all advertised guaranteed news found minutes before …upon their arrival there in the morning. he...

ALL MERCHANDISE ADVERTISED IN THE TRIBUNE IS GUARANTEED First to Last.the Truth: Vol. LXXX No. 20,970 «¡Copyright. 1020. New York Tribun« Inc.) SATURDAY, News . Editorials.A advertisements THE WEATHER Fair and somewhat warmer to-day; to-morrow fair; moderate to fresh west winds. Full report on last par* SEPTEMBER 18, 1920 * ** . TWO CENTS» In Greater New York THREE CENTS Within 200 «lie« FOIR CENTS Elsewhere Red Circulars Found 3 Minutes Before Blast Link It To 1919 Bomb Outrages; Author of Warnings Seized Kin Seeks to Have Fischer Held Lunatic ¡Robert Pope, Brother-in- Law, Employs Counsel to Represent Prisoner at Canadian Investigation Said Morgan Would Die Inside a Week Hatred of Wall Street an Obsession ; Frequently Made Wild Prophecies Special Dispatch to The Tribune BUFFALO, Sept. 17..Edward P. Fischer, who sent post cards from To¬ ronto, Ontario, to friends in New York City, warning them that a bomb ex¬ plosion would occur in the financial district September 15, is being exam¬ ined to-night by the Hamilton, On¬ tario, lunacy commission. Federal au¬ thorities from Buffalo will cross-ques¬ tion the prisoner and his brother-in- law, Robert Pope, of New York City, who is making an effort to have him adjudged insane. Acquaintances of Fischer in Canada hid noticed recently that hif mind was In a peculiarly disturbed state. He made a great number of prophecies. He displayed documents which purport- e«i to show that he w-as a special agent in America for the French govern- ment, and he predicted that within a week France would be at war, but with whom be did not say. He told others that he had a scien¬ tific formula for turning silver into gold in three days. He told one man that th^re would bo r,o winter this yesr, and to another he saui. "Three rears ago I was going blind, but I cured my eyes by staring at'the sun/' Predicted Peat h of Morgan ' Hatred of Wail Street was an obses- tdon with him and he had been fore- telling a '¡¡.¡aster there. He even prophesied hat there would be an ex-1 plosion in t.. .tree;, and last Sunday1 Be said to a friend '*J. P. Morgan will be dead inside of a week." His ac¬ quaintances, knowing his habit of mak¬ ing wiid prophecies, paid no attention to it. Pop«; ¡eft Hamilton to-night, escorted by government agents from Buffalo, for New York City. New York police and government agents will moot them upon their arrival there in the morning. He has been instrumental in seeking to have his brother-in-iaw adjudged insane and admits following him from New York to Toronto and Hamilton. He was with Fischer this morning when the latter was arrested. Acting Strangely of Late Fischer, who spent Wednesday in Niagara Falls. Ontario, was arrested In the Bank of Hamilton this morning on the complaint of Pope, who told the authorities that he had been acting strangely for several days. Fischer is said to have left New York several days ago for Toronto. After bis arrival in Toronto he is said to have mailed an additional lot of post¬ cards, some of which the police believe bave not been delivered as yet. Fischer went to Niagara Falls the morning of the explosion and returned to Hamilton Thursday night. Pope claims to have followed him from New York, and both »en registered at the Royal Con- »aught Hotel, in Hamilton, Thursday »:ght. Statements Are Contradictory Fischer, according to the Canadian authorities, rambles in his conversa¬ tion and contradicts himself at every turn. Ifc -ays h*. held the metro¬ politan tennis championship of New York City 'or «everal years and .i«o c!a;;r.« to have been a sparftng partner for Jack Dempsey, the heavy- *«?'-g;ht champion. .'ope, in defending his brother-in- >**', 'Jet-lares that the society in which riechr-r moved would preclude his be- "ijr in con'act with any persons of the »na-chii-t class and that he (Pope) con¬ sidered it impossible that Fischer *ou!d have come in contact with any one who would have given him infor¬ mation regarding the Wall Street bomb .utrage. j_r; then advanced the insan¬ ity theory a. a rea;on for Fischer'» a!tog.<»th'-r too true prediction made two woekx. ir¡ advance. Dispatch'!, from the New York rolle* Department received in Hamil¬ ton th¡n afternoon »aid that an ef- jf""t to obtam Fis'-her'» deporta¬ ron to New y0rk were met with threat* of strong ooposition by his at- *.*"?*. Rooer* fîooson, K. C, who was retained by "Pop«» immediately after ...._ 'C«i_tliio»<I »a pi«i t*ur) J. P. Morgan in Scotland Notified of Explosion fcnard» Are Strengthened at the Batik of England; London Paper» füxpreng Sympathy From Thi Tribun*'* Kiirrrpmn tturrau "»KM«?... j*2'., ,S>w York Tribun« Inc. J/KVJjON, Kept. 17. 3, V. Morgan, J** '* '"' Scotland, received a full re- f?ft to-day of the explosion outside W* oftVes in New York. The report **» roost reassuring, St was «aid, so 2* injurie* rexultíng from the ex- P«*»ion w#re concerned. r^otland Yard has no evidence to «.Port the theory that, the explosion r*» b«jt part of a widespread plot, rrn*PJ with international ramiflca- Jj''«*. hut, n#verthele»«, the city po¬ il* w*r* w»rn*d that such might be __fV*i*' «rid the guards at the Bank w Jr.nrland have Wr, strengthened. aJí i n*w*P«P*r* here published Ion» if«! «I* **nt *** emM* describing the *_!«__!_ *b4 ««veral of them expresa».«*! WWfatfcjr *¡é\Uit\*\\r. Conspira tons Expected to Destroy Wall Street by Fire. Police Say »_ Further evidence that the bomb plot was designed for widespread destruction was brought out yesterday in the examination of three rusty and battered tin cans which were picked up at the scene of the blast. These cans, with other odds and ends, were, turned over to the police immediately after the explosion. Yesterday the cans were sub¬ jected to a thorough inspection by experts at Police Headquarters. The opinion first prevailed that the three cans might have con¬ tained explosives. Later it was found the containers had been filled with gasoline and kerosene. Experts were unanimous in the belief that the plotters included conflagrations in their plans for a general destruction of the financial district. Inspector Lahey said the presence of gasoline and kerosene prob¬ ably accounted for the fact that the clothing of many of the explosion victims was Durned off. .a..»»» Five Here Were Warned That Disaster Menaced Wall Street - Friends of Fischer Who Received Messages De¬ clare Him an Eccentric With Red Sympathies; Scout Theory of Complicity in Dynamite Plot Unless Edward Fischer, the one-time tennis star, lawyer and admitted eccentric, who warned friends in the financial district to "keep away from Wall Street," had prior knowledge of Thursday's bomb horror, all authori¬ ties agree he is the victim of a most remarkable coincidence. Fischer, who was arrested yesterday in Hamilton, Ontario, gave no less than five distinct warnings that a catastrophe impended in the finan¬ cial district. In some he fixed the date vaguely. In others he said the «catastrophe would occur Wednesday, and in another the man to whom he spoke is positive lie fixed the time of the explosion almost to the hour. Fischer's warnings are intimates of his whose business takes them daily into the section where the horror oc- curred. This circumstance leads the authorities to regard the admonitions seriously, and the man, though painted by all his associates and intimates as an extreme eccentric, has become one oi" the centers of the bomb investiga- tion. Many Received Warnings Among those who received cards from Fischer urging them to avoid the scene of the explosion are George F. Ket- ledge, 2 Broadway; Shephard Hernán;-, of Prosaer & Romans, lüO i) road¬ way; Captain Arnaud, of the French High Commission, 6.", Broadway; Thomas Delahanty, caretaker of the West Side Tennis Club, Ninety-third Street and Amsterdam Avenue, and T. J. O'Neil, employed by George Lamont & Son. at fal Broadway. William J. Flynn, chief of the United States Secret Service, said yesterday he was convinced Fischer was in an in¬ competent mental state, and that he could have had no knowledge of the crime. s Mr. Flynn indicated that he has knowledge of the identity of the radicals responsible for the outrage, and scouted the belief that Fischer could have been in any way connected with them. Nevertheless, a Department of Justice agent was sent to Hamilton immediately upon receipt of word that the eccentric had been arrested. Other officials were less ready to in- dicatu ;. oonvietioii that tiie man of many warnings had acted upon a premonition. As soon as it was learned that Mr. Homans had received one of the eccentric's cards, the broker, to¬ gether witn Edward Jiohinson. an em¬ ployee of his office and a friend of