum validity of six months prior to expiry as at the day of departure, some countries require this to be as at the day of entry into their specific country. Australian citizens require a visa to certain countries, the cost of which is the responsibility of the traveller. For individual travellers, costs vary and the cost of the visa issue can be incorporated in your travel cost. Please ask at time of booking. Visas to enter other countries, either prior or after entry into certain countries, vary subject to duration of stay and passport held. Please ask your Consultant/Agent if you intend travelling beyond those countries visited in your ALLWAYS TRAVEL arrangements. 12. ITEMS NOT INCLUDED Items of a personal nature such as. incidental hotel charges, telephone calls, room service, laundry, and the like are at your own expense and must be paid prior to checking out of the hotel. It has become customary that cities/airport authorities charge a passenger departure tax. These taxes vary throughout the world and are paid by each traveller in local currency at time of physical check-in at airport/airline counters-these costs are the individual responsibility of each traveller, i.e. Australian Departure Tax is currently Au$27 per adult passenger, children 12 years and younger are exempt, plus $3.40pp noise tax on re-entry to Sydney. 13. COST VARIATION The cost of your travel arrangements have been calculated as at current at the costs and the conversion rates applicable as at this date. The final travel arrangement costs will be subject to any airfare increase imposed by principles prior to receipt of full payment of your booking. We also reserve the right to adjust the land portion of your booking subject to unforeseen major currency conversion fluctuations prior to your full and final payment receipt. If this should be necessary to enact, advice in writing would be given. 14. VALIDITY 1st April 2004 until further notice or 30th May 2005



OFFICIAL NAME The Republic of Turkey (Türkiye Cumhuriyeti) FOUNDER Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK ( 1881-1938 ) LOCATION Eastern Mediterranean. Located on two continents: Europe and Asia. The European part of Turkey is called Thrace, while the Asian part is called Anatolia (or Asia Minor) AREA 814 578 square kilometers (314 500 square miles) 3% on the European continent 97% on the Asian continent CAPITAL ANKARA POPULATION 67.8 million (as of 2002) LITERACY RATE 1935 19.25% 2001 86.60% MAJOR CITIES (as of 2002) Istanbul 10 million Ankara 4 million Izmir 3.4 million Bursa 2.1 million Konya 2.2 million Adana 1.8 million LANGUAGE Turkish (uses Latin Alphabet) CURRENCY Turkish Lira RELIGION 99% of the population is Muslim. Turkey is the only country among Islamic countries, which has included secularism in her Constitution and guarantees complete freedom of worship to non-Muslims. FLAG Red background with a white crescent and star in the middle. NATIONAL ANTHEM "Istiklal Marsi" (Independence March) GOVERNMENT Turkey is democratic, secular and social state governed by the rule of law; committed to the nationalism of Atatürk and based on the principle of the separation of powers; Legislative power: The Turkish Grand National Assembly Executive power: President and the Council of Ministers Judicial power: Independent courts and supreme judiciary organs EDUCATION SYSTEM Primary Education: Eight years; includes the edu-cation of children in the 6-14 age-group. Compulsory for all male and female citizens. Secondary Education: Consists of general and vocational-technical high schools that offer at least three years of education. Higher Education: Includes all educational institutions where an educational programme of at



least two years over and above secondary education is implemented. These edu-cate students at associate's, bachelor's, master's or doctorate degree levels. Primary and secondary education is free of charge in public schools. Higher education in-stitutions, however, charge a certain minimal tuition fee. COASTLINE 8333 Km. (5000 miles) Turkey is surrounded by sea on three sides, by the Black Sea in the North, the Mediterranean in the south and the Aegean Sea in theWest. In the northwest there is also an important internal sea, the Sea of Mar-mara, between the straits of the Dardanelles and the Bosphorus. GEOGRAPHICAL REGIONS Turkey has 80 administrative provinces and seven geographical regions. The first four of the seven regions are given the names of the seas which are adjacent to them. - Black Sea Region - Marmara Region - Aegean Region - Mediterranean Region The other three regions are named in accordance with their location in the whole of Anatolia. - Central Anatolia Region - Eastern Anatolia Region - Southeastern Anatolia Region FAMOUS LANDMARKS In Istanbul: Ayasofya, Topkapi Palace, Blue Mosque, Dolmabahçe Palace, Kariye Museum. Elsewhere in Turkey: Ancient City of Troy, Ephesus, Aphrodisias, Pergamon, Pamukkale, Göreme-Cappadocia, Mt.Nemrut, Safranbolu, Mevlevi Convent and Museum, Halil Rahman Mosque in Þanlý Urfa. Ystanbul, Safranbolu, Boðazköy-Hattushash, Mt. Nemrut Remains, Xanthos-Lethoon, Divriði Great Mosque and Hospital, Troy, Pamukkale and Göreme-Cappadocia are registered on the World Heritage List to help preserve them for future generations. COMPOSITION OF GNP (as of 2001) Agriculture: 12.9 % Industry : 25.3 % Services : 61.8 % SOME IMPORTANT PRODUCTS As of 2000, Turkey is the first place in the world in terms of hard-shell nuts, fig and apricot production, fourth in fresh vege-tables, grape and tobacco production and seventh in wheat and cotton production. Turkish Delight and Helva are famous throughout the world. Turkey is among the leading countries in the world in textiles and ready to wear clothing production. The exports of this sector constitute 37 percent of total industrial exports. The leather processing industry is also very developed in Turkey both in terms of tech-nological level and high production capacity and comes after textiles in terms of export figures. High-quality handmade Turkish carpets are also one of the main export items of Turkey the most famous and finest pure silk carpets of the world are produced in the small town of Hereke, 60 km east of Istanbul. Turkey is Europe's third largest ceramic producer. TIME Local time is equal to GMT + 2 hours. Same time zone all over the country ELECTRICITY 220 volts a.c. all over Turkey WEIGHTS AND MEASURES Metric and Kilo system



Itinerary 24- April – 2005 06.00 a.m. Meet with your guide in front of St. Sophia Museum. 06.30 a.m. Drive to Gallipoli. Arrival in Eceabat and free time for lunch. Drive to Gallipoli Peninsula. Visit Anzac Cove, Lone Pine Australian Memorial and Cemetery, the original tunnels and trenches at Johnston Jolly (Turkish and Allied), Chunuk-Bair New Zealand Memorial and Cemetery and Kabatepe War Museum. Drive to Eceabat for BBQ ( 5-gbp extra incl. 1 drink ) before we depart to Anzac Cove for Dawn Service at 22.30. We will spend the night at the Anzac Cove to prepare ourselves for Dawn Service. 25 - April - 2005 05:30 Dawn Service and account of Gallipoli campaign. After Dawn Service our coaches will take us up to Chunuk Bair and Lone Pine for National Ceromonies. Breakfast and lunch boxes will be provided on the bus on the way to Chunuk Bair. 10:30 Australian National Service, 12:30 New Zealand National service. 17:30 Drive to Gallipoli and check in to the hotel. Overnight stay. 26 - April - 2005 Following breakfast, we proceed down south to Kusadasi and the end of our tour. Included In Your Tour! All breakfasts. English speaking professional guide (NOT an Off-sider or escort) throughout. All transportation by private a/c tour coach 1 night tourist class hotel accommodation in Gallipoli Town, Dawn and National Services (Australian, New Zealand ) Lunch boxes on ANZAC Day (25th April ), Breakfast box on ANZAC Day

(25th April ) "Please don't forget to bring your sleeping bag! Meeting Point on the 24th April Infront of St. Sophia Museum in Sultanahmet area at 06.00 a.m.



Itinerary 23- April – 2005 Welcome to Turkey. Arrival in Istanbul. Check in to your hotel or take the Ekol Travel shuttle to your hotel every hour from 09.00 a.m. until 11.55 p.m. 24- April – 2005 06.30 a.m. Drive to Gallipoli. Arrival in Eceabat and free time for lunch. Drive to Gallipoli Peninsula. Visit Anzac Cove, Lone Pine Australian Memorial and Cemetery, the original tunnels and trenches at Johnston Jolly (Turkish and Allied), Chunuk-Bair New Zealand Memorial and Cemetery and Kabatepe War Museum. Drive to Eceabat for BBQ ( 5-gbp extra incl. 1 drink ) before we depart to Anzac Cove for Dawn Service at 22.30. We will spend the night at the Anzac Cove to prepare ourselves for Dawn Service. 25 - April - 2005 05:30 Dawn Service and account of Gallipoli campaign. After Dawn Service our coaches will take us up to Chunuk Bair and Lone Pine for National Ceremonies. Breakfast and lunch boxes will be provided on the bus on the way to Chunuk Bair. 10:30 Australian National service, 12:30 New Zealand National Service. After the ceremonies, we will depart for Istanbul. Late arrival in Istanbul and overnight. 26- April – 2005 09.00 a.m. Depart for Istanbul city tour. In the morning we visit St.Sophia this church - turned mosque- turned museum takes the breath away with the sheer architectural size of its interior and magnificent dome,Afterwards, we visit the Blue Mosque - famous for its delicate blue ceramic tiles. Then we continue the tour visiting the Hippodrome, Grand Bazaar and Egyptian Bazaar. 17:00 (Optional, not included) Have the amazing experience of an historic Turkish Bath. 20:00 (Optional, not included) Turkish Night - Partying, Folklore, Belly Dancing and Turkish Music. A great night out including dinner & drinks. 27- April - 2005 Following breakfast check out from the hotel and the end of our services. Included In Your Tour! All breakfasts. English speaking professional guide (NOT an Off-sider or escort) throughout. All transportation by private a/c tour coach 3 nights 3 star hotel accommodation in Istanbul, Dawn and National Services (Australian, New Zealand ) Lunch box and Breakfast box on ANZAC Day ( 25th April ) Free airport – hotel transfers on the 23rd between 09:00 am - 11:55 pm. Excluded In Your Tour! Entrance fees to the sites Personal expenses.



