alcat food sensitivity and intolerance test

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  • 7/30/2019 Alcat Food Sensitivity and Intolerance Test


    Anxiety and Your PatientA holistic, integrative approach for the general


    Copyright 9/11/2012

  • 7/30/2019 Alcat Food Sensitivity and Intolerance Test



    Journal Clinical Psychiatry- mostcommon psych disorder

    15.7 million in the US

    30% seek treatment

    Present to general practitioners more

    than psychiatrist

    Copyright 9/11/2012

  • 7/30/2019 Alcat Food Sensitivity and Intolerance Test


    What is Anxiety

    Persistent fear response withoutidentifiable specific trigger or

    Prolonged response

    Starts fight or flight response

    Anxiety increases risk of inflammatory


    More prone to mistakes, less


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  • 7/30/2019 Alcat Food Sensitivity and Intolerance Test



    Studies show may be geneticsusceptibility with variants of retinoid-

    related orphan receptor alpha (RORA)

    gene to PTSD Gene primary function to protect brain

    from stress

    Gene Variant of BDNF geneMet66Met- smaller hippocampus on

    imaging and higher response

    amygdala to emotional stimuli withCopyright 9/11/2012

  • 7/30/2019 Alcat Food Sensitivity and Intolerance Test


    Mediators- B.I.G

    Brain (neuroendocrine)

    Immune System- surveillance,


    Vagus nerve 2 way communication

    system between brain and gut

    All interact to form super information


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    Brain-Theories and

    Substances Trigger

    Arrives amygdala

    To Locus Cereleus

    Activation of sympathetic system

    Prefrontal lobe


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    Brain Connection- Pathway








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    Theories and Substance

    Amygdala stores fear memories

    Used Pavlovian conditioned and

    unconditioned stimulus

    Substances affect amygdala canescalate or ameliorate anxiety

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  • 7/30/2019 Alcat Food Sensitivity and Intolerance Test


    Brain Connection

    Locus Cereleus primary NE center inbrain

    LC can be affected by other NT

    LC connects to all parts of brainincluding hypothalamus

    NE play role in HTN, behavioral

    changes and modulates HPA axis

    Increased cytokines increase NE in

    hypothalamus via LC neurons

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    Brain Connection

    Several factors seem to play a rolehere

    NT such as GABA, Serotonin and

    Norepinephrine and glutamate havebeen assigned significant roles

    The HPA with CRF axis gets activated

    as well Cytokines can form de novo in the

    brain and trigger responses

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    Brain Connection

    The major neurotransmittersimplicated in the anxiety response





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  • 7/30/2019 Alcat Food Sensitivity and Intolerance Test


    Brain Connection

    Serotonin is known as inhibitory NT

    Derived from trytophan

    Majority found in gut (90%)

    Rest brain and platelets

    Foods that irritate gut can caused

    excess release of serotonin leading to

    diarrhea (goal is to expel substancecausing issue)

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    13/53Copyright 9/11/2012

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    Brain Connection

    Serotonin depletion in prefrontalcortex leads to anxiety symptoms

    Serotonin has 7 subtype receptors

    5HT1a- related to anxiety

    5HT3 in the chemoreceptor center

    brain can be stimulated by excess

    serotonin and cause nausea andvomiting

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  • 7/30/2019 Alcat Food Sensitivity and Intolerance Test


    Brain Connection

    GABA major inhibitory in the brain

    Also found in Gut

    Regulation of GABA system in

    amygdala important part of anxietypathology

    Pathway conversion excitatory

    Glutamate to GABA via enzymeglutamate decarboxylase

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  • 7/30/2019 Alcat Food Sensitivity and Intolerance Test


    Brain Connection- GABA

    3 types GABA receptors- A, B. C

    Deficiency in GABA receptors (A)- led

    to hyper activation of HPA axis

    GABA-A (fast)

    binding increase clconductance so hyperpolarize post

    synaptic neurons to decrease

    excitation GABA-B- inhibit Ca channels to

    reduce NT release, and K channels to

    decrease excitability Copyright 9/11/2012

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    Excitatory NT (most abundant)

    Several studies indicate that

    modulating glutamate receptors can

    improve anxiety Mechanism not fully elucidated

    Glial cells responsible removal of

    glutamate Dysfunction or reduction leads to

    glutamate toxicity

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    Thought to be mediated throughNDMA receptor

    Needs glutamate, glycine and voltage

    for activation and opening channels Open- Calcium influx

    Excess calcium- neuronal injury

    Fine line because activation NDMAneeded for memory and learning

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    Increases symptoms of anxiety

    When administered symptoms of

    anxiety- HR, diaphoresis, etc.

