aldiretor - · +8...

+8 ITHE DAILY NEWS-HERALD, WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 7. 1887. tive to the vegetable stands in frontof and out- board of health and suggesting measures Safe For Sale at a Bargain. T side the city market, which I think requires a for the calling of a special session of the A lr e, almost new, safe formerly. CRSBY STE rpfromT me asclerk of the same. I simpi legislature. All members are urgently owned by the Florida Herald, Hall's desire to saythat StilesThomas offer('Riley requested to be present. patent, double and inside doors, tour pri Weeks e75 and his outside stand in exchange tvate drawers and one iron money box, etc. for theirs, and William Butts made a like prop- ate drawers and one iron money box, etc YESTINGMONEY IN TBE IMPROVEMEN1 ositiontdJakeTullywith$,0bonus forhis. THE PONCE DE LEON RECEPTION. Will sell for $175. Apply at this office. 2 ghts ly 2 INE N MNow I re-pectfully submit that I can see no 2 OF CIrY STREETS AND BRIDGI S. us-treason why thecityshouldrobitself of $38 The Upper Strata of Colored Society in per month re nal. for the said sanis simp y the Midst of Social Pleasure. First Appearance of ________,__ satisfy the unjust claim, of c, rLain partiessmMA IE R SOT engaged in the same business, who if made to Lancaster hall was ablaze with glorylast V l.W IESTABLISHED 1808. Captain Watson Comesin for a Big Share comply with ju-tice and equity would or evening. The belles and beaux of theup- MA IE PRESCOT of Appropriatiois--Clearinlg up the Bus- should he compelled to pay the rental that of Appropriations-CleaingUP the Bus- their stands would command and hich would per strata of colored society in Jackson- and R. D. McLEN, o v Fla iness of the Council Priorto the Election be , heerfully paid by other parties. All of ville, vied with each other in style and cus- S rted b rytrn om of the New Body-The City Tax Books. which is respectfully submitted, Ju-t by a v so odmtime oh w y C oE. H. HoPKiNs, Market Clerk. tume and visions of cream colored loveli- uppo ya very srong company. Just now is a g od time ------ The market committee, having had the ness whirled around the roomto the seduc- Saturday night, Dec. 10, Merchant of Venice. to see us regarding a good The city council held its bi-weekly meet- matter under consideration submitted the Live strains of Baratta's band. The occa- T a n o The city council ldier eet following report in reference to the matter sion was the semi-annual banquet of the n F W atch,a Diamond, or any ing last night. AldermenEmery, Fletcher, which report was received and adopted: Ponce de Leon club, whose members are Two cenes Fro Riar II. Einig, Triay and Watson were present. Your committee to whomwas refurredthe composed of the most intelligent and re- Seats on sale at Dell's drug store, other article in our line In the absence of President Call, Alderman petition f Riley & Weeks and other owners of spectable young colored men of the city. Ic Inteabec o rsietstalls in the city market, beg leave Lo report as The banquet was adecided success, being NOTICE ! which you may desire. Fletcher presided. follows: w conducted and NOTICE! which you may desire. Fletcherfol pr e tios First. The stalls located outide of the city well conducted numerously attended. The following petitions were presented market do not keep open or offer for sale any- Uhe dresses of the ladies were very hand and disposed of: From E. E. Hooker, ask- thing after the market closes. They are com- some, and nearly nll the gentlemen were in T11 a g permission eet airn covered elledtoputtheirpropertyinside the market full dress. Everything passed off pleas- 1! .Earre Ing permission r storage before the doors are closed. antly, and the uests left for home de- ofMr. Joseph O'De have been removed from A T TEITION roof over a steam boiler in the rear of his Second. That they do not prevent the people lighted with their reception. An elegant A T N I N premises, No. 2 Ocean street; read and on from going into themarket by calin thm or spread wa given, including wines and the 105 Pine Street to 35 West Du al., rmi of Alderman tayree rea d tn soliciting trade. Petitionersadit emsel various delicacies of the season. It motion of Alderman Triay referred to the that this is not true nor that they block up the various eliaes dofbt theseason. It assage way with boxes or barr-ls. These was, without doubt, the finest BetweenLauraandPine. .t fire committee with power to act. oxes andbarrels are laying at times in front ever given in this city at a colored enter- A N% Sasfatin g guaranteed or Money Refunded From W. T. Ewing, for permission to of themarketgrounds, wherethe petitioners tainment. A feature ofthe adorumernt e erect a small building lOxlx8 feet at the themselves have chicken coops standing, but of the table was an artistically made veg %. Joser O'DEA, Proprietor. erect a sOcan adotng st s make no obstruction, asthethe passage way aole bouquet which attracted much atteu corner of Ocean and Forsyth streets, to be is clear into the market. tlion. covered with tin or sheetironroof: readand aThird. As t) hucksters who pedde veget- Tie Ponce de Leon club was organized DAW KINS n or aou December on motionofAldermana Watson, returned to your:committee has not been able to obtain te in August last with Mr. (Geo. A. Lofton, RS AIN r abut Dece br if names of these persons nor do they think it of president, Colonel R. L. Ziegler secretary, the petitioner with the information that if er business, and it is heir opinion that his and v. H. Dial, treasurer, and has attain- Fire, Life and Accident I will issue myfull descrip he complied with th ordinance, permission honor the mayor, or the city mar hal, would ed a very high standing in the social circles 1 8 i M of the council was not needed, but that the betheproper party to apply toforre lef. of the colored race. tive price-list of City and oft eco ni w sn t e d db tth t eRespectfully subm itted ,NU RNE petition could not be granted as submit- J. D. WITScxM, _ tri op ty an ted. Chairman Market .oumittee. Beneath a Wagon's Wheels. Boom 4, Abel Block, 32% W. Bay. S From Nooney & Sons, stating that dur- Alderman Einng, chairman o he cme- An unknown colored boy, abou six superior excellence proven in millions of Suburban Property, Orang t ing h:s absence the tax collector collected tery committee, reported that the fences An from ctra boy, about a ur - - - FLORIDA. Groves, W ild Lands, etc. byo$ fortaxesallegedto around the city cemetery we years of age, was run over by a wagon It is used by the United States Government. JAr by Levy from his sons 5for taxes alleged to around the city cemetery weLe in a b lorsed by the heads of the Great Universities be due for the year 1880. Attached to Mr. condition, and other improvements wer near the Carleton pharmacy about 5 as the Strongest, Purest, and most Healthful. My facilities for selling Nooney's petition was Roy P. Moody's re- needed. On motion the chairman o'clock yesterday afternoon. He was Dr. Price's the only Baking Powder that does ceipt for the amount paid to him in April, of the committee was instructed carried into the store, where Mr. F. C. notcontain Ammonia, Lime, or Alum. Sold 1881, who was then tax collector. Mr. te ascertain the cost of the needed in, Chase attended to his injuries which were only In cans. , property are unexcelled in Nooney therefore asked that the amount provements and report at next meeting. not of a seAous nature. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., be refunded. The petition was referred to The following report from thecommittee *w oa. CHICAGO. Sr. LOUIS the State. the finance committee for investigation, on taxes and license was read and on mo HarryBabbitt Improving. DIED. Fn ll afer io asrcevd n aote:F e alDiretor Alra saeo nr r and power to adjust the matter. tion was received and adopted: Mr. Harry Babbitt, who was so unfortu. DIED-t the residence of his arens, El-l All real estate owners ar A petition from Joseph Santo was re td, The committee on taxes and license report DIEDAt the residence of his parents, in which he stated that a house belonging the ity tax books completed and rady for note as to break his leg not long ago on the wood H. Buckman, December 5, A. D. 1887, L A SPECIALTY. requested to send me a full to him was burned in 1883 by 'the city the collector, but in view of the present co. Clyde line dock at Fernandina, is improv- the 28th year of his age. Funeial fromSt. EMBAIMING A SPECIATY. requested to send me a ful e ,. ditionof our city affairs and the uncertainty ing rapidly under the care o Dr. R. B. ard. "Helaid him down to rest being weary, authorities, by reason of being infected attending our legal status as a council and the r u ard. "Ha laid him down o rest, being description of their proer by snall-pox patients, and asking that the certainty that a great proportion of the'taxes Burroughs. and his eyes are closed in sleep." p sum of $300beallowed him, will not e paid on the ground that we have no GEO. W . CLARKth On motion of Alderman Triay, it was re- legal right to make the levy, and the further They' Must Go! Walk Off!! ACARD TO THE PUBLIC. owest price and be bsmlpoxitionh was ra from the lo west p i nd bes ferred to the committee on laws. fact that the movement now on foot to hold a All manufacturers of patent medicines The former business of Byron E. Oak, un- *s d wll fi d Apetitin wasread from the ,r St.A. & ty election Will if successful, establish re ill er long cease nauseatin the people, dertaker, has been re-established, with Mr. i X tterms, an wi n them H. R. railway, stating that their waiting tnlein the hands of the claiming to purify the blood, etc. Their Oak as agent and manager, at 31 Laura street, roormi the foot of Newnan streatis entirely city auditor for safe keeping, and that no steps end is near. A wonderful spring has been three takers nth of opportunity to expre of business. a purchaser. inadequate for the accommodation of their be taken for the collection of the taxes of 1887, found in Ashe county, N. C. Performing thanks to his numerous friends e p ro And Superintendent of St. Marys travel, and requesting that they be per- Respectfully submitted, almost miraculous cures. Tasteless ann for past favors, and begs for the continuance mitted to increase the size by extending the W. B. WATsON, deliciously Purifying the blood in reality, of theirpatronage. hat. ..... TELFAIR STOCKTO i t building eastward seven feet and south- Chair. Comn, Taxes and License. and beautifying the com n plexion in reality. Heis now pre aredto furnish everything that .... or ward fifteen feet. The companysaid that if Accompanying the above was a state Ask for Thompson's Bromine Arsenic may be require in his line of bus ness, and AfTl$10 thepetitionwaSgranted, the main building ment from the city auditor to the effect Water, half gallon bottle, 60cents; case, $6. wil makn f e o som up ir the petition was granted, whic branchidin of his trade he has no suipe ior. A 2. and extended portion would be covered that he had examined the tax-books and Pamphlets with analysis free. He b to assureall thosc who patronize han with corrugated iron. The petition was found the additions and extensions correct. We ask the medical profession to report that nothing will be left undone which will granted The monthly reports of the various ex- any of the following diseases they fail to serve to give entire satisfaction. Of the Southl g A petition from J. M. Barrs, agent, ask- ecutive officers were presented, and re- cure with this wonderful water, viz: 76E' I BA t ing permission to erect a small corrugated ferred to appropriate committees. Blood Poison, Bleedingat Nose, SPECIAL NOTICES. ' iron buildingat thenorthwestcornerofBay After sone discussion on a report sub Catarrh, Eczema, Nervous Htadache, and Ceder streets, was read and upon mitted by Alderman Fletcher. in reference Old Sores, Scrofula, Loss of A petite, FOR RENT. T.T. STOCKTON. J.E. WANDELL. TELFAIR STOCKTON motion the same was denied because of its to appointment of inspectors, the report Kidney Complaint, Ulcers and Tumors, being a violation of the fire ordinance, was withdrawn, and the meeting ad- Neneral Debility, Indigestion, 1OR RENT-HOUSES OF $5.00 AND $,5.00 City Tax Collector Baya submitted his journed to meet again this afternoon at 4 Ermutions, Itchings, Throat Affections, per month. A. Buzsi, anmi-annual report of collections of rev- p.m. Dyspepsia, Nervousness, A. BUESING, Brooklyn. O leau to date. The report shows that Sneunatic Gout, Erysipelas, *-$:3,650 has been collected from all sources THAT REGISTRATION LIST. Sorenua C ps, Eryea r o RENT-HALF OF A HOUSE, WELL Sore Eyes, Cramps, Weak.Lungs, located, on Bay street. Nine rooms un- op $6,703 being for licenses and fees and Mr. L'Engle Will Comly With the Vomiting, Cancers, Liver Complaint, &c. furnished or partially furnised, to family $16,950 for taxes, Will Comply With the City We refer to our many water patrons, without children. Address, bay street, Dox A number of bills were presented and Council's Request. Geo. Hughes, sole agent for Jacksonville 287.- S o , rete-red to the appropriate committees. Supervisor of Registration L'Engle, in and St. Augustine, ia. * r10O RENT- TWELVE ROOM HOUSE The follwinanc committee reported th speaking yesterday,!of his refusal to fur- with bathroom. Suitable for two families. J. L.rzier, $)5,.00; William Baya, $1951; nish the Republicans with a copy of the Arterial Embalming. Apply to WLLIAM BYRNE, 10 W. Bay street. T X.-eleasla d RL. ta il. M. L. Hartridge, $201).00; W. A. Bours, $39.0 ; Registration lists, said: For the information of my acquaintances -TNFURNISIHED DWELLING, FIVE Citizens Gas Light company, $307.1t George aswell as strangers in this city, the sur- roomsandkitchen,No.139E.Forsyth. In-47 West Bay Street, JACKSONVILLE FLA 47 West Bay Street. W. Clark, $40.03; George C. Wilson, h5.20; . pesautre o haan t rounding villas, also throughout the State, quireroom 5, over vostormce. 1. O. box 93. 47 West Bay Street, KSON 47 West ay Street. A. Bours, $86.14; Harry West, $35.00; D. N. certified copies of the registration lists of the [ publish my system of Embalming for the Connerly, $3.00; H. ampbell, $30.00; Davis voters of this county has ever applied to me preservation of the dead in a manner life- rO LET-HOTEL-NEW-CORNER BAY Large Shipments of goods are being received daily, and our stock embraces the Randal SZ00;-E H. opkins, $5.50; Wil- for them, and the first authorized request was preserrvatinonces oft rooms dte., in a maie lifre'- Stl liam Clark, $f8.53l Henry Clark, $12.50. made yesterday afternoon toi ma in the follow- like is an imminent success: "My know- All modern conveniences. Bath rooms, etc., Latest es, Lowest Prices Alderman Trray presented a bill for ing letter from the city 'clerk of the city of ledge obtained from the required study each loor. Fora number of years if desired. money expended in improving the Sub- Jacks onville. L Dith the practical operation, together with A W. BARRS. 31 W. Bay street. Attention is respectfully called to the following new goods which can not fail to please the Tropicalegrndsd amro ing t e $1S0 , JACKSONVILLE, FLA., December 5, 1587, rhe undoubted excellence of the fluids em Tropical grounds, amounting to $1.062.11, Porcher L'Engle, Snpervisor of egitration, ployednd in trumentsusedrender fail NTER HOME- URNISHED ROOM,. public: and asked that the rules be waived and a ty: Of Bigfslration. plyedand instruments used render fal: ura an imposslihlity. My. roos sre open W- Privatebo rd. 49 East Fo, syth sr et.T IN THE LADIES' DEPARTMENT. GENTS DEPARTMENT. warrant ordered drawn for t P he a mountspDa min of to it couci, hd t all hours, day and night, hS ne personal 'OR RENT-NEW TWO-STORY HOUSE. Stock on &0's toho Kid Button .. $4 00 A al Bu on....... ................ $1 50 ingwho hadaa- ecial meeting of the city council, held this Stockton & Co's Brush Kid Button....2 000 A Calf Bals ......................... vaced the money. There being no oh- day, the following resolution was adopted: callsor telegrams requiring imy services Apply at 504 Monroe street, LaVilla. Stockton & Cos I Kid Button ........... 1 50 A Calf Congress..................... 1 51 jectrion the rules were waived, and the Tbat Supervisor of Registration L'Engle either at home or any part of th State, ET-LARGE NEW STORES-CO- tockton & Co's Kid Button ..... ......... 