alien agenda:investigating the extraterrestrial presence

Alien Agenda:Investigating the Extraterrestrial Presence Among Us Jim Marrs Harper 1997 Notes Introduction Chapter 1: The Greatest UFO Moon anomalies; Spaceship moon theory; July 1970, Russian scientists Michael Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov published an article in journal Sputnik entitled “Is the Moon the Creation of Alien Intelligence”. P. 14 Lunar Transit Phenomena (LTP), such as clouds, lights, and moving dark areas, are well known among veteran astronomers p. 20. Author Don Wilson says that NASA carried out Operation Moon Blink, a search for such LTP, in conjunction with observatories around the world. P. 20. Geologist Dr. Bruce Cornet has commented on several lunar structures, including the “ Shard” and the “Tower”. P. 21 In 1977, George Leonard published the book Somebody Else is on the Moon, in which he discusses more than 2 dozen NASA photos. The Nov 22 1966 issue of the Washington Post carried a front page story headlined “Six Mysterious Statuesque Shadows Photographed on the Moon by Orbiter. Dr. William Blair of the Boeing Institute of Biotechnology has claimed these structures are geometrically positioned. Russian space engineer Alexander Abramov claims that the distribution of these lunar structures is similar to the pyramids of the Egyptian Giza group p. 23 Source notes: William Blair and Alexander Abramov comments appear to be from 1977, George Leonard published the book Somebody Else is on the Moon, however, as of 2017 there is no Boeing Institute of Biotechnology.These lunar structures may connect with pyramidal shapes and the so-called Mars Face, seen in photos of the Cydonia area. Richard C. Hoagland has publicized the theory of artificial structures on the moon and Mars. He and othes wondered if the destination of some of the Apollo moon missions, such as the Sea of Tranquility and the Taurus-Littrow area, were selected because of the high incidence of abnormal sightings in these locations. P. 24 US astronauts generally deny anything “unusual”. Alan Bean denied seeing anything that suggested ancient civilizations, and Neil Armstrong denied observation or reporting of any unnatural objects on any Apollo mission. P. 26

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Page 1: Alien Agenda:Investigating the Extraterrestrial Presence

Alien Agenda:Investigating the Extraterrestrial Presence Among Us

Jim Marrs Harper 1997



Chapter 1: The Greatest UFO

Moon anomalies; Spaceship moon theory; July 1970, Russian scientists Michael Vasin and Alexander

Shcherbakov published an article in journal Sputnik entitled “Is the Moon the Creation of Alien Intelligence”. P.


Lunar Transit Phenomena (LTP), such as clouds, lights, and moving dark areas, are well known among

veteran astronomers p. 20.

Author Don Wilson says that NASA carried out Operation Moon Blink, a search for such LTP, in conjunction

with observatories around the world. P. 20.

Geologist Dr. Bruce Cornet has commented on several lunar structures, including the “ Shard” and the

“Tower”. P. 21

In 1977, George Leonard published the book Somebody Else is on the Moon, in which he discusses more than

2 dozen NASA photos.

The Nov 22 1966 issue of the Washington Post carried a front page story headlined “Six Mysterious

Statuesque Shadows Photographed on the Moon by Orbiter.

Dr. William Blair of the Boeing Institute of Biotechnology has claimed these structures are geometrically

positioned. Russian space engineer Alexander Abramov claims that the distribution of these lunar structures is

similar to the pyramids of the Egyptian Giza group p. 23

Source notes: William Blair and Alexander Abramov comments appear to be from 1977, George Leonard

published the book Somebody Else is on the Moon, however, as of 2017 there is no “Boeing Institute of


These lunar structures may connect with pyramidal shapes and the so-called Mars Face, seen in photos of the

Cydonia area. Richard C. Hoagland has publicized the theory of artificial structures on the moon and Mars. He

and othes wondered if the destination of some of the Apollo moon missions, such as the Sea of Tranquility and

the Taurus-Littrow area, were selected because of the high incidence of abnormal sightings in these locations.

P. 24

US astronauts generally deny anything “unusual”. Alan Bean denied seeing anything that suggested ancient

civilizations, and Neil Armstrong denied observation or reporting of any unnatural objects on any Apollo

mission. P. 26

Page 2: Alien Agenda:Investigating the Extraterrestrial Presence

However, according to transcripts of the technical debriefing following the Apollo 11 mission, Armstrong, Aldrin,

and Michael Collins told of an encounter with a large cylindrical object which they thought might be a US rocket

booster. P. 26

Two astronauts appear to have broken ranks: Edgar Mitchell and Gordon Cooper. Mitchell has claimed the

evidence for ET is very strong, and classified by governments. Cooper wrote several letters to the United

Nations confirming his belief in ET, as well as his support for a UN initiative to study UFOs. Cooper related a

story of his crew reporting the landing of a UFO at Edwards AFB in 1957. P. 27-28

Maurice Chatelain, in his 1976 book Our Ancestors Came From Outer Space, claims UFOs were present when

Apollo 11 made the first landing on the Sea of Tranquility. He claims the astronauts saw things during their

missions that could not be discussed by anyone outside NASA. Chatelain was in charge of designing and

building the Apollo communication and data-processing system for NASA. He began working on the Apollo

project after joining North American Aviation.

He acknowledged that NASA had the capability to hide secret Apollo transmissions among a wide variety of

radio channels.

P. 29-30

Michigan Congressman Howard Wolpe reported that congressional investigators discovered instructions to

NASA administrators advising how to deal with “controversial information”, by rewriting, destroying, or

camouflaging it. According to Gary Henderson, a General Dynamics researcher who worked for NASA,

astronauts are under strict orders not to discuss UFO sightings with anyone. According to Don Ecker,

research director for UFO magazine, the NSA monitors and screens all footage of space missions. P. 31

NASA report done by the Brookings Institution in 1960 stated that artifacts left by life forms might be

discovered through our activities on the moon, Mars, or Venus. The report added that history shows many

examples of societies which disintegrated when confronted with new societies. P. 32

On Sept 15, 1991, a camera on board the Discovery was taping the curvature of the Earth during mission STS-

48. Donald Ratsch, a Maryland space researcher managed to tape this feed and discovered what appeared to

be moving objects miles from the shuttle. A quality tape from NASA files was obtained and analyzed. The

movement was confirmed, and included several objects moving at different speeds and changing direction. A

NASA spokesman stated the bright moving objects were frozen droplets of water reflecting sunlight near the

shuttle. Jack Kasher, a physicist and NASA consultant with impressive credentials set out to prove NASA’s

assertion. After careful study, concluded the objects could not be ice particles, and concluded they must be

some sort of spacecraft. NASA continued to espouse the ice particle theory.

p. 33-34

Chatelain claimed it seemed that all Apollo and Gemini flights were followed by UFOs. Every time it occurred,

the astronauts informed mission control, who ordered absolute silence.

For years it had been discussed why the moon missions came to an abrupt halt after Apollo 17. Chatelain

suggested the programs ended by an indifference and even hostility by many Americans, due to the huge

expense. Many were dubious of the official explanation; lack of funding. Timothy Good and George Leonard

speak of rumors that we were asked to leave the moon by lunar occupants. P. 36

Dr Robert Jacobs, U of Wisconsin, claimed that as a lieutenant in the Air Force, he reviewed the films of an

Atlas missile being destroyed by a UFO. P. 37

Chapter 2 Ancient Astronauts: SKIP

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Chapter 3 Military Observers

The Los Angeles Air Raid

By late Feb 1942, 3 months after the attack on Pearl Harbor, tensions on the West coast were high. In the

early morning of Feb 25, LA county residents were awakened by air-raid sirens. Most thought it was a drill.

Radar had picked up blips indicating a flight of aircraft approaching about 120 mi west of LA. According to a

report sent to FDR the next day, 1430 rounds of antiaircraft ammunition were fired at the incoming craft, yet no

planes were shot down and no bombs were dropped. There were no military casualties, but the firing caused

damage to homes and public buildings. At least 6 civilians died as a result of auto accidents and heart attacks.

For all the commotion, there was no evidence that an enemy attack had taken place. West coast witnesses,

including a chief of police and journalist, saw slow moving objects.

p. 92 f

prior to the 1974 release of the day after report, US military claimed they had no record of the incident.

p. 94

Foo Fighters over Europe during WWII trailed US aircraft.

p. 95

Captured airmen, both German and Japanese, claimed they had also been followed by these fiery objects.

They thought these were US or Russian secret weapons.

p. 98

Saucers of the Reich

The Germans developed the V-1 buzz bombs, the ancestor to todays cruise missiles, the V-2 rockets, as well

as the Messerschmitt 262, the world’s first operational jet fighter.

According to author Renato Vesco, a remote controlled anti-radar devise resembling the shell of a tortoise,

called the Feuerball, or fire ball was designed to interfere with the ignition systems and radar of Allied bombers.

Perhaps this accounts for the “foo fighters”.

