alaska’s head , huge merger

THI VOL. 7.^ NO. 277. ifE iif illNFMi iFPuniiis ' Upper House of Idaho Lcgis lature Kills Three Bills In crcasing Salaries of Adminls tration Otticials. ■j- ----- BOiaH. F«b. 2i ' ........ "etglitoonlh lejUUtnrc TuestUy 7 w«nt on recertf an oppo«»d to u r f Incnue ta. lAlarlse of tu u oYfl* dits. Thr«« raouures uklng mon mantr wera «fut«d by tio opper hoiua Thr first nf (lirnc nuliril nn liipfoai o f ffcini $;Ui()(l to « H 0() nliHimlly fii nu'iiilcra.Ilf (In' ]nilili« Qtilti<-x rommli ' lion. Anntlii'r bill whii-li ri'ci'ivi-il tli Irtflnialivo iix« nxkinl «3fH)0 fur ron inl»«lnn<*rii of »tntc (Irimrtmciil*, an tlic lliiril iir<i]icinril to lncn-ni«- lim con ilnip nuililor, iiilnn liiKiicrlor nn<l iuim- _______ Ilf |iul)llc iinCriK-tlon i<i H(iu T»to oilirr riipnmiri-* nl"i7 niPl ili'fcn fll tho hniiJn of llio uppiT h(iu«i>. On ^ of thi'v, u urniitc juliit ri'iiilutlon, |irc poiicit to niiirnd tlic punnlllnlliin t _____ innlig-tliu-iuoiir nf <liilipii of till, slnti* huanJ of t-qu;illrf 1 lion fiinfonn In Ihi- Imv-. AiiciHkt ari iuiiun;iii~yoria4. n-iutiirK lo nio n-*! ilviiri^ r('<|iilri'<l lit ]>lninliff nn a jir> rri|ulillit to iiimltiilinK nn m-tlnn f.i iiivurrc nlnu trim iliiiipiirovi-it, n* w »pBntc hill Kft, 100. niitliorlrlnf; cri'ii tinn Iiy i-oiint.v romnil»«ioiu-rii uf ennnt; of ttnilt. Till* «vrn»uto xa* tU milijci't of n l»-iitril ili-lint<-, ujiponi'nt obji-rlini; iirliirlpnily lo tli« jiruvlalii. whirli iH-rinillc'iI I,onnl* of county cmt winloni‘r« lo k'vy ont-linlf mill on tli ilullnr Ilf nniii'Mi'il vnliiatlon for m! viinrlnR tlic nj;firullurnl ti’ninircfir of county. _ _________ Zndsflnltaly. Postponad... Aroll.'r a«t klllpil by tho lennl ^ T»n«(1iy WfritVut'liy why of the Ihilcf; ^ ; Dlto poft)>oJ3cm<>iit r u u tr. Thi* wat ict ntp 1)111 No. Jil, by llnmion, iiud ]irt vidcd Hint rountlt-i, ritlv* vllt»t{i'i hljlhirny nnd i;ood rond dlilrlclii cuuli -borroir-money in anflelpntlon of 111 collection of tnzpi. Tlic lurnxurc, bow ever carrlcJ n'ridrr whlrb Uinilcd lli ’ - aniount Wrrowed-W 7S.]i('ut uf.tii itnrxpend<-d tnxra. Thn uct nlio luilboi ixrd n 10 mill lew to mr«-t anv drti : ----- tlranonlTnirii-Tjo'liiud liecuuso of in lufflelciit fnndfc Four jtrniTal npproprlntlnn 1il11« wvt p.ii*pil by till- home of r.'liri-iienlalivi' Tui-iclny wilb. prnctlrnily nn vnle flKainnl'tbom. fitcpbnn of Twfn I’nll ■toutiiy, cliiilnnQti nf tUe ti|nirojirlation iliowc<l bow il tied in with tbo budge luhmiltcd by Ihp governor, , Tho nppraprialion* approved wcro a followi: ' Btati' niidltor. 1^0,410: itnte Irem "4 l i r r r , ' p u T i l i n “uflHlii-ii coninTIii lion, »00,r.05: 1'. U. C. (rnllrim.l vnlun Hon.), »12.000: V. U. C. (pro»ocutin| conrt rmtoi), •l.‘>,000; itnti- itiitiranc 'TiffiiiLiS IN^EXPLOSI =^Premature;Blast at-Rock-Quar •' _ ■ ry Death and Inlury \ Score Escape. - LANOTRY, Toxni, Te\>. 24 Elffbt men wcro kiirr,l and four wrn icriaunly injured |n a prcinnluro «x • pl>-|ffi <W n HniillioiT' P n flflf Tailwu’ ■- rumpany ntutTry^hem-thla-aftornoon Two of the injured’ nro not cz|i'cctci 10 live. Thi! dead aro J. W. Ilanihaw. Jivl a tloD engineer of tbo Kl PaiD dtvliloi ........... of-IhK- Hotith»nr-Pnelfle ilnff.- - - - - .T . A. Dorrla, Lonetry, 'i • ' i*addy, Kl'i*wrdHUcr. Lilil Florei, flilverlo RanRCl, Alfon«i » ZnPBtn. Klinrlilo Valdet _a«d Calarli —— ^]',>^iiiii|-ii«xlcnn-lnboWr»^f-b«ngtfy A ifor« of mtn V nnnrty eicnped Injury, but could no r — • tell how th® okptoiion occurred.—I ]i preiumed that ono of tbo choTgo .. — (.r..<lyn»mUo-wi|a-linperfo«t,--------- tt?ntiOtt from U tl Rio, CIS mHn ^ . herej_ to render “fttd. ' ^ ____: . aAK^ii3^Nl6.7A'>Viii^^>p-84-(<C .-^sEgETBmwero kmod-Md^ght-la J iued In 'a prfAature oxpIoiloQ of.'i eavy eborn of dysaralta to'S'reel J '.fluawjr-ln’-tlio-outjltlilfiot-tto vlUagj of idSrtryi'llO-iBilea «eil ot hct«. ^ T h a bnt1lc« nt fnnif. thn vlntlm -' were' blown to blta. .OUiats. .wer hurleJ mote than .SOQ.yBTd*. while iba - -~war« bnrN boncith brafy naiiei o rock and earth aa tbo ald.e of ths Ml ...... - TBE E-^ra; UKMIlRn - Al’DIT nimRAt} - I OF ClltCUl,AT10NH Alaska’s Head , J- “ili',; • |« e o is q s ,a .;b m 2 ks-I -Olil- ami OEOBOB ALBXAIIBEB ?ABKS, ij win- engineer In the department of ihi ‘IxT' been nonod by prealdent OooUdsi ^*1^0 __to become g o v ^ e r o f ^ k i k a . llfflE i-fiS4IFPIISS i’f“- . . fnr ----------------------------- -------------------------- m" Measure Killed in Lower House "«u. by One Vola Would Prevent i-nti ^ ■|™ Japanese Leases. ‘ I'C :, y' b • I'OISK, Frl). 21 o n - n y ibc narrow tnnri;in of nnc voli- tbo loini’ <if rop • - rrwntiitivnii Tunnlny fiillod to pant - Iho nnli-nllon Innd bill .wblrh woulil nnlft rmlrlrt rrnl properly Irniu-i to Jnp jjfj. nnmn to Drepmbrr 31, lOiS.' Tbo voU ,pu. wau-Stl tor and ^nipiiuil. (Juitnftoi jiro- of Donliovllli' ’ wai oxcuird Iiy tbi ,„i.g bome from volini; on tbo bill, uulil Whrn hU rri[ wa| firit mndi the '''■jertion wns riilied- nml hn )>n«>o<l low- Tbo rU-rk npiin eallod bl* nnmo anil t],g be roiirwi-d hin rcqiioat nnd ni{ii!n ob -tlia li„f. fliiBinfion iinlil bo w-is ‘‘lilcn l" iini IpIiI lbi>- iipoftkrr rolicvod thn iltusHon 1)> -;ij7 irTTtTtr'hn“ tbnilBlir‘l?i-“ liuii-i- uli.mli i:rant >lr. CIn.tafKon’s ffi|ur»l. Tb. ul’Jortion wnn wilhilrnun nail tin- roll iv,., mil iibnwod Omtafnuii ‘'oxcimod,'' nloi Would Do J to . , ' Tn tlio .l(-!-atj on ibo allaii^lnnil Wll Hnir..f OnoiiH wnrnr.l lu-t |ia«aK'’ 'tfo bill would bo a.|ilin(; ono morr ofiil to thr fire nlrrmh J „ im.nildorlnjj ln-t^roon Ihr Unltod Htnlei I . nnd Japan. " I would like to volt for tko bill,” ho laid, -flnd I woul,: riTIir mil fnr tno ^iiet that jyj,, .1 knnw I nni Jrojianlixint; tho life ol ii-„ iny tioy whon I <Jo ll.” AntloTiHHi Ilf nonRhnm laSd 5.0 wni opiKiH' Hhuttini; tbom uut. ” Wi laid. “ Thoy nro tbrlfiy people mu wo ean-Jl got ony ollior tn <ln thn work thry will do. Xo ono Will do thi Icilloun work iu tho bi-ot fiulili tbal Ibo Jiipancxu will <lu.” Ill ISO Miners Escape Itt Death bj) Inches; TmcH^^r'Dles g.- .Gas Pockot.£xplodos-and Fat( -T h at Overtook SuUivan-Men ry* - -Narrowly Avoided. ^V^IRATI,A^'1). lu.l,, TVb. 24,(/« —One hunilrod nnd fifty nilnrra employod In tbo flUndard-CoaUom- pauy niino hero, wnrrowiy otrniXHl- P^- tho fate tliat overlook thtt vlrliniK rrro of.thivfiumvnn mine dliftnler when «*• a ilmllar blaat ahonk thn lorul mluo BJiji —t4>dtty.— B «t-O rnni«," Tr~TTi Jtt-ii.y^iK— nni etcil Hilliam Pcrjpiion badly burned. Tbe bbat, which Is bollovM to I'"- bavc beon cauied when n nilner'a "ion open-«anie_lnmn toiichcd off .a trai ' ■-pocVel, oeciirrei-afa'point ia th#' ofo- nilno wlioro Cron nnd JW «on Inyinp tniokr-Tti.-^iii.'nfn,;. • dlitaneebctween them and the a]>ot « ’n ‘' ’® ‘’*1'’°**®'' ofttw tc J; the ^ —mtnrtn iafoty.-T*clKul!5n7anhni^jr .the - -bodjy burned, waa able to make bll : way from tho icenci of tho explo- “ “ “ Jio^'and wMTtiililoaiiy-tlie bllicr :::r"B«CTOMCMDtnc&-~ TOKIO, >’eb. 25 C4WTh« privy coun. «>» oH loday rnUried Iho aRTeeinont reccnt • ‘ ly arrived, at. between.- the. Janaoaai Md iOTlel-ainbauBdon jt-Peklng.M '■(M . of -raUflfaUoM will tako-i)la« nt ?ek. f, n log lotoorww'.^;:.,': .; . .. ■oek ---------------------------------------- lag*. OIOTU^-WttinWK MTTBE.~ 7AHIB, Feb. S i 0P^.n\tknoDne«meii1 lima ff « 1m|frti«fpnfnt-l‘'-<hf>-eaa (ere dltlon ot QIojift Bwauon .«ti nade«l oao a lat* hour tonight it tbe cUnle where I of ahei'li being-tm todi-H er teraportttOM hilt bad isluB-tod iru only I ihade Above / IE ONLY ASSOciATED .TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, JiWIIMr -Oil f ie SITE m J Capper-Haugen Co-operative ' Marketing Bill Advanced (or Earlier Consideration on Cal- S endar of Upper Branch. ■ • " R ^ t P m X O T O X T T .n r i .T l / R ^ i m li-j{ii.lnlinn In the form nf tlio (’n].i-*r Ilnunon oii-iijH.rnllvu mnrkollnjr pro ^ tfrniii, lioblnd lii<- t;i-ni-r:il niiinlluiii ]»'n I niiin iiionanrr. wliirh bn« ri|{lil of wnv : iift..r Ih.. p..n.llnK linnklng' b'llUlatioii hns liei'n dii]>nard nf. Arllon i>f llir rr|nililic-nn itri'rini: ^ riininiiliro In rl■^l^I;ll^:lnJ; ll« |>ro({r!iiii -I - w.nn (nkrn nflrr Sennlor H<ir;ih, r.-piib- liruti, Idnbo, hnd inmli- iinntbor drniaml the fnr nn oxlra irialon nf ruiiKroM In cnn. aid, l.’hntarlorlr.ini; Ibe Cnpjior llnii priimptly would Iio a belrii.vnl of irnut by Ihl' rrjiiibliran pnrty. m '' Eipedltlng Pam<o. S P tbo pruKrinn InnlKbt, »;iid tbo fnrm rr- T il|.f bill had not bron pliin.d nt th^ i j ||||I iifllii. Il«l horaiiic tboM. limiariji' qf thin lo({i*bllon ili.airi'd to away ai;- ____ tiun o f t bo huilao m> that Ihr ini.iiiiurc ItJSe |""'dlin.’ .....nto l.lll-nii-n tnrans of •'xprilltlni: finni artlon. larvt Tbo rivorx ond bnrbnra nnthnrir.ation jilil ,1* tblrd nn Ibo IrKUlallvr li»t „ni! proponent* <if thn (lupo ('ml ranal |iur. i'h..»v und tbo (Inodini; Iniii; nnd abort banl nionauroTlJo jilnnnlnc lo miikr nn , offort to nllarh tlioao pro|>U’»'il’< to il rrow on rldi/ra. r,.p- Thr dofirlonry apprtipriation bill paM now iindrr rnn'liU-rnllun In tho bftuto in rould I'biooil-f.nirlh on Iho now-Hit, followed Jnli- '0' I'rniiitnn bill fnr rrori^nlziillon vote "'f tbo-priibll)lllnn rnforrnncnt .Agency, ifsou t'le VVonr)^ (poUatlon dlaiAfr'pruponal, tbu Iho nnval iimnibua bill nnd thu public bnildlnjpi projioiul. Z'lr ^ and Tlip Mnarlo Shnalit ennforonrc rr]<orl, I ob- I'xprotrd Ihi* wrek, waa not ronaldrrcJ iioittt but.SMlHitotl.twlulcd-oul..llint. lind ruira it wniiid buvj privllrjjrd elntnii 1 by wbonov’cr mndo. rniirr ~~_____________________ The ____ ______ MIGHT NOT RUSSI bilf i iilinc tnle'i ' voto ies ?ato V - Hen - ' -------— T0J-IBER.1A « . r O R KX-WlNOrpOUTlCAl. I or - f H t i t OWN CONTI t/f) ' TKc eus;]am cz<^rist •Oil— ----------------- ------------------ . niK ~ ------------------- ' i • ~ "• .............. ~ i ment - HAVm& PpUTlCAU [Tm rumiau scNttr rhero • • itnre .... I ■ II . 'I II , ED PRESS NEWSPABEl 30, -WEDNESDAY-MORN ' PORTLAND FIREMAN . ADMITS STARTING A NUMBER OF BLAZES I Total Damage Done by Incendlw] I Will Amount to Approximately Hal. W Hlllion DoUari Ii Belief. ir J'OHTLAND, IVb, Jl (fl^-ri.nirr(l. llurhli-l, furni'-r inomlirr of Iho i'url U binil flro ilepiirlnirnt, »ho ri>nfi-Mi-.l * fuIlnu'UiK Ilia nrrral ln-<I work thnt be - hnd Ilarioil niuro tlum .'.O fin-». inn»l ol Ihrm ainnll. to.Iny n.ldi-.l In Iho lint ol ntitin bl» inrrniliiiry o|h.mI1oii» flrna whirl J Toniplo llotl l.rarl. llie tl,-r , « mnn Llllbern rhnrrh. St. Clmtloa I^ath i for oiir rhnrrh; ami tbo (in .... Knuilih I.n tlieran flinrrli, >'iri. Mnrahiil (Itrnfol O al- “lid Ibe dialrlrt nllurnoy'a offlrc an V'irr» al Ibo K5i*or Million . Ii'irtnn ' . atndiii In I'ortluinl, llio tlriiii|;i- linll n .Mliwaiiki.i-, Ori',. ami ulln-r bl;iri.] won __; ___ aUu.tulifii»«i-d. nJilliitf-*jOU.UUlUtu-tbi ■Kami «i:i)(l.l)'|i|i dainnh'i.- prrviuiiili' adtnlltr.l Ihr offlrlul* nliiiouiii.od. sB[[TllCTS I BE0HMCK flrowcrs-and-Sugar-eontpan) =fllliclal 8=Uiiable:^tii=B 8iici: ini.i Agreement on Five Points. DKSfKK, Keb, W-At'ffruioni (Irowora’ Mnrketinc nai>iirlntlnn and lb- t^ .ati;uLJ\xalc:ii_auKnc_cum|an.>i-oa_ji rontrnrt for thi. .UKiir rrop of m: hnd nnl boon rrarbod liilr InnlKhl afl .inure ff n Hrtv aj.pnt bv roprpo-ntntlvra nl “ ‘‘’frtbo two gronpi in oxwillvr eonfor ""O^ riifi... Anolbi'r bxrrutlvo »r«Hion wa. arboJuli'.l fnr tonljflit. Kourl.-rn rhnni r.ation p( vosnnKKc nor^tmn I nml nrp purlli'limtlnff lu Ibo inri'llnL' in i ' |i“f- niodiiitorv ritjtnrilv. abort Thi- fivo point! u]>oil whirh,Ihocmw kr nn ^,,,1 1),^ conipiifiy nrr ilrndlockeii nro tlioio mibmlttrd by Ibo brrl (jrow ori’ aaiorliitlon. bill Pint: A inlniniiini pnyinrnt of IO,fl( u»o la a (on for bi'uti. (Tho luiymrnt in 1U2-I lowed wu. ♦n..10 a lon.) tiiUon Socond; That be<-t« bo tu ted at lh< {fncT, dump upon'delivery. 'P^^lf —Third; Kliininatinn of the • flro nni public .trike cKuie. of tbe. contract. Fourlh: Tbnt tbo company ibal colleel iwo cent* n tnn on beoia to bi turnert orgr to Iho beet j;ruwcr.' mar rjHirl. Vclinji n»o»ialion. drrcd Kifib: Thnt tbe srlllnR coit of Ibr *r lU* •ujtBT *hnU-bo Ijnns? ^yiJio-coiBrnny In alnluH itond nf |iro riitoil brtwocn tho cuinpao} iuul-U<<H(^“ '**‘r«' ........ JSSIA HAVE MADE THAT MUCH Pf ^.-.-A-REVOLUTIOP------ ....................Ok UA' k S oo^ ______ ___ ___________ CAL. OPINION* _ ontraryto HIST GCNrRWMCNT noM. oPiNiOMf Lffl o>*Twvt t a --------------- n tr ccpoSMiAiKV lER IN TWIN F’ALLS t \ DAI] INING, FEBRUARY 25, li glifpir ■= ItLCIlNIit S-iySEDHE' »l of l>t of "JS Committee . Members Vote Fiv to One for Reopening Inves tigation Which Termlnatei i',Abruptly Saturday. W,\F)nlN-UTON-, SI W - a T i . drbuti)i(' tbo t)iatlor In Iwo oxcmliv S ar.iioft., _tbo bmiai. nircrnft fouimlili: In.lay vulod fivo lo ono lo n-ojH-n Ib nlrr.r.ift inveitlnnllon wbkh ll ttbf«iitl ti-tniinnt*-d Balunlay. .,>f«‘iiibi-ra anid un nppnrent lark n 1 1 / fun.ia pftuaod iJic trrnirnaliou of tho It U R 5piiry, but Ihnl an nmlil of Ihe coiv l l inlttrit'i Arrnnuli ibowed lufflclen inonrv remnlnlnj: to complele Iho wtir Hint had boon mapped oul for tie fe\ ilii.v. remnlnintf before thp aiijuurnmo’n Colnridont with tho eommlttee'* ai I lioiiao nillllnry affair, cumiiiltor, an lOi nounrrd Ihnl .uliriimmitim of tb mililary nnd tinvnl nffnlri euinmlltoe ri]>..<-to.l to moel in jnlnt tnalun earl; ■mont In Iho nrXt riincrr^rto diarua. Ihe mi 'll __________ P oatpone AcUon._________ ' 10:;.' WnlnwrlKht, tt furmrr aiiiatan 1 afl. "rfrotnrv of wnr, wu. cbalruinn of th ,, nf |aiioel,.|| .].eronaulii-t- iub-comnUltcp- . o ,nfvr- Iho military rnmmllte<> nnd Ifrprr.entn , „aj live Bwiiijf, rcpuMicnn, Caiifornin -ham-irhnlrmnn of n aiinllar naval lub com otiiili'iniUtrr. ilerUU-d ut a trct-nt cntttvrouc in n to jK>at|H)no nny arllon until ahrr mem bon bnd been givea an opportunlly t (•rnw. atudy tbo roport of tho prcarnt aircraf ocked cominltloc. . .. Krow ., Wr. Wiiiiiwri((bt mid today thnt If , IboroiiRh aurvoy of the problem, of tb 40,r:<l nir defen.o w-na found drilmblo lh 1U2-I matter inlglil bo taken up jolntly-b; tbn tn-o )loul^ aub-cominitlce and aub lUho. romm,lttroa_pf_thp_#snnto_nillltary_na nnvnl cummllteei. i nnd Mr. ywUjf alu"polnte<I out toda. tbal Ibo Qucttibn of rrenHnr a unlflo iball nir acrvlco undoubtedly would b to br brought up in tbo next congrcii ai 1 mar- waj ^ ellcn lly ccrlnin lhat tbo Curr; bill doilgned lo brlnj; tbi. about woul Jim b« rolntriKluiied iH. Ihp Bcit-Cuagieii ny In- lleiirSng. on tbU Wll bnve bren liol 'I'uny nt tbo pri-acnt iiyitlon bv iho milltar ------- rciiiliimoe: ^ ^ I PROGRESS WITHOUT. - j THbnMiIire:' ? COVNTY ' - ,192.5.^ ' Huge Merger i w rk jjjB oOHSOIJDATION of four of th nmont furniture manofac 000.000. la bolnif worked-out Is th . Kew York offlcoi of Oh«ltS _B ^Ightr ^KiTnT, of-tt-t||^y » iBMIIICCiaL s -PBS-M .entn- i ■" ,"1"; One Dissenting Vote Agalns' 'S -srerNorreTthicTWouii lly tu .11.(1 strengthen Slate Reoulationi t If n _______ “ ^ ‘ 5® IlOIRB, Feb. 24 M»^Idaho-| nor !j-hy- banking ffldc,- a ,B^yo. 10. wat pauc. 1 aub- by Iho aenato qt Ihe atate ICKliUitut y_nml TuMdnyimornlnirwilli^tjne-one-dliaenl , , Inj? voto, thnt.of Kirkpntrick of.iUnl Wday dokn county, progreolvo floor loade inirioa of tbo uin>«r hou.o. TJrero wai Hltl la bo diieuiilon of Iho act, whHh'p«J»»c « “ to etreiiiftheo tbo atnte banking law uirry (g j^oard agnluit bonk fnllurcs tlmlla 18 ihoic of Iho la.t few yonrt Me igm i. sfurray- of OiMlnrehTcfof llil republl protect depoiUora in Initilutlusi comioj — under auiwrviaiou of tbc ituto dc[url ment uf finance. Thli wna ono of olgbt iiioa.urei whlel received npprovni nt Iho bnuda nf M.nii __ 1 tor» Tuo«d»v mornih|> ___flim uf-ffig., proviiloa roiidentlal iiunlHlriitlDiia' o ", ' w nitiva imillli flMUulmila, lioliien o ci.rllflnuti'i in other alnloa, wbllu aii other by tho .nnnti- judieinry cunmiit . tee, ptuaeriboi Uia form uf mnrglna dlicliiirgea of mortKngoi. I TOETfiimSmE Thk conuiillleo on fi.b nad (^ame waj lUccoMful in Krltlni! uvor ill bill glv Ing th« atiito* t;a»\o wnrdeu aulhorlt; to grant pernilla lo keop elk In capllvll; iu parka or olber' place, fur at Unit ll ■“ ycara prior to paaaaKi'. Exomptioil from control nnd rcgiila t^on by tbo public utllillea cominluloi of all eorporallona, organlred under aeti of eongreaa, and now remilued br fed . rral bonrds la provided In n Juillclar: commllli.« bill which puwod tbo-^ippe bouie. ------- TuVua.lrrJgntlouTllMnaliraB'rbltc iado]>endont taxing diatrlcl. may *p quire tbo intcro.t of ruuiitlei in tui __ .1 .. dellnqnencr^cnlrita. nnder .krma. of..i ioautft:^f>arAt]uu coiutiiUluobill-wlilcI ____ lecdvcd-JippfuviiLTucadiiy.._______ Tho ai-Mlo flnnucn coiruniltee mea aure'ftppro'pnnlVtiK'3IiI)“ Ibr llio. Idali Irrlpition eompnny for nver piiymen made lo tbu eomtnlaiiloncr of rrrlamii tion for iaauaneo of crrtnln wnter 11 eenaea, wtu nnolher net that pnaaed th acnatu. -------- -Thmtnt9-ftffAlnn:nramltl'»“W3!Siir pT0vUU»K tUat flrat half taxe. Hot val prior to tbo flrat Mondny In Dcccmbc Mn bo paid up to tho fourth ifnnday I levy by pnyment of tlie principal plu .......... n ,two ,por. coul.ponnlty, nnd-.lO. rcr.cun Inleroet nlio recolved fuvorubla coi; ^ aOerallon. .Tbo.act nino iitovidri tlui betwten: tbo dntoa named •wiihout an' penally. _______ .T?>a,lQMaft.)iUl iyofioalng a llaoiiia fo denlera, omnufuHurtra nnd dlitrlbutor - of oleomarjpulae w.cnLtoJlicJudlciac conmittM of tke aonnlo Tuctd»>‘ aftei noon after It bad been tho anbject o bitter debato In which Rl(pi4y, Jerom eoQnty, ■ progrMalvo, oppenlM from III DeSato Oli bill nnmb'er 210, whl«h oi iglnatcd in the houae opened wliei Orooka of Ada, movad to K adJ( ( •■-. thw rvtoininend^liOA.' , Orodk-*a'lnulii^'n-^i tW .nhJortw ll.'eall. iirosaAaB'To BBosBpar'" . WARinrNOTnW. Toh. :(«;=Ih .. . hou»ft-Votfitt-loa*M«-i»erMa*-th»-aa] . ap^^oti^e^gwaldcBt*a lttt-or--B«prc««alAliv«-8andert,-nnafa 31IlEfF , FUST IN[1ST' ! FIBM B f Investigation of Boise District to Open Sweeping Inquiry by Secretary o( Interior's Spe- . cial B(jard. WABmKOTOK, m . 24 (JPU-ln- vetUgation of the Bobo pro^n In H r Idaho Vudi s. v lir IntQgurata a W aweeploi InqWry by Becretify of - / Uie Interior Iterbwt V?ork*i ipe- clal board to'r«appraiae lu vettam reclanaUoD proJecU u a. haala for raadjttitmei* of their conttmct^n U(W. costa. To faciutau tba taak. board will be dlvlAed Uto two com* mittoea, headed hy fonoer dover* of the nor Thomu B. Oa»pbell of Ari* .nofac- lona and I>r. Jeto A. Wldtaoo of In th* otuly In dlff*raat iUtoa. T h r com* ■uita.!-V —dav-fflllew.1__ ________ - . fnmplioll enmmitiee: Tlin Orande l«rnjrrl, .\ow Moxirn.Texa., Mnreli !::• 17; I'arUbnd, New Mexico, Mnrch 18* (Irnnv Vnllry, Colo,, Mareb 2<-rtl; I _____ lfa.||»-K.H,t«-h^r-Wr-i>:t-ATTril-e» M ltr-B■ ____ itknnnKaii, W', May la-::::: Klnmntti, I* • ■ Ori'Knn nnd rnilforiim. May 24-.11. - - ;------Wtdl.oe—eommitlre!— Bol»Or-—Idabo,----- Mnrrh .’!.|0; Mlnbiuka, Idabo, Marrh I L lii'K; King IllK, Idabo, March 1R-23; loy, Montana, April ^7-May Ij I<ower_ ^ Voilowatonr, Montnnn, nnd North Da* 'ainst kola, >tnv 4-lli Milk Iliver, Monlann, l/^ld ■flir jnlnt bnnrd will conduct aurveya itions I'roJertaj Uncomphn^___ erp,“ CuloradiirAiirll'S.|l; JCortli TIatto, , Nebrnakn, ond Wyoming, April 11-H; BhoibOno.- Wyomla* April JU-SO, nnd i now [,*p„ian,ii, Ncvndn, June 3-12. paucd __________ •• L™" Shoots~Sister~to----------- Relieve-SuStering-r-r- — From Tuberculosis— flnwi ' Ilmllar Wanted to Open the Oates of tiiu^H 'H eaTeir io r 'Eclfttive In A d - ' ipoko vancod Stages o! Disease. romiag PAlllfl, Feb. 24 Cip)—" i ‘'killed ' lei»«K- hrr bernuae I wanted to open tho pitei nf heaven to ber.*' aald which Anna Luvnueur, a nilddl^aged ... ^ iiii- . dreaainakrr, who ahot and killrd i*' of wlion.abo wn^ arralg^nod beforii.the ----- len of Inveallgntiiig magUlruto today llu an* chnrged with murder, uniniit- Tbo woman explained that her irglnal .laler wsn lufferlng from luberes*- loili of an advanced'atago nud ' nufforlni,'- Hbo denied tbnt her le waa net bnd l>ren loflurnced by the a gIv- killing by Milo. Umlnika, a Po- LhotUy U»U liftien,.- of her flanco to *«•. pUvlly lleve^^hlw from-the - ' :uit 10 recrnlly wua acquUled. siflfflmiNs i^UBIIIl-Filh I. of.-ft ____ ______ __ ----- , , ----- f?!?!: Seiiate'-niofimiltlEeldfiftK'^^ voraWe Report on Nomina- ' lyment tion of Stons’s Suoccssor. ...... - leil tho WAfiUIh'QTOK, reh.-'21 ..l«-rTho-... ---------*oiuiltt_iudW*tv_4iomnill«^d#rwV-«------- GtSBr* fnxoni.b|p-rqmrt-»nday uo'thn TTfmilnB*-— jtvaW Hnn of Clmrle. H. Warren of Michi* (ember Kan. In be nltorney general, bnt ad-. n1»v in mlnlairalion lendvRi aald tonight that II tilua brrauau of Ibe rongeated leglilallve nr.cunt tli.cj-.jiffnln. were.. u n d ^ ^ d e 4 ._ a co&i whrlhrt Ibey would preaa fog eon— 'I tm flfmntion nt thia leailea . y Mrnu ■ ' TIio"v'ot'c~ln U tfeamihlrtoyWiuiSlaA '. . Jt any ro"flv4~.'with laven. upuhUcaaa' onil.\7 Iwo demoerala caallnir their ballota In 11* Io. tnvor uf a.jpprl. to .the ifnntA.and- Ibutori L’ltcc dem(*crali .nnd two. rfipoblI««u: ... "S-Sr iect of nbient. lorome • Bzptw CMbfldmn ~ i?miMUoii when l» coofltwed by .tts'M M ite,' U ,2 lAder. poinled to uiUa J " t^^falluw^To preu ^ ycbra»V», •w M e;tio r.irom md .flblaiaft'Jetuitii& yiiiSIBirriilig irprr wh.» nung fo^.Jir.^tcW m^;L^ nj«b* >e^po^ ter«iAihnr^’A” »lMT=«liai ' *-■ -------• - -I ' ®CENTS. - ■

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Page 1: Alaska’s Head , Huge Merger

T H IVOL. 7. NO. 277.

i f E i i fillNFMiiFPuniiis

' Upper House o f Idaho Lcgis la tu re Kills T h re e Bills In c rcasin g S a la r ie s o f Adminls tra tio n O tticials.