Fischer's, was summoned to the Dis¬ trict Attorney's office and questioned by Chief Assistant District Attornev Talley. Warniruj Sent From Toronto The card which carried the warning to Mr. Homans had on the side oppo¬ site the correspondence a picture of the City Hall and Temple Building in Toronto. It was dated simply the "13th" from that city. The message read: "Dear Shop: Keep away from Wall Street this Wednesday afternoon. There never was a road that didn't have a turn. Good luck. "(Signed) ED." In their conversation with Mr. Tal- ley Mr. Homans and Mr. Robinson ex¬ pressed their belief that Fischer is simply a paranoiac whose delusions tock the form of an intense hatred for weaTth and a sympathy for what he termed the "under dog." Mr. Robinson recalled that a few weeks ago, when the Russians ap- peared to have the upper hand of Po¬ land and the fall of Warsaw seemed imminent, Fischer seemed elated and advised Robinson to 'dispose of every- thing, they were gofng to blow up the Stock Exchange." Mr. Robinson said he had attributed the warning to one of Fischer's irra¬ tional moments and interpreted the pronoun to refer to the Bolsheviki, then in the midst of military »uc- cesses. Both Mr. Homans and Mr. Robinson described Fiwcher as h man of remark¬ ably likable personality, kind-hearted and brilliant when in his right mind, (Continued on next m«) Blast Hurls a Slug TwO'thirds of a Mile One of the freaks of the explo¬ sion was reported to the police yesterday. It consisted of a piece of a broken sash weight that fell on the ferryboat Washington, of the Pennsylvania Railroad, at the foot of Cortlandt Street and North River, two-third» of a mile from the scene of the explosion. In order to reach the ferryboat the missile had been hurled over four of the city's largest sky¬ scrapers.the Equitable Build* in*, the Bankers Trust Building, the Singer and the City Invest¬ ing buildings. Anonymous Note Writer To Real Estate Co. Sought Firm Warned to Dispose of Wall Street Property to Avoid Lass in Case of an Explosion Government officials yesterday be- gán a search for clews that might bring to light the writer of an anony- mous letter received recently by the W. A. White & Sons Real Estato Coin- pany, with offices at 40 Cedar Street. The firm wa3 warned that it should dispose immediately of all its Wall Street properties .so that it might not; be the loser in case an explosion took placo. i At the offices of the real estate con- <.« rn it was said the letter had been forwarded to the Post Office Depart- ment. The member of the (irm who received it said he did net care o discuss the matter because it was being handled by government authori¬ ties. Officials at the Federal Building professed to know little about, this case, but it is generally understood a renewed interest has been ¿aken in it with a view to linking up the writer with further knowledge o! the explo¬ sion in Wall Street. "We do not ¡iiU-nd to do anything concerning the ¡ester ourselves," a member of thé real estate concern said, "but since it might lead to a possible clew, we hope, of course, to do every¬ thing wo can to assist in clearing it up." Mark O. Prentiss, chairman of the United States Clearing House of For¬ eign Credits, received a postal card several weeks ago which he turned over to the police yesterday. It car¬ ried to him a warning that violence was to be resorted to in case certain demands were not met. The inscrip¬ tion on the card read: "Unless you put pterling. francs, marks down where they belong, at once, every bank interested in foreign credit will be blown to pioces. I do my work right. We will make the job a new way." The note was signed "American." Broker Offers $1,000 For Plot Arrest Reward Prior to the passing by the Board of Estimate yesterday of a resolution au- thoii'/.ing a reward of $10,000 for evi- dtnee leading to th-e arrest'and con-; viction of the person or persons guilty of perpetrating Thursday's explosion, William W. Cohen, of the Stock Ex- change firm of W. W. Cohen & Co. had addressed a letter to Mayor Hylan of-: fering a contribution of S ,000 for tljis purpose. The letter follows: "Hon. John F. Hylan, ¡ "City Hall, New York City. "My Dear Mayor- I note in the papers your retjuest t<> the Board of Estimate for a fund of §10,000 as a reward for. the apprehension of the perpetrators of yesterday's (Thursday) awful tragedy in this district. "In the event that the Board of Esti¬ mate does not make this appropriation I shall be glad to donate $1,000 to be used by you as a basis for a fund for ¡this purpose. Holding myself at your service, I big to remain, respectfully yours. WILLIAM W. COHEN." None Missin# in Explosion ¡Boy Returns Home After Wan¬ dering for Hours in a Daze Saverio Guliano, the only person that the Bureau of Missing Persons still had listed as missing as a result of the Wall Street disaater. returned to his home at 167 First Avenue, after! 1 o'clock yesterday morning, according to Mrs. Palma Guliano, his mother.! He is sixteen years old and had gone to the financial district yesterday to ret work in a bank. He was within a block of Wall and Broad streets when the explosion occurred. He wandered aroun«! dazed and cannot give a com- plete account of himself. | "He had nothing to eat. and could not rat when he eume home. He shook when Í asked hirn question.* about thu explosion," Mrs. Guliano said. "Ho has given up all idea of working In h bank, nnd he will not go downtown «gain. I sent him to^he theater to-day, thinking he might forget." .' Palmer Puts Entire Force On Red Hunt j Attorney General Arrives With Garvan ; Takes Per¬ sonal Charge of Search for Wall Street Plotters _ Round-Up of All Radicals Forecast Deportation of Criminal Alien Anarchists by U. S. Likely Will Be Renewed Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer arrived in this city last night from Washington with his assistant, Fran¬ cis P. Garvan, who has charge of the investigation of radical activities, and took up at once the inquiry into the Wall Street explosion. He said that he had planned the trip to New York be¬ fore the explosion, but now that he was here would make a personal in¬ vestigation. "At present," he said, "I believe this to be the result of a criminal conspir- acy. I hope that further developments: may tend to prove the contrary.that it was an accident.but all the present: indications are that it was a deliberate outrage." Mr. Palmer said that almost the en-1 tire field force of the Department ofi Justice had been assigned to tasks that; it was hoped would lord to the solution of the mystery surrounding the disas- ter. His department, he said, was far' less conversant with anarchistic af-j fairs than it was six months ago, the ¡ cut of $750,000 which Congress made in its appropriation having necessi¬ tated a reduction of one-third in the. number of operatives. "Criminal Act," He Says "If it is found." he said, "that the ex- plosion in Wall Street was beyond doubt a criminal act we may, with the support of public opinion, be able to take more drastic action with relation] to the deportation of alien criminal anarchists- the only class we have been deporting." ¡ It was called to the Attorney Gen- eral's attention that the anarchistic circulars found in a letter box at Cedar Street and Broadway at about the time of the explosion demanded the release of political prisoners, r.nd he was asked if he thought there was any connection between the explosion and the appeal, which Socialists and labor leaders made to him Tuesday in behalf of auch pris- oner?. Mr. Palmer said that he thought any such suspicion was absurd. He will return to Washington to- niprht. Mr. Garvan will remain her« i until to-morrow night. From The Tribune's Washing/on Bureau WASHINGTON, Sept. 17. Convinced j that the explosion yesterday in the ¡ heart of the New York financial dis¬ trict, in which thirty-three persons lost their lives and 400 were injured, was the work of radical?, the Department of Justice to-day launched a nation¬ wide hunt for those guilty of the crime. The heads of the Department of Jus¬ tice hurried to New York after they had received information from Will¬ iam J. Flynn, director of the Bureau of Investigation in the department, that convinced them thai, the explosion was the result of a bomb plot. It was said at tie department to-day that a general round-up of radicals is being considered, but decision as to whether a dragnet will be thrown out; in an effort to capture the Reds whom j Flynn believes l> be guilty of the ex¬ plosion and prevent similar crimes in other cities rests with .Mr. Palmer. The department's plans for handling the situation depend upon the result of; the investigation in New York by Flynn, Palmer and Garvan, it was said at the | offices here. Series of Bomb Plots The bureau of investigation in the department has the records of and in- formation regarding nearly every radi¬ cal leader in the country, and it was through these records, it was stated, that the autliorshin of a letter of warn- iiiR to a New York broker was placed upon Edward P. Fischer, who was ar- rested in Toronto,'Can. Fischer, it was slid, has been under surveillance for some time. In .government circles the explosion is regarded as being another of a series of bomb plots that started with the attempt to blow up the homo of Attorney General Palmer here about j a vear ago. The bomb in that case was placed several feet beyond the build- ing line and outside of the Palmo*' house. The local police declared that since the placing of :ho bomb at the Palmer home the radicals who wer.' in Wash¬ ington at the time have fl«td. They were, unable to withstand the close surveillance. Inspector (.