Itinerary 23- April – 2005 Welcome to Turkey. Arrival in Istanbul. Check in to your hotel or take the Ekol Travel shuttle to your hotel every hour from 09.00 a.m. until 11.55 p.m. 24- April – 2005 06.30 a.m. Drive to Gallipoli. Arrival in Eceabat and free time for lunch. Drive to Gallipoli Peninsula. Visit Anzac Cove, Lone Pine Australian Memorial and Cemetery, the original tunnels and trenches at Johnston Jolly (Turkish and Allied), Chunuk-Bair New Zealand Memorial and Cemetery and Kabatepe War Museum. Drive to Eceabat for BBQ ( 5-gbp extra incl. 1 drink ) before we depart to Anzac Cove for Dawn Service at 22.30. We will spend the night at the Anzac Cove to prepare ourselves for Dawn Service. 25 - April - 2005 05:30 Dawn Service and account of Gallipoli campaign. After Dawn Service our coaches will take us up to Chunuk Bair and Lone Pine for National Ceremonies. Breakfast and lunch boxes will be provided on the bus on the way to Chunuk Bair. 10:30 Australian National Service, 12:30 New Zealand National Service. After the ceremonies, we will depart for Dikili. Relax and overnight. 26- April – 2005 09.00 a.m. After breakfast drive to the ancient city of Pergamon. Visit Altar of Zeus, Temple of Dionysus and the 200,000 volume library, The Asclepieum of Pergamon. Leaving Pergamon behind us, we settle at our hotel in Kusadasi. 20:00 (Optional, not included) Turkish Night - Partying, Folklore, Belly Dancing and Turkish Music. A great night out including dinner & drinks. 27- April – 2005 10.00 After breakfast we drive to Ephesus, which was undoubtedly one of the most important cultural centres of the ancient world. Impressive structures we will see include the Library of Celsus, Temple of Hadrian, Theatre, Odeon and the Temple of Artemis, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, then proceed to an authentic Turkish handicrafts farm. Back to Kusadasi and our overnight stay. 28- April – 2005 Drive back to Istanbul. On the way back to Istanbul we visit Bursa which was the first capital of the Ottoman Empire, visit Great Mosque and other historic sites. Arrival and overnight in Istanbul. 29- April – 2005 09.00 a.m. Depart for Istanbul city tour. In the morning we visit St.Sophia this church - turned mosque- turned museum takes the breath away with the sheer architectural size of its interior and magnificent dome. Afterwards, we visit the Blue Mosque - famous for its delicate blue ceramic tiles. Then we continue the tour visiting the Hippodrome, Grand Bazaar and Egyptian Bazaar. 17:00 (Optional, not included) Have the amazing experience of an historic Turkish Bath. 30- April - 2005 Following breakfast check out the hotel and the end of our services.



Included In Your Tour! All breakfasts. English speaking professional licensed guide (NOT an off-sider or escort)

throughout. All transportation by private a/c tour coach 3 nights 3 star hotel accommodation in Istanbul, 1 night 3 star hotel

accommodation in Dikili, and 2 nights 3 star hotel accommodation in Kusadasi, Dawn and National Services (Australian, New Zealand ) Lunch box and Breakfast box on ANZAC Day Free airport – hotel transfers on the 23rd between 09:00 am - 11:55 pm. Excluded In Your Tour! Entrance fees to the sites Personal expenses

"Please don't forget to bring your sleeping bag!



Itinerary 21- April – 2005 Welcome to Turkey. Arrival in Istanbul. Check in to your hotel or take the Ekol Travel shuttle to your hotel every hour from 09.00 a.m. until 11.55 p.m. 19.00 Transfer for a welcome cocktail on a private yacht cruising on the Bosphorus in the evening. Overnight stay in Istanbul. 22- April – 2005 09.00 a.m. Visit Topkapi Palace- built on one of the seven hills of Istanbul, this huge complex commands views of the Sea of Marmara, the Bosphorus and the Golden Horn. It was the seat of government for the Ottoman Empire for many centuries. After our lunch break, we visit the Blue Mosque - famous for its delicate blue ceramic tiles. Continue on to visit the Hippodrome and the Grand Bazaar. Overnight in Istanbul. 17:00 (Optional, Not included) Have the amazing experience of an historic Turkish Bath. 20:00 (Optional, not included) Turkish Night - Partying, Folklore, Belly Dancing and Turkish Music. A great night out including dinner & drinks. 23- April – 2005 09.30 visit Suleymaniye Mosque, Egyptian Market. Continue to Sultanahmet for lunch break and shopping. Depart for Gallipoli in the afternoon. Arrival in our hotel in Gallipoli and stay overnight. 24- April – 2005 08.00 a.m. Depart for Full day Tour of Gallipoli Peninsula. Visit Anzac Cove, Lone Pine Australian Memorial and Cemetery, the original tunnels and trenches at Johnston Jolly (Turkish and Allied), The Nek Cemetery, Chunuk-Bair New Zealand Memorial and Cemetery and Kabatepe War Museum. 15.00 Drive to Gallipoli Hotel to relax for a few hours before the drive to Anzac Cove for the Dawn Service. 19:00 Leave Hotel for BBQ dinner (not included - 5-gbp extra incl. 1 drink ) before we depart to Anzac Cove for Dawn Service at 22.30. We will spend the night at the Anzac Cove to prepare ourselves for Dawn Service. 25 - April - 2005 05:30 Dawn Service and account of Gallipoli campaign. After Dawn Service our coaches will take us up to Chunuk Bair and Lone Pine for National Ceromonies. Breakfast and lunch boxes will be provided on the bus on the way to Chunuck Bair.



10:30 Australian National Service 12:30 New Zealand National Service. After the ceremonies, we will depart for Istanbul. Late arrival in Istanbul and overnight. 26- April – 2005 Following breakfast check out of the hotel and the end of our services. Included In Your Tour! ENTRANCE FEES TO ALL ATTRACTIONS ON THE ITINERARY. Welcome cocktail on a private yacht. All breakfasts. English speaking professional licensed guide (NOT an off-sider or escort)

throughout. All transportation by private a/c tour coach 3 nights 3 star hotel accommodation in Istanbul, 2 nights tourist class hotel

accommodation in Gallipoli Town Dawn and National Services (Australian, New Zealand ) Lunch boxes on Gallipoli tour & ANZAC Day, Breakfast box on ANZAC

Day Free airport – hotel transfers on the 21st between 09:00 am - 11:55 pm. Excluded In Your Tour! Personal expenses,




23- April – 2005 Welcome to Turkey. Arrival in Istanbul. Check in to your hotel or take the Ekol Travel shuttle to your hotel every hour from 09.00 a.m. until 11.55 p.m.

24 - April – 2005 11.00 Late departure for Istanbul city tour. Visit the Blue Mosque - famous for its delicate blue ceramic tiles - and ancient Hippodromme. After lunch break visit Topkapi Palace- built on one of the seven hills of Istanbul, this huge complex commands views of the Sea of Marmara, the Bosphorus and the Golden Horn. It was the seat of government for the Ottoman Empire for many centuries. At 16.00 we depart to Anzac Cove for Dawn Service. Dinner break en-route. Arrival at around 22.30 to Anzac Cove. We will spend the night at the Anzac Cove to prepare ourselves for Dawn Service.

25 - April - 2005 05:30 Dawn Service and account of Gallipoli campaign. After Dawn Service our coaches will take us up to Chunuk Bair and Lone Pine for National Ceremonies. Breakfast and lunch boxes will be provided on the bus on the way to Chunuk Bair. 10:30 Australian National Service, 12:30 New Zealand National Service. After ceremonies drive to our hotel in Gallipoli to relax.

26 - April – 2005 08.30 a.m. Depart for Full day Tour of Gallipoli Peninsula. Visit Anzac Cove, Lone Pine Australian Memorial and Cemetery, the original tunnels and trenches at Johnston Jolly (Turkish and Allied), The Nek Cemetery, Chunuk-Bair New Zealand Memorial and Cemetery and Kabatepe War Museum. After lunch break in Eceabat cross the Dardanalles we proceed to Troy, the site of King Priam's Treasures. Probably the most famous city of ancient times - who doesn't know the story of the Trojan Horse? Referred to in Homer's "Iliad" and "Odyssey", Troy is in fact nine cities built on top of each other. Troy Vl is believed to pertain to the famous Trojan War of Homer, where the legendary heroes included Agamemnon, Achilles, Ulysses and Nestor on the Greek side and Priam, Hector and Paris on the Trojan side. Afterwards, continue to Dikili for dinner and overnight stay.



27- April – 2005 After breakfast we drive to Ephesus, which was undoubtedly one of the most important cultural centres of the ancient world. Impressive structures we will see include the Library of Celsus, Temple of Hadrian, Theatre, Odeon and the Temple of Artemis, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, then proceed to an authentic Turkish handicrafts farm. Drive to Kusadasi for our overnight stay. 20:00 (Optional, not included) "Turkish Night" - Partying, Folklore, Belly Dancing and Turkish Music. A great night out including dinner & drinks.