Vesco claimed the basic principles of the Feuerball were later applied to a “symmetrical circular aircraft” known

as the Kugelblitz, or Ball Lightning, which became an “antecedent of the present day flying saucers”.

Several candidates are available as inventors of a German flying saucer.

P. 99-100 f.

Kenneth Arnold and the Maury Island mystery in detail p 118 f

Chapter 4 The Road to Recovery

P 132 f

1947 was a watershed year for both UFOs and the US military. After the Arnold sightings and Maury Island

stories received wide coverage, and UFO reports began to pour in to the authorities.

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The Roswell Crash, July 4 1947 Grady L. Barnett archeology team, story discredited William Brazel, rancher Jesse A. Marcel, air intelligence officer Hoyt S. Vandenberg, Lt General Deputy Chief of the Army Air Forces Rejected Project Sign indication of something unusual happening, setting the new tone for Project Grudge Roger Ramey, Brig. Gen, 8th Air Force Commander, Carswell AFB changes story to weather balloon 509th Bomb Group at Roswell Army Airfield information officer reports “downed flying disc” Carswell AFB, Ft Worth TX Kevin D. Randle, Donald R. Schmitt authors of well documented book, The Truth About the UFO Crash at


C Curry Holden, Field archeologist saw 3 alien bodies

William Blanchard, Col. Roswell Army Air Field Commander, observed wreckage and described it as highly


Edwin Easley, Roswell Army Air Field provost officer in charge of MPs: debris loaded onto aircraft at RAAF and

flown away.

Thomas C. Gonzales, Sgt Guard at site, confirmed recovery of alien bodies

Steve MacKenzie, RAAF tracked object on radar for more then 24 hours; said a major took charge of bodies

Albert L. Duran, Lt Col. Radar unit, saw alien bodies

Bill Rickett, Master Sgt. counterintelligence corps agent described curved craft with batlike trailing edge.

Assigned to assist U of New Mexico scientist Dr. Lincoln La Paz

Lincoln La Paz, scientist at U of New Mexico concluded craft was an unmanned probe from another planet

Melvin E. Brown, Sgt. Told family members he helped transport alien bodies from crash site to a Roswell


Frank Kaufmann of 509th Bomb Group staff told of a single large crate placed in an empty hangar and

protected by armed guards. He understood the crate contained bodies recovered at the Roswell site.

W. O. “Pappy” Henderson pilot with the 1st Air Transport unit, flew the crate and debris in a C-54 to Andrews

AFB in DC, then on to Wright Field, according to Steve MacKenzie. Henderson’s widow, Sappho, said he

described the debris as “weird”. She added that Henderson confirmed the description of small recovered


Sarah Holcomb, Wright Field employee claimed she heard from a crew member that a plane had landed with

bodies from a flying saucer.

Helen Wachter, at Wright Field, heard claims of arrival of alien bodies

John Kromschroeder, friend of Henderson, claimed he was given a piece of metal by Henderson, who said it

was part of the interior of the crashed craft. He said he was unable to cut the mental, using a variety of tools.

Ellis Boldra, Maj., told his family that the fragment was incredibly strong and did not melt when he subjected it

to an acetylene torch; that in some way it dissipated heat.

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Floyd and Loretta Proctor, neighbors of Brazel, showed them fragments of debris which could not be cut or


William Brazel: With William Proctor, the Proctor’s son, found debris field. He described a dull grey material

that was unusually light weight, but could not be cut or burned. Later he recanted.

According to Bill Brazel, his father was detained for 8 days by military only after swearing not to discuss the

incident. He handled the light weight foil which could be crumpled but then returned to its original shape, and

could not be cut or burned.

Sallye Tadolini: daughter of another Brazel neighbor who was shown the odd material by Bill Brazel

Frank Joyce 1947 radio announcer for Roswell’s station KGFL, confirmed to researchers that Mac Brazel’s

story after being taken into military custody was “significantly different “ than his initial interview.

Glenn Dennis, a mortician working for Ballard’s funeral home, received a call from the Roswell base mortuary

officer asking if the funeral home could provide a number of small caskets that could be hermetically sealed.

He drove to Roswell field to deliver an injured airman, and saw strange wreckage. He said a nurse friend told

him she was called in to assist in the autopsy of three “foreign bodies” that gave off an overpowering odor.

E. M. Hall, former Roswell police chief, confirmed to researchers that he heard Dennis talking about the base

requesting coffins for “the bodies from a flying saucer.”

George Bush said he would never forget when his sister Mary, secretary to the base hospital administrator,

came home one day in July 1947 and told him she had seen a creature from another world.

Chaves County Sheriff George A. Wilcox, wife Inez, was ordered by the military to turn in a carton of crash

debris. He complained that the military usurped his authority, and that MPs threatened the lives of his entire

family if he ever talked about the incident.

Barbara Dugger, George and Inez’ granddaughter, was told this story by her grandmother. Later Inez confided

in her granddaughter that a flying saucer had crashed near Roswell.

Frankie Rowe teenaged daughter of Dan Dwyer, a Roswell fireman who went to the scene, and told his family

he saw the wreckage of a flying craft, 2 small dead bodies, and ‘a very small being . According to Rowe,

military authorities threatened the family.

Arthur E. Exon Brig Gen. stationed with Air Material Command at W P AFB. In recent years, Exon became the

highest ranking officer to confirm that a quantity of material from Roswell arrived at Wright Field for testing by a

“special project” team of lab workers. He spoke of the material as unusual, like foil, but could not be dented. He

stated the bodies were found with the main portion of the craft, which ended up in a separate location from the


p. 138 f

Stanton Friedman, UFO researcher

Leonard Stringfield, UFO researcher

Curtis Peebles

1978, Jesse Marcel breaks silence, claiming the object was not of this earth

Roswell Volunteer Fire Department Project Mogul secret

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Skyhook balloon secret Common weather balloon photographed New Mexico radar installations OBSERVATIONS: how is it that this metal could not be cut, but was otherwise smashed to pieces? William Pitts, a former military man who is today a lecturer for the society of manufacturing engineers, Pitts is the head of Project Blue Book, a private organization sanctioned by the USAF to investigate UFO sightings. He said that in early 1977, he and others, including J Allen Hynek, were summoned to a meeting regarding UFOs by Dr. Frank Press, science advisor to Jimmy Carter. The first question asked by Press was, what did we know about Roswell>. A year later, Jesse Marcel broke the silence, and interest in Roswell was rekindled. P. 145 Responding to a request from NM representative Steven Schiff that the GAO conducted a document search on records pertaining to the Roswell incident, the office reported that those records were destroyed. Only two records remained: those supporting the new official balloon explanation. One of these, an FBI teletype also clearly stated a “disc” was sent to Wright field. p. 146 Adding to the confusion were claims that other disc shaped craft may have been recovered at different times and in other locations. Discs were reportedly recovered in Paradise Valley north of Phoenix in Oct 1947; near Aztec NM in March 1948, and in Mexico near Laredo TX in 1948. Purported autopsy film of alien body introduced in 1995 by Ray Santili, owner of a small video distribution company. Arguments raged over the veracity of the film until it faded into the background. p. 147 Prior to Roswell the military had been very interested in UFOs and open to the idea that they represented extraterrestrial visitation. After Roswell they became secretive. p. 148 On Sept 15, 1947, only 4 months after Kenneth Arnold reported a disc over Mt Rainier, and only 2 months after Roswell, Truman signed into law the National Security Act of 1947, which among other things created the National Security Council and the Air Force as a separate branch of service, united the military branches under a “Department of Defense”, and created the CIA. According to unauthenticated documents, known as the “MJ-12 papers”, a small select group of prominent military officers and scientists answerable only to Truman was created to deal with UFOs. [ this statement seems to contradict the statement from p. 148] ???? Lt Gen Nathan F. Twining, chief of AMC ATIC at WP, allegedly sent a letter to Army Air Force Brig Gen. George Schulgen confirming that a few percent of reports seemed to indicate the possibility of manual, automatic, or remotely controlled objects. He recommended that a permanent group be established to study UFOs. In the letter he seemed to suggest a lack of crashed recovered exhibits. P. 150 From Schulgen’s Air Intelligence Requirements Memo dated October 28, 1947: “the object may in fact represent an interplanetary craft of some kind.” Materials mentioned include metals, metallic foils…. As a result of Twining’s recommendation, Project Sign began. Hynek, who joined Sign in 1948, wrote of a division in opinion of the officers assigned to Sign as to the origin of UFOs, with one possibility being not of this earth. P. 151. At first Hynek was skeptical, but after a few years changed his mind. On Jan 7, 1948, KY National Guard Captain Thomas Mantell Jr gave chase, in an F-51, with two other pilots, to what became a metallic object of tremendous size. At 22k ft the other pilots turned back, as the planes were

