allergy presentacion


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Post on 04-Oct-2015




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Powerpoint file talking about allergy asodn aosdinoasn doansdo asodnaosd oasndoasndl onsodnasd oishndoans osdihnoasnd oasdnoasnd aosuid ounsdoansd osndoas odaunod oud



AllergyWhat does Allergy mean? Allergy is a kind of hypersensitivity to a substance which if inhaled, ingested or touched produces some characteristic symptoms.

What does Allergy mean?The substance to which we are allergic is called allergen and the symptoms provoked are defined asAllergic Reactions".

Why is it produced?How are allergies acquired? Scientists believe that both gens and the environment are related with this. Normally, immunology system fights germen. It is the defense system of our body.However, most of the allergic reactions replies to fake alarms.

Main componets of a reactionThe allergen: The substance who causes the allergy.The immunoglobulin E (IgE): Antibody produced by the immune system in response to the allergen.Mast cells: Special cells found in the skin and in wet organs of the body (nose, eyes, mouth), loaded with histamine granules.Histamine: Substance liberated in the allergic process, responsible of the allergic symptoms.

How is it produced?When an allergen enters in the organism of an allergic subject, his immune system reacts producing a huge quantity of antibodies calledIgE.

The continuous exposure to the same allergen will produce:The liberation of chemical mediatorsWill produce those typical symptoms of an allergic reaction.HistamineHow it is produced1 PHASE:There is an exposure to the allergen.Later, a super-reaction of the body is caused by the productions of antibodies.Finally, antibodies attack the mast cells that are getting ready, waiting the next exposure to the allergen.(in weeks, months or years).In this phase there are not symptoms yet!How is it producedThere is a continuous exposure to the allergen.Then the allergen makes the mast cells to react.Finally , mast cellsliberate histamine and symptoms are produced.From now on, each time the subject enters in contact with that allergen, he/she will suffer from an allergic reaction.

CONJUNTIVITIS ALRGICA: Afecta a los ojos. Sntomas que se presentan: Lagrimeo, picor, enrojecimiento, escozor, hinchazn.RINITIS Alrgica: Afecta a la nariz: Sntomas que se presentan: Congestin y secrecin nasal, picor, estornudos.UNRITCARIA DERMATITIS: Afecta a la piel. Sntomas que se presentan: Picor, enrojecimiento, edema, eritema.ASMA: Afecta a la bronquios. Sntomas que se presentan: Tos, pitos, ahogos.ANAFILAXIA: Afecta a todo el organismo. Sntomas que se presentan: Picor, dificultad respiratoria, enrojecimiento, mareo.TreatmentsANTIHISTAMINES: Antihistamines stop Histamine effects relieving the main symptoms of the allergy.

TreatmentsCORTICOIDS: They are effective but should be used regularly during all the allergic period. Anyway,they shouldnt be provided for more than three consecutive months.

The definitive treatmentVaccines: It`s a medical process which consist in the gradual and repetitive admin of an allergy substance to a patient sensible to it in growing quantities during some years. The intention is to get its tolerance.

Scared?Im allergic, but, are my gens responsible?END