00 Bale and Congress .. ..... ....... .... be requested to furnish this council with a are promptly answered. n - LeBay and EW .T R RSt warrant ordered drawn for the amount, certified copy of the registration litsith a eoldt t wished undertaker 31 Bay a tCdarstreets. A.W.BASt ktn C's $250 s for men's wear, the best in the( country. The follow ing -report from the commit- nine wards of his city. W.ak Bay street. Stockton & Co's $2.50 All styles and widths always on hand. tee on streets was read: Your Very Truly, . in Jacksonville, with stock of metallic and FOR SALE. Children's School Shves at prices within The street committee beg leave to report that A. E. MwCLURE, City Clerk, wood caskets of large proportions, emtrac- ______._hildr__sShooloest__reswtheireach of all. infants Soft Sole Shoes in all Coors. they have,:in obedmce to instructions received To which I replied as follows: g the cheapest on up to the most Fxpen-FORSp-BUr sNSAoBe from the council, made contracts for bridges JACK5ONVILLR FLA,, December 6,1887. sive and in all sizes. Bodies prepared with _ t feel long. Each cost $120 when new- Fine Goods A Specialty.,, Orders by Mail Solicited. follows: greKrosi f ognFcee D.I e<. (emb , reat care for shipment, regardless of time owner leavingcity, Address, at once, H. Tu a~Lurastrit rosingof Hogan's creek, A. E1. McClure, esq., Clerk Cityo clsivle rdsacrgrls ftm EAlntn akovleP . Tn LuasrscrsigtofJcsnil:or distance. rigoJcsnil .O $395.00. DEAR Si -Your f vor of the 5th inst.,ONE PRICE T ALL Pine street crosing of Hogan's creek, $495.00. with resolution of city council of Jackson- J. RAMSAY DEY, OR SALE CHEAP-ALABAMA LIME. T ACKSONVILLE A Daval street crossing of Hogan's creek, ville, asking me to furnish the council with Rooms 29 and 81 West Adams street. ALABAMA COALo AND COKE Co STOCKTON $1,75.00. certified copies of the registration lists of the Jacksonville, Fla. *T AL* >1 'hey have also make a contract for the lay- the nine wards of this city, received. It affords .____-__IVERY STABLE FOR SALEEEC ESH ing of walks in the city park with Gao. H. me much pleasure to comply with this request, Don't Experiment. to sell allor abortion of myfully equipped T. T. STOCKTON. J. E. WANDELL. TELFAIR STOCKTON. tMi oes for the sum of $1,00.00. Upon exami- as I am sure the registration of the nine wards livery stable in DeLand, Fla. Ten horses with nation it was found that the water connections of the city was made by the county commis- You cannot afford to waste your time in full assortment of harness, buggies, carriages, Sthe city park had become obstructed with signers of this county for the use and benefit experimenting when yourlungs are in hackandwagons. Will sell, if desired, twoc - RT TY S E L& C O ~rs n sdmn t uhanetn a om-of the city as its first object. emeynin ug acres of land in connection with the stable Y mENm )r~ust and sediment to such an extent as to re-oth iyaitfrsobe, danger. Consumptfin always seems, at building. H. A. TANNER, quire immediate attention. This has been I am having the copies made as fast as ner. ons ioalwayoseem , a t uldn.HA.anN, Fla. clerh cn coy tem anwildivr rs t,- only a cold, not permi an elr DeLand, Fla. done and the same put in good order. We also clerks can copy them and will deliver thm fs on tp mit anyea imi-_ _ _ _ _. found thatthe main foan ain placed in the soon as completed, the council paying legal to impose upon yo with some cheap imi OR SALE-TOWN LOTS AND FARMS park by subscriptions of citizens was bit charges for the same. station of Dr. ing's New Discovery for OP.SALETOWN eaten badly with rust; this we have had Very respectfully, * Consumption, Coughs and Cds, but be businessof a generalmerchandis . (Successorsto Tysen, Smith & Co.) painted an-I varnished and connections re- PORCHER L'ENGLE, sure yop get the genuine. Because he can A. BUESNO, Brooklyn, Fla. - newed where required. Under the resolu- Supervisor of Registration. make more profit he may tell you he has TOR SALE-FURNISHED LODGING Onu T T r tion of the counsel regarding tne city engineer, something just as good, or just the same. house and restaurant on easy teems on ac- Op. aLt nade thedirctio ofthiscommtte to avecount of change in business. Apply at No.2 under the direction of this bomittle oo AN UNFAITHFUL WIFE. Don't be deceived but insist dhn getting rieostte, near Wyb i ep t. thoecity grounds occupied by the Sub-Tropical Brdg stee w= do ere company filled with sand, we have approved Dr. King's New Discover , which is guar the bills of the city engineer for this purpose, Julia Lockhart Deserts Her Husband for wanted to give relief in all Throat, ung OR SALE-HALF INTEREST IN At0, G ra , Building M ateria amounting to $1,515.46. The bridge over Hogan a Colored Companion, and Chest affections. Trial bottles free at Livery and Sale Stable in this city by par creek, Laura street crossing, having been In Justice Magill's court yesterday after- Palmetr to Pharmacy and Go. Hughes valuable leas Address, A. 0. Bua, NEFws fined as per contract. We recommend that Drug Store. a* ner who wishes to retire. Good location and $ 1:F o a warrant for $395 be issued in favor of W. A. noon, the case of Julia Lockhart and Jonas t HEHALD Office. McDuff in payment for said work Williams was continued. The testimony LOTSNDRYDALE,1,2. -INDEPENDENT LINE STEA BOA S In view of tJ atTa the Pine street bridge rmm'20 Si YDlE, -I D P I iEN:L NE : T AM OS Hygeia-A Wonderful Disco r0 lots in Sweetwater, $300. is nearly completed, we recommend that a inthe caseshows thatJohn Lockharta H tobacco is an aid to health and it 40This ots in oen n Height is now $40. W T T McDuff, to be paid him by the cityclerk when is manufactured by Thomas C. Williams made betanse must have some money. A. O. the city engineer accepts the work ascom- several yearsagoand located near Sweet- & Co., Richmond, Va. under a formula Wr .4E. Bay. Wharves, Yards and warehouses, Foot of Ocean Street. averff of W. A.i hi~ tobyc tis ant aidr tohelenndi ttd w acerd he contract. We would water on the St. Augustine railroad. On prepared by Professor d. W. Mallet, of the LLft 25ALE-TOWN i.OTS IN SOUTH further recommend that a warrant for $500 b_ dGeorge H. Nichols, contrac- the 26th, of last Februaryhe marriedacoun Unversity of Virginia. It is anti-mala- .l Jacksonville, near ferry, $250 on install tor for the laying of city park walks> so as to try girl out at that place and uno to Sep.- rial, anti-dyspeptic, a good nervine and an ments. J. S. Sn TH. JR. .STABLISHED 1875. enable him to pay for labor and material. The tember had a peaceable time, but during excellent chew. Try it. No humbug. OR SALE- FINE VEGETABLE AND ES B work having progressed sufficiently to warrant that month the woman commenced visit- For particulars its virtues call for orange lands near acksonville, hp. J. -arden eeds and Fertilizers this advance on contract. We also recom- ing her grand mother, who lives out on pamphlet at William S. Wightmean's or , SSI Jn near Jac l , a mend the sum of $500 be advanced J. C. Ker- the King's road, and staying away for Smith & Frazier's Jacksonville, Fla.WANTS, nan and Harry Lee, contractors for Duval ogitrasWI IA A.B U S tet brdgerr'This workonaobin inf uf long intervals, where the tobacco can be had. * __________________ W ILLIAM A. B OURS, a ntly a dvancid condition to warrant this Finally Lockhart agreed to a separation . ANTED--FOUR FEMALE COOKS AND a. actin f c uvncl. nito o arntti and a divorce, buit before the proceedings !'Jf ' girls for general house work. Good 2 o 'X e.5 7 St A J kt¢o~ivlie, Fia.. Your committee has also, with the approval for a divorce had been made Julia became ora Iormaon Bureau, wages. FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AGoNCY, -:-WH 0 L E S AL E-: of the mayor, made contract and hat delivered acquainted with a family named Rushing' We are prepared to furnish information ,1* West Bay street. i"which have be~n used in la ying foundations for to live with Jonas Williams, a .negro man lands offered for sale; opportunities for in- YY colors; to call this week at Riverside FedFriies twt alsnt a rk, feith .blane a ois u wns hoe ss ecafnreoaootewi or N D-A 1Tsvbeiring~,FOr Gi8 81,?6 ~ FriieS alkse o < t t ars ines ald inlow lei about 26 years of age, vestment: arrangements and rates for win- Fine Art Exlibition and la-irn of something T ht blishe SHet 'used aree cagroussnd from t go actio ofhevs h Rushing family gave them shelter ter homes, and all information about your advantage. iii Bay street ca gon The Oldes Eilstablishd S ed Hos i te it rain storms, and un to Monday night no trouble was oc- Florida. We put you into immediate cor west pass the door. STRICTLY RELIABLE-CATALOGUE FREE. All of which is respectfully submitted. casioned. Finally Lockhart came to the respondence with the parties you desire to ITANTED-PEOPLE TO KNOW THAT . W. B. WATsoN, city, aid securing the assistance of a reach and save you