alamo guide: aug-sept 2007

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Page 1: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2007

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Page 2: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2007


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Page 3: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2007

f,ll The Boring Parts Cut 0ut!

Page 4: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2007



Below is a sampling ofjust some 0fthe amazing flms coming your way at the 2007 tantastic Fest. We've scoured the globe for the best oftlre best in badass entertainment.

Ihisyear,lookiormoreanimaledfilms,alotmoreinsanityfromJapanandKorea,andanadvancelookatfilmsfromthehottestemerginggenredirectorsintheworld. lfyou ire a movie fan, there is no other place on earth you should be besides the Alamo Drafthouse, Sept 20-27 (Tim League, diredor and to-founder, Fantasti( Fest).

?RI(X'R TfifSTIongtime asso(iate 0f Brian Singer (and screenwriter 0f SUPERMAN RETURNS and X2) is helming this greatly-anti(ipated

featuringfilmdebut,TRlCl('RTREATforWarnerBrothers. Describedas:imilartoG0butwithtingeiofthesupernatutal,

TRI(l('RTREATinterminglesf0urltoriesalltakingplaceonHalloween. MichaelDougherty!cartoonsandhismacabre

drawingrhaveahint0fEdwardGorey,atouchof(harlesAddams,adashofTimBurton. Anti(ipateayeryrtylish,beautiful

and all-around thrilling tide from an up-and-toming new voice in genre (inemai

Uil(Lf'S PARADISETerrifred of falling asleep, Takashi desperately gulps caffeine dlinks and seduces every woman in sight. To heal hirn, hk

nephew Haruo must go 0n a trip to the underworld, guided by giant squid... UN(LE'S PARADISE i5 chockerblock full of

perfect head+cratrhing moments; giant squids and spiders, sexual aJtault against a snake, and a battle in hell forthe soul

of two men decided by a game of rock, paper, scissors - and a soul kiss. lf dire(tol Shinji lma0ka was in charge of produ(ing

all the world's softcore sex movies, this planet would be a much happiet plate.

ZIBAHI(HANA (HTLT5 GROU},IO}The first modern honorflm to be shot in Pakistan! ln the sphit of the E( horror comics of old, the film tells the story offive

teens who get lost 0n their way to a rock concert, are menaced by flesh eating mutatlons and then fall into the clutches

of a family of backwoods killers. A collaboration between Pakistani diredor omar Ali l(han (a noted hotror buffwho runs

the informative Hot 5pot website) and Brithh produ(er Pete T0mbs (author ofthe"Mondo Macabro" book on international

horror cinema and owner 0fthe DVD label 0fthe same name).

SPtRAl" - ffi\rcThfr &fiAM 6RffiN UVfiAdam Green ronfidently proves he iJ n0 one trick pony. SPIRAL (ouldn't be any mole diffelent than his last splatter'ifit

outing HATCHET ifit tried and announres the anival ofa complete all-rounder, a talented filmmakerwith a brilliant future.

Making almost unbearably tense use 0f its deverly constructed ptemise - dysfunctional office worker Joel David Moore

((o-diledgr/writer) living out a possibly homitidal fantasy alter-ego - SPIRAI is a Hitch-cocktail ofprecision direction, deft

padng, startling imagery and clean style. The undercurrent 0f sly suspense nevet subsides in this teasing psychodrama

packing a final shock punchJ'(Alan Jones, frightFest)

pfisTnt " fi!ftKr0fr Lt1lft 88Lt- Llvr!Rafher than (ontinuing to fight hh publk and online image, controversial director Uwe Boll has decided to emblace itintentionally elevating the level ofabsurdity and shlock here to never befote seen levels, all in the name ofcreating one of

the most (oarse, vulgar and offensive comedies ever put to celluloid. A completely unhinged assault ofa movie, touthing

on terrorism, anger management issues, religious (ults, Nazi-(onspiracies and full-fiontal Dave toley nudity.

THI 6tRt WEo tEApT Tl{RSU6|{ Tl#rWinner ofthe Japanese Arademy Awards for Bert Animated tilm!.law-droppingly beautiful animation a(centuatetthis

funny, charming story ofa vivarious high-school tomboy who inadvertently masters the alt 0ftime tlavel. An unexpected

delight and one of the most arclaimed anime features in te(ent years, THE GlRL WHO TEAPT THROUGH TIME is the flrst

animated adaptati0n of a 1965 young adult novel that had been an instant sensation in Japan, spawning countless flms

and IV programs over the ensuing derades. A magkal and surprisingly affecting film full of humor, warmth and the

bittersweet pangs offirst love, not to mention painstakingly clafted animation.

0tt5(REINNkolas Bro reigns supreme in the role of Nitolas Bto - a man intent on making a film about himself, Hh fiiend Chilstoffer

Boelendshimacameraandtelhhimto record everything,a remarkwhkh Brotakesa littletooliterally. Hisself-monitoring

is so hair-raisingly private (and oeepy) that it be(omes impo5sible to separate fact from fidon. With an unfathomably

personal performance that takes you on a rollercoaster ride of emotions, Bro is tragi(, uncomfortable, and swings from

incredibly funny to incredibly brutal within se(onds. lmagine MAN BITES DOG (rossed with the gut-wren(hing TV JUNl(IE.

sEX A}ID DEATH 101Roderick Elank (Simon Baker)isa sucressful modern man,<ontentwith hispersonal and professional life. However, aweek

before his wedding to a suitably stuffy fiancde, Roderick's perfe(tly planned existen(e is upended by a mystelious e-mail

containing the names of every woman he has had sex with and, eerily, evety woman he will have sex with in the future.

He h stopped in his tra*s when he meets a femme fatale (Winona Rydet) who targets men guilty of sex crimes against

women. (o-staring Patt0n oswalt and directed by Daniel Waters, wdter 0fthe (ult hit HEATHTRS!

A DIRTY CARNI1IALHailed as gne 0fthe finest Korean gangster films in retent years, A DIRTY (ARNIVAI follows the rise of a tharismati( low-

level gangster Kim Byung-Doo in a tense intermingled storyline of brutal violence, touching emotion and unexpeded

twistiandturns. "Elegantlyrepurposesbitsandpie(esofvariousmobtlassks,ADlRTY(ARN|VALmightbethisseasonb

must-see for fans ofAsian genre film"- Andrew 0'Hehk, SAL0N.(0M. "Goes deep beneath the skin, where the cut runs bare

and raw... a beautifully bitter and brutally enioyable piece" - Samuel Jamier, K0REAN FILM SOCIETY J0URNAt

Page 5: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2007




THE FERRYMAI'IOuton a dead calm ocean, in a thickfog, a group oftourists on a pleasure rraft cross pathswith an andent and terribleevil. Sharing the same ocean, a sick, dying old man drifts alone on a stricken yacht - he has been cheating death forcountless years, trading btoken bodies for new 0nes over (enturies. But now is the time of leckoning. The Fenyman,

the an(ient (onveyor of death and the path to the afterlife is dose and he wants the man. The tourists take the

old man aboard, having no way of knowing how dangerous he is. There will be blood in the water by the time he's

finished, but will he escape death agaln at the expense of the lives ofeveryone on boardl


0n their way home from a high xhool football game, five teenage girls become hopelessly lost. When they stop toget directions at a desolate store, the girk are involved in a minorfender benderwhith leaves an unattended SUV one

headlightshort. lnexperienced andfrightenedthatthey'll get int0 tr0uble, the girlsfleethe scene oftheacridentandspeed away down the datk and unfamiliar roads. As they blindly make their way across an area the lo(als rall "The

lyes'i the driver ofthe damaged 5UV begins one terrifying asault after another, the five girls will lose their innocence

and posibly their lives in thk brutal and shocking thrill ride.

