alderman davies ciw primary school welcome back...

Alderman Davies CiW Primary School Welcome Back! September 2020

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Page 1: Alderman Davies CiW Primary School Welcome Back 11.15 Nursery gate Nursery gate Reception Thurs 3rd Sept 8.50 3.20

Alderman Davies CiW Primary


Welcome Back!

September 2020

Page 2: Alderman Davies CiW Primary School Welcome Back 11.15 Nursery gate Nursery gate Reception Thurs 3rd Sept 8.50 3.20



Description Page

Introduction 2

Preparing for School 3

Uniform 4

PE/Games Kit 4

Other Equipment 4


Contact Groups/movement around school 6

Hygiene 7

Food/drink 8

Extra-curricular and enrichment activities 9

Pupils who are unwell 9

Response to confirmed cases of Covid-19 10

School cleaning systems 11

Working together 12

Parent/carer access during the day 13

The end of the day 13

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All the staff at Alderman CiW Primary School are really looking forward to all

the pupils returning in September. We can’t wait to see you all again. We

have been working really hard to make the return for your children as

exciting as possible by organising a whole school topic based on “New


At the start, the return to school will be as ‘normal’ as possible as it is

important that pupils are able to learn and to enjoy their time at school.

However, whilst trying to get back to a situation which is as close to normal as

possible, there does need to be certain changes made in order to ensure

that the whole school community is as safe as possible.

This booklet aims to describe the changes in school and what can be done

at home to support our work and I hope you find it useful.

Thank you as always for your continued support.

Mrs K Phillips Seconded Headteacher

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Preparing for school

After such a long time away from school, some of the details in this booklet

are not new but just act as a helpful reminder. There are, of course, some

new things to think about as preparations are made to return post lock-down.

As you are aware, the start of the school year is staggered with us increasing

pupil numbers over a number of days until the whole school returns together

by Tuesday 8th September.

Year group Date to

return to


Start Time Finish Time Entrance Exit

Nursery Mrs Strang

will be in


9.15 11.15 Nursery




Reception Thurs 3rd


8.50 3.20 Nursery




1/2 Thurs 3rd


8.50 3.20 Back yard


Back yard


3 Thurs 3rd


8.40 3.10 Front gate

(side yard)

Front gate

(side yard)

4 Tues 8th


8.40 3.10 Back yard


Back yard


5 Tues 8th


8.30 3.00 Back yard


Back yard


6 Mon 7th


8.30 3.00 Back yard


Back yard


Siblings are to attend with your eldest child.

Uniform to be worn. Please check the weather forecasts each day as

we will be using the outdoors much more, even when raining (unless

the rain is very heavy) and so your child will need a coat/ hat/ gloves

etc which are all weather appropriate.

We will provide pencil cases for all pupils.

There will be no breakfast club for the first 4 weeks, however we will

review this in line with NPT guidance.

There will be no after school clubs for the first 4 weeks, however we will

review this in line with NPT guidance as above.

We are able to provide hot meals for pupils. As the LA has been

supporting families with free school meal payments, all pupils will be

asked to pay for their school meals until further notice. This will be

reviewed and updated from the LA.

You may still provide sandwiches for your child if you so wish.

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Uniform School uniform to be worn.

PE/Games Kit/Swimming On days when pupils have PE/Games lessons please pack your PE kit as normal.

Because PE will be taught in classes (not year groups) children can change in


Other equipment

The school will provide pupils with their own pencil cases etc.

Bag - most pupils bring a rucksack to carry the PE/Games kit and their lunches etc.

Make sure you bring kit so you change into your clean clothes

after exercising

Bring trainers/suitable and appropriate footwear for PE and


Try to plan to wash uniform as often as possible

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PPE Welsh Government advice states that children under the age of 11 do not need to

socially distance. Also Welsh government guidance, at the moment, states there is

not a requirement for staff or pupils to wear PPE within the school setting. However,

a member of staff may be seen wearing PPE especially when working with younger

pupils or pupils with additional learning needs. Some staff may also require to wear

one. If your child or a member of staff does need to wear a mask due to a medical

need they must adhere to following-

In terms of face masks, the following

guidelines should be observed:

wash your hands thoroughly with soap

and water for 20 seconds or use hand

sanitiser before putting a face

covering on

avoid wearing on your neck or


avoid touching the part of the face

covering in contact with your mouth

and nose, as it could be

contaminated with the virus

change the face covering if it becomes damp or if you’ve touched it

avoid taking it off and putting it back on a lot in quick succession (for example,

when leaving and entering shops on a high street)

When removing a face covering:

wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for 20 seconds or use hand

sanitiser before removing

only handle the straps, ties or clips

do not give it to someone else to use

if single-use, dispose of it carefully in a residual waste bin and do not recycle

if reusable, wash it in line with manufacturer’s instructions at the highest temperature

appropriate for the fabric

wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for 20 seconds or use hand

sanitiser once removed

Please do not share equipment

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A supply of PPE is available in locations around the school to be used should a pupil

or a member of staff display symptoms during the school day.