all commissions of VY they canhavealife-sizeCrayon Portrait Chairman Street Committee. friend, he swore out a warrant and the agents and middlemen. No charge for drawn on'theverybestpermanentpaperfor $10 STATIOy4ERY. The street committee also submitted a parties were arrested. The husband was information. Correspondence solicited, at BUaGENT's gallery, 71% West Bay street. roposition from G. A. Backinstoe, to unreleuting in his efforts to convict the Please inclose stamp for reply. We guarantee completesatisfacon, bui d a bridge across Hogan's creek at the negro man. FLORIDA INFORMATION BUREAU T ANTED-ALL LADIES TO USE Market street crossing, similar in style to a * DeLand, Florica. Dunn's Married Ladies' Friend forimorn nLaura street bridge, for the sum of Jerry and the Cow. lg sickness. One hundred dollars if not t$39 aur st ee stating for -t e thm ofJ r y a d t e o . relieved. For sale by all druggists, or address $395. ~r. Backinstoe station that the Jerry Mungen, colored, was tried in Jus- South Florida Exhibition. DUrN & Co., Louiaville yrg s pet ition granted to him by resolutions tice Magill's court yesterday for the The nouth Florida Exhibition will be ri HE STEAM DREDGE BOAT, ARLING- Largest Stock and Low Prices 1 Wholesale and Retail. o~e t ameeingof ounil a it fist arcny f a ow rom Mar Scoggnsheld in Sanford, Fla., February 14th, 1888, 1_ on, can be chartered by the day, or wj adopted at a eting of coni t ifirst larceny of a cow from Mark Scroggens, to 23d, inclusive. As this is of vital in- take contract s. rep tl eGE . SE, O R.A N GE WTA FB. session in June. After some discussion it lso colors, th value of theaimaleig pc to al rSoth Friaw would Chandler. 90 East Bay. Best Grade I Full Count ! Lowest Prices! Quotations Furnished. was gred tat M. Bckistoebe n- iven at $75. Mungen found the body of request the hearty support and efforts of thorized to build the bridge for the sum a dead cow in the woods near the LaVilla all interested. Large premiums will be XITANTED-HAVE YOU A HOUSE TO M, " _ ) " - , named, the work to be done unde' the su- limits near the J., T. & K. aiload, end offered, and ample space will be provided fo rent? We are over-runwith applicants i 9 & 6W Bay Secia term toeaersand teachers. . l 0 -per vision of the city engineer, and the sold its hide to a dealer in hides and skins,.o l xhbtrFute norain24hue vrydyE.0.W.s O. Bpeiltrsaoelryad.ahr~ akonilFa bridge to be not less than five feet above Scroggens claimed that the animal was can be had by applyin to HAE. Bay. tide water. his. Several witnesses were produced for T. F. HUGGIis,Sec'y. and Treas., MISCELLANEOUS. Alderman Triay offered the following either side, and the trial occuoid over an Sanford, Fia. AVNGS D ^NNECTION resolution: hour and a half. The defendant was coin- with the Davis gallery. I am now e +.Whereas, The city council authorized the mtted for tral by the *cowihuheDyisgaler.mia nwaer city engineer he direction of the street mi o r tri by te conty c iminal The Incediary Christmas Fire Cracker pared to take orders at my studio, room15, No. committee to grade the streets and remove court and the bond was fixed at $100. The Jacksonville boare of fire under- n o lay street, in water colors,, u.erayon ithe sand to be used in filling the swamp or an=i. =.M= EAY.H ldyG marsh wthinwthe water worksgrounds, there Tourss Coming to Fkrda. writers say that owners of buildings and The Largest Line of Holida oods in the City, fore be it hi h ae ok r u d ,t e e o rs sC m n "t '( : a stocks of m erchandise should bear in -NAONEY TO LOAN ON JACKSONVILLE L r e to Resovc," That we appropriate the sum of Tourist travel is steadily incleasing, and mind that the handling of fire works will and St. Augustine improved property. -- : the City, $2,500 for the above purposes and that the every incoming train and steamer brings vitiate their insurance policies unless the Address, with full particulars, box 458, Jack- :ANDAT "clerk is hereby instract d and authorizedasetothcopnsisndrdtee-ovieF. to draw a warrant in fav>r of Colonel J. J large numbers, anxious to exchange the an o and an extra charge of 50 cents per s ALIFONA RESAt ANT, BRANCt L O T Daniel, secretary of sanitary trustees frozen north for sunny Florida. The hundred for one month or less be paid C from Ancie'itCity,31 Newnan street. Jack- 0 for the amount to be expanded and appliedIlxT 1 S ?i E~i ii~ ii IS to the completion of the above works. Monarch train of five cars which left New therefore on all policies affected thereby. * sonville. Charles street, near Plaza, St. Au The committee on poor reported that York for this city yesterday, contained the g justine. FIREW OR K S OF ALL K IN D S. they had received cash warrants amount- full number which the accommodations Bucklen's Arnica Salve. TRUMPELLER-THE L ADiNG MER ing to $500, and had expended $367.75; that allowed, and Superintendent Gustave The best salve in the world for Cuts, chant Tailor, has now a I line of fall and Before Buying Presents Give Us a Call. :-m No Trouble to Show Goods. they had given orders to Rivas & Koop- Laeve, of the Monarch car company, who cruises Sores Ulcers Salt Rheum, Fever winter goods. 51 West Bay Street, man for provisions for the poor amounting is in charge of the enterprise, was com- Sores, 'letter, ChappeA Hands, Chilblains, -- Jacksn ville, Fla. cD T I c3 to $111.00. The committee asked for in- peld to disappointover forty applicants Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi- No. 29 WeM Bay ret. - * - * .84kfolVille, Fl8. formation whetbr or not they were to tor berths lively cures Piles, or no pay required. It T A.DO 1--(-SUCCESSOR E. W. G1L -0,121_WestBayStreet,_Jacksonville__ Fa. ay 1Rivas & Koopman's bill from the r T a is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, YO)" len,) Wholesale and Retail dealer in New , balance in the hands of the committee, or Board of Trade To-flay, or money refunded. P rice 2,5 cents per Box Chio, tandl o ida Matske sto LVRYSTBLS 41whether the council would pa-y the bill. The regular monthly meeting of the box. For sale by 44.OrllNo. 1OLAOCT (P . ClivbMarket On motion it was ordered that a warrant board of trade will beheld to-day at 3:30 * GEo. HUGHES. ONEY TO LOAN ON CITY PIiC( E Y. C a n ~Cl ub Sl for $111.00 be drawn in favor of Riv'as & J____ ___ _.1w. acmflOLI. " ri : Koopman, and ihe balance of the money in o'clockstandard time. In addition to the Steamer Quee~ of St. Johns [IHAR;LES II. SMITH, CORN Ry OF FOR the hands of the committee be utilized by usual monthly transactions, nominations Will leave her wharf, foot of Pine street a syth amd Market, Offers on easy tepmrns: Ueldllo,, C01rller Ceasr, - - M. L. IIAlfRIDGE, Proprietor. them in giving relief to the poor. for a president, two vice-presidents and six every Tuesday and Friday at 3 o'clock p. will build pomtly. tn00.rO he following letter was read: e will take lace in acoidance m., for Sanford and way landings. For Extra size lot anil six room dwelling on Pine Orders for Carriages, Buggies, SaddletHorses r theTransferringof Pa sengersand Baggage .T sARSvu~LLr~, FLA., Decbemer3, 1887. vith the recen t changes in the constitu- rates apply to JOHN G. CRiSTO-PrnE, street, to prompt buyer, for 1,900. To the Pr'side.rt and Gentlemen of the City ion. Managing Owner. One very convenient new dwelling, five TELEPHOME No S. - ~~~~rooms with closets amid water, 4th street, threeTEEHN NO8. EMTLEMEN-At your last meetinga commu- 'he committee on sanitation will also . blockswestofline. Forrent at $1per months. -"- "1o-d. nicalion was sent to you by certain parties rela-, present a report with reference to a state BR. E.H. TIACHEI R-THE DENTIST Loans carefully negotiated. Money loaned . .. .. . -- -++ + + : . . . -- - == + + - -== + -..- 2; + , + + ° '+ + ++ + + +g ++ ~' ' " - ' - - ' " ' o -. + - -- - - - -- + . . . -- -' : >,' - -- ' - + - - >-: " =+ + + ; + ++ •L + + ,+ = + 2+ + : + . + +• :. + + + - + . +:++ j ': ++ + +"++ ' ++ + . . + . : > + + " + . . . ++ =+ + + + + ;++, + ' + + ' = ++ + + ++ .+ : ; .. + :+ ++ ++ 1+ + ;. ,+ :5+!+ ++ +;?+. ?F;< + + +o . .. ;+ ++. <,• ;(; .++: T + .+ + ++ + +=: " / : + + = ++ ++ ++,= *+ /+2 %+++ + +:++*; + ++' : <+ 7 = ++++s+'++ % +l++o+ +++ +/*+ .. + ,++++*+.++++++ ++ : +& + +++;<'-'s 7+ ++ , '-/ ++'''-' u-@ +. ++ -i -----------"- F+ +++++ ++++l+++; + ++ ++/=++++ ++.+o++++ ++,,j -i-/->i' +/+++ - ' - ++ ++ --------- -- =++;& =+= + ++;' ?+ '.+ +++2+ + + :;+ +++ =+++ , '++ + +++

