allowing defendants to present evidence of prison conditions to convince juries to nullify: can only...

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  • 8/12/2019 Allowing Defendants to Present Evidence of Prison Conditions to Convince Juries to Nullify: Can Only the Prosecuto


    ZAHLERMACRO 3/6/2014 3/6/2014

    Allowing Defendants to Present Evidence

    of Prison Conditions to Convince Juries to

    Nullify: Can Only the Prosecutor PresentMoral Evidence


    In 1995, sixtn!"#$!%&' R%'n" H(&in nt$' #n #'(&t )$is%n t% *+ins$in+ #n i+-t!"#$ sntn t-#t - %(&' n%t %)&t. 1 H(&in #s(n#*& t% *$in+ -is )&i+-t t% t- )(*&is #ttnti%n, n%$ #s - #*& t%%nin )$is%n %ii#&s t% ) -i s#. H%$, - #s #*& t% )#ss-is st%$" %n t% -is )#$nts. In # -#$in+ *%$ t- C%itt %n t-

    ('ii#$", -is %t-$ tstii' #s %&&%sO7($ %$st ni+-t#$ # t$(. R%'n" $%t (s # &tt$ t&&in+ (s

    - -#' *n $#)'. A 'i#& x#in$ -#' %ni$' t- $#). T-

    '%t%$ %(n' t#$s in -is $t( #n' %$'$' #n HI8 tst, *#(s, -

    t%&' (s, %n!t-i$' % t- )$is%n$s t-$ #$ HI8 )%siti.

    On&" t-#t #s t- *+innin+. R%'n" n i - nt *# int% t-

    +n$#& )$is%n7 )%)(ti%n, - %(&' * in '#n+$. H $%t t% t-

    #(t-%$itis, $(stin+ t% * %' t% # s#$ ). H nt t-$%(+- #&&

    t- )$%)$ -#nn&s, *(t - #s 'ni'.

    At$ t- i$st $#), - $t($n' t% t- +n$#& )%)(ti%n. T-$, -

    #s $)#t'&" *#tn #n' %$' t% )$%$ %$#& sx #n' $#)'. H

    $%t %$ -&) #+#in. In t- +$i#n &tt$, - $%t, :I -# *n

    sx(#&&" #n' )-"si#&&" #ss#(&t' s$#& tis, *" s$#& in#ts. I

    # #$#i' t% +% t% s&), t% s-%$, #n' ;(st #*%(t #n"t-in+ &s. I #

    #$#i' t-#t -n I # '%in+ t-s t-in+s, I %(&' 'i #t #n" in(t.

    ti&&, %ii#&s t%&' -i t-#t - 'i' n%t t t- $+n" $it$i#.

    ? #&& t$i' t% +t -i t% # s# ). I #&&' t- #$'n, t$"in+ t%



    -tt)//.-$.%$+/$)%$ts/2001/)$is%n/$%'n"F-(&in.-t& -$in#t$ CA>E HI>TORB ORODNEBHULIN7.


  • 8/12/2019 Allowing Defendants to Present Evidence of Prison Conditions to Convince Juries to Nullify: Can Only the Prosecuto


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    230 CRIMINAL AND CIVIL CONFINEMENT 8%&. 344G5i+($ %(t -#t #s +%in+ %n. H s#i', :R%'n" n's t% +$% ().= H

    s#i', :T-is -#))ns $" '#". L#$n t% '#& it- it. It is n% *i+ '#&.=

    . . . .

    On t- ni+-t % #n(#$" 26, 1996, " s%n -(n+ -is& in -is &&. H#s 1 #n' #$#i' #n' #s-#' #n' -%)&ss. H i' in # %# %$ t-

    nxt 4 %nt-s *%$ - 'i'.2

    H(&in #s %nit' % #$s%n %$ sttin+ # '()st$ %n i$ in -isni+-*%$-%%'.3T- '##+ $% t- i$ t%t#&' &ss t-#n 500.4A&t-%(+-H(&ins x)$in -#s )$%)t' # #&t- % %nt#$" %n )$is%n$%$,5 t-#t i&& n%t * t- %(s % t-is #$ti&. T-is N%t %(ss %n #n#$&i$ st) in t- in#$$#ti%n )$%ss t- i'n # ;($" is #&&%' t%%nsi'$. It is t- ;($", #t$ #$(&&" i+-in+ #&& t- #'itt' i'n#s %))%s' t% #&& t- i'n # ;($" i+-t %nsi'$ $nt, t-#t(&ti#t&" 'i's i t- 'n'#nt i&& * in#$$#t'.6

    It is 'ii(&t t% i#+in #n" ;($is t-#t %(&' -# %nit' H(&in it-" n t- (&ti#t %ns(ns % s(- # $'it. O %($s, n% ;($"#n $ n% in #'#n x#t&" -% s%%ns &i i&& )" %(t in t-(t($. Dns #tt%$n"s -%$, i +in t- %))%$t(nit", #n '(#tt- ;($" #*%(t t- %n'iti%ns % )$is%ns -$ # 'n'#nt %(&' * snt i%nit'.

    C($$nt ;($is)$('n s%s #t s(- #n i'#. In Shannon v. UnitedStates, (sti T-%#s n'%$s' t- )$ini)& t-#t ;($is s-%(&' n%t%nsi'$ t- %ns(ns % t-i$ $'its, 's$i*in+ s(- i+n%$#n #s #(n'#nt#& 'iisi%n % *%$ *tn ;('+ #n' ;($".G Ds)it t-sin+&" &&!stt&' n%ti%n t-#t i'n % )$is%n %n'iti%ns -#s n%) in # t")i#& t$i#&, #n" $#s t-$%(+-%(t Unit' >t#ts -ist%$" -#

    2 . The Prison Rape Redution At o! "##"$ %earin& 'e!ore the S. Co((. on the

    )udiciary, 107th Cong. 8-9 (2002), available at senate/pdf/107hrg/87677.pdfhere!nafter Prison Rape Reduction Act of 2002" (test!#on$ of %!nda&r'nt#$er).3 . Id.4 . Id.5 . See* e.&., CA>E HI>TORB O RODNEB HULIN, supra n%t 1J Lin'# C-#K, A

    Nationa+ Dis&rae in the Nation,s Prisons, CBERCA>T NE?> >ER8ICE, (&" 2, 2003,


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    200G7 PRISON CONDITIONS AS MORAL EVIDENCE 231%nsi'$', #n' %tn )$#is', t- $%& % t- ;($" in s$in+ #s # %$#&- %n t- s t- +%$nnt i+-t )#ss.9T- +%$nnt -#s #"s#int#in' t- $i+-t % t- ;($" t% n(&&i" t- i t- ;($" in's t-'n'#nt '%s n%t 's$ $iin#& %n'n#ti%n, %$ i it %nsi'$s t-

    )(nis-nt t-#t i&& %&&% # %niti%n t%% -#$s-, 's)it $ i%ti%n% # .10

    ($" n(&&ii#ti%n in A$i# is &*$#t' #s #$ *# #s 135, -$ int- #s % %-n t#ts . #$ntt, 36 U.>. 6G1, 59!60 1964J , THE



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    232 CRIMINAL AND CIVIL CONFINEMENT 8%&. 344G5T- )$#ti % in%$in+ ;($is % t-i$ $i+-t t% n(&&i" %ntin(' in (&&

    %$ (nti& 1G95, -n t- >()$ C%($t '$' t-#t ;($is %(&' sti&&-# t- $i+-t t% n(&&i", *(t t-" $ n%t t% * t%&' % t-is $i+-t. 19($"n(&&ii#ti%n, #%$'in+ t% t- D.C. Ci$(it C%($t, is %n&" t% * (s' in t-

    $#$st % i$(st#nst-#t is, -n # ;($" #nn%t in +%%' %nsin%nit # 'n'#nt.20 T-is N%t #'%#ts t-#t i'n % )$is%n%n'iti%ns s-%(&' * #'issi*& *#(s it is $nt t% t- ;($"s #*i&it" t%#($#t&" %nsi'$ its %n %nsin. In t-is #nn$, ;($is #$ n%ts)ii#&&" inst$(t' t-#t t-" -# t- $i+-t t% n(&&i", *(t t-" #$ #tst +in %$ in%$#ti%n t-#t i+-t * # )$%)$ $#s%n %$ t- t% '%s%.

    Rnt&", t- >()$ C%($t 'i'' t% #ss in%&in+ ;($"*$s $i+-ts t% %nsi'$ t- %ns(ns % t-i$ $'its Shannon v.United States21 #n' O+d Chie! v. United States.22 ?-i& n%t s)ii#&&"#''$ssin+ t- iss( % #'ittin+ i'n % )$is%n %n'iti%ns, t-" -#%)n' t- '%%$ %$ %nt$%$s" %n t-is t%)i.

    )#$ . Unit' >t#ts, 156 U.>. 51, 105!06 1G95J see a+soD#i' C. $%'",

    >)#$ and D%(+-$t"Revisited$ 0h the Court Shou+d Instrut the )ur o! Its Nu++i!iation

    Ri&ht, 33 AM. CRIM. L. RE8. G9, 102 Q n.109 1995 x)inin+ t-#t n t-%(+- t- )in

    n+(#+ % t- C%($ts %)ini%n s(++sts t-#t it is %(t$i+-t *#nnin+ t- )$#ti % ;($"

    n(&&ii#ti%n, %($ts -# int$)$t' Spar! #s inst#' *#nnin+ t- )$#ti % in%$in+

    ;($is % t-i$ n(&&ii#ti%n )%$s.20 . Unit' >t#ts . D%(+-$t", 43 .2' 1113, 1136!3 D.C. Ci$. 192.21 . 512 U.>. 53 1994.

    22 . 519 U.>. 12 199.23 . ED. R. E8ID. 401.24 . ED. R. E8ID. 402.25 . ED. R. E8ID. 403.

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    200G7 PRISON CONDITIONS AS MORAL EVIDENCE 233-#s *n +n$#& *#(s % t- +n$#& %$'in+ % '$#&7 R(& %Ei'n7 403, %($ -%&'in+ is &iit' t% #ss in%&in+ )$%% % &%nst#t(s.=26T- C%($t %$s &itt& in t- #" % )$ini)&' $#s%nin+ %$ -"its -%&'in+ s-%(&' n%t * %nst$(' %$ *$%#'&", n%$ #n" 'init &ins %$

    #tt%$n"s t% )$'it -% t- C%($t i&& $s)%n' t% (t($ #ss in%&in+t- int$%'(ti%n % :%$#&= i'n in 'i$nt sttin+s.2 T-is iss)i#&&" (n-&)(& in &i+-t % t- +$%(n'*$#in+ 'it# %(n' in t-%)ini%n.2G C$t#in&" t- C%($t n$ s)% 'i$t&" % -% i'n %)$is%n %n'iti%ns %(&' it int% s(- # %$#& $#%$. H%$, (sti>%(t$, $itin+ %$ t- #;%$it", -#s x)%s' # &in % $#s%nin+ -i-%(ns&s t-#t s(- i'nshou+d* #'itt', n i t- &+#& *#sis %$#'ittin+ s(- i'n -#s *n $+&" i+n%$' in t- %($t$%%s % t-)#st nt($".29

    T% (n'$st#n' t-is $#s%nin+, # *$i $%(ntin+ % t- #ts #n'#$+(nts % O+d Chie!is nss#$". %-nn" L"nn O&' C-i #s #$$st'%$ #ss#(&t it- # '#n+$%(s #)%n, (sin+ # i$#$ in $ti%n t% # $i% i%&n, #n' %$ )%ssssi%n % # i$#$ *" # &%n. 30%$ t- t$i#&,O&' C-i %$' t% sti)(t t-#t - #s in'' # &%n it-in t-#nin+ % t- $i it- -i- - #s *in+ -#$+', s% t- )$%s(t%$%(&' n%t in%$ t- ;($" % t- n#t($ % -is )$i%(s &%n". 31 T-)$%s(t%$ %))%s' t- %$ t% sti)(t #n' in%$' t- ;($" t-#t O&'C-i -#' *n %nit' %n # )$i%$ %#si%n %$ #ss#(&t $s(&tin+ in s$i%(sin;($".32

    O&' C-i #s (&ti#t&" %nit' #n' #$' -is %niti%n #s t-$s(&t % (n#i$ )$;('i, *#(s t- n#t($ % -is )$i%$ &%n" #si$$nt #t t- ($$nt t$i#&.33T- %n&" )($)%s in $#&in+ it %(&' *it-$ t% in t- ;($%$s %$ t% %nin t- t-#t O&' C-i -#' t--#$#t$ % # -#$'n' $iin#&.34U&ti#t&", t- >()$ C%($t -&' t-#tt- t$i#& %($t -#' $$' in #&&%in+ t- )$%s(ti%n t% #'it t- n#t($ %O&' C-is )$i%(s %niti%n %$ -is %$ t% sti)(t. 35T- C%($ts

    26 . O+d Chie! , 519 U.>. #t 1G3 n..2 . SeeT%'' E. .C. 922+1 2000, x)inin+ t-$ #$ $t#in sss %

    )$i%$ &%nis t-#t '% n%t (#&i" #s t- *#sis %$ :*in+ # &%n= in t-is $i.31 . O+d Chie! , 519 U.>. #t 15.