¡rant, of the Detective Bureau, declared, and went (Contlnusd on next page) CLASSIFIED ADS Accepted until 8 P. M. TO-DAY for Sunday's NEW YORK TRIBUNE Karly copy is sure of inser¬ tion. Send your ads in early for Sunday's Tribune. .Phone Betkman 3000, or go to any of The Tribune's Want Ad agents.conveniently located in all parts of '(.reater New York at newsdealers', stationery and cigar stores, etc. Death Threat In Missives Of Anarchists Postman Finds Sheets in Mail Box Only Two and a Half Blocks From Broad and Wall Streets Flvnn Sees Series */ Of Red Outrages Release of All Political Prisoners Is Demanded in Scarlet Lettering ...... William J. Flynn, chief of the Bu¬ reau of Investigation of the Depart¬ ment of Justice, at the Hotel Astor last night made public five circulars, print¬ ed in red lettering, which were found at 11:58 a. m. Thursday in a mail box at the southwest corner of Cedar Street and Broadway, n distance of two and a half blocks from the scene of the e:.- plosion. The circulars measure eleven by six inches and are printed on white paper. They are sirrned by the "Fighting An¬ archists of America," and read: "We will tolerate the imprisonment no long¬ er. Free the political prisoners or it will mean death for all of you." Carrier Finds Circulara On two of the circulars the word "prisoner" was spelled "prisoneir." Chief Flynn declared that he was of the opinion that those who dumped the circulars into the mail box were responsible for the bomb explosion. He said further tnat he did not be¬ lieve that the explosion was directed against J. P. Morgan personally, but that the bomrj was placed at Wall and Broad streets because this corner is the acknowledged center of the financial world. The circulars were found by a let¬ ter carrier, who turned them over to Captain Cochran, chief of postoffice inspectors. The circular; had not been placed in the box when it was opened by the letter carriers at 11:30 a. m. Department of Justice officials re¬ called last night that the pi.k circulars which were wrapped with bombs mailed to government officials during the spring of 1919 were signed "The Fight¬ ing Anarchist:-;." Fragments of these circulars were found at the home of Attorney General Palmer nfter the bomb explosion there. Some of the circulars were prepared by Andrew Salsedo, the anarchist, who leaped to his death last May from the four¬ teenth floor- of the Park Row Building to the sidewalk'. No Doubt of Cause Twelve hours after Flynn had begun his investigation of the explosion, he said positively that it had been caused by a bomb. "A bomb .. nothing else." declared Chief Flynn yesterday. "There is ab¬ solutely no doubt of it, and, knowing this much, we can proceed toward the placing of the responsibility. We know that the wagon destroyed in front of the United States Assay Office carried the bomb and we know further that the man who had been driving the wagon could not have been more than six min¬ utes' walk from the spot where the explosion occurred. It is difficult for us to say more about these phases of the case until later. "We expect the shoes removed from the feet of the dead horse to help us in finding the owner of the wagon. We also believe that we will be able to obtain important evidence from livery stables." Flynn Holds Conferences At 7 o'clock yesterday morning Chief Flynn was standing at the corner of Wall and Broad streets, making a gen¬ eral survey of the situation. Through¬ out the day he was in conferences with financiera, government officials, city and police officials, inspectors of va¬ rious governmental departments and explosive experts. Chief Flynn de- ,clared that to-day the Bureau of In¬ vestigation hopes to know definitely just what kind of bomb was used. Expert metallurgical examination of bits of iron found in the financial dis¬ trict was hastened with a view to ob¬ taining this information. The fourteenth floor of the Park Re w Building was abustlc with activity all day and throughout last night. The biggest force of Federal agents operat¬ ing from the Park Row headquarters since the close of the war is at work. Chief Flynn declared that the Wal! Street blast would not be the cause of a general round-up of Reds in New York City anil vicinity. Various gov¬ ernment officials intimated that pre¬ vious round-ups had resulted in much criticism and that because of this criticism some really notorious and dangerous radicals had been given their freedom. The Department of Justice officials do not attach much importance to the purt Edward Fischer played in the bomb mystery. They said they were convinced that Fischer had no knowl¬ edge of an impending disaster and that (Continuad *n paoe thret) Davison Halted by Police On Way to His Office Member of Morgan Firm Per« milled to Pass Guards After Disclosing Identity Henry P. Davison, of J. P. Morgan _fc Co., had difficulty in gaining access to his office yesterday. The Morgan building was guarded closely by police, and when Mr. Davison tried to force his way through the crow«l to the building shortly before 4 o'clock in the afternoon polio-men stopped him. After Mr. Davison made himself known he was permitted to pnss. Mr. Davison, who was head of the American Red Cross during the wnr, joked about the incident, saying that perhaps he ought to visit his office oftener to become bitter known to thon« who are guarding it. Bomb Is Exploded in Genoa Stock Exchange LONDON, Sept. 17..A time bomb was exploded at the Stock Exchange in Genoa to-day, says a dispatch to the Exchange Tele- graph from Genoa. Some dam¬ age was done, but there were no casualties. The authors of the outrage were not arrested. City Reward Of $10,500 in Bomb My $10,000 Offer for Evidence! Leading to Conviction and $500 for Identity of Owner of Blasted Wagon ¦-.. « Slugs May Supply Clews Metal Such as Used in Expert Explosive Cases Found at Disaster Scene The Board of Estimate at a special meeting yesterday offered a reward of $10,000 "for the apprehension and ar- rest and the furnishing of evidence sufficient to warrant and secure the conviction of the person or persons guilty of causing or perpetrating the disastrous explosion" in Wall Street. An additional reward of $500 was to any person who would give informa- tion leading to the identity of the ownership of the hor.~e-drawn wagon which it is supposed carried the e:<- plosives. When the Mayor introduced the resolution providing for the reward, Borough President Henry H. Curran of Manhattan suggested that it be made $25,C00. The Mayor explained that the other members of the board agreed with him that $10,000 was enough, but that it could be added to, if necessary. The additional reward was öftere! at the sujnrestion of Major F. H. La uuaiuia. President of the Board of Aldermen. Resolution Offered by Mayor The Mayor's resolution follows: "Whereas, on September 16, 1920. a disastrous explosion of high explosive substance occurred at or near the corner of Wall Street and Broad Street^ in the City of New York, as a result of which many lives were lost and many citizens were wounded and maimed and "Whereas, it is the opinion of the members of this beard that no effort should be spared in promptly de¬ termining the cause of the explosion,1 and that if it be found that the same Mas th« result of a criminal purpose and plot, that immediate and effective, steps should be taken for the detec¬ tion, apprehension and conviction of the person or persons responsible for this heinous act; now, therefore, it is "Resolved, by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment. That a reward of $10,000 be, and the same hereby is, offered for the apprehension and ar- rest and the furnishing of evidence sufficient to warrant and secure the conviction of the person or persons guilty of causing or perpetrating the aforesaid act. "Further resolved, that an award of $500 be offered and paid to any per- son or persons furnishing: the Police Department with information leading] to the identity of the ownership of the horse-drawn wapon which was» de- stroyed at the time of the said ex- plosion." ! Fail to Trace Wagon Fire Commissioner Thomas J. Dren- nan submitted a preliminary report to the Mayor and the board on the inves- tigaticn made by the department of the explosion. The report was prepared by the Commissioner, Fire Chief John Kenlon, Dr. William F. Doyle, chief! of the bureau of tire prevention, and Thomas P. Brophy, chief lire marshal. The report did not :»tate a definite conclusion as to the cause of the ex- plosion except that it apparently oc- curred in the horse-drawn wagon in Wall Street which was blown to atoms.' Fragments of the wagon recovered. however, showed thr.t it had red run¬ ning gear, according to the report, but a thorough check-up on the companies 'handüng and transporting explosives determined that the wagon did not be- long to them. ¡ The. report says that the iron slugs, resembling window sash weights, found at various points where the force of the explosion was felt, had "evidently! 