AA(I{lANI} 55IPAI{An animated film fiom Korean director Joe 8um-jin about a futuristir world powered entirely by human feres. With

the government anxious t0 control this s0le, important source ofenergy, they install special sensors on its <itizens'

anuses to monitor production, while controlling the populace by distributing addittive popsitles. As wild as thatsounds, it does not even do justice to the insanity that daps you a(rosr the fa(e in thir fieneti(, non-stop assault on

the senses. (ross-dressing, break-dancing, repeated re(tal surgery and abuse, decapitationl mind-altering popskles,

mutant smurf-like drone armies, sexual deviation ofevery varietyand lots and lots 0fpoo. Believe it or not, Arhi and

Ssipak not only presses all ofthe right "weird-o" buttons, but it totally delivers on all-cylinders as an action film.

LA t{ofrft F*tASeven adults and two (hildren live togethet in a few rooms of a huge building that they can't leave. But there is n0t

much food and supplies are running shott. Actotding to an old man who lives apart fiom the (ommunity, everything

started dufing the last greatwar: chemical weapons were used that converted most 0fthe population into mindles,sick beings, whose touch alone could be lethal. The infected are cailed "strangers"and they wander around thebuilding, trying to get in. Then there are the"invisibles'i anolher terrible mutation from the war. These seatures ale

already in the building - but no one ran see them. When the strangers manage to penetrate the building, the small(ommunity murt fight for their lives.

1#t{KeCI rrs16/rasWhen videogame-loving slacket Miroku vhits a website innocuously advertised 0n a pa*et of tissuel he finds

himself drawn into a perplexing game that requires him to grapple with a seemingly endless series of bizarre

questions in a complex, deadly puzzle. As each layer ofthe intricate puzle box is opened, a new world of danger and

death is presented.Trapped in a room retalling lean-Paul Sartre's vision ofhell in No Exit and populated by rharacters

as strange as any lewis (anoll ever treated, Miroku helplesly wat(hes as tempen fray and stakes are raised toincreasingly deadly levels.

pntN(E$$A gorgeous and starkly brutal tale set in the porn underworld, Anders Morgenthaler's feature debut PR|NCISS is

destined for controversy.The film's kinetic explosion ofimages is both titillating and disturbing. Heads get smashed.

Home videos be<ome hot-selling porn. Shops are firebombed. Guns blaze. A dazzling debut and a supe&ly crafted

adievement in adult animation. Leave it to the Danes to craft a poetically beautiful exploitation (arto0n about (hild

pornography that is both brutally violent and touches your heart.

tXTt: t{AlR EXTENSI0NS[xte is transgressive art/horror genius Sion 50n0's entry into big-budget, star-fronted Japanese studio filmmaking,

and neither his signature nor his spirit have been washed away by the influx 0fyen.6rand Guignol sunealism bunows

through the fa(ade 0f normalcy, 5&M undertones abound in circumstances and dialogue, absurdist <omedy sprouts

from the most unexpected places and stunning setpieces of body-honor are often a saliva-swallow away. Sono

takes the Japanese supernatural horror genre's now-well-past-done flowing hair iconography to levels so uncharted

they tear straight off the <hart. Beloved character actor Ren 0sugi (Audition, Zebraman, Cure) a Kitano/Kurosawa/

Miike regular, co*tars as a morgue attendant with s0me very peculiar fetishes and deliver the downright freakiest

pedormance of his 145-film <areer. (Mit<h Davis)

FINISHII{G THE 6AMEfollowing his groundbreaking indie hit BEITER LUCK ToMORRoW dire(t0r Justin Lin returns with FlNl5HlN6 THE

GAME, a rollicking comedy spoof about this egregiously exploitative sear(h for Bruce Lee's stand-in. Do(umentariant(apture the absurd, hilarious and sometimes dkturbingly true-toJife (but decidedly fidonal) audition pro(ess as

a motley assortment of candidates vie for the role: a former-TV-star-turned door-to-door salesman, a Bruce leekno<koffnamedBreezeLooandsomequyswhodon'tevenlook(hinese,muchlesslikelee. FINISHINGIHEGAME

turns out to be less about Bruce Lee than it is a lampoon of Hollywood in the 1970s, poking fun at the behind-the-

s(enes farces and the rarism-both blatant and subtle-ingrained in the industry. (Iaro Goto)

| ,-;..S"t{., .,#.


"And what really stands out is Fantastic Fest's groundbreaking stan€e - from concepti0n to being internationally recognised on the festival circuit within two years.

Amazing,eh? Even5upermanonViagraandabottleofvodkarouldntpullitoff,butLeagueandcompanydidjustthat.AndFilmThreatmakesahumbleforecastandstatethat itswithin reason that Fantastic Fest will go onto higherand betterthingsto be one ofthe mostacrlaimed genrefestivals in America, ifnotthe world. Highpraise indeedl"- FILM THREAT

Page 6: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2007

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Page 7: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2007

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Page 9: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2007


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Page 10: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2007


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Page 11: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2007


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Page 12: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2007
Page 13: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2007

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Page 14: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2007

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Page 15: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2007


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Page 16: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2007


Yeah, eve[ with The Ritz $nder (snstructi0n, we've got ten srreens going full tii'ne, Sut th€re arejurt t0

damn many gteat movies coming up that it'5 almost imporsible to play ?nn all, That doesnt mean we

won't. The following are some of the msst eagedy anticlpated frlms we're gunni*q fot, ranging front

bone-busting daredevil comedics to life-altering video game docurneniaries to blood-curdllng horrcr...

HOT R0D: AUS{ls? 3This is the type of movie we love. And by "we'i I mean people that (are about fun. And by "fun'i I mean FUN. Get this...

it's a (omedy ab0ut a thrill*eeking young stuntrider with a glue-on moustache and an absolutely manic disregard for

his personat safety. All "Hot Rod" Kimble (5NL's Andy 5amberg) cares about is making the ultimate motorcycle jump,

and nothing (induding gravity and near-fatal injuries) will stand in his way. This one is destined for extta-quotable

comedic greatness...5amberg is also 1/3 of all-purpose humor collective The Lonely lsland, and HOT ROD <o*tars

up and coming humor wizard Danny McBride, star of THE F00T FIST WAY. Now, it's not offi(ial yet, but thete's talk 0f

getting some local stuntmania(s t0 perform before the premiere. 0h yeah...don't tell the p0li(e. Stay tuned for more


THE BOURtlE IJLTIMATIJM: AUfrtiST:Amnesia< superspy Jason Bourne (Matt Damon) puts together the final pie(es not only of his identity, but also of

the mysterigusTreadstone projed. Same diredor as B0URNE SUPREMACY (Paul Greengrass)... same screenwriter

(Tony Gilroy).... same stars (Matt Damon, Joan Allen)... sign us up already! After the magic they worked with the

last installment, we're more than ready for the (0ntinued shaky-camera, fast-edited, tightly-ffafted espionage

escapades ofJason Bourne. lt seems that the BOURNE series just continues to set the bar higher, reliably delivering

the goods with no signs of stopping. The ongoing series of rampantly entertaining spy thrillers has sulprised pretty

much everyone by becoming an unexpected, across-the-board armrest-gripper. Who knew that Matt Damon would

be so cho(k full oftricks?

lfiH6 0f KOilG: SSSu59"l7I don't think anyone would argue that this incredible documentary absolutely dominated this year's South by

Southwest Film Festival. The theater was packed and everyone inside was completely enthralled by this sweeping,

larger-than-life tale of good V5. not-as-good in the fleld of battle. Ihe arena? A retro video arcade. And the weapon:

D0NKEY K0NG. Two men duke it out for the world title of the classi< arcade game, but along the way, something s0 emotionally earth-shakingly resonant happens that it almost sent the entire viewing crowd

through the roof. I don't want to give too much away, but let's just say that n0thing so trivial has ever affected a

crowd so deeply. Easily the best documentary (if not film) of 2007 (if not ever), this one's not re('s

MANDAToRY. If you come out of the theater without becoming (ompletely afie(ted by KING 0t K0NG, l'll throw a

damn banel at you. PnECE0iD BY AN ACTUAT B0NKEY K0i'16 STAN D-UP AR{An[ 6AME {01'lpETiTli}l I N THI TiIEATIR


SUPtRBA0: &#Sil5T t70n one oftheir last nights as high srhoolers, best friends and s0(ial out(asts Evan (Michael (era, who played George-

Michel on ARRESTED DEVEL0PMENT) and Seth (Jonah Hill) experience a legendary evening as they attempt to buy

booze for a party full of the so-<alled cool kids. This isn't your mama's teen movie...we've got drunk police' armed

robbery, pilfered geek virginity, fake identity and tons more. SIJPERBAD is esentially the little brothel of KN0CI(ED

UP, the one who will work harder to entertain and/or shock you. But don't expe(t Evan and Seth to expetience a

warm and fuzzy mutual rite of passage; Greg Mottola and the white-hot team behind KUt unplanned succes (Judd

Apatow produced, Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg wrote the screenplay) are set to gross-out the 1 8-34 demographi<,

and out-gross most teen comedies in recent memory.

Tllt lHVASlSil: AtiS[J5? x7A mysterious epidemi< is sweeping the world, but it takes Washington DC psychiatrist Carol (Nicole Kidman) to

dis(over that the disease is extraterrestrial in origin. When her son becomes infected, she and a colleague must work

together to find a cure, before the entire world is lost... The trailer for this very alteted reimagining of INVASION

0F THE BoDYSNATCHERS has been running before TRAN5F0RMER5, and it seems to grip the audience right off the

bat. The alien atta(k isn't thunderous or sweeping, but rather a slow crawl into the minds and lives of everyone on

earth. The only way to avoid infection: don't sleep. THE INVASI0N comes from some pretty strong souKes, including

the makers of quietly explosive grippers V t0R VENDITTA and DAS EXPERIMENT. Also, evetyone's new favorite James

Bond (Daniel (raig) joins in to combat the subversive parasitic mena(e. Repolted to be more intelligent than the

standard space invasion fare (but no less powerful), this may be the first (lassi( horror/sci-fi temake in a long while

that really has audien(es at the ready.

RtsURRf(TING THt CHAMP: &qJ6|J$Y 34Searching for his big story, a young newspaper reporter (Josh Hartnett) encountets a homeless man (Samuel L.

Jackson) he thinks is a former <hampion boxer - a man forgotten by fans and believed to be dead. Despite a series of

industry puff pieces, Rod [urie's (HAMP has been deemed more than a sports movie by some ofthe gtouchiest critics

atgund. lt logks to be the surprise hit drama ofthe season, and some are saying it's the bext performance in Jackson!

entire career. I can',t imagine any new boxing movie beating the last R0c(Y, but l'm game for a match.

"RESURRECTING THE (HAMP bobs when you exped it to weave. lt has the markings of an inspiring sports drama, but

it's also a journalism drama - R0(KY meets ALL THE PRESIDENT'S MEN, perhaps. lt explores multiple relationships,

examines the mindsets of several chararters, and - despite being a heartwarming tear-jerket - doesn't resort to

sucker punches to make us cy...FOUR STARS" - EFilnhitic.con

A[srffi Srnfthocrse (in*ma * "&*rt Thoatar in Am*riea'"- *nter{aifti$ent W€ekly Augm*t ?*&5 " ww1ti,*r*ggi*laiai*wo"e*c*





Page 17: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2007

BAL$ Cr fURY: Al,6iJ5? 31Yes, that is (hristopherWalken. Why is he dressed like that, you ask?Well, clearly he's preparing foran all-out, winner-take-all ping-pong (ompetition. A former champion ping-pong player (Dan Fogler) is re(ruited by an FBI agent(George Lopez)to infiltrate an undergroundtournament in orderto take down the crime bosswho runsthe event, thedastardly Mr. Feng (walken). who's this Fogler guy? what's with the gekha get-up? How are we 0n the verge ofa majorping pong epic? Don't ask questionslThis may be the most outrageous set-up fora movie we've seen in ages, but that'sall the more teason to expect greatness. This blazing tale of tabletop niumph is being brought to us by the creators,(ast and (rew 0f the uproarious REN0 91 I !, so anything is possible. And as if that! not en0ugh, it features one oftheAlamo's favorite comi(s, Mr. Patton oswalt! But this is gonna be a little more rowdy than his recent RATATOUIILE...from

the look ofthings, you might want to prepare forjokes to be served-up hard - and right in your face.ANO I F YOU'Ri RTADY FOR AN IJLTIMATI PADDIEBATTLE, l,4J['RI 6ONNA HAVE A(TiJAL PIN6.PON€ TABLES 5ET UP. DO YOU


5H001'tltl UP: 9tPTElyl$iH 7A lonerwho goes by the name Mr. Smith (CHItDREN 0F MENt Clive Owen) pacts with an unlikely ally (Monica Belluci)to protect a newborn baby from a determined criminal (Paul Giamatti) and his army of gunmen. Advan(e footagepromises an endles anay of bullet-riddled acrobati(s, dark humor and fresh ideas. A lot offolks were expectingthat Owen would be the next James Bond, and this may give us the chance to see how he would have done in therole.Thoughyou've gofta admit...some guys looka littletougherwith stubblethana shaken martini. Bigthingsareexpected from director Michael Davis after his action/honor favorite MONSTER MAN. Despite the film3 playful title,we heat from the opening sequence onward, the audience will be in for an unusual, hyper-violent experience. lnan age of over-wrought, big budget blasts, a meat-and-potatoes two-fisted knockaround like this is just what thedoctor ordered.

THE BR0THEfiS 50t0lfl0ll: SErTf&St* 7A pair of well-meaning but socially inept brothers (Will Forte and Will Arnett) try t0 find their perfect mate! inorder to provide their dying father with a grandchild. lf you're expecting another KN0CKID UB this is a wholediffetent animal. Forte and Arneft have both sharpened their teeth on some real comedy in such places as ARRESTED

DEVET0PMENT and SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE, and they?e joined here by MR. 5H0W3 Bob 0denkirk in the director'schair for some huge fish-out-of-water Iaughs. Don't be fooled by the idiot grins on the poster, either...both of theseentertainers are smart, multi-fa(eted and merciless with their jokes. The script war written by Forte himself, andadvance screenings have had people rolling in the akles. Whether you love or hate fetuses, this k the first bigcomedy of the fall. and likely to be one of the most slyly hilarious.

HATCHET: StPTEIt{BEf, 7Easily one ofthe biggest hits 0f last year's Fantasti( Fest, this master! course in good ollfashioned blood-and-gutsfrom wliter/diredor Adam Green finally gets its release! Some swamp-going partiers run a(ross the legendarysubhuman Virtor (rowley (played by tenor ultra-legend Kane Hodder), and soon there! more viscera and s(reamingthan you can shake a splintered bone at! tans ofvicious gorewill be doing backflips in theirseat, and everyone else

will be throwing up in their lap. ln a good way.