■j- - - - - -BOiaH. F«b. 2 i '

■ ........ "etglitoonlh le jU U tn rc TuestUy7 w«nt on recertf an oppo«»d to u rf In c n u e ta . lAlarlse o f t u u oYfl*

d its . Thr«« raouures u k ln g m on m antr wera « fu t« d by t io opper hoiuaThr first nf (lirnc nuliril nn liipfoai

o f ffcini $;Ui()(l to « H 0() nliHimlly fii nu'iiilcra.Ilf (In' ]nilili« Qtilti<-x rommli

' lion. Anntlii'r bill whii-li ri'ci'ivi-il tli Irtflnialivo iix« nxkinl «3fH)0 fur ron inl»«lnn<*rii of »tntc (Irimrtmciil*, an tlic lliiril iir<i]icinril to lncn-ni«- lim con

ilnip nuililor, iiilnn liiKiicrlor nn<l iuim- _______ Ilf |iul)llc iinCriK-tlon i<i H(iu

T»to o ilirr riipnmiri-* nl"i7 niPl ili'fcn fll tho hniiJn of llio uppiT h(iu«i>. On

^ of th i'v , u urniitc juliit ri'iiilutlon, |irc poiicit to niiirnd tlic punnlllnlliin t

_____ innlig-tliu-iuoiir nf<liilipii o f till, slnti* huanJ of t-qu;illrf

1 lion fiinfonn In Ihi- Imv-. AiiciHkt ariiuiiun;iii~yoria4. n-iutiirK lo nio n-*! ilviiri r('<|iilri'<l li t ]>lninliff nn a jir> rri|ulillit to iiimltiilinK nn m-tlnn f.i iiivurrc nlnu trim iliiiipiirovi-it, n* w »pBntc hill Kft, 100. niitliorlrlnf; cri'ii tinn Iiy i-oiint.v romnil»«ioiu-rii uf ennnt;

of ttn ilt. Till* «vrn»uto xa* tU milijci't of n l»-iitril ili-lint<-, ujiponi'nt obji-rlini; iirliirlpnily lo tli« jiruvlalii. whirli iH-rinillc'iI I,onnl* of county cmt winloni‘r« lo k'vy ont-linlf mill on tli ilullnr Ilf nniii'Mi'il vnliiatlon for m! viinrlnR tlic nj;firullurnl ti’ninircfir ofcounty. _ _________

Zndsflnltaly. Postponad ... A ro ll.'r a«t klllpil by tho lennl

^ ■ T»n«(1iy W fritVut'liy why o f the Ihilcf; ^ ; Dlto poft)>oJ3cm<>iit ruutr. Thi* w at ict

ntp 1)111 No. J i l , by llnmion, iiud ]irt vidcd Hint rountlt-i, ritlv* vllt»t{i'i hljlhirny nnd i;ood rond dlilrlclii cuuli

-borroir-m oney in anflelpntlon of 111 collection of tnzpi. Tlic lurnxurc, bow ever carrlcJ n 'r id r r w hlrb Uinilcd lli

’ - aniount W rrowed-W 7S.]i('ut u f.tii itnrxpend<-d tnxra. Thn uct nlio luilboi ixrd n 10 mill le w to mr«-t anv drti:- - - - - tlranonlT nirii-T jo 'liiud liecuuso o f inlufflelciit fnndfc

Four jtrniTal npproprlntlnn 1il11« wvt p.ii*pil by till- home of r.'liri-iienlalivi' Tui-iclny w ilb . prnctlrnily nn vnle flKainnl'tbom. fitcpbnn of Twfn I’nll ■toutiiy, cliiilnnQti nf tUe ti|nirojirlation

iliowc<l bow il tied in w ith tbo budge luhmiltcd by Ihp governor,

, Tho nppraprialion* approved wcro a followi: '

Btati' niidltor. 1^0,410: itn te Irem " 4 l i r r r , ' p u T i l i n “uflHlii-ii coninTIii

lion, »00,r.05: 1'. U. C. (rnllrim.l vnlun Hon.), »12.000: V. U. C. (pro»ocutin| conrt rmtoi), •l.‘>,000; itnti- itiitiranc


= ^ P r e m a tu r e ; B l a s t a t-R ock-Q uar • ' _ ■ ry D ea th a n d Inlury \ Score E scap e.

- LANOTRY, Toxni, Te\>. 24 Elffbt men wcro kiirr,l and four wrn icriaunly injured |n a prcinnluro «x

• pl>-|ffi <W n HniillioiT' P n flf lf Tailwu’ ■- rumpany n tutT ry^hem -thla-aftornoon

Two of the injured’ nro no t cz|i'cctci 10 live.

Thi! dead aro J . W. Ilanihaw . Jivl a tloD engineer o f tbo Kl PaiD dtvliloi

...........of-IhK- Hotith»nr-Pnelfle i ln f f .- - - -- . T . A. Dorrla, Lonetry, q u a rry .m e

' i • ' i*addy, K l'i* w rd H U cr .Lilil Florei, flilverlo RanRCl, Alfon«i

» ZnPBtn. Klinrlilo V aldet _a«d Calarli —— ^]',>^iiiii|-ii«xlcnn-lnboW r»^f-b«ngtfy

A ifor« of m tn n o rV in s .n l._ th V nnnrty eicnped Injury, bu t could no

r — • tell how th® okptoiion occurred.— I ] i preiumed tha t ono of tbo choTgo

.. — (.r..<lyn»mUo-wi|a-linperfo«t,---------

tt?ntiOtt from U tl Rio, CIS mH n ■ . herej_ to render “fttd.

' ^____: . aAK ^ii3^N l6.7A '>V iii^^>p-84-(<C.-^sE g E T B m w e ro k m o d -M d ^ g h t- la

Jiued I n 'a prfA ature oxpIoiloQ of.'i eavy e b o rn of dysara lta to 'S 'r e e l J '.fluawjr-ln’- t l io -o u tjl tli l f io t- t to vlUagj o f idS rtry i'llO -iB ilea « e i l o t hct«.

^ T h a bnt1lc« n t fnnif. thn vlntlm - ' were' blown to b lta. .OUiats. .wer

hurleJ mote than .SOQ.yBTd*. while ib a - -~ w ar« b n r N boncith b r a f y n a i ie i o

rock and earth aa tbo ald.e o f ths Ml

. . . . . .


E - ^ r a ;UKMIlRn - Al’DIT nimRAt} - I


Alaska’s Head ,


“ili',; • |«eo isqs,a .;bm 2 ks-I-Olil-ami OEOBOB ALBXAIIBEB ?ABKS, i j

win- engineer In the department of ihi

‘IxT' been nonod by prealdent OooUdsi *1 0 __to become g o v ^ e r o f ^ k i k a .

l l f f l Ei-fiS4IFPIISSi’f“- . .fnr ----------------------------- --------------------------

m " M easure Killed in Lower House "«u. by One V ola W ould Preven ti-nti ^■|™ J a p a n e se L eases.‘I'C ■

:,y ' b • I'OISK, Frl). 21 o n - n y ibc narrow tnnri;in of nnc voli- tbo loini’ <if rop

• - rrwntiitivnii Tunnlny fiillod to pant - Iho nnli-nllon Innd bill .wblrh woulil

nnlft rm lrlrt rrn l properly Irniu-i to Jnpjjf j . nnmn to Drepmbrr 31, lOiS.' Tbo voU,pu. wau-Stl to r and ^ n ip i iu i l . (Juitnftoijiro- of Donliovllli' ’ wai oxcuird Iiy tbi,„i.g bome from volini; on tbo bill,uulil Whrn hU rri[ wa| f ir it mndithe '''■jertion wns riilied- nml hn )>n«>o<l

low- Tbo rU-rk np iin eallod bl* nnmo anilt],g be roiirwi-d hin rcqiioat nnd ni{ii!n ob

-tliali„f. fliiBinfion iinlil bo w-is ‘‘l il c n l" iiniIpIiI lbi>- iipoftkrr rolicvod thn iltusHon 1)>-;ij7 irTTtTtr'hn“ tbnilB lir‘l?i-“ liuii-i- uli.mli

i:rant >lr. CIn.tafKon’s ffi|ur»l. ul’Jortion wnn w ilhilrnun nail tin- roll iv,., m il iibnwod Omtafnuii ‘ 'oxcimod,''nloi Would Do J t o . , '

Tn tlio .l(-!-atj on ibo allaii^lnnil Wll H n ir ..f OnoiiH wnrnr.l

lu -t |ia«aK'’ 't fo bill would bo a.|ilin(;ono morr ofiil to th r fire nlrrmh

J „ im.nildorlnjj ln-t^roon Ihr Unltod Htnlei I . nnd Japan . " I would like to volt

for tko b ill ,” ho laid, -flnd I woul,: riTIir mil fnr tno ^iiet thatjyj,, .1 knnw I nni Jrojianlixint; tho life olii-„ iny tioy whon I <Jo l l .”

AntloTiHHi Ilf nonRhnm laSd 5.0 wni opiKiH' Hhuttini; tbom uut. ” Wi

laid. “ Thoy nro tb rlfiy people mu wo ean-Jl got ony ollior tn <ln thn work thry will do. Xo ono Will do thi Icilloun work iu tho bi-ot fiulili tbal Ibo Jiipancxu will <lu.”

Ill ISO Miners Escape Itt Death bj) Inches;

T m c H ^ ^ r 'D l e sg . - .Gas P o c k o t.£ x p lo d o s -an d F a t(

- T h a t O v e rto o k SuUivan-M en ry* - -N a rro w ly Avoided.

^V^IRATI,A^'1). lu.l,, TVb. 24,(/« —One hunilrod nnd fifty nilnrra employod In tbo flUndard-CoaUom- pauy niino hero, wnrrowiy otrniXHl-

P ^ - tho fate tliat overlook thtt vlrliniK rrro of.thivfium vnn mine dliftnler when «*• a ilm llar blaat ahonk thn lorul mluo

BJiji —t4>dtty.— B«t-Ornni«," Tr~TTi Jtt-ii.y^iK—nn i

etcil Hilliam Pcrjpiion badly burned.Tbe b b a t, which Is bollovM to

I '" - bavc beon cauied when n nilner'a "ion open-«anie_lnmn toiichcd off .a trai '

■-pocVel, o e c iir re i-a fa 'p o in t ia th# ' ofo- nilno wlioro C ron nnd J W « o n — Inyi np tn iok r-T ti.-^ iii.'n fn ,;. •

dlitaneebctw een them and the a]>ot « ’n ‘' ’® ‘’*1'’°**®'' ofttw tcJ; the

^ —m tn r tn iafoty.-T*clK ul!5n7anhni^jr .the - -bodjy burned, waa able to make b ll :

way from tho icenci o f tho explo- “ “ “ Jio^ 'and w M T tiililoa iiy -tlie bllicr

: : : r " B « C T O M C M D t n c & - ~ TOKIO, >’eb. 25 C4WTh« privy coun.

«>» oH loday rnUried Iho aRTeeinont reccnt• ‘ ly a rriv e d , a t . between.- t h e . Janaoaai

• M d iO Tlel-ainbauBdon jt-P e k ln g .M

'■(M.of -raUflfaUoM will tako-i)la« n t ?ek.

f, n log lo to o rw w '.^ ;: . , ': . ; . ■ ..■oek ----------------------------------------lag*. O IO T U ^-W ttin W K M T T B E .~

7AHIB, Feb. S i 0P^.n\tknoDne«meii1 lima f f « 1m|frti«fpnfnt-l‘'-<hf>-eaa(ere dltlon o t QIojift Bw auon .« t i n a d e « l oao a lat* hour tonight i t tbe cUnle where I o f ahei'li b e in g -tm to d i-H e r teraportttOM hilt bad isluB-tod i r u only I ihade Above




J iW IIM r - O i l f i e

SITE mJ C a p p e r-H au g en C o-operative

' M arke tin g Bill Advanced (or E arlie r C onsideration on Cal-

S e n d a r of U pper B ranch .

■ • " R ^ tP m X O T O X T T .n r i .T l /R ^ im

li-j{ii.lnlinn In the form nf tlio (’n].i-*r Ilnunon oii-iijH.rnllvu mnrkollnjr pro

^ tfrniii, lioblnd lii<- t;i-ni-r:il niiinlluiii ]»'n I niiin iiionanrr. wliirh bn« ri|{lil of wnv

: iift..r Ih.. p..n.llnK linnklng' b'llUlatioii hns liei'n dii]>nard nf.

■ A rllon i>f llir rr|nililic-nn itri'rini:^ riininiiliro In rl■^l^I;ll :lnJ; ll« |>ro({r!iiii - I - w.nn (nkrn nflrr Sennlor H<ir;ih, r.-piib-

liruti, Idnbo, hnd inmli- iinntbor drniaml the fnr nn oxlra irialon nf ruiiKroM In cnn.

aid, l.’hntarlorlr.ini; Ibe Cnpjior llnii

priimptly would Iio a belrii.vnl of irnut by Ihl' rrjiiibliran pnrty.

m ' ' E ipedltlng Pam < o.

SP tbo pruKrinn InnlKbt, »;iid tbo fnrm rr- T il|.f bill had not bron pliin.d nt th i j ||||I iifllii. Il«l horaiiic tboM. limiariji'

qf thin lo({i*bllon ili.airi'd to away ai;- ____ tiun of tbo huilao m> that Ihr ini.iiiiurc

ItJSe |""'dlin.’ .....nto l.lll-nii-n tnrans of•'xprilltlni: finni artlon.

larvt Tbo rivorx ond bnrbnra nnthnrir.ation jilil ,1* tblrd nn Ibo IrKUlallvr li»t „ni! proponent* <if thn (lupo ('ml ranal |iur. i'h..»v und tbo (Inodini; Iniii; nnd abort banl nionauroTlJo jilnnnlnc lo miikr nn

, offort to n llarh tlioao pro|>U’»'il’< to il rrow on rldi/ra.r,.p- T h r dofirlonry apprtipriation bill paM now iindrr rnn'liU-rnllun In tho bftuto in

rould I'biooil-f.nirlh on Iho now-Hit, followed Jnli- '0 ' I'rniiitnn bill fnr rrori^nlziillon vote "'f tbo-priibll)lllnn rn fo rrnncn t .Agency, ifsou t'le VVonr) (poUatlon dlaiAfr'pruponal,

tbu Iho nnval iimnibua bill nnd thu public bnildlnjpi projioiul.

Z 'l r ^and Tlip Mnarlo Shnalit ennforonrc rr]<orl,

I ob- I'xprotrd Ihi* wrek, waa not ronaldrrcJiioittt but.SMlHitotl.twlulcd-oul..llint.

lind ruira it wniiid buvj privllrjjrd elntnii 1 by wbonov’cr mndo.rniirr ~~_____________________T h e ____ ______


bilf i


tnle'i ' voto

ies? a to — V -Hen - ' -------— T 0 J-IB E R .1 A «

. rO R KX-WlNOrpOUTlCAl. Io r - f H t i t OWN CONTI

t/f) ' TKc e u s ;]a m cz<^rist

•Oil— ----------------- ------------------ .niK ~ -------------------

' i • ~ • "• .............. ~


ment - HAVm& PpUTlCAU

[T m r u m i a u s c N t t r rhero • • ■ ■ itnre ....

I ■ I I . ' I II ,

I ■ ■




NUMBER OF BLAZESI Total Damage Done by Incendlw] I Will Amount to Approximately Hal.

W Hlllion DoUari I i Belief.

i r J'OHTLAND, IVb, J l ( f l^ - ri .n irr ( l . • llurhli-l, furni'-r inomlirr of Iho i'url

Ubinil flro ilepiirlnirnt, »ho ri>nfi-Mi-.l * fuIlnu'UiK Ilia nrrral ln-<I work thnt be - hnd Ilarioil niuro tlum .'.O fin-». inn»l ol Ihrm ainnll. to.Iny n.ldi-.l In Iho lint ol n titin bl» inrrniliiiry o|h.mI1oii» flrna whirl

J Toniplo llo t l l.ra rl. llie tl,-r , « mnn Llllbern rhnrrh . St. Clmtloa I^athi for oiir rhnrrh; ami tbo ( in .... Knuilih I.n

tlieran flinrrli, >'iri. Mnrahiil (Itrnfol O a l- “ lid Ibe dia lrlrt nllurnoy'a offlrc an

V'irr» al Ibo K5i*or Million . Ii'irtnn ' . atndiii In I'ortluinl, llio tlriiii|;i- linll n

.Mliwaiiki.i-, Ori',. ami ulln-r bl;iri.] won__;___ aUu.tulifii»«i-d. nJilliitf-*jOU.UUlUtu-tbi■Kami «i:i)(l.l)'|i|i dainnh'i.- prrviuiiili' adtnlltr.l

Ihr offlrlul* nliiiouiii.od.


f lro w c r s - a n d -S u g a r- e o n tp a n ) = f lll ic la l8= U iia b le :^ t ii= B 8iici:

ini.i A greem ent on F ive Points.

DKSfKK, Keb, W -A t'ffru ion i

(Irowora’ M nrketinc nai>iirlntlnn and lb- t ^ .ati;uLJ\xalc:ii_auKnc_cum|an.>i-oa_ji

rontrnrt for thi. .UKiir rrop of m : hnd nnl boon rrarbod liilr InnlKhl afl

.inure f f n Hrtv aj.pnt bv roprpo-ntntlvra nl “ ‘‘’frtb o two gronpi in oxw illv r eonfor ""O ^ riifi... Anolbi'r bxrrutlvo »r«Hion wa.

arboJuli'.l fnr tonljflit. Kourl.-rn rhnni r.ation p( vosnnKKc nor^tm n I nml nrp purlli'limtlnff lu Ibo inri'llnL' in i ' |i“f- niodiiitorv ritjtnrilv. abort Thi- fivo point! u]>oil w hirh,Ihocmw

kr nn ^,,,1 1),^ conipiifiy nrr ilrndlockeii nro tlioio mibmlttrd by Ibo b rrl (jrow o r i’ aaiorliitlon.

bill P in t: A inlniniiini pnyinrnt of IO,fl( u»o la a (on for bi'uti. (Tho luiymrnt in 1U2-I lowed wu. ♦n..10 a lon.) tiiUon Socond; T hat be<-t« bo t u t ed at lh< {fncT, dump upon'delivery.'P ^^ lf — Third; Kliininatinn o f the • flro nni public .trike cKuie. o f tbe. contract.

Fourlh: Tbnt tbo company ibal colleel iwo cent* n tnn on beoia to bi turnert orgr to Iho beet j;ruw cr.' mar

rjHirl. Vclinji n»o»ialion. drrcd Kifib: Thnt tbe srlllnR coit of Ibr*r lU* •ujtBT *hnU-bo Ijnns? ^yiJio-coiBrnny InalnluH itond nf |iro riitoil brtw ocn tho cuinpao}

— iuul-U<<H(^“ '**‘r«' ........

JSSIA HAVE MADE THAT MUCH Pf ^ .- .-A -R E V O L U T IO P - - - - - -

....................OkU A 'k S oo^ _________ ___________CAL. OPINION* _o n t r a r y t o •■ HIST GCNrRWMCNT

no M . oPiN iO M f Lfflo>*Twvt ta ---------------ntr ccpoSMiAiKV



g l i f p i r■= I tL C I lN I it

S-iySEDHE'»l ofl>t of •

" J S C om m ittee . M em bers Vote Fiv to One fo r Reopening Inves tig a tio n W hich Term lnatei

i ' , A b r u p t l y S a tu rd a y .

W,\F)nlN-UTON-, SI W - aT i .drbuti)i(' tbo t)iatlor In Iwo oxcmliv

S ar.iioft., _tbo bmiai. nircrnft fouimlili: In.lay vulod fivo lo ono lo n-ojH-n Ib nlrr.r.ift inveitlnn llon w bkh ll ttbf«iitl ti-tniinnt*-d Balunlay..,>f«‘iiibi-ra anid un nppnrent lark n

1 1 / fun.ia pftuaod iJic trrnirnaliou of tho It

UR 5piiry, bu t Ihnl an nmlil of Ihe coiv l l in lttr it'i A rrnnuli ibowed lufflclen

inonrv remnlnlnj: to complele Iho wtir Hint had boon mapped oul for t i e fe\ ilii.v. remnlnintf before thp aiijuurnmo’n

Colnridont with tho eommlttee'* ai

I lioiiao nillllnry a ffa ir , cumiiiltor, an lOi nounrrd Ih n l .u lir iim m itim of tb

mililary nnd tinvnl n ffn lri euinmlltoe ri]>..<-to.l to moel in jnlnt tnalun earl;

■mont In Iho nrXt r iin c rr^ r to diarua. Ihe mi

'll __________ P oatpone AcUon._________' 10:;.' WnlnwrlKht, tt furmrr aiiiatan1 a fl. "rfrotnrv of wnr, w u. cbalruinn of th , , nf | aiioel,.|| .].eronaulii-t- iub-comnUltcp- . o ,nfvr- Iho m ilitary rnmmllte<> nnd Ifrprr.entn , „ a j live Bwiiijf, rcpuMicnn, Caiifornin -ham-irhnlrmnn o f n aiinllar naval lub com otiiili'iniU trr. ilerUU-d u t a trct-nt cntttvrouc in n to jK>at|H)no nny arllon until a h rr mem

bon bnd been givea an opportunlly t (•rnw. atudy tbo roport o f tho prcarnt aircraf ocked cominltloc. . ..Krow ., Wr. Wiiiiiwri((bt m id today thnt If ,

IboroiiRh aurvoy of the problem, of tb 40,r:<l nir defen.o w-na found drilmblo lh 1U2-I m atter inlglil bo taken up jolntly-b;

tbn tn-o )loul^ aub-cominitlce and aub lUho. romm,lttroa_pf_thp_#snnto_nillltary_na

nnvnl cummllteei. i nnd Mr. yw U jf alu"polnte<I out toda.

tb a l Ibo Qucttibn of rrenH nr a unlflo iball nir acrvlco undoubtedly would b

to br brought up in tbo next congrcii a i 1 mar- waj ^ e l l c n l ly ccrlnin lhat tbo Curr;

bill doilgned lo brlnj; tb i. about woul J im b« rolntriKluiied iH. Ihp Bcit-Cuagieii

ny In- lleiirSng. on tbU Wll bnve bren liol 'I'uny n t tbo pri-acnt iiyitlon bv iho milltar ------- rciiiliimoe: ^



T H bnM iIire:'

? COVNTY ' -

,192.5. '

H uge M erger

iw r k j j j B oOHSOIJDATION of four of th

nmont furniture manofac

000.000. la bolnif worked-out Is th . Kew Y ork offlcoi of Oh«ltS _B

^Igh tr KiTnT, of-tt-t||^y »

i BMIIICCiaLs - P B S - M.entn- — i ■ "

,"1"; One D issen tin g V ote Agalns'' S - s r e r N o r r e T t h i c T W o u i illy tu.11.(1 s t re n g th e n S la te Reoulationit If n _______

“^ ‘5® IlOIRB, Feb. 24 M »^Idaho-| nor!j-hy- banking ffldc,- a , B ^ y o . 10. wat pauc.1 aub- by Iho aenato q t Ihe a ta te ICKliUitut y_nm l TuMdnyimornlnirwilli^tjne-one-dliaenl, , Inj? voto, th n t.o f K irkpntrick of.iUnlWday dokn county, p rogreolvo floor loade

inirioa of tbo uin>«r hou.o. TJrero wai Hltlla bo d iieuiilon of Iho act, w hH h'p«J»»c« “ to etreiiiftheo tbo a tnte banking law

u ir ry (g j^oard agnluit bonk fnllurcs tlmlla 18 iho ic of Iho la .t few yonrt Me

ig m i . sfurray- o f O iM lnrehT cfof llil republl

protect depoiUora in In itilu tlu si comioj — under auiwrviaiou of tbc ituto dc[url

■ ment uf finance.T hli wna ono of olgbt iiioa.urei whlel

received npprovni n t Iho bnuda nf M.nii__ 1 tor» Tuo«d»v mornih|>___flim uf-ffig.,

proviiloa roiidentlal iiunlHlriitlDiia' o " , ' w n it iv a im illli flMUulmila, lioliien o

ci.rllflnuti'i in other alnloa, wbllu aii other by tho .nnnti- judieinry cunmiit

. tee, ptuaeriboi Uia form uf mnrglna dlicliiirgea of mortKngoi.

I T O E T fiim S m EThk conuiillleo on fi.b nad ( ame waj

lUccoMful in Krltlni! uvor i l l bill glv Ing th« atiito* t;a»\o wnrdeu aulhorlt; to g ran t pernilla lo keop elk In capllvll;

iu parka or olber' place, fur a t Unit ll ■“ ycara p rio r to paaaaKi'.

Exomptioil from control nnd rcgiila t^on by tbo public utllillea cominluloi of all eorporallona, organlred under aeti of eongreaa, and now remilued b r fed

. rra l bonrds la provided In n Juillclar: commllli.« bill which puwod tbo-^ippe bouie.

— ------- T uV ua.lrrJgn tlouT llM naliraB 'rb ltciado]>endont taxing d ia trlcl. may *p quire tbo in tc ro .t of ruuiitlei in tui

__ .1. . de llnqnencr^cnlrita . nnder .k rm a. of..iioautft:^f>arAt]uu coiutiiUluobill-wlilcI

____ lecdvcd-JippfuviiLTucadiiy..____—___ Tho ai-Mlo flnnucn coiruniltee mea

aure'ftppro'pnnlVtiK'3IiI)“ Ibr llio. Idali Irrlpition eompnny for nver piiymen made lo tbu eomtnlaiiloncr of rrrlamii tion fo r iaauaneo of crrtn ln wnter 11 eenaea, w tu nnolher ne t th a t pnaaed th acnatu.

-------- -T h m tn t9 -ftffA ln n :n ram ltl'» “W3!SiirpT0vUU»K tUat f lra t ha lf taxe . Hot val prior to tbo flrat Mondny In Dcccmbc Mn bo paid up to tho fourth ifnnday I levy by pnyment o f tlie principal plu

.......... n ,two ,por. coul.ponnlty, nnd-.lO. rcr.cunInleroet nlio recolved fuvorubla coi;

^ aOerallon. .Tbo.act nino iitovidri tlui

betw ten: tbo dntoa named •wiihout an' penally.

_______ .T?>a,lQMaft.)iUl iyofioalng a llaoiiia fodenlera, om nufuH urtra nnd dlitrlbutor

- of oleomarjpulae w .cnL toJlicJudlciac conm ittM o f tke aonnlo Tuctd»>‘ aftei noon a f te r I t bad been tho anbject o bitter debato In which Rl(pi4y, Jerom eoQnty, ■ progrMalvo, oppenlM from III

DeSato Oli bill nnmb'er 210, whl«h oi iglnatcd in the houae opened wliei Orooka o f Ada, movad to K a d J ( (

•■-. thw

rvtoininend^liOA.' , Orodk-*a'lnulii^'n-^i tW .n h J o r tw l l . 'e a l l . •

— i i r o s a A a B 'T o B B o s B p a r ' ". WARinrNOTnW. Toh. :(«;=Ih.. . hou»ft-Votfitt-loa*M«-i»erMa*-th»-aa]

. ap ot i e gwaldcBt *alttt-or--B«prc««alAliv«-8andert,-nnafa

31IlEfF, FUST IN [1ST ' ! FIB M Bf Investigation of Boise D istric t

to Open Sw eeping Inquiry by S ec re ta ry o( In te rio r 's Spe-

. cial B(jard.

WABmKOTOK, m . 24 (JPU-ln- vetUgation of the Bobo p r o ^ n In

H r Idaho V u d i s. v l i r IntQgurata a W aweeploi InqWry by B ecretify of - / Uie Interior I te rb w t V?ork*i ipe-

clal board to'r«appraiae lu v e tta m reclanaUoD proJecU u a. haala for raadjttitmei* of their con ttm c t^n

U(W. costa. To fac iu ta u tba taak.board will be dlvlAed U to two com* mittoea, headed hy fonoer dover*

of the nor T hom u B. Oa»pbell o f Ari*.nofac- lona and I>r. Je to A. Wldtaoo of

In th* otuly In dlff*raat iU toa. T h r com*

■uita.!-V —dav-fflllew.1__ ________ - .

fnmplioll enmmitiee: Tlin Orande l«rnjrrl, .\ow Moxirn.Texa., Mnreli !::•17; I'arUbnd, New Mexico, Mnrch 18*

(Irnnv Vnllry, Colo,, Mareb 2<-rtl;I_____ lfa.||»-K.H,t«-h^r-Wr-i>:t-ATTril-e» M ltr-B ■

____ itknnnKaii, W', May la-::::: Klnmntti,I* • ■ Ori'Knn nnd rnilforiim. May 24-.11.- - ;------Wtdl.oe—eommitlre!— Bol»Or-—Idabo,-----

Mnrrh .’!.|0 ; Mlnbiuka, Idabo, M arrhI L lii 'K ; King IllK, Idabo, March 1R-23;

loy, Montana, April ^7-May I j I<ower_^ Voilowatonr, Montnnn, nnd North Da* 'ainst kola, >tnv 4 - lli Milk Iliver, Monlann,

l /^ ld■flir jn ln t bnnrd will conduct aurveya

itio n s I'roJertaj Uncomphn^___erp,“ CuloradiirAiirll'S.|l; JCortli TIatto , , Nebrnakn, ond Wyoming, A pril 11-H; BhoibOno.- Wyomla* A pril JU-SO, nnd

i now [,*p„ian,ii, Ncvndn, June 3-12. p a u c d __________ •• ■

L™" Shoots~Sister~to-----------Relieve-SuStering-r-r-

— From Tuberculosis—f ln w i 'Ilmllar W a n te d to O p e n t h e O a t e s o f tiiu^H 'H e a T e i r i o r ' E c l f t t iv e I n A d - ' ipoko v a n c o d S t a g e s o ! D i s e a s e .

romiag PA lllfl, Feb. 24 Cip)—" i ‘'killed ' lei»«K- hrr bernuae I wanted to open tho

p ite i n f heaven to ber.*' aald which A nna Luvnueur, a nilddl^aged ...

^ i i i i - . dreaainakrr, who ahot and killrd

i*' of wlion.abo wn^ arralg^nod beforii.the -----len of Inveallgntiiig magUlruto today llu an* chnrged with murder, uniniit- Tbo woman explained th a t her irglnal .la ler wsn lufferlng from luberes*-

loili o f an advanced 'a tago nud '

nufforlni,'- Hbo denied tbn t her le waa net bnd l>ren loflurnced by the a gIv- killing by Milo. Umlnika, a Po- LhotUy U»U liftien,.- of her flanco to *«•. pUvlly lleve^^hlw from -the - '

:uit 10 recrnlly wua acquUled.

siflfflmiNsi^UBIIIl-FilhI. of.-ft ____ ______ _ _ -----• , , -----

f?!?!: S e iia te '-n io f im iltlE e ld f iftK '^ ^ voraW e R eport on N om in a- '

lymenttion o f S to n s’s S u o ccsso r.. . . . . . -

leil tho ■

WAfiUIh'QTOK, reh .- '2 1 . . l « - r T h o - . . .---------*oiuiltt_iudW *tv_4iom nill«^d#rw V -«-------GtSBr* fnxoni.b|p-rqmrt-»nday u o 'th n TTfmilnB*-— jtvaW Hnn of Clmrle. H. W arren of Michi* (ember Kan. In be nltorney general, bn t ad-. n1»v in mlnlairalion lendvRi aald tonight tha tII tilua brrauau o f Ibe rongeated leglilallve nr.cunt tli.cj-.jiffnln. were.. u n d ^ ^ d e 4 ._ a co&i w hrlhrt Ibey would preaa fog eon—'I t m flfmntion n t thia lea ilea .y Mrnu ■' TIio"v'ot'c~ln U t f eamihlrtoy WiuiSlaA '. . Jt any ro"flv4~.'w ith laven. upuhUcaaa' onil.\7

Iwo demoerala caallnir the ir ballota In 11* Io . tnvor uf a . j p p r l . to .the ifnn tA .and - Ibutori L’ltcc dem(*crali .nnd two. rfipoblI««u: ...

" S - S riect of nbient.lorome • B z p tw CMbfldmn ~

i?miM Uoiiwhen l» coofltwed by .tts 'M M ite ,'U ,2 lA der. poinled to

u iU a

J " t^^falluw ^T o preu

^ ycbra»V», •w M e;tio

r.irom m d .flblaiaft'J e tu i t i i& y i i i S I B i r r i i l i g i r p r r w h . » n u n g f o ^ . J i r . ^ t c W m ^ ; L ^ nj«b*>e^po^ te r« iA ih n r^ ’A” »lM T =«liai '

— *-■ -------•

- -I '

® CENTS. - ■

Page 2: Alaska’s Head , Huge Merger

. Pago'TwO T

i a K i i *Z j E L I U M i

D irec to r of Fronch G am bling E s tab lishm ent Alleges Fo rm er A rray ''O fficor Gave Him Bad P a p e r . .

lU A im iTZ, F’tauco, ^vti. 21 ( / I V Aff': ♦r liuvini: iiKnllod :i full «i'< k in onln

Id u'lVi' tJnlMirni- C. Wimil rv.iry ojiiicpi- • luiillv ti> ri'ili'Pi'i «li!it lie iilli'ifru il »

rlii'i'k whii'li WikmI ruilmlI’Vliniiiry 17. m Hi,. Hinrril?. .-n-i.... t1»'tiiri'ftiir o f I!"- rii«in» riliiuiitin'p*! loiUv timl 1i<’ 1in<1 i|i'r).|l'rrnii»1I.V ti> 1.' k;i I jiro-'fT-lii-KH iiKiiiiiV llu- /ctiii.'.-Aiiii'ridin nniiy n f llr rf . ' ~ • .......

Kvcii III lliio’nliij'i' of l|ii> |irni-iT.liiifi. llir lullin ' iionrtl, tlin illn 'do r of tin-

-------- nni tnn— — K1«' winnnrif’ —H'ilhilniw llir riiii>|ilnliil ulioiil.t l<i' I.rri'ImliiiMoil in tlir iniiii’ of :i.'i.(Kiii rn.....

Imvi- lirrn loStl lii Vi'tjOcS, 7l wim ndilnl tlint llu' rnnli ]iiiyihi'iit liitwC Iio iiiiutc iirmii|rt/y, /imvi-vrr. in- nruuii'li iifi (Iir iinilrovi'rNV tmilulitpUMI-K <>l>( Ilf ll>.' hululx of till' ImmIiiiillioritipii Hiiil iiitii thi’ Jiirlmlii'tlmi -f till' IhiyniiiK' liiii|;i*lriili'<, ulio will i]i-- I'iilo n'^ulhrr a warrant alii'Ulil liu ii- #ui'il or ;iiil.

Wood In SpAln.I t n wiirrnirt fn r tlii' nrrinl nf Wimil,

wlio •«'ii« ln«l lipuri! frnm in 8|i;iin,» l.nir<l fill'll till' Inw uuit mini tn l.. iu. roiimr, I t was njiid in li'pil rin 'lrn l'i" •luy llml rv rn Rhinilil tl...... . 1m'

w lirtlirr or tint tlirrr w rrr f"rn trial, IVrrdnilR ntu timl tlir ' inmlii Ki'ncrully iHkiiiIoh rni>rii w lirrr nm . lilnliiln iirp witlillruwn i,flrr rrinitmiiic.

_____----------------------------------------------------- - - - - - gT7-xr<Tfin'-wi-ni-vriy " t,r ii ...i.i fnv»rnlilv known iil Uir nmlnii iiii'l l l i i '

_____li.'il.'Jt!’, » f-H i»rrilr. l l r tm;hIp nuincL.oun 5rnj{lhy »iIiij-h h rrr rrrPiillv. ICi- illri-rtor nf tlir rimiiix mill hr liiiil ul rhfi-l<« in "'^ 'r

■ftrr ItiTUfr ntwiHntu ii..*in ilinpiilp, unil thnl nil of lln-m In vuriiiliU- wrr» Imnnrrd.


