alexandria gazette.(alexandria, va) 1891-11-25. · 2017-12-19 · nov.25,1s91. it ie eald in inner...

jr. . ?* to ,' v > % \ - ." /c_> V f. "'*-. Mm ¦¦¦ h :,. - mmm^ ALEXAITLBIA. ^r^- WEDNESDAi' EVEKING, NOVEMBEE 25. Among the resolutions e.dopted et tbedis trie: democrat ccngres^ional conveu;!on bald horo yesterday was cne to tho etf-'c1 that in the democratic pirty end ita princi¬ ples only can hopa for the rodreca cf the far¬ mers' grievance be found, and calling opcu the member of Congress from this district, and all his democratic colleagues, to advo¬ cate jast and practicable measures for the benefit of the farmorB,03peclal!y the rs'Juciioa in iho tariff tax, and condemning the trnBte and monopolies fos'ered a~d promoted by thai; tax, which a-9 inimical to the foraera' interests and toad ;a eonoenira'e the .wealth of the nation in the bands of a few northern manufacture:?, \v- txpoi »Ib¬ er people of '.hi- country. N > v, that rtsj. lutlon, while chock fail of eoued (ieraccratlo dootrloe, v? 11 bs enrioisr-l by every .'^be¬ thinking membyr cf the Farmare' Alliance; far all such knew thai the repub ian pirty advocates a d.'reotly coarra'j doc riao, and that from it aotbirg in the ehape ; f farmers' redress can ba expected, as i . oo'u coa- tioue to ma'xe farmtra buy ia the dearest and tell In th9 cheapest mv.rxe:-. jvjö believes that a cheap o*t makes tba m ho wears it cbeir. O.)co again let the democrats have control or both the legislative and rx- ecutlv? branches cf the gJV^cirK', and the farmers would h«vs do naoio grievances than any other c'as* of tho psople of the country, for democracy means j : ti< [p all, but special ;iW>ra to nono. Now that iho repubik-aae have selected Minneapolis as '.lie place for holding tissir national convention, as a mf iretieogtb. enlog thsmsalvf? In the Northwest,' let the democrat? se'ca Naw York an tho place f;r thelrr, and thertby do win-.t thev tan to se¬ cure the votes cf New York, Nrw Jersey, Connecticut and Maaraobcsetts, and to c-'e those of other S ateaof tbeNartbeesr. There can ba no doubt that tho dalegatee could be batter accomrnotlnted ij New York Iben any where else la tho country, anä ihec, too, the dernocra's fcavo en overwhelming majority in that city, and a? tie republicans d9prived it of tho worid'd fair, because soch was the ess?, tbe democrats should partia.'- Jy offset that less by givicg it (heir na¬ tional convention. A dispatch fromLoodoa eayr.: "Virginia bondholders are taking steps to prevent the Burrsndsr cf lends held by Brown, Shipley & Co. An indignation meeting is provable." While this is to bo sincerely regretted, it is by no moans surprising. Bondholders ere but human. Thoy don'* tike to giro up their bonds any inora than other people like to give up other sorts cf property, 3r,d especially bo, aa thoir debtors ara isily able to offer them rnoro favorable torrno, and ae they have both tba Stv.o nnd the federal courts to sustain the!: ju3t claim.:?. ß:iü, co their acoredlioil ajontj cocepted the terms of settlement, it would by tho clesn, though a losing thing for them to confirm those terms and bo well rid of their unfo:tuoatein¬ vestment. _ THE action of tho ca.lonai republican committee In epeolaiiy provi ling that tba delegates to tbe national republican conven¬ tion shall ba elected by district ccc-eallooF, held la iho respcclivo ccügrteucnai dis¬ tricts, mtict ha^o been euggested hy Mr. Brady, the member of the oommittee from this Btate, aa it will pat Qsneral STßbone to a greet deal of extra trouble in order to secure a delegation to tho convention from this State that will obey his orders implicit¬ ly. The Genoral will stlii ba able to ap¬ point tbe delegates at largo, bu! be will ex¬ perience great difficulty in appointing eomo of tho district d»ip(rf»»pf» Anotheh liiiHAT has occurrtd to'.htr one of the ships of the new navy. The Navy Department had to go abroad Or the plans of the Philadelphia, tu; when they reached here thoy were so altered at the Dopart- ment that new tbat tho chip han been Lullt, it is feared she Is so top heavy tbat so much ballast will be required to keep her from turning over that her epc-ed will bo co re¬ tarded as to make her unavailable as a war veseel. The experieaco cf this- country In the construction of modern naval vecaels and large guns is any thing else than favor¬ able to the further proseouttoo of ouch work at present. Mb. Bfady, the Virginia memls - cf tbe national repu^ic.-.n oommittee, p«j s: "We are for Harrison in Virgiüiti " Wio are "we"? Leaving cut i ha effijo holdcrr, of whom Mr. Brady ia tho one who probably receive? the Jargeet salary, nearly all the white republicans In tho State, so a9 cao be learned, are for Biaine. The "v?e:'cf Mr. Brady aro very much iifca the famous three tailors of Toolcy gtroet. -.O- -O-- FSO^ WASSDTGTOSr. [Sjweia.' OorrtspondirM of Ou> Alexandria Oatetie,] WASHiHsros, D. V.. Nov. 25,1S91. It ie eald in inner republican circles here that Cincinnati was not seleoted as tho city of tbe Eatlonal lepubiican convention because euch wes tho wish cf Mr. Biaine, who was afraid that tha llim- boyant support of Forcker end his "bojs" woaid do hira harm wi^h tbe con¬ servative delegates to tho convcatkn. It is also said tbat the nepro mambcra o" the committee were induced to vote for Minne¬ apolis by more effective meana thaa tbo free transportation effsred by Sao Francisco. The Department of State tc-day received official confirmation by Minister Ocager of the resignation of IVealdeat Foaeeca and the assumption of tbe office of Preeideut by Vioe-PffiBläen. Peixolto. This Government always receives ite foreign news from the newspapers three or fear days In advance of that sent it by Us sgents abroad. it Is et-li by Virginia republicans here tbat General Mabcne, fearing that Mr B^dy, ifce Virgiata tDfcor.'jer of tbe national rennb- iican ccaciitte?, would attetop; eome'h'.ng nt tbe lato m^Uog cf that oonamittoe in ibic- d-'y, l>7 «Mab bis power ovr t tbe Vir« sinia republicans m'.cht be r-.^trioted, got Gc2crji SH'h Boiling to writo 10 ex Mayor irtüib of Norfolk lo come bsre ard watch tbe procer-dicga oi the committee. Whathor tbi'ü j or no!:, the lac: is that Mr. Limb did not t ome. A: yesterday'^ session cf ibo national re- pabiican committee Pinchbick, the negro [member from Louisiana, denounced the white tcpU'jUcin leaders of tbe 6;-uth for lioWrat-d tbt-ir pusillanimity in not coDdc-o!iL=K morevigoroaBoampaifcDS leet tbe raoo question be raised, aod *ald if tbe ne- ¦r: oi of tie r? atb *.v,u:d make a few vigor¬ ous iejl! i stations of tbolr power they would tn^ke that aecioa republican. t^n^cr Pa bour has gone to Cu'peper to see \v.ä brother there, who is ill. It said bare that General Mahone, who Is fitill looked upon in this city as tbe head mi f.-cnt of ibo republican party in Virgin¬ ia, Las wri'.Ua a lütter to a f lond, to the ef feot thct b3 --nd bie pa:t7 wiM make no o> position to the euttiemens of tbe Virginia d?br upon tbe terms recen'Iy rgreed r.pcn at Btcbmond. Tbo nomination cf Mr. Meredith for Con¬ cise io the Alexandria district is entirely satifcfiOtory to all lbt> demccraf6 in that dle- trlothera today, and, straogo sa it may Reem, to many of the republicans, tou. Mr. Johnson, tbei republlcao Common wealth's Attorney cf Alexandria counly, told theGA- zetteM enrrccpondent to day that Mr. Mer¬ edith would get neeriy ail tbe votes that would be ci-i in Ibatcoanty, wb'ch is usu¬ ally republican by a large c.rj)rity. He Bslii the rc-pubiln-jns there would make no Oght, and that the Alliance candidate would not get ß?o votes in the ccuoty, and these would be cart by republic ans. All tbe government departments here were closed at noo»i to-day and will not be open aaa'tn until Friday. Tc-morrow will bo observed as a Reneral holiday. Toe tietkü in tbe Navy Department rec.ret that Secretary Whitney 13 not their chief now, as he always gave escb of them a fioe turkey or Thankygivmg Day. Tu» S{'ril9 ia a1* doubtful to-day as ever, bo'b Mr. Mills and Mr. Crisp, eppar- sntiy at least-, belog confident of election, tisd Springer cod Hutch holding their small¬ er toreee road? for tho reception of euoa re- c u'.ia ao m«y coma to them. Indeed, it seems tc-day fa if the doubt about tbe speükcrsbip will not be eottlod aatll 8atu - rir.y wfck, V;iien the democratic caucus will be beld. It in advertised horo that Thanksgiving Day wi i ho ceiobratod alo?o tin Aqaoinct Bridge, in Alexandria county, tc-niorravr. by a ''firat-c :iis do: lieht," and p. siuatl stoainor will bo run frr.m Go">r;<':tow:i to tho pUco for tho accomor uiation of tho 0 interested in Buch sport. Ibis is a pointer lur tho autao*iiiea of that county. Mr. Thouip.'od, who was tho propn'o o: of the abandoned j:r:o courso at Gloucester. >. J., has como hoio Bnd lonscd tho track at DenniuKS, Which will bo put in first class order. The following changes in tho 4th c'ass pastof- fleoä of Virginia ware mado toda': Charles City C. U , Charles City county, P. Will cox appointed postmsstor, vi< ) P. fct. G. Willcox. resigned ; Har¬ dy's Ford, Franklin county, &. d. Nimmo, vico B. P. Loyd. re.'i^ncd. 7IBGIJBIA HBW3. Ksv. D:. Moses D. Hege is quite ill at his residence in Blcbmond. The Virginia Worlri'd Fair ccmmladcn Rrs la cession lu Norfolk. W. B. Däshiell, who Is wanted In Blch- mond for forgery, has, It Is romored, been t'ccn in Mexloo. 