'been fused with an intense heat," and probably cut into slugs by a high- powered iras burner. Pieces of sheet 'metal resembling tin wer'' found in the debris similar to metal lining jsuch as is used in the construction of export cases for high explosives, ac- cording to the report. The report fol- lows: "A preliminary examination of the! physical conditions at the scene of the explosion indicates that it apparently occurred in a horse-drawn, covered wagon in Wall Street, on the north side, east of Nassau Street, at a point almost opposite an entrance to the Cnited States Assay Office. ''The explosion blew the wagon to fragments, disemboweling the horse and shattering windows within the vicinity, particularly damaging both the interior and exterior of the offices of J. P. Mor* pan & Co., on the corner of Wall an.l Broad streets, and the United States Assay Office. Automobile Tossed Into Air "On the opposite side of the street there was a five-passenjrer automobile, license 242-4fi, New Jersey, 1920. car registered 73,789. Simultaneously with the explosion this automobil« was (Cantfaued as next pat«) Ne»<! OflW H«!r>T Wlileuwukr work- er« and executives reail The Tribune. Phone raVelutiuti 3(100- nnil (tlvo \our ad¬ vertisement or pluce U thmiiR-h any of The Tribun.- Want A«l Agents -conveniently lo¬ cated |n ,|| parts 0{ Oroator "Ne w V..ik-..- Advl. stery Horse and Wagon Give Clew To Perpetrators of Disaster; Country-Wide Hunt On 33 Dead, 400 Injured Ed P, Fischer, Held iii Canada, Is Widely Known as a Radical: City Offers $10,000 Reward An announcement made last night that a letter carrier had found threatening circulars signed "Fighting Anarchists of America" in a mail box at Cedar Street and Broadway just three minutes before the Wall Street explosion on Thursday and only two and a half blocks from the scene, gave ground for suspicion that the same gang which sent bombs by mail and otherwise to public officials fifteen months ago, sent the wagon load of explosives and slugs to the Sub-Treasury. Wherever one of the bombs exploded in the summer of 1919. bits of a red-printed circular entitled "Plain Words" and signed "The Fighting Anarchists" were found. Aside from the exploration of devious anarchist trails, the chief tasks conironting detectives yesterday were the solution of the mystery shrouding the warning messages which Edward P. Fischer sent to his friends before the event, and the tracing of the horse and wagon which conveyed the mine to the center of the financial district. Fischer is under arrest as a lunatic in Hamilton, Ontario. His brother-in-law, who delivered him to the authorities, declared that it was ridiculous to suppose that Fischer was in the confidence of dynamiter.:. His theory was that Fischer's mind war. in such an abnormal state that io was particularly sensitive to telepathic influences, and he sent to his friends the warnings which his mind gathered from space as a wireles:. set collects the gossip of the sky. The fact remains, however, that Fischer, whether he was admitted to the councils of Bolsheviki here, frequently espoused the cause of Sov.t. Russia in conversation with his friends. One of his earliest utterance» concerning a disaster in Wall Street was delivered in the course of such a talk. He had been discussing with an employee in a friend's brokerage office the succesáes of Soviet troops in Polish territory and advised him to sell whatever securities he had as next "they would blow up Wall Street." In Canada, Fischer made a number of extravagant statements and predictions. He insisted to friends that J. P. Morgan would be dead within a week. Time of Explosion Fixed by Fiseher Such a statement alone would be without significance, but Fischer's later notices, though expressed sometimes in the vague and incoherent cernís a man whose mind is beyond his control, were so definite in stating the time of Wall Street's punishment as to arouse the interest of investigators, though just far enough from being absolutely accurate as probably to absolve Fischer from actual complicity in the outrage. The death roll of the explosion mounted yesterday to thirty-three, all but one of whom have been identified. It was estimated that at least four hundred persons suffered injury in some degree. Chief Flynn of the Department of Justice declared that there was "absolutely no doubt" that the wagon, which some witnesses said flew a red flag, carried an infernal machine. His statement that the driver was v. ithin six minutes' walk of the Morgan offices at the time of the explosion led to the belief that Federal detectives have picked up his trail. He made public anarchistic circulars found in a letter box at Broad¬ way and Cedar Street at 11:58 a. m. Thursday, just three minutes before the explosion. The circulars were signed "American Anarchistic Fight¬ ers" and commanded: "Free the political prisoners or it wiil mean death for all of you." Federal authorities believe that an organized ganj: of anarchists con¬ ceived and carried out the plot. The "Flying .Squadron" of the Depart¬ ment of Justice, which formerly confine;! its, activities to the prosecution of profiteers, has been put on the trail of the dynamiters. Thomas J. Tunney, ex-Polite Inspector and organizer of the bomb rquatl, declared that at least half a dozen men were conversant with the details of the p!oi^ and that the immediate task before detectives was to iracc the horse and wagon. Fragments of the wagon were collected at headiiuarters. They indicated that the vehicle was a \enerablc one, probably twenty years in service at least, and was designed for a butter and egg cart, such vehicle.-, it was explained, having an unusually wide box in order to accom¬ modate crates of eggs in tiers of rive. Information received by the police indicate;: thai the driver of the bomb wagon was about thirty-fivt or forty years old. He was dressed as laborer, wearing brown overalls that were splotched with white, and « slouch hat. The driver is said to have had a growth of beard. Wit¬ nesses agree that a red flag hung from the rear of the wagon. Grand Jury Investigation Ordered Judge Wadhams of Genera! Sessions charged the grand jury ta investigate the explosion with a view to determining whether a crime had been committed, whether existing laws provided an adequate safeguard against a recurrence of such a «.usa s ter, and whether there had been anji negligence in enforcing the law. The grand jurors visited Broad and Wall streets with Assistant District Attorney Tailey. Exactly twenty-four hours after the explosion which marred thi Sub-Treasury with its hail of iron slugs, the Sons of the American Revo, lution held exercises on the steps of the building to commemorate the lo_>c anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution. More than one hundrce thousand persons were present. Trading on the Stock Exchange, the Curb and the Consolidated was resumed at the usual hour, and revealed an unshaken confidence in th« future. Almost 1,000,000 shares changed hands in the Stock Exchange It was the biggest day's trading since August 9, and except for a few minutes' irregularity at the opening, prices had a marked upward trend The Board of Estimate and Apportionment, on the resolution o\ Mayor Hylan, offered a reward of $10,000 for information leading to th« conviction of those responsible for the explosion, and an additional rewar« of $500 was offered for information as to the owner of the horse an« wagon. Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer arrived from Wa Mngton las