(Continued from Paffo 1)

ruHii, i..v « H oi Hjirinj-i., w r,-'«7d! tot-ul, »S«.»7H.

■ Asyhim_B«Uflf.__________ :TiTnililinon. l l i r lioimp jisniicd aii.iiii-

--"prnrrta tlB T i 'mil fliirrylmc ♦2Pj fnr thp: relief of. M olt Brnwn, n fnnncr piitirnl

------ ut^Uiii, JJu lia-iu ianu- uavluui. ul-ltla>i2i. .fnct. Urnwu. Imd lilli'iiioiiry in wnr unvlns* iiHini|ii wlicn hr tiilrrisl-U ir In-'

. «lllutioii-*Mirral yrarii rco. ' Hfion iifli’i' - . . .. tlJo r lirk .HiupiK'nre.1 nn<l do illil Mull 'i.- 1

H r lin» tinw lirpri tll«rlmrL»r<l im

tliuLl- (•mill 111* ](>ni.I l i r liDnio nt firnl killri] srnnin Mil .

No. I.t:. (irovliliiii; tlint nil .................. .piRrrt In inlniiiB nhi|II b r imlrt rvcrv iwii wrrkK. th ru r?rnn«ii|prril -iln tirlliiii

to r Bwcm^mrnt. I

m ir’« ujtr Ttirtiluy wlirn lir v rlnn l hnunp «liilli Nnn. Ur< tiMiI 17:!. Tin- r lilr f n - t^ riitlv r tllBiinpaltitt'il itt'o bm< Muiiili.v, t Hio f j r i l 111 fn i l . tn n'rcivo hin «i(;n;i-

K . » . 110 VotoJd. fUmiBC b in No, Jin , vclord Ttioiiliiy,' r

j" It jufliciDfj' riiiiiinlitrr uipimim iir'ir 1. vlillnc thn t iirnliati) ronrt niuT roiuiuil I'

juvriiilo (IrUiiqupnts tn ih r' jtivrnilp t Wnril.^.f tlir rmiiilv iiiH nr li. tl.r .a., ^ Rrnrr of nucli wnnl, to ih r coilnly iinor il fiirBi ln r a porinil o f not ti> rsciHnl |i|i •< ilnvc T lir vm nlaii rrilorrd t^ i URi' li lim it on juv<>ni|r drlln<iuonta Ttobi IS lo lO yt'ut*. . «, Tlio xnvcruor wiys hu illu jiuLtliiiik n ^fftunly -jujlii <ir ixmr {ortii* tlir ^irti|ifr I v'Brirontnuulii fnr dcllni|tirnt rliililri'ii n M-liu iieeil ,currri'tion. J lr ulan ni|iil lir «

to 10 vi'iirs. lli>u»..-l.ill No. 17:: in n-n>mU-nw} -

■_^JiTid<;c»-.«>omnutU'i- ini'inmri'__j ’tiiHnj;- Tiliiit liTl Btnlc~fi««hwny» luionftiT io n

____L't-COiattuctC 'l-»Lal_luiv«-u-iilxtv-fo«l hrifilit-nr >iiiy tn;milnl.iry i . tin.irrrMurv u III h b njiiiiiou. A .mi’it .VnU-Rwinn the 0 viunniinnloiirr of imlilir wiirkn ilinrrr- t tinnnry |inwrni In tlil* rcupcct woulil lie n

.... Iioifcr, 111.*. suffK*’"!'’'!- . 0Sctiool ru n d SUL i<

Tlic liniinn nf rPJ>rrHrnlullvi'K Tiii-mliiy• - rrfuw il to nlliiw nrliuiil fnniln of thv !■

—— tHpi"Hl— Inlw j.y .j.n ir f tnffirnfn •w’TTrii'H ' Kilti^ honso tiill^iT . l:n r . , I ij- a vot.- nf :m tu t- MrmbiT* nf llir jihlimarv iinninlllfr, ■of wl>l.ili KlC<T -<if .KiH.lriial i . rlmlr- i.Innn. iiitrniTutnl ILr lijll wlili'li jiroviilrt o

.....Xur.ikfiiuAJiim...ACotUiuA. JlUU.. twiuiiilwl .• Mlututui, 1 -. Iiirunl. 75 jirr r rn t -i.f nil t

. • ' V l a W - M ' l w .ll'fT.l’s:''#!

Tlio Illll .]f>n[iOfiiin lo tukn {^ir n-miiinlii;: 25 ri^it nuil unr it fnr irrinilniil in-

.C ..4 i( ,rar» l - tni'inlicrs. nft'MvKi] of tlip j - tiieiiiuri‘,'M ylnK iirnco offlrdt* tn tliolr

rouuticn liu'il urgril iln ii.lo]>tion ii* n pioil liiW. ■ t t . In rontrnflpil Iiy th e '•

«f{|i>orB. .tliiTv u id . tliut miirli ' ^~'mw ' ' iiB>n'ty7~^n~^V«.’ f "" l’«* limcght- J

"" U f'ihT 'riio inv 'tc iion l ti[«uni1,-if tliP «ilH'rl«’s ^iffleo luu] thli > ■addltboal iiinn>.iy. , >

= p g < 0 ^ n rA iv-y: :» ! lia ti tf< rT i]g in t^ |i iDrDrrni)- i a tliv ^tfVrolul /uuiiJiiB Uo«ni d

• , ■ r -------- ---— "

■^r‘? w ii* ti1 > im H 6 tr-sc M iif ” l ie u k e t . < , , . <uml 4

-im .the.chaaef. T

~ ~'fW IN 'FA IX S~I


M arjf w en t to ‘ m i ' f l t c t I h l i

S l i e l a i d , y | |“D on’t H op m e V

— -n w » -fp f- I » p , -------------- alate ire a d y and ■ ^ “ T 3 |I m fti buy 3-4 I ^

n the market a b a r ■ Iu of 5 - 6 ^ ^ a q a a n ir o{ rich 9-lb-!l- I

12, and a 7 .13 .ir J of lamb. ' I u ,, JICl

I m ust se t B I I 1 . poand of 19-20-

2 1 ^ . too, for-the-doR, -while-l i i b a t -Ae-buJcher

(: I hope bH tht* dboppln; won'■, see why she i i in l&'lStmieh o f a hI y»««£>er to tatt imBtor (!•:■«•») » red. (34-6-fi-7) ftnofH. (11-14-lE) roeII cnoifl. (1 8 -m O ) Aon, fSlJS-}0) trj. ir . (21-2343) hM^ (M U ».S£-3») ?ro i» ,

_ J ________ • OoinrrtgM. JAM .'tn/na 1

l m M M 4i icyiffiiiiiED'll .

;• EnDlancfs R u ler R apid ly Re­

c overing F ro m R eccn t A'ttack:

I; o f B ro n ch itis .

I-OMKIN. r ..l,. 24 m - T I r r T T I ' i r y thiil"“'fi r

„ l.y liriiiirhilln liln ^ilifflirliinn Moinlny , ili'r idrif tlilil ll wflK nprilll-M lo inwift,' i, a Inillrtin. All t l i r r r of llirni, Iiow-'„ rvrr,^ vinltnl 1hi> jKiliico lant JilsUt III

,, ll <|Uitr clin^il!!' "ono'nf tl'l# Illllli'r.. druwburkn nf liiu lllurn< ii thn lilin'„ iml r>n liini l.v bin linntorn, who liitvr •I fiirliid-li'M Illm 'to jimnkr. lint hr Innk,, Ihr •lr|iri»'iilion -n-illi Im'mnr, J7 ffitTplv- n'ni!TTlflllgr~'T:Rir^liiI;iriiiiIiil- “ ^■|il.ry,‘’i, ll in nol knnwiryrt wlira hil) tnu-'. -jiiKty will lir nidr In nlart ou hi*

- THii^^inirr-^rraTTmiriTTn— n rn fi i’ifii’ ", iiMpntntlimi. iirr lirinj* iriniln, in krpl'- ,8

_ llic .witli tho aav ir.i»-or Ih r ntlrndisff " lihynirlunn. liiit il i i Kniprnlly c ii.rtt-

- pd iilionl n /o rtul(;lil liouco. i

i j i i i J^ W » ) |: W om an T h ro w s A tid in F a c e ;

’ o l H u sb a n d a t H ollyw ood a n d I,'

' T tien T a k e s P o iso n . i'tl

, - I --------- jli; ,.UQLia:WQQD._‘C a l.,^ ’« lj.-C 4 -t« - -

\ ■niri'tlilC of Trrmirilial inii wVirh riiil. J

P nulrlilr ioiil(;lit wrmcil w rtnln larinlR i ". Um Ilfn o f onl. u f fliit principnli of the, triiKCily. l'i- Mra. l).-»rby Day, ivlin -wui brousht lo "- It—W |.itnt—hr rr Imit—nigiitr~»uffrriiiir 7

from iiulnnn wliiph, nccoriliai: to potlfo '. reiKirtn. aho look n f tr r linrliui; veld Inln {’

. 1h<’ -fiipo o f luT r itr iin jtrd hnahiliid. ,I I'arby J)«y, tlir nnn of «iP-iirr«idwit of ”• tlio llndcTwrltrrn nt A tnrrirn, Arhn ijp-

r dPutliV duor. Hhe had lirrn nnruii- ^ > •oioun nil liny. It -wnn tiaH, nud Imd ;• Imt n "lltcht fUanrr for rwnvrry.J Till* hiinhnnd, nn t lir irtlirr.hand, ■wa* '■nil! -to rrrovfrlnR “ «Btl»rRrtiirlly”

t nl tlie borne o f 'lilii OTffriier in !lrvrrly j r BiHn. Ubi fnrii mm limHy urBrrtl, imil I nrrorillni; tn bin ]iliyiiciun ho probably \ will lonn th r niabt o f Otic rye.

FA T U tift O N WAV. ,1I -(>H iP A < m .-P rh r-S 4—</^T»BThr A. v;■ T»<iv. Hr., iirtm iincnt •rMcagn_bmdncM j,. ) nmu nntl Irnilrr in «orlal wnrlt. left1 herr-■ 'h tnTtrtflj'-lonti^t ■fnr OaKfnraio J• ufti-r Inirnljij; thnh. hi* mm, T>ni1iy A.J Or,. b»<\ boun Twrtlnny lAiiii)(>il hy ncVd »,• thrown in hlu fnco liy 1il« liriilp of «l* ti ; mniillin, who iminr<liuti-\r n f tr r Ihn ad „

aiinucci-Mfntlj'trttrminprt l o c o r m r i t j ,I'idr by,lM)lnonili(( lirrvrlf. 1,

A nii-imnjfc « c e lv rd by Dr. Day, Hr., ,, .' toduy frnm bln w ifr, wliV la with tlir• Toiiii r 'im iliir" ntHtwl"Hliwt ^r liiVai to iriiiiiiiiiiiininrbiiywiiod, ■wttrc ,i

lhi, lriu;rily o rru rrn l. Thn nimuitiC m , «intr<l Ihut th r dnii(!htrr-in-lnw wan-out- I-f ililucrr nnd vh>i<tri'ii'* '" e rr hopcfal j, » of niivJnE t b r ilg b t o f tho aon. 5,

j W t r a E S T l K L ^ ' . ' . j , . ; '

' ’ DAY O F T « E SH bO T lilG

' Soxtar «onvlalaed of H b Bad - 1 ^' i> ranot«r TalU O otot In I tU l f w >, JU ia o lt j a d aoVbeqr. •

' 1,08 _VNflELES._Pcb. H OR-jCUl

I Mora niitli|uc.nli fiflrMrn. ‘FlirrmA TT. ^ u r^ wn* fuiinfl diOt

f -liwo fr ' r

• tk t^ '^ rC ^ IT d ^ lilH ilru tat*°ho^BauM ’: laakP ine Oter •do-jiiirUilnff;v))Bt m v (7, frnvH ' it,’-'- •ulwtanUnwf'otlHT-CT't- • t ill -tft-abftW _

r p s T r o T E W O ’w m f ;


□ 3 | j | P \th e n and a doxenvo n 't 4-10.14-20 U a ry to o m uch. I ’a f lu rry t o f c t ofT.W ) W m . prccR, Y4-10-1E) h

rod, (S-M44D-28} trewn (S-13-l«-:2) n try, <34-3(.:«47-3S) ovMr, (17.33) no. o IM, O J4 4 ) fco, (lJ-17) « . It

r^g rnfertMftOMl BynHratt_ p.

Meaquakie Indians-----TelLCommittee-of— i'

Retigiom Ceremonyj V rffe S t m t i l e a n d E o t u o ? p 'b ] io j Hflftlth B o d y Wot to T ak e J

A w ay H o rb U sed in S h o a l. ' e,

nK 8 MOINKti, iv i i . 24 (/P>~ ,B* I 'lv r MrnQunklo Inillarin from ih o i it

Tanw rM rrvntion liuvo fxphiined m;|(, tholr jolifliuun coroinnuim tn thn cl

aonntc nnd liouao .publlr hiuiilhrnmmitli-cn nnd >ni|iioalod tlint thu n llin to dpfinr tbc I’j^ n* n nnr.- . |,i

, Hint .itN TUMinKi' wi>uld in no wny tlL l ttiff XtxlUn TVtqnU. h)^ i'o th r Jniliiiiiii nf th r Moiiunkin ^

Mine. i l “wu« r»|iluiiiri|, tlir jH'yatr in A ■iiiiiril li.i-rb. 1'iiry tiar ll in the conimuiiion rercinuny nnd 'br- llrvp nl*o fiin t it bu i henlluc jmw- prn, Thry hnvr aakfil Ibe leKl»ln.

tain n »avln({ rlnuno to jHTnilt llio ^ ii«p of the hurb far rullj.'luus jnir- ,

Ik P R E S E N T S '


• a m b a s s a d o r t o ii< s .

]>■ Throojrlt 'Wblcii BemherTJ RmIff -p tib lto -IIM T ajiaed 'D uflag : U *t. D >:t- oad t H m Baen B n i^ d a L

W ABniNOTON. F ib . 21, (JW -rr.- : nrirtnie bin rrcfleotlnls- In r m id e n t ■OuolidRe todny, Manttol Trllrz, thr-frnrt- - n rnrrdited ombaiiaaanr from Mvxiro to- tli<N United Hlutea nlnce the rcnonirtieu

r oc TriatibnT^wiwwn in b - Im i 'rn s ^ m n , ' Owlawd IbVatTUKBlrthrooi?. ■whlrh thr,

< Mexlnan )>e(rfl1<> iind |niMcd in thn .laat ‘I 'l".rnA<'_■bl«^Lb^rm(s_b^IcfitiBLnndJ^lol^ .

iomo <rriaR«. - .•■Tlio rou trinuan ru thai Mntlco liu*

-- o f ifcor iRtmitftiAnnl n^rllpitimta and h rr - eam nrt desire to jo in *n tho concert of nwUnnii an n inwfnl and -mpanUit-^tMu -

. lo r ,” itnld tho nmbainailor. “ li nbown IB hy iir r endruvura rv rn ^lutiuc tlio nioat

; tryint; tiinea o f b e r diffieultloa, to .pro- I r r t or indrm nlfy brr Inleroata forel«n, to Iipr dnmrnlie, a trllu thrcutAitid i;r in. ju rn l thereby .”

. RrHylnK.-l ’ronldeat-Coqllilpw naid thn . ^ tU t« > n iV n V B T 'o f i>rtiieve

^ ment w ui “ lirinK followed wllh tho . m oil lym pnthcllc Intereat b t' Ihe ruv. rrnm ent umi tbe pcoplo of thn Hulled

Iq H ta tea .'' T ha ^ j ^ | ictuallon of tlio

[J linjiplly cahiird between tbp ' two peo- p lw ," he ndUnl, " r r a ta ujmu n firm

J iiuili n f rordlnlity nad n )>u]ley uf ma- , j tunl re ip e rl and'coaiidCTnlion.”

•* P R O T E S T S - O M I S S l O f n --------O F U S U A L C E R E M O N Y

- IN T H E L O W E R H O U S E

•y SapTtM nU U ra B a n U a-o f-H ia a lta in d - <> FalU to G et rarew eU A ddrea of ly W aaUagton lU ad a t ««u lea . * . ;

- - ^ v - A T i i r i x n T o x i ^ i ^ 4 - T » ^ ^ r '»lnn o f runloninry rr.idiiiR of n«orac .\Va*liln({lun’. furrw rll n ildm a In the

w lullin'*-ycstnnlay broUKlit un iur«H ful L il"“ A '? i,? '° '! i.,» « rf« '> n tin lv e Raitkiu,“ drmocrul, MlniMiiiiil.J: When the bouic ploiiRcd Into rnuiid- « eratlan t f f .a irrU x o f liilla «fferlln(r

“ th r M ilrir l o f ColumbU, U t. Rankin “ Olijertril lireuunr Iho uluul VVa^hlnK’“ • Ion’ll blrlhilny obirrvnuco waa nbt lo

lip rn rrlrd oul. Hpfuker O illctt |Kilnt- rd unl thn t Huuilu)- nud a o l yritor- waa W uiblngton ’n birthdny ntid t hat '

» ihnrttcuirK iciriW fB -itT-iif^tin-ill' f lin t ' « time fo r n 'memorial to tlie^liito Hriiro- 1 ' nenlatlvi* Knhn of Cnlifornlu. Mr. lian-

kin iimponeil Ihn l a D Iatrlrl o f Oolum- b it traffin bill wbieh bm beon under coiiilderation fo r iomo Ilmo Iw Jaldnnlde-bufbl»--m nttou-w ia” ti-16«lea,"21 *

y _______ _ , - > ^

G A B m i x o

M > o M n m i a l r o “ f l o . :

u . | ____ '■ J

(7 ~ -

n. *


’ W D J i W i. J M l i S l I' P ro se c u tin g A tto rn e y E tp td e d

to J te n e w H robe Jn to < ;ause ‘

o f W e a lth y O rp h an ’s D eath.

cmoAco, r.l,. nj wj—airf jmii.bH arry Oliou, rcajwaiible for“ t l i r 'o n - tiniird ecrroner’i ltif|ural intn i'h© flealh of nilly V eC Ihilnrk. mniiinialro orphan,’ todny tn ld tie rr]ir«.1H Hint H ta tr'i M .

: Inrney Crowe "wmiM Rrt into fhe eniie BRnin” and jw rn lt tbe invcitlirilltin to br eBrrlftfl iK'foTt' n utaml jnry. ,• >

Hlnte '■ AtlomcT’ Crowe nnid bla offico; had never ilropprd fhe eii»e, lh a t • an aa iliU n t atalRned to tbo roronrr’a offieo "bod w atrhril every move Tnado in th e hiqnirv, Iml th a t no arllon would br ta ltrn aiilll th e roronrr enmplrlPi bla .

__ |i«rt of the InvcntlBBlion. Jnfl(ff< 01iion“ iiild the coTonrr’i Jury bnrt hcen mi-

' nliln to tinearth Inforniatlon •which niiRht b e lirouRbt oirt before n einnd

__ ju " .___ :___________________ _________l y W ltaesMS O ifled..

Hrveral witnciicn who have uoi ptw- Jig loanJy toatlfled w exjirrted to appriiT L . a l Ihe rontlaurij Jmiumt ^reJnmilai'. ” , I’rofeaaer Ijeei W. Lewli nf NotUiwrnt- 11. ern tttrivcTally, hireiitar if Lcwlaile,

tkD deadly war«na4ina on intoriinlliiiul ■ I oiithorify on «lieinlalry, liaa voluntrrred ' I lo.tM lIfy aa an es|>ert lo rlear op 1 quc«tlao« relative tn thr nction of ’ clienilcnla on the hiini.-in 1indy.I M n . W illlain D. Hhepheril, who wai ’ a 'I'linrdiau of M rCllnlork and whnao

hutband waa chief benrfieiarT o f tho 1— min ran diilliir-V i ll.- ' m n r i ie ’ eallctT to. "

tlio atnud. A t th e Init htirinir Hlirn __ beTfl.WM rflnr.l ti« gUnrMr->ui«-rT>‘"<MV -

; HAZELTONllAZlvLTON—Dim Haum, a director

’ parently dead iu hla room in the Unz-

S : ;_____________________________ 1___

yo- ,


¥ . Tll^ . ; . ___________■

IURirr - ----------------- - ---of

wn3ltro-«n, .hi. • T

----------------worh ^ ' - p e a

i ; f o n-■ ---------- ---------- - d i f irni

' S i

whem a i

^ : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

J i ^ - ------- '— ....... - ■Aae _

I sto. - . .

TO n e «lln>c ...........................a p pi Xlata : ...... — T O I

_ b u t

S , _ _______ ________ v e r t

t h f f la , . . . . - — 4


’ ^ ___________ jB e o

>IESDAY MORNING. FEB«]toB boUl Sa tuday n o rn lsg a t 11

. o ’d » A . n o aakf'a thaSandiaS r bo»al P r id a y .a ig b lito « a U J i te i -* t .J n

' o ’cloek voxt nom lac. Aa A e w en t to ' l ll i rooD-to call him ih e S n a rd s o rtiply

T •rad eirtwtog found him J n it n lJ re . A I doelnr w ai inmaioned iB jae d la te ly b n tI j- - ;


h . ■


lib -



r ’a

Ma .

ch J

" " Sdiilli n | I changed,

u: : 1-------------------------------------------

TFi------------- ^P h re irh u to i t n S M^ _____ Wrt h»o**Dr ^

or - ■ ■ ■ - •


r h e j m m S i- e n t e r t

There’s, something indei W'tfi&rrwho en tertains ■we learanee of her home to th 'ords—everything is so na lifferenf;

Such splendid hostesses, <

vhere. They grace homei naking them happier th ro i •ttiraet..J— .

Aflvertis€ment3~koep"th( ommohplace.^ Aavertiseiii lost deJightfui - th ings. J lew customs and practices, pproves as correct , .....

The woman who-entertai en isenrentgn«oroiv iyT» ' lUt to learn how to do so c t :ertisem:entsjr«.Jm9.r,eJhi hej...arel.ann°uncg.mex>ts:,g iracticed safely. '

lead the adoeiUtements—t is eorreet—and ml

EBRUARY 25,19^ . '11 haa a dausMer ia Obieafo. «

<M J f l r .« a M i t .? o < t f r o in B u p e r t , WWB' j n la J l t td to a f i i s iDlddle a t tho .w eek .rlii 1 ; to Ulnx Mr*. Teat '• lit te r , Mra. Chadwick, a ipiy •. Tba Hebekaba csve n lurpriao parly C

A Tueeloy nen ln jr fo%«nor e f Sfra. Km. bn t jnnic and Mra. Utlerbaek, and ptMenlcd K g a j j a c h y1tlL«ft,VJ |tlCT.lfft .ita>V.t~ain

' ' Wl

^ O M E s V iSchilling

proi '^mforthe(ii. [ g X o f f ^ & x { The tradition untouched.w^na...— ---------pa^e^prtsmstakd-mvaamm— ieStjiam-t/jt

Ull III IIL I llll nil I CTMirjmTta f l a ! i s a ^ ? 3g-?g ^

idescribably fine about tt ■well. ProiyW e~cheery ai the service she so deftly 'a natural—yet so charming

!S, once very ra re and beloni

nes in every walk of life- rough the manj' friends the

th c se - 'W ^ sm ^ ja ^ 'd ^ o f^ siiSnis te ii^ f-the newest-ai

Advertisements" annouhc es.-They tell w hat th e wor!

tains V eil m ust read .the a, tOTcesp'paaTvilTTprogf^ I oil ;a limited purse. Forai _thai».Jhritbii® Cof . economies th a t mav 1

—to Hnow what is njm, i ^ wbat it eeonomicaL'


weddlnR Rlfta. v e ' lEhe L ad lea '4 1 d T ae t r t the home of r l i l M»._ae«KO.J»jdETii Wfileaailay a ftr r - ck. aoon, irftb M n . n o ^ e n and Mra. r iy Olark Brook* a i boatenpi. fM .’ 'IJmeet P . DrtrwnlnK fff ila ic lton, and led Mae H. >'^rlejr o f Filer, were miirrled

W.tehYourC5f f« r

that serve ig CofiFee Jtected'" quality of W^MheeW mai blend

Watch Your Cofee!

rS tTVt t h M f T / i r f h t f J f / i i t l y . ___________ •

.of-fttLccffa. — ~


s a H g a a 3 f f l B « a c n ^ : n : ^ |

; the , ■ - - I ' ■1 ap- _________y 'af- jingly • . ■ I -


ife— ' >they

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n h e ~ ~ j ; i : i i a ------------------- ----------r - I —

'Uhde ..............................I '“X7vorld

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e ad-- : . ■

ra d -yle—....... .................. —- '. f t ..

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J •' •• '-'"X-'y

--------- --— I--- : .-- - ■ - ■— "

------------ — H j H -

. • p

Page 3: Alaska’s Head , Huge Merger

.I fP iO D fflH H i r a E i -

m i j W ff__^ChiEf-Juslice^OIson and Chi-

' cajo Polici! Working on New Theory in Mystery Surround­ing Orphan’s Demise."

, rfllOAClO, JVIi. 2( .limtlpi'Jfiirry OI-.,m <,f ilin ruiirt «»•tluy wnilv Uj Ui'nvtaloty111 Wfi«liliij;ioH, rc-<iiii-»tink' n rt-fonl of nil Milpmi'til* l.r lyiiliiild thc I.ilwMlnrv (ci ChlriittO' wltliln In'O

.inonttii |ir lu r 't« lli<< of WilllnmN pIioii .Mi-aiiiliirk, ".uillllonnlro or- J>hiili.' '

Jinljjp Olnon mill lln> ChlfflCK I'ollcp * nr<' liivciIlKiiIliit; u tln-ory (lii>t MrCllii-

----------to r t '* iJwth vrai cnuitil ’liy tfp h o iif In’g tioculnlloii.’ A romjiiunirntlcin rrrnlvr*! by •IihIK'*

« Olnon Imliiv nirvini-i! lilm lo iji-l In loiirli witti Vfnnk I*. Wr.luli, N rw Vork li.vr- y.-r, My(iij{ h r »niu!d vaiun()(r Iii- /ornintlnri briirliiK cm llio MrClinlopk CUM-. It WIIH n-i:nllril t lu t spvrriil yo;i/» nuo Walih dc-r«!n<lf.l n Kniiini Citv {ihy- Rlclnn nrrUM-il of commlttliiK muriliT lir iiiruai of typbold innoculiitlpn Rupiilv lupiili'd hy i>olioiis not iracpaljlo J« a jMul morti'm.

Juclifa UUon'i RiAll rontnlix'cl roiii- miiulriitluiiii iibout Ilio cnno frnm itntiy

______ 8liiJi;i,Jridudliiu_CiiUfoipia.---------------

- i W I I I S B B1 ______

J. Frank Lilly Must Serve Three to Six Years for Bucket Shop Operations.

x K W V o n i r .T . 'i r s r M ’j - j . F n tikMlly, It ]i:irC liiclInn, wliu '‘1* ”jiroiiiWriK carpcr nn iiii piliifiiior iiiul ci|ic.'iii'il ll wall utrri-t liurki't diop, wna <>ri[i-rc-J lo Kiii^ Kinj; ]>rlaun lotil|;lii Jo BPTVi* tlirce io gU yenra for Ilral (IfurPo laTrc-iiy.. .

j • Wlirn hi* brokprn([<\ firm frvilrd In - V - - I f i o wero only |r.<*,OtH>-nf aM rtj

^ . to COV.T »1.mi0,000 In linbllitlri."A ll thi' rviJeiiri* iiolnta foucluaivrlv

to tlio fiict Itml Mlly (ldllli(.riitrly w,-jit-----—into Jiualiim a-itif .the aolo miriHxe of

’ (i]iriiiBh' n liurki't alici|i,'’ aulil Hi'm Ioiis Juil[;o C'olliua iii ]inisliiKtvIK'!.

_________________n n m Jn JB in a .,,-------------:—Mllv wna burn in T.-Jinrknnn, Tcxaa,

no yi-nra hj-d, Hip ruii o t ii qunrtor- broi'il tlutlvriia Indian futloT uml n •luiirtpr-brcccl Chirkiiiiiiw InilLm inotlu-r. A fter '» youlU In Trinidad. Colo.,, Adn, Okln., nml Tlahoniln|;o, Oklii.. lie won liaclipliir iifriirtR nnd imiati-r o f urln ilc-

■ • K f''" I 'l H'‘: ntilV«-r«Uy of .Misnoiirl. Hn

Ihu Olikknanw JintUiii’fi'a<!lii>ol n t 'I'Uhn- mlnen, iiro fm or of l'»yclioloj:y n t tho Kinlc-rn tVntrnl nofnml_iichool o f Oklii-

» Jiomn ,nnil tlipn iirofc-aior of biology.________Lllii_l!rQ icatcil_nt_UitLJCii::ltjr_Bl

, th f ac-ntpncp, Ho wna Innorunt of tcch- " iilral wron^'ilolnd, ho anld, niid ho tci-

Rrttlpd Ihnt tli« tuw did not roquiro tho li«oalni{ of brokers, fo r tlion, bo ncild, hu nvviT wouia Uavo bccu imtihU- tc'd lo hwonio n broker. •________


A«T«nneat B«uhed b r S«n»te tnd HonM O onfm M on C n r n p t Practlc« BU«r to pM t«l P a r BUL

--------- .W ABltiyG T ey . T oK . -S4 - W -^ThiORKmicnt fo tutoln in tlio w aiili cur

---------thn-jxn la l-pny-and-T alo -JnerrnBO-bil!--------- yna~7<« tffjM oaftyT}iniouit6~ntnnigiintt

‘ i l l the amount o'f cxpcudltiicm in fcD' . aU rlal »ad rongrMilonnl - fani)>a]gni

, 1 nnd provide* for.porlodlo tcpoita by nil ' tominitleet, conj]tt*tiional,» nnd nntlona), recently w ai eodoned b;

tho Ikirab cnmpn1|{n fund InVcatlKutliic commuter. A fter thn houao Imd ri'fuai-d to.coBtlder tbe orlslnnl gvniito poat il

' 'tleo'propoanl ia Iho menauto it pniaed. Thn senate rclnaertcd It omt tho houae mantgeri yielded ao th a t tho hnuao will hnve.nn opportunity. Jf d rtlrcd , to go oti^roeotd oa tho lUbJceU

...... ' -

» ANDIIBNVS—Edirin Orel Afldrrw,* 34 yean old, to;) of U r. and Mr*. Ou}

K illa. junior Wsh ichool elglit grndr «kcl a t 3:3(1 _o!tIoek_Iaciaay-iaatiiim

-—^ .t iL lh c , fntnily-tcildcnec,.four-iuid-oBo r liitif loulheoat o f tbU eUy, fron

effeeU of valvular heart troulifo fruu V «U lelpN :lm J“toB|rliHn'-4^lIff«-TM;—

>:d*la wnt born November 27, lOlfl In Lat>«(t« county, Kftttiai, nnd eam<

, .w ltli Uf.paM Bta U -Idaho n ln o -y w r

tnrenta ho !■ im l v o d ty - .:•!» b « < h fr* :ita < Jd h re o u tti« £ rr::rz :^

- I\ittef>l-terT lce^-m atiete<I~by Bov

"-••• -toflfly'al-rtoTJluo thawl.* In U rm M ri ^-_lo.b*-ta-ih*-Tw li» 'P»llre8m 8tflTy7-------

--------- what k man l l llabt* to Iraafln'* b t h u; Iwamw be t t ln k i b«*i m ow ta p o m nt



: T annw ^A nsliauidor toTEagGoZT^'XlT riT u oa StoM ier to Becorae-Nort

• a«(OTtwy of Slato M ird i i . • '

NKW YOIllC, Ffb .54 (/P>—rranV H KcdluKff, t r tltini; nnilmawdor tu <irfnl

" irr iu iii7 ~ w U Icfoiura serrelnty ui "tali' Mnrfh 4. rrturned oa Ihe Ilrron' t;.irin ls!i- lojiny.

.Mr. Kcllojtt: derllocd to diaruM. orU . fori'faal hl> ]«.llf l.'a aa-i4|M alary,-bul

.il-l n««c-rt Ihnt hr wn» brliiirlnu Imfk ,Vi, «o i.liiu (->' !i Ui«llatU>n c.f nrmatiiciit.

AkH'iI tn liidlfntn whethc'f bin nffl-

d rlal nttiludr townrd* Iluaaln wimM )>r • .liiillar to Ihat of Hetrctary I1uk1i.-«, ho rc-idlc-il!

‘•I dc not rtiro lo dl«fu»» Ihat qtipt- tl'.n nt all. Bo fnr n" oit i;'>v.Tnmi-nl l>'rnii<-<'riH'.1. thnt ll in tlii- haiiila of

j . . the- ailmlnMrntluD.”Mr. Ki-llokK Mid that In ihi> Intt

„ y y,.nr Ki>ro(ifl hnd ■•Inki-ii n nr.-at it,'i- of

um D sw « Plnn“ Tno Dnwra |,lnn ," h« Vonlliiu-I.

“ ha^ had niiiPh lo do nith the iln lil|lr.-nion of Ih.- riirinicv of Kiiiop.-.

, (Ii-rmaiiv l> now un ;i i;uM haala. Kutj' Inud >ooi> \(ill he. Si.iilh Afrira on_n,„cm, .Inly l. jim l lUliI.y

•n- of tin- ..unlh-r r<iiintrli-i o f Kciro]..- mr- n)>|iTiiae5iiiiK l ‘i- Kc.ld MnmbrcJ,

Ik-* ••Tiii-n- mitliinic of Kf-‘‘t- r Im- '<•» piirlaiire lo th r Ain.-rirnn p.'oj.le !hrn I"" thal KiifcnK- und, iu fnet, all Ihe nurjd.

hi....hi uu hark to Ihe Kiild hntli nrll-'' i>l..i-l.- Rinuil:.rd. Niithlu'; mulii do i f l lo i.riimot.' roiiimefre nnd InduH \ y trv. Kv-rvlhhiK i, lerilini: il;at «:iy.'.»■ rliifltinlinj: •■UTfelirl.-i mnhe il llii-

'1«- :..Mih!e to curry un <-uinm.-rr.. niid t'liW smd n» 'f.v h;wv ivhxuvn on a roM alaudarJ it i« snn.l'to huv«-

"■>; the MhuV worM oil Ih:T ba,i« .”


n . K fio&druck, President of Initltu- tlon. to be Spoiker a t rollowalLlp

n Dinner a t OhrUtian Church.