    32 . Id.#t 1.33 . Id.#t 15, 1.34 . Seeid.#t 1G5.35 . Id.#t 191.

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    234 CRIMINAL AND CIVIL CONFINEMENT 8%&. 344G5-%&'in+ $sts $+&" %n t- *#sis t-#t #'ittin+ s(- i'n is ini%ti%n % RE 403.36 >)ii#&&", t- C%($t -&' t-#t #&&%in+ s(-i'n %(&' n%t * )$issi*& in &i+-t % its ini#& )$%*#ti #&(#n' its -i+- $is % (n#i$ )$;('i t% t- 'n'#nt. 3H%$, t- C%($t

    #s $ t-#t t-is is # n#$$% -%&'in+, %n&" #))&i#*& t% #ss in%&in+# i%ti%n % 1G U.>.C. 922+1 t- &%n in )%ssssi%n % # i$#$st#t(t.3G It is it- t-$ sntns % 'it# t-#t (sti >%(t$ sin+&"%nt$#'its t- *(& % -is %n %)ini%n #n' x)%ss # (n'#nt#& )$%*&it- t- '$#& R(&s % Ei'n. (sti >%(t$ st#ts t-#t # R(& 403i i&& #i& in %st sii$ i$(st#ns39

    ($" '(t" is (s(#&&" (ns%(+-t #n' s%tis $sist', #n' it #" * #s

    'ii(&t %$ %n ;($%$ s(''n&" t% # t- in'in+s t-#t #n sn'

    #n%t-$ -(#n *in+ t% )$is%n, #s it is %$ #n%t-$ t% -%&' %(t

    %nsinti%(s&" %$ #(itt#&. ?-n # ;($%$s '(t" '%s s -#$', t-

    i'nti#$" #%(nt % -#t # 'n'#nt -#s t-%(+-t #n' '%n #n

    #%)&is- -#t n% st % #*st$#t st#tnts $ %(&', n%t ;(st t%

    )$% # #t *(t t% st#*&is- its -(#n si+nii#n, #n' s% t% i)&i#tt- s %$#& (n'$)innin+s #n' # ;($%$s %*&i+#ti%n t% sit in

    ;('+nt. T-(s, t- )$%s(ti%n #" #i$&" s t% ) its i'n

    *%$ t- ;($%$s, #s (- t% t&& # st%$" % +(i&tinss #s t% s())%$t #n

    in$n % +(i&t, t% %nin t- ;($%$s t-#t # +(i&t" $'it %(&' *

    %$#&&" $#s%n#*& #s (- #s t% )%int t% t- 'is$t &nts % #

    'n'#nts &+#& #(&t.40

    N%-$ in t- R(&s is t-$ #n" nti%n % i'n *in+ #'issi*&%n t- *#sis % its #*i&it" :t% %nin t- ;($%$s t-#t # +(i&t" $'it %(&'* %$#&&" $#s%n#*&.=41 In #t, RE 403s *#$$in+ % i'n -$:)$%*#ti #&( is s(*st#nti#&&" %(ti+-' *" #7 '#n+$ % (n#i$

    )$;('i, %n(si%n % t- iss(s, %$ is'in+ t- ;($",= ss in its)in n+(#+ t% 'i$t&" %nt$#'it (sti >%(t$s st#tnt.42T- %n&"#nn$ in -i- RE 403 #n * $%ni&' it- (sti >%(t$sst#tnt is t% # # in'in+ t-#t t- ;($%$s %$#&s it- $s)t t% t-i$

    36 . ED. R . E8ID. 403 :A&t-%(+- $nt, i'n #" * x&('' i its

    )$%*at!ve va'e !s s'stant!a$ o'twe!ghed $ the danger of 'nfa!rpre*'d!ce, conf's!on of the !ss'es, or #!sead!ng the *'r$, or $cons!derat!ons of 'nd'e dea$, waste of t!#e, or needesspresentat!on of c'#'at!ve ev!dence.+).3 . O+d Chie! , 519 U.>. #t 191.3G . Id.#t 1G!9.39 . R+#$'&ss % -is intnti%ns, (sti >%(t$s #$+(nt (n'$ins t- #nin+

    #n' )($)%s % '$#& R(& % Ei'n 403.40 . O+d Chie! , 519 U.>. #t 1G!GG.41 . Id.#t 1GG.42 . ED. R. E8ID. 403.

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    200G7 PRISON CONDITIONS AS MORAL EVIDENCE 235'isi%n t% sn' # 'n'#nt t% )$is%n %nstit(t # $nt iss( %$ t-%($t t% %nsi'$, #n' t-#t s(- &in+s '% n%t )$ s )$;('i t-'n'#nt (n#i$&".43

    . Rn Un'$ t- '$#& R(&s % Ei'n

    '$#& R(& % Ei'n 402 st#ts t-#t %n&" :$nt= i'n is#'issi*& #t t$i#&.44Rnt i'n is 'in' in R(& 401 #s :i'n-#in+ #n" tn'n" t% # t- xistn % #n" #t t-#t is %%ns(n t% t- 't$in#ti%n % t- #ti%n %$ )$%*#*& %$ &ss)$%*#*& t-#n it %(&' * it-%(t t- i'n.=45A+#in, it is #))#$nt t-#t(sti >%(t$s st#tnt #$s # ')#$t($ $% t- C%($ts (s(#&;($is)$('n #s t% -#t %nstit(ts $n". (sti >%(t$ is in;tin+t- ;($"s %$#&s int% :#ts % %ns(n,= s(- t-#t i'n #n *)$snt' %n t- +$%(n's % #''$ssin+ s(- #n iss(, $+#$'&ss % t-$n % t- i'n it- $s)t t% t- %&' #ts % t- #&&+'$i.

    ?%$in+ it-in t- t$#'iti%n#& %nins % $n #s 'in' (n'$t- '$#& R(&s, t- )$%s(ti%n -#s *n &iit' t% )$sntin+ i'nt-#t 1 in$#ss t- &i&i-%%' t-#t # $(i$' &nt % # $i -#s *ntJ 2 '$#ss t- &i&i-%%' t-#t #n &nt % #n #i$#ti 'ns-#s *n tJ %$ 3 it-$ in$#ss %$ '$#ss t- $'i*i&it" % #itnss.46It is 'ii(&t in'' t% it i'n t-#t i&& :%nin t- ;($%$st-#t # +(i&t" $'it %(&' * %$#&&" $#s%n#*&=4 int% %n % t-s#t+%$is. T-$ #$ ($$nt&" n% $is t-#t %nt#in t- 'n'#nts %$#&(&)#*i&it" #s #n &nt % t- %ns. >ii$&", t- #t t-#t # 'n'#ntis %$#&&" ()st#n'in+ is n%t # 'ns.4G T- %n #$# -$ %$#&-#$#t$ i+-t s $nt is in #&(#tin+ t- 'n'#nts $'i*i&it".H%$, RE 403 $&" *#$s s(- i'n *#(s % its

    xt$#%$'in#$i&" -i+- '+$ % (n#i$ )$;('i #n' its $ti&" &%43 . Seeid.J O+d Chie!, 519 U.>. #t 1G!GG.44 . ED. R. E8ID. 402 :A&& $nt i'n is #'issi*&, x)t #s %t-$is

    )$%i'' *" t- C%nstit(ti%n % t- Unit' >t#ts, *" Ats % C%n+$ss, *" t-s $(&s, %$ *"

    %t-$ $(&s )$s$i*' *" t- >()$ C%($t )($s(#nt t% st#t(t%$" #(t-%$it". Ei'n -i-

    is n%t $nt is n%t #'issi*&.=. R(& 402 is $&" # *#s&in, s-%in+ t-#t n%t #&&

    $nt i'n is #'issi*&.45 . ED. R. E8ID. 401.46 . See

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    236 CRIMINAL AND CIVIL CONFINEMENT 8%&. 344G5)$%*#ti #&(.49

    T-(s, (sti >%(t$s -%&'in+ is x)#n'in+ t- K%n % i'n t-#t is$nt, n#$$%in+ t- 'initi%n % -#t %nstit(ts (n#i$ )$;('i, %$%$ &i&", '%in+ *%t-. R+#$'&ss, it is (n'ni#*& t-#t - -#s ti&"

    *$%#'n' t- s%) % i'n t-#t #n * #'itt' t% # ;($".50

    C. Shannon v. United States

    ?-i& (sti >%(t$s st#tnt i+-t #))#$ $#$#*& si)&" %$ itssin+ in%nsistn" it- t- +n$#& int$)$t#ti%ns % t- '$#& R(&s% Ei'n, it is n %$ #st%nis-in+ in &i+-t % t- C%($ts 'isi%n inShannon v. United States %n&" t-$ "#$s #$&i$.51 It #" * % s%si+nii#n t% n%t $% t- %(tst t-#t (sti >%(t$ '%s n%t #''$ssShannon#n"-$ in -is %)ini%n.52

    In Shannon, t- C%($t '#&t it- t- iss( % -t-$ # ;('+ s-%(&' *$(i$' t% inst$(t t- ;($" %n t- %ns(ns % $n'$in+ # $'it %n%t +(i&t" *" $#s%n % ins#nit" N@I $'it.53 In s())%$t % t- C%($ts

    'isi%n t-#t t- ;($" s-%(&' n%t * in%$' #s t% t- %ns(ns % t-ist") % $'it, (sti T-%#s #$ti(t' t-#t :i7n%$#ti%n $+#$'in+t- onse'ences of a verd!ct !s . . . !rreevant to the *'r$s tas.oreover, prov!d!ng *'rors sentenc!ng !nfor#at!on !nv!tes the# to

    ponder #atters that are not w!th!n the!r prov!nce, d!stracts the#

    fro# the!r factf!nd!ng respons!!!t!es, and creates a strong poss!!!t$

    of conf's!on.+54 T-is $#s%nin+ +%s t% t- -#$t % R(& 403, -i-

    (sti >%(t$ ss t% -# int$)$t' (it 'i$nt&" in O+d Chie!.

    'st!ce ho#as then cont!n'ed aong a d!fferent !ne of reason!ng,

    contrad!ct!ng h!#sef w!th!n a s!nge paragraph. e repeated that

    *'r!es are not to e !nstr'cted as to the conse'ences of the!r

    verd!cts eca'se !t co'd !nv!te the# to ase the!r verd!ct 'pon

    !#proper gro'nds, 't then s'ggests that 3*'rors foow the!r!nstr'ct!ons.+

    55 I ;($%$s #$ )$%)$&" inst$(t', #n' t-" %&&% s(-

    49 . SeeED. R. E8ID. 403. T- i'# t-#t s%%n is # *#' )$s%n '%s n%t )$snt

    $&i#*& +$%(n's %$ st#*&is-in+ -t-$ s(- )$s%n is t&&in+ t- t$(t- %n #n" )#$ti($

    %#si%n. It is t-is -i+- '+$ % (n$&i#*i&it" t-#t (&ti#t&" &%$s t- )$%*#ti i+-t %

    s(- %$#&&" *#s' i'n.50 . See &enera++, . 12.53 . Shannon, 512 U.>. #t 5G.54 . Id.#t 59.55 . Id.#t 5G5 it#ti%n %itt'.

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    200G7 PRISON CONDITIONS AS MORAL EVIDENCE 23inst$(ti%ns, it is n%t )%ssi*& t-#t t-" i&& #$$i #t t- :in%$$t= $'it.T-(s, i # ;($" is inst$(t' n%t t% *#s its 'isi%n %n t- %ns(ns %its $'it, *(t t- ;($" is in%$' % t- %nse'ences, accord!ng to'st!ce ho#as, th!s st! sho'd not res't !n the *'r$s d!sregard of

    the *'dges !nstr'ct!ons.


    (sti T-%#s +is #n x#)& t-#t ;($%$s %(&' )$s(#*&" #(it'n'#nts -n t- @%$nnt #i&s t% t its *($'n % )$%%, n-n :%nin' t- 'n'#nt is -i+-&" '#n+$%(s #n' s-%(&' *in#$$#t'.=5 T-is st#tnt is )$%$' it- t- %nssi%n t-#t :%($;('!c!a s$ste# necessar!$ ass'#es+ *'r!es w! tae s'ch act!on.5G

    R+#$'&ss % t- n#it % s(- # st#tnt, (sti T-%#s is s(++stin+t-#t ;($%$s i&& n%t %&&% inst$(ti%ns t% %nit # +(i&t" 'n'#nt i)$%i'' it- in%$#ti%n #*%(t t- %ns(ns % t-i$ $'it, *(t i&&%&&% inst$(ct!ons $ proper$ ac'!tt!ng a defendant where the4overn#ent has not ade'ate$ proved !ts case.

