alexandria gazette.(alexandria, va) 1910-12-05. · 2017. 12. 17. · iokdat ivknino. okc. 6 local...

IOKDAT IVKNINO. OKC. 6 LOCAL MATTERS. Sun and Tide fabla. run riaea tomorrowatTrOrta. m.andsrtr ,.. m. High water at 10:47 a va. and _ ~, cather Probabilities. Tor tbis. spction snow or raiu this afierDOOO aodtouight. Tuesday snow, ed by dearinf and colder weatber; ten.perature tonigbt about 82 s; briak eastcrly, shifting to higb ii, hwesterly wiods late tooight or hy. FIRES. A small framo homo belonging to Ur. Carroll Wolf, oa the east side of the electric railway, a short distance noithwcst of this r-itv. was destroyed by fire about 12 o'clock Saturday nigbt. Tlu* hou-e had been occupied by labor- trs. The origin of the fire is unkuown. I arly v.*sterday afternoon Mr. B. M. own, engineer at the Corby Bak- ery. on the west side of Lee street, be¬ tween Cameron and Queen, discovered Rre in the second story of the building. Sui »ke was pouring from wbat was being need . a store room, and tbe ongineer rau into thc street and gave the alarm. He returned quickly and used a fire extiaguisber with effect, although be was in danger of suffocatiou frini smoke Hc tinally used a three-incb fire bose. The fire department arrived in the meantime but the fire was found 10 l)e vittually under control. Most of the MWteota of tho room were burned or datuaged, but the fire caused no Seriou KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS. I'it /gerald Couueil, No. 459, Knights of Coluo:bus, held a meeting yesterday afti roooo at St. Mary's Hall, at which tiiu thc first degroc of tbe order was i-onferred on a class of candidates. 1_H council has arranged to give tbe 1 degree during the month. Ar _,< Dta aleo aro being made to give tlu-third or major degree of the order New Year'a day. mbera of the order bave been notilied that the fourth degroe, which is a side degree, will be conferred Feb- ruary 22 next. Tbis degree will be given either in Alexandria or at Mar- tmsburg, W. Va. . This council at its next regular buai- MM meeting, which will be held De¬ cember 14, will nominate and elect - for the ensuing year. 4 CHARITY BALL. There is only one gift in the world price.that is love. Those who -t appreclate love can netbe belped by anv substituto. Wben charity, M h as the Elks bestow upon the needy ooee, manifests itself, particu- larly during the Christtnas holidays, ono reali/?s that lifo is still worth the living, no matter how desolate the home or how dreary the life. The pro- et ls of the Charity Ballto be glven ou W.dnesJay nigbt at thc Elks Home will be d.voted to the filling of tbe grand bmsketa which will cheer the heart*) ol tbe needy ofeea on Cbristmaa. That it will be liberally patronized by the Elks aod their friends goe* withoet i'hr committee in charge bave mad all btcaaaary arraugements a.d ; ning is promised all who atte d. Tbe Elks' Homc, it 13 ted, .vill not be large enough to aooommo late those who wish in this way to heip a moft worthy cause. THE WEATHER. The weitber yesterday was rainy and Ihiaatanil g. Cloudy conditions existed al no early hour this morning, aud i begaa to tly and continued tbe ren.inder of the day. Snow visited ye-tteidjiy Baltimore and tho surrouud- inf oountry, but, owing to the medium temperature which existed throughout the day. be ilakes melted us fast as they reac! od the ground. Tho storm waa a gen r&\ one, extending over the aaid le west, the lakes, New Eng¬ land atate and the Atlantic ocean; but tbe fall wa« very light. Low temperatures will prevail over tbe country est ofthe Rocky mountains during tb* creater part of the coniing week. according to tho prediction of tbe Weather Bureau. CHJRCH ON WHEELS. The litt'e frame building, on north Oohssnbaa street, in which tbe uiem- ben ot tbe Becood Baptist Church wor- ship. i> probably destinod to attain u.itii.ty as great as the "Little Cburch Around tbe Cot_K" in New York, h attracted the attention of the country re. forty yoars ago when the pastui ol a fashionable church in the mctrc^olis refused to allow the re¬ mains of Actor Holland to be brought in, but dirccted those in charge of the funeral to proceed to the "little church ar .tind the eorner." The Alexandria i'hurch is <;till on wbeels, but that fact did not deter tbe members from enter- iug ii an i holding services yesterday. Now tbat a!l Icgal obstacles have been removed the work of placing the building >n tbe oppesite aide ofthe atreet will it is said, be eompleted to¬ day )ROAN RBCITAi. Mr. Edxar Friest, A. R. M. C M. organiit and cboirmaster of St. Panl'a pa! Church, Washington, will give an "rgnn recital iti the M. E. CmirchSnth in this city nest Friday s--ening,at 6 o'eloek. He will be aw-ited by Mr. Kenncth Ogden. There will bo Imission charged, but a silvcr o ferinK will bc taken at the door. The aedsarefoi tho church futnish- SUNDAY" SCHOOL WORKSRS. Ihe meeting of tbe Sunday School \*> .:k«rs' Assoeiation in tbe First Pres- byterien Chureh yesterday afternoon Ma we'1-s.ttended and enjoyed by all proaeot. The address of Bev. J M. Holmes, paator of tbe Methodist Prot- on "How to Study the Bible," abounded in prautical tbougbts IO 1 wm iniu l) appreci&t.d. Aaother meeting of the assoeiation will be held on the second Sunday in January, at which tim officers will be elected. Where > lind the GOODY_AR GOLD BEAL pur guin boou aud sboe*. Our atore. J. A. Marahall k Bro*, 422 k.Mg .. MEMORIAL SERVICES._ Interesting and Impresslve Services ef Alexandria lodge. Beiievolent and Protectlve Order Elk. ThrlIIIng Ad- ttamm af OeWeMeeen J. V. Illrrell and Ho... K. T. W. iiu_r--l.arel.ent M.*lc_l Programme Well-reudered. The new ball of Alexandria Lodge of Elks waa a place of beauty last night. Tbe committee having the memorial services in charge bad anticipated every tliing which could bave in any manner sdded interest to the oocasion, aiid the large audiencc was more than plcased with their evening'a experieuce aod tbe members of the organization felt an honest pride in tho appreciation manifested by tbeir numerous guests. Tliis was the first time the metnorial services had been held iu the new home of tbe lodge.and the auditorium bad been beautiful ly and taatefuliy decorated for tho occasion. Flags and potted plants and ferns were in profusion and the many electric bulbs brilliantly illumi- nated everything. About eight o'eloek the orchestra reodered an overture, after which the members of the lodge entered the audi¬ torium and took their placea on the stogo, which had been tastefully deco¬ rated. A "clock," ready to toll eleven, was a conapicuous object, as were aix¬ teen white atars, representing the mom- bera of the lodge who have joined the great majority sinoe tho inatitution of the order of Elks in Alexandria. After prayer by Rev. W. J. Morter., reetor of Chriat Church, Exalted Rmer Howard W. Smith made a few fitting ren.arka, and the opening ceremonies followed. The chaira of tbe officers had been taken from the lodge room and piaced in position in the audi¬ torium, and those filling tbem vied with the exalted ruler in the opening ceremonies. An impressive feature ofthe opening services was the calliug of tbe roll of the sixteon deceaaed mombers by Secretary Donnelly. As a name was ealled a star blazed forth. Tbis was continued until the entire sixteeu were shiniog brilliantly aa was also tbe im- provised clock. They continued to shine forth tbroughout tho ceremonies, tbus signifying that,while absent in the flesb, they were present in the apirit. After an invocation by Rev. Edgar Carpenter. cbaplain of the lodge, Mr. J. F. Birrell, wbo was the first speaker. advanced and made a short but interesting address on the prineiples of the Elks.Cbarity, Justico, Brother- ly Love and Fidelity. He said they were broad and li' eral and the organi¬ zation had oo creed under its tutelage. The institution waa one which em* braced Jew and Gentile, repreuentatives of all persuaaiona. The order taugbt the fatherbood ot God and the brother¬ bood of man, as well as the sacredness of the home, the love of country andof the Creator.. Tbe Elks, bo said, had an altar at which prayer was offered. An American flag and a Biblo were kept upon it and overy candidate piaced his hands upon tbe sacred volume in taking his obligation to bo tme to the teaeh¬ ings of the