“ )toy K*. Itciadruek, preildc-nl nf H|)o- -rknnp-unlvrr*1tymmT-W 7TrTi7nnirK|~

kaiu- nro lo In- »[K-jikor* at n f<-llow«liin • dinner lo be hehl Thur.ilnv .-vi-iiinK

— ftl-(5:ao-n'r|orlc nt-thp-l'h rintian-rliurrn

which la one of iC'^odiii-nllonal OVJ In .iitiiiio iivof lh r l-brUiian rhitri-h Jti • • Mif norlh«rr«t. Invitation I* cxtrniled

lo all yi.uni; ..... ]iti- nho nre ruiitem.idulini: folleve »’ork. a> wi-11 na lo nu-iii ii.-r« nml friend, of Ihe ohnreh.

nlj An-luti-n">llntf mirHim |irnuram of , „ »r.')u-<lriil numlii-r>, Inntriiuiciilal an<l ,1,1 voc-ul ooloi hua ln<-n arrnn);ed fur Ihe ina ‘'\eiihn{ in mldilhiii lo the addremn. rill '■


K o Charge to bo Made for HX£«sa Connuned. During W inter Period, Miinlclpai Offices Advli*.

No cliufiii^ Ih to "be Tiiade on n me- lerc-d biiHia for «nt.-r delivered throiii-h 'IVln I’alla iim nlrljia l_ .«nli'r_av«tcm

_ iliicJinr tho io.t-uliit..iM...>»it.»HMit-4ht- jia, mull-red baais i« tn lie reHUim-i| in ecmi- or- piitini; wnler ehar);ea tu ho ac-nt out

n -Mnrrh 1, l in t . It wua nunoiinecsl Tues- ler. .lay nt waU-rworka offiri-.. dn, iteadini; of inrlera waa dlaronlinued ,'on diirlni; llie winli-r period .mil ronaimi- i!c. rra werP ndvi«.-i| then, in 'lie u 'o f olhor Hu mPi.iiH for prevonting frojen pi|-.'a, to

ho- rbarKt', ncfOfdinic lo tho an ounrmionl.j the Tueidiiy, la lo bo mndu fur tho water ihi- thua w asted .................

f preaches- for- T armers

ETBfljelltt a t MeUwdlit .phurcb Ad- dreves Appeal to TUier# of Boll;

;,H. “ DavU’i Toll a a to ," N ext Subject

Kornion for Iho farmpra*'^on Tucadav . tiiKhl nt the Methoill.t rhurrh. Oii m Woclnoaday niKht h i. aul.jc-et will bo "» -'Tho Ilrvll-a Toll OntL^' i ’rliluv

. nk-ht will 1.0 anolhrr “ nuoHteri’ a i Nil'll!,” wllh spcclal muaie hv a fhll- tlce dn-a’a choma.

Tlio coltae.. prnycr arrviera ulll bo _ M i W odnydnv mornini; ii( lO.u’cluck

rhu Ul-Uiai/ul]owlui(.hntiir«>------- , ,•ur- M ra.-W all,-302-Vlftirhvvm io nOrlhi- tn Mra.-R-J-WhJrerSlT-MaTriinTrfh'nrFfi.'bill Khinfhnrt,-'tOO-PDurth-- nv.''iiik'-wcHty ntff y t n r r n i f t h — -r-rrBnnii •b'vc~n~75it;

len. nuo; Mr*. ■Hollister,’ 7;i0 Mnln n 'oniwgni aouth;. M n. Oliiy, 107 Wnahintrton.nil HiK-rbil ilucly for tbc weok: >'lmt

.ftle Cor. i:m» thn jitrr. HprrSal »»mW forby Iho ilnyr M att. (Jih ui.d 7th chni.iera.

lliu -----------

, tS I I . .^ loniPntnH l^tnD nT^vvotiiiD ^f 'twenty- uae flvo’ haa fetvcr chanccs of living to llfty will than Q inao of tbo aotno aga On ttio go other hand, if a mnn and <woman Itovo

botb T«acJi«4 the ago r t flfly, tbo ■■ chftiieca ai-a lhflt^Uic'woninD-wIll out* >..L * foet otMBO foUir

— ;— :— ---------------------------3uy ,----------------------------------------------------—

xir. Pt|||| T|||r hnnn K

| -Joint»Easa4IWiflrari -^ • ‘Joinl'BatoTla-iellifttf llko hot eakei----- in -my -itofe-l>ecnBa»-if U a wotrdcrfnt-by «nil t |>ecay rcpieJy for * a ll Joint

~^*U ot-w liy not Impress oa te n i~ T f rSn th T O tt^ r ^ f

thoU hloga.lbat Roaona ol-or.-«tutomwa t U tell n e almost dally. ^ ___— -^ 'S o n io - ia f^ th ttr irk n o f llts onl Inm*

bago overn lgh t-^ lhera a u e r t th a t for

^ equal, while maDy insist tha t thero-ls ^ nothlng-tbay-agctLitle d tha t U act effl. !»t* el«nt for .neuralgia; ne n riU ssa d etonm l head .eolds and na ial e * ta n h . 'L -_ -^ =

iV oVq -feller wt ; ' IW

' TWIN falls :


» : r - | ll li i - ' .f J I j f l r - ' -

iri. . » .r

i l i i r s I T

: i i m BILLI 0H9B6LS’I”- _______

lr; interstate Commerce Commis- i i slon Hopelessly Dividod ondo

Repeal of Pullman Rate, De- I”i Clares Report.

WARHIN-nTON-, > v .. : i lerllnir Ihat the inler»l:i1c cnmmrn-e-----rmiTniMioit-miir- ‘hnii?|pin1v-ilt7lctprt'*nn the i.ropoHiil fur Jevo iu iion 'o f the ^0 I'l-r •■out I’lilhnan »urc-ha>.>-.

n r tn r ;— ATkam.n, ■ |ptno«-mt«r^ t culiLi'. Ita- today filed mliiorltv viewa n t niriu- blp 1,,-ra of the hoii»i< eommc-rre rommil-

t-e favoring lei;l«latu)n for lla elimi-

po- T t.'' _rcinimiMee whieh voted locm tlv

h'p on a aiirehnrijo ollnJuntion ji-i.pi>KalInu <vna )|i-elareil in Iho niliicirltv te|>orlr»-h !.T—liaV .,-heh r h.-rirIui:»“ .o J lin r IhVii-d i.i'ijcrily rejxirl “ ml«hl infliienfci weiu

nnl seiinto nniendniont,” hnving tlir aamo ‘>1 objoi'i allai-lii-d aa n. rider to Ih.-

'I'-'l Itidrpi'ndeiit urflenj li|ijirniirliillnirr.lttr '■>i'- K irept fur Iho aniato rid -r, " th e '■I” lioiiar woiihl nut havt been yivrn nn

ot.purtuuitV-..ta -vutii_ou_U.ii_|iroi.aiii- tlon at n il,” tho nilmirllv ehnrued.

ind •<W,. ohji-rl to tho i'lipniliimi of tliia •be ,.>trn rbaruo upon rho IfaviOiiis iiiib- I- li.' nnd fnvur Ha rem.'»iil,” tho r rp .r t

fontlniiod. .“ Tho Inrtf-'r portion gf • , tliia aiirehnrgo roveuur la ri-i-olvrd bv

roiida thnt nro boing ]>nlil o rder coti- l i b tro r l with Iho Hulln-iii rompuny for-----b^^I‘i^g-th^'l^■^In^■blld“ n■■ 'l•ry~ uhaiTT

crublc porlios o f this aurrhnrRO Igj onno U being jerclved l>y road* Ihnf

nre rnrnlnK »ior>’ lhan tho fair reliirn f ile d under llu- ln«v.”

,„p. ~ T r(lP W rltif 'dT ir"no th l»g ahor' o f n I„li penalty ii|>uii Ihe reiiiiiromonlH nf nu- tcm 'I '’*"'” Iho in'puaiHoiy Uie Ki'Telimu-'

7.11 •-~-|i.i..,.ii|...~Pcmi- Irnnaportlng him und

Ihc I’lilluinn ennipunv fur luil|-lni: him. J,,g. Iiu ia fecpiirril lo ]iav the nillrojd

pniiy nn oxtra nmount fur tho privi- ued '''K " 'if p-iyini; tho I’nllnian ronijmiiy III,,, fo r the nrrouiiuodnlluna. whleh ll pro;],j,f \ld lK .” - . , .

Tho' ropnrfaeid Ihat it Wna not roii-

o f hniiling n ilerping cur waa Kr-iater Ihnu Ihat fnr a dny ronrh,


’ Kiiort, who underwent nn oporntion lm.V iiIkM fur nppcndli-Ula, had aiirli ILJiUjjIiU'Iffry liny n 'm l.w n i.triiln if sn well this evening ihnt.iliucTi of the

( Z " | ’l>fV'-''>i*'<»' "hout hli- eondition wn* Y albiyoci nncl. n hojioful ntlltuilo p r r 1 vuilrd nt Ihe bospllnl whero ho ia a

patlont. Tho pbyalelins mndo nn ex- Iroiuoly optimlH'ic: Ktatement n l 0 o'oloek thla cvor.lnj. anylnjr th n t tho

, pre&lJent waa In Rond condition nud . th .it nn more h«llotU\fi

u titil-tnm orrow m ornin g .- - - - — -

a MUl~CEFMALS-BTiX = ^ i l -------MAY-N0T-6Ef-ACTI0N‘niw WAfiltlNOTON, Fob. U M>>—Ilou.e

and 'srnato eonfcrei-s on Iho Undurwood Iral Mnaele Rhonl* Irnjilng bill snlil today for tiiey wtiro doubtful wlielbff tlie mea-

a. *uro fuuJd be euaeted a t this seailon o f rongrou.

They.eipoct lo eomo to nnothrr agreo- m ent on thn bill toniorrovr, bu t n i lea*

''ty- they are eanvinced oven a sioall num-Ifty bor of opponents could block sohatetlio netion.avo In a three.hour seialon loday, th e eon-tbo -t*'* ta sk ofiu ,. f ro m -th e bill* iKo m atte r-w h leh the. senate. hefiV hail been Iniertei^ {n «onj,

Jews Joot ilfis-fastern^Higgis}tkos inakon of Jolnt-Ease, know th a 't w hat Tfnt- tbU :tlirlT tnff:N ow :Jenoy"dniBglit a a ^ olnt l a - t r ue, but -w a . a tlll malatalti th a t

T o lQ tE aio . I i ptcpareu Xor,, o f WhHtlm.

___ .w o .penetratlna . Jolat-.Inm- Easo, fo r w ith ju i t oae m lnoto 't rub- fo r b tn g il-ioaka th m g l i th e f le o h -d lm t

-B ft to-th«r*ailljig-bOBBi-and-HgBiDBnt>=-* o-1s t b a t ' l why tt tueeeeda—for wbea.Jo}st*

E a ia -g c ti J i U olata. mlaen^^^ - iTon A nd .wittiout -oaj w y to of t lf t» W



— TIanCI, Amerlean-Aee Ooverj MwT m T tir -« tl* ta iic * - in -1 4 -^ ln u t* i-2 3 “ r3-

Second! a t BenefU Pettormw ice.

N i:W YOKK. Feb. 24 M>>—Willie llitoli amnjhed hia own w o r ld In d o o r

— fwonl-fw-floiKirtnesorirmTntiinr^TTAT^dlatuiieo fealurn o f Iho riith...llol ben­efit trnck meet. TJio rin.iii.h-Ai.ierl. eiin noo rovered tho diitnnc-e in 14 min- illea 1.,' aersnila. low.Tiu); hv ..even

— riin-rmi?:firih77mV.^nri!ie‘ m,TFf'i^neiIhre.- WPi'kt nuo.

I‘hi1 llrnnville, Cnnm'lion n.'Cro aii.l formrr winner of tho A ii.eriran iiaH.iniii walhinu I’tlo, aror.-d n ‘ fieelacniar vir- lory over Ujco Kflg<'rlo. <|np|K-r lillln Italinu aud DIvmpIo rtuinitilou, lu :> mlh-

■ nml n hnlf h.'el nml toe event that! aroilaeil flic crowd to n hiuh plteli of

' enlhualiitui. '

O K A IFE a D BrBA TS BELGIAN.nm iA U U , Veil, l;P>-0»li.- Wehae-

fer, former IS.:! balk tino Iiillinrd .-ham- piun of tho world, toniuht .l.-reale.l Md- ounrd lliiremaua, Ileltjiim ehaiui>ioi;, KH) lo 1(11 In the third mat,.h o f ilie Inli-r-

S national 1H.2 bulk lino Iiillinrd eham- plonnhip lournnmoiil bore. S.I.ii.-f.-r clicked off u hiKh rnn of ino li. the

aovonth Iniiluij, J i Jiow .... rk for lln-tmifiiam^ni: ~ ^

• JEAKLB OUTPOINTS LEE." S ' NKW YOifK, ivti. :;i ( /P ) - i ; . o,

f'/vifo .fi-akio n r toniDlit niit-o n iHilnted (ieuruo (Kid) I.eo of Wnrn-^ler.

Mana.. In a. eonli-at whii-h wna one of De* Ihr fimt round rtwileh.-H in the Nexv

Vork Alhti.lie niinmlaalon'a tuurimiiientlo pro.lllrr a Hilre.-aHor to liej.uv I.... ..iird. Who reeenliy vm nled ..... liolit.woighl tillo.

i n e i ti 1 T O M 5n t l ^ ------------------------------

Jim Ferguson, Husband of Gov- '”i“ ernor,~Thinks--Extradition

—Would-Hurt-Man’-s-BusiriessrIhe • —■ ' —

OAMTniltniK' 'MiiH'aT. 'X e 'i i . ^ i r o in - niHiriet Atlornev A rllinr 1\. Ui-mliuj:

"I* aunoiinei-d IimI.iv h r woiibl rem-w pm- 7 ‘“ * rW;iiiitf»»rn-or -Ail,i-H

1-. Kii.-idl of W irhili. 1--I11I-;' Trx;i.. Indirled hiro In li':!3. for deaerliuu.

I" '''; uun.aupjiurt nnd nlinmloiimeiil o f hla I ' " ' wifo ami rhlid who reHide'‘ln Wiu-

rheilor. «uerlal ClfficiT, Charlea Mal-■ iahan; aenl to Texn* for llu.»rll, ro.

I'urteil todav Unit .Tnnii-a Frri>n«on, Lu»U uJ-ur-QoV cow r-M U liVr. SUI"*". prrnldod u t Iho rx IrndlHun honring nnd refirKnl (ir.i aiipllealtou

.'"'■i c,ii Iho Kfi'onda it would " h u r l liua- Holl-a hn.inea.,"

Itiiaiudl rooentiv wn* nrrraled there " for Maa-.iiehii>.e1»ii iiillhorilieH. T b r er-

Irnililimi ■ ...........lllli;". .Mnllahati aaid,wrro op rn rd 'b y om' MnrlJnuald, who

liiml _ B u ^ cs* in W ‘‘ .Tim, I want von to ini-ot Attnrnevrivi- i’j'tera. Wo nto her,' to help Mr. Kui-inny aell, whom thev wnnt In MnaaarhuHell<.pro- Wu dou'I-w nnt him to uo bnrk. Ho

. Is .n -bua lnca . mun o f U 'iehitn Vnll.(-on- nnd ia mnrriod' hem .md n com f rll.

,ater Mnilnhan w.n naked lo toll hla atory he auill, and ufler ho .b n d dono thia the prealdiiig o ffierr naked. Kuajell

Sjolhor he wni tho porcwni nmiird in e Indlflmeiil nn.l whether hn hnd 'E D bi'eii in .Mnaaaehuaelln n l ih o timo apreiflod. Itiia.ell, Mnltiihnii anid. nn-

aWered bcdli cpioMlolia In thn iiffirmn- live. KerK«i|on thon rendered hin de- ritlon, Mallahan rc-porto.l, in tho.u

—^ -V T in tn p i iiT ir tT r- r rn i r ir im iirh nla in biialneaa hero. I f wnuld hnrt hit

"'I'* biu lnoai.'’yrv :------------------------*» " flon the; piny, ............r t and M an-,"

a t tho Daplial chnreli, Thnradny, Kobru.


H^a<fc(f A a x U ty_N oiblna-ln-llfo-U -inot«y_r«aafkaM o than - th e-tin n w w a n rr anxletT—w hldt

____ we eaduro and BW>BruUr_pccaaloo our.


E j Joe-K Says:mea- The w orld 's rbampioii optli■lion th i i a d ! “ W anlod: To nmrry,

tnno In nn n kltrhon rniiKi*.”

H B b SW

j e | n eWB— OOMEPYt

\ _Fri. a o d S a t^ J* j

“ 7----- rM onV and iT u-------------- i r S J B O J C D H H Y ^

B ^ E jC IS S QI - ' - - ........


. l i i S T i

S i j f i o w d o i n - e o i i c B c r t n v c s t l g a t o r

i"S’ T e l ls o f C o n d i t io n s In C olo-

_ - r a d o P e n a l I n s t i t u t i o n .

omil ''OI-l'IIADO KI-iilNOS. 1-Vl., '.’I W l- ' r,iti,.i .m , of Ihe adminl-trnllon of

il . -ni.imnH .1. Tvnnn. war.leii of the I'oh.

m i l o ..... - " . v 'VH 'v I i ''« o T , 'i r e n m S ,i i i e,„tl^i‘; e,tin Iho ti-.timon^- of I'ruf. Au-lln II. Mar<’ormi..k o f Iliiw.iiiin roll,llflin.wi,.k. Mnllio, wl.......... .. the -Intni

I ' lalo toiluy iu .ul.flanluiliuu o t Uu- ■IV ‘’f'-iiK'il bv former lloxmior

'""r.Hiveet.V;,;l Not oiilv .lilt M:., b -v e r..,-

; V - ' " ‘• li 'H .m al tho w ard c i’H lunu ' ntv-imnt, Imt aU.i .undo :i ..Million ni

, ............... I o f the I'uli.rndo pei.nt ........ At om- jiim liire he rlirirtnl T.-

", nuu u ilh fi.l...hi,o.| ill >oven •pe..irie " (!t»lnnrr« in ronnrrtinii with the prt'oii .ianrvey uliieli .\lael•nr.iiieU i..;..!,. In

.......... wllh Tlioiiiaa Moll D.l.nme,'nciil I'oiil W. Ilnrrell of Ne« Vork .IU

'. O .'n t III.- rr.pie.l of Ilie foimer ;;u\enu.r.

aler Outllneii minebooda.'I'ho w anlrn. h.' aaid, made tho ful

iien't' " " ' 'I ' '' 'i " >i» piii><’hmenl lii-rin llio iirlaou.

'. i , , . l wero no nion nnder ]uin'' \A^\wn\. lA t U tlwiv tlu- I'tUoii ;niv.-v

na» mmlo In I.VIiriiarv. IICI.Tlial ............. w.-,e 'w.-;>rluK ball aud

____ ehiilii fur ili...||diii-,__________________'I'iint ........nn ever Iho hall nnd

rh .in fur n i.eri.,,1 luoL-. r ....... HQ d.iv^-----------iiK.i imaoiM-ra who wero plaeed ou----- ttn^lT T O r-'-fiit-T ^iT K 71!j{ «T-77-inn'

alifii.kioii__________ _

m.l flciKiied.’1 -nii.d mi more ihnn lhre.,_c.r _f,Hir. |blii»« w.-ro w r r adminiMor.d durin;;'n aiiMikinir._________________________

in v .l |,„ve aioro foun.l thal We wore,mWed In Ihe..e j.a rlien liir t,;! .Marl'or.

t i o n - - W earing Ball and Chain.> ... I 'IW ,, m.|,..,ir,d aii.ldeiilv In IhL diji.

Ini: ....... an.l f.inn.l Iwo men in Ih.-reiwi.;iiVn(f tlio Imil nnd rh n in ," hr m W.

___ !-'\V u-iilau di»L-uvon.-d . ai.nuitiineoiiKlylhal neveii mon u r r r o il iho iiiinlahmen:

diuK lie r .”prii-l The eulletfo tiro fexor. who fur f,.nr

ibi-n‘v,ara W M fxTPtlikTirffker'cTf tliT n:.. ■x:ia. vnl liriHon nl I’.irtNnioiith, .S'. H.. turned liun. hia leaiiitiunv nl pointa Inlo a dlMorla-

hla tiun on ]>o»ul aval.-ina niid prixcm pian- Wiu- nKoihout In apllo of objeetlon l.y do Mai- fei.M. cmmnol., ro. I He naanllod tho preaent ayalem on :i*on, the fiiliiiwini’.polnla; -l>Vr-l_Iii.lilalrv,-wl.)rh-l..^ai.i.1-woiild-*rortItiun 'oii only «i',....-,li,1_rnad ...........................ition ruin]>nr.-d wllh o rdioarv iK-nilrnliary Itua- Hinmlnrda. - ’

I Tbere w.-ro tuo manv Inaido de la lk :herc he anid. ‘‘Thla make* fi>r Idluai-.u und I- er- dlMuiiteiit” ho «.-»id."■iV’.i Bud A vensfl.

Tl....... .ncterl/.ed aa ' ‘ronernlly bad nverano,’’

' I Tlie frimlniillv' in.iam' wunl. uhirh irney he deelared w a-i'a ‘‘ dumping Kruuiid’ ' Kua- fur untrnelablo iiriaonora.le ll-.t ' .............iiin-,-wliieb” b.'"aaicl \Ma'hnm.

Ho pored bv th r aniallnoHi of tho i;rotmd> Kalla nndtiK - 'ahitrtiieJa a f 'l im u atluied t.i ’ rll.

utorv tv Kuod,” imt handlonppod bv tho mu thia rnlu of Iho Inatltnliun liml oVorerowil

m i'll od rondltluns. T uut onou|<h pro d In vlaion fur voratiunnl Irninln;;, hu aaJjad_lcXliaL________ _____________ 1—timo I The parolo avtem: “ Thoro is pnmlo , an-'onth ia lihi.phcnioaa, ho anld.;rma-| Arluiil nt-orda on parole, althuiigii I de-’mragro, wero welt k rp t. bo ndmllled. Ihoaul Tho truaty aytein: Thon. nro to.:

imiiny prlvilocod trnalloa mid llio.truah■m ‘P.atf 1KMiliqinr7niuuk, l.u -ai.ld.----- ------- -


CLKVKLAM), Ohio, Feb. ^1 OPi- in-,.” Cnrl Treninluo, Cli'.vidnnd, won Ilof obru- erru M alt l lin k r l’a derialon ovor Kddii

((’annonK 'ill)-M nnia , cbnmplou lu a lamwolght pnglllat. In- n slaahing 11! ruund boul hero tonight.

„ M arlin’* tlllo-w ns not ri-*lnko,. how"U"! .w -lghH rm -Jh t

-"‘OT- iifiofM<...n-nl-13IH-ponnd*,-three-nni oue.nuarur—tw uiuU-ovvr—tinv-bfliiluHi

.. .. weluht limit _____

optlmiat is tho Jlroolclyn-man who InsnrliH) nrry, n inodeni flapper who knows how lo

D Y ^ P . Q a m a H T M V I E W ^

T ues7 i” 40 W IN K S ’" ^ ^ - V ^ o - j A a s - « o T - i n s f l - i T i - —

f f W i E » ea la g „_ --------- lOc and SOe



^ CommlMloner' A. J . PesVey lieporta

--------- f«iaui;«-to-Ea*GuUve- Board.

Sunk.. Iliver di.l/li-t fonnrll', a .y <'i'f ....... . ii ono uf Ifi diatfi|.1

TImM r .i 'i^ ’^ n .-. ,?IIl ro ,„,nr'^ f.ivor- , nblv in a ll rr.pi-el. vulli uther eoum-iU

)I0 ‘ .^f ‘lh i. ............ ai'i i.tdliiK tu .tn ti men!<.f A rthor .1. i'lnv .v , ilh lrlit eomml.

1 - r r ;r.ii...r,.;.t-»-u...iithi^ .......iii ,tf-f U f 'U*irir l eK.'oiitivo ho.icd hi.|i| r i l . ‘il:iv liii.« at hl« Imm... Mr. P-hvov haa lo- e.-nllv relo rm d fn.ui Kiilto uhero I ,, . ;.............. n .-ur.uirii c-ouf-r.-iK.. nf bin 1

,. .| i|.n.I..r., ami Mib.nil1..d iii ri purl ' lo Iho .•x.-. i il i\r hoiii.l al Ihr, mieliiiy, I

(i. 11. ()l...rl,.uff..r. ........... I ..a..o„trx— :rrv,., i, i . r i “ i,. r . i i - '.....-

r ' k " , . . \ l .|',"',i'!"i( ..... iili-fof Sunk.- l l i u r d in r..iiu<il « ; ih filed liv Iho .•xi-,-u:ivi. in thif.mi-rtini; lo he held .Maieh ill, nxet, a', iluhl.

T. M. ItoiM-.l.ou, iil.lrirt ramp eom iui„l.m rr, al:.le.l Ihat a meeliii|: of

III.- aev.Tiil hL'ol ........ ri.uimiMi.iner. of, ;'■* (hojIU irii t w.uil.l I.e hrhl xtithln a fe.vI,',;;. 'I”. ' - - r '- '" , ... .. ..... .

..... . „ i„.••'l ll'i*. nv-v.liin; it; u.MiIUh t.> .\lr. ivavi-v, w.-re l»r. M.M. ( of Kiic.r, Pr. 1,. tl. l-liiilip, uf .leiome, Ilny W. (iijidiiiT, 'J'. M. iJoLc-rlJitii. Jir. W. F. r . i y r , A. W. IV. k uf T nln Falla. ..nd Yi ll.iiiKbia Ha» ll-v ,',|i.lrlrl ai oiil exei'lilivc-.

I 'K U IIIN l.:,-!’. li. Tnvlor. New ,,nn !>'•“ Movie, Sei.llh-; 6 . M. Frlrk-

1TV.-V ““I', L ake;'John Ilainl, l.u l‘foi.a.',• Wia.j 1‘elo Jhiuiilov, Halli.y; Frank tr.

U it, S a il Lake; ' Itoliert MrHorlov. Hull.-; .1. r . Harr, K. L Wllkinaon. K. llrii'Mi, Hnlt Ui'ke; A. I.. .................

,1,,,.. I'nruiiit Mian .V. Wonnn li..l«"- I'l-.rlr .^iaiiley. lfti|>eilj .llui Ilimiopuloa, Halt

.Moal!: r . r , 'Kiiehenbr’ukor, W. w!

' .V. \V. W orkmaa, Hull' Lake; lia rry 0. f.H|r Loculler, Herkoiey.________ ^ ^

IIOCIKIJHON—.lue tjiiiilli, Kimbrrly; wrn- -I. Toimiey, Itttrll'V; f . II. rvTI^Iili,

•‘ Hrini'inir i:p Faliior’ '; Wull.-r M. .lonea, II. H. Chriatenaen. Knit l.Jiko; A.

-------w ; now ti.a an u h a ■nostnnht,-f’«irJiU'iii-lo; . F. Lyb.irgor. <J;;doU! W. I* Me-

-diJl^ i ;lu n o v i> '‘>“<'‘<>M-J^M^]tuv>«»irurIhere iiiitil; A. N. Haaonkni.ip, ■|.arnnile; (I.’"iM. n . Nanipaon. 1>. U. I'nrai'r, Hall l,iiVe;'ii»ly I;.. A, l>o(l.lrH'>Eerann;-.In*.. U .-t‘mtt,-mrn: |,ialio Falla ; II. A. MneFurhin.l, t4an

Fraiii'laoo; Wnltor Koiapp. Itoas 1). lint; Jcy,,aall-L ttkc;_J_iY _IluluuL.aud_w l^e na. Twin Falla ; ll. Il, Jefforauu, K. A. Vaniriied .‘lirklin. Ilobo; J . .1. K. Tliumiia, Twin'orlii- Fnllaj I).-Wllliama, W. M, AMvood. J.Iiiiia- C. linilon, Hall I,ako;.,S’. II. Soaby, I'o-

do elllellu; 11. II. Vollea,' Halt Lako.

...... DECLAMATION CONTEST”i',™ — TRYOUTS-UNDER-WATf" '“ 'J ' lUgb School Sp M k m oompeUn* Ja . , . | , Three Dlvlslonit for Opportunity to

I and Beprwwnt Bchool In Aaoual E v en t

A .............. . prelimlnnrv eontoala (n Twin l-'nlln hljjli srhool du'rlnif Iho week

lire.” tho flnul,-try-oat lo minll^y Vepre'acnt:^"hirh live* of till' aoliucd In an annual anli.mill’ dia lrirt ilc-olnmatury eontcut tu bo held

. . Mnrrli .3. .uexL Unc ipcaker. lu cachhnm. of threo braiirhrv-rhnmoruua, dramuiic

Iilmda I,nil, oratorical—J* Ju Iw Dolertnl ntli to thit - flnnl ron trst tt) nw oaon t-theII. Brhocd. ‘

r.nunHt* Inonrlm f the thrro Wnnrbo/0 mu- nro cunijH!liug in tin. nrrlimlnary ooH' rowil- li-sla, .inu evoning being naaigued leII pro ontrnntn in earh limneh,-nnd fnur be u aa- in g ^ iin li f ied In^-arh branch to tnku

ariilo. In tho linmurnus divi.lon, fur whleh th r proltniinnrv contoat «-n« held Mon-

'luiigii day ovoning, thorr woro alx ontrant. led. nnd 10 ontrant* touk inirt In tho irv-

to.i out for th e oralotleal divUion tUivt whi WMv l.rW .jj;iil.i;,, | | | , | | „

itrnmalie dlviirinii are tu ho hoard In n prelim inary try-out Ihia ovealng.N. •

• ^ 7 Cooki:il fond anio, Lndios of tho 0 . A, Hof- It,, Dan Alefook cirolo, Kiturd.iy nl lum -•

■•= =-; ■ =how- ~~ ~ ~

o l i l r - ^ tm rm n i t i • ' -i .iiii i » »

ml.... - - ------------------------------------ —

n Banking«f to

Ir n bu8inc.<<.s csKcntl. — - ; im iy .' b u a m a s n j f f g r r

H . KUCCC.<t.<t,

1 A iw l"T \V IN F A L L S ■ _ ' Ror\’lc^-l3 n 'busln H — ‘ — to thfr last B|~" simplffying tho W i ■ _ mers, (Icsigncd-to. ho Wr" banking-activitiM tc

‘ and"wlt?i' mlnlwinff 1


^ —-UnderBbdi— "T

20c FiDderal'RcMnt-

m : L . i - i i ;

'EBRUARY 25,1925. Pago Tliree

1 * GUILD GIRLS TD.GLVE .PLAV__WorI.I Wlilo n^hl glil* nf Iho-Bflp-.... -

ortn II. Mnatera, (iro lo iire.rnt Thnr»day jCnr‘cTBntjig:;:3B=aiic-'churaSrT‘ itnbcifc;antl-TT=.-,.- Mnrr,” n roniantin pinv In three sat*. -

|'ici,-.-,..!iiif a ►il.eroffrrin« nrc to bo n .luvotid lo 1. nilMioni lun.\. Mcinbrr*

of Ihe init-larhiilr Uiilli Hnowhill,... ( Wilroi, li.ira Wil.on, Mih

'■''"P iln-il Keriia. Hn».l Khhh. llo.e Wiloux, llhiiieh Swell, Uiihy WiiTharg. Hlaurh KyKendall. .Marim. .bdu.Min.

•li,. - -n I ------

: Neatsfoot Oiling“'$l Per Setbii\ I Shoes soled with No. 1 leather, IL g.i.rt I Workmaniblp, promptneM aad price till;'. I guansteed.iiout Ercd—Poea Harncw-Sbop _i— dm- Opposite nre Depaitiaent.

------------------------------------■ii’^-i' - — ^J',;!' i CALL «a rou



"- of Household Furniturell.iy■. w. • Oooplete tot fonr-rooa boujai

•'alia,: rot nale SATURDAY at the• '‘’III SALE OEOUNDS.

New .:rlrk-

l S 8 6 i f f l =------ TbBAy-btftj'BArUOTS----------

•ill,,,: _____Matinee and Klght . - __ , VauilBville Road Show

----l‘l»o Big Acu -ijf. BJg-Tln#;rrly; _________Talent. _________MACK LONG TEIO

-rhtt-Qyclflna-Duiclng Noreltr. ___OLENN RUNYON .”Tlib~~mili~Tto6f"-------

'I '''" ! DOWNING _&__WmTlNQ_ __'In Love Bpati, Combdr aad

____________ 522 ---------------------wife,------- --VIVIAN-ft-DUNN — —■ ' ‘I" Musical Duo Teaturla* Plaflo'id."j!- TAHEILA & .PICKERINO

. A Unique Creatloa' of Atbletio’ 1 Bkia •________


Mason'■(» .’■T M O T

-F R ® ilC H :« .A O W ^ -"»'>•■ Adapted from the noted »ta«»

' S '“ ii'i “Tlie strange Womaa”t'.thc) -flblrleir‘a.Lateat Six-B«el-I)ni^ - -V.;;;Xr ~AUo Laloat SconoB From ■eon-1 S and Oavo, Etintnoky,•d lo Where Ployd OoUinfl, tbe

Explorer, Ib Entombed.