80 far fD.Oli has been raised in Nisb- v'iüe, Tonn., for tbe prcpoB3d monument in Blchmcad to Jefferson Davis- Senator Henry Fairfax, of Loudoun, has pold Ablio, a yearling by Matchless, for JGOOO, to Mr. Mitchell Harrison, of Phila¬ delphia. D. 6. Mortleon, deputy clerk of 8oDtt county, who is r.ccuaed of being a defaulter to tbe State, ban again made his eecape, hav¬ ing played the insanity dodge. T1.0 caro r.f tho Commonwealth pgalnet Dr. J. A. P. Baker was oallod at Ablogdon Mdoday pnd continued on accoant of tbe Illness of Hon. John A. Bacbanan, who Is iervdirs coua?cl for the prisoner. Col. Frack E. G«erj, formerly a msraber e>fGov. Cameron's staff, for Beveral years lljur inspector in K:chmond and uatil re* oently a deputy in tbo internal rovenuo office, diid in Petersburg 8ar-day laet, aged 53 years. A largo moctloc was bold lest night at the [ SyrjaK^RUo Bnlh Ababa, io Richmond, to ex- \ pr6B3 sympathr and co-operation in tbe pro- j posed r>!an to organlz) a society for tbe aid of the Rapslea refugees, who are coming to Ibis country, Tbe Impression prevails In Richmond In republican circles that tbo President will certainly appoint Judge L L Lswis, presi¬ dent of the Virginia Court of Appeals, to fbe v?.cent place in the United 8tates Circuit C^url c? Appsale. Sap'. Ruefoll, of the mantel works of GltFgow, and Samuel Sbeppsrd, of that tovrn, in a dispute Monday night exohanged shots with revolver?, Shepnard firing three fiholj without elljc:, and Ruefoll cup, which e met Sboppard ia the head. A rfport reached Lsxiogton, yesterday, f'om Oornwell, in the mountain district of R) ok bridge ccunty, cf a tragedy at a corn nuskitig ia which thrse men were killed In a quarrel, two having tbalr tbroata cut and tbo other stabbed to death. 8uveral others wore woucdei. Tho mother of the late Dr. M. K B-ildwIn, of Loudoun county, died at ber residence, near PcilaracEt, on Friday night, io the nineiy-o'ght year of her age. 8he waa the oldeel; rtcident of that eectlon of Virginia with one exception, tha* being Mrp. Fanny Pisptcr, living near üalon, In Loudoun oonnty, rvho oelpbrated hor one hundredth blrtbdoj r.; ?hf 31st of October last. Ts«4 ^..dho'derj"' comrss'tee Rnd iha».c?- v oor? boars for '.he ejt;!cmont nf the Vir¬ ginia debt wen; in session la New York yes terday perfecting the details of tbe agree¬ ment mado with tho Slate debt commission at Richmond last week. No official infor- maticn has been received from London con* ilrmlcg the statement made recently tbat there was dissatisfaction there over the pro¬ posed beals rf ssLtl£m3nt, though a dis¬ patch from London sßys they ara taking step* there lo prevent the eurronder cf bor.d]. The Gjvcrncr Is busily occupied in pre¬ paring his forthcoming m$B?age to the leg¬ islature. Ojo cf the most important heads io this paper will be tbat In reference to the adjustment of the debt. It ia believed that the Governor will also recommend in his message an important amendment to the law f rovldiog for the compensation of Oom- monwea'ta'd attorneys. At present these of¬ ficers recede feos ia all criminal cases prose- cnietT. The Governor may recommsnd that hereafter the Commonwealth's attor¬ neys be allowed salaries instead of fees. Tbi?, it is believed, will secure a large de¬ crease of the criminal expenses, which have bithertcfjre been a great burden. Some of the heaviest of these charges are for conn- ties in tho southwestern part of the State. SEWS 0? TUB DAY. The Chilian Junto'-? army cad navy ex¬ penses amounted to $15 0CO.OOO. Francisco C. Concha, cno of Ealmaoeda's Minieters of Jos ice, wbb Bhot wh'le trvlng ro eseao:, through the Cordilleras Pas?, ObUi. Firs Bt Minneajjo!:* yesterday destroyed the flve-etory baildiut; occupied by the North Btsr B »ot and Shea Gcinpany; lota J350.000. Ia an exchange ofshotßcear Annapolis between the crew of a Maryland oyater po¬ lice boat and the crew cf a dredger eaid to have been violating the o^.ter law, George Smith, bailing from New York, waa killed. Tco trial cf the Archbtobop of Aix on the charge of insulting the French minister in connection with the conduct cf the French pilgrims in Borne, took place in Paris yes¬ terday, EDfl the Archb'sbop waa convicted and fined 3 C00 francs. S. 8. Moore & Co., of E'izibetb, N. J, were yesterday ewarded tbe contract for tho cocstructica and delivery at Portsmouth, Va, of the Rcrew steamer Maple, for the Fifth Lighthouse district, their bid boirg $81.800. Tho Dupoct Brothers' powdar mllla at Summeytown, Pa., formerly owned by Jis. 3. Miller, were blown up Monday night, hid¬ ing Jas. Wade, who was tapping the chasers contrary to instructions. The buildings are q complete wreck. Tba New York Legislature, rb stated yee- terdav, will be democratic in both branches. The Senat« will stand : Democrats 16, re¬ publicans 15, indopsndent (Dr. Edwards) 1. Tbe c&Btiog vote of tbe Lieutenant Govern¬ or will give the orcanizs'ion of the Senate to the democrats if Dr. E twardsebontd vote with tbe r^-pu^lioans, which is not certain. Tbo Assembly 'a czpeoted to oonteln 67 demoeralB to Gl republicans. Gov. Bill said yesterday : 'They kt ow they arc beat¬ en and that, we have tho Legislature, and more (bau that, wo will hi*v9 it for a !oag time io come." The Earthquake in Japau. Additional detail« of the earthquake in Japan ou October 28, otate that up aid down traius on tbe Tokaido ErViiway were jast moitiog at Gifa Station, the centre of tho diaturbaoce, wbGa the shock first occur¬ red. Ttio shock waa accompaawd by a rumbling sound and waa violent. The peo¬ ple on tbo (rains slipped from their Beats, and for a m- inr-nt thought that a collielon bed occurred. O.j looking cut of the win¬ dows, however, ;h?y bebeid the station in tuir.e, sa t the water in a neighboring pond jciiKbir.i? violently Ircm side to side. The rnrab loi: e -ut d a^d tha movement contin¬ ued, unci crocks frcm iwc to three fast wide weie oti'.erved opening and closing in ali rii rec!i;/:i>, volcanic mud and ashes beioj< ihrowo Ircm srmo cf triem. Tf)6 town of Kaco «aa four.d to be wholly In tales, noi bcoeo remaining standing. Kassamatau t offered a liku 'ate,every dwel¬ ling bsit p a raa-h of di-liiis. Tbe Inhabitants cf Glfa say that tbe first sensation that the houses wsr9 boir,K railed ai d ib^a euddenly lcwc-tcd two cr ihreo leer. Ia faot, there was a matktd in tho earth's surface for a cor- eld-otabia atea. about G.'u, which indicates tbattbe latter town waa tho centra of the diatu; bancs. Very bogo after the houeoa wero thrown dowr, and while hundreds of psopln wero buried ia the dehriB, Hirnes barst from the ruins oi tho elik factory, and in a short tlrns spread to auob an extent ftiat tho citizens were oompalledto desist in their work of rescue, and by S o'olock in the evening almost every part cf tho town of Gifa w&o wrapped lo fi>.mB3. Tbe potteries in tha Prefectures of Owarl and Mine, the great centres of porcelain manufacture In Japan, and these at Sato and other towoe, wero almost; entirely de¬ stroyed, and it is reported that there ia no prceptc; cf rosuniicg their industry thlB year. Tbo Gobo Temple, bilcnpicg to tbe Bhln eeot Baddhistr, was crowded with worship- era when it fell, burying at least 59 people. The ruins took fire, and the shrieking vic¬ tims were consumed before tho eyea of the horrified onlookers. A slight ehock was felt at NdRcric on tbe night of Sunday, Ootober 25. Oo Wednesday rnorniajr, wbilo forty Christines ware eesembled in one of the buildings of the Hothcdial School the atruc- tura beeao to totter, end the worshipers fled. Ooe Christian and his wife were kill¬ ed aod two Jaoanem were fatally l:jired. Mr. and Mrs. Van Dyk?, mtoionarleb, and one other white person wore dangerously hurt. Tee ioss of iife in the thre« towns which go to mtika up ih« city of Nagova is esti¬ mated at from 750 to 1,000. Ur> to the morning of Friday, October 30 3(58 distluct Bbooks were reported as following that of Wednesday. A lako 600 7*1-la lon^ anil GO yards wi le was formod at thj f'>jD of Unkusan Mountain?, ia the Gifa Prefecture, sni groat ciacks wtro formod in the ground beside t!io hills in Gifa. Jn some parts of tho town of Gifa boiling mini spouted from tho fissures fjr more than two honia. Oat of 700 t3mplo3 in llnGifu Prcfectnro moro than one-third wc ro totally dcbtroyod. Tho top of the Sacred Mountain of Fa drama was sent rsr for a diitanco of V20J foot in width and UOO fcot in depth. Over 159.0CO persons ia tin Gifu Profoctaro alono havo app hd for bes stance. Tuk B. & D. B. B..Tho Wallstreet Journalsiya: "Wo undaratand that tho directors h-ivo inform¬ ally discussed tho quostion of a dividsnd oa tho preferred stork, ana havo reachol the conclusion that inasmuch rs the Jiihmond and Daavills (oaipany has ao large a lifting debt, thoy do not coaaider it tho part of wisdom to ray a dividend on tho profoircd etojk at this time. Ftrmal ac- t oa has not been taken oa tho mattor, and this informal action ma 7 bo rovorsod at a formal meot- inz of ili3 directors1. It is a corr^nt rumor that 8>me of tho old Eiebmonri and Utnvillo interests aro soliciting prosies for tho next mcoting cf Bichmond Terminal, luv wj can^ct learn tbac this is trao." a rarror leeched Km>x?iiIo, Ttnn , yeatcrc'a/, of a Brow etorm in tho ChUhowoo mountains south of Knoxvilie, ard that a wa^oa train of lmmigr;n',s. wost\v<ri-bound, coasting of Bix wsfjc'iBnril thirty-thrto percons, all wont into imp when iho storm bogan, except a farmer namod George Akor?, who, witti his family, woat on up tbo mountains. It is feuppos-od tho7 '0:t th< ir way and rolled into the rivar or a raTino and were frcztn to doath. Honry Bcr;k!e, a German tailor, wai arrested in Eicbmond yesterday for bigamy. His wife came to Bichmond from Germany to claim her husbind ,'ro-n whom she had be<n separated for t3n years and fi.and him liviDg with ar other wito. It is said thai ati 1 mother wi.'o of BercUe'a died a few years sgo. Court of Appeals in Eichmond Yesterday. Bailey, &o., V3. Kelly, jadge, end Virginia, Tennessen and Carolina Steel and Iron Company vs. Wilder and als, Argued and EUboitted. Grigg & Croes vs. Dalsbeimer and ale. Argued and submitted. Bnfferere from ecalds, burns, &a , Salva¬ tion 0 i will cure you Bpeedliy. Only 25 cents. Tesasusy Depabtmbnt, Wasblngtoo, D. 0. I take great DleB=ure in certifying to the efficacy of Dr. Bail'o Ccagh 8yrup, in nse ia my family as a speolfio for colds of children or adults, and I have found it to be a cure almost immediate- and always permanent. th03. B, Pbicb, ASSOCIATED PEESS DI3PATCE33. Foreign News. Beblin, Nov. 25.The grrnl daeai theatre at Osenberg caught fire last night and was completely destroyed. London, Nov. 25.