institution. Tbe Elks pro- claira justice. and the samescales were used for the king and peasant alike. Brotherly love, a key noteof the order, was being manifested in every place in the world where a I/jdge of Elks exists, and while Alexandria members of the order were bonoring their dead similar services were being held at the same hour elsewhere. Mr. Birrell'- allusion to the deeeased members of the order was appropriate and touching. He said that while to us tbeir suns had set, thev wereshining iu greater brilliancy on anolher shore. Their faulta had been written in aaud, but their virtues bad been engraved upen enduriug tab- lota. He closed by turning to tbe metuhers of the lodge who were soated npou tho 8taga and made praetical suggestions to those who, so far, bave escaped the scytbe of the silent rttaper, aad uttered words of enconragemont, as well as kindly rules of life which should aniroato all, and the God of hope would bo with ull. Mr. Birrell made numerous referenees to history and general literature, nll of whieh were well applied. After certain musical features of tbe programme, Hon. R. T. W. Duke arose and made an oxceedingly inter- eating addresa. The speaker ia not a stranger in Alexandria, and all wbo bave ever beard him are glad of otber opportunities. Ho was at bis best and for nearly half an hour be thrilled and edirled bis audieoce. He said the dead do not need us; they are beyond our hope. But we have need of tbe dead, as in the study of their lives we are as pigmies upon tbe shouldera of giants. There is, tbe speaker aaid, no auch thiug as death, and were there auch a thing aa annihilation, tbe ceremonies in which the company was engaged would be a cruol mockery. The great teacher had told the Sadducees of his day that God was tbe God of tbe living. The company had gathered to acknowledge life, and be had not one word of sorrow upon bis lips. He often beard peoplo admonisb otbera to prepare for deatb, and be had little patience witb such; even those in the pulpit gave expreaaiona to auch words. We all bad better prepare to live. tbat it our mieaioD. The apeaker said each age bas iu burdens, and as time |03i on e»«h goneratton aupposes itc burdeni the moat aeriooi. Tbis would continue until a perfect man would meet a perfeet God. Mr. Duke tpoke of the aacreduria of tba bome and tbe home altar, and said tbe bome waa at preaent sacriQ.ttl to the apartment bouae and flat. Should tha home eventually become a thing of the past. tbe Araericnn nation will be lost. We can have no good men or women if we bave no good homes, but tbe divorce court will become more and more in evidence. Mr. Duke in hia speech took a long range, apeaking of modern buiioeaa methoda by whicb departmeota were making slaves o men beretofore their own masters. The remedy, he thought, is in individ« ual manhood aud reaponsi- bility. He made quotationa from tbe Bible, and advised all to perform hia or her duty in life as thougb the world depended upoa them individnally, He said each member ot the race had bis or ber own duties to perform, duties which uo ohe else could fulfill. Mr. Duke closed by urging upon his hearera to be ludependent in bome, business, politk'S anj religion. The following wai tba raugjcal pro* pnw Overture.. ."PoetaudPeasant" .Suppe Orchestra Iuvocation Rev. Wm. J. Morton Opening Ceremonlea .... .~ _,_.;.' Brother Howard W. Smith, Exalted Ruler and Offlcors Solo Seleeted Miss Kathryn Hrill Opknino Oi>k. Orieutalo .'-VlsionofSalome" iJampe Orchestra Quartet "One Sweetly, Solema Thought Solo._elected.Kenneth Ogden Jdvlle "Apple Blossoms Roberts Orchestra Closing Ceremonles. Kxaited Ruler and Offlcers Hvmii-Nearer My Oocl to TUeo Benedlction by Rev. V.gar Carpenter. The following are tbe paat and pree- ent offlcera of Alexandria Lodge. past ua-raB NW Vdward .T Ou uu " u* "* Kt;"' Se_rl?F" Bradley Ixmla E Nbnman Kill y Harry *.*.*¦»»¦ C. C. Carllu , L*L B?rl«y D. E Robey OFKICBltS Howard W. Bmith Kxaited Ruler II BQuinu.Esteemod Leading Kulght Robert fl. Barrett.Esteemed Loyal Knight James W. Balea Esteemed Lccturing Knight W.M.Donnelly.¦.S__S_*r2r Thomas D. Downey _C.\!K_ G.T.Catou. r.t_i?_fl? Rev. Edgar Carpenter. _C»P»'° James B. Martiu In"?T-S!L i . F. P. Kussell .Orgnnlst THl'HTK Cbas. B. Marshall Thos. Cbauncey Thomas J. Fannon MEMOHIAL 0OMMITTKB Charles B. Marshall oualrman James W. Bales Thomas M. Ditnbar II. Frledlander C. C. C_lln Qt'anTKT i, Mrs. M. W. O'Brlen Mr.Q. H. Evana Mrs. R. F. Downham Mr. K. W. Ogdon ACCOMFAMHTS Mrs. C. O. Lennon Mrs. M. Martiu Prof. Leon Cohen, Couduotor Oreh.tra. The following is a list of members who havo died siuce thc organization of the lodge: W L. Hayee December 19,1002 Oeo. F. Stolner Auguat 7, 1903 Champ Walker Oetober 21. WM Samuel Wingfleld.Al|B?Bt_'i2_ Donald McLean .«epteml»r4,1905 Dauiel Rubeu.Ian_.ry 3, KJ> Thomas F. Kplnks Pebmarv 16,1900 Peytou B. Dearboru July 1, UW William A. Moore Auguat., 90; Kdward L. Jordan.January S, l9ol Peter Sinelair ?_*__*r2'1__ Heury A. Lllley.January 19,I'Jo** Thomas A. Gorfaam May 11, UOj Henrv Strauss.Oetober 10. l«w William E. Shtson. January I0.UW ZoraHlll Mareb 4, 1910 DEATH OF MRS. RUST. Tbo entire comtuunity was grieved and ahocked tbis morning wben tbe news of the death of Mrs. David N. Rust was received. It was kno«vn tbat she had recently undergone a scrious operation at the Georgo Washington Hosptial iu Washington, but until a sudden change for tbe worst took place last night, her pbyaiciaua wero mo3t hopeful of her recovery. Mrs Ru3t was s rare type of cbristian wom- anbood, faithful in every relation of life, gentle, earucst and truly witbout guile. In ber bome, iu her church and in her neighborhood her loss cannot bc esti mated. Her husband aud children have ihe siucerest sympathy of their many friends in this their great sorrow. Beforo her marriage Mrs. Rust was Miss Mary Lock, daughter of Rev. Thomas 12. Lock, of Amberat county, and beaides ber husband she leavea six children.three daughters and three 8ods. Her funeral will tako place from Christ Cburcb on Thursday morning next at 11 o'clock. BASKETBALL. The Y. M. S. L. "Speed Boys "and tbe Ingram Memorial Club, of Waah¬ ington, played an exciting game of basketball in the Amory Hall Saturday night. The "Spoed Boys" won by the score of $$ to 14. The home boys were never in danger of defeat during the evening, and, aa some of tbe visiting teatus, when they are aware that they have met their .uperiors in the art of goal shooting, passing of the ball betweeu members of the team, and many ©ther tricks in tbe game, resort to reugh and tumble tactics, and, in order to defend them¬ selves and keep from loeiug, the "rubes," as they are tormed by some ofthe "experts," show that they are rigbt at home in mch emergencies. They have made wonderful iraprove- ment in playing the game, and the ditlicult ball tossing of Toomey and Entwisle won the applause of the large crowd. It is to be hoped that the many ad- mirers of Jndoor atbletice will visit the Armory Hall when games are an¬ nounced to take place, as a large crowd is sure to please the piayera and make tbem give an exhibiiion of tbe finest elass of baaketball. Tbeline-up: I. M. Club. Positlons. Lyceum Keitb .L. F.Kntwlsle (onover.R. F.Toomey Scott.Center.. Patterson Daunet R. O. .Williams Papser.L. O.Cockrell Goals-Toomey 7,Entwl»lo 3, Williams 3, Cockrell, Keitb 2, Soott 3. Free Toss- es.Conover 4, Entwiale. Referee.Mr. Hans. ol halvea.. minutes each. R0BBERIE9. Thievea last night robbed the bunga- low belonging to Messrs. Harry Fleiscbmann andKrvtog Schwarzmann at Collinwood Beach, a short distance below this city. A cbewing gum machine which had been taken from the aoutbweat corner Of Wilkes and Pitt streets and rifled it of its contents, was found last night on the railroad track a short distance eaat of tbe store. At an eariy bour this morning Mr. t. L. Bntwisle was awakened by a tblef who was andeatoringto removoacbew ing gum box from tbe front of bis atore, on tbe east side of Fairfax street, noar Wilkos. Mr, Entwisle came to tlie window aud frigbtened tbe wonld-be thief off. . i.ii ACCOSTBD AY A POOTPAD. Mr. Richard Garvey reporta that he was held up last night in the viclnity of Braddock Hoigbts by a man who asked hira to stop. Mr. Garvey told the man he had no reason to stop, wben tbe footpad replied, "Igueas you can stop." At tbis juncture Mr. Garvey drew a pistol and pointing the weapon at tha mao pulled the trigger. Tbe weapon, bowever, hung fire and the higbway- man took to bis heals. Mr. Garvey could not tell whether the man was white or colored._ Gents! Stylish, up-io-date footwear adds materially to your appearance. We have the excluaive styles, sueh aa THE HS8S, RXGAl, WALKOVXB, BROCTON COOPlsUTIVE, 8*. J, A. Mw.ball * Bt8. *M Xing rtreet, Washington, D. C. $5 Trimmed Hats AT $2.95 The beat bals you ever bougbt for ItlHl fact, they are real t5 00 hats and you will unhesitatingly pronounce them ao. $5'% e mairials are velvet, some of felt, and they are W*"Mg. .imply, yet atlractively trimmed wilh ib.wers, velvet, silk, gold tr.m- f,,in^.u:i!;;:r;,rrl!;;rsih,,.