"lfthe original slasher flicks stayed as strong as HAT(HET so definitely is, I suspect that sub-genre would have stayedafloat. And ifthe slasher flick manages to make a post-millennium comeback, Adam Green is one of the guys we (anthank for itj'- s(ott Weinberg,Cinematital

IASTERI'l PR0Ml5t5: SEpT*ll4S[fi 28IASTERN PROMI5ES follows the mysterious and ruthles Nikolai (Viggo Mortensen), who is tied t0 one of London!most notorious organized crime families. His carefully maintained existen(e is janed when he (rosses paths withAnna (Naomi Watts), an innocent midwife trying to right a wrong, who arcidentally un(overs potential eviden(eagainst the family. Now Nikolai must put into motion a hanowing chain of murder, deceit, and retribution. ThedynamicVin(ent (assel c0-stats, and the cast looks to be made up largely of unknowns and character actors, all likelyaiming t0 swipe at any shred of hope that the (haraders may have. The dark and surreal mood created in the trailermakes this look on par with (lTY 0t [05T (HILDREN, and there's quite a few more reasons t0 be excited. Dirededby unequalled brain-twister David (ronenberg (DEAD RINGERS, VIDE0DROME), this one is less likely to disappointthan a wish-granting genie with a margarita machine. After the janingly brilliant A Hl5T0RY 0t VlotENCE, it seems

like a (ronenbetg/Mortensen team-up is destined to be another winner. And also another fascinating look into thehypnotic awfulness ofthe human condition.

tUST, (AUIl0ll:5f PTffvlgEfi 2SDirector Ang Lee's new flm, following his Academy Award win for directing BR0KEBAC( MOUNTAIN, is an espionagethriller set in WWlFera (hina. Asian rinema icon Tony Leung (HER0, lN THE M00D FOR [0VI) nars as Mr. Yee, apowerful political figure in I 940's Shanghai. Tang Wei makes herfeature film debut as Wang Jiazhi, a young womanwho gets swept up in a dangerous game of emotional intrigue with the dapper rogue. Not much more than thisis known about the film, but anyone who's followed teet career knows that he's capable of making some ofthemost beautiful, subtlely wrenching films around. Well, maybe not THE HULK. But from CR0U(HING TIGER, HIDDtNDRAG0N to THE ICE STORM, the writer/dire(tor seems able to take any setting and storyline and draw the viewer in.His sense 0f style has developed over his (areer to make him one of the most visually anesting filmmakers in theworld, and [UST, OUTION looks to (arrythat asped ofhis work to an even higher level. Unfortunately, I anti(ipate ala* of man-man cowboy romance, but you can't have everything.







&l*s*o Sr*fthosrn* {i**ma "'Best

Thefter in Ansri(a"" fnt*$rinmsnt llleekNy{ugust 1005 , www"*l 1?

Page 18: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2007

The new digr: Alamo at thefiie5lated to open in late September^ady odober



Renovations began in April and we hope to be open as soon as possible, maybe as

early as late September. This theater will prove to be the best Alamo Drafthouse

yet. While retaining the intimacy and programming of the original location, the Ritz

willhavetwoscreens,plushVlPseating,state-of-the-artprojectionandsound and

the new experience ofa remodeled and renovated landmark Austin movie palace.

Please stay tuned to the Alamo website and blog for progress on the c0nstruction as

well as updates on opening week programming and events. Afsheen Nomai, one of

the Downtown Alamo projectionists, has been making weekly entries on the status

oftheRitzrenovation. (hecktheblogforthe"4SBR(beforeRitz)"blogentries.

People have been asking about the details of what t0 expe( in the new space. We

have applied for a historical designation for the building, so the facade will remain

mostly unchanged. We are refurbishing the signage and fabricating a new sign for

above the doors, a modernized replica ofthe original sign that hung above the doots

in .l929.

We've also been in touch with local legend Jim Franklin, who ran the Ritz

in 1974. (heck out some past blog entries that reference this period. They were

amazing times and we like to think that we will be canying on some of the spirit of

the Ritz programmming he started more than 30 years ago. ln the lobby spaces and

along the stairs we will be featuring photographs of the various incatnations of the

Ritz, the Franklin years, Ritz: the Metal Years, the punk years, and of course, it's long

tenure as a familyWestern theaterfrom 1929 up until the 1960s.

ln early September, we'll be announcing an opening date for the theater as well

as information on the gala opening night festivities. We are so excited about this

project that we can hardly wait t0 get it open. Until then check the Village and

Lamar calendars for a very truncated schedule of some of the downtown Alamo

special events!

Page 19: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2007



f,BLOODSH0TS may not be the only 48 Hour filmmaking contest in Austin, but it's definitely the best.Other Makef Movie ln AWeekend competitions assign you a random genre, and yourfilmmaking teamcould get stfuck with something ridiculously lame, like Reese Witherspoon movies, At BLOODSHOTS,every team is assigned a horror subgenre - vampire, backwoods, post.apocalyptic, torture porn . youknow, the genres of films we actually like watching. And then yeah, like in other contests we,ll assignyou a prop that has to be used in your movie. But we don't assign dinky props like seashells or rubberduckies, We assign WEAPONS, like crossbows and chainsaws. And after your film is made, we evenscreen the top films at the best genre film festival this side of the Mason.Dixon line, FANTASTICFEST, where a crew of celebrity judges will choose the top two films, the most educated genreaudience on the planet will pick an Audience Award winner, and we'll give away an AMD.poweredDell supercharged PC and $2,000 in cash (or sometimes oversized checks, or a bag full of LOTS ofbloody pennies). So you could put a film together for some OTHER 48 Hour contest, but only if you'rea coward or an idiot.

Sign ups open on August 6th at, and the shooting weekend will be inearly September. Screenings of the full program will be held in the week leading up to FANTASTICFEST with the final Awards Ceremony at the festival itself. Space is limited, so don't delay in registeringyour filmmaking team.

AMD-I MEttillllltlt

Page 20: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2007

B0OK t'lOW l w! lamoven uer*ntal'{:onrs12.407'953i

Page 21: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2007


Ti:* Ai*m*'* i*tsra*tive $ing-&{*ng*=tr=v*g**x** e*mt!*ue Fridaysat r::id*ight *t ti"*s &*arom Vliimgel

comrnU thrs &ug."rst & $*pt*mher:

r-jq#3H$ *F gH$ Sss: W#t[jfl4* fr

5ttE{T i:Rli}AY5 ii'J AtJCU5T AT TllE {ts M0 'Jll-l AGt"

The first LADIE5 0F THE 80s Sing-Along was one of our most popular shows of all time, but it was also one of the most diffi(ult Sing-Alongs t0 put

together. After compiling all of the videos we wanted to put into the program, we realized that we were trying to make a Sing-Al0ng show that was

almost five hours long. The solution, of (0urse, was t0 put together a whole new show that b u i lt u po n th e awesomeness of the frrst but added even

more. This time around we'll right the wrongs we committed by not having ELEfiRI( Y0IJTH in the first show. We'll put in more (yndi Lauper with 5HE

B0P and TRUE C0L0RS. 0ur Mondays will be manic and the rain will come again, falling on our heads like a memory. We were initially going to do this

show in July, but afterthe hectic pace ofthe closing ofthe Colorado Street location, we needed moretime to puttogethera sequel that will really

knock the pants off the original show. We think we've managed to do just that, so let's get physical! Physital! (Henri)

*{ g {3rY*fi4&Yfr $!f{s"&L*ru& ru!x T&F[5 g Li: i T fl iq N SAYS I F{ $ r f T f M {} f R AT T }{ X A N-S l't * V 1 t {"&* [