-Joseph Aehfortb, formerly secretary and treasurer of the Royal Arcanum baildlog and loan fts'ocla- of Brooklyn, N. Y., who was arrested at Liverpool on the 19 h on the charge cf em¬ bezzling nearly $20 000 from the association, was arraicged here to-day. Tbo heating was on the request of the TJ;i;e:! Satea Government for hie extradirloc. Albfortb said that he was not guilty, and r< quested that ho be lemandcd in order to enable bis oounscl to peruse the American extradition papers, which bad ja3t arrived. Tbs court granted the prisoners request. London, Nor. 25..Charles Grande, a iaj a dczm other names, who has been on trid ii this city on ch8i ^es of blackmailug waa to-day foand guilty and aentetcd to twonty ycsi-3 penal icrvi- tudo. Grande had bc?n pursuing his nefarious practices for along timo past p.nd ho nun.birs among his victims sever. 1 titled ltdics, thrratm- iog them with his vengoaoco nnlcs3 they c:m- p'i;d with his domanis for monoy. To ono of them ho wroto tlat if sho did not pay him a cer¬ tain tum of money ho wcull blow hor to atoms. From Brazil. London, Nov. 25.Very few dispatches are being received here from Brtz'l. Ths indications ore that everything is revutning ancrma! condition, the>t the new government is in sympathy wi:b the dominant political parly, and that the mandates of the corjeti- tulion -fill reaumo their sway. The Ex¬ change Telegraph Co, publishes a p-':va!c di-paloh from Para to-day. Acoordlcg to this, the abdication of Fonscca and bis suc¬ cession by Peixotto as President is well re¬ ceived in that city and Slate. This change la the central government will prcbably prove entirely satisfactory to the pcoplo of Para and there is no preeoat likelihood that peace will be disturbed. Bio JaxxTBO, Nov. 25..President Peiiot'o issood a manifesto to-iUy, which h rccoivod \vi h gontnl ra.isfaction. In this he a'tigethi r at an- dons tho arbittary authority BS3umcd hj Da Fi>3bcc* and doularcs th&t tho legal order of af¬ fairs ij ro-cstablifhcd. Tho diocolutlrn of Coi:- gro3S docrcod by Da Fonfcca i: annulled, snd tho stato of tiago in tho federal district hsa been rai?od. 1 In manifesto sumno-.b Conprosa ti assonibio on Dccombor 18 m I rtsnmo its functiots. An Astronomical Discovery. Bcston, Nov. 25 .Prof. S. 0. Chandler read bolero the Bisten scientific Boclety last evening nn ana!y3i3 of observations ehcz- ing that the parrailos of latitude which wore commonly supposed to bn fixed Hue? ere really mutable. Prcf. Chandler's discovery Is tbat the pole of the earth revolves about a ciroumfaretce with about 30 fast radius, in-127 days. This discovery, it Is clclmed, acoounis for many of the discrepancies is astronomical observations wh'.oh havo b?en bothering astronomers for nearly two bun dred yearp. Accident on the C. & 0 Railway.. Cincinnati, Ohio, Nov. 25..While a freight train on the Chesapeake & Ohio rail¬ way was paseing up ons of the approaches to the bridge last night a truck cf one cf the cars broke and the train plunged into the ditch bslow, carrying away 30 feet oftba approach. The damage is e3!imated at $30,C00. No person was Injured. The National Republican Committee. The National Republican Committee closed op its work at Washington yesterday and adjourned sine die. I*. is:uei a call to republicans regarding the rules to observ¬ ed in ec-lecting delegate* to the Natiootil Convention, and left to the executive com¬ mittee all arrarg"ments for tho convention at Minneapolis. The selection of Minneap¬ olis an the placs of the convention is not re¬ garded as a victory for any of those now mentioned as candidates for the prneldaatial nomination. Tüe committee heard a euc- olnct statement from each member oi the committee of the condition of tho party in tbe various States, and its need.' ar.d pros¬ pects. Ex-Governor Pinchbeck, of Louisi¬ ana, varied tbe sameness cf the nddreeios by Indulging In a fisros attack uoon the white repubiioaDS of (he Sculb, wbcra. hd hold !o bo responsible for tbe lack of virility of tho party in that section of tho country, and whem bo charged with euppreesiug the ne¬ gro vote for fear of race Issues. Ha bold tbat their puoillanlmons policy had resulted In cntold party lcsse?, and raaintticGd tbat a few vigorous conteais and manifestations of their rlghtfol power by tbe eoutbern ne¬ groes would have a wholesome political ef¬ fect aod redeem southern 8 at;a !rcm de¬ mocracy._ Getting Ready for the Granl Lodge The Grand Lodge of Masons vsill bt giti i'.s an¬ nual meeting on Tucidty, December 15. It will tc in sts;ion abtuS three days. As it mods in »ha new templo tin atterdince w.l! be unusual y largo. Grand 8tewanl Krau-o is erraneiDg to soat about 1,200 de!egato3 and oth< r -visitors at the supper tabloi. The room in which the Grand Iod<ewill a'sembls is Jast about twici as largo a3 the assomtly-room.'iu tit. Aibin's Hell. As it ii designed for public usoj as well as Masonic, the auditorium is provided with' a stage atd apacioas gatlorios. It Is bott:r voatilatod than St. Alban's Hall. Tho Grand Master, J. Eo-vi-rl Wayt, of 8taunton, and other grand officers will bo ro- elected for another teim..-Richmond S'.atc Oar readers are reques:ed to cse S*!vai:o1 Oil for all pain. It is a sure cure. P.Icj 25 cents. "For forms of government let foo!3 con¬ test." For crdmarv lifo it is enough to know that Dr. Bull's Coufch Syrup cures coughs and colds. A couple of whalss were sighted in the bay yesterday. SECÄiiea'a Amies, Saive Thz Bist Salvb in the world for Catrj, Bruiiei 3orea, Ulcors, Salt Bheum, Fever Screa, Totter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no p»y required. It is guaranteed to give perfect tatis- faction, or monoy refunded. Price 25 conte per box. For c*la bv K.8. Leadbeater ä Bro. A8K TO SEE THE WIND MATCHES. They can be ignited only by stiiking them on tho bcx in which the come; will burn for 10 seconds and in tbat time cannot bo extinguished by tho strongest current of air. For salo by oct26 E. 8. LEADBEATEB & BBO. MONT8EBBAT LIME; JUICE for salo by J«28 J. C. MILBTJBN. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. Governor Jackson, of Maryland, haa sp- pointed Thcs. H. Hamilton a police jastioe f)t Baltimore, vice Ja;tico Casbmyer who died yesterday. The entire plant of tha Dallas, Texas, Dressed B>ef and Packing Co. waa consum¬ ed D7 fire at a late hour last night. The loss is $200.000, insured for $51.000. Jobn S. Durham, minister resident and conan! general of the United Slates to Haytl, and Charge d'AffairB at Dan Domingo, arrived in Naw York this morning. £ Cardinal Gibbons, accomranlei by a dis¬ tinguished party, members of the episco¬ pate, left Baltimore to-day for Sr. Louis, to participate in the jubilee services In honor of Archbishop Kenrick. An advance copy of Giorge Keanan'a book on Siberia, Ig vihlch the German Ea- peror haa expressed g eat Interest, bas Just bsan forwarded :o him. It Is reported that the Czir haa giv<:n orders that the woik shall be laid ou bis table as soon as ready. It will be i^aed In America on Dao. 1. I j coascq^eni « of the stringency in finan¬ cial cfiaUe und their inability to meet further damaed', too directors of the Firat Nation' ol Bank, o? Wilmington, N. C, have decid¬ er! to öUPpeud tuslDPoS until forthsr Dctlce. The capl'.ai htocic is i:250.C0O Last publish¬ ed statement, s'jowh deposits of $4c5,0c0. The total fariarooftho corn and bean crop in Eurango, Mcz., owing to tho drouth, ia canting jut>nsoBuffering among tho poor. Tho pi:e of com h;i3ii3en to an cnormttu figure Tiio io::nt nius so spoiled the river at Invcr- huron, Ont., that tho ro3idencs of John Smi.h his bcoa uadcrtniticd and swept away. Eij two ycuug dauzhterB wcro drownod. Bloom in 1 Dcu ?iass,: :o two Australiin rcfagoos whoso arrival at Honolulu, on the yacht Beaglo, created luch a b: ir, aro kaown to have joicod the groat opium suugglert' ling. Edison ii oegsgod in a modificit oa of tho pho- no^raph for tho pnrpojecf it to become the 6Qc:o;eor of the r&isul-letter system in thoproduc- tion of lurks for iho b'.iad. Tho Aitchoeoa Patriot, d jmocratic, is out in an editorial urgicg tho democrats and tho people's partv to fu=o in 1S'J2, oach taking flvo of the presidential electors. Bensen Jarvis, a profossor in tha public schcola of Smiih Contro, Kansas, ciiiai3tliafc hohtsdia- covered chemicals with which ho can prcduco raia every;inc. Livinzeton O'ßrion au I his son, ia'atternpting to cros! tho railroad trrc'i at Aurora, 111, last night, wj.