    59?-" %(&' # ;($",in t- i$st inst#n, i +in in%$#ti%n #*%(t t- %ns(ns % its N@I$'it, $n'$ #n i)$%)$ ;('+nt, -i& # ;($" in t- s%n' inst#n,-i- $&" (n'$stands the conse'ences of !ts ac'!tta, render aproper *'dg#ent5

    s 'st!ce tevens #aes cear !n a we-reasoned d!ssent, 3 n i,#s t- C%($t ss )$)#$' t% #ss(, #&& ;($%$s #$ #&$#'"n%&'+#*& #*%(t t- %ns(ns % N@I $'its7, s($&" t&&in+t- -#t t-" #&$#'" n% #n '% n% -#$.=60>(- # 'i-%t%" s-%st- C%($ts )$%!)$%s(ti%n *i#s in #ss(in+ t-#t t- ;($" i&& %n&" 'is%*"its inst$(ti%ns in #n #tt)t t% i$(nt t- %$ t- 'n'#nts*nit. T-is #$+'#ent ass'#es that not foow!ng a *'dges!nstr'ct!ons !s !tsef !nherent$ aga!nst the aw. he doctr!ne of *'r$

    n'!f!cat!on 'nfa!!ng$ arg'es aga!nst s'ch an !dea.

    T- C%($ts 'isi%n $&is %n t- *#sis t-#t, '($in+ # t$i#&, ;($is't$in t- #ts -i& ;('+s #&(#t t- .61T-is :*#si 'iisi%n %*%$= is #ss(' t% * # (n'#nt#& )$ini)& % A$i#n .62

    H%$, t-is 'iisi%n % *%$ %nt$#'its t- ;($"s $i+-t % n(&&ii#ti%n,-i- is n%t %n&" # i$&" s%&i'ii' #t % $iin#& ;($is)$('n, *(t -#s

    56 . See id.5 . Id.5G . Id.(sti T-%#s %$s n% s())%$t %$ t-is st$%n+ #ss()ti%n, %t-$ t-#n t% st#t

    t-#t s(- #n #ss()ti%n is :nss#$".=

    59 . Id.#t 5G!9, 5G5.60 . Id.#t 592 >tns, ., 'issntin+.61 . Id.#t 59.62 . Id.

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    23G CRIMINAL AND CIVIL CONFINEMENT 8%&. 344G5*n %'ii' in t- %nstit(ti%ns % M#$"n',63In'i#n#,64#n' @%$+i#.65

    ?-i& t-s st#t %nstit(ti%ns -# n% *in'in+ t %n t- '$#& R(&s% Ei'n #s #))&i' t% '$#& %($ts, t-" '% $&" s-% t-#t t- *#sis()%n -i- (sti T-%#ss #$+(nt $&is is n%t #s s%&i' #s - #s it

    %(t t% *.


    A''iti%n#&&", :#t st tn &+ist($s int$%'(' *i&&s %$)$%)%s' #n'nts t% st#t %nstit(ti%ns t-#t %(&' $(i$ %($ts t%in%$ ;($is % t-i$ #*s%&(t $i+-t t% xtn' $" t% %*i%(s&" +(i&t"'n'#nts . . . .=6?-i& n%n % t-s #s($s $ n#t' int% ,t- si)& #t % t-i$ xistn *&is t- %n&(s%$" n#t($ it- -i-t- >()$ C%($t -#s 'isiss' t- i'# % in%$in+ ;($is % t-i$n(&&ii#ti%n )%$s.

    D. Mis#))&i#ti%n % tnss Dissnt

    T- %$ $#&isti #ssssntt-#t ;($is '% %nsi'$ t- %ns(ns% t-i$ $'its, 's)it #n" inst$(ti%ns t% t- %nt$#$"is t#n () in

    (sti >tnss 'issnt.6G

    (sti >tns )%ints %(t t-#t t- #;%$it" inRo&ers v. United States69#$ti(t' t- :S)$ini)& t-#t ;($is s-%(&' n%t%nsi'$ t- %ns(ns % t-i$ $'its7.=0A &%s$ x#in#ti%n %t- )$%'($#& #ts in t- Ro&ers t$i#& $#&s t-#t t- #s #t(#&&"s())%$ts t- i'# t-#t ;($is s-%(&' * in%$' #*%(t t- %ns(ns %t-i$ $'its #n' t-#t ;($is #$ t$(&" %n$n' #*%(t s(- iss(s.1D($in+t- t$i#&, t- ;($" #s' t- ;('+ -t-$ it %(&' s(*it # $'it %:+7(i&t" #s -#$+' it- xt$ $" % t- C%($t.=2 A&t-%(+- t-;('+ #)t' t- ;($"s s(*issi%n, t- >()$ C%($t %$t($n' t-

    63 . MD. CON>T. D$#ti%n % Ri+-ts #$t. PPIII :In t- t$i#& % #&& $iin#& #ss,

    t- ($" s-#&& * t- ('+s % L#, #s && #s % #t, x)t t-#t t- C%($t #" )#ss ()%n

    t- s(iin" % t- i'n t% s(st#in # %niti%n.=.64 . IND. CON>T. #$t. I, 19 :In #&& $iin#& #ss -#t$, t- ;($" s-#&& -# t-

    $i+-t t% 't$in t- #n' t- #ts.=.65 . @A. CON>T. #$t. I, 1, 11# :In $iin#& #ss . . . t- ;($" s-#&& * t- ;('+s

    % t- #n' t- #ts.=. %$ ($t-$ 'is(ssi%n % %nstit(ti%n#& $%+niti%n % ;($"

    n(&&ii#ti%n )%$s in M#$"n', In'i#n#, #n' @%$+i#, s Ri-#$' >t. %-n, Liense to

    Nu++i!$ The De(orati and Constitutiona+ De!iienies o! Authori2ed )ur La/(a-in&,

    106 BALEL.. 2563, 2566!4 199.66 . T-s t-$ st#t %nstit(ti%ns, -i& %'i"in+ t- $i+-t % # ;($" t% n(&&i" in #

    $iin#& t$i#&, sti&& '% n%t +i ;('+s %$ #tt%$n"s t- $i+-t t% in%$ t- ;($" t-#t t-"

    )%ssss t-is )%$. As s(-, t-s st#ts i'nti#$" $(&s #$, )$#ti#&&" s)#in+, n%t

    #t' 'i$nt&" t-#n #n" % t- %t-$ st#ts.6 . $%'",supran%t 19, #t G9!90.6G . >-#nn%n . Unit' >t#ts, 512 U.>. 53, 591 1994 >tns, ., 'issntin+.

    69 . 422 U.>. 35 195.0 . Shannon, 512 U.>. #t 590 >tns, ., 'issntin+.1 . Id.#t 591.2 . Id.#t 590 (%tin+Ro&ers, 422 U.>. #t 36.

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    200G7 PRISON CONDITIONS AS MORAL EVIDENCE 239$(&in+ %ntin+ t-#t t- ;('+s #)t#n #s :is'in+ *#(s it'i' n%t #'is t- ;($" t-#t t-i$ $%n'#ti%n . . . %(&' n%t **in'in+.=3?-i& t-Ro&ersC%($t #$$i' #t t- s# &+#& %n&(si%n #st- ShannonC%($t, >tns )%ints %(t t-#t t- si+nii#n % Ro&ers#s

    n%t t- C%($ts -%&'in+ t-#t in%$in+ t- ;($" #s t% t- %ns(ns % its$'it #s i)$%)$.4Inst#', - #ss$t' t-#t Ro&ers inst$(ts t-#t 1;($is %nsi'$ t- %ns(ns % t-i$ $'its -n #in+ t-i$'isi%ns, #n' 2 # $'it $n'$' #s # $s(&t % #i&in+ t% inst$(t t-;($" #*%(t s(- %ns(ns s-%(&' * %$t($n' -n t- #i&($ t% '%s% )$;('is t- 'n'#nt #s %))%s' t% t- )$%s(ti%n.5 (stiT-%#ss st#tnt t-#t ;($is #$ n%t t% %nsi'$ t- %ns(ns % t-i$$'its is in'' 'ii(&t t% $%ni& it- t- %(t% in Ro&ers.6 InRo&ers, t- C%($t %$t($n' t- ;($"s 'isi%n *#(s t-" %nsi'$'-t-$ t- 'n'#nt %(&' * s-%n &nin" #t sntnin+. I (stiT-%#ss %ntnti%n is %$$t t-#t # ;($"s %n)ti%n % -#t its $'it#ns #t t- sntnin+ st#+ is t$(&" i$$nt,Git s-%(&' n%t #tt$ -#tt- ;($" t-ins t- %ns(ns % its $'it i&& *. ?-" s-%(&' t-C%($t %$t($n # %niti%n t-#t #s %*t#in' -$ t- ;($" 'i' n%t(n'$st#n' t- %ns(ns % its $'it#s in Ro&ers*(t ()-%&'#n%t-$ 'isi%n -$ t- ;($" #" -# ist#n t- %ns(ns % its$'it#s in Shannon En %$ st$iin+ is t-#t t- ;($"s %n%&'+ #s t- nt$#& iss( in *%t- #ss,9 "t t- C%($t stt&' %n%))%sin+ ;(stii#ti%ns in #- inst#n.



    A. T-

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    240 CRIMINAL AND CIVIL CONFINEMENT 8%&. 344G5C%($ts st#tnt t-#t :it #" * #s 'ii(&t %$ %n ;($%$ s(''n&" t% #t- in'in+s t-#t #n sn' #n%t-$ -(#n *in+ t% )$is%n, #s it is %$#n%t-$ t% -%&' %(t %nsinti%(s&" %$ #(itt#&,=G1s-%s t-#t t- n' %$s(- i'n is ;(st #s )$#&nt %$ t- 'n'#nt #s %$ t- )$%s(ti%n.

    T- C%($t s)ii#&&" #''$ss' t- (n#s t-#t #" * &t *" s% ;($%$s-% #" snt t%#$' #(itt#& #n' %t-$s -% #" snt t%#$'%niti%n.G2

    En *%$ O+d Chie!, )$%s(t%$s $, #t st t% # '+$, #&$#'"#%$'' t- $i+-t t% in%$ ;($%$s t-#t t-" %(&' &+#&&" %ns(&t t-i$%nsins in #in+ # 'isi%n.G3 D($in+ &%sin+ #$+(nt in UnitedStates v. A++o/a, t- )$%s(t%$ t%&' t- ;($", :B%( t- ;($%$s, #$ #&&'()%n in t-is #s t% * t- %$&' %nsin % t- %(nit". An' I #ca!ng on th!s *'r$ to spea o't for the co##'n!t$ and et the ohn

    owa$s now that th!s t$pe of cond'ct w! not e toerated . . . .+G4

    ?-i& t- )$%s(t%$ 'i' n%t t&& t- ;($" t% 'is$+#$' s(*st#nti i'n#n' *#s its 'isi%n t% %nit ()%n )$s%n#& &in+s t-#t t- 'n'#nt is# *#' )$s%n, t- %n&" $#s%n %$ %$in+ s(- # st#tnt #s t% )(s- t-;($", -%$ s&i+-t&", in t-#t 'i$ti%n. H%$, #t$ t- C%($ts -%&'in+in O+d Chie!, )$%s(t%$s #n )$snt #t(#& s(*st#nti i'n t-#t +%st% s())%$tin+ t- i'# t-#t t- 'n'#nt is :*#'= #n' 's$s)(nis-nt.G5 ?-i& 'ns #tt%$n"s #" #&s% 'is(ss t- )%siti#tt$i*(ts % t-i$ &ints '($in+ %)nin+ #n' &%sin+ #$+(nts, t-" '% n%t-# t- )%$ t% s(++st t-#t t- ;($" #n (s t-s #tt$i*(ts #s # *#sis%$ #(itt#&.G6 T-is %(&' * t- (i#&nt % %nt$#'itin+ t- ;($"inst$(ti%ns, -i- st#t t-#t t- ;($" (st #))&" t- #s st#t' *" t-%($t.G

    . Enin+ t- %(t$ *&is )$%s(t%$s s-%(&' -# t- $i+-t t%

    G1 . Id. #t 1G.G2 . Id.G3 . See Unit' >t#ts . A&&%#", 39 .2' 105, 113 6t- Ci$. 196G.

