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Page 1: Alive to Thrive Workbook · PDF fileAlive to Thrive Workbook By Ros Annala Founder and CPO, Alive to Thrive February, 2014. 2 I believe as Charles Fillmore, the co-founder of Unity,





Alive to Thrive Workbook

By Ros Annala Founder and CPO, Alive to Thrive

February, 2014.

Page 2: Alive to Thrive Workbook · PDF fileAlive to Thrive Workbook By Ros Annala Founder and CPO, Alive to Thrive February, 2014. 2 I believe as Charles Fillmore, the co-founder of Unity,


I believe as Charles Fillmore, the co-founder of Unity, wrote in Prosperity: “There need be no poor houses”. And this drives me to be part of ensuring there aren’t. I want to share what I have learnt, to be part of the solution to poverty and world hunger. I believe anyone can use these laws to change their lives but, of course, it’s not up to me to convince you that they work. You need to see for yourself. Isn’t that the way? We don’t want to take somebody else’s say-so. We need to try it out for ourselves and that is how it should be. After all it’s about everyone becoming prosperous not just one person talking about themselves. I believe everyone is entitled to be prosperous, is able to be prosperous and should be. There is plenty for all. Of course many of us have to learn how to do this. If we have not grown up with a prosperity consciousness then it’s something we need to cultivate.

Page 3: Alive to Thrive Workbook · PDF fileAlive to Thrive Workbook By Ros Annala Founder and CPO, Alive to Thrive February, 2014. 2 I believe as Charles Fillmore, the co-founder of Unity,


Now let’s find out what prosperity means to you. Maybe it’s having enough money or even more than enough money to meet all your needs and your desires. Or maybe it’s living a stress-free life doing what you love to do. Maybe it’s having relationships that work all the time. Maybe it’s doing something you’ve always wanted to do but somehow haven’t managed to do yet. Maybe it’s all these or something different.

Write down your ideas:

Page 4: Alive to Thrive Workbook · PDF fileAlive to Thrive Workbook By Ros Annala Founder and CPO, Alive to Thrive February, 2014. 2 I believe as Charles Fillmore, the co-founder of Unity,


The definition that works for me includes 4 things: • A vibrantly alive physical body • Relationships that work all the time • Work that doesn’t feel like work but play • And all the money I can spend

These are slightly reworded from Edwene Gaines’ book The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity which is the book we recommend you read in association with this workbook. If you are not experiencing prosperity at the level you’d like to which is maybe why you’re reading this then it may be safe to assume that you have some blocks in the way. For what you can conceive and believe you can achieve. Catherine Ponder, Unity Minister, started teaching prosperity classes during a depression and she would start with this bold statement: “Turn the great energy of your thinking on ideas of plenty and

you will have plenty.” We help our consciousness grow by using affirmations. These are powerful statements of truth about ourselves, about the world we live in and they help us overcome any limiting thoughts we may have. Because our limiting thoughts or beliefs are largely unconscious we can look at what is showing up in our lives to see what beliefs we may be holding that are no longer serving us. We can then use denials to brush them off.

“This thought/belief has no power over me”

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Then follow that up with affirmations to make firm the universal truth that we live, move and exist in a friendly, abundant, loving universe that gives us exactly what we believe to be true. Here are some examples you might like to use: I get definite about prosperity so that prosperity can get definite about me. I am a magnet for Divine Prosperity. I am open to receiving all of life’s riches. I am prosperous.

Write some of your own: using “I am …..” to begin your statement is very powerful as anything you state after “I am” with belief and feeling will manifest. Sometimes we have to convince ourselves so that is why it is usually suggested that you say affirmations over and over and write them out until you feel the truth of them.

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Write your affirmations here: Take these powerful statements of truth into a time of daily meditation so that you can feel them opening your mind to prosperity.

Page 7: Alive to Thrive Workbook · PDF fileAlive to Thrive Workbook By Ros Annala Founder and CPO, Alive to Thrive February, 2014. 2 I believe as Charles Fillmore, the co-founder of Unity,


These are the four spiritual laws or golden rules that govern our prosperity:

1. As you give so you receive 2. Get definite about prosperity 3. Clear the way for prosperity 4. Do what you love to do

You know how golden rules work – like the one we all know: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. And we sometimes think that when they start being nice to me then I’ll be nice to them. But, of course, if we really want things to change we have to be the one to change – it doesn’t start with someone else. And the thing about these rules is that they work whether we work them or not. In other words, others will do to us as we have done to others – it may not be the same people but if we’ve put anyone out of our heart, no matter how good a reason we have for doing so someone is going to react to us in a less than loving way. I know, I know, it’s just not fair but that’s the way it works. These spiritual laws work the same way. We can think that we don’t need to take any notice of them but the truth is they are at work anyway.