-o sttuck by an engino and fatally in¬ jured. Wiliiem Hagan, prstmaater acd atorokcepsr. at Kagcnsviilo, Mica., waa rciirdorod last night by two Poli ih farmers ia a di3puto about price 1. Arispatch fiuai London antoanccs tho death of tho Right Bov. Ilarvoy Goodwin, D. D, D. C. L., Lord i'ishop of Carlisle. John Poworp, a laboting man of Shoridaa town- aiiip, Mich., is t tili:tod v.i.h a malignant type of genuine leprcsy. Mr. John Frcduick Euckhciaer, a will known doaic<:.itic poliluirn, dioi iu Baltinion: this nortiag. Thoshoriffof Duluth jesUrd vy took chirge of tho Trihinr of tint city. . From Brazil, Diepstchea come freely cow to London from Rio Jineiro, the censorship having been removed. Tho reaignation of Marshal da Fonssca ws3 a great relief and bas proved a solution cf the complications whioh were gathering arcund tho new republic. Fon- *eca Is reported to bo seriously ill. Acting President Pelxotto and tho provisional cab¬ inet by which ha la surrounded will now proceed to restore tha operation of the con¬ stitution p-nd laws. The general elections will bejburiied on. Tue legislature assembled at the earliest possible moment, and nnlty and harmony between tha provinces is re- ts'abliühod. Tho ehinge has brought peace and trasqslllly toK'.o Grande do Sul, but r4fo provisional government of that State stlil holds na atlicuda of armed attention, ewaiting tha prooeediBgs cf the new gov¬ ernment at Bio, ia which implicit; confidence (3 not yet pieced by the republicans, it be¬ ing rrizarded as a creation cf tho ex-Preal- daot tia Fccssca, end not to be traoted until it is tried. A dispatch from Boeucs Ayrea says: "The newa of the abdication of Marshal da Fon- eeca waa received iu Bio Grande do So) with Genera' sstiG.'action and has*put an end to the revolutionär? movement in thai Sta'e. The ohatruoticn? placed ia the Bio Grande have baen removed and tho river opened to commerce. The lueurgcot troopa aro dis¬ banded." A Rio Janeiro dlscatch says: "Except Paro, which remains tilent, all the provinces concur in the dismissal of Marshai da Fon- scca, Cengrsa3 will probably ignore the re¬ cent events. A new cabinet haa been formed as follows: Qenbor Alves, ficancs; 8enhor Faria, husbandry; 8jabor Perelra, justice; ifenhor O iveira, war; Senhor Mello, ma¬ rina ; Bcchor Palllta, lorelgn effairB." An¬ other report gives Sinhcr Semoao tho war pert folio._ MARRIED. On Tnosday, Noverabor 24. by Bnv. Charlo3 O. Tojk, ra3ior of North Capital M E Charrh, Wa?hir.gioi, Kr. W. A. DNDRRWOOD, of Ihii ci:y, and Miss LIZZIE HiBElNGTON, of Tüo riaiiiB, Fanqti^r county, Va. PABME38, BEAD £ X. O. BÜßT 1 X.O.T)EJST! TH3 NEW AND GBEAT DISCOVERV, X. O. DD8T! For tho roliof from tbo Texas or Buffalo Fly on i'attic, just received '.nd for sale by -..u_W F. (IRRIOHTON St CO. Q PRUHO LEAF TEA, 50c per lb. lj> Virginia Claret on draught, $1 ptr gallon. California " " " Swoct Catawba " " £cr £alo by CARE & SyVETNAM, |o6 700 King atre^. f.', i.. i.VMy, Agaüt to tha Colebrswd iS17.LH7 HROidlBE OF ABBENIO WATER _rigp2H1_ Tyr/ALTED MILK. 1X1 UOBLICK3 MALTED MILK for infants, inva¬ lid?, tho &'ä-A and travollors, prico 50 eta. For sale by WARFIELD & HALL, jy23 Cor. Prince and Fairfax ats. DIABBIitEA AND CHOLERA MIXTURE, A safo and apeedy cure for Cho'.cra Morbus, Cramp3 and Diarrhose, Only 15c a bottle. For sale by lc-22_EBNEST L. ALLEN. 7Ü3T RECEIVED..10 groes of VA8ELIME rj BßEPAEATION, including Eine Seal, Pom¬ ade, Cold Cream, Paro Vaseline, in lb.-cana, bot¬ tles and tubes, Camphor Ice, Votorinary, Carbol- ated, White Vaseline, &c. oct28_E.8. LEADDEATER & BRQ. T} ISKOP'S BIRD HEALTH BEST i> - If your canary is sick and droopy, use the Re¬ storer. It can be found at EBNEST L. ALLEN'S, fehlCorner King and Pitt streets. MONETARY AND COMMERCIAL. N*w Toaz, Nov. 25..Tho etcck market opet- od this mom'ng with a rxolorate drgreoof ani- mation, and first prices wero ia mo.t '¦iscssns»l; fractious tetter than '.as; Light's figures. The general list displayed a strong tena ml made for- thor advances in the early doalinga. In the later transaction] a portion of those advances wera let; when tho genoral list, as a rulo, retired to tho neighborhood of first pii:os. At lloVbck tho market was quiet ami barely steady at iail>aifl. cant charges from the opening flgurts. BlXTIMOSB, Nov. 25..Virginia ronroia 45- do 10-40* .31 b'd; do 3s 6846914. Wholesale Prices of Produce in Alexandria Flour, fine. ?3 00 & 305 enperflno.-. 3 35 @ 3 75 Extra. 4 10 @ 44,) Family... 4 75 515 Fancy brand*.. ß 25 <& 5 75 Wheat, Longbrrry. 0 95 to l o;.\ Fulta. 0 95 erf 103 Mixed. 0 95 ia 10;J Fair V; heat. 0 95 .. 0 9$ Damp sr.rl tough. 0 70 to (j90 Cot n, white o'.d. 0 58 to 0 U3 Yollow md._. 067 to (loo Mixed eld. "55 Ch o58 New. 0 50 (4 057 Horn Mea. 0 68 U 70 Bye.-.. "70 fit r>£5 Oat<». 0 38 @ 0 4:1 Butter, Virginia prime. U2i) ^ 0^5 Common to mi'ldlini... 0 15 £ u lh Eggs. 0 Crt 0 '2H Turkeys, live. 0 10 @ 01] Dressed Turkeys, diawn- 0 13 to 0 15 " undrawn. 0 33 to oil Livo Chickens (bona). 0 9 to oil Spring Chickens. Oil 0 1°. Veal Calves. »4 Vi ur- 0 Ü Limbs. 0 6 @ 0 7 Irish Potatoes 39 bush. 0 10 us 0 SO Onions 3 bushel. 1 00 to j 05 Apples per bbl. 125 to 2 Ou Dried Poaches, reeled.... 0 0 to DM " " acpcs iid.... 0 5 to II (i " Ohorriea. 0 7 to oh 11 Apples. 0 'J^fc 0 3 0 30% to 0 31 Best sugar enrod Harn» >i 10%^ to oil Butchers' Horn». 0 3 0\ to DU Broakfast Baccn. 010*4 0 013 Bngar-curedShooldore. 0 7%® 0 7^ Bulk shoulders.. > 6 to 0 " 0 8 to 0 f-.^u ' fat backs. f 6% to 0 t>4 " bolllcs. I) 7% it li 8 Bacon dhouldor». 7^ cj i; 8 " 5id«n. '¦¦ 8^ to (! h\ Lard. 0 «Jfc 0 7^ Smoked iJeef. 0 '1 U 13^ Sugars.Brown. 3^ © 3% Off A. . 1 4 to 0 4^ Ooaf. Standard A .. .. " 4's fa u 41^ Granulated...-. 4J4 ttf .. 4^ Coa-io».Bio. .' ta 019 LaGaayrs. :;17 W t: i9 Java. " »4 t üij Molssaei B. 6.t - '¦' 12 CS (»14 O.B. .* 17 to 0 29 New Orleans. "20 U 0 40 Porto Bico. 0 20 to 0 30 Sugar Syrups. 0 17 C 0 30 Herring, Eastern,per bbl... 3 00 w. 00 Potomac No. 1-. 3 00 U 3 50 Plaster, ground.por ton. 4 75 B 00 Ground ia Dags. * 50 n t-&i- Lump. '»50 .¦£ ?. : s Pot. Family Boo ~$ bbl. 4 75 to 5 Ml Do. $ half b&rrc-i. 2 50 to 2 75 Potomac Shad. 8 00 @ 8 60 Mackertl, 3mall,per bbl. 0 00 to » 00 " No. 3, modlum.- 34 00 & 35 (X) " No. 3, largo fat... 30 00 to 3S0<> .' No. 2..-.. 18 00 to 1.0 00 Clover Hoed. 4 75 Ä6 6 50 Timothy . 150 to 170 Old Process Linaood Moal.... 33 00 Ö 32 00 Halt.G. A. 0 70 © c 00 Fine. i 10 # } 50 Turk's Island. 1 26 £5 I S< Wool.Long unwashed. 0 22 £. tt 23 Washed. 0 30 S 0 32 Merino, unwa-<hov. 0 20 Q 0 22 Do. Washed. 0 30 0 0 82 Bnmac.-. 0 70 (i 0 7 A Hay. 11 00 @ 12 0 ) Cut do. 35 0<> (a 36 00 Wheat Bran # ton VJ enr.. 39 50 to 20 25 Brown Middlings " 50 @ 20 00 White Middlings " 38 00 (ft 20 0) Cotton Seed Moal " 23 00 & 24 60 Fhur ii quiet, with a fair domand, will dis¬ tribute! as to grade. Tho Whstt marlccti are steady at tho rocont dccliao; sales show about tho usual range, ou acc;uatof tha mist-1 coLilitiua of tho offerings, say from 70 for tei! cads up to 3 02 forch'.ica longberry samples. Corn is weak and \vd mark down prinos; tho old crop has boon about exhausted, and quotations aro moroly nomiusl 5G&G3 ; now brings from 53 to 57. Eyo 75»85. Oata40a43. Potatoes 40150. Eggs 23a28. But¬ ter 18a25. Poultry tn.l Pork aro ocli 7e. Apploa and other prodnco are Armor. Millfeed, Hey a: 'I StTaw aro without ct:mgo. To-mor.-ow (Thn s- day) will to olsi i'70d as a ho'.ilay. BjLi,Tiaie>>"5, Nov. 25,. Flour su.ady seil m- cbangod. Wh^at.No 2redcfS7: spot and Nov 104al04^: Doc 104^; Jan 300*106^; May 130^110?^: steamer No 2 red 99^ .fkod: Southern stoady; Ful z 100al06 ; longbarry 102 al06. Corn.mixed «o»k npit 03 nsked ; yoar 56"s*56%: Jan 54'^i54% ; Feb 54a5414 ; March 54 ; riruthojn firmer; white -15*50; yellow 47« 58 Oa's steady to firm ; No 2 whito Western 40 asked ; No 2 mtxel do 38a38'ii1. Byo oasy and lower; No 2 10'2il02%. Hay quiet at .1 steady ; good to choice timothy $13*14. Frovitb: s firm and unctaoged. New Yobk, N07. 25..Cotton sicaly; uplanda 8'^; Orleans 6%; futures firm. Flour quiet and eary. Wheat dull and easy. Com quiet and oa*y. t*ork quiet at<l firm at $9 75ilO 75. Lard dull and oaty at $6 45. Chicago, Nov. 25-11:00 a. m..Wheat- Ooc 92\; M»y 09%. Corn.Nov 72; May iV*. 0*ta-D.-.j 32; May 32%. Pork-Dec S8 A:>; Jan $1117^. Lard-D-c $610; Jan $6 LOi 6 22%. 8hort rib3-Dsc $5 65; Jen 50j 5. Qoeenstown Cattle Mabket. Nov 24..At Union stock yards this wock 170 Cattle wero 011 tho market and sold as follows : Bc3t 3^3^ good 3a3^c; medium 21>ia2:%c; common l\a, 2c per lb. f>91 Sheep and Lambs wero offere-t. Old Shoep 21)(,a31i(i,and LamHs at 4%b.B% per il>. Cows and Calves sold at $20a45. Tho market w:ii fair for Catt'o and good for Shoep and Lamb?. LOST. LCST.On the 18ih, a BED HCFFALO COW. mirkcd with tar on tho ripht side. If four.d, return to 3273 Prospect street, George tjun, U C wheroa mit&blo reward w li be paid. nov25 2t_JEBOME BOBINEON. AT THE MABBIAGE AT CHBI8T CHOBCH Monday evening Misi Nannio Hums loit TWO bMALL PINS with diamond and pearl set¬ ting]. The findor will be rewarded by returning tb' stm? to Frank Horns. nov26 3; 3 PIANOS, Second hard, in thorough repair and (unod to concert fiwh A :u!tablo Chiislroaa present. Cash or instalments. Apply to E. L. £CHABF, nov20 2w No. 1016 Piioco M ILD-CUBED HAMS just received by ncv25 J. C. MILBUBN- JUST EECEIYED.A big job in ecarlet sniNat Wcol Underwear. Come and see them at nov!7_A1108 B. SLAYMAKEB'3. FINEST OOLONG and GUNPOWDEB TEAS for salo by octl7 _J. C. MILBÜBN. PLAID DBESS G0OD3, half wool, pretty styles, at cost by Povl6 _A. B. SLAYMAZEB. REMNANTS OF FINE BBOWN COTTON in 5 to 20-yard pieces at 4c. novl7_AM03 B. 8LAYMAKEB. ANOTHEB BALE OF THAT WIDE 5 VCENT COTTON just received at )y2_AM08 B. SLAYMAEEK'8. AFAN AND A GLASS ICE CBEAM SODA for 5c at U22_EBNEST L. ALLEN'S. HAMS.A few fine winter-cured Hams for sale at 12^c by cca7 J. C, MIIJJUBN.