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Page 1: alDiretor - · +8 ITHE DAILY NEWS-HERALD, WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 7. 1887. tive to the vegetable


tive to the vegetable stands in frontof and out- board of health and suggesting measures Safe For Sale at a Bargain. T side the city market, which I think requires a for the calling of a special session of the A lr e, almost new, safe formerly. CRSBY STE rpfromT me asclerk of the same. I simpi legislature. All members are urgently owned by the Florida Herald, Hall's desire to saythat StilesThomas offer('Riley requested to be present. patent, double and inside doors, tour priWeeks e75 and his outside stand in exchange tvate drawers and one iron money box, etc. for theirs, and William Butts made a like prop- ate drawers and one iron money box, etc

YESTINGMONEY IN TBE IMPROVEMEN1 ositiontdJakeTullywith$,0bonus forhis. THE PONCE DE LEON RECEPTION. Will sell for $175. Apply at this office. 2 ghts ly 2 INE N MNow I re-pectfully submit that I can see no 2

OF CIrY STREETS AND BRIDGI S. us-treason why thecityshouldrobitself of $38 The Upper Strata of Colored Society in per month re nal. for the said sanis simp y the Midst of Social Pleasure. First Appearance of ________,__ satisfy the unjust claim, of c, rLain partiessmMA IE R SOT engaged in the same business, who if made to Lancaster hall was ablaze with glorylast V l.W IESTABLISHED 1808.

Captain Watson Comesin for a Big Share comply with ju-tice and equity would or evening. The belles and beaux of theup- MA IE PRESCOT of Appropriatiois--Clearinlg up the Bus- should he compelled to pay the rental that

of Appropriations-CleaingUP the Bus- their stands would command and hich would per strata of colored society in Jackson- and R. D. McLEN, o v Fla iness of the Council Priorto the Election be , heerfully paid by other parties. All of ville, vied with each other in style and cus- S rted b rytrn om

of the New Body-The City Tax Books. which is respectfully submitted, Ju-t by a v so odmtime oh w y C oE. H. HoPKiNs, Market Clerk. tume and visions of cream colored loveli- uppo ya very srong company. Just now is a g od time

------ The market committee, having had the ness whirled around the roomto the seduc- Saturday night, Dec. 10, Merchant of Venice. to see us regarding a good The city council held its bi-weekly meet- matter under consideration submitted the Live strains of Baratta's band. The occa- T a n o

The city council ldier eet following report in reference to the matter sion was the semi-annual banquet of the n F W atch,a Diamond, or any ing last night. AldermenEmery, Fletcher, which report was received and adopted: Ponce de Leon club, whose members are Two cenes Fro Riar II.

Einig, Triay and Watson were present. Your committee to whomwas refurredthe composed of the most intelligent and re- Seats on sale at Dell's drug store, other article in our line In the absence of President Call, Alderman petition f Riley & Weeks and other owners of spectable young colored men of the city. Ic

Inteabec o rsietstalls in the city market, beg leave Lo report as The banquet was adecided success, being NOTICE ! which you may desire. Fletcher presided. follows: w conducted and NOTICE! which you may desire.

Fletcherfol pr e tios First. The stalls located outide of the city well conducted numerously attended. The following petitions were presented market do not keep open or offer for sale any- Uhe dresses of the ladies were very hand

and disposed of: From E. E. Hooker, ask- thing after the market closes. They are com- some, and nearly nll the gentlemen were in T11 a g permission eet airn covered elledtoputtheirpropertyinside the market full dress. Everything passed off pleas- 1! .EarreIng permission r storage before the doors are closed. antly, and the uests left for home de- ofMr. Joseph O'De have been removed from A T TEITION

roof over a steam boiler in the rear of his Second. That they do not prevent the people lighted with their reception. An elegant A T N I N premises, No. 2 Ocean street; read and on from going into themarket by calin thm or spread wa given, including wines and the 105 Pine Street to 35 West Du al., rmi of Alderman tayree rea d tn soliciting trade. Petitionersadit emsel various delicacies of the season. It motion of Alderman Triay referred to the that this is not true nor that they block up the various eliaes dofbt theseason. It

assage way with boxes or barr-ls. These was, without doubt, the finest BetweenLauraandPine. .t fire committee with power to act. oxes andbarrels are laying at times in front ever given in this city at a colored enter- A N% Sasfatin g guaranteed or Money Refunded

From W. T. Ewing, for permission to of themarketgrounds, wherethe petitioners tainment. A feature ofthe adorumernt e erect a small building lOxlx8 feet at the themselves have chicken coops standing, but of the table was an artistically made veg %. Joser O'DEA, Proprietor.

erect a sOcan adotng st s make no obstruction, asthethe passage way aole bouquet which attracted much atteucorner of Ocean and Forsyth streets, to be is clear into the market. tlion. covered with tin or sheetironroof: readand aThird. As t) hucksters who pedde veget- Tie Ponce de Leon club was organized DAW KINS n or aou December on motionofAldermana Watson, returned to your:committee has not been able to obtain te in August last with Mr. (Geo. A. Lofton, RS AIN r abut Dece br

if names of these persons nor do they think it of president, Colonel R. L. Ziegler secretary, the petitioner with the information that if er business, and it is heir opinion that his and v. H. Dial, treasurer, and has attain- Fire, Life and Accident I will issue myfull descriphe complied with th ordinance, permission honor the mayor, or the city mar hal, would ed a very high standing in the social circles 1 8 i M

of the council was not needed, but that the betheproper party to apply toforre lef. of the colored race. tive price-list of City and oft eco ni w sn t e d db tth t eRespectfully subm itted ,NU RNE petition could not be granted as submit- J. D. WITScxM, _ tri op ty an ted. Chairman Market .oumittee. Beneath a Wagon's Wheels. Boom 4, Abel Block, 32% W. Bay. S

From Nooney & Sons, stating that dur- Alderman Einng, chairman o he cme- An unknown colored boy, abou six superior excellence proven in millions of Suburban Property, Orang t ing h:s absence the tax collector collected tery committee, reported that the fences An from ctra boy, about a ur - - - FLORIDA. Groves, W ild Lands, etc.

byo$ fortaxesallegedto around the city cemetery we years of age, was run over by a wagon It is used by the United States Government. JAr by Levy from his sons 5for taxes alleged to around the city cemetery weLe in a b lorsed by the heads of the Great Universities be due for the year 1880. Attached to Mr. condition, and other improvements wer near the Carleton pharmacy about 5 as the Strongest, Purest, and most Healthful. My facilities for selling Nooney's petition was Roy P. Moody's re- needed. On motion the chairman o'clock yesterday afternoon. He was Dr. Price's the only Baking Powder that does ceipt for the amount paid to him in April, of the committee was instructed carried into the store, where Mr. F. C. notcontain Ammonia, Lime, or Alum. Sold

1881, who was then tax collector. Mr. te ascertain the cost of the needed in, Chase attended to his injuries which were only In cans. , property are unexcelled in Nooney therefore asked that the amount provements and report at next meeting. not of a seAous nature. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., be refunded. The petition was referred to The following report from thecommittee *w oa. CHICAGO. Sr. LOUIS the State. the finance committee for investigation, on taxes and license was read and on mo HarryBabbitt Improving. DIED. Fn ll afer io asrcevd n aote:F e alDiretor Alra saeo nr r and power to adjust the matter. tion was received and adopted: Mr. Harry Babbitt, who was so unfortu. DIED-t the residence of his arens, El-l All real estate owners ar

A petition from Joseph Santo was re td, The committee on taxes and license report DIEDAt the residence of his parents,

in which he stated that a house belonging the ity tax books completed and rady for note as to break his leg not long ago on the wood H. Buckman, December 5, A. D. 1887, L A SPECIALTY. requested to send me a full to him was burned in 1883 by 'the city the collector, but in view of the present co. Clyde line dock at Fernandina, is improv- the 28th year of his age. Funeial fromSt. EMBAIMING A SPECIATY. requested to send me a ful

e ,. ditionof our city affairs and the uncertainty ing rapidly under the care o Dr. R. B. ard. "Helaid him down to rest being weary, authorities, by reason of being infected attending our legal status as a council and the r u ard. "Ha laid him down o rest, being description of their proer by snall-pox patients, and asking that the certainty that a great proportion of the'taxes Burroughs. and his eyes are closed in sleep." p sum of $300beallowed him, will not e paid on the ground that we have no GEO. W . CLARKth