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“When you retire at night, let your last thought be about the abundance of spiritual substance. See it filling all the house and the minds of all the people in the house. That potent thought will then sink into your subconsciousness and continue to work whether you are asleep or awake.”

P67 Prosperity by Charles Fillmore

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As you give so

you receive

Page 10: Alive to Thrive Workbook · PDF fileAlive to Thrive Workbook By Ros Annala Founder and CPO, Alive to Thrive February, 2014. 2 I believe as Charles Fillmore, the co-founder of Unity,


Spiritual Law 1: As you give so you receive Or we can word it this way – you will receive in relation to what and how you give. What are you giving? Are you giving of your time, energy, love and money? You might say well I spend 8 hours at work every day, and that takes my energy, I love my family and friends and I don’t have enough money to give any. All this implies that there is a limited amount of all these things. When we turn this on its head and know that we live in an abundant universe we can lay claim to its riches by our words, actions and beliefs. As you give so you receive. So if you want to receive a lot, then guess what you need to give - a lot. In fact, the lot is really only 10%. That’s the magic number of increase. Give 10% and receive a hundred fold. Some people wonder how this works – well it just does. But don’t take my word for it – try it for yourself. It’s an ancient tradition called tithing. The first 10% of what comes in you give back to the universe – by doing so you are acknowledging that your good comes to you from a great friendly universe – you’re acknowledging that there is something greater than yourself and yet it is also yourself. By giving you are creating a vacuum and the universe abhors a vacuum and works to fill it. Charles Fillmore called tithing “the road to prosperity”

P131 Prosperity

Matthew Fox said in an interview in Personal Transformation magazine, January 2000:

“People ought to tithe because they belong to a community that they believe in and they want to see prosper. Tithing is a

form of voluntary taxation.”

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Rabbi Shoni Labowitz said in the same magazine:

“I know well the power of tithing and what it can do in someone’s life. There was a time when my husband and I did

not earn a salary. We weren’t sure where our income was coming from. I attended a lecture where a young man talked

about how tithing had turned his life around. I thought we were charitable and generous, but I realized that tithing meant taking ten percent off the gross of your income. I

returned home – we had maybe $40,000 to our name, and we had two children in high school, ready to go to college – and I looked at my husband and I said, ‘It feels right, and I want to tithe $4,000.’ We gave anonymously and all of a

sudden, we had incredible sources of income.”

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Watch Your Words! Myrtle Fillmore (co-founder of Unity) said:

“If you want your good to grow Watch the little words you sow”

Instead of: Use:

I can’t afford it now. I choose not to do that.

I’ll never have enough money to do that.

When I choose and change, my good will manifest.

My bank account is a mess. I have plenty to spare and share.

There is never enough There is no reality in lack. Abundance is here and now manifest.

Activity: Write down some of the negative phrases you use or hear that affirm lack. Opposite each, write a phrase that you can use in its place. Pay attention to what you are saying and hearing. Instead of: Use:

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definite about


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Spiritual Law 2: Get definite about prosperity

This rule says you need to get definite about prosperity so that prosperity can get definite about you. How often have you thought about what you don’t want? And not about what you want? When we focus on what we don’t want we actually help bring more of that into our lives. If any of you have seen The Secret you may remember the very powerful illustration that was given there of how we help to bring negative results into being by our own negative feelings towards the things we don’t want. We need to learn how to focus on the positive and the specific. Edwene Gaines talks about this – she says something along the lines that we wouldn’t ring up Sears and say “send me something I would like” – we have to tell them the product, size and color yet we dare to go to God with our wishy washy demands. It takes time and focus to get clear about what we really want but don’t let that stop you – get started with your list of specific requests just let them come and then you can start to get down to a few that you will concentrate on. So what do you want? If you don’t get clear then all you’ll get is stuff that you may or may not want. We are told, promised really, that we can have anything we want. Jesus says “The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand”. The only limitation ever is what we think, feel and believe to be true. How big can we allow ourselves to see? Can you see yourself owning that car, going on that trip, doing that thing, being able to do what you want to do if you knew what that was? There is evidence that the people who are most successful in their own estimation and in others are those who have been quite clear what they wanted to achieve and either wrote it down or were able to so focus on it that it came into being. This is as exciting as it is scary. What if you were to write down what you want? I dare you to start.