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Page 1: Alexandria Gazette.(Alexandria, VA) 1891-11-25. · 2017-12-19 · Nov.25,1S91. It ie eald in inner republican circles here that Cincinnati was not seleoted astho city of tbe Eatlonal

jr. .?* to

,' v > % \ -

." /c_> V f. "'*-.Mm ¦¦¦ h :,.

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Among the resolutions e.dopted et tbedis

trie: democrat ccngres^ional conveu;!onbald horo yesterday was cne to tho etf-'c1

that in the democratic pirty end ita princi¬ples only can hopa for the rodreca cf the far¬

mers' grievance be found, and calling opcuthe member of Congress from this district,and all his democratic colleagues, to advo¬

cate jast and practicable measures for the

benefit of the farmorB,03peclal!y the rs'Juciioain iho tariff tax, and condemning the trnBte

and monopolies fos'ered a~d promoted bythai; tax, which a-9 inimical to the foraera'interests and toad ;a eonoenira'e the .wealthof the nation in the bands of a few northernmanufacture:?, \v- txpoi »Ib¬

er people of '.hi- country. N > v, that rtsj.

lutlon, while chock fail of eoued (ieraccratlodootrloe, v? 11 bs enrioisr-l by every .'^be¬

thinking membyr cf the Farmare' Alliance;far all such knew thai the repub ian pirtyadvocates a d.'reotly coarra'j doc riao, andthat from it aotbirg in the ehape ; f farmers'redress can ba expected, as i . oo'u coa-

tioue to ma'xe farmtra buy ia the dearestand tell In th9 cheapest mv.rxe:-. jvjö believesthat a cheap o*t makes tba m ho wears

it cbeir. O.)co again let the democratshave control or both the legislative and rx-

ecutlv? branches cf the gJV^cirK', and the

farmers would h«vs do naoio grievancesthan any other c'as* of tho psople of the

country, for democracy means j : ti< [p all,but special ;iW>ra to nono.

Now that iho repubik-aae have selectedMinneapolis as '.lie place for holding tissirnational convention, as amf iretieogtb.enlog thsmsalvf? In the Northwest,' let thedemocrat? se'ca Naw York an tho place f;r

thelrr, and thertby do win-.t thev tan to se¬

cure the votes cf New York, Nrw Jersey,Connecticut and Maaraobcsetts, and to c-'ethose of other S ateaof tbeNartbeesr. Therecan ba no doubt that tho dalegatee could bebatter accomrnotlnted ij New York Ibenany where else la tho country, anä ihec,too, the dernocra's fcavo en overwhelmingmajority in that city, and a? tie republicansd9prived it of tho worid'd fair, because sochwas the ess?, tbe democrats should partia.'-Jy offset that less by givicg it (heir na¬

tional convention.

A dispatch fromLoodoa eayr.: "Virginiabondholders are taking steps to prevent theBurrsndsr cf lends held by Brown, Shipley& Co. An indignation meeting is provable."While this is to bo sincerely regretted, it isby no moans surprising. Bondholders ere

but human. Thoy don'* tike to giro uptheir bonds any inora than other peoplelike to give up other sorts cf property, 3r,d

especially bo, aa thoir debtors ara isily ableto offer them rnoro favorable torrno, and ae

they have both tba Stv.o nnd the federalcourts to sustain the!: ju3t claim.:?. ß:iü, co

their acoredlioil ajontj cocepted the termsof settlement, it would by tho clesn, thougha losing thing for them to confirm thoseterms and bo well rid of their unfo:tuoatein¬vestment. _

THE action of tho ca.lonai republicancommittee In epeolaiiy provi ling that tba

delegates to tbe national republican conven¬

tion shall ba elected by district ccc-eallooF,held la iho respcclivo ccügrteucnai dis¬tricts, mtict ha^o been euggested hy Mr.Brady, the member of the oommittee fromthis Btate, aa it will pat Qsneral STßboneto a greet deal of extra trouble in order to

secure a delegation to tho convention fromthis State that will obey his orders implicit¬ly. The Genoral will stlii ba able to ap¬point tbe delegates at largo, bu! be will ex¬

perience great difficulty in appointing eomo

of tho district d»ip(rf»»pf»

Anotheh liiiHAT has occurrtd to'.htrone of the ships of the new navy. The NavyDepartment had to go abroad Or the plansof the Philadelphia, tu; when they reachedhere thoy were so altered at the Dopart-ment that new tbat tho chip han been Lullt,it is feared she Is so top heavy tbat so muchballast will be required to keep her fromturning over that her epc-ed will bo co re¬

tarded as to make her unavailable as a war

veseel. The experieaco cf this- country Inthe construction of modern naval vecaelsand large guns is any thing else than favor¬able to the further proseouttoo of ouch workat present.Mb. Bfady, the Virginia memls - cf tbe

national repu^ic.-.n oommittee, p«j s: "Weare for Harrison in Virgiüiti " Wio are"we"? Leaving cut iha effijo holdcrr, ofwhom Mr. Brady ia tho one who probablyreceive? the Jargeet salary, nearly all thewhite republicans In tho State, so a9 caobe learned, are for Biaine. The "v?e:'cfMr. Brady aro very much iifca the famousthree tailors of Toolcy gtroet.

-.O- -O--

FSO^ WASSDTGTOSr.[Sjweia.' OorrtspondirM of Ou> Alexandria Oatetie,]

WASHiHsros, D. V.. Nov. 25,1S91.It ie eald in inner republican circles here

that Cincinnati was not seleoted as tho cityof tbe Eatlonal lepubiican conventionbecause euch wes tho wish cf Mr.Biaine, who was afraid that tha llim-boyant support of Forcker end his"bojs" woaid do hira harm wi^h tbe con¬servative delegates to tho convcatkn. It isalso said tbat the nepro mambcra o" thecommittee were induced to vote for Minne¬apolis by more effective meana thaa tbo freetransportation effsred by Sao Francisco.The Department of State tc-day received

official confirmation by Minister Ocager ofthe resignation of IVealdeat Foaeeca andthe assumption of tbe office of Preeideut by

Vioe-PffiBläen. Peixolto. This Governmentalways receives ite foreign news from thenewspapers three or fear days In advanceof that sent it by Us sgents abroad.

it Is et-li by Virginia republicans here tbatGeneral Mabcne, fearing that Mr B^dy,ifce Virgiata tDfcor.'jer of tbe national rennb-iican ccaciitte?, would attetop; eome'h'.ngnt tbe lato m^Uog cf that oonamittoe inibic- d-'y, l>7 «Mab bis power ovr t tbe Vir«sinia republicans m'.cht be r-.^trioted, gotGc2crji SH'h Boiling to writo 10 ex Mayorirtüib of Norfolk lo come bsre ard watchtbe procer-dicga oi the committee. Whathortbi'ü j or no!:, the lac: is that Mr. Limbdid not t ome.

A: yesterday'^ session cf ibo national re-

pabiican committee Pinchbick, the negro[member from Louisiana, denounced thewhite tcpU'jUcin leaders of tbe 6;-uth for

lioWrat-d tbt-ir pusillanimity in notcoDdc-o!iL=K morevigoroaBoampaifcDS leet tberaoo question be raised, aod *ald if tbe ne-

¦r: oi of tie r? atb *.v,u:d make a few vigor¬ous iejl! i stations of tbolr power they wouldtn^ke that aecioa republican.t^n^cr Pa bour has gone to Cu'peper to

see \v.ä brother there, who is ill.It said bare that General Mahone, who

Is fitill looked upon in this city as tbe headmi f.-cnt of ibo republican party in Virgin¬ia, Las wri'.Ua a lütter to a f lond, to the effeot thct b3 --nd bie pa:t7 wiM make no o>position to the euttiemens of tbe Virginiad?br upon tbe terms recen'Iy rgreed r.pcnat Btcbmond.Tbo nomination cf Mr. Meredith for Con¬

cise io the Alexandria district is entirelysatifcfiOtory to all lbt> demccraf6 in that dle-trlothera today, and, straogo sa it mayReem, to many of the republicans, tou. Mr.Johnson, tbei republlcao Common wealth'sAttorney cf Alexandria counly, told theGA-zetteM enrrccpondent to day that Mr. Mer¬edith would get neeriy ail tbe votes thatwould be ci-i in Ibatcoanty, wb'ch is usu¬

ally republican by a large c.rj)rity. HeBslii the rc-pubiln-jns there would make no

Oght, and that the Alliance candidate wouldnot get ß?o votes in the ccuoty, and thesewould be cart by republic ans.

All tbe government departments herewere closed at noo»i to-day and will not beopen aaa'tn until Friday. Tc-morrow willbo observed as a Reneral holiday. Toetietkü in tbe Navy Department rec.ret thatSecretary Whitney 13 not their chief now, as

he always gave escb of them a fioe turkeyor Thankygivmg Day.Tu» S{'ril9 ia a1* doubtful to-day as

ever, bo'b Mr. Mills and Mr. Crisp, eppar-sntiy at least-, belog confident of election,tisd Springer cod Hutch holding their small¬er toreee road? for tho reception of euoa re-c u'.ia ao m«y coma to them. Indeed, itseems tc-day fa if the doubt about tbespeükcrsbip will not be eottlod aatll 8atu -

rir.y wfck, V;iien the democratic caucus willbe beld.

It in advertised horo that Thanksgiving Daywi i ho ceiobratod alo?o tin Aqaoinct Bridge, inAlexandria county, tc-niorravr. by a ''firat-c :iis

do: lieht," and p. siuatl stoainor will bo run frr.mGo">r;<':tow:i to tho pUco for tho accomor uiationof tho 0 interested in Buch sport. Ibis is a pointerlur tho autao*iiiea of that county.Mr. Thouip.'od, who was tho propn'o o: of the

abandoned j:r:o courso at Gloucester. >. J., hascomo hoio Bnd lonscd tho track at DenniuKS,Which will bo put in first class order.The following changes in tho 4th c'ass pastof-

fleoä of Virginia ware mado toda': Charles CityC. U , Charles City county, P. Will cox appointedpostmsstor, vi< ) P. fct. G. Willcox. resigned ; Har¬dy's Ford, Franklin county, &. d. Nimmo, vicoB. P. Loyd. re.'i^ncd.

7IBGIJBIA HBW3.Ksv. D:. Moses D. Hege is quite ill at his

residence in Blcbmond.The Virginia Worlri'd Fair ccmmladcn

Rrs la cession lu Norfolk.W. B. Däshiell, who Is wanted In Blch-

mond for forgery, has, It Is romored, beent'ccn in Mexloo.80 far fD.Oli has been raised in Nisb-

v'iüe, Tonn., for tbe prcpoB3d monument inBlchmcad to Jefferson Davis-Senator Henry Fairfax, of Loudoun, has

pold Ablio, a yearling by Matchless, forJGOOO, to Mr. Mitchell Harrison, of Phila¬delphia.D. 6. Mortleon, deputy clerk of 8oDtt

county, who is r.ccuaed of being a defaulterto tbe State, ban again made his eecape, hav¬ing played the insanity dodge.T1.0 caro r.f tho Commonwealth pgalnet

Dr. J. A. P. Baker was oallod at AblogdonMdoday pnd continued on accoant of tbeIllness of Hon. John A. Bacbanan, who Isiervdirs coua?cl for the prisoner.