    G4 . Id.G5 . See O+d Chie! , 519 U.>. #t 1G!GG.G6 . See

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    O+d Chie!x)%ss t% )$i#$" $#ti%n#&s t-#t s())%$t #'ittin+ )$is%n%n'iti%ns int% i'n in # $iin#& t$i#&.G9 i$st, )$is%n %n'iti%ns #$a+/as$nt it-in t- #nin+ % RE 403.90L%%in+ t% t- *#ss %n

    -i- # ;($" is #&&%' t% $n'$ # $'it, n%-$ in #n" #)t';($is)$('n is t-$ # $i+-t %$ t- ;($" t% *#s # %niti%n s%&&" %n%$#&s.91H%$, ;($is #$ #&&%' t% #(it %$ x#t&" s(- # $#s%n. 92

    T-(s, #n" )i % i'n t-#t in&(ns t- ;($" #s t% -t-$ t-)(nis-nt %&&%in+ %niti%n is %$#&&" #))$%)$i#t i&& * $nt.>%n', t- 'n'#nts -%i t% )$snt i'n % )$is%n %n'iti%ns#nn%t (n#i$&" )$;('i t- ;($" #+#inst t- +%$nnt, &t #&%n (n#i$&")$;('i t- t% s(- #n xtnt #s %(&' s(*st#nti#&&" %(ti+- )$%*#ti#&(.93A(ittin+ %n t- +$%(n's t-#t )(nis-nt is t%% -#$s- in $ti%nt% t- $i is n%t #n i)$%)$ +$%(n' %n -i- t- ;($" #n *#s its'isi%n.94

    GG . O+d Chie! ,519 U.>. #t 1GG.G9 . Seeid.#t 1G!GG. A&t-%(+- (sti >%(t$ is $$$in+ t% t- )$%s(t%$s #*i&it" t%

    )$snt i'n t-#t i&& %nin # ;($" t-#t # +(i&t" $'it is #))$%)$i#t, t-$ is

    n%t-in+ in -is (n'$&"in+ $#s%nin+ s(++stin+ -" t-s )$ini)&s s-%(&' #&s% n%t #))&" in

    $$s %$ t- 'n'#nt.90 . Seeid.#t 1G1!G2.91 . ED. R. E8ID. 404 #'is%$" %itts n%t 'is(ssin+ t- &%n+ -ist%$" %

    +n$#&&" 'is#&&%in+ t- ;($" t% %nsi'$ i$(st#nti#& (s % -#$#t$ i'n %(t %

    #$ t-#t # ;($" i&& 'i' t% %nit %n t- *#sis t-#t it t-ins t- 'n'#nt is # *#' )$s%n

    #n' s-%(&' * )(nis-'. (sti >%(t$s #$+(nt s-%(&' n%t * is%nst$(' #s

    in'i#tin+ t- #&$#'" && st#*&is-' x)ti%ns %$ -n -#$#t$ i'n is

    #'issi*&J inst#', - is #$+(in+ %$ #)t#n % # n ss % -#$#t$ i'n t-#t

    -#' %$$&" *n %nsi'$' (n#i$&" )$;('ii#& #n', in $t#in i$(st#ns, i$$nt.See O+d Chie!, 519 U.>. #t 19.92 . See IRON>,supra n%t 9, #t 5. ?-i& it is #si*& t% #$+( t-#t #(ittin+ %$ s(-

    # $#s%n is )$%)$ *#(s t- ;($" #n #(it # 'n'#nt %$ #n" $#s%n, s(- #n xt$

    st#n n' n%t * t#n. Inst#', t- ;($"s $'it #n * ;(stii' %n t- +$%(n' t-#t it

    #&(#t' t- i'n -i- it -#' # '(t" t% %nsi'$ -t-$ s%it" #))$%s % t-

    )(nis-nt %$ t- $i #&&+'. See id.93 . '$#& R(& % Ei'n 403 %n&" x&('s $nt i'n -n t-

    :)$%*#ti #&( is su1stantia++%(ti+-' *" t- '#n+$ % (n#i$ )$;('i.= ED. R.

    E8ID. 403 )-#sis #'''. T-is *($'n % in'in+ t-#t )$%*#ti #&( is s(*st#nti#&&"

    %(ti+-' #s %))%s' t% $&" %(ti+-' in +n$#&, is % )$#ti#& si+nii#n #n' #n

    * sn #s #n intnti%n#&&" in$#s' *($'n -n %nt$#st' it- s(- n+(#+ #s %(n' in

    '$#& R(& % Ei'n 609. :E7i'n t-#t #n #(s' -#s *n %nit' % s(- #

    $i s-#&& * #'itt' i t- %($t 't$ins t-#t t- )$%*#ti #&( % #'ittin+ t-is

    i'n %(ti+-s its )$;('ii#& t t% t- #(s'.= ED. R. E8ID. 609. N%t t-

    % # $(i$nt %$ )$%*#ti #&( t% :s(*st#nti#&&"= %(ti+- )$;('ii#& t in R(&

    609.94 . See$%'",supran%t 19, #t 11G!20.

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    242 CRIMINAL AND CIVIL CONFINEMENT 8%&. 344G51. Rn (n'$ O+d Chie!

    ?-i& )$is%n %n'iti%ns #$ #"s $nt in # $iin#& t$i#&, t-%n'iti%ns 's$i*' #n %n&" $#in $nt #s &%n+ #s t- i'n)$t#ins t% )$is%ns -$ # $iin#& #" * snt. %$ x#)&, # 'n'#nt

    s-%(&' n%t * #&&%' t% &iit %)&t&" $ tsti%n" $% H(&ins%t-$95%$ st%$is % sii$ #%(nts $% x)ti%n#&&" i%&nt )$is%ns,i t- %n&" )s t- 'n'#nt #n #si*&" * in#$$#t' #$ % #%)&t&" 'i$nt -#$#t$.96T-s t")s % itnsss #" sti&& -# #$%& in # t$i#& -$ t- 'n'#nt i&& * snt t% # &ss i%&nt )$is%n. >(-itnsss s-%(&' sti&& * #&&%' t% tsti" %n$nin+ -#t %n'iti%ns #)$is%n$ #n x)t t% n'($ i - %$ s- is %n % t- in#ts -% isitiiK'. >i)&" *#(s t- )$%*#*i&it" % #*(s i+-t * &%$ in$t#in #ss '%s n%t #n t-#t t- )%ssi*i&it" s-%(&' * %)&t&"'is#$''.9

    T-is i+-t #&& %$ # &iitin+ inst$(ti%n $% t- ;('+ t&&in+ t- ;($"t-#t s(- i'n %n )$is%n %n'iti%ns is %n&" t% * %nsi'$' #s #n

    x)n#ti%n % -#t %($s in )$is%n #*(s sit(#ti%ns, n%t #s i'n t-#ts(++sts t-is )#$ti($ 'n'#nt is &i&" t% * #*(s' in )$is%n. 9G I,

    95 . Prison Rape Redution At o! "##", supranote 2, at 8-9.96 . T- #t t-#t # 'n'#nt, i %(n' +(i&t", i&& %n&" * snt t% # ini( s($it"

    )$is%n '%s n%t #(t%#ti#&&" ns($ t-#t t- 'n'#nt i&& * snt t% # n%ni%&nt )$is%n.

    ?-i& ini( s($it" )$is%ns in +n$#& #" tn' t% -# &%$ ini'n $#ts %

    i%&n, #- )$is%n n's t% * #&(#t' %n #n in'ii'(#& *#sis. C%n$s&", n%t #&&

    #xi( s($it" )$is%ns #$ #(t%#ti#&&" n'i it- i%&n. See M#$" V. >t%-$,

    Lss%ns in C%$$ti%ns A R)%$t >(*itt' t% t- C%issi%n %n >#t" #n' A*(s,

    . G06, G34 195 :

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    200G7 PRISON CONDITIONS AS MORAL EVIDENCE 243-%$, t- itnss $%(nts # st%$" % sx(#& #*(s in # )$is%n -$ t-'n'#nt %(&' * snt, #n' %()&s -is %$ -$ #%(nt it- tsti%n" t-#ts(- sn#$i%s % i%&n #$ %%n #t t- )$is%n, t-n n% &iitin+inst$(ti%n %(&' * $(i$'. T-is t") % i'n '%s n%t )$snt t-

    )$%*&s )$i%(s&" 'is(ss' -$ ;($is $(nt&" i+n%$ &iitin+inst$(ti%ns99*#(s t- ;('+ is si)&" $i"in+ t- itnsss tsti%n"inst#' % t&&in+ t- ;($" t% 'is$+#$' in%$#ti%n it i+-t %t-$is #ntt% %nsi'$.100

    I t- 'ns #nn%t in' # itnss -% #n tsti" #s t% t- %n'iti%ns% # )$is%n -$ - %$ s- %(&' * snt, t- 'ns %(&' *$# t-i'n '%n int% tsti%n" $% t% itnsss %n itnss %(&'tsti" t% t- %n'iti%ns in # )#$ti($ )$is%n, -i& #n%t-$ itnss %(&'tsti" %n$nin+ t- )$%)nsit" %$ i%&n #t t- )$is%ns -$ t-is'n'#nt #" * snt. ?-i& t- +%$nnt is $ t% )%int %(t t-#t t-'n'#nt %(&' * sntn' t% # )$is%n in # n(*$ % 'i$nt &%#ti%ns%$ t$#ns$$' $% %n )$is%n t% #n%t-$, t-is '%s n%t # t-'n'#nts i'n $+#$'in+ )$is%n %n'iti%ns i$$ntJ it $&"&%$s t- i'ns )$%*#ti #&(.101 H%$, t- +%$nnts-%i t% $#& t-is in%$#ti%n %(&' #t #s # '%(*&!'+' s%$'J -i&it &ssns t- i+-t % t- i'n %n$nin+ t- 'n'#nts sntn t%# )#$ti($&" i%&nt )$is%n, it %(&' #&s% %nin t- ;($" t-#t n i t-'n'#nt is sntn' t% # $ti&" s# )$is%n, - %$ s- %(&' *t$#ns$$' t% # (- %$ '#n+$%(s %n in t- (t($.

    2. Un#i$ )$;('i (n'$ O+d Chie!

    T($nin+ t% t- iss( % (n#i$ )$;('i, t- O+d Chie!C%($ts #n#&"sis% t- )$%s(ti%ns $i+-t t% )$snt %$#& i'n 102(st * x#in'$% t- 'i$in+ )$s)tis % t- 'n'#nt #n' t- )$%s(ti%n. O+d

    Chie! (&ti#t&" -&' t-#t, -i& t- )$%s(ti%n is ntit&' t% )$snti'n t-#t %nins t- ;($" t-#t # %niti%n is t- %$#&&" %$$t'isi%n, t- )#$ti($ i'n %$' *" t- )$%s(ti%n in t-is #s

    99 . See >-#nn%n . Unit' >t#ts, 512 U.>. 53, 592!93 1994 >tns, .,

    'issntin+.100 . En i t- )$%s(ti%n t-%(+-t t- &iitin+ inst$(ti%n #s sti&& n%t n%(+-, t-

    +%$nnt %(&' #"s * $ t% )$snt its %n itnsss t% tsti" t-#t t- 'n'#nts

    )$%s)ti &%#ti%ns % in#$$#ti%n #$ n%t % t- n#t($ 's$i*' *" t- 'n'#nts

    itnss.101 . ED. R. E8ID. 401 #'is%$" %itts n%t. Ei'n is $nt i it -#s #

    :Stn'n" t% # t- xistn % t- #t t% * )$%' S%$ )$%*#*& %$ &ss

    )$%*#*&.= Id. :T- st#n'#$' % )$%*#*i&it" (n'$ t- $(& is S%$ . . . )$%*#*& t-#n it

    %(&' * it-%(t t- i'n. An" %$ st$in+nt $(i$nt is (n%$#*& #n'

    (n$#&isti.= Id.T- %itt is $%+niKin+ t- #t t-#t n%t #&& i'n -i- i+-t *

    $nt is +(#$#nt' t% * -i+-&" )$%*#ti st#n'in+ #&%n. T-is '%s n%t #&& %$ t-

    x&(si%n % s(- i'n (n'$ $n +$%(n's.102 . SeeO&' C-i . Unit' >t#ts, 519 U.>. 12, 1G!GG 199.

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    244 CRIMINAL AND CIVIL CONFINEMENT 8%&. 344G5$#t' # s(iint&" (n#i$ && % )$;('i t-#t s(*st#nti#&&" %(ti+-'its )$%*#ti #&(.103 T- %nssi%n t-#t s(- %$#& i'n #s$nt #n' #s %n&" x&('i*& *#(s % its -i+- $is % (n#i$ )$;('is-%(&' #&&% sii$, %ti%n#&&" -#$+' i'n t% * %$' *" t-

    'n'#nt. T- " 'istinti%n in%&s # 't$in#ti%n % -#t %nstit(ts(n#i$ )$;('i it-in t- #nin+ % R(& 403. C$t#in %nsi'$#ti%ns %$%niti%n #$ i)$%)$, -i& t- s# +$%(n's #$ #&i' %$ #n #(itt#&.%$ x#)&, t- O+d Chie! C%($t st#t'

    C%($ts . . . -# % t% 'is#&&% $s%$t *" t- )$%s(ti%n t% #n" in'

    % i'n % # 'n'#nts i& -#$#t$ t% st#*&is- # )$%*#*i&it" %

    -is +(i&t. N%t t-#t t- insts t- 'n'#nt it- # )$s()ti%n %

    +%%' -#$#t$ . . . *(t it si)&" &%ss t- -%& #tt$ % -#$#t$,

    'is)%siti%n #n' $)(t#ti%n %n t- )$%s(ti%ns #s!in!-i. . . . T-

    in(i$" is n%t $;t' *#(s -#$#t$ is i$$ntJ %n t- %nt$#$", it

    is s#i' t% i+- t%% (- it- t- ;($" #n' t% s% %$)$s(#' t- #s

    t% )$;('+ %n it- # *#' +n$#& $%$' #n' 'n" -i # #i$

    %))%$t(nit" t% 'n' #+#inst # )#$ti($ -#$+.