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Fill up the rest of this page with some things you might like to have, do, be – don’t worry about what you write down at this stage just write it down!

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Now look through what you have and see if you can circle 10-12 that you have the most energy around. List them below:

Goal: Date: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Now go back to each one and put a date beside each one that you want to receive this.

Page 19: Alive to Thrive Workbook · PDF fileAlive to Thrive Workbook By Ros Annala Founder and CPO, Alive to Thrive February, 2014. 2 I believe as Charles Fillmore, the co-founder of Unity,


Finding the Feeling-Place “Because you are generally giving much more attention to the aspects of your life that you are living right now, whatever you are living is carrying more vibrational weight, so to speak, than what you are desiring or imagining. “As you focus upon what it feels like to be living your desire, you cannot, at the same time, be feeling the absence of your desire, so with practice, you can tip the scale, so to speak, so that even though your desire has not yet actually manifested, you are offering a vibration as if it has – and then it must.”

P268 Ask and It Is Given Esther and Jerry Hicks

Ask yourself “What do I need to change about myself in order to receive this?”

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Make your notes here and then follow the inner guidance you receive:

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Make a Wheel of Fortune or a Treasure Map One of our twelve powers is the power of imagination. Fill your mind with pictures of what you want. Clip out pictures that represent your good. If you want to travel go and get some travel brochures. In Catherine Ponder’s book The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity she talks about making a Wheel of Fortune, in the chapter on the imaging law of prosperity. The important features are: • use colorful pictures depicting what you want • put a spiritual symbol in the middle • add some powerful statements of truth like: “this, or

something better, thank you God” • look at it every day • get excited that your good is on its way

“Divine Intelligence is in charge of my life. I am now open, receptive, and obedient to its rich instruction and guidance.”

Charles Fillmore:

“Man has never had a desire that could not somewhere, in the providence of God, be fulfilled… Desire is the onward

impulse of the ever-evolving soul.”

P27 Prosperity

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the way for


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Spiritual Law 3: Clear the Way for Prosperity As you clear your life of unwanted stuff, whether it’s within or without, you make room for the good to come in. You do this by clearing out drawers, closets, attics, basements, bookshelves, rooms wherever you have stuff that you no longer need or use – look at your stuff – keep anything that still means something to you or that you still use and get rid of the rest. In the program that David Owen Ritz put together called “Keys to the Kingdom” he challenges his congregation to get rid of anything they hadn’t touched or worn for the last 6 months. It’s a wonderful process particularly if you have already written or focused on what you want to achieve – when you create a vacuum your good, your goals rush in to fill it. Doing this on the physical plane is powerful. Doing it on the emotional level is profound. This is the process of giving up any thought that anybody or anything has ever done anything to hurt you. As we give up these thoughts, these hurts we allow our good to flow in. This is forgiveness. Forgiveness is really just letting go – you’re letting go anything that could be in the way of your good. It is not necessary to let the other person know that you forgive them – they will sense it or rather respond to the way being cleared. And really it’s not about the relationship – it’s to clear up stuff in you so that your good can come. It cannot come into a cluttered space either in your physical or emotional world. Edwene Gaines says that all debt is because of unforgiveness.

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Catherine Ponder says: “To forgive yourself and others of past mistakes is essential, if you wish to be permanently free of financial burdens. If such memories try to haunt you, use this statement: “The forgiving love of Divine Intelligence has set me free from the past and from the financial mistakes of the past. I now face the present and the future wise, secure and unafraid”

P230 The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity David Owen Ritz in “Keys to the Kingdom”says:

“Resentment is the opposite of forgiveness… it is reliving rather than releasing”

And he goes on to say forgiveness is: • Not forgetting • Not denying • Not excusing • Unconditional • Letting go

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Here are some ideas to clear the way for your good: • Catherine Ponder suggests writing out forgiveness

statements 70 times 7 “I ………forgive my father completely” 70 times a day for 7 days for your father, mother, ex, yourself and whomever else comes to mind;

• Clean out your closets, drawers, attics, basements wherever you have accumulated stuff – give it away, sell it, get it back into circulation;

• Charles Fillmore spent half an hour every night forgiving

or asking forgiveness for anyone he may have offended or he had felt less than loving towards;

• Open up an “unexpected income” account and get ready

to receive; • Use forgiveness affirmations such as:

“I fully and freely forgive you, I loose you and let you go, I let go and grow, all things between us are cleared up

now and forever” whenever anything comes up that is less than pure light.