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not equipped with oxygen. Mantell apparently passed out from anoxia. His plane leveled off at 30k ft, then plunged into a spiral dive, crashing on a farm. Richard T Miller, who would later record communications from “space brothers”, made comments about the crash that indicated there was no evidence of a high-speed crash, which was confirmed by Captain James F. Duesler. P 155. This and the George F. Gorman dogfight resulted in Vandenberg rejecting the Project Sign Officers report of something unusual happening. This set the new tone for explaining all events as being due to natural causes. Project sign then became Project Grudge. P. 159. Project Grudge’s mission was to assure the public that all sightings were of natural phenomena. Air Force Captain Edward J. Ruppelt, who would later head Project Blue Book stated “this drastic change in official attitude is as difficult to explain as it was difficult for many people who new what was going on inside Project Sign to believe……. Here were people deciding that there was nothing to this UFO business right at the time the reports seemed to be getting better.” On December 11 1984, UFO researcher and TV producer Jamie Shandera received an anonymous Package containing film. William L Moore assisted Shandera. p. 160 The developed film was film contained 8 pages purported to be a briefing report to president elect Eisenhower concerning “Majestic 12” They listed 12 prominent men as members of top secret “Operation Majestic 12” The papers outline the purported events of the Roswell incident. It was stated that a language was found in pieces of the wreckage that was not deciphered, and that the propulsion unit had been completely destroyed in the crash. Listed were: Adm. Roscoe H Hillenkoetter. CIA director. After retirement from government, joined the private UFO group National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena, and stated publicly that UFOs were real, but “through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the UFOs are nonsense”. Dr. Vannevar Bush, eminent US scientist Secretary James V. Forrestal: Secretary of Defense during Roswell incident. Reportedly committed suicide in 1949. Replaced by Gen Walter Bedell Smith. Gen. Nathan F. Twining.Commander of AMC at WPAFB. He was Intimately involved in purported Roswell incident, and suggested formation of project Sign. Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenberg. Former CIA director. Ordered original Project Sign report that UFOs were real be destroyed. Dr. Detlev Bronk, a physiologist and biophysicist He was on the Scientific Advisory Committee of Brookhaven National Lab with Dr. Edward Condon. Dr Jerome Hunsaker, an aircraft designer who chaired the Dept of Aero and Mechanical Engineering at MIT and the National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics (NACA) Mr Sidney W. Souers, first CIA director in 1947 and Exec Sec of the National Security Council in 1947. Mr. Gordon Grey

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Dr. Donald Menzel, director of Harvard College Observatory and a respected astronomer. Famous as UFO debunker. Gen. Robert Montegue. Base commander at Sandia AEC facility in Albuquerque NM Dr. Lloyd V. Berkner worked under V. Bush. Also a member of the CIA sponsored panel headed by Dr. H. P. Robertson that concluded UFOs did not constitute any direct threat to national security. These persons were all dead at the time the “MJ-12 papers” were delivered. p. 161 f. in 1979, W. L. Moore and Charles Berlitz published The Philadelphia Experiment. In 1980 they published The Roswell Incident. Subsequently Moore claimed to work with Master Sgt. Richard C. Doty, with the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) . His assignment was to investigate Dr Paul Bennewitz. He found that for almost 3 years AFOSI agents fed Bennewitz disinformation in the form of fake official documents detailing alleged alien government contacts. This was to confuse and discredit him. Bennewitz was finally hospitalized with a nervous breakdown Moore contributed to this breakdown, because he fed additional documents to Bennewitz. Linda Moulton Howe said she was shown similar documents In 1983 by Doty. These documents, referencing projects “Aquarius, BANDO, SIGMA, SNOWBIRD, and POUNCE” are generally held to be fake. P. 170. Research then turned to analysis of the MJ-12 papers. Debunker Philip Klass questioned whya mere astronomer, Donald Menzel, should be a member of MJ-12. UFO researcher Stanton Friedman discovered the answer. Menzel led a double life. He was a covert consultant for the CIA and NSA with a high level security clearance. He was also involved with secret research programs for more than 30 countries and made frequent trips to Washington and N.M. He was also closely associated with MJ-12 listees Bush, Bronk, and Berkner. Friedman was convinced that p. 171 no hoaxer could have known of these secret connections, suggesting the MJ-12 documents might be authentic. Other alleged documents have come to light, but these are also suspect. The group Fund for UFO Research is headed by former U S Navy physicist Dr. Bruce Macabee.. p. 173 Howard Blum wrote that one FBI agent involved in the MJ-12 investigation confided “All we’re finding out is that the government dosen’t know what it knows. There are too many secret levels. You can’t get a straight story. It wouldn’t surprise me if we never know if the papers are genuine or not”. -Out There According to Jackie Gleason’s second wife, Gleason, who was known to have an avid interest in UFOs, said his friend Richard M. Nixon had arranged for him to visit Homestead AFB in Florida, where he said he viewed the remains of small alien beings under tight security. This story was confirmed by Larry Warren. P. 182-183 JFK, Marilyn Monroe, and the UFOs Private investigator Milo Spririglio on her death. P. 183 In 1955, journalist Dorthy Kilgallen published an article under the headline “Flying Saucer Wreckage assures Britons of Reality”. In the article she relates that British scientists, after examining the wreckage of a mysterious flying ship, are convinced these objects are from another planet. Her source was a British official of Cabinet rank who said they believed the craft were staffed by small men, probably under 4 ft. tall.

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Support for her story came during the same period, when British Air Chief Marshal Lord Dowding told the London Sunday Dispatch that he was convinced these objects [UFOs] exist. A former steward and loadmaster aboard Air Force One asked JFK what he thought about UFOs. JFK became serious before replying “I’d like to tell the public about the alien situation, but my hands are tied..” Recent government letters “make it plain that …. Project Aquarius … actually exists. A researcher sent a FOIA request to the NSA asking for information on Project Aquarius. He was informed by NSA that Project Aquarius does not pertain to UAOs. Later, in 1986, the researcher got a reply from Julia Wetzel, NSA’s policy director [ this does not square with the statement in The Puzzle Palace that even knowledge of the NSA is secret.] Stated the document had been reviewed as required by FOIA and found to be currently and properly classified … and remains TOP SECRET…. It remains classified because its disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause grave damage to national security. [ again this statement; any statement, would seem highly unlikely coming from NSA.] The NSA response gave no indication that it involved UFOs. p. 184 f. On Oct 27, `95`, the new Project Grudge was launched, with Ruppelt in charge. Protocol established for military UFO reporting, called Communication Instructions for Reporting Vital Intelligence Sightings (CIRVIS). Joint Army-Navy-Air Force Publication (JANAP) 146 directed pilots to keep UFO reports secret. Air Force Regulation (AFR) 200-2 limited distribution of reports to three AF intelligence groups. Soon the censorship was extended beyond the military. According to Scripps-Howard News Services, on Feb 17, 1954, air force officials met with reps from the nation’s major airlines. New procedures would have commercial pilots report sightings directly to military, and pilots were asked not discuss their sightings publicly or give them to the news. P. 189 f Nearly 500 airline pilots signed a petition protesting this policy, to no avail. Major Donald Keyhoe noted that “because of JNAP 146 and AFR 200-2, hundreds of new, dramatic encounters have been swept under cover”. Still, top officials were seeking as much information as possible. Lubbock Lights Aug 25-27 1951. 4 professors from Texas Technological College, after careful study, decided the v shaped formation of lights, which was photographed, was under intelligent control. The Air Force pronounced the cause was first Plovers, then ducks. This explanation did not sit well among hundreds of Lubbock residents who witnessed the flyover. Radar tracks were seen as far away as Albuquerque. Later Ruppelt finally stated the formation was natural in origin. His was a fresh objective approach. The aeronautical division of General Mills had launched and tracked every skyhook balloon that had been launched prior to 1952. They know what the balloons looked like under all lighting conditions, and knew meteorology, aerodynamics, astronomy, and they also know UFOs. P 190-191