    Controversy if NE from LC causative

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    Brain Connection-

    Other substances CCK 4- provokes anxiety

    BDNF- responsible for health, growth

    and plasticity of nerves (adaptability)

    BNDF protects neurons fromglutamate toxicity

    Oxytocin- role in social phobias

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  • 7/30/2019 Alcat Food Sensitivity and Intolerance Test


    Brain Connection- BDNF

    Human study showed depressedindividuals with lower BDNF

    Those with lowest BDNF levels did not

    respond as well to anti-depressanttreatment

    Several studies show BDNF facilitates

    function of anti-depressant esp. SSRI

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  • 7/30/2019 Alcat Food Sensitivity and Intolerance Test


    Immune Connection

    The immune system is thought to betrigger

    Chronic GI inflammation increases

    inflammatory cytokines and anxietybehavior

    Immune system and neuroendocrine

    share many receptor sites and ligands

    Cytokines (produced by immune system

    and also by brain) can regulate stress

    response in brain as well as endocrine

    system and behavior Copyright 9/11/2012

  • 7/30/2019 Alcat Food Sensitivity and Intolerance Test


    Immune connection

    Immune system when triggeredproduce cytokines

    Ex. IL-6, IL-1, IL-2, IFN-gamma, TNF,

    Peripheral cytokines can cross BBB

    Stimulate HPA axis as well as cause

    brain (glial Cells) to produce de novo

    cytokines Excess IL-6 act on neurons increase

    anxiety and cognitive deficits

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  • 7/30/2019 Alcat Food Sensitivity and Intolerance Test


    Immune Connection

    Cytokine can activate HPA axis

    Increase CRH

    CRH sensitize cells and facilitate

    effect of cytokines like TNF

    TNF alpha injected in amygdala

    facilitated ETOH withdrawal anxiety

    Inhibitor of CRH receptor decreasedmagnitude of anxiety response

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    Immune Connection

    Interferon gamma stimulates enzymeindoleamine2,3 dioxygenase (IDO).

    This degrades Tryptophan

    (responsible for serotonin formation)to other inflammatory substances such

    as Kynurenine

    17 B-estradiol could increases INFgamma thereby potentially increasing


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    Immune Connection

    Aging increases Cytokines such asINF gamma, TNF alpha

    Dysregulates HPA feedback

    mechanism thereby increasing cortisollevels

    Cortisol affects metabolism of

    tryptophan towards inflammatoryalong with direct effect hippocampus

    Theorized one of reasons elderly more

    prone to depression/anxietyCopyright 9/11/2012

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    Immune Connection

    Studies show that TCA like imipramineand SSRI have anti-inflammatory


    Decreases levels of IL-2, IL-1, TNF, IL-6, INF gamma

    These substances have immediate

    effect on NE and Serotonin but takeslonger for clinical benefits (about time

    that it takes to have effect on

    cytokines Copyright 9/11/2012

  • 7/30/2019 Alcat Food Sensitivity and Intolerance Test


    Gut Connection

    Gut has over 100 million neurons

    90% visceral neurons have connection

    with brain

    95% all serotonin found in gut

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  • 7/30/2019 Alcat Food Sensitivity and Intolerance Test


    Gut Connection

    Studies showed that changingbacterial flora in mice changed


    Colonized germ free mice with gutflora from active or passive mice

    would change behavior accordingly

    Mice treated with antibiotics- anxietyreduction.

    Stopped antibiotics flora and anxiety

    returned to baseline Copyright 9/11/2012

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    Gut Connection

    Changes seem to be associated withchange in BDNF (linked to anxiety anddepression)

    Stressor exposure changed bacterialflora in gut (decrease genusBacteroides and increase Clostridium)

    Stressor also increased inflammatory

    cytokines (IL-6, MCP-1) furtheraffected other bacterial flora

    IL-6 inflammatory cytokine

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  • 7/30/2019 Alcat Food Sensitivity and Intolerance Test


    Gut Connection

    Evidence that LactobacillusRhamnosus augments GABA function

    in brain via vagus nerve from gut

    (results lost with vagotomy)Also lowered corticosterone levels

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    Gut Connection

    Infectious colitis induces anxietyBifidobacterium longum NCC3001

    improved anxiety (results lost with vagotomy)

    Bifidobacterium longum normalizedbehavior and BDNF mRNA but did not

    affect cytokine or kynurenine levels

    Enbrel- decreased cytokines andimproved anxiety but did not affect


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    Gut Connection

    Since inflammation can directly affectflora of gut and flora can affect


    Could anything such as foodsensitivities cause inflammation in gut

    and thereby exacerbate anxiety

    symptoms Personal food sensitivity such as

    ALCAT may be an important adjunct

    as testing looks at immune responseCopyright 9/11/2012

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    Gut Connection

    Study showed stress contributed todevelopment of food allergies by

    increasing gut permeability therefore

    increased uptake of food antigen Bacteria like H. Pylori has been shown

    to do the same in gastric mucosa, also

    increasing food sensitivityActivation of immune system and


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  • 7/30/2019 Alcat Food Sensitivity and Intolerance Test


    Gut Connection

    Food sensitivities trigger gutpermeability

    Part treatment remove triggers

    Heal gut

    Bifidobacterium Animalis Lactis LKM

    512 found to help to keep tight

    junction gut and decrease permeability Decreased inflammation in elderly

    Seems to suppress inflammatory

    bacteria Copyright 9/11/2012

  • 7/30/2019 Alcat Food Sensitivity and Intolerance Test


    What to do?