- **..,,. «,. season, «*»»* navy hhie green, gamet and gray. Baoowd floor-M.ll.nery. _- ¦* ¦ LOCAL BREVITIES. Tlie sale of property delinquent for city taxes will bo held tomorrow. Tho OUlLndies'Ilomecommittcr will meet at Lee Camp HeH, tomorrow morning at ll) o'clo.k. The achoou-r John P. Hob«ns..n, from the lower river with lumber to W. A. Smoot A 06.. baa nrrifcd. There are two stages in a I ad cold. In Uieonestage it afllicte tbe man tbat a got it and in the other itallliets every- hody else. A meeting of Mary Custii f^e Chap¬ ter, U. D. 0., will beheld at LeeCamp Hall tomorrow afternoon atl! o'-lock. Tho Southern Broo.n Work,-. eon- ducted hy Mr. C. N. Rauch, at 4i»4 north Fairfax street, bids fail to beOMM an Alexandria institution. The saleto haw taken pla« today al No 307 aouth Sl. Asaph stie.t wasposf poned. The sale will take rdaea al ¦ future date. There wai but .«ae before tbe Police Court tbis morning, tbat ol a man who bad been arrested for being druok to tlie street. Hewasd_m-Seed. Civil atrvk* eiamtoatioo-. in to be held oo Jamaary 4, lor s.M.nd-el.w. n assistant. staam eoginoer at Marion, Ga and 00 Jaauarj 18 Ibr ultravtolet mioroaeopetoapectoi attho Departmeot Of Agnenlture. Btee-edOyafcOTtO-jtrtat tbe Opera IIouso Oafe: L.vnbaven B.ys ga half .hell. Rriil's Oelebrated Blngle 1- ned. Oyster's F.lgln Creamery llutter, One I'nund Print-*. !l8r. Loudoun County Roll Butter, Kta lb-: Good Cooklng Butter, 27c; 0**.*"* Ettiii, Wfl deaao; 4 large eana Rc«t loma- toee ?-; cans Htring Beana, .e; Karlv Jiine Pe_, Oe; Saine Sugar ( orn, £tv Green Mountaln Potatoes, white anJ ntealy, *>¦ busbel:3 large eana Van Camps Milk. 2Sc W. P. WOOLLi I SON. Doyou know bo* It te*U to all Ho n to your meals wltbout an appetite oi anything on the table teigiTO you M appetite* Ofeourae you do! Yoql aJao know that when tboae trn sl dlblj (tolie louaAtr-Ba.agesand ureon tho table, you alu:i\-h^'- :'"' Mmetlto. "Tbetaste tell*tbetmle." Keepupyour vitality by keeping iu condition. < ome to Blondheim's Auth Stand "r Market for the finest assortmein of tood products in Alexandria. PERSONAL. Mr. Cecil Hufty. who recently came near being asphyxiatcd on a gaaolioc launch, is rapidly improving, but is atill at the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. (ieorge S. Pranch left today for a trip to New Vork. Mrs. Caasius F. Lee baa returned from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Henry, in Morriatown, N. J. Bishop A. S. Lloyd will prearh and coiifirm a clasa in St. James' Kpiscopal Church, Leeaburg, Wednesday evening next. Tuesday morning he will preaoh and confirm a class at Christ Church, Goreaville. Next Sunday morning hc will preacb and confirm a class at Christ Church tbis city. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Thaler. form¬ erly of tbis city, but nowof Washing¬ ton, have issued invitations for the eete- bration of tbe twenty-ilftb anmversary of their marriage which will M held at their residence, No. 1181 Elevonth street north west, Washington, Saturday TfAPmnber 17. Mr. J. Henry Adsms, of Fredericks¬ burg. paid a short visit to his old bome in tbis eity last week. Miss Inez M. Marshall, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mn. John A.Mar¬ shall,will be married at noon on Thurs- ber home on Wolfe street to Mr. Fred Cook, a prominent New Yorkcr. Councilman C B. Marshall who was chairman of tbe eommittee of arrangc- ments at tbe Elks' entertainment last nigbt was today receivine the congratu- lations of his many friends for tho able manner in which be performed the du- tic*3. fhe 10*0 rendered by Mkfl Kutlu- rine Brill at the Elks' memorial e.xcr ciaes bst night was greatly enjoyed by tha large audieuce present. WOMAN S AUXILIARY. The regular meeting of the Woru- mroan's Auxiliary to R. E. Lee Camp will be beld ln Confederate Veterans Building tomorrow evening, at half past soven o'eloek. At this meeting flnal arrangemeuu will be made for the annual oyiter aupper to be giveo by this organization next Tbursday evening, aud it is earowtly desired that all members attend. GUNNBR FINED. Elbert Wood, colored, was arrested Saturday afternoon in this city by Offlcer Beacb and locked up on tbe charge of unlawful gunning near Acco- tink, Fairfai oouoty. He was la'er turned over to Game Wardon Payne. Wood was taken before Justice Wright this. morning and fined 15 and $4.80 costt. _ HSBRVXS VS WESTERN HIGH SCHOOL. The Y. M. S. L Rescrves will line up against the fast five of the Western High School, of Waahington. at Ar- niory Hall tomorrow nigbt fttS.lD. The High School lads come bere with tbe reputation of being tbe beat flvea of thejr ffight in Ibe dUtrirt. i SMITH'S PICTURES. When the firat of Smith's pictures was shown Saturday night there was ng room only. This proves that th- people of Alexandria appreciate lim- pictures. Tonight's show will be still more attractive, presenting three reels of tho world's best pictures. First, "Waitor No. 5," (a story of Rusaian despotism.) This is a beautiful stoty arwl is Irue to lifo, being ono of tbe best pictures mado by the Biograph Com¬ pany. "Musieian .Love Story" will be Ibfl econd. This is a strong picture, as is also "A Fortuiiate Misfortunc." All pictures shown by Smith aro carefully lelected and nothing but tho best are fareeented. The hall is large and warm. The Finest of Everyttutuf. Heinz's AssortedPreserves.Mince- meat and Apple Butter. Evaporated Royal and Pit- ted Cherries 30c pound. Evaporated Bartlett Pears 20c pound. Candied Rhubarb. Pineapple. white and red; Red Cherries. Assorted Fruits. Welche's Maple Sugar Cream, in cans. Pure Vermont Maple Sugar 25c pound. Sweet Cider 30c gallon. THOS. LANNON Cor. Cameron aad Pitt Streets. BOTH PHONES._ ^..*..^~.*.' The Old Tumpikea. The flrst great Amerleau hlghway, that between New York and Phlladel- phki. was Ioiik known us "tbe old York road." Its construetion lu 1711 was nn example which led tbe colonlsts at ntli.r p./lnts along the Atlantic aea- to construct simllar roads where th.r.' were no water routes. They usually built by chartered com¬ panies and were ealled turnptkes or toll roads. Pennsylvania, Connectlcut and New Jeraey had many roads of the kind. The flrst macadam road ln America was built la 1792 between Philadelphia and Lancaster. In 1811 there were said to be 4,500 miles of chartered turnplkes ia New England and New York. Durtng tho next twen¬ ty years the national government spent many rallllons of dcllars lu con- atructlng great hlghways, but the pan- lc of 1837 and the building of railroads and canals put nn end to that branch of government work..Youth'a Com- panlon. Cape of Good Hope. The Cape of Good Hope Hea at a considerable dlstance from the end of South Afrlca and is, ln fact, the middle of the three protnontortee, severally inconsplcuous, which Jolntly termlnate a Blcnder penlnsula, aome twenty mllea ln length, formlng the barrler between False bay and the Atlantic ocean on the west. These three beadlandk, lyfng near together and eommonly undlvlded on u map of moderato acale, are locolly desIgnated Cape Polnt. It waa here that Bartholomew Diax flrst encoun- tered ln full force the pravalent souta- eaaterly galps anfl denounced the rug- ¦geu, threatenlng, threefold promontory nmler the sounding appellatlon of the Cape of Storras, to be afterward re- cbrUtened by plous, trustful hearts the Cape of Good Hopo. Feoled tha Poor Savages. Bobert Louis Steveosun used to re* late the following amuaing atory told hlca by a aouth sea trader. He had been in tbo hablt ot carrylng all aorU o{ tlnned nieata, which the natlvaa bouglt wKh avldlty. Each tln waa branded with a colored picture-a cow tor beef, a aheep for mutton and i flsb for aardlnea, It happened that tbe Orm which furnlabed tbe mutton thought lt a good plan to aHer Ita utbels, that Ita goods might be more easily distlngulshed from tha otbera. The mark ebosen was tbe figure of a frock coated Btlggipa-llke lndlvfdual in a cblmney pot bat. The natlvea at once came to tbe conclusloa tbat thj tins contaioed potted mleajonaiy, and there was a great run on tbe new Une of goods, Tha Poor Knglish Landlord. I have been a property ownar for nearly forty yeara and during that pe¬ riod have lost from dapreclation £25,- 000, from empty houses £10,000 and from defaultlng teni.ts over £5,000, or a total loas of over £40,000. During thia forty yeara I bave never known a defaultlng tenant boneat enough to pay a ahililng off the arreare when once he removed from the nelghbor- ^mftrffl?