    It is i)%$t#nt t% n%t t-#t t- C%($t st#t' t-#t t- )$%s(ti%n '%s n%t-# t- $i+-t t% )$snt s(- i'n in its #s!in!-i, #s %))%s' t%nti$&" $st$itin+ s(- i'n. >(- # 'istinti%n (st * %nsi'$'*#(s %n $t#in %#si%ns R(& 404 s)ii#&&" #s #n #&&%#n %$t- 'n'#nt t% int$%'( i'n t-#t t- )$%s(ti%n is $st$it' $%)$sntin+.105 On t- 'n'#nt -%%ss t% $#& s(- %$#&-#$#t$istis #*%(t -is&, t- )$%s(ti%n is t-n $ t% #'it its %ni'n t% :$*(t t- s#= t$#it.106 >(- 'istinti%ns s-% t-#ti'nti#$" $st$iti%ns )' ()%n t- )$%s(ti%n #$ n%t #"sintn'' t% $st$it t- 'n'#nt t% t- s# '+$.

    T- A'is%$" C%itts n%ts t% R(& 403 st#t t-#t (n#i$ )$;('i

    :#ns #n (n'( tn'n" t% s(++st 'isi%n %n #n i)$%)$ *#sis,%%n&", t-%(+- n%t nss#$i&", #n %ti%n#& %n.=10 Ds)it t-sin+&" )in n+(#+ % t-is x)n#ti%n, (sti >%(t$s i t-#t:t- )$%s(ti%n #" #i$&" s t% ) its i'n *%$ t- ;($%$s . . .t% %nin t- ;($%$s t-#t # +(i&t" $'it %(&' * %$#&&" $#s%n#*&,=10G

    )s t- #nin+ % t- #'is%$" %itts n%ts int% (sti%n.109

    103 . Id.#t 190!91.104 . Id.#t 1G1.105 . ED. R. E8ID. 404#1.106 . Id.10 . ED. R. E8ID. 403 #'is%$" %itts n%t.10G . O+d Chie! , 519 U.>. #t 1GG.109 . A&t$n#ti&", t-is i+-t s-% t-#t t- >()$ C%($t is n%t +%in+ t% +i

    '$n t% t- A'is%$" C%itts int$)$t#ti%n % t- R(&. H%$, sin t- C%($t

    #' n% st#tnt t% t-#t t, it s-%(&' * #ss(' t-#t t- C%($t ss its int$)$t#ti%n

    #s %nsistnt it- t- A'is%$" C%itts int$)$t#ti%n.

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    200G7 PRISON CONDITIONS AS MORAL EVIDENCE 245Ass(in+ t- C%($t #+$s it- t- A'is%$" C%itts int$)$t#ti%n,O+d Chie!ti&" #&i'#ts t- i'# t-#t i'n -i- tn's t% #t- ;($" $n'$ # $'it %n %ti%n#& +$%(n's is n%t )$ s in#&i'.

    Ei'n % )$is%n %n'iti%ns, (n&i x)%sin+ t- n#t($ % O&' C-is

    $i, is )$is&" t- t") % %ti%n#& i'n t-#t is )$%)$ %$ t- ;($"t% %nsi'$. A&&%in+ # ;($" t% -#$ t-#t O&' C-i -#' )$i%(s&" #ss#(&t'#n%t-$ )$s%n in t- )#st, -n t-" %(&' -# si)&" *n in%$' t-#tO&' C-i %itt' # &%n" s#tis"in+ 1G U.>.C. 922+1 in t- )#st,is t% +i t- ;($" in%$#ti%n t-#t '%s n%t $t in #n" #nn$ t% t-($$nt t$i#&. T- #t t-#t t- )$i%(s &%n", %$ -i- - )$s(#*&"#&$#'" $)#i' -is '*t t% s%it", #s %n t-#t t- ;($" i+-t in'innsin+, -#s n%t-in+ t% '% it- -t-$ - s-%(&' * snt t% )$is%n,in', %$ %t-$is * )(nis-' %$ -is ($$nt %ns. Ei'n%n$nin+ t- #t % t- 'n'#nt #t$ # $'it is i)%s', -%$, isn%t (n'(&" )$;('ii#& t% t- +%$nnt *#(s t- +%$nnt -#snt$(st' t- ;($" n%t %n&" it- t- t#s % in'in+ #ts, *(t #&s% it-s)#in+ #s t- %i % t- %(nit"s %nsin.110An" #$+(nt t-#tt- ;($" %(&' $#- #n i)$%)$ $'it *#(s it %nsi'$' -#t %(&'-#))n t% t- 'n'#nt i %nit', is t% #$+( t-#t t- +%$nnt n%st- )(nis-nt is t%% -#$s- in $ti%n t% t- $i, #n' t-#t # ;($", iin%$', %(&' $#&iK t-is in;(sti #n' s t% $ti" it. It is 'ii(&t t%%ni % -% s(- # t-%(+-t )$%ss un!air+ )$;('is t-+%$nnt.


    T-$ -# #"s *n $t#in %ntxts in -i- %($ts -# ''i'n % )$is%n %n'iti%ns t% * $nt t% # 'n'#nts #s, #n'

    t-$%$ #'issi*&. (ss(&&" A'itt' %$ Dns % Nssit"Ci

    In Peop+e v. Un&er, # tnt"!t%!"#$!%&', 155 )%(n' #n, %$i+in#&&"%nit' % #(t% t-t, #s -#$+' it- s#) $% )$is%n.112At t$i#& -

    110 . SeeIRON>,supran%t 9, #t 4!6.111 . See* e.&., Unit' >t#ts . #i&", 444 U.>. 394 19G0 -%&'in+ t-#t )$is%n

    %n'iti%ns #" * $nt in $t#in i$(st#ns, *(t t- #ts % t-is #s 'i' n%t

    #$$#nt t-i$ #'issi%n #t t$i#&J

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    246 CRIMINAL AND CIVIL CONFINEMENT 8%&. 344G5#s #&&%' t% s(*it i'n %n$nin+ %n'iti%ns % t- )$is%n $%-i- - s#)'.113>(- i'n in&('' #%(nts % sx(#& #ss#(&ts -#s s(*;t' t% #t t- -#n's % %t-$ in#ts, #s && #s t-$#ts %n -is&i.114Ds)it t- 'n'#nts (n(sti%n' $i+-t t% s(*it s(- i'n,

    t- ;('+ +# t- ;($" #n inst$(ti%n 'si+n' )$ini)#&&" t% n+#t #n" %its $n :T- $#s%ns, i #n", +in %$ t- #&&+' s#) #$i#ter!a and not to e cons!dered $ $o' as !n an$ wa$ *'st!f$!ngor ec's!ng, !f there were !n fact s'ch reasons.+

    115?-" %(&' # ;('+#&&% t- 'n'#nt t% s(*it i'n, #n' t-n inst$(t t- ;($" t%'is$+#$' t- i'n %$ #n" #nin+(& )%ints T- t % t-isinst$(ti%n &t %n&" %n iss( %$ t$i#n iss( t-#t -#' #&$#'" *n#ns$'-t-$ t- 'n'#nt s#)' $% )$is%n.

    On #))#&, t- I&&in%is A))#&s C%($t $$s' #n' t- I&&in%is >()$C%($t s(*s(nt&" #i$' t- A))#&s C%($t, -%&'in+ t-#t t- ;('+sinst$(ti%n #s n%t %n&" i)$%)$, *(t t-#t t- ;($" s-%(&' -# *ninst$(t' t-#t nssit" #s #n #))&i#*& 'ns in t- )$snt #s.116

    T- C%($t x)in' t-#t t- 'ns % nssit" #$iss -n # 'n'#ntis s(*;t' t% # -%i % i&s #n' -%%ss -#t $#s%n#*&" #))#$s t% *t- &ss$ % t- i&s, $+#$'&ss % -t-$ s(- #&(#ti%n t($ns %(t t% *in%$$t.11 In t-is #s, t- 'n'#nt #s #' it- t- -%i %s(*;tin+ -is& t% ($t-$ #ss#(&ts #n' )%ssi*&" ($'$ %$ $is#tt)tin+ t% s#) $% )$is%n.11GT- #))&i#*& st#t(t st#t'

    C%n'(t -i- %(&' %t-$is * #n %ns is ;(stii#*& *"$#s%n % nssit" i t- #(s' #s it-%(t * in%#si%nin+ %$ '&%)in+ t- sit(#ti%n #n' $#s%n#*&" *&i's(- %n'(t #s nss#$" t% #%i' # )(*&i %$ )$i#t in;($"+$#t$ t-#n t- in;($" -i- i+-t $#s%n#*&" $s(&t $% -is%n %n'(t.119

    M%st i)%$t#nt&", t-is st#t(t #n' t- C%($ts 'isi%n t% in' t-#t t-'n'#nt -#' t- $i+-t t% # ;($" inst$(ti%n %n nssit" in &i+-t % t-st#t'te, proca!#s that a defendant, who acted 'nder the defense ofnecess!t$, acted not on$ w!tho't a#e, 't !n a #anner that soc!et$

    act'a$ condones.120 I # %($t $#&iKs t-#t *$#in+ %(t % )$is%n is #n

    #ti%n t-#t soc!et$ s'pports 'nder certa!n c!rc'#stances, wo'd notsoc!et$ e etter served $ deter#!n!ng th!s efore send!ng the

    113 . Id.114 . Id.115 . Id.#t 321.116 . Id.#t 322, 324.11 . Id. #t 322.11G . Id.119 . 20 ILL. COMTAT. 5/!13 2005 %$i+in#& $si%n #t ILL. RE8. >TAT. -. 3G,

    !13 191.120 . Un&er , 362 N.E.2' #t 322!23.

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    200G7 PRISON CONDITIONS AS MORAL EVIDENCE 24defendant to pr!son5 nder c'rrent aw, a defendant cannot ra!se

    s'ch a defense 'nt! he has aread$ een s'*ected to so#e for# of

    assa't and atte#pted to escape, and even then s'ch ca!#s often go

    'nheard.121 It is n%t &%+i#& t-#t s%it" %(&' ) # 'n'#nt in #

    %ninnt sit(#ti%n, #n' t-n %n' t- 'ndant for escap!ng.

    . R;tin+ Ei'n % . 394, 394 19G0 -%&'in+ t-#t )$is%n

    %n'iti%ns #" * $nt in $t#in i$(st#ns, *(t t- #ts % t-is #s 'i' n%t

    #$$#nt t-i$ #'issi%n #t t$i#&J >t#t . @$n, 40 >.?.2' 565, 56G M%. 191 n *#n

    n%tin+ t-#t )$is%n %n'iti%ns $ %nsi'$' in t-is #s *(t #i&' t% s(*st#nti#t # i

    % '($ss %$ nssit" #n' t-#t t- C%($t n nt s% #$ #s t% st#t t-#t :+7n$#&&",

    %n'iti%ns % %nine#ent do not *'st!f$ escape and are not a defense.+.>in *%t- #ss x&('' t- i'n *#s' %n t- s)ii #ts -i- t- 'n'#nts

    #&&+' #s )$%i'in+ +$%(n's %$ t-i$ nssit" 'nss, t- %($ts -# #' it $ t-#t

    t-" %(&' * (ni&&in+ t% %nsi'$ s(- is it-%(t *in+ #*& t% $i t- #s!

    s)ii #ts. T-is nss#$i&" $(i$s t-#t # 'n'#nt s(*;t -i %$ -$s& t% -#$ %$

    iinnt -#$ *%$ )$sntin+ # nssit" 'ns.122 . 'ai+e, 444 U.>. 394J ;reen, 40 >.?.2' 565.

    123 . ;reen, 40 >.?.2' #t 566.124 . Id.#t 50 >i&$, ., 'issntin+.125 . Id. #t 56G #;%$it" %)ini%n.126 . Id.

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    24G CRIMINAL AND CIVIL CONFINEMENT 8%&. 344G5>(- $#s%nin+ is %)&t&" i&&%+i#& in t- # % t- %($ts #$&i$

    #n%&'+nt t-#t t- 'n'#nts )$i%(s #tt)ts t% s%&iit)$%tct!on fro# pr!son off!c!as had een co#pete$ !neffect!ve.12

    Un'$ t- %($ts -%&'in+, t- %n&" ti # 'ns % nssit" %(&' *

    #)t' in #n s#) $% )$is%n %(&' * i t- 'n'#nt #n#+' t%*$# %(t % )$is%n whilee!ng s!#'taneo's$ chased $ a rap!st.12G

    T-is &it$#& intrpretat!on of a 3threat of !##!nent ph$s!ca har#+ thatthe defense of necess!t$ re'!res stands contrar$ to an$ og!ca

    !nterpretat!on of the re'!re#ent.129 In t-is #s, t- 'n'#nt

    ti&" #it' (nti& t- st %nt -n s#) %(&' -# *n$#&isti#&&" )%ssi*&.130T- 'ns % necess!t$ has never re'!red thata threat of har# w! not e cons!dered !##!nent 'nt! an$ #ethod of

    avo!d!ng s'ch har# !s !#poss!e.131

    T- #*s($'it" % s(- # $(i$nt is n%t' in # &&!$#s%n' 'issnt*" (sti >i&$, t% -i- n%n % t- %t-$ i+-t ;(stis ;%in'.132(sti>i&$ *$in+s )#$ti($ #ttnti%n t% t- #t t-#t t- 'n'#nt #s %n&"%ffered three opt!ons $ pr!son off!c!as: s'#!t, defend h!#sef, orescape.