On motion of Alderman Triay, it was re- legal right to make the levy, and the further They' Must Go! Walk Off!! ACARD TO THE PUBLIC. owest price and be bsmlpoxitionh was ra from the lo west p i nd bes ferred to the committee on laws. fact that the movement now on foot to hold a All manufacturers of patent medicines The former business of Byron E. Oak, un- *s d wll fi d

Apetitin wasread from the ,r St.A. & ty election Will if successful, establish re ill er long cease nauseatin the people, dertaker, has been re-established, with Mr. i X tterms, an wi n them H. R. railway, stating that their waiting tnlein the hands of the claiming to purify the blood, etc. Their Oak as agent and manager, at 31 Laura street, roormi the foot of Newnan streatis entirely city auditor for safe keeping, and that no steps end is near. A wonderful spring has been three takers nth of opportunity to expre of business. a purchaser. inadequate for the accommodation of their be taken for the collection of the taxes of 1887, found in Ashe county, N. C. Performing thanks to his numerous friends e p ro And Superintendent of St. Marys

travel, and requesting that they be per- Respectfully submitted, almost miraculous cures. Tasteless ann for past favors, and begs for the continuance mitted to increase the size by extending the W. B. WATsON, deliciously Purifying the blood in reality, of theirpatronage. hat. ..... TELFAIR STOCKTO

i t building eastward seven feet and south- Chair. Comn, Taxes and License. and beautifying the com n plexion in reality. Heis now pre aredto furnish everything that ....or ward fifteen feet. The companysaid that if Accompanying the above was a state Ask for Thompson's Bromine Arsenic may be require in his line of bus ness, and AfTl$10

thepetitionwaSgranted, the main building ment from the city auditor to the effect Water, half gallon bottle, 60cents; case, $6. wil makn f e o som up ir the petition was granted, whic branchidin of his trade he has no suipe ior. A 2. and extended portion would be covered that he had examined the tax-books and Pamphlets with analysis free. He b to assureall thosc who patronize han with corrugated iron. The petition was found the additions and extensions correct. We ask the medical profession to report that nothing will be left undone which will granted The monthly reports of the various ex- any of the following diseases they fail to serve to give entire satisfaction. Of the Southl g

A petition from J. M. Barrs, agent, ask- ecutive officers were presented, and re- cure with this wonderful water, viz: 76E' I BA t ing permission to erect a small corrugated ferred to appropriate committees. Blood Poison, Bleedingat Nose, SPECIAL NOTICES. ' iron buildingat thenorthwestcornerofBay After sone discussion on a report sub Catarrh, Eczema, Nervous Htadache, and Ceder streets, was read and upon mitted by Alderman Fletcher. in reference Old Sores, Scrofula, Loss of A petite, FOR RENT. T.T. STOCKTON. J.E. WANDELL. TELFAIR STOCKTON motion the same was denied because of its to appointment of inspectors, the report Kidney Complaint, Ulcers and Tumors, being a violation of the fire ordinance, was withdrawn, and the meeting ad- Neneral Debility, Indigestion, 1OR RENT-HOUSES OF $5.00 AND $,5.00

City Tax Collector Baya submitted his journed to meet again this afternoon at 4 Ermutions, Itchings, Throat Affections, per month. A. Buzsi, anmi-annual report of collections of rev- p.m. Dyspepsia, Nervousness, A. BUESING, Brooklyn. O leau to date. The report shows that Sneunatic Gout, Erysipelas, *-$:3,650 has been collected from all sources THAT REGISTRATION LIST. Sorenua C ps, Eryea r o RENT-HALF OF A HOUSE, WELL

Sore Eyes, Cramps, Weak.Lungs, located, on Bay street. Nine rooms un- op

$6,703 being for licenses and fees and Mr. L'Engle Will Comly With the Vomiting, Cancers, Liver Complaint, &c. furnished or partially furnised, to family $16,950 for taxes, Will Comply With the City We refer to our many water patrons, without children. Address, bay street, Dox

A number of bills were presented and Council's Request. Geo. Hughes, sole agent for Jacksonville 287.- S o , rete-red to the appropriate committees. Supervisor of Registration L'Engle, in and St. Augustine, ia. * r10O RENT- TWELVE ROOM HOUSE The follwinanc committee reported th speaking yesterday,!of his refusal to fur- with bathroom. Suitable for two families.

J. L.rzier, $)5,.00; William Baya, $1951; nish the Republicans with a copy of the Arterial Embalming. Apply to WLLIAM BYRNE, 10 W. Bay street. T X.-eleasla d RL. ta il. M. L. Hartridge, $201).00; W. A. Bours, $39.0 ; Registration lists, said: For the information of my acquaintances -TNFURNISIHED DWELLING, FIVE Citizens Gas Light company, $307.1t George aswell as strangers in this city, the sur- roomsandkitchen,No.139E.Forsyth. In-47 West Bay Street, JACKSONVILLE FLA 47 West Bay Street. W. Clark, $40.03; George C. Wilson, h5.20; . pesautre o haan t rounding villas, also throughout the State, quireroom 5, over vostormce. 1. O. box 93. 47 West Bay Street, KSON 47 West ay Street. A. Bours, $86.14; Harry West, $35.00; D. N. certified copies of the registration lists of the [ publish my system of Embalming for the Connerly, $3.00; H. ampbell, $30.00; Davis voters of this county has ever applied to me preservation of the dead in a manner life- rO LET-HOTEL-NEW-CORNER BAY Large Shipments of goods are being received daily, and our stock embraces the Randal SZ00;-E H. opkins, $5.50; Wil- for them, and the first authorized request was preserrvatinonces oft rooms dte., in a maie lifre'- Stl liam Clark, $f8.53l Henry Clark, $12.50. made yesterday afternoon toi ma in the follow- like is an imminent success: "My know- All modern conveniences. Bath rooms, etc., Latest es, Lowest Prices

Alderman Trray presented a bill for ing letter from the city 'clerk of the city of ledge obtained from the required study each loor. Fora number of years if desired. money expended in improving the Sub- Jacks onville. L Dith the practical operation, together with A W. BARRS. 31 W. Bay street. Attention is respectfully called to the following new goods which can not fail to please the Tropicalegrndsd amro ing t e $1S0 , JACKSONVILLE, FLA., December 5, 1587, rhe undoubted excellence of the fluids emTropical grounds, amounting to $1.062.11, Porcher L'Engle, Snpervisor of egitration, ployednd in trumentsusedrender fail NTER HOME- URNISHED ROOM,. public: and asked that the rules be waived and a ty: Of Bigfslration. plyedand instruments used render fal:

ura an imposslihlity. My. roos sre open W- Privatebo rd. 49 East Fo, syth sr et.T IN THE LADIES' DEPARTMENT. GENTS DEPARTMENT. warrant ordered drawn for t P he a mountspDa min of to it couci, hd t all hours, day and night, hS ne personal 'OR RENT-NEW TWO-STORY HOUSE. Stock on &0's toho Kid Button .. $4 00 A al Bu on....... ................ $1 50 ingwho hadaa- ecial meeting of the city council, held this Stockton & Co's Brush Kid Button....2 000 A Calf Bals ......................... vaced the money. There being no oh- day, the following resolution was adopted: callsor telegrams requiring imy services Apply at 504 Monroe street, LaVilla. Stockton & Cos I Kid Button ........... 1 50 A Calf Congress..................... 1 51 jectrion the rules were waived, and the Tbat Supervisor of Registration L'Engle either at home or any part of th State, ET-LARGE NEW STORES-CO- tockton & Co's Kid Button ..... ......... 00 Bale and Congress .. ..... ....... .... be requested to furnish this council with a are promptly answered. n - LeBay and EW .T R RSt warrant ordered drawn for the amount, certified copy of the registration litsith a eoldt t wished undertaker 31 Bay a tCdarstreets. A.W.BASt ktn C's $250 s for men's wear, the best in the( country.