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Page 1: ALL ADVERTISED GUARANTEED News Found Minutes Before …upon their arrival there in the morning. He has been instrumental in seeking to have his brother-in-iaw adjudged insane and admits



First to Last.the Truth:Vol. LXXX No. 20,970 «¡Copyright. 1020.

New York Tribun« Inc.) SATURDAY,News. Editorials.A advertisements

THE WEATHERFair and somewhat warmer to-day;

to-morrow fair; moderate tofresh west winds.

Full report on last par*

SEPTEMBER 18, 1920 * * * .TWO CENTS»

In Greater New YorkTHREE CENTSWithin 200 «lie«


Red Circulars Found 3 Minutes Before Blast Link ItTo 1919 Bomb Outrages; Author of Warnings Seized

Kin Seeks toHave FischerHeld Lunatic

¡Robert Pope, Brother-in-Law, Employs Counselto Represent Prisoner atCanadian Investigation

Said Morgan WouldDie Inside a Week

Hatred of Wall Street an

Obsession ; FrequentlyMade Wild Prophecies

Special Dispatch to The TribuneBUFFALO, Sept. 17..Edward P.

Fischer, who sent post cards from To¬ronto, Ontario, to friends in New YorkCity, warning them that a bomb ex¬

plosion would occur in the financialdistrict September 15, is being exam¬ined to-night by the Hamilton, On¬tario, lunacy commission. Federal au¬

thorities from Buffalo will cross-ques¬tion the prisoner and his brother-in-law, Robert Pope, of New York City,who is making an effort to have himadjudged insane.Acquaintances of Fischer in Canada

hid noticed recently that hif mind was

In a peculiarly disturbed state. Hemade a great number of prophecies.He displayed documents which purport-e«i to show that he w-as a special agentin America for the French govern-ment, and he predicted that within a

week France would be at war, but withwhom be did not say.He told others that he had a scien¬

tific formula for turning silver intogold in three days. He told one man

that th^re would bo r,o winter thisyesr, and to another he saui. "Threerears ago I was going blind, but Icured my eyes by staring at'the sun/'

Predicted Peath of Morgan '

Hatred of Wail Street was an obses-tdon with him and he had been fore-telling a '¡¡.¡aster there. He evenprophesied hat there would be an ex-1plosion in t.. .tree;, and last Sunday1Be said to a friend '*J. P. Morgan willbe dead inside of a week." His ac¬quaintances, knowing his habit of mak¬ing wiid prophecies, paid no attentionto it.

Pop«; ¡eft Hamilton to-night, escortedby government agents from Buffalo,for New York City. New York policeand government agents will moot themupon their arrival there in the morning.He has been instrumental in seeking

to have his brother-in-iaw adjudgedinsane and admits following him fromNew York to Toronto and Hamilton.He was with Fischer this morning whenthe latter was arrested.

Acting Strangely of LateFischer, who spent Wednesday in

Niagara Falls. Ontario, was arrestedIn the Bank of Hamilton this morningon the complaint of Pope, who told theauthorities that he had been actingstrangely for several days.Fischer is said to have left New Yorkseveral days ago for Toronto. Afterbis arrival in Toronto he is said tohave mailed an additional lot of post¬cards, some of which the police believebave not been delivered as yet. Fischerwent to Niagara Falls the morning ofthe explosion and returned to HamiltonThursday night. Pope claims to havefollowed him from New York, and both»en registered at the Royal Con-»aught Hotel, in Hamilton, Thursday»:ght.

Statements Are ContradictoryFischer, according to the Canadian

authorities, rambles in his conversa¬tion and contradicts himself at everyturn. Ifc -ays h*. held the metro¬politan tennis championship of NewYork City 'or «everal years and.i«o c!a;;r.« to have been a sparftngpartner for Jack Dempsey, the heavy-*«?'-g;ht champion..'ope, in defending his brother-in->**', 'Jet-lares that the society in whichriechr-r moved would preclude his be-"ijr in con'act with any persons of the»na-chii-t class and that he (Pope) con¬sidered it impossible that Fischer*ou!d have come in contact with anyone who would have given him infor¬mation regarding the Wall Street bomb.utrage. j_r; then advanced the insan¬ity theory a. a rea;on for Fischer'»a!tog.<»th'-r too true prediction madetwo woekx. ir¡ advance.Dispatch'!, from the New Yorkrolle* Department received in Hamil¬ton th¡n afternoon »aid that an ef-jf""t to obtam Fis'-her'» deporta¬ron to New y0rk were met withthreat* of strong ooposition by his at-*.*"?*. Rooer* fîooson, K. C, who wasretained by "Pop«» immediately after...._ 'C«i_tliio»<I »a pi«i t*ur)

J. P. Morgan in ScotlandNotified of Explosion

fcnard» Are Strengthened at theBatik of England; LondonPaper» füxpreng SympathyFrom Thi Tribun*'* Kiirrrpmn tturrau"»KM«?... j*2'., ,S>w York Tribun« Inc.

J/KVJjON, Kept. 17. 3, V. Morgan,J** '* '"' Scotland, received a full re-f?ft to-day of the explosion outsideW* oftVes in New York. The report**» roost reassuring, St was «aid, so2* .¦ injurie* rexultíng from the ex-P«*»ion w#re concerned.r^otland Yard has no evidence to«.Port the theory that, the explosionr*» b«jt part of a widespread plot,rrn*PJ with international ramiflca-Jj''«*. hut, n#verthele»«, the city po¬il* w*r* w»rn*d that such might be__fV*i*' «rid the guards at the Bankw Jr.nrland have Wr, strengthened.aJí i n*w*P«P*r* here published Ion»if«! «I* **nt *** emM* describing the*_!«__!_ *b4 ««veral of them expresa».«*!WWfatfcjr *¡é\Uit\*\\r.

Conspiratons Expected to DestroyWall Street by Fire. Police Say»_

Further evidence that the bomb plot was designed for widespreaddestruction was brought out yesterday in the examination of threerusty and battered tin cans which were picked up at the scene of theblast.

These cans, with other odds and ends, were, turned over to thepolice immediately after the explosion. Yesterday the cans were sub¬jected to a thorough inspection by experts at Police Headquarters.

The opinion first prevailed that the three cans might have con¬tained explosives. Later it was found the containers had been filledwith gasoline and kerosene. Experts were unanimous in the beliefthat the plotters included conflagrations in their plans for a generaldestruction of the financial district.

Inspector Lahey said the presence of gasoline and kerosene prob¬ably accounted for the fact that the clothing of many of the explosionvictims was Durned off..a..»»»

Five Here Were Warned ThatDisaster Menaced Wall Street-

Friends of Fischer Who Received Messages De¬clare Him an Eccentric With Red Sympathies;Scout Theory of Complicity in Dynamite Plot

Unless Edward Fischer, the one-time tennis star, lawyer and admittedeccentric, who warned friends in the financial district to "keep away fromWall Street," had prior knowledge of Thursday's bomb horror, all authori¬ties agree he is the victim of a most remarkable coincidence.Fischer, who was arrested yesterday in Hamilton, Ontario, gave noless than five distinct warnings that a catastrophe impended in the finan¬cial district. In some he fixed the date vaguely. In others he said the«catastrophe would occur Wednesday, and in another the man to whomhe spoke is positive lie fixed the time of the explosion almost to the hour.

Fischer's warnings are intimates ofhis whose business takes them dailyinto the section where the horror oc-curred. This circumstance leads theauthorities to regard the admonitionsseriously, and the man, though paintedby all his associates and intimates asan extreme eccentric, has become oneoi" the centers of the bomb investiga-tion.

Many Received WarningsAmong those who received cards from

Fischer urging them to avoid the sceneof the explosion are George F. Ket-ledge, 2 Broadway; Shephard Hernán;-,of Prosaer & Romans, lüO i) road¬way; Captain Arnaud, of the FrenchHigh Commission, 6.", Broadway;Thomas Delahanty, caretaker of theWest Side Tennis Club, Ninety-thirdStreet and Amsterdam Avenue, and T.J. O'Neil, employed by George Lamont& Son. at fal Broadway.William J. Flynn, chief of the United

States Secret Service, said yesterday hewas convinced Fischer was in an in¬competent mental state, and that hecould have had no knowledge of thecrime.

s Mr. Flynn indicated that hehas knowledge of the identity of theradicals responsible for the outrage,and scouted the belief that Fischercould have been in any way connectedwith them. Nevertheless, a Departmentof Justice agent was sent to Hamiltonimmediately upon receipt of word thatthe eccentric had been arrested.Other officials were less ready to in-

dicatu ;. oonvietioii that tiie man ofmany warnings had acted upon apremonition. As soon as it was learnedthat Mr. Homans had received one ofthe eccentric's cards, the broker, to¬gether witn Edward Jiohinson. an em¬ployee of his office and a friend ofFischer's, was summoned to the Dis¬trict Attorney's office and questionedby Chief Assistant District AttornevTalley.