The final Sing-Alongs at the Alamo Downtown sold out in record time, and when we

talked to people at the show it turned out that it wasn't iust the nostalgia value that

made everyone want to be there. The idea of mixing a little bit ofevery show we've ever

donetogetherintoonesupershowprovedtobeal0Toffun. Andalso,unsutprisingly,

it was diffi(ult to choose which songs would make the (ut and which songs wouldn't. 5o

this Septemberweth0ughtwe'd trysomethingtotally different-we?e going to makea

different Mix Tape for every show There might be some overlap from week to week, but

every show will definitely be a completely different animal. Come out for 0ne week to

see ifthat much variety makes your head spin, or come out every week and know thatyou'll never have the same dance party twke! (Henri)

Page 22: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2007








please note: all welfd wedncsday sc{eening$ willtake place at the Alamo' '-D-r;iiftilrise soltf riirlitihEohinins o+itre ncilu Alimo at the Rltt'

MITCHEttiiucusfrMiur,rtGHl FRtt 0tR. ANDR[t4| M{IAGLAN 1975 97 MiN 35r'tM fi

Ihis movie, whkh feels like a pilotfora K0JAK or (0LOMB0*tyle cop 5how, stalsthe ex(ellent actorJoe Don Baker,

who seemi to realize that he's caught up in a vety bad movie but strives heroically nonetheles to provide some

ente{tainmentvalue in the (lkhe-infested"unorthodox detedive"story. Baker, who is heavierand more southern

ihan any other leading man I can think of, resembles the fat flvis. Ihat's not an insult. I like Joe Don and Elvis a

lot. And Baker has a certain Elvis-like charisma that he plays t0 the hilt here, even though his character is written

as a variant 0n the eternal "fat bastard" archetype. ln his quest t0 nail racist scumbag murderer John saxon, he

(tit.tuily) rt,pr on tt', toes 0fthe wrong people and ends up in the shitwithboth the polke and the mob' Baker

ls pretty muih the whole show here, as he chugs can after tan of S(hlitz and.tries t0 keep a straight face. Thete

are competent supporting players like saxon and Martin Balsam but they all look like theyte in a hurry t0 get t0

the banli before ii iloes ind cash their checks. Linda Evans is surprisingly likable as Mitchell's pothead prostitute

squeeze. (Lars)

THE tIBINTINEniitUsf r tvtinuGHT FnEE Dtn. PAQUATE t[$TA (AMFANILi 1s68 94 MlFl35MM fi

Hollywood movies have always had the biggest budgets, the most well known stars, the most profi(ient

te(h;i(ians et(. But 0ne thing the Amerion fllm industry has never been able t0 figure 'ut

is how to make good

sex movies. ln the'60sand'70s European frlmmakersturned outsexmovie aftersexmovie, some ofthem tlassics,

most not, but on the whole pretty h0t stuff. Ihis movie is pretty goofy in some ways but it tanies a chatg-e where

it counts, just below waist level. It's the story of a young widow (Eurosex goddess (athetine Spaak) who discoven

that her sainted late husband had kept a specially outfltted apartment for his extramarital frolics. And what an

ifirtmentl l,tinon on every wall, seriet cameras, built-in bondage playscape. She's shocked, but intrigued. Thut

Uigini i l,ti,iour "*al

odysey. She indulges her every desire until she finally frnds the one man who (an satisfy

heiweirdest, mostdesperaie need.You woit believe it.0riginally distributed by Radley Metzger'sAudubon Films.

Music by Armando Trovajoli. (lan)


rueuif rs Mlst'llfiHT FRtt DlR. DAVI0 tltwlTT 19S6 *0 MIN 3$MM R

when an all-female moonshining operation, on the run from the law, teams up with a sadistk motorcyde gang

they set the woods on fire. (asey Kasem is very funny as the constipated federal agent sent down south t0 shut

downthe illegalwhiskeybusiness. Kasem isteamedwith easygoing southern sheriff(andwalkingJukyFruitgum

tommercial) iack Srarreit, wh0 later went 0n to dire(t su(h (lassi(s as RA(E WITH THE DEVIL, THt t05ERS'IHE Dl0N

AR0iHfnS, anA CLiOplfnl l0NtS. We know this sounds crazy, but Kasem and Starrett (ould have been a wotld-

,luit,orray r,ur. Ort maybe we should all feel grateful that GIRLS tR0M THUNDER STRIP wasn't a breakthrough

WILD ANGtiS-raliber hit, ai that might have altered Kasem's career considerably. We might nevet have had Scooby

Doo or America's Top 40. We really dodged a bullet! We?e proud t0 say that the main scuay biker is played by

legendary Austinite Gary Kent. (Lars)

RNTUNil OF BRU(E[r]tuif :f tturrutcttT FRtt 0lR.lCI$[pt{\JILAs(o1975 es Mlhl 35MM p6

Here's a little exploitation fllm rule of thumb: when you see a title like RETURN 0F BRU(E, you can bet your

numchucks that bruce Lee is n0t in the movie, nor is there anyone else named Bruce in the movie, though there

ii, iirp.rinq *ri, ,elief gay dude (is he Bru(e?) lt's old{(hqol (heap kung fu shot in the Philippines and with a

,oni rprrry l'ZOrt rettini. ihis ls a blesing for anyone who's endured dodgy dynastic-period martial-arts frlms

withthe same sets, same c'stumes,same plols- yuck.This movie is likethe'70swith a hard-on and a gleam in its

e1l., ,ompf.te *itfr ripped-offfunky musii, great shirts (a trademark of tilipino movies), outrageous dubbing and

the kind ofdumbnesiihat makesyoufeel dumberafter a while, which can be a lotoffun, like putting your head

in a banel ofindustrial solvent. (Lars)

&ia**u Sra*the*xa {{nssl* *.,*4$*Yhe*{sr &R &{$erice*. d{xt*r{sl$F}s3!t W4sklg A*g*lt *S*$ " www.sris{$eiaieffi$'*s8r

Page 23: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2007




ffisqffiffiladk*r*g*€**;ry&#bt&&I de





l^ i:I



BIATT( DTVIL DOLL FROfuI HEtLAtj6|JST :9 MIilNIGHT F*[$ *lR. {t{t5Tf;n TilftzuSfE 1*S4 ?il tvillt Vfi$ l,iH"Was it a nightmare? 0r was it for real?" Fi6t things first: every Weird Wednesday offering is on Film. I think DVD

sceenings are as jacked up as they are commonplace nowadays. tor me, part 0f the adventure and challenge ofWeitd Wednesday is offering up thefilms on scratchy, sometimes splkey ordiscolored release prints.That said, BLA(K

DEVIt D0Lt tROM HtLl. is presented in its original format -\lH5tape, ltwasshot on camrorder and edited using two

V(Rs by the mad genius Oester Jurner. Nothing I write here ran prepare you for the experience of watrhing thkone-of-a-kind movie. lt'sabouta sexuallyrepresed church ladywhobuysa rastalookventriloquistdummyfiom a

junk shop, only to have it tum into a lapacious fuck marhine, who likes it RUFf. This is an inrredibly offensive film,whkh violates the most basic prindples of not only filmmaking, but human dignity itself. 5o you've been warned.

oon't come crying to me if this is more than you can handle - I don't have time to listen to pussies. ([als)

PIRA}IHA PIRTNHAsEPT 5 MtnNt6HT rRE[ iltft. WTLilAM 6tSsilfi 197: 94 Mi]t FG

This isanamazinglycheap man-pulp moviethat lookssuspiciously like an excuseforcastand crewt0take a va(ation

in Venezuela. A blonde female photogtapher (Ahna (apri) and her rogueish treasure seeking brother anive in

Venezuela to "take some pktures of diamonds."They meet up with hard-drinking macho man Peter Brown, who

will actas theirguide ontheir motorcyde trip through the wild plains. Atthe end oftheirfrrst day oftravel through

the wilds, they run into the greatWilliam 5mith, who's so scary and tough he makes (harles Bronson look like Don