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The name Project Grudge was scrapped in March 1952. The AF investigation, working closely with the Air Defense Command, became a separate organization called the Aerial Phenomena Group. This soon changed to Project Blue Book. Ruppelt renamed the phenomena “UFOs”. Life Magazine article in April 7, 1952, entitled “Have We Visitors From Space?” Certain high placed sources appeared to endorse the concept. P 192 By mid-July Blue Book was getting about 20 reports per day, and frantic calls from intelligence officers all over the US as every US AFB was being swamped with reports. On July 19, 1952, more than 8 UFOs were tracked on radar at both Andrews AFB And Washington National Airport. The objects varied in speed from about 130 mph to “fantastically high speeds”. The objects were observed by experienced pilots as well air traffic controllers. They were well within restricted air space, and passed directly over the capitol and the white house. Over the next few days, the UFOs reappeared, first here then there. There had been a steady buildup of reports in the previous months along the east coast. p. 193 F-94 military jets were scrambled to intercept, but whenever they would close on the objects, they would accelerate and disappear. Ground observers could see nothing. The Civilian Aero Authority, forerunner of the FAA, conducted a study and concluded that “temperature inversion had been indicated in almost every instance” of the DC sightings. P. 194 This explanation was systematically in Ruppelt. PBB determined that while inversions occurred almost every single night during June, July, and August, the slow-moving solid radar targets only appeared on certain nights. Each night there was a sighting, the inversions were never enough to affect radar. At least some of the sightings remained unknown. Following the DC saucer sightings, the factions within BB staff began to agree on one thing: it was time to end the official secrecy regarding UFOs. Secretary of the Navy Dan Kimball had a UFO encounter on a flight to Hawaii. After reporting it to the AF, and being stone walled by them, He ordered the Navy to begin a parallel investigation. On July 15, 1952, Navy officer Delbert C. Newhouse, a Navy photographer, filmed a sighting near Tremonton Utah. This time the film was sent to the Navy Photo Interpretation Center near DC, where analysis led to the conclusion of “unknown objects under intelligent control.” According to Keyhoe, Killenkoetter informed him that the CIA had been keeping tabs since he (K) had been director of the CIA. According to Keyhoe, the CIA managed to stall any action by Kimball until after the Nov 1952 elections. p. 196 With the election of Eisenhower, Kimball lost strength in his effort to break up UFO censorship. CIA officials then, via W. B. Smith and the Dulles brothers, convinced the National Security Council that UFOs posed a possible threat to national security. P. 197 The CIA convened a study headed by H. P. Robertson, a Cal-Tech physicist tightly connected with US intelligence. After trying to debunk every bit of information submitted by BB, the panel concluded UFOs were interplanetary spaceships. Hynek, who had returned as an advisor to both BB and the Robertson panel, was dissatisfied with the panel’s cursory evaluation, whose working data was manipulated by the CIA. The panel’s final conclusion was that there was no indication that the phenomena was a direct physical threat to national security”. They went on to conclude that emphasis on the reporting of this phenomena was indeed a threat to national security, and that the national security agencies should take steps to strip the UFO of the special status it had. PBB was shut down and it’s staff was ordered to work up a national debunking program to make UFO reports sound like poppycock. They were also ordered to hide sightings, make up something to kill the report, and also ridicule the witnesses. p. 197 f.

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In 1979, Senator Barry Goldwater wrote that “this thing has gotten so so highly classified… its just impossible to get anything on it. The Robertson Panel made the subject of UFOs scientifically unrespectable. Soon after the Robertson panel was dissolved, ranking members of the PBB began to leave the program. In 1956, Ruppelt published The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects, which was critical of the AF handling of the issue and supportive of the idea of ET visitation. P. 201 2 years later, Ruppelt wrote a letter to a member of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena, reversing his position. Sounding much like a press release, he wrote “I have visited PBB since 1953 and am now convinced that reports of UFOs are nothing more than reports of balloons, aircraft, astronomical phenomena, etc.” He died only 2 years later. Keyhoe noted that up until 1959, Ruppelt was very cooperative and praised NICAP, but then something happened and he was forced to repudiate his book. Like several others who knew Ruppelt well, Keyhoe has always believed that the enforced retraction and bitter criticism of his integrity were partly the cause of his premature death from a heart attack. [ the rest of the cause was perhaps the CIA. P. 202 f BB continued as the visible response of the government. P 203 Unexplainable reports went to what Ruppelt called “another intelligence agency” Coral Lorenzen, who would become director of the Aerial Phenomenon research Association (APRO) also came to suspect that BB was no more than a coverup. P203 Keyhoe was the leading advocate of the theory that the govt and military were hiding the truth. In his book Aliens From Space, he stated that since 1953, the AF had known that giant spaceships were operating near our planet. Long range radar showed that several giant objects were orbiting near the equator. The Defense Dept set up an emergency satellite detection project at White Sands,NM, headed by Dr. Clyde Tombaugh, discoverer of Pluto, and the oly noted astronomer who had admitted to sighting a UFO. Keyhoe’s story was supported by investigative journalist Warren Smith, whose CIA informant told of objects orbiting earth. Other details of this story were also confirmed. P. 205. News of This project leaked to the media and public, where it was transformed into a search for natural “moonlets”. Astronomer John P Bagby, through Adler planetarium in Chicago, made an announcement that tiny “moons” had been found orbiting earth at 18000 mph. Natural or artificial? Cpt Howard T. Orville was in charge of the president’s Weather Control Commission. A NASA press release in Oct 1954 stated they had picked up strange signals from an unknown orbiting object. This report was corroborated by a French astronomer who had himself picked up strange signals. P. 209 Keyhoe: Bomber crew observes groups of smaller UFOs merging with much larger UFO. Keyhoe: Flying Saucer Conspiracy (1955): Fritz Zwicky: Army Ordinance project to bombard moon and planets in 1940s with projectiles for study purposes. P. 210 Keyhoe: The objects were termed natural to avoid a scare and apparently vanished in 1955. Another example of US citizens sleep walking. Keyhoe elected to the most successful public UFO club: NICAP. He assembled an impressive board including Hillenkoetter, former BB officer Fournet, Aircraft Owners and Pilots Ass. President J. B. Hartranft, Canadian Department of Transport engineer Wilbert B. Smith, radio commentator Frank Edwards, and a slew of ranking

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military officers and scientists. Keyhoe sought public hearings on the subject. His contact with Senator John McClelland’s Senate Subcommittee on Investigations was well received and hearings appeared imminent. However, after a Jan 1958 meeting with the AF, McClelland’s subcommittee chief council advised NICAP to drop the matter, and they did. Keyhoe was invited to participate in a live broadcast of CBS TV’s Armstrong Circle Theater. The theme of the show was UFOs: Enigma of the Skies. However, he was required to use a pre-approved script. When AF officials objected to him reading from government reports, CBS cut out the offending statements. When the show was broadcast on Jan 22 1958, the frustrated Keyhoe blurted out his experience with McClelland’s sub-committee, but after the first sentence, his microphone was turned off. In June and Aug of 1958, requests from Ohio Rep John E. Henderson and Rep McCormack got meetings with AF officials which were closed to the public and apparently un-recorded. No information was provided on the subject matter by the politicians. According to Peebles, In 1959 the AF issued a statement that, after a preliminary investigation, the subcommittee on investigations indicated they did not plan to hold hearings. There were other cases in which congress was persuaded by the AF to not hold hearings. P. 212-f Patrolman Lonnie Zamora incident April 24 1964, Socorro N M. Zamora’s report included a description of apparent insignia: a stick arrow pointing up over a horizontal line enclosed in a semicircle. Much later, Vallee said this was the Arabic astrological sign for Venus. Witness M. S. Chavez, N M State police. Hynek unable to deconstruct the story. p. 215 f Reverend William Bruce Gill incident 1959, Boainai, Papua, New Guinea. P. 218 f The great power blackout of Nov 9-10 1965: traced to a Canadian power issue. Was it ever entirely explained? p. 220 f Condon Report p. 223 f Vallee experience with; As with the Warren Commission, the Condon Committee was burdened with predetermined conclusions, selective choices of evidence, and a final report that was inconsistent with its own data. In order to forestall dissatisfaction with the report, the AF fired 20 year consultant Hynek, attacked scientists who questioned the report, and arranged for the national academy of sciences (NAS) to review the report prior to its release. In Nov 1968, the NAS validated the report, which prompted p. 228 protests, including Steward Udall, who characterized the NAS, most of whose members were dependent on grants, as “virtual puppets of the government. “

Dr Paul Tyler, former director of the Armed Forces Radiobiology Lab at Bethesda MD, had a long association with the military and official science, as a Navy Captain and an MD. “My experience with the NAS is, well, you tell me the answer you want, and I will give a committee that will give it to you”. …. A classic case was the Condon Report. P. 229

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“[The Condon Report is] one of the most deliberate cover-ups ever perpetrated on the public” said John Northrop, 80 year old founder of Northrop aviation, and co-founder of the Lockheed Corp. Dr. James E McDonald pointed out the report’s conclusions were based on selective choices of evidence. A review by a subcommittee of American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) agreed, stating “there are differences in the opinions and conclusions drawn by the authors of the various [report ] chapters, and there are the differences between these and Condon’s summary. Not all the conclusions in the report itself are fully reflected in Condon’s summary. Hynek agreed, and claimed several scientists he knew said it was a study of the Condon report that convinced them that UFOs were a worthy subject of investigation. P. 230 Paul Santorini, a Greek UFO researcher and former colleague of Einstein, stated, after Condon’s death in 1974; “ It is a pity that an eminent scientist of his level blindly executed orders to back with his name a “report that constitutes a scientific shame.” According to Vallee, the report files, paid for by taxpayer money, were locked up and later burned. In 1969, Members of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), puzzled by the thinly veiled white wash, decided to conduce a UFO symposium at the December annual meeting. Condon tried to convince members to boycott the symposium, to no avail. p. 232 just before the conference, the AF announced the end of PBB, saying that “continuation of the project cannot be justified either on the ground of national security or science” Author Raymond Fowler noted that during a phone call, Donald Menzel admitted that the timing was not a coincidence. He had suggested it. This dampened interest in the subject. Marrs does not say if the symposium folded. p. 233 Today it is clear that the AF investigation [PBB] was merely a cover; a whitewash to lull the public, while secret groups continued to probe the issue. P. 233. Chapter 6: UFOs Underground Called the “Pentacle memo” by Vallee, the paper was found among the documents of the late Hynek. It was dated Jan 9 1953, and written by Howard C Cross, a senior staff member of Battelle Memorial Lab in Columbus OH. The memo was written to Miles E. Coll of WPAFB, Dayton OH and concerned a preliminary recommendation to ATIC on future methods of handling the problem of UFOs, regarding what can and cannot be discussed by the Robertson Panel. BMI began operation in 1929 under the leadership of Horace W. Gillett, who has been called the Dean of American Metalurgy . it began a close relationship with the military in 1939. Researcher Keith Chester had become convinced that Battelle had a hand in the government’s real research program. Other candidates as a secret science center for UFO research include Brookhaven NL on Long Island, and the Jason group of the Mitre Corporation p. 236. Col William Coleman witnessed a military sighting while piloting a B-25 Mitchell. He reported it, then years later worked for PBB. He could not find his report. He later indicated to Timothy Good that he became aware that serious UFO reports were rerouted away from PBB. P. 237 Leonard H Stringfield, was very familiar with AF secrecy.