^^ W Beer . Coffee .Their Opposite Ef- fects! Caffeine (or tbeine), tbe alka- loid principle of eoffee, is a drug detrimental to the human sys¬ tem. Its evil effects'are most noticeable to many persons after drinkingacup or two of coffee in tbo evening. Tbey can't sleep. liireetly opposite to this is the effeet of a glass or two of HOFBRAU BEER taken during the evening. It soothes aud i-uiets tho nerves. producingsweet, sleep. We are piirehasing Hofbrau beor as a substitute for eoffee and WOuId like to have you try it. Au order to us will briDg you promptly acaseof pintsor (piarts ai you desire. RobertPortner Brewing Co. ALEXANDRIA. VA .Phone No. 49-B Cut Glass Specials For Xmas. Call and inspect our beautiful assort- ments ofCut Glass, Salt and Pcppers, 25 c. BonBons.with handles, 89c. M. 601 KING STREET. Santa Claus Headquarters. For this coming week, beginning to* nigbt,MONDAY'.many attraetive values will be offered in Boya* an.l Ulrte' Toys, Polls. Oamos, etc. We, will eheerfiilly pat tbem aelde if a smnii depeslt ismado on tbem. No sitoh stoek waa over dis- plaved In Alexandria before, and no sueh values ever ofTered. Without boast- liurtbls is truly tlio Toy Store ofthis city. rteniember Santa Claus makes tbis his hcadquarter*-. one day a little later he will make his appearancoonour roof. SPECIAL FOR THI* WEEK. A great big $3.."*0Doll f_rfl.50;9t--D->61l forjl.uo. Nosuclibargain was ever offe-r- ed tbe publie. We havo H dozen aud two left ofthe ono. and J dozen and 8 of the other. It order that you may get tho pick shop eariy. KEEN KUTTER KUTLERY Make the flnest of presents. We have a fuTlllneorcarvers, Knivos and Forks, Rayors (safety and stralght blades), Peu- knives, Solssors, in sets; Tools, Tool Cablnets for boys and men from 16.00 to kw.oo. Also a line of Sllver Spoons, Knivos an.l Forks. LEATHER GOODS. Our line of Lcalher Goods for ladies and gentlwmcn cannot be surpassed. Handbags iu a varloty of new and pretty ihapes an<l styles. Men a Hhaviug Sets, Mugs, Bruihes, Elegant Sllver-mounted Toilet Sets, Stiavlng Mlrrors, ete. CANDIES. Try our delioloiis I'audlea. eonslsting of Lownev's best; Bonbona, Chocolate Drops. Rlsseo, S.Jid Milk Chocolates, Pure Frenoh Candles ftiul Hcnedette Al- legrette Chocolates and Ilon Bous ln . lb., 1 lb. and. lb. boxes. R. E. KNIGHT, Bookselleriand Stationer. .1-C23-C_ King Streot. ATTENTION Xmas Shoppers. Tbe useful giit ia appreciated the most and thc giver longeat remembered. Thercfore we lovite you to call and see our Une of fine Carvers, Table JCnivw, Oneida Plated Forks and Spoona, Pocket Cutlcry and Rators, both old style and safety klnd. Speeial atteqtiao i* invit. to tha oele- brated "Wiss" Soiasor* and Manieure Sfta. put up Ia attractive leachar caaea aad qualiry -fuaranteed. Eat-rrpriae Food Chopper*. Cotfee Mllls aad Patent Sraoothinf Iron. ara help- fai all the year round. Our fuiriine of Hardtvare contists of firstolaas goods and pricea are low. Carlin Hisii Co., Inc, 315 King Street, deei 2w LARGE ASSORTMEKT OF Center Tables, Ru?s, Pic¬ tures. Lace Curtains, Comforts, Oii Heaters, &c. Ail uaeful, and preeents your rrienas wiiuppreciate. W^-^- =~j$ <?»» Watch Our Watches and vou'll 0ed them kcopinj,- time iul. Tbey are like all our Jewelry.rellable. And are_eolike out rinK-. i-moohes, ¦tii<l othor oi._lenta in tieingas moderate in prteeasgood quality will permlt When you waut jew- elrj we aro good people to rc- member, Ladies' Watchea, 20 ye_* gold ilil- aio tosio Ladies' \\, Solld 44a KSO to e»50 Ocnt's Watcbes, gold b\U d to *W> Oenfs Watch,solid Ungoldi 9'0 tu 910 _oremoata all k ¦. uiako and guaranteed by us. H. W. WILDT & SON, Jewelers. 10* NORTH ROYAL STREET. BELL PHONE 34s. .-m Dr. T. B. Cochran's House FOR SALE. Having purchased the handsome residence of Mr. P. McK. Baldwin, Dr. Cochran has placed his house in my hands. FOR QUICK SALE. Beautiful side yard, lot sixty feet front. Applicants coming forward you wiU have to speak now if you want this. F. L. SLAYMAKER 813 KING STREET. Quality of Merchandise and Small Margin THIS IS OUR MOTTO. We are not in the business for the Christmai Holidays alone, but here to itay and to furnish to the trade of Alexandria thc same goods offcred ctaewhcre at as low. if not lower, price* than parties in our trade. no matter -where luc.t.d. A glance at the prices and description of articlei ahown at our atorc will con- vince the moat akeptieal buyer that our pricea. ii quality ia conssder.d. are abao- lutely below any other merchandiae houae or department atore in this aection. Bear in mind in dealing with us you are dealing with a firm whose duty it ia to sell goods which will be a credit to the buyer and make friends for the scller. We are also positive that if you give us a trial you will not only become a satisficd customer. but that if fair snd conscientious dealing can make you one, you will become a staunch friend also. _._¦_,_ To the Householder: Watch our space for bargains for ihe holiday*. Qscar F. Carter's New Store No. 505 King Street. Wholesale and Retail. Ready forthe Holiday Rush We announce our com¬ plete readinessforhandling the usual holiday trade. Our windows are all in their holiday attire, and a peep into them will give one and idea of the many pretty useful and practical Xmas Gift things to be tound here. Our shelves, counters and aisle tables are laden with hun_red# and hundreds of practical Xmas presents for men, women, and children at very reasonable prices. Everything possible to be boxed will be done so free of charge. Our mailing fa- cilities are at your disposal. Red Cross Stamps for sale at cashier's desk. Shop eariy and avoidthe usual rush at this season of the year. KJJO Ayr4FlTT|9TBE--TJ. OYSTI-Ba I!V AIX WtX9r9aa\ CHICk EN OS TOAttT, *AJU>WlCHt> alwaya on aale at tPlVKsm CAI*k jp^no* snd Royal »ltr*.ets tr-oKSALb-fflitEEMUL-'a. Apply r to Bromllaw Brick Company. dec2 3t FOR RENT-Twoulcaly FCRNTSHED ROOMS Apply at No. 307 north Wavhiogtoa street. dec. 3 ANTED-YOCNO LADIES by PafTShoe Company. Light work, good wagea and permanent employment. Apply at ooce at PafT Faetory, eorner of Washirjgtt.napdCiibbonstreftl. . ___ UGGETTSGHOCOL.TES THE BEST' 80c A Pound taylor's^Tharmacy 616 King Street. B ith Pliones. Night Bell. 95-ffEHt__.f UYERS Do Your Chr._tmis Buying Now Don't wait till tbfl btflt .of evety* tliing ii selcted. We h IVfl .|ii:|.p.'.| OUI llOrfl to the needs ol the gift buyer, and you'll find bere arUdea ol oharn and di.« tinctinti, -elected with special rcf.rern q to their .tiiubtlity as gifts. I -imall dfpoeil will bold any arli.-l. till Clinstni Com" in tolayjand make your s.« M, Wc II beglad to belp you. Saunders _ Son 629 King Street. New Opera House J___ VAVDF.VII.LF.. fJED MOJf. AN© TIIURR 10 Cents to All. Zarelli and DeAmay European Floxible Clowas. Rose Stanley **inging Comedi. Edward Estus Bqullibl.t Ma-. Wednesday and Saturday 6. »!<*<» latest motion pictures ehsnged Give White and P-rfect DIAMONDS Of exceptiotial beiuty - .i value are our s.,li* .inu aod cluster ruigs at *25, $50, 75zfii$iQ). We offer quality.not quantity. R. C. ACTON S SONS Jewelers and Silversmitbs FOR REKT..IIOCSE No. H3 north Washington street: fi rooms and batb. Applv at 43. north Washington street._d_l "L SKE our aisortmentof WHITE 8TONK HATPI>'8, priee tl.flO to K.0O.