Knotts. At this point the movie beromes a battle for alpha*upremacy between Smith and Brown in thejungle. First

they have a long, incredible motorryde ra(e through snake and crocodile infested tenain, then they settle in for

the battle over the girl. Along the wa, Smith has several great monologues where he expounds on his philosophy

of killing, and how man is desrended from murderous apes, etr. (which makes for great cinema). Admittedly this

movie relies heavily on nature and dorumentary photography to pad out the run-time but it3 m0re than worth itfor the brain+ipping insanity ofthe legendary man-ape William Smith. (Lars)

6URU T}IE ilT{D IIONKs[pT 1: MtSt{IGHT Fftfig SlH. AF]FY Mtut6AN 't$?ft $; trriit$ H

You've thrilled to Andy Milligan's warped low budget masterpie(es BI00DTHIRSTY BUT(HIRS and THE B0DY

BENEATH. Now get ready for his angriest, most sadistic frlm yet. M0$ filmmakers with a $12,000 budget try tokeep itsimple and direct, but notAndy Milligan.Virtually all ofhis honorfilmsare period pieces, with alumble ofdifferentaccentsand adingstyles, heldt0getherbyMilligan's obsessive personalityand bleakoutlookon humanity.

His films are full ofvenom and hatred, just like the man who made them. Milligan's trademarks are all here: cruel,

unhappy characten who bkker endlesly ab0ut everything, amazing costumes (sewn by Milligan himself), canned

musk (you can heat the needle landing on the record), a disgruntled hunchback and ludi<rous gore effects. (heap,

shoddy, thoroughly misanthropk and esential! (Lars)

THt GlRt UlH0 lruEW T00 l,tUffsf,pY 1$ Mt$fll$liT Fft$g ntft. FnANCiS tYSru r$Sr S5 MrN ROne actor I can never get enough 0f is Adam West, who became a self parody even more quickly than William

Shatner. And like Shatner, he always approaches a part in the broadest possible way.0utside ofthe BATMAN series,

West has played few leads, whkh is unfortunate berause he can be a very entertaining performer. Here he is as a

former mercenarywho's trying t0 walk the straight and narrow as a nightclub owner until he gets drawn bark into

the killing busines by some unsavory mob types. There's aho an anti-communist, pro-(lA slant t0 the plot whkh

feek very'50s, even though this was made during the skk skk sixties. With the beautiful Nancy Kwan, Robert Alda

and a cast offamiliar faces. Not to be tonfused with Mario Bava's earlier film ofthe same name. ([ars)

TIII TARHOPSsf;FT:S hXlilN}SUT rFg[ t]i*. pfiT*ffi LS(K[":*?5 *$ &fii! R

lf you've ever wondered about the sexual pr0divities and appetites of those rollerskating waitresses at old-

fashioned fast food drive ins, you're surely not alone. A lot ofvery smart people have given it a lot ofthought and

the result is this groundbreaking motion pkture. (arrying trays full ofburgers and milkshakes isiustthe tip ofthekeberg, from there it gets heavy. (an you handle it? Featuring nudity, comedy, nude comedy, comic nudity and

more! Another dumb sex <omedy from your friends at the Alamo. With Pamela Des Banes, tlsrhi Digard and her

giant breasts. (Lan)

'frHmw$tt*stnu*tx l$s-rs$ffsl?s$?tu*{nf

THT MONTY PYTHOI'I AI{D THI HOIY CRAII. QUOTI-AIOI,ITlvllDNlcHTt, stltfi SITUR0AYS lN AUC & SfpT, ALfi!{0 VILLAGIS. TU$I*V SlLliAFrl- TlftftY.l0ftH$, 1$?5, $1 fdlll'lFresh offthe heek ofthe PRlNGSS ERIDE QU0Tf-AL0NG, the Alam0 presentsthe m05t quoted movie 0fall time - MoNTY PYTH0N

AND THE H0LY GRAlt. We'll be shouting out our favorite lines together, using all sorts of props (Rabbitl foot! (oconuts! Run

Away!), and starting the show offwith a (ross the Bridge 0fDeath game.You'd better bevery, very sure ofyourfavorite color.

&lsrna Sl*{th*wu* tln**r* , "S**t ?freeter ln Su}srl**o . €*rf6rte*rirtt*ilt Ws*kt$ &ll$u*t effi$ * wwrv-srl$*rts6sls***,{s*s

Page 24: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2007








,0Hil ERLIB'SlnASTEft P*H(A|{E T}lIRTER: (0i1fr1{ THF BA&SARlAru

n!itu5r '1 t: THt gtAt+* 'Ji;.tA{il & $.{.}Gl}sT S A; t,s.l-tr&fl

DlR. JOHl* trllLlUS, 1982,1]9 MIS' 35MM

Master Pancake is celebrating the 25th anniversary of (0NAN THE EARBARIAN (1 982) by giving it the quarter

<entury,s worth of razzing thit it deserves. Featuring Arnold Schwanenegger (TERMINATSR, RUNNING MAN)

as the iitular Barbarian, who seeks revenge against the man who murdered his parents. James Earl Jones

(STAR WAR5, FIEtD 0I DREAMS) plays the villainous Thuha Doom, who, with his puppy dog eyes and (het wig,

confusespeoplesomuchthatthelrlethimchoptheirheadsoff' (onanisassistedbythefinely<hiseledshe-

waniorVileria (Sandahl Bergmanl and agile archer Subotai (played by world champion surfet Geny [opez of

NoRTH SH0RE). Together the trio must rescue the beautiful daughter of King 0srk (played by the excellent

Max Von Sydow) and help Arnold become govetnor of Kali-fornia. Dire(ted by the always Nietzxhean John

miti* (nilj OnWru). Come loin Master Pancake in telebratingidesecating one 0f the m0st entertaining "Sword

and Sandahl" epia of all-time!

r-.r:t:t- ri .: :-:.:.

,.i:::,'. ''::t,t

: I!!;.i I . f,.::,.: :_ :


WE*t'liSSAY! 5TA*Tirur.; AiJ*UST;? AT VlttA6l A?{il t*F''iAf{

t. ft0LAHD t&l&lERl(H, ZS0{, 124 Mal'i,35Mil{

Everyone had so much fun during our skewering of this movie at the chronide's Kill-A-watt challenge

Show back in June, we decided to bring it bark for a full run. And so, by popular demand, Master Pancake

Theater gives you THE DAY AFTER TOM0RR0W, the most important environmental action movie since

Steven Seagal! 0N DEADLY GRoUND. Featuring Dennis Quaid (INNERSPACE, JAWS 3-D) as a prescient but

ignored pal-eoclimatologist (a guywho studies old weather) who tries to warn the world about impending

meteorological doom. When no one listens to him he enlists the help of a more modern weather dude,

played by tan Holm (Bilbo from toRD oF THE RING5, Ash from ALIIN). Jake Gyllenhaal (D0NNlE DARKO,

BUBBLE BoY) plays Quaid! brooding son, who gets trapped in NY( during a freak summer snowstotm

along with homies guy Glenn Plummer (SPEED 2, SAW 2, G0 FgR BRgKE 2, MENACE 2 S0CIETY) and

a casi of forgettable extras. [iberak and smalt people will cry with joy during the awesgme apglggy

scene deliveied by a Dick (heneylookalike asshole Vice President. Hardcore attion fans will thrill to

the excitement oithe chase seen between Jake Gyllenhaal and the told. Nobody will enjoy the crappy

looking CGI effects or the stilted dialogue, but then, that's what the boys of Master Pancake (John Erler,

Joe Parsons, and guest comedian Scott (hester) are here fot'

$rE $lol*Ysllt*t?ilI Fi*ST TlJ[5#A,i *F iliaqY t4+tilH El Tiil n:"st4* s#*Til ]-&l'tAi1

The Dionysium offers a unique, innovative program of debate, letture,_declamation, theatrical

pr,r,nt.iion and music in a salon-like atmosphere. Audiences enjoy offerings not to be found

ekewhere in Austin, in(luding the re(itation of famous speeches, parti(ipatory discusion in a

formal, moderated context, and the opp0rtunity to parti(ipate in the recleati0n of Ancient rituals.