    133(sti >i&$ st#ts t-#t n t- #;%$it" '%s n%t $%n's(*issi%n, #n' t-#t #n" #tt)t #t s&!'ns (n'$ t- i$(st#ns%(&' -# *n (ti&.134 T- #;%$it"s $%n'#ti%n t-#t t-'n'#nt %(&' -# )$%tt' -is& *" #&$tin+ )$is%n #(t-%$itis t% t-n#s % -is #ssa!ants !s controverted $ the fact that s'ch act!onwo'd !e$ pace the defendant !n danger of os!ng h!s !fe eca'se

    the !n#ates wo'd f!nd o't he was a 3sn!tch.+135T-is s s#) #s

    12 . Seeid.#t 566.12G . Id.#t 56G.129 . See(- # st#tnt

    s-%s t-#t t- ;reenC%($t $%+niKs t- s# &+#& st#n'#$'t-%(+- #))&i' (- %$

    n#$$%&"#s t- Un&erC%($t *" st#tin+ its i&&in+nss t% %nsi'$ # nssit" i -n

    # 'n'#nt is in iinnt t-$#t % )-"si#& -#$ in t- %$ % # $#) &%%in+ s%n's

    ##".130 . See;reen, 40 >.?.2' #t 50 >i&$, ., 'issntin+.131 . SeeUn&er, 362 N.E.2' #t 322 st#tin+ t-#t # nssit" 'ns is #))&i#*& -$

    t- 'n'#nt :$#s%n#*&" *&i'= t-#t -is %n'(t #s nss#$" t% #%i' # +$#t$

    -#$. T-is 'isi%n i)&iit&" $%+niKs t-#t # 'n'#nt )'in+ nssit" is n%t

    $(i$' t% st#*&is- t-#t in #t #*s%&(t&" n% %t-$ t-%' %(&' -# *n (n'$t#n #t #

    t$ '#t t% #%i' t- t-$#tn' -#$J $#t-$, t- 'n'#nt is -&' t% # %$ %$+iin+

    st#n'#$' -i- $%+niKs t-#t )%)& #nn%t * -&' t% # st#n'#$' -i+-$ t-#n -#t t-"

    s-%(&' $#s%n#*&" *&i.

    132 . ;reen, 40 >.?.2' #t 56G!1 >i&$, ., 'issntin+.133 . Id.#t 50.134 . Id.#t 51.135 . Id.#t 50.

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    200G7 PRISON CONDITIONS AS MORAL EVIDENCE 249t- %n&" -%i, *(t sin t- #;%$it" $;ts t-#t %)ti%n t%%, t- 'n'#ntis &t it- n% #)t#*& %($s % #ti%n. T-is is %$s t-#n )$sntin+ t-'n'#nt it- # H%*s%ns -%i *#(s inst#' % iin+ t-#t t-'n'#nt %n&" -#' %n %$$t %($s % #ti%n t% t#, t- %($t -&' t-#t

    #n" #ti%n t- defendant d!d or d!d not tae wo'd st! e the wrongcho!ce.

    ;n arg'!ng that the defendant sho'd have een aowed to present

    h!s ca!# of necess!t$ to the *'r$, 'st!ce e!er p'ts forth a

    f'nda#enta pr!nc!pa of cr!#!na aw art!c'ated $ 'st!ce o#es:

    3i&$, ., 'issntin+ (%tin+ An . D#is,

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    250 CRIMINAL AND CIVIL CONFINEMENT 8%&. 344G5#' it- s(- i'n, it #nn%t * %ntn'' t-#t #$ % #*(s %n

    t- )#$t % $t#in "%(n+ n % s#&& st#t($ is $&" s)(ti % -#ti&& %($ in )$is%n. En i it is )%ssi*& t-#t # ;($" %(&' &%% #t # -itnintn!"#$!%&' 'n'#nt % # $ 150 )%(n's #n' %n&(' t-#t it is

    n%t s(iint&" $t#in - i&& # '#n+$ in # i%&nt )$is%n *"%n' t-)(nis-nt #n'#t' *" , t- ;($" s-%(&' sti&& * t- %n t% # t-is'isi%n.

    ACTIONG, 9

    196G.139 . See>-#nn%n . Unit' >t#ts, 512 U.>. 53, 5G5 1994.140 . SeeUnit' >t#ts . #i&", 444 U.>. 394, 423 19G0 (n, ., 'issntin+

    n%tin+ t-#t # :#i&($ t% (s $#s%n#*& #s($s t% )$%tt #n in#t $% i%&n

    in&it' *" %t-$ in#ts #&s% %nstit(ts $(& #n' (n(s(#& )(nis-nt=.141 . H(#n Ri+-ts ?#t- is #n in')n'nt, n%n+%$nnt#& %$+#niK#ti%n t-#t

    )$%tts t- -(#n $i+-ts % )%)& #$%(n' t- %$&'. %$ %$ in%$#ti%n s

    -tt)//.-$.%$+/#*%(t.142 . HUMAN RI@HT> ?ATCH, NO E>CA>UMMARB


    -tt)//.-$.%$+/$)%$ts/2001/)$is%n/$)%$t1.-t&WF1F5 -$in#t$ >UMMARB ANDRECOMMENDATION>7.143 . Id.144 . Id.

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    200G7 PRISON CONDITIONS AS MORAL EVIDENCE 251t- +(i'#n nss#$" t% ns($ t-#t %($ts -# # $#%$ %$%nsi'$in+ i'n % )$is%n %n'iti%ns. T-" s$ t% '$# t- %($ts#ttnti%n t% $nt iss(s -i& #ss($in+ s(- i'n is n%t (s' t%#-i #n #(itt#& % # 'n'#nt -% is n%t #t $is % #*(s in )$is%n.

    D. United States v. Bailey

    T- 'in+ >()$ C%($t #s %n t- 'nss % '($ss #n' nssit"in )$is%n s#)s is United States v. 'ai+e.145T- #s, %$ t-#n tnt"!i "#$s %&', $&ts #n" % t- (n$#&isti #ss()ti%ns #*%(t )$is%ns#t" t-#t $ sn in ;reen.146 In 'ai+e, # +$%() % %($ n s#)'$% # '$#& )$is%n #n' ()%n $#)t($ t$i' t% i t- 'nss %nssit" #n' '($ss.14T- Unit' >t#ts >()$ C%($t, *" # six t% t%#;%$it",14G%$t($n' t- C%($t % A))#&s %$ t- Dist$it % C%&(*i#s-%&'in+ t-#t t- $i % s#) $(i$s # s)ii intnt % :#%i'in+7n%n!%ninnt %n'iti%ns #s %))%s' t% n%$#& #s)ts %%nine#ent.+149Inst#', t- C%($t -&' t-#t t- )$%s(ti%n %n&" n's t%

    )$% t- 'n'#nt $%' -is& $% (st%'" it- t- intnt t% #%i'%nf!ne#ent.150 T- C%($t #&s% -&' t-#t t- 'nss % '($ss #n'nssit" %(&' %n&" * ##i*& i t- 'n'#nts )$%' t-#t t-$ #s n%#&t$n#ti t% s#), +in t- iinnt t-$#t % -#$.151

    In 'inin+ :iinnt t-$#t % -#$,= t- C%($t st#t' t-#t t-'n'#nts (st s-% t-" #' # :*%n# i' %$t t% s($$n'$ %$ $t($nt% (st%'" #s s%%n #s t- i' '($ss %$ nssit" -#' &%st its %$i%$.=152T- C%($t x)&iit&" $;t' t- #$+(nt t-#t s(- #i&($ t%s($$n'$ s-%(&' %n&" %nstit(t # #t%$ i+-in+ #+#inst # 'n'#ntsi' %ti#ti%n %$ %ntin(in+ t% #%i' %ninnt.153 Inst#', t-C%($t -&' t-#t )$%% % #n #tt)t t% s($$n'$ is #n :in'is)ns#*&&nt= % t- 'nss % '($ss #n' nssit"J t-(s, # % s(-

    i'n )$&('s t- ;($" $% n *in+ #&&%' t% %nsi'$ s(-

    145 . 'ai+e, 444 U.>. #t 39.146 . Id.#t 412!13 #n'#tin+ # *$i+-t!&in $(& t-#t s#)s (st t($n t-s&s

    %$ t% t- #(t-%$itis -n '#n+$ -#s )#ss' it-%(t x)inin+ -% s(- '#n+$ %(&'

    -# )#ss' %$ -% t- 'n'#nt %(&' -# $n' % s(- # -#n+ in i$(st#ns.14 . Id.#t 39G.14G . (sti M#$s-#&& t%% n% )#$t in 'i'in+ t-is #s.149 . 'ai+e, 444 U.>. #t 40G (%tin+ Unit' >t#ts . #i&", 5G5 .2' 10G, 1093

    n.1 D.C. Ci$. 19G int$n#& (%t#ti%n #$s %itt'. T- D.C. Ci$(it 'in' :n%n!

    %ninnt %n'iti%ns= #s n%)#ssin+ i$(st#ns s(- #s : *#tin+s7 in $)$is#& %$

    tsti%n" in # t$i#&, #i&($ t% )$%i' Essnti#& si7 'i#& #$, %$ -%%sx(#& #tt#s.=

    'ai+e, 5G5 .2' #t 1093 n.1.

    150 . 'ai+e, 444 U.>. #t 40G.151 . Id.#t 410!11.152 . Id.#t 413.153 . Id.#t 412.

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    252 CRIMINAL AND CIVIL CONFINEMENT 8%&. 344G5'nss.154

    T- %st st$iin+ #i&($ % t-'ai+eC%($t in t-is $+#$' is its in#*i&it"t% 's$i* # $nt sit(#ti%n in -i- #n s#) %(&' $#s%n#*&"#ss( t-#t t- '($ss %$ nssit", -i- -#' )$s(#*&" )$%)t' &i+-t,

    -#' &%st its %$i %$.155

    H%$, t-is #i&($ is (ns($)$isin+ #n'-%&&" &%+i#& *#(s t-$ is n% #nn$ in -i- #n s#) %(&''t$in it- $t#int" t-#t t- t-$#t % sx(#& #*(s %$ %t-$ i%&nn'($' '($in+ in#$$#ti%n, -#' n''. In #t, t-$ is n% $#&istit-%' %$ #n s#) t% 't$in t- ($$nt st#t % )$is%n %n'iti%nsit-%(t $t($nin+ t% t-#t )$is%n. C%nsi'$in+ t- )$i%(s&" 's$i*'n($%(s #%(nts % #*(s' )$is%n$s $is %$ -&) +%in+ (n-#$' %$)($)%s(&&" i+n%$',156t- %n&" $#s%n#*& %n&(si%n #n s#) %(&'$#- is t-#t t- i%&n $% -i- - %$ s- &' -#s n%t &%st #n" % its%$i %$. T-$ is n% )%int #t -i- #n s#) %(&' t-in it #ss# t% $t($n t% (st%'" *#(s t- s#) %(&' * i'i#t&"$t($n' t% t- %n'iti%ns t-#t ins)i$' t- s#) in t- i$st ).

    In -is %n($$in+ %)ini%n, (sti >tns nti%ns t-#t -i& - is%n$n' it- )$is%n %n'iti%ns, - '%s n%t s s#) #s t- )$%)$#ns % ixin+ t- )$%*&s in )$is%ns.15 Inst#' - #'%#ts %$s%&(ti%ns s(- #s

    or#'at!ng enforceae o*ect!ve standards for c!v!!>edpr!son cond!t!ons, eep!ng the channes of co##'n!cat!on

    etween pr!soners and the o'ts!de word open, and

    g'arantee!ng access to the co'rts, rather than re$!ng on ad

    hoc *'dg#ents ao't the good fa!th of pr!son

    ad#!n!strators, g!v!ng 'nd'e deference to the!r 3epert!se+

    or enco'rag!ng sef-hep $ conv!cted feons.15G

    ?-i& t-s #$ $t#in&" ('#*& +%#&s, *#(s t-" #$ n%t "t

    i#pe#ented the$ do !tte for the !n#ates who !ve thro'gh a'seand fear r!ght now. ;t !s !#portant to note that the escape !n Bailey

    occ'rred #ore than th!rt$ $ears ago,159 #n' %(&' #$+( t-#t

    %n'iti%ns in #n" )$isons have #et the standard for wh!ch 'st!ce

    154 . Id.155 . T- C%($t '%s +i %n x#)& :An s#) -% &s $% # ;#i& t-#t is in t-

    )$%ss % *($nin+ t% t- +$%(n' #" && * ntit&' t% #n inst$(ti%n %n '($ss %$

    nss!t$, t#ts . Vi$*", 4 U.>. 4G2, 4G 1G69. H%$,s(- #n x#)& is n%t inst$(ti in 't$inin+ -n %$ %%n #n#' t-$#ts,

    s(- #s )$is%n i%&n, n% &%n+$ -%&' %$i %$.156 . See* e.&., >t#t . @$n, 40 >.?.2' 565, 566 M%. 191J Prison Rape

    Reduction Act of 2002, supranote 2 (test!#on$ of %!nda &r'nt#$er).15 . 'ai+e, 444 U.>. #t 41G!19 >tns, ., %n($$in+.15G . Id.159 . Id.#t 396 #;%$it" %)ini%n.