Warniruj Sent From TorontoThe card which carried the warning

to Mr. Homans had on the side oppo¬site the correspondence a picture ofthe City Hall and Temple Building inToronto. It was dated simply the"13th" from that city. The messageread:"Dear Shop: Keep away from Wall

Street this Wednesday afternoon.There never was a road that didn'thave a turn. Good luck."(Signed) ED."In their conversation with Mr. Tal-

ley Mr. Homans and Mr. Robinson ex¬

pressed their belief that Fischer issimply a paranoiac whose delusionstock the form of an intense hatred forweaTth and a sympathy for what hetermed the "under dog."

Mr. Robinson recalled that a fewweeks ago, when the Russians ap-peared to have the upper hand of Po¬land and the fall of Warsaw seemedimminent, Fischer seemed elated andadvised Robinson to 'dispose of every-thing, a« they were gofng to blow upthe Stock Exchange."

Mr. Robinson said he had attributedthe warning to one of Fischer's irra¬tional moments and interpreted thepronoun to refer to the Bolsheviki,then in the midst of military »uc-cesses.Both Mr. Homans and Mr. Robinson

described Fiwcher as h man of remark¬ably likable personality, kind-heartedand brilliant when in his right mind,

(Continued on next m«)

Blast Hurls a SlugTwO'thirds of a Mile

One of the freaks of the explo¬sion was reported to the policeyesterday. It consisted of a pieceof a broken sash weight that fellon the ferryboat Washington, ofthe Pennsylvania Railroad, atthe foot of Cortlandt Street andNorth River, two-third» of a milefrom the scene of the explosion.In order to reach the ferryboatthe missile had been hurled over

four of the city's largest sky¬scrapers.the Equitable Build*in*, the Bankers Trust Building,the Singer and the City Invest¬ing buildings.

Anonymous Note WriterTo Real Estate Co. SoughtFirm Warned to Dispose of Wall

Street Property to Avoid Lassin Case of an ExplosionGovernment officials yesterday be-

gán a search for clews that mightbring to light the writer of an anony-mous letter received recently by theW. A. White & Sons Real Estato Coin-pany, with offices at 40 Cedar Street.The firm wa3 warned that it shoulddispose immediately of all its WallStreet properties .so that it might not;be the loser in case an explosion tookplaco. iAt the offices of the real estate con-

<.« rn it was said the letter had beenforwarded to the Post Office Depart-ment. The member of the (irm whoreceived it said he did net care odiscuss the matter because it wasbeing handled by government authori¬ties.

Officials at the Federal Buildingprofessed to know little about, thiscase, but it is generally understooda renewed interest has been ¿aken init with a view to linking up the writerwith further knowledge o! the explo¬sion in Wall Street."We do not ¡iiU-nd to do anythingconcerning the ¡ester ourselves," a

member of thé real estate concern said,"but since it might lead to a possibleclew, we hope, of course, to do every¬thing wo can to assist in clearingit up."Mark O. Prentiss, chairman of the

United States Clearing House of For¬eign Credits, received a postal cardseveral weeks ago which he turnedover to the police yesterday. It car¬ried to him a warning that violencewas to be resorted to in case certaindemands were not met. The inscrip¬tion on the card read:"Unless you put pterling. francs,marks down where they belong, at

once, every bank interested in foreigncredit will be blown to pioces. I domy work right. We will make thejob a new way." The note was signed"American."

Broker Offers $1,000For Plot Arrest Reward

Prior to the passing by the Board ofEstimate yesterday of a resolution au-thoii'/.ing a reward of $10,000 for evi-dtnee leading to th-e arrest'and con-;viction of the person or persons guiltyof perpetrating Thursday's explosion,William W. Cohen, of the Stock Ex-change firm of W. W. Cohen & Co. hadaddressed a letter to Mayor Hylan of-:fering a contribution of S ,000 for tljispurpose. The letter follows:"Hon. John F. Hylan, ¡"City Hall, New York City."My Dear Mayor- I note in the papers

your retjuest t<> the Board of Estimatefor a fund of §10,000 as a reward for.the apprehension of the perpetrators ofyesterday's (Thursday) awful tragedyin this district.

"In the event that the Board of Esti¬mate does not make this appropriationI shall be glad to donate $1,000 to beused by you as a basis for a fund for

¡this purpose. Holding myself at yourservice, I big to remain, respectfullyyours. WILLIAM W. COHEN."

None Missin# in Explosion¡Boy Returns Home After Wan¬

dering for Hours in a DazeSaverio Guliano, the only person

that the Bureau of Missing Personsstill had listed as missing as a resultof the Wall Street disaater. returnedto his home at 167 First Avenue, after!1 o'clock yesterday morning, accordingto Mrs. Palma Guliano, his mother.!He is sixteen years old and had goneto the financial district yesterday toret work in a bank. He was within ablock of Wall and Broad streets whenthe explosion occurred. He wanderedaroun«! dazed and cannot give a com-plete account of himself. |"He had nothing to eat. and couldnot rat when he eume home. Heshook when Í asked hirn question.*about thu explosion," Mrs. Gulianosaid. "Ho has given up all idea ofworking In h bank, nnd he will not godowntown «gain. I sent him to^hetheater to-day, thinking he mightforget." .'

Palmer PutsEntire ForceOnRed Hunt j

Attorney General ArrivesWith Garvan ; Takes Per¬sonal Charge of Searchfor Wall Street Plotters_

Round-Up of AllRadicals Forecast

Deportation of CriminalAlien Anarchists by U. S.Likely Will Be RenewedAttorney General A. Mitchell Palmer

arrived in this city last night fromWashington with his assistant, Fran¬cis P. Garvan, who has charge of theinvestigation of radical activities, andtook up at once the inquiry into theWall Street explosion. He said that hehad planned the trip to New York be¬fore the explosion, but now that hewas here would make a personal in¬vestigation."At present," he said, "I believe this

to be the result of a criminal conspir-acy. I hope that further developments:may tend to prove the contrary.thatit was an accident.but all the present:indications are that it was a deliberateoutrage."

Mr. Palmer said that almost the en-1tire field force of the Department ofiJustice had been assigned to tasks that;it was hoped would lord to the solutionof the mystery surrounding the disas-ter. His department, he said, was far'less conversant with anarchistic af-jfairs than it was six months ago, the ¡cut of $750,000 which Congress madein its appropriation having necessi¬tated a reduction of one-third in the.number of operatives.

"Criminal Act," He Says"If it is found." he said, "that the ex-

plosion in Wall Street was beyonddoubt a criminal act we may, with thesupport of public opinion, be able totake more drastic action with relation]to the deportation of alien criminalanarchists- the only class we have beendeporting." ¡It was called to the Attorney Gen-eral's attention that the anarchisticcirculars found in a letter box at CedarStreet and Broadway at about the timeof the explosion demanded the releaseof political prisoners, r.nd he was askedif he thought there was any connectionbetween the explosion and the appeal,which Socialists and labor leaders madeto him Tuesday in behalf of auch pris-oner?. Mr. Palmer said that he thoughtany such suspicion was absurd.

He will return to Washington to-niprht. Mr. Garvan will remain her« iuntil to-morrow night.From The Tribune's Washing/on BureauWASHINGTON, Sept. 17. Convinced jthat the explosion yesterday in the ¡heart of the New York financial dis¬

trict, in which thirty-three persons losttheir lives and 400 were injured, wasthe work of radical?, the Departmentof Justice to-day launched a nation¬wide hunt for those guilty of the crime.The heads of the Department of Jus¬tice hurried to New York after theyhad received information from Will¬iam J. Flynn, director of the Bureauof Investigation in the department, thatconvinced them thai, the explosion wasthe result of a bomb plot.