28- April – 2005 Drive back to Istanbul. On the way back to Istanbul we visit Bursa which was the first capital of the Ottoman Empire, visit Great Mosque and other historic sites. Arrival and overnight in Istanbul.

29 - April – 2005 Visit Grand Bazaar, Suleymaniye Mosque (the biggest in Istanbul dating from the 16th century), Egyptian Bazaar and Golden Horn. Overnight in Istanbul. 18:00 (Optional, not included) Have the wonderful experience of an historic Turkish Bath.

30- April – 2005 Following breakfast check out of the hotel and the end of our services. Included In Your Tour:

ENTRANCE FEES TO ALL ATTRACTIONS ON THE ITINERARY. All breakfasts. English speaking professional licensed guide (NOT an off-sider or escort)

throughout. All transportation by private a/c tour coach 5 nights 3 star hotel accommodation (Bed & Breakfast), 1 night tourist class

hotel accommodation in Gallipoli, one overnight at Anzac Cove. Dawn and National Services (Australian, New Zealand ) Breakfast and lunch box on ANZAC Day on the 25th Arrival transfers on the 23rd, every hour between 09:00 am - 11:55 pm.



Itinerary 21- April – 2005 Welcome to Turkey. Arrival in Istanbul. Check in to your hotel or take the Ekol Travel shuttle to your hotel every hour from 09.00 a.m. until 11.55 p.m. 19.00 Transfer for a welcome cocktail on a private boat cruising on the Bosphorus in the evening. Overnight stay in Istanbul. 22- April – 2005 09.00 a.m. Visit Topkapi Palace- built on one of the seven hills of Istanbul, this huge complex commands views of the Sea of Marmara, the Bosphorus and the Golden Horn. It was the seat of government for the Ottoman Empire for many centuries. After our lunch break, we visit the Blue Mosque - famous for its delicate blue ceramic tiles. Continue on to visit the Hippodrome and the Grand Bazaar. Overnight in Istanbul. 17:00 (Optional, not included) Have the amazing experience of an historic Turkish Bath. 23- April – 2005 09.30 visit Suleymaniye Mosque, Egyptian Market. Depart for Gallipoli in the afternoon. Arrival in our hotel in Gallipoli and stay overnight. 24- April – 2005 08.00 a.m. Depart for Full day Tour of Gallipoli Peninsula. Visit Anzac Cove, Lone Pine Australian Memorial and Cemetery, the original tunnels and trenches at Johnston Jolly (Turkish and Allied), The Nek Cemetery, Chunuk-Bair New Zealand Memorial and Cemetery and Kabatepe War Museum. 15.00 Drive to Gallipoli Hotel to relax for a few hours before the drive to Anzac Cove for the Dawn Service. 19:00 Leave Hotel for BBQ dinner (not included - 5-gbp extra incl. 1 drink ) before we depart to Anzac Cove for Dawn Service at 22.30. We will spend the night at the Anzac Cove to prepare ourselves for Dawn Service. 25 - April - 2005 05:30 Dawn Service and account of Gallipoli campaign. After Dawn Service our coaches will take us up to Chunuk Bair and Lone Pine for National Ceremonies. Breakfast and lunch boxes will be provided on the bus on the way to Chunuk Bair. 10:30 Australian National Service, 12:30 New Zealand National Service. After the ceremonies drive to our hotel to relax. Overnight in Gallipoli 26- April - 2005 09:00 Following breakfast we proceed to Troy, the site of King Priam's Treasures. Probably the most famous city of ancient times - who doesn't know the story of the Trojan Horse? Referred to in Homer's "Iliad" and "Odyssey", Troy is in fact nine cities built on top of each other. Troy Vl is believed to pertain to the famous Trojan War of Homer, where the legendary heroes included Agamemnon, Achilles, Ulysses and Nestor on the Greek side and Priam, Hector and Paris on the Trojan side. Afterwards, continue to Kusadasi for overnight stay.



20:00 (Optional, not included) "Turkish Night" - Partying, Folklore, Belly Dancing and Turkish Music. A great night out including dinner & drinks. 27- April - 2005 After breakfast we drive to Ephesus, which was undoubtedly one of the most important cultural centres of the ancient world. Impressive structures we will see include the Library of Celsus, Temple of Hadrian, Theatre, Odeon and the Temple of Artemis, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, then proceed to an authentic Turkish handicrafts farm. Back to Kusadasi and our overnight stay. 28- April - 2005 Departure for Pamukkale with amazing white calcium rocks & thermal water springs. This area was once the beauty & health centre of the famous “Queen Cleopatra”. You will enjoy relaxing in these hot springs after this unforgetable trip. Overnight in Pamukkale. 29- April - 2005 Depart for Istanbul in the morning, driving through many authentic regional cities of Turkey and enjoying the countryside. Overnight in Istanbul. 30- April - 2005 Following breakfast check out of the hotel and the end of our services. Included In Your Tour: ENTRANCE FEES TO ALL ATTRACTIONS ON THE ITINERARY. All breakfasts, dinner in Pamukkale, 2 lunch boxes. English speaking professional licenced guide (NOT an off-sider or escort)

throughout. All transportation by private a/c tour coach 6 nights 3 star hotel accommodation (Bed & Breakfast), 3 nights tourist class

hotel accommodation in Gallipoli. Dawn and National Services (Australian, New Zealand ) Lunch boxes on Gallipoli tour & ANZAC Day, Breakfast box on ANZAC

Day Welcome cocktail on a private boat on the 21st. Free airport - hotel transfers on the 21st, every hour between 09:00 a.m. -

11:55 p.m.



Itinerary 16 - April - 2005 Welcome to Istanbul. Arrival in Istanbul. Check in to your hotel. Or take one of our shuttles at 13.30, 18.30 or 23.30 to your hotel. Overnight stay in Istanbul. 17- April - 2005 Depart for Istanbul city tour. Visit Topkapi Palace, built on one of the seven hills of Istanbul, this huge complex commands views of the Sea of Marmara, the Bosphorus and the Golden Horn. It was the seat of government for the Ottoman Empire for many centuries. After our lunch break, we visit the Blue Mosque - famous for its delicate blue ceramic tiles. Continue on to visit the Hippodrome and. Overnight in Istanbul. 17:00 (Optional, not included) Have the amazing experience of an historic Turkish Bath. 18 - April - 2005 Drive to Cappadocia. After a long drive arrival in Cappadocia and overnight. 19 - April - 2005 09:00 Full day tour of Cappadocia to see the surreal landscapes of volcanic ash, formed 3 million years ago, spectacular red rock cones, troglodyte churches and homes dating from 4000 BC. Including PIGEON VALLEY, UCHISAR, GOREME open air museum , PASABAG (Fairy Chimneys) and AVANOS, to visit one of its famous, pottery workshops. Visit the authentic farm of Turkish handicrafts during the day. Later return to your hotel for overnight. 20:00 (Optional, not included) "Turkish Night" - Partying, Folklore, Belly Dancing and Turkish Music. A great night out including dinner & drinks. 20 - April - 2005 On our second day tour of Cappadocia we will visit Agzikarahan Ceravanserail, Kaymakli Underground City and Ihlara Valley. Overnight in Cappadocia. 21 - April - 2005 This morning we drive to Pamukkale which is an important centre with pure white travertine, thermal springs. Overnight in Pamukkale. 22- April - 2005 We visit the ancient city of Hierapolis, which was named after Hiera, the wife of the founder of Pergamon. Highlights include the Roman Baths, the Temple of Apollo and the Nymphaeum. Continue to Ephesus the best preserved ancient city in Turkey. Undoubtedly one of the most important cultural centres of the ancient world. Impressive structures we will see include the Library of Celsus, Temple of Hadrian, Theatre and Odeon. We also visit the Temple of Artemis, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. Drive to Kusadasi for our overnight stay. 23 - April - 2005 09:00 Following breakfast we proceed to Troy, the site of King Priam's Treasures. Probably the most famous city of ancient times - who doesn't know the story of the Trojan Horse? Referred to in Homer's "Iliad" and "Odyssey", Troy is in fact nine cities built on top of each other. Troy Vl is believed to pertain to the famous Trojan War of Homer, where the legendary heroes included Agamemnon,



Achilles, Ulysses and Nestor on the Greek side and Priam, Hector and Paris on the Trojan side. Afterwards, continue to Gallipoli for overnight stay. 24 - April - 2005 08.00 a.m. Depart for full day Tour of Gallipoli Peninsula. Visit Anzac Cove, Lone Pine Australian Memorial and Cemetery, the original tunnels and trenches at Johnston Jolly (Turkish and Allied), the Nek Cemetery, Chunuk-Bair New Zealand Memorial and Cemetery and Kabatepe War Museum. 15.00 Drive to Gallipoli Hotel to relax for a few hours before the drive to Anzac Cove for the Dawn Service. 19:00 Leave Hotel for BBQ dinner (not included - 5-gbp extra incl. 1 drink ) before we depart to Anzac Cove for Dawn Service at 22.30. We will spend the night at the Anzac Cove to prepare ourselves for Dawn Service. 25- April - 2005 05:30 Dawn Service and account of Gallipoli campaign. After Dawn Service our coaches will take us up to Chunuk Bair and Lone Pine for National Ceremonies. Breakfast and lunch boxes will be provided on the bus on the way to Chunuk Bair. 10:30 Australian National Service, 12:30 New Zealand National Service. After the ceremonies drive to our hotel to relax. Overnight in Gallipoli 26- April - 2005 Following breakfast drive to Istanbul. Arrival in Istanbul, check in. Visit Grand Bazaar and Egyptian Market in the afternoon and overnight stay. 27- April - 2005 Following breakfast check out of the hotel and the end of our services. Included In Your Tour: ENTRANCE FEES TO ALL ATTRACTIONS ON THE ITINERARY. All breakfasts, dinner in Pamukkale, 2 lunch boxes. English speaking professional licensed guide ( NOT just an off-sider)

throughout. All transportation by private a/c tour coach 8 nights 3 star hotel accommodation in ıstanbul, Cappadocia, Pamukkale,

Kusadasi and 3 nights tourist class hotel accommodations in Gallipoli, Dawn and National Services (Australian, New Zealand ) Lunch boxes on Gallipoli tour & ANZAC Day, Breakfast box on ANZAC

Day. Free airport – hotel shuttles on the 22nd at 13.30, 18.30 or 23.30.



