allusions introduction. what is allusion? allusion is when a writer references a person, place, or...

Allusions Introduction

Upload: theodora-hampton

Post on 31-Dec-2015




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What is Allusion?

Allusion is when a writer references a person, place, or event.

It can be real or imaginary. It may refer to anything, including mythology, history (event or well-known person), other pieces of writing (the Bible, Shakespeare, fairy tales) or even movies or pop-culture.

It’s like deja-vu. If you notice it, it will seem like something you’ve heard before.


For those on a strict weight-loss diet, desserts become a forbidden fruit.

Biblical Allusion

John used his herculean strength to lift the couch off the puppy’s tail.

Mythical Allusion

After my dad took a pay-cut at work, Mom became a Scrooge, never letting us spend money unless it was absolutely necessary.

Literary Allusion to “A Christmas Carroll” Dickens

Other Examples

In Pop Culture:

Your Turn!

What kind of allusions have you noticed before? Where did you find them?

Break into small groups of 2 or 3 and come up with at least one from each of the following categories. You can make it up among yourselves or list one you’ve noticed before that we haven’t already discussed.

Biblical, mythological, literary, and pop-culture