It was said at tie department to-daythat a general round-up of radicals isbeing considered, but decision as towhether a dragnet will be thrown out;in an effort to capture the Reds whom jFlynn believes l> be guilty of the ex¬plosion and prevent similar crimes inother cities rests with .Mr. Palmer.The department's plans for handlingthe situation depend upon the result of;the investigation in New York by Flynn,Palmer and Garvan, it was said at the |offices here.

Series of Bomb PlotsThe bureau of investigation in the

department has the records of and in-formation regarding nearly every radi¬cal leader in the country, and it wasthrough these records, it was stated,that the autliorshin of a letter of warn-iiiR to a New York broker was placedupon Edward P. Fischer, who was ar-rested in Toronto,'Can. Fischer, it wasslid, has been under surveillance forsome time.

In .government circles the explosionis regarded as being another of aseries of bomb plots that started withthe attempt to blow up the homo ofAttorney General Palmer here about ja vear ago. The bomb in that case was

placed several feet beyond the build-ing line and outside of the Palmo*'house.The local police declared that since

the placing of :ho bomb at the Palmerhome the radicals who wer.' in Wash¬ington at the time have fl«td. Theywere, unable to withstand the closesurveillance. Inspector (.¡rant, of theDetective Bureau, declared, and went

(Contlnusd on next page)

CLASSIFIED ADSAccepted until

8 P. M. TO-DAYfor Sunday's

NEW YORK TRIBUNEKarly copy is sure of inser¬

tion. Send your ads in earlyfor Sunday's Tribune..Phone Betkman 3000, or goto any of The Tribune'sWant Ad agents.convenientlylocated in all parts of '(.reaterNew York at newsdealers',stationery and cigar stores, etc.

Death ThreatIn MissivesOf AnarchistsPostman Finds Sheets inMail Box Only Two anda Half Blocks FromBroad and Wall Streets

Flvnn Sees Series*/

Of Red OutragesRelease of All PoliticalPrisoners Is Demandedin Scarlet Lettering


William J. Flynn, chief of the Bu¬reau of Investigation of the Depart¬ment of Justice, at the Hotel Astor lastnight made public five circulars, print¬ed in red lettering, which were foundat 11:58 a. m. Thursday in a mail boxat the southwest corner of Cedar Streetand Broadway, n distance of two anda half blocks from the scene of the e:.-

plosion.The circulars measure eleven by six

inches and are printed on white paper.They are sirrned by the "Fighting An¬archists of America," and read: "Wewill tolerate the imprisonment no long¬er. Free the political prisoners or itwill mean death for all of you."

Carrier Finds CircularaOn two of the circulars the word

"prisoner" was spelled "prisoneir."Chief Flynn declared that he was ofthe opinion that those who dumpedthe circulars into the mail box wereresponsible for the bomb explosion.He said further tnat he did not be¬lieve that the explosion was directedagainst J. P. Morgan personally, butthat the bomrj was placed at Walland Broad streets because this corneris the acknowledged center of thefinancial world.The circulars were found by a let¬

ter carrier, who turned them over toCaptain Cochran, chief of postofficeinspectors. The circular; had not beenplaced in the box when it was openedby the letter carriers at 11:30 a. m.Department of Justice officials re¬

called last night that the pi.k circularswhich were wrapped with bombs mailedto government officials during thespring of 1919 were signed "The Fight¬ing Anarchist:-;." Fragments of thesecirculars were found at the home ofAttorney General Palmer nfter thebomb explosion there. Some of thecirculars were prepared by AndrewSalsedo, the anarchist, who leaped tohis death last May from the four¬teenth floor- of the Park Row Buildingto the sidewalk'.

No Doubt of CauseTwelve hours after Flynn had begunhis investigation of the explosion,he said positively that it had been

caused by a bomb."A bomb .. nothing else." declaredChief Flynn yesterday. "There is ab¬

solutely no doubt of it, and, knowingthis much, we can proceed toward theplacing of the responsibility. We knowthat the wagon destroyed in front ofthe United States Assay Office carriedthe bomb and we know further that theman who had been driving the wagoncould not have been more than six min¬utes' walk from the spot where theexplosion occurred. It is difficult forus to say more about these phasesof the case until later."We expect the shoes removed from

the feet of the dead horse to help usin finding the owner of the wagon.We also believe that we will be able toobtain important evidence from liverystables."

Flynn Holds ConferencesAt 7 o'clock yesterday morning Chief

Flynn was standing at the corner ofWall and Broad streets, making a gen¬eral survey of the situation. Through¬out the day he was in conferences withfinanciera, government officials, cityand police officials, inspectors of va¬rious governmental departments andexplosive experts. Chief Flynn de-,clared that to-day the Bureau of In¬vestigation hopes to know definitelyjust what kind of bomb was used.Expert metallurgical examination ofbits of iron found in the financial dis¬trict was hastened with a view to ob¬taining this information.The fourteenth floor of the Park

Re w Building was abustlc with activityall day and throughout last night. Thebiggest force of Federal agents operat¬ing from the Park Row headquarterssince the close of the war is at work.

Chief Flynn declared that the Wal!Street blast would not be the cause ofa general round-up of Reds in NewYork City anil vicinity. Various gov¬ernment officials intimated that pre¬vious round-ups had resulted in muchcriticism and that because of thiscriticism some really notorious anddangerous radicals had been giventheir freedom.The Department of Justice officials

do not attach much importance to thepurt Edward Fischer played in thebomb mystery. They said they wereconvinced that Fischer had no knowl¬edge of an impending disaster and that

(Continuad *n paoe thret)

Davison Halted by PoliceOn Way to His Office

Member of Morgan Firm Per«milled to Pass Guards After

Disclosing IdentityHenry P. Davison, of J. P. Morgan

_fc Co., had difficulty in gaining accessto his office yesterday. The Morganbuilding was guarded closely by police,and when Mr. Davison tried to forcehis way through the crow«l to thebuilding shortly before 4 o'clock inthe afternoon polio-men stopped him.After Mr. Davison made himselfknown he was permitted to pnss.

Mr. Davison, who was head of theAmerican Red Cross during the wnr,joked about the incident, saying thatperhaps he ought to visit his officeoftener to become bitter known tothon« who are guarding it.

Bomb Is Exploded inGenoa Stock ExchangeLONDON, Sept. 17..A time

bomb was exploded at the StockExchange in Genoa to-day, saysa dispatch to the Exchange Tele-graph from Genoa. Some dam¬age was done, but there were nocasualties. The authors of theoutrage were not arrested.

City RewardOf $10,500 inBomb My

$10,000 Offer for Evidence!Leading to Convictionand $500 for Identity ofOwner of Blasted Wagon

¦-.. «

Slugs May Supply ClewsMetal Such as Used in

Expert Explosive CasesFound at Disaster Scene

The Board of Estimate at a specialmeeting yesterday offered a reward of$10,000 "for the apprehension and ar-rest and the furnishing of evidencesufficient to warrant and secure theconviction of the person or personsguilty of causing or perpetrating thedisastrous explosion" in Wall Street.An additional reward of $500 was toany person who would give informa-tion leading to the identity of theownership of the hor.~e-drawn wagonwhich it is supposed carried the e:<-

plosives.When the Mayor introduced the

resolution providing for the reward,Borough President Henry H. Curranof Manhattan suggested that it bemade $25,C00. The Mayor explainedthat the other members of the boardagreed with him that $10,000 was

enough, but that it could be added to,if necessary. The additional rewardwas öftere! at the sujnrestion of MajorF. H. La uuaiuia. President of theBoard of Aldermen.