Itinerary 12 - April - 2005 Arrival in Istanbul. Check in to your hotel or take one of our shuttles at 15:30, 19:30 or 23:30 to the hotel. Overnight stay in Istanbul. 13- April - 2005 Depart for Istanbul city tour. In the morning we visit St.Sophia, this church - turned mosque- turned museum takes the breath away with the sheer architectural size of its interior and magnificent dome. Afterwards, we visit the Blue Mosque - famous for its delicate blue ceramic tiles. Then we continue the tour visiting Topkapi Palace, built on one of the seven hills of Istanbul. This huge complex commands views of the Sea of Marmara, the Bosphorus and the Golden Horn (It was the seat of government for the Ottoman Empire for many centuries).the Hippodrome, Grand Bazaar and Egyptian Bazaar. 18:00 (Optional, not included) Have the amazing experience of an historic Turkish Bath. 14- April – 2005 Drive to Ankara visit Ataturk's Mausoleum and overnight stay. 15- April – 2005 In the morning drive to Cappadocia. Visit Agzikarahan Caravansarail and Underground city on the way. Overnight in Cappadocia. 20:00 (Optional, not included) "Turkish Night" - Partying, Folklore, Belly Dancing and Turkish Music. A great night out including dinner & drinks. 16- April – 2005 09:00 Full day tour of Cappadocia to see the surreal landscapes of volcanic ash formed 3 million years ago, spectacular red rock cones, troglodyte churches and homes dating from 4000 BC. We also visit Pigeon Valley, Uchisar, Goreme Open Air Museum , Pasabag (Fairy Chimneys) and Avanos, to visit one of its famous pottery workshops. We also visit an authentic Turkish handicraft farm. Later return to your hotel for overnight stay.



17- April – 2005 Depart for Olympos in the morning. Arrival and Check into famous Tree House. Dinner and overnight in Tree House. 18- April – 2005 Today is spent relaxing in Olympos so you can swim and explore the area. 15.00 Departure to Fethiye in the morning for yacht cruise by Turkish Gullet. Dinner and overnight stay on board. 19- April – 2005 After breakfast we sail to 12 Islands. Swimming, snorkeling and relaxing is the order of the day. Dinner and overnight stay on board. 20- April – 2005 All day on board to relax and visit Cold Spring Bay, St. Nicholas Island and Five Stones. Overnight stay on board. Breakfast, lunch and dinner provided. 21- April – 2005 On board again to relax and swim in wonderful 12 Islands. Sail back to Fethiye Harbour in the afternoon. After lunch disembark and drive to Kusadasi.Arrival and overnight in Kusadasi. 22- April – 2005 After breakfast we drive to Ephesus, which was undoubtedly one of the most important cultural centres of the ancient world. Impressive structures we will see include the Library of Celsus, Temple of Hadrian, Theatre, Odeon and the Temple of Artemis, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. Drive back to Kusadasi for overnight stay 23- April – 2005 09:00 Following breakfast we proceed to Troy, the site of King Priam's Treasures. Probably the most famous city of ancient times - who doesn't know the story of the Trojan Horse? Referred to in Homer's "Iliad" and "Odyssey", Troy is in fact nine cities built on top of each other. Troy Vl is believed to pertain to the famous Trojan War of Homer, where the legendary heroes included Agamemnon, Achilles, Ulysses and Nestor on the Greek side and Priam, Hector and Paris on the Trojan side. Afterwards, continue to Gallipoli for overnight stay. 24- April - 2005 08.00 a.m. Depart for full day tour of Gallipoli Peninsula. Visit Anzac Cove, Lone Pine Australian Memorial and Cemetery, the original tunnels and trenches at Johnston Jolly (Turkish and Allied), The Nek Cemetery, Chunuk-Bair New Zealand Memorial and Cemetery and Kabatepe War Museum.



15.00 Drive to Gallipoli Hotel to relax for a few hours before the drive to Anzac Cove for the Dawn Service. 19:00 Leave Hotel for BBQ dinner (not included - 5-gbp extra incl. 1 drink ) before we depart to Anzac Cove for Dawn Service at 22.30. We will spend the night at the Anzac Cove to prepare ourselves for Dawn Service. 25 - April - 2005 05:30 Dawn Service and account of Gallipoli campaign. After Dawn Service our coaches will take us up to Chunuk Bair and Lone Pine for National Ceremonies. Breakfast and lunch boxes will be provided on the bus on the way to Chunuk Bair. 10:30 Australian National Service, 12:30 New Zealand National Service. After the ceremonies, we will depart for Istanbul. Late arrival in Istanbul and overnight. 26- April – 2005 Following breakfast check out of the hotel and the end of our services Included In Your Tour: ENTRANCE FEES TO ALL ATTRACTIONS ON THE ITINERARY. 14 breakfasts. 4 dinners, 3 lunches and 2 lunch boxes. English speaking professional licensed guide (NOT an off-sider or escort)

throughout. All transportation by private a/c tour coach 8 nights 3 star hotel accommodation ( Breakfast), 1 night tree house

accommodation in Olympos ( breakfast + dinner ), 2 nights tourist class hotel accommodation in Gallipoli Town, 3 nights cabin accommodation (breakfast, lunch and dinner - full board) on board in Fethiye. 3 days yacht cruise by Turkish Gullett Dawn and National Services (Australian, New Zealand ) Lunch boxes on Gallipoli tour & ANZAC Day, Breakfast box on ANZAC Day, Free airport – hotel shuttles on the 12th at 13.30, 18.30 or 23.30



Itinerary 23- April – 2005 Welcome to Turkey. Arrival in Istanbul. Check in to your hotel or take the Ekol Travel shuttle to your hotel every hour from 09.00 a.m. until 11.55 p.m. 24- April – 2005 07.30 a.m. Drive to Gallipoli. Arrival in Eceabat 12:30 Arrive in Kabatepe, lunch box provided. Visit Anzac Cove, Lone Pine Australian Memorial and Cemetery, the original tunnels and trenches at Johnston Jolly (Turkish and Allied), Chunuk-Bair New Zealand Memorial and Cemetery and Kabatepe War Museum. Drive to Eceabat for BBQ dinner (not included - 5-gbp extra incl. 1 drink ) before we depart to Anzac Cove for Dawn Service at 22.30. We will spend the night at the Anzac Cove to prepare ourselves for Dawn Service. 25 - April - 2005 05:30 Dawn Service and account of Gallipoli campaign. After Dawn Service our coaches will take us up to Chunuk Bair and Lone Pine for National Ceremonies. Breakfast and lunch boxes will be provided on the bus on the way to Chunuk Bair. 10:30 Australian National Service, 12:30 New Zealand National Service. After the ceremonies, we will depart for Dikili. Relax and overnight. 26- April – 2005 09.00 a.m. After breakfast drive to the ancient city of Pergamon. Visit Altar of Zeus, Temple of Dionysus and the 200,000 volume library, The Asclepieum of Pergamon. Leaving Pergamon behind us. We settle at our hotel in Kusadasi. 20:00 (Optional, not included) Turkish Night - Partying, Folklore, Belly Dancing and Turkish Music. A great night out including dinner & drinks. 27- April – 2005 10.00 After breakfast we drive to Ephesus, which was undoubtedly one of the most important cultural centres of the ancient world. Impressive structures we will

see include the Library of Celsus, Temple of Hadrian, Theatre, Odeon and the Temple of Artemis, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, then proceed to an authentic Turkish hanicrafts farm. Back to Kusadasi and our overnight stay. 28- April – 2005 Drive to Pamukkale with its amazing pure white travertine springs. We also visit the ancient city of Hierapolis, which was

named after Hiera, wife of the



founder of Pergamon. Highlights include the Roman Baths, the Temple of Apollo and the Nymphaeum. Continue to Fethiye with dinner on the way . Overnight in Fethiye. 29- April – 2005 Today you have a free day to do whatever you like! Paraglide, swim, party, relax or take a boat out to Butterfly Valley. The choice is yours! 30- April – 2005 : After breakfast drive to Saklikent Gorge, the longest and deepest canyon in Turkey, 18 kms long. Cover yourself in wet clay as you walk through icy water and battle numerous small waterfalls set in sculpted limestone canyon walls. Take a tube ride down the rapids or relax on the platforms. Overnight in this small town Kas. 01- May– 2005 : Drive to Ucagiz to take our private boat to Kekova where the famous Sunken City is, to swim and snorkel in wonderful turquoise waters. Visit Simena. After lunch Drive to Olympos to stay in famous Tree Houses. Dinner and overnight in Olympos. 02- May– 2005 : Today is spent relaxing in Olympos so you can swim and explore the area.Dinner and overnight in Olympos. 03 - May – 2005 Early in the morning we drive to Cappadocia. After a long drive arrive in Cappadocia and overnight stay.