' try- One Tbouut d Latightugual Vanderme yrieea. .

rd la A WHALE OF A SHOWMaUnee .......—...10c and iOe

n . Night, Adulta....... ,40c aod .WcChlldrea.--- -------^ aad «6c

ng Service 7 rlontlnl, a necc.'ieary pnrt of ® -fofr"\?hich' is:. tOfr hopo_for___

LLS BANK AND TRUST” uslnc.ift '-convcnicncc; •nlso,*—* last dctffil'.xyith-:h' Vlcw'ib-' - •transactions of ita custo-

o holp tfafim to hnndlo thoir ; , ^ J.S to maximum advantage, --- - - - im losa 01 iimc anu ciion, 11


Page 4: Alaska’s Head , Huge Merger

r w m F A L L S D A IL Y H E W

------UiuM 8TWT mornllur wreest

■’‘""■ ''''luB M IirpTIO N R A tk t _ ,

¥ . r a ? . W W . S * T f " . s a•nllllM 10 thu UM (or r*putitlra(loD < «I1 newf dlipatclira c m llK ^ lo It. or nc

A,IS!, K irUhIa of n>t>ubIlaitlon er iporln] dU Sfttehw n«r«la »r« nlfo r>!»»rT*it un tn»«to» A»«ocUtxt rrnM.

po^!»^tI*^o^Vreu^al*^o^l?^*n>tn^ »l‘iom"iu b ^ o r^ llo n u to elt^uUUoa

No niponij|>l|ll^ l l aiiumn] for Ih

a « S r r ' s S S C i :(M<t'er nnt ac ttia dlicrellnn of th« HII tor. ftnd no manti»crlRi* will Im rodinit'

■ anien acMm{Minl»d lir nrccuan' onoiut'

MORE OASn CROrS.J-'mm limr I<i lliiii' a kho.I .leal n

roM.i.inil In Iir;ir.I ........ ..... r.h t Ilaln r.i.llv , .ni,' ..f llifl nri■ > of |l»

Twin Ki.lN rn u iiln ' i t ;i « iitrr viiriit:

Iii',1 i< imt lln- iiinlii ["liJitr^ l M lhir l)i<< fa.'l Hint |,.Tl« nh.l Illi* )■<•:,f |irut,, uh .a t nrp riMlly llie .uily r;i-li tliia i.i'1-lion liii".

Kvcrylxiily kiiinvn tli/it tor yriiTS iiUi'i’jiica iiiipoMllilu lo KMu- J.>'iiiii

Ihto. Till- fiK'l wn* iij.i';.r-'.,ity /o r ;:raiil<'il until n^iiio l:.tiil<»Mi<'r mi» fii lo ntxirni- Iho rink «( ;i lilllo n

_______ i.frii!inil,il worli, follovviiu; »liii-li tn

llio Tuiii Kall.i C.iiiiirry w;in one Ol " ' ^h'' hf'iiii RfiiTriiin^in'rtinn!* tr

!.<• foiiii.1 uiiyulHTi-, inatlcTi n»»

Hint llu'ro i* ilai>i:rr of ii loo Krc"' _______mc.'-Ji'-’iK" "f. “'ll 'I '" 1“'"

iL'inj; cl.'vol.',! I.i lliis i.aVll.'uhr .'riii -------— n1tli“ n~rnn*rr]i:pnt—1nTn’nno~tn rl.tii

10 II |)oinl wliifli ii iii'vcr «l"i' in iii'v ----------fatm inB-KcUuu______________________

Tliv liif.iniialioii ii.ny li.< uf l.tll.----------- a iiii :“ ir,i("tri-rrr tffc t-3 ii) :r t! ir-B T n ir

•th n t T\-hni th .' m;irl:rt [iTiro of t'l',______ ^,>liit.-_l.v!t.i i» fivo mill a I'nlY'f,'!.!..

tim t o f llic M.'xIimii i« .irninii! I'lKht mill II ciii;mi.'f, Ilm Hyil Kirino)

"licaii in .;uolr(j‘ nl alioiir Ilim' i j i i in linir aii'l Mio Mina U-Mt iiriiiK* »"ni<' tliliif; like foiirlc.'ii r.'iil* ivllli a rui* ply rar.;ly if over .-.111111 lo ll.o .Innan.l

I'nll llii'KV liriina lie i'l <1“ KnIU C .innlry’ N.iboily knmv* Tlie I'onm-n"!!* n f jtnlKin.jit ui']ieaf» ti

— li.r^ fia f -t lip r -ra i l 11.rl bnl "d ;fii,f »' knnwn, nnliorly lina uvi-r Hi.'ni 1 fn lr irint. Tin. Iwn firnl ineiilluiicil ylel.t 11' Inr^. r nunilicr of lni»lie1>. t< itlll ii.'re tlinii tlie >vliilu Iieaii in l1ioa>

• ' m-ciion* wli.T.1 ll.ey iiro ccnwii.Cro|. .liversifii-nlii.M i* nl.vuv* n

. . Kooa lliliit; l u i it wuiilil m-iii 11.51 ' > W'lial U ut'cl.'il in an iiitctlii;ent

I'ffnrl lo ilet.-rml'iic .\.li"lfier .ir nol lliert'- iiru not otiier tro]., wMdi p;ih

, bc.grinvii jiw t as-.w ^H.iu l>ta!is iiiul.........tliP jjrowiTTU“t>f irktrh~y>li~Tnrnit- reliinid l>i lt\c utuwot. Uay 111 mnn’

lin ifi .1 canli rrnii, vi ar.- iiolaloe*, liiil Ihey 110 Iiol ca«li rruim in llie iien»> tliat lieaim nn.l «»i«;ir lieela at.-, aiu!

- - i t I* Ihii kiii.l .if- <-r..|. whirl, i- ,n tn ltil-irnt-»i^.«ly-liu .-ue_L bi£i:.jact

rro'i-!! Imt n liiilf a .tu;^.'.! or tnote.An iiKricntliiral cxin;riiiieul Klulioi,

niiutil .nulvi; llio jiiolili-n. aiiiL It miiiii. , fiir ll»; iiiiJt ,U' ..U-iuAl\sii

lian lieeii lilll.- iiirenlivc t<i>viinl» (X jierinii'iili <if nny kiinl. Hul willi lh< relurii nf liiijUer I'tl.en fur farm I'riid' n.'l«, imptuve.j lunrkeli aiu! lu-tler le

- - • I’lims for aprtrtiltitm l rff« r l nil—’r.nin'l11 Ih tn lie li.ivi') liial <'»u»i;’i

-will bo found to .d 'L .lh rir tiwu rxperi*” ■ '* RiFtntitiff. ” ...........

J t l '.7 a grTirrilili'i';; for tii-

Wlrtuf .■ii^-e o f~ ro rita lilu iro |^ 'fu 'i---------- tho -fam ii. of -tlii* i-rrlinn, tlierc cm

be 110 .I'li-'liiii. al,..iit llial.

TAYINQ LIKE A SPOBT.----------- T h o - i-i|jlil<-vn-yMr-..l.l-wii- lit -111'

' * (invornor <>f Olilo lias bi'cii M-rvin^’ 1 Ihtro-.tny Irriii l.i .inil f»r l.rmkit.i

■ r r ie " r ; '‘''i 'iw '. r 'v ! i i< - ! t 'a unu.i t \ ^ i_ _ _ ^ u £ j l lK .a '^ 'r > '': > ’'-'’‘' i»"' »l-|'nr.'iitly :

SOOiI tliin« for I......•, Th« l!ov.Ti.ur pirliiily li.-|.l hi:. I.... .

off, 1111.I the |iriMiu. r ma'Ii- no npi'ra :------ tn>--him.-‘' “ Jtail - i>;>rn«il- mo . tiliuu

If r WH* lirrcMeil. .’ O f .roiir*e Hi..!' fijtliL Al..t 1- wonl,In’I u«k hin. ti

---------- fo t Tinyliotly c ls r ." ' ■ ’ ■■a il i iiTJ"[HHyig»Mii; v rrruci tir

nwiislii]., it i* .1 btnii.l'!. lakini----------anrt-tftirlh-iirninini;. Oni’-nf-tiiu Tarrn^ - - 'm m rip rT tn T r f i# w r= n

— affreini-T irirnH itT 'tnonnl'^nfhicneo li

: - . "'<iTcii'ii«nilfil’-'iiiBllri» -.Inn'p <o-a--TlitI'

------— i« iB lr i^ r--tho-tCTHlk-ot-i>i#-vWB-wii-------—

■■ i~ ij>y"tij|«> apctta today:iiiuro..tliii- . ... cJm ; WO ncD.1 more, aiiorji

-tilMUblft.ln ilifr appIB Itlon.<it kw .• . . i J • .V-JV'. ................. . .

-•■ i^-T ~A w orir-*bo-lhoaWHrt»-^it-wiitiiwtloP

Page J’ouryVS In rJ>#rao of llio re.KUo work n t Cuv<

City. Konliifky, wm llili ciirlnni. om ^ from it -\Vaiblnt{toii eiitflucor:

cucri wero lo matilo itaVvlnn' t'tnyi rV*j t^ollllll to liol-l out tiv KtiravlnL- tli.

iav« iHCiUlU wlltiVnin'. Tlm l.lea ««. Hint “ rlrli foiip va|inr” rarrli-'l ti

U t fuvo wnn).l i...url>Ii him nml .ii»lni.M i.l lfo . • •

88 Thin llPcl’ iiul lie nei ilo.rii a.n al.aii Q or Ii:l<' ro<>1i>hui'»'.. Ui.i>i;y - tn t wlilch int-an* oltl n-UKiuii»—iiiuaHj

■tftf r';pr;'V |.ihe K-.iU 7 . iieintf i..hc.t tiy the rnviir of fuo.l o ffr r ln p fniPliiuK them from Ihe .'arlli. Thir

■'itl olni ->r.lii« l.i h:i\.i hr.',, nl II... ...........1nf-Ttltir wri-tfirri', Kvrn fhr ll.«l)r"W

L__ Jiliitiu li__ii'ja_ulten_je(iruL-Jiti.U— iuiiiicllii.^' Ih.< t.iiriit i.fferiuR^ of hif wor.hiHi.T-, ai.ll I.eiiiK inflii.rit-.-.l a.!-

1 -„,ly.nit< Ther.' ii imik.IIv (>"iiie j'talii of l^iilh,

,( l.-n.l, ........ . i.i.':.,,'ly— ;i'|il..l, Il i.iiKhl t... .voKli tryii'tf. in

the rar.i-'o f a !'.'rBou.’iinahl.' f..r ;,ny t.;i-.r,n I., lake r.oiiriKliiu.'lil Ihriiiij'h hil inoiilh, lo if jl.' riiiilil l,e 1.... ..

' ' ' ' ' l<hei| Ihrniii’li ll........ . t-y the'iilinil.'ly fill.- |.:ir!ivl.'» wlil.'li n ffr.'t ll.n-...'i..u ..r. Kn...n.. ’.!.,«..l of-»« hiallhy fl.'Mh :iii.l-lili..i.| erealnr.'* are .0 (.•toN'i nn.l iii:il.-riali<ti.. ll.a l ..... I

'“ ’1 Mill,- n , J;i;»A'ri.'f," i” ' —

Radio Programshen ' ■' '

Adraneo e frerinn al prIaelraJ alalloa wilhln mn«i. al rscalvin* t« li in Twin

(•I. Kalla counlnr, i.rriincftj b riin r fot hmjf roaUrra. .TWIN FALLH TlMa

^ WedJicKlay. I'ohriiary a>.''f KLX. OAKLANp,

S |i. III,— N.'wa: w.nlhi'f,. 1) c. in.—.Sluili.i urui.'faiM he ll:ikl:iiiil

.-ru|ilrr, (liil.-r of 1!.' M o l~ t " ' IO;;in n ..- - l‘ala'n Kl.X 'llnwaiiana, lere U ]., m .-W .ili.hnn'n I'.ilirur.iiiiiK.7; ^ ------------WL8._ o m o AOO.___________

farm iiniKraiii; iKliam Ji.iie*’ ..reU.'.I.i.j— H utJ.-auiLliIcim_liiiif________________111.. . KYW, ClIIOAPO.

_ U .ii_ n L = J i;a l .iU id k lx j- i;id iW U n _. r;;ii| I- - \VtiUi.i« C.iui.uuuHy

1.1..' 'H::i.-.-,\li.lniuIil revue,[r,7.l .........- in tr .-L o s -A iiO E L E B r-

7 p. in.— A ll Jli.'kni.-in'H i.r.'lieMlra, p l Itaniii^ar.U, Ire-

III." II i>. ni,-- ,\rt llii'k ..uin’M urulicntra. KOW. POBTLANB.

, !l |i. in.—<'.in.'.Tl Iiv I.iieille Ciirnniiini. 11 I., ni.-.M .'tn,lv'M ,'ii orfliM(ra. '

tlie KOO, OAKLAND...v». _ .1 p. m .-C n iicen iifehMltu, IhiteI.Hl.

—;— —"H"'-p.-in.—.ynrkcli*,- 1>»'WS, vrrnllirr.“ Hlleiil ni;:hl:-------------- ----------------

" K T I, LOS AKOELES.Iicil I...... .—Talk 1>y Miirn Krn.lley nil

t„ intwriop ilrroii.ilinti: l.iiitii tn lioilie. „„ w-ivi'« Iiv fri.itenr.1 IVnny.

1(1 p, in .- rn p iil:.r .on;;XFO. SAN rHAKCISCO.

a ' H p, IIL— Hricer'* orfhrntrii.]jj|- - a Hmlr-HPlcrr'imrThriifTTtr—r-

U 1. u i , - (!eiio'iNiretieitn..

; ; ; a t t h e t h e a t £ r sliml . IDAHO.— .........

_LU .'i.i.l-y..uf-Xl....,:.^u lil,. III... f..m<mi— .l.'« '.l:ii, l.'in.'lin.'i'.'n, will I..- i.l

Ih.- I.Inho thr:|tiT Iwu ilnVH unlv, next Kri.lay an.l Hali.r.liiy,

■n»e Itiii Tiii-Tiu, Ih.' w.-ll knmvn JI.'iKlan ,111.1 'lojr, I'Ki.iKhl nvrr here frum

1. Krriii.T I'V J.l.-nlt-niinl I'linnili, wlio i« re.p.„niMe fur IraininS' Itln-Tin-

an.l manv tri'-k^ 'm oirilnj:* nui " llr ion ran m ale five font Imr.lle anil rli-v ,,h| a :;i>f.,.it «lti-am. Ilr.iile* liii. iithlelio ^ abililv helii,™ 11|e'll.Vu ilKeV ICC:f»- inrln.l.* .It.i.e, Ihe p r i will, th<- 111.' ,.> .-v.'a; l':rir .S|, Clalr, I'hail. a

Mail.'i. I'.'il I!nrlii;ni., I'tiil Hlniiloii, I..'W Ib rv rv n>.il .Imrli-.i Cunklin.

'till- hturv a* W.-II an mlaiitatlon la I f ' . lH - l '; i t iy f PranplN /anniick. Mnl Hu- iiei. Clair i.. tlo-,,fi. JL i.-. a W^inier Drnlh.'ra cU uic of lll^

' * c r M i i r — iir t r r 'T T T T r . ' . . . .


-f;;,: yill.-- l.ili -u» |'lR nn rilil8"nftcr'- —— ,■ — -------

.\I;icli I...... Tri.i iiri-»eiil'ii now netIhiH <.i' aii.l Imv.. alt K|>.'ciul Irriat nhil w.iiK«. Tt.ilr ilai.rinj; i i al- wayn nnaj-py nml full of pe|i, wnfleil UH Ihe wiuK« <■'( Coluclul tu».tiMuo.', nml tip/inllfiil i f i ip r r n 'l ' i - i r ” ' ' ’?'

II In IIiIh Ier|iiii'hure:in ufferini'ii.11.... (ill'll l liinyiiii. who olylei. Iilmi.olf lU.i

'' nn ii|.roar wilh lil* liniiiurun* m.iign nnil y nl.Tii% He iKi«>-»'.'» av.-ry

u.i.-.- an.l I,an thn iiliilily of .leliver- iiiK i.iorl.'i> ill .1 iiio.t ii;{te.'al.l.i num-

, uer nml hiiK a ipininl wav all 111* uwii '' whii'h niak.'>. liliii u |H)|'iiIar cntcrtuliii-r.

Vlv!iiii-mi<! P lihii, I.r'M llts iif^ Lul.1 y llk ,'.' |>r.'«uiil-« «lU;f«l<Mi^}«i<>tilaff->(iu|OUU .IrinduL- nnvellv wllIi noii'VrrV on II1.1

. . . |>iaii.i ncrnt.lion w ilh n vi'ry pri\ll.v ..enie i.llllifc’. ll.'ii.|{ iiuiMen. o t llie piano nfror.llun th .y furnUli miiale o<

iiuki'it uiic lo in ;. lD-JaiiKU_Qml_»lil'Hl

, I'nw.rmj; n n .r AVtillii.i: In i.rc-rnlinH “ " ftfv ltil Ih .y rail “ I.ovr Spats” will liH' rrJl itn'il.lfilly~riillv'^~'pnii|(|^_iintc;~^

■ Uitf)-* incoti)di^tu.youU i,..vuulillly,-tji(; .n t nm\ r e a r onjnynlilu cnteftitnnioiil. Ttiev 'wrro uuo .of.U m featlito,nr»« ot

rrrnnrrJiiinBT r ^ ' . —..-Torfiln nntl-Plckini; nrriTcnl iilt'onui-

” ■ imlly i]rff .'rrn t '“ offoHn)(— llitrodarlns

„ l j . wlro artl«{, jui/bfmii frnta TiniklK'nm! — ftlilllty. A i.rulty Mftillc dtun ciiliaucti

:___ lliu lirpientnllon. ________________

Uao r ip e H m h ' to ow n ui> Ih n i'i lo t in yoor dm in pipe. Doct nnt iiijuro (lu


p _ . C R O S S - W O I

aliii)' .4 '."? . p .

• i T iThi* I - ' I '

~ ^ n ~ M

i i : eS’fei'tf - " " ------------ 8U O O S 8T IO N 8 P O R 8 0 L V

“ re gm ng tn tha w(..... I to rs. T bet« w U glM T M ■ d

and they In tuns to «till o tb tn tpaca, worda t tu t ln v a t t iu quo hofiiofllaUy o r w n ie a U j e t boU

— HOmzONTAl.1~A uthor ef a f im w a «Itgy

— > -F r« th» » - A tpaolea a f in * M (pM M 12->P(rtalntnfl to th* kldrwy la ____ 13-A loft ____________ .

— — . t^ A l l n ri B 'lWIH * or* pUlura InQfaaK chureh

_________ ^IteW lIll________________________18—Narrow itr ip of fabrle

I I 19-^Dimpar and cooler------------- » = K « ir t6 ire th » r~ 'T * '':

S I '-F ru lt of tha pin* tr a a 2^ A medlaval trading v c i i t l38—Te eovtr ________

^ 2 ^ T e r« it_M :^ Q lll-- ^,i„,. 31—Blnglnfl voice

3 )~ T o equip ' . 25—Over (poet.)

-------------- S5=Weat#rn B tila 'fabbV .)------ -----u________ 87—Befora_______________________ullv I f l^ re f lu e n t (poet.)

4 ( ^ n e of tha montha 43—An exeuta, o r ila oreundf- 49—Peanut (Southern)

il, 4ft—To pate unnoticedlr*----------a w » « m a f y .........................................

62—A thip’e Jo|ly.boat ;i. 6S-G lrl'a namo

S «-lll« sal In tare it liini. 67—P enon il pronoun ,

• "Fa ther of Medicine" '.HI. . 8!WA e ta tt of d leord tr

60->8»ven diyaWr. I t—O neo(-the-M n|.te ll« tIen i-------

VERTIOAL , „„ 1 -A Qratlno of parallel bara ,

~ CASTLEFORD, I’AHTr.KKOUn-Mnrv . G racr. tlio w vrn ninnlliii'“nlt1 dnti(jhlrr <if Air. nud •Mrs, Hruti Lorain, die.l Monday morn- iiiK n t th f fiimily linnin aoiitli of Cnatliv r.inl. The lialiy Iiu* licrii ill for I'omo timu wltli whunpinj{ cunglt.-

»mi -ThMndny- noM ’by

■I " t ri'M In rvi-ry wjjy, nnd n e tted tliRt o r '" '^ l pii.irnlinn nli.iul tJr>. In Itio iifti'

Itlll lailicx wure Kurils of MIm .Marj^aret K'"" Thiiam-i, wlipu h dri-M p«rnHu wn» «n- rum j„_vri|." I* .Mr. nn.l Mra. Ouv I’utiiam apcBt u fl'i- frnn.bivn In Hnlie llio liut of thn wrrk.

■Jfi'.Tiilnivni wua calli^ 'ili.ifo lo tc itrfy '>•' in fe.k-ral «ouit lu tlio Cl.urlca K ing

I'-V trial.i \ h . Wyko will II liiiilurea vlaitor in

Ki’liir’.laT lii Twin fCiu!" l''« • On Monilay .Iohn Venro moved nnc ''"" i liaml nf i.lirP|> frT.m lile Lniiibinc corral*

ii.-nr Riiiii>rl Achool t» lloKwuTlti whrrc le 111. will feed them tintil tim e lo tnko

tlieiii III tlifi lillls..1. M. (Iraliain nf Twin FnlU, wna ft

l l |^ l>uklhp.M’ viiliur u t tho . A^JC...lIpllor Iiiiiiifl Tfiiirsdny and frid n y . • ' ------ ‘ ]

Mr. and-.M ji:-ltiir"> ''-'**’'rrt»'TTWi^i* H.iturilny n t iJio lionir .»f Mr. I)n\i|i>'.

iiaroiita ut ~Kiriib<'rly. At HiSTUnin a! fter'- xvnTillnjf illm ipr'w na . aervcl lioiiofiiiR'— rriri- jru row iiiuR -im ii-w w T irsirF uncy

«f Kirpr, wlio wcrn recently mnrrlrif. Miw Jr'utloy J* a iiJuco of Mr. Uuvie.

' n'- M/. llolin, 8tB tn-orK ntiir.rr-of Iho fleil n,„i riui,, i„ O itlc fo rd' “*• .V tl'lay In ti>n»etllon yMU l>li v f« k . - ■ n t iy ^ o n 't ’rlftav'Bvealuff, i'c lirtiary 87,- tho

|fa.:iilty will Rivo II .Innro In th r hlK i ‘' ‘“ ’■'•hool niniilnrium. for th f benefit of

n '" l'iM in ,i I,y (ho fncully.'"ti'Kl Thn rlaM in jruldo pa ttern w ork lield ive r'|ih ln week liy M iu K ethrr Knhio of tho :iuin- ,.x|pnalnn .llvlilon o f tho U nivc filly of uwii I,bhn, waa attended by te n women, inrr. A’t Ihia limn 'cniilo pn ttrrna wcrn mrt.le 'Udc-lr.„;rii"VtVM ^v>«li o r tH e InembcYa'of<«iiuliilu-.klnaa..;M|«a-Kyn<v of Hn{iN>.-iitiit«■ lll’lifloUgim Bpreladit. ainlklVil .with tlila ri'^l.VjWnrJi. MIm KnhIo will return ei>t»o Umo

H io In Juiio for furtlicr Icatone. e «<| A. W. Todd of K ow rton, 'fcpent gun- no.l il j ; wWi >it»-fuiii»j ilfiu.- ’----- — —

X dinner. jw rlr bonflriPg-^^

ilinK:Mirorihnu«o waa jjivon Sunday n t tke i un-!honic nf Mr. nnd Mra. »l|orthou««.


. tlmre 'o f off icon ofr.-tke Fedozal ra tmiioul.'lrtiau nnorlirtion. . •;« o f M.m. Tlwmni fl»dereon . o l Twin l i i« r Falti.: nH-ni'-tFniTa l f d a j a : : ^ j i t p J i o p ^

nf'lii'r-entr iM l'w ectL \inui. , ' J . r . N ew bdhv-o fP d rllf tbd r'* '"" >» I rln j f?iutlPfnrd'«ti‘Vrldax t'''>n*«f“ t'P<'«P'*’raltiTC hprm m irl'n 'w V tlr'tba T rtiff •wnr^rbctng ilaek ilniiP Ip tlio'KMr .K naW ifK ^^'W i^rry’a 'nmf w fdr MflPfDiiTnninUjrto'TaUo tb«

lucM tum.of.'ICO Which I« e n ff lrk n t to aup-

? M r:n n dM fe.E .aC ooB ehnvciB ow :d ilujf >0 OMtlefoi'd and aro^ oeeBpylnir roomi

ID»F ~TErTiB«?tirryoi«rnlcd by M rf.,E . TT.— aw dW 6 -e W * -o r C B * tf c f tf S .r i r T t i^


P U Z Z L E _

“^ i n J i « T S ? i « S i 5 ! L e r t o i ^ ^

OLVmo CROaSiWORD P O t lL E S - - Im w ord! o t wU cb y m fee) reu o n a b tr I a dna to o tb tr worda e ron iiig them, itbcn , A l i t t t r b e b n n In aae£ wMte a Q unbertd aqaarei $ad nam ing elUier rb o th ,

f ^ T d o in igaln i - 8ooB4 -A New enelit«der6—P o titte lv a pronoun7—Pertinent, appeelte '

provlnea of Q retet

10 M tu i t ta im iin d u fioiin '»gi;— weed-purp, eto.

11—Uaed In a winter aport

?3 -T ovA lp I *4—A Reman emperor noted fer I

cruelty ! -------- jW=iReaMfy------

27—Any anim al aefxed t)y anelher fer food

_____ 3P -ld e it . Latin for “th a t It"

s i —A fnetal.beerlnp vein , 34-Prefl*. aeelm llited form ef In19—Fine fllamenla. .....................41—To render tough by heating and

42~A tllly oreaturo 4J - T 0 m « e w ith a lever 44-T o make III * 4»-anb it«nc* added to paint lo '

make It dry quickly ; 4#—Moody and ellent,47—Bt/rden __________

_____ _*»T:99lMlilflIe ....... ......................M -G lrra naiVie M—Revertnllal fear (4 -8m ail

fnll raige lly .-T h li.up rlilK Mt». Hurd- ins bad ;i now infliTlinlffr lioiiic linilt

tliu '■'■"'''nl. niennnriiif; ’JO*liy 00 feet,

•■l.’K"- Tlio to ta l .'ap.iciiy , of llip lialchery thia year 1* 'KiiK) cbi’h.

linnl^ tho preient tiirto ia filled. Overtwo lhitda of thn ordera a t thia hnlcti-

• cry Ihii yea? nro for ttie in liy cliicki ai'il om'-thir.W nr^ b n l^ lilg . :

t o r Units fiicn.i* «f Uoliprl Knrl w rrn rn- noon tertalne.l liy Mrt. (Iillet|. Tho ocru. l» ret alon wna the piRhlh blrlh.Uiy of Rnhprt * «n- Karl. R.llowlng an Bflrrnoon of I'uniri

>tn.^<lillrtt aerved duinty rcfrp*hnienli ■I “ Mrryihij nnt n color aohcm.s of pink " " j . and_fflillc_TIiii_j:ucala.wi;ic-M ari:atct i t i fy Kconan, XHiry yninn^ Mny Lor.iln. King Ilioio CorlhcII, B uilcr Hrown, D add

Oraytn'iil, Aldcn llowmnn nml Herald or in t Iio Hev. Mr. an.l Mra. lVy,-r

(V Hatvprmia cntortained n l th r honii' iif the fnriiipr i'ridny evening u l a .Inilfinn

rrnl* party. Th<\ jfin-st* Inclmled 11 nnmli.-r rhcre of higj, ,fho„i puniij „„,i n,,, /^cujiy.

M hi Kathpfino Blackbnrn waa hoa. tp u u l n d.dightful p a rly Snturdny

“ cvcnlni; nt thn homo o f her parenU IpWw - J--------

!^M w e^lIuZ !!Z .n^f^!L«_» ap«uLJ3uuiIiy_at.U «i-hom o_o<_lliolt’i l -5 ljnillicr*JL_‘'JJrp.Trn-------------------------

• Mr. anil Mra. 1‘. H. H ariinn enter- ■[‘f'l- tnlnrd a t dinn.-r Hundny for Mr.’ nnd

Mnr. (1. P. Bctinell nnd Mr. nnd Mra. -“ 'M v . K. l ’arker o f Illllll. ; -r -

ffutd Threo tram s hiivt\ been lelCeteil In .'k' hVRli-w lioot-lA-recnrt^iraViV '<>rlp{lotii*for‘ flio 'C oiin try n^iill.iniiltr

it O'f t.-niBlnB

, Injr Ibo ninit auDirrlplione.Jf.-A . fllMcU nnd fam ilv nf Buhl,

! will mnve aonn lo Iho Unld>« place-, ‘y « farmed In llin paat ycur by J . J . Illick. linen, y , Keenan h.i» rented nnolhrr nf Mr.

•L'.- y w f'l 'y John lia rriion . The Uarriaon ftaiily are m ovf^to^B e«f-B utift--»^>--

L7 nB -K cX A S T B &Qua- . I>nif| Iiorae nnd farm mnehlnery aalt.

, |flll; Jo;3o'n.';li!_ W lm'rM*«

I the m c ra l niniclied iw ln , boya, craya nnd biacke, «ot(,'hlng frpiif ICUU tu ISUO

i r m ■ iiTT'-Tii r r r nrin 'i~n 11t'arm tried out a t 10 o ’rlnck.jia. inorniuil o(

e«l«. D on't mlaf Ibia 6p{>bi’lnn1ty.-'Ifeu Twin will-ihoQ aeo whnl'-you get nnd gcJi < m « » a -yoB;ii« — ~ r - '~ •

: 3 t i ) i n [a t f z a n a r o D r5 T i t t f l t a n t a r ^AH In werlh'DiiKh tn th frpn rrhase i. . - ■ <.apUi - WntUrj-ft tJh e a t rm t- lh e -U t ,— ___^

o thfl r-L yilo-S- M o itc r i- ta k o tto ir wodi- < aup- elne.. .

jovcd abuilulely.—a d v ......... .............. ..... -■OOmi • »«'i r i ii^ ...........

• T 'T Jream a o t the W eal.’.’ a 'a«£rlii«T*R. TT. wnlli M7I. A t L ogan 'i M tule Btore,—^ ---------------------------- V ..-- .rrr .-


(Continued.); _ ‘ " j

"Tlio cu ra te 'i Bame,- 1 wrote, -nna n n fortanatelr no t been told me. Hut tha t w on't bo nny roni obatnelrv There cnnnnt be many Kngliib curntea a t lu rie In Berlin. I f you (Ind one o t oil, he')l probuldy be tlio one we wanL Ho hat a Iienrty iiuin- ner, la full of enerky n;id nooit spirit*. In a ll probability hla fece la round

and pIiiBip. My alitrr-E inlly liT m oit analou i about hlif), ao I'm tu re you'll do you r heaL"

Then I wrole (0 Emily."I'm dellshtpd lo help In any w ay 1

can In the tood work of flndlns your Innt curfitc. I nin dining wlili Kdinund Trcy'io Ihls e rm ine und Intend to put Uie wIioIo cnac before him. Vou cnn eonlldvnlly count on everytlilng pos- alhio being done. 1 huru nlao writ-

____ ten to Janet Churrli. whn la In Her-

wlio will tlod a curate howovcr cnn>- . fully he la hidden—or, if your auapl.

___1 ,)iilS_Jilddcn-hlma*lf.— J t- w o u ld - b tn rthnuaitnd plllr.i If ho wcro perm a­nently IokL Hut wo need not nntlc- Ipnlo lliaL Givo my kind rL-sards to

— “ Ih e -cu n o n ." --------------- ^


.............T m y tc nnd I-d in ed ’very-com fort-___ nhly nnd, being, wlao tnt-n- ta liif.j

nbout noUilug uniilvwant uaUl lUo business of i-nilnK was orer. WIiL-n I had ilnlsbed ray Bccond. glnsa of

J port wo went Into tho library for our eoffw. A *crvont_liut—a —aoiall

• tnbln beforu ns, act colce, .cogniic nnd clenrcttcs on It iind tben w ent awny.

1 wag ju»t nbout lo liCKln tbo tnln of Emily's lost ctiralo when Troyto lik e d mo nn nbriipt quMilon.

___ ___ "Do iW knnw whero NnrlioTB IbT*' ‘A tjh r s ,hn«r.'U Liiild.3e.'fl_scnci*,

ally In tho Belvedere." - T ho Belvedere Is the thcn icr In

which MIm Temple dnncea. Norhcya. unless ho bns aomo Importnnl en-

^ 9 cfiKcmf'nt elsowliL-re, Imni:a nbout tier dreaalng room until her inni la over.