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Page 1: Alexandria Gazette.(Alexandria, VA) 1910-12-05. · 2017. 12. 17. · IOKDAT IVKNINO. OKC. 6 LOCAL MATTERS. SunandTidefabla. run riaea tomorrowatTrOrta. m.andsrtrm. Highwaterat10:47


LOCAL MATTERS.Sun and Tide fabla.

run riaea tomorrowatTrOrta. m.andsrtr,.. m. High water at 10:47 a va. and


~, cather Probabilities.Tor tbis. spction snow or raiu this

afierDOOO aodtouight. Tuesday snow,ed by dearinf and colder weatber;ten.perature tonigbt about 82

s; briak eastcrly, shifting to higbii, hwesterly wiods late tooight or


A small framo homo belonging to

Ur. Carroll Wolf, oa the east side ofthe electric railway, a short distancenoithwcst of this r-itv. was destroyed byfire about 12 o'clock Saturday nigbt.Tlu* hou-e had been occupied by labor-trs. The origin of the fire is unkuown.

I arly v.*sterday afternoon Mr. B. M.own, engineer at the Corby Bak-

ery. on the west side of Lee street, be¬tween Cameron and Queen, discoveredRre in the second story of the building.Sui »ke was pouring from wbat was beingneed . a store room, and tbe ongineerrau into thc street and gave the alarm.He returned quickly and used a fireextiaguisber with effect, although bewas in danger of suffocatiou frinismoke Hc tinally used a three-incbfire bose. The fire department arrivedin the meantime but the fire was found10 l)e vittually under control. Most ofthe MWteota of tho room were burnedor datuaged, but the fire caused no


KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS.I'it /gerald Couueil, No. 459, Knights

of Coluo:bus, held a meeting yesterdayafti roooo at St. Mary's Hall, at whichtiiu thc first degroc of tbe order was

i-onferred on a class of candidates.1_H council has arranged to give tbe

1 degree during the month. Ar_,< Dta aleo aro being made to give

tlu-third or major degree of the orderNew Year'a day.

mbera of the order bave beennotilied that the fourth degroe, whichis a side degree, will be conferred Feb-ruary 22 next. Tbis degree will begiven either in Alexandria or at Mar-tmsburg, W. Va.


This council at its next regular buai-MM meeting, which will be held De¬cember 14, will nominate and elect

- for the ensuing year. 4

CHARITY BALL.There is only one gift in the world price.that is love. Those who-t appreclate love can netbe belped

by anv substituto. Wben charity,M h as the Elks bestow upon theneedy ooee, manifests itself, particu-larly during the Christtnas holidays,ono reali/?s that lifo is still worth theliving, no matter how desolate thehome or how dreary the life. The pro-et ls of the Charity Ballto be glven ou

W.dnesJay nigbt at thc Elks Homewill be d.voted to the filling of tbegrand bmsketa which will cheer theheart*) ol tbe needy ofeea on Cbristmaa.That it will be liberally patronized bythe Elks aod their friends goe* withoet

i'hr committee in chargebave mad all btcaaaary arraugementsa.d ; ning is promised allwho atte d. Tbe Elks' Homc, it 13

ted, .vill not be large enough to

aooommo late those who wish in this

way to heip a moft worthy cause.

THE WEATHER.The weitber yesterday was rainy and

Ihiaatanil g. Cloudy conditions existedal no early hour this morning, aud

i begaa to tly and continued tberen.inder of the day. Snow visitedye-tteidjiy Baltimore and tho surrouud-inf oountry, but, owing to the mediumtemperature which existed throughoutthe day. be ilakes melted us fast as

they reac! od the ground. Tho storm

waa a gen r&\ one, extending over aaid le west, the lakes, New Eng¬land atate and the Atlantic ocean; buttbe fall wa« very light.Low temperatures will prevail over tbe

country est ofthe Rocky mountainsduring tb* creater part of the coniingweek. according to tho prediction of tbeWeather Bureau.

CHJRCH ON WHEELS.The litt'e frame building, on north

Oohssnbaa street, in which tbe uiem-

ben ot tbe Becood Baptist Church wor-

ship. i> probably destinod to attainu.itii.ty as great as the "Little CburchAround tbe Cot_K" in New York,

h attracted the attention of thecountry re. forty yoars ago whenthe pastui ol a fashionable church inthe mctrc^olis refused to allow the re¬

mains of Actor Holland to be broughtin, but dirccted those in charge of thefuneral to proceed to the "little churchar .tind the eorner." The Alexandriai'hurch is <;till on wbeels, but that factdid not deter tbe members from enter-iug ii an i holding services yesterday.Now tbat a!l Icgal obstacles havebeen removed the work of placing thebuilding >n tbe oppesite aide oftheatreet will it is said, be eompleted to¬


Mr. Edxar Friest, A. R. M. C M.organiit and cboirmaster of St. Panl'a

pa! Church, Washington, willgive an "rgnn recital iti the M. E.CmirchSnth in this city nest Fridays--ening,at 6 o'eloek. He will be aw-itedby Mr. Kenncth Ogden. There will bo

Imission charged, but a silvcro ferinK will bc taken at the door. The

aedsarefoi tho church futnish-

SUNDAY" SCHOOL WORKSRS.Ihe meeting of tbe Sunday School

\*> .:k«rs' Assoeiation in tbe First Pres-byterien Chureh yesterday afternoonMa we'1-s.ttended and enjoyed by allproaeot. The address of Bev. J M.Holmes, paator of tbe Methodist on "How to Study theBible," abounded in prautical tbougbtsIO 1 wm iniu l) appreci&t.d. Aaothermeeting of the assoeiation will be heldon the second Sunday in January, atwhich tim officers will be elected.

Where > lind the GOODY_AR GOLDBEAL pur guin boou aud sboe*. Ouratore. J. A. Marahall k Bro*, 422k.Mg ..

MEMORIAL SERVICES._Interesting and Impresslve Services ef

Alexandria lodge. Beiievolent and

Protectlve Order Elk. ThrlIIIng Ad-

ttamm af OeWeMeeen J. V. Illrrell

and Ho... K. T. W. iiu_r--l.arel.entM.*lc_l Programme Well-reudered.

The new ball of Alexandria Lodge ofElks waa a place of beauty last night.Tbe committee having the memorialservices in charge bad anticipatedeverytliing which could bave in anymanner sdded interest to the oocasion,aiid the large audiencc was more thanplcased with their evening'a experieuceaod tbe members of the organizationfelt an honest pride in tho appreciationmanifested by tbeir numerous guests.

Tliis was the first time the metnorialservices had been held iu the new homeof tbe lodge.and the auditorium bad beenbeautiful ly and taatefuliy decorated fortho occasion. Flags and potted plantsand ferns were in profusion and themany electric bulbs brilliantly illumi-nated everything.About eight o'eloek the orchestra

reodered an overture, after which themembers of the lodge entered the audi¬torium and took their placea on thestogo, which had been tastefully deco¬rated. A "clock," ready to toll eleven,was a conapicuous object, as were aix¬teen white atars, representing the mom-bera of the lodge who have joined thegreat majority sinoe tho inatitution ofthe order of Elks in Alexandria.

After prayer by Rev. W. J. Morter.,reetor of Chriat Church, Exalted RmerHoward W. Smith made a few fittingren.arka, and the opening ceremoniesfollowed. The chaira of tbe officershad been taken from the lodge roomand piaced in position in the audi¬torium, and those filling tbem viedwith the exalted ruler in the openingceremonies.An impressive feature ofthe opening

services was the calliug of tbe roll ofthe sixteon deceaaed mombers bySecretary Donnelly. As a name was

ealled a star blazed forth. Tbis was

continued until the entire sixteeu were

shiniog brilliantly aa was also tbe im-provised clock. They continued toshine forth tbroughout tho ceremonies,tbus signifying that,while absent in theflesb, they were present in the apirit.

After an invocation by Rev. EdgarCarpenter. cbaplain of the lodge,Mr. J. F. Birrell, wbo was the firstspeaker. advanced and made a shortbut interesting address on the prineiplesof the Elks.Cbarity, Justico, Brother-ly Love and Fidelity. He said theywere broad and li' eral and the organi¬zation had oo creed under its tutelage.The institution waa one which em*

braced Jew and Gentile, repreuentativesof all persuaaiona. The order taugbtthe fatherbood ot God and the brother¬bood of man, as well as the sacrednessof the home, the love of country andofthe Creator.. Tbe Elks, bo said, hadan altar at which prayer was offered.An American flag and a Biblo were keptupon it and overy candidate piaced hishands upon tbe sacred volume in takinghis obligation to bo tme to the teaeh¬ings of the institution. Tbe Elks pro-claira justice. and the samescales wereused for the king and peasant alike.Brotherly love, a key noteof the order,was being manifested in every place inthe world where a I/jdge of Elks exists,and while Alexandria members of theorder were bonoring their dead similarservices were being held at the same

hour elsewhere. Mr. Birrell'- allusionto the deeeased members of the orderwas appropriate and touching. Hesaid that while to us tbeir suns had set,thev wereshining iu greater brilliancyon anolher shore. Their faulta hadbeen written in aaud, but their virtuesbad been engraved upen enduriug tab-lota. He closed by turning to tbemetuhers of the lodge who were soatednpou tho 8taga and made praeticalsuggestions to those who, so far, baveescaped the scytbe of the silent rttaper,aad uttered words of enconragemont,as well as kindly rules of life whichshould aniroato all, and the God ofhope would bo with ull. Mr. Birrellmade numerous referenees to historyand general literature, nll of whieh werewell applied.