04 - May – 2005 09:00 Full day tour of Cappadocia to see the surreal landscapes of volcanic ash, formed 3 million years ago, spectacular red rock cones, troglodyte churches and homes dating from 4000 BC. We also visit Pigeon Valley, Uchisar, Goreme Open Air Museum , Pasabag (Fairy Chimneys) and Avanos, to visit one of its famous pottery workshops. Later return to your hotel for overnight stay. 05 - May – 2005 Drive to Kaymakli underground city then continue to Istanbul. Lunch break on the way (not included). Late arrival in Istanbul. Overnight. 06 - May – 2005 09.00 a.m. Visit Topkapi Palace- built on one of the seven hills of Istanbul, this huge complex commands views of the Sea of Marmara, the Bosphorus and the Golden Horn. It was the seat of government for the Ottoman Empire for many centuries. After our lunch break, we visit the Blue Mosque - famous for its delicate blue ceramic tiles. Continue on to visit the Hippodrome and the Grand Bazaar. Overnight in Istanbul. 17:00 (Optional, not included) Have the amazing experience of an historic Turkish Bath. 07 - May – 2005 Following breakfast check out of the hotel and the end of our services. Included In Your Tour; ENTRANCE FEES TO ALL ATTRACTIONS ON THE ITINERARY. 14 breakfasts, 2 dinners and 2 lunch boxes. English speaking professional licensed guide (NOT an off-sider or escort)

throughout. All transportation by private a/c tour coach 11 nights 3 star hotel accommodation (B & B),2 nights tree house

accommodation in Olympos (Half Board) Private boat trip to Sunken City Dawn and National Services (Australian, New Zealand ) Lunch boxes on Gallipoli tour & ANZAC Day, Breakfast box on ANZAC

Day Arrival transfers on the 23rd, every hour between 09:00 am - 11:55 pm.



Itinerary 21- April – 2005 Welcome to Turkey. Arrival in Istanbul. Check in to your hotel or take the Ekol Travel shuttle to your hotel every hour from 09.00 a.m. until 11.55 p.m. 19.00 Transfer for a welcome cocktail on a private yacht cruising on the Bosphorus in the evening. Overnight stay in Istanbul. 22- April – 2005 09.00 a.m. Visit Topkapi Palace- built on one of the seven hills of Istanbul, this huge complex commands views of the Sea of Marmara, the Bosphorus and the Golden Horn. It was the seat of government for the Ottoman Empire for many centuries. After our lunch break, we visit the Blue Mosque - famous for its delicate blue ceramic tiles. Continue on to visit the Hippodrome and the Grand Bazaar. Overnight in Istanbul. 17:00 (Optional, not included) Have the amazing experience of an historic Turkish Bath. 20:00 (Optional, not included) Turkish Night - Partying, Folklore, Belly Dancing and Turkish Music. A great night out including dinner & drinks. 23- April – 2005 09.30 Visit Suleymaniye Mosque, Egyptian Market. Continue to Sultanahmet for lunch break and shopping. Depart for Gallipoli in the afternoon. Arrival in our hotel in Canakkale. Dinner and overnight stay overnight. 24- April – 2005 08.00 a.m. Depart for full day tour of Gallipoli Peninsula. Visit Anzac Cove, Lone Pine Australian Memorial and Cemetery, the original tunnels and trenches at Johnston Jolly (Turkish and Allied), The Nek Cemetery, Chunuk-Bair New Zealand Memorial and Cemetery and Kabatepe War Museum. 15.00 Drive to our hotel to relax for a few hours before the drive to Anzac Cove for the Dawn Service. Dinner in our hotel. 21:00 Leave Hotel and drive to Anzac Cove for Dawn Service. We will spend the night at the Anzac Cove to prepare ourselves for Dawn Service. 25 - April - 2005 05:30 Dawn Service and account of Gallipoli campaign. After Dawn Service our coaches will take us up to Chunuk Bair and Lone Pine for National Ceremonies. Breakfast and lunch boxes will be provided on the bus on



the way to Chunuck Bair. 10:30 Australian National service, 12:30 New Zealand National service After the ceremonies, we will depart for Istanbul. Late arrival in Istanbul and overnight. 26- April – 2005 Following breakfast check

out of the hotel and the end of our services.

Included In Your Tour! ENTRANCE FEES TO ALL ATTRACTIONS ON THE ITINERARY. * Welcome cocktail on a private yacht *All breakfasts, 2 dinners in Canakkale * English speaking professional licensed guide (NOT an off-sider or escort)

throughout. * All transportation by private a/c tour coach * 3 nights 4 star hotel accommodation in Istanbul, 2 nights 4 star hotel

accommodation in Canakkale * Dawn and National Services (Australian, New Zealand ) * Lunch boxes on Gallipoli tour & ANZAC Day, Breakfast box on ANZAC

Day * Free airport – hotel transfers on the 21st between 09:00 am - 11:55 pm.



Itinerary 21- April – 2005 Welcome to Turkey. Arrival in Istanbul. Check in to your hotel or take the Ekol Travel shuttle to your hotel every hour from 09.00 a.m. until 11.55 p.m. 19.00 Transfer for a welcome cocktail on a private boat cruising on the Bosphorus in the evening. Overnight stay in Istanbul. 22- April – 2005 09.00 a.m. Visit Topkapi Palace- built on one of the seven hills of Istanbul, this huge complex commands views of the Sea of Marmara, the Bosphorus and the Golden Horn. It was the seat of government for the Ottoman Empire for many centuries. After our lunch break, we visit the Blue Mosque - famous for its delicate blue ceramic tiles. Continue on to visit the Hippodrome and the Grand Bazaar. Overnight in Istanbul. 17:00 (Optional, not included) Have the amazing experience of a historic Turkish Bath. 23- April – 2005 08.00 a.m. Drive to Gallipoli and depart for full day tour of Gallipoli Peninsula. Visit Anzac Cove, Lone Pine Australian Memorial and Cemetery, the original tunnels and trenches at Johnston Jolly (Turkish and Allied), The Nek Cemetery, Chunuk-Bair New Zealand Memorial and Cemetery and Kabatepe War Museum. Drive to our hotel in Assos. Arrival in our hotel, dinner and overnight stay. 24- April – 2005 Full day free to relax before a long night and day in Gallipoli Peninsula. Swim and relax by the pool or visit the ancient city of Assos, The city was settled, and has been inhabited, since the Early Bronze Age. After dinner leave Hotel and drive to Anzac Cove for Dawn Service at 21.00 We will spend the night at the Anzac Cove to prepare ourselves for Dawn Service. 25 - April - 2005 05:30 Dawn Service and account of Gallipoli campaign. After Dawn Service our coaches will take us up to Chunuk Bair and Lone Pine for National Ceremonies. Breakfast and lunch boxes will be provided on the bus on the way to Chunuck Bair. 10:30 Australian National service, 12:30 New Zealand National service. After the ceremonies drive to our hotel to relax. Dinner and overnight in Assos. 26- April - 2005 09:00 Following breakfast we proceed to Troy, the site of King Priam's Treasures. Probably the most famous city of ancient times - who doesn't know the story of the Trojan Horse? Referred to in Homer's "Iliad" and "Odyssey", Troy is in fact nine cities built on top of each other. Troy Vl is believed to pertain to the famous Trojan War of Homer, where the legendary heroes included Agamemnon, Achilles, Ulysses and Nestor on the Greek side and Priam, Hector and Paris on the Trojan side. Afterwards, continue to Kusadasi for dinner and



overnight stay. 20:00 (Optional, not included) "Turkish Night" - Partying, Folklore, Belly Dancing and Turkish Music. A great night out including dinner & drinks. 27- April - 2005 After breakfast we drive to Ephesus, which was undoubtedly one of the most important cultural centres of the ancient world. Impressive structures we will see include the Library of Celsus, Temple of Hadrian, Theatre, Odeon and the Temple of Artemis, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, then proceed to an authentic Turkish handicrafts farm. Back to Kusadasi and our dinner and overnight stay. 28- April - 2005 Departure for Pamukkale with its amazing white calcium rocks & thermal water springs. This area was once the beauty & health centre of the famous “Queen Cleopatra”. You will enjoy relaxing in these hot springs after this unforgettable trip. Dinner and overnight in Pamukkale. 29- April - 2005 Depart for Istanbul in the morning, driving through many authentic regional cities of Turkey and enjoying the countryside. Overnight in Istanbul. 30- April - 2005 Following breakfast check out of the hotel and the end of our services. Included In Your Tour: ENTRANCE FEES TO ALL ATTRACTIONS ON THE ITINERARY. All breakfasts, 6 dinners, 2 lunch boxes English speaking professional licenced guide (NOT an off-sider or escort)

throughout. All transportation by private a/c tour coach 3 nights 4 star hotel accommodation in Istanbul including breakfast, 3 nights 4

star in hotel accommodation in Assos including breakfast and dinner, 2 nights 4 star in hotel accommodation in Kusadasi including breakfast and dinner and 1 night 4 star in hotel accommodation in Pamukkale including breakfast and dinner. Dawn and National Services (Australian, New Zealand ) Lunch boxes on Gallipoli tour & ANZAC Day, breakfast box on ANZAC Day Welcome cocktail on a private boat on the 21st Free airport/hotel transfers on the 21st every hour between 09:00a.m.-11:55p.m.