,„ilt Then lio drives her home, feet, "Ho'b not nt tho Belvedcro to-

leliy noc In town n fn ll.""H o d idn 't tuy nnytlilni lo ' mo

3vcr about Rolnjf awny," I wild, “bu t llicn ick'i BMn.l'I'n to r tlio laa t. l\v;o

^ m r "VflbfiiV - l iaa “aMn-Mm •fa r ' t h e' l i t PI,, two daya," anid T w jte . " I wrtniv<l

irru. lo tpeak to him today nnd 1 tele- bert .phoned to hla rooms. HI* mnn told inira me Ihnt ho went nwny Iho dny bo* eala ford y n te rJn y . Hu loft ho nddrons, pink to bla lelterg nrcn't hcln» forwanli-d. “ t t t I..mado_laaiilrIca-aLlila,cluba._Lut_ho

left no nddreaa n t any of tlieiii. All bla man cnuld lell me wna thn t Im

. went off with two sullcnsea, nnd tlio tnxl mnn wns ordered to Ulio blm to

n c rr -Ohi t r i n r gnJBB.” ' -I ' •■a’,t lit I t occurrcd lo mo nt once Ihnt Kor- f ind heya. coadud lo M/iipcnitlon by Cn- nli.-r hic'a conduct to MIsh Temple, hnd y. gono off «vlUi hor and got mnrricd hoa- soraewhcre.rdny ..jjia yoo.” I naked, "find nu t wheth-

m MIta Teinple Is In I^ndjm or nn t)" --"No, I didn't. You surely <lon't

\uv~ -<iitnt"hp'r-|jcnirT i-jr'wninn?rV ‘’ile 'ai__ !3t m l^ t .b o .w o r lh , w hilc-Jlndlng:halr .aD t-V bothcr-she'a:lnJ<ondon.or:noL l_______ I .w e a t o*tr_lo.tlie-teIeD hoDe nndater- rang up the -B e lre d e r t- Ih c n le r. • I nnd aakcd Whether MIm Temple waa t h m

Mrs. and a t w hat hour tho inlRlit be cx- ; peeled (0 dnne!n..„{JomMno_who .w aa

..fllJj'Ctituii liu tty .flt t hatl tc ro p « .r« -niiitr _tiiBt Mlsa Templa wna unablo

to dnnco owing to Jndlspoiltlon. He

Inin- We lo loolt nt the nrtrertlsemcnfa of hla-entennlnm ent I aliould hnvo. aeon

tuhl. Ihnt MIkk Temple hud nnt danced for laec-, two nlKhta. In thnt wny, so ho anid Iirl*- ijullo plainly, I.should hnvo nvoldod

ivnatlng. hla ilmo with allly nuosllons. ■',7“ .ThBt-wa»- D 'p taln -W nf tb"mrf■ tti rftii . ^ 1 off nnd bnn f up.tba.r«c<lrm -; b n t I

VenlHnxl nn ,annlher "Do yon hnpi>e|j to know • If Mias

lem p le Is n t homo tn h e r i l f l t r

I nhniiltfn't tcM ymTf'^I dl'd.'^-W O on'l

ISUO 1 told Troyte whnt 1 had henrd.• —‘*I- atippw , " - 1 said, ->'thnt--p iittlng

i 9 ( wny ,w* a trlvo o i four.’!. - — r xeu ‘.You moBQ tb a t btr’a goon o it w ith

J F i . • .....................^ .% rl .a i« £ u M = > l« m c L w re M ^ ;-n ^— -*»or®-pjaJBlf,'»-F#«ld.-fl-8hotild-haT«

w ia t t i a t ptitlinir one atirdn6"t6?e»K- Tw-w crK ntvts-il- uodffitr oti*. T t i ty

-■ tw p n l 'ry o u .l tn o w ^ if r m :— .'.i---'..-..uodi- ....'W itrL eijr.........................................

to ld too be waa p c rfcd ly il»-

ba-w M ." --------„ , W j opinion wna .U u t . T royte b ^

’3Hv«n J l i o D t H i e r a6oB(!ii th an»at to by conta»*

r r r . .CalypBB


m L * - ■

^ mMiNomI p — e b m n i i r '^ 'h u r M U u r S k ------------

WKD a«fTlu.

a t blfn and worrying him thouc Ihe crown ot Ljralrln. Cnlile, with bin at- tempt a t bribery and his lU-tlined thrcul*. had le ttled tho iiinllcr. But

_.i,w there was no uio niiiklng ililngs worse for T ro jio by t«)llng him thnt

, “ It was largely hla own fault. I tried num. “ *Irlfa. ■

nice, IndMlke girL H e mlRhi havo___ d o n ^ w o n ^ " _ _________'m oft Troyto ta t'» Ippfna"a’ glas« of cog- -on'll nuc wiihout apeaklns. I went o n :

____"And. nfier nil,. It wonldn't haveboon all Joy marrying a Balknn prin.

ny 1 ce*.H. I don't know this Cniypso girl your personally, but I cnn't help feeling jund Ihnt il young woman ^ b ro u g h t'-u p ' pu t ' umong bearded brignndft wlili snowy cnn mountaliia nil round, nnd hcnvy bur* p o s - : bnrlc Jewels given hor for blrttulay ivrit-1 prcspnis, might tum out to bo whnt Her- ‘ tho I'rench cnll farouche. I dnn't niBQ ' inuuMt lo lilni lluit al.u loii'l u 'lu d ^ i :nre- but «ho may bo a b it lacking Iq to-aspl. renlty." ________n i u ------ - I dull't lill6V6 Wfl gobu oft .w lir«r-R- -M ifit-'iV m pie/'-anld-Troyte---------------rma- . Tlio tliliig ticemtd so obvious to me ntic- th a t I could sea no reogon (or doubt-8 to Ing it. Hut Iho next thiug Troyle

■8Bttt-?tartIcd-int^------------------------------------------- ^Thn fact la."-bQ.,taId. Vlbnt-Mar.w

heya promised nm three days nijo that he’d go out to Lyatrla. He b»'d

jo rt.. .be. rcady_to .etart tflmornjw.','._______

UitiL - r D i Q i j a a L J i r t - M r r T - t l i f l - j r i a i . Ibo ceaaV’

,’hcn "No. Ho dIda'L I f you w an t Ills9 of exact wonla, bo aald. T H havo a go

for n t tbn t Jolly old crowo, Cncle Ned,-lua ll Just-to-plM so-you.*’’---------Rniic I Imvo never known Noibeya go. fvcnt baek on h it word. I f he sold tb a t bo

certainly meant to do IL tnto "And ho promised to a lart tom o^

tjyto row j” I snid:“Xea, Uut ho may bavo changed

l n r bla mind and started the doy beforo :nci*. .rc?«erdiij,_ l_told_hIm ^{hat_jeY cr7-_

thing was .ready. Aa a m a tte r «( In fact. Cablo haa had an ogent from

icy«. Lystrla waiting ta Berlin for a 'wceV, cn- r tad y to make a dnrt across the tier frontier tho very moment Norheys

3vcr. arrives, livery ono In Lyslrla la pre­pared for Iho coup d'etnt. Tho patrl-

to- arch and moat o t Iho leading nobles J m i . nre to hn In tbr. Kehlns^ Ambertr. nan

Of the old roynl palnccs.' Cnblo^haa ■ mo poured mtney Irtto thq country nnd then hna got tho wholo thing thoroughly l\v;o orgoniicd.; in fncL ho told mo tliat

■7__~ to ' bHho tlio'Pq'BjdcDt.:

,nie<l o f Ivls cnbltitt mlnlBlor*. to th n l they tele- w on't raako n fuss when L ystrln do- told clnrea Its Independence. I'vo aotlled

• bo- things w ith tho Krcncb. moro o r leas. ro«s, lh a t Is to aay, they've agreed lo 1«mto rtli-d, I t to the League of NoUooa.'’ •• •it_hO— jiaVJiIch-mcangti-----------------------------

All Troylo iinlled allgblly,. liQ “Talk," ho aald, "and lima."

tlio "Bo you rcnlly tbink tb a t If N o^ m to heys hns gong there—"

‘*'"Kvcrytlilng will go quite amoolb- N n r ly,- snid Troylo. "But I wish ho’d

Cn- told mo ho was starting a t oncc." hnd "And It might havo been bettor,"

rrled \ aaldr "If ho hadn't taken Miss Tem- plo wllh him." .

lieth- " I don't bcllero bo 'i dono tha t." K i t r snid Troyte. "H aag It a ll, Iho boy'a

jLgenijem an, II& lTOUldn‘t:gO -O m orry tbo prlnccss w ith tbnt olber

QOt-*!...... I-fo lt-a * auro-as-X could bo aboot-and -nnytblnff-that:Jiorbar8-had:noU Bon«-

r.- I o tr - tn -ro a rr7 'tl io -p n n e c 8 a ." B ll t-b a - ; h m might poaslbly have gone to Lyatrla

cx- to aeo. If ho could lecure tho croVn .w aa without the princew. H e toM m e he

-W M -iw tilm irlo -p lw irT ila 'tinb lo aodlable to aupply tbe emplro w ith oil,-----------

H e "W hnt would bnppen,” I snid. I f trou^ J>e-ask>4 fof -ih»-«^»wttHiod-rtrft»te» ta of to mnrry Ihe p rinceaa r aeon "He wouldn't got It." aald Troyte.1 fo r ‘T h e Lyalriana a re legltlntata to tho anid backbone."

iblod "And If by ony c h an c e - l'm not Ions, saying that It la so, !'m only mnkinc r l ii i a 'f loggcsilon -lf by any 'cliaiw o M iu

m t i Ton!Pt9’.ioll<w»il Win, Ibere o f . hor

Miaa - I ahonld think,•' ia id Troyto, " tb a t the patriarch would probably. • liang

ITot't Blit" tlint can 't W T e’Sappeaed. Tbo

tlierij on her own."<1- ' Then n servant tam o la and mn^lilfK . mnrpd tQjrroyta-that

'BJ18TW1 B lH n»» 'fr«T T m 5trlffirf iu rinesi.- - •

wltl» "Show him in." aald Troyte.

iSCJt - -• (Contiaiied^ irlifig t Iswe.y-^'" ba re - -----; -----—

w a e e a o t Vo a i i L - - - ^ — ^ W'luraiilii o{,JaaopoBdcot'BefiMi.UU;

------- t r l i t -No.- fl; nCmlwra 100' to •fl34,■•■ h•fllllfllve,-wlll-.l{o-]lald-np(m-1>rt<r^tnlion

f to thu Ironaurer tff tlio dlatrlcL la-cpMt- l4>rM»-«ewK»-MArfh-irlW«>------------------

WACHHOLTZ, h ad Trens. Jnd D b t N o. 8,

ilJiM -A tn rtaqg lirLlaliB..............

- 'B i 'A D ^ T iU I-A D V B a T lftB U IiS ^

------------- L-.,

FEBRUARY 25,1925.

f ---------- ^ J E N N I E 'S M U M P S^----------1------Jennie wns vi-ry much worried. Sbei

hod tbc mumpii. Bolh of her.checks; ------- w m -»w .iiipn -hnd »litf looked oullo « ' -

funny sigbi. %Only aho didn 't feel thn t way a t nIL

fiho fell most uncoiiTfortnblo and It wns hunl 10 swallow, bu l most of a lt sho wna worrlrd.

CiirliiimftB'Boon woa coming nnrf sh'a ' didn't know wheihc-r Hnnin C'lnus woul.l be nblo tn e.imo nnd are her.

jIjp Nono of her frlendH wero allowed to <• a at- “ ‘U h l give tbomI J tho mumps, foo.J„U Nol Hint slie wniited lo give tbem

lings niutbor had cxplnlnud - -thnt "'CO Blven from; -tried PwplCa

whheH tielni: cm slflcrca nt nil._ , It wns u \vay .'y had In tlm . wR'IcliPd Mumps Ltiiilly. Timt wna U. "

They ui>on b d n s stven wbelher- rjT - •nfiyr>np-wirntrtHI.<-iii-<ir n ..|.-------------------, Now wnnl.l ^niiln lie nt.lo to cnmoT

hnvo *. Ihcj' fi(< r'-w tl If. Ifl I'lhvr clilhJrrn?

- 1.1 W.mldn'l he "oiirry” tliciii to llio oilierc i w In-'ine* without wnntliiK t o u t nil? It,-..UD ^*‘" ‘'1'“ ncleiLlowv '•'** I''-'"!’'*-’ cn’ fy nround1 ^^ whi'thcr they wunli-d to carry them or

!vbn^ Ob, Innv worried Jennlo wns.;lnn^ H’lml wnuld ChrlstmnK bo llko with-

1 " ^ And then rIil- tbou;;bt Ibnt even;ItinuKh Snnln un^ im frlRlilfnlly busy,

^ ( IT ■f"‘'* ''t^ht7 -irrm trt-h tr-nh ttrttn in tH he|-------

me 11" " '’lu t" f*"™ “ ’®|lel«-r riKbt ii|> aft.T rending ll so h J , wouliln'l enrry iiroim.l Iho "Kerms." f

cnrefiilly h.-forn bn workwl nn oilier


' e f 8q She W rote a Letter. \ 7 Pfrom .;eeV, Suri-Iy It would be nil right to

tl,Q write In him nud sho iisked her mother heys - '

Il<-r motliiT lliuugbt It would bo por- ,„trl. nil right to w rlto lo Sanla.>blea ’'■'0 “■ n*,al'o sa t up nnn In 1)cd, her. fnce all wouii'd up In nhaa big hnmlUeroliluf. nn.l n{liT“ aIio"hml-------and li'>'»hed It shu naked h e r mother to put

gbiy It dnwn by th e flrcplacc. y ,a( Simla would then knovr (lie truth.(lent' I'iUld tcinilm thn'C BbiTbadmumps~

they ‘'fW' •‘’"1 *«« bcr ftt -^0. Cbrlsimnn llmu she'd uodcrtland that

tiled I'*’ wouldn't bo nhic to Uila year. But 1(13 Ihls Is whnt abo w m to: eoTo . "M}'durllntf, dnrlliiB Snnla:.. . . . “I'm writing th it In bed nnd It'a hard —

______to_ltrlLe hcrO-i)ut. YOU w on't-m ind | f l ___It's poorly -written. I ' hnvo m nm pi." tlotb my checka nro awfully fn t and I

N o^ In glflBV.but 1 d oa 't feel.____ way........................... .............. .......jolb- *'^wuut to know, dear Snutn, If you he'd >00 >>10 o t Chrlstnioa, or» , would you ho ciirrj'Ing mumps to other .

Children if you came to th is houscJ I rem- w.mldn't wimt you to do' tha t even

though It would bo aw ful wiihout you. hat." But t Ihlnk I 'd fcol be tto r It 1 know. < joy'a It’* '“’t knowing th a t worries mo so.O; {p Have y o u ^ iu e jo wrlto me n Ilttlo j i l t____liber B letter, dear, dohing Santa d d u s )_______________ “Your llltlo frlet»L '__________Jwot________________________ “JB N N ia ':- -

“ bo" ■Jennie's-m othcr looV cd-dow n-bytlio-------atria fireplace to see If a le tlo r had cnmo •' roW (ron; Sa^ln. And Jcunlu had almost.e l,a given -up hnpea whon_onjly) tMtiLilayJI___- 5 5 - I K S ™ n ■

-Jennie thought tbo bad never ^ <t»vn1'.. an eoTelope 10 atlck tocether ns tha t

B u t ,a t .Inat aho hnd it opened end tho rend Sonin's Icticl*.

I tbo . <)car m ile Jeiinlov • •"Aa n rule I cannot w rite ^ettcra be*

not fnre Clirlslmns ns I nra too busy mnk- iklnc Inc ‘"M nnd rending letters and mnk-,;-,MIU Irig •tl»iaI“ R « f r iind '.io -nM w er' y o 'u / '.....

, ho, le tte r nij-intin niopoBilblc.-to.-.tcU you— -i-ltlJ- »h-'t I n.n pprrnlnly y... ■"tbat Mumim fnmily are ho rrid .^hang They're mcnn mid I havca't any uwn » lf r fn t them, hii.t, Hanip c ia w -<a- » »f t t l----------Tbo

him. You nro n ilpi,r. ilmugh. not to L ^^D^ ' '" " t cbllOrcn 10 su ffe r . ' San la la*" ,anU -IcrrjiTO«il:.'Jf;.70U.- -B u t rSnnta: e a a -___‘j j j i r n rfM rn rre rr 'eb iitr- d n T C T i f f i r a t f T W * ^

_ -KbcUiaa.alckor w e l l- i o sejid«#« j o t f r - - - .- l it t M O , ■ • : ...... .....

• ^ iour-proud-end lo r ln r ^ — - f- -------------------------- --- — i^SAMTAf-O&'Ara"-------- --■:r.“ t r A B W o ^ r p n i t h o n e r i e f u n d e r i r e '^ ^ --------pU lot^at jilgb t-nnd-read- lt - e i» lf t- a a d ~ “

ilio tt - r G o o d U o U r f i l ^ inVo'ye got n pew m dlo act a t om

bcuR," bnigifed Uozal. . .— U uhl T h a t olci'r §9. m a e U t V . -

- ^ e d r l f t i b o .— ^We^ve' w t-. ft- M b o l . : -— -- tw is t a t otjrtootue ta* t> a y .U a 'iu l t ( l .....~T O -

Page 5: Alaska’s Head , Huge Merger


{ ■ TUECt N0\) GO

_______________ L -j w x n tv i wiLv. TV

. _ l "^00 ONLN KMOU," l ^ ' W O vjoriX>s.

- - - - - p E

■ \ m m

e r a F iONE CENT PER W A d v e r t l s e m s n t s u n d e r t h i s h(

FOB e A L B - i c s o B i j j u n : o n s

r o i f HALK-!'hi-.’ii>, - ;i, , luit»i'[Kiiv

__________________‘ (iAM KOU BAI-i-:—Try uur j-m-.uI.i

- j ' f f t (if virnrn‘j^ " “I* ll'Vi- iriHffi'friii-.-. I.iiul .\illuiutiliile ruuiii:iu

vro loU 'on paved ttrcoL A diltou0 3 1 . .......................................

----------------M)|{ HA hh;—Krilrratiim-jiiTii-xvtir:lliilf mill.' H..I .uul hiiif Kunlt. Mu:;.

k u i: hAI.K—1,atlll' iukI iiiiichliio uoi o f ull liintls cunrauti’i'ij. L idc] AiituuiliilA eeiiip«ny. ......................~AU1'U wiodibleiat fttia door gUi

mirrora. pIMe nnd «lndo*r ( IuM oon'i Pftlnt Shop-________________

KOIC HAlih>-.i)uj’ceitL', thc ucw fii liiliMitiificr. Incfc'.iuM powi'r uinl mil n p i anil cure# ciirliun trnublef. TryLli.ll Automulill.' fomi.any.__________. i'UK UALI>-Xwo chair .b u b e r tbo loeatod In BooDioc'x ciRur atoro. Clivi

rotnfl. Jflalo . • — ■. _ . “ tU n 'D lfn iN lT i’—•I'ri'iil your mul

rljjlil liy uninu nnr bollur 4;uiolino u nil. I t C05U DO morr. Mnd Autoii

' 'Mill ciiiiipniiy.•'■njTTSAI.K—15,:iO trae lor: B»cd un ciiousli lo b rtak lni lo li o< powur. W. I’elPtif, Twin rall>. r iioao 4101 (Jnirrnl delivery.

JtADlU IIAHCAI.N—C’lJiiiiilcl.) Allvi IT Ki-iit, Miodct will. Inrci- Kxi liattcrlen, ri'rhnriiirruiiil wiri'x. lis t nri t::4H, for tlT ,' rjnili. (>. O..Hiuc. ^‘'1'

'.V 7 KOJC 'nAl,l':.^'jl<.nv;- tTilrtor oil. I

MiDii' licllcr; li'ur. in fivo .Rulloii loi llrliij; rniix. ’ I.liid AiiliiB"i)bili’ cun.paii

rO it.H A L B -A nT iJjr bflltVag,

----------- n o to t.w lth ita rtlflS bo*; 1 1 IL P .«•aelne . Idafao'JnnK HoaiB, 152 Seeooi

rboDO MO.


WANTRH—A liouHokpi'p.'r oii fan injilclli’ ni^fd ])f('fnrrctl. jliin H, yp<vi<. “ HOTuTrrOlf WANTi:i>—Humu .vipc

•lonci' nercimary. Apply Imiwrliil Cli-ii.>»>; Company.______________________

DININQ AKD flLBKPU^O «ftr oo I •duelori (whlt#)i e*p«rlew o T iaaw

mary. S«ad for book of ra le i nod a_______ pHM tloa. ' SapU nailw oy ExeliM,

ifeta. 0 . Loi~A »igel^'"" •_________

........_.OnTjL#2WO. B tgi_______ *ior« making w«SiL_**‘_______ iffriUJi— filylB'Cuntet-. J l'aio rlng .. CI Dopt. N-PO, OlBclnnnt i: O._________

A fiE rJ rS ^ S ’rlT**’for froo ntnnpii 1- ■ fJcl! Mndlaon “ ilelter Miulo” *b lrti 1

■?urge mniiufiiclurcf dircct lo wonti . !N'o .capitnl o r Mpcri<*iico requirf^ -iMnny *100 w crkly .ind bom

arudison Jitllly, sm Hroad»rgy. Nt

"TTTfAIi MILK ilu<i ..fTimiiiriu;. wili....... uinl nali'-iludli-.-.' I><i nut ln."<

-Yinir tiiw i may ntill bu opoti. K.'il'c- tu rn ln'Ui.flcial bill no t n.'i-.-iisat W riti-; II.-I.1 Kilk IIuiliTwuHr C'..rp„ J)

< I r l r t Knlrx Mniuicor, I ! « wm, I’of•••••:-----------

- x a n - - - .

. '"I.O H T ^W ircp ilotf, »ob l.n l li.TrHb^ lirrd , nuKtrcni to niitnn n( l^nt; TJtid

I'lilln Bliou Kepair IH:: HUusl.o


---------- IflOO. FlnrlorlrrlRR M w in Btonndh Hi. . . /uriluv -ituil-oi^Jvr-wUI-pajr-xuuKitiM.

I • • -A;’ribrighi r ^ ° n r •- ' . ’

r i M M O m flA O T O T i:

nCT*ijrni«loirl«mA;~-Uaiit:^-aii ..............lli tc r , H o llltk r..Id ah o ................

___________ y o K B H >-»tW fO kM IlfaB P '

7 ------- ^FO T ~ ltraT -^ "rflO iii- iiio^^ ^!! i tJ-haiB iicaaw .— .: . .r ^ -'L-

« « t , - w . j!>egi ___» » n u o _ w » n ,„ ^ ^ .5 8 t m o n U > .J ^


( y j t v i . . A - V -

TUiNK I ' K touj / MKW

i l MWOiU) PER INSERtlOIhead a re a lw a y s a liv e a n d active

ifi HRRd n ra r iw r tlR f ir s tn th aB W AX TBP-M ^«'^m i>A3raOO a

u'viT WA.VTKD—.Slncl: pin*; I ’liono 3U.

W AN TlvD -Onli'm f..r (i..-' piaii“l""‘ ti.liini;,. I,„u;..i M.wiu I.',... ......... Hi.

r’r1iiru’i^ii'''.ifr'n lui il~rr<' Try our »Tvlr.-. l' rn.i

____________________ :_________“ liDAUl) A.S'I) Udli.M—Ivlic'lrlr lu'n — . llflC nf KaraKr. P l.o n r S.’ll J . r.nirl

av c -^T S -t.— ; ___J_______________----- 'VT^-Vf-KF^Usrtl—i ‘rlnt-lrisht-i>lnn

____ .Slal.- bi'M nricf, atnl rnii<lili.'ii. 1), >c.irc ..f N.UH, ■ __________________- f f l N T j i b —O W -b o rM ; btlBj; the

_— tn Twin Fnlls V otoriaary nirapllal. D !}*“ > Jf. R. Groomo.SlMI. ------------ ------ .____ MTHCTBT.T. ATWl ftn>

fn.-l ______________ ________________ •- -1-mile- INWliJlAN'CIO of .'vcrv liiiul; b-ini ry it. fur i-vory ri'i|uirc'.i..’iit. Cull 1H7, \V;i

i w ~}^i;T lA N T rir ''.bum U r7u^ r'V V lat O.MP r.c .iip l, ,l.'].oinluW.. hrcvli-.-. l-all IM i-J*- -----------^ ---- - --------

i'iioZBN KAUlATOitU ropalted i Idnho Vuleanisinc Works, 230 ijboiboi

, iltnl «Uwt wciL rh o n o Tl\).____________lomo- T!£AU li-.Iu yuur ulii lin-n wi CJuo___ y iar bullnnnii. L im l Aiil<>im>hllo cuiunly P-‘» y - _________________ __r. K. i-OIl P o t a t o h a g s «ot tbom fro 18W, E. D. Koliocir, 3M Sccond nvcnuB uort . I’hono 0.inw. P . O. Po» 754. tiviii- WJLI; TIIAIM-; fu r cnr r/d'.fooi lot j ^xiilo pnvpd Blrcpt, in pood ronldcnllal ne prleu t inn. o f fity. Addfpna XVg. Nfww, Li!l2-. —ju )i;ijiiao-rfo iii;-j«> ii« .iiiir-/" f “ >h, 100 l,„y_w«i.l.-.l; fivo F';".","

Iol". . \r.'uI . _______________________KCHNii.MV— Have yuur«>-l’f. >‘Ulr

ami yi>il ]Kirlii'lbui>k l>v Irudini; iii .vm ‘ o«w ulil'lifM fnr (iondycar Uulluoiii. Lli■etrl# Aulomobili- i'm.i]>iiiiy,________•______

W ILITTaY. cni.1. rrn t in ndv»nrr f » t tfonil HO or-HI nrri-ii; tfou.l ^run.u iim.

" crnhoiiHi' f<ir r«-nl ]>rr inomii.'t-niil j, Ijiiibi'iilnnn. Ili 'a ltj’ Co.

' VOTATO OROWT'Tli^Hnve f»i r„_„. xnlo cortlfi«d rnslnm Jilahu ciowii

’ liUMots and Ifiirnl «erd. Bamplw — ■ n t Flneh and Roborls office. Call

CCl T. I). McCoy.

oon- O H IO BIIiB .IMM- -------------------------- . . . -------------------i ap- >X)I{ SAI.r;—Hronzo turkey lomlu g * rhouu .D ian ia . - . . . ' ______________ W ANTfib—Pou ltry of a ll klnd»! uoy .c t pileea., JI. n .,H o n tc r ..P h aiKtJH) a » ^

-1IAVE.S’ i i j .n i iA n K n.vT(;TiKuv-.M*7i Baby-£lUck«^usttim-l.atcl.t..«;J5ul-iI< -Co., ,ini| Alnrrirflu Iironilmn. A lialrh rar

, wri-k. Bend for i-irrular iiiul jirice yilc*. I’hono ■, Twin Ki IIk, _________

‘‘f*''’- KOli i f E S r —F.irni»hi'd” *lmlr<>ui fHfiii,r.. hrat. T im e I.MC.

K nit u r> 'j'r- i.ip i,>—p j- rooniii; rlpiio in ; I'honn IS07.___llVl*-! !■'<*«' .u'S bat;]|(t 1- -Olf'ftc iu . . I ’Jiuiit’ I'.Xl.

J)iV- Inijuiro Ml Hcciind nvi-nm- IWu- ■“m u)M f,,r Tonf; •fifrnnf«- llrnir'"f^ ......... RrfoliT 'nveiiuo ' w «v ;t.''r i^n f 1 2 ^ .

•_ inniicrn,-hn»«r^»plM[r »,(ift’:AUIn.imit"F O lf ilB R T — Pufnl'iiEeii room, Rcnll nim pss(orrod; £S3 T hin l Aveaoo sortWirnp

dioiiu iHMJtO A M ) ItOOM -^ -T l^ iaU ^

= K V w i J. ________ ’ “ ’” !•<)» llKNT—fi roonr furnlHicI hmm

JH'ylX:ju'l'w r t _ .n t • n i{> y iflli nvcm^ i i v

_ _ .^ A K T B D —t e a a r r_ _ *W A N T B D -1'o ren t 10 ncrfi.. A

JL T O E 'B A I^ -n jB W iH 'U ll I I '~ ■•HdLi .....................— I . . iHi'- r -'..

rOK RrtTil-I—Hrngpr ii 'i^lng itmchlti__=-. iJ17 I 'ourth u tro r t uoi-fh; .D ' 1X)K iJALli— Ty.po J l i Culuml. = - flufuiiulH uud ' ii'uurAi liriioud'Loni iouitf. tloU.'~J*llflBO~13I3.~. ......... -______ —

e u tk nxd.Tsake n ln rer p taao trlUi 40 rnllN'ni j jn ln . . Pbuuc- oaoJ.—WrllB 1»..


r / f £ G t

VjOtiO \ \ K E ‘ ” ^0 K ----- r ^ 0^ *5 ^

iH n C T O t> T \O t^ 9 B ^ K NOU H A \ i t F O ^

'TW^M ■* T o 'lOU

B a s a ' HNM■ H H V jO U Lb V u'T 'tiN C]

i m f f m 0 ^ HCAMtY* vs A CVMCVtW

i m m

:0K — AND WORTH TT:tlv e , a n d c o n s tit u t e th e hest m eani M i n n o t r e s id e n ts o t Soulli ldali<

la___ '^A K TSD -^X ITO M O BILBS

3U.1 WANTHD—8f*«r»l frood utod ew* --------iIobB -W --W hilf^ .—I*boa#-H?W:--------

\\-A N rj;i> -.T „ nHnlHTfiTilTIT;; ,||ji_ .H.nM-uuU -tuv,' ur ri.iij;.., Adiln-M Al

[ ■„,ui7hiK;------- W-BTif . 'iii tuvjn iics riir iiii iiiu . 'j .11j , '^ :' r:irM, Llml .\iilitiiiubili- r(iitip;iiiy.

■<iiirlli' HIZK frccT.i' prnnf milintnr*•JIS ntid $I3.S0 ex.- Ol!iit»' Su prupot

1- j ^ ition.^ Aiilo^l!c't';.ir Bhnn, 3:;5 Bbmhnni

**' I “ I'u ifTH Tnn^nirjiT-r^r^ P'Tuu

il!^:^. ii^l''.ipun’y

Vil-tory Wr''K aud Anlo Wrrrlilti, (V . 'li;0 .Main nveiiup »oUlh. J'hCiM

bonilH, \V;.I- T1!Y I f — ll tln'ru a illfriTou.'.' in RaR

uliiii'f .luBt try i.i.rfl and lu-e fur your; r j i ^ -i-lf. Liud A ni.................. .1 IM?'. ALL I i r l i l i 'i ; i !~ 7 r . '.~ rr 7 ;u i rp tmi------- ivi i<i», ♦14,(10: |)iid(5r*,-#Wt-fl»hrri tffpmed a t |ir '‘lii>rtiuii. I'nllv uuarnnli'i-d. iiboB* K iittcry Klatlnn, a;:!. Hliushon'

kU i'I'I M>»tU. l'liivi\n OU.•TT;;^. “T '( ) irS A ilK ^ li 'm iin i ' I'l'un^vivanl: , cuui- iiiiri.fiii- b:.*,- m.itnr oil nl li;« |ir

•[iiarl. N'liii.' b c tlrr. Wliy jiay mororfr'om ________uorth. p o i t b a l B -P E U IT B , ' tEOETABLBI

i o T ^ "w A N T K U —To buy torn In V ^ rie li .1 nee- or hiiikodj would prefer aronnd linniai urn, lo r K im b e rly .-C a ll n . L. M e E lu ta

l-hono 450. Tw in F a llt ..— -----liOUrV ' —. . . •. . -----— •

- rP ^ p A L B -ltg A I.- .-a T A T S . -

-------- I'Olt KALK—I’.iiir roum iioiij.-. furiiI"’k'iI: ♦7.'0 I;'J 'K.mtlh nv.-j.ii'

I 'T o iT H X i'^ ;— roum hu.isi- will— i —:i:araL'i', nn piivol ulri'i'l. Hiiuiii iitivT. " ""- - — -.iiltn.— 1»£— jwHpvnoilili'-i-Hrty.— Ownt- ^‘" '‘''li'lioui- Ul)._____ I CH01CI-; KAICM—Corner -lit, «tal

l>iK!‘Wuv, 2 inifT'«-.'n«t..lTai!Pllo... lu t-1 _J£1L V.rr :i.lll.1‘tl; cnH t r .f) .aw.. |.4 p f B<>ii

.fu r ea»h P.jully. Vcario, 7 1 5 '«o.oo " I 'l" ;Kl.. Cbicncn. itl.Call — — - a

MOMZT i p L O iJ i.

tTTTT ''w o im iA o l'j 'w lANa'Bwni i 'c o ."

= = -= B S T K lT c ‘ - r f youfaa flBgooI ^ farm nnd w an t to borrow on ll, w rit

f iT v^ .. , , -k-si d -ilu l ---------rOK -BA £B—UVBBTOCS--------, r a r h -----------------------------------------liricea. KUli SA I.K— Mal<;!.ei| leaoi. I iind .

.vwir-i. wi-iphl i;Hlii. riiuni'-.'iTKIfl,—— ~W»KKKK.H»H-KA!,l->-!-tinvr-liihPni_____ _ uf first .'la .- vnni.K work Kturk for nnl.irouin, rnnRinu' fr.ini KlUf) lo J7.'U pniinils. L. A

\\';irhtT. riin.i.' n:ni or i;n2. r x n i r r a i -^r.TT* * l 'o n H .m ;— LUI l-ai>.iiuu nu.l Itnn. “ jlroiitlli'l I-HI'H, lo «ix v'i-ar«. I l l"iTTTiT Inml’"- <>ii» mil.' mirth Malm_ l.ri.lK .-,_ll;.K|;rnui|_ ynjley, U'o Un;

1.UUSC. — ;i „|,[^ f T i I'I'O SNp.'ri'or (;r;tin drill' iV .' ■ilu, .chvup..«r-will. iruilu-fur.aiiv'hitii .iil :..,. y t iivi'M uck,.<aiUnj.iyry. riisiii,;::nai:

Jiuilli. ' ' ' ■ ' ' - .^ s s s•cnllo- BITT7AZ10NB WA9TBD *Bortu. r-rv i T v ~ — i— \ i

Jf»iii-w. r ii.'n '

BraUn. ?hoB« SU R i.KXriOlil KNCKI) nk'ncuMphvr wani

ivcnnp pOKillnn. Ifi-foronrP*. -H,-<riita X etr^ -•illPT.—■ work.. AdJrcM y . M. cntd o t Ncwfcv.