After certain musical features oftbe programme, Hon. R. T. W. Dukearose and made an oxceedingly inter-eating addresa. The speaker ia nota stranger in Alexandria, and all wbobave ever beard him are glad of otberopportunities. Ho was at bis best andfor nearly half an hour be thrilled andedirled bis audieoce. He said the deaddo not need us; they are beyond our

hope. But we have need of tbe dead,as in the study of their lives we are as

pigmies upon tbe shouldera of giants.There is, tbe speaker aaid, no auchthiug as death, and were there auch a

thing aa annihilation, tbe ceremoniesin which the company was engagedwould be a cruol mockery. The greatteacher had told the Sadducees of hisday that God was tbe God of tbeliving. The company had gatheredto acknowledge life, and be hadnot one word of sorrow upon bis lips.He often beard peoplo admonisb otberato prepare for deatb, and be had littlepatience witb such; even those in thepulpit gave expreaaiona to auch words.We all bad better prepare to live.tbat it our mieaioD. The apeaker saideach age bas iu burdens, and as time|03i on e»«h goneratton aupposes itcburdeni the moat aeriooi. Tbis wouldcontinue until a perfect man wouldmeet a perfeet God. Mr. Duke tpokeof the aacreduria of tba bome and tbehome altar, and said tbe bome waa atpreaent sacriQ.ttl to the apartmentbouae and flat. Should tha homeeventually become a thing of the past.tbe Araericnn nation will be lost. Wecan have no good men or women ifwe bave no good homes, but tbedivorce court will become more andmore in evidence. Mr. Duke in hiaspeech took a long range, apeaking ofmodern buiioeaa methoda by whicbdepartmeota were making slaves omen beretofore their own masters.The remedy, he thought, is in individ«ual manhood aud reaponsi-bility. He made quotationa from tbeBible, and advised all to perform hia orher duty in life as thougb the worlddepended upoa them individnally,He said each member ot the race hadbis or ber own duties to perform,duties which uo ohe else could fulfill.Mr. Duke closed by urging upon hishearera to be ludependent in bome,business, politk'S anj religion.The following wai tba raugjcal pro*pnw

Overture.. ."PoetaudPeasant" .SuppeOrchestra

Iuvocation Rev. Wm. J. MortonOpening Ceremonlea .... .~ _,_.;.'Brother Howard W. Smith, Exalted

Ruler and OfflcorsSolo Seleeted Miss Kathryn Hrill

Opknino Oi>k.Orieutalo .'-VlsionofSalome" iJampe

OrchestraQuartet "One Sweetly, Solema ThoughtSolo._elected.Kenneth OgdenJdvlle "Apple Blossoms Roberts

OrchestraClosing Ceremonles. Kxaited Ruler

and OfflcersHvmii-Nearer My Oocl to TUeo

Benedlction by Rev. V.gar Carpenter.The following are tbe paat and pree-

ent offlcera of Alexandria Lodge.past ua-raBNW

Vdward .T Ou uu " u* "* Kt;"'Se_rl?F" Bradley Ixmla E NbnmanKill yHarry *.*.*¦»»¦

C. C. Carllu ,L*L B?rl«y


Howard W. Bmith Kxaited RulerII BQuinu.Esteemod Leading

KulghtRobert fl. Barrett.Esteemed Loyal

KnightJames W. Balea Esteemed Lccturing

KnightW.M.Donnelly.¦.S__S_*r2rThomas D. Downey _C.\!K_G.T.Catou. r.t_i?_fl?Rev. Edgar Carpenter. _C»P»'°James B. Martiu In"?T-S!L i .F. P. Kussell .Orgnnlst

THl'HTKCbas. B. Marshall Thos. Cbauncey


Charles B. Marshall oualrmanJames W. Bales Thomas M. DitnbarII. Frledlander C. C. C_lln

Qt'anTKT i,Mrs. M. W. O'Brlen Mr.Q. H. EvanaMrs. R. F. Downham Mr. K. W. Ogdon

ACCOMFAMHTSMrs. C. O. Lennon Mrs. M. MartiuProf. Leon Cohen, Couduotor Oreh.tra.

The following is a list of memberswho havo died siuce thc organizationof the lodge:W L. Hayee December 19,1002Oeo. F. Stolner Auguat 7, 1903Champ Walker Oetober 21. WMSamuel Wingfleld.Al|B?Bt_'i2_Donald McLean .«epteml»r4,1905Dauiel Rubeu.Ian_.ry 3, KJ>Thomas F. Kplnks Pebmarv 16,1900Peytou B. Dearboru July 1, UWWilliam A. Moore Auguat., 90;Kdward L. Jordan.January S, l9olPeter Sinelair ?_*__*r2'1__Heury A. Lllley.January 19,I'Jo**Thomas A. Gorfaam May 11, UOjHenrv Strauss.Oetober 10. l«wWilliam E. Shtson. January I0.UWZoraHlll Mareb 4, 1910

DEATH OF MRS. RUST.Tbo entire comtuunity was grieved

and ahocked tbis morning wben tbenews of the death of Mrs. David N.Rust was received. It was kno«vn tbatshe had recently undergone a scriousoperation at the Georgo WashingtonHosptial iu Washington, but untila sudden change for tbe worst tookplace last night, her pbyaiciaua wero

mo3t hopeful of her recovery. MrsRu3t was s rare type of cbristian wom-

anbood, faithful in every relation of life,gentle, earucst and truly witbout guile.In ber bome, iu her church and in herneighborhood her loss cannot bc estimated. Her husband aud childrenhave ihe siucerest sympathy of theirmany friends in this their great sorrow.

Beforo her marriage Mrs. Rust was

Miss Mary Lock, daughter of Rev.Thomas 12. Lock, of Amberat county,and beaides ber husband she leavea sixchildren.three daughters and three8ods. Her funeral will tako place fromChrist Cburcb on Thursday morningnext at 11 o'clock.

BASKETBALL.The Y. M. S. L. "Speed Boys"and

tbe Ingram Memorial Club, of Waah¬ington, played an exciting game ofbasketball in the Amory Hall Saturdaynight. The "Spoed Boys" won by thescore of $$ to 14.The home boys were never in danger

of defeat during the evening, and, aa

some of tbe visiting teatus, when theyare aware that they have met their.uperiors in the art of goal shooting,passing of the ball betweeu members ofthe team, and many ©ther tricks in tbegame, resort to reugh and tumbletactics, and, in order to defend them¬selves and keep from loeiug, the"rubes," as they are tormed by some

ofthe "experts," show that they are

rigbt at home in mch emergencies.They have made wonderful iraprove-ment in playing the game, and theditlicult ball tossing of Toomey andEntwisle won the applause of the largecrowd.

It is to be hoped that the many ad-mirers of Jndoor atbletice will visit theArmory Hall when games are an¬

nounced to take place, as a large crowdis sure to please the piayera and maketbem give an exhibiiion of tbe finestelass of baaketball.

Tbeline-up:I. M. Club. Positlons. LyceumKeitb .L. F.Kntwlsle(onover.R. F.ToomeyScott.Center.. PattersonDaunet R. O. .WilliamsPapser.L. O.CockrellGoals-Toomey 7,Entwl»lo 3, Williams

3, Cockrell, Keitb 2, Soott 3. Free Toss-es.Conover 4, Entwiale. Referee.Mr.Hans. ol halvea.. minutes each.

R0BBERIE9.Thievea last night robbed the bunga-

low belonging to Messrs. HarryFleiscbmann andKrvtog Schwarzmannat Collinwood Beach, a short distancebelow this city.A cbewing gum machine which had

been taken from the aoutbweat cornerOf Wilkes and Pitt streets and rifledit of its contents, was found last nighton the railroad track a short distanceeaat of tbe store.At an eariy bour this morning Mr.

t. L. Bntwisle was awakened by a tblefwho was andeatoringto removoacbewing gum box from tbe front of bisatore, on tbe east side of Fairfax street,noar Wilkos. Mr, Entwisle came to tliewindow aud frigbtened tbe wonld-bethief off.

. i.ii

ACCOSTBD AY A POOTPAD.Mr. Richard Garvey reporta that he

was held up last night in the viclnity ofBraddock Hoigbts by a man who askedhira to stop. Mr. Garvey told the manhe had no reason to stop, wben tbefootpad replied, "Igueas you can stop."At tbis juncture Mr. Garvey drew a

pistol and pointing the weapon at thamao pulled the trigger. Tbe weapon,bowever, hung fire and the higbway-man took to bis heals. Mr. Garveycould not tell whether the man waswhite or colored._

Gents! Stylish, up-io-date footwearadds materially to your appearance.We have the excluaive styles, sueh aaTHE HS8S, RXGAl, WALKOVXB,BROCTON COOPlsUTIVE, 8*. J, A.Mw.ball * Bt8. *M Xing rtreet,

Washington, D. C.

$5 Trimmed HatsAT $2.95

The beat bals you ever bougbt for ItlHl fact, they are real

t5 00 hats and you will unhesitatingly pronounce them ao.