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Canadian researcher John B. Musgrave discovered how Canada was also constrained by unwritten UFO secrecy, and policy is a reflection of US policy. P. 239 Bentwater case: England, December 1980; NATO bases, radar reports Michael Lindemann president of the 2020 (UFO) group p 248 Anthony Kimery Washington journalist pen name James Neilson p 249 According to Michigan researcher Tad Sherburn, top military officers in the US are at the heart of UFO ops. He claims that he received documents that refer to an alleged “secret” 1977 UN resolution to create a “clearinghouse” agency for UFO research. This agency was chaired by the prime minister of Grenada, Sir Eric Matthew Gairy. UFO reports have been gathered from 133 countries. In the US, UFO data reaches the level of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, but includes top civilian authorities. Possibly directed by a small group, such as the unproven MJ-12. Other names have been “the directorate”, “the committee”, the “UFO working group”. This group reports to the NSC. Another candidate for decision making is the State Department Office of Security Assistance, a nexus of military, intelligence, political, scientific, and corporate authority. Or perhaps any one or more of a dozen other agencies. Lest anyone think this is all simply a paranoid’s nightmare, consider that the new york times reported in early 1996 that the NRO alone lost track of more than $2 billion. [ more recently Pentagon lost track of 2, then 6 trillion dollars] P 251 Beginning in the 1950s and continuing, the us government embarked on a massive program to design and construct mammoth underground facilities. Richard Sauder, PhD, a financial and military researcher conducted an in-depth study and concluded the military has constructed secret underground facilities above and beyond the approximately dozen “known” facilities. Standard Oil of NJ operates underground facilities near Hudson NY. Northrup and Lockheed and McDonnell Douglas operate underground facilities near Lancaster, Hellendale, and Llano CA respectively. The initial purpose of such facilities was apparently to insure the captains of industry and finance to survive a nuclear war. According to Jim Keith, a prolific author and researcher is such matters, there were 3 alternatives to overpopulation and environmental degradation, which together would render human society as we know it impossible. Alt 1 was detonating nuclear bombs in the atmosphere to allow pollution and heat to dissipate into space. Alt 2 was a plan to build massive underground habitats for the elite to escape. Alt 1 was discarded. Alt 2 was considered viable for a longer time, but today, elite eyes look beyond earth to Alt 3: evacuation of earth to colonies on the moon and Mars. In 1996, it was announced that NASA had selected Lockheed Martin to design and build a billion dollar space shuttle. Using a “new type of engine, the cost of sending payloads into space would drop from $10,000/lb to $1000/lb. if this technology was made public in 1996, it is certain secret agencies including the military had use of it years earlier. Earth in trouble; pollution, overpopulation, etc

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[this whole concept, Alt 3, does not square with the concept presented earlier about humans being kicked off the moon by aliens]. Author Keith listed more than thirty scientists from around the world that were connected to the SDI who either committed suicide, went missing, or died under mysterious circumstances. Several bombings of defense installations occurred. Kurt Rebmann, in 1986 the federal prosecuter for W. Germany believed there was a coordinated offensive against the SDI program. Keith: for Alt 3 to be viable, a number of controls needed to be put into place: these include a controlled media, tv (sports), drugs, religion, mind control, control of the military of major nations, etc. Why would our country deal with Nazi? Why has advanced energy and engine technology been suppressed for years. P. 253 f What’s going on at Area 51? Multiple reports from well qualified observers lend substantial credence to the existence of numerous secret aircraft flying from remote bases in the southwestern US, regardless of the political, funding (!!!!) or technical arguments against that probability. Aviation Week and Space Technology. Note: Multiple Sightings of Secret Aircraft Hint at New Propulsion, Airframe Designs: AWST: Oct 1, 1990. P. 22 Groom Lake, 90 Mi. NW of Las Vegas, also known as “Area 51”, or “dreamland”, on the northern perimeter of Nellis AFB. The USAF conducted a blatantly illegal land grab in 1984 of tens of thousands of acres. In 1995 they grabbed an additional 4000 acres, primarily the high points from which the curious had been watching UFOs. The intense secrecy concerning Area 51 has done little to dispel wild stories. Abe Dane, senior correspondent for Popular Mechanics, wrote “Groom Lake [is] a terrestrial black hole into which it is estimated millions of tax dollars disappear every day, while hardly a word of explanation escapes. Ref: Spy planes such as U2 and SR-71 Blackbird and F-117 Stealth fighter have rolled out of Area 51. AWST: triangular shaped quiet aircraft have been seen with Lockheed F-17 As “In addition, there is substantial evidence that another family of craft exists that relies on exotic propulsion and aerodynamic schemes not fully understood at this time. Ref: AWST: Oct 1, 1990. P. 20

Dane noted “five years after the fall of the Berlin wall, the lights of Groom Lake burn throughout the night with wartime urgency” p. 265 Ref: Abe Dane Flying Saucers, the Real Story Popular Mechanics 172 no 1 Jan 1995 p. 50. Mercenaries from Wackenhut Corp, whose board of directors is filled with CIA, FBI, and Pentagon operatives guard Area 51, harassing and detaining citizens on nearby public roads and confiscating cameras at gunpoint. p. 266

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Unofficial reports state that a new class of aircraft, designated Aurora is under development. Robert Scott Lazar p. 267 claims that he worked on alien flying saucers for the US govt at Area 51 p. 268 f Chapter 7: Face to face: Contact with aliens In the biblical account, Ezekiel not only saw a wheel in the air. He was also taken aboard. His biblical account can be interpreted as an alien abduction. P. 280 f Hindu literature scholar Richard Thompson describes Vedic accounts which also could be interpreted as alien abductions, as in the Ramayana. There were many reports of face-to-face meetings between citizens and the mysterious “airships” of the late 1800s. The visitors replied to a question with an absurd answer. p. 281 The Man from Venus First well known UFO contactee George Ademski A half dozen abductees. p. 283 f Orfeo Angelucci, described by Carl Jung as sincere in his delusions, claimed highly mystical and religious experiences through UFO contact. All of the Ademski like contactees had similar characteristics: publication of books, newsletters And lectures to gain money and notoriety; a lack of any independent corroboration of their experiences, and an ongoing message of love, peace, etc. Many formed groups that could be called cults. P. 291 Betty and Barney Hill p 293 f The Pleiadian connection p. 299 f Believers claim an advanced civilization from the Pleiades contacted Swiss born Eduard Albert Meier. His account has generated perhaps more controversy and claims of hoax than any other. His photos of UFOs were judged by experts to be of high quality, and if a hoax, very expertly done. p. 307 f Chapter 8 Missing time By the late 1960s, contactee’s preaching intergalactic peace and harmony appeared over. Reported contacts became terror filled experiences involving kidnapping, experimentation, and missing time – yet also filled with awe-inspiring revelations and portents.