Col. Frack E. G«erj, formerly a msrabere>fGov. Cameron's staff, for Beveral yearslljur inspector in K:chmond and uatil re*oently a deputy in tbo internal rovenuooffice, diid in Petersburg 8ar-day laet, aged53 years.A largo moctloc was bold lest night at the

[ SyrjaK^RUo Bnlh Ababa, io Richmond, to ex-

\ pr6B3 sympathr and co-operation in tbe pro-j posed r>!an to organlz) a society for tbe aidof the Rapslea refugees, who are coming toIbis country,Tbe Impression prevails In Richmond In

republican circles that tbo President willcertainly appoint Judge L L Lswis, presi¬dent of the Virginia Court of Appeals, to fbev?.cent place in the United 8tates CircuitC^url c? Appsale.Sap'. Ruefoll, of the mantel works of

GltFgow, and Samuel Sbeppsrd, of thattovrn, in a dispute Monday night exohangedshots with revolver?, Shepnard firing threefiholj without elljc:, and Ruefoll cup, whiche met Sboppard ia the head.A rfport reached Lsxiogton, yesterday,

f'om Oornwell, in the mountain district ofR)okbridge ccunty, cf a tragedy at a cornnuskitig ia which thrse men were killed Ina quarrel, two having tbalr tbroata cut andtbo other stabbed to death. 8uveral otherswore woucdei.Tho mother of the late Dr. M. K B-ildwIn,

of Loudoun county, died at ber residence,near PcilaracEt, on Friday night, io thenineiy-o'ght year of her age. 8he waa theoldeel; rtcident of that eectlon of Virginiawith one exception, tha* being Mrp. FannyPisptcr, living near üalon, In Loudounoonnty, rvho oelpbrated hor one hundredthblrtbdoj r.; ?hf 31st of October last.Ts«4 ^..dho'derj"' comrss'tee Rnd iha».c?-

v oor? boars for '.he ejt;!cmont nf the Vir¬ginia debt wen; in session la New York yesterday perfecting the details of tbe agree¬ment mado with tho Slate debt commissionat Richmond last week. No official infor-maticn has been received from London con*ilrmlcg the statement made recently tbatthere was dissatisfaction there over the pro¬posed beals rf ssLtl£m3nt, though a dis¬patch from London sßys they ara takingstep* there lo prevent the eurronder cfbor.d].The Gjvcrncr Is busily occupied in pre¬

paring his forthcoming m$B?age to the leg¬islature. Ojo cf the most important headsio this paper will be tbat In reference to theadjustment of the debt. It ia believed thatthe Governor will also recommend in hismessage an important amendment to thelaw f rovldiog for the compensation of Oom-monwea'ta'd attorneys. At present these of¬ficers recede feos ia all criminal cases prose-cnietT. The Governor may recommsndthat hereafter the Commonwealth's attor¬neys be allowed salaries instead of fees.Tbi?, it is believed, will secure a large de¬crease of the criminal expenses, which havebithertcfjre been a great burden. Some ofthe heaviest of these charges are for conn-ties in tho southwestern part of the State.

SEWS 0? TUB DAY.The Chilian Junto'-? army cad navy ex¬

penses amounted to $15 0CO.OOO.Francisco C. Concha, cno of Ealmaoeda's

Minieters of Jos ice, wbb Bhot wh'le trvlngro eseao:, through the Cordilleras Pas?,ObUi.Firs Bt Minneajjo!:* yesterday destroyed

the flve-etory baildiut; occupied by theNorth Btsr B »ot and Shea Gcinpany; lotaJ350.000.Ia an exchange ofshotßcear Annapolis

between the crew of a Maryland oyater po¬lice boat and the crew cf a dredger eaid tohave been violating the o^.ter law, GeorgeSmith, bailing from New York, waa killed.Tco trial cf the Archbtobop of Aix on the

charge of insulting the French minister inconnection with the conduct cf the Frenchpilgrims in Borne, took place in Paris yes¬terday, EDfl the Archb'sbop waa convictedand fined 3 C00 francs.

S. 8. Moore & Co., of E'izibetb, N. J,were yesterday ewarded tbe contract for thococstructica and delivery at Portsmouth,Va, of the Rcrew steamer Maple, for theFifth Lighthouse district, their bid boirg$81.800.Tho Dupoct Brothers' powdar mllla at

Summeytown, Pa., formerly owned by Jis.3. Miller, were blown up Monday night, hid¬ing Jas. Wade, who was tapping the chaserscontrary to instructions. The buildings areq complete wreck.Tba New York Legislature, rb stated yee-

terdav, will be democratic in both branches.The Senat« will stand : Democrats 16, re¬

publicans 15, indopsndent (Dr. Edwards) 1.Tbe c&Btiog vote of tbe Lieutenant Govern¬or will give the orcanizs'ion of the Senateto the democrats if Dr. E twardsebontd votewith tbe r^-pu^lioans, which is not certain.Tbo Assembly 'a czpeoted to oonteln 67demoeralB to Gl republicans. Gov. Billsaid yesterday : 'They kt ow they arc beat¬en and that, we have tho Legislature, andmore (bau that, wo will hi*v9 it for a !oagtime io come."

The Earthquake in Japau.Additional detail« of the earthquake in

Japan ou October 28, otate that up aiddown traius on tbe Tokaido ErViiway were

jast moitiog at Gifa Station, the centre oftho diaturbaoce, wbGa the shock first occur¬red. Ttio shock waa accompaawd by a

rumbling sound and waa violent. The peo¬ple on tbo (rains slipped from their Beats,and for a m- inr-nt thought that a collielonbed occurred. O.j looking cut of the win¬dows, however, ;h?y bebeid the station intuir.e, sa t the water in a neighboring pond

jciiKbir.i? violently Ircm side to side. Thernrab loi: e -ut d a^d tha movement contin¬ued, unci crocks frcm iwc to three fast wideweie oti'.erved opening and closing in ali riirec!i;/:i>, volcanic mud and ashes beioj<ihrowo Ircm srmo cf triem.Tf)6 town of Kaco «aa four.d to be wholly

In tales, noi r» bcoeo remaining standing.Kassamatau toffered a liku 'ate,every dwel¬ling bsit p a raa-h of di-liiis.Tbe Inhabitants cf Glfa say that tbe first

sensation that the houses wsr9 boir,Krailed ai d ib^a euddenly lcwc-tcd two crihreo leer. Ia faot, there was a in tho earth's surface for a cor-eld-otabia atea. about G.'u, which indicatestbattbe latter town waa tho centra of thediatu; bancs. Very bogo after the houeoawero thrown dowr, and while hundreds ofpsopln wero buried ia the dehriB, Hirnesbarst from the ruins oi tho elik factory, andin a short tlrns spread to auob an extentftiat tho citizens were oompalledto desist intheir work of rescue, and by S o'olock inthe evening almost every part cf tho townof Gifa w&o wrapped lo fi>.mB3.Tbe potteries in tha Prefectures of Owarl

and Mine, the great centres of porcelainmanufacture In Japan, and these at Satoand other towoe, wero almost; entirely de¬stroyed, and it is reported that there ia no

prceptc; cf rosuniicg their industry thlByear.Tbo Gobo Temple, bilcnpicg to tbe Bhln

eeot Baddhistr, was crowded with worship-era when it fell, burying at least 59 people.The ruins took fire, and the shrieking vic¬tims were consumed before tho eyea of thehorrified onlookers. A slight ehock was feltat NdRcric on tbe night of Sunday, Ootober25. Oo Wednesday rnorniajr, wbilo fortyChristines ware eesembled in one of thebuildings of the Hothcdial School the atruc-tura beeao to totter, end the worshipersfled. Ooe Christian and his wife were kill¬ed aod two Jaoanem were fatally l:jired.Mr. and Mrs. Van Dyk?, mtoionarleb, andone other white person wore dangerouslyhurt.Tee ioss of iife in the thre« towns which

go to mtika up ih« city of Nagova is esti¬mated at from 750 to 1,000. Ur> to themorning of Friday, October 30 3(58 distluctBbooks were reported as following that ofWednesday.A lako 600 7*1-la lon^ anil GO yards wi le was

formod at thj f'>jD of Unkusan Mountain?, ia theGifa Prefecture, sni groat ciacks wtro formod inthe ground beside t!io hills in Gifa.Jn some parts of tho town of Gifa boiling mini

spouted from tho fissures fjr more than twohonia.Oat of 700 t3mplo3 in llnGifu Prcfectnro moro

than one-third wc ro totally dcbtroyod.Tho top of the Sacred Mountain of Fadrama

was sent rsr for a diitanco of V20J foot inwidth and UOO fcot in depth.Over 159.0CO persons ia tin Gifu Profoctaro

alono havo app hd for bes stance.

Tuk B. & D. B. B..Tho Wallstreet Journalsiya:"Wo undaratand that tho directors h-ivo inform¬ally discussed tho quostion of a dividsnd oa thopreferred stork, ana havo reachol the conclusionthat inasmuch rs the Jiihmond and Daavills(oaipany has ao large a lifting debt, thoy do notcoaaider it tho part of wisdom to ray a dividendon tho profoircd etojk at this time. Ftrmal ac-t oa has not been taken oa tho mattor, and thisinformal action ma 7 bo rovorsod at a formal meot-inz of ili3 directors1. It is a corr^nt rumor that8>me of tho old Eiebmonri and Utnvillo interestsaro soliciting prosies for tho next mcoting cfBichmond Terminal, luv wj can^ct learn tbacthis is trao."

a rarror leeched Km>x?iiIo, Ttnn , yeatcrc'a/,of a Brow etorm in tho ChUhowoo mountainssouth of Knoxvilie, ard that a wa^oa train oflmmigr;n',s. wost\v<ri-bound, coasting of Bixwsfjc'iBnril thirty-thrto percons, all wont intoimp when iho storm bogan, except a farmer

namod George Akor?, who, witti his family, woaton up tbo mountains. It is feuppos-od tho7 '0:tth< ir way and rolled into the rivar or a raTinoand were frcztn to doath.

Honry Bcr;k!e, a German tailor, wai arrestedin Eicbmond yesterday for bigamy. His wifecame to Bichmond from Germany to claim herhusbind ,'ro-n whom she had be<n separated fort3n years and fi.and him liviDg with ar other wito.It is said thai ati 1 mother wi.'o of BercUe'a dieda few years sgo.

Court of Appeals in Eichmond Yesterday.Bailey, &o., V3. Kelly, jadge, end

Virginia, Tennessen and Carolina Steel andIron Company vs. Wilder and als, Arguedand EUboitted.Grigg & Croes vs. Dalsbeimer and ale.

Argued and submitted.

Bnfferere from ecalds, burns, &a , Salva¬tion 0 i will cure you Bpeedliy. Only 25cents.

Tesasusy Depabtmbnt,Wasblngtoo, D. 0.