$5'% e mairials are velvet, some of felt, and they are W*"Mg..imply, yet atlractively trimmed wilh ib.wers, velvet, silk, gold tr.m-

f,,in^.u:i!;;:r;,rrl!;;rsih,,.- **..,,. «,. season, «*»»*navy hhie green, gamet and gray. Baoowd floor-M.ll.nery._- ¦* ¦

LOCAL BREVITIES.Tlie sale of property delinquent for

city taxes will bo held tomorrow.

Tho OUlLndies'Ilomecommittcr willmeet at Lee Camp HeH, tomorrow

morning at ll) o'clo.k.The achoou-r John P. Hob«ns..n,

from the lower river with lumber to W.

A. Smoot A 06.. baa nrrifcd.There are two stages in a I ad cold.

In Uieonestage it afllicte tbe man tbat a

got it and in the other itallliets every-hody else.A meeting of Mary Custii f^e Chap¬

ter, U. D. 0., will beheld at LeeCampHall tomorrow afternoon atl! o'-lock.

Tho Southern Broo.n Work,-. eon-

ducted hy Mr. C. N. Rauch, at 4i»4

north Fairfax street, bids fail to beOMMan Alexandria institution.The saleto haw taken pla« today al

No 307 aouth Sl. Asaph stie.t wasposfponed. The sale will take rdaea al ¦

future date.There wai but .«ae before tbe

Police Court tbis morning, tbat ol a

man who bad been arrested for beingdruok to tlie street. Hewasd_m-Seed.

Civil atrvk* eiamtoatioo-. in to beheld oo Jamaary 4, lor s.M.nd-el.w. nassistant. staam eoginoer at Marion,Ga and 00 Jaauarj 18 Ibr ultravtoletmioroaeopetoapectoi attho DepartmeotOf Agnenlture.Btee-edOyafcOTtO-jtrtat tbe Opera

IIouso Oafe: L.vnbaven B.ys ga half.hell. Rriil's Oelebrated Blngle 1- ned.Oyster's F.lgln Creamery llutter, One

I'nund Print-*. !l8r.

Loudoun County Roll Butter, Kta lb-:Good Cooklng Butter, 27c; 0**.*"*Ettiii, Wfl deaao; 4 large eana Rc«t loma-toee ?-; *» cans Htring Beana, .e;Karlv Jiine Pe_, Oe; Saine Sugar ( orn,£tv Green Mountaln Potatoes, whiteanJ ntealy, *>¦ busbel:3 large eana VanCamps Milk. 2Sc W. P. WOOLLi ISON.Doyou know bo* It te*U to all Ho n

to your meals wltbout an appetite oi

anything on the table teigiTO you Mappetite* Ofeourae you do! Yoql aJaoknow that when tboae trn sl dlblj (tolielouaAtr-Ba.agesand ureontho table, you alu:i\-h^'- :'"' Mmetlto."Tbetaste tell*tbetmle." Keepupyourvitality by keeping iu condition. < ometo Blondheim's Auth Stand "r Marketfor the finest assortmein of tood productsin Alexandria.

PERSONAL.Mr. Cecil Hufty. who recently came

near being asphyxiatcd on a gaaolioclaunch, is rapidly improving, but is

atill at the hospital.Mr. and Mrs. (ieorge S. Pranch left

today for a trip to New Vork.Mrs. Caasius F. Lee baa returned

from a visit to her daughter, Mrs.Henry, in Morriatown, N. J.

Bishop A. S. Lloyd will prearh andcoiifirm a clasa in St. James' KpiscopalChurch, Leeaburg, Wednesday eveningnext. Tuesday morning he will preaohand confirm a class at Christ Church,Goreaville. Next Sunday morning hcwill preacb and confirm a class at

Christ Church tbis city.Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Thaler. form¬

erly of tbis city, but nowof Washing¬ton, have issued invitations for the eete-

bration of tbe twenty-ilftb anmversaryof their marriage which will M held at

their residence, No. 1181 Elevonthstreet north west, Washington, SaturdayTfAPmnber 17.Mr. J. Henry Adsms, of Fredericks¬

burg. paid a short visit to his old bomein tbis eity last week.

Miss Inez M. Marshall, youngestdaughter of Mr. and Mn. John A.Mar¬shall,will be married at noon on ber home on Wolfe street to Mr.Fred Cook, a prominent New Yorkcr.Councilman C B. Marshall who was

chairman of tbe eommittee of arrangc-ments at tbe Elks' entertainment last

nigbt was today receivine the congratu-lations of his many friends for tho ablemanner in which be performed the du-

tic*3.fhe 10*0 rendered by Mkfl Kutlu-rine Brill at the Elks' memorial e.xcr

ciaes bst night was greatly enjoyed bytha large audieuce present.

WOMAN S AUXILIARY.The regular meeting of the Woru-

mroan's Auxiliary to R. E. Lee Campwill be beld ln Confederate VeteransBuilding tomorrow evening, at halfpast soven o'eloek. At this meetingflnal arrangemeuu will be made forthe annual oyiter aupper to be giveoby this organization next Tbursdayevening, aud it is earowtly desiredthat all members attend.

GUNNBR FINED.Elbert Wood, colored, was arrested

Saturday afternoon in this city byOfflcer Beacb and locked up on tbecharge of unlawful gunning near Acco-tink, Fairfai oouoty. He was la'erturned over to Game Wardon Payne.Wood was taken before Justice Wrightthis. morning and fined 15 and $4.80costt.



The Y. M. S. L Rescrves will line upagainst the fast five of the WesternHigh School, of Waahington. at Ar-niory Hall tomorrow nigbt fttS.lD. TheHigh School lads come bere with tbereputation of being tbe beat flvea ofthejr ffight in Ibe dUtrirt.


SMITH'S PICTURES.When the firat of Smith's pictures

was shown Saturday night there was

ng room only. This proves thatth- people of Alexandria appreciatelim- pictures. Tonight's show will bestill more attractive, presenting threereels of tho world's best pictures. First,"Waitor No. 5," (a story of Rusaiandespotism.) This is a beautiful stotyarwl is Irue to lifo, being ono of tbe bestpictures mado by the Biograph Com¬pany. "Musieian .Love Story" will beIbfl econd. This is a strong picture, as

is also "A Fortuiiate Misfortunc." Allpictures shown by Smith aro carefullylelected and nothing but tho best are

fareeented. The hall is large and warm.

The Finest of Everyttutuf.

Heinz'sAssortedPreserves.Mince-meat and Apple Butter.Evaporated Royal and Pit-ted Cherries 30c pound.Evaporated Bartlett Pears

20c pound.Candied

Rhubarb. Pineapple. whiteand red; Red Cherries.

Assorted Fruits.Welche's

Maple Sugar Cream, incans.

Pure Vermont MapleSugar 25c pound.

Sweet Cider 30c gallon.

THOS. LANNONCor. Cameron aad Pitt Streets.

BOTH PHONES._^..*..^~.*.'

The Old Tumpikea.The flrst great Amerleau hlghway,

that between New York and Phlladel-phki. was Ioiik known us "tbe old Yorkroad." Its construetion lu 1711 was

nn example which led tbe colonlsts atntli.r p./lnts along the Atlantic aea-

to construct simllar roads whereth.r.' were no water routes. They

usually built by chartered com¬

panies and were ealled turnptkes or

toll roads. Pennsylvania, Connectlcutand New Jeraey had many roads ofthe kind. The flrst macadam road lnAmerica was built la 1792 betweenPhiladelphia and Lancaster. In 1811there were said to be 4,500 miles ofchartered turnplkes ia New Englandand New York. Durtng tho next twen¬ty years the national governmentspent many rallllons of dcllars lu con-

atructlng great hlghways, but the pan-lc of 1837 and the building of railroadsand canals put nn end to that branchof government work..Youth'a Com-panlon.

Cape of Good Hope.The Cape of Good Hope Hea at a

considerable dlstance from the end of

South Afrlca and is, ln fact, the middleof the three protnontortee, severallyinconsplcuous, which Jolntly termlnatea Blcnder penlnsula, aome twenty mllealn length, formlng the barrler betweenFalse bay and the Atlantic ocean on

the west. These three beadlandk, lyfngnear together and eommonly undlvldedon u map of moderato acale, are locollydesIgnated Cape Polnt. It waa herethat Bartholomew Diax flrst encoun-tered ln full force the pravalent souta-eaaterly galps anfl denounced the rug-¦geu, threatenlng, threefold promontorynmler the sounding appellatlon of theCape of Storras, to be afterward re-cbrUtened by plous, trustful hearts theCape of Good Hopo.