For those who require additional arrangements around their tours we can offer some assistance.

Pre & Post Tour Accommodation

For budget travellers and those on the tours with 3* Hotels we can offer pre and post tour accommodation at the hotel used in Istanbul on tour.

Cost: AU$ 90.00 per room per night For those attending our tours with 4* accommodation we can also offer pre and post tour accommodation at the hotel used in Istanbul on the tour

Cost: AU$150.00 per room per night

Pre & Post Tour Transfers For any traveller seeking transfers for their inbound or outbound flight/arrival that does not match the transfers given as available on the tour itineraries, we are able to organize private transfers on a private one way or return basis.

Cost: AU$20.00 per person one way

Further Arrangements If you require further arrangements not mentioned above for Turkey, individual arrangements can be organized—whether it is an early departure from a tour, or an extension to visit another area of Turkey—please contact us to make arrangements.

Extra Battlefields Touring Do you wish to take in further battlefield touring not mentioned in this brochure? We can organize personal tours of the North African, Middle East, South African, Asian & European battle fields where Australians fought. For arrangements please contact us.



01 May 2005 Meet & Greet on arrival & Transfer To Ramses Hilton Hotel On B/B Overnight At the Ramses Hilton. (No meals) 02 May 2005 Buffet Breakfast At Hotel A. M. Visit the Pyramids & Sphinx. Lunch at La Cui-sine Restaurant P. M. Visit Memphis & Sakkara Dinner & overnight At Ramses Hilton Hotel 03 May 2005 Buffet Breakfast at Hotel A.M. Visit the Egyptian Museum. Lunch at Sea Horse Restaurant P. M. Visit Citadel of Salah – El Din, Mohamed Ali Mosque & Khan El Khalili Bazar Dinner & overnight at Ramses Hilton Hotel 04 May 2005 Buffet Breakfast at hotel. After breakfast transfer to Alex by car. Visit Greco Ro-man Museum, Pompey’s Pillar, Catacombs & The Library Of Alexandria. Dinner & overnight at Sheraton El Montazah Hotel 05 May 2005 Buffet Breakfast at hotel. Transfer by bus to El-Alamein. Visit the war cemetery & El-alamein was Museum. Dinner & overnight at Sheraton El Montazah Hotel 06 May 2005 Buffet Breakfast at hotel. Transfer back to Cairo by car. Remainder of the day free at leisure. P. M. Dinner Cruise at Cairo. Overnight at Ramses Hilton Hotel 07 May 2005 Buffet breakfast at hotel. Transfer to Cairo International airport for final departure.

Includes : Accommodation throughout Buffet Breakfast daily 2 dinners at Ramses Hilton, 2 dinners at Montazah Sheraton & 1 cruising dinner at Cairo ( total 5 dinners ). Touring as shown. Visit to El-Alamein War museum & Cemetery. English speaking guide to accompany the group all the way. Transfers as indicated

Excludes : Entry Visas. Drinks during meals. Tips for Guides, drivers & restaurants. Other items of a personal ( Laundry, tel calls, room service….etc ).



01 May 2005 Arrive Cairo International Airport. Meet & Assist Transfer To Ramses Hilton Hotel on B/B. Overnight At Ramses Hilton Hotel ( no meals ) 02 May 2005 Buffet Breakfast at Hotel A. M. Visit the Pyramids & Sphinx. Lunch at La Cuisine P. M. Visit Memphis & Sakkara. Dinner & Overnight At Ramses Hilton Hotel 03May 2005 Buffet Breakfast At Hotel A.M. Visit The Egyptian Museum. Lunch At Sea Horse Restaurant P. M. Visit Citadel Of Salah – El Din, Mohamed Ali Mosque & Khan El Khalili Bazar Transfer to train station. Sleeper Train To Luxor Dinner & overnight On Board of the Train 04 May 2005 Breakfast on board Arrive Luxor Station & transfer to Presidential Nile Cruise .

Lunch on board. Visit the Temple of Karnak and the Temple of Luxor. Dinner on board & overnight in Luxor. 05 May 2005 Breakfast on board Cross the West Bank. Visit the Necropolis of Thebes, Valley of the Kings, the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut and the Colossi of Memnon. Lunch on board Sail to Esna & cross the Lock. Sail to Edfu. Dinner & Galabeya party. Overnight on board in Edfu. 06 May 2005

Breakfast on board. Visit the Temple of Horus in Edfu. Sail to Kom Ombo. Lunch on board. Visit the Temple shared by the two gods Sobek and Haroeris. Dinner on board 07 May 2005 Breakfast On Board Visit to the High Dam and the Temple of Philae. Lunch On board Felucca (Sailing Boat) tour around Aswan islands. Overnight in Aswan. 08 May 2005 Breakfast on board. Transfer to Aswan Airport. Fly Aswan / Cairo Arrive Cairo & Transfer to Alexandria by deluxe A/C Van. Remainder of the day free at leisure. Dinner & overnight at Montazah Sheraton Hotel 09 May 2005 Buffet Breakfast at hotel. Visit Greco Roman Museum, Pompey’s Pillar, Catacombs & the Library Of Alexandria. Dinner & overnight At Sheraton El Montazah Hotel



10 May Buffet Breakfast at hotel Transfer by bus to El-Alamein. Visit the war cemetery & war Museum. Transfer Back to Cairo by bus. Arrive Cairo Check In At Ramses Hilton Hotel Farewell Dinner on board “Nile Pharaoh cruising” restaurant. Overnight at Ramses Hilton Hotel 11 May 2005 Day 11 Buffet breakfast at hotel. Transfer to Cairo International airport for final departure Includes : 5 Nights Hotel accommodation 4 Nights accommodation on board “Presidential Nile Cruise” on Full Board

basis starting with lunch on Day 4 of the tour, ending with breakfast on Day 8 of the tour 1 Night accommodation on board of the Sleeper train ( Cairo / Luxor )

including dinner & breakfast on board. Buffet Breakfast daily. 2 dinners at Ramses Hilton, 2 dinners at Montazah Sheraton & 1 cruising

dinner at Cairo. Transfers as indicated Touring as shown in itinerary Visit to El-Alamein War Museum & Cemetery. English speaking guide to accompany the group throughout

Excludes : Entry Visas. Drinks during meals. Tips for Guides, drivers, restaurants & on the cruise. Other personal items ( Laundry, tel calls, room service….etc ).



30—April—2005 Your Turkish Airlines flight will land in Athens from the short flight ex Istanbul. On arrival meet and greet at airport and transfer to your Athens Hotel. Remainder of the day at leisure. Overnight in Athens. 01—May—2005 After breakfast you’ll be transferred to pier for embarkation on board cruise vessel for a day’s cruise along the Saronic Gulf visiting 3 islands . A great way to spend the day visiting 3 scenic islands, Aegina,Poros & Hydra . Lunch will be served on board . Return in the evening and transfer back to your hotel. (B,L) 02—May—2005 After breakfast you’ll be picked-up for a city sightseeing tour of Athens. It will combine many of this city’s principal and modern sights. The Acropolis and its museum will be visited followed by an orientation tour of the city past the House of Parliament , Panathenian Stadium –site of the first modern Olympics of 1896- the Academy,National Library, Temple of Zeus and Hadrian’s Arch. Afternoon at leisure. Overnight in Athens . (B)

03—May—2005 After breakfast depart Athens on a 4day classical coach tour fully escorted by a qualified guide /lecturer and including all entrance fees at sites visited, most meals and first class accommodation. Brief stop at the Corinth Canal separating the Peloponnese peninsula with

Mainland Greece. Continue for a visit to

the site of Mycenae known for the Beehive Tombs of Agamemnon & Clytemnestre. Afternoon visit Epidavros site of a very well preserved ancient theatre with a seating capacity of 14.000. Overnight in the outskirts of Nafplion. (B,D)



04—May—2005 After Breakfast continue your coach tour with a drive across the Peloponnese past the cities of Megalopolis & Tripolis. Arrive at Olympia birth place of the Olympic Games . Visit the site of the Stadium and Olympia Museum . Overnight in Olympia (B,D) 05—May—2005 After breakfast continue your coach tour with a drive along the Western Peloponnese via Patras . Cross by ferry from Rion to the opposite shore of Antirion and drive on the mainland towards Nafpkatos , Galaxidi and Itea, before reaching the scenic town of Delphi famous in ancient times as the Place of the Oracle. On arriving there you’ll understand why this place was the favourite domain of the Greek gods. Visit the site in the afternoon. Overnight in Delphi. (B,D) 06—May—2005 Depart Delphi in the morning for a drive via Brallos Pass to Kalambaka. On the way pass via Tempi Valley & Vevi Pass before reaching Kalambaka. Overnight in Kalambaka . (B,D) 07—May—2005 Return late afternoon back to Athens for overnight . (B) 08—May—2005 After breakfast at your hotel, transfer from hotel to Athens airport for departure . End of our services. (B). INCLUSIONS :