I’lwiTlon an hiniickcujiii — r*,- for rcfinn l wiilowcrr-Addrr««..L.--JJ

~ i ; ^ : r p a : f l A L E o b ' t ^ b 1~u ;,;

~4s(Ht--8AI/K‘OB-T«Al>B-ft)rrcildrtio .chlnc. ,.„,,KTiy,, \VcUJmiLr'-.vvili'0..imcJttll= __ J o u l oil 4 ta to liigliw u'. M tgn rrcn lluml.iu Ail<lri-»(I A J l, o f Nowi.-^ondl- r - ' ■ ■ I' ------ aa a g i s t a a a a p

lln-nnda^-C . a o t t c r t . - l l l .Muln


7UMPS — C U T Y 0 ‘U:

i^ •) / ■ VT B /---------------- — . m -

0T5=WSC M TU\% r lg '■ ' I XW\> J B ^



M;W VOIlK. tVii. Jl (> > .—I. —Irri'Knlar; .Now Ilav.'i. |jij,Oii’nt iu•prt.

llimiln—.Mixid, ;rii-i' chun(,'i-» luir-

_a!iimoi_ULham:c=tiluid»'4-ali;dud a h t f'™’:— roiiiiii—llij-iii'r; Bjiut IniUM' Iniy-> ________________

Cnrf.'-' -IIiKlK-r; Hrazib *“ *•1 i i" t.'|ioiM. _______________

iTilTIT:-! CIllCAfH). , i;i (>P)_Wli.'al— M All I'iini; liiillinli viniht.- niipply.

rVni;B, ri inlH, ~■' ' ' t'liilV'—Ka.iy.intnr*, ilns"—*<tr.ndy tu hinh'T.icupot-' l_~. V .............. ■


r^Trr 1 ilril-I'i..''' "d^kM'^for."'i'.'.!" <1 p'rlfl'i"no'.'?Mri''l"'’iiunl" "n ’ln“

. ' r" mill »rimii,i not l■ ni'i'iTi'-d a" r'--111 can- ri'-.-lfuK .'Xlrcnim ot uilher lilffli or your- I !"«• i'rlr.-«,

— nSTAIL MAnKETB„ , P'lrt t0_ProHi.«?tt._________m-Ftt- Tim T«bi PulU nurVrti. yp«n7il«y wer

Vr.-«l- l>" Tc.llott-.:ushonc LlveileeK.J ___ Jlut'i ..............................»8.Uli 111

I . ™ . .................9 ^eld L.!|;!Jm^r..^...!.!.............. ’«iftniaa iimilrn- (l..'Kliorin) .................... IIluter. Iinilt.'m (colorc.l) ......................... IJ

HU.K»-....... ^ . ^ ^ . ^ ^ , . . . . - - ^ . 1_____ C.pnnn .............................................. 190JI.......... Duclin .............. ....................... 10

g = p T g n ,;; . ., ...... :........ mHntlerful, ntaliim ........................ ai!m-j.iio j.jjjjj, .............................. ]H

---- (luitnl Mure) ..... ............. rI wneat and Mill FMd' ^ .............. . ................................"...I!!.. I'rui.. ewl...................................... »t.Ii

Ilf,.I., ni«riT,7»,nn ..............nt~aTo Hiock food, tooYi.Vioii” !;.".” :;;!!!;*:;:

|ut- l, - . . . BMon ■ . _ - - .

Itoaooo ]l.ian«, reclenned'i'nnekuii •s'.'IO to t.’i!?

= = = l’i)la(.u'«. Kiiralfi ........ (lOc tn 8(1Nettl'd Oemn...................fW 5 to t l i l

CanV vr i f l . l1 etl^ Urol ......................................................*7'SeaUtt. ■■

. RETAIL PRICES B goo4 ~ ‘VenetMiiai writ* Poinio(-F, III........................................ n:1 0 Ilcii4J«U«*;o-.„„....„..,.-.^„.,IOO:ii

__— - Cuiitinn*. It).................................... rx •• •

— Fruitlind .'1 Rrnpefrult. .................................. lOffIS

I l.<i.non>(. ilntnn ...................... ._____Offinst*. doitn-........ ................... S5««

Iihpntl----- -— r---- :---------------------,ir nnl.-, I’Ullnr ........................... . llulil rhrriin ................................ 21’raiil" ...... .................... “• ^ i r NO POEIXAND OBJUN MABKEl ,■ 111), —PfHfVL.V.VI),- Frb.-T‘3- (/P)—.*Co-4 r( Malnd land Rniin iiinrki'lB Unlny; holidny.

Ifny- '■-■—- -...............-POETLAKD OBAIN. '

- n ^ 1*()I(11,ANI). Kell, yl Whnnl- drill- lliuirt-. Fobruar.

■"O'. .Marrh *i;W; wui.-r» wIilU■ . ■ Ket)n;ft«y,-f LSI. ^ .-TT3? lq | S yi■

• ern' Bprinc, IVbruiiry »1.HII, Wnrc ■ il.H;i; wcntl'rn n-d, h‘obrunry *l.8(

p -V, Mardh >L8-::_Ttim hard wliil,-. VL-bn M y f i i i , Marcli li.ll!.

.wMlU-^cd^-Pcbmar ' ♦, Miiri'h $lOiU; Nu. Zl'^ricy, i:'«l

------- unry (-10, Mi.rrh «{O.GU.(.•i.r.i~No, .1 K. T. nhipuiciil, IVbn

S T O C K -M A R lS f R A L L Y ... ■K ; . .^ IT i .B Y .m (S « E R .R A T

5 = = ~ BlgliqrTrlcn ObuK U du‘-CMiyiS>ia .-•f'-teohanis-Soalon-W hkh-rattoiJ

ic-mlk -ClirCACO, IVI>. S4~U%-AVJ>iuit^«< “ rent. vtniTOrt'4« *l4iU-Li_Jfny drtlm y . U

Mithuit .T>oint «dnro I'obruarv ■cHin'iol “ ***■ g g~iu rci»Ilr:^iTroning=oui{lit nlwfif

iihiur4»-r«utifiu ;tr'(I.B-lMiC.lA^tlcli> Hrni (hnt-1h« nrriti^-titntn-^ini^iln'iai T^^M nT^Id-thow ii

JUHmc inueU^ttt:d«ciritl.:iUie:Umu<L^il)2={ . Uitt murkoU .WliCBt etosoa uuiettlt



' C O F C . ' A K E _________

/ \^Q, » M b >T‘S NO'^/ L k \u V Q J t W TC> v g g ^ ^ |

_ / n p A r tm _ \n .Q iT v t

I 'HET V ST»LU *ntS 10\S

, S M L C s U ^ - H O V S E - C W ^F i l O . O O O S 'T

S O P m 'H ^ NMHW CW Q \Ct — VMO' RV

t o W t^ S O H TM tM * VJ TN'i<E 'THICT 'T R O y Q V .t '


r i p I'S/ tu I Itp ,|,'| l.iirinr; M.iv JI.S7 1- I % 10 I.K7 .IH, aud .tulv f1..'.l1 M t ■ i;:iR-n:K."wtn.“ urinr7i;'i;ir.K.-,i /;rn rs

np. oatn « l M l.l .1-1,' ndvain’u, mu pr.iviniom. «l.cnviuK Raii.s varyinj; froi:

; £ .ILV tl> .'0 l.l .'I'r.Hi'lpi'd Iiy uin-xpi'cl.'d itn'ii^'ih nlmw:

, by the l.ivrrponl wlu-at market un ivi'l na hy tho oiillolik'fo-r m. al.rupl fallin,

off in thi* dumcoTli-'viiiibh'nnpply Khi'il valiii-a herr anirod iiialerial npliifii

iinr- iriRhl a t Iho iiponliiff. Ciinifteiitil Ku IriJjio waa said t.i br nbmirbinn aiirl

, la rueijiiaiitllioanf w heal ;.av irl.ia llv t.rffsnrtttr-ltfn 'riil'm nnnnrTr-w trrnm ii^iiuil flour nt jircauiil .m .ire.-iii pu^nayi

iniy- Advir.-n nliu. wore eurr.'nt Ihi.l Kiitn

nvl,Vhl■r.'^lafn^■..riIi‘.lo '’ f ,!r" ‘ . - . ' 'j ' u'a

Thr dume,lle ai.|.ply ib'orea-e. .I.Kl-.tnin bnahelH vr<iv.-d 1.. be .'ve, bir«er Ihaii waa Im.kod fnr, l.iil, lh

- r o - ...~>iii.L-i.r-]ir..f;t I 'lt-ipr wliirh fii(l"ff"'-------UnJ liL .n lu;a L nmrki't In ! Iri il livii r n i

bteuk in ptict-s ul lUo. lii«t u« eomjiarei wilh thn iluy'n Inp l<-vi'l. In aum.- d. ^•rer,_th.- Ii.t.' diTlIni- wna tmrrnlilo t ■Tiin-iu-a* of new export ileiiijiiid. it lu

7 l wheat wna I’uinylit l.idav fur abi|meal tu llurupu. ........ . loo. mill

— — 1 jiun-lia»<'cl IU) nln-at here in Np.-iiU nf. r n*. _ C u rii.4 iul_imla_a.viTaKi:d J i3 « h ( 'i . I

pri<'i’.Tyiuju.Ihiiiii« will, wheat, for Hhippin« d.-maml hero for eorn, I.,.« Iho ,-vi-r, wna nlow.

; -Witl. huKH n t the to].lnor.l jirieu aine ,l„r. ![>::•• nml will, fnrceaata .if i. furthe I re . Kliarp iidvanei- in lb\\ lioj; market, pn ‘ wi-ni niiarinR.

Wlioat— n]..-n. Iliu!.. riof.Mav ....... 1«7H IHTVj lM7>'j 1H7'

r-w m i i n r T T n . iT V i ir r " i f i i f tsitt,H fjit......... lU '. i vm I'la ’ i H ai

Cam— ‘jin .tm Muy m rj!)’0«f3,nn ,lnlv ....... KKi i n n ; Lin llll.'

»Loo Hi'pt...........I'jfi’.i'' 1.10% ii:N',‘i I:;;*',

i l l o S Mny. ....... r,-v, .’11% . s j t ; M l' .Inlv- ....... .'.H i .V. • r ; iu ,*I'-

,r.c «'■!'*...........

... 8e C A Sn 'iaB A St! 7 !j l ' n n frA < io .,rc b ..;:i.M 3 ^ y i!;n i-^ .N .

:;,l.i.rd.#l-.ttU-J.-*t-Nn.-;t-hiinl ♦LM-:K- OOJIc to 1.Ht.

Corn—N.l, a m ilt'd ♦l.".'ij No. :! yo

- •''*'> (Wa-i.No. :! whito r.:i to Nl- ;i wbilo 111 .l-l tl. r.l LLV.... ]He Itv,— .No, .1 jLf.4 | . | .- llarlcy—HHe t o j '

Tiiuolliv are.l-f.V ll'l lo U.ul)..41 .:^ _ a u v 'e r .aci;dt= i:a.tu_;a____________»t.HO l.nrd—tIfi.Hd.’SILOS’ -----------------, ---------

POTATOES AND PEODUOE.t;nj("AUO. fi'll, -2J (>D—T’i.nitrv-

■tJWft TVIiv.-, LiahiT! fuwla i.M to I’.V; apriin $.1.70 "H,-; Too«rra IHl' ; turkey* J5c; dud,

a-.-, KPuao Mr.In 80e r.ilato.-B — >I;irly n.ornii. Iradin♦ lii-'. iiiuileralo; .... rkel alightly w.-aker- n

. coipw IHII earn: lutui Unltod 8tnl. •fl-13 nliipiiiont. Hatnriluy IhltJ. Hundny r.

■•*7')- .M<iiii|ny W iicumlu uukm l roun whltoii »1 to 1.10; Ol... cnr <L15; Idnli

_____ li.'lc)(..ulJlail5CtJ.-few nalc«.t2J3 lu.ttllJliitirr — IllKhpr7 eronmi'Vy .'k in

. n:c -10c: standard* llle; cxUa f in t* 28.1 oo;n.>-^«r-.'lffr;-firntK-«rt-1.a" i n .17 l -'.'c; nv

o»dil-.ll'-t..-34-l-gr:— ------- ;------------—'-ioc' — Efsa— L-owcr;-rccrlp(«—■ J^wn l.liiw

firsla :mr; mflliinry firata la tu i:n I-" OfflSo ______

■ PORTLAND lilVESTOCK.PO IfTLA M ),l-Vl,.rl M>)-Prurlienl

« c .10 truilli.K in rntllit or lioga; ull aizi ;J<; .|Huip.| noniinnlly alejidy.

- Hhe„iw\V„ole.1 laii.I.a ao t.riale Mi. w . r dny Wl reni* lownr Jil *I.'1“.T and tl

nveiimiulf ■jr»lind. 7.1.«ii.l.H8 t>0.niila, r Bprcllu.-ly.

LOS A K B C L ^ L m ssT O O K . ,n „ l_ I<oa ANOEl.lM, Vol.. tw - < ii( i irtiary — ■•00; moderatoly nctivi

BtppTu atrong: aho Moek I'l'Jiori.lly all'.f f i n r! Wur 1liaiiii't!u«-rTfnr-a1m a^S.2: S |^ .,v medium-kinds-damnTnrd:25e?3nSaUo

fut cowV oarlv <iji n.ld hfafl-lilL-h.- Mnrrii •" '■ni'ncru nnd rull.- *1.80. ‘o ^iriii: mom cnluj.,,. ,Vt;,i,: t v ll. ■I..'i0; fod bulla ».-■; olrolro .nil

veicler. ♦ih.r.CI; bulk r:inK«T offerii.( .fu»ri.i.,t7-a3- lo . HJO-----------------— --------------T T oC —Hoc*—Juid.'Jpm ir.uo; viiry nciivi'. ii

even ly '28 to IUp. lilghcr; li'shl li(;h tVbru- "‘**'■'1 offerlnp i up; ti............ ♦IXIS-for-Bholco IH.'J-pniind Wobrnfik.i- r i- : - y f W i-h i;u i t< ^ -- - ir t -^ a td tH V u ik .ii . . To IHO IH.UI1.I WPiffhU $1" 1.1; llio

• I i a lli 1-1.1 poiinif welKhli'^fllMO-' lA TF l'li:» . weiKlilnK .Ira* 'Tlin.. II“ Booitfla-.T^trwnwnrd lo »H,BOj pbekli — — gfflH-pi'tlWnlly-gfto-T.Tghofp f f i ^

6.--------------------- - ------- -Bhttp—Bwelpt«-nnnet-eholao-hnn.

i W t i i e i t I T I C ~raiit' a - < S ^ ^ S g n i —f hcmili Uelfa- ^

F-EBRUA-RY25,m5. : - - -

j ms tHE' " f H i i i u 11 T M

t v w . t '»S HO'T K W fc- \

t e - VM- 'TheC t M tB M

“ t*ow XT { r v jo u \ . \ > N * T 1 j h\F 'THSM / . M

- / / M li w e » - ^ u T — ________

g j,S7 l-'J tvi'iuhl woi.led l.iuil/i .pmlaMe rm.i M tu Jill..Ml 11 17: with 'rlln^^.. Iljjlit wi-i^bl r n 's e I'TveTlipwiirll .In f In.llj,' " '\ mnl — _

from OMAIIA LXVEfiTOOK.OMAHA. IVb. -Jt lA O -n .'t- - tip

reiptn M.DIkl; ... tiv.- I,'. 1,1 -J.’ie hicln r; lil^lila mnl llinler w.'ti;lil^ iilinwi.ii; iuchI

''V ''’*: mlvanr..; I.iilli :un tn ;ini. ,K,utn! buti'liei »1I.W to IL.-iit; i,i[, .Ir<.irabli

1’,“ '';"^ KW. lo lino .......ul w'el^-hta htl,::r.; ehnlre ISll I»,ini.lera f l l ," . '; ui.m' l l ‘l In |.'» pollinl -Il.i'llo ii. IID.L’,'. ll

........ th #l(',7.-.; feid.T piua K,'.-.'. 1.X,; bulk of all N.leu in . , ; . ' lu ll.rpi average eoil .Monday |ll,l l.’.: Wei^hl

a' W'la ' - '‘" ' ' ‘I’' ' ........ fi’d ai.-. ta am

■ alr.iniiH'mIk »7..'n i,i n.iin; »ev.T;.l l..;id' upward In *111; .ilher kllliui; ela-.n

'' 'I '" aleadv lo alriihi;; nlu. k .ia aii<l feeder; ,' e tiv.', alrniiK; l.ulk biil.her i' uwk urn!l!!K.eiL |,rifor»-»4,.*-'l-t...7,y>^.H>u..wa-«...t-»ut.

ijw e.l f;, . . . .'I'" V.-,.I top ♦ ! ! ; f.-vv upward In f l l - 'n

■l...U...n.-u...l-f.'-'.l..fH.4i;4l)-l.. ;..Vl!-f,-t ’V*';’' l.ia.lH niiwi.r.1 l.>

lUall^. —Hhor p— i nmt b " '" I'' .l.-'i .lv; bi|lh fe.l ahuliN tlli.ii- |i. 17

' "''I!" beat h.hl ul JI7.'J.’ : hheep mnl ..... ler• fullv hlead.v; .-w.' Ii.p »1I,I0; nlnarini

• "* i; .iu iir ti)f tv aM -ti.r» rlT ,? fr^ '' "•

, liL'v. CinOAQO LIVESTOOK., CIIICAOO. I'eb, : i t /n - I lu K , - lte

' re ‘|i|ii ;I ’,1HII); m livo, al'eaily lo Htiurther |,ii;i.,.r; l..]i J ll .tl. ': liiKheal' No

r '" - v.'.i.biT.'I!l,:;i'; l-ulk unod ami rlmi." 1110 lo .-III) pniin.i bnlehiTK *11.:,(I ll II.K,-.; 110 to ITij pomiil wui;:hl laoalli *in.K,-: lo -ll.'liii li«lk i-arkini: an,;

- "'-V- *1U.WI lo.J";? l’'«" -’"'imnt.'.

hohluvrr 17,IHM); pi.rl held off lh murk.-l.

I-; ;" HhiM'ir—Jleei'ip l, ll,(imi; fa l lamb i.'I.,, iie liv r; Konorally a te n d v 'tii Ktron« ‘- • '’■4 bulk J17.:;.'i I.. 17,7.1; f.'iv ehoiro hand,

w'oiflil InmbN *17.00 in ]S; (' . inoailv $17.r.ii lo-17.7.'i; fnt ahrrpi>tmnc

Imlk fnt .'wea JS„'.0 lo D.J,'.; f.-iv <i.,,',i) fe.-.|.'t lamba 1‘,'e hicher; bulk «10.75 I

l-^.N.i................ ' ' . • WOOL.-n fisT n jr .-T .T rr i’f tw -R um V bTisi.resla belatr tra.maeteil .in tlie wn.d nmrlie

“ yol-' altboni{lr trndliiu~lB"Rh.w. I'rl.-ea Ti .IX-lLilnl V tv Iitlll- .'haii'.-e. N.'V

e; .So. .Tlhei.-aa there nl.ll .h u aliulit e;iaiii| li-iiilenrv in Hy.iipalhv wilh fiireii;i liiarUelK. Jliiyora wh.. have b.en ui th<> market .i'a|<r.-aa .ronaiili'rablo d iffrrf i .i- r .i f ojiiiiloii ri'tiuriliiii.* valuea. Thor

---------i»,-lin«TVPr, a f.'ur touu ~reKu7ill«i.» o_____ Ibo .miel o.niditiniin,

. SyOAB.E. . Ni;\V VOIIIC. I'eh.-LII W>)-TI,..•a;,h^..

ipriiiK* dup KUireh P, wna rrporled ti. a luni ducU n ' r to.Iny a t 4..'.|). .b'livi-re.l; a Hiuh

deeline fnmi previuuit aaha. .Mark.-I radinj; howovor, Wia (;onernl1y hi(:hrr n l‘ lh IT- ri'- rloMo will. bli}-ora u l Lti:: and holdvl 8tnlen nakint; 4.<>.'. -ny r.l, l.irr.'iia.'.l l.e livily and nir.'nulh d. round .vii|i>[Kid in Hii^ir fntunw wilh fimi Idnho priora n t tbo and five lo opvo

U.ttllil. polul«_abovo llio;iiT.>'r,-^1)t oXlrna iniilid eun.c pri.iei[iallv frum nhnrln n.n 2U.1.2. b n u u x .u 'ith .U u U .i -n 'iid .'K itrnf^-pnr

).eeT.uii».' 'nfC-r r wi'?e’HO inreh notipe--------- l»OT0d~Wl*teh~Xl'.“nT—|i't«il.V|iIlv~l<rji'iM'-1.1IIPS;-nnrt'lllKnrTno i-ffeel on im~'m';VrIipl H I'lir. Mu'reh elnaed H.JiI, May .Inly Xl^

Ho|.trmlic-r XHO.Nil ehoi.goB w in im d In T*-(iin'd enpi'

•lienlly «H r l 'f in m a^rTiT.uK l,nai.iei» ul ."..U :l aizMi fiiip grnnultneil. . ■ ■ OOVBHNMENT BONiDS; ' lid trj; M ;\Y Y 0I!K , J'VIi. : i w>l-l,il.prl idir rv- I'Oinla oluaod:

— ................................................ \ w ? i' r i r a l 4i,ia .................. ............ / ..... llH,;!

K.- - HPronil-4V48\:,--,;.-..-..v.7,T.-,.::.-r:...-»oi*.“.<ii(llo Tliir.1 4 « . < - ....... ..... ILl.liciivo; r..i*rih 'I'i 'H .................................. H'l.:;y Men- II. H, oi.v.-rmoeni 'N .................. .. inn."

ilL-hor: - - - ■■------ •wnTTnir!--------;—pullora Kobrunrv Wlh. IIC.I. iluj'naa W of thu Amriipan Falla Kej P .nllk .TVolr U litrlct nnmliPr< imi.-JUl uu lerluj.'a UiS! will l.o pnid if prenputed n f t h --------- o f f in n in iiira iiiirT r ir* ---------------- —VPTmr i.bWK'/.l ee;.«-« .Mnr-', lir j.l .--

liRhla AMJnUCAN VALLH KKaKltVOlU . tup T)IRTItICT.ttrnskiir • •% v r7Tr~HPRNCn."TrengiiMf.. . .ilk.l&l .1— .. n ......... ,,i

__/_ _ » n ln g . - ___:

~ jn»en |A

;v ■ : - -

REACTION f o l l o w s - : r ": W HEAT MARKET W S 6 ! :fircAdittiff Go«s to tLBO% U » -D * >

________ llvary a » l ShUBpi m t n fltit.

-- ------------BTOfTir WA JCTff-AVlilMW W . ■ ■ ■IVrarty Twenty

ladunlriBTir ItoilroadiT u^ 'ln y .......... .......... l"1.0y 103.70Hatnrday ........... ...... 121.1.1 ll)3..|fl ’"•.'.'V .-.L-n .......... ...... nr,:i:5 - . ' J01.80‘

• i i i K V n c - . ................ I 'Jia? — lOLfiB -Lo«v, uu.-, .. ..... ..117,0.1 lOI.TO—

T otal Htork laira 1,327,000 iharc*.

NI-:\V V()|:K, FuI.. s i M»>—Kinlng aloek prii'PB ,l,ara.-teri»ed reatinipUoa .11 tr ,.a i-i: n fu r th-'-dimlilo hnUday.oB Iho N.'W York atook o.trhnngp, tml tbo

-------- TntlT-fnitnt-to-hnH-whni j giillhju.lev.'ln].ed UK .1 reiull o t n ahnrp atlffon*. iui; n f rail nniiiev la'U'a. Closing prlpu* 'li.phiye.l ei...,ider;.ble !tfr«nli.rity wUU ~ luaiiy piipiilur ahiirra ahowbig vnriation*Ilf nu.' t.) four poinla cuu.[«.rcd w ith ^Illll^lay 'a final qautaliuni.. '^ ill nn.... .. Tcnewed at 3 1-2 per cent

and lli.’.i advaiiri-d. »urrpi»U-oly1o4 M tun! .*. I'lnsint' a t Ilm tup fignro, whicli w:iH Ihe hi;;li.'at rnto rr[>nrtod aineo Jan- iiury i:. 'I'lie advaui'o iu .'.ill monpv, eo* iiH'iil.'i.l wilh tho h.-a\-j- railing uf lonna Wl., due to llie aharp derroano in ro- Ni rv.' hiniivii in Iho weekly pli-aring liiuiai- »lat.-meiil hint Hatuniny nml pro- {ar;.li,.uii i',.r<l.i«vy uiniith.tiiul-iiu|uir<v— iii.'itl" fur fu.ida, i'’. inumn' nftd enm-..... ial I'ajier nuirkota wero (luict wltUno iniportaut rlumgo iu tute*.

I SEliiTplNlli h'> " I’' ' ' ' '*'1"’ i"‘» w r of mo«l fa t: i«'.,,,b. I. Il,al .-(.halanl diotir.g la l.nrJ. -

, c u tiiin a l .'^.'rel-> ia llrpaomu and nx«luJlll' lm 'i"livi— and |Ii"u, too, >l might bO'•'. 1,1 ifsriiifiirtn^iiri'rtiii'nrpichr'iT M viim int—il *,i.. til '' nld-fftahinnpd idra. Toilny iu ..i.'l.i' 5lnrm..l:. l 're .« i|ition Tablola ull tl.ewl l i t iL 4 U £ fk u U l« u » r ,- ,.v « fo ..m ^ it ir t r^ « « -----

. I,,I littlo tablet nfti'r eaeh moal nnd :it bedtinio eaii.ea fal lo vnnlih. Thinm w r .i, ........... I l> nu,y. ,» l„JII l„ r,lS l—

. ' iug .,r I'xorrialng nnd haa tho ndded ad- vnntage uf rhrapa.^,.

' ' ' ' t “ " f Inl'lnl" anil sta rt ; lakintf tliein nun-.'WilMn n nhort'ilmo

, , nud nially wilUuul ilatvtitlon d ie t o’s ■r litpnomn .-iPtri..'. Yon will bo eom-

■'-f'’"' llkp n.7ir wani. Kvnn aftor Uking offnuiiiy pounda, Ihefg will bp ng fInbhU__

I MCI or wrinkles n'mainiiig. You will f.-.-I 1i)f).per ront heller. All drug

" rtorea tlio world over anil Marmola L-roMrlpUun. Tnhlot2_.iL-".n«.!Jq1l"r- f o r ' a box, nr tli’irj.faruiuhi Company, Oon- prni Molorn Dtiilding. IV lrolt, Micb.,

„ will glndlT send Hiom to you on rtcolpt ~ of 1hP' p rire.—ndv.

■' No- KOnOB.rli.i.t'e „ .arranta of liideacndeut Behool

" D iatrirt No, 1 laaupd in Vebrunry, 1023, Mioaiij „„ proBijniniion l» tlio-■ lr.-aaiiror o f Ilm diatriet.___ ;___________

= - T S I ^ t “?;'iiry 27, 1025.; ... _________ . K. IV J tm N a o N ,.

Treagiircr lad. tJchoul DiiL No. L lamb*' ...... ' ■ - — • ' = = = H a a B n ^

hmuh- ¥ n v ' ^ ^ t i i e k ibora.iiin V / 1 m J « rOW U -»^too___

eifonlin^ U Jhc u tn i 0.75 tu. ' ChninbcrUln’B^'IiiW ^Jcca^ .

boteels^hiiuhyj » w « t and

u"rkH ' «cho nnd tlia t t ^ d f ^ ^ ' o u t.................../colinj;, tako ...................

i l g j . - C h a m b e r l a i n ’ s T a h l o t tiireigii T nkoiU -otonigliL No jtriping, no en un unpicBsnnt noxt day focliag. d iffpr- S 0 M 2 5 t tn h . S o U m n n a m 'Thore

-B U 81T O IR M -„,,l„.if ------------------ -—J WHWr — B U O K MU TH ” '----------- ^I l u n i l -------------------, ---------------------^ -------.^I'kI'I W eld taf E »raw ii»larjioi, M schlnlata B o iu iiio flnIII tho B ofla tsuk ln s W t|0 8midew ai«cksin ltttln r-— B prta j W O iki-----------

S r e n p l U ich lm 'Co..' ' J ' ' - PhoQt 1203 210-220 Socoad B ovtt. fiiinl A gaa tj fo r AdTiace B m n H y u a t , '

— --------- AVTO'WnXVBiIh nnd »i—— ■ . i ~ ~ ■n-rnn . ^^T IPr.BAlCTO —TJhtfft —Ar-Pean.—^ B -w iB e t nU-S tn d d a k p — imi7='7T —tK m % le s.^ lS 6 -8 ee ea d -A itaw ^W < it^>:Vrhery .

WZNDOW a L & 8 fr~ m ia jU B ]d % .« i^ ' a T J i i a« tw orlc .-M iw a» iB bap .-P kon»^ >

'3A A SB R B

‘ O B O r n i T B A J^ W E B ^ ^ F h « t ".ilrprly CnitiBg, '

I S i t i i j . . r t o « i . io » u _HiL iS ■ BHOB M P AIM H , -7 ~ ~ *IfO.'Jl.

ItV W tX dM ' MUUU 'JUtf JtU B B W U r*

ll'--''. ' ~ y in 'jia im rin tf i ' ^la Ki'a- __________________^ ■ j

“Llilli — iaO -g«coBd.nw . »Mf. O o o d /W M k -l j

'OIU S U J iX A S n . :

hsL J ~


Page 6: Alaska’s Head , Huge Merger

= m a t t -r ii is lM i

> ■ '

: P r o p o s e d S e v e n -M ill T a x C a r - "

■ r ie s b y V o te o f 4 4 7 to 1 1 7 in „

. T w in F a l l s I n d e p e n d e n t D is -

= - t r i o t - E l c o l i e n . - —

VOTE ON aonOO L LEVY. li• ’ Lincoln B lckd n:

Bchool School ToUil IIr o r iBTy ........... 210 U;i7 -117 1.A*stn*t levy ... 65 Cl! 117 I'

IfT«il. Viitl-

Irirl <in‘l(irii, :il nn i-iv-iii»i Tiiiniby, vnlril, -H7 tn 117, l» milliiiri/i' KU iic|. I.i•litiuiiiil ........ 1 Cit li'VV <>r •■rvcii inillx fnliial, it i> .•.liiiuil.-.i, «,.iil,| vl.-i,l «|,- 1.1|irn<iiii:ili-lv i.*>S.ii(iii i.n.l i.rint; Ifir i|i«. ) ic t '« tolM rrvi-lillrii i.kM V.':.r U|i I.i ill

— -,xIiii;.NJv f tS 3,n ^ n -t.- ,^ iii;..r Iti- ' 'itfmmiiln of niitl<-i|<:il.'il iiiiTriiiu- in l'i.;i' l i1il»tioii iiikI iiiiiliil.iiii IV iil TiillH ]>i>l,ll<- MlirAnol* nn (Iik Jirr,.'!!! i.t<ilM>;ir.t. I

T ni.ti 'r- ..f llio ilinlri.'l li:iv.' ;ui- 1jiniiiirpil Hint, if thi' iiiiliiiiri/i'.l r . '\ i - lilh'i of t!i<> iliKtrii'l |ivriiill, cI i-h. '. iu inaiiiiiil tniliilii)' iin.I .imiK-nlir :irlx niil III' ri-ilori'il ti> the lliiil nriioiil cnrri.ti- tnm iii-xt vi'fir.

Till' toll'll vnip rn>t Tiii'^ilnv iiin.nuit'InK lo -‘ 'U, waa lr » Uiaii on'i' liiilf th r

____tutiuaiUciLuULjdiJilliiC-dixliuuJiLllili. nililirlrl la-t y.-ar uhi-l. oiii-li o|i|m>.iliiiu “ iliivc'lo|ii-<l lo nillliorir.'itinii o f Ihi' I'Xirii

. <•>> ........... . __volril, mil fur IIII.I 417 ii(;ai.i.t tin- |>r<iii.l u i t l n i i . ____________ ______________

TruitM* ApptBciaW.TriiMci'- TiiPiitay rvr.iiiic |.x,iri'Mi'iI

oppriTlallon of iirrvir.'ii rnnl.'ri'.i in cmi- ,, ni'ttioM wltti th r I'UTtiim bv Twin ,

----- yalU^l.»i.>lK.f-,.f-r^.tnmfrTt~-whirh-tli- i j '----- ru rlc l n u rk of ii fi.'ri of alioni :ii "

niitiiiMolilli'ii rarryini; voliTt to niul fnmi^ I'•till' [ml1in(»plarp«,'TimVJij::ir|i^>n'jinH1i I,."

-----CrSinry-cllfir n U rnriil woinn.V d .il ..whir'll U>i-il ti'U'lilinni'O lo Uriii^ tl.r r l .... ""

— lifiiiiu-ii'uf vutrrTTi.ToV.Khv ont I1.P iliitrii't. y

Ailthurlrjilliili of tho .rvrii.m iil rx- U.1 t in Tiip»Jav !>»Llh'‘_ ' l l t tr ic l '» rlcrlur« will |ii'riiitt lh r trim'ti'r* In li-vy fur ...................... nrlxioU ,Jioxt vrnr a tolnl lux of IS mill.. The- nrlnal irvy, huwrv.'r, will nol hr fixr.l 'J' unlll Iho LiulKrt for iirxl y rnr In rom- "" jili'lril tii;Xl July or AukiuI, w hni. It in bi'Urvisl. Ihl) nrlual ri'iiuiri'iiu'iil* (if llii' »rhooU rnu In- ilrli'rm lnnl inori' uc-

___curulclj’ llian n l iire*i'ti». • • - -All rx tra »l|X..ot_tf?i-llllll3-lYaa-V^JtCll

In thi* (llntrirt Im t vrnr, hlil tlio rx trn , ' levy nrlUBlly niD<li' wiii/ only iiillU.


- - ____ ______ Icr

— A . R .- R ic h a rd s o n , U n h u r t in S

— H ip h w a v C r a s h . H ell) F a c in g

P r o s e c u t io n U n d e r D ry L a w .

' ' V.'.O oT 'of IhV 'w iPrknci' of ft H iiiIhoii S’,"

ber 13-1015 on Klmlirrly roml llir..../ourlh i mill' Mul o f hrro iilioiil fi . . . o 'e lork T urt.iny rvoiiing, Hlu'riffn _

• savo Iho unino'nf A!‘n ? ‘ll}rlmril“on iiii'.'l Ll Indsnl him In lhi< couulv jnil li> fiirrIKiuiblo pro«'«ution, th ry m nlnl, on Aj charb'M .of iltrciil ]K»ii('Mlon of.llip io r

- - or- of-drirln jf B-enr while nnder Itifiu- CBPC of liquor.