A typiial Dionysium show will feature a lecture, a declamation, a drinking song, a film ot live

musical performance, an appeal to Dionysus, a fi(tion-writing (gntest, and plenty of strong drink.

But the heart ofevery Dionysium is the debate, pitting two experts against ea(h other in toe-to-toe

parliamentary combit. Dionysium debate resolutions have covered everything from Social Security

reform to the future threat of genocidal robots. (he(k out www' forfull information

on the August and september programs'

ALEXJCIHES " €f{S SAll{E: Bt t}gPglt{Y F0e 6L0SAL E$|$LAV[h4EFI?pRrl,{lf ft[ 5{ftf,Eti!t',!fi1 &LlH J*Sgi ti$[ :i: pgBS*Fi &T etl Sijfi#ir'*S{i

igFT4 - S& !? " 7FS, 5*tiTli t tlivt*ftEND GAME is the most ambitious project ever taken on by Austin's own rightful rabble-rouser

Alex Jones. The film documents the plan of the global elite to setup a world govelnment and

exterminate more than 80% of the world's population. Alex Jones explores the mindset of the

average brainwashed westerner and delves deeply into the systems of control, which have been

scient-ifically crafted to imprison the public's minds while keeping their eyes dosed t0 the realities

ofthe world around them.

N0TE: the September 4th serffirri.:.r will be a d*uble fuature of END GAME and TERR0RST0RM

Special tdition: A History 0f Government Sponsored Tenorism, now in an updated and expanded

version containing brand new footage, evidence, and interviews exposing state-sponsored tenor.

N& &$*ffis Sr*{trtr***e {!x*c"r*a , "$es* Y*$**ter ir$ &***ri{e" - g*g*tt69**}d$* W*ek'*y &eS*}sg ?**5 " !#xei#,fsi#**xe}a}**}*.{'{tst*

Page 25: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2007


ALgh4* VltLASr, J|}LY 31, ?FI!'1

At&M* l*iJTFi Lrq+,{Aft, &ufilJ5? t, ?F&4

DIR. DAVIO SILVERMAN, 2007, 87 MIN, 35MMFrom the moment we heard there was going t0 be a Simpsons movie, our imaginations kicked intooverdrive. lt would be a crime not to offer up a feast of truly Homeri( proportions. That means you can

expect such Springfield delicacies as a Homer Simpson sized Pork (hop seasoned to perfertion, Blinky thethree eyed fish (non-radioactive by request) and ChiefWiggum's Chili featuring "the merciless peppers of

Quetzlzacatenango", which may or may not send you on a spiritual journey through time and space. We

might even find room on the menu for a very special donut and a mug or two of Duff beer. lf you mis outon this, it will be the Dbh heard round the world.






AiJ&{J5T $?l*, ?pA4

Ffi0{[r*5 *fl]i[il? iAPlTSl ARiA F**S 3Ai'i:{We have a parti(ular fondness for Food Movies, parti(ularly food movies that take place

behind the scenes of a busy restaurant. This looks to be a fantastic new modern classic

among food movies. 0f rourse we'll have lots of beautiful and delicious food on the menu, so

you can enjoy fine dining specialties while you watch the film.

Master (hef Kate Armstrong (Catherine Zeta-Jones) lives her life like she runs her kitchen

at a trendy Manhattan eatery-with a no-nonsense intensity that both captivates and

intimidates everyone around her. Katet perfectionist nature is put t0 the test when she

"inherits" her nine-year-old niece Zoe (Abigail Breslin, LITTLE Ml55 5UNSHINE), while

contending with a brash new sous-chef who joins her staff High-spirited a nd freewheel in g,

Nick Palmer (Aaron Eckhart) couldn't be more different from Kate, yet the chemistry between

them is undeniable, Rivalry becomes roman(e, but Kate will have to learn t0 express herself

beyond the realm of her kitchen if she wants to connect with Zoe and find true happiness

with Nkk.

fitAfr4$ !frEE{ (F{FF, ftOUIiD THf,EE:MONSOON WHDDINGALA&4* $*ilTH LRffiSft, AUfiU5T ?r, 7?,q,1

Round One featured Alamo chefs John Bullington and lrish Eichelberger going head to head in theirpreparations of special menus to pair with 60D 0F (00KERY. Trish managed to defeat John only to face

an unfortunate loss herself when battling against the chefs from Hudsons 0n the Bend to the Brazilian

masterpie(e BLACK oRPHEUS. But for Round Three we've got M0N500N WEDDING, and this time it'spersonal. Alamo chef John Eullington has challenged Reggie Ferguson, the <hef who replaced him when

he left Mars Restaurant for our kitchen. (an Reggie show John he was a fool to leave?You get t0 de(ide, as

each rhefwill be preparing 5 mini-dishes and wine pairings to go with the frlm. Whose food was better?

Which items fit the film? Your tastebuds will be the judge.


(ombining traditional ideas of maniage and family with the realities of modern life, M0NS00N WfDDING

is a lighthearted film from director Mira Nair (SALAAM BOMBAYI). The majority ofthe frlm takes place

inside the home of an extended Punjabi family living in New Delhi who has gathered together for the

arranged wedding of Adita (Vasundhara Das). She is to marry Hemant (Parveen Dabaas), a man who

works in the United States. This means leaving her family home to go live with him, and though Adita

says she welcomes the new opportunit, it is clear that she already feels homesick. Also at issue is the fact

thatshe isstill in lovewith herformer bos,Vikram (SameerArya), a television producerwho promisesto

divorce his wife but never does. A festive film, M0N500N WEDDING is a swirling family comedy.

UD0N: A N00Dtf FilsTTlf?n & ilAR*lf tgA*lJg'5 i4*lJSg, $ffrTftuCSflNt STlf ,7fit{Reviewers have warned not t0 view UDON on an empty stomach. Watching bowl after bowl of noodles in

your face, and the characters slurping them down with gusto, somehow Ieaves you with an imagined flavor in

yourmouthastheysma(ktheirlips,whileyousmackatnothing. AttheAlamo'slatestsynthesisoffoodand

film, however, you will not have this same problem. We are inviting a very seled few t0 ioin us at the home

of Alamo founders Tim and Karrie League for a private and exclusive Alamo signature event: UD0N: A noodle

feast. Half do(umentary and half quirk romedy/drama, the film follows the return of Kosuke to his small

hometown of 5anuki after a failing to become a successful stand-up comedian in New York (ity. 0nce home,

he (omes to terms with his estranged father, a workaholir who owns an udon restaurant. We are offering 20

seats at the table to experience an outdoor screening of UD0N with a mat(hing multi-course lapanese feast,

which will of course, feature plenty of Udon served to you during the film.

&!amo Sraftfususs {im*ma ""&est?fusat*r i** Snxsrica" " g$tsrtai*$ie$t W€ckly Jla*gust ?**5. w**v,r,erigiaral*lxm*,r*r*r d5

Page 26: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2007






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SEPTEMgIR 4 - 7PM: L00X BA{X ll{ gl'lGf n* ! F:, ;* i{Y ! i a}: n I i-ti*14, : t53, !* tR t f1:. 35f}4 tuX

Ri (ha rd Bu rto n seethes a nd ra nts as Ji mmy Porter, whose college education doesn't give him any solace in hh dead-end existente.