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Make a list on this page of anything that you think may be getting in the way of your good: Now let’s reframe the story: “You came into this world to be a person of power. You chose this experience so that would know what it’s like and so you could learn how to handle this kind of situation in a loving, compassionate manner with yourself and others. You could not have done this without this experience. You have gained the most valuable of spiritual gifts – an understanding heart.”

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I am through feeling guilty about: I am over feeling sorry for myself about: I am no longer going to blame ___________________ for: I am finished with all sadness about: I forgive my parents for: I release all suffering about: Above all, I forgive myself once and for all for:

It is done!

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A Forgiveness Technique

“Sit for half an hour every day and mentally forgive everyone that you are out of harmony with, feel badly toward or are concerned about. If you have accused anyone of injustice, if you have discussed anyone unkindly, if you have gossiped about anyone, if you are legally involved with anyone, mentally ask their forgiveness. Subconsciously, they will respond. In like manner, if you have accused yourself of failure or mistakes, forgive yourself. Forgiveness can form a vacuum that will undam your prosperity and success. Mentally declare to others:

“God’s forgiving love has set us free. Divine Love now

produces perfect results and all is again well between us. I behold you with the eyes of love and I glory in your success,

prosperity and complete good.” It is good to declare for yourself:

“I am forgiven and governed by God’s Love alone and all is well.”

P27 The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity

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what you love to do

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Spiritual Law 4: Do What You Love to Do Are you doing what you love to do? Or are you working at something because you think that’s all you can do or need to be doing? Edwene Gaines says: “You came here to do something very important. You came here to live according to your divine purpose”. Maybe you don’t know what your divine purpose is. Think about what you love to do – don’t think about this in terms of what makes money just what gives you a lot of satisfaction or joy. Esther and Jerry Hicks write in “Ask and it is Given” that our sole purpose is to experience “outrageous joy”. Are you? Don’t you love the idea that that is what we are here to do. Edwene says joy is your compass. “God has given us an inner guidance system to help us find our divine purpose. It is the part of us that feels joy.” It seems that most of us are wired to think that life is a struggle. Some say that it’s at our birth that we start to believe this and then other life experiences reinforce this belief. Catherine Ponder says “Call forth love to overcome all difficulties… As you begin to think more about how you can love your way through life, rather than about how you have to battle your way through life, love will reveal to you its secret success powers. Launch forth on the great venture of love, and affirm often along the way:

“I live by the law of love, and love is now victorious.”

P38 The Prospering Power of Love

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Eric Butterworth writes: “When you work in the right consciousness, when your work becomes organically a part of your whole self, and when you do your work out of that commitment, no matter what other

people do, no matter what the compensation may be, doing it for the health of your own soul, then you open the door by

which the affluence of the Universe flows forth into your life.”

P107 Spiritual Economics Here’s another affirmation that helps us love what we do:

“I love what I do and I do what I love.” If you are looking for new work and are not sure where to find it use this powerful statement of truth:

“I have wonderful work in a wonderful way, I give wonderful service for wonderful pay”

Write your eulogy on this page – what would you like people to say about you? How do you want to be remembered? Jesus said “by their fruits shall ye know them”.

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Suggested Reading

The Spiritual Laws of Prosperity, Edwene Gaines

Prosperity, Charles Fillmore The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity, Catherine Ponder The Prospering Power of Love, Catherine Ponder The Game of Life and how to play it, Florence Scovel Shinn Ask and it is Given, Esther and Jerry Hicks Spiritual Economics, Eric Butterworth The Abundance Book, John Randolph Price Living the Infinite Way, Joel S. Goldsmith The Science of Getting Rich, Wallace D. Wattles

May great prosperity be yours all the days of your life!

Abundant Blessings