I take great DleB=ure in certifying to theefficacy of Dr. Bail'o Ccagh 8yrup, in nse iamy family as a speolfio for colds of childrenor adults, and I have found it to be a curealmost immediate- and always permanent.

th03. B, Pbicb,


Foreign News.Beblin, Nov. 25.The grrnl daeai

theatre at Osenberg caught fire last nightand was completely destroyed.London, Nov. 25.-Joseph Aehfortb,

formerly secretary and treasurer of theRoyal Arcanum baildlog and loan fts'ocla-of Brooklyn, N. Y., who was arrested atLiverpool on the 19 h on the charge cf em¬bezzling nearly $20 000 from the association,was arraicged here to-day. Tbo heatingwas on the request of the TJ;i;e:! SateaGovernment for hie extradirloc. Albfortbsaid that he was not guilty, and r< questedthat ho be lemandcd in order to enable bisoounscl to peruse the American extraditionpapers, which bad ja3t arrived. Tbs courtgranted the prisoners request.London, Nor. 25..Charles Grande, a iaj a

dczm other names, who has been on trid ii thiscity on ch8i ^es of blackmailug waa to-day foandguilty and aentetcd to twonty ycsi-3 penal icrvi-tudo. Grande had bc?n pursuing his nefariouspractices for along timo past p.nd ho nun.birsamong his victims sever. 1 titled ltdics, thrratm-iog them with his vengoaoco nnlcs3 they c:m-

p'i;d with his domanis for monoy. To ono ofthem ho wroto tlat if sho did not pay him a cer¬

tain tum of money ho wcull blow hor to atoms.

From Brazil.London, Nov. 25.Very few dispatches

are being received here from Brtz'l. Thsindications ore that everything is revutningancrma! condition, the>t the new governmentis in sympathy wi:b the dominant politicalparly, and that the mandates of the corjeti-tulion -fill reaumo their sway. The Ex¬change Telegraph Co, publishes a p-':va!cdi-paloh from Para to-day. Acoordlcg to

this, the abdication of Fonscca and bis suc¬cession by Peixotto as President is well re¬

ceived in that city and Slate. This changela the central government will prcbablyprove entirely satisfactory to the pcoplo ofPara and there is no preeoat likelihood thatpeace will be disturbed.Bio JaxxTBO, Nov. 25..President Peiiot'o

issood a manifesto to-iUy, which h rccoivod \vi hgontnl ra.isfaction. In this he a'tigethi r at an-dons tho arbittary authority BS3umcd hj DaFi>3bcc* and doularcs th&t tho legal order of af¬fairs ij ro-cstablifhcd. Tho diocolutlrn of Coi:-gro3S docrcod by Da Fonfcca i: annulled, snd thostato of tiago in tho federal district hsa beenrai?od.

1 In manifesto sumno-.b Conprosa ti assonibioon Dccombor 18 m I rtsnmo its functiots.

An Astronomical Discovery.Bcston, Nov. 25 .Prof. S. 0. Chandler

read bolero the Bisten scientific Boclety lastevening nn ana!y3i3 of observations ehcz-ing that the parrailos of latitude which wore

commonly supposed to bn fixed Hue? ere

really mutable. Prcf. Chandler's discoveryIs tbat the pole of the earth revolves abouta ciroumfaretce with about 30 fast radius,in-127 days. This discovery, it Is clclmed,acoounis for many of the discrepancies isastronomical observations wh'.oh havo b?enbothering astronomers for nearly two bundred yearp.

Accident on the C. & 0 Railway..Cincinnati, Ohio, Nov. 25..While a

freight train on the Chesapeake & Ohio rail¬way was paseing up ons of the approachesto the bridge last night a truck cf one cf thecars broke and the train plunged into theditch bslow, carrying away 30 feet oftbaapproach. The damage is e3!imated at$30,C00. No person was Injured.The National Republican Committee.The National Republican Committee

closed op its work at Washington yesterdayand adjourned sine die. I*. is:uei a call to

republicans regarding the rules to b« observ¬ed in ec-lecting delegate* to the NatiootilConvention, and left to the executive com¬mittee all arrarg"ments for tho conventionat Minneapolis. The selection of Minneap¬olis an the placs of the convention is not re¬

garded as a victory for any of those now

mentioned as candidates for the prneldaatialnomination. Tüe committee heard a euc-olnct statement from each member oi thecommittee of the condition of tho party intbe various States, and its need.' ar.d pros¬pects. Ex-Governor Pinchbeck, of Louisi¬ana, varied tbe sameness cf the nddreeios byIndulging In a fisros attack uoon the whiterepubiioaDS of (he Sculb, wbcra. hd hold !obo responsible for tbe lack of virility of thoparty in that section of tho country, andwhem bo charged with euppreesiug the ne¬

gro vote for fear of race Issues. Ha boldtbat their puoillanlmons policy had resultedIn cntold party lcsse?, and raaintticGd tbata few vigorous conteais and manifestationsof their rlghtfol power by tbe eoutbern ne¬

groes would have a wholesome political ef¬fect aod redeem southern 8 at;a !rcm de¬mocracy._

Getting Ready for the Granl LodgeThe Grand Lodge of Masons vsill bt giti i'.s an¬

nual meeting on Tucidty, December 15. It willtc in sts;ion abtuS three days. As it mods in »hanew templo tin atterdince w.l! be unusual ylargo. Grand 8tewanl Krau-o is erraneiDg tosoat about 1,200 de!egato3 and oth< r -visitors atthe supper tabloi. The room in which the GrandIod<ewill a'sembls is Jast about twici as largoa3 the assomtly-room.'iu tit. Aibin's Hell. As it iidesigned for public usoj as well as Masonic, theauditorium is provided with' a stage atd apacioasgatlorios. It Is bott:r voatilatod than St. Alban'sHall. Tho Grand Master, J. Eo-vi-rl Wayt, of8taunton, and other grand officers will bo ro-elected for another teim..-Richmond S'.atc

Oar readers are reques:ed to cse S*!vai:o1Oil for all pain. It is a sure cure. P.Icj 25cents."For forms of government let foo!3 con¬

test." For crdmarv lifo it is enough toknow that Dr. Bull's Coufch Syrup curescoughs and colds.

A couple of whalss were sighted in thebay yesterday.

SECÄiiea'a Amies, SaiveThz Bist Salvb in the world for Catrj, Bruiiei

3orea, Ulcors, Salt Bheum, Fever Screa, Totter,Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all SkinEruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no p»yrequired. It is guaranteed to give perfect tatis-faction, or monoy refunded. Price 25 conte perbox. For c*la bv K.8. Leadbeater ä Bro.

A8K TO SEE THE WIND MATCHES. Theycan be ignited only by stiiking them on tho

bcx in which the come; will burn for 10 secondsand in tbat time cannot bo extinguished by thostrongest current of air. For salo by

oct26 E. 8. LEADBEATEB & BBO.


TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES.Governor Jackson, of Maryland, haa sp-

pointed Thcs. H. Hamilton a police jastioef)t Baltimore, vice Ja;tico Casbmyer whodied yesterday.The entire plant of tha Dallas, Texas,

Dressed B>ef and Packing Co. waa consum¬

ed D7 fire at a late hour last night. The lossis $200.000, insured for $51.000.Jobn S. Durham, minister resident and

conan! general of the United Slates to Haytl,and Charge d'AffairB at Dan Domingo,arrived in Naw York this morning.£Cardinal Gibbons, accomranlei by a dis¬tinguished party, members of the episco¬pate, left Baltimore to-day for Sr. Louis, toparticipate in the jubilee services In honorof Archbishop Kenrick.An advance copy of Giorge Keanan'a

book on Siberia, Ig vihlch the German Ea-peror haa expressed g eat Interest, bas Justbsan forwarded :o him. It Is reported thatthe Czir haa giv<:n orders that the woikshall be laid ou bis table as soon as ready.It will be i^aed In America on Dao. 1.

I j coascq^eni « of the stringency in finan¬cial cfiaUe und their inability to meet furtherdamaed', too directors of the Firat Nation'ol Bank, o? Wilmington, N. C, have decid¬er! to öUPpeud tuslDPoS until forthsr Dctlce.The capl'.ai htocic is i:250.C0O Last publish¬ed statement, s'jowh deposits of $4c5,0c0.The total fariarooftho corn and bean crop in

Eurango, Mcz., owing to tho drouth, ia cantingjut>nsoBuffering among tho poor. Tho pi:e ofcom h;i3ii3en to an cnormttu figure

Tiio io::nt nius so spoiled the river at Invcr-huron, Ont., that tho ro3idencs of John Smi.h hisbcoa uadcrtniticd and swept away. Eij twoycuug dauzhterB wcro drownod.Bloom in 1 Dcu ?iass,: :o two Australiin rcfagoos

whoso arrival at Honolulu, on the yacht Beaglo,created luch a b: ir, aro kaown to have joicod thegroat opium suugglert' ling.Edison ii oegsgod in a modificit oa of tho pho-

no^raph for tho pnrpojecf it to become the6Qc:o;eor of the r&isul-letter system in thoproduc-tion of lurks for iho b'.iad.Tho Aitchoeoa Patriot, d jmocratic, is out in an

editorial urgicg tho democrats and tho people'spartv to fu=o in 1S'J2, oach taking flvo of thepresidential electors.Bensen Jarvis, a profossor in tha public schcola

of Smiih Contro, Kansas, ciiiai3tliafc hohtsdia-covered chemicals with which ho can prcducoraia every;inc.Livinzeton O'ßrion au I his son, ia'atternpting

to cros! tho railroad trrc'i at Aurora, 111, lastnight, wj.-o sttuck by an engino and fatally in¬jured.Wiliiem Hagan, prstmaater acd atorokcepsr. at

Kagcnsviilo, Mica., waa rciirdorod last night bytwo Poli ih farmers ia a di3puto about price 1.

Arispatch fiuai London antoanccs tho deathof tho Right Bov. Ilarvoy Goodwin, D. D, D. C.L., Lord i'ishop of Carlisle.John Poworp, a laboting man of Shoridaa town-

aiiip, Mich., is t tili:tod v.i.h a malignant type ofgenuine leprcsy.Mr. John Frcduick Euckhciaer, a will known

doaic<:.itic poliluirn, dioi iu Baltinion: thisnortiag.Thoshoriffof Duluth jesUrd vy took chirge of

tho Trihinr of tint city..

From Brazil,Diepstchea come freely cow to London

from Rio Jineiro, the censorship havingbeen removed. Tho reaignation of Marshalda Fonssca ws3 a great relief and bas proveda solution cf the complications whioh were

gathering arcund tho new republic. Fon-*eca Is reported to bo seriously ill. ActingPresident Pelxotto and tho provisional cab¬inet by which ha la surrounded will nowproceed to restore tha operation of the con¬stitution p-nd laws. The general electionswill bejburiied on. Tue legislature assembledat the earliest possible moment, and nnltyand harmony between tha provinces is re-ts'abliühod. Tho ehinge has brought peaceand trasqslllly toK'.o Grande do Sul, butr4fo provisional government of that Statestlil holds na atlicuda of armed attention,ewaiting tha prooeediBgs cf the new gov¬ernment at Bio, ia which implicit; confidence(3 not yet pieced by the republicans, it be¬ing rrizarded as a creation cf tho ex-Preal-daot tia Fccssca, end not to be traoted untilit is tried.A dispatch from Boeucs Ayrea says: "The

newa of the abdication of Marshal da Fon-eeca waa received iu Bio Grande do So) withGenera' sstiG.'action and has*put an end tothe revolutionär? movement in thai Sta'e.The ohatruoticn? placed ia the Bio Grandehave baen removed and tho river opened tocommerce. The lueurgcot troopa aro dis¬banded."A Rio Janeiro dlscatch says: "Except

Paro, which remains tilent, all the provincesconcur in the dismissal of Marshai da Fon-scca, Cengrsa3 will probably ignore the re¬cent events. A new cabinet haa been formedas follows: Qenbor Alves, ficancs; 8enhorFaria, husbandry; 8jabor Perelra, justice;ifenhor O iveira, war; Senhor Mello, ma¬rina ; Bcchor Palllta, lorelgn effairB." An¬other report gives Sinhcr Semoao tho war


On Tnosday, Noverabor 24. by Bnv. Charlo3 O.Tojk, ra3ior of North Capital M E Charrh,Wa?hir.gioi, Kr. W. A. DNDRRWOOD, of Ihiici:y, and Miss LIZZIE HiBElNGTON, of TüoriaiiiB, Fanqti^r county, Va.