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Of the Pascagoula incident, APRO investigator Dr James Harder and Hynek concluded the persons involved, Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker, had a very real frightening experience. p. 324 Walton’s missing Days Travis Walton’s alleged experience was translated into a movie Fire in the Sky, which although touted as true, had lots of fiction included. P. 330. Star Children In 1982, N Y artist Budd Hopkins published a book Missing Time, dealing with abduction cases he had studied since 1975. Debbie Tomey contacted him, claimed multiple visitations and reported being shown hybrid children that had been created by taking reproductive cells from her body. Hopkins described the UFO medical procedures to Dr John Burger, director of OBGYN at Perth Amboy hospital in New Jersey. Burger said the procedures sounded remarkably like similar procedures modern medicine uses to produce “test tube” babies. P. 333 Look into my eyes “Hopkin’s abductees had no overt memories until they were hypnotized. The question then becomes whether the abduction story is only a product of being hypnotized” noted skeptic Peebles, joining the corus of voices that claimed most if not all such recollections stemmed from prompting by the hypnotists. Hopkins noted that children provided extremely detailed reports under hypnosis, however even some believers in alien abduction question the validity of hypnosis, as the investigator can easily effect the outcome of the hypnotic session. P. 335 Hopkins stated that many abductees experience “screen memories”, a cover story or false image implanted in their minds to soften a disturbing memory. P. 336 Dr John Mack, professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School supports use of hypnosis. p. 337 Dr Thomas Bullard of Indiana U undertook an in-depth study of the hypnosis issue in the mid-1980.He found that responses varied widely from hypnotist’s expectations. … Hypnotists appear less the leaders than the led. The Mack Attack John Mack, who said he started his abduction work as an intense skeptic, incurred the wrath of an anti-abduction mind set with his publication of Abduction: Human Encounters With Aliens. Mack noted that in almost every case of purported abduction, there are one or more physical findings that are associated with the abduction experience, such as UFO sightings, burned earth, lesions, nosebleeds and the recovery of small objects from the body of the experience. P. 340 Mack defended his study by stating that too many debunkers reject information simply because it does not fit a particular mind-set. Mack was viciously attacked for his belief that abductees represent normal people in abnormal circumstances, but less high-profile studies support his views. Nicholas Spanos at Carleton U in Canada studied nearly 200 subjects, some claiming UFO experiences. His findings clearly contradict the hypothesis that UFO reports, even including those that include communication with aliens, occur primarily in fantasy prone, those given to paranormal beliefs, or those highly suggestible. Studies by Dr Richard Boylan also support Mack’s research.

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p. 340 f After the publication of Mack’s book, a faker, Donna Bessett, came forward to announce her fakery p. 341 She confronted Mack during the 1994 annual conference of SCICOP as a “surprise speaker”, a tactic termed “unconscionable” even by some CSICOP members. NOTE: Philip Klass is a CISCOP operative Mack noted that she did fool him, but that if in fact she had established herself as a liar, then how can she be considered an authority on any matter of integrity… Mack and others wondered why Time magazine would go to such an extreme length to put aside any positive material to create a story to slander him. A special faculty committee was formed in 1994 by the Harvard medical school to assess Mack’s work. Attorney Daniel Sheehan, founder of the Christic Institute argued that Mack’s right of due process was violated by the mere act of forming such a committee. Sheehan also reported that the panel wrote a preliminary report criticizing Mack without affording him a chance to present his side of the issue. After widespread support for Mack’s work, the committee quietly closed shop. P. 343 A time of Communion Whitley Strieber p. 344 f Strieber was already a successful novelist when he launched himself into the maelstrom of the UFO issue with his 1987 book Communion: A True Story. 1989 movie Communion based on his book. Christopher Walken played Strieber. P. 345 Strieber’s message is positive: we are our own greatest resource, and there is someone here willing to take up by the hand… His comments echo reports from some other people who have claimed to have pleasant contact experiences. Midnight visits

Jefferson R. Weekley reported a pleasant visit with unearthly beings as the result of using hallucinogenic

drugs. His experience was similar to other descriptions of alien visitation.

p. 347

ABDUCTEE SELF HELP GROUPS have sprung up across the nation, and mental health professionals and

researchers have logged a number of common elements to the abduction experience.

Change in perception: Oz factor suggests contactee is plunged into an altered state of consciousness

Attendant power failure

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Most common descriptors of visitors: greys

Ability of abductors to literally float through physical objects

Medical exams the most commonly reported experience

Where travel is involved, some report being emersed in a thick liquid

(note Bermuda triangle experiences where were emersed in yellow soup

Often provided with threatening visions resulting in a sterile earth

Implant of tiny devise

P. 349 f

What’s bugging you?

Implant composition p. 353 f

The idea of an implant to trace individuals, as game wardens track animals, is supported by some abductees

[This sounds odd. Why would entities who could find you at any time need an implant to track you?] maybe it is

not to track but to monitor.

Mack wrote that abductees were frequently left with cuts or small ulcers that rapidly healed, much as religious


These guys have little support from online sources:

In Aug 1995, Ventura CA podiatrist Dr Roger K Leir removed several objects from several subjects.

Implants removed; peculiar characteristics: no inflammation around implant, the presence of nerve cells around

the implant, objects encased in a tough black membrane containing hemocyterin, a pigment that aids in

oxygenating the blood. At the heart of the object was a highly magnetic core.

Also working on the alien implant issue is Daryl Sims, of the Houston UFO network. Together Leir and Sims

cofounded the nonprofit Foundation for Alien Human Research, dedicated primarily to the study of implants.

Sims said several of the countries top labs along with 16 top scientists had agreed to analyze some 30 objects

he claimed to have acquired from abductees.

Sims and Leir have also found keratin, normally found in hair and nails. Sims said he suspects the implants

may concern behavior modification p. 358

Death From the Skies p 371 f

Animal mutilation

Howe produced an Emmy award winning 1980 documentary entitled A Strange Harvest, which linked cattle

mutilations to UFOs. In 1989, she published the book An Alien Harvest: Further evidence linking Animal

Mutilations and Human Abductions to Alien Life Forms.

Howe later concluded that two separate forces seemed to be at work in US mutilations: UFOs, and unmarked

helicopters, apparently of Government origin.

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Daniel Kagan and Ian Summers 1948 pub of Mute Evidence trivialized the cattle mutilation problem, dismissed

the evidence, and accused Howe and others of wanting to benefit from the issue. P. 392

Cases in which there is telepathy and consciousness travel, as with Judy Doraty, the question is, how could

beings with such power let witnesses see “by mistake”? ie, the beings told Doraty “you are not supposed to be


p. 399

Howe has talked to many in the government and military. She is convinced there is some connection between

the mutilations and the government.

She sited one case where a field was watched by several people through the night; nothing out of the ordinary

was apparent, but then when daylight came, mutilated animals were found.

“Whatever the phenomena is, it is able to cloak itself” commented Howe. This assessment is supported by

retired Sandia Labs physicist Dr. Henry Monteith. After studying mutilations concluded nonhumans who could

make themselves invisible were involved. He found that the SW Indians were terrified of the phenomena, and

referred to the beings as “star people” p. 401

Howe was convinced the government was involved because on April 9, 1983 she was taken to Kirtland AFB in

Albuquerque NM, where an AFOSI agent gave her pages to read. The pages contained a summary of the US

government’s retrieval of crashed disks and alien bodies. The paper is also said to have mentioned an alien

that lived after a crash in 1949 until 1952, and that this alien had answered all the questions about the

evolution of humans, and that the case was closed. P. 402

[It is hard to believe that Howe, and even Marrs, would buy this. It just doesn’t sound right.]

Why are mostly cows mutilated? James Womack noted that big chunks of cattle chromosomes are identical to

large regions of cattle chromosomes.

In recent years many researchers have concluded that animal mutilation is connected to human abductions.

Howe points out that many animal abductions involve removal of whole reproductive organs, while many

human abductions involve taking tissue or examining reproductive organs. P. 404

Attack of the Goat Sucker p. 404 f

Beginning in 1995, reports of strange bloodless animal deaths began in Puerto Rico and spread to Mexico and

into Texas. Animals ranging from chickens and pet birds to cows and horses were found drained of blood and

with unusual puncture marks and an unknown viscous substance on their bodies.

Several people reported seeing the culprit, and the descriptions were consistent; something about 4 ft tall and

shaped something like a kangaroo, but with long claws, and an oval head with slits for eyes and nostrils. The

killer has been branded by some as Chupacabra (goat sucker).

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Most reports of animal attacks by the Goat Sucker in Puerto Rico seem to occur in areas where there are a

large number of UFO sightings.

Goat Sucker reports became epidemic in Mexico. Ernesto Enherlin, a wildlife biologist at the Technological

Institute of Monterrey stated “this is a sign of collective psychosis”

Going in Circles

Crop circles

Many crop circles in southern England have been found near the mysterious structures of Stonehenge,

Avebury, and Silbury hill.

As with UFOs, crop circles are not new…. Only the reporting of them. Accounts date back to 1633 and 1678 in


It appears that the circles have increased in number since the 1970s. Because of the swirling form of round

crop circles, they became associated with UFOs from the start. Reports o such circles spread from England to

include most countries, including the US.

Very few circles are perfectly round. The crop is generally swirled outward from the center. The crop is pressed

down in different layers, with some layers swirling in the opposite direction from adjacent layers.. the crop

stalks are pressed to the ground, many bent 90 deg, yet are not broken or damaged. Often stalks are

interwoven, like braids of hair. The crop remains alive, but will not grow vertically, only horizontally.

Studies show changes in the molecular structure, consistent with the application of intense heat for a short


The circles are created in probably between 5 and 30 seconds.

Atmospheric conditions seem to play no role in CC formation. CCs never overlap the boundary of the field, and

take into account existing features such as paths and tractor tracks.

Pat Delgato is a retired electromechanical engineer who spent 7 years in Australia working for the British

military and NASA.