Contact groups/movement around school

Pupils have been arranged into contact/bubble groups (their classes) and

they will stay within this class at all times during the school day, including

lunchtimes. Classes will have their breaktimes in separate areas.

As pupils who returned before the summer are aware and as shown on our

short video there is now a one-way system in existence in school. In addition,

the access between the different areas of school will also be managed in a

similar way in order to ensure that contact groups remain separate during the


The start and end of the day will be ‘staggered’ with pupils from different

parts of the school leaving at different times in order to reduce congestion.

There is a one way system when you enter the school site

Please see Points of Entry and Exit to Classes as already mentioned on page


If a face-mask is worn, please follow the guidelines carefully to ensure that yourself and others are safe

Pupils and staff must adhere to the one-way systems

in place; the route may be longer but it will be safer!

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COVID -19 is an easy virus to kill when it is on the skin. This can be done with

soap and running water or if not available by using hand sanitiser.

It is important that all members of the school community follow these simple

guidelines in order to ensure that all are as safe as possible:

Do: Wash your hands on entry to the school, at the start of each lesson and break. All

toilets have access to appropriate handwashing and drying facilities. Hand sanitiser

dispensers have been located throughout the school for adult use and all

classrooms have hand washing facilities where possible. Teachers will build time into

their lessons to ensure that this process is completed thoroughly.

Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you

cough or sneeze

Put used tissues in the bin immediately ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’

Try to avoid close contact with people who are unwell


Touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean

Share equipment, food, drink with others

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Pupils will be able to eat their lunch

in their classroom (or outside if the

weather is favourable) in their class

area or in the canteen and be kept

in their bubbles on separate tables.

Pupils who are eligible for free

school meals will be provided with a

hot meal in the canteen during a

staggered lunch time. They will sit on

a table allocated to their class.

There will be no breakfast club,

however the school is working with

the local authority so it should re-

open after the first 4 weeks of

school. Our intention is to reopen

breakfast club no later than 28th

September. This is subject to review.

Please send in a water bottle clearly labelled for your child to use daily. These must

not be left in school as they need to be cleaned ready for the next day.

Children having sandwiches must take their rubbish or

uneaten/waste food home.

Please ensure that food and drink is packed in appropriate

containers that can be easily cleaned Food and drink is not to be shared

Please follow the advice above closely – it is there to safeguard you and others

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Extra-curricular activities after school

Unfortunately there will

be no extra-curricular after

school activities, however we

hope to be able to re-start

some after school activities

on a class, by class basis as

soon as possible.

Children who are unwell Under no circumstances should

learners or staff attend

schools/setting if they:

feel unwell, have any of the four

identified COVID-19 symptoms (a

new continuous cough, a high

temperature or loss of taste or

smell) or they have tested positive

to COVID-19 in the past 7 days

live in a household with someone

who has symptoms of COVID-19 or

has tested positive to COVID-19 in

the past 14 days.

In the case of a pupil displaying

Covid-19 symptoms, the following

procedure will be followed:

If a pupil displays one or more of the Covid-19 symptoms (see above) during the

day, they will be taken to an allocated room and looked after there by members of

staff who are on duty.

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The school clerk will contact home and ask for someone to collect the pupil

immediately. The receptionist will inform you of the entrance you should use –

please note that this could be different to the usual entrance as it will be the nearest

point to where the pupil presented him/herself as feeling unwell.

Anyone displaying symptoms of COVID-19 should stay at home and begin to self-

isolate for 14 days while making arrangements to be tested. If the test result is

negative the individual with symptoms will not be required to complete the full 14

days self-isolation period. Anyone who lives with someone displaying COVID-19

symptoms, or is in an extended household arrangement with someone displaying

symptoms must stay at home for 14 days from the day the first person became ill or

until the outcome of the COVID-19 test is known. (All of this is subject to review and

advice taken from WG Guidance)

Response to confirmed cases of Covid-19

If a child or staff member tests negative, and is well, they can return to their

educational or childcare setting when recovered from their acute illness eg a

common cold, stomach upset (after 48 hours of first episode) - unless advised


If a child or staff member tests positive, any other member of their class/bubble’ (or

equivalent ‘contact group’) within their childcare or education setting who are

defined as contacts, should be sent home and advised to self-isolate for 14 days

from the last point of contact with the case.