O fficer! ^ tin ril l>y tncnKcr Infurina- ‘tlon ftom nirlmrilion rrtunilnK tlic tinwrock, wlilrli l l bvllfvo i» huvo o c wl.

___tu in n l—w liw JlU harilfon ycat. .cauilug. vii—■•frotn'Hi'o chunown’rtl thia rity , •w vrv rj tu___ Illl par t n Iho tr f l hIiIo of thn road nnd rJi

cm bo'd intq "

)inVD bri-n owTiPiriiy a i r n n .n r s n n , tii . ...w lilcli.h lld be ta lurkcil ptupctly n t tlic

Blilo of tho roml nnd w ni uiiofruplod., tri B ««'T w o*Q i«. ■

}llcliiir<lMin tolil Iho ufflrrra Hint lie **'ihftil Kfnn Iwo f.'ir/li|>|ironrhlu({ ond lind to

■ • jw crrcil aaldo to avoid n rolliaion. 'i'l•Tlio Uudaun enr wn* euiuiilcloly over- I'lc

. turned and bailly dninngrd. A M'lirrI Ki w y i' brokrn off tln rliK litrr into

____ 0/riCC«_ n tioltio o f liquor out of tho wri'rkni;i' l o

o'f l{lrliaril»onV cnr and Ihnt ilicrp m. w rro Indirntioni thn t moro Uijiior linil of

- -lw e-aw U ey w U L i-U .e_ $ Jtlii lly -aL .U ie . a\.

■ ; < - - _____“i?

" ^ f o K T h e l d T iT u W

------- Catl‘G u m v « (m .'in '« n iin )a rn f7 ^ v n r— tttnh.- l l ■ tu - tiF.iT tn r iirii-lirTe' lu m iim r —

1<» eliarijo o f fo rg try o f tlii* wiDie of I lo r r r Beer of tlili e lty to a eheek for . .

— •ItD O tliW W iiieiiiheirforO uiiluv i.'io ii-

p r ie to ro f the City t«re, I t wa* a lntcd p the »hcriXf'i offjra ^ r ^

TVlth extmillHoh'poporiTTisT w ffo Ti-..... w efl'liirqovcnigT'M OBni a t PdUiia tgn-' ••

—r>ro»^i3rr^«ilnR -'for-PM T O 'lo-retC irB - - — wllk-th^-teCTWiTtiiftBi-------------------------- -

' Pw 31i _________ _


N »|tatIva-T.lhur-to’ T t h v t r f o r ' Blmiil- tanO(.ua roronxlcii'at Pocatallo, DoUa

. m j i l i i o or,. -in trnvrl to (it»;.i;;.' -:iiHiU:n.i-i, lo

' M 1'..<':.I..|||I, lli.l... ur^i tw it.

I fl-.ili, l.iKt. . .h o o l'- i , 1,;

- 1 1 In I’drntriiii, Wliltii \ o.'|{:.livr . t.viin il tl. rnmr iirr.- t.. iii.'. l ‘j'<viii i 'a ih nftircinlivr trniii iu ili-ij;ilr in thc h ifh

Til.' ijKi'Ml.iii lo I.r .I.'li'ili'il lo llir' l•..lll.• l tllii v a r 1.) ‘ Mf.....Iv.'.i, lhal

tlir riiil.-.l Hitil.H ................. Ill sh.,iil.| ,1

rtinai-iil' Ilf l{i|M..b!" * ' y " J- - Tiriu I-'nil'i ni'i;;iilvn fp.nm \0.1. I i m

lo .il.ha1.. a l l-..ra|..|l„ j , ,iii,.|..„r.l ..f „l l,.-ni, JoiM<, l,..val 1‘r rrv iiu.l .Mlla> Wi.llr(.. «MlIi TIvi.iii I.’.ii.lalil .illi r-IK.I.-. U i' Twiii'i-alN i.flin iil.liv r 1..... . ...lhal i< Ir. .l.'i...... .vllii Iloi...'’. ui'^^ailM- |'|1.NIIII livi.. i» i.irii|.o-.-il of IC.-nii.'lh li.iiik'lx', V i.h.r li,iit..ivjv aii.i K.'rn.rDi If.'ii.lahi, iiitli K.:ilh Kviiin ii i .llri .1,

Tlir l.'.nai, w hiih IiJivc li.TO IJ, l.y H. J , illan i.'..f Illl' Judlor l.i^h -i lii.'ii fanillv. iliri'r kIii.I.-iiIh wlm ,i,I-"'-' ............. ........... i, ...... Tl.rv nrr l.nval I’.Try, K.-ii- ■(irih ll.'i.ilahl njiil M5ln- \Vnll. i». I.,

f l i l S l L D l

M m w if i Cl

P a u l 'P a te ,-1 9 ,- in -C u s lo d y - fo r r-S e c o n d -T im o -C tia rg o d -W ith ^—T h elt-E rom -G old en-R ule,- - - - - - -

Arcii«i-d nf liiiri;larijriiiK tlir (ioldrn tin lilllr' hiTi' .loliiinrv JH. la il. I'i.ul rai

th '-; v l.jln liv_u l }>:

irr i'b y thr i.nli,-,. ,in n ' iiirly In.L Huii- imItir,—ITB«- nfrniKuril in—iirnhatr rnurt h" l’ui-«ilnv-nn-a-i h fii) 'i.'u f ■ f!f«l \irt;fi i. n,' lurKlnry,' i'nti- iiira.lnl uol Kuiily an.l i'>>

ij.vid, H-hirh wn- liol' flirni-lii'ii. f n - roi Iminarv hi-arlni; wan art t.-olalivi.|v I'V I luilur J, I.. IIodi;in lo h r hrlil iil M i ''<

•«T-m,-tni|av. - - .............. - - I..<'tolhlii|; and nl.... a viilnn! nl npiiroT' ''')

niatrliMlliH), und i-J.'.-.MI In .n iah wua j"' r<.']K< to hiivr lii'cii taki'il. from tlio ‘fi atorr Ijv tin. biirj:lari,

Twlco Arrofltod. >''i1‘ali' haa hi...|i tiviru iirri'nl.'.I na a Mia-

>rrtrd |iriiicil>al in l.orKh'rv; A ftrr .riiiit hi'hl In ru-ti..!v f i.r jij l j io r l tim.'I f.'W dav. n fIrr tl.r burglary, h r wua ’

TrloniPrt-ti^finnrof Inmifni t.'i i .n n in n ’r ini’ d rn rr In Ihr handa uf th r oCnrrr* lo <'u arrtiro n ronvlrlion Mm. H'’tvai H-rarini;. n liru hc wun nrri'ati..l oN ■ , Ihr flrat oi'raaiun, ii auil uf uiulrrwrurwhii-h »vii« lii'lli-vr.l to hav r hri'u ta k ......... .fioni th r hur|{liiri;:i'd ntorr, but w hirh "11 ir alnlril hr hud |.nri-hnnril nl a niurr li. -I" Kilrr, iilllioiiKh-thr i.ri>i<rlrt..r o f th r ‘I": Kii|.f plnn- would uut I'urroburalr hin '•>" atnlcim'lit._ l |i i lr_ n n a n rra lc iL tlni-aiicwiJ-Uniii. _folhiKllii: aalr iiilryrd lo havr I......undo by .... . to l.ouin .......... lo of ii ■<(>cnthrr jnrkcl, whii-h, o ffirrrn atiitrd, md Ix'i'ii iilrn tifli^ ii»-nilr* Ih.-it—w ni —

tnkrii liV Ihr lillrnlnra frum lh r Onbli-n <lulr ntorr,- Thr fullnivinu* n ta jru irn t wa* nlnnrd I"' |jy Ki,-ui(jlii'lll 11..I Iir.';.l'IU'U 111 lililU'l' “ 7 offlccra;

<<I hrrrhy ri'r llfy th n t thn Ira lh rr Ml V.St tnkrn from lur by Ihr |Hilirr wan bmiriil li» llir V 'rhrnorv-Ul, ftoiii-Viil - - I 'litr, f..r Rhii'li I Iiaid ♦;i..'ill, I 'u ir 7 ^ r7»W i.llno~ iur~ llL iT 'IIio ‘A'i-'.t--\v;r.i “ arruuJ hand uud hml b rrn wuru bul a frw l im n ." ■ ' ' j,.||

LENTEN ■ SEASON O PENS rSAJti Wednesday to be Obaarved Wllt»

Spaeiaii Sarvlces Today In Catbollc ■*' and EpUcopal 'tmflrcben. • m

Todnv i» Aah W iduradnv. aud mnrkf. th r brEinnlnu of th r I .riitrn *«i.un whicli .viidl ua Kantvr tiuaduy. Bur- vit>a in uh^.rvnnim.ot tht.-ucrjiiilon-Brr — tl) br hrhl III SI. Kilwnrd-n C’nihulic r lmrcti BuJ Aeti^mioii Ki»i-r<'i.!il cliurclu. .. . U iili!r_n rrU « iiJn Jh .' l.n ihrrun rhnrch .(iri* tii lid lii'l.l uulv on Hnmlava ilurini; __th r (CUifln.

lu Kt. Kilwnrirn' nahrn nn< li> bi- din- tr ilu ln J h.-ri.r.> H oV Iurk m nu .IhU murniuK nod Ih rr r n rr tu ht> cvi’ainR a-rvlrPI J)l 7u'lO. Hvi'jiiu); *rrvirrn urr to bp brill rni'U NWdnrn.lny and Frblny ihirine LrnI, nii.l n rr li> lui-liid.' arr- mom by Ihi' I'iiator, th r llrv , Kruil.M., on W nlarailav pvrniuR*, nml “ Tho Way of Hit- C ru a i” uu Kriday

Aarrniloli Kliiarnimi rhurrh, Holy fom iuun!^ fa I6 i r \ . l .n ' r v n l n f Ifl - a : ' m, lodny with lllnliv nuiV ltru lla t ” • offleo a t THB p. tn. On WVdnraday

arrlr* of laprm^n* on tW ^ lT S F d ^ ' P ra r tf .Tthtt—lo b jfc t f e r i ih e f l r n t ^ f - •— wiJii .nf Ihu aci lc* 'W litp -^ U » > » » lu » — Ood’i Nnmp.’ * ‘

wi'ti I IIP r iiij', ." n u n i'i i lu n M iii'.ir* nl thi«Tli>plUt ftinrcli. Thurwtny rycbni- _

F ifty eeat* buyi a cab of Pipe Flu*l> a t Ballailnj lla rw arji^eonipaov.-adT .

BREAD 5c A WAF“ ; : 3 ? t i c a c a E S 2 i ^ ==

■ - w j im - M i ik — Br t t t f - ■»-— —____ On* i(W- «n<i Ona for ^

: = ; = : ^ . r : ^ 5 C = . ^ . r S U ; - - 'W ^ g b i-D o rv - tliu W - lu X - u U L - . .

ln .Id a t |o . ,■ M j w r grocer o r .a t. thft ^

F i r s l P r f l m i n i n B ^ k B r y _


„ ______ T ,

R e c o v e ry o f C . C . . L a r s o n H d a

_ W . E . F l a k e M a c h in e s on

N orth Side C lears _R ecords. Ju ______

.1 II.illi anl(.ruobil.-a Ihnl Wrrp rrporti'd .1 -I..I.'II ,Mi,n.iav I'li'iiiiiK from Tnin •• n .lli - lr.'.'l, W.'.i' rn 'uv rrn l To.'ailay,

ojin o f Hi.'in l.i-ii.jj f.„it„U n_Ihc:poac3'’ -inu i.f a u.nn «lio ia ulli't-.'.l I.i havr t ~l..Iin It, ai'mr.liiiK' lo rr|K,rl» rw riv id ,,' :il j-li.M hr;....... iirrr. M• Ili'rn ll Hi'irrr, uf llirfl of I '"

" a Tnr-i ...... oimr.l bv William K,1- i'lahr, II'.' S.’i <111.1 iivrnui' norlh, 'nml ll l:.l;.n M,..„iav i.vrnliiK from .Mnln nvr- I' mir, waa arr. ati'd Tui'.vlny ufli'rnnim lu ' •

•IiTunu., ........... ... ,-„r in .la tn it.i l.av.- I.i'ru fiiuinl iu Ida i.ona.'.alnn, <

I Hr ia I., hr r. turnr.l h r rr to nnawrr to K'"I a (.T.Ki.l la r.rov I'umi.Iainl lha l wna •<'<" .ii;ni-.i bv I-. O, .............. .. Twiu T.illa In'- riil.'f l.r iMiIii'i'. in•....-A l:iii<-;i, invuid 'bv fV *i'o

.............' n.rinjiu-.f of Ih,' W hilr Ular f a■ iairT:nn-7 Tlnl " na iak n i W.miax^TTnrr TTT.I

int: fri.iii Hhixh.>ni' Nln-rl, waa nlimi- tnr Ili.iir.l :it K.lru whiTi. it wa« iti.i'! IWI Ti.,.,.fny Whii.. Si;,r hiiin.lrv tri.rl! i '" ilrivrr I.n n ri|;tii:,r \lKil I., IM.'ii.

Korlv lliri'r ri.ra ha\-|. I...... alolrn /I h rrr liiiriaj; Ihr ii:iit Iwo vrara niul all i:i)<

of ....... havr bi'.ii r.'ru^-rr.l, il w;ia n>..:alatnl ul ]ii.lir.' hrai|.]Uarlrla Turnilny outI'Vcnitii;. ' l.y

COMMITTEE TO ARRANGE ‘ ^O R T O N V E N T iO rN A T V IE D ]jiN• W. A. P,\trlc!c to he Oenaral Chairman ‘jjp

for Id.ilio S tate Snnday School A»- sm tilT 'in TW iim illil.

w, A. l>:itri.'k i< lu b.' rhairnmu nf ’’’i" . th r i-'-urral ,-.iuni il l. r in r ln r« .. of nr- ,I ranp 'in rn l. f„r th r Idah.. S la tr .......lay J)’ i*>jlfir..l .‘.it If,,, hr f i 'Thr" '

. ii'ii; lu lii-i'i.inn n'ni'lird .It lL\(lnfrri'ni'.'-T ....* .h .y-io jl..-< ,ffir.-..f ' lirr.--A; !!'"

r n , I ’, |ia»lur o? ih r I’rr.ilivlrrlau , . i-h..rrh. al whli'h .............. w a, u'lnilr nf ^

ro iiiiiiiri..r7n ’ !ii!! ,!!i?^!t." ,(I..... ral I'halrman. W. A. I'a lrii'k ;

. iri',i..rnl a ,'rrrlary lri'aii.r.T, Mrs, Kmma1.. \Varrmf-fiua.Vn-; J /U . V rnvrr: ..ri- I'l" rrc iitra liun . Mr-. W. K, Nixon; rulrr-

I .............‘I '111.1 rivi.|iili.h. Krauk W. f ''", lliuwu am! .Mra, V. K. Itrark ru : ilr.-,ira-

11..11«, (*. K. Sliiiion; u .luT . I', i;, l'„i


I Tiir Illur I^ikra Houlrvard rliil. wlii ‘" ‘J7 T u n r r- iin ir ? -h iim ~ r -x t,< -n .- r . -wiVrK'....., on Kalli nYrnuf I'ridnv iift.'ni..Bli nt;' ■ Tiir Drama aud I .ilr ra lu rr drunrt- ‘;l‘, .ni'nl o f th r -T « rn lir ih iV uturv rlnb f''-'', will inert wiih M i« H lrlbi' llibl.nrd; ", M t i;iniilh avrnn.- rnxl lhi> fWnlnr« ', dny) ufli.,nnun, .‘ nbjrrl ■ 'Thr .Mrr- I rhaiit uf V riliir ," ------------------------------ •■m

----------------------------------rrlL _ T lir j:..i i„ i in iiiU . I,;jili;'.i,’_A id ,jiill J , r ., hrhl with .\Ira,-Nriir Ihln (Wrdnrn.lnv) , , aflrrnooti. ^

i — T hrJ^rr.ibylrriau .MiMloinry. nnrlrly I will m i-Pl'iir-thr rtm rrluparlnra Th«r»-

day at ]>. m, .T h r pruKram’ w n r" '^ ‘I V ' l'''t -"ra. Howard.

Tho K|.i.coi>nl (luilil will m rrl willi■ Mr". (ii.orKi' H|.r.i«ur Thiimday aflrr- I 1101111, rrb rnary Hi!,

: Z H : „ f .u n e r a l T =

................................. ral ai'rvlrrn■ |.:dwlirnrrl Aj^drr«a.^l I. non o^M t. mul jj;

1 riirrrd rnrlv Tura.lav', a rr lo br lirhl'III 12:1-'. p. ni. to.b.v a t lh r Illur I'hnprl,

, ru tm r of Hlui»li,inr .I r r r I nnd S-Tuna . u\i;iuii' .ainilh.

; . £ g l --------------- --------------------------

— |-DoubleYourI I . . ...........

I A t 4 per cent leml-aanualU any «um will doubleQ mataly geTantaen Mtif ene-ba f l ' A( an invaitioont, Uie i

: I good and t l i e ^ t e of r«tu)I I oUier con»em iuve inva»uniI and ftYallability of prlocip*

! . - I u may ba-obtalood------- . . .j ------------- -Dcuble your n a ngy-l iy Inv

. U F a lli N ational Bank u v in, ■ ' bank conU ^ea to pay 4 p«

T lic T w i l l f u l l s N i

D ^


soeim* CLUBS']- — ------------- -------------------------------— lr

H E a B. B. WILUAMfl “

Twi.nllrlh <Vnl»fy'Vi*ut* mrl T , nflrrnoyn n t-tim hmar of Mr*. I-. W.

id __IJjC- luuuL-liiuluiaa—wiut ^lranauplf.1 iil wMrh time ll wna volril di

p lu arnd n li llr r lo Hnintnr Huvnll u»k- ti " iuK him to lupport thr tubrrrnii.iin hi»-

]iitnl bill. Iloll rail Waa an.»vrrrd wi1,hS. eurrciit cvcnis aml.-dr.ili rhieflv .w ith h*

lrK i»lnllv.'m atlrra. T hr ;,r..kTani waa n In.Irllchlful patfiulir, ...... urraiiKni by |'.

-d .Mra. Lrti llrurkrn. .Mra, Wiiiun I’rrli i, MIIK two nrlrflion . mul rxU a.ln Wrfr,. ,l,'lv|.n from tl n]....rli bv Siuunrl rt

UumprJi. - T w.i - |M.f»,*-WTff'- r r n i | - nnr niru litlrd "UlTTiTflf' ll'ilr^M ir ' ,',thi-r III

.,] •■Wlirn Abriiiinin Mn.'.dn WuUck nt lu Miiliiiyht,” nmi .Mr... T, W, Iliiiukr

,f I.layr.! two vinlin *.,hi. a. , .nni.auir.rby ;.' .Mr*, r . T. Iv'IloKi-on III.. ,.i,liu., Dnr. lr

In ' tiir Kiu-iai hour rnfrt-.l.nirnln w rrr I’, arrvr.l l.y .Mrn. Mrll<.h.'/1». Mra, .M;irv CiY. Ncrrloii mtd .Mr*, .(nhu Anil, ' th

II, <’oinplimPUlia(; hi-r ali-h.T, Mr*. lliii;h0 IC........ Iv Ilf liliM-kfnnl. Mra, C, <•, I,ar- "f

>011 rn t.'rta im .d wiih tnblra of nfh lirl.lKi' Tiiradiiv nrt.fiionn nl h rr linmr nn

in llui lfri',1 uparluirala. I'avi.r fur hi^li <‘uV ni'orr wu* won bv Mra. Km(aa I,. U’ar.,r ri'a. ami ronHoL.||lou hv Ml*, Alvin Unr.17 TTT.hT;---- m n W ru T I T T I^ r — v.-r;'--f,'V.- H-|. tnr.-,i id Ih r drruratinaa ami Ihr ilaintv '■>

Iwo roiirni' .............. . •rrvv.l 111 Ihr run- m.k i lniiun o f ll.r Kanii-a. . Ih

n A laruy rrnw .l'w a . [irr.riif at tlirII i:ik , dnnn- Tiir-iliiv r^rniiii:, i'uu .li T»a nu.l faory r;iki', vv.rr ..'rvn! Ihruui;li.V "'>1 11........ waa fiirninlu.d

by thc lllurliird ur.-hiatta. "P

llonorini; M r-.'w , I', (iiilhrir, wbo iaIrnviin; «oui|_|.i iuakrJii:f huiiULJii.Mir:it^ __

JT ikT M r-, <T. I). Tl..... . lo.alr.n nl I’"a brantifiillv nppoiutnl bim.h.'oii Tiii-i- op

~ i1.'i.i"' .’it h r r '^hr/iii. -T.ff v.'w iiim i'^ 'rn tir nnrth. The tah ir wna, ri.vjui.J w ilk-ji. I>u

- Irrrrtv-rlllhy b irr »rl nn.l ha.i for a rri |. up Irrf ilrrr a Idnr bowl nf pink >wrrl praa,

. T hr lint inriinb'.| vloar frirnila‘ of Mra. <!nthrir nnd « r r r Mrn.lmora 'l'>' ' Wilbnr Iiill, II. W, I'ioiirhi'k, W. li. p‘l‘ I 'r ir i.r, T. A, II....I,- .la. k Shrunt, (i. 1), ha± A4U »7=A,-;T ,=i-i5i;iVr-iu.,..> r?;7y?g o t ;; «ml I,. K. Hniladav, ' A u'nu'ral Mui'la! ><• '. |im.'.fi.'lk'Wvd.tht;.iuiuhi:uu. ..... .

'1 MIm IViltv Tluima. rn lrrla lnn l Hat- n-l, itoiavu;ixuiiiK-iiU.uiu,t.<,fai.*_llatk4.A.. Ii:

N n lir r , 'w h o ia viailini: hrr parruln, ‘laMr, uml .Mrn. .Tnmrn Sriiirv. llridtir ''i> wna playrd at fivo tabir«. Mra, Law-

; rrai.o lio.ltciu wiunliitf-thu-huuur* for. hi^ii ar,.r^^ ami Mi.a lb,roll,v .Mrilil!, ,, roniuihitiun, L ltr in ll.r rv r» lu |; lh r M<• ho.lrM, nnnUlril bv hrr . i . l r r , Mr».' Mrrliii lla llry , arrvrd a dninly Iwu al.

ruutnr biiu'hron. uri _____ nin

Kalhrra nml moliirra wrri' Kurntn nl _ a uinnirul pro|>ruin liivrn Momlnv rvrn- ^

II iui: by pnpll- of Mr». A. Oiiibrrt nl lirr............ Th lf.1 - (■ v rn t..- nnri h.— tirnmir

, w rrr pliivr.) nn.l ................ nin arrvrd1 u f ir r Ih r program, rujiila who tonk• part w rri' th r Miaxra KilMlirtli .Millrr.. i:i i/ahrlh Havia. Dorothy Kvaiia. llar-

rk'U liiiulap, MarKurTitP Krnnrdy,I- Mnbrl Willtnina, Klrnnorr K rilrhrr,• rh a r ln ltr VoKid. Klllh l .r i .r r , A llrril .. linbhnrl, Durolhv I'lirkn, .Iran Mor«nn,

.Iran Hiurinn, Clrta lllli-hrv, Anna Uuh' rrln nnd ilrloiNr ,Sirrniurr,

s .BACKTNO OAB IS sm U O K' .1, 1., M iCalllalrr. driving' a .Kurd

tnurliii; rn r, lir rn ir iiumlirr l'tS;JO,., whilr Inu'kiiiR uwav from Ihr rn rb in

froni o f fh r (lobliin itiilr »tnro.i>U-Mala.Uuvv].... ' rn*t Tura.lav rvniiuk’ waa

.itrurlT T ^'^'-ilc.i ?n!mi, lirriiar ninnbrr_ m,-., .Irivi'ii hv ~'yi'«1rr-(»ri'U, nr< 7 lot; lu ri'jHirt mnil.' lo polirr lira.Kiiii.r- ! IrrH. T h r b 'fl r rs r whrrl of lhf> Funl

ra r wan lirokrn off nml llm Itro ’a rijjht front f rn d rr iva.i ilamacril.

We specialize In

^ - T im in g - R e p a i r in g - R e b u i ld in g -I F ianoi and Playon


ur Savings - -innually compoondad In- iouble ItaaK in appioxl- < Uine-balf y o a » _______ IUie laTinga account 1* n r« tum U la line wilb

raatmenta w here u fa ty iodpal are d u lred . In - .

y-hiYeaUng I t in a.Twin u v in f i account. T b ii U 4 par can t._ n .

% ----- —

lialioiial BbhIt ^ ^_ _


r & R E ^ T I E S ^

' On Trip to rortland-~<:. A. nobimu.n jpfl'rTnndnT cTrntnu'on a* Imainpp.a t i i ^ ■ to Portland.

J On Buslnens Trip__Mr. and M r.. W.if. Urnfr,, l,-ft Huiiilav. rv|.niii.. f,.r ~

,y Halt I^ki) on n aliort bimlnrns trip.

.J drpu ty ahrriff, Irft Tura.lny cvriiiuj; k- fur-l'riivo, L'liih. nn o f firb l biuiirr.ns.

Ih M akai Trip to Pocatallo—Tl. T. Mr-ih Kny uf Ih f UvaiT Fruit - rom paiir, rr-11 liirnr.l Tur-i.lay frum n buaiur.n tr ip lo

■y I'ocalrllo,

rr Beauty Bbop Ex'pandi—Owlni; tu in. trl r tran r lo l.n>inr<i., ,\lr«, W. li. Itrnfru? , II- niailUKCT flf.-thc J tr iifru .llriu lV f4hopi-,I'r jmi iiibird Ino inurr Ijoi.lha tu Nrr pur* [

'}■ V ia iu in” ilo rid ft~ i';. a f o u k , who r Irfl nuturlimr .Ii;n for IToridn wllh Mra.

lovk ...... nun, rrlnriiril T.i.'.ilav. Mra,y Cook In vinilint; frlrnd* in th r lual nml '

lh r non ia in ralifornin, ''

ll Honored n t Univenity—1‘iiiil Ilirl.T 'r. of Ihia rilv hnn bi'rn r lrrtr .l tr ran ir . 'r ",f Ilf Ih r nriilor rla<a for th.' rn rrn .I nr- '„' nir«lrr nl thp l^iivi-rnllv of Idah... ar-h ruiiliiiK lo word rrrr iv rd hrrr.

r. On L «ia l B iu in e u - J . i:. lli.ihw rll of o

V In Iravr Ihln mornintf til nprnil liir ' rr- I ;. niaimlrr uf tho w rrk nil ■•iiainrna in

Iho (/'niird Hlairn dintrirt ruurl. ' ~

,, O ti-V ijit to B oiie-< ‘, C. SicKliia,1, Twill Kalla ronalv auditor nnd rhuir-

iruili o f Ihr i'Xi,'rnIivr I.niiimillr o f th r J alato nMui-Iatinu of ruiinly amlllurn, ia

niH'ndiiii{ n friv day* uu busincaa iu llolai'. :

* Vndergoait Oiwratlpn -M r... R m‘- t I'a ttrraoii of K.Irn n iid rr»n il a

oprraljnn al th r rnnnty .......rnl hoa.^ jrHTil'^riintilaT';'' Ilrr^ njurlilimi'^T.m i r ■' tt, putted-lu-b*‘-»«Jinfn<Hf>rT-fnllnwhlf!'111.'I. 'f -rM l-m , ' [

, Leave HospiUl—t’nlii'nl* dlarhnri;<-d , Tiiradnv from tlir roniitv p 'n r ra l hoa- I pilal inrtndrd Mrn. Mi>rv IV rriur nml I, I.ahr nf Filrr, Mra, (I. M. Thmnp-uii f Ml-.—»*i-TT— tn^r-Mr~nuftt~nniV~,1 K, D. Abrl of llnhU

R*tumii to Bcbool—M iiaCrrU 'llri.w n':. rrtn rnrd to hrr a.'huol w.,rk ut Mnho

T,.,'IiiiIi-mI liiHtlrii^.' Iw 1*.>r'ati-1l.t '1*iii-a- .lay rvrniiiK n firr n visll wiih h rr par' rntn, Mr, and Mr*. K, II, Ilrowii of.

.. Hrvrulh nvrmir north.

I Dr. McCoy In Hospital—lU, .T, K.,! ^rrl•uv, form rr vrirrinariun of Twin 1. Kulla, umirrivrut nn oprratinn for kuH „ al.inrn a t u .'^i«ik;inr h»a|iilal Momlnv.

nrrnrilllik' »oriI r-.r iv r.l h r rr by hin aintcrn, wSu nrr prnptirlnrn uf tin ' Ilnu-

‘ .............-

II .

.1 ■ /

u . .. J.— . ---r /L / .1

f i it / V f y l g S v “ /

/ s• M . y o u - i \

r '-.T.::^r~§— nby.-cxpo_ -------------------- J -------e r a r - T h e :

- ,- - - - - - J . S ty le . d O T_ ......... ................. H m n n y q u n l i t i t

_ ■„ ' -# ; , p um p .......- .....

M ' ■ ■ 3- I’a tcn t leather I — y ~ r r r ~ g d ^ tc a t : lo f f :h e t l ja

■ ^ tan-punip-ifUli 1

= -We.icature.tlie.famoua

/ -H osiery o f all ^ a d e a _

’ g w m v n ^ f t B r n n ■ R PA um

NESDAY MORNING, FEBS Mud Disappearing ' " W ith Fair W.eathertip — roreeat f Tor~'tcii3r - r a i r : ---------- "

......... — u______ ^^•rl,,■til■alln'E-fiiri'rinl illd nril,W, ju n lr r ia l i , . ' Tiu;.J:.y nnd j! r iln jt_ o C _ tl for ilirt >lri..t^ nml roadn procrdrd “

njinrr uii'i. r ii'iniiriu'il ' fif "TaiT—Wi-Jilhrr ....... wllh p irn lv of

Ml _J'Uliallint_ai*il_a. Kllff. lirrr^p *th..>l _ ronliiin.-d liiru iic lu iu tiito i of the -

'i in x lm ........... . n t -lil =nbovr, wa* a il.-. lio.. of our .ii'i-rrr

' . nml'.'r Mon.lay's hiuli, nrconlinif lo " r,T „„ l, „ r il . ; . «v„tl„.," obarrvrr'n nlnliun h rrr, whilr tow

nt ;il, wan a d rrliar of fivr p.lint^In; --

k'l'l"’ crorrn-. Dr. Mi’fn v wa* rr- I - ' i-.rinrna^iuiiijjTininTiiiTTr.uirinrrrf-' ~

i p i r d Ih r.f ira l day a flr r th r uprra-

I'" r a th e r Bariolisly III—Ml«a Norma r,; Ciy.lrr of Ihin rily ir f l y r .lrrday for

rnrtland. Orr;;..a, In r..n|n>n>r lo n Iri- ixraui nlatini: Ihnl h rr fa lh rr, I[..rrv I'ryilrr, in arrioiinly ill In ii honplliitIhi'fr. Jjhr «ax ...... .lupnnird bv 1,,Tnnrl.', (Irrin Cryilrr u f I'n rrv, driviiu:.In n i l , , w hrrr thry ,-!iUf;iil ih r w i-|. I...uml lr;iln.

Fatiantn a t Hospital—Mr*. .1. Rtarrv uf o f Twin Knirnuml Liia liav l*. II vrar*_

rr- llavin of Ilnhl, w rrr r rr r iv rd TnrnJay


^ Two higlSpe^i

' I t l i e r i g l i t a i z e f o r t h e .-.1 o r s i n k . O n s a l e ,'"i F r i d a y ; 3 p . m ......................

= ^ n r i t y G T i iy E i i a n r e f w

p a i l s ; 3 - q u a r t c o f f e e p

i'» t i e s ; 1 4 - q u a r t d i s h p a

l « t t t e r l O - q u a i ' t ~ p r e s s a l e S a t u r d a y a t 2 : 3 0 :

' A n y a r t i c l e ........

I W atch O ur

S p rm g -S tj^ e s»u -will Hko o u r new jn o d e ls c rca tcd

ix p e r h d ^ s n e r ^ T ^ d jn astec .6 h o e .4)idt

r h e y - h f t v e - S T ¥ i ^ n d - ^ i N D U R ^

;croc8 ^ic3 f o r aprin):^. W e ' havo t

ili t ic 3 'a n d_dc8lC T8.-.H orQ _i\ro n fe

“ =” 7 sp r in g sp ec ia ls : ;.

........r"-' lowhrelher tie____ - a p . 9 B • — «tty-ln ------

r»i> bMciiie,-BtM>Bi*h-hwi.;^>>^,yWi;;;.;.iV^..

w q a ^ IL L jK E K -a n d A R P R E 3E B


dea_and co lo re l'o m a tch ishoefl. Qual

d I : ' “i : ' r .

EBRUARY 25,1925]n« piitlent* at Ihn eoniitv Bpn#rnl liov pilai fut niudiral attPntion.

sr ' » - •~ BdIIiU Addittoa ta B t«r»-0. H. CoIp- - '- tnnn;-|Troprlftor-TJf—thir-M ro-Polnts-------

Urucrry, tiai obtnincd a municipal i>cr-i _ 'I'lt h r .niiiatructipn of nn.flddiU Q a.tn_____f _ tho «lurr liult.linK. Thn ndilKlon la _____I ti>'~24~l.y T l Feet nn'ii Oip Mtitualcd

r ---------------I R ta^ty FfctB t STff.____ _’ ■. . -itlmKIIM*!I ’ ■! . I U 'ri'IW H -SB'

t C h iM e nContains the valuable muscle And bone formiog elements found in the grain bnd whole mUlc.

rrv Raises happy, robust'children.Dro N u tr itio u s a n d e a s ily a ss im ila te d .T., PrepeM«r/ipm«byad<%(thcpbw-lay tfer la ho t or eold water. N o o o o k in i, '


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