For tho roliof from tbo Texas or Buffalo Fly oni'attic, just received '.nd for sale by-..u_W F. (IRRIOHTON St CO.

Q PRUHO LEAF TEA, 50c per lb.lj> Virginia Claret on draught, $1 ptr gallon.

California " " "

Swoct Catawba " "

£cr £alo byCARE & SyVETNAM,

|o6 700 King atre^.

f.', i.. i.VMy,

Agaüt to tha Colebrswd


_rigp2H1_Tyr/ALTED MILK.1X1UOBLICK3 MALTED MILK for infants, inva¬

lid?, tho &'ä-A and travollors, prico 50 eta. Forsale by WARFIELD & HALL,jy23 Cor. Prince and Fairfax ats.

DIABBIitEA AND CHOLERA MIXTURE,A safo and apeedy cure for

Cho'.cra Morbus, Cramp3 and Diarrhose,Only 15c a bottle.

For sale bylc-22_EBNEST L. ALLEN.

7Ü3T RECEIVED..10 groes of VA8ELIMErj BßEPAEATION, including Eine Seal, Pom¬ade, Cold Cream, Paro Vaseline, in lb.-cana, bot¬tles and tubes, Camphor Ice, Votorinary, Carbol-ated, White Vaseline, &c.oct28_E.8. LEADDEATER & BRQ.


If your canary is sick and droopy, use the Re¬storer. It can be found at

EBNEST L. ALLEN'S,fehlCorner King and Pitt streets.

MONETARY AND COMMERCIAL.N*w Toaz, Nov. 25..Tho etcck market opet-

od this mom'ng with a rxolorate drgreoof ani-mation, and first prices wero ia mo.t '¦iscssns»l;fractious tetter than '.as; Light's figures. Thegeneral list displayed a strong tena ml made for-thor advances in the early doalinga. In the latertransaction] a portion of those advances wera let;when tho genoral list, as a rulo, retired to thoneighborhood of first pii:os. At lloVbck thomarket was quiet ami barely steady at iail>aifl.cant charges from the opening flgurts.BlXTIMOSB, Nov. 25..Virginia ronroia 45-

do 10-40* .31 b'd; do 3s 6846914.Wholesale Prices of Produce in AlexandriaFlour, fine. ?3 00 & 305

enperflno.-. 3 35 @ 3 75Extra. 4 10 @ 44,)Family... 4 75 515Fancy brand*.. ß 25 <& 5 75

Wheat, Longbrrry. 0 95 to l o;.\Fulta. 0 95 erf 103Mixed. 0 95 ia 10;JFair V; heat. 0 95 .. 0 9$Damp sr.rl tough. 0 70 to (j90

Cot n, white o'.d. 0 58 to 0 U3Yollow md._. 067 to (looMixed eld. "55 Ch o58New. 0 50 (4 057

Horn Mea. 0 68 U 70Bye.-.. "70 fit r>£5

Oat<». 0 38 @ 0 4:1Butter, Virginia prime. U2i) ^ 0^5

Common to mi'ldlini... 0 15 £ u lhEggs. 0 2« Crt 0 '2HTurkeys, live. 0 10 @ 01]Dressed Turkeys, diawn- 0 13 to 0 15

" undrawn. 0 33 to oilLivo Chickens (bona). 0 9 to oilSpring Chickens. Oil 0 1°.Veal Calves. » 4 Vi ur- 0 ÜLimbs. 0 6 @ 0 7Irish Potatoes 39 bush. 0 10 us 0 SOOnions 3 bushel. 1 00 to j 05Apples per bbl. 125 to 2 OuDried Poaches, reeled.... 0 0 to DM" " acpcs iid.... 0 5 to II (i" Ohorriea. 0 7 to oh11 Apples. 0 'J^fc 0 3 0 30% to 0 31Best sugar enrod Harn» >i 10%^ to oilButchers' Horn». 0 3 0\ to DU

Broakfast Baccn. 010*4 0 013Bngar-curedShooldore. 0 7%® 0 7^

Bulk shoulders.. > 6 to 0" 0 8 to 0 f-.^u

' fat backs. f 6% to 0 t>4" bolllcs. I) 7% it li 8

Bacon dhouldor». 7^ cj i; 8" 5id«n. '¦¦ 8^ to (! h\

Lard. 0 «Jfc (£ 0 7^Smoked iJeef. 0 '1 0» U 13^Sugars.Brown. 3^ © 3%

OffA.. 1 4 to 0 4^Ooaf. Standard A .. ..

" 4's fa u 41^Granulated...-. 4J4 ttf .. 4^

Coa-io».Bio. .' 1« ta 019LaGaayrs. :;17 W t: i9Java. " »4 t üij

Molssaei B.6.t - '¦' 12 CS (»14O.B. .* 17 to 0 29

New Orleans. "20 U 0 40Porto Bico. 0 20 to 0 30Sugar Syrups. 0 17 C 0 30Herring, Eastern,per bbl... 3 00 w. 00

Potomac No.1-. 3 00 U 3 50Plaster, ground.por ton. 4 75 B 00

Ground ia Dags. * 50 n t-&i-Lump. '»50 .¦£ ?. : sPot. Family Boo ~$ bbl. 4 75 to 5 MlDo. $ half b&rrc-i. 2 50 to 2 75

Potomac Shad. 8 00 @ 8 60Mackertl, 3mall,per bbl. 0 00 to » 00

" No. 3, modlum.- 34 00 & 35 (X)" No. 3, largo fat... 30 00 to 3S0<>.' No. 2..-.. 18 00 to 1.0 00

Clover Hoed. 4 75 Ä6 6 50Timothy . 150 to 170

Old Process Linaood Moal.... 33 00 Ö 32 00Halt.G. A. 0 70 © c 00

Fine. i 10 # } 50Turk's Island. 1 26 £5 I S<

Wool.Long unwashed. 0 22 £. tt 23Washed. 0 30 S 0 32Merino, unwa-<hov. 0 20 Q 0 22Do. Washed. 0 30 0 0 82

Bnmac.-. 0 70 (i 0 7AHay. 11 00 @ 12 0 )

Cut do. 35 0<> (a 36 00Wheat Bran # ton VJ enr.. 39 50 to 20 25Brown Middlings " 1« 50 @ 20 00White Middlings " 38 00 (ft 20 0)Cotton Seed Moal " 23 00 & 24 60Fhur ii quiet, with a fair domand, will dis¬

tribute! as to grade. Tho Whstt marlccti are

steady at tho rocont dccliao; sales show about thousual range, ou acc;uatof tha mist-1 coLilitiua oftho offerings, say from 70 for tei! cads up to 3 02forch'.ica longberry samples. Corn is weak and\vd mark down prinos; tho old crop has boon aboutexhausted, and quotations aro moroly nomiusl5G&G3 ; now brings from 53 to 57. Eyo 75»85.Oata40a43. Potatoes 40150. Eggs 23a28. But¬ter 18a25. Poultry tn.l Pork aro ocli 7e. Apploaand other prodnco are Armor. Millfeed, Hey a: 'IStTaw aro without ct:mgo. To-mor.-ow (Thn s-

day) will to olsi i'70d as a ho'.ilay.BjLi,Tiaie>>"5, Nov. 25,. Flour su.ady seil m-

cbangod. Wh^at.No 2redcfS7: spot and Nov104al04^: Doc 104^; Jan 300*106^; May130^110?^: steamer No 2 red 99^ .fkod:Southern stoady; Ful z 100al06 ; longbarry 102al06. Corn.mixed «o»k npit 03 nsked ; yoar56"s*56%: Jan 54'^i54% ; Feb 54a5414 ; March54 ; riruthojn firmer; white -15*50; yellow 47«58 Oa's steady to firm ; No 2 whito Western 40asked ; No 2 mtxel do 38a38'ii1. Byo oasy andlower; No 2 10'2il02%. Hay quiet at .1 steady ;good to choice timothy $13*14. Frovitb: s firmand unctaoged.New Yobk, N07. 25..Cotton sicaly; uplanda

8'^; Orleans 6%; futures firm. Flour quietand eary. Wheat dull and easy. Com quiet andoa*y. t*ork quiet at<l firm at $9 75ilO 75. Larddull and oaty at $6 45.

Chicago, Nov. 25-11:00 a. m..Wheat- Ooc92\; M»y 09%. Corn.Nov 72; May iV*.0*ta-D.-.j 32; May 32%. Pork-Dec S8 A:>;Jan $1117^. Lard-D-c $610; Jan $6 LOi6 22%. 8hort rib3-Dsc $5 65; Jen 50j 5.

Qoeenstown Cattle Mabket. Nov 24..AtUnion stock yards this wock 170 Cattle wero 011tho market and sold as follows : Bc3t 3^3^good 3a3^c; medium 21>ia2:%c; common l\a,2c per lb. f>91 Sheep and Lambs wero offere-t.Old Shoep 21)(,a31i(i,and LamHs at 4%b.B% per il>.Cows and Calves sold at $20a45. Tho marketw:ii fair for Catt'o and good for Shoep and Lamb?.


LCST.On the 18ih, a BED HCFFALO COW.mirkcd with tar on tho ripht side. If four.d,

return to 3273 Prospect street, George tjun, U Cwheroa mit&blo reward w li be paid.nov252t_JEBOME BOBINEON.

AT THE MABBIAGE AT CHBI8T CHOBCHMonday evening Misi Nannio Hums loit

TWO bMALL PINS with diamond and pearl set¬ting]. The findor will be rewarded by returningtb' stm? to Frank Horns. nov26 3;

3 PIANOS,Second hard, in thorough repair and (unod toconcert fiwh A :u!tablo Chiislroaa present. Cashor instalments. Apply to E. L. £CHABF,nov20 2w No. 1016 Piioco

MILD-CUBED HAMS just received byncv25 J. C. MILBUBN-

JUST EECEIYED.A big job in ecarlet sniNatWcol Underwear. Come and see them atnov!7_A1108 B. SLAYMAKEB'3.


octl7 _J. C. MILBÜBN.

PLAID DBESS G0OD3, half wool, pretty styles,at cost by


REMNANTS OF FINE BBOWN COTTON in 5to 20-yard pieces at 4c.novl7_AM03 B. 8LAYMAKEB.


)y2_AM08 B. SLAYMAEEK'8.



HAMS.A few fine winter-cured Hams for saleat 12^c by

cca7 J. C, MIIJJUBN.