Any contacts who become symptomatic will be advised to arrange a test for

COVID-19 or, if they do not get tested, should remain excluded for 14 days from the

last point of contact with the confirmed case.

The household members of the wider class or group (i.e. household contacts of

contacts) do not need to self-isolate unless the child or staff member they live with

from that group subsequently develops symptoms.

A contact is defined as someone who has had close contact during this period,


Pupils must NOT attend school if they are displaying any of the Covid-19 symptoms

If a pupil begins to feel unwell during the day, they should let a member of staff

know immediately

Parents/carers must be available to collect pupils from the school in the event of a

pupil displaying any of the Covid-19 symptoms and make the necessary

arrangements at home as detailed above

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within one metre of the person who has tested positive and has been coughed

on, had a face-to-face conversation, had skin-to-skin physical contact, or been in

other forms of contact within one metre for one minute or longer

within two metres of the person testing positive for more than 15 minutes

having travelled in a vehicle with the person who has tested positive.

School Cleaning Systems

All areas of the school will be cleaned

regularly and, for those high-use areas,

cleaning will be undertaken throughout

the day. All rooms will have a supply of

anti-bacterial cleaner which can be

used by staff in addition to the regular

cleaning of rooms.

The frequency of cleaning has been

increased throughout the school and

this will be undertaken, using standard

cleaning products recommended by

the LA Cleaning services. Attention to all

surfaces will be given but especially

ones that are touched frequently, such

as door handles, light switches, work

surfaces, remote controls and electronic


The cleaning schedule will ensure that,

as a minimum, frequently touched

surfaces will be wiped down twice a day, and one of these should be at the

beginning or the end of the working day.

A system of waste disposal/management will be implemented. Waste that does not

need to be segregated unless an individual in the setting shows symptoms of or tests

positive for COVID-19.

Routine waste will be disposed of as normal, placing any used cloths or wipes in

‘black bag’ waste bins.

Public areas where a symptomatic person has passed through and spent minimal

time but which are not visibly contaminated with body fluids, such as corridors, will

be cleaned thoroughly as normal.

All surfaces that the symptomatic person has come into contact with will be

cleaned and disinfected, including all potentially contaminated and frequently

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touched areas such as bathrooms, door handles, telephones, grab rails in corridors

and stairwells.

Working together together

We have worked hard to try to

ensure that pupils return to school in

an environment which is as close to

normal as possible. Of course,

compared to how the school was

running before March, there have to

be a number of changes in order to

ensure that all members of the school

community are safe and are able to

access learning. To be able to do

this we need to work together and

ensure that all of the new rules that

have had to be put in place are

adhered to. This is going to be a

challenge for us all as, in order to ensure the school operates safely, some of the

new rules might appear to be challenging but they are there for a good reason.

Parent/carer access during the day

Pupils, parents and carers are asked to work with us in

ensuring that pupils understand and respect the rules

which we have in place

Please follow the guidelines regarding waste disposal closely

whilst on site.

It would help if pupils were able to take their litter (eg packed

lunch wrappers) home with them.

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Unfortunately, during this period,

we are unable to allow unplanned

visits to the school at any time. This

is not to say that you will not be

able to speak to us as we will work

hard to address any concerns you

may have as soon as possible. The

best way to get in contact with

any member of staff is by

telephone or via the Seesaw app

(Foundation Phase)

In some special circumstances, we

may feel that it is important that

you come into school and, if this is

the case, arrangements will be

made for the meeting to take

place in a suitable room where all

social distancing measures can be


Our reception outdoor door has controlled access to limit numbers in the foyer area.

Please remember : Only 1 adult at one time.

If you have to drop something off for a pupil during the day (eg sports kit) please be

patient to gain access to the foyer from outside. Please make sure that your child

has everything they need for that day, therefore avoiding unnecessary trips to


Finally, even though these restrictions may make it seem that it will be difficult to get

in touch with us but please remember, we are here to help and, whilst the way we

respond to you may be different, we will do our best to help you.

The end of the day

Teachers or support staff or both will take children to their allocated exit at the end

of the day and this will be done in a ‘staggered’ way in order to reduce congestion.

The school has a no vehicle movement policy at the start and the end of the day

and parents are respectfully reminded that they are unable to use the church

carpark to drop off or pick up or wait for their child.

Thank you for taking time to read this booklet. I hope it has helped to provide

you with some advice as we all return to school. As things develop we will

Parents/carers - please follow the advice regarding

accessing the school during the day and try to avoid

attending school if at all possible

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constantly be reviewing the guidance and providing you with information as

regularly as we can. I look forward to seeing you over the next few days and

weeks. Take care, keep safe.

Diolch Yn Fawr.

Mrs K Phillips Seconded Headteacher Alderman Davies CiW Primary School

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