Feoled tha Poor Savages.Bobert Louis Steveosun used to re*

late the following amuaing atory toldhlca by a aouth sea trader. He hadbeen in tbo hablt ot carrylng all aorUo{ tlnned nieata, which the natlvaabouglt wKh avldlty. Each tln waabranded with a colored picture-a cowtor beef, a aheep for mutton and i

flsb for aardlnea, It happened that tbeOrm which furnlabed tbe muttonthought lt a good plan to aHer Itautbels, that Ita goods might be moreeasily distlngulshed from tha otbera.The mark ebosen was tbe figure of a

frock coated Btlggipa-llke lndlvfdualin a cblmney pot bat. The natlvea atonce came to tbe conclusloa tbat thjtins contaioed potted mleajonaiy, andthere was a great run on tbe new Uneof goods,

Tha Poor Knglish Landlord.I have been a property ownar for

nearly forty yeara and during that pe¬riod have lost from dapreclation £25,-000, from empty houses £10,000 andfrom defaultlng teni.ts over £5,000, or

a total loas of over £40,000. Duringthia forty yeara I bave never known a

defaultlng tenant boneat enough topay a ahililng off the arreare whenonce he removed from the nelghbor-

^mftrffl?^^ W

Beer . Coffee.Their Opposite Ef-

fects!Caffeine (or tbeine), tbe alka-

loid principle of eoffee, is a drugdetrimental to the human sys¬tem. Its evil effects'are most

noticeable to many persons afterdrinkingacup or two of coffeein tbo evening. Tbey can't sleep.

liireetly opposite to this is theeffeet of a glass or two of

HOFBRAU BEERtaken during the evening. Itsoothes aud i-uiets tho nerves.

producingsweet, sleep.We are piirehasing Hofbrau

beor as a substitute for eoffee andWOuId like to have you try it.Au order to us will briDg you

promptly acaseof pintsor (piartsai you desire.

RobertPortnerBrewing Co.


.Phone No. 49-B

Cut GlassSpecialsFor Xmas.

Call and inspect ourbeautiful assort-ments ofCut Glass,Salt and Pcppers,25 c. BonBons.withhandles, 89c.


Santa Claus Headquarters.For this coming week, beginning to*

nigbt,MONDAY'.many attraetive valueswill be offered in Boya* an.l Ulrte' Toys,Polls. Oamos, etc. We, will eheerfiillypat tbem aelde if a smnii depeslt ismadoon tbem. No sitoh stoek waa over dis-plaved In Alexandria before, and nosueh values ever ofTered. Without boast-liurtbls is truly tlio Toy Store ofthiscity. rteniember Santa Claus makestbis his hcadquarter*-. one day a littlelater he will make his appearancoonourroof.

SPECIAL FOR THI* WEEK.A great big $3.."*0Doll f_rfl.50;9t--D->61l

forjl.uo. Nosuclibargain was ever offe-r-ed tbe publie. We havo H dozen aud twoleft ofthe ono. and J dozen and 8 of theother. It order that you may get thopick shop eariy.

KEEN KUTTER KUTLERYMake the flnest of presents. We have afuTlllneorcarvers, Knivos and Forks,Rayors (safety and stralght blades), Peu-knives, Solssors, in sets; Tools, ToolCablnets for boys and men from 16.00 tokw.oo. Also a line of Sllver Spoons,Knivos an.l Forks.

LEATHER GOODS.Our line of Lcalher Goods for ladies

and gentlwmcn cannot be surpassed.Handbags iu a varloty of new and prettyihapes an<l styles.Men a Hhaviug Sets, Mugs, Bruihes,

Elegant Sllver-mounted Toilet Sets,Stiavlng Mlrrors, ete.

CANDIES.Try our delioloiis I'audlea. eonslsting

of Lownev's best; Bonbona, ChocolateDrops. Rlsseo, S.Jid Milk Chocolates,Pure Frenoh Candles ftiul Hcnedette Al-legrette Chocolates and Ilon Bous ln .

lb., 1 lb. and. lb. boxes.

R. E. KNIGHT,Bookselleriand Stationer..1-C23-C_ King Streot.

ATTENTIONXmas Shoppers.Tbe useful giit ia appreciated the most

and thc giver longeat remembered.Thercfore we lovite you to call and seeour Une of fine

Carvers, Table JCnivw, OneidaPlated Forks and Spoona, PocketCutlcry and Rators, both oldstyle and safety klnd.

Speeial atteqtiao i* invit. to tha oele-brated "Wiss" Soiasor* and ManieureSfta. put up Ia attractive leachar caaeaaad qualiry -fuaranteed.

Eat-rrpriae Food Chopper*. Cotfee Mlllsaad Patent Sraoothinf Iron. ara help-fai all the year round.

Our fuiriine of Hardtvare contists offirstolaas goods and pricea are low.

Carlin Hisii Co., Inc,315 King Street,

deei 2w


Center Tables, Ru?s, Pic¬tures. Lace Curtains,

Comforts, Oii Heaters, &c.Ail uaeful, and preeents your rrienas

wiiuppreciate. W^-^-

=~j$<?»»Watch Our Watchesand vou'll 0ed them kcopinj,- time

iul. Tbey are like allour Jewelry.rellable. Andare_eolike out rinK-. i-moohes,¦tii<l othor oi._lenta in tieingasmoderate in prteeasgood qualitywill permlt When you waut jew-elrj we aro good people to rc-member,Ladies' Watchea, 20 ye_* gold ilil-

aio tosioLadies' \\, Solld 44a

KSO to e»50Ocnt's Watcbes, gold b\U d

to *W>Oenfs Watch,solid Ungoldi

9'0 tu 910_oremoata all k ¦. uiako

and guaranteed by us.



Dr. T. B. Cochran's HouseFOR SALE.

Having purchased the handsome residence of Mr.P. McK. Baldwin, Dr. Cochran has placed his housein my hands.

FOR QUICK SALE.Beautiful side yard, lot sixty feet front.

Applicants coming forward you wiU have to speaknow if you want this.


Quality of Merchandise and Small MarginTHIS IS OUR MOTTO.

We are not in the business for the Christmai Holidays alone, but here to itayand to furnish to the trade of Alexandria thc same goods offcred ctaewhcre at as

low. if not lower, price* than parties in our trade. no matter -where luc.t.d.A glance at the prices and description of articlei ahown at our atorc will con-

vince the moat akeptieal buyer that our pricea. ii quality ia conssder.d. are abao-lutely below any other merchandiae houae or department atore in this aection.

Bear in mind in dealing with us you are dealing with a firm whose duty it ia to

sell goods which will be a credit to the buyer and make friends for the scller. Weare also positive that if you give us a trial you will not only become a satisficdcustomer. but that if fair snd conscientious dealing can make you one, you willbecome a staunch friend also. _._¦_,_

To the Householder: Watch our space for bargains for ihe holiday*.

Qscar F. Carter's New StoreNo. 505 King Street. Wholesale and Retail.

ReadyfortheHolidayRushWe announce our com¬

plete readinessforhandlingthe usual holiday trade.Our windows are all intheir holiday attire, and a

peep into them will giveone and idea of the manypretty useful and practicalXmas Gift things to betound here. Our shelves,counters and aisle tablesare laden with hun_red#and hundreds of practicalXmas presents for men,

women, and children at

very reasonable prices.Everything possible to beboxed will be done so freeof charge. Our mailing fa-cilities are at your disposal.Red Cross Stamps for

sale at cashier's desk.Shop eariy and avoidthe

usual rush at this season ofthe year.




alwaya on aale at tPlVKsm CAI*k

jp^no* snd Royal »ltr*.ets

tr-oKSALb-fflitEEMUL-'a. Applyr to Bromllaw Brick Company.

dec2 3t

FOR RENT-Twoulcaly FCRNTSHEDROOMS Apply at No. 307 north

Wavhiogtoa street. dec. 3

ANTED-YOCNO LADIES byPafTShoe Company. Light work,

good wagea and permanent employment.Apply at ooce at PafT Faetory, eorner ofWashirjgtt.napdCiibbonstreftl. . ___


80c A Pound

taylor's^Tharmacy616 King Street.

B ith Pliones. Night Bell.

95-ffEHt__.fUYERSDo YourChr._tmisBuying Now

Don't wait till tbfl btflt .of evety*tliing ii selcted.We h IVfl .|ii:|.p.'.| OUI llOrfl to

the needs ol the gift buyer, and you'llfind bere arUdea ol oharn and di.«tinctinti, -elected with special rcf.rern q

to their .tiiubtlity as gifts.I -imall dfpoeil will bold any arli.-l.

till Clinstni

Com" in tolayjand make your s.«

M, Wc II beglad to belp you.

Saunders _ Son629 King Street.

New Opera HouseJ___ VAVDF.VII.LF..


10 Cents to All.Zarelli and DeAmayEuropean Floxible Clowas.

Rose Stanley**inging Comedi.

Edward EstusBqullibl.t

Ma-. Wednesday and Saturday 6.»!<*<» latest motion pictures ehsnged

Give White andP-rfectDIAMONDSOf exceptiotial beiuty- .i value are our s.,li*.inu aod cluster ruigs at

*25, $50, 75zfii$iQ).We offer quality.not quantity.

R. C. ACTON S SONSJewelers and Silversmitbs

FOR REKT..IIOCSE No. H3 northWashington street: fi rooms and

batb. Applv at 43. north Washingtonstreet._d_l "L

SKE our aisortmentof WHITE 8TONKHATPI>'8, priee tl.flO to K.0O.