Another curious effect is “combing”, where at the edges of the pattern where bent stalks fall on unbent stalks,

the stalks are interleaved, the bent stalks are not smashed down on top of the unbent ones.

Luminous balls, flashing lights, colors, whining or humming sounds, as well as subtle energy fields detected by

both humans and animals.

In the mid 1980s, several scientists in Britain formed Circle Effects research (CERES), and came up with 24

common circle patterns, but could not identify a cause.

Circle researchers have long noticed a military presence in the areas in which crop circles appear. Southern

England has many military installations. Military helicopters and troops equipped with infrared and other

devises have been seen near CCs

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Colin Andrews and Delgado wrote the book Circular Evidence in 1989

Doug and Dave:

financed hoaxers? Part of a disinformation program developed by officials? They could not explain how they

made these precision circles.

Science Takes a Look p. 429 f

Researcher Charles Thomas found that the CC formation process appeared to create a local magnetic

anomaly which is detectable by a compass. The anomaly is not uniform, but complex.

Dr. W. C. Levengood, a high profile bio-scientist, has found evidence of consistent changes in cell structure,

seeds, and growth within the circle plants. The only way he could duplicate the effect was by mcrowaving the

seeds for a short period of time, consistent with Delgado’s interpretation. The plant changes, including

increased growth, were confirmed by independent researcher Kenneth Spelman of signalysis labs in England.

Marshal Dudley, a designer of radiation detection equipment in Oak Ridge Tennessee, and Michael Chorost,

found 11 radioisotopes in circle plants not present in control plants.

Crop circles have been associated with UFO sightings. Circles near Classic UFO sightings tend to be circular,

with crushing weight or occasional charring of vegitation. Sightings near classic crop circles tend to be small

balls of light or spinning globes.

P. 433

There are indications of intelligent thought being behind the circles, in the light of the work of Marshal Dudley, a

designer of radiation detection equipment in Oak Ridge Tennessee, and Michael Chorost, found 11

radioisotopes in circle plants not present in control plants. Jerald S. Hawkins known for his study of Stonehenge

as an ancient observatory. Hawkins suggests the circle ratios may sometimes match the same law as intervals

in western music.

According to writer Ivars Peterson, Hawkins found 5 “geometric theorems” concealed in crop circle geometry. He could not find these theorems in Euclid or any other textbooks or references. P. 434 f Vince Migliore notes the crop circle problem is inextricably related to UFOs, psychic readings, ancient history, religious monuments, ley lines, mythology, and spirituality. Dowsing researchers are said to have found energy lines within the circles. Psychics have also been used to study CCs, and several report they are the product of a spiritual energy flow toward the earth. P. 437 Chapter 11 In the Minds Eye p. 441 Howard Blum, Pulitzer Prize nominee, wrote of a 1985 event in which high ranking military officers observed a Remote Viewing demo. RV had been studied and developed by intel agencies for more than a decade. P. 441

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A series of photographs depicting various subs were shown to the viewer, who calmly gave their locations. The last photo he was shown caused him some discomfort. He saw something above the sub. He described the object as a flying saucer. P 441 f Naval intelligence and DIA accepted the legitimacy of the demo and launched a classified RV ops to seek soviet subs called Project Aquarius. Over the next 14 months there were at least 17 recorded sightings of hovering UFOs by the RVers, according to Blum. “It’s a flying saucer” Blum Out There It is unclear if this is the same Project Aquarius mentioned in the MJ-12 briefing documents. Gov’t agencies quietly continued to give serious attention to UFOs, even to the point of using psychic RVers.. And why not? Nearly all modern UFO encounters appear to involve some sort of telepathy. Many people familiar with RVing believe this might be the best way to understand the UFO enigma. But do humans have such a capability and can it be proven reliable? P. 443 Based on US military and intelligence communities continued funding and study, they obviously believe this to be the case. P. 443 Prophecy and visions are at the core of the world’s great religions. Prophesy also figures into ancient Greek literature. Nostradamus P 445 f From 1927 to his death in 1970, Joseph Banks Rhine and his wife produced many papers demonstrating both ESP and PK. Proponent Dr Richard S Broughton, former president of the International parapsychological Association, reported that several lines of research were producing consistent, reliable effects. Ingo Swann has produced such effects. Swann worked with Clive Baxter, of the Baxter effect, who wrote The Secret Life of Plants. Swan worked in Baxter’s lab for about a year. Baxter’s work, verified and augmented by other scientists around the world, convinced Swann that something very real was happening on a psychic or subconscious level. p. 449 [ no references for verification or augmentation of Baxter’s findings] Tests done with Ingo Swann with Karlis Otis at the American Society for Psychical Research. Work done under auspices of Dr. Gertrude Schmeidler with the Dept of Psyc at the City College of the City University of N Y. p. 449 Hal Puthoff, a physicist at SRI, in Menlo Park CA, wanted to research in quantum biology. After several conversations with Swann, he agreed to test RVing, but only under strict scientific protocols. This began 20 years of study at SRI. Rather than id a target location by description, which can introduce bias, Swann proposed target location via coordinates. Swann was presented with a set of coordinates, and he would describe what he “saw” there. Puthoff and Swanns chief client was the CIA, who were allegedly responding to the 1970 book Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain, by Shiela Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder. The book postulated that the US was lagging behind the soviets in psychic research, based on the authors’ tour of the soviet union. CIA agents were aware that Puthoff had been a Naval Intelligence Officer and NSA employee. The agents wanted to carry out simple tests with Swann.Puthoff agreed. The study, called SCANATE (scanning by coordinate)

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proved so successful that CIA funding continued until 1976, when the psychic program was taken over by the US Army’s Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) More than a dozen mil. Intelligence officers were trained using protocols developed at SRI, and in 1976 were formed into Detachment G, also known as Project GRILL FLAME., located at Ft Meade MD. Over the years the project became variously known as CENTER LANE, SUN STREAK< and STARGATE. The unorthodox military unit of psi spies was the creation of Mag Gen Ed Thompson. Although apparently never used as a primary intel source – prejudice among ranking officers remained strong – it was used to locate enemy military installations, rocket launching sites, and submarines. It was learned that multiple viewers strengthened the accuracy of the viewing [kind of like holography] The RV studies and the operational psi spies unit were continued until mid1995. Then, following the abrupt and cancellation of a major book on the subject, the CIA first admitted it’s role in psychic research. A CIA commissioned report issued on sept 29 1995, by the American Institute for Research tried to dismiss the issue of RVing as being “unscientific”. An official CIA statement swept the issue further under the rug by claiming the RVing program was determined to be unpromising. What was not explained was why this “unpromising” program continued under at least three separate government organizations under 4 presidents for over 25 years. The reason was quite simple: it works. As Puthoff put it in a final report, “The integrated results [of RV studies] appear to provide unequivocal evidence of a human capacity to access events remote in time and space…. Also absent from the media stories was the fact that every RVer had at one time or another, encountered UFOs in their mental searches. P. 454-455 no ref in footnotes A View From Space p. 455 Swann, in conjunction with another psychic, Harold Sherman, conducted a remote viewing of Jupiter on April 27, 1973. Their impressions were virtually identical. Swann saw crystal rings and an atmosphere. Full confirmation of his viewings came six years later, with the 1979 Voyager space probes. He viewed Mercury, and his viewing vindicated by Mariner 10, which found an atmosphere, a magnetic field, an ionosphere, all contrary to prior belief. p. 461 The psi spies created “enigma files” in which they accumulated their most extraordinary cases., a real life forerunner of the x-files. Their work continued even after leaving the military. PSI TECH Inc. was briefly formed, however, all but one of the participating military RVers left by 1996. One of their clients was the short lived Center for North American Crop Circle Studies in New Canaan, Connecticut. p. 461 How to Make a Circle p. 462 In June 1992 5 experienced RVers made a study of CCs, concentrating on one case at Barbury Castle near Marlborough England. The circles were outstanding in their complexity, and witnesses claimed to have heard pulsing hums and saw flashing lights. In their final report, they stated the CCs were intended as signposts or reference marks for “at least 12 different species of ETs” p. 462 Source note: 12 species of ETs: Psi Tech report: “final project report: Enigma penetration :crop circles june 1992, p. 2