The follow ing -report from the commit- nine wards of his city. W.ak Bay street. Stockton & Co's $2.50 All styles and widths always on hand. tee on streets was read: Your Very Truly, . in Jacksonville, with stock of metallic and FOR SALE. Children's School Shves at prices within

The street committee beg leave to report that A. E. MwCLURE, City Clerk, wood caskets of large proportions, emtrac- ______._hildr__sShooloest__reswtheireach of all. infants Soft Sole Shoes in all Coors. they have,:in obedmce to instructions received To which I replied as follows: g the cheapest on up to the most Fxpen-FORSp-BUr sNSAoBe from the council, made contracts for bridges JACK5ONVILLR FLA,, December 6,1887. sive and in all sizes. Bodies prepared with _ t feel long. Each cost $120 when new- Fine Goods A Specialty.,, Orders by Mail Solicited. follows: greKrosi f ognFcee D.I e<. (emb , reat care for shipment, regardless of time owner leavingcity, Address, at once, H. Tu

a~Lurastrit rosingof Hogan's creek, A. E1. McClure, esq., Clerk Cityo clsivle rdsacrgrls ftm EAlntn akovleP . Tn LuasrscrsigtofJcsnil:or distance. rigoJcsnil .O

$395.00. DEAR Si -Your f vor of the 5th inst.,ONE PRICE T ALL Pine street crosing of Hogan's creek, $495.00. with resolution of city council of Jackson- J. RAMSAY DEY, OR SALE CHEAP-ALABAMA LIME. T ACKSONVILLE A Daval street crossing of Hogan's creek, ville, asking me to furnish the council with Rooms 29 and 81 West Adams street. ALABAMA COALo AND COKE Co STOCKTON

$1,75.00. certified copies of the registration lists of the Jacksonville, Fla. *T AL* >1 'hey have also make a contract for the lay- the nine wards of this city, received. It affords .____-__IVERY STABLE FOR SALEEEC ESH

ing of walks in the city park with Gao. H. me much pleasure to comply with this request, Don't Experiment. to sell allor abortion of myfully equipped T. T. STOCKTON. J. E. WANDELL. TELFAIR STOCKTON. tMi oes for the sum of $1,00.00. Upon exami- as I am sure the registration of the nine wards livery stable in DeLand, Fla. Ten horses with

nation it was found that the water connections of the city was made by the county commis- You cannot afford to waste your time in full assortment of harness, buggies, carriages, Sthe city park had become obstructed with signers of this county for the use and benefit experimenting when yourlungs are in hackandwagons. Will sell, if desired, twoc - RT TY S E L& C O ~rs n sdmn t uhanetn a om-of the city as its first object. emeynin ug acres of land in connection with the stable Y mENm

)r~ust and sediment to such an extent as to re-oth iyaitfrsobe, danger. Consumptfin always seems, at building. H. A. TANNER,

quire immediate attention. This has been I am having the copies made as fast as ner. ons ioalwayoseem , a t uldn.HA.anN, Fla. clerh cn coy tem anwildivr rs t,- only a cold, not permi an elr DeLand, Fla. done and the same put in good order. We also clerks can copy them and will deliver thm fs on tp mit anyea imi-_ _ _ _ _.

found thatthe main foan ain placed in the soon as completed, the council paying legal to impose upon yo with some cheap imi OR SALE-TOWN LOTS AND FARMS park by subscriptions of citizens was bit charges for the same. station of Dr. ing's New Discovery for OP.SALETOWN eaten badly with rust; this we have had Very respectfully, * Consumption, Coughs and Cds, but be businessof a generalmerchandis . (Successorsto Tysen, Smith & Co.) painted an-I varnished and connections re- PORCHER L'ENGLE, sure yop get the genuine. Because he can A. BUESNO, Brooklyn, Fla.

- newed where required. Under the resolu- Supervisor of Registration. make more profit he may tell you he has TOR SALE-FURNISHED LODGING Onu T T r tion of the counsel regarding tne city engineer, something just as good, or just the same. house and restaurant on easy teems on ac- Op. aLt nade thedirctio ofthiscommtte to avecount of change in business. Apply at No.2 under the direction of this bomittle oo AN UNFAITHFUL WIFE. Don't be deceived but insist dhn getting rieostte, near Wyb i ep t. thoecity grounds occupied by the Sub-Tropical Brdg stee w= do ere company filled with sand, we have approved Dr. King's New Discover , which is guar

the bills of the city engineer for this purpose, Julia Lockhart Deserts Her Husband for wanted to give relief in all Throat, ung OR SALE-HALF INTEREST IN At0, G ra , Building M ateria amounting to $1,515.46. The bridge over Hogan a Colored Companion, and Chest affections. Trial bottles free at Livery and Sale Stable in this city by parcreek, Laura street crossing, having been In Justice Magill's court yesterday after- Palmetr to Pharmacy and Go. Hughes valuable leas Address, A. 0. Bua, NEFws fined as per contract. We recommend that Drug Store. a* ner who wishes to retire. Good location and $ 1:F o a warrant for $395 be issued in favor of W. A. noon, the case of Julia Lockhart and Jonas t HEHALD Office. McDuff in payment for said work Williams was continued. The testimony LOTSNDRYDALE,1,2. -INDEPENDENT LINE STEA BOA S In view of tJ atTa the Pine street bridge rmm'20 Si YDlE, -I D P I iEN:L NE : T AM OSHygeia-A Wonderful Disco r0 lots in Sweetwater, $300. is nearly completed, we recommend that a inthe caseshows thatJohn Lockharta H tobacco is an aid to health and it 40This ots in oen n Height is now $40. W T T McDuff, to be paid him by the cityclerk when is manufactured by Thomas C. Williams made betanse must have some money. A. O. the city engineer accepts the work ascom- several yearsagoand located near Sweet- & Co., Richmond, Va. under a formula Wr .4E. Bay. Wharves, Yards and warehouses, Foot of Ocean Street.

averff of W. A.i hi~ tobyc tis ant aidr tohelenndi

ttd w acerd he contract. We would water on the St. Augustine railroad. On prepared by Professor d. W. Mallet, of the LLft 25ALE-TOWN i.OTS IN SOUTH further recommend that a warrant for $500 b_

dGeorge H. Nichols, contrac- the 26th, of last Februaryhe marriedacoun Unversity of Virginia. It is anti-mala- .l Jacksonville, near ferry, $250 on installtor for the laying of city park walks> so as to try girl out at that place and uno to Sep.- rial, anti-dyspeptic, a good nervine and an ments. J. S. Sn TH. JR. .STABLISHED 1875. enable him to pay for labor and material. The tember had a peaceable time, but during excellent chew. Try it. No humbug. OR SALE- FINE VEGETABLE AND ES B work having progressed sufficiently to warrant that month the woman commenced visit- For particulars its virtues call for orange lands near acksonville, hp. J. -arden eeds and Fertilizers this advance on contract. We also recom- ing her grand mother, who lives out on pamphlet at William S. Wightmean's or , SSI Jn near Jac l , a mend the sum of $500 be advanced J. C. Ker- the King's road, and staying away for Smith & Frazier's Jacksonville, Fla.WANTS, nan and Harry Lee, contractors for Duval ogitrasWI IA A.B U S tet brdgerr'This workonaobin inf uf long intervals, where the tobacco can be had. * __________________ W ILLIAM A. B OURS,

a ntly a dvancid condition to warrant this Finally Lockhart agreed to a separation . ANTED--FOUR FEMALE COOKS AND a. actin f c uvncl. nito o arntti and a divorce, buit before the proceedings !'Jf ' girls for general house work. Good 2 o 'X e.5 7 St A J kt¢o~ivlie, Fia..

Your committee has also, with the approval for a divorce had been made Julia became ora Iormaon Bureau, wages. FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AGoNCY, -:-WH 0 L E S AL E-:of the mayor, made contract and hat delivered acquainted with a family named Rushing' We are prepared to furnish information ,1* West Bay street. i"which have be~n used in la ying foundations for to live with Jonas Williams, a .negro man lands offered for sale; opportunities for in- YY colors; to call this week at Riverside FedFriies twt alsnt a rk, feith .blane a ois u wns hoe ss ecafnreoaootewi or N D-A 1Tsvbeiring~,FOr Gi8 81,?6 ~ FriieS

alkse o < t t ars ines ald inlow lei about 26 years of age, vestment: arrangements and rates for win- Fine Art Exlibition and la-irn of something T ht blishe SHet 'used aree cagroussnd from t go actio ofhevs h Rushing family gave them shelter ter homes, and all information about your advantage. iii Bay street ca gon The Oldes Eilstablishd S ed Hos i te it rain storms, and un to Monday night no trouble was oc- Florida. We put you into immediate cor west pass the door. STRICTLY RELIABLE-CATALOGUE FREE.