John 0sborne, who wr0te the play, was the de farto spokesman of Britain's"angry younq men'i who railed against the iron dad

(las5 stru(ture of Britain but were unable to do murh about it. Mary Ure and (laire Bloom get an earful. Dire(tor Ri(hardson was

one of the brightest tights of the Brilish screen. His TOM JONE5 was an international smash and he directed several of the key

works of postwar British cinema, inrluding A TASTE 0F H0NEY, L0NEtINESS 0t THE L0NG DISIAN(E RUNNER and THE ENTERTAINER.

Some may know him best as the dire(or of berserk satire THE L0VED 0NE.


* i * ; * i i tr4 0 tl * *Alj i 5, 1 9€+, 9 1 iri l {, i -' r,1 iiiDesmond Daviswasa protegeofTonyRichardson and like Richardson hadaneyeforunusualframing andvisual expetimentation.

F0rtunately he als0 had the sense to let actors ad and give them the spa(e they need. Peter Finch is as good as he's ever been as

a middle aged writer who frnds inspiration and orcasional frustrati0n at the hands of shop gitl roommates Rita Tushingham and

Lynn Redgrave (talk about opposites!). This is an acting tour de force fiom three of the best, and most varied, Eritish film ado6

and Davis does a beautiful job ofhandling the subtleties ofthe chara(ters'intela(ti0ns.

StpTtl,tBtR 18'7Pi,t: SPARR0WS (AH'T SIHG

* l lt : .i *4 ft L1; ? l" E g** *, 1 ?€3, 94 *1 i li, -? 3 i't t't

The only frlm made by the hugely imp0rtant stage dire(tor, a(tress and impresario Joan Littlewood, whose Theatre Workshop

revolutionized the face of live drama in Great Britain. Ihis i5 a w0ndelfully aded (omedy ab0ut a lough and ready seaman (the

great and underrated a(tor James Booth) who returns home after being at sea for yeats and flnds his life shattered - home

demolished, wife shacked up with another man - and sets out in his own blunt fashion t0 make things right. Barbara Windsot,

who Life Magazine called the"funniest dumb blonde sinceJudy Hollidayi'plays thewife in herwinning,vivacious style'

SfPTtfrlSIR 15 - ?FM:1ll{TlMFlfi: fi&$Xl- ilf &R*f $,:, :SS'I.9* hqili, ]51*fdA groundbreaking film due to its taboo{hattering subject matter. Ihe understated Dirk Bogarde plays a manied london

bairisteron afastirarktocareersuccesswho undertakestheinvestigation and prose(ution ofa blackmail ringtalgeting doseted

homosexuals. The investigation takes a great deal of courage be(ause the banister himself is secretly gay and in jeopardy of

losing everything if exposed. A compelling poli<e proredural with a towering central performance by Bogatde, who can always

be counted upont0 enact diffrrult roles with subtlety and power. With Sylvia Syms, also very good as Bogarde's wife. VIOIM was

banned in the U.5. for merely using the word "homosexuall'


S{am* Sssftfu*nss {in*xxl - "H**t ?k*a{*x i* &m*rl**'" " *$rtsrf&i${fls$!{ ?de*k$g $lr5*st }S*5 - wwv*"*rigiltx***xm*.c*rx

Page 27: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2007

nds{r#fiu-{ {uvsf# r#f f#f{tjfgff $ffJf5 trs{ 3;fILil{ {olip$SfnsVs mT{N$G PnrSenTa&nm$GENT0's trStJn pl"t$$ sN {*Iy vft"y*T#*t! JoHil & tntTH ltuBt $yT flhllm*Tru 5H0nT {a{KssassyM*N Sf FT t] - *:45*tu1,S*UT$"*l"AFrlAHI don't need totell you whoYo laTengo are - their(ontributiontofilm soundtracksand scores speaks

for itself (5H0RT BUS, JUNEBUG, AMATEUR and even an episode ofTHE 5IMPSONS!). We are greatly

honored to have Yo La Tengo as our guests for the continuing CINEMA UNDER THI lNFl-UENCE series,

where filmmakers, ado15, composers and FX artists plesent the films that influenced them.

touR rilts 0N 6RtY vil.trElItalian honor maestro Dario Argento! third giallo film (and the only one not available on domestic

DVD) stars Argento{ookalike Michael Brandon (FM) as a rock drummer who gets framed for murderand finds himself in a bizarre game of cat and mouse with the psychotir person who set him up

and continues to inexpli(ably torment him. (o*taning ltalo-comedy staple Bud Spencer and thequintissential headcase Mimsy Famer (M0RE, PERFUMT 0F THE IADY lN BLACK), and featuring a

wonderfully weird score by Ennio Monicone.

(0fit*B00DYJohn Hubley was an animator for Disney during the days of 5NOW WHITE, PINOC(Hl0 and BAMBI.

After he was blacklisted for refusing to name names before the House Committee on Un-Ameriran

Activities, he shifted his focus to independent short films after moving t0 New York and manyingFaith Elli0t, who became his partner and rollaborator. The Hubleyl animation would be familiarto anyone who has seen clasic Elertric (ompany and Sesame Street episodes from the early 1970s

- h had a distinct style that was low-key, a bit jittery, and often suneal. (0(KAB00DY features

animated versions of their own children. Later, the older girl, Emily, followed in her parents'

footsteps, creating the animated sequences for HEDWIG AND THE ANGRY INCH, and "Georgiej'

the y0unger sister whose tantrum erupts into a green feline beastie, grew up to become Georgia

Hubley ofHoboken - the drummerf0rY0 LaTengo!

THt 8t fiCK fi$tfisftT SipT t9 - 1"&f,44&, Ffif il, {FI[{$ &t&ffi* S,r[&$[Tf; F*R sii*l*Ttt!:tSln" SAHT I'l*tj$l{, :9?9,3$$Sl\4,98 i{l*{, p{We forget that some of the most inventive and mind-expanding movies have "been for kids."We say

that THE BLA(K HOLE stands beside STAR WARS and TRON in the pantheon offuturisti( fantasy classi(s.

An intelligent, gripping adventure for all ages through one of the greatest unknown wonders of theuniverse, the film is a non-stop cavaltade of robots, madmen, heroism, fireballs and the mysteriesof space. With an amazing cast induding Robert Fonter, Anthony Perkins, Maximillian Schell, Ernest

Borgnine and more current children's favorites. What? 0h. Well, they sure should be, dang it.




t{0wYsu 5t$ glls- t{swf0u Est't'Ti5S? *{}* 15 - ilA$*A&, $R[f, {fif{l{ALSi{*bvr*s}Tf re*s!**WTI$E[ .

DlR. t$*fRT gilTLnR, 19?e, }$ltt$il* 8E i,lllN, SBefore Kurt Russell was a tough-as-nails action star, he played fun-loving teen inventor Dexter Reilly in a

seriesofwackyfull-tiltDisneycomedies.After(eatingateenagerobotinl969'sTHE(0MPUTIRW0REftNNIS.::5H0E5, our hero returns (to the REAI Dexter's laboratory) to hammer out a shockingly potent invisibilityformula.Butwhenacash-hungryvillain((esarRomero)getshishandsonthestuff,it'samadcapracetostop,the intangible madman before he tan strike again in this banage of pure hilarity and gonzo science fun.

*k&e $xa{&h*cs$* {.iwemx ""*ott?&**tsrix &n***ics"" $srt€r8e*ffise*ltWeakty&!**ie$gRW}S. wsw.*s4**$e{e**ma.*om

Page 28: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2007






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Page 29: Alamo Guide: Aug-Sept 2007






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