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    200G7 PRISON CONDITIONS AS MORAL EVIDENCE 253tevens advocates. Ah!e ord!nar!$ c!t!>ens sho'd not tae the aw

    !nto the!r own hands s!#p$ eca'se the!r gr!evances are not e!ng

    addressed '!c$ eno'gh, no one sho'd e epected to end're

    $ears of tort're (or even the one da$ !t #a$ tae to e #'rdered $

    another !n#ate).


    Asi' $% t- &+#& *#ss #$ti(t' #*%, ;($is n' t% * in%$'#*%(t t- %ns(ns % t-i$ $'its t% s$ t-i$ )($)%s #s s%it"intn's. ?it-%(t #&&%in+ ;($is t% %nsi'$ )$is%n %n'iti%ns, ;($is i&&* i+n%$in+ t- %$#& $%& t-" $ intn'' t% (&i&&. T- $i+-t t% # t$i#&*" # ;($" % %ns )$s is *#s' )$i#$i&" %n t- i'# t-#t # ;($" $&tst- %nsin % t- %(nit" in # #" t-#t # ;('+ #nn%t.160($is #$n%t s())%s' t% %nit 'n'#nts t-#t t-" '% n%t in' %$#&&"*%rth$.161Ei'n % )$is%n %n'iti%ns s-%(&' #&s% * #'itt' %$

    t- )%s!t!ve effect !t co'd have on #ot!vat!ng pr!son refor#.

    A. V)in+ #n In%$' CitiKn$" Is Nss#$" %$ 8#&i' ($"Disi%ns

    C($$nt&" t-$ #$ t% t")s % ;($is # 'n'#nt #" # # ;($" t-#tn%s #*%(t its )%$ t% n(&&i", #n' # ;($" t-#t '%s n%t. T-s #t+%$is#$ ($t-$ s(*'ii'' *tn ;($is -% #$ '(#t' #*%(t t-%n'iti%ns % )$is%ns, #n' t-%s -% #$ n%t. T-is s)&it n+#ti&" i)#tst- $iin#& ;(sti s"st in t% #"s 1 it )$%i's in%nsistnt%(t%s #n' )$%sss !n tr!as, and (2) !t res'ts !n the degradat!onof the cr!#!na *'st!ce s$ste# fro# an eth!ca standpo!nt.

    1. ;ncons!stent verd!cts verses !ncons!stent processT- in%nsistn" )$%%t' *" t- #t t-#t s% ;($is i&& -#))n t%

    n% % t-i$ )%$ t% n(&&i" -i& %t-$s i&& n%t, #n * i' $%%))%sin+ #n+&s.162$% %n )$s)ti, iniiKin+ t- n(*$ % ;($is

    160 . Unit' >t#ts . D#t-$, G30 . >()). 411, 415 D. Tnn. 1993 :C7%(nit"

    %rs!ght of a cr!#!na prosec't!on !s the pr!#ar$ p'rpose of a *'r$tr!a . . . . ;ndeed, to den$ a defendant the poss!!!t$ of *'r$n'!f!cat!on wo'd e to defeat the centra p'rpose of the *'r$s$ste#.=, overru+ed 1 Unit' >t#ts . C-sn", G6 .3' 564 6t- Ci$. 1996%$$(&in+Dather s)ii#&&" %$ #&&%in+ 'ns #tt%$n" t% in%$ t- ;($" #*%(t its

    n(&&ii#ti%n )%$s.161 . ;reen, 40 >.?.2' #t 50 >i&$, ., 'issntin+.162 . ?-i& t-is N%t #'%#ts +$#ntin+ 'ns #tt%$n"s t- )%$ t% )$snt

    i'n % )$is%n %n'iti%ns, #n' n%t t-#t ;($is s-%(&' * %(t$i+-t in%$' % t-i$

    n(&&ii#ti%n )%$s, t- )%&i" #$+(nts %$ in%$in+ ;($is % t-i$ n(&&ii#ti%n )%$s

    #$ i)%$t#nt *" #n#&%+". Dns #tt%$n"s %(&' #nt t% #'it i'n % )$is%n

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    254 CRIMINAL AND CIVIL CONFINEMENT 8%&. 344G5t-#t n% #*%(t n(&&ii#ti%n is &i&" t% )$%%t %nsistn" in t-#t it i&&ns($ t-#t %$ ;($is #))&" t- in # )$'it#*& #nn$. 163H%$,#&&%in+ ;($is t% x$is t-i$ n(&&ii#ti%n )%$s %n&" -n t-"-#ppen to aread$ now of th!s power pro#otes !ncons!stenc$

    eca'se two defendants fac!ng s!#!ar charges on s!#!ar facts co'drece!ve oppos!te verd!cts.164En i t- t% ;($is #$ %)$#tin+ $% t-

    s# %$#& st#n')%int, # 'n'#nts #t #n #&& %n -t-$ - %$ s- #s:&("= n%(+- t% -# $#n'%&" '#&t t- ;($" t-#t #s *tt$ in%$' %its $i+-ts.165

    It is %*i%(s&" i)%ssi*& t% $'" *%t- t")s % in%nsistnis sinit-$ 'isi%n %n$nin+ -t-$ t% in%$ ;($is % t-i$ n(&&ii#ti%n)%$s is, in its&, t- $'" % %n t") % in%nsistn" #n' t-$at!on of the other. T-(s, #n initi#& 'isi%n (st * #' t% 't$in-i- t") % in%nsistn" s%it" s-%(&' #)t. T% '% t-is, t-$ (st* # 'ter#!nat!on of what spec!f!ca$ ao't !ncons!stenc$ !so*ect!onae to the aw.

    ccord!ng to 'st!ce Branf'rter, 3stare decisis" represents anee#ent of cont!n'!t$ !n aw, and !s rooted !n the ps$choog!c need to

    sat!sf$ reasonae epectat!ons. &'t stare decisis !s a pr!nc!pe of

    po!c$ and not a #echan!ca for#'a of adherence to the atest

    dec!s!on.+166A&%n+ # sii$ &in % $#s%n!ng, 'st!ce Cardo>o stated,

    3@"o *'d!c!a s$ste# co'd do soc!et$s wor !f each !ss'e had to e

    dec!ded afresh !n ever$ case wh!ch ra!sed !t.+16Ex)#n'in+ $% t-s

    (stis st#tnts, t- i)%$t#n % t- '%t$in % st#$ 'isis is t%)$%tt t- )$%ss *" -i- 'isi%ns #$ $#-', %$ s% t-#n t- #t(#&'isi%ns t-#t ;($is $n'$. T-(s, #&& ;($is s-%(&' (n'$+% t- s#'isi%n!#in+ )$%ss -n %n$%nt' it- t- s# st#tnt % t-. H%$, it is i)%$t#nt t% n%t t-#t t-is '%s n%t #n #&& ;($iss-%(&' t-$%$ #$$i #t t- s# %n&(si%ns.

    Rt($nin+ t% t- s)ii iss( % -t-$ ;($is s-%(&' * in%$' %t-i$ $i+-t t% n(&&i", it *%s $ t-#t in%$in+ ;($is % t-is $i+-t)$%%ts %nsistn" in t- 'isi%n!#in+ )$%ss, -i& n%t in%$in+;($is )$%%ts # -i+-$ %nsistn" in $'its.16G In%$in+ ;($isns'res the$ a have an opport'n!t$ to dec!de whether to n'!f$!nstead of rando#$ aow!ng the# to cons!der th!s step on$ !f

    %n'iti%ns t% +$#nt t- ;($" # $%#' t% n(&&ii#ti%n.163 . See Unit' >t#ts . D%(+-$t", 43 .2' 1113, 1133 D.C. Ci$. 192.164 . See id.J$%'",supran%t 19, #t 110.165 . $%'",supran%t 19, #t 110 n.153.166 . H&$in+ . H#&&%, 309 U.>. 106, 119 1940.16 . Mi-#& >ini$,Preedent* SuperONL. RE8. 363, 403!

    04 n.230 200.16G . At st, it )$%%ts # -i+-$ %nsistn" in&ui+t$'its.

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    200G7 PRISON CONDITIONS AS MORAL EVIDENCE 255possess!ng s'ch nowedge efore report!ng for *'r$ d't$.


    C%nsistn" in $'its s-%(&' #&wa$s tae a ac seat to cons!stenc$!n the process of ota!n!ng verd!cts.

    =ven w!tho't ep!c!t$ !nfor#!ng *'r!es of the!r r!ght to n'!f$,10

    )$ov!d!ng the# w!th !nfor#at!on ao't pr!son cond!t!ons !sat east a step !n pro#ot!ng 'n!for#!t$ !n the process ofdec!s!on-#a!ng. Ah!e so#e *'r$ #e#ers #a$ aread$now of the!r powers concern!ng n'!f!cat!on, other *'r$#e#ers #a$ s!#!ar$ aread$ e ed'cated ao't pr!soncond!t!ons. 'r$ #e#ers who happen to e ed'cated !noth areas, or *'r$ #e#ers who are aware of pr!soncond!t!ons and happen to eerc!se the!r n'!f!cat!on powerss'consc!o's$, as opposed to ess-!nfor#ed *'r!es, arego!ng to have add!t!ona factors to cons!der !n the!rdec!s!on-#a!ng process. Ah!e !t !s !#poss!e to ass're a

    *'r$ #e#ers are even$ ed'cated ao't reevant ega!ss'es that #a$ affect a verd!ct, the aw sho'd not h!defro# a *'r$ s'ch an eas!$-rect!f!ae !ne'a!t$ !n the'&i*$#ti%n )$%ss.

    2. D+$#'#ti%n % t- $iin#& ;(sti s"st

    In scobedo v. !llinois, the 'pre#e Co'rt stated:

    ? -# . . . $n' . . . that no s$ste# of cr!#!na *'st!cecan, or sho'd, s'rv!ve !f !t co#es to depend for !ts

    cont!n'ed effect!veness on the c!t!>ens ad!cat!on thro'gh

    'nawareness of the!r const!t't!ona r!ghts. @o s$ste# worth

    preserv!ng sho'd have to fear that !f an acc'sed !s

    per#!tted to cons't w!th a aw$er, he w! eco#e aware

    of, and eerc!se, these r!ghts. ;f the eerc!se ofconst!t't!ona r!ghts w! thwartt- tinss % # s"st %

    n%$nt, t-n t-$ is s%t-in+ $" $%n+ it- t-#t s"st.11

    A&t-%(+- t- C%($t #s 'is(ssin+ t- $i+-t % #&& )%)& t% * in%$' %t-i$ %nstit(ti%n#& $i+-ts t% %(ns& #n' si&n, t-is &in % $#s%nin+s-%(&' sii$&" #))&" t% in%$in+ ;($is #*%(t )$is%n %n'iti%ns. ?-i&n%t $%+niK' #s # %nstit(ti%n#& $i+-t, t- ;($"s )%$ t% n(&&i" isrta!n$ a power that has deep roots !n the h!stor$ of the n!tedtates.

    12 Ri+-ts t-#t -# n;%"' )$%tti%n t-$%(+-%(t t- n#ti%ns

    169 . See$%'",supran%t 19, #t 110.10 . ?-i& in%$in+ ;($is % t-i$ $i+-t t% n(&&i" is )$%*#*&" t- %st %$$t )#t-

    %$ t- t% t#, t-is is #n xt$ #s($ t-#t, $#&isti#&&", s-%(&' n%t * x)t' t%

    % t% )#ss #n" ti in t- n#$ (t($.11 . 3G U.>. 4G, 490 1964 )-#sis #''' it#ti%n %itt'.12 . See IRON>, supran%t 9, #t 5 'is(ssin+ -% t- ;($"s $i+-t t% n(&&i" -#s

    xist', in # $ti&" (n-#&&n+' st#t, sin %&%ni#& tis in A$i#.

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    256 CRIMINAL AND CIVIL CONFINEMENT 8%&. 344G5-ist%$" -# t")i#&&" *n #%$'' t- st#t(s % :(n'#nt#& $i+-t s.+13

    En %nd!ng that *'r$ n'!f!cat!on #!ght not e a f'nda#entar!ght !n the sense of the const!t't!ona pr!nc!pes that s'rro'nd s'ch a

    r!ght, !t !s 'nden!ae that *'r$ n'!f!cat!on !s an !ngra!ned feat're of

    the cr!#!na *'st!ce s$ste#.


    It is i&&%+i#& t-#t t- &+#& s"st #t %n '#n's t-#t ;($is -# t-$i+-t t% n(&&i", "t x)$sss #$ %$ -#t %(&' %($ i ;($is $ t%$n t-#t t-" )%ssss' s(- )%$.15 H% #n # )%$ -i- t-+%vern#ent has seen f!t to protect for cent'r!es, desp!te heav$cr!t!c!s# fro# prosec'tors and *'dges,

    16s$ its )($)%ss (&&" i t-)%)& -% #t'a$ have the r!ght to 'se s'ch a power do not nowof !ts e!stence5

    T- st#n'#$' t-%$" t-#t ;($" n(&&ii#ti%n s$s its )($)%s itho'thav!ng co'rts !nfor# *'r!es that the$ possess s'ch power !s

    epressed !n the .C. C!rc'!t Co'rt of ppeas case, United States v.