All transfers as per itinerary including handling of 1 piece of luggage per person. Day cruise to 3 islands including lunch. Half-day Athens city sightseeing tour by private coach & guide including

entrance fees at sites visited. 5Days/ 4 Nights mainland Greece coach tour by private coach and expert

guide on WW2 including entrance fees at sites visited and meals as outlined. Road tolls and local/state taxes. Hotel accommodation throughout Meals : as outlined in itinerary above. (B =Breakfast, L = Lunch, D




Day 1 – Tuesday 26th April ’05 (D) Arrive Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport. Take the Airport Authority Shuttle to the “Ibis Paris Charles de Gaulle Aeroport-Gares Hotel” for overnight. Dinner included. Meet with Battlefield Guide and Tour Director. Day 2 – Wednesday 27th April (B / D) Breakfast in ground-floor café. A.M. departure for Amiens. Learn the history of this city before a guided tour of its Cathedral where King Edward took Mass before the Battle of Crecy. Also, visit the AIF Memorial. Check in at “Novotel Est Hotel”. P.M. continue local sightseeing of this city. Overnight Amiens. Day 3 – Thursday 28th April (B / D) Breakfast in the hotel restaurant. A.M. drive north-east into Southern Belgium to Ieper – once known as Ypres. Lunch – own arrangements in Ieper enroute. Bellewaerde Ridge, Hill 60: 1st Australian Tunnelling Company Memorial – The Troglodyte War. P.M. A stroll around Ieper (Ypres), the Cloth Hall, St. Georges Chapel, St. Martin’s Church, Shell Hole Bookshop and finish off with chocolate-shopping! Overnight “Ariane Hotel” (2 nights) including dinner. Day 4 – Friday 29th April (B / D) Breakfast in hotel restaurant. A.M. tour – Essex Farm: visit the young soldier’s grave and John McCrea’s famous poem “In Flanders Fields”. Langemark – German cemetery to understand the contrast and the tale of “Freddy Dancox – VC”. St. Julien – The Brooding Soldier and scene of the German gas attacks of 1915. Polygon Wood: visit the 5th Australian Div. Memorial and learn about the heroic story of Pvte. Bugden – VC. Hooge Crater Cemetery – where Pvte. Bugden VC is laid to rest. Lunch – own arrangements. P.M. Tour: Hill 62 Museum: Visit the only remaining Allied Great War trenches in Belgium. Passchendaele Museum – this new venue tells the story of the emotive Battle of Passchendaele. From here, you’ll visit the actual battlefield where 350,000 men became casualties and more than 30,000 men just disappeared in the mud without trace. Visit Tyne Cot Commonwealth War Cemetery with more than 11,000 graves and 33,000 names of the missing are inscribed on its walls. Our final visit for the day is at 1800 (6 pm) at the Menin Gate for the daily “Last Post Ceremony”. If you wish to lay a wreath in memory of the fallen, this can be arranged with notice. Before we depart the area, we’ll visit the Australian Memorial found on the high ground adjacent to the Gate. Overnight Ieper – dinner included. Day 5 – Saturday 30th April (B / D) Breakfast in hotel restaurant. A.M. depart Ieper for Peronne with visits enroute: Messines: the battle and Australian Memorial; Plugstreet: the “Birdcage”, the missing mine and the football match that was all part of the truce in 1914; Fromelles: VC corner and the cemetery without headstones, the German bunkers and the Australian Memorial to the Missing. Lunch – own arrangements. P.M. Vimy Ridge: its trenches, tunnels and Visitors’ Centre; Bullecourt: the “Blood Tub”, Slouch Hat Memorial, Digger Memorial, a chance to lay a wreath if you so wish, Bullecourt Museum (a Memorial to the Australians). Overnight Peronne – “Mercure Hotel”. Day 6 – Sunday 1st May (B / D) Breakfast in hotel restaurant. Visit Villers Bretonneux: the town that has signage to remind their citizens “NEVER FORGET THE AUSTRALIANS!” Victoria School, the Museum (located above the school), full of Australian memorabilia; Adelaide Cemetery: from where the “UNKNOWN SOLDIER” was taken to be interred in the Shrine of Remembrance at the Australian War Memorial, Canberra – visit the now empty grave with its headstone attesting to the return of this soldier to Australian in 1993; Australian 5th Div. Memorial. Lunch – own arrangements. P.M. Visit Albert: the “Golden Madonna” and Museum with its underground tunnels and displays of every facet of the war which devastated Albert. On the return, visit Peronne – time to stroll the streets of this quaint town. If time permits, you may like to visit “L’Historial” that tells of the pre-war time, the war and its post effects on this area of the Somme. (Visit is optional, but recommended). Overnight Peronne “Mercure Hotel”. Day 7 – Monday 2nd May (B / D) Breakfast in hotel restaurant. A.M. off to Poziers – the Australian Memorial and the Windmill where Albert Jacka VC won his MC (Military Cross) -



they say it should have been a 2nd VC, but the British wouldn’t agree, as no man wins two VC’s! Participate in an overview of the Somme battles. Visit Serre Road – the realities of “No Man’s Land” and a tragic example of the Blackest Day in the history of the then British Army! Beaumont Hamel – where the Newfoundlanders displayed enormous courage against the Hun. The significance of “Danger Tree” where the German Army fired uphill on the Canadians as they made forays into the forward positions to recce the enemy positions and to retrieve their dead and wounded. Ulster Tower – the “Bloody Road” and the significance of speed in the attack and lack of support in defence; the Thiepval Memorial – 73,000 names of the missing; Mouquet Farm – the Australians named it “Moo Cow” whilst the “Poms” called it “Mucky Farm”. Walk where the Aussie soldiers fought. The AIF Memorial where the Division lost 5,200 casualties in three days! Lunch – own arrangements – at “Tommie’s” in Pozieres. Review its pictorial history of WWI and enjoy an ice cold refreshment in the town whose name lives on in Australian military history. Pozieres (Commonwealth War Graves Cemetery) – in search of an Australian VC. Pozieres is to Australians what the first day battle losses were to the British in the Somme. 1st Australian Division Memorial – majestic, commanding and unforgettable. Lochnager Crater – then man’s biggest man-made bang, right where it wasn’t supposed to have happened. These days we call if “friendly fire” but this came from beneath – sub surface explosion; Delville Wood – a battlefield memorial to the South Africans. The aftermath of one of the most horrific episodes of the Great War; Mametz: the most emotional of memorials on the Western Front; Flat Iron Copse Cemetery where three pairs of brothers lay close to the grave of Sgt. Dwyer VC. Overnight Peronne – “Mercure”. Day 8 – Tuesday 3rd May (B / D) Breakfast in hotel restaurant. A.M. the Peronne Museum and local sights. 2nd Division Memorial at Mount St. Quentin where the Aussie Diggers received a rum ration at 0500 hours before they attacked the Hun yelling like a “bloody bushranger” as they ran forward. Mactier, Lowerson and Towner all won VC’s in this area of battle. Lunch – own arrangements. P.M. drive south to Paris where you’ll stay the next two nights at the conveniently located “Ibis Eiffel Tour Cambronne Hotel”. Dinner in the hotel restaurant. Day 9 – Wednesday 4th May (B) Breakfast in the hotel breakfast room located off the lobby. A.M. 0900 half day sightseeing tour of Paris. You’ll see all the main sights from the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, the Louvre, the Concorde, Notre Dame Cathedral, the Opera House and Palace d’Invalides – to name just a few. Drop off back to the hotel. With the remainder of the day free to explore this beautiful city. Overnight Paris “Ibis”. Day 10 – Thursday 5th May (B) Breakfast in hotel – checkout time is 1030-1100 am. Arrangements conclude after breakfast and checkout. Inclusions accommodation in well-located three/four star hotels – 9 nights. Breakfasts daily (9) Day 2 to 10 in hotel restaurants & other meals as mentioned Full daily sightseeing programme covering in depth the World War I Battlefields where our

Australian troops fought and died. Guided by a founding member of the “Guild of Battlefield Guides”. All entry fees of sites detailed in the daily itinerary. Museum entry fees as detailed in itinerary. Airconditioned, toilet-equipped 49-seater coach The opportunity to visit any grave site of a family member, subject to locality and prior written

advice/request before departure Australia. The opportunity at Menin Gate (Last Post Service) to officially lay a wreath (pre-arranged). There

will also be other opportunities at Villers Bretonneux and AIF Memorial (with prior advice so the necessary arrangements can be made). Half day Paris city sightseeing tour of the highlights of the city with a professional Paris City Guide. All local Government taxes and service charges.



If you’re transiting Singapore and would like to break your journey we would like to recommend using our services here for your stay, and take advantage of some of our Stopover specials: The Singapore Stopover (3 days & 2 nights) includes accommodation with breakfast daily, return transfers and a half day city sightseeing tour.

Albert Court

Single $ 338.00

Double /Twin $ 196.00


Single $ 324.00

Double / Twin $ 189.00

Le Meridian

Single $ 419.00

Double / Twin $ 237.00

Pan Pacific

Single $ 432.00

Double / Twin $ 243.00

If further touring is wanted you can join one of our seat-in coach tours whose details are available on request. Or if you wish to take in the WW2 heritage trails we can organize individually guided tours. For More information please contact us.