All of which is respectfully submitted. casioned. Finally Lockhart came to the respondence with the parties you desire to ITANTED-PEOPLE TO KNOW THAT . W. B. WATsoN, city, aid securing the assistance of a reach and save you all commissions of VY they canhavealife-sizeCrayon Portrait

Chairman Street Committee. friend, he swore out a warrant and the agents and middlemen. No charge for drawn on'theverybestpermanentpaperfor $10 STATIOy4ERY.

The street committee also submitted a parties were arrested. The husband was information. Correspondence solicited, at BUaGENT's gallery, 71% West Bay street. roposition from G. A. Backinstoe, to unreleuting in his efforts to convict the Please inclose stamp for reply. We guarantee completesatisfacon,

bui d a bridge across Hogan's creek at the negro man. FLORIDA INFORMATION BUREAU T ANTED-ALL LADIES TO USE Market street crossing, similar in style to a * DeLand, Florica. Dunn's Married Ladies' Friend forimorn

nLaura street bridge, for the sum of Jerry and the Cow. lg sickness. One hundred dollars if not t$39 aur st ee stating for -t e thm ofJ r y a d t e o . relieved. For sale by all druggists, or address

$395. ~r. Backinstoe station that the Jerry Mungen, colored, was tried in Jus- South Florida Exhibition. DUrN & Co., Louiaville yrg s

pet ition granted to him by resolutions tice Magill's court yesterday for the The nouth Florida Exhibition will be ri HE STEAM DREDGE BOAT, ARLING- Largest Stock and Low Prices 1 Wholesale and Retail. o~e t ameeingof ounil a it fist arcny f a ow rom Mar Scoggnsheld in Sanford, Fla., February 14th, 1888, 1_ on, can be chartered by the day, or wj

adopted at a eting of coni t ifirst larceny of a cow from Mark Scroggens, to 23d, inclusive. As this is of vital in- take contract s. rep tl eGE . SE, O R.A N GE WTA FB. session in June. After some discussion it lso colors, th value of theaimaleig pc to al rSoth Friaw would Chandler. 90 East Bay. Best Grade I Full Count ! Lowest Prices! Quotations Furnished.

was gred tat M. Bckistoebe n- iven at $75. Mungen found the body of request the hearty support and efforts of

thorized to build the bridge for the sum a dead cow in the woods near the LaVilla all interested. Large premiums will be XITANTED-HAVE YOU A HOUSE TO M, " _ ) " - , named, the work to be done unde' the su- limits near the J., T. & K. aiload, end offered, and ample space will be provided fo rent? We are over-runwith applicants i9 & 6W Bay Secia term toeaersand teachers. . l 0 -per vision of the city engineer, and the sold its hide to a dealer in hides and skins,.o l xhbtrFute norain24hue vrydyE.0.W.s O. Bpeiltrsaoelryad.ahr~ akonilFa bridge to be not less than five feet above Scroggens claimed that the animal was can be had by applyin to HAE. Bay. tide water. his. Several witnesses were produced for T. F. HUGGIis,Sec'y. and Treas., MISCELLANEOUS.

Alderman Triay offered the following either side, and the trial occuoid over an Sanford, Fia. AVNGS D ^NNECTION resolution: hour and a half. The defendant was coin- with the Davis gallery. I am now e+.Whereas, The city council authorized the mtted for tral by the *cowihuheDyisgaler.mia nwaer city engineer he direction of the street mi o r tri by te conty c iminal The Incediary Christmas Fire Cracker pared to take orders at my studio, room15, No. committee to grade the streets and remove court and the bond was fixed at $100. The Jacksonville boare of fire under- n o lay street, in water colors,, u.erayon ithe sand to be used in filling the swamp or an=i. =.M= EAY.H ldyG marsh wthinwthe water worksgrounds, there Tourss Coming to Fkrda. writers say that owners of buildings and The Largest Line of Holida oods in the City, 7° fore be it hi h ae ok r u d ,t e e o rs sC m n "t '( : a stocks of m erchandise should bear in -NAONEY TO LOAN ON JACKSONVILLE L r e to Resovc," That we appropriate the sum of Tourist travel is steadily incleasing, and mind that the handling of fire works will and St. Augustine improved property. -- : the City,

$2,500 for the above purposes and that the every incoming train and steamer brings vitiate their insurance policies unless the Address, with full particulars, box 458, Jack- :ANDAT "clerk is hereby instract d and authorizedasetothcopnsisndrdtee-ovieF.

to draw a warrant in fav>r of Colonel J. J large numbers, anxious to exchange the an o and an extra charge of 50 cents per s ALIFONA RESAt ANT, BRANCt L O T Daniel, secretary of sanitary trustees frozen north for sunny Florida. The hundred for one month or less be paid C from Ancie'itCity,31 Newnan street. Jack- 0 for the amount to be expanded and appliedIlxT 1 S ?i E~i ii~ ii IS to the completion of the above works. Monarch train of five cars which left New therefore on all policies affected thereby. * sonville. Charles street, near Plaza, St. Au

The committee on poor reported that York for this city yesterday, contained the g justine. FIREW OR K S OF ALL K IN D S. they had received cash warrants amount- full number which the accommodations Bucklen's Arnica Salve. TRUMPELLER-THE L ADiNG MERing to $500, and had expended $367.75; that allowed, and Superintendent Gustave The best salve in the world for Cuts, chant Tailor, has now a I line of fall and Before Buying Presents Give Us a Call. :-m No Trouble to Show Goods.

they had given orders to Rivas & Koop- Laeve, of the Monarch car company, who cruises Sores Ulcers Salt Rheum, Fever winter goods. 51 West Bay Street, man for provisions for the poor amounting is in charge of the enterprise, was com- Sores, 'letter, ChappeA Hands, Chilblains, -- Jacksn ville, Fla. cD T I c3 to $111.00. The committee asked for in- peld to disappointover forty applicants Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi- No. 29 WeM Bay ret. - * - * .84kfolVille, Fl8. formation whetbr or not they were to tor berths lively cures Piles, or no pay required. It T A.DO 1--(-SUCCESSOR E. W. G1L -0,121_WestBayStreet,_Jacksonville__ Fa.

ay 1Rivas & Koopman's bill from the r T a is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, YO)" len,) Wholesale and Retail dealer in New , balance in the hands of the committee, or Board of Trade To-flay, or money refunded. P rice 2,5 cents per Box Chio, tandl o ida Matske sto LVRYSTBLS

41whether the council would pa-y the bill. The regular monthly meeting of the box. For sale by 44.OrllNo. 1OLAOCT (P . ClivbMarket

On motion it was ordered that a warrant board of trade will beheld to-day at 3:30 * GEo. HUGHES. ONEY TO LOAN ON CITY PIiC( E Y. C a n ~Cl ub Sl for $111.00 be drawn in favor of Riv'as & J____ ___ _.1w. acmflOLI. " ri :

Koopman, and ihe balance of the money in o'clockstandard time. In addition to the Steamer Quee~ of St. Johns [IHAR;LES II. SMITH, CORN Ry OF FORthe hands of the committee be utilized by usual monthly transactions, nominations Will leave her wharf, foot of Pine street a syth amd Market, Offers on easy tepmrns: Ueldllo,, C01rller Ceasr, - - M. L. IIAlfRIDGE, Proprietor. them in giving relief to the poor. for a president, two vice-presidents and six every Tuesday and Friday at 3 o'clock p. will build pomtly. tn00.rO

he following letter was read: e will take lace in acoidance m., for Sanford and way landings. For Extra size lot anil six room dwelling on Pine Orders for Carriages, Buggies, SaddletHorses r theTransferringof Pa sengersand Baggage

.T sARSvu~LLr~, FLA., Decbemer3, 1887. vith the recen t changes in the constitu- rates apply to JOHN G. CRiSTO-PrnE, street, to prompt buyer, for 1,900. To the Pr'side.rt and Gentlemen of the City ion. Managing Owner. One very convenient new dwelling, five TELEPHOME No S.

- ~~~~rooms with closets amid water, 4th street, threeTEEHN NO8.

EMTLEMEN-At your last meetinga commu- 'he committee on sanitation will also . blockswestofline. Forrent at $1per months. -"- "1o-d. nicalion was sent to you by certain parties rela-, present a report with reference to a state BR. E.H. TIACHEI R-THE DENTIST Loans carefully negotiated. Money loaned . .. .. . --

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