all time low textual analysis

ALL TIME LOW Textual analysis

Upload: ellenheathfield11

Post on 07-Feb-2017




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Page 1: All time low textual analysis


Textual analysis

Page 2: All time low textual analysis


Page 3: All time low textual analysis


Andrew Goodwin said that a convention of music videos is that

there are close ups of the star (artist) of the music video and this

is shown in this shot. This extreme close up is of the lead

singer of All Time Low. It gives the audience the gratification of

seeing the star/band member/celebrity they are a fan of and helps them connect with and enjoy the music video more

because the person they are watching the music video for is


Page 4: All time low textual analysis


Andrew Goodwin said that a convention of music videos is a relationship between

the music and visuals. This long shot is of All Time Low playing their instruments creating a link between their playing in the song

and in the music video. This helps the audience connect

the video with the music and helps them understand

what type of music this song is and who is playing

the songs.

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This close up shot is of the lead singer as a zombie with blood on his outfit.

There are also shots of him biting the other members of All Time Low which are also violent images. This song is a rock/punk song so these violent images link to the

genre creating a more rock/punk image for the band and music video. Violent images can be

considered a convention of rock/punk music videos

meaning the audience will link this video more with

the genre than they already were.

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Andrew Goodwin said that a relationship between the lyrics and visuals. These mid shots show this as the

protagonist of the music video at first appears to be a normal human but he looks in a mirror and finds out that he has been imagining that and is actually a zombie. You could link it to the lyrics of the song (in quotation marks above) as he has been imagining himself as something

he is not showing he wants to be someone he’s not; ‘someone else’. This helps the audience connect the

music video to the song and the lyrics creating a much more cohesive music video. It also helps the audience understand what the lyrics and gives an insight into

what the band imagined when they listen to the lyrics.

‘I wish I could be someone else’

Page 7: All time low textual analysis


This long shot, from All Time Low’s music video for

‘Something’s gotta give’, is taken from a part of the

music video where the music is cut and you can hear the

protagonist and woman talking. This helps enforce the narrative of the music

video and is used as a comedic pause in the music video. A narrative in music

videos is a common convention used by many

bands/artists for their music videos. The comedic value of this narrative also helps show

the audience what type of band All Time Low is.

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Andrew Goodwin says that a relationship between the lyrics and

visuals is a convention of music videos. In this mid, high angle shot it shows the lead singer of All Time Low as a zombie. This links to the

lyrics (specific line in quotation marks above) as a zombie can also

be referred to as the living dead which links to the idea to the of ‘dying to live’. This relationship

helps the audience create a visual link to the lyrics. It also shows the audience what the band thinks of when they hear that specific line.

‘I’m dying to live’

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GENRE CONVENTIONSIn this long shot, All Time Low are shown playing their instruments. Shots of the band playing their instruments is a convention of rock/punk music videos. This

convention helps link the genre together and helps link the music video/band to that genre. It helps

the audience understand the genre of All Time Low. It also helps the

audience understand who is playing what in the song creating a

connection between the band and the music. This long shot of the

band playing their instruments also shows the audience that the band holds their live playing highly and

they feel that it is important to show them playing their instruments.