Resolution Offered by MayorThe Mayor's resolution follows:"Whereas, on September 16, 1920. a

disastrous explosion of high explosivesubstance occurred at or near thecorner of Wall Street and BroadStreet^ in the City of New York, as a

result of which many lives were lostand many citizens were wounded andmaimed and"Whereas, it is the opinion of the

members of this beard that no effortshould be spared in promptly de¬termining the cause of the explosion,1and that if it be found that the same

Mas th« result of a criminal purposeand plot, that immediate and effective,steps should be taken for the detec¬tion, apprehension and conviction ofthe person or persons responsible forthis heinous act; now, therefore, it is

"Resolved, by the Board of Estimateand Apportionment. That a reward of$10,000 be, and the same hereby is,offered for the apprehension and ar-

rest and the furnishing of evidencesufficient to warrant and secure theconviction of the person or personsguilty of causing or perpetrating theaforesaid act."Further resolved, that an award of

$500 be offered and paid to any per-son or persons furnishing: the PoliceDepartment with information leading]to the identity of the ownership ofthe horse-drawn wapon which was» de-stroyed at the time of the said ex-

plosion." !

Fail to Trace WagonFire Commissioner Thomas J. Dren-

nan submitted a preliminary report tothe Mayor and the board on the inves-tigaticn made by the department of theexplosion. The report was preparedby the Commissioner, Fire Chief JohnKenlon, Dr. William F. Doyle, chief!of the bureau of tire prevention, andThomas P. Brophy, chief lire marshal.The report did not :»tate a definiteconclusion as to the cause of the ex-

plosion except that it apparently oc-curred in the horse-drawn wagon inWall Street which was blown to atoms.'Fragments of the wagon recovered.however, showed thr.t it had red run¬

ning gear, according to the report, buta thorough check-up on the companies'handüng and transporting explosivesdetermined that the wagon did not be-long to them. ¡

The. report says that the iron slugs,resembling window sash weights, foundat various points where the force ofthe explosion was felt, had "evidently!'been fused with an intense heat," andprobably cut into slugs by a high-powered iras burner. Pieces of sheet'metal resembling tin wer'' found inthe debris similar to metal lining

jsuch as is used in the construction ofexport cases for high explosives, ac-cording to the report. The report fol-lows:"A preliminary examination of the!

physical conditions at the scene of theexplosion indicates that it apparentlyoccurred in a horse-drawn, coveredwagon in Wall Street, on the northside, east of Nassau Street, at a pointalmost opposite an entrance to theCnited States Assay Office.

''The explosion blew the wagon tofragments, disemboweling the horse andshattering windows within the vicinity,particularly damaging both the interiorand exterior of the offices of J. P. Mor*pan & Co., on the corner of Wall an.lBroad streets, and the United StatesAssay Office.

Automobile Tossed Into Air"On the opposite side of the street

there was a five-passenjrer automobile,license 242-4fi, New Jersey, 1920. carregistered 73,789. Simultaneously withthe explosion this automobil« was

(Cantfaued as next pat«)Ne»<! OflW H«!r>T Wlileuwukr work-

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Horse and Wagon Give ClewTo Perpetrators of Disaster;Country-Wide Hunt On

33 Dead, 400 InjuredEd P, Fischer, Held iii Canada,Is Widely Known as a Radical:City Offers $10,000 RewardAn announcement made last night that a letter carrier had found

threatening circulars signed "Fighting Anarchists of America" in a mailbox at Cedar Street and Broadway just three minutes before the WallStreet explosion on Thursday and only two and a half blocks from thescene, gave ground for suspicion that the same gang which sent bombs bymail and otherwise to public officials fifteen months ago, sent the wagonload of explosives and slugs to the Sub-Treasury.

Wherever one of the bombs exploded in the summer of 1919. bitsof a red-printed circular entitled "Plain Words" and signed "The FightingAnarchists" were found.

Aside from the exploration of devious anarchist trails, the chieftasks conironting detectives yesterday were the solution of the mysteryshrouding the warning messages which Edward P. Fischer sent to hisfriends before the event, and the tracing of the horse and wagon whichconveyed the mine to the center of the financial district.

Fischer is under arrest as a lunatic in Hamilton, Ontario. Hisbrother-in-law, who delivered him to the authorities, declared that itwas ridiculous to suppose that Fischer was in the confidence of dynamiter.:.His theory was that Fischer's mind war. in such an abnormal state thatio was particularly sensitive to telepathic influences, and he sent to hisfriends the warnings which his mind gathered from space as a wireles:.set collects the gossip of the sky.

The fact remains, however, that Fischer, whether he was admittedto the councils of Bolsheviki here, frequently espoused the cause of Sov.t.Russia in conversation with his friends. One of his earliest utterance»concerning a disaster in Wall Street was delivered in the course of sucha talk. He had been discussing with an employee in a friend's brokerageoffice the succesáes of Soviet troops in Polish territory and advised him tosell whatever securities he had as next "they would blow up Wall Street."

In Canada, Fischer made a number of extravagant statements andpredictions. He insisted to friends that J. P. Morgan would be deadwithin a week.

Time of Explosion Fixed by FiseherSuch a statement alone would be without significance, but Fischer's

later notices, though expressed sometimes in the vague and incoherentcernís oí a man whose mind is beyond his control, were so definite instating the time of Wall Street's punishment as to arouse the interest ofinvestigators, though just far enough from being absolutely accurate as

probably to absolve Fischer from actual complicity in the outrage.The death roll of the explosion mounted yesterday to thirty-three, all

but one of whom have been identified. It was estimated that at least fourhundred persons suffered injury in some degree.

Chief Flynn of the Department of Justice declared that there was

"absolutely no doubt" that the wagon, which some witnesses said flew ared flag, carried an infernal machine. His statement that the driver wasv. ithin six minutes' walk of the Morgan offices at the time of the explosionled to the belief that Federal detectives have picked up his trail.

He made public anarchistic circulars found in a letter box at Broad¬way and Cedar Street at 11:58 a. m. Thursday, just three minutes beforethe explosion. The circulars were signed "American Anarchistic Fight¬ers" and commanded: "Free the political prisoners or it wiil mean deathfor all of you."

Federal authorities believe that an organized ganj: of anarchists con¬ceived and carried out the plot. The "Flying .Squadron" of the Depart¬ment of Justice, which formerly confine;! its, activities to the prosecutionof profiteers, has been put on the trail of the dynamiters.

Thomas J. Tunney, ex-Polite Inspector and organizer of the bombrquatl, declared that at least half a dozen men were conversant with thedetails of the p!oi^ and that the immediate task before detectives was toiracc the horse and wagon. Fragments of the wagon were collected atheadiiuarters.

They indicated that the vehicle was a \enerablc one, probably twentyyears in service at least, and was designed for a butter and egg cart, suchvehicle.-, it was explained, having an unusually wide box in order to accom¬modate crates of eggs in tiers of rive.

Information received by the police indicate;: thai the driver of thebomb wagon was about thirty-fivt or forty years old. He was dressed as

laborer, wearing brown overalls that were splotched with white, and «slouch hat. The driver is said to have had a growth of beard. Wit¬nesses agree that a red flag hung from the rear of the wagon.

Grand Jury Investigation OrderedJudge Wadhams of Genera! Sessions charged the grand jury ta

investigate the explosion with a view to determining whether a crime hadbeen committed, whether existing laws provided an adequate safeguardagainst a recurrence of such a «.usa s ter, and whether there had been anjinegligence in enforcing the law. The grand jurors visited Broad andWall streets with Assistant District Attorney Tailey.

Exactly twenty-four hours after the explosion which marred thiSub-Treasury with its hail of iron slugs, the Sons of the American Revo,lution held exercises on the steps of the building to commemorate the lo_>canniversary of the adoption of the Constitution. More than one hundrcethousand persons were present.

Trading on the Stock Exchange, the Curb and the Consolidated wasresumed at the usual hour, and revealed an unshaken confidence in th«future. Almost 1,000,000 shares changed hands in the Stock ExchangeIt was the biggest day's trading since August 9, and except for a fewminutes' irregularity at the opening, prices had a marked upward trend

The Board of Estimate and Apportionment, on the resolution o\Mayor Hylan, offered a reward of $10,000 for information leading to th«conviction of those responsible for the explosion, and an additional rewar«of $500 was offered for information as to the owner of the horse an«wagon.

Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer arrived from Wa Mngton las