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Major David Morehouse RVer saw all manner of beings in dimensions and planets in other solar systems. The psi spies all said that their wondrous visions strengthened their religious beliefs. “once you know, really know, that death is not the end of your existence, then you are truly liberated, truly free”. P. 468 Mel Riley, Linda Anderson, Lyn Buchanan, other RVers. A dark Future p. 469 Within the Enigma Files are reports laden with foreboding. One of these had to do with continuing problems with the ozone layer. In March 1992, 5 RVers agreed to explore the ozone problem. The contract came from the Institute for Human Potential, a think tank formed in honor of Senator Claiborne Pell, chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Funding for the institute comes mostly from grants by Laurence Rockefeller. The cover letter for the final report stated the outlook was grim, that by 2005-2012, a critical point will be reached where the destruction will begin a run away course. They predicted that volcanic activity, including the explosion of an extinct volcano in the North American cascade chain, will temporarily be ameliorate the ozone problem, but chaotic weather and decreased sunlight will require construction of huge greenhouses, which will eventually become increasingly critical to sustaining life. There is no perceived violence. Most creative energy is directed to questions of survival. According to the report, the human race will adapt to the new conditions. p. 469—471 [ The ozone problem has been reduced due to government regs. So this info is inaccurate] RVers found that a photo of an object they were presented with was an object that had humanoids in it, and was hovering over a nuclear storage facility. Their impression was that the visitors were inventorying the number of armed warheads. They were found to be man made, but not by earthly humans. The RVers found the points or origin to be subsurface locations on the moon and mars, and would come to subsurface locations on earth. Who would ever believe them? P. 472-473 These RVers all agree that alien cultures and other dimensions are a matter of fact, and alien species have many different agendas. The Mars Observer vanished Aug 20, 1993, just as it was about to go into orbit around Mars.NASA officials don’t seem to know, but the psi spies claim its fate was identical to the Soviet Phobos II, which was lost in March 1989, as it too was about to go into orbit around Mars. Officials within the Russian space program commissioned the GRILL FLAME unit to determine what happened. They determined that the Russian probe had been destroyed after interactions with non hostile approaching objects. The RVers also associated a tall pyramidal structure on the Martian surface as a navigation aid. Later photographs, allegedly taken by the Soviet probe, showed objects which were consistent with the RVers impressions. P. 474 f A Titan rocket, carrying a top secret military cargo, exploded moments after takeoff on August 2, 1993. According to Space News, the Air Force video of the launce showed a unidentified object apparently striking the Titan at about 110,000 ft. RVers believe the unresolved space craft losses may be attributable to small multi-faceted devises that “take out” some spacecraft. Suggestion of earth being “quarantined” p. 480-481 [But hundreds of objects have been put into space. That doesn’t sound like any quarantine.]

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Morehouse said that due to a lack of systematic work, the RVers were not able to form a broader understanding of the UFO phenomena. Intergalactic Boat People p. 473 Morehouse noted that the RVers were not able to closely study all the aerial vehicles they encountered, because there were just too many. Eventually the RVers accepted the idea that alien cultures and other dimensions are just a fact of life. They have always been here, before us, and they will be here when we are gone. Said Mel Riley. Lyn Buchanan concurred: There are different confederations of aliens with many different agendas. Mars Observer vanished Aug 20, 1993, just as it was about to go into orbit around Mars. Contact was broken and never restored. RVers reported less than a week after cntact was lost that the fate of the Mars Observer was the same as that of the Soviet Phobos II. In March 1989 it too was lost as it was about to move into orbit around Mars. In March 1991, RVers formerly with Grill Flame were commissioned by Russian space officials to study the casus of the probe’s disappearance. The final report, entitled Enigma Penetration: Soviet Phobos II Space Craft Imaged Anomaly, issued on Sept 29, 1991. A disc shaped object arose from the planet, briefly perused it, and returned to the surface. A second object, already in space, directed a powerful penetrating particle beam into the interior of the probe, which rendered the electronics damaged. Finally, a small meteoride caused catastrophic damage. At no time did the RVers detect hostile intent. Yet another object the viewers detected on the surface was a tall pyramidal structure which serves as a type of “glide path homing transponder”. Something living is periodically visited by “others” on caretaking missions. Perceptions strongly connected to this resident life form include: ancient, marooned, desperation, tragedy, grief,a nd pathos. Without some form of verification, this is just a fantasy story. But from the Soviets, there was feedback. Alexander Dunayev, chairman of the Soviet space organization responsible for the Phobos II project, announced that the probe photographed the image of a small odd shaped object between itself and Mars. He suggested it might have been debris. In Dec 1991, when Soviet cosmonauts visited the US, Marina Popovich displayed a photo to San Francisco newsmen of an odd shaped object approaching the probe. The Psi-Tech RVers saw this as confirmation of their visions. This RV theory would require both Soviet and US probes to both be taken out by a “micrometeorite”. [ but this could as well be a faked Russian photo to give credibility to the RVers story. ] Loss of other satellites. P. 474- 479 Men From Mars RVers describe 3 main types of alien beings involved with humanity. Humanoids and “greys” from Mars, and energy beings, or transcendentals. The descriptions of these beings could qualify them as “angels” p. 483 The Trouble With Remote Viewing Maj Ed Dames had odd ideas. One of these was that the Roswell event never happened; that it was an EM induced hallucination. Other RVers disagreed, saying that the Roswell event seemed to be based on real events. P. 491 Ingo Swann continued to express reservations about placing undue emphasis on the results of RV sessions, especially when it involved UFOs. Without feedback, such RV reports are merely offering unsupportable accounts. Michael Miley attacked thje claims of both Dames and his pupil Courtney Brown. He reported that Joe McMoneagle, an original RVer, had contradicted many of Dame’s claims. McMoneagle stated that Dames was never commander of the unit, and was not an RVer, simply a monitor. Miley concluded that Dames’

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Martian story was the result of “front-loading”, where the biases and knowledge of the monitor are passed along, either consciously or unconsciously, to the RVer. P. 492 Dames and Brown were the only ones to speak about RVed UFOs (you mean publicly? You already mentioned a number of RVers who reported UFOs.) Galactic Federation Headquarters It seems that RVing may provide real insights into the alien agenda if the scientifically developed protocols are rigorously applied by serious researchers. What the Seers See In 1996, the American Association of Remote Viewers Inc. organized such an effort. 7 experienced RVers, whose level of performance was known based on prior testing, were commissioned to look at the UFO issue. It was a highly controlled set of protocols. The responses to questions were varied, but the overall conclusion was that multiple species of ETs are visiting earth. P. 519 There also seems to be a connection with the spiritual or metaphysical . p. 516 f. Chapter 12 A Metaphysical Exam Vallee sees a definite connection between UFOs and the Fatima apparitions: flying disk or globe; falling leaf trajectory; light effects; thunderclaps; lighting, buzzing sounds, strange fragrance, “angel hair” that dissolves on falling to the ground; paralysis, amnesia, conversions, and healings. In their book Unmasking the Enemy, retired USAF Lt Col Dr Nelson S. Pacheco and former researcher under J. Allen H., Tommy Blann argue that religious apparitions exhibit major differences from UFO encounters: Fatima was primarily moral, while UFO manifestations are amoral having more to do with our own potential, the destruction pf the environment, government secrecy, etc. [ some would think destruction of the environment IS a moral issue.] Fatima imagery fits traditional Catholic archetypes, and the feeling reported by visionaries is one of peace. [how about the Catholic inquisition, and the crusades, which killed millions???] The miracle of the sun at Fatima stands by itself. It is only paralleled by Old Testament miracles. Even the most magnificent UFO display pales by comparison. [magnificence does not necessarily imply high spirituality] All three authors share the common belief that the UFO phenomena involves non-human intelligence that is not necessarily extraterrestrial. P. 521-522 The Wee Folk Vallee: it is hard to find a culture on earth that does not have an ancient tradition of little people who fly through the sky and abduct humans. “This is not simply a case of a few tales relating a few humans and strange creatures from the sky. This is an age old and world wide myth. Repeats Vallee’s ideas. John Keel: UFOs are extradimensional. P. 527 The gods of war William Bramley investigated the causes of war. He fully expected profit as being the prime factor behind wars. In his book The Gods of Eden, that the earth’s population remains under the control of an alien race of

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“custodians” that use war as an effective means of control. Charles H. Fort and Dr Fred Hoyle apparently agree with the idea that human beings are merely pawns of aliens that control our ever move. P. 529 f. Voices from the ether Richard T. Miller, a participant in the Mantell UFO case, left the AF in 1949, but served as a UFO investigator for ATIC until 1951. Miller had a UFO experience, and later claimed telepathic communication from non-human beings with names such as Hatonn, Ashtar, Mon-Ka etc. …. These aliens used a form of energy surrounding them even in deep space. “electromagnetic and electrostatic lines of force that they twisted or bent parallel of an instant. Associated with Zero Point Energy. Miller was only one of a long line of people who claimed to have contact with non-human intelligence. Edgar Cayce is the most notable. According to David Wallechinsky and Irving and Amy Wallace, unlike most psychics, Cayce kept complete transcripts of his trance induced statements. These transcripts, along with follow up research on his patients showed that his methods had an amazingly high success rate. Cayce alluded to visitations from alien beings, according to Rob Grant, with the Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc., a group devoted to a study of Cayce’s words. Cayce apparently believed in reincarnation, and saw human experience on earth as only a small portion of sentient life in the universe. Jane Roberts claimed to channel an entity Seth, and wrote Seth Speaks in the early 1970s. Seth: the universe you seem to perceive, either visually or thru instruments, appears to be composed of galaxies, stars, and planets at various distances from you. This is basically an illusion. Your senses and your very existence as physical creatures program you to perceive the universe in such a way. p. 531 f top quark, 10 dimensions, etc p 554.