    When and if possible identify trigger Gut symptoms- know can be variety of

    things from food sensitivity, to

    infectious or inflammatory trigger suchas IBD to emotional stress (rememberchanges flora)

    ALCAT may be helpful

    Remove and or treat trigger Consider probiotics with

    neuromodulatory effect

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  • 7/30/2019 Alcat Food Sensitivity and Intolerance Test


    What to do

    Consider other substances todecrease inflammatory cytokines while

    treatment is on going (curcumin, fish

    oil, and resveratrol, andrographis)-?medical food

    Tea Tree Oil (inhalation)- decreases

    TNF alpha, IL 1 If over weight start weight loss

    Remember Adipocytes can generate

    cytokines as well Copyright 9/11/2012

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    What to do

    German Chamomille- inhibited releaselipopolysaccharide which induce

    macrophage prostaglandin E2 (LOX-2

    inhibitor Maybe possess some anti-microbial

    properties (gut dysbiosis)

    Contains Apigenin flavonoid- studyshow mild sedative via inhibition


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    What to do

    I have found neurotransmitter testinghelpful

    Even though no info on receptors, etc.

    I find it helps me to chosesupplements or meds

    Check for easy nutrient deficienciesB12, folate, red blood cell magnesium

    (easier than loading test) Check cortisol/ACTH levels - helps in

    choosing tx

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  • 7/30/2019 Alcat Food Sensitivity and Intolerance Test


    What to do- herbal

    Valerian- blocks glutamate receptor Jujube (Ziziphysis Spinosa)- inhibits

    glutamate receptor to decrease


    Kava- shown to improve anxiety

    Concern with liver issues due to

    quality of Kava, parts used andinappropriate dosage

    Passion Flower extract thought to

    have GABA agonist propertiesCopyright 9/11/2012

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    What to do

    Tryptophan- just remember thatinflammation can turn a good AA bad

    Studies do not support St. Johns Wort

    for anxiety Magnesium- modulates NDMA-R slow

    influx calcium- protecting neurons

    Vitamin B12 studies show protectsneurons NDMA-R glutamate toxicity

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  • 7/30/2019 Alcat Food Sensitivity and Intolerance Test


    What to do

    L-Theanine- studies suggests worksthru GABA- A receptors

    Other studies show affect on serotonin

    and dopamine NT Personally noted that if dopamine on

    NT test high, theanine may haveslightly anxiogenic affect

    Good news- neuroprotective bydecreasing formation glutamine toglutamate

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    What to do- HPA Axis

    Lavender Essential oil stimulates PNSto decrease excitability

    Lemon Balm- inhibitor of GABA

    transaminase (enzyme clears GABA)Address HPA axis

    Stress management

    Cognitive therapy (enhanced with D-cycloserine for specific phobias)

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    What to do-HPA

    Magnolia officianlis (honokiol andmagnolol)- decrease corticosterone,

    increase 5HT in hippocampus,

    antimicrobial, decrease TNF alpha

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  • 7/30/2019 Alcat Food Sensitivity and Intolerance Test


    What to do

    If menopausal consider there may bea hormonal component

    Changes in hormones such as

    estrogen, progesterone andtestosterone can contribute to anxiety


    I could correct other issues first tooptimize results

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    What to do- Hormones

    Several studies suggest estradiol canbe anxiolytic

    Estrogen increases the mRNA for

    trytophan hydroxylase enzyme (ratelimiting step in production of serotonin

    Effects in dorsal raphe and seems to

    occur binding ER beta

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    What to do- hormones

    Can increase proinflammatorycytokines

    Avoid with autoimmunity

    ? One study suggest this effect maybe at least in part influenced by

    presence of hydroxylated estrogens

    (2,4,16) and cortisol Personal approach r/o autoimmunity,

    correct inflammation if present before

    this step Copyright 9/11/2012

  • 7/30/2019 Alcat Food Sensitivity and Intolerance Test


    What to do- Hormones

    Progesterone- anxiolytic or anxiogenic Several studies suggest that effect on

    GABA receptors

    Conversion to allopregnanelone

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    What to do- Pharmacological

    SSRI, 5HT1a-R agonist- decreaseinflammation, increase serotonin (E.g.

    Lexapro, Buspar)

    Also seem to modulate NDMA-R Benzodiazepene- GABA

    B-Blocker (Inderal)- performance

    anxiety (stage fright, exams, etc.) Block sympathetic symptoms, also

    acutely decrease endorphin levels

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  • 7/30/2019 Alcat Food Sensitivity and Intolerance Test


    Some Concerns

    Prolonged use SSRI can lead toosteoporosis

    Shown eventual decrease in serotonin

    levels below baseline with chronic use Benzodiazepenes addictive potential

    Long term effect of beta blocker-

    depression, memory loss etc.

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  • 7/30/2019 Alcat Food Sensitivity and Intolerance Test


    What to Avoid

    Spirulina- increases, TNF alpha Echinaccea- can potentially increase

    IL-6, TNF alpha

    ?? Honey- works by increasing TNFalpha, IL 6, IL 1

    Remember cytokines can stimulateHPA axis as well as activate amygdala

    and LC =NE anxiety Caffeine blocks its receptors

    adenosine that slows HR and calms-

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