    ?-#t #s %$ -#&t- #s #n %#si%n#& 'iin %(&' *'is#st$%(s #s # '#i&" 'it. T- #t t-#t t-$ is i's)$#'xistn % t- ;($"s )$erogat!ve, and approva of !tse!stence as a 3necessar$ co'nter to casehardened *'dges

    and ar!trar$ prosec'tors,+ does not esta!sh as an

    !#perat!ve that the *'r$ #'st e !nfor#ed $ the *'dge of

    that power. n the contrar$, !t !s prag#at!ca$ 'sef' to

    str'ct're !nstr'ct!ons !n s'ch w!se s!c" that the *'r$ #'st

    fee strong$ ao't the va'es !nvoved !n the case, so

    strong$ that !t #'st !tsef !dent!f$ the case as esta!sh!ng a

    ca of h!gh consc!ence, and #'st !ndependent$ !n!t!ate and

    'ndertae an act !n contravent!on of the esta!shed

    !nstr'ct!ons. h!s re'!re#ent of !ndependent *'r$

    concept!on conf!nes the happen!ng of the awess *'r$ to the

    occas!ona !nstance that does not v!oate, and v!ewed as an

    ecept!on #a$ even enhance, the over-a nor#at!ve effect

    of the r'e of aw.1

    13 . See?#s-in+t%n . @&(s*$+, 521 U.>. 02, 20!21 199 :O($ st#*&is-'

    t-%' % s(*st#nti!'(!)$%ss #n#&"sis -#s t% )$i#$" #t($s i$st, -#

    $+($&" %*s$' t-#t t- D(

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    200G7 PRISON CONDITIONS AS MORAL EVIDENCE 25H%$, t- C%($t '%s n%t $&" %n #n" )i$i#& '#t# t% ;(sti" itsi#p!ed conc's!on that !nfor#!ng *'r!es of the!r n'!f!cat!on powerswo'd prod'ce a weath of 'n*'st!f!ed ac'!ttas.

    1GOn t- %nt$#$", t-#t t-#t t- $iin#& ;(sti s"st #s #*& t% (nti%n s(ss(&&"

    '($in+ t- 1G00s, -n ;($is $ +in t-is in%$#ti%n, ss t% )$%t-#t "oughertys reason!ng presents an over-ca't!o'sGon the s!de ofach!ev!ng g'!t$ verd!ctsGega s$ste#.


    In #''$ssin+ t- #$ t-#t )$sntin+ i'n % )$is%n %n'iti%ns t%;'r!es w! res't !n ret'rn!ng dangero's cr!#!nas to the streets, !t !saso worth not!ng wh!ch defendants are #ost !e$ to e ac'!tted

    on acco'nt of s'ch ev!dence. d#!tt!ng ev!dence of pr!son cond!t!ons

    cas 'pon *'r!es to ac'!t eca'se the$ th!n the p'n!sh#ent of

    conf!n!ng so#eone to a pr!son where that person w! e s'*ected to

    constant v!oence !s too harsh. owever, th!s #eans that *'r!es are

    'n!e$ to n'!f$ on the as!s of pr!son cond!t!ons where the

    defendant co##!tted a part!c'ar$ he!no's cr!#e. ;t #a$ e the

    case that *'r!es s!#p$ fee the defendant deserves to e s'*ected

    to s'ch r!ss.1G0

    A&s%, ;($is in%$' #*%(t )$is%n %n'iti%ns i&& #''iti%n#&&" *''cated ao't what t$pe of defendant wo'd e #ost at r!s fora'se !n pr!son. he #ost at-r!s defendants are t$p!ca$ peope who

    have co##!tted nonv!oent cr!#es and are not pred!sposed to

    aggress!on.1G1T- t$(&" -#$'n' $iin#&s t-#t s%it" %(&' * #$#i' t%

    st $ #$ n%t &i&" t% *nit $% -#in+ i'n % )$is%n %n'iti%ns#'itt' #t t-i$ t$i#&s *#(s t-" #$ n%t &i&" t% n'($ t- s##*(ss in )$is%n.1G2I t- ;($" '%s n%t *&i t-#t t- )#$ti($ 'n'#nti&& * )' in # '#ngero's s!t'at!on, ev!dence of pr!son cond!t!onsprov!des no as!s for n'!f$!ng.

    1G . Id.#t 1141 #K&%n, ., %n($$in+ in )#$t #n' 'issntin+ in )#$t 'issntin+ %n

    t- iss( % in%$in+ t- ;($" % its n(&&ii#ti%n )%$s :T- C%($t #ss(s t-#t t-s

    #*(ss % ;($" n(&&ii#ti%n7 #$ %st &i&" t% %($ i t- '%t$in is %$#&&" 's$i*' t%

    t- ;($" *" #$+(nt %$ inst$(ti%n. T-#t ass'#pt!on . . . does not rest on an$propos!t!on of og!c. ;t !s noth!ng #ore or ess than a pred!ct!on . . .a"nd . . . we have no e#p!r!ca data to #eas're the va!d!t$ of thepred!ct!on. . . .+.19 . See id.Jsee a+soIRON>,supran%t 9, #t 4!5.1G0 . I t-is s%(n's (n$#&isti#&&" -#$s-, it s-%(&' * $*$' t-#t t- ($$nt st#t

    % t- $iin#& ;(sti s"st n'%$ss x#t&" t-is n%ti%n. T- )%)($ )-$#s, :'%nt '%

    t- $i i "%( #nt '% t- ti,= $t($nin+ %$ 22,000 -its in # s#$- %n

    -tt)//.+%%+&.% %n M#$. 12, 200G $&ts # %%n t-%$" t-#t t-%s -% #$%nit' #n' snt t% )$is%n #$ +ttin+ -#t t-" 's$.1G1 . See* e.&., >UMMARBANDRECOMMENDATION>,supran%t 142.1G2 . Seeid.

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    25G CRIMINAL AND CIVIL CONFINEMENT 8%&. 344G5. A&&%in+ ($is t% H#$ Ei'n % in

    t- )($)%s % %$in+ i'n % )$is%n %n'iti%ns is ssnti#&&" t%%nv!nce the *'r$ to n'!f$, the fears assoc!ated w!th n'!f!cat!onsho'd app$ to ad#!ss!on of s'ch ev!dence as we. h!s fear of an

    !ncrease !n 'n*'st!f!ed ac'!ttas re#a!ns the 'ns'stant!ated

    g'esswor of co'rts and co##entators.1G4

    H%$, n i ;($is $iin+ in%$#ti%n #*%(t )$is%n %n'iti%ns$#&&" %(&' #(it %$ %tn t-#n s%it" 'si$s, t-is )$%*& %(&' *%$$t' %$ #si&" t-#n in t- +n$#& ;($" n(&&ii#ti%n %ntxt. I!dence of pr!son cond!t!ons !s ad#!tted !n cr!#!na tr!as, and theac'!tta rate r!ses dra#at!ca$, soc!et$ w! have a #'ch greater

    !ncent!ve to refor# the pr!son s$ste#.1G5 I )$is%n %n'iti%ns #$ s%

    $%&tin+ t-#t #'(#t&" in%$' ;($is #$ n%t i&&in+ t% in#$$#t

    %t-$is +(i&t" 'n'#nts, t- s%&(ti%n s-%(&' * t% ix t- )$%*&s it-)$is%ns. T- #&t$n#ti so't!on c'rrent$ 'sed, wh!ch !s to h!de theproe#s !n the hope that *'r!es can e tr!ced !nto !ncarcerat!ng

    peope who the$ wo'd not choose to conde#n !f the$ had #ore

    !nfor#at!on, !s not a so't!on that an$ soc!et$ sho'd e pro'd of.1G6

    As (sti #K&%n x)ins in -is 'issnt in "ougherty, 3he re'ctanceof *'r!es to hod defendants respons!e for 'n#!staae v!oat!ons of

    the . . . aw" tes" 's #'ch ao't the #ora!t$ of those aws and

    ao't the eon f'rther epa!ns that even when n'!f!cat!onpowers are a'sed, soc!et$ can enef!t $ earn!ng what proe#s

    need to e addressed.1GG%$ x#)&, in t- #$&" #n' i'!1900s t-$

    #s # #&t- % i)$%)$ #(itt#&s in t- >%(t-, -$ -it ;($is

    1G3 . See$%'",supran%t 19, #t 111.1G4 . See Unit' >t#ts . D%(+-$t", 43 .2' 1113, 1141 D.C. Ci$. 192 #K&%n,

    ., %n($$in+ in )#$t #n' 'issntin+ in )#$t 'issntin+ %n t- iss( % in%$in+ t- ;($" %

    its n(&&ii#ti%n )%$sJsee a+so, $%'",supran%t 19, #t 111!14 #$+(in+ t-#t )i$i#&

    '#t# #t(#&&" s())%$ts t- i'# t-#t in%$in+ ;($is #*%(t t-i$ n(&&ii#ti%n )%$s '%s n%t

    )$%'( i)$%)$ #(itt#&s in #n" s(*st#nti#& #%(nt.1G5 . See Dou&hert, 43 .2' #t 1143!44 #K&%n, ., %n($$in+ in )#$t #n'

    'issntin+ in )#$t 'issntin+ %n t- iss( % in%$in+ t- ;($" % its n(&&ii#ti%n )%$s.1G6 . See id.#t 1144.1G . Id. #t 1143 x)inin+ t-is )$ini)& s)ii#&&" in t- %ntxt % )$%-i*iti%n

    s.1GG . Id.

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    200G7 PRISON CONDITIONS AS MORAL EVIDENCE 259s")#t-iK' it- -it 'n'#nts -% &"n-' *s. 1G9H%$, :therev's!on and sense of sha#e fostered $ that pract!ce f'eed the

    c!v! r!ghts #ove#ent, wh!ch !n t'rn #ade poss!e the enact#ent of

    #a*or c!v! r!ghts eg!sat!on. hat sa#e #ove#ent sp'rred . . . the

    recogn!t!on of the r!ght to e tr!ed efore a *'r$ seected w!tho't!as.+190En -n %n$%nt' it- s(- #horrent pract!ces, the r!ght

    for *'r!es to n'!f$ was never ar!dged.191:T- &ss%ns $n' $%

    t-s #*(ss -&)' t% $#t # &i#t in -i- s(- #*(ss %(&' n%t s%#si&" t-$i.+192

    T-(s, i s%it" 't$in' t-#t 'n'#nts -% 's$' t% +% t% )$is%n$ *in+ st $ %n #%(nt % ;($is *in+ in%$' % )$is%n%n'iti%ns, t-$ %(&' * %$ innti t% i)$% )$is%n %n'iti%ns.>(- i)$%nts %(&' $% t- *#sis %$ #(itt#&s % %t-$is+(i&t" 'n'#nts.


    Ei'n % )$is%n %n'iti%ns is #"s $nt in # $iin#& t$i#&. #ld$hief, wh!e not recogn!>!ng a defendants r!ght to present s'ch

    ev!dence, shows that s'ch ev!dence sho'd e ad#!ss!e eca'se !t

    !s not on$ reevant, 't !t can aso e s'ff!c!ent$ foc'sed so as to

    prevent 'nd'e pre*'d!ce to the govern#ent. ;f the prosec't!on !s

    g!ven the r!ght, as recogn!>ed !n #ld $hief, to present ev!dence

    des!gned to conv!nce the *'r$ that a g'!t$ verd!ct !s 3#ora$+

    reasonae,193t-n t- 'ns s-%(&' -# t- $i+-t t% )$snt i'n

    t-#t %nins t- ;($" t-#t # +(i&t" $'it is %$#&&" ( nreasonae. ;nfact, *'r$ n'!f!cat!on powers g!ve the defendant a #'ch stronger

    s'pport ase for th!s propos!t!on that the aw aows for defendants

    to present #ora ev!dence than an$ propos!t!on that prosec'tors

    sho'd en*o$ a s!#!ar power. Ah!e *'r!es have een granted therespons!!!t$ of refect!ng the consc!ence of the co##'n!t$ $

    ac'!tt!ng defendants !f the$ cannot #ora$ agree w!th p'n!sh!ng a

    defendant 'nder the c!rc'#stances presented, *'r!es do not have the

    a'thor!t$ to ase a conv!ct!on on s!#!ar$ e#ot!ona gro'nds.

    Cons't!ng #ora!t$ !s a prov!nce of the *'r$ on$ w!th respect to

    !ss'!ng an ac'!ttaI !t sho'd not, and cannot, ega$ serve as the

    as!s of a conv!ct!on.

    1G9 . Id.190 . Id.191 . Id.#t 1133 :T- ;('+ #nn%t 'i$t # $'it it is t$(, #n' t- ;($" -#s t-

    )%$ t% *$in+ # $'it in t- tt- % *%t- #n' #ts.= (%tin+ H%$nin+ . Dist$it %

    C%&(*i#, 254 U.>. 135, 13G 1920.192 . Id.#t 1143 #K&%n, ., %n($$in+ in )#$t #n' 'issntin+ in )#$t 'issntin+ %n

    t- iss( % in%$in+ t- ;($" % its n(&&ii#ti%n )%$s.193 . O&' C-i . Unit' >t#ts, 519 U.>. 12, 1G!GG 199.

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    260 CRIMINAL AND CIVIL CONFINEMENT 8%&. 344G5)e!!re >ah+er