If you’re transiting Bangkok and would like to break your journey we would like to recommend using our services here for your stay, take advantage of some of our accommodation specials:

Hotel Per Room Name Per Night Sofitel $ 158.00

Novotel Lotus BKK $ 121.00 Ambassador BKK

Main Wing Single $ 69.00

Double / Twin $ 73.00 Tower Wing

Single $ 81.00 Double / Twin $ 88.00 Indra Regent $ 110.00


Cost pp

Single One Way $ 104.00 Double One Way $ 53.00

If you wish to take various day tours we have a number available, details provided on request. Or if you would like to see the famous “Death Railway”, we have several tours you can join, details of which are on the following pages. For more information please contact us.



River Kwai Tour (2 Days/1 night) Bangkok – River Kwai Village: L, D Day 1: Early Morning, pick up passengers from various Bangkok Hotels and depart for Kanchanaburi.Visit to the Jeath War museum to view realistic replica of a prisoner-of-war’s living head -quarters containing sketches and photographs describing life in the camp. Continue to the War Cemetery, the final resting place for over 600 allied prisoners of war followed by a visit of the world famous Bridge over the River Kwai. Board the original death railway train to enjoy a journey through strikingly beautiful landscape passing over a dangerous– looking wooden bridge built along the mountainside by allied prisoners of war to Nam – Tok station, located on the border be-tween Thailand and Myanmar. Check–in at the hotel. After lunch, take a short boat trip upstream to explore the Kaeng Lava Cave with its fantastic stone formations. Dinner and overnight at the River Kwai Village Hotel. River Kwai Village – Bangkok: B, L Day 2: Breakfast at the hotel. Spend the morning at leisure to relax or explore the surrounding area. After lunch at the hotel, transfer back to your hotel in Bangkok (arrival in Bangkok approximately 18.30) BKKRK2: AU$199.00 pp share twin (Superior room) BKKRD2: AU$208.00 pp share twin (Deluxe river view) River Kwai Village Tour (3 Days/2 Nights) Bangkok – River Kwai Village: L,D Day 1: Early morning, pick up passengers from various Bangkok hotels and depart for Kanchanaburi. Visit to the Jeath War Museum to view a realistic replica of a prisoner-of war’s liv-ing headquarters containing sketches and photographs describing life in the camp. Continue to the war cemetery. The final resting place for over 6000 allied prisoners of war and the world famous Bridge over the River Kwai. Proceed to the River Kwai village hotel for check in. dinner and over-night at the River Kwai Village Hotel. River kwai village: B, L,D Day 2: After breakfast, boat ride to visit Kaeng lava Cave with its fantastic stone formations. Ar-rive at Sai Yok Yai waterfalls and picnic lunch on a floating house. Spend the rest of the afternoon sunbathing, swimming in the river and the waterfalls. Return to the hotel. Dinner and overnight at the River Kwai Village Hotel. River Kwai Village – Bangkok: Day 3:Take a 90 minute boat ride down the Kwai Noi River to Lum Sum. Board the original death railway train for a one hour journey through strikingly beautiful landscape passing over a danger-ous looking wooden bridge built along the mountainside to Nam Tok station, situated on the border of Thailand and Myanmar. After lunch depart from the River Kwai Village Hotel for Bangkok and transfer to your hotel. BKKRK3: AU$321.00 pp share twin (Superior room) BKKRD3: AU$337.00 pp share twin (Deluxe river view)



River Kwai Tour (2 Days/1 Night) Bangkok – Kanchanaburi – River Kwai (L,D) Day 1: Early morning pick up passengers from various Bangkok hotels and depart to Kanchanaburi. Visit the Jeath War museum to view a realistic replica of a prisoner of war’s living quarters containing sketches and photographs describing life in the camp. Continue to the War cemetery, the final resting place for over 6000 allied prisoners of war and the world famous Bridge over the River Kwai. Enjoy a train ride on the historic Death railway that was constructed by the allied prisoners of war, passing through strikingly beautiful landscape. After lunch take a long tail boat on the Kwai River passing unspoiled mountainous jungle scenery and visit the nearby ethnic Mon Tribal village. Optional: elephant ride through the forest (not included in the tour price). Dinner and overnight at the River Kwai Resotel or at Jungle Rafts. River Kwai – Bangkok (B-L) Day 2. Breakfast at the resort. The morning is at your leisure. After lunch head back to Bangkok and transfer to your hotel. BKKRJ2: AU$186.00 pp share twin (Jungle Rafts) BKKRR2: AU$194.00 pp share twin (Resotel) River Kwai Tour (3 days/2 nights) Bangkok – Kanchanaburi – River Kwai (L,D) Day 1: Early morning pick up passengers from various Bangkok hotels and depart to Kanchanaburi. Visit the Jeath War museum to view a realistic replica of a prisoner of war’s living quarters containing skteches and photographs describing life in the camp. Continue to the War Cemetery, the final resting place for over 6000 allied prisoners of war, and the world famous Bridge over the River Kwai. Enjoy a train ride on the historic Death Railway that was constructed by the allied prisoners of war, passing through strikingly beautiful landscape. After lunch take a long tail boat on the Kwai River passing unspoiled mountainous jungle scenery and visit the nearby ethnic Mon Tribal village. Dinner and overnight at the River Kwai Resotel or at River Kwai Jungle Rafts River Kwai (B,L,D) Day 2:After breakfast take a boat ride to Resotel pier and continue by road to the Hellfire Pass Memorial. The afternoon is at leisure. Dinner and overnight at the River Kwai Resotel or at River Kwai Jungle Rafts River Kwai – Bangkok (B,L) Day 3: Breakfast at the resort. The morning is at your leisure after lunch, transfer back to your hotel in Bangkok. BKKRJ3A: AU$275.00 (Jungle Rafts) BKKRR3A: AU$291.00 (Resotel) River Kwai Tour (3 days/ 2 nights) Bangkok – Kanchanaburi – River Kwai (L,D) Day 1: Early morning pick up passengers from various Bangkok hotels and depart to Kanchanaburi. Visit the Jeath War museum to view a realistic replica of a prisoner of war’s living quarters containing sketches and photographs describing life in the camp. Continue to the War Cemetery, the final resting place for over 6000 allied prisoners of war and the world famous bridge over the River Kwai. Enjoy a train ride on the historic Death Railway that was constructed by the allied prisoners of war, passing through strikingly beautiful landscape. After lunch take a long tail boat on the Kwai River passing unspoiled mountainous jungle scenery and visit the nearby ethnic Mon Tribal village. Dinner and overnight at the River Kwai Resotel or at River Kwai Jungle Rafts River Kwai(B,L,D) Day 2: After breakfast take a boat ride upstream to Saiyoke Yai waterfall and national park – experience nature at its best. Return to your resort for lunch then visit Kaeng Lava cave to explore its fantastic stone formations. Kaeng Lava cave is considered as one of Thailand’s most beautiful caves. The rest of the af-ternoon is at leisure ( optional elephant riding, canoeing or bamboo rafting can be arranged on the spot at extra cost). Dinner and overnight at River Kwai Resotel or at River Kwai Jungle Rafts. River Kwai – Bangkok (B,L) Day 3: After breakfast take a boat ride to Resotel pier and continue by road to the Hellfire Pass Memorial. Return to the resort for lunch. After lunch, transfer back to your hotel in Bangkok. BKKRJ3B: AU$311.00 pp share twin (Jungle Rafts) BKKRR3B: AU$331.00 pp share twin (Resotel)



Allways Travel Pty Ltd Battlefields Of The World

Suite 205, 2nd Floor 70 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000

Telephone: 61-2-92351022 Facsimile: 61-2-92351786 E-mail: [email protected]

Lic. No 2TA001253 IATA & AFTA Member

Freecall: 1800 806 459 (outside Sydney metro Only)

For fares ex other Australian ports and ex New Zealand please contact us. For Domestic European fares from Istanbul Allways recommends Turkish Airlines



Passenger Name: Passenger Contact: Arrival Date/Time/Flight No: Departure Date/Time/Flight No: Passenger Passport Number

Tour Desired:

Options: Extension Tour: Pre/Post Arrangements: Bangkok/Singapore Stopover:

Death Railway Tour:

Extra Queries: I herby acknowledge that I desire the above arrangements, have read the booking conditions and understand them and their content and accept them as stated. I also acknowlede the need for travel insurance , and hereby advise that I will be covered by an insurance policy.

Signed: Client/Traveller

Signed: Agent (if applicable)



For The Fallen

With proud thanksgiving, a mother for her children, England mourns for her dead across the sea.

Flesh of her flesh they were, spirit of her spirit, Fallen in the cause of the free.

Solemn the drums thrill: Death august and royal Sings sorrow up into immortal spheres.

There is a music in the midst of desolation And a glory that shines upon our tears.

They went with songs to the battle, they were young, Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow.

They were staunch to the end against odds uncountered: They fell with their faces to the foe.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning

We will remember them.

They mingle not with their laughing comrades again; They sit no more at familiar tables at home;

They have no lot in our labour of the day-time; They sleep beyond England's foam.

But where our desires are and our hopes profound, Felt as a well-spring that is hidden from sight,

To the innermost heart of their own land they are known As the stars are known to the Night;

As the stars that shall be bright when we are dust, Moving in marches upon the heavenly plain;

As the stars that are starry in the time of our darkness, To the end, to the end they remain.

-- Laurence Binyon

Allways Travel Pty Ltd - Battlefields Of The World

Suite 205, 2nd Floor 70 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000 Telephone: 61-2-92351022 Facsimile: 61-2-92351786

E-mail: [email protected] Lic. No 2TA001253 IATA & AFTA Member

Freecall